#Doctor who one shot
j-eryewrites · 1 year
Rocks and Rinthonians
Request: Hi I’m a huge dr who fan and I love your work it’s possible do you think you could create a piece with the 11th doctor where they are on a planet fighting some Daleks and the reader gets injured but hides it until they are back at the Tardis where the reader collapses, then the doctor sees the blood and realized what’s happened and has to stitch her up. Thanks
Pairings: 11th doctor x reader
Warning: Typical Doctor Who Violence, angst, blood, and injuries
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“Let’s go to a mining planet, he said! There are pretty rocks, he said!” You mocked. 
The Doctor flashed you a glare. “It’s not my fault I didn’t know the planet was enslaved by Daleks!”
An explosion thundered nearby as scorching sparks flew in the air. Each spark reached out hoping to burn your skin. The Doctor quickly yanked you to the ground for cover. 
“EXTERMINATE!” The robotic voice of the nearby Daleks loomed over you and the Doctor. 
It was getting hard to focus on anything else besides that cold metallic voice. A unanimous voice you grew to know too well for your comfort. 
The Doctor’s brown hair flopped around as he peeked over the edge of the container you two were hiding behind. He glanced around the room, listening for any trace of the Daleks amongst the chaos of the planet. You didn’t understand how he could focus on anything and everything else besides the threat of death. 
You, on the other hand, were finding it hard to breathe as you closed your eyes and wished you had just stayed on the TARDIS and slept in just like you had promised yourself. 
“Right,” The Doctor said as he crouched back down next to you. “Not long before we reach the control room…” The Doctor’s voice trailed off as he noticed your panicked state. 
The next thing you knew his gentle hand was cupping your cheeks and his sparkling green eyes were staring right at yours. “We’re going to make it.” He comforted. His thumb trailed along your cheek as he raised his lips to kiss your forehead. “I’m going to grab your hand and then we’re going to run. I’m going to say some fancy words. We’ll stop the Daleks and save the day. How’s that sound?” He whispered against your skin. 
You find the courage to nod your head. 
“Good.” The Doctor smiled. Then he grabbed your hand. “Run!” 
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“Welcome to Rinth-678! One of the Rurn galaxy's greatest mining planets.” The Doctor spread his arms out as if presenting the planet to you. 
Like most planets you visited, the view always left you speechless. Even after all the time you spent travelling with the strange man with an even stranger blue box, you never got used to the sight of a new planet. The Doctor had promised you rocks and rocks you got. Icy blue mountains peaked up far above the clouds. The sight reminded you of the glaciers you and the Doctor had visited back on earth except these ones towered over you. You were sure they were ten times larger than Mount Everest. A belief that was soon confirmed by the Doctor as he spewed facts and information about the planet. From the taste of the soil to the economy of the planet. 
“The Rinthonians rely on their mining. An ounce of the ore could provide an entire ship with a whole year's worth of power!” The Doctor exclaimed as he led you around the planet like your own personal tour guide. 
You spun around trying to take in as much of the landscape as you could before the Doctor practically dragged you to a nearby city. It didn’t take long before the two of you snuck off into the mining facility armed with the trusty psychic paper. 
You always enjoyed seeing what the paper came up with each time its use would come in handy. This time you were Chief Mining Inspectors. Well, you were and the Doctor was your assistant. The Rinth planets believed in the superiority of the female sex. A treatment you were not quite used to back on Earth. Soon after, a guide was presented and then you and the Doctor were led straight to the source…and right into the hands of the Daleks. 
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“Daleks. Daleks, DALEKS. You messed with the wrong Doctor–wait, no that doesn’t work,” The Doctor whipped his head over to where you stood in the control room. 
“I think you’re looking for ‘the wrong man’,” You so graciously suggested. 
The Doctor smiled and returned to glare at the Daleks. “What she said.”
“Enough,” The lead Dalek enunciated. “The Doctor and the companion will be exterminated!” Then a chorus of EXTERMINATE sang throughout the facility. One would think you were in a church with how commanding the phrase was. 
“Ah, let me stop you right there. You see this?” The Doctor pointed to the console beside him. His sonic screwdriver was ready to release the signal. 
The Daleks were silent as they eyed the Doctor carefully. “You cannot stop the Daleks!” The Daleks sang once more. 
“See that’s where you’re wrong.”
“The Daleks can never be wrong!” The Dalek bellowed. 
“Just shut up will you!” You barked at the Dalek who turned to look at you. Its electric blue eye narrowed in on you. 
“You see, long ago when the power of the ore was discovered,” the Doctor explained, “The Rinthonians were smart, they knew that the power of the ore could get into the wrong hands, so what did they do…?” The Doctor turned to look at you as if he was a teacher calling on a student for an answer. 
“...They created a safeguard?” You muttered. 
“Exactly! Ten points to Hufflepuff! The Rinthonians, you know what they did, Daleks? They found a frequency that destroys the ore. It hit it at the core causing the ore to lose all sources of power. Brilliant people, the Rinthonians!”
The Doctor raised his sonic screwdriver and pressed a few buttons before pointing it back at the console. “In a few seconds, I will release the frequency, and with the boost of the sonic screwdriver, all the ore you have collected Daleks, all the ore on the planet will lose all power. The very power that keeps you and the other Daleks here alive. Boo ya!” 
The Dalek began to quiver and shake. “EXTERMINATE!” It shouted just as the Doctor turned on the frequency. 
It was hard to see what happened next. Sparks flew, lights went out, the Daleks screamed, and you fell to the floor. It hurt. You couldn’t tell if it was just going dark or if you were losing sight. You could only hear a loud ringing…Suddenly there was the Doctor. You could practically feel the worry dripping from his fingertips as he held your head in his hands. 
“I’m fine…” You croaked as your senses came back to you. 
Then you were enveloped in a hug. The Doctor was hugging you. Now everything seemed to move so fast. One minute you were in the control room of the facility and the next you and the Doctor were being paraded throughout the city like heroes. You smiled as the Rinthonians thanked you for freeing them from the Dalek’s control. Your smile grew tense as you felt something wet drip down your side. It hurt. Why was it hurting? Next thing you knew, you were back in the TARDIS. 
Home. The TARDIS chirped and whirred to life the moment you and the Doctor stepped back into her safe confines. The Doctor was brushing off the dust and wiping away his sweat before flicking some controls. His mouth was moving, but you couldn’t hear his voice. Why couldn’t– The next thing you noticed were the black spots in your vision. Was the world always this swirly? You took a step forward falling flat into the darkness.
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Then there was light. It was a piercing and painful light, but soon the colours came into view. Colours became shapes. Shapes became figures. You smiled as you saw a mop of floppy brown hair resting near your hands. You felt compelled to run your hands through the hair, so you did. It was softer than you could have ever imagined. 
The Doctor sighed before shooting up in his seat next to your bed. His eyes were wide and alert as he looked over you. His view began to water when he saw your smile. Then he heard your voice. Oh, how he wished to take a picture and capture this moment forever. A moment that is never affected by time or space. A moment that never wilts like a rose or fades from view. This was forever. You were forever. 
“Doctor?” You whispered. Your voice was dry and coarse. 
The Doctor can’t control what happened next. He blamed it on the gleam in your eyes. You were alive. The flush in your cheeks said so. The breath in your lungs. He wished to breathe the same air as you. He wished to run his fingers over your cheeks. He wished to and so he did. 
Your eyes widened as his lips met yours. You smiled against his lips as he kissed you. You couldn’t help but kiss back. Then he pulled back. 
“Doctor?” You said again. 
His forehead came to rest on yours. His nose brushed against your nose. The two of you shared the same breath–The same life. 
“Don’t you ever do that again, my wonder girl.”
“Wasn’t planning on it, Star-boy.”
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Tag list:  @bartokthealbinobat​
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Stowaway - Missy
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Summary: You accidentally stumble upon Missy’s TARDIS and have to hide when she comes back. Missy only realizes she has a stowaway when she’s back up in the stars and now must decide what to do with you.
Word Count: 1,208
Warnings: Missy is her own warning, reader is called ‘pretty’ but gender is never specified, suggestive if you squint (or are just a Missy simp)
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You only meant to use the pay phone. Really, you did. It was late and someone was following you. Your battery was dead and you only needed to make one little call, just long enough that whoever it was passed you or if they didn’t, you could phone the police. But when you stepped inside of the bright red box, the inside did not match what the outside had promised.
Though you’d been breathing heavily from your brisk pace when you’d stepped inside, now within, your breath got caught up in your throat for a moment as your eyes widened and you wondered just how you got from out there to in here. Certainly there must have been another doorway you went through instead of the one you’d intended.
Your breathing returned to normal as you continued to gaze at your surroundings in awe. You even dared to pop your head back outside to be sure you were still where you thought you were. Sure enough, the place still looked like a normal phone booth from the outside.
Your curiosity drew you back inside to survey it yet again. It was much larger than a phone booth had any right being, and you were starting to suspect it wasn’t a phone booth at all. You spotted controls that looked like no phone you’d ever seen, and the physics of the place alone was enough to convince you that you’d entered something foreign, even alien to you. You tried to commit the place to memory, but feared that you’d never be able to accurately recall all its complexities.
Then you heard a noise. You turned, certain it was the door, and to confirm your suspicion, you saw the door push inwards. Scared you’d be caught trespassing, you darted down a hallway —a hallway!— to hide, deciding to worry about the impossibility of there being a hallway in a phone booth later. Right now what mattered was not being caught.
The sound of a woman humming an unfamiliar tune filled the space as you tried to be as quiet as possible from your hiding place behind a stack of wooden boxes. She went to the odd control panel in the middle of the room and flipped a few switches and hit a few buttons. She seemed to know what she was doing, but for the life of you, you weren’t able to figure it out from where you stood.
Just then a loud whoosh overtook the sound of her humming, and you felt the place move. Surprised, you grabbed onto one of the boxes, only to accidentally knock it over. Oops. You were in for it now. You froze, watching as the woman's head turned your way. She did not appear happy to have you in her space.
"And what do we have here," the woman practically purred, making it somehow all the more frightening that you’d been found out. You could see the icy blue of her eyes on you, even from the sizable distance between you. A distance that was now becoming shorter and shorter. "Do I have a little stowaway on my ship?"
Ship? So it really was alien, or futuristic at least. Something other than a normal phone booth in London, that was assured. "I—I’m sorry," you stuttered, trying in vain to help your case. "I was only trying to make a call, but then I wound up here and I—"
It appeared she didn’t much care for your explanation because before you were able to finish it she grabbed you by the chin, squeezing your cheeks a bit in her iron tight grasp as she looked you over. "You’re a pretty thing, aren’t you? Shame you picked the wrong place to play hide and seek." She dropped her hand from your face, but didn’t back away. "Now, what should I do with you, exactly? The Doctor probably wouldn’t like it if I just flung you out into space to die. Humans don’t usually fare well out there, so I’m told." If she wanted a response from you, she certainly didn’t look to you for one, she just kept talking as she paced back and forth in front of you, the heels of her boots clacking forcefully on the floor as she did.
"W-who are you," you managed to get out at last. It’s the very least she could tell you before she bestowed upon you some awful fate as it seemed she was planning.
"I’m The Master," she replied. "Well, most people just call me Missy nowadays." She stopped moving a moment and turned her whole body to face you. She looked you over head to toe and frowned at you. "Can you stay put and not make a nuisance of yourself," she asked. Missy's eyes zeroed in on yours, the intensity of them enough to make you shake.
"I think so," you replied. That wasn’t asking too much of you, so you ought to be able to manage. Though it seemed doing anything around this Missy was like walking on glass.
She began to walk away from you and you remained frozen, awaiting any further instruction that may possibly save your life. "Well come along, pet. I didn’t mean stay put quite so literally."
Missy led you towards the main console, turning and leaning against it as she waited for you to catch up. "This is my TARDIS," she declared with a grand sweeping gesture. "Time and relative dimension in space, before you ask," she clarified. You were going to ask, but how could she have known that? Could she read minds?
Though you were so in awe of the place only minutes earlier, you seemed to be at a loss for a compliment now, but you figured you should say something. “It’s nice, very big, but I don’t exactly understand how."
"Never you mind that. Your small human brain couldn’t possibly comprehend." She stood next to you now, speaking almost directly into your ear before knocking twice on your head and you tried your best not to flinch away to only moderate success. "I suppose since I’m not going to kill you then that means I’m stuck with you."
"You could just take me back…if you want," you offered. For some reason, a part of you didn’t want to go back. You wanted to stay with Missy and do whatever it was she did. Was that stupid? Probably.
"Take you back? Do you mean you’re sick of me already," she accused, though you couldn’t discern from her tone if she was serious or just playing with you.
"No, not at all. I just didn’t want to burden you."
"Hmm," Missy mused, as if contemplating what to do about you yet again. Maybe she’d change her mind and kill you after all. How could you know? You’d only known her for what? Ten minutes? "You entertain me. Keep it up and keep your life, understood?"
You nodded, eyes now wide with fear. Maybe you should have insisted she take you back. It might have been good for your safety if you had. But on the other hand, you seemed to be faring well so far, so why not continue the adventure?
For @sherazyjade
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Missy: @marril96, @marvelousmutants, @casserole-from-dads-asserole, @raise-a-glass-2-freedom1776, @littlefoxgirl-13, @thegirlwhoistrying, @chaos-and-food, @callsigncrash, @mxacegrey, @clarasoswaldd
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whoify · 2 months
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s10e05, oxygen // s11e07, kerblam!
lol. lmao even
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4K notes · View notes
donutdrawsthings · 1 month
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🎶 There's always a twist in the end!
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2K notes · View notes
devilmns · 3 months
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David Tennant as The Tenth Doctor Doctor Who (2005—) | 4.05 "The Poison Sky"
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petercapaldi · 9 days
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As you come into this world, something else is also born. You begin your life, and it begins a journey towards you. It moves slowly, but it never stops. Wherever you go, whatever path you take, it will follow. Never faster, never slower, always coming. You will run, it will walk. You will rest, it will not. One day, you will linger in the same place too long. You will sit too still or sleep too deep, and when, too late, you rise to go, you will notice a second shadow next to yours. Your life will then be over.
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that-ineffable-devil · 6 months
When Donna told the Doctor that he took on 10s face and then found her because he wanted to come home, he and I took identical sharp breaths as it hit us in the SOUL.
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sarahwatchesthings · 6 months
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Romana II S17 outfits appreciation post
1-6: "Nightmare of Eden," "Creature from the Pit," "Destiny of the Daleks," "City of Death," "The Horns of Nimon"
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storiesforallfandoms · 2 months
looks of a princess ~ eleventh doctor;doctor who
word count: 3736
request?: no
description: after travelling to medieval times, a flirtatious king takes interest in the doctor’s companion, and the doctor is a little jealous
pairing: eleventh doctor x female!reader
warnings: swearing, jealousy, use of y/n
masterlist (one, two, three)
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“I hate when you don’t tell me where we’re going,” (Y/N) muttered as the TARDIS lurched again. “I always feel like I need to prepare for whatever is going to happen.”
“You don’t need to prepare for anything this time,” the Doctor insisted. “Just let me surprise you, we’ll have fun!”
“Remember last time you said you would surprise me with fun? We ended up surrounded by Daleks and narrowly escaping their attacks.”
The Doctor moved away from the controls and cupped (Y/N)’s face. “This one will be a fun surprise. I promise.”
He kissed the top of her head, then went back to the controls. (Y/N) wanted to argue further, but she knew there was no use. The Doctor had a very different definition of “fun” than most, and it was nearly impossible to convince him when he was wrong. And she had to admit, the Doctor never went looking for trouble. Trouble just found him. Besides all that, it was also just impossible to argue with the Doctor when he was showing her affection, which they were both well aware of.
She braced as the TARDIS began making a noise that indicated they would be landing soon. As usual, the TARDIS landed with a rough thud and would’ve thrown the two of them to the ground if they hadn’t been prepared. The Doctor was smiling his big, goofy smile as he rushed to the door and threw it open with a flourish. (Y/N) looked around him at where they were supposed to be. “A forest?”
The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS and looked around. “I could’ve swore I had our coordinates to land at the castle.”
(Y/N) stopped in her tracks and looked at him. “Castle?! You were planning to crash land in front of a castle?!”
“Well, I wasn’t planning to crash land. But, the surprise is ruined now, so yes. I brought up back to medieval times so you could see a real castle, and real knights. Maybe even a king or a queen.”
She walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck. “That’s so sweet, if not a little scary because I’m sure we would’ve been thrown into a dungeon if we crashed that close to the castle.”
The Doctor chuckled and put his arms around her waist. he was pulling her in for a kiss when they both heard something. They paused to listen. It sounded like heavy thumping against the ground, slowly getting louder and closer. They were pulling away from each other just as a group of men in metal suits of amour, some riding horses, broke through the trees and into the clearing where (Y/N) and the Doctor landed.
Knights with pointy weapons aimed at them.
The Doctor pulled (Y/N) close to him, protectively. “Gentlemen, we mean no harm.”
“Who are you?” the lead knight demanded.
“I am the Doctor. This is my...associate, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. Years of dating (exactly how many years was still a bit wonky because of timey wimey stuff), and the Doctor was still weird about calling her his girlfriend.
“We’ve come to visit your beautiful land,” the Doctor explained.
“We heard sounds like an explosion,” the knight said, eying the two of them suspiciously.
“That was just...our...carriage?”
The knights shared a look before the lead said, “You’re coming with us to the king.”
Two knights tried to approach to take them, but they assured the knights they’d come willingly. (Y/N) bit her tongue to keep in an “I told you so”. She knew this wasn’t what the Doctor had planned, but it really did just prove her point that there was never an uneventful tried with him.
The two of them were marched to a castle that wasn’t too far from where they had landed. (Y/N) marveled at it as they got closer. It looked exactly like the castles from fairy tales and medieval shows and movies. It was huge with a moat around it. The drawbridge lowered as they got closer, someone obviously watching for their arrival. The group led the two inside, but only three knights ended up bringing them to the king.
He was a younger looking man, surprisingly. (Y/N) was assuming he was going to be an old man, but he was close to her age, and quite handsome. He looked down at them as they approached. When they stopped, he was still watching them, expectantly. It took the Doctor a moment to realize what he was waiting for. “Oh! Bow!”
They moved simultaneously to bow.
“Who are you?” asked the king.
“I am the Doctor, this is (Y/N).”
He raised an eyebrow. “You are a doctor?”
“Well, no. It’s like a...um...a stage name!” The king still looked suspicious. The Doctor turned to (Y/N) as if looking for backup, but she looked just as confused. “We are traveling...magicians. That’s why we have such funny looking clothes, and the loud noise you heard before. We were, um, practicing a trick! Went a bit wrong. We sincerely apologize.”
The king’s gaze turned to (Y/N). His expression seemed to soften greatly when he did, which definitely did not go unnoticed by the Doctor.
“Is this true, my lady?” he asked. “Are you two magicians?”
She nodded quickly.
“We were traveling to see your lovely castle,” the Doctor explained.
The flattery seemed to work, on top of the presence of a beautiful lady, the Doctor was sure.
The king stood from his throne. “It seems there has been a misunderstanding, then. I would like to apologize and offer you both lodgings in the castle for the night.”
The Doctor looked over at (Y/N). Her eyes were shining with excitement at the offer. As much as he wanted to say no and leave, he couldn’t when she looked like that. He plastered on a smile and agreed. The answer delighted the king, who stepped down from his throne to shake their hands. He grasped (Y/N)’s hand very warmly. Even she seemed startled by the gesture.
“My name is King Harold Evergreen,” he said, to both of them but definitely mainly to (Y/N). “I am honored to have you both here.”
(Y/N) was still marveling at everything hours later. They were shown to the room they would be staying in, which was huge as well. She only got glimpses of the halls and other rooms as they were guided to their room, but King Harold promised an actual tour later on. (Y/N) felt like she was living in a fairytale.
The Doctor, however, was not taken with everything. He had been at first, until they had met the king, and until the king started to show clear interest in (Y/N).
There hadn’t been many times when the Doctor felt such strong feelings of jealousy. Mainly because he never expected for any of his companions to be around for long. Something always happened that made him lose his companions eventually. He always told himself not to get too close or else he’d end up hurt again, and every time he was right. But (Y/N) had stuck around. He let himself get close; he let himself fall in love. And she was still here with him years later.
So, yeah, he didn’t love that a king was taking interest in the woman he loved.
(Y/N) looked over at him. While she was taking it all in, he was sat on the bed with an expression that could only be classified as a pout. She giggled and moved towards the bed. She climbed onto it - literally since the bed was so high up.
“Geez, you could fit, like, ten people in this,” she said. When the Doctor didn’t so much as crack a smile, she poked his side. “Awe, what’s wrong? I thought you wanted to see the castle.”
“I did,” he said. “But now we’ve seen it, and I think we should leave.”
“We can leave in the morning. When will we get the chance to stay in a castle again?”
“We could try again in a few years, when King Harold already has a wife.”
He muttered it, but (Y/N) heard it. An amused smile crossed on her face as she moved closer to him.
“Is someone jealous?” she asked.
The Doctor scoffed. “No, of course not.”
“No, totally. You’re just here literally pouting and being broody because that’s what you do. Of course.” She sat next to him and leaned in so her shoulder was touching his shoulder. “You don’t need to be jealous, you know. We won’t be here for long anyways, and I’m sure his interest in me is just because I am a woman he hasn’t met yet. I’m sure he’s already betrothed to marry someone.”
“Not all kingdoms did betrothals. There were plenty of instances in history where the king was allowed to court whatever woman he wanted and propose to her.”
“Then I’m sure that’s what he’s already done. From what little I know of history, kings his age are supposed to be popping out heirs by now. He probably has a fiancée, and the second we leave he’ll have forgotten about me completely.”
A knock came at the door. (Y/N) got up from the bed and went to open it. Stood there was one of the castle’s maidens with something large in her hands. She curtsied to them both, which caused them to share a look that was a mixture of confusion and amusement.
“Hello, lady (Y/N),” the young woman said. “King Harold has requested I bring this to you. He says he would like for you to wear it when you join him for dinner tonight.”
She passed the object she was holding to (Y/N). As (Y/N) took it, she realized it was a dress. A big, poofy, princess looking dress. If the fabric had been blue or yellow, it would have looked exactly like Cinderella or Belle’s dress. Before (Y/N) could ask anything, the maiden had left. (Y/N) nudged the door closed with her foot and turned back to the Doctor, who looked positively fuming.
“He’ll forget about you completely, hm?” he said.
There was no arguing this time. He had sent her a beautiful gown, and made sure she knew he expected to see her at dinner, but there was no mention of the Doctor joining them. Of course, he was going to anyways, but it was hard to ignore the fact that King Harold was making it very clear that while the Doctor was a guest of the castle, (Y/N) was his guest.
(Y/N) almost refused to wear the dress, but the Doctor convinced her it would be best to put it on.
“You don’t want to offend him in his own castle,” he reminded her.
Upon seeing her in the dress, the Doctor was able to set aside his jealousy for a moment. She looked absolutely beautiful in it; like a princess. Even though she was trying to hide her delight for the sake of the Doctor’s feelings, he could see that she was ecstatic to be wearing something so beautiful.
He took her hands in his and pulled her close to him. “You look wonderful, my love.”
She beamed at him. “Thank you. Do you think we’d be able to sneak this out tomorrow morning?”
The Doctor chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. While he would rather not carry around the reminder of another man trying to woo her, if (Y/N) wanted to keep the dress, he would make sure they kept it.
Another knock came at the door. (Y/N) moved to answer it again, expecting it to be another maiden. She was surprised to see King Harold stood there instead.
“Your highness,” she said, quickly bowing before she could forget herself.
“No need for that,” King Harold told her. “You are here as my guest. No more need for formalities. I just came to see if you got the present I sent for you.” His eyes wandered over her in a way that made the Doctor’s hands curl into fists. “I see I have gotten my answer.”
“Yes, it’s very lovely. Thank you so much.”
“I’m glad it fit. We have so much clothes laying around the castle from former kings and queens, I was sure there would be something to fit you.”
(Y/N)’s eyes went wide. “This...this belonged to...to a queen?”
���My great grandmother, in fact. The first woman to rule the kingdom on her own. She was near the end of her reign before she met my grandfather, a widower with four children. She married him and took in my grandfather and his siblings.”
It was a lot to process. She was wearing the gown of a former queen. A queen who ruled the country on her own, at a time where that was likely unheard of. She knew the dress had to belong to someone in the castle, but she never even entertained the idea that it belonged to one of King Harold’s ancestors.
She wanted to turn and face the Doctor to share her disbelief with him, but King Harold offered her an arm before she could. “Shall I give you that tour I promised? Dinner will be ready soon, but there is plenty to see between here and the dining hall.”
(Y/N) wasn’t thinking when she accepted the king’s arm. But the Doctor certainly was. He glared at their connected arms as King Harold led (Y/N) from the room. Neither of them had invited the Doctor to come along, but he did anyways. He wasn’t about to leave the two of them alone when it was very clear that King Harold had intentions to make (Y/N) stay in the castle forever.
The king was right in saying there was plenty to see between their room and the dining hall alone. Every hallways was lined with portraits of King Harold’s ancestors. There were official portraits of the rulers themselves, then family portraits of them with their spouses and children. There were many of just the children as well, some looking very professional and some that were obviously painted while the children were at play. King Harold made sure to stop at the pictures of him with his parents.
“I am an only child,” he told (Y/N). “It was very rare. My father had seven siblings himself. And it did not happen due to a lack of trying. Many say that my parents were just not lucky enough to be blessed with a big family.”
There were a number of more health related explanations on the tip of (Y/N)’s tongue, but she knew that was all modern stuff that the king would never understand now.
They finally made it to the dining hall. Just like everything else in the castle, it was a giant room. Probably just as big as the throne room they had been brought into when they first arrived. The table was big enough to seat at least a dozen people, and there was a large stone fireplace set up behind one of the heads of the table - King Harold’s seat, if (Y/N) had to guess. The table was set just for the three of them, with (Y/N) and the Doctor seated across from each other, King Harold in the middle at the head.
I suppose that’s better than being seated on the other end, the Doctor thought to himself.
They took their seats as food was brought into the room. (Y/N) had some struggles to sit, but finally figured out how to arrange the poof of her dress so she could sit comfortably without it being up in her face.
“Are we the only ones dining?” she asked.
“We are the only ones here, besides my staff,” the king responded.
“Your parents aren’t here? Or...or a wife?”
King Harold let out a booming laugh. “No, my parents no longer live here since my father stepped down from being king. That is another rarity, but I would much prefer them to step back and enjoy their older years as opposed to running themselves to death like other rulers usually do. And there is no queen currently. I had yet to pick someone to be my betrothed.”
(Y/N) glanced up at the Doctor. They both noticed King Harold’s choice of word: had.
The meal went on in silence. Or rather, in silence from (Y/N) and the Doctor. King Harold spoke plenty about himself and the history of the land. (Y/N) listened politely, while the Doctor continued to stab at his food.
“Tell me, how does one get into the business of magic?” Harold asked after a while. “It cannot be a profitable line of work for the two of you.”
“Oh...um...” (Y/N) started, trying to come up with a convincible story. “I believe it was the Doctor first who found out he was able to do small tricks. He...well, he met me and I was intrigued enough to follow him in his...journeys.”
The Doctor looked up at (Y/N) and they shared a small smile.
“Yes, but is it truly a fulfilling life?” King Harold asked again.
“I believe so. I have traveled to so many wonderful places that I never would’ve gotten to experience had I not met the Doctor,” (Y/N) said. Quickly she added, “And doing magic, of course. That’s...that’s always...fulfilling.”
“But do you believe you could be happy doing something else? Something more than being the assistant to a traveling magician?”
(Y/N) didn’t like where this was going.
When she didn’t speak, King Harold continued. “See, I have been looking for many years for someone to rule this kingdom by my side. I have met countless princesses and duchesses from other kingdoms, I have met common women from the town, but no one has caught my eye just yet. I am getting to an age where my time to find a wife and to have children of my own is starting to run short, but I am not one to marry just because it is expected of me. I want to marry for love, the way my great grandmother did.”
When King Harold reached for her hand, (Y/N) was too stunned to stop him.
“I believe you would make a perfect queen for this land, my lady,” he said. He started to raise (Y/N)’s hand to his lips when the Doctor suddenly stood, knocking his chair over and the crash putting an end to the moment.
“We’re leaving,” the Doctor said to (Y/N).
“I beg your pardon?” King Harold said.
“I will not stay in this castle for another second and watch you try to proposition my girlfriend.”
“Your what?”
“My love! She is my princess, or queen, or whatever you want to call her.” The Doctor moved around the table to take (Y/N)’s hand and pull her from her seat. “We’re going.”
(Y/N) was nervous that the king would send his guards after them, or at least he would send them after the Doctor and take him away so that King Harold could make her his queen without distraction. To her surprise, he called for someone to show them out. When she looked back at him as they rushed out the door, he seemed genuinely upset for them to go.
The Doctor led (Y/N) through the woods, which had gotten much darker during their time in the castle, and found the TARDIS with ease. He rushed both of them into it and slammed the door behind him. He was muttering to himself, cursing the king and calling him all sorts of names that would’ve gotten his head chopped off if he had said it while they were still in the castle.
After the shock had finally wore off, (Y/N) found control of her body again. She approached the Doctor and put a hand on his shoulder. He instantly fell silent and looked at her.
“I would never say yes,” she said.
“To his proposition. I hope you know I would never have said yes to him.”
The Doctor was silent. He looked away from her to face the controls. She realized then that it wasn’t just jealousy that he was feeling.
“Were you worried I would’ve said yes and married him?” she asked.
He didn’t speak at first, but finally he said, “He gave you beautiful clothing, he gave you his undying attention, and he would’ve given you a title that anyone could ever dream of. He could’ve made you a fairytale princess.”
“But he is not you,” (Y/N) said. “Why would I want to spend my life with a man I only just met just because of what physical things he could give me? That is not love. Love is following a man in a bowtie into a police box and letting him take you anywhere in time and space for many years. Love is the willingness to do that again and again and again, because you can’t imagine a life without him anymore.”
There were tears welling up in the Doctor’s eyes. He quickly pulled (Y/N) into an embrace, causing her to laugh as she rested against him.
“I love you,” she said, her voice partially muffled by his tweed jacket.
“I love you, too,” he said.
“And, for the record, maybe you should start calling me your girlfriend when we meet new people. That way they won’t get the wrong idea going forward.”
The Doctor chuckled and pulled away to nod. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”
She pulled him in for a kiss.
As they were finally coming down from the high that the trip had brought them, she realized that she was still wearing the dress from King Harold.
“I told you I would figure out a way for you to keep it,” the Doctor said, with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Yeah, all it took was you risking life in a medieval prison,” she teased.
“The things we do for love.”
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j-eryewrites · 1 year
The Symphony of You
Doctor Who x Reader one shot I wrote for my creative writing class. 
(Supposed to be read as 11 x companion! reader)
Word Count: 1,001 words
(Master List)
Based off of the song: Dance with Me Wallis
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There he sits alone on the ebony bench. The moon shines down on him like a spotlight. His back sits tall as he places his long boney fingers on the keys. His hair now free of gel falls in front of his face creating shadows that move as he chuckles. 
“What are you doing out of bed?” He inquires. His striking green eyes are illuminated by the moon’s light as he turns to look at me. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” I reply. “Too many thoughts in my head.” I wouldn’t dare say more. I didn’t want to be another reason for the tiredness behind his eyes to grow. 
I drew near to him. My feet patter across the wooden floor of the room. He lifts a hand out to me. I grasp his cold hand and he guides me toward him. The bench creaks underneath my weight as I sit myself down. I get a closer view of his face. It’s so young, brimming with life, yet his eyes tell a different story. Even when they look at me with such kindness and adoration, I can see the truth. 
His emerald eyes tell tales of loved ones lost. They cry about life stripped away from him too fast. His eyes encapsulate the memories of children crying and people falling to ash. The horrors of war and the evils of the universe rest deep inside his dark irises. They were old and had seen more than my eyes would ever see in my lifetime. Despite all the woe, his eyes held beauty. The beauty of love and laughter. They showed me the enchanting spell of nature untouched by man. Trees as tall as the sky with strong thick trunks which held the wisdom of life. His eyes even held the stars that brighten every corner of the dark vastness of space. To me, his eyes were more beautiful than the finest of Van Gogh's works. 
“What are you thinking of?” He asks as his eyes peer into mine. 
I look down at the black and white keys of the piano in front of us. “What were you going to play?” 
There it is again. That laugh of his and the thrill I get from just hearing it. “I was composing.” He clarified. “I still haven’t played a single note.”
I rest my hands on his lap and gaze at him. “What were you composing?”
“Your song.” 
Those simple words took my breath away. My song. He gazed back at me, his smile still so prominent. 
With widened eyes and cheeks flushed red I whisper, “What does my song sound like?” 
My lashes fluttered down as I once again looked at the black and white notes. He followed my gaze and brought his hands again to the keys. 
I quickly closed my eyes in anticipation. My ears patiently waited for the sweet sound of the piano, but it never came. Instead, there was silence. I scrunched my brows and began to open my mouth, but I was shushed by the touch of his finger. 
“Listen,” He muttered into my ear. 
Then it came. A violin’s sweet tune began to enter my mind. Slowly, a viola joined in repeating the phrase over and over. Then there was a cello. Its deep melody rang low and smooth, sending shivers up my spine. I peer over at him in amazement. My eyes are wide, and my mouth is slightly agape. 
He looked at me and I was transported. I saw myself smiling as the ashes from a burning star fell upon the earth. In a blink of an eye, it was a new scene. His hands were on my waist grounding me to him as I reached for the heavens. My delicate fingers tickled the stars. I was beautiful, I thought. Then I realized it was he who thought I was more precious than any universe we had ever travelled to. 
He took my hand and led me into a ballroom. Guests were decorated from head to toe in lavish gowns and suits. I saw myself wearing a gown he had given to me. Its stunning blue accents glowed in the light as if I were a piece of art for everyone to see and admire. He smiled; I could feel it. He watched me twirl around, as I danced among the masked strangers. His hand was placed on my back guiding me through the crowd. 
Then we were running. It was a flowering field in the early months of spring. The chirping of flutes called the flowers to bloom. There I stood, taking in the view. Bees flying by bidding me adieu, yet he looked at me. His gaze is unwavering and calm. 
The sun fell and it was dark. All light had vanished. I knew where we were as the piano descended. Slowly, the sound of the strings disappeared as the blue light filled my–no his view. There I was. A hand gently placed on the blue beating heart of the tree. A magnificent glow blinded him as I faded from his view. As the light dimmed, the piano played its last note. A vivid image of myself appeared in front of him. Tears of joy stained my cheeks as he took a hand to wipe them away. At this point, I had only known him for a few hours, yet he was entranced by me. A human with a capacity to love greater than even his and he knew–I knew that it was it. 
The room came back into focus as his hands drew away from the piano. The keys still glisten in the light of the moon. I meet his emerald eyes and stare at him. I gaze upon his features the way he looked at me–the way he’s been looking at me this entire time. My breath stilled and I leaned forward taking a leap of faith; Knowing that he’d always catch me if I fell. Our lips met and that was it. 
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Space Princess - Thirteenth Doctor
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Summary: When The Doctor lands on a new planet, she’ll be whisked away into a royal wedding. One where she’s the bride. But will she be able to go through with it in the end?
Word Count: 1,614
Warnings: Some angst, she/her pronouns for reader
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Busy. The Doctor always kept busy, even if her human companions couldn’t always keep up. So sometimes, she left them behind on earth to catch up on their rest while she went back off into the stars. She never let on that she had adventures without them, instead leaving them to draw their own conclusions about what she does in her time away from them.
This excursion happened to be one such occasion where The Doctor was traveling alone. She pulled a few levers and pushed a few buttons on the console of the TARDIS and off she went, landing on an unfamiliar yet beautiful planet. She appeared on a street paved in sparkling gold. Decorations hung on lampposts and buildings as if a grand celebration was occurring and she was just in time to watch it happen.
As The Doctor took in more of her surroundings, she found a flier laying at her feet. In large lettering it read, "Royal Wedding Today! Who Will The Princess Choose?" And below was a smiling, holographic picture of the princess. The Doctor smiled back, triggered by habit, but nonetheless genuine. When she looked up, there you stood, in the flesh. The Princess.
Unsure of the proper custom in addressing royalty on this planet, The Doctor went for what she deemed the most universally acceptable, and frankly, the only thing she could think to do in the moment; curtsy. It came off a bit awkward, seeing as she was in pants, but she bowed her head, thinking it would have to do.
Your melodic laughter rang out shortly after, not so much laughing at her, but with her. "Darling stranger, there is no need for such antiquated formalities," you said, gently raising her chin with your fingertips.
"Sorry, new here. I’m The Doctor. It’s my first time on this planet actually. Don’t even know the name of it yet. Didn’t have time to use my sonic." At that, she whipped out a short little contraption the likes of which you were entirely unfamiliar.
"Welcome to Menzora. If you’d like, you may accompany me to the palace and I shall give you the grand tour."
With a childlike glee, the Doctor tucked her sonic away in her coat and smiled wide. "I’d love a tour. Don’t often have time to see the inside of a castle. Seen my fair share of dungeons though." She rambled on, going off topic several times, as you took her hand and led her along on your way to the palace. Yet what finally stopped her talking was the surprise at finding you unguarded. That was very unusual for any of the royalty she’d met.
Entering the castle, you were greeted by your parents, the king and queen. "Mother, Father, this is The Doctor."
"And you have chosen her for your bride then," your father asked, immediately assuming that you had in fact done just that by even bringing her into the palace.
"I—" you began to protest, but your mother interjected.
"She’s delightful. Such a beautiful specimen. What species is she?" Your mother approached The Doctor, looking her over thoroughly, all the while The Doctor kept trying to twirl away from her appraising eye.
"Mother, Father, please. She is only a newcomer I wished to show around. I—"
But once again you were cut off. "Clearly, she is the one you’ve selected. Look at the two of you." Your eyes followed your mother's and locked on your hand clasped on The Doctor's. "The arrangements will all be made. Now go. Take your bride to your wing and show her around." Your mother shooed the two of you off, and you had no choice but to go.
You hadn’t known her long, but you suspected The Doctor's silence was not a good sign. You hadn’t meant to get her wrapped up in this. She had to know that wasn’t your intention. "So, we’re getting married now, I guess," you said. Weak, but you just wanted her to say something.
"Married, right. No, yeah, I’ve been married. Not so bad. Though we hardly know each other, so how are we to know if we’re compatible? I don’t even know your favorite color. I haven’t had time to prepare any vows. When’s the wedding again? Today, wasn’t it? That’s what the flier said. Today. Today? Oh my, I am nowhere near prepared. How long are your days here? Oh, never mind, it’s still too soon. Not enough time."
"Doctor," you attempted, but she kept going. She was panicking so hard that you suspected she wasn’t even hearing you. And the pacing. It was giving you a headache watching her pace so incessantly. She may be wearing down a track in the flooring.
"It’s teal," you said at last when she finally fell quiet.
"What’s teal," The Doctor asked, stopping to look at you.
"My favorite color. You said you didn’t even know my favorite color. It’s teal."
"Ah," she said. "That’s hardly enough information for a marriage now though is it?"
Before she could start up again, you walked over to her, taking both her hands in your own. "Doctor, I’m sorry I got you mixed up in this. I hadn’t realized I was holding your hand when we walked in. Doing so is a contract for royalty here. An agreement to marriage. It’s just, you were talking and I thought if I didn’t physically bring you along, you may still be standing there while I went on. And now you’re here. In a marriage contract that you didn’t ask for."
"Been in stickier situations," The Doctor admitted. "You seem lovely, so I can’t complain."
She was taking this all so well. A flesh bound contract was sacred and despite being new to Menzora, The Doctor was willing to honor that custom. For that, you were unbelievably grateful.
Just then a soft knock fell on the door, and your father came in. "It is time," he said. "Get changed and escort your bride to the altar." You nodded to your father and he ducked out. You then gestured to the door to the adjoining room, where no doubt The Doctor's wedding garb would be hanging, waiting for her. With a nervous glance, she disappeared into the room to change.
Once you’d both changed, you stepped out of your wing of the palace together, once again, hand in hand. The Doctor squeezed your hand, a signal you weren’t sure was meant to be reassuring or fearful. Either way, you squeezed back and she gave a half smile.
The walk to the altar was completely silent. The Doctor's hand was becoming sweaty in your own, and you could feel her nervous energy filling the space around you both. Then, your father began to speak. "Here we are gathered to commit the princess to her chosen spouse. She has selected The Doctor, a newcomer to our planet, as her bride. If anyone wishes to challenge her choice, speak up now."
The room went quiet for a moment. "Wait," your voice rang out, the acoustics of the wedding chamber causing that one timid word to fill the space. The gasp that followed brought about another silence as all eyes turned to you. But you only noticed one pair of eyes. The Doctor's.
She looked up at you, locking into your gaze, wondering what you were doing. "Doctor, I cannot, will not, force you into this. It was because of my silly mistake that you ended up at this altar with me, and the last thing I want is for you to be stuck here, unhappy. I can see it in your beautiful eyes, and feel it in your soul. You aren’t meant for this. I release you."
When The Doctor finally spoke, she directed her words to your father. "If it’s not too much trouble, do you think we could have the room to ourselves," she asked. At his command, the room began to clear. Finally, you were there alone with her. "I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me," she told you. "Maybe I’ll come back someday."
"I’ll be waiting. A Menzoran marriage contract is never truly broken. You’ll be my betrothed for as long as I live and breathe. I am yours if you ever decide you’re ready."
"And you’re alright with that," The Doctor asked.
"Perfectly content with it actually. I don’t think I could have made a better choice, accident or not. Take care, Doctor and maybe one day we’ll see one another again."
"I know we will." A smile lit up her face, that beautiful face, and tears welled in your eyes. "Promise I’ll come back. Walk me back to my TARDIS," she offered. You agreed.
Now standing face to face at the TARDIS door, you almost couldn’t bear to say goodbye. "I really will come back. I don’t go back on my word," The Doctor reassured.
"I’ll miss you."
"I’ll miss you too." At that, The Doctor darted forward, pecking a kiss to your lips. Her cheeks were burning a deep pink when she pulled away from you. You waved as she turned back in the doorway and when she left, you wept.
The Doctor returned to earth, nearly a full day from when she last left. Yaz and Dan were already waiting for her. "What’s got you so sad," Dan asked.
"Sad? Me? Not at all. Just bored waiting for you people to finish sleeping," The Doctor joked dejectedly.
"What did you do while you were gone," Yaz inquired.
"Oh you know, the usual. Had an adventure."
"Was it good?"
The Doctor smiled, bringing your face to mind. "The best," she replied.
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Thirteenth Doctor: @setsuna1415, @casserole-from-dads-asserole, @little-bean99, @littlefoxgirl-13, @thegirlwhoistrying, @analieninabox, @my-dear-the-doctor, @chaos-and-food, @callsigncrash, @mxacegrey, @seeyoulaser, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul
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so im listening to the potd audio commentary and jodie's talking about covid restrictions and filming flux and how the restrictions were more intense at the start of filming (was that end of 2020/start of 2021?) and she says "by the time we finished, we could hug" and damn they took that opportunity didnt they
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captain-ghost · 6 months
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catabasis · 7 months
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unironically some of the BEST shots in the history of doctor who, I'm not joking
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