#Foundation for Law And Government (FLAG)
ryansbedroom · 1 year
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The FLAG trailer from Knight Rider as of December 2022.
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edsonjnovaes · 2 years
Super Máquina: Knight Rider
Knight Industries Two Thousand. É este o nome completo do K.I.T.T., o Pontiac Trans Am 1982 que o agente Michael Knight, vivido por David Hasselhoff, usa para combater o crime em Knight Rider,  série que no Brasil foi exibida como “A Super Máquina”, referindo-se ao KITT. Agora, como alguns de vocês já sabem (especialmente quem cresceu nos anos 1980), o Trans Am era mais que um carro — equipado…
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decolonize-the-left · 8 months
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Project 25. The Heritage Foundation.
It's behind every single anti-lgbt law pushed the last year. They are why Roe v Wade was overturned. They are successful, well funded, and a massive threat.
What you can do is educate yourself and others about it. Get to know your enemy. Protest. Wear pride pins. Put out your flags. Show solidarity. We are ALL under attack by this white supremacist christo-fascist group.
Remember when 2020 had kpop stans organizing on twitter and gen z using tik tok to make Trump meets flop while white vets made themselves frontline walls at BLM protests that were organized to handle shit like kettling thanks to their amazing black organizers? Remember how people actually Showed up to those protests for awhile?
We need that cross-generational Fuck The System energy again. Not just for a summer this time. This needs to go passed the election.
They're playing a long game and so do we.
Get inspired.
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Their goals include saving the children and traditional family, and "to lay the groundwork for a White House more friendly to the right."
This translates to destroying the EPA, disability rights, and criminalizing being LGBT. Also to overthrow the US government, as stated in their manifesto.
They want to replace our democracy with a theocracy. No Republican in office was elected without their approval.
They're the kind of right that makes being LGBT punishable by death. That makes it a crime just to exist where others can see you. They want librarians who work in libraries that make LGBT books accessible to be registered sex offenders. They want you prosecuted and even specify that no mercy should be shown to people the "left" likes (ex: immigrants, black people, etc)
That's the extreme right who's been manipulating our laws.
And they plan to make things a lot worse within the first 180 days a Republican is elected president.
If you don't have plans coming up.... Start organizing them. We will be okay if we work together.
We will be okay if we work together.
If we have each other, we'll be okay. We have to rely on each other. You have to be reliable. You, person reading this, have to show up. That's how this works.
I have your back if you have mine. Do not leave me to the wolves and I won't leave you.
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armen-the-quote-guy · 7 months
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This is a quotation from the Mississippi Declaration of Secession. “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery — the greatest material interest of the world.” If you study the documents of the Confederacy, you will find heaps of such quotations. It’s a truly nauseating experience. This is Article 1 Section 9 Clause 4 of the Constitution of the Confederate States of America. “No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.” The Confederacy believed in slavery so deeply, they loved that vile institution so much, that they enshrined the owning of slaves as a right in their constitution. The rest of their constitution was an almost exact copy of the USA Constitution. The only substantial difference between the two constitutions was that the CSA Constitution forbade the criminalizing of slavery. This veneration of slavery was also in the state constitutions of the CSA. For example, this is Article 25 Section 1 of the 1861 Constitution of the State of Florida. “The General Assembly shall have no power to pass laws for the emancipation of slaves.” The speeches of Confederate politicians are also filled with this hatred and cruelty. For example, when Alexander Stephens, the Vice President of the CSA, gave a speech explaining the founding ideals of the Confederacy he said this. “The prevailing ideas entertained by him [Thomas Jefferson] and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old [USA] constitution were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that, somehow or other in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time. . . . Our new [CSA] government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea. Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.” Stephens explained with total clarity that the Confederacy was founded on racist cruelty. I could continue giving you such quotations. The speeches and letters of Confederate politicians and military leaders were a cornucopia of racial arrogance. But I must stop quoting now because reading and typing such words makes me sick. So why did I read such things? Why am I writing such a post? Because if we don’t understand the past, we’ll misbehave now and in the future. Some of my fellow Americans think that wearing confederate flag t-shirts is “cool.” When someone wears such a shirt, he’s not being “cool.” He’s mocking the suffering, rapes and murders of millions of people. Some of my fellow Americans think that flying confederate flags from the backs of their pickup trucks is honoring history. When someone flies such a flag, he proves that he doesn’t honor history. Flying such a flag mocks the suffering, rapes and murders of millions of people. When someone fills his social media accounts with confederate flag imagery, he proves that he’s either terribly misguided or terribly cruel. If you’re making the mistake of wearing or displaying confederate flags, please stop. And if you’re one of those horrible deceivers, one of those dishonorable politicians, one of those dishonorable media personalities, who misguides the populace by downplaying the atrocities of slavery and the Confederacy, you’re the lowest of the low. May such deceivers be voted out of office, may they lose their jobs, and may all their lies be exposed.
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dwellordream · 1 month
“During the 1960s, events sometimes happened so quickly that they almost seemed to outpace the speed of sound. In the fall of 1961 coeducational colleges still had what were called parietal rules regulating the few short periods of the week when men could be in women's dorms and vice versa. Boys wore ties and button-down shirts and spotted “whiffle” haircuts (so short that if you rubbed your hand over the bristles you could generate static electricity); girls wore skirts, starched blouses, knee socks, and ponytails. No one would think of calling a university president a derogatory name or breaking into official files.
By 1969, in contrast, rules had become synonymous with fascism. Male and female students lived with each other in the same dormitory room; a new sexual revolution had swept the country, accompanied by widespread experimentation with drugs. At the legendary rock festival at Woodstock in 1969, thousands of people gathered in open fields to hear their favorite musicians, celebrating not only a triumphant counterculture but brazenly flaunting conventional, middle-class behavior. Boys and girls wore jeans patched with fragments of the American flag, smoking marijuana was commonplace, and hair reached the lower backs of men and women alike. Policemen were routinely called “pigs” by some of the best and brightest college students, and one university president, whose office was occupied by demonstrators, received a manifesto telling him: “up against the wall, mother-fucker.” It was quite a decade.
…As early as the 1940s, when the Carnegie Foundation issued its clarion call, authored by the Swedish sociologist Gunnar Myrdal, to end racial discrimination, sociologists and lawyers had commented that women were examples of an “American Dilemma.” Like black people, they were members of a society committed to liberty and personal freedom, yet treated as separate and different because of a shared physical characteristic. The contradiction was profound, striking at the heart of the integrity of the American Creed. Only when all citizens were freed from such categorical discrimination could the American dream be considered workable.
Pauli Murray, a black lawyer who had pioneered the effort to get blacks admitted to Southern law schools in the 1930s, zeroed in on the connection between race and sex in her work for the Kennedy Commission on the Status of Women. Like black civil rights activists, she declared, women should prosecute their case for freedom by going to court and demanding that they be given equal protection under the laws, a right conferred by the 14th Amendment when in 1867 it sought to ensure the legal standing of the newly freed slaves by defining their citizenship rights. At the time Congress had inserted the word “male” in front of “citizen,” temporarily caving in to those who still wanted to exclude women from fundamental rights, such as voting. But the 19th Amendment had altered that pattern when it recognized women’s right to vote, and now, Murray argued, women should insist on carrying their case forward on the basis of the civil rights they enjoyed with all citizens under the clause of the 14th Amendment that declared, “No State shall… deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
…With the formation of the National Organization for Women in the fall of 1966, America’s women’s rights activists had an organization comparable to the NAACP, ready to fight through the media, the courts, and the Congress for the same rights for women that the NAACP sought for blacks. NOW focused on an “equal partnership of the sexes” in job opportunities, education, household responsibilities, and government. Betty Friedan and her allies pressured President Johnson to include women in his affirmative action policies, which were designed to hasten recruitment of minorities to decent jobs, and to appoint feminists to administrative and judicial officers. NOW endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment and made reform of abortion laws a national priority.
Equally important was the connection made by some young women between the treatment they received within the civil rights movement itself and the treatment blacks received from the larger society. Most of the young people in the early civil rights movement were black, but a significant minority were white, many of them women, including Sondra Cason (later Casey Hayden) from the Faith and Life community in Austin, Texas, and Mary King, daughter of a Protestant minister. Many of the younger activists joined the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), which created an atmosphere in which independent thinking and social criticism could flourish.
….At a time when a new sexual revolution was just getting underway, the old rules and regulations about whom you slept with and after how long no longer seemed so clear. This was compounded by the realization that the biggest social taboo of all--interracial sex--was one of the most suspect and oppressive of all those rules and regulations. If the goal of the movement was a truly beloved community, why not extend that to sexual interaction? And how better to show that you meant what you said about integration than to sleep with someone of the other race? Especially in the heat of what seemed like combat conditions, reaching out for love, or even just release, appeared to be a logical and perhaps politically inspired thing to do.
In reality, however, too many women (and some men) became sexual objects. Having intercourse could become a rite of passage imposed against one’s will as well as a natural expression of bonding and affection. White and black women in particular became suspicious of each other, black women sometimes torn between anger at “their” men for falling victim to the stereotype of preferring white women as sexual partners, and anger at white women for seducing and taking away black men. The formula could be reversed, depending on which sex and which race you talked about. But the overall result was a new level of awareness that gender, as well as race, was an issue in this movement, and that until the question of treating women of equals became an explicit commitment of the movement, at least some of its ideals would always fall short of realization.
…The final ingredient for the rebirth of feminism took place within the rapidly expanding student movement in America. It would be historically inaccurate to speak of that movement as a unified crusade with a changing shape and definition. It took as many forms as there were issues, its ideological variants sufficient in number to fill a textbook. There were some who believed that a new culture, a “counterculture,” offered the only way to change America, and others who embraced political revolution, even if it had to include violence. Some wore overalls, T-shirts, and love beads and sought to transform the materialism of the middle class by creating a totally alternative life-style; others opted for factory jobs, short hair, and rimless glasses, committed to subverting the system from within.
Nevertheless, some generalizations are valid. Virtually all the participants in the student movement were white. Most came from middle or upper-class backgrounds. Children of privilege, they shared something in common with the critical and reflective posture of the Fetter Family, the group of Protestant students in Boston seeking reform of the church. But they had gone far beyond the moderate optimism of that group, and even the more pointed skepticism of the Students for a Democratic Society’s (SDS) 1962 Point Huron statement, with its desire to humanize capitalism and technocracy. By the mid-1960s, when the student movement started to grow with explosive force, more and more young people began to question the very basis for their society. The Vietnam War radicalized youthful protestors, male and female alike, seeming to symbolize--with its use of napalm to burn down forests and search and destroy missions to annihilate the enemy--the dehumanizing aspects of capitalism and Western-style democracy.
…At one SDS convention, and observer noted, “Women made peanut butter, waited on table, cleaned up, [and] got laid. That was their role.” Todd Gitlin, president of SDS in the mid-1960s, noted that the whole movement was characterized by “arrogance, elitism, competitiveness,... ruthlessness, guilt--replication of patterns of domination… [that] we have been taught since the cradle.” Women might staff inner-city welfare projects and immerse themselves, far more than men, in the life of the particular community being organized, but when it came to respect and recognition, they ceased being visible. Women occupied only 6 percent of SDS’s executive committee seats in 1964.
Nor was SDS alone in its attitudes. Throughout the entire anti-war movement, a similar condescension and disregard prevailed, symbolized by the antiwar slogan, “Girls say yes to guys [not boys] who say no.” Always happy to accept the part of the sexual revolution that allegedly made women more ready to share their affection, male radicals displayed no comparable willingness to share their own authority as part of a larger revolution. Women’s equality was not part of the new politics any more than it had been of the old.”
- William Chafe, “The Rebirth of Feminism.” in The Road to Equality: American Women Since 1962
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — A judge unsealed a dropped bomb threat case Thursday against the Colorado gay bar shooting suspect who threatened to become the “next mass killer” over a year before allegedly killing five people and wounding seventeen others at the LGBTQ enclave Club Q.
Judge Robin Chittum said the “proufound” public interest in the case outweighed the privacy rights of defendant Anderson Lee Aldrich. The judge added that scrutiny of judicial cases is “foundational to our system of government.”
“The only way for that scrutiny to occur is for this to be unsealed,” she said.
Aldrich, 22, was arrested in June 2021 on allegations of making a bomb threat that led to the evacuation of about 10 homes. Aldrich, who uses they/them pronouns and is nonbinary according to their attorneys, had threatened to harm their own family and boasted of having bomb making materials, ammunition and multiple weapons, according to law enforcement documents. They were booked into jail on suspicion of felony menacing and kidnapping.
The case was later dropped and officials to date have refused to speak about what happened, citing a state law that calls for dismissed cases to be sealed.
The judge’s order to release the records comes after news organizations, including The Associated Press, sought to unseal the documents.
Aldrich’s alleged statements that they intended to become “ the next mass killer ” foretold last month’s mass shooting and have raised questions over why authorities did not seek to seize Aldrich’s guns under Colorado’s “red flag” law.
Aldrich also was the subject of a tip received by the FBI a day before the bomb threat. Agents closed out the case just weeks later.
Under Colorado law, records are automatically sealed when a case is dropped and defendants are not prosecuted as happened in Aldrich’s 2021 case. Once sealed, officials cannot acknowledge that the records exist and the process to unseal the documents initially happens behind closed doors with no docket to follow and an unnamed judge.
“This is one of the strangest hearings I think I’ve ever had,” said Chittum. “I’m having a hearing about a case that none of us is to recognize.”
It was unknown when unsealed documents will be posted online. Chittum ruled despite objections from the suspect’s attorney and mother.
Public defender Joseph Archambault argued that while the public has an interest in the case, Aldrich’s right to a fair trial was paramount.
“This will make sure there is no presumption of innocence,” said Archambault.
Aldrich sat at the defense table looking straight ahead or down at times and did not appear to show any reaction when their mother’s lawyer asked that the case not be unsealed.
An attorney for Aldrich’s mother argued that unsealing the case would increase the likelihood that Laura Voepel would suffer harm harassment, intimidation or retaliation.
Aldrich’s attorneys told the judge the defense filed a contempt of court motion against the sheriff’s office over an AP story that detailed what was in some of the sealed documents. The documents were obtained by Colorado Springs TV station KKTV and verified as authentic to the AP by a law enforcement official who was not authorized to discuss the sealed case and kept anonymous. Judge Chittum did not rule on the motion but said she would not let it hold up her decision about unsealing the case.
The Associated Press verified a copy of the sealed documents with a law enforcement official that described Aldrich telling frightened grandparents of firearms and bomb-making material in their basement, vowing not to allow them to interfere in plans to kill on a mass scale.
Aldrich then pointed a Glock handgun at the grandparents as they pleaded for their lives and said, “You guys die today … I’m loaded and ready.”
The documents say the grandparents ran out of the house while Aldrich stepped away and called 911. Aldrich then holed up in a home nearby where the mother was living while a SWAT team and bomb squad stood outside with rifles raised and bomb sniffing dogs. At one point, Aldrich yelled that he would set off a bomb if law enforcement tried to enter before finally surrendering.
The law enforcement official who confirmed the documents to the AP was not authorized to talk about them and so was given anonymity.
Aldrich was formally charged Tuesday with 305 criminal counts including hate crimes and murder in the Nov. 19 shooting at Club Q, a sanctuary for the LGBTQ community in mostly conservative Colorado Springs.
Investigators say Aldrich entered just before midnight with an AR-15-sytle semiautomatic rifle and began shooting during a drag queen’s birthday celebration. The killing was stopped when patrons wrestled the suspect to the ground, beating Aldrich into submission, they said.
Conviction on murder charges would carry the harshest penalty — likely life in prison — but prosecutors said they also were pursuing the hate crime charges to show the community bias motivated crimes are not tolerated.
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The Guardian Host serving the Christos Mission will never initiate contact through urgency, coercion, demands, manipulation or use force. They will never accept involvement in any mind control agenda or that which violates natural laws, or violates the rights of any human being or life form, and consistently emanate the highest Krystic ethics conducting themselves within the Law of One principles and the scientific laws that govern the mechanics of creation. Authentic Guardian races will assist any sincere spiritual seeker that addresses them through principles of the Law of One, whereby they are committed to the expression of unconditional love, truth, respect and reverence for life.
Assorted offerings are being marketed to the new age community as a method to manipulate those on the Earth surface to believe that putting people in danger through group gridwork in the midst of grid warring, or going underground, leaving the Earth, with an otherworldly escort to the inner earth timeline would be much more beneficial for them on the ascending path. The dark cabal is utilizing this narrative as a premeditated programming bargaining chip, as they have been planning several options of fake alien invasion scenarios during the final conflict battle of the timeline wars, in order to create a 'good alien space god versus the bad aliens' to further confuse the surface inhabitants. This is an false flag attempt of negative factions to use hostages to ride out of interdimensional access portals through the hijack of Indigo or Starseeded lines, as well as an attempt to gain control over timelines. Some of this agenda is being carried out through the guise of gridworking groups that are being led into demographics with highly active grid wars, where the dark ones desire to hitchhike upon the participants collective consciousness for a multitude of reasons.
The Guardians caution all ascending people to be awake and aware in order to take good care of ourselves and not accept hidden or secret offers that are glamourized as personal tickets to a promised land for special people. Whether it is an offer to go to Mars, offers to be in secret space programs, offers to travel underground, or offers to travel with special gridworking teams on important missions, please be aware that the benevolent and independent forces working to free humanity are not involved in these recruiting schemes. At this stage of the final conflict, there is a high likelihood of NAA hitchhikers manipulating these offers from behind the scenes or that it involves galactic trafficking.
Those of us involved in the Christos Mission, may have received more aggressive attempts to ensnare us into anti-Christ Consciousness Traps that are set by these same factions who are attempting to gain control of these areas through the manipulation of artificial timelines, cloned versions and holographic inserts. Guardian teams have been working underground in the Crystal Caverns and have been involved in more retrievals, some secretly rescuing underground hostages or stasis beings.
Thus, certain areas on the Earth that are weakened through the damage and bifurcation in the Timelines, will simultaneously increase energetic chaos which amplify descending energy pockets. At this time, many of us may be re-assigned to a new demographic or place of residence, because our timeline mission with certain areas of earth are expiring. We have completed a cycle in the timeline and our new residence will reflect a higher degree of value exchange and energetic balance to support our foundation to the next stage of our spiritual mission. This means some of us will actually be guided to stabilize in a certain area, and the nomad stage will end.
We are needed to be physically located and stationed in certain areas of the planet, in order to environmentally harmonize and work with those particular fields and coordinates.
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bambikubo · 2 years
Hello a while back I made a very half assed post about getting arrested at Tel Aviv pride for holding a Palestinian flag. I made a better post which was translated into English (not by me unfortunately and I don’t feel this translation represents me completely ) you can find the translated version here https://www.refuser.org/refuser-updates/ayeletarrest on refuser solidarity network. The version Im posting here is a little different because I’m changing things a bit to be a little more accurate to what I want to say.
Hello I’m a 16 years old trans teen and a member of the Mesarvot network, an Israeli Network supporting war resisters and political objectors. Last Friday (June 10th), at the Israeli pride parade in Tel Aviv, I was arrested for holding the Palestinian flag with the slogan “there is no pride in the occupation” in Hebrew (sign pictured below).
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So what am I protesting?
Zionism (the ideology on which Israel is built) means wanting a Jewish state in the land of Israel. In the Israeli political ethos, the idea that this notion could be immoral is unthinkable. The fundamental problem with it is the fact that a Jewish state, by definition, discriminates against people who are not Jewish. Especially in this piece of land where people with different religions, ethnicities, and cultures have been residing for centuries. Meaning, Zionism is the desire to settle an already populated country and discriminate against all who lived there before you.
This ideological foundation has created a downward spiral - The 1948 Nakba and the 1967 occupation are the clear continuation of the Zionist ideology. Today, in the occupied territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip there are 4.5 million Palestinians living under military law. They can’t vote in the Israeli elections even though Israel has complete control over their lives. In contrast, Israeli settlers living in the same territory have full citizenship rights. Also, We can’t ignore the fact that Israel’s control over the Palestinian territories undoubtedly fits the definition of colonialism - “The policy or practice of aquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting its economy”.
I made this sign not only to show my objection to the Israeli occupation of the West bank and the Gaza strip, but also to protest the way the Israeli government uses the LGBTQ+ community to justify the occupation. The government uses Pinkwashing - displaying superficial support for LGBTQ+ rights in order to justify horrible actions. In actuality, Israel supports gay rights only when people from our community are supportive of the state’s actions. For example, a trans woman who is a soldier will be able to receive hormonal treatment, but a trans woman who is an army refuser will be sent to a men’s prison for her refusal.
I attended the Pride parade with the intention to protest the way the Israeli state is using my community, the LGBTQ+ community, to appear progressive without actually showing support for our rights. For instance there is no option for same sex marriage, no access for gay people to adopt children, and accessing gender affirming healthcare is incredibly difficult. The police officers pulled me out almost immediately, about 5 minutes after I joined the march and held up my sign, and threatened me with an arrest.
All of the above is why last Friday, I, a trans teenager, chose to attend the Tel Aviv Pride parade with a sign that shows the Palestinian flag with the inscription: No pride in the occupation. I was promptly arrested.
To be clear - I was arrested at a demonstration for holding up a sign. The police read me my rights and did not let me go. They accused me of “incitement”, for holding a Palestinian flag in a public space. It is important to say that even though some of the Knesset members are working on passing a law that would make it illegal to hold a Palistinian flag in public property, such a law has not yet passed, meaning I did nothing illegal.
Ultimately, the police did not take me with them back to the station but held me for about an hour at pride and then they released me. It is important for me to mention that I had it easy with the cops. More than most people would. If I was a Palestinian boy this whole story would have taken a horrible turn for the worst. I was released quickly because I am an Ashkenazi (white Jew) kid from Tel Aviv that doesn’t even have an ID yet and the police did not consider me a threat. That being said shortly after I was arrested I had to give the cops my legal name, after doing so they looked at me, asked me my prounons, and then continued to disregard my answer and misgender me the entire time.
Despite this I still have immense privilege that most people do not have, and they would not be so lucky in my situation. But still I want you all to know - We live in a country where people are arrested for protesting. We don’t need to shout or even say anything, it is enough to hold a Palestinian flag next to an officer to be arrested.
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adelitawilliam · 27 days
Audit Insights: How Accounting Companies Aid Organizations In Financial Examination
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In the intricate landscape of business, where financial stability is paramount, organizations rely on meticulous scrutiny to ensure accuracy, compliance, and trust. This is where accounting companies step in, wielding their expertise to conduct thorough audits, offering invaluable insights that go beyond numbers. Let's delve into how these firms aid organizations in their financial examination endeavors.
Unraveling Complexities with Precision:
Accounting companies bring a wealth of experience and precision to the table when conducting audits. Their trained professionals meticulously sift through financial records, scrutinizing every transaction and detail to ensure accuracy and compliance with regulatory standards. By unraveling complexities and identifying discrepancies, these firms provide clarity and assurance to organizations and stakeholders.
Safeguarding Integrity and Compliance:
Audits serve as a crucial mechanism for safeguarding the integrity of financial information and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Accounting companies play a pivotal role in this process, applying their knowledge of accounting principles and regulatory requirements to assess the accuracy and reliability of financial statements. By conducting thorough examinations, they help organizations mitigate risks, avoid penalties, and maintain trustworthiness in the eyes of investors, regulators, and the public.
Identifying Opportunities for Improvement:
Beyond compliance, audits offer organizations valuable insights into their financial health and operational efficiency. Accounting companies go beyond the surface level, analyzing trends, patterns, and performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and optimization. Whether it's streamlining processes, tightening internal controls, or optimizing resource allocation, these insights empower organizations to enhance their financial performance and drive sustainable growth.
Enhancing Transparency and Accountability:
Transparency and accountability are foundational pillars of corporate governance. By conducting audits with rigor and impartiality, accounting companies help organizations foster transparency and accountability in their financial reporting practices. Transparent financial disclosures instill confidence among stakeholders, while accountability ensures that resources are managed responsibly and in the best interests of the organization and its stakeholders.
Uncovering Fraud and Irregularities:
Unfortunately, fraud and financial irregularities pose significant risks to organizations. Accounting companies are equipped with the expertise to detect red flags and irregularities that may indicate fraudulent activities. Through forensic accounting techniques and investigative procedures, they uncover discrepancies, trace transactions, and provide evidence that can be instrumental in fraud detection and prevention efforts, safeguarding organizations from financial losses and reputational damage.
Guiding Strategic Decision-Making:
Audit insights extend beyond financial reporting; they also offer valuable inputs for strategic decision-making. Accounting companies provide organizations with comprehensive analyses and recommendations based on audit findings, helping them make informed decisions that align with their strategic objectives and long-term sustainability goals. Whether it's assessing investment opportunities, evaluating mergers and acquisitions, or formulating growth strategies, these insights serve as a compass for organizational leaders navigating complex business landscapes.
In conclusion, audit insights offered by accounting companies in Oklahoma City OK are invaluable assets for organizations seeking financial clarity, compliance, and strategic guidance. By conducting thorough examinations, safeguarding integrity, identifying improvement opportunities, enhancing transparency, detecting fraud, and guiding strategic decision-making, these firms play a vital role in the financial health and resilience of organizations across industries. As trusted partners and advisors, accounting companies continue to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and excellence in their pursuit of financial examination excellence.
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ryansbedroom · 1 year
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LEGO Knight Rider FLAG rig as of December 23 2022.
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lancebeamon22 · 2 months
EU’S CSA Regulation – A Noble But Misguided Law That Threatens to End Privacy In The EU – Cybersecurity For All
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EU’S CSA Regulation – A Noble But Misguided Law That Threatens to End Privacy In The EU
October 2, 2023
Cybersecurity, Opinion
UPDATE: The EU Court of Human Rights has recently issued a ruling that could significantly impact the CSA Regulation proposal, marking a crucial victory for end-to-end encryption advocates. While this is a step forward, the battle for digital privacy continues; click here to read our analysis and understand what this means for the future of online security.
The bedrock of a thriving online economy isn’t just a network connection; it’s the assurance of privacy and security. However, recent European developments concerning encryption have raised red flags for privacy advocates, businesses, and everyday users alike. The European Union’s draft law, known as the CSA Regulation, seemingly initiated to combat the spread of child sexual abuse material, is ringing alarm bells. While the intent to protect vulnerable individuals is noble, the execution is perilous. This law threatens to install what is essentially spyware on devices, thereby monitoring and potentially compromising encrypted communications.
Backdoors For Encryption Are A Bad Idea
Allowing “backdoors” into encrypted data might seem like an asset for law enforcement, but it’s far from a one-sided benefit. These deliberate vulnerabilities don’t have an exclusive key for authorities; they swing wide open for all, including cybercriminals, hackers, and other evil entities. Introducing these backdoors is tantamount to placing a welcome mat in front of our most secure digital vaults. When we insert such flaws into encrypted systems, we roll out a red carpet for those with evil intentions, inviting them to exploit these weak points. This is not just a conversation about the right to privacy; it’s a discussion about the foundation of our digital security, underpinning our contemporary economy.
The potential abuse of these tools doesn’t stop with external threats. History is replete with examples of government officials overstepping their bounds. One glaring instance is the era of the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover, where surveillance tools were used for personal vendettas and political maneuvers. More recently, incidents with the NSA have come to light, revealing that some government employees misused the NSA’s vast capabilities to spy on ex-lovers and other individuals without the necessary legal warrants or authorizations. By introducing backdoors, we’re not just making our systems vulnerable to external threats but also risking potential misuse from within. We must weigh these considerable risks against the perceived benefits as we craft the digital roadmap for our future.
Privacy Is Not Evil
It’s also worth noting that a desire for privacy shouldn’t be synonymous with having something sinister to conceal. The oft-repeated cliché, “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about,” is reductive and dangerously flawed. Everyone, irrespective of their actions or intentions, deserves the right to private, personal spaces, both in the tangible and digital realms. The proper stance for a lawful government should be, “We assume you have nothing to hide; therefore, we respect your privacy.” Moreover, democratic governments must operate on the foundational principle that most citizens are not engaged in wrongdoing. If they do not, then the core values of democracy, including liberty and justice, are undermined. Operating from a place of suspicion rather than trust doesn’t safeguard freedom—it erodes it. Instead of fostering a free society, such a stance nudges us perilously close to the shadows of an authoritarian regime.
There Are Tools Law Enforcement Can Use Without Mass Surveillance
Our legal systems have mechanisms in place for probable cause. Suppose law enforcement believes there’s a legitimate reason to access someone’s personal communications. In that case, there are channels and procedures they can follow. Blanket surveillance or mass decryption tools are blunt instruments when precision is necessary. Furthermore, it’s essential to recognize that law enforcement and intelligence agencies have many tools designed explicitly to catch criminals. These tools and techniques have been honed over decades, adapting to technological advancements without necessitating the wholesale trampling of individual rights. Instead of bulldozing privacy under the guise of security, it’s more effective, ethical, and in line with democratic values to utilize targeted, nuanced approaches that respect citizens’ freedoms while still upholding the law. These tools include digital forensics, honeypots, there are cyber tip lines to report illegal activities and even undercover operations. Additionally, encryption plays a pivotal role in fostering trust in the digital ecosystem. Whether it’s e-commerce transactions, confidential business communications, or personal messages, encryption ensures the integrity of our interactions. Undermining this foundation has vast repercussions, not just for individual privacy but for the trustworthiness of the online economy at large.
Ironically, Countries With Poor Records On Human Rights Have Strengthen Privacy
On an even more concerning note, while democracies that have traditionally championed human rights are trending towards privacy erosions, countries without such histories are moving in the opposite direction. Ironically, nations with previously questionable records on human rights and democracy are now strengthening privacy protections while traditional beacons of democracy are potentially dimming theirs.
In Conclusion We Must All Act Now!
To sum it up, it’s imperative for the digital economy that encryption remains sacrosanct. The European Parliament stands at a crucial juncture where it can prioritize the rights of its citizens and the vitality of the digital ecosystem by re-evaluating the CSA Regulation. Privacy isn’t just a right; it’s the cornerstone of trust, innovation, and growth in an increasingly digital world. However, change doesn’t only come from the top down; it requires active participation from everyone. To all EU citizens reading this, please recognize the profound impact this regulation could have on your daily life and the broader digital landscape. Reach out to your representatives, protest peacefully, and make your voice heard. Let them know that you value your privacy, digital security, and the health of the digital economy. Remind them of their duty to protect the rights and interests of their constituents. Indeed, it is unquestionably necessary to pursue and halt the actions of terrorists, cybercriminals, and, most despicably, child predators. However, these pursuits must be conducted while ensuring the protections of human rights remain intact. It’s essential to remember that most citizens are not engaged in wrongdoing. Blanket surveillance measures and undermining encryption create an environment of mistrust and fear and inadvertently provide tools for malevolent actors, jeopardizing everyone’s digital security.
Moreover, history has shown that corrupt government officials have abused these very tools for their own gain or to target political opponents and those they deem undesirable. Your active participation can create ripples of change. But staying informed is the first step. If you found this post enlightening and want to keep abreast of the latest cybersecurity news, please like, share, and subscribe to this blog. Let’s champion a safer, more private digital future for all.
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7 responses to “EU’S CSA Regulation – A Noble But Misguided Law That Threatens to End Privacy In The EU”
Shocking Truth: Traveling Abroad? Your Online Posts Could Get You Arrested! – Cybersecurity For All
November 1, 2023 at 8:00 pm
[…] In our globally networked society, it’s tempting to assume that freedom of expression is a universal luxury. For many of us, freely voicing our views, sharing our thoughts on platforms like Twitter or Facebook, and being candid in our digital interactions are second nature. In some countries, the principle that truth is an unyielding shield against accusations of libel and slander is cherished. However, this is only the case in some places. In other countries, you could be in trouble, for example, for posting an online restaurant review where you saw rats running around. It wouldn’t matter if it was true and you had photos and videos. You still violated defamation laws and the “honor” of another. Across various parts of the world, freedom of expression hangs in the balance, often restrained by severe consequences. Similarly, rights to privacy, a fundamental right, is also curtailed and being eroded around the world. […]
Exposed: The EU’s Plan to Peep Into Your Private Digital Life! – Cybersecurity For All
November 12, 2023 at 8:53 pm
[…] through the halls of decision-making, and firmly insist that this proposal, along with the deceptively titled ‘Child Sexual Abuse Regulation,’ be stopped immediately. It’s a bit ironic. The name suggests protection, yet it truly […]
Alarm Bells in the Land of the Free: The Impending End of Digital Privacy? – Cybersecurity For All
November 15, 2023 at 7:36 pm
[…] cut to the chase: the CSAR (Child Sexual Abuse Regulation) in the E.U., while parading as a protector of the innocent, is actually a thinly veiled attempt to […]
Digital Doomsday: How New Laws Threaten to Shatter Our Online Privacy! – Cybersecurity For All
November 17, 2023 at 8:51 pm
[…] has taken a deep dive into the alarming shifts in online privacy, particularly focusing on the European Union’s CSAR and eIDAS 2.0 proposals. As we’ve pointed out, these proposals are not just minor policy […]
Alert! Your Phone is a Spy? Shocking Truth Behind Device Scanning Laws Uncovered! – Cybersecurity For All
December 26, 2023 at 8:26 am
[…] dear readers! Remember our previous posts about those eyebrow-raising proposals to end encryption in the EU and the US? Well, brace yourselves because things just got a notch crazier. It’s […]
EU Court Protects End-to-End Encryption | Privacy Win Against Backdoors
February 18, 2024 at 11:06 am
[…] We’ve previously dissected the ill-advised CSA Regulation, which mandates backdoors in all forms of encryption, including those safeguarded by end-to-end encryption. Here’s a brief recap: the proposal aims to combat child sexual abuse material (CSAM) by requiring platforms to install backdoors into their encryption. This move, while aimed at a noble cause, threatens the privacy and security of all users. Furthermore, the backdoors will not be exclusively used by politicians promising to play nice; they will be exploited by hackers and cybercriminals who definitely will not play nice. […]
Push Notifications Not Safe? Protect Your Privacy
March 7, 2024 at 8:12 am
[…] an age where digital privacy is constantly under threat, the use of push notifications for surveillance is alarming. […]
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tenantrightsattorneys · 2 months
Proactive Legal Strategies: Protecting Your NYC Commercial Property Investment with Expert Counsel
In the bustling landscape of New York City's commercial real estate market, investing in properties can yield substantial returns but also pose significant risks. Whether you're a seasoned landlord or a burgeoning property owner, safeguarding your investment requires more than just savvy business acumen—it demands proactive legal strategies tailored to the unique challenges of the NYC market. This blog delves into the importance of expert legal counsel and outlines key proactive measures to protect your commercial property investment in the Big Apple.
Understanding the Legal Landscape
Navigating the complex web of laws and regulations governing commercial real estate in NYC can be daunting. From lease negotiations to tenant disputes, having a thorough understanding of your rights and obligations is essential. This is where a seasoned commercial landlord-tenant attorney NYC can be your greatest asset.
Drafting Airtight Lease Agreements
One of the foundational elements of protecting your investment is drafting comprehensive and legally sound lease agreements. A well-crafted lease not only outlines the terms of the tenancy but also includes provisions that mitigate potential risks. This includes clauses addressing rent escalation, maintenance responsibilities, and tenant defaults. An experienced attorney can ensure that your lease agreements are tailored to your specific needs and comply with local regulations.
Due Diligence and Risk Assessment
Before acquiring a commercial property in NYC, conducting thorough due diligence is imperative. This involves assessing the property's compliance with zoning laws, building codes, and environmental regulations. Additionally, evaluating the financial stability of potential tenants and conducting background checks can help mitigate the risk of future disputes. Partnering with a legal expert during the due diligence process can help uncover potential red flags and protect you from making costly investment mistakes.
Proactive Risk Management
Prevention is often the best defense when it comes to protecting your commercial property investment. Proactive risk management strategies can help identify and address potential issues before they escalate into costly legal battles. This includes conducting regular property inspections, addressing maintenance concerns promptly, and fostering open communication with tenants. By staying ahead of potential problems, you can minimize the likelihood of disputes and protect the value of your investment. 
Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Despite best efforts to prevent conflicts, disputes between landlords and tenants can arise. Whether it's a breach of lease terms, non-payment of rent, or property damage, having a legal advocate in your corner is crucial. An experienced commercial landlord tenant attorney can help navigate negotiations, mediations, or, if necessary, litigation to resolve disputes efficiently and protect your interests.
Staying Informed and Adapting to Change
The legal landscape surrounding commercial real estate is constantly evolving, with new laws and regulations being introduced regularly. Staying informed about these changes and adapting your strategies accordingly is essential for long-term success. A knowledgeable attorney can provide invaluable insights into emerging legal trends and help ensure that your investment remains compliant with current regulations.
Investing in commercial property in NYC offers lucrative opportunities, but it also comes with inherent risks. By implementing proactive legal strategies and partnering with an experienced commercial landlord tenant attorney, you can protect your investment and navigate the complexities of the NYC real estate market with confidence. From drafting airtight lease agreements to resolving disputes, expert legal counsel is essential for safeguarding your interests and maximizing the return on your commercial property investment.
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luxurypropertiesworld · 4 months
Republic Day 2024 - History, Significance & Why Do We Celebrate It
Republic Day holds a special place in the hearts of every Indian, symbolizing the nation's commitment to democracy and sovereignty. Celebrated annually on January 26th, it marks the day when the Constitution of India came into effect in 1950. The significance of Republic Day goes beyond being a mere holiday; it is a day to reflect on the values that define India as a democratic republic.
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Historical Background
The origins of Republic Day can be traced back to the struggle for independence when the demand for a sovereign nation gained momentum. The Constituent Assembly, led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, diligently worked on drafting the Indian Constitution, which was adopted on January 26, 1950. This marked the transformation of India into a republic, ensuring citizens the right to govern themselves.
  Significance of Republic Day
Republic Day holds deep symbolism, representing the triumph of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. The celebration is a testament to India's sovereignty, emphasizing the rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution. It reinforces the democratic ideals that guide the nation.
  Traditions and Celebrations
The grand parade at Rajpath in the capital, New Delhi, is a focal point of Republic Day celebrations. The event showcases India's military strength, cultural diversity, and technological prowess. Simultaneously, flag-hoisting ceremonies take place across the country, unifying the nation in patriotic spirit.
Patriotic Fervor and Unity
Republic Day plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of national unity. The patriotic fervour that sweeps the country during the celebrations is a testament to the shared commitment to the nation's ideals. It transcends regional and linguistic diversities, reinforcing the idea of 'Unity in Diversity.'
  Cultural Programs and Exhibitions
Cultural programs and exhibitions are integral to Republic Day celebrations, providing a platform to showcase India's rich heritage and diversity. The events promote a deeper understanding of the nation's cultural tapestry, fostering a sense of pride and unity among citizens.
  Educational Significance
Schools and colleges play a vital role in Republic Day celebrations by organizing educational activities. These events not only commemorate the day but also serve as an opportunity to instil democratic values in the younger generation, ensuring a future where citizens actively participate in the democratic process.
  Challenges and Criticisms
While Republic Day is widely celebrated, it is essential to address criticisms and challenges. Some argue that the celebrations are marred by inefficiencies or symbolic gestures. Ongoing challenges, including social issues and political debates, highlight the need for continuous efforts to uphold the values enshrined in the Constitution.
  Global Recognition
Republic Day has gained international recognition, with dignitaries from various countries attending the celebrations in India. The event underscores India's commitment to democratic principles and provides a platform for diplomatic initiatives.
  Evolution of Celebrations Over the Years
Over the years, Republic Day celebrations have evolved, incorporating changes and innovations. The parade has witnessed technological advancements, and cultural events have become more inclusive, reflecting the dynamic nature of India's society.
  Public Participation
Republic Day is not just a government affair; it involves active participation from citizens. Public engagement in events and activities reinforces the collective responsibility of upholding the democratic ethos, making it a celebration of, by, and for the people.
  Impact on Democracy
The celebration of Republic Day serves as a powerful reminder of the democratic principles that form the foundation of the Indian state. It reinforces the commitment to justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity, values that are crucial for the functioning of a vibrant democracy.
  Reflection on Achievements
As India celebrates Republic Day, it is an opportune moment to reflect on the nation's achievements since adopting the Constitution. Progress in various fields, economic advancements, and social transformations showcase India's journey toward fulfilling the aspirations of its citizens.
  Future Outlook
Looking ahead, Republic Day becomes a time to envision the future of the nation. Aspirations for a stronger, more united India become the focal point, motivating citizens to actively contribute to the nation's growth and development.
In conclusion, Republic Day is not just a historic milestone; it is a living testament to the principles that define India. As the nation celebrates its democratic spirit, it is crucial to recognize the ongoing importance of Republic Day in shaping the collective identity of a diverse and vibrant country.
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maxbrown01 · 4 months
Can a sexologist share my details without my consent?
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In the age of digital information sharing, concerns about privacy have become increasingly paramount. Individuals seeking professional guidance from sexologists often find themselves grappling with questions related to the confidentiality of their personal information. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to address the query: Can a sexologist share your details without your consent?
Understanding the Foundations of Confidentiality in Sexology
Confidentiality is a cornerstone of ethical practice in the field of sexology, especially when seeking the services of the best sexologist in Prayagraj. When you engage with a sexologist, whether in person or through virtual platforms, you are entering into a professional relationship where the safeguarding of your personal information is of utmost importance. This commitment to confidentiality is grounded in ethical guidelines and legal obligations that sexologists adhere to diligently.
Legal Framework Governing Confidentiality in Sexology
To assuage concerns about privacy, it's crucial to understand the legal safeguards in place. Sexologists, like all healthcare professionals, are bound by stringent laws that protect the privacy and confidentiality of their clients. Laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States ensure that your personal information remains confidential unless explicit consent is provided for sharing.
The Role of Informed Consent
In the realm of sexology, informed consent is not just a procedural formality but a fundamental aspect of the therapeutic process. Sexologists are ethically obligated to obtain your explicit consent before sharing any details about your case. This consent process is comprehensive, ensuring that you are fully aware of the extent and nature of the information that may be shared and with whom.
Exceptional Circumstances: Balancing Confidentiality and Duty to Warn
While sexologists are committed to maintaining confidentiality, there are exceptional circumstances where they may be legally obligated to breach it. The concept of "duty to warn" arises when a sexologist believes there is a credible threat of harm to you or others. In such cases, the sexologist may be compelled to disclose information to protect the safety of individuals involved.
Protecting Your Privacy in Virtual Consultations
With the advent of telehealth and online consultations, ensuring the security of your personal information during virtual sessions is crucial. Reputable sexologists employ advanced encryption methods and secure platforms to uphold the confidentiality of your data. It is advisable to choose licensed professionals who prioritize the privacy of their clients in the digital landscape.
Red Flags: Recognizing Unethical Practices
To further safeguard your privacy, it's essential to be vigilant for red flags that may indicate unethical practices. Legitimate sexologists will always prioritize your well-being and privacy, and any deviation from this commitment should be treated with caution. Be wary of professionals who do not clearly communicate their confidentiality policies or those who seem reluctant to obtain your informed consent.
Conclusion: Navigating the Landscape of Confidentiality
In conclusion, seeking guidance from a sexologist should not compromise your privacy. Understanding the legal framework, the role of informed consent, and the exceptions to confidentiality empowers you to make informed choices about your personal information. By choosing reputable professionals and remaining vigilant for potential red flags, you can ensure a secure and confidential therapeutic experience.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Finally: Europe Has a Preliminary Agreement on New AI Regulations - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/finally-europe-has-a-preliminary-agreement-on-new-ai-regulations-technology-org/
Finally: Europe Has a Preliminary Agreement on New AI Regulations - Technology Org
On Friday, Europe achieved a preliminary agreement on groundbreaking European Union regulations addressing the use of artificial intelligence. This agreement also spans government applications of AI in biometric surveillance and the regulation of AI systems like ChatGPT.
EU flags – illustrative photo. Image credit: Guillaume Périgois via Unsplash, free license
This political consensus propels the EU towards becoming the first major global entity to establish laws governing AI.
The agreement was reached after nearly 15 hours of negotiations between EU member states and European Parliament representatives, following a nearly 24-hour debate the previous day.
Both sides will continue to work on refining the details in the coming days, potentially influencing the final shape of the legislation.
The agreement mandates that foundation models like ChatGPT and general-purpose AI systems (GPAI) must adhere to transparency requirements before entering the market. These requirements also require creating technical documentation, compliance with EU copyright laws, and providing detailed summaries about the content used for training.
High-impact foundation models posing systemic risks are obligated to undergo model evaluations, assess and mitigate systemic risks, conduct adversarial testing, report serious incidents to the European Commission, ensure cybersecurity, and disclose information on energy efficiency.
GPAIs with systemic risks may choose to adhere to codes of practice to meet the new regulatory standards.
Governments are limited to using real-time biometric surveillance in public spaces under specific conditions, such as cases involving victims of certain crimes, prevention of genuine and imminent threats like terrorist attacks, and searches for individuals suspected of the most serious crimes.
The agreement explicitly prohibits cognitive behavioral manipulation, untargeted scraping of facial images from the internet or CCTV footage, social scoring, and biometric categorization systems aimed at inferring political, religious, philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, and race.
Consumers would be granted the right to file complaints and receive meaningful explanations, with fines for violations ranging from 7.5 million euros ($8.1 million) or 1.5% of turnover to 35 million euros or 7% of global turnover.
The legislation is anticipated to come into effect early next year, following formal ratification by both sides, and is slated to be applicable two years thereafter.
Written by Alius Noreika
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