#Gochi fanfics
the-gochi-awards · 1 year
Congratulations to @whirlydoodle for winning Favorite Fluff art in the Gochi Awards!
Here is your prize fic, written by @gosha-chan!
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pixelmacaron · 6 months
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The Path of the Zhēnxīn by Slyreader
This fic has so much love and effort put into it. It feels so much like OG Dragonball while also doing its own thing as well. And while obviously it's a what if, I can't help but long for this story as the end of OG DB. I guess I just wish I had more Goku and ChiChi having adventures lol. I love how the author takes their canon selves and delves deeper, not leaning towards the stereotypes the fandom puts them in. The way they do them is justice is just, thank you 😭💖. Istg words cannot describe how much I love this interpretation of them. (took a scene from chapter 16 b/c the scenery must have been so beautiful)
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db-gochifan · 11 months
Training Day
This is my story for @dbz-bigbang​. Thanks again to @bitternace​ for the amazing drawings and @robynx​ for being my beta! I really enjoyed collabing with you both!
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vegeta-bananabluish · 5 months
Ten days to full bloom (Secret Santa fic)
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Title: Ten Days to Full bloom Author: Bananabluish Gift for: The lovely Aevy WC: ~2200 Summary: Under the cherry blossom trees, painting the land in powdery pinks and whites, Goku discovers what it means to be in love with his newly-wed wife, Chi-Chi. AO3 Link: Here
Ten days to full bloom
Goku and ChiChi stood hand in hand, gazing out at the breathtaking view from their new home on Mount Paozu. The cherry blossom trees surrounding their land painted the landscape in hues of powdery pinks and whites, casting an atmosphere that looked so dreamily serene, that it verged on magical. Chichi's lavender cheongsam beautifully blended into the colors of the landscape, in contrast to Goku's appearance. Looking down at his signature orange gi, adorned with hooks and tears here and there, made him feel like he stood out like a sore thumb. He was brought back into reality when Chichi absentmindedly plucked a small twig from his hair—remnants of his sparring session with Krillin earlier in the morning, and Goku felt an unwelcome surge of heat in his neck.
Turning slightly to hide his blush, his gaze naturally fell upon their new home, built next to the flank of a tall mountain. A spring breeze persisting for days, had blown an abundance of flower petals into their yard, blanketing the grass in a fluffy layer of pink. According to Chichi, the cherry blossoms would paint the view from their kitchen every year from now on, as the month of March turned into April. Having shared the same roof for just a few days, Goku found himself already captivated by the depth of Chichi's knowledge on things that had never even crossed his mind before.  Goku slightly turned to her, trying to catch the murmurs slipping from her lips over the rustling leaves. He gathered she was saying something about how this view was the perfect setting for the beginning of their new life together. Goku understood the words but didn't quite grasp what Chichi was actually saying. In fact, the whole concept of 'marriage' still left him bewildered, despite his participation in the wedding. He glanced down at their intertwined hands with a puzzled expression, uncertain why she had insisted on this gesture. Did this also come with 'marriage'? He now knew that 'husband' and 'wife' were supposed to have physical contact in the bedroom, but did this also extend throughout the day?
Suddenly, the voracious growl of a beast rumbled from his stomach, ruthlessly shattering the tranquility that had embraced the moment. Goku's cheeks reddened again as he apologetically rubbed the back of his head. “Oops, guess I'm getting hungry again, Chichi.”
Chichi frowned—she was still full from their heavy lunch, and the dishes weren't even dry yet. Goku seemed like a bottomless pit when it came to food, which burdened her with a lot of extra work, but she could never suppress a smile whenever Goku showed unease around his infinite hunger. “It's time to start dinner then.” Chichi seemed to relish the quiet stroll back home in the shared silence between them. Goku felt the need to say or do something, but had no idea what husbands were supposed to express to their wives in such moments as these. A little later, Goku effortlessly stacked a few sizable wooden crates on each other, his muscles flexing with the ease of a man who dedicated all his time to his training. Chichi observing from the doorway while the pots simmered behind her, couldn't help but worry, despite her inability to take her eyes off his bare muscular arms. She shook her head to dispel the indecent thoughts clouding her mind. "Goku, be careful! Those boxes are heavy, and I don't want you breaking my mother’s china," she admonished.
With a nonchalant grin, Goku assured her, "Don't worry, Chichi. I've lifted much heavier things during training." He was well aware that Chichi was likely just as capable of carrying everything into the house, but she had emphasized that it was more fitting for it to be a 'husband's job. Goku, in his typical fashion, gladly seized every opportunity with both hands to break a sweat.  Wondering if Goku even knew what 'china' was, Chichi turned around with a huff, carrying a heap of towels inside. She could no longer tolerate looking at his careless conduct. Nevertheless, she was pleased her new husband was able to bring everything inside quickly. They had spent the past few days with the absolute bare minimum— getting by with just a bed and some kitchenware, because the remote location of their home had been challenging for the moving truck to reach. It didn’t take long before they had brought most of the belongings inside as Goku didn’t possess anything other than the shirt on his back and the boots on his feet. There was only some kitchen furniture left standing in the grass. While carrying their new dining chairs inside, Chichi gracefully managed two chairs stacked upon each other, and Goku haphazardly handled the rest. Peering around the mountain of furniture, he stole a glance at his new wife. He couldn’t ignore the warmth growing inside of him whenever he looked at her. The sensation resembled ki-generation whenever he powered up for battle, but it seemed more concentrated in his chest. The first time he experienced this feeling was an hour before what everybody had called ‘the ceremony’. In the white wedding dress, her radiance was akin to the silver twinkle on a stream’s surface... or a flock of white doves catching flight... or like the sweetest whipped cream he ever tasted. Seeing her like that tickled his insides in all sorts of funny ways and ever since he had tried to pinpoint exactly what it was about. He noticed it especially when she looked directly at him, and her large brown eyes radiated a warmth that reminded him of afternoon sun on freshly upturned soil. In the following days, as they settled into their new home, Goku carried this puzzle with him, determined to keep trying to figure it out. It was during one particular quiet evening that Goku was hit hard by this new and unfamiliar feeling. In the soft glow of the sun drooping into the horizon, Goku and Chichi found themselves sitting on their porch, surrounded by the delicate fragrance of cherry blossoms. It surprised Goku that although he wasn’t particularly fond of flora, he now paid attention to how the orange light tinted the blossom petals. Goku's eyes lingered on Chichi's profile as she spoke about her day, explaining where she had found the herbs she had incorporated into their last meal, detailing her explorations of the surroundings.
Even though Goku had exceptionally enjoyed her culinary skills—he had inhaled everything set out on the table in a matter of seconds, her words completely faded away in the presence of her beauty. That peculiar feeling suddenly hit him again, striking him like a bolt of lightning this time, and he blinked in surprise.
"Chichi, I... I think I'm feeling something strange," Goku admitted, his tone of voice just as confused as his expression.
Chichi turned to him. "What do you mean, Goku?"
"I don't know. It's like my heart is doing something funny when I'm around you.” Goku scratched his head, trying to make sense of these newfound emotions again. “Is that normal?"
Chichi chuckled, her laughter striking him right in the chest. "Goku, that sounds a lot like love. It's what married couples feel for one another, if all is well.
“Love?” Goku pondered the word, letting it roll off his tongue. He didn't know much about the love between a man and a woman, except for what he’d seen on Master Roshi’s television, but judging by the impractical clothing the ladies wore, that source of information didn't seem so reliable either. So far, the whole concept had been far outside of his world. That is, until recently. Could he have fallen into it without even realizing it? His eyes slid inquisitively over her features, willing her to elaborate. But she kept her mouth shut. Why did she often talk when he didn't care for it, but when he wanted her to speak, she remained tight-lipped? There was a certain gleam in her eyes that he wasn't used to seeing from her though. When getting into bed that evening, they engaged in that one thing they had done almost every night since their wedding. Whenever they shed their clothes and lay down on the mattress, it was almost as if Goku’s instincts seamlessly took over. His gaze, as though he was on the battlefield, focused on her with intensity. But instead of defeating her in martial arts, all he wanted was to feel her, kiss her, taste her, everywhere. To feel and be inside her. In the last few days, he had begun to grasp what he needed to do to bring out more of the delicious sounds she would make whenever he solely focused on her. With each added night of such intimate entanglements, he found himself drawn to her in more ways he didn't quite comprehend. He began noticing the subtle details—the way her hair fell whenever she turned her head, the softness of her touch whenever she plucked a fluff off his back, and the warmth of her smile whenever he joined her in the same room. She didn't laugh so often, but when she did, his day inexplicably brightened. Exactly ten days after their wedding, Chichihad convinced him to join her again in the orchard. She had told him that the Japanese cherry blossom tree bloomed for only two weeks, and she wanted to seize every opportunity to enjoy it. Despite Goku’s initial resistance—he was reluctant to interrupt his training, he harbored some curiosity about what she had in store for him.
They walked along a low-hanging tree, and Chichi reached out to pluck a small branch with flowers. She tucked it into her hair, behind her ears, and Goku found it strange that while he still didn’t particularly care for flowers, he found that this specific bloom complemented her beauty so well. He came to the realization that he wouldn't want to change anything about her. 
As they strolled through their yard, and into the treeline, Goku absorbed the serene beauty of his wife and of the landscape, noting that even though by far most flowers had opened, there were still a few buds waiting to burst into full bloom. It suddenly struck him—just like these blossoms, his heart was in the process of opening up to Chichi, revealing layers he hadn't known were even there.
Goku abruptly halted mid-step. Sensing his absence next to her, Chichi pivoted, expecting her husband had dart off, perhaps in pursuit of another bird like last week. She spotted him standing still behind her, a different expression on his face than his usual sunny demeanor. As Goku approached her, a sudden breeze caused the cherry blossoms to rain down around them like confetti and Goku couldn't contain his feelings any longer. "Chichi, I think I've figured it out. I... I love you," Goku confessed. His eyes, for once, did not reflect his usual childlike enthusiasm but instead pooled with sincerity.
Chichi’s eyes widened before she broke out in that specific radiant smile he craved to coax out of her. "Goku, I love you too." She lifted her arms to cradle his head in her hands, flattening a few black strands with her fingertips, and gazed deep into his eyes for a moment. The moment froze in time and without the need for words, they both sensed that everything was just right. After blowing a falling pink petal from his brow, Chichi kissed her husband. As he felt her lips on his, the warm ball in his chest sprang to life again, this time expanding into a warm mixture of warmth and nervousness throughout his entire torso. Goku wrapped his arms around her waist, feeling the lean muscle beneath his fingertips through her dress. Being more confident that Chichi was experiencing the same kind of strange sensations he felt for her, he deepened the kiss, pulling her tighter against him. His body spontaneously came alive with her proximity up to the point that his heart tried to break through his ribs.
Before the wedding, he had thought marriage was a new type of exotic dish—or maybe something gross Bulma had cooked up in her lab. But it wasn't until ten days after their wedding day that he truly understood what it was all about: Chichi vowed to always be there for him, and he realized how incredibly lucky he was that someone wanted to spend a lifetime with him. This woman was even prepared to feed his perpetually hungry stomach to the point of satisfaction, no matter how difficult a task that proved to be. However, as their lives had further intertwined, Goku realized it was not about satisfying his stomach but his heart. 
As the last few gold-orange streaks in the sky dissipated into the night, they embraced onto a tapestry of fallen petals, making Goku feel like he was part of something secret and special, a new chapter of his life beginning. As if guided by an unseen force, their embrace effortlessly moved into something more. When they made love under the canopy of pastel pink that night, the moon cast its spell over the orchard, their shadows dancing with the blossoms, creating a ballet of love that was almost surreal.
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skeletonqueen06 · 1 year
Ok so hear me out, I know Chichi wearing an updo is to show her marital status as a married woman and that to show that she's no longer a maiden. But what if:
Goku knows Chichi looks amazing with her hair down and she looks even more appealing since she gave birth to Gohan. Like every single time they went to buy groceries or stuff in the nearest town, some random guys would come up to her and flirt with her. At first the flirtatious gestures went pass his head but it became frequent enough that he finally picked up the cues. So when Gohan finally in the grabbing stage where he loved to grab things including Chichi's hair, he finally found the perfect opportunity to convince her to keep wearing an updo even for going out and stuff. And ever since then, it became a habit to her to wear her hair in updo.
Here's what I thought the conversation with the z gang be like if they were to comment on this.
Yamcha: You do know your wife looks prettier with her hair down, don't you?
Goku: ......Really? looks the same to me.
Yamcha: Yeah, I bet she'll be more popular with the guys with her hair down. I mean come on, no matter how slow you are, you must have noticed this.
Goku:............I know. And that's exactly why she needs to wear her hair in an updo like that. 🙂😇
Yamcha: 😳
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ronnieartistry · 1 day
There's a monster on Mount Paozu again. It's closer than Goku or Chi-Chi realize.
I have not yet posted a link to my gochi fanfic magnum opus, so here it is. Lowkey one of my favorite things I’ve ever written and also one of the longest for DBZ (all of my finished long form projects tend to cap off at novella length, lol).
It also inspired this art piece.
If you like pre-DBZ newly-married gochi with a combo of fluff, angst, and a sprinkle of Oozaru horror, check it out!
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megamattzx · 1 month
Preview to Goku Jr and Gohan Jr: Nightmares.
It was a late beautiful night on Mount Paozu. Or a version of it in the reality of Conton City. The home of the Time Patrol. Peaceful and quiet as there was a moment of peace for the Time Patrol. Overall not many things that the Time Patrol couldn't handle at the time. Luckily, things were peaceful, and after the whole fiasco with the Red Ribbon Army, various members of the Time Patrol, specifically the more experienced members, we're hoping it would stay that way for a little bit.
This would include our main version of Goku and Chi-Chi who are currently staying at one of their sons’ new house for the time being to help keep an eye on two additions to the Son Family. Son Gohan Jr, nicknamed Hano, a perfect clone of Gohan that was found by the son they were staying with, Son Kakarot Goku Jr. And adopted by him as well. And Son Ryu, a clone of Goten created by the Dragon Balls by a wish made by the four-year-old Demi Saiyan, who wanted a little brother.
It was a peaceful night for the most part. Except for one little Demi Saiyan who was tossing and turning in his sleep. Eventually the young child woke up screaming. Slowly getting out of bed before rushing out of his room and towards the master bedroom. There were a few energy signatures in the hous which the boy was easily able to sense and recognize but follow the one that he was more familiar with.
The boy ran past the closest room to his, the guest room, where Goku and Chi-Chi were staying for the week. Instead running to the master bedroom down the hall. Carefully opening the door to not wake up and alarm anyone. He was scared. But he knew that he could run up to the Saiyan sleeping on the master bed, no problem. With the door opened enough for the small Demi Saiyan child to enter the room, he was seen climbing onto the bed. Reaching a Saiyan that looked completely identical to Goku for the most part. However this Saiyan was well aware of the child as he slowly mumbled, opening his tired eyes. But the Saiyan’s response wasn't of a cold hearted warrior. Rather an act a parent would take with a child.
This turned out to be Son Kakarot Goku Jr. A clone of Goku, created through the Dragon Balls, and Goku and Chi-Chi’s adopted son. And the young boy's father. The first time father was easily able to tell something was wrong. “What's wrong, Hano?” the tired Saiyan asked the boy. A tired tone of compassion heard from his voice.
“I had a nightmare, Papa,” the Boy explained and Goku Jr could feel the boy was startled. Not just from his voice but also his fluffed-up tail. Not to mention the boy was shaking to no end so it was easy to tell that he was scared.
Goku Jr sat up on his bed while he let out a yawn. He had to think of an idea to make Hano feel a little safer. Luckily, he had a few ideas that he knew would work. Thanks to his parents raising him, mainly. He figured it would be a good time to check up on Hano’s little brother too, while he was at it. Little Ryu was most likely sleeping in the crib in his room. However, there was a smaller crib in the main living room in case he needed to take a nap during the day.
“Tell ya what,” he calmly and gently told his son. “If you let me go check up on your little brother, we can make a pillow fort for the three of us, and I can tell you a bedtime story.”
Hano’s eyes brightened from what his father said. “Really!?” he said with excitement and Goku Jr could see the boy’s tail wagging a bit. The young father couldn’t help but smile at this.
“Yep!” The father said, calmly getting up as he continued. “I just need to get things set up so that we can make the little fort.” his smile was still there when he saw his little saiyan ‘pup’ so to speak, smile. “Just make sure you try not to wake Grandma and Grandpa up, okay?”
“Kay!” Little Gohan Jr said, hopping off the bed and running to his room to grab pillows and blankets.
Goku Jr couldn't help but smile. Now fully up, The saiyan stretched, while his tail swayed around as he walked out of the room. He observes his son, carrying whatever he could to the living room, smiling before he slowly walks past the room his parents were staying in, since the door was open. He took a peek into the room to check on his parents. Goku Sr and Chi-Chi were clearly still sleeping. Goku Jr smiled a bit, knowing his parents could use a bit of rest. He wanted them to be able to be grandparents and not parents.
Afterwards he went to the room that was right next to it. The way it was set up, is clearly the room of a baby. Walking inside, the younger Goku couldn't help but smile, walking towards the crib where little Ryu was sleeping. The baby Demi Saiyan looked so peaceful in his sleep. He looked like a baby Goten. The Goku style hair, the absence of a tail, the childlike innocent face. “Still peacefully sleeping, I see,” the Young Father softly said. His smile brightened a little bit more as this happened. “My little Fighter. My little Son Ryu. Just like your older brother, my pride and joy.”
It was at that moment little Ryu sniffled a bit, slowly waking up. Not from Goku Jr’s voice. But something was normal for babies. Goku Jr paid attention to everything around him. He couldn't smell anything so he knew he didn't need to change Ryu’s diaper. So it was either a nightmare or he was hungry. Before Ryu could start throwing a little tantrum. The Saiyan Prince of Fire Mountain, slowly and gently picked up the little Demi Saiyan. And he couldn't help but smile at hearing his little son giggling from this. “pa..pa,” Ryu said in a tired tone. Light giggles as well were heard afterwards.
Goku Jr couldn't help but smile even more. In many ways this was what he truly wanted one day. He didn't think it would even happen, let alone the way it did. These two indirectly gave him one of his dreams. Fatherhood. “That's right, kiddo,” the younger Goku softly cooed to his child. “Big strong Papa's here. And I always will be. My little prince of Fire Mountain and Mount Paozu. You'll always be safe as long as I'm here.”
Part of him knew that really was too young to truly understand him, but that didn't matter to him. Knowing that review felt safe just by the little child's body language alone was more than enough for him to say those things. Part of him knew it was more so the comforting approach he took, similar to how his mother approached things with him when he was scared. He remembered a few instances when he was a child himself, she used to sing him the lullaby he was all too familiar with. Hearing her sing it always made him feel safe. Something he also noticed with his boys as well when he sang the lullaby.
Ryu was surprisingly intelligent for his age too. Seemingly able to give some level of communication aside from words and tantrums. A light tug on Goku Jr.'s clothing was more than enough to get the father's attention. And when Ryu could tell that he had it. Giving a little hand gesture towards his mouth, clearly telling his father that he was hungry. Goku Jr could easily tell what he was saying.
“Hungry bud?” Goku Jr asked, seeing his little fighter nod. “Let's get you fed then buddy,” he told him with a smile before slowly heading to the kitchen as he carried Ryu. The younger Demi Saiyan clinging on to his father, giggling a bit as this happened. Unfortunately, there wasn't much Goku Jr could do with Ryu with his cries or giggles, aside from soothing the tension the young boy could be feeling. Which wouldn't really do him any good at the moment. If his parents woke up, they would now fully believe that it would be their young grandson who caused it.
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arkolovesgoku · 1 month
in which Goku slowly realizes he’s deep in something called “love.”
another fic lol. was working on this way before Fluffy spikes and i finally finished
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rocetademaiz · 2 months
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comic commission, "dream land" by Courtney B you can read the part I drew here :
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ao3feed-gochi · 1 year
Like the sinner I am:Yandere Dbs x female!Adopted!Reader
by Spookydarling
Zamasu had a sister who was a mortal as he was a sayian but they were never closed because of the fact Zamasu thought he was a sinner. She left to universe 7 as Bulma's new sister just so she can be safe. When Y/N is forced to meet a god,her safety is completely ruined as it becomes hell as it makes obsession happen everyone
Words: 1692, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Ball
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Dyspo (Dragon Ball), Jiren (Dragon Ball), Beerus (Dragon Ball), Whis (Dragon Ball), Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Bulma Briefs, Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Son Gohan, Son Goten, Son Pan, Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball), Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Zamasu (Dragon Ball), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Zeno (Dragon Ball)
Relationships: Zamasu (Dragon Ball) & Reader, Piccolo (Dragon Ball)/Reader, Hit (Dragon Ball)/Reader, Chi-Chi/Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Son Goku (Dragon Ball)/Reader, Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball)/Reader, Bulma Briefs/Vegeta, Vegeta (Dragon Ball)/Reader, Bulma Briefs/Reader, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Son Goten & Reader, Son Gohan & Reader, Whis (Dragon Ball) & Reader, Beerus (Dragon Ball) & Reader, Dyspo (Dragon Ball)/Reader, Reader/Everyone, Reader & Everyone, Jiren (Dragon Ball)/Reader, son Pan & reader, Zeno (Dragon Ball) & Reader
Additional Tags: reader is female, Reader has a child, Yandere, Unhealthy Relationships, Obsession, Obsessive Behavior, Attempted Murder, Brutal Murder, Reader has self harmed, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self Harm, Reader’s adopted, Adopted Children, Fights, Fist Fights
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46406599
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the-gochi-awards · 1 year
Congratulations to @wishballs for winning Favorite A/U art in the Gochi Awards! Here is your prize written by angelmatsuri!
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theultradork · 8 months
Shoutout to the GoChi fic I wrote a long time ago (that was totally a regular fic and not me lampshading my feelings about the couple at all).
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cressasdbfanfics · 11 months
A New Start
Pairing: GoChi
Word Count: 1274
Prompt: story request from a friend.
Summary: Goku and Chichi are now empty nesters. That big life change along with it being a big birthday for Chichi has left her feeling a little down in the dumps. Goku tries to cheer her up.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48087631
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14247623/1/A-New-Start
Dressed in a white long-sleeved shirt and stiff dark grey pants, and dark red bow tie, I twiddled my thumbs where I stood in our living room waiting for Chichi. She fussed and fussed over herself in the upstairs bathroom. Occasionally, I heard an annoyed "Oh!" so things didn't seem to be going well for her. I had been ready to go for over an hour.
I braved approaching the half-open bathroom door and knocked. "Uh, honey? You okay in there?"
The door snapped closed in my face before I glimpsed Chichi, half-dressed and a makeup brush in hand, the displaced air whooshing around me. "I'm fine," was her short, somewhat muffled reply.
I grimaced. When Chichi said it like that, she usually was not fine. Quiet sniffles floated out through the closed bathroom door. I frowned. I raised a fist but thought better of knocking again—didn't want to make her angry. Chichi needed to enjoy our evening since it was her birthday—a big birthday at that. She had been a little out of sorts since Goten, our youngest son, moved out to start his own life and needed something to cheer her up. I suggested a picnic because she always liked those. Getting ready to go seemed to upset her even more. I sighed.
With nothing else to do but wait for her, I wandered the living room and paused in front of a wood-framed mirror hung on the wall in the entryway. Had to make sure my clothes were wrinkle-free and my tie was on straight. Otherwise, Chichi would fuss over me and then we'd never make it out the door. My clothes were in order so I leaned against the entryway wall and waited for Chichi. It was a long wait before a door upstairs finally creaked open and Chichi practically floated down the spiral staircase.
Her sleeveless, curve-hugging deep red dress flowed gently around her ankles with every step. A high slit flashed her strong legs and she had even let her hair down for the night. It tumbled around her shoulders in loose curls. I tugged at my too-tight shirt collar as Chichi left the last step and tried to make words come out to tell her how beautiful she was.
Chichi fidgeted with the strap of her black purse slung across her body. "Oh, I just knew I'm too old to dress like this." When her eyes welled up and she turned her back on me, my heart sank. "What was I—?"
When she took a step toward the stairs, I grabbed her hand, gently spun her around, and hugged her against me. I glimpsed wide eyes as I leaned down and kissed her. Our lips connected. She melted into me with a happy little sigh. I let my hands slide down the back of her dress and Chichi pulled back, eyes narrowed and an eyebrow lifted. At least she wasn't upset anymore.
I gave her my best, most innocent smile.
Chichi flicked my bow tie. "If you start that, then we'll really never leave."
I chuckled and grabbed the car keys off the key rack along with the large picnic basket Chichi packed earlier that day. Chichi grabbed our old picnic blanket and led the way to the car. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her dark-red dress hugged her hips and flowed over her skin as she walked. It was even harder to stay focused on driving with her dress's high slit showing so much smooth skin. It really didn't help when she let her dress slip over her leg, showing even more skin. That was no accident.
"You stay focused on the drive," said Chichi.
I swallowed.
We finally reached the old giant apple tree after a bumpy drive even in our aircar and putting some fresh scratches in the paint squeezing past some trees. Flying would have been smoother and faster but Chichi liked being driven and I wanted to make her happy. I put the car in park a little-ways from the tree and cut the engine.
"We haven't been here in a while with Goten moving out and all," said Chichi, leaned forward in her seat and gazing up at the tree.
I nodded as I leaned over the steering wheel. The big old apple tree was as big as it ever was. "Yeah, no kidding."
A few overripe apples littered the grassy ground around it. More shiny red apples hung from its branches far overhead. The apples that old tree grew were always the sweetest apples around. The hole Gohan blew through the trunk when he was a baby had long since healed over and only a rough, bubbled-out scar remained. I chuckled at the memory.
"That wasn't so funny then," said Chichi despite her smile as she gazed up at the tree, too. She lightly punched my arm. "We're fortunate Gohan took after you."
A warm feeling blossomed across my cheeks.
We unpacked the car and smoothed out the cream-colored picnic blanket on a flat spot in-between the tree's roots poking out through the grassy ground. Chichi lowered herself to her knees and pulled out plates, bowls, silverware, and, finally, the food out of our basket.
My stomach growled. "Can we eat now?"
Chichi shook her head but her eyes lit up with her giggle. "Same old Goku. Just a second." She arranged a few old-fashioned lanterns around the blanket in between serving dishes. "Light those, please."
Chichi made each of us a plate as I lit the lanterns' wicks with a few tiny sparks of ki.
I rubbed my too-full stomach as Chichi cleared the dishes. "That was great, babe! You really outdid yourself with this one!"
Chichi glanced at me and giggled. "You say that every time."
I laughed and flopped down backwards on the blanket, my fingers laced under my head. Patches of orange, pink, and gold shown through the apple tree's dense branches. Chichi settled next to me, her head on my shoulder. She hummed and snuggled into me. I pressed a little kiss on her forehead. We rested together until the sunset's colors faded into darkness and the stars came out. The full moon rose over Mt Paozu's pillar-like mountains. I yawned.
"Oh, you're not going to sleep yet," said Chichi as she stood up. She bent over me, her hands on her hips. "I need to work this off and you're going to help me."
I blinked, rubbed my eyes, and sat up. "Uh, help you? What do you—?"
I yelped when Chichi grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet like I weighed nothing to her. I forgot just how strong she was sometimes. Maintaining a grip on my wrist, she marched me off the blanket. I stumbled after her in the fading sunlight, still with no idea what she had planned.
"Stay here," she said as she pointed to my feet.
Chichi continued several paces ahead. When she stopped and flicked her delicate silver sandals off her feet, I had a pretty good idea what she wanted. I kicked my shoes off and tossed them aside with my socks as she settled into a ready stance. The little smirk on her face made my heart hammer in my chest. I got into a stance, too.
Chichi moved first, charged me, the wind pulling her hair wildly along behind her. The fierceness in her eyes made my mouth go dry. I ducked her right hook. Unperturbed, Chichi planted one foot on the ground and threw her weight into a kick. Her bare foot connected with my forearm with a satisfying smack. My forearm actually stung. She was incredible!
I couldn't help my wide grin as we dodged, countered, and defended against each other's hits while Chichi's fierce glare only deepened. Before long, I was laughing. Chichi's already flushed face turned beat red. She growled as she put all her momentum into another strong kick aimed for my gut. I sprang backward a couple paces.
My turn. I charged her. Her eyes widened for a millisecond before she dodged my attempt to take her down. In twisting out of the way and just beyond my grasp, that put her back to me.
"Big mistake, babe," I said.
I lunged for her again but she was ready. Her small but strong hands grabbed my forearm and yanked hard as she bent double. I flew head over heels and landed with an "Umph" on the grass.
I stared up at her as she crossed her arms and smirked down at me.
"Did you really just flip me?" I said through a chuckle. When Chichi closed her eyes and nodded, I took my move. With the help of a little ki, I sprang to my feet, swept her legs out from under her, cushioned her landing, and had her pinned to the grass by her wrists far faster than she could react. "You let your guard down."
Chichi blinked up at me. The light of the full moon shining down caught her eyes and made them sparkle. I brushed some stray hair out of her face. I married one strong, amazing woman.
"So, how did it feel to be flipped by an old lady?" asked Chichi with a mischievous little smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
I lifted an eyebrow. "Old lady? Old ladies can't fight like you just did."
Chichi's eyes lit up with her light laugh. "I guess you're right about that."
"You were incredible, babe!" I said, grinning again at her ferocity.
A little pink spread across Chichi's cheeks as she turned away. I hooked a finger around her chin and turned her face toward me. I couldn't resist that sparkle in her eyes. On instinct, I kissed her, earning a contented little hum. With the night cooling off, we decided to pack up the aftermath of our picnic and went home. Chichi hummed through doing the dishes and putting away the picnic supplies. Her light came back to her. With both of our boys out of the house and no threats looming over the Earth, we had time to focus on each other.
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db-gochifan · 10 months
GoChi Week 2023 - Day 2: Letters/Flowers
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Title: The Secret Admirer Pairing: Goku/Chi-Chi; minor Bulma/Yamcha Characters: Son Goku, Chi-Chi, Bulma Briefs, Yamcha and Ox King Summary: A letter brings up the romantic side of Goku. Do not copy, repost, use it in any form or claim this work to be your own. Cross-posted on AO3
It was a typical winter day on West City. Valentine’s Day was just around the corner, which meant the halls from Orange Star High School were filled with pink and red hearts and other Valentine’s decorations. Goku sighed deeply when he got closer to his locker and saw the amount of boxes around it.
“I don’t get why you’re so annoyed with that.” Yamcha stated with a confused tone, as he tried to get near his own locker. “Most guys would love to be on your shoes right now.”
“I would gladly trade places, without even questioning it.” He opened his locker and a bunch of letters slipped down to the floor. “How the hell did these girls managed to push all these letters through my locker?!”
“You should never underestimate them. They are capable of anything.”
“Tell me about it.” Goku growled when he accidentally kicked one of the many boxes near his feet. He bent down and grabbed one that has a full-page picture of a brunette attached to it.
“So what are you going to do with all these presents?”
“Honestly? I have no idea.” He glanced at Yamcha and couldn’t help but laugh when he noticed he was nearly drooling at the photo. “Could you be less obvious?”
“What?” The long-haired man blinked a few times and shook his head.
“We were close to getting drowned here.” He teased and then handed the box to his friend. “Do you want to keep this one? Maybe you can get lucky.”
“You don’t want it?”
Just as Goku was about to answer, his eyes fell on a brunette girl walking down the hall. She was so distracted talking to Bulma that she wasn’t paying attention to anything or anyone else. His neck could have easily been broken due to how much it followed her around.
“Earth to Goku.” Yamcha waved his hand in front of his friend’s eyes, to get his attention.
“What?” The spiky haired man shook his head slightly. “Do you really want it? I mean…”
He glanced at the direction the two girls had gone and Yamcha followed him suit.
“Yeah, it’s better not to. Last thing I want is to piss Bulma off. It can often get pretty bad.”
“That’s true.”
“I can’t believe you’re not gonna give to him.” Bulma stated with astonishment as she and Chi-Chi headed to their class.
“Believe it or not, I’m not.”
“I don’t get it, you wrote it for nothing?”
“Did you see how many things there were in front of his locker? I don’t stand a chance.”
“Are you kidding me?” She shouted. “I guarantee the other girls don’t come anywhere near you.”
“I feel flattered, but I still don’t believe it.”
“Well, you should. I’ve seen the way he looks at you when you’re distracted.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m still not giving it to him.”
“Okay, if that’s what you want.”
“It is.” Chi-Chi ended the conversation and the two girls headed to their seats in silence. ****
Bulma waited hidden for Chi-Chi to leave the dressing room after changing into her fighting outfit later that day. She sneaked in very slowly and went through her friend’s stuff to get the letter.
“I’m sorry, Chi-Chi. But you’ll thank me later.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Yamcha asked for what seemed to be the millionth time.
“Yes, I ‘m sure.” She replied firmly and with some annoyance. “If you don’t want to help me, that’s fine. But I can’t just stand here and do nothing to help my friend.”
“What happens when she finds out? She’s gonna be really pissed.”
“I can deal with it when the time comes. For now, let’s just put our plan into action.”
“I knew you’d be part of this plan!” The bluenette exclaimed with excitement and threw her hands around his neck. “Before we know it, Goku and Chi-Chi will be in each other’s arms.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Honey, I always am.” She said, full of confidence.
Chi-Chi was feeling rather uncomfortable with so many guys looking at her during martial arts class. She wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Much to her surprise, someone else seemed to have noticed her discomfort too.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
“Huh?” She looked at him with her eyebrows raised. “Yeah, yeah. Everything’s fine. I just don’t like being the center of the attention like this. For some reason, guys look down on women being fighters. Or they think it’s sexy, which is kinda disgusting in my opinion.”
“Hey, leave me out of this.”
“So you don’t think it’s sexy?”
Goku couldn’t help but think her tone almost sounded a little disappointed. “No, that’s not what I meant. Of course I think it’s… anyway, guys may look down on women who fight, but not me. I actually think it’s great.”
“Do you really?” Her face beamed in happiness after hearing what he said.
He couldn’t help but think she looked cute when she smiled like that. He automatically smiled back at her.
“Yes, I really do. Would you feel better if I told these guys to stop looking at you? Or I can just beat them up if you want.”
“It’s not necessary to beat them up.” She put her hands up between them, almost close to his chest. “Just telling them will be enough.”
“Alright.” He was slightly disappointed with her request, but tried his very best to hide it.
“Thank you.”
Goku and Yamcha made their way to the changing rooms after taking shower when martial arts classes were over for the day. The latter was feeling a little nervous about the letter his friend was about to find. He still didn’t have a good feeling about this.
“Some nice training today, huh?” The spiky-haired brunette asked while he dried his hair with a white towel.
“It surely was.” The other brunette tried to push his worries away and replied in the coolest tone possible. “Once again you couldn’t stay away from Chi-Chi.”
Goku couldn’t help but grin when he was nudged on the ribs by his friend. “You know me.”
“I sure do.” Yamcha very discreetly looked over his shoulder to see what his fellow martial arts friend was doing. He put on his best fake surprised face. “What’s this?”
“It’s a letter.” Goku flipped it around, looking for any signs that could tell him who it was from, but he couldn’t find anything.
“You don’t know who sent it?”
“No, there’s nothing in the envelope.” He didn’t bother hiding his frustration, though he was also full of hope it would be from Chi-Chi.
“So you got yourself a secret admirer, huh?”
“That seems like it.” With a sigh, he put the letter in his bag, flinging it on his shoulders right after. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Yamcha quickly followed him out of the changing rooms. “I’m surprised you didn’t open the letter right away. It almost seemed like you weren’t too thrilled about it.”
“It’s probably from one of these girls who are desperately to have a boyfriend.” Goku shook his head and shrugged, keeping a very cool tone as he spoke. “I will open it when I get home.”
“I see.” He pressed his lips together. “Either way, I’m curious to know what you will think about it.”
“Really?” He spiky-haired boy looked at him with his eyebrows raised. “Why is that?”
“For no reason.” Yamcha began to panic and his eyes widened when he realized he almost gave himself and Bulma away. “I just want to know what’s in the letter.”
“Alright, I guess.”
Goku was lying on his bed chilling and staring at the ceiling when he remembered the letter was still in his bag. He jumped out of his bed and ran to it, returning to his previous position as soon as he grabbed the envelope. He carefully tore it open, so he wouldn’t accidentally rip the paper inside. Then he unfolded the paper and began to read its content. He didn’t remember seeing that handwriting anywhere before, but his heart still started beating faster on his chest. He couldn’t tell whether it was his wishful thinking or something else, but he was sure that handwriting belonged to the girl he had been crushing – sometimes not so subtly – for quite a while.
Hi, Goku!
I hope you forgive me for writing this letter, but I couldn’t find any other way to say what I wanted. In person would be an option, but I’m just not brave enough to do it. Anyway, maybe I should go straight to the point. Okay, so… I’ve been observing you these past few days… maybe admiring would be a more suitable word. Honestly, I don’t know what I intended to do with this letter… maybe just let you know I admire you? Well, either way, I hope you don’t feel embarrassed with it and my confused thoughts. I surely do, now that I’m reading it.
I guess I’ll see you around.
Your secret admirer.
Goku had a huge grin on his face by the time he finished reading the small confessional letter. But he didn’t find it embarrassing in the slightest. It was the opposite actually. He found it sweet. He folded the letter and put it back in the envelope. When he was about to put it away in a drawer, the scent of lilies invaded his nostrils and he shivered slightly. If there was any doubt Chi-Chi had written that letter, it was just gone. For the second time in less than fifteen minutes, Goku jumped out of his bed. This time, however, he rushed out of his house.
Chi-Chi was about to leave for school that morning. She yelled bye to her father and opened the front door of her house. Her eyes immediately fell on a single flower lying right in front of it. She bent down and picked it up, silently looking to her right and to her left for someone or something that could tell her who had put it there. But there was nothing.
“Chi-Chi?” The Ox King, her father, walked into the kitchen and saw her frozen on her spot. “Is something wrong?”
“Someone left a lily here.” She walked in again, grabbing a glass and filling it with water for the flower.
“A flower?” He asked while she turned around and put the glass in the center of their table. “It was just there?”
“That’s right.” Chi-Chi nodded and looked at the flower for a few more seconds before shaking her head and smiling. “Well, I should go to school or I’ll be late.”
“Alright. Have a good day, darling.”
“You too, dad.”
Chi-Chi was taken aback when she stopped in front of her locker and found another lily attached to its lock. She had just grabbed it when Bulma stopped beside her.
“Well, well, looks like someone’s got a secret admirer.”
“I’m sure that was an accident. Someone must have confused someone else’s locker with mine.”
“Do you really think so low of yourself? Why is it so hard for you to accept someone may have a crush on you?”
“That’s not…” She pressed her lips together, deciding not to argue with her friend. She may have a point. “Maybe you’re right.”
“I know I am.” Bulma bragged with a grin. “And looks like this person actually knows some of your tastes. Not everyone has lilies as their favorite flower.”
“It looks like it.” The brunette bit her lower lip as she placed the flower on her locker. She could only hope it wouldn’t die before she went home.
“Don’t you wanna know who sent it?”
“Of course I do, but apparently they don’t share the same thought.”
There was a bitter tone in Chi-Chi’s voice; almost like she was disappointed for some reason, but she couldn’t understand why. Or maybe she just didn’t want to admit it.
“It’s possible, but I think we both know who put it here.”
“And also who had left another one at my door earlier.”
“What?” Bulma asked, visibly surprised.
“I came across another lily when I left for school this morning. Whoever left it must know where I live.”
“That’s so sweet!”
“More like creepy.”
“Why must you ruin everything?”
“Come on, you have to admit it was a little creepy.”
“Well…” The blue haired girl had to agree with her friend. “So what are you going to do now?”
“Honestly? I have no idea.” Chi-Chi looked at her. “Wait and see if this boy will reveal himself eventually, I guess.”
“Why are there so many petals near your locker?” Yamcha couldn’t take his eyes off the floor while he and Goku went to grab their things to go home after class.
Goku didn’t say anything, he simply opened his own locker and showed him the bouquet of lilies inside it.
“What the…? Did you receive them from a girl?”
“Nope, I’m actually sending them to one.”
“Chi-Chi…” He said after he fully understood the situation. “What did she say about it?”
“Nothing yet. I didn’t tell her they were from mine, so she doesn’t know. At least I don’t think she does.”
“Chi-Chi is smart, she will figure out. If she hadn’t already.”
“That’s true.”
“So what are you going to do now?”
“Now it’s time to put the final part of my plan into action.”
Goku felt his heart pounding hard on his chest and began to get nervous with everyone glancing at the bouquet of flowers in his hand. He noticed a group of girls standing not far from her, undoubtedly wanting to know who was the lucky girl that would get the lilies. He prayed Chi-Chi didn’t take too long to walk out of school or that she was still inside. Otherwise he would make a fool out of himself.
The single lily swung smoothly under Chi-Chi’s grasp as she and Bulma left the school building and headed towards the exit. Her heart skipped a beat when she found another one in their path and she knelt down to pick it up.
“Whoever this guy is, he’s really good.” Bulma commented when her friend returned to her previous position.
“Maybe.” She couldn’t help but smell it. “I’m surprised no one took it, to be honest.”
“I guess not everyone likes lilies.”
“Yeah, that may be it.”
For some reason, Chi-Chi felt her heart racing as they got near the gate. She noticed there were more people around than usual that day, clearly waiting to see how things would unfold. As soon as she crossed the gate, she saw Goku from the corner of her eyes, standing on her left.
“Goku.” Her voice was barely a whisper as she watched him get near her. “So it was you all along.”
“That’s right.” He gave her one of his signature smiles and handed her the bouquet. “I heard lily is your favorite flower.”
“It is.” She smiled kindly and was surprised to see he had offered her his arm.
“May I take a beautiful girl home today?”
Chi-Chi felt her cheeks blush slightly, but still linked her free arm with his.
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gokufangirl · 1 year
gochi fanfic recs that exactly no one(0) asked for!!
fluffy fics!✨✨
all the fics here fall under the romance/fluff category! if it falls under other genres i'll be adding a lil note
So Into You by spocketlaine (ffn)
this. THIS!! its so cute<33!! normally its like chichi pining over goku but this is the opposite and its like so, so cute! i dont wanna give away spoilers so just read it! also its set in the time where goku's training w kami!
2. When You Know By Maiika (ao3)
3. A Day In The Nurse's Office by GlassCase (ffn)
set in a cute au where the z gang all work in the same school and chi's the nurse and goku's the PE tchr and chichi's mad/annoyed at goku bc he keeps getting kids hurt lol
4. And Then There Were Five? by LadyCressa (ao3)
a lovely au where chichi's pregnant after buu! a tiny fraction of angst(?) at the near end but all's well that ends well Very cute 100% rec
5. She's So Adorable by LifeAwakens (ffn)
a sweet one-shot of goku adoring his wife<3 i loved it 100% fluffy
6. Past, Present, Future by Kerghan-MB (ffn)
this is on ao3 too but im lazy to put the link lol sorryy. anyway very cute and its about that one apple tree that we all know and SHSFHSDBFHSDB SO CUTE
7. The Red Thread Of Fate by ElisaJ (ao3)
very swwet slightly angsty some bits though but over all adorbs<3 me very much likey
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flannelepicurean · 10 months
Hey, banana blossoms! Me again! :D
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Ball Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chi-Chi/Son Goku (Dragon Ball) Characters: Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball), Son Goku (Dragon Ball) Additional Tags: Crushes, Awkward Crush, Unrequited Crush, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Some Humor, Feelings, Feelings Realization, Awkwardness, Flustered Goku, Flustered Son Goku, Cute, Pre-Poly, Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, implied kakavege, Matchmaking, Scheming, Supportive Scheming, Conversations, My Husband Is One of The "These Two Idiots", Confused Son Goku (Dragon Ball), One-Sided Son Goku/Vegeta Summary: Chi-Chi sits down with Goku to find out why he's been acting weird lately, and together they uncover some surprising perspective on his relationship with Vegeta.
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