#Heroes In A Half Shell
montereybayaquarium · 10 months
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They may not be teenagers… 🌊 (sea turtles live to be 50+ years old) 
They’re definitely not mutants… 🐢 (they’ve existed for over 100 million years, mostly unchanged)
They don’t even eat pizza… 🍕🍕 (depending on the species, seagrass, jellies, squid, or sponges are more likely to be on their menu)
But these heroes in a half shell have some serious turtle power! 🐢 💪In fact, sea turtles are critical to maintaining the health of the seagrass beds and coral reefs where they live. 
When green sea turtles graze on seagrass, they increase the productivity and nutrient density of the blades. Similarly, by munching on sponges, hawksbill turtles provide space on reefs for corals to grow.
We think that’s pretty turtle-rific!
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d1rtzilla · 2 months
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Heroes in a half shell!
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zee-rambles · 1 year
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Some WIPS I had sitting around since August that I never got around to finishing because school. May come back when I have the time to complete them…but for right now. I just needed some wholesome stuff after all the angst I’ve been drawing…
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azaasterblue · 10 months
one of my fav parts of tmnt: mutant mayhem was how during the first fight at one point or another all the brothers said “mikey watch out!” and tried to save him despite them all having similar skill levels like he’s the littlest brother fr he’s the baby
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 1 year
One thing I absolutely love about Rise is that it just might be the best version at portraying the family part of the characters. They have petty arguments that they get over really quickly, they say "I love you", and we have so many instances of them just hugging. But my absolute favorite part of it is how in this show, April is just treated like another one of the siblings. She participates in family events, calls when she needs them, and they even refer to her as family sometimes.
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Here in Lair Games, she's the one filming the event. Not only is she the camera person for this annual family tradition for the turtles, but she's implied to have been the one who filmed all of the Lair Games, meaning she's also an integral part of this family event.
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In Fist of the Furry, Splinter decides to take one of them to check up on his dojos, and when the boys all beat each other, April cheers because that means she gets to go. Not only does she not hesitate and assume Splinter will choose someone else, she's also completely correct in her cheers, as Splinter responds to her by saying "Wonderful!" and proceeding to show her the map.
In this same episode, Splinter teaches her his top secret super powerful move, gives her a surprisingly heartfelt pep talk, and she even calls him Sensei at one point (which at this point in TMNT canon is pretty much like calling him dad {to my knowledge the only other April to call him that is 2012 April}).
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On top of that, April is in the center of this photo Leo carries with him in the Rise movie, and there's this picture Mikey draws for Karai that he says "really represents our togetherness as a family".
And that's only a few examples.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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hero-villian-blog · 14 days
So in recent discourse certain people will try to call certain media bad because one or some characters are self inserts, even if they actually aren't. So I wanted to throw my 2 cents in on this by talking about the Heroes in Half Shells, the TMNT. So a cosplayer who was cosplaying Mutant Mayhem's depiction of April O'Neil was used by certain people online to say that depiction of April was actually based on her, that Mutant Mayhem's April is an self insert, and that depiction was bad and the movie was bad. Which aside from it not being the case and the movie is a good movie, and said depiction of April is actually a good depiction. There's this idea that is spread around that self inserts are almost inherently bad. But this ignores how many fictional characters are not only based on real people, but the authors themselves. We need not look further than the Heroes in Half Shells themselves to actually get a prime example. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are self inserts, they are apparently based on the creators and their friends. Not only that but April is actually based on Eastman's at the time girlfriend April Fisher. With her design in many comics making this fact obvious.
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flexingtyger99 · 6 months
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Casey Jones | Tyler Kirkham
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cinematicwasteland · 2 years
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themancorialist · 10 months
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Police Street, Manchester.
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princessfayebug · 1 year
I'm curious
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julmaniite · 1 year
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Turtle power! 🐢
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pxl8ed · 1 year
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Currently outlining a 2k3!Leo fic! First chapter was written in a fit of chaotic energy at 4 am and I liked it so that’s a thing now.
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completeimbecile · 1 year
My tumblr is convinced I’m a tmnt fan to the point where I might suck it up and watch the show so I can understand what I’m sure are hilarious jokes.
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sugarrush626 · 4 months
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Wise man say, forgiveness is Devine, but never pay full price for late pizza. i'm proud of this one.
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omg-whathaveidone · 10 months
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Sooooo SETH ROGAN et al. wrote a PERFECT TMNT MOVIE 🎬 🎞 🥷🐢🥳
What a summer for wonderful films!!
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