bootstalks14 · 2 years
i saw one photo of beta willow with a baseball/softball bat and now i hc that she plays either softball or baseball
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
AEW All Access Episode 6 (S1 Finale) Thoughts
And now we reach the end, which means the announcement of Adam Cole's return to put the series in full circle. But how did the rest of the episode go, let's find out
Britt wanting to do Dancing with the Stars did make me chuckle
Supportive Eddie is Supportive, also cut and dry which I like because Ruby still grasping onto the broken nose after they have talked and after they have proved to have a match together just gets annoying
Again, Tony Khan loves wrestling, the fact that he was there to greet Adam Cole when he was covertly rushed into the arena shows how much love he has for the sport and that he cares about his employees. The fact that X and Y showed up this Dynamite shows that he's working on it more than anyone gives him credit for
"The best thoughts you have happen in the bathroom" - Adam Cole 'Bay Bay'
There is tragic irony after all of Ruby's worrying that she will get injured by Tay it was Anna injured by Willow (which is no slight to Willow it was a total accident and the problem with powerbombs is that you can't see in front of you, it's just ironic)
Also it was good to see Anna on her feet backstage, I mean fractured ribs sounds awful but being on your feet is often a good sign
Still though book Tay more, I don't think she's wrestled a match since this Street Fight, I was certain she'd show in the Julia match too but she didn't, I mean put TayJay vs Julia and another new HoB member *cough*Abadon*cough* to continue the feud, or put Tay in the Outcasts to build to women's Blood & Guts, AEW needs more non-title women's feuds like these
As I said last episode, seeing Adam Cole happy makes me happy
I will say however, it didn't feel like everything got wrapped up, we only followed Thunder Rosa for a short time, plus there's so much footage teased that we never got, including the 'No Goddammit No!' scene with Tony. Perhaps it means there is more in the tank but on the other hand it felt like false advertising
I think the show was enjoyable though, didn't entirely blow me away and I think we could focus on more people at a greater scale but it's a good first try at least
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lediz-watches · 1 year
You’re lost, little girl
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I really enjoyed Goosebumps. Also Fear Street. What I’m saying is, everyone needs more R.L. Stein in their lives.
I’m liveblogging The Winchesters as a Supernatural!virgin. Please keep my lack of knowledge in mind if you continue...
In episode thoughts:
Bernice is going to get you killed, kid.
Those were some 90s Goosebumps hands, my friends!
That was some… expositional conversation. “You’re close with them right?” “Yeah, let me reel off facts you totally wouldn’t already know!”
Okay, Mary listening to the truckers is what I think I was looking for in the first episode. I want her to daydream of being a trucker, because it’s familiar and seems easy. Please, episode, follow through?
…This is some 90s Goosebumps monstering, my friends!
Okay, I don’t know why this is bothering me right now, but this is something I always kind of wondered when I heard about the Supernatural premise, right? Where do the Hunters get money from? How do they survive? Dress in nice leather? Live in this gorgeous house?! Who pays for all these good deeds?
Also, Ada still feels dodgy. I feel like she’s planning to steal demon energy for power or something. Bad!Willow energy.
‘So many wayward monsters’ Mary? There’s been two. TWO. And this is your job. WHAT?
Oh kid no, be smarter please.
Goddammit kid.
Betty can join the cast of my cop show. She can be the perfect by-the-book rival to contrast Mary’s off-book practices. Even though she’s easily distracted by John’s supposedly-charming chat. YOU ARE ON THE CLOCK, LADY.
…Mary, sweetie, John has never found you. Carlos found him. You stumbled across him while hunting. Neither of you have earned this dramatic moment.
I do like you in the hat though. Very DramaLlama.
…Yeah Ada’s into some not cool magic. Carlos might be into it, but I think baaaaad vibes.
Subtitles… you suck. ‘Speaking non-English language’, bugger off.
I love Lata’s hair but find it weirdly distracting. I want to plait it. Loose plait. Down the side. Elsa!chic.
Ah. Okay. Yeah, the performative anger was supposed to be performative. Awesome, I like it. I don’t think it was done well, but I do approve of the conceit.
Wait, no. It’s not. She is quitting but hasn’t thought about how? So she wants to quit but – ugh. UGH. I’m confused. I AM CONFUSED.
Why do I feel like I’m supposed to recognise the Rocking Roxy lady? Is she an important character? That felt like a bigger reveal than it was.
Mary’s deal confuses me. Or maybe I just want it to be better than it is. I understand wanting to live the life but hating the way you’re made to live the life because your father’s a controlling boss. I understand hating the life but not seeing a way out of it. But this… this hating the life but being scared of a life beyond it… No, I also understand that but I’m… no, it’s not being done well. She or the show or something is not explaining it well. It’s making me less invested in Mary. That’s annoying, because I want to really like her.
But Lata is intriguing me, in her quiet way. I feel like there’s more to her than we’re seeing, but unlike Ada, she’s definitely more on the side of good. Ada I think is supposed to be that morally grey character, kind of a She-Who-Fights-Monsters deal. Carlos remains fabulous but I don’t know his story yet.
So basically, what I’m saying here is, let’s skip the main storyline and invest in some sidequests, baby! The supporting characters are more interesting.
ONTO CHAPTER FOUR! (or back to chapter one if you care.)
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britesparc · 2 years
Weekend Top Ten #539
Top Ten Things I’ve Suggestion to my Daughter That She Refuses to Consider
As is my custom, when one of my brood hits a birthday, I turn my Top Ten over to them, to pick whatever listings take their fancy. My eldest, who has just had a Significant Birthday this last week, has decided – as is her wont – to use this facility to mock me.
How very dare she, etc.
So what we have here, then, is a list of various things I have recommended to her at some point. Movies I have unsuccessfully pitched for on family movie nights. TV series I thought she’d enjoy. Books that she should, as a person what is good at reading and likes doing it and stuff, have a crack at. At all turns I am dismissed, because chief among my daughter’s interests is Disagreeing with Me. In a manner very much like John Constantine immediately lighting a cigarette after being cured of cancer, Daughter #1 will gladly curtail her own enjoyment if said enjoyment proves I might have been right about something. To whit, the very act of my recommendation instantly makes any endeavour unpalatable to her. She mainlines contrariness. She luxuriates in spite.
None of this is unexpected. Whereas I was always quite stoked by the various films my parents described to me – Close Encounters, Pale Rider, whatever – I do know kids like to find their own route down the mountain, and don’t want to follow in the footsteps of their parents. They also like to just be dicks about it sometimes, and that’s fine too. I just thought maybe she’d have waited till her teens before this all kicked in, but I guess that’s progress for you.
Anyway, here you go: a special daughter birthday list of things she’s deliberately denying herself just to make me sadder. Tt, as Batman would say. Tt indeed.
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Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993): my kids are certainly not super-phobic, and Daughter #1 in particular is a bit of an animation nut, so this film could go down well. But I’ve gone on about how excellent it is to such an extent that it’s anathema to her now. I mean, I dunno; maybe it’s a bit slow and serious for her tastes. But it’s a masterpiece, goddammit.
Indiana Jones (1982-2023): it’s tricky finding the right ground for adventure movies, because while they like Star Wars, they’ve not shown much in the way of enthusiasm for similar action-oriented films. There’s so much here that they’d find cool, including Marion Ravenwood; my kids are big on spunky female leads. And Han Solo is my youngest daughter’s favourite Star Wars character. But no. this is always refused. As Daughter #1 says, “I don’t like Nazis but I still don’t want to see their faces melted.”
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018-20): this one is irritating, because she was watching this show. I don’t think I even introduced it to her! I think she found it herself! But I’d gotten into it and I wanted to see how it all panned out, whereas she drifted away and couldn’t be mithered. And so whenever I suggested she watch it, she refused. And now it’s on this list. Bah.
DuckTales (1987-90; 2017-21): she likes all these different daft cartoons, like The Loud House or Teen Titans Go!, so I thought she’d like this. Whether it’s the vintage eighties version or the modern update, what’s not to love about Duckburg? And sure enough she gave it a whirl but then refused to go further. Having said that, I don’t feel I’ve really gone on about it too much, so maybe she just didn’t like it.
His Dark Materials (Philip Pullman, 1995-2000): Daughter #1 is a voracious reader, at a reading level far above her actual age. So I think it’d be beneficial to stretch herself a little bit, reading books meant for older kids. The problem, of course, is balancing complexity of language with complexity of tone; what teen books are suitable for a pre-teen? I thought this would fit the bill, especially as she likes a lot of serialised adventure narratives. But thus far, she’s refused to give it a try. Maybe coz I said it was one of my favourite books.
Willow (1988): another example of me wanting us all to sit down of a Friday night and watch a family-focused adventure movie. Especially because there’s a TV series out soon! I love Willow, and I reckon the kids would be into it too. Except not, because denying my enjoyment has to take priority.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (from 1984): effectively a slight-less-wacky Teen Titans Go!, TMNT is – in its myriad forms – really the sort of thing that would be up Birthday Girl’s street, apart from the fact I’ve suggested she might enjoy it. I don’t mind what version she watches, I still think it’d be cool. Maybe she’ll get into the new game. Probably not.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (from 2008): see, this one’s a bit weird. It’s true that I do bang on about the MCU an awful lot. But she has shown some interest: she wanted to watch Iron Man, until she found the desert attack at the beginning too intense; and she recently watched (and allegedly enjoyed) The First Avenger, even if she didn’t cry when he fell on the grenade like all good-hearted people do. I honestly think this is in part a reaction to both me and my wife suggesting Ant-Man a few times, and also just generally her attacking me where I’m most vulnerable. She’s a proper Thanos, this one.
Ghostbusters (1984): I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never really earnestly suggested this one, because Daughter #1 is of a rather sensitive disposition and I honestly think she’d be utterly freaked out by the library ghost and the terror dogs and stuff. I mean, I used to find that terrifying in the eighties, but that was also the thrill. Anyway, she refuses, which is fine in this instance, because I’d quite like to avoid having to explain what that ghost is doing to Dan Aykroyd’s trousers.
The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins, 2008-10): I don’t wanna short-change you here, but this is just His Dark Materials all over again. Except a bit more annoying, because whilst I can see her bouncing off the intricacies of HDM, I think she’d actually get really into Katniss murdering children left, right, and centre. Anyway, the odds of her getting over herself and giving it a whirl are not in our favour. That was a joke.
My main takeaway from all this is that Star Wars and Transformers aren’t on the list, so there’s hope.
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 23 - The bachelor challenge.  
Episode 3. Producer: Any hobbies? Sam: I love nature, and spend as much time in it as possible, so anything I can do involving nature, is always a hit. Beside that I enjoy reading, cooking and I have a small side business with my younger sister, Lina. We make and sell fully homemade and organic/vegan shower gels, shampoos, lotions, perfumes, hair and body oils, body scrubs, scented candles and essential oils. Producer: So you’re a very creative person as well, it seems. Any other skills or talents? Sam: Both my parents are musicians, so I basically grew up with a guitar in my hands. By now I have taken up other instruments as well. I’m pretty good at fixing cars and other mechanics, I enjoy some different martial arts, fencing, I’m pretty good at archery, and I would say I’m a fairly good cook. Producer: So you’re a very skillful person at such a young age. Sam: I suppose? Producer: You mentioned you have taken up other instruments , could you tell us which ones? Sam: Sure *he smiled friendly* piano, violin and flute. Producer: That’s very impressive. Sam: *He gave her a humble 'thank you' nod* Producer: Last but not least, what are you looking for in a woman?
Sam: I would say I’m very open-minded and as such fairly open to anything in general, but a must for me is someone who enjoys nature, cause I do spend a lot of time in it, and would love to share that with a potential partner.
Producer: Something that would be a deal breaker for you.
Sam: Extremists of any form. If you believe too strongly in something, you narrow your vision, and I just can’t hang around people who are afraid to broaden their horizon a little here and there. Racists, that’s a big no for me as well. Any person with an unkind heart, is not a person for me.
Producer: Thank you Sam, that was very good *she smiled warmly* Did we get it? *She said as she turned and looked at the camera men and the sound guy* Good *she nodded soft, then looked back at Sam* I guess you are free for now then. The contestants should show up one by one, starting in an hour from now, so you have some time to relax before that.
Sam: Relax? *He chuckled a bit nervous* Sure... I'll try...
Producer: Good, I will see you in about an hour, Sam *she smiled warmly, then walked off with the rest of her crew*
Adrian: *He shook his head firmly from where he was sitting on a chair, a bit to the side in the garden, next to a big oak dining table*
Sam: Don't start again. I'm here now, might as well follow through with it and see what happens.
Adrian: You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Sam: No *he frowned soft* I'm not kidding you, Adrian. *He stood up slow* I'll go take 30 minutes meditation and mentally prepare for this. The contestants came from far away, the least I can do is meet them.
Adrian: .... this is fucking bullshit, Sam! It's not you at all.
Sam: *He sighed soft, trying to gather some patience* well perhaps it's time I try something different, I haven't exactly been too lucky when it comes to love, when I follow who I am and what I want. Maybe a different strategy would create a better result? *He quickly walked off before Adrian could get to protest, he wasn't in the mood for yet another fight.*
Adrian: Goddammit Sam! *He groaned to himself and stood up, walking across the garden, then lit a cig as he stood under the big Willow tree, observing the surrounding sea. How was he supposed to convince Sam this was the worst idea, and he should let it go, and come back home with Adrian?*
*About an hour later it was time to meet the contestants, so the producer once again called for Sam's attention*
Adrian: *He watched from a distance as Sam took place in front of the house, ready to greet the women one by one. He rubbed his nose bridge and tried his best to come up with something to prevent this whole thing from happening, if only there were something he could do or say.... but the only 3 words his mind could come up with, was words he wasn't even sure Sam would want to hear at this point. He had waited too long, and now Sam had clearly moved on, or they wouldn't be in this pickle. He sighed deep, and for a moment contemplated if he should throw himself in the sea... then again, he wasn't sure they were high enough above it for a dramatic enough effect?*
Producer: You’re just about to meet the first contestant. How do you feel?
Sam: A bit nervous? But I think it will be alright. *He nervously scratched the back of his neck*
Producer: I wish you good luck, Sam.
Sam: *He took a deep breath* Thank you. *He waited patiently a few minutes, before a tall blonde in a casual dusty green, long tshirt dress with a big warm smile walked up to him*
Sophie: Hey Sam *her voice was as warm and welcoming as her smile* I’m Sophie, it’s very nice to meet you. I have been looking forwards to our meeting.
Sam: *Nods agreeing* Likewise, Sophie, thank you for coming. *He found it awkward that the rules of meeting were just a casual hello, and then on to next contestant, but on the other hand, they had the whole summer in front of them, so supposedly enough time to get to know one another, and it wasn't polite to let others wait longer. His hands were buried in his pockets, as he waited for the next contestant. He wasn’t too keen on this whole bachelor challenge, it was just something he had to do. The meeting of new people was a positive aspect of it, he DID enjoy meeting new people. But it was the potentially falling in love part, he was a bit uncomfortable with. However, he got yanked out of his thoughts, as an interesting looking woman walked up to him*
Autumn: *She smiled wide and spoke in a deep sensual voice, her long ginger hair braided in a thick braid, was swept casually over her shoulder, and complimented her denim strapped dress* Hi Sam, I’m Autumn, it’s super pleasant to finally meet you!
Sam: *A hopeful smile spread on his face, Autumn seemed warm and earthy, something about her relaxed him a bit* Likewise, Autumn, I hope you will enjoy your stay. *He spoke in a friendly tone and observed her as she walked inside the house. He waited no more than a couple minutes, before the next contestant showed up. He took a deep breath, wanting to loosen up a bit, before she reached him. A tall African-American woman with short curly hair and exotic features, and the earthy tones of her shorts/strappy top combo only enhanced her lovely features*
Jasmine: Hi, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Jasmine. So what’s up with the weather, huh? I thought it was supposed to be summer? I have had McDonalds food warmer than this!
Sam: *He appreciated the joke and laughed softly* I know right? Maybe I should have gone for that tropical island challenge after all?
Jasmine: *She laughed warmly, but quickly walked off into the house according to rules, or so he hoped. Not a great start if it would be on the behalf of his joke!*
Sam: Awkward, he mumbled low to himself, then remembered he was wearing a microphone *double awkward!*
Eveline: *A slightly shorter woman with very long wavy dark brown hair, yellow/white striped shorts and a green crop top, slowly and rather awkwardly walked up to him* Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Eveline, I have been looking forwards to meeting you *she talked a bit fast, clearly nervous and definitely awkward* this seems like a lovely place, lots of nature, did you pick the spot? It’s really very beautiful, and a wonderful sea view! It seems very tranquil, I should have brought my easel so I could have done some painting!
Sam: Oh, so you’re an artist?
Eveline: Ye.. yes *she smiled soft and somewhat lost, and as she hurried off into the house, Sam couldn't help but think she was his "favorite" so far. Something about her awkwardness really spoke to him*
Sam: *He observed closely as few minutes later a bright colored girl happily walked towards him. There were something so worry-free about the sway of her hips, and her shoulder length black hair was playing in the wind. Her Asian features reminded Sam of another Asian girl, his dad Andy had sent him on a blind date with a couple years ago. Meena. They had ended up as friends with benefits, and not as a couple, as Sam hadn't been ready to commit to anything new yet, but now observing this bright woman walking towards him, he had to wonder what had happened to Meena, it had been at least 6 months since they last spoke?*  
Laurel: Hey Sam! *She spoke in a positive voice* so nice to meet you! HIGH FIVE!!! *She lifted her hand up high, awaiting his response*
Sam: *a surprised chuckle escaped him* Yeah, sure, high five! *He slapped his hand against hers, then chuckled soft as she walked inside the house, strange, but uplifting meeting, he liked her forwardness. He waited patiently for the last contestant, as a slim, elegant blonde, in very short jeans shorts and a light pink crop top, walked up to him*
Anya: Hello Sam, I’m Anya *she spoke in a sensual tone* you have no idea how much I have been looking forwards to meeting you… wauw, you really are incredible handsome! *She said with a sparkle in her eyes*
Sam: *Surprisingly even to him, he Blushed* …thank you.
Anya: *She smiled warmly and quickly joined the other contestants in the house*
Producer: So how was it meeting everyone?
Sam: *He took a long deep breath* Good... I think you did well... I guess I see some potential....
Producer: Great! That's what we like to hear!
*By day 5 Sam hadn't found himself closer to getting himself a girlfriend, as a matter of fact, the longer time he seemed to spend on the otherwise beautiful island, the more he felt somewhat homesick, longing for the days during winter and early spring, him and Adrian had shared. The longer he spent "dating" these women, the more he realized he only had heart for one, and it was no longer Ava. It was Adrian. Specifically one contestant had made him realize this, Anya, the blonde big boobed beauty with the short jeans shorts and pink tanktop. She had by now made several advantages towards him, including a brief makeout session, and although he couldn't deny there were a bit of a crush when they first met, her forwardness had only pushed him closer and closer towards the truth. Adrian was the only one for him, and Sam was growing more miserable by the day. Day 5 however wasn't completely wasted, he had fast grown close to one of the contestants at least, the first one he had met on the first day. The tall blonde, down to earth, Sophie. They had fast become friends, and confined in each other, and it seemed that Sophie also had landed herself in the bc as a way to escape reality and a way to try to please others rather than herself. Although he hadn't quite figured EXACTLY what had made her sign up. However, he had eventually spilled the beans about Adrian and his hopeless feelings for him, and to his surprise, he had found great support in Sophie, who had offered not only a listening ear, but also understanding and advice, which he had very much appreciated, although not had the courage to follow. As Sophie believed he should come clean about his feelings for Adrian, and drop out of the bc to be with him instead. But Sam was still lost in belief that had him and Adrian belonged together, it would somehow already have happened. And beside that, he couldn't very well back out of the contract or disappoint all the contestants that way, it simply wasn't him to fool people like that. So he brushed her advice off, although under the surface, it kept lingering in the back of his mind. By day 7 it was the first elimination. Sam was by now feeling more than down. He was struggling with his feelings for Adrian, that seemed to more than escalate the longer he spent dating the girls, and he was struggling having to send someone home. The growing thought of eventually having to break multiple hearts one way or another, made him think that Adrian had been more than right, all the times he had said this was 'the dumbest thing ever!'. And standing in front of them all on this very first elimination night, made him feel a strong kind of guilt and displeasure. But the show had to go on. He had put himself in this situation, best he could do now, would be to ride it all out and hope for the best result in the end.*
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
alright, this episode was SO? AMAZING? the RAEDA was unbelievable. the lumity. the RAEDA. the hooty skeleton. my queer heart. the Amity and Willow scene was also chefs kiss (also. willow. working out.) I also watched the amphibia episode too (very much excited for more stuff happening in frog world! unbeknownst to many of you I am actually a fan of this show! I'm a simp for possession storylines tbh, and love Marcy. all in all i'm really excited to see where these shows end up!
The HOOTY SKELETON. Omg I totally forgot about that. Ugh. I love. This episode so much. Like as much as it's impacted my mental health like. I really enjoyed it, it was such a good way to start the second half of the second season.
And the. Raeda angst. Oh wow I love. Like you're so right, it was so queer and I loved every second of it.
Oooh. And yeah the Amphibia episode was ;laskjd. Like I was totally thinking that we'd be at the FBI hq for a while but thankfully it was just a bit.
And AHHHH. Anne's parents my beloved. I just. I love them. And I love Marcy as well, when they were playing with the Lightsabers in Spendco I was like. Oh. Oh they're really rubbing it in aren't they.
And I was like oh. Oh okay this will be pretty light hearted, we'll be set up with a new problem next episode. 😊
NO. No we were not spared. The last minute my reaction was basically. "... Goddammit."
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allscotchnosoda · 3 years
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oh my god?? i love hunter SO mcuh yall cannot even understand. he gives me zuko vibes, what with the scar, abusive relative who is also the ruler and big bad, Only Job Is To Antagonize The Mc, and is 16. 
lets talk about how he! is! 16! his eyebags??? boy needs to REST thank u very much!! also, his scar? his ear? i bet my third toe that belos had something to do with at least ONE of those. disgusting. ugh also i hate belos!! yknow how like hunter told luz to stay away from wild magic cuz shed get hurt?? its prob cuz,,,he researched wild magic,,,and then got punished for it,,,,sigh give hiM A HUG GODDAMMIT
one last thing about hunter: his name!! ppl are making fun of it cuz “haha white boy name”!! and i get it but also, it fits him and the name patterns within the show. for example, willows name being a tree, and she has plant magic. amitys name meaning friendship and her first big arc was making friends with luz. luz!! her name means light and the first spell she learns, that monumental moment where she proves she CAN do magic, was a light spell!! it fits in with hunter’s whole schtick- hes been hunting luz, eda, and palismen for belos. yeah, u can make jokes, but i like the name!! plus it gives off edgey wattpad bad boy vibes and i think thats funnier than basic white boy.
most of my thoughts were gg-centric bc,,,look at him, how can you NOT fixate on him?? but i had a few others i wanted to get out there that i might expand on!
gus!!!! his development!!!! his friendship with matt!!! oh my god i Love THem
willow and her dads!! from what little ive seen, you can TELL they all love each other and its So Nice
lilith and hooty friendship is quite literally the best thing ever. thanks for coming to my TED talk
belos is. a bitch. but also?? could be human?? but is also cursed?? also this is probably obvious but the ‘day of unity’ he keeps talking about prob involves merging the witch and human worlds, no? ....or did i misread that? idk
AMITYS HAIRRRRRRRRRR. also uhh ive removed odailia off the milf board cuz shes mean :((( em and ed best siblings!!!
lumity,,,,my beloveds,,, we’ve got so much content and, uh, “my luz”????/ HM?????? 
n e way i cant wait for ep 7!!! also feel free to discuss shit or yell at me bc i can talk for DAYS
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
Eeeheheheehheh 42. Shade and Farley 😌
Here you go love! I hope I did them justice 🥺
It’s 6.49 PM. Eleven minutes from now, the Barrows will start trickling at their house, ready for the gourmet dinner he promised since he got Tramy to teach him how to make pasta from scratch. And everything is going great, except for the part where there has to be actual food on the table. Strings of pasta hang from every available hook and handle in the kitchen creating a willow tree of flour while Shade waits for the water to boil and prays for the sauce not to get burned. If that mess didn’t seem sufficient to get on anyone’s nerves, Diana is wildly pacing around the kitchen as she rants about the latest bill she had to contest at the City Hall (something about allowing restaurants to destroy the world) while Clara, always a fan of her mom’s antics, imitates her movements and trails her steps.
“And what wrong could it really cause if restaurants don’t separate their wastes?” she asks impassionate, chasing an invisible enemy. “It will alleviate workers' workload and let them get to their homes sooner, they say. They wouldn’t be working extra hours! Then hire more fucking people and pay them well, pigs!” She slams her fist on the island counter and Shade extends his hands with a short whine, lamenting the loss of the sheet of tagliatelle that has just turned into a lasagna. Is it too late to make lasagna?
“Pigs!” Clara repeats and slams down her chubby palms over the edge of the counter she can barely reach. Shade can literally feel those hands crushing his heart as another sheet of pasta loses the good fight before his eyes. They never stood a chance to his wife’s socialist anger.
When the faint smell of burnt onions hits his nostrils, he gets DeJa'Vu of the last Barrow get-together at Mare and Cal’s place, how they had to order pizza in the end.
Not this time, not on his watch.
Shade takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. “Ok!” he claps and walks up to the love of his life, the mother of his child (hopefully, children), brackets her face in his hands, and pleads. “Darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.”
“Are you kicking me out?” If Farley’s face was capable of pouting (it isn’t) that’s what she would be doing. Instead, she scowls.
“Yes, I am,” he nods firmly and starts guiding her toward the hall. He places one hand on Clara’s back and pushes her along with her mother. “And take the fruit of our love with you, please and thank you.”
Diana picks up their daughter and turns, shaking her head, narrowing her striking blue eyes at him. “You turn into quite the dictator when you cook.” A faint smile tugs at the scar-free corner of her mouth.
Wearing the frilly pink apron Bree gave to Farley last Christmas as a ‘joke’ (he almost died for it), fully aware of the flour stains covering from head to toe, Shade throws a half-burnt kitchen towel over his shoulder, then places his hands over his hips. “En casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo.” He declares in a low, almost villainous tone.
Diana laughs and Clara giggles, even though the kid doesn’t understand the meaning of the adage yet. “Are you saying this is on me?!”
“You allowed corruption to fester in your very own kitchen,” he clicks his tongue and sets about finally putting the pasta in the water. “Think about that while you set the table. Thank you, my beloved.” He adds after receiving a warning glance.
Phew, he could’ve been murdered for that. But at least he has the kitchen free now—
The doorbell rings.
AN: "en casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo" This expression means that when someone is specialized in some work or whatever, it's usual to find that they don't use that knowledge in their house. In English there's one that has the same meaning: the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot.
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thejooncrew · 4 years
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don’t steal or repost my shit. any of it. it might be crap but it’s my crap goddammit. and if you’re not sure ask me first, I don’t bite (unless that’s what you were asking for in which case...nasty)
as of now, I don’t post anywhere else, so if you find My Shit anywhere else, thievery has occurred and I would appreciate it so much if you let me know.
all my stories are a work of fiction, despite writing about real people I claim no affiliation with any of them nor do I claim that my characters are a reflection of how the real-life people behave.
✿ fluff  ║  ❣ smut  ║  ✽ angst
✧ planned  ║   ✦ complete  ║   ➠ part of a series (click to go to series masterlist)
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✧ one wall ║ ✿ ❣       ⫸ you’ve never actually met your neighbor in person, but isn’t love supposed to be blind anyway?  〚 next door neighbor namjoon x reader 〛
✧ bottom of the deep blue sea ║ ❣ ✽      ⫸ ◤ welcome to my cage little lover // let’s go up in flames pretty lady ◢  〚 mermaid namjoon x reader 〛 part of jamaisjoons’ TSB summer collab!
✧ no plan ║ ✿ ❣ ✽       ⫸ ◤ I’ll be your man, if you got love to get done ◢  〚 childhood friend namjoon x reader〛           ➠ part of the wasteland, baby! series
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✧ dinner & diatribes ║ ✿ ❣       ⫸ ◤ I'd suffer hell if you’d tell me // what you'd do to me tonight ◢          ➠ part of the wasteland, baby! series
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✧ to noise making ║ ✿ ❣ ✽       ⫸ ◤ was it that or just the act of making noise that brought you joy? ◢  〚 producer yoongi x artist reader 〛         ➠ part of the wasteland, baby! series
✧ catastrophe ║ ✿ ❣ ✽ ║ teaser      ⫸ the stray cat you rescued is a little too smart for his own good.  〚 cat hybrid yoongi x reader 〛 
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✧ movement ║ ✿ ❣ ✽      ⫸ ◤ so move me baby // shake like the bough of a willow tree ◢           ➠ part of the wasteland, baby! series
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✧ would that I ║ ✿ ❣ ✽     ⫸ ◤ I fell in love with the fire long ago ◢           ➠ part of the wasteland, baby! series
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✧ be ║ ✿ ❣ ✽     ⫸ ◤ ah, be love in its disrepute (lover, be good to me) ◢          ➠ part of the wasteland, baby! series
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✧ wasteland, baby! ║ ✿ ❣ ✽     ⫸ ◤ all the fear and the fire and the end of the world // happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl ◢  〚 wealthy jungkook x wealthy burnout reader 〛        ➠ part of the nfr! series
༄ drabbles
✦  shirts and staircases ║ ✿       ⫸ your shirt-stealing escapades come to an auspicious end when your best friend catches you in the act  〚 college roommate jungkook x reader 〛
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vancilocs · 4 years
Personality and misc with kenjiro and marcy?
outer rim bounty hunter and almost outer rim almost bounty hunter
21. What is their favorite thing about their personality?
He’s mellow and relaxed, so it’s pretty easy to just chill in his company
She’s balanced and rational
22. What is their least favorite thing about their personality?
While he is pretty easygoing it’s too easy to irritate him and also he’s too impulsive
She’s too shy
23. Do they get lonely easily?
Not really, he sees enough people at work and goes out often enough, so when he’s alone he usually wants to be
A bit, she’ll text someone if she’s left alone for too long
24. Do you know their MBTI type?
No idk anything abt those except what mine is
25. What is their biggest flaw?
Too impulsive, lacks inhibitors (because of straight up brain damage), addiction comes along the need for stimulation
She’s not really a leader type and has a hard time standing up for herself sometimes
26. Are they aware of their flaws?
He embraces or ignores them but sometimes he does things like trashes his own apartment and is like goddammit not again
Yeah, and is trying to work on it
27. What is their biggest strength?
Physical strength and reading people
Being balanced
28. Are they aware of their strengths?
Yes and he utilizes them well
When looking at her gf and gf’s partner she does notice it
29. How would they describe their own personality?
Easygoing, bit too easy to rile up
Nondescript, calm, shy
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
Fight at the slightest sign of trouble
31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
On jobs he does keep an eye on his comrades and keeps them safe like he expects them to look after him, otherwise he does look after his old father when he asks him to and they’re on speaking terms for the time being
Daughter comes first, also when Shyn was pregnant Marcy would make sure she was as comfortable as possible
32. What is their self esteem like?
It fluctuates, goes from him being the best on earth to really hating his own reflection. Depends on what’s been happening recently.
Not the best, dysphoria is a big thing - but it’s generally positive. She works with what she has
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it?
He wouldn’t be able to cope in a restricted environment such as being in jail, that was a possibility with how he acted on the Citadel side and he just went back to where he could do what he wanted
Kid being in any kind of danger, if that’s the case that kid would be put in the care of either her parents or Shyn’s family
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives?
Not easily, plays his cards pretty close to his chest. Nor does he have much secrets, mind you. At work he trusts his comrades have his back but mainly also looks after himself.
Being good friends will let you in on her secrets, good enough and life too.
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them?
Touch him or his stuff without permission, get in his space, insults, be noisy
Getting too close and touchy-feely, insults
36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous.
His sense of humor is a bit crude and dark, amputee jokes are a hoot
More of a memey kind of jokester, TV show jokes too
37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
Can’t remember the last time he said it, doesn’t come easily, not a part of his vocabulary in general
If she loves you she will say it, and she will mean it
38. What do others admire most about their personality?
Easy to chill out with, it’s not awkward even if you don’t know each other
A very calming and reliable presence
39. What does their happily ever after look like?
Doesn’t really know - very much lives in the present. Expects to die on a mission sometime soonish (though with his much he’s been battered already he’d just get more metal into him)
Still has her gf and their kid, more comfortable in her body
40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?
Probably if you ask he’d name a Citadel bounty hunter because those kids make honour a hobby apparently. He was trustworthy in a sense that he did the mission, he looked after his comrades, but he didn’t care about material damage he caused and the bounties were captured dead half the time
Willow or Shyn, they trust her right back
81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood?
Not at all
A bloody nose or something like that won’t be a bother, but injury can make her a lil queasy
82. What is their handwriting like?
Quick, capital letters, scratchy, well legible (unless he’s drunk). He’s used to writing important things in his notebook so it’s useful to keep it easy to read
Kinda small and loopy, easy enough to read
83. Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim?
He can, hasn’t in a long time, not super good in it and it’s not his favorite thing. Thankfully his leg or arm don’t weigh him down at least
She can’t, her homeland doesn’t have water and she never learned
84. Which deadly sin do they represent best?
Probably greed, the impulsiveness shows
Perhaps envy, would be nice to be in lingerie too but body looks too bad
85. Do they believe in ghosts?
Not entirely sure bc he’s seen some shit when high
Not really
86. How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays?
Celebrates by getting shitfaced, forgets birthday
Very lowkey celebrations before, but after Mint came around she would teach her their culture through holidays. Birthdays are for getting drinks and cake and maybe a gift.
87. What is something they regret?
Thinks abt how he treated and left his husband and wonders what the fuck is wrong with him to act like that
Sometimes regrets leaving her homeland
88. Do they have an accent?
Outer Rim born and raised, so that’s the accent he has
89. What is their D&D alignment?
Chaotic neutral maybe...?
Neutral good....?
90. Are they right or left handed?
Right, ambidextrous with weapons though
Favors right but can operate with left
91. If they were a tweet, what tweet would they be?
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92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
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shadows-twilight · 4 years
RWBY Volume 7 Chapter 9
I hope everyone had a wonderful Non-Descript Winter Holiday and New Year, because we are back with more RWBY!! There are my various thoughts and opinions on Chapter 9 of RWBY Volume 7, "As Above, So Below"
Never has a snow covered city looked so foreboding.
Ok, I can hear more and more the longer I listen to it, but I still have to commend Chad James for his performance here. He genuinely sounds like an old man here. I also had no idea that the Councilwoman was voiced by Anairis Quinones, who also voices Harriet. The collective voice talent for this show is seriously off the charts. Hmm, guess Jacques wasn't in on all of Watts's plans after all. Good to know. I suppose it was only inevitable that Robyn's semblance be brought into the equation.
Wow. Weiss didn't waste any time bringing the video to the council meeting. I guess there wouldn't have been any reason to delay, but still.
I really, really, REALLY want to know what the "Paladin Incident" was.
Nothing in this show has ever looked so satisfying as seeing Jacques dissolve into a frightened little mouse.
Going back to the revelation that the Arma Gigas in fact belonged to Nicholas Schnee (confirmed by the giant painting in the dining room that shows him holding the helmet), it's quite poetic seeing Weiss summon it to block Jacques's escape. "Can I do that?" Goddammit Weiss, I love you so much.
Ever since the first episode, I've wondered why they always left Dust, this highly volatile substance, just laying around in stores. It really feels like a disaster just waiting to happen.
Nothing quite says dystopia as much as a bunch of military robots telling a group to disperse "for their own safety" as they gather around a bonfire made for the sake of survival. Can't say I really blame the citizens for their response.
Holy shit, that's a Megoliath? I guess if Goliath's are based off of Elephants, these bad boys would be Mammoths. Either way, their design is sick!
You know, just once I would like to see these robots do something useful.
I really like how understanding Robyn is coming off as. She gets more and more likeable each time we meet up with her.
It's sad how much you can feel Oscar looking back at Ruby with his "tell the truth speech"
Penny smiles are worth their weight in gold! Which I guess isn't much, since they're simple gestures and not genuine objects, hence they have no actual weight which I guess means...PENNY SMILES ARE PRICELESS!!!
Oh god. That waitress. With the same eye and hair color as Neo's "Huntress" disguise as Beacon! IT HAS TO BE N- oh who am I kidding. Lord knows that theories been done to death. There's no way in hell, right?
Wow. I can't imagine Rosegarden shippers enjoying this scene at all. The Renora/Bumbleby mirrors continue going strong.
Aww, they told the council members and Robin off screen? I was really hoping to see somebody explain that in such a way that didn't sound utterly ridiculous. "So, the Grimm have a queen in the form of an ageless witch with magical powers".
Geez. All the secrets are out, aren't they. Watts, Tyrian, the rigged election, Salem, and now her immortality. Nice to know we at least dodged the bullet of the various "liar revealed" plot threads we could have easily gone down. With all of this coming out, surely there's no more secrets left to reveal, right?
Ok, screw the pretense, I'm calling it now. It's been Ozpin the entire time! Specifically, it's been Ozpin ever since he ran away from the Cotta-Arcs and reappeared with new threads! The crash landing story was a lie. The ending of this scene was just too ominous for it not to be implying something shady going on.
For all the mystique and buildup they put into this new flying Grimm, I'm quite surprised the big reveal is it just...smushing it's face into the airship windshield
Hehe, Jaune still gets airsick. Gotta love a good callback.
I swear, you could almost hear Clover thinking "And 3...2...1, smash. I love my semblance."
Ok, what (very little) doubt I may have had that Qrow and Clover were flirting before now has officially died. These two are flirting with each other.
Kudos to the facial animators this volume. You can just see the emotions warring in both Willow and Whitley's minds as they watch Jacques getting carried off. Maybe it's a side effect of watching RWBY side by side with My Hero Academia every week, but watching Totally-Not-Neo skip down the Schnee Manor driveway is giving me serious Himiko Toga vibes. OH MY GOD, THE WAITRESS WAS NEO ALL ALONG!?!?!?! WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING!?!?!?!? Not gonna lie, I was starting to be afraid that we weren't going to see these two this volume. I am so glad to see that I was wrong.
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kinktae · 4 years
holy crap!! I just noticed y/n’s family in bitchin is like stranger things !!!! I love that sm omg love it so far btw ♡
YESSSS thank u for noticing!! I have a lot of fun with writing bitchin i do hehe
(warning: literal 80 asks under the cut)
Anonymous said: not @ me reading bitchin’ during math literally SLAMMING YHE DESK
Anonymous said: I was going to stay up to wait for Bitchin but I went to sleep instead because today is my first day of school (second year of university) so I decided to get sleep while I still could. Also I read the update on the train sitting next to a random lady and I really hope she didn’t look over at my phone lol. I loved the update and I can’t wait for the rest of the series!!!
Anonymous said: OMG BITCHIN WAS SO GOOD! You're such an amazing writer!!!
jun-sohyunnie-dotnet said: Just an fyi, bitchin' jk is my FAVORITE jk I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Ever. He could stomp all over me and I'd thank him profusely. (And you're writing is absolutely captivating 🥺💕💕)
sugarkinky said: Bitchin just wrecked me for real, U ARE AWESOME ROSE mierda que te amo chica ¿cómo consigues escribir así? Eres perfecta ❤
Anonymous said: Bruh bitchin was everything I wanted and more thank u baby
Anonymous said: Bitchin’ is amazing! I have so many feelings ahhhh!!! I love you and your work 🥺
Anonymous said: Bitchin' is literally my favourite fic right now, it's so good! 😍 Can't wait for the next part!!
gardenofrosesx said: Im in love with bitchin 🥺💗 I think that the song that represent it so well is Wait a minute by Willow Smith, every time a hear it I imagine this fic💗 I send you thousands of good vibes and love and peace to your side! Keep going 💗
Anonymous said: Ahhhh I just wanted to say bitchin is absolutely amazing and is so well written and I’m just completely hooked!!! YOU DID AMAZING!!! Also is there gonna be angst in future chapters BECAUSE IM REALLY NOT READY IF BOTH JUNGKOOK AND OC DENY THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER
Anonymous said: girl, I finally got around to reading bitchin' and I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T READ IT SOONER. it's been a while since I've found a chaptered fic that kept my interests but I was hooked with pt 1!!! I love your spin on tatbilb, and I love the characters you created. I have to honestly say, I'm also absolutely in love with the way you write. your descriptions and dialogue hit me in all the right places. I can't wait to see where this story takes me. thank you for doing what you do!
Anonymous said: Love Bitchin so far!
Anonymous said: i keep rereading bitchin pt. 5😭😭 love it so much
Anonymous said: hi!! I just wanted to leave an ask and let you know that you’re one of my absolute favorite authors and your work is incredible!! the concept behind your rewind series is so unique and interesting and all of the stories have been wonderful so far. I’m so looking forward to the rest of bitchin’ because it has been so so so good and I love the way that you’re developing the characters and the plot. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Anonymous said: just finished bitchin 5 and ................ i cant believe how ure able to write jungkook to Life and characterize him in such an attractive way it makes it so artistic and aknejdjdj it’s art it’s everything
Anonymous said: Argh the grind is real! I’m about to start my exams too so we can both be working our asses off! Also Bitchin is such a great series and I wanted to let you know you’re an amazing writer!!! The series made me so emotionally invested in the characters and I can’t get enough of it!! ITS SO GOOODDD THANK YOU FOR WRITING SUCH A MASTERPIECE
sanniinnas said: Hiii! Love your writings soo much! You have such a talent with words! You inspire me as a writer and make me want to learn writing and English better.
Anonymous said: I am seriously laughing from the asks that have been send to you and i cannot wait to read the ff because now i am busy :( also random fact, my biology teacher told us aboit Rosa Franklin and i already knew about her, and all i could keep thinking was bitchin pt5 and i started laughing. They thought i was a maniac 😎🤙
Anonymous said: just wanted to say bitchin’ is *chefs kiss* and i can’t wait for part 7 🥺 i’m not trynna rush you i’m just excited 🥺
nochusbutt said: okay but FIRST OF ALL, YES BITCHIN’ YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. secondly, my name is Rose too I’m so, what? omg yes I literally share a name with a legend. quote me!! 🥰☺️🤪
Anonymous said: Ahhh I am so excited for Bitchin Pt 6!!! No exaggeration this is my all time favorite fic, I think ab it a lot honestly. Whenever I see 80s aesthetic BTS edits I think of Bitchin and lots of love songs make me think of this fic too. I’m not a huge fan of smut but this fic is just so good. The OCs and Jks interactions are precious and I’m obsessed with the 80s theme! I am a huge fan of angst so I am ready to cry my eyes out. Thank you for writing this amazing fic
Anonymous said: aight...time to go re-read bitchin again ....[insert /ah shit, here we go again/ video]
hear-me-growl said: Wait! Bitchin' is not done?! It's one of my favourite fics ever! I love the whole cliche college vibe, the dialogues are sooo good and the chemistry between Jk and the girl it's just perfect, really. And now you tell me it's not finished.😱 I AM SO EXCITED! you've made my day! Keep up the good work, you are amazing 😍
Anonymous said: AAAAAAAA THE BITCHIN UPDATE WAS SO GOOD !!!!! but also Kiri that bItCh y/n don’t fall for it 🤡😩
Anonymous said: i want sleep but BITCHIN
Anonymous said: Thankyou for updating bitchin sis!!!! But im so sad because this is their first fight(?) i hope they can talk about it and hoping kiri doesnt talk nonsense tp y/n ok :( but I AM GLAD JUNGKOOK REALIZE HE LIKES OC OKEY OKEY! 💜💜💜 sending 💜💜💜💜 to you because you deserve it👏🏼
diortae said: rose I have class in a few minutes and all I can think about is how much I want bitchin jk to raw me what have u DONE
sunnyoongles said: bitchin is literally so good*chefs kiss* i love angst*chefs kiss* i love drama*chefs kiss* i just love the whole rewind series*chefs kiss*
ppampin said: so yesterday i read bitchin pt. 6 three times in a row because it was just so good and now i can't wait to pt. 7 to come out
Anonymous said: Finally got to read bitchin 6, WTF IS GOING ON!? I’m so confused!! Do I trust my so called boyfriend or do I trust “girl code” by my boo’s ex who tried to scare me away from my boo the first time we met ??!!?
Anonymous said: i really need to know something about bitchin 🤔 is kiri a bitch or we don't have feminine rivalry here? help me out rose
Anonymous said: It is almost 1 am in here and I have a morning class but guess who is gonna binge re read all the Bitchin because the last chapter was so good?? 🤔
Anonymous said: I’m so ready for you to break our hearts in bitchin. I live for the angst 😭😭😪
Anonymous said: Rose you are KILLING ME with this story like I'm not even caught up on my favorite TV shows this week but goddammit I still made time for Bitchin' 💕💕💕
cheeky-kookie said: Girl I am sooooo fucking happy with Bitchin' 6. Like I love the small progressions Jungkook is having coming to terms with his actual feelings with Y/N. Also btw, loving the whole Yara/Tae moments going on ;) As always, I'm in love. Thank you for blessing us with this masterpiece
Anonymous said: Rosie !! I just read Bitchin’ and BIIIIITCH you have my feelings on a rollercoaster !!!!!! I’ve never been so invested in a fanfic like this and imma tell you how much I appreciate you for putting your work out on the internet. Especially for free like wtf ! Your writings are some quaLITY shit that I would purchase without hesitation 👌🏽👏🏽 I was wondering if you ever considered going into the writing career ? Anyways have a lovely day 💛💛 -MC
Anonymous said: This ch 6 getting all the attention away from my precious zombie Jungkook 😤 But who am I to say I love Bitchin😂😍 This Kiri better not be playing dirty games we are already not in good terms with her 🧐 And why is nobody talking about the fact that Y/N finally got her event she dreamed of?? Congrats girlll 🎊🎉🥳👌👏
sapphireprinces5 said: I am 1000% not ready for angst between the precious y/n and Jungkook in Bitchin’ omfg i’m honestly terrified and going to buy some tissues from the cvs across the street
Anonymous said: I JUST FINISHED READING BITCHIN 6 AND JUNGKOOK PLS TELL ME THAT JUNGKOOK IS OVER KIRI )))): he couldn’t have been lying about the way he felt for y/n even though it was reheated, right??? I’m SADD. But Rose, you are so beyond talented!!! I love reading your works!!!
Anonymous said: Ok, Rose you gotta let me know if Bitchin’ will have a happy ending, because I don’t know if my emotions can handle an upseti spaghetti ending. Anywho I love you and your writing, everything is chefs kiss. 💗
Anonymous said: bitchin will have 10 parts?????? ma'am u got the power
Anonymous said: OKAY SO BITCHIN’ IS AMAZING AND LIKE— I LOVE (1) DUMB “”””COUPLE”””” Your writing is amazing omg
Anonymous said: Me: already read bitchin completely You: reblogs pt.6 Me: a little refresher wouldn’t hurt 👀
Anonymous said: I wish u the best during your hiatus!!! Take lots of care bby :3 Just wanted to tell you how much I love the 'Bitchin' series, I'm shooketa at how well written it is. Y/N is a really refreshing character, especially as an STEM major myself, it's so relatable to some extent, especially when it comes to appreciating compliments about your inteligence, that really got me, since it's kinda unsual. I hope I found a Jungkook one day then :') jk, but really, I absolutely loved it, you're the best!!!
Anonymous said: hi just so u r aware if u make the end of bitchin’ sad i will cry. that will be on u. my tears will be UR fault.
Anonymous said: i just wanted to say thank you. when bitchin’ came out, there was a part where y/n talks about why she hated her twin sisters. it was comforting to know that i wasn’t alone in feeling uncool or boring. i never brought up my brother because i thought people would see how uncool i was and so i put my effort into school instead. thanks for bringing me comfort and for pushing me to love myself more and to change my viewpoints on the parts of myself i view as boring!!!!! 💛💛💛💛💛💛🌼
this made me :’))) i love knowing that you can find comfort in my characters!!! there is a little piece of me in all my characters but I do try to make them all somewhat different so that other people can relate. best of luck lovely!!
purplealiensblog said: Yo ily and cant wait for the next chapter of bitchin but i have to share: i got a notif on a new chapter and was all excited and then i discover its tumblr being glitchy again and notifying me on the last one :( i hope you will find time soon to write the rest and thank you for writing i love your work🥰♥️
Anonymous said: BITCH I JUST FINISHED READING BITCHIN IN JUST ONE DAY AND NOW I’M CRYING BECAUSE THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE FIC OF ALL TIME!!!.!.!.! (also sorry my bad englisheu i’m not native lmao)
Anonymous said: HELLO LOVELY AAAAAAAA IM HAPPY YOURE BACK 😩 are u reallyback tho? Hehe im so shookt with the new chapter of bitchin’ has me yearning for more😭 im def a proud bitchinator😔👏 tHANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT BEFORE CHRISTMAS😃 WE LOVE U!!!!💜 we MISSED YOU!! 💜 i hope u are loved and happy and cared for! 💜K
Anonymous said: Hi there !!I hope your doing well ! Taking your time to recover and work on yourself I literally just finshed bitchin to the last update and oof I just gotta tell you what the f How do you write the characters so well... I love me some good characterization like oof ICANNOT JJK IS SO I WANNA SMOOSH HIM IN MY ARMS LIKE PLEASE THE STORY IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING HAHA I HOPE IM NOT SCARING YOU WITHMY CAPSLOCK I just wish to sincerely get my excitement across hahaha I love you boo take care x
nonecesitodenadie said: I rarely send asks but... I'm reading bitchin and I'M LOVING IT, really it's amazing i hope that you can continue it, i send you much love and thanks for your work you're so talented 🥺❤️
Anonymous said: can i just say bitchin' is honest to god such a good good good fic like i'm so in l*ve with it 😩 i've probably reread it thrice waiting for a new update ): i also happen to love your other works so much as well!!
sydney--chan said: Okay so no cap yesterday I was talking to my friend (who also reads your work) about me and my bf n she was like "he loves you the way Bitchin' jk loves Y/N aND I SOBBED ROSE IT MADE ME CRY FOR HOURS
usagionthem00n said: Lol I know you’ve been kinda quiet on here BUT IM HERE TO PLATONICALLY HARASS U???(tbh idk I’m just trying to find a reason to bother you) I-I miss u 👉👈 HOPE THIS POST MADE U SMILE ILL BE BACK BITCH (Um speaking of bitches I still need to join the bitchinators :/) I PROMISE ILL GET TO IT!!!
Anonymous said: HIIII! so, one night I spent about two hours trying to find another great Jungkook story... I was losing hope in finding one BUT THEN I FOUND “BITCHIN” and omg it’s amazing, I absolutely love it!!!!! take care always, have a great day!! thank you for creating such a beautiful story.
Anonymous said: Can I just say.... bitchin is so good! like it’s been so long since I’ve liked a fic as much as bitchin??!!? Everything about it has me like :)))) so yes just wanted to let u know hehe
SO MANY OF U LOVIN ON BITCHIN!! MAYHAPS IM OVERWHELMED (in the best way possible). Thank u everyone who sent an ask in, i am the happiest bean in bed rn reading all these asks C:
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juleswolverton-hyde · 5 years
Between the pages | 03
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Genre: fluff, angst, romance, smut, Werewolf AU, Bookshop AU
Pairing: alpha!Namjoon x human!Reader
Warning: Mention of knotting/mating, a conflicted angry Joon.
Summary: Sometimes we find by sheer luck what we lost between the pages. The retrieval, however, is not always as fortunate.
Previous part / Masterlist / part 4 (yet to be written)
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Inhibition has come to form a steady aspect of a life full of oppression, whether it be in the form of thoughts about a dearly missed loved one or unspoken words about an inevitable event. All are elements of the mental cage a fortunate woman was distanced from just in time, the second drowsy murmurs started to transform into murring, the disguise of the thing within regardlessly hoping happiness could be found somewhere far out of its reach.
Just in time to remain blind to the monster.
Be safe from the unconscious influence of nature always triggered first by a splendid persevering brother who also falls into bestial primitivity once a month howbeit in a much more controlled fashion than the youngest shame of the bloodline.
From a murderous lustful renegade.
And that same silver perpetrator now stares out over the calmly flowing river mirroring the rays of the sun on a rare bright day, zoning out to the occasional sharp sparkle that distracts all focus from the boiling bad temper and painful stings in the nether region which will only worsen once the monthly “season” starts anew. Is lost in the scent of inked pages that were once read together after class and on dates that seem so long ago if not part of one of the many surrounding tales, completely ignoring the psychiatric alpha earning some money on the side as a barista as broad shoulders are shook with an urgent request for a shift in attention.
‘Namjoon! Have you been listening at all?’ A mirthless though relieved grimace forms on the elder brown wolf’s long handsome face when hazy eyes revert from agitated crimson to espresso, regaining a sense of reality as gazes lock while absent fingers continue to fidget with the iron necklace from which a platinum wedding band dangles. The ring that will never bond with moonstone. ‘Of course, you haven’t. Look, Monie, I know you’re thinking of her as per usual when you stand here instead of actually running the store and can smell on you that your rut is going to start soon, but even so, we really need to talk.’
There is no energy to wage a verbal war despite the anger of the creature within, eager to lash out with claws at being provoked while the man forming its host manages to sedate it at the cost of increased exhaustion but a triumph of civilization. However, before starting on the inevitable topic, a habitual question is asked regardless of the never-changing negative reply to it. ‘Any word of Tae?’
‘You know how it goes, nothing. No new trails nor news. He’s out there somewhere doing fine, I’m sure. We have to hope so.’ An encouraging squeeze in a broad shoulder clad in an earthly colourful loose Mexican-style poncho consoles the melancholic hate-stained thought about the cousin turned away by the family simply for being an omega. A mere boy who was kicked out by parents who were supposed to love their only son unconditionally but easily discarded the blonde boy upon finding out amber would never turn into ruby. It is because of them Tae Tae ran away and vanished without a trace, could be dead for all that is known since childish naivety can become the cause for fatal errors.
Where are you? Please be alright. Please be okay wherever you are, buddy. You were the only other one who actually understood what it is like to be different. To be an outcast.
There is not much time to contemplate the loss of the relative with the odd square smile who was taught reading by a kid who would grow up to be a black-hearted killer, because Hoseok already moves on to the next sensitive topic of debate. ‘Joon, I went to the hospital recently and-’
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‘I changed Jungkook, I know. Heard the story over breakfast thanks to Jin.’ Full lips pull back into a snarl, baring stark white teeth with a low self-loathing growl at the thought of having ruined the life of the shy cherry red-haired boy working as a waiter in the restaurant run by the head of the river territory who has strangely always idolized a mere beastly bookseller. Pulled strength from his words when dropping by to ask for tutoring for the seemingly hopeless exams of the high school he just graduated from. Kept doing so because he wanted to make his girlfriend, a really nice girl who is a few years older than him and is in the second year of the study of the mind, proud. But the mentor let the apprentice down in the most terrible of ways possible. ‘I’m a monster, a hazard, a fucking disgrace. I should be put down.’
Bony fingers now enclose both upper arms, demanding a revision of the statement out of fear for the asylum that would rightfully put an end to an endless war. ‘Don’t say that. We’ll think of something, do a bit more research to strengthen your medication. Jungkook’s girlfriend asked me to provide him with therapy so I’ll make sure he’ll go through the changing process as flawlessly as possible and keep you out of sight of The Council.’ The anxiety increases further at seeing the disbelief in an attitude knowing very well there is only so long one can run for justice, for a sane mind to remain separated from the abomination which grows more visceral by the day, for help to actually provide a solution. ‘Please say you don’t have the gun anymore.’
Until, one day, only a bullet helps.
’Joon, say you don’t. That’s not what Y/N would want for you.’ Something is off about the scent of amiable panicked irises, weird in the worried tone of speech. ‘She would support you and find a way. Help us find a way to do something about being a Renegade. Think of her, Monie. Of the ring. She’s out there somewhere and you will get married one day. And what of your brother, of Seokjin? He basically raised you on his back. And what of me? I can’t run this place on my own because I don’t know the summary of every book on the shelves. We’ll find a way and put this situation to rest properly.’
Flowers, but one sort in particular.
Tulips in summer.
‘How can you say that when her perfume is on you?’ The deformed mouth now clearly shows sharp canines, a mad frenzy ignited by smelling the wife who had to be saved from a monster on the other alpha cloaking vision in a scarlet haze as fingers mould into fists, nails digging into the palms to have a weak link to sanity.
But to no avail.
The tables turn, one hand distorted with rage grabbing the collar of a neatly ironed alabaster shirt and pulling the stunned earth-toned wolf with thin-rimmed glasses closer so that every growled word can be heard crystal clear in the air filled with the smell of freshly baked bread and her. ‘Answer me, goddammit. Why is my wife’s perfume on you? Did you fuck her, hm? Given her pups while you know she’s mine?’
The tinkling of the bell at the front door goes accompanied by a fresh alluring wave of the characteristic reminiscent scent also present on a lying bastard, distracting the mind just enough with alluring calming flashbacks to times gone by for Hoseok to once more turn the tide when a small step is set in the direction of temptation.
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Y/N. She... she’s here. She finally came back to me, to her alpha.
The hold on the neatly ironed fabric is rapidly broken off by meticulously prying digits loose and turning the formerly offending arm on the spine after flipping a powerful wolf only now stupidly aware of the sudden attack, each endeavour to break free nullified with every ounce of available strength maintaining the locked position against the window behind the counter.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ A protesting wriggle proves as futile as the enemy’s had before, solely resulting in another grunt from the barely older colleague clearly thinking above his status. ‘Let me go!’
‘And let you walk up to her like this? You’re almost suffocating me monthly with pheromones so imagine what it would do to her.’ The unconsciously emitted hormones strengthen the chances of finding a proper omega partner to see the rut with through, intensifying every emotion and touch with the trance-like state it induces in both the lover and the mate. Although not everyone always appreciates the enhanced scents for to some they are unappealing, to put it politely. Regardless, due to the prohibition of werewolf-human relationships, very little is known of what it does to a person without the magnificent power of old but considering their obvious lesser strength, it is likely they shall submit earlier than the average she-wolf. Other effects remain in the undiscovered field of myth and legend.  
‘She’s my wife!’ The view changes from the bright clear spring river to wood supporting stacks of newly arrived books that have yet to be categorized and priced, pinned down on the counter by the cursed mongrel bearing the scent of the gorgeous lady already bound to an alpha from a proud ancient line yet tried to be claimed by another.
‘And she is human.’ The unimportant fact is growled through gritted teeth. Just another supposedly good reason to not meet the woman who should have become the mother of my pups a long time ago, when the force within awakened for the first time after a date in the lush green park nearby the shining river. She would have looked lovely on all fours underneath the long fingers of the willow tree at the waterside of the central pond, flowy dress imprinted with summer cherries hiked up enough to allow her alpha, me, to pump her full while wrists were pinned to the soft young grass.
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The heat within worsens at the imagery as the rut painfully signals with restrained by denim twitches that the incredible fantasy can still be lived if only the current situation can be escaped and Y/N retrieved before going somewhere private. Although, with the sensual cravings coming more and more to a boiling point on the brink of an uncontrollable explosion, it is likelier the beautiful woman who was idiotically left behind will first be knotted on the ground.
Floral footsteps head towards the literary section in the back of the shop, removing themselves from a loving husband. Never again will the same mistake be made, that small hand let go of. It shall only be so when having to take over the task of carrying our son or daughter or both around.
Only then.
‘So what? I’m not allowed to even greet her? She’s not yours, bastard. She’s mine. My mate.’ Claws already begin to form where wrists are held captive, canines tangibly pressing against the tongue having greater difficulty with each encompassing second spend in rage, mere moments away from starting a fight as glorious wolves and putting the offender back in place.
If alive at all.
First, an easy battle since the strength of the opponent will be weakened by trying to act above social standing and then, at last, can true lovers be united and form a family. A pack.
I’ll mate her, right there against the poetry bookshelves. We’ll be together, baby. I promised you we’d be.
‘Joon, listen to me.’ A short lifting and harsh downfall onto the wood once more make a furious ruby stare shift attention from hidden loveliness to irritating commands supposedly made with reason. Made by a traitor laying claim to the mistress of another. ‘Listen. To. Me. I know this isn’t you talking, it’s the wolf on his rut, and you’re actually somewhere in there.’
‘Stop the bullshit. This is me. I’m here.’ Nothing but a true person, the rightful second-in-line for the position of the heir of the Kim family and leadership of the river district, is being held down.
Nothing but a man merely wanting to see his estranged spouse.
‘No, you’re not. Namjoon, normally you’re capable of suppressing the symptoms better. I know you can do it, so come back. Snap out of it! Y/N can’t know what you are and you want to keep it that way, emphasizing this by living unmated while still worrying about her. Remember how you’ve tried thus far, successfully, to keep her away from wolf society. Think about the rings.’ Hoseok’s voice lowers to a more peaceful version of itself at noticing the relaxation of tensed shoulders, the ceasing of endless barely containable struggles, the growling fading away into pained whimpers. ‘Your vows, think about them.’
I swore, dammit, what did I swear again? What does it matter? This is who, not who I am. It matters. Fuck, I need to recall. Right, to protect you against them. Against the thing inside even if it meant I’d never see you again. That, someday, I’d be a better man, fit to be your husband. Yours, in every aspect.
Scarlet fades away into deep earthly brown like the forest floor after a twilight filled with rainfall, the shade of the espressos drunk on book dates in this very realm of inked tales bound in a sea of colourful named spines. Razor sharp canines retreat in the gums, replaced by their human counterparts as fatal claws do the same but in the flesh of calloused hands. Speech is restored to baritone coherency, no animalistic trace left behind. ‘Hope, I- what I just- I didn’t mean anything of what I just said. I’m sorry, for what it’s worth after all the times I’ve acted like this.’ The gaze of the personification of the support pillar of the common sense that gets lost too often in the mind of the beast is sought, finding consenting comfort in it as the tight suppressing hold is lifted. ‘I really am.’
‘I know and, besides, you’re very unoriginal with your insults so I tend to ignore them anyway.’ As a way of making up for the rough treatment, clothes are righted by long tanned bony fingers, straightening out the creases and other signs of struggle while also clearly being aware of the boiling heat emanating from the skin underneath the fabric.
When they are finished with polishing, arms are crossed as a long face nods in the direction of the small back room functioning as a wardrobe and storage for new arrivals, back-up copies and second-hand novels which have yet to be sorted onto the shelves. ‘Wait there until she is gone. I don’t know, read a book or something, but whatever you do, try to stay in control. I have some of your medication in my bag, in the front pocket. It won’t really help, but it’ll suppress the symptoms for a while. Once she’s gone, you’re going home and I’ll manage the shop for the rest of the day. Should be easy enough, considering the stream of customers is... well, small.’
Tempting summer tulips are spread by innocent unmated fingers wandered to the fiction section where they are now leaving through a roman, conjuring up the earlier determination seducing the mind to give up sense in favour of true love.
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So close, just a few steps away.
The heat encourages bridging the distance, rush to beloved lips that have never been forgotten, let temporary reason fade away into contact. Precisely like the voice falling away into absent-minded dreaming. ‘I’m... I’m just going to say hello.’
A firm hand on the richly decorated fabric of the suffocating cardigan makes the unconscious step forward undone, endeavouring to guide a stony resisting silver wolf to loathsome confinement again. ‘Joon, don’t.’
A pathetic whimper falls from full lips, partially out of the enhanced longing for the moonstone lady and in part due to the continuous stream of sharp stings of pain in the region below. ‘Please, let me see her. I’ll behave, I promise.’
‘I can’t let you do that, Monie.’
‘I can control it. Please, I need to see her.’ Shortly, focus briefly shifts to the light brown eyes of the caretaker of the contained yet mighty dominant creature below the surface wanting to be like any guy on the street. ‘Look at me. See? No crimson eyes. I can do this, Hoseok.’
The wolf wants Y/N too. It won’t hurt her nor will I. What am I saying? I am the wolf and she is safe with me.
A negative shake of brown locks lighting up bronze in the sunlight falling in through the window makes teeth grit because of apparently not being convincing enough despite having proven to not be a risk. And if the gesture did not stress this, the stern tone upon speaking does. ‘You just proved you can’t, Namjoon. Do what I just told you to. Wait in the storage room and take the pills. If you don’t, you’ll be a danger to us all and you know that. Do the right thing. I don’t want to see you disappear into the asylum.’
I won’t. I’m fine, normal. In perfect control.
‘But it’s Y/N, my wife, my mate...’
‘I know, but you can’t approach her like this. At least we know she’s back in town so I’ll ask around and see what the district leaders have to say, find out where she has settled so you can meet privately when the rut has passed.’ Another attempt at going towards reminiscent flowers moved to the thriller section is halted, this time to much annoyance which is answered with a laborious though resigned sigh. ‘Stop it. Deep within you also know you can’t.’
Sharp predatory canines.
Bloodthirsty ruby.
Burning unconvincing hatred.
‘I can! Have got any fucking idea how much it hurts, huh? Know what it’s like to be unmated and going through Hell each month while your brother is nauseatingly happy with his girlfriend, able to knot his mate, continue the bloodline?’ At this point, the political consequences are the least of worries compared to those attached to walking away once more, thus making the same idiotic mistake as five years ago. However, it goes beyond having a reunion as well since this is also about showing that the second ashen-haired heir is not as much of a disgrace to the family as they have made him feel. Can be the father to the strong alpha pups of the next generation, who shall be even better than their parents.
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‘Yes, I do because I experienced it once as well, though it sometimes still feels like it.’ Lashes lower in the belated realization that both alphas have a partner which is not approved of, nullifying the argument given earlier that contact between a crazed wolf and human cannot happen due to well-known apparent risks connected to it. Although, how can something that brings pleasure and relief from sensual pain have any other outcome, have repercussions when it only ensures the continuation of the dynasty? ‘Jimin can’t keep up with me already as is and I’m not part of an ancient pack. However, that does not mean my experience can’t form somewhat of a warning.’
The detail of familiar perfume on the bisexual alpha’s skin was almost forgotten yet freshly remembered thanks to the topic of debate. ‘You haven’t answered the question about how my wife’s scent ended up on your skin, said whether or not you fucked her.’
‘Of course, I haven’t because I’m a good friend and have been serving the Kim family loyally. It’s a curious thing I keep forgiving you for the amount of bullshit you can spout when you’re like this.’
The provoked fist lashing out is easily avoided, a slender palm wrapping around the forearm as quick as hunting paws and forcing a silver awesome creature into the unwavering locking position with a cheek against the counter again. ‘Listen for a second.’
A disagreeing growl owns a choked grunt at an attempt to maintain the current position while dearly missed footsteps return to the poetry section, come closer. The brown-haired mongrel seems to notice the tracking, resulting in an enforced surprisingly strong grip. ‘Listen to me. Joon! Listen. To. Me. A new bakery has opened in town and I go there each morning for a cup of coffee before coming here. Luck would have it that Y/N is the owner of the place and present to help the employees out wherever possible. We’ve been negotiating a collaboration between the shop and bakery for a few days now, merely talking about assortment and delivery schedules. That’s the reason. I wouldn’t lie to you. Happy now?’
A difficult look over the shoulder wants to see the lie behind the words, a reason to deal with the fake comrade that will leave him shunned and forgotten in the hierarchy, but all scarlet eyes regard is honest truth pleading for a sliver of sane conscious floating beneath the surface of the split personality to recognize it.
Which the resurfaced humanity does when the normally sunny long-time companion continues when remarking upon a repercussion that was discussed earlier at the breakfast table. ‘If this keeps happening it will only be a matter of time before the Council finds out about your state and send you to the asylum. Think about Seokjin, about me, about her. You will never see any of us again if you don’t fight for control.’
‘I- I know and I try. But, I can’t think clearly.’ Teeth grit themselves at another spurt of scorching warmth shooting throughout, worsening the capability of returning from mindless animalistic behaviour, deteriorating reason with every passing second. ‘Hobi, it hurts...’
Need to mate, need to fuck. Where did the tulips go? They’re still poetic. My beautiful bitch needs her alpha. No, can’t think this way. I’d break Y/N, can’t love her right when the thing inside craves her too.
‘I know, Joon, I know.’ All former caution fades from Hoseok’s attitude, replaced by the persevering calm that tries to be maintained during chaotic moments like these. ‘I’m gonna let go now, okay? I trust you to do the right thing.’
The paralyzing hold unravels, palms placed on the counter offering support while getting up to roll shoulders back before sullenly wandering to the storage room, a hand sheepishly correcting ashen locks grown haphazard in the struggles for liberty that must never be given to the oppressed thing roaming inside. Withal, feet only curtly stop in the crack of the door to gaze in the direction from which familiar eyes surprisingly look back yet are too rapidly turned away from, the door closed too soon, to instigate any sense of recognition.
We can’t be together. Not now, in any case. Someday I won’t have to walk away anymore, someday we can finally get married and I get to kiss you good morning and goodnight. Someday a place of our own will be filled with childish laughter and little paws. Until then, I’m sorry, baby.
The dusty fragrance of pages inscribed with tales of the fantastical, some of which have always been believed to merely be the conjurations of fancy though the underground society would beg to differ, makes a wild heart slow down. Clears sense enough to search the bright cherry red backpack which has “Hope” written in colourful letters on the front pocket and is tucked against a stack of new publications for the wolfsbane medicine.
Two small stark white pills containing a sedating poison for the abomination induce the same brief haze they always do, giving the split mind the breathtaking room it needs to function properly as a human, be like any other man out there.
Simply be allowed to play the role of the bookseller by the river.
Wallowing in the scent of a forgotten summer behind a firmly closed locked door.
Nonetheless, memories tend to resurface.
And this particular one comes too close.
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dixie-wolf · 5 years
Home Phone 2005
[James] Hi, you've reached James and Maryann Corenthal. We are not available to take your call because we are out having fun. So please leave a message and we'll call you back. Thank you, and have a great day. Bye bye. [beep] [Adam] James, it's Adam. Wanted to thank you for yet another gift. It's very appreciated. But, listen. You have to do a better job of keeping in touch. I spoke with Maryann. She laughed and told me that she finally broke you down and that you carry the cell phone we got you. Now just use the damn thing and we won't have to be playing this ongoing game of phone tag. [laughs] Hey. Anyway, I hear we have a lunch date with Elizabeth in Lambertville next month. Think you'll get the date? [beep] [Woman's voice, anxious and disjointed] Doctor, we [smelled the?] fires and we had to leave the area. The management [made it?] across the pedestrian bridge before the barricades went up. The police have River Road off - completely cut off and the firetrucks are blocking the bridge. We tried your cell after we realized something was wrong, but... Well... We know how successful that endeavor was. I was wondering if you could make contact with your wife. Anyway, Adam and I are safe, but we're horrendously worried for you. Please, please be safe and contact us as soon as possible. Adam is on edge and telling me we need to get further away and is saying something about a protocol? Please call me if you get the chance. [beep] [William] James, it's William. I just got a call. What the fuck? Call me. Please. [beep] [Elizabeth, playful; sirens play in the background for the duration of the call] Heyyyy, doc. Missed you at the diner. But you sure as hell bit it with me! [laughing, both male and female] Well done! I gotta say, you have been a lot of fun. And, I mean that. But, well, you know what they say. All good things must come to an end. I'll see you at the park, champ. Oh, and Maryann? Be a doll and leave the lights on for me? [beep] [James, panicked; sirens play in the background for the duration of the call] Maryann! It's me. I just - I just saw our son. I saw Evan! I was meeting with Elizabeth in Lambertville. She'd been in contact with Robert. We were all gonna meet at the diner, get a handle on the situation. We could learn so much. W-with her work with missing children, Robert's expertise, and our whole situation? Anyway, we thought that the diner would be the best place to go, we'd be in public, it would be safe. Wrong, wrong goddammit! I made the wrong decision. Before we got there, I was sitting on a bench, and a young man, he approached me. He sat - I, I fuckin' leapt out of my skin, babe. It was him. It was our son. He - He was all grown up. He told me that this would all be over soon enough. I was so fucking scared when I saw that. I didn't - at first - I, I was angry, too. I - I've missed him so - I need to know what happened. I almost started screaming. I was demanding an explanation, but before I could even turn to fully look at him, he was gone, evaporated - like into thin air. [sighs] When I got to the diner, I got a call from Elizabeth. Wait, wait - fuck, what is it? Wait - So, anyway. I got to the diner, and I get a call from Elizabeth, and I heard that telltale bullshit static that we've heard on the phone before, you know what I'm talking about? I could barely understood her. I think I was hearing her tell me that this was a set up. And the diner that they were at, they went to, that they were at a different diner, that apparently I'd been given the slip, or something, I don't know what the fuck she was saying. Anyway, I - I was wrong, I was in the wrong place. After I hung up, I looked around, and everyone in this goddamn diner was looking at me. It was spooky. I gotta tell you, their eyes, man, they weren't even blank, they were just full of hate. Three men closest to me threw down their forks, and they just started coming at me. Alright, and then the whole diner erupted into this... fuck... just coming after me, so I started taking off. I had my gun... And I'm sorry, Maryann, please forgive me, but... I was shooting people, I saw them - they're dying, they're dead - there's a lot of them dead. But it didn't even stop them. There's more coming, I don't even know where the hell they came out of, it's like it was like out of the fucking woodwork, man. Anyway, I ran into the kitchen, and there was a bunch of cooks, that the cooks, that the - everyone in the kitchen was coming after me - the plate washer, the cook, everybody was coming after me. I saw one girl go - her arm went into the deepfryer; she didn't even - she didn't even react, she didn't cry, she wasn't in a shock of pain - she just starting laughing this horrible, freakish laugh. It scared - it chilled me to my bone, I gotta tell you. I snaked through the building as fast as I could. But I - I couldn't find a way to get out. There was smoke, it was building. Bodies were piling up. They were hurting each other, and I was still shooting at them. I could tell that they - the noise and the commotion had spread to the street. Either more of these people were joining the mob, or there were just people walking by wondering what was going on. But everybody was getting hurt. It seemed to me that everybody was coming after me. Anyway, I backed myself into a bathroom, and I thought about what that wicked - that wicked boy on the park bench had said. "This will all be over soon." A small painting of a willow tree hung on the wall. It was crooked. And I remember that made me think back to when all this had started, when we were still in Ohio, when happiness was still a thought, a goal, you, me, our family, something that was within reach, it was tangible, we could touch it, it was happiness, it was joy. Babe. I'm so damn sorry. We never got that. Anyway, I got my way out of the restroom and I took off, and I heard the emergency response sounding, but I knew that they wouldn't be exactly sympathetic. I tried - I tried to stay low and I kept moving. I stumbled through the woods and across the river road. I can hear the sirens, they're getting more distant. But I know that they're gonna find me soon. So I'm at the bottom of a hill, with one long path ahead. I see a tree just like the one in the painting. This is it. He knew it would end up like this. I probably should have also, maybe a long time ago, had I been thinking clearly. I know now that I'm being watched by him, Maryann. At this point, I know that that goddamn spectre, that fucking monster that took our children, and that I've hunted for all these years, he's watching me too. I can feel him. The air is so thick, I can cut it with a knife or shoot it with a gun. Everything, everything has been leading to this point right now. It's do or die. You know what I have to do. I'm going to the tree at the top of the hill. I hope you receive this message. Know that I love you, babe. I always have, and I always will. I hope you will forgive me for dragging you, dragging us, into this mess, into this lifestyle. [sighs] You know, I've only ever wanted to help. I would love to believe that I succeeded.  Maybe, maybe history can avenge me, huh? Maybe it can tell our story. Maybe it will  help erase the monster the authorities paint me as. No matter. You know what you have to do. Follow our protocol. Disappear. Then. Then you know what you need to do if it doesn't work. I love you. Maybe I'll see you again. I sure as hell hope I do. I love you, babe. Bye. [beep]
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Buffy S2E12 ‘Bad Eggs’
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?  
Yes, nine times
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?          
4 (36%)
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Episode Quality:
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
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Passing the Bechdel:
Willow and Joyce pass while shopping. They pass again at the food court. Willow and Buffy pass in the library. Buffy and Joyce pass again. Willow and Buffy talk about the eggs. Buffy and Joyce pass again. Buffy and Cordelia pass. Then Buffy and Willow pass again. Buffy and Joyce pass one more time. 
Female Characters:
Buffy Summers
Joyce Summers
Male Characters:
Lyle Gorch
Tector Gorch
Mr. Whitmore
Other Notes:
While Joyce telling Buffy she can’t buy an outfit cause it makes her look like a prostitute is exactly what a lot of moms would do (mine included) I don’t have to like it. Editor’s Note: I watched this episode immediately after the previous one, and basically launching the episode with this behaviour from Joyce felt like major whiplash. This would be a shitty remark either way, but in context of the Summers ladies recent experiences together, it feels especially off.
*snickers* cowboy vampire
I don’t get the Xander/Cordelia relationship. Like, I get that they’re going for an opposites attract/hate sex thing. But like, I’m not buying it. 
This is a more comprehensive sex ed than I ever got in high school
I love every time they casually tie in Willow’s Judaism
At the point where Buffy’s like ‘all I want is you’ Angel should really say ‘Hey, you’re 16, maybe we slow things down’
As someone with a fear of spiders/bugs I. Do. Not. Like. This.
Buffy really should check on Willow. 
Cordelia off handedly asks one of the only black people we’ve seen so far if that’s her real hair and that wasn’t necessary. Like, Jesus Christ, find a different way to end your scene. 
I imagine being a parent (especially a single parent) is stressful in a way I can’t comprehend, but after the last episode with Ted, Joyce really owes Buffy a break. Stop acting like your child is a burden, even if, yeah, you do think it. Make sure your children know that they’re loved and supported, goddammit. 
Xander saying he doesn’t want to hit Cordelia until she pisses him off (yeah, by hitting him first) and screaming ‘I’ll kill you!’ does not make me happy. There are ways to do this that aren’t reminiscent of domestic abuse. Editor’s Note: they really seem to take advantage of any opportunity to include violent and abusive behaviour against female characters in ‘justifiable’ scenarios such as this - it’s ok, Xander can commit intimate partner violence, Cordelia was possessed at the time! There was no reason this had to be there. In general, a lot of Xander and Cordelia’s ‘love/hate’ interactions seem geared towards giving Xander ‘permission’ to be awful, because hey, it’s how these characters work together, right? They love hating on each other, that’s their thing! As with the earlier note, I am also, not buying it.
Buffy’s room is on the second floor. All I can picture is Angel with really long legs. 
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I am NOT liking the direction they’re taking Joyce. There are ways to show that it’s difficult to raise a child without making her borderline cruel to Buffy constantly. Other than that, this episode was a bunch of whatever. There’s a reason I didn’t really remember it. But whatever, onward. 
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Rewatching Buffy 2x04
‘my dad tried to sell me to some Armenians once’ Xander, what?
i know Rodney beat up Xander for five years and desecrates ancient artifacts, but it’s hard to hate him when he has a soft spot for Willow
is any of this Inca stuff accurate? imma guess no, because who cares about historical and cultural accuracy when you can use stereotypes?
goddammit Rodney
you deserve to die, for being a dumbass
Willow, i love you, but those overalls need to be burned
this poor exchange student is definitely gonna die
moral of the story: don’t send your kids to America, they’ll get sucked dry by an ancient mummy
Xander, stop, just, stop
kinda feel bad for mummy girl, must suck being trapped in your own decaying body, on parade in a series of museums, for hundreds of years
i actually kinda ship Xander and Ampata...shame she’s a murderous undead mummy
i do believe her when she says that all she wants is a normal life
it’s sweet that Willow is encouraging Xander to go to the dance with Ampata
it’s also sweet that he didn’t already ask her because he knew that Willow had been excited to go
if only their friendship had never had the awkwardness of teenage hormones added to it
i agree with Ampata: it’s not fair that she had no choice
also agree with the Peruvian dude: the people that she’s killing don’t deserve to die so that she can live
Oz’s band is called Dingoes Ate My Baby
shut up Cordelia; Willow looks adorable
‘her trunks’ ‘her what?’ poor british Giles
‘not her, the Eskimo’ Oz is smitten!
wait a moment...is the guy Ampata’s trying to feed on...Jonathan?
then there’s Oz, who’s becoming more enamored with Willow by the minute
i’m glad Xander didn’t even hesitate to protect Willow against Ampata
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