an-albino-pinetree · 2 months
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zensations35 · 3 months
I hope this ask finds you well.
I'm a bit of a lurker on here, and, well, that Alastor fic had me weak in the knee. (I'm sure that was the intended effect, but I had to tell you)
As I haven't got a blog on here yet, I thought I'd pop into the askbox anonymously to show my appreciation with a gift of my own - a snippet from something I happen to be working on featuring everyone's favourite Radio Demon. If/When I get brave enough to do so, I shall make my presence known and let you know I wrote it.
~ Writer Anon 
Radio Silence
“Gooood morning, Alastor!” came the chirping voice of Charlie Morningstar as she twirled into the Radio Demon’s quarters, her eyes bright and her mood, as usual, higher than everyone else in Hell put together.
Alastor was still asleep, which was weird - he was up by nine, every morning, without fail.
Charlie glanced at the clock on the wall, which had just ticked by 9:04.
On the one hand, Alastor would probably kill her for what she was about to do. But she supposed her greatest weakness was caring too much about her friends...
She approached Alastor's bed, its red satin sheets glimmering in the soft light.
Charlie realised she'd never actually seen Alastor look so... peaceful. His face was more relaxed than she'd ever known it, not bearing the strained grin it did while he was awake.
She also realised she'd never seen him quite this pale, save for a slight flush on his cheeks, and a reddish tinge to his small, pointed nose.
Charlie gave Alastor a gentle shake in an attempt to rouse him - she knew he wasn't dead, she could hear him breathing.
He didn't budge.
“Oh,” she muttered, “Um... Husk! We need a wake-up call for the Radio Demon!” she called; surely as the princess of Hell (and hotel manager to boot) she should do something boss-like, and this included delegating tasks to someone who she thought would be best at it.
She’d forgotten, though, that Husk was a cranky little bastard in the mornings, and he made it everyone’s problem.
“Al, you’d better be fuckin’ dead in there,” Husk snarled as he kicked the door in, “or I swear to God-”
“Alright, alright, I’m up,” Alastor stirred, slowly sitting up in bed. 
Charlie was surprised, for a few reasons.
Firstly, she’d expected Alastor to be one of those people that snaps bolt upright when they wake.
And was it just her imagination, or was his voice awfully quiet today?
“Okay, Husk, maybe next time be a little more gentle,” Charlie smiled, but Husk was only half-listening. His face was one of utter confusion at Alastor's appearance.
Charlie looked Alastor over - he looked like he hadn’t slept a wink for the past fortnight. His bleary eyes moved slowly around the room, as though trying to make sense of his surroundings.
He rubbed them, and yawned, but it turned into a jagged cough.
Oh, Charlie thought, that would explain a lot.
“You look like shit,” Husk said.
“Hey,” Charlie turned to him, the faintest hint of a frown crossing her face for mere moments, “What Husk means is, you look really tired, Al, and we’re just a little concerned for you, is all.”
“Oh, please, I’m perfectly fine,” Alastor waved a hand lazily, “I simply... lost track of time reading last night...” Charlie winced at the strain in Alastor’s usually-flawless voice, and the dulled consonants that signified congestion. The brief sniffle Alastor gave only confirmed this.
“You’re sick,” Husk told him.
“Now, now, that was uncalled for,” Alastor’s eyes narrowed, “I know I’m hardly the most stable, but-”
“No, dumbass, you caught something, and you’re sick. Ill. Under the weather. Whatever the fuck they used to say in the 1930s,” Husk clarified.
“Excuse me, I am an Overlord,” Alastor looked affronted, but still that smile never left his face, “I do not succumb to such - to- to such- hhh-!” his words trailed off and his expression slackened, his narrow chest jumping with erratic hitches. He wrenched himself to the side as his eyes closed.
“Hehh’EITshhoo! Hh'EDT-shoo!” Alastor sneezed, doubling over at the waist, “H-hold on... Heh-HEITSHhhoo! Oh, gracious, excuse me...” he sighed, and Charlie and Husk could’ve sworn they heard the feedback of a microphone. 
Probably something to do with his radio powers, they reasoned.
“To such maladies,” Alastor finished.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Mister Overlord, I’m out,” Husk made to walk away, “Playin’ nurse to a radio host ain’t in my job description - or our contract.” He slammed the door behind him. Alastor closed his eyes again, massaging the bridge of his nose.
“Ohh, my head...” he murmured, “Can you please tell that... pathetic excuse for a bartender not to do that again?”
“I’ll tell him,” Charlie said, “Now, you stay here, I’ll let the others know you won’t be up today.”
“Not happening,” Alastor managed through a few coughs that scraped at his throat, “I have my radio show, and I can’t let my listeners down.”
Charlie considered this for a moment.
No-one, not even Lucifer himself, could get Alastor to skip his beloved radio show.
“Rest up till then, that way you’ll have more energy for the show,” she eventually settled on, “I’ll get Niffty to make you tea. Your show’s at seven, right?”
Alastor nodded.
“I’ll check on you in a while, go back to sleep if you need to, okay?” Charlie asked on her way out.
“Okay,” Alastor replied quietly. He figured he should probably save his voice; in life, he’d had a tendency to lose the ability to speak entirely when stricken with a head cold, and he hoped this hadn’t lingered now. 
But as he felt a scratchy, sandpaper-y sensation in his throat, he realised this was wishful thinking.
He flopped back down onto his pillows with a world-weary sigh.
Downstairs, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Niffty and Vaggie were waiting. 
Pentious looked at his pocket watch - Jesus, the guy was nearly as dated as Alastor - which now read ten minutes past nine.
“Guys, I’m worried about Charlie,” Vaggie finally said.
“You’re always worried about Charlie,” Angel told her, “If I know her, she should be down any minute...”
The door burst open.
But it wasn’t Charlie on the other side of it; it was Husk.
“Radio Demon’s sick, we’re fucked,” Husk said bluntly before heading behind the bar, for two reasons: to try and forget the absolute horror that had been Alastor of all people looking quite that dishevelled, and also because, well, alcohol was in hand sanitiser, right? So it stood to reason that a stiff drink would help prevent any sickness from arising. Yeah. That was why.
For good measure, he put a squeeze of orange juce in there too - he remembered having read somewhere that oranges helped keep the immune system in good shape.
Niffty’s eye twitched. She bolted from her spot to grab her cleaning materials and disinfect the living shit out of the hotel.
“Weirdos,” Angel tutted, “Oh, come on, not you too!” He snapped as he saw Pentious creep towards the door.
“Well, exssscuse me,” Pentious hissed, a look of disdain on his face, “but I have a reputation to uphold, and it wouldn’t do to fall ill and render myself vulnerable. So, goodbye.”
Charlie walked in right as Pentious left, looking highly confused. This bewilderment was amplified by Niffty immediately running up to her and giving her a generous helping of anti-bacterial spray, before scurrying off again.
Charlie's gaze wandered to the bar, where Husk was drumming his hand against the counter, his eyebrows knitted together in worry.
“How the fuck did I get landed with this bunch a’ freaks?” Angel wondered aloud, “I mean, what’s the problem? He’s probably just got a cold or somethin’, not the Black Death.”
“Because if whatever he’s got is strong enough to put an Overlord outta commission, who knows what it’d do to the rest of us?” Husk phrased it perfectly, pouring out a glass of fresh orange juice and sliding it across the bar to Charlie. She drank it, and thanked him.
“Husk, I appreciate your concern - and your juice - but I’m sure Alastor’s gonna be fine. Angel’s right-”
“Not a sentence I ever thought I’d hear,” Vaggie muttered.
“- he’s just a little under the weather, he’ll be over it in a few days,” Charlie finished.
Soooooo yeah wait and seeeeee
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Okay, I hope it's okay for me to post this. I know you might have wanted to keep this private and I 100% will take it down if you want but I COULD NOT LIVE WITH MYSELF IF I DIDN'T SCREAM ABOUT IT SO
Anon. I literally NEED more of your writing. IT HAS SUSTAINED ME THIS NIGHT. I have to start by saying that. You don't have a BLOG?? MAKE ONE IMMEDIATLY PLS. I JUST. *grabby hands* Your portrayal of the characters made words fall out of my FUCKING FACE
Charlie's voice being higher than everyone else in Hell put together. -I FUCKING CACKLED
“Radio Demon’s sick, we’re fucked,” oh MY GODS HE WOULD LITERALLY SAY THAT jesszzus I loved your Alastor/Husk interactions. 🤌
Seriously, I'm SO FUCKING HONORED you sent this to me and I fucking PRAY to our lord and savior vivziepop that you continue this story 🙏
Keep slaying anon <3 ILYSM
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3thansl4ndry · 1 year
never felt so alone
pairing - ethan landry x fem!reader
summary - ethan's conflicting emotions come out to play when he realises what he has to do to avenge his brother.
cw - canon violence, intended lower case, angst, character death, swearing
a/n - my first ethan landry fic im so fucking terrified, i kinda hate but also love this.
word count - 1.5k
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ethan knew that he didn't want to kill you. his sister, quinn, had picked you out for him, you would be ethan's first real kill following on from what had happened in New York - you would also, as it turns out, be his first real girlfriend.  you were the perfect first kill,  you lived alone;  your parents were killed in a car accident when you were 12, and since they had burned all of their bridges with their extended family members, you were left to the broken foster care system, of which you were released when you turned 18 - it was perfect, ethan would kill you, and no one would miss you. that was the initial plan, until ethan found himself getting attached to you - he didn't actually love you, did he?
he knew he loved you when he realized he couldn't end your life the way that his father and sister wanted him to. he knew that there was no one in your family that would miss you, but he would - he would miss the feeling he got in his tummy when he would fall asleep in your bed with you beside him, he'd often wake up with your arm in his face from the way you sprawled out when you slept, but he never minded. he would miss the way that you make jokes about his geek-ish interests, about how you never understood the order of any of the star wars or the marvel movies he loved - and despite all of your jabs at his interests, you watched every single movie with him, even if you were bored to death, his excitement at the little details made your heart warm.
it was all of these things that made what ethan was about to do all the much more difficult. he really, really didn't want to kill you. but he had to. he had to do it, to finish of his brother's movie and honour his legacy - to try and make his father proud. however, ethan wasn't sure if all of those factors were worth your life. before he could rethink his choices, he crouched down by the wall of your apartment building, holding onto the railing of the fire escape as he pulled out his phone - double checking that his caller id was off, if it wasn't, he wouldn't do it - and called your number.
you looked over at your desk as you heard your phone vibrating, shoving your laptop off of your lap and pushing your duvet off, you got out of bed to go and investigate who was calling you, your brows furrowing as you saw that the number was withheld. you unplugged your phone, letting the cord drop to the floor as you held the device to your ear, accepting the call.
ethan poked his head up, making sure you were focused on the call, but he couldn't think of anything to say to you, opting to stay silent as he tried his hardest to quietly break into your apartment. guilt was starting to eat at him, he had told you he couldn't hang out with you tonight, saying he had econ and he would see you the next day to make it up to you, even though he knew that the likelihood was that you would be bleeding out by the next day, dead in your apartment.  when you heard nothing but radio silence on the other end of the line, your heart rate picked up, along with your adrenaline levels - you had seen a lot of horror movies, and claimed you would be smarter than any of the girls that they portrayed in them, this was the moment that you know that all of that was out of the window.
"This isn't fucking funny," you scolded the person on the other end of the line, you didn't have time for childish bullshit like this. you turned around, swallowing hard as you saw the figure of a ghostface standing on your fire escape, the dark figure illuminated by the streetlight and the light provided by the moon. acting fast and on your pure adrenaline, you reached for the knife you kept tucked in between your mattress and bedframe, gripping it tightly in your hands. you jumped back as the figure threw themself through your bedroom window, smashing the glass into pieces as they fell to the floor with a grunt before quickly picking themselves up before charging at you. you sprinted out of your room and down the hallway, where the masked person followed you to. "What do you want?" you tried your hardest not to show how terrified you truly were.
ethan knew that you were scared, but he wanted this over with. he would make it quick for you, hell, maybe he'd even tell you it was him, maybe it would make it hurt less, but there was something not right, he watched as your fear turned into...excitement? what was going on? he moved towards you, only to be met with a picture frame smashing over his head, the glass shattering as it fell to the floor.
"stay the fuck back. i'm warning you," you waved the knife in front of the ghostface's mask, noticing they had dropped their weapon in your attack. "you think you can come in here and just try and kill me? yeah, nice try. the last people who tried that ended up in a car wreck, brake failure." ethan's heart dropped. you had killed your parents? now it all made sense. your reluctance to talk about what had happened was not merely a trauma thing, it was a murder thing. ethan now realised he was now both the prey and the predator, either one of you could be the crime scene in the days following, this was yours and his game now. before he could react, you shoved your knife through ethan's shoulder, forcing him onto the ground, you pushed through his back, driving the knife into the floor of your apartment. acting upon an adrenaline rush, ethan pulled your knife out of his shoulder, anger flooding him - you were going to kill him?
no, he couldn't have that. he had something to prove. suddenly, the entire way ethan felt about you changed - your life to him was no longer of any importance. his anger took over as he discarded the ghostface mask, you didn't deserve to die thinking that he loved you anymore.
"ethan?" your voice waivered. no. no no no no no. ethan, your sweet, dorky, nerdy boyfriend was trying to kill you. you no longer felt as confident as you did, your heart breaking as ethan got up onto his feet, gripping your knife. he chuckled as he pointed your own weapon at you. "no. what...what are you doing?"
"what do you think i'm doing? you think i'd show you my face if i was gonna let you live? oh, you sweet, dumb thing," you were convinced this was another ethan, this wasn't your boyfriend - this was just a monster that possessed his body - he told you that he loved you, no one had told you that before. you trusted him more than anyone in the world. you struggled in ethan's strong grip as he held you, your back to his chest. "you know, i really did love you," he told you. "well, that was until you tried to kill me, bitch."
before you could react, he drove the knife into your stomach, twisting the offending weapon as he plunged the knife further into your abdomen.
"ethan! please stop!" you begged him, your hand covering his as it held the knife which stuck out of your stomach. you screamed as he dragged the blade up your torso, cutting into and slicing through your intestines. "please! i love you!"
he started to feel guilty again. but he had committed now, what would you say at the hospital if he let you go? the police would take a statement, you would stick him into the cops. no, he had to follow through now. he pulled the knife out of your stomach, and took a minute to look at your blood on his hands - bright red and a stark contrast against the paleness of his hands, the blood loss from the stab wound on his shoulder. ethan held you up since you had started to slump, the life draining out of you along with all of your blood. he jerked you back before plunging the knife into your chest repeatedly, you didn't have it in you to beg or plead anymore, blood trickling out of your mouth as your boyfriend made hole after hole in your torso. feeling you go limp, ethan dropped your lifeless body onto the floor, still bleeding out from the holes in your chest and stomach.
ethan watched you lay there, blood spilling out from your body and onto your white carpet. his heart broke this time, the realisation of what he had done hitting him. he had killed you, and you loved him, you trusted him and loved him, and he did this to you.
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sissylittlefeather · 6 months
This is the Story
Chapter 8
A/N: WHEW this was a tough one. Idk if it was the moon or what, but damn I had some writer's block. Special thanks to @ccab and @elvisfatass for helping shake me out of it. I had a bit of a writing hangover after the joy of Chapter 7. I hope you all enjoy this one!
ICYMI: This is the series with 1973 Elvis and the OC Grace Dubois, author and single mom of 6yo Wendy. Want to catch up? Here are the links:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Warnings: 18+ MDNI SMUT, kissing, cussing, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Word count: 3.1k
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In between each kiss, he whispers.
"I love you."
When morning comes, the sunlight streams in through the hotel window and across the bed, waking Grace. For a second, she forgets where she is, but she relaxes when she feels Elvis wrapped around her. She rolls over to look at him. His face is almost angelic as he sleeps peacefully, breathing softly.
Last night felt like a miracle and she's not ready to lose the feeling of safety in their hotel room bubble. She knows once they step outside, everything becomes complicated, but right now, here, in the light of the morning, she's at peace knowing he loves her and she loves him. Nothing else matters.
She runs her fingertip across his brow and down his cheek to his jawline, tracing the shadow of his facial hair that appeared overnight. Finally, she leans in and kisses the end of his nose, which causes him to stir a little. He reaches out and pulls her to him before he even opens his eyes. She's not sure she'll ever get used to the way her heart skips a beat when he touches her.
When he opens his eyes, a smile spreads across his face.
"Good morning, honey."
"Hi. How'd you sleep?"
"Better than I have in a long time. You?"
"I'm a whole new woman." She stretches and he presses his hips into her, revealing his normal morning erection. "Oh, hello soldier!" She laughs, but then he pulls her into a kiss and she feels her arousal begin to form.
He kisses and nuzzles her neck and then moves down her chest. She hadn't intended to sleep naked, but the feeling of his skin on hers was too good to interrupt with clothing, so he has easy access to her breasts. He moans quietly as he drags his tongue in a circle around her nipple, pinching the other one softly. She arches her back as he kisses back up her neck and then she puts her leg over his hip. He slept naked too, so it doesn't take much for him to line himself up and slide inside her.
"Fuck yes." She moans loudly as he slowly thrusts against her.
"You've got a dirty mouth, doll." He smiles as he continues to fuck her gently.
"You love me." She smiles back at him.
"God, I really do." He leans in and kisses her passionately, rolling his hips rhythmically against her as they continue to make love. After a few more minutes, he rolls her onto her back and keeps going.
"Goddamn, baby. You feel so good." He grunts and kisses her shoulder. She wraps her legs around him and he starts to move faster.
"Don't stop." She whispers in his ear, breathily. She feels herself approaching the edge too as he pushes into her over and over. His dick is perfect to hit all the right places inside her and she can't get enough. He leans in and kisses her again as he pumps in and out of her.
"I'm close, baby." She nods.
"Me too." He picks up the pace just a little more and a minute or two later they both tumble over the edge of oblivion together, moaning and cussing in turns, him shuddering and filling her with his release and her pulsing around him.
This time she says it first, pushing his hair back off of his forehead and holding his face in her hands.
"I love you." He smiles and kisses her softly.
"I love you too, honey." He rests his head on her chest as she runs her fingers through his hair and massages his scalp. They're both reluctant to admit that they need to get up and go back to real life.
He has an idea and pops his head up to look at her.
"Wanna take a shower?" A smile crawls across her face and she nods excitedly. He jumps up and they make their way to the bathroom together. He starts the shower and she steps in, laughing and wrapping her arms around him as he pulls the curtain shut. Reality can wait a little while longer.
When Grace and Elvis finally roll up to her mom's house to pick up Wendy, it's lunch time. She doesn't think too much of it as she knocks on the door. This time Maryann answers.
"Mhmmm. Get in here, lovebirds." Grace protests and Elvis simply raises his eyebrows.
"What? We're not...?"
"I'm messing with you, sis." But Maryann smirks knowingly. They walk into the house and Grace makes her way back to the kitchen. Elvis is caught in some kind of game with the kids where he has to pretend to be shot and play dead, which he does easily. As soon as they are out of earshot Maryann rounds on Grace.
"You slept with him!"
"Maryann! That is really none of your business!" Ruth chimes in. Then she looks at Grace expectantly. They seem to be waiting for some kind of confession from her.
"Okay! Yes! I slept with him!" Her mother shakes her head.
"Was he? I mean... there's rumors... was it...? Is he as good as they say?" Maryann dances around the question, but finally gets to it. Grace responds with a smile and a single word.
Ruth rolls her eyes and Maryann claps excitedly.
"Good. It's about damn time you got with somebody decent. He's a huge improvement, as far as I can tell." Maryann looks Grace dead in the eye. "Please don't let the fact that he's Elvis Presley ruin your happiness with him."
Grace, who has been sparkly-eyed and giddy all morning gets a little serious in response.
"I won't."
Maryann reaches out and squeezes her arm with a knowing smile. Ruth pulls her into a hug.
"I'm just happy you're happy."
Once everyone is loaded into the car and ready to drive back to Memphis, Elvis almost leans over to kiss Grace, but he notices Wendy is watching. Before he does anything he turns to her.
"Wendy, I'd like to kiss your mama. Is that okay with you?" Wendy smiles.
"Yes, please, Daddy." He nods in response and Grace laughs. Then he leans in and gives her a quick but sensual kiss on the lips. Wendy does a silent happy dance.
"Home, then?" Elvis looks to Grace and she nods. Somehow, Memphis has become home. He puts the car in drive and they set off on the long journey east.
It's dark when they pull into the driveway of Graceland, night coming earlier under the November moon. Grace is exhausted from the long drive.
"Stay here tonight?" Elvis offers up a suggestion to keep her from driving home so tired. She nods and they all head inside.
When they get there, though, Colonel Parker is waiting in the foyer.
"Where have you been, Mr. Presley?" Elvis freezes when he hears the voice and Grace can tell he's nervous to answer.
"He came to my mom's house for Thanksgiving. Is that a problem?"
"It's only a problem, my dear, if anyone saw you." The Colonel is staring daggers at Elvis, who returns his icy glare.
"Colonel, go home. This isn't your business."
"My boy, you are my business. And I'm not sure you're taking care of it properly."
"We'll talk about it tomorrow." Elvis opens the door for the Colonel to leave.
Grace knew things would be complicated when they got back to Memphis, but she didn't expect so much trouble from the Colonel. He walks out the door and looks back at Elvis.
"You will see, my boy. You will see." Then he makes his way to the driveway and disappears.
"Ignore him, please." Elvis turns Grace to him and wraps his arms around her. He kisses her forehead and she leans into the comfort of him against her. After a few seconds, he lets her go and turns to Wendy.
"Would you like to sleep in Lisa's room?" She nods excitedly and bounces up the stairs. Once she's settled in there, he walks with Grace to his bedroom. They both change into pajamas and climb into the big bed together. Everything about this feels so natural that they don't even question anything. She snuggles into him and thinks about what Maryann said.
Yes, there are aspects of his life that might make their relationship complicated, but this part, them together in bed, is the easiest thing she's ever done.
"I love you, honey." He whispers in her ear as he nuzzles into her hair from behind. She pulls his arm tighter around her and whispers in return.
"I love you, Elvis." They fall asleep there together like they plan to do it every night for the rest of their lives.
"Mr. Ebert, this is Colonel Parker. I apologize for the late call."
"Please, call me Frank. What do you need?"
"I'd like to request a new ghost writer for Elvis Presley's book."
"Is he dissatisfied with Grace?"
"Quite the opposite. Please send a male author this time."
"I'm sorry, sir, she's done too much work already. Starting over with a new author would take time that you just don't have if you want the book finished next year."
"Have you looked into her expense account recently? I believe there are some charges you might find interesting."
"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. But I'll look into it."
"Please do. And after you do, send a man to finish the book."
Grace and Wendy spend the rest of the weekend at Graceland. For the most part, they're a happy little family living a decently quiet life. Elvis answers calls and has a meeting or two, but he makes time for Grace and Wendy when he can. Sunday night, Frank calls.
"Grace, why aren't you home? Paulette said you were with Elvis?" She puts her hand on her forehead. This won't be easy to explain.
"Yes. I, well, we, he came home to Tulsa with me and we got back Friday and Wendy and I are... still here..."
"Grace. I specifically told you to keep your distance. What are you doing?!"
"It's not... I..."
"Grace, do you need to be reassigned? Because his manager is asking for a new author."
"No, Frank, please don't. I'm still writing the book. We're just... friends..."
"Go to your apartment, Grace. And send Paulette back on your own dime. The higher-ups have requested that I shut down your expense account because of suspicious use. I will bring you home if I need to."
"Suspicious use? I'm working! I need my nanny!"
"Your expense account does not cover a babysitter for date nights with Elvis Presley." Grace feels the tears burn in the corners of her eyes. They haven't even been on a date yet. "Shut it down, Grace."
"Yes, sir." Elvis notices the change in her demeanor from across the room where he sits with Wendy. She hangs up the phone and turns back to him with tears on her cheeks.
"What happened?"
"We have to go back to the apartment."
"Says who?"
"My editor. He says if I don't keep our relationship professional, he'll bring me home and send a different author. I just don't know how he knew..."
"The Colonel. Goddamn that man." Elvis stands up in a mild rage. "My personal life is none of his goddamn business."
He walks to Grace and cups her face in his hands. She looks up at him as the tears slide down and he wipes them with his thumbs.
"I'm not ready for this to be over."
"Over? Honey, this is nowhere near over." He wraps his arms around her.
"But Frank said-"
"I don't give a damn what Frank said."
"He's my boss. I have to give a damn." Elvis pulls back and looks at her.
"Quit your job. Just stay here with me." Her eyebrows knit together in the center of her forehead.
"I can't do that, Elvis. I need my job. I have to know I have a backup if you... well..."
"If I what?"
"Well, if you... move on..."
"Move on? Are you suggesting that I would be unfaithful?"
"Elvis. Let's be realistic here. The only reason you're so captivated by me is that I'm here and all your fans are not. When you get back to Vegas or on tour, I'll be the furthest thing from your mind."
"Grace, I'm in love with you. You think that means nothing to me?"
"I think you've been in love before." He steps back like she slapped him, a look of utter betrayal on his face.
"Is that really what you think of me?"
"That's what I think of any man in your shoes. It's not a commentary on your character."
"Oh, well as long as it's not a commentary on my character. That's a pretty shitty thing to think, Grace."
"Well, I've had some pretty shitty things happen to me before from people that I trusted."
"I'm not him."
"No, but you're you."
"What the hell does that mean?" He raises his voice with this statement and Grace becomes keenly aware of Wendy's presence.
"Maybe we should just go."
"Maybe you should." She turns away from him and stomps up the stairs to pack her and Wendy's things. He picks up the closest knick knack and intends to throw it when he realizes Wendy is still sitting and watching him. Instead, he slams it down and walks out of the room. Wendy sighs and shakes her head.
A few minutes later, Grace comes down the stairs, suitcases in hand, still fuming. Elvis stands at the kitchen counter for a bit trying to decide if he wants to see her before she leaves. He knows he does, but he's still pretty upset about what she said.
"We're leaving!" He slams his hands on the counter and walks out to the foyer.
"I'll see you tomorrow? To work on the book?" She asks quietly without looking up at him.
"Sure." He responds. She nods, crying silently. There it is again: the overwhelming need to comfort her, even though he's angry with her. But he doesn't give in. Instead, he opens the door for her as she and Wendy make their way to her car.
When she gets to the car door, she looks back up at the house, but he's already shut the front door. She doesn't see him on the other side leaning against it near tears himself.
On Monday, there's a noticeable chilly tension between Elvis and Grace as they go back to talking about the book. He's dying to wrap his arms around her and she's desperate to lay her head on his shoulder and cry, but they maintain a healthy distance. Neither of them are sure where their relationship stands at this point or if it's even a relationship anymore. Grace knows the things she said were hurtful. And she didn't mean to say them. She was just so scared of being hurt again. She knew she couldn't fully rely on any man, not just Elvis. And he knows she had a point. He didn't have the greatest track record. Why should she trust him?
As she's packing up to leave, though, he reaches out and touches her face. She's just about to apologize when the Colonel bursts through the door and slams a tabloid on the desk. On the front page is a picture of Elvis and Grace walking together out of the hotel in Tulsa. The headline reads, "Presley's New Mystery Love: Too Soon After Divorce?"
"What the fuck?" Elvis says it first, but it's exactly what Grace is thinking.
"I told you this was a risk. You did not listen. And now you will pay the price in the media." The Colonel speaks slowly and deliberately. "As soon as they know who she is, and they will, then neither of you will be safe from them. Is this what you had in mind, my boy?"
"Of course not. I didn't even know anyone took our picture. What do we do?" He looks to the Colonel frantically and Grace backs away with her hand over her mouth.
Wendy's father will see this and there is no telling how he will respond. He's tried to reach out to Grace over the years and she's managed to stay away from him by keeping hidden. He was not the kind of man she wanted in her daughter's life. In a way, she had considered it a blessing that he'd left when he did. Now he will know where to find her and it's only a matter of time before he shows up.
"Grace?" Elvis turns to her as she stands with her back against the door and her hand over her mouth.
"I can't be here. I have to go." She gathers her things and runs for her car.
"Grace!" Elvis yells after her, but she doesn't stop. He can tell something is wrong, but he's not sure what. This is about more than just her picture in the newspaper. He gets to her car just before she pulls out.
"Grace! Talk to me. What's going on?" She rolls the window down.
"It's Wendy's father. If he finds me..."
"Then stay here. I'll protect you."
"No! Don't you see? This is exactly where he will come. I can't be here."
"Grace, I have guards and gates and, hell, an arsenal of guns here. Please stay." She looks up at him through the window, her hands shaking on the steering wheel.
"I'll send a car for her and Paulette right now." She nods her head slowly and turns the car off. He helps her out of the car and back up to the house. As they walk, she pauses and looks up at him.
"Don't shoot him." She smiles weakly.
"I can't make any promises, doll." He chuckles lightly.
Once inside, he sends Jerry to get Wendy and Paulette. Grace calls and tells Paulette to pack up as much clothing as possible for the three of them. She'll send Paulette home on the first plane out of Memphis.
The Colonel is in shock. He didn't expect this to be the response to his announcement. He hoped this would separate them further, but it seems to have brought them back together. He sneaks out, wheels turning in his mind.
Several hours later, Wendy is settled at Graceland and Jerry takes Paulette to the airport.
"Mama, are we going to stay here with Daddy now?" Wendy asks as Grace holds her close on the couch in the TV room.
"Yes, baby. For a little while at least."
"Good. I like it here." Grace smiles and kisses Wendy on the hair.
Elvis stands in the doorway protectively, watching the scene in front of him. He hasn't forgotten the hurtful things she said, but it doesn't change the fact that he loves her, and Wendy too. He can put his own feelings aside to make sure nothing happens to them.
Until next time!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @ashtag6887 @aliypop @your-nanas-house @dkayfixates @everythingelvispresley @xanatenshi @returntopresley @p0lksaladannie @deniseinmn @jaqueline19997 @that-hotdog @mykievolturi @18lkpeters @joshuntildawn13 @rjmartin11 @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69
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luvyblossom · 9 months
Love me (not) (Pt.2)
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Hello Lovelies!
This ended up being way longer than I intended it to be. The drama has started!! As always please let me know what you thought and interact with this work. Reblogs are always appreciated!
Enjoy Part 2
Warnings: none in this chapter but series contains smut (MDNI)
Series Masterlist
The next morning, you woke up to find that Hyunjin hadn’t cuddled up to you during the night. He was always a clingy sleeper so it was odd to see his back turned to you. You always woke up before the alarm usually staying still so Hyunjin could sleep longer but today you were able to get up. You sat up, the movement of the mattress letting Hyunjin know you were awake. 
He was awake too. He turned quickly towards you. “ Good morning.” 
“Good morning,” you said with the warm smile that was all the sunshine he needed. Before you could get up he pulled you back down to the bed and into his arms. You let out a whine but did not fight him. 
“Just 5 more minutes. I didn’t sleep well.” Hyunjin whispered into your hair. Your heart did this silly little thing where it skipped a beat and then sped up until it was pounding in your chest as if it was trying to run away. The loud thuds of your heart were the only thing you could hear, you worried they were so loud that Hyunjin could hear too. Your heart often did this around him.
You gave Hyunjin his allotted 5 minutes and then wriggled out of his grasp, relieved to be able to breathe again as your heart beat slowed down. He tried to grab at you again whining, "You don't want me to get any sleep."
" I have class Hyunjin," you laughed after looking at him pouting, still in your bed and still with his eyes closed.
"Skip class. You're ahead anyways. I need a nap." Now his eyes were open looking at you.
" Then take a nap."
" I don't like to sleep alone," he said this quieter. You hadn't known that about him. You thought he usually came by to get a break from all the boys.
You tried not to read into it too much. " I'm sure you can find someone to sleep with," you laughed, "but please not in my bed."
Hyunjin sat up. "I've never actually slept with any of them. They usually leave and I don't let them stay." You learned another thing you hadn't known about your friend. Again, you decided to let the confession go and not read into what it meant that you were the one he slept with. You could never let yourself think too much when it came to Hyunjin, you would go crazy if you did. Instead of giving him a reply you walked to the kitchen and started your coffee maker.
You heard a groan and then the creaking of the bed as Hyunjin got up and joined you in the kitchen. You started cooking Hyunjin's eggs the way he liked them. It was Friday which meant Hyunjin likely had some party to go to and he wouldn't be staying over.
"You're not coming over tonight right?" You asked as you put his breakfast in front of him.
"We're hosting a party at Sigma Chi tonight," he confirmed. "You know you're always invited."
You had absolutely no desire to attend any of those parties. You didn't mind drinking but the atmosphere was always overwhelming and there was always a tipsy creep around. "You know I don't like to go to those. Plus I have a bunch of work to catch up on."
" You should let loose once in a while. You're always working and you never do anything else with me but study," Hyunjin was giving you a little pout. He had tried to get you to attend so many parties. You always denied. What you would dread the most is when Hyunjin would inevitably disappear with some girl for the night and leave you to fend for yourself. It was the being alone part that bothered you, you assured yourself.
"It's not really my thing Hyunjin. You know that."
"If you come I'll show you the piece I'm working on."
That was an intriguing offer. You had never really gotten to see any of Hyunjin's art, only a few projects he's done for his classes. " Can't I just come to see it when there's not a party? You're going to be preoccupied anyways."
"You have to earn a private showing," Hyunjin winked at you. " And I will make sure you have fun, I won't leave you alone."
You weighed your options. You knew that some of your girlfriends were going as well so you wouldn't have to be completely alone. " I'll think about it."
"Hey" you greeted Felix as you rushed into your lab. You had just barely made it in time.
"Hi" Felix gave you his bright smile and began to pull out the things you needed.
"I don't know how you're so cheerful this early in the morning," despite saying that you smiled back at Felix, his smile making yours come easy.
"It's easy when I've got you as my lab partner."
That made you blush. Felix periodically said these sweet flirty things that made your ears turn a bit red. You always brushed it off not knowing what to say in return.
"Okay our percent yield isn't bad" you showed Felix the calculations to confirm it was right.
"Yeah it looks good." You both packed up and started heading out. Before you could part ways, Felix turned to you, " Are you and Hyunjin a thing?"
You were used to this question. "No we're just good friends."
"Okay. I'll walk you to your next class." Felix was really quiet as he walked by your side, swinging his arms nervously. "Are you going to the party at Sigma Chi tonight," he asked after what seemed like an eternity of silence.
"I don't know. I don't usually go to those types of things."
Felix didn't respond for another stretch of time. It was strange to have him so quiet. He usually would talk your ear off.
"You should come," he finally said, " Um, we could go together."
You thought about it. Felix's company would get you through the night. You would get to see Hyunjin's art and he would get off your case about 'letting loose.' "Sure, come for 9?"
Felix let out a large breath of air. He had been holding it in waiting for your reply. You made him so goddamn nervous. "O-okay great, yes. See you tonight y/n," he gave you a big grin as you walked into your class.
You slipped on your sneakers when you got the ‘I’m here’ text from Felix. This was the first time in a long time you had taken the time to get ready. You chose to wear a black crop top with a short pleated black skirt. Spending time on yourself, doing you makeup and your hair had actually been fun. You walked out of your apartment feeling confident.
Felix was waiting for you right outside your building. You smiled and waved at him as you walked up. He was in all black like you. A t-shirt that hugged his arms but was slouchy in the torso and black pants. He had a sort of long mullet that really suited him and he was standing there - waiting for you - looking, staring at you as you walked towards him.
“Hey” that’s all he could say. Too nervous to say anything else at the moment. The walk with Felix was so quiet. You didn’t know what was up with him today. You decided to start the conversation.
"So, what do you do aside from bio labs?" Although you had spent hours with Felix weekly, you didn't know much about him.
"I do taekwondo. I have a few matches coming up so it's been busy."
"I know who to go to for self-defense lessons now."
He turned to you with a smile that lit up his eyes. It was so excited and genuine that it caught you off guard as his eyes looked into yours. " I would love to teach you!"
Your heart pounded for the second time today but caused by a different catalyst. You didn't have to suffer too long because you both had reached the party.
Loud music and so many people, you would need alcohol to make it through the night. You turned to Felix, "Drinks?"
He nodded and you began your trek through the crowd of drunk students to the kitchen. On the way, Felix had been stopped by three different girls asking him to join them or dance; he had respectfully declined all of the offers. When you finally got to your destination you were greeted by a table full of alcohol and Seungmin "Hello pretty lady! Nice to see you finally join us," he said as he gave you a quick hug and handed you a glass.
Seungmin was one of the members of the frat and a good friend as well. He looked over at Felix and gave him a quick greeting and a drink before getting close to you,"Brought a date?"
You elbowed Seungmin which was enough to get him to cut his teasing short and leave you and Felix.
"Sorry about all that," Felix nervously scratched the back of his neck again. You understood he was referring to all the times he's been stopped by girls in the crowd.
"No worries, I'm very used to it," you laughed. It hadn't bothered you but you had heard Felix quietly tell them that he was already here with someone and that had made your heart beat a little bit faster. You weren't sure if this was a date or if you were here as friends; you didn't know the answer to Seungmin's question.
While Felix and you spoke and drank you looked into the crowd trying to see if you could spot Hyunjin. When he did finally come into view you saw him with his arm around Jess's waist. You felt a knot in your stomach. You chose to ignore it and turn your attention completely to Felix, hoping he would once again be the perfect distraction.
"Do you want to dance?" The alcohol had given Felix some confidence and allowed you to loosen up.
You followed him to the makeshift dancefloor that was made in the living room by pushing aside all the furniture. It was crowded, forcing you and Felix to sway close to one another. After the first song, Felix found the courage to place his hands on your waist and pull you a bit closer. It felt natural as you placed yours onto his shoulders now swaying to the beat of a slower song.
Felix had held you with just his fingertips but as you placed your hands on him, grazing the back of his neck, he allowed his hands to rest on your waist. His palms were hot against the exposed skin of your back but they gave you goosebumps like you had just been hit by a chill. He pulled you even closer, your chest now touching his and sending another chill through you. The alcohol in your system allowed you to keep swaying as you ran your hands first down his arms feeling his toned biceps. Then you ran them back up to trace over his collar bone before dragging them down his chest. His chest was hard and as you moved down you could feel the definition of his abs. You didn't know he had been hiding all that, it made sense that he did taekwando you thought to yourself. You ran your hands back up his chest before tracing over his neck and finding your way to the back of his neck to tangle into his hair.
The whole time Felix's eyes focused on you, taking in the way you admired him. When he felt your hands tug at his hair he let out a sharp breath, not knowing that he had been holding it in. You looked at him, studying his features. Moving from his eyes to the freckles that peppered over his cheeks and nose until finally landing on his pink almost pouty lips. "You're so pretty," it came out hushed as you moved your fingers to trace over his jawline.
Felix let out a chuckle that sounded like it had a hint of a groan, "I should be saying that to you-" He stopped speaking as you moved your fingers up to trace his lips. You looked back into his eyes, your thumb still making its way across his bottom lip which was now slightly parted. You could feel your heart pounding, drowning out the music and noise around you as you continued to match his fiery stare. Felix followed suite as he brought one of his hands up to your face to gently move a stray piece of hair behind your ear. He ran his finger down to your chin, tracing your cheek before tilting your face up to him. His face moved closer to yours at an agonizing pace. Finally his lips hovered right by yours, almost touching-
"Ah!" You yelped as you felt a hand snake around your waist and pull you back. You collided into something hard behind you. As you recovered from your surprise, you looked at Felix to see him looking behind you. You turned around to face a muscular chest before pushing away from the assailant to see who it was. You looked up to see Hyunjin glaring at Felix. He looked down at you as he felt your push.
"Y/n, you didn't tell me you were coming." His eyes were dark pools. His words sounded harsh making you feel as though you had done something wrong.
You glared back at Hyunjin recovering from the surprise. You mouthed to him ' What the fuck??' You turned around to face Felix, there was a significant distance between the two of you. You pushed against Hyunjins forearm, that was still wrapped around your waist, to walk towards Felix. Hyunjin just tightened his hold on you pulling you closer against him, "I promised I'd show you my paintings." He started to turn with you pressed against him to get off the dancefloor.
Before you were forced to follow you turned and gave Felix an apologetic look. "I'm sorry! I'll be back," you shouted so he could hear you over the music. Felix gave you a little smile and a nod before you were quite literally dragged out of his view. Hyunjin didn't let go of you until you reached his bedroom. He opened the door and lead you in, finally letting you go and closing the door behind you two. Before you could start to go off on Hyunjin you were stopped in your tracks. Jess was perched on the end of his bed as if it was her place.
"What are you doing here?" Hyunjin asked. Jess walked past you slightly pushing you as she went and draped herself on Hyunjin.
You couldn't do this. You were fuming as you walked out of his room, slamming the door behind you. You had maybe had a bit too much to drink you realized as you stumbled down the stairs. You decided that it was not enough by the time you reached the last step, proceeding to the kitchen and downing some shots before finding your way to a beer pong table where Felix was expertly aiming his ball. He stopped when he saw you and held out the ball gesturing you to join him. You grabbed for the ball but ended up missing completely and stumbling into him.
"Are you okay?" Felix asked, his face was painted in concern as he held you up.
"I'm fine," your voice betraying you as your words slurred and tears started to blur your vision.
"Let's get out of here?" It was more of a statement than a question but you nodded in agreement. Felix helped you out the door and to the sidewalk where the music was no longer ringing in your ears. "What happened?" He looked at you as he wiped away the tears that had streamed down your face.
" Hyunjin is an ass." You said conclusively. You sank down to your knees, feeling so exhausted. You could feel the concrete on your bare legs. You were too tired to move, too tired to cry and too tired to feel. You would have laid down if Felix wasn't holding you up.
"Y/n, get up. We need to get you home."
"I'm tired," you made no move to get up. "Home is too far."
"I live close to here. C'mon." Felix was kneeling in front of you so you could climb onto his back. You used the last of your energy to climb on, greatful for your saviour.
" You're stronger than I thought you would be," you slurred on and let your hands briefly feel his chest. " So muscular." Felix chuckled in response.
He didn't make you walk at all. You don't know how but he maneuvered his door open and carried you into a bedroom allowing you slip off him and onto the bed. You felt him take your shoes off and then he left the room. You were already dozing off when Felix returned. You felt something wet on your face making you whine as it disturbed your sleep.
" Shh. I just have to take your makeup off and then you can sleep." Felix hushed you. You opened your eyes to see Felix focused on carefully wiping your face. You smiled. " What?" Felix asked, seeing you staring at him.
" You're like my hero. Thank you." Your words were genuine despite coming out slurred.
A blush set over Felix's face as he continued wiping away your makeup. " Okay all done. Sleep tight y/n." He pulled the covers over you and turned off the light before leaving the room.
Your head was pounding. You squinted as you opened your eyes, the sunlight pouring in through the window was too bright. Your eyes adjusted as you rose up onto your elbows and looked around. You were not in your room. The room you were in had a desk with a full gaming set-up. There was a shelf crowded with medals and books and the rest of the walls were covered in band posters. You found the strength to get out of the strange bed and venture out. You were met with an unfamiliar man sitting in the living room only further confusing you.
" Felix, she's up." He didn't bother greeting you but you were happy to hear a familiar name. Felix popped his head out from under the kitchen island which was right behind their living room.
"Y/n, how'd you sleep?" He asked as he walked to you and handed you a glass of orange juice and an aspirin. He guided you to sit on the couch. "This is Minho, my roommate." Minho gave you a small wave but didn't bother to look at you.
You took the pill and gulped down the orange juice. As you sat you started to remember your night. The almost kiss, Hyunjin and Jess and the stuff you said to Felix. You started to turn red, feeling embarrassed at the actions of drunk you. "I slept okay. I -uh sorry."
"I don't mind, it's not everyday I get to be someone's hero," Felix teased.
You groaned and buried your face in your hands not wanting to look at him. He just laughed at your reaction before getting up. He placed a plate with pancakes on your lap when he returned. "I don't think I can eat," the embarrassment and alcohol making you queasy. Felix however, did make sure you ate and drank a bunch of water before letting you leave.
“Thank you for everything." You said as you opened the passenger door. He had also insisted on giving you a ride home. As if he could get any sweeter.
" I hope you figure it out with Hyunjin." He gave you a soft smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"There’s nothing to figure out. He shouldn't have dragged me away like that." You started to feel the anger again as you rubbed your temples. " I owe you one."
As you got into your elevator you finally checked your phone. Felix had charged it overnight to make sure it wouldn't die. You had 20 missed calls and atleast 10 texts from Hyunjin. You decided not to open them until after you'd had a shower and maybe a nap.
You opened your apartment door to be greeted by Hyunjin. He had dozed off on your couch, still in his clothes from last night. Your heart softened just a bit, feeling bad that he had come looking for you.
Your entry into the apartment had stirred Hyunjin awake. " Y/n?" he asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He saw it was you and he was fully awake now. He stood up. "Where The Fuck Were You?"
Hyunjin had never raised his voice at you before so his tone took you by surprise. His question managed to wash away the slight bit of sympathy you had felt for him earlier, replacing everything with rage. You didn't shout. " That is none of your business."
" What the fuck do you mean it's none of my business?" Hyunjin walked over to you, your strong front beginning to dissolve as he moved closer. He took a deep breath and let it out, softening his gaze as he moved his hand to your face to gently move a stray hair out of your face. "I was so worried about you," he said in a much softer tone that sounded like your Hyunjin.
Your anger had completely dissipated at this point, your breath hitching as you tried to find words while he stood this close to you. You instead chose to bury your face in his chest so he'd wrap his arms around you. You were still exhausted and just wanted comfort. Your heart had been doing somersaults consistently for the past two days and you needed everything to be calm. It was a marvel how this man could make your heart jump but put you at ease so easily.
Hyunjin let you relax in his arms. The conversation wasn't over but he felt your exhaustion. He was tired too having barely slept last night while trying to find you. You looked up at Hyunjin torn between staying the way that you were or going to bed. " You can shower first," you decided bed was the move.
You crawled into the covers next to Hyunjin, your hair still damp because you had been too lazy to blow dry it. You were ready for a real rest until it was interrupted by Hyunjin, "We still need to talk."
You didn't look at him. "About?"
"About where you were last night and why you ran off."
You were only ready to answer one of those questions. "Stayed over at Felix's place."
Hyunjin tensed. That was what he had dreaded hearing from you. He tried to keep his tone even, "Did anything happen?"
You turned over onto your stomach propping your face on your arms so you could look at him, "Why are you being so nosy?"
"I don't like him."
You rolled your eyes. " Is that why you dragged me away last night?" Hyunjin refused to reply. "I'm not crazy about your hookups either. You'll live. At least he tries to be nice to you."
"What happened?" Hyunjin wouldn't drop the subject.
"Does it matter?"
"Yes - you were so drunk. Could you even consent?" Hyunjin was so tense waiting for an answer from you.
"Jeez. He was a perfect gentleman and nothing happened. He carried me cause I was so tired, let me take his bed, removed my makeup, made sure I ate breakfast and drove me home." You couldn't help but smile as you thought about how sweet Felix had been. You knew he was nice but he had been so gentle and caring with you.
Hyunjin should have been relieved, happy to hear what he had wanted. But a sinking feeling grew in the pit of his stomach as he saw you sit there grinning while talking about him. Was it because he was too used to you only smiling at him? Hyunjin tried to get rid of his thoughts. He was the one with you, Felix had not even been invited up. He dragged you in towards him, holding you tighter than he usually did causing you to yelp. "Time to sleep."
You woke up as the sun was setting, a bit disoriented from the prolonged nap. You grabbed your phone from your beside table opening it to see a text from Felix: Hope you got some rest, are you busy next Friday?
No, I don't think so
His reply came quick. Do you want to go on a hike?
I would want that
I'll pick you up at 6. We can watch the sunset
You let out a giddy giggle as you kicked the air. Butterflies were fluttering in your stomach. Your outburst woke up Hyunjin. He groaned with his eyes still closed and pulled up the blanket to cover his face. “What?”
“Guess what”
“ What?” He said not moving.
“I think I have a date.” You were still giddy. “ It may not be a date though,” you weren’t sure if maybe Felix didn’t feel that way about you.
Hyunjin’s eyes opened and he shot up when he heard you say the word ‘date.’ “ With who?”
“Felix. I mean he asked but maybe he doesn’t like me like that. What do you think?” You opened up your texts and shoved your phone in Hyunjin’s hand.
He read the very short conversation with his brows furrowed. He looked at you now, his chocolate brown eyes filled with dismay.
“What? Do you think I misread the situation?”
Hyunjin looked away from you. “ Uh- no I don’t think you misread the situation. You want to go out with him?” He avoided your eyes not wanting to give away the bitterness that was spreading through him.
“Yes I do. I think I really like him.” You hoped the feeling was mutual. You weren’t sure what you expected, but you liked him and it was nice to feel special to someone. “I will make dinner tonight!”
“I should get going I can’t stay over tonight. I told Jess I’d see her.” Hyunjin got out of bed and slipped on his hoodie, still avoiding your eyes.
"I’ll talk to you tomorrow then,” this time you were able to stomach her name. Felix was the right choice, you didn’t have to push away any feelings.
Hyunjin said a quiet goodbye to you before walking out the door.
He didn’t call you the next day.
End of Part 2
This is an original work. Do not republish or repost this work in any form, including translations.
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morverenmaybewrites · 30 days
Hello! I hope you're doing well, I wanted to say I adore your writing, when I saw the last two updates for the Pizza Delivery Girl fic I jumped on my bed in the middle of the night and slept 2 hours later than I intended because that story is just too good. Honestly, it's the best piece of fanfiction I've read and it's even better than some published books by miles. It's not just the way you write Jason, which makes me want to cry and punch the wall because it's too good, it's the slow-burn, the details that make Gotham feel real, the guilt every character feels, the danger at every turn and how Pizza Delivery Girl is sort of a lighthouse in the middle of the sea of Gotham's darkness, but she still has her own pain and fears. Even Langstorm, who I didn't expect to be written with so much care, makes me want to cry and rejoice because it's soooo good.
Really, the way you write Jason has to be one of the best things about the story. It doesn't feel over the top or 'edgy', and it doesn't get boring. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like this, but on some bad days reading how much Jason despises himself (which will never stop hurting) made me think that maybe I don't have to be so harsh with myself either. I just can't wait for him to realise he can be loved, but please make me wait for it, it'll be worth it.
And I also wanted to say that since the last update I can't stop thinking about what Jason will feel when/if he learns about Pizza Girl's healing. Will he be jealous and angry, or sad, resigned? Will it break him, or will it be touching for him that somebody who can erase her physical scars doesn't mind at all his own?
Anyway, sorry for the long ask, but I can't keep going without making sure you know how much your story is loved. Please keep writing, at your own pace of course, and as you can see, time will pass and many of us will be still waiting here for more. I first read the story as a teen, and I have to say it's so satisfying to have grown a little bit and look back at something you enjoyed and loved and find it's still as good as it was the first time you read it. That is a testament to how majestic your writing is.
Sorry for the basically long email. I really hope you're doing well, and thank you for writing!
Wow. I don't even know how to articulate my thanks for such a lovely ask. You broke down what you love about my writing, my characterization in such loving detail.
This ask is literally what writers' dreams are made of. I'm going to print it and hang it on my wall. And then I'm going to make a second copy so I can eat it.
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dib-thing-wannabe · 6 months
The Evil and The Genius
Chapter One: Interruption in the routine
As the sun was rising in the early morning, it peaked through the window of the sleeping boy genius, known by the name of Jimmy Neutron. The sunlight hit his resting eyes, causing them to flutter open after a few seconds. He groaned in annoyance as he rolled over to his side, where the sun wouldn't hit his vision, still wanting to sleep. Though Goddard didn't allow it to continue for more than a few more seconds before tugging at the blanket covering him, growling as he id so.
Jimmy lets out another tired groan before sitting up, rubbing his eye. "Alright, alright, I'm up boy. I'm up." He let out a small yawn as he looked at the clock on his side table, it reading 8:05 am. Thankfully for him, it was a Saturday without any plans, so there wasn't any need to rush.
"Go downstairs, boy! I'll catch up to you after I'm all dressed!" Jimmy spoke in a tired tone, though he tried to make it seem a bit more excited so that Goddard would listen. Effectively, this worked as intended, as his robotic dog wagged his tail and let out a few excited barks before rushing out of his room.
Jimmy sighed before getting out of the bed, stretching as he did so. Lately, it's been the same old, same old: He wakes up, goes to school despite him not technically needing to, fix the townspeople's problems that are honestly accidently his fault more times than not, gets back home, stays up later than he should be to continue working on his latest inventions, then goes to bed at around 4 am. It's tiring, but it is what it is, or at least in Jimmy's mind. Besides, at least he hasn't needed to fight against any villains for awhile now, so that's something for him.
Once fully dressed, he met Goddard downstairs, who is sitting next to his mom, Judy, who's currently making breakfast.
"Oh, hello Jimmy! I hope you were able sleep decently, since your father decided to have a one-man movie night again, and you and I both know how he likes his tv! Nice and loud!" She said with a slight chuckle, turning towards him as she held a pan in her hand.
"Yep, I know exactly that! But yes, I slept quite well despite that." Jimmy lied through his teeth with what he tried to make look like a genuine smile, simply not wanting his mother to either worry about him or punish him. It's not like he meant to stay up until 5:34 am working on a power blaster, it just sorta happened!
Judy, unaware of what really happened last night with Jimmy, smiles warmly back at him. "That's good! Now, what would you like for breakfast?"
"Oh, no need for that, dear mother. I'm not hungry." He told her, walking past her to grab a drink for himself in the fridge.
"Oh, come on, Jimmy! That's, what, the fifth time you didn't eat breakfast this week, correct, young man? C'mon, it doesn't have to be much, it can be simple , like some buttered toast!" She told him sternly, holding the pan in one hand and her hip in the other.
Jimmy let out a soft and quiet groan before turning towards her with a drink in his hand, knowing that she's just simply worried for his health. "Fine, I guess I'll have some toast. Please and thank you." This caused Judy to smile at him before turning away and walk towards the toaster. " Alrighty then! Toast, coming right up!"
After around 5 minutes, Jimmy exits the house after eating some toast, with Goddard quickly following behind him. Normally, Jimmy would head straight for the shed and into his lab on days like this, but sadly he needs overall more materials to continue on with his current projects and they had yet to arrive. So for now, he's just walking around town, seeing if there's anything he could do.
"Jimmy!!" A familiar voice called out to him after a few moments of wondering and looking around. Jimmy turned to see where the voice was coming from, and gazed his eyes upon Sheen waving at him with Carl following behind him, playing with a couple of plush llama's. "Ah, hello Sheen! Hello Carl! How are you two doing this morning?"
"We're doing good, Jimmy! Though we may need to be careful due to all the new rumors that's been going around." Carl said in his usual timid tone as Jimmy approached the two. "Rumors? What are these rumors that you are speaking of?" Jimmy said, not being able to recall any that would need anyone to be careful.
"Oh, haven't you heard? There's a lot of strange things that have been happening since yesterday, though it hasn't been anything that bad yet." Carl responded, still playing with the llamas.
"Yeah, like their shoelaces being tied together while they weren't looking, or their drink being moved further away from them! Nobody has been able to see who or what's been doing this, so for all we know it could be anyone, even multiple lizard people!!" Sheen added.
"Hmmm... well, I'll believe it when I see it. Sounds like a lot of people are just being paranoid." Jimmy said in an unamused tone, as if he doesn't believe it to be anything of importance as of right now.
"Sure you will, Jimmy! Say, wanna come to my place and watch a few movies with me and Carl? We have allll day to do it!" Sheen said in his usual loud and cheerful tone, pointing his thumb towards the direction of his house.
"... Honestly, yes, I would like to, Sheen. I don't really have anything else to do anyways. That is, if nothing important comes up and interrupts it." Jimmy chuckled softly to himself after he said that.
"Oh please, nothing bad ever happens to kids on Saturday! Anyways, we are doing this thing where we each bring two movies of our choice that we haven't seen, got that?" Sheen told Jimmy.
"Yeah, I got it.. though it might take me a couple minutes to get them. Just set everything up at your place while I go grab my share of the movies, okay you two?" Jimmy stated to his friends. There's basically no movies in his house right now that he hadn't watched at some point in time, so he needed to go buy them himself to be able to do this with them.
Sheen and Carl each gave him a thumbs up before walking towards Sheen's house as Jimmy also walked away from them and towards the center of the town, where all the stores primarily are. As he walked closer and closer to the nearest DVD store, he began to notice that more and more people look as if they have just been pranked, and yet don't know who exactly pranked them. Like this man who had silly strings everywhere on him, or this older woman that kept swearing that someone had switched her lemon water with a lemon-lime soda while she wasn't looking. Very minor and harmless things, but little by little, it became clear to the little genius that maybe the rumors that his friends told him about weren't as big of a hoax as he originally thought.
"Goddard, is it just me who thinks that maybe Sheen and Carl were right about the rumors?" Jimmy asked his robotic dog friend as they passed by one of the many alleyways, who in response barked at him and nodded his head. "I thought so. Maybe we should be a little extra careful about our next moves while whoever is doing this is still-"
Suddenly, in the dark alleyway he had just about passed by, Jimmy heard laughter. Quiet, hushed, and more importantly, familiar laughter.
"There's no way that's who I think it is." Jimmy thought to himself, turning back around to look in the alleyway where the laughter came from. "There's no why that it's-"
He silently stood in shock for a few seconds as he laid eyes on the source of the laughter. It was his clone that only went by the name Evil Jimmy. The very same clone that he had placed in what is known as the dark matter dimension, that of which he thought he would never escape from. And by the laws of science, he still hasn't changed how he looked one bit during that time.
Evil Jimmy, who looked just as surprised to see Jimmy as Jimmy was to see him, proceeded to give him a smug grin as he leaned against the wall. "Heya there, Whippy-Dip. Missed me at all?"
Jimmy let out a few stutters before being able to say anything, or rather yell anything, that made sense. "I- how- You! Were you the one who's been terrorizing everyone in the town since yesterday?!"
The clone shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't know, despite his face saying otherwise. "Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. There's no real way to know."
"Oh please! It definitely was you, and you can't even try to deny it!!" Jimmy shouted as his clone gave him a smirk. "B-besides, how'd you even escape that dimension in the first place?! I ran all the possiblies of you escaping and there were practically zero chances of it happening!! So explain yourself!"
"How aboooout I don't? Yeah, let's go with no. I don't feel like telling ya how I did it, and it's not like you can make me tell ya!" Evil Jimmy said smugly as he walked closer to Jimmy, causing Goddard to start barking at him as he stood in front of Jimmy.
Lately, Jimmy's patience has been in an all time low due to his lack of sleep and having to constantly fix problems in short periods of time, which meant that quickly his fear and confusion turned into pure annoyance, and it showed. "Tell. Me. Now." Jimmy told him sternly as he stepped forward, having the two of them now be face-to-face with one another.
"I. Said. No." He said in a mocking tone while cockily grinning at Jimmy.
Jimmy let out a soft sigh before suddenly grabbing his clones ear tightly and started dragging him by it back to his lab with a fast pace. His clone let out a yelp as he started getting dragged.
"OW OW OW- HEY- LET GO!-" He cried out as he struggled to break free from his grip, trying to pry Jimmy's fingers off of his ear.
"Quiet down, will you? You're only making an embarrassment out of yourself by being so loud." Jimmy told him harshly, still dragging him to the lab. In all honesty, he just doesn't want people to see the two of them, immediately recognize the clone, and start freaking out about it. That'll only mean that people would start putting even more pressure onto him as to get rid of him, as if the fact that he's back wasn't enough already.
Thankfully, Evil Jimmy listened to the best of his abilities and try to keep quiet, still letting out sharp breathes and small exclamations of pain every once in a while. Quickly, or in Evil Jimmy's case, finally, they made it to the lab, thankfully without being spotted by anyone either. As they entered the lab, Jimmy pushed him to the ground as he closed the door behind them both.
"Now are you willing to tell me how you managed to escape? Or do I need to do some more convincing?" Jimmy said as he looked down at him as Evil Jimmy rubbed his sore ear.
"Fine, fine, I'll tell! I made a dimension traveling bike with a bunch of tiny scraps lying around, which is how I got out of that dimension and back into this one!" He hissed at his blueprint of a human being, being annoyed at the position that he was currently in. He was the evil one! He was supposed to scare Jimmy, not the other way around!
"Hmmm... okay, okay, good to know.." Jimmy muttered softly, placing a hand on his chin as he started slowly pacing back and forth. Okay, he now knows that he can't just put him back because if he could build it once, he could definitely build it again. But what should he do with him now, since that was the case?
After a few moments of silence between the two, Evil Jimmy stood back up and leaned against a nearby metal pillar. "Whatcha thinking, chief?"
"Thinking about a way to get rid of you, obviously. It's not like I can get rid of you the same way that I'd usually get rid of other villainous people. You are a clone of me after all, so you have a much higher IQ than most of the foes that I have dealt with in the past."
Evil Jimmy chuckled softly. "Oh really? What are a couple of your ideas of making me go away then?"
Jimmy stopped pacing for a moment and looked him directly in the eyes. "Well, I could put you at the bottom of the ocean in a glass box with a limited amount of oxygen. Or I could shoot you up into space, maybe even send you to planet Zeenu, and you definitely wouldn't like that. Trust me on this, the residents there are more unintelligent than Sheen's shoe and their rulers are absolutely terrible at their jobs and their morals." He then started pacing back and forth again, as if those ideas still weren't good enough for him. I mean, he is a clone of him after all, and if Jimmy could easily and quickly get out of those situations, then of course he would as well.
Evil Jimmy continued to watch Jimmy for a moment, listening to him mumble to himself as he tried to come up with a plan as to what to do with him. When he suddenly had an idea himself.
"Hah, well, what's stopping you from doing any of those plans of yours?"
"Two things. One, I'm very low on materials to be able to do that. Two, for some reason, those would now be considered 'immoral' of me to do to you, despite me having done way worse!" Jimmy told him with a frustrated look as he continued to pace, as if these things have been a problem for him for a few months now. "But they would still basically never let me off the hook if I were to effectively harm you to the point where you're immobile or dead. So I need to scrap most of my ideas if I want to not have to deal with anymore of that."
Evil Jimmy mumbled in agreement with Jimmy's statement. He definitely has done worse than most of what he had just described. He did see him literally kill all of the other clones, with him being the sole survivor out of them. And to be completely honest, he's definitely the one who deserved to be killed despite that.
"Well, chief, I myself have an idea as to what you could do with me." The clone said in a soft voice as he checked his nails.
Jimmy stopped pacing again and raised an eyebrow at him. Though it would definitely be a bad idea if it was coming from Evil Jimmy of all people at the current moment, he couldn't help but be at least a little curious about what it could be.
Evil Jimmy looked up at him and gave him a gentle yet sly grin before speaking. "Maybe you could try and reform me. Lead me away from my evil ways."
Jimmy stood there shocked for a moment, I mean, this had to be some kind of trick, right? There was no way that he's genuinely wanting to be reformed. He was definitely just planning on using this as a way to trick the others into some kind of betrayal against Jimmy. ".. And why would I do that? You were literally terrorizing everyone in the town just moments earlier."
"Oh please," Evil Jimmy flicked his wrist at Jimmy as he turned his head away, "I never harmed anyone with those pranks!.. At least, I don't believe I did. C'mooon, chief, just one crack at it?"
Jimmy groaned as he put some thought onto it. It definitely wouldn't work, at least not very easily, especially if the villain was the one who had the idea in the first place. But Jimmy didn't have any other ideas that either had the physical parts to do it or without him being bashed by everyone. Besides.. he could just imagine the praise he would get if he even just simply tried to reform him. And if he just kept a close eye on him constantly, he just might actually be able to keep him out of trouble.
Jimmy let out a sigh before speaking again. "Y-you know what? Fine, we can try to reform you. But you have to be compliant! Got it?"
"Cross my heart and hope to die, chief!" He said while making a cross motion on his chest and having a triumphant smile on his face, though had his fingers crossed behind his back as he did this.
"You better hope to die if you ever decide to push your luck too far." Jimmy told him sternly, when he realized something. ".. If we were to start though, we would need to give you an actual name."
"Hm? Why though? Wouldn't it just confuse everyone who already knows about me?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion.
"... You're current name is literally 'Evil Jimmy'. It'll be kind of hard for anyone to even begin to think that you were a better person if evil is in your name, wouldn't it?" Jimmy told him, causing the clone to have a look on his face that's clear that he feels dumb about not realizing it right away. "Besides, I'm sure it would be nice for you if people wouldn't be able to tell that you're a clone of me right away because of your name."
"... Alright, makes sense." He said, soon getting lost in thought. There was a lot of things he had thought about doing once he escaped the dark matter dimension, but an actual name for himself? Never even crossed his mind once.
"... Jack."
"W-wha-?" The clone snapped out of his train of thought as he suddenly heard Jimmy speak. "What, is there someone named Jack around here that I didn't know about? Are they going to be a problem, or-"
"No. I said Jack because you were clearly having troubles coming up with a name for yourself, so I threw it out there as a suggestion. Maybe have Jack as more of a nickname with Jackson being a full name for you. Does that sound good to you?"
He sat in silence for a moment before responding. "Yeah, that sounds good to me."
"Good, that's good. Now, Jack, what do you think we need to discuss next?"
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anxiouspineapple99 · 7 months
Hello!! So for the First Kiss prompt. This is probably really a predictable one for Tech but I’d love to read -someone's hair ending up getting caught in the other's glasses/jewelry only with his goggles. Because, yeah!
Have a fantastic day!!❤️🖤❤️🖤
Hey lovely friend! Thank you so much for the ask! 🥰 Again I am going with Tech and Avery because i love them lol.
Pairing: Tech x Fem Jedi!OC
Warnings: none just fluffy fluffs!
Word Count: 819
A/N: you can find the first kiss prompts here!
First watch was done and Tech made his way to his rack. It had taken some adjusting to sleeping in his rack again. He’d become so accustomed to crashing in one of the chairs it felt unnatural. And to further add to the abnormal nature of the change, he was never alone. After the night Avery fell asleep on him, arm draped across his chest and leg interlocked with his, he suspected he wouldn’t be going back to regularly sleeping in the cockpit.
This evening in particular, he couldn’t help but notice how soft and peaceful she managed to look on the miserable rack. Her lashes fluttered through the deepest venture into REM sleep, curls strewn about, her lips parted in a sweet pout that he thought was very reminiscent of the princesses he’d seen illustrated in the fairy tales she’d shown him. The stories she read to the children in the Temple. The same stories she now read to Omega.
He’d pored over them again during his down time, memorizing Avery and Omega’s favorites, learning the symbolism and motifs, studying the accompanying art, and contemplating what their appeal was.
Now, standing before her and seeing her laying in his rack looking similar to a sleeping princess illustrated in one of Omega’s favorite tales, he felt he may truly decode the motivations of the heroes who kissed the princesses. He sipped an arm under her shoulders and another around her waist shifting her enough that he could roll her on top of him in the familiar position they shared every time she slept in his rack with him.
“Mmm lovely way to wake up…” she hummed, her blue eyes fluttering open to meet his warm amber.
“I apologize. I had not intended on waking you. You looked so lovely…I do believe I now understand the heroes in those fairy stories.
“My knight in not so shining armor,” she sighed through a sleepy smile.
And so his lips captured hers tenderly, softly, lingering so he could drink her in as his fingers brushed errant curls away from her brow. She breathed him in deeply as if the first breath after nearly drowning. Her hands found purchase at the nape of his neck, stroking his soft curls that were growing a bit longer than he usually allowed. Whispers and giggles were sprinkled in between soft pecks and more passionate languid caresses. Sleep escaped them as they indulged the intimate embrace they were so rarely afforded in a galaxy plagued with darkness and a ship with virtually no privacy.
As always, their time was cut short, this time by Echo who noted some functional anomalies in the hyperdrive and knew Tech would want to see them. However, Tech didn’t make it far from the rack.
“Ouch! Tech! Wait wait stop!”
“What is…oh.”
Tech stood hunched over Avery who was on her knees, a considerable amount of her hair tangled in his goggles. Her fingers gripped tightly trying to ensure there was enough slack to save her scalp from inevitable discomfort or a wayward tug that may prove itself to be even more unpleasant.
“Would you believe me if I said this was all part of my elaborate plan to keep you in bed?” Avery giggled wildly as she tried to free herself.
“I would be disappointed that you’d concocted such a strategically lacking idea,” he hummed as he lifted the goggles off his head and placed them in her hands. “I shall go grab…”
Hunter’s hand dropped down between them from the rack above from where he’d been sleeping. Between his fingers was his vibroblade.
“Here. Also the two of you make more noise than Wrecker’s snoring.”
Avery scrunched her brow indignantly as she took the blade from Hunter. “We were whispering!”
“Yeah, non stop. At least there are breaks in Wreck’s snores,” Hunter groused through an exhausted grunt.
Avery worked out as much of her hair as she could, finally cutting the remaining that was far too tangled to salvage. With nimble fingers she freed the goggles from the leftover tendrils of curls that had ensnared them. She then beckoned Tech closer with her finger, sliding the strap over the back of his head and leaving the lenses to rest on his forehead. She ran her fingertips along the red lines on his cheeks before kissing him softly on the nose and securing his goggles in place. With a soft chuck under Avery’s chin, Tech made his way back to the cockpit.
Avery handed the vibroblade back up to Hunter. “Thank you. I’ll try to keep it down next time.”
“You’re welcome. And it’s okay. Watching you almost lose half a head of hair made it worth it,” he ribbed with a cocky smile.
Avery returned a swift and satisfying kick to the bottom of his rack in kind as she lay back down. “Rude. Just for that I’m whispering louder next time.”
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Ragu List: @secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @dystopicjumpsuit @mooncommlink @moonlightwarriorqueen @sunshinesdaydream @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @multi-fan-dom-madness @808tsuika @msmeredithrose @trixie2023 @wolffegirlsunite @mythical-illustrator @wings-and-beskar @wizardofrozz @ladyzirkonia @eyeluvmusic21 @523rdrebel @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @isthereanechoinhere96 @littlemissmanga @sinfulsalutations @the-bad-batch-baroness @freesia-writes
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
Hello! As a new anon, I have come to provide some headcanons for poly TIES with regards to the theme for this week! Hopefully it's okay that I put this headcanon through a story even if it's past trafficshipping takeover week. This one is like a pre-relationship headcanon (for Etho though), that would eventually begin his part in the loving polyamory set upon by the other three.
Etho is a wolf hybrid who has been leaving his former family's den (his former family being the Clockers) a lot for his own travels and adventures throughout the land. He never was someone to settle down and stay permanently in one place. And with his wanderlust heart, he left the den yet again but this time it seemed much more permanent, much to the dismay of his former family.
In his travels, he played the role of a solitary wolf. Solitude gave him comforts none would understand and he liked it. And yet he found himself with a guilt and a pain of never having a home anymore, never having a family to be with, giving his restless exploration a heart tired and heavy, but he was still determined to see through to the end of his travels. At one point in time, after going through terrible storms, raging blizzards, demanding heatwaves, and mysterious fogs, he just slumped to the ground, tired and worn in every aspect. He never knew if he did get through and finished his travels. He slept, exhausted from it all.
Then during the rise of the sun, he woke up. He was on a bed, someone's bed, a bed he certainly has never been on. He has no clue of how he got here, but given his weak state, he can't do much. Then the door to the room he was in opened, and there was Impulse, a brown bear hybrid, who just came to give him breakfast, a tray that holds a hot bowl of beef stew and some sliced bread and carrots on the side. The two looked at each other and Impulse just left the tray on the table nearby Etho's bed and he left.
Etho, not knowing who this man is but is surprised by the hospitality of a stranger, took in the meal with respect. And there he ate at bed, as the sun shines through the window. Time passed and he finished his food and put the tray on the bedside table. Having regained a bit of strength from the hearty food, he stood up and walked around. He explored with curiosity this house that his kind host and at the porch of the house he sees Impulse again, with two other people, talking and holding hands as they watch the sun go through the sky. Tango, a raccoon hybrid, and Skizz, a lion hybrid, look at their wolfy guest and proceeded to take care of him more, telling him to not have gone up from bed and that he should've just stayed there and more nags and doting that brings out a giggle from Impulse. It's going to be interesting what this wolf would be doing now, especially since he is so far away from the place he once called home, surrounded by three others that have taken care of him for days.
-signing off as the 💙 anon
It's a strange dynamic to adjust to. He's not well enough to head out alone, so he's stuck with them for a few days. They don't pressure him into hanging out with them, but it's hard to avoid them in such a modest space.
Tango explains that they're hibernating for the cooler months, because Impulse gets grumpy in the cold. Etho is more than welcome to join them, they've got plenty of food stored in their ice cave (hand built by Tango, naturally.)
Etho never intended to stay as long as he did, but something about the three pulls him in. It feels a bit too much like the family he left. The easy touches, gentle kisses. The way Skizz will sit and brush through Etho's hair without question. So, he does what he's good at.
He runs.
He didn't expect them to follow.
They don't take long to catch up with him. Maybe part of him didn't want to get away, because he could've run much faster. They ask why he felt like running, and Etho tries to explain. The way he can't stay in one place, always feeling the need to move.
And... They're okay with that. They tell Etho that he always has a home with them. Etho finds himself coming back. He even finds he doesn't mind when they tag along on the journey if Etho's nearby.
He's surprised by how he doesn't feel trapped. It's nice to come back when he wants, without feeling obligated to. He even connects with his family again, apologising for leaving them and making amends. He still won't stay with them, but they talk about it this time. With his partners' support.
For the first time, he feels content.
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4beomy · 2 years
chapter 1
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SUMMARY - a week after bravely calling off an on and off relationship, you're back to square one trying to win your ex back - but this time with the help of your failed blind date.
pairing: choi soobin x f!reader
word count: 6.3k
genre: angst? idk if you can even call it angst lol. but mostly comedy ?? this is just an introduction chapter i honestly dk
warnings for chapter one: mature language, mentions of shitty ex (there's no detail), y/n's kind of a bitch but not too bitchy yet (she gets worse chapter 2 but better beyond that!!), soobin's not a fan
AN: this is ridiculously long for an introduction chapter and i think i ramble a lot instead of getting to the point but thats mainly my writing style so T-T!! also, idk if this even is going to be read by anyone at all so i'm just left with hoping one person finds this. i'll only post chapter 2 if i can at least get 20 notes on this one idk is that too much of an expectation T-T??
start | next
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It’s been a week since you broke up with Yeonjun for good. Like you were so over him. Goodbye to a cycle that only drains you of any sort of happiness and hello to independent woman, single and ready to… Who were you fucking kidding? You’ve never been any more miserable than you were, body aching from being stuck to your bed for the majority of the weekend, dark circles never in your life being more prominent than they were now, hair that hasn’t been washed since you walked out on him which left you feeling dirty and even MORE miserable. God, how could a man be able to do this to you? You can’t believe how dependent you were on Yeonjun and how much of a comfort the constant of him being a part of your life had been.
Before Yeonjun, you swear you were that girl that wouldn’t fall at the charms of a man. You used to know how to get around with men and how to speak to get your way (granted that was just manipulation) but at some point you had decided to settle for longer than you intended. The constant nagging from your parents of being introduced to a new guy every few months was starting to get to you anyway.
Junior year of high school, Yeonjun, had caught your eye. And you let him string you along, a mistake that had been. Because not for long, the roles had switched and he had more power over you than you did him…weirdly you didn’t mind (or more so you didn’t notice).
Well, fuck that, and fuck you for letting yourself go..and even as you say that you can feel your mind drifting to how he was doing, how he was taking the break up, god did he even care?
Your pathetic desperate thoughts are interrupted by a ring of your phone (thankfully). You groan, knowing who it was going to be but hoping it was someone else (preferably, and desperately your ex but you weren’t going to admit that).
“Took you long enough to finally answer! Anyways–Oh my god.  Remember that cafe that was rumored to open a few months ago?” The yelling (plus the obvious female voice) was enough to tell you it wasn’t who you hoped it’d be calling. You let out a groan, you knew exactly who it was. But your brain couldn’t scramble together whatever the hell your best friend was saying.
“Huh?”, your voice obviously still hoarse like you just woke up (even though you haven’t slept a wink).
“The cat caf- Oh my god. Are you still not over him?”
You roll your eyes. You knew exactly what was incoming, nagging upon nagging about how Yeonjun was an absolute dick and you shouldn’t be crying over someone like him ..blah blah blah. 
This happened every time you and your ex had a fallout and each time you’d soak in the support but right now…not so much. Especially since there isn’t the usual comfort in your heart that you’ll get back together.
“Y/N? Seriously? There’s like no way you’re still hung up on him!”
“Yes, there is a way," you say as a matter of fact, "It’s seriously only been a week, let me be depressed and sad.”
“You know a week’s too much for you…don’t tell me..”, she takes a moment to mockingly gasp, “You were in love with him?”
“Oh my god. I swear you always bring this up every two business days. And I tell you everytime, that NO I wasn’t in love with him.”, you seriously weren’t. One hundred percent.
“Whateverrr. Listen, just come to the address I’m about to send you right now. Me and Seulgi are hanging there and I swear it’ll so make you over Yeonjun in seconds when you actually shower and interact with human beings!!”
You hear the hanging up tone and lay your phone down on your stand—used to the non phone mannerisms Karina had.
To be honest with yourself, you were waiting for someone to invite you out. You just didn’t want to ask out loud because how embarrassing was it to tell people you needed to go out because you just couldn’t stop thinking about your ex? 
When you hear a notification pop up on your phone and see an address to something that seemed like a cafe, you sighed and finally rolled off your bed.
But it wasn’t dreadful. Actually getting up to take care of yourself. You missed it. Even before the break up last week, your girlfriends had noticed how shit your skin looked and how often it’d break out. Maybe this was for the better, maybe everything will be more stress-free.
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Yeah, wrong. It was too late when you sat down, feeling strange symptoms of allergy pop up. Your eyes trailed around the cafe to pinpoint why you were feeling your breathing tighten…so suddenly.
”Uh helloooo to Y/N!!”, Karina waved obnoxiously at your face, with the obnoxious pretty smile that she had.
“Aww, wittle kitty kitty”, your other friend cooed. And that’s when you made eye contact with the species in front of you. Well, fuck. You look on the table and see the cat fur just there.
Your eyes immediately start tearing up, and suddenly you can feel your throat closing up…you were having an extreme allergic reaction. You let out an almost choked out sentence, “A fucking cat cafe?” your face already turning red.
Karina’s mouth was wide open and Seulgi’s face was shocked. Pure shock. Your allergic reactions have never been this bad, they were usually pretty tame. You swear to god it was the prolonged exposure you had to Yeonjun’s cat that made you break out worse than ever before. Has your immune system given up on you too?
“Oh my god!”, Seulgi yells trying to get the cat away from the table they were at. Karina immediately runs to the staff asking for any sort of medications they had that could help with the allergies.
And finally, when the short moment of panic washes over and you had taken the quick shot to calm your allergies down, your friends eyes were still looking over you worriedly. They hoped to relieve you of any stress, to make you a little more happy in the miserable situation you were in…but, they probably made it worse.
You really didn’t want to but the streams of tears couldn’t be held back anymore. So there, your composure finally breaks. At a fucking cat cafe.
Quick to your side was Karina as Seulgi’s hand massages yours. “What if he’s out there having fun when I’m over here almost dying from a fucking allergic reaction?”, you said sniffling.
Karina puts her arm over your shoulder. “Trust me girl, you were far from death.” Her way of comforting was rather strange—but nevertheless made you let out a half forced chuckle.
“Did you check his insta? For all we know, he’s probably as miserable if not even more depressed than you are…”, Seulgi’s words were always wise..it even made you feel some sort of sick comfort—because if he was just as miserable you were sure your own would disappear and you’d finally move on. But the issue was clear.
“I blocked his instagram.”
Karina rolls her eyes. “It’s not like the unblock button doesn’t exist.”
You turn to face her, dead in the eyes. “You know exactly what would happen if I unblock any of his socials.” Karina only pouts at that and nods agreeing to what exactly would happen. All anyone would need to know is that your mental health would crash to the earth’s core.
Seulgi, who was still a fairly new addition to your friends list, looked between the two of you awkwardly. She had a grasp of what would happen but not really the way Karina would. Nevertheless she suggests, “I can look up his account on my phone.”
“You didn’t block him?”, you ask. Seulgi shrugs.
”Not like I got the memo.” you let out a dry laugh. It was a bit ridiculous for you to expect people to do things without you directly telling them. You thought you had mastered the arts of body language and indirect sayings but maybe that was truly the fallout of you and Yeonjun.
“Oh—Uh..”, Seulgi’s voice interrupts your thoughts and her face wasn’t pleasant..or at least it wasn’t one that’d tell you Yeonjun was miserable. 
Before you could grab her phone, Karina snatched it first. She makes sure to turn away from your eyes and you’re left there trying to study her reaction as she squints.
You could tell by how the light wasn’t reflected on her face anymore that she closed it. “Y/n, you can’t believe how sad and depressed he is—” fucking bullshit.
“What the hell did you guys see.”
They both look at each other, exchanging knowing glances. “Do you actually want to know?”, Seulgi starts off.
“Yeah, duh. That’s why you searched up the username I told you to search.”, you let out an impatient annoyed scoff. The knot that was created in the speed of light right in your throat went unnoticeable for a while. You were terrified. Because you think you know exactly what’s coming. Maybe you just know and maybe, despite the demands to know what they saw— you secretly wanted to stay longer in a moment of ignorant bliss.
“Promise you won’t cry.”, Seulgi shoots Karina a glare. “What? I don’t want to see my best friend cry..”, she defends.
“Can you guys just tell me? I’m not in the mood to beat around the bush anymore”, your voice lost its usual loudness and was laced with insecurity. Only happening when anything involved Yeonjun, fucking great. 
Seulgi hesitantly types in her passcode and slides her phone across the table. Even before you grab it, you can see a familiar background. And when you finally are able to digest the picture you’re looking at—you don’t know exactly how to respond.
The familiar background was an abandoned rooftop Yeonjun had taken you often when you wanted to go on a date. He had completely revamped it, in the cheesiest most revamped a college boy could manage to do. Candles, blankets, pillows. The usually picnic romantic fort looking place. You’ve never thought that there you’d see that background again, that he had built for you, being occupied by another girl. Her arms comfortably on his waist and her face buried on his chest. As you swipe, you can tell they were candid photos. The type of photos you and yeonjun took.
The breaking point wasn’t even the caption that said “you make everything look brighter” but the date. For a brief moment you wondered if it would’ve been worse if the date was a day after you broke up—the 1 week ago being more of a comfort than 2 hours ago. But that wondering—the curiosity went away. Because as you dropped the phone and buried your face on the folded arms you put on the table he was out there with a new girl right under his arms, looking happier than ever.
All of it was like a quick comedy skit, you wailing like a little baby to the point the staff had to come and ask you guys to leave for disturbing customers. Then Karina flipping them off, threatening they’d never see a dime of hers in their register (ignoring the fact that they didn’t really pay for anything during their stay here). It became more hostile when the staff started threatening scarier things—like calling the police. That was enough to silence Karina and pull you out of the cafe along with Seulgi.
“I swear I’m never coming here again.”, Karina cursed under her breath as she looked back at the cafe.
“Shut up, you so are”, you say with your strained voice trying to lighten the mood. Your dignity was at the floor by this point because at both of your sides, your girls were holding tight on your arm like you were fragile and would fall apart any second they lose grip of you.
“Okay but like obviously two months from now. But not today or tomorrow. Like fuck that cat cafe, I’m boycotting.” To her comment you let out a light chuckle. You were tired though—but you knew, and so did everyone else that there were more of your tears coming soon enough.
As you reached what seemed to be your older friend’s car you suggested sitting alone in the backseat. At first, both were hesitant on leaving you alone. Because who would stop you if you recklessly decided to open the car door and jump out? But they reached to the conclusion that you hadn’t reached that stage of insanity yet.
The car ride was silent for the most part as Seulgi kept getting stuck in traffic and turning the wrong turns. The collective groans from both you and Karina made things feel just a little lighter. But seriously, she was a terrible driver for someone who claimed to have been driving for four years. 
“Sugar pooks, I just got an idea. Like its brilliant—omg.”, Karina squealed turning her head to the back seat. You were laying your head on the window, being all depressed.
You were about to open your mouth to call her off for calling you “sugar pooks'' but you ultimately decided you have no energy to go back and forth with Karina. “No, hear me out. It’s perfect.”
You give her a glance to assure you were listening. “Basically, I have this guy friend—”
“Not interested in any of your greasy guy friends.” you quickly interrupt.
And to that, Seulgi let out a chuckle while Karina’s face fell. “I’d never set you up with them oh my god. How low do you think of me? I’m talking about a guy friend that has a friend—”
“Not interested Karina. Seriously, you think I'd be mentally okay with a relationship right now?”, you say, finally looking at her.
“It doesn’t have to be long term. I’m hinting at a rebound. Not everyone’s fit for a rebound, but rebounds were made for you. You should be the one out and about hooking up with every person you see, not that manwhore.” she spit out. You let out a quick chuckle at the nickname she gave Yeonjun, it had a nice ring to it.
But again, for the twentieth time in your life, you give one of Karina’s disastrous suggestions a thought. You can tell Seulgi was agreeing with the way the reflection in the rearview mirror had shown her eyebrows raised, basically telling you “Maybe you should give it a shot?”
By now, Karina’s prolonged stare waiting for a response made you let out a sigh. You had no choice but to agree. “Do you have a picture?”
Karina shakes her head. “Then how the fuck—how the fuck am I gonna—What if he’s ugly?” you finally give up at your attempt to not sound shallow.
“Wouldn’t necessarily be un-plausible. My friend said he never dated outside of years old middle school relationships.”
“That doesn’t help. Like at all.” Karina shrugs at that.
Seulgi only speaks when she has wisdom to share and in this case, she obviously did. “You can always run away.”
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You kept reminding yourself what your friend had told you as you dressed up in a simple black dress. You can always run away, no problem. You’ve done it before, its not that hard. Excuse yourself to the bathroom then run out the back door! Simple.
God, this was ridiculous. Even you can admit that. You’ve never felt even more childish than you are now. Dressing up for a date when a few hours ago you were crying your eyes out about your ex. Karina texted you his number saying the date was “tonight”..which you were NOT informed of prior to agreeing. 
So now here you were, patting your hands on your black dress removing anything that might’ve gotten stuck on it—it was an old dress from sophomore year of high school. The lucky dress you'd wear on every first date. Hopefully, they were lucky enough for this date to not go into ruins (though you were more than skeptical). 
You only crossed your fingers in hopes the man you were having a rebound blind date with wouldn’t be the ugliest man you’ve come across. Or else you’d never be able to hold back your tears right in the restaurant. Which would embarrass both you and him (hey, you weren’t a heartless monster! Of course you had empathy).
The fact that he was already late made you lose any hope of you really getting a rebound tonight. 
And to that thought, you hear your phone buzzing.
Unknown number: Are you on your way? (7:35pm)
That’s a text message you’d get if you were expected to be on your way. That’s a text message you wouldn't get if he was going to pick you up…like you were waiting for him to do. Well shit. 
You can feel your eyes twitch – was the 7:30 referring to the time you should be there and not the time he was going to come and pick you up from your apartment? Yeah, it was.
But you sent him an address. He should’ve gotten the hint? Or maybe chivalry’s just dead. At the same time, you do remember getting an address…probably to the restaurant you were supposed to be at. Maybe, you should’ve gotten the hint. Ugh, you really want to call this off. 
Like some demon was reading your thoughts and notified someone about them, your phone buzzed again. 
Karina (dont respond!): don’t even think about ditching.
No car. No bus station near you (another day of realizing how bad of a location your apartment complex was in). Your best bet was walking an hour with your 6 inch stiletto heels – oh the things you would do to get Yeonjun off your mind.
You: I’ll be a bit late, something came up, sorry.
Its been what seems like thirty minutes of endless aching of your heels, you really feel like crying by now. You’re used to walking long distances to your college almost every day, but in heels? You’d rather eat a raw dick. 
Okay, well not quite that but the point is there. It was horrendous walking this long distance. And god, the constant impatient texts from your date wasn’t making anything any better. Can he just shut up for a second? 
One more text and you’d block the number, ideally doing what you wanted to do all along. Cry about Yeonjun!! But it's like your blind date got the memo and finally stopped texting. 
And now you’ve reached the dreaded place. You take a deep breath before walking inside, preparing yourself to not lose your already short sticked temper.  
Red sweater he said. Red sweater. Your eyes wander around the small but packed restaurant to spot him – it wasn’t hard. The red was literally a neon color, it’d be hard not to spot. 
“Karina’s friend?”, you said (noticing you haven’t exchanged names through text).
He doesn’t turn around at first but after a few seconds, the name registers and rings a bell. He immediately turns around and after a minute of just staring at you (it was awkward and it was getting harder to keep a smile on) he finally remembers to respond, “Oh, hi. Yes.”
Okay. First, he isn’t bad looking, you take note. But he’s not your type at all. Shouldn’t your best friend of nine years know what you like by now? He was the complete definition of a flower boy, barf. 
“What took you so long?” 
Straight to confrontation huh? It was getting difficult to maintain the practiced fake smile you’ve been keeping for the past three minutes.
“Silly me thought you’d pick me up, haha!”, you respond over-enthusiastically. The faux laugh coupled with the hints of condescending words made your date shift a bit uncomfortably. Good, feel guilty. 
Instead of the apology you expected he simply nods. Just nods. You take note about something else, he has zero manners. You were going to reach that conclusion much earlier, but you gave him the benefit of the doubt. Now you truly know that men don’t deserve such considerations. First impressions are always right.
By now, the silence was unbearable. All he did was sit there, noticeably tapping a foot pretentiously over and over again. Did he want to leave? What the hell was he doing that for? You decide to not mind it any business and finally get over the basics.
“What’s your name by the way?”, wow. You should seriously become an actress with the way you just feigned your niceness. Especially when you wanted to do nothing but roll your eyes at every little action the man does. 
“Soobin.”, then you patiently wait for him to ask the same. Just exchanging basic pleasantries, its a bare social skill. Right? Right???
A few seconds too long, you realized he wasn’t going to ask. And you also realized you wanted nothing but to leave. 
“My name’s Y/N.”, you didn’t even try holding up a smile anymore. You’re just trying to find a way to excuse yourself to the bathroom because this wasn’t going to work out..at all.
“Oh, I know.” And you couldn’t hide how your eyes widened. What the fuck? Was this guy a stalker or something? How would he know???
“What?”, you try your best to sound calm. 
“We had a project last semester together. In Mr. Kim’s chemistry class.”, he said as a matter of fact – kind of surprised you don’t seem to remember him. “You don’t…remember?” 
You put a hand over your mouth laughing, “Oh my god, of course I remember you! We were such great partners wow how could I forget!”
“I don’t know if we were..we got barely over a passing grade for the project.”, he said, scratching the back of his head. 
Well shit.
You definitely forgot Soobin thought to himself, which made him a bit annoyed. Okay, not a bit. A lot. You ruined his grade in the class and now all of a sudden you don’t remember? God, he was trying his best but you were more than pretentious. He regrets not pressing Beomgyu more for the name of his blind date before coming. 
“I’m sorry, can I excuse myself to the bathroom?”, you all of a sudden say. He nods, trying to put up a polite smile. 
Okay, no you weren’t going to ditch him yet. You were actually going to the bathroom. You needed to sort yourself out. And dig, really deep (okay, not that deep. It was last semester for goodness sakes) in your brain and actually confirm what the guy has been spewing. 
Soobin? Project? Soobin and project. Soobin…and a failed chemistry project. 
Oh god. 
He was that awkward kid? The one who refused to send notes to you? You vaguely remember for a few weeks him being in the background while you would smooch with Yeonjun in the library. Yikes. Should you just leave then and there? Because it just got even more awkward with this context now in your head. 
Oh but then you remember even more, the more you go down memory lane (again, this was just a semester ago). You remember something very unpleasant – you yelling at him for making you fail the course. Oh god no. That was the time you had a fight with Yeonjun, you remember being at the edge every minute of the day…then you finally snapped when getting the grade you received for your semester end project. 
You also remember him yelling back at you, seemingly confused at your outburst talking about how you were never focused. And you weren’t, you were all over Yeonjun. Jesus, how could you forget this?
Can you really just leave now? Guilt was eating you up (embarrassment even more). 
Ultimately you decided you couldn’t just ditch— and instead of just outwardly apologizing you��d be the bigger person in a different way.
“Your name is really pretty by the way. Like it totally fits your face.” You hope he doesn’t notice the sudden change in your tone and way of speaking, but even if he does it doesn’t matter too much anyway.
“Uh.. thanks..?”
Could he at least appreciate your efforts? There wasn’t much to compliment him on, god. Even his outfit was stale, lazy and boring. Okay–stop, you were a bitch to him before you need to be nice now.
“No problem!”, you say chirply clasping your hands together. Okay, maybe you were overdoing it a bit.
“W-we should order though.”, he felt like a complete loser for letting out a random stutter but you thankfully didn’t seem to notice and just nod in agreement. 
After ordering from the very limited menu, you both decided to order pho and a cup of water. Not the most romantic but at this point, none of you were seeking that anymore. 
And the wait begins. You look around the restaurant trying to think of a conversation starter – Soobin doesn’t seem like he’s making that much of an effort. But does that even surprise you anymore? Not really, even with the extremely short time you’ve spent on this date (and the bits you could remember from working on the project)..you could tell he wasn’t one to talk much. 
“What type of music do you listen to?”, your sudden question you could tell, caught him a bit off guard. It’s a classic, boring conversation starter. You could almost predict exactly what he would s–
“A little bit of everything.”
“Oooh! Interesting!”, faking your reactions is becoming second nature throughout this date so you decide to trip him up a bit, “What are your favorite artists?” He’d have to think about this one and not give a bland, generic answer. You got him now!
“I don’t have one.”
Just great.
“Wow, interesting. Okay. What’s your favorite color?”, you decide to change topics and jump right into another boring “conversation starter” if you could even call it that. 
You’re begging he’d just give you some random color instead of–
“I don’t have one.”
“What do you think is the purpose of life?” At this point, you’re just badgering him with generic questions like you were in some investigation room. You can’t help that that’s how the atmosphere turned to, he just wouldn’t ask questions back. Can’t he help you out one bit? Should you even stay here any longer? Because you think you paid your due for acting like a bitch a few months ago. 
“What?”, the sudden topic change was extreme this time, philosophical questions can’t be answered with generic stale answers…(well they can but Soobin thinks otherwise, he's a geek). 
Thankfully for Soobin, the waiter came with two glasses of water on a tray. He mouthed a thank you, and took a hold of the water to slowly sip it. Avoiding any more conversation with you. 
For someone he’d hear was confident and outspoken, you really seemed to be struggling to keep a conversation going. Or even starting in the first place. It’s not like you even communicated with him that much during the five weeks you worked on the project – this was not any less than that. 
It seemed like you were dried out from questions so you kept quiet, something he’s grateful for. 
He did, however, want to ask questions. Like, what happened to your boyfriend? That one seems to be the one that his brain is most curious about. Because how could he forget you rambling on and on literally a day before the presentation about how perfect he was. You were supposed to go over the entire presentation together but you just couldn’t shut up about him – Soobin almost thought your personality might’ve just revolved around your boyfriend. Maybe that was why you were struggling with talking? Or maybe it was his attempt at being difficult (and the subconscious grudge he had against you).
“Why’re you staring at me?”
Your voice caught him off guard and he realized he mindlessly was looking at you while thinking. God, he wants to punch himself right in the face right now. 
“Sorry. I was just thinking.”, he said, managing to put up a smile.
Okay. He didn’t expect that follow up question. What was he supposed to say? Quick. Because he couldn’t reveal how he was judging you a few seconds ago.
“About my pet!”, you raise up a questioning brow, “I left him home with my friend so I’m just wondering how he’s doing.” his voice goes significantly lower than the panicked answer he gave at first. He hopes whatever he just said was convincing.
“You have a pet?” and now all of a sudden, your interest has peaked. It was the most interesting thing you’ve ever heard him say throughout this date. 
“Yeah, I do.”
Before you could ask what pet he has, the familiar waiter comes with a tray of two bowls of pho. “Enjoy eating! You look like a…couple!”
God. Even the waiter can tell you guys don’t match at all. The hesitance that came with couple was kind of comical though, so you bite away a laugh.
Silence filled the room, figuratively because all around you were conversations upon conversations, it was really loud. But jeez, another round of silence had visited you and Soobin. The initial question you wanted to ask was also long forgotten as you dug into the food. 
When Soobin decides to take a quick glance at you just for the sake of it, he really was about to let out a gasp. On top of your head was...a fucking spider. A spider. How the heck does a spider find its way into your hair let alone a five star restaurant?
“Um…Y/N..”, he contemplates for a second, then reaches the final conclusion to not tell you. But you already turned your attention from your half finished bowl to him. 
Nope, he can’t tell you. At all. Especially when he remembers you crying and wailing about…a baby cockroach in his dorm room. 
He gets up to muster up the courage and take it off your head quickly. Your eyes follow his figure as he gets up from his seat.
“There’s something on your head.”, he whispers. He swings his hand right above your head to get the spider off, but as all everyone knows. This date was horrible to begin with, what wouldn’t give for it to go even more horrible? 
Yup. He accidentally hits your head — and knowing how big his hands are, he’s sure he’d get an assault charge against him right now.
“What the FUCK OW.”, your hand immediately goes to your head.
Surprisingly, the restaurant was loud enough to drown out your small outburst. 
Did this man just slap your head? You were done. You were leaving.
“I swear I was just trying to get off the spid-”, he tries to explain but it was too late. He made a mistake of pointing at the little creature while speaking and your eyes caught the spider on your shoulder. The moment of panic that he saw flash in your eyes made him think this was going to go worse than it already was.
Before it does, he tries to take action and actually get the spider off of you. By now, some people were looking over at you guys' table. God. How embarrassing could this get?
You were frozen, which he thought would help him aim at the spider more accurately…but somehow as he attempts to swing at the spider again, his hand accidentally hits the bowl in front of you and he can hear gasps spread throughout the restaurant. The warm pho splashing onto your lap and staining your dress. 
Oh, how Soobin wishes he could just perish and die.
You wish the same. For both you and him, but mostly him.
You almost felt like laughing bitterly — but you didn’t want to look like a maniac. So, you kept it to yourself. Several staff immediately ran over to you and asked to assist you with cleaning yourself up but you kindly declined. After a few persistent offers, they finally give it up and tell you they’d refill your pho. You couldn’t refuse because they just left without you getting a word in response. Guess another bowl of food will go to waste – the humanist part of you suffers in silence. 
“I’m going to the bathroom.” Soobin was still kind of frozen on whatever just happened but he still nods slowly. You get a hold of your bag.
Yep, time to ditch. Now you wouldn’t even feel bad for doing it, guess this worked out well. 
But first, you actually do need to go to the bathroom. You had to dry out the liquid on your dress and clean up your legs. 
It doesn’t take long before you finally give up on trying to clean up your dress, it was dry, that was good enough. You pull out your phone from your bag to text Karina snippets of what just happened (like you usually do)..but then your eyes widen at a notification you thought you’d never receive. 
Loml <3 : taehyun’s throwing a party next week, you should come (5:39pm)
God, why the fuck have you blocked every single one of his socials (including his gmail) except for his phone number?
And why the hell is he texting you so casually? Like you guys didn’t just break up a week ago ? And inviting you to a party at that?
It frustrates you so much, mind boggles you at that, to the point you go and unblock his instagram account. It didn’t take much for you to keep him blocked, huh?
You see the purple-ish circle surrounding his profile picture, you take a quick breath, then click on it. And of course, you just had to see the same girl under his arms in the selfie he posted. All you saw was red. Just plain red. Did he really move on? This fast? You couldn’t even bring yourself to let out tears. Because all you were thinking were pathetic pathetic thoughts.
You wanted nothing but to be the girl under his arms. Those were the thoughts you were having. Not “he betrayed me” and not “he's a dick” and definitely not “I hate him”. The moment that realization finally sinks in, you turn around from the door you were about to walk out from and back to the table you were eating dinner on. 
Okay. So. You were definitely not expecting an empty table. And a yellow sticky note attached to it. 
Got food poisoning so gotta go. Paid for the food, sorry about ruining your dress. 
You scoff. Did he just ditch you? With a sticky note? And a stupid lie? Okay, granted you were about to do the same thing with less formalities but still. 
He couldn’t have gotten that far. And so you ran out the door— you were right. He was literally right there. It was easy to spot his red neon hoodie. 
“Soobin!”, you call out. And he doesn’t turn around — actually, he starts walking faster away from you. Fucking bitch. 
“Soobin! Stop!”
What started off as fast walking became running. And now you’re practically chasing after him, with your heels. “Soobin! You fucking BITCH!”
“I’m sorry!”, he yells anxiously, almost running out of breath. He wasn’t fit for running. But why weren’t you giving up??? Were you going to kill him? The passion of anger scares him.
Nowhere in his head was he planning to stop running though..or at least not until he hears a thud. You fell.
He has conscious and humanity in him, for god sakes he wasn’t just going to keep running and leave you on the dirty floor so he immediately turns. Curse his kindness. He finds that you weren’t that far from him so it doesn’t take long to go to you and bend down to hold out a hand. 
“God, why would you run in heels? Are you okay?”
Seeing that you weren’t responding nor were there any signs of you taking his hand, he searches his pocket for any spare bandaids he has. And thank god he does. 
One of your knees was scrapped, it wasn’t bleeding too much but he knows it probably hurts like hell. He gets on his knees to put it on, and thankfully, it manages to cover the scrapped area pretty well. 
Then he feels drops get on his hand. It wasn’t raining, no—you were crying. 
“What? So you just have a random sticky note pad on you and bandaids?”
“Yeah…I shove things in this hoodie’s pockets all the time. It's a useful habit.”, he decides to focus on putting on the bandaid instead of asking questions. 
“Huh. Then what about your food poisoning. All good now?”
He gulps sharply, “sorry.” was all he managed to say. 
“That’s it?”
He finished putting on the bandaid, so now he's just on the ground of a dirty street with you. People were definitely giving you guys weird looks — so he eventually gets up. 
“Why did you run after me?”, he finally decides to ask, holding out a hand again. If you were going to ask questions, so would he.
This time, you don’t ignore his hand. It was cold, but soft. A starking contrast to your warm callused hands. “I need you to be my pretend boyfriend.”, you casually say, secretly appreciating him helping you up. 
That is, until he just lets you go halfway you were up. Now you were back on your ass, the back of your head almost hitting the ground. And fuck, it hurt like hell.
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sidhewrites · 8 months
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Chapter 8! Kind of! Flailing in the general direction of a narrative and excessive use of brackets to move the action along!
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The second Josie sees Renfield, she cries out in relief and pulls him close to her chest, peppering his fat head with kisses. "Thank you, Kaz. [I was so worried]." Now that she's got her cat back, Josie can focus on other concerns. Her gaze drifts over to the circle of light where a valiant effort to get a modicum of work done after all the chaos.
"Josie...?" I warn, but there's not much heart behind it. After nearly losing Renfield, it's hard not to want to give her something nice. Maybe she could at least say hello. I look over my shoulder and sigh. "Be cool. Okay?"
"So cool. I'm very cool."
"I believe you." I don't believe her.
"Do you...?"
She pauses, looking down at Renfield in her arms. He's happy as can be, face buried in the crook of her elbow. I know Josie wants to take him to the vet to get looked at, and she'd be right to, but the risk of missing out on meeting the archivists. It's such a small thing, but I can still see it weighing on her.
I don't want to make her make a hard decision, not after tonight. "Listen, come by tomorrow. They're probably going to be pissed at me in the daylight and want to talk to Mr. Ngo about things. Might as well have you stop by too. Yeah?"
She hesitates before nodding, and despite her exhaustion, there's a distinct glimmer in her eye. "Sounds good."
"Let me know what the vet says?"
"Will do." Josie looks down at Renfield and sighs. "Thank you, Kaz."
"Sure thing. I'm glad we found him."
Josie heads off, and I turn back to the team, plastering my best customer service smile on my face, and get ready to grovel once more.
[Kaz checks in with josie in the mormning, renfield is fine and seems healthier than he was in his last visit which is wild. But he's behaving oddly, hiding under tables, and refusing to be pet. So she's gonna keep an eye on him and keep in touch with the vet.
She also talks with the haunted archivists, gets permission to use the video with the cat in it, etc. she gets a selfie with them and ts delightful.]
Josie looks like she barely slept, but the fear and tension is mostly gone from her shoulders.
"Good news, then?" I ask, and she makes a face. I try again: "Bad...news?"
"Weird news."
"Tell me."
Josie pulled out her phone in search of the after-visit summary. "The vet says he's in perfect health."
"Well, that's good, isn't it?"
"As in, perfect health. No bladder infections, no kitty arthritis. Nothing. Even his breathing seem to be doing better."
"Definitely weird news, then." Renfield was a smush - faced cat. He'd been examined back when Josie first took him in the day she found him in the trash, and the vet said he'd likely suffer some issues in his old age. Sure enough, he'd slowly started to huff and sneeze and wheeze a bit as the years went by, though it was a mix of issues that lead to him being less active and more determined to fall asleep in your lap and drool on your pant leg.
"I don't know. I scheduled a follow up at the end of the week with his usual vet, and we'll see. But here, look. See? He's totally fine." She flipped the phone around to show me a video of Renfield noisily chowing down on his breakfast.
"Aww, look at him." I cooed. "A little scrungus man."
"Be nice," Josie whined, even as she moved on to the next video of him scratching at his cat tree.
"An old scrunkly bungus."
"No, he's a sweet baby!"
I fully intended to continue insulting her stinky baby boy but the front door swung open again. "Hang on just a second," I said to Josie, then leaned back in the chair to call out the office door, "I'll be with you in a second!"
A familiar voice answered, "No need."
Ah. The Archivists were back. I felt my whole body cringe, hoping against hope they hadn't reported last night's chaos to Mr. Ngo. A quick glance to Josie told me that she matched my dread with her own levels of excitement. "Be cool," I hissed.
"So cool." She nodded aggressively.
Neither of us were capable of being cool. I was fully prepared for another round of groveling and apologizing until Lourdes poked her head in the door with the biggest smile on her face.
"Morning!" She chirped, and waltzed in, followed by Mick and Maddie. I would have questioned their energy levels after last night were they not all sporting cups of coffee from a local cafe. I had similarly loaded up on caffeine before work and had a backup cup ready to go under the office's coffee machine.
"Sup." Josie crossed her arms and leaned against the desk, which would have been perfectly casually if she also wasn't visibly restraining herself from fangirling over both Archivists and their manager standing less than five feet away. She does not miss the dubious glance I shoot her way, but manages to say nothing.
"So the three of us were talking last night," Maddie begins, glancing down at notes on her phone.
"Look, I'm sorry. I swear that one wasn't planned. Josie's cat never runs like that, and he--"
"We'd like to use it in the video."
Maddie gives me a look that seems to say keep up, we're talking business here! "It's great content. The team's in the middle of a successful [seance? what's the word] and in comes a cat. I think the audience would be disappointed if we don't do a little Q&A with him, too. You know, just as a little bonus."
I glanced to the side. Josie's practically steaming with the effort of keeping her calm. Frankly, I'm more than a little impressed. "I mean, you'd have to ask his owner, right?"
"Of course, yeah," Maddie says, and the team nods in agreement.
"No, I mean... the owner...?" I gesture to Josie.
She waves.
"Oh -- oh, hey, cool! Hi, I'm Maddie." She reached out to shake Josie's hand, and gestured to the other two. "I don't know if you know us...? This --"
"Mick and Lourdes, Haunted Archivists. I know you guys. Um -- that is, I've seen your show, and --"
I kick Josie lightly, and she clears her throat, getting a hold of herself.
"Yep, yeah. So cool. Um, yeah, that was my cat Renfield that you... want to use in the video, apparently?"
[They greet Josie and talk and of course she's excited.]
She talks about some of the local legends, and points them in the direction of the librarian
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parameddic · 1 month
He's exhausted. Running on fumes for weeks, but he's happy 'cause it's better than running on adrenaline. He works and he comes home, sheds the street, drops the mask, removes the armor, leaves it all at the threshold of their sanctuary. They built it together, filled it with warmth and laughter, potted plants, thrifted curtains, and the occasional stray cricket that they still can't seem to get rid of months later. It's rough around the edges, but it's solid and sure, and it's theirs. A soft place to land.
They make popcorn and watch movies on the couch enough evenings that it becomes a ritual. When their schedules line up, they make meals together, and when they don't, there's take-out and leftovers and hand-written notes. TK's surprisingly good with the right ingredients, and BJ's beginning to learn to make his own food, too, beyond slapping a few things together between two slices of bread or opening a can. Italian nights are to die for. He's almost figured out how to make ravioli that doesn't fall apart.
It is not romantic, they are not lovers, but it is more romance than Barry James Anderson ever thought he would be afforded. He holds onto it, tight. Every crack in the plaster, every suspicious ceiling stain and dropped crumb on the floor between the kitchen and the front door, and all the moments housed within those walls are his. Theirs. He tells himself many times that he doesn't want anything more than that. He's beyond content, his cup has run well over.
But... BJ is exhausted. He's not slept more than a few hours in several days over things he will not talk about, and he's sat in the living room while TK tends to a fresh cut on BJ's hand. He's getting better in the kitchen, but his newfound confidence with cooking knives still outweighs skill. The long cut stretching the length of his his thumb stings. TK is gentle with him.
Sometimes BJ wishes he would be rougher. The softness has always made him ache.
So. BJ is running on fumes. There's a little blood on the knee of his jeans from his thumb and TK is sweet and closer than BJ thinks either of them intend to be, and... It only feels natural to be pulled in by this weird, magnetic tension, whether it's real or only in BJ's head. TK looks up and BJ leans in. The captured kiss is brief, barely more than a peck, but it throws his heart into his throat. He draws back immediately, pink and startled. Awake. Definitely more awake.
"Sorry, I-- didn't mean to do that." Oh no. BJ pulls his hand away from TK like distance could fix his faux pas. "I don't know why I did that." Oh no, oh no. "Uh... thank you. For my hand. That's much better."
// hello you mentioned both and i couldn't decide so here is both skdflskd. i ddddddo not know actually if this is how it would happen, i think bj would have to be in a very particular place, and idek if this would be it, but it here it is. dropping it at your feet, throwing them into the water, and seeing what they do. the... slight drama of a surprise kiss in a gentle moment feels a bit 9-1-1 to me anyway. i can see it in that universe, so maybe if bj existed there, he would. if that makes sense. i don't know i am also tired.
....Oh. Kay.
Oh........... kay.
Alright, TK blinked at BJ, truly empty of anything other besides mild surprise and then -- BJ scrambled to apologise, obviously half-asleep here (at least, he had been), and TK -- laughed. It took him a second to decide that's what he was going to do, so it wasn't as smooth as maybe it could have been, but BJ cascaded back like a calamitous disaster had happened and so TK laughed, with that grin that BJ had once thought was going to be trouble, and he said, "I'm pretty hot, huh?" Sympathetic though.
This was something TK would shrug off if BJ wanted to shrug it off with him, with nothing more than a laugh and a wink at BJ's expense, but he shook his head and returned to BJ's hand, "Lemme - I didn't finish, let me wrap it up." C'mon, give it back, he still had the bandage in hand and it could use a rinse with the saline, too, to be sure there weren't any stray scraps of the food he'd been partway through cubing, in there.
Really. Just like that, honest. He wasn't upset, he wasn't gonna harass a tired BJ about it, and he didn't think it meant any secret meanings or told some unspoken truth. He was just pretty hot, huh? And BJ was pretty cute himself.
"You wanna sleep out here tonight?" he got lonely sometimes, TK thought. He wondered occasionally if that was why he'd wanted a roommate. It's why TK had.
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inukag · 1 year
Speaking of filler episodes/arcs making Inuyasha (mostly him) ooc, there's one arc that makes Kagome (not only wildly OOC, but also makes her kind of dense/dumb): the kenkon halberd arc with Akitoki Hojo. - I hope you don't mind I lay off this rant (been bottling that up for MONTHS now). I just HATE the disservice to Kagome's character
(I'm not listing them in order, btw)
First sign where she's made sort of dumb (which she is in reality NOT throughout the series): Hojo shows up with that scroll to show his ancestor KAgome Hojo (🙄🙄 dude, we see what you're trying, you are DENSE), and she has that INCREDIBLY OOC moment where she wonders, and almost with certainty --after they run into A. Hojo-- that she will stay in the past and marry him... Like WTAF? That's just SO OOC because at point in the story, she admitted to naraku's evil baby that she's in love with Inuyasha; it also portrays her as stupid as if she doesn't even consider that there may be other girls/women name Kagome.
Then there's guilt tripping Inu to help akitoki, telling him "don't you feel guilty?" which he rightly replies with "why? Naraku destroyed Mount Hakurei (?)".
When Inuyasha is saying that humans shouldn't mess with yokai weapons, that is not their business, her thoughts keep going into tangents (several times during the three episodes), and reading "humans should not mess with yokai weapons" somehow equals "yokai/hanyo shouldn't get involved romantically")
When she and dense ancestors are separated from the rest of the gang, she remains quiet when Akitoki makes a veiled racist remark regarding inuyasha when she mentions she doesn't have a boyfriend (WHICH ISN'T TRUE, SHE'S WITH INU AT THAT POINT) and he goes all "I understand you travel with half demon and a monk who aren't appropriate husband material" and on top of that he goes "i'm sure under this sky is a young man destined for you" (jesus, this guy is like koga, if not worse (stealing a kiss, hello?) and she again pretty much accepts those words.
In than same scene, she quickly dismisses the thought of Inuyasha potentially becoming her hubby with a shake off her head that would have been IC for the first 5 episodes of the series, NOT this far into the story.
Then when the dude falls asleep SHE PUTS HIS HEAD ON HER LAP - that shit is ooc af and a slap to the face to the first new moon with Inu.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some more OOC Kagome moments.
And ofc, Inuyasha is bit OOC in this arc because this akitoki asshole keep acting like he's Kagome's intended husband, keeps shouting his love for her (despite knowing her for one hot minute), and Inuyasha says NOTHING (I'm sure he would have ripped his arms if he knew this fucker tried to kiss her while she slept).
Sorry that was long. ❤
(Sorry for answering this a month later than I said I would, last time I watched these episodes was YEARS ago so I wanted to rewatch them before I answered this ask!) 
First of all, I have to disagree a bit about this idea that these episodes made Kagome look completely dumb. At least in terms of action/battle, they made her use her arrows numerous times (people always complain about her not doing anything) and she was smart enough to 1- Test the sword on her friends’ lookalikes to see if they are yokai 2- Question them when they used her and Akitoki’s names 3- Rightly guessing that the girls are actually puppets and that’s why they weren’t affected by the blade
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That was quick thinking of her and showed that she’s resourceful too, which is great! This is a lot like early-manga Kagome, like when she burned the toad demon or when she attached a yokai leg to her arrow. 
Now her assuming that a “Kagome Hojo” existing in the past must mean that she stayed behind and married Akitoki was pretty... weird. Unless Kagome is a rare name in Japan? I don’t know about that. 
But YES what bothered me the most in those episodes is how Kagome barely acknowledges her relationship with Inuyasha?? Like you said she completely shakes off the idea that Inuyasha is her boyfriend and that he could potentially end up with him??? 
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GIRL WHAT you literally screamed that you love Inuyasha and cuddled him like 10 episodes ago??? 😭 Although this was in response to Akitoki telling her that the person who will eat her cooking everyday is very lucky, so maybe this was Kagome saying “well Inuyasha wouldn’t enjoy my cooking” because this episode has another instance of Inuyasha saying he enjoys instant ramen more than home-made cooking....
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Sunrise PLEASE shut up..... Inuyasha isn’t Naruto! Loving ramen is not one of his core personality traits! There’s nothing in the manga that indicates it’s the only food he enjoys...
Anyway, Kagome not mentioning her relationship with Inuyasha is still wildly OOC when you consider how she reacted to Koga flirting with her and mocking Inuyasha... 
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The whole theme of this arc was the differences between yokai and human and whether or not they are compatible... so I think what Sunrise tried to do is to set back Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship so they can then re-confirm their chemistry at the end to prove that yokai/human relationships are indeed possible... 
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It’s just very weird to do this that far in the series (this arc spans episodes 137-140). The plot with Hoshiyomi and Tsukiyomi was also just a repeat of Inuyasha and Kikyo, with the whole “they thought they betrayed each other but they actually didn’t” so it wasn’t particularly original. 
It really was such a weird tangent, Inuyasha saying “humans shouldn’t mess with yokai weapons” and Kagome ending up with “maybe my relationship with Inuyasha won’t work after all”... It would have been an interesting idea to explore if Kagome actually brought up significant differences between them that could lead to problems (like the anime-only idea that Inuyasha is 200 years old, or their children having yokai features, human villagers not accepting them, etc.) but none of that was addressed so it felt very shallow. 
I think it’s kind of funny that Akitoki declaring his feelings for Kagome was just ignored by pretty much everyone except Shippo essentially calling him cringy and Kagome questioning her future for a few minutes. I kinda hated that Kagome put his head on her lap when he was sleeping but it’s almost like she wanted to see if she would get butterflies in her stomach like the first time she did that with Inuyasha, but she clearly didn’t feel anything so she realized it wasn’t going to happen 😭
All in all I don’t think these fillers are bad. There’s some annoying set backs and OOCness but it ends with some wholesome Inukag moments too. It’s not like some of the filler episodes that makes Inukag look toxic (except maybe that line at the end of episode 140 where Inuyasha says Kagome is not kind...) or skews the love triangle. Also these episodes highlight a major problem I have with the anime, and that is the animation quality and style changing every episode. Episode 138 & 140 have amazing animation directors (Shouko Ikeda and Kumiko Takahashi) but the other 2 are mediocre imo and it’s very jarring. At least in the manga Rumiko Takahashi’s art is consistent. 
ALSO if you think Akitoki deserves to get beat up by Inuyasha for trying to kiss Kagome without her consent you should read A Rude Awakening by @born-for-eachother! Kat went HARD on Akitoki in her fanfic, Inuyasha was ready for murder LMAO. 
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Storm showers
Page One - Cracked Stone
The rain was falling down, splashing directly into June’s eyes. She lay back down into the muddy, blood soaked grass and stared over at the tall figure beside her.
They both took in the battlefield silently for a while, then April craned her neck over and snorted. “I don’t think they’ll be a problem for us anymore.” “No more running?” asked June.
“No more running,” the pale dragon agreed quietly, stretching out one of her wings to cover June like a tent in the rain. And then they slept the dead sleep of those truly exhausted.
Page Two - Flowering Fields
After a short day in the market, June had already sold out of potions and salves, and was headed back home with several orders for the coming weeks. Today’s profits were turned largely into food and some necessities for around the house, still mostly unfurnished in the few weeks they had been living there.
The small, still mostly dilapidated shack that they had moved into a bit outside of town wasn’t much, especially compared to the Manor where June grew up in, a towering citadel of manicured lawns, chiseled stone, and vibrant stained glass. But neither was the small dry cave out back anything to compare to the damp dungeons that April had grown up in—a stolen princess from a faraway land, chained since birth. The tradeoff was worth it, June thought to herself.
Her musing was interrupted as she rounded the final bend and saw April sunning herself on the lawn, a gorgeous verdant spread of flowers and wild grasses, blooming in the warm early spring.
Running over to her friend, she dropped her basket and went to say hello. Wrapping her hands around April’s neck, she relaxed with the scent of her, burnt and smoky.
“How was today?” asked the dragon, nosing into her basket slightly.
“You stop that! We can eat later.” June playfully swatted at April’s overly inquisitive snout. “It went really well. People are starting to spread the word that our stuff is the best in town.” “Well I certainly think it should be, with that stuffy alchemical upbringing of yours.”
“Hah! If only they could see me now!”
They fell silent, then, thinking about the dark shapes of the past.
April nudged June to break the spell. “Did you see that one nice young girl, the one that looks a bit like a crow?”
“Mara? She stopped by to grab a couple of tinctures, why?”
April’s massive violet eyes blinked. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed her always showing up when you’re there. She likes you.”
June blinked. “Oh I. Does she? I’m not good at telling that sort of thing.”
April’s paw tapped her head gently. “I told you that you would do fine here. You’re much more likable than you think.” Her head flumped down onto the grass. “Pretty, talented girl like you I’m surprised you haven’t gotten any marriage proposals yet.”
“I imagine that even if someone liked me that much they’d be intimidated by my best friend.” 
April’s grin showed off all her teeth. “Just don’t tell them I only eat plants.”
June scratched April’s head, on the softer skin behind her ears like she liked. “Very scary and intimidating monster you are.” April rumbled quietly at the scratches, butting her head against Juneand making that deep rumbling purr she did when happy. “Well, I know I’m an incomparable treasure beyond compare but I imagine you’ll eventually want someone to lay down with at night, you know.”
“What’s wrong with sleeping with you? You’re warmer than my blankets.”
“Not that kind of laying down, June.”
Time stretched along, as the clouds continued to skate across the sky “I’ve always kind of thought we…” her mouth snapped shut, never intending to vocalize her feelings, especially not this casually.
Her heart pounded as loudly as when the two of them snuck out of the manor. “I always thought um, I haven’t really thought...”
The birds sang in the trees, and the bugs buzzed in the flowers as the silence stretched on for an hour, or a few seconds. June's heart was racing even more, and she let go of the dragon's head, apologizing. "Sorry I didn't mean to make it stran-" was all she got to before the dragon's head pushed her over.
Nudging her with the tip of her snout, April's eyes stared her down. "That's the worst proposal I've ever heard... but I accept." Her long tongue snaked out and licked the side of June's face as she laid there dazed. She continued playfully nudging her prone frame, as June tried to wrap her head around what had just happened. 
She swallowed, nervously. Suddenly unsure in front of the one person she always understood. "When you say you accept do you mean um."
"I accept, as in, yes I'll bed you."
June gulped. April continued, “But not before dinner. What’d you bring me?” as her nose poked back into the basket.
Page Three - Warm Dusk
The kitchen cleaned and their stomachs full, they walked back into the dark cave as normal. June had been sweating nervously all throughout dinner, and April had been almost uncharacteristically quiet, staring at her intently between bites.
A few steps in and April grabbed June, tired of waiting, and carried her all the way back to her nest. She was unceremoniously dropped into the floral soft bed of hay herbs and flowers, with an “oomph”
Breath knocked out of her, she started coughing, hard enough that April paused and apologized. “OH! Sorry! “I’m not as durable as you are, you big lout,” June grimaced. “Ahh, I’m sorry I just got a little caught up in all the um”
“You seem very collected about it all.”
“Only if it helps tease you, my love.” April cooed. June’s coughing started again as her face reddened, enough that April asked “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“I’m… fine.” she managed to choke out, steadying herself. 
April’s “Good.” was punctuated by her smile lighting up with flames in the darkness, as a tiny trickle of flame lit the large candle at the head of the nest.
“You’re still dressed?” She asked, seeing June’s form still laying there a little bit in shock on the bed of leaves. The light from the flames danced around the room, throwing moving shapes on June’s body as she undressed, while April coiled her body around her.
“I know I’ve been naked in front of you a ton of times, but it’s...” June started. “Different” April finished as she moved her head closer. Impetuously, June grabbed April’s head by the horns and pulled their mouths together for a kiss. A little awkward, her lips met the soft scaly lips of the dragon’s much larger maw. 
The faded soot of alchemy blended into the warm cinnamon and spice of fire as they mingled, and April’s tongue flitted out just a bit, enough to fill June’s mouth with her taste.
When they both broke apart they were breathing heavily, and smoke was trickling out of April’s mouth at the edges. “Well now I’m hungry,” the dragon said, before pushing June down with just the force of her tongue. 
She trailed her tongue all the way down her body, until she got to June’s cock. She licked up and down the shaft as June gasped, which turned into moans as her lips wrapped around it. June thrust her hips into the dragon’s maw, enjoying every soft inch of her massive tongue, wrapping around her. In the dim light she saw April’s large, luminously deep eyes staring at her, filled with heat. With a final gasp of “April!,” she climaxed, feeling her seed spill down the dragon’s tongue. Aprils paw squirmed under her back, lifting June with characteristic ease. The dragon wriggled playfully, flipping herself on her side as June got to her knees, kneeling between April’s hind legs. “You seem eager,” the dragon said, gently teasing. June’s voice was husky, her breath warming April’s slit, “I’ve… really wanted this I think.” Her tongue slid along the smooth scales near her entrance, tasting the thin layer of wetness coming from it. Slipping it in, working her open, June explored her warmth. Cinnamon, salt, and smoke filled her mouth, and moaning slightly with arousal she started rubbing the soft flesh with one hand. Her hand started exploring deep inside the dragon, the flesh almost hot enough to burn.
April’s clit started swelling, growing larger than June’s cock, peeking out of its hood. June’s mouth found it, licking the velvety skin softly as the dragon rumbled deep in her stomach with contentment and pleasure. Her whole hand inside the dragon, she curled it up, trying to find a sensitive spot and she was rewarded with a sharp inhalation and fire spilling out of the corner’s of her lover’s mouth.  She pressed in harder, her mouth running up and down her clit as she felt April’s tail pressing her face into the dragon. April’s orgasm was loud, a frantic roar filled with purple and red flames shooting out her mouth and nose, as her body quaked. June’s form was smashed against her stomach by the dragon’s tail as her body shook. Gasping for breath, June separated her face from April’s thigh, body soaked from the waist up and cramping in five different places. The exertion caught up to her and she felt drowsiness overcoming, drifting off to the vision of April cleaning her off with her tongue.
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krejong · 9 months
Habe deinen Headcanon zu Karin und ihrer ersten Liebe zu ner Frau gelesen. 🥺☺️
Noooooow please give us your headcanon on Karin falling for someone (male or female) who returns her feelings! ✨✨✨
Hi, thank you for your ask and sorry this took forever (mea culpa) <3
(Before I begin, just so we’re clear I totally consider Karin to be bisexual, but as we got quite a bit of relationships with men from her in canon I don’t feel too bad about this headcanon being about her falling for a woman again.) 
So just timewise, I’d set this in the mid-2000s. Aaron was in and out of hospital when he was a young child (maybe his immune system wasn’t quite doing what it was supposed to do). Karin, meanwhile, was trying to juggle impromptu, emergency hospital visits with being the newbie at the police station (which basically means doing everyone’s grunt work on top of her own) and court hearings about child benefits because Aaron’s father couldn’t be bothered to pay them. When she met Nune for the first time, she hadn’t slept for about 35 hours straight, had been living on hospital food and takeaway, was wearing a shirt Aaron had stained with tomato sauce and markers, and had bitten her nails down to their beds. Her hair hadn’t been washed in God knows how long and her colleagues were on her ass about some lead that they felt hadn’t been properly followed through on even though she had done everything she possibly could and Karin was just so done. 
All of this explained why, instead of walking into a bathroom to have a (totally sane and safe) breakdown in, she had entered the wrong door and suddenly found herself in someone’s office. The woman who was in there must have been about her age, give or take a few years and her hospital badge had a rainbow-coloured lanyard. 
“Can I help you?” she had asked, understandably surprised, and Karin had really intended to say something about being in the wrong room and looking for the bathroom, and to turn right back around, but instead she had just stood there numbly, as if she were nailed to the ground. Her eyes burned, her throat hurt; all she wanted to do was cry, or, alternatively, sleep for one hundred hours. And then the woman had come closer to her and instead of asking her another question, had taken Karin in her arms. To everyone’s surprise—very much including Karin’s who does not like strangers touching her any more than necessary—she had just melted into the embrace and tried to breathe as the woman whispered reassurances in a language Karin didn’t speak. 
At some point Karin had pulled back and said something like: “I need to get back to Aaron— my son.” She’d left the woman standing there. She didn’t see her (she hadn’t even got her name) again until Aaron was discharged from the hospital a first time, rushed back to the hospital with pneumonia and re-discharged again. Karin was helping him with his lion backpack and Nune had been coming in for her shift. “Hello Aaron, I’m glad you're feeling better,” she’d said, kneeling to be at eye-height with him. “My name is Nune. I’m a friend of your mum’s.” 
And when Karin saw the way Nune looked at Aaron, she had got her number. 
Nune was a radiographer (MTRA) or something in that vein. She was very good with Aaron (on account of working in healthcare and also coming from a large family). She was warm and patient (even when Karin’s mental health was actively trying to sabotage Karin’s life) and was an avid boulderer. She and Karin were actually together for quite some time (we’re talking years); but then Karin had got promoted at the precinct and Nune decided to start studying to get her MD and they only ever saw each other in passing anymore. The problem was that they were both very passionate (about their jobs) and ambitious and in the end that was their downfall: neither of them was prepared to make enough allowances for their relationship to continue making sense. 
It was really hard on Aaron, too. He was still pretty young, so I don’t think Karin ever sat him down and explicitly told him that she and Nune were in a relationship but then they never hid it either. But, to him, from one day to the next, Nune stopped coming to their apartment to play pirates and draw silly pictures that made him laugh so hard, that he’d spouted milk out of his nose once, and he was really angry. Enough that Karin had to take him to family therapy a few times, and that helped settle him down a bit. Seeing as Karin and Nune’s split was relatively (yes, there was some shouting/grudge holding involved bc it’s almost impossible for there not to be) amicable, after the therapist visits, they worked something out so Aaron could still go over to Nune’s to spend some time with her, an arrangement which lasted for a year or three.
(Also yes this is almost the cop-nurse trope and I would say I’m sorry, but it just seemed to make sense for them.)
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seelieyoulater · 2 years
To Hold Tight On You || Link to AO3 in Replies
She didn’t need to sleep, but Quay did. When they first moved in together, they’d bought a bed big enough for the both of them, and while only one of them slept in it, Laerryn did enjoy laying beside him as he rested.
When he was awake, even in his natural form, Quay always seemed like he was wearing a mask. A carefully-crafted smile or some well-placed words always seemed to cover the parts of him that she’d gotten the chance to know since they’d first gotten together.
It was late—or early, depending on how you looked at it—and Laerryn had only gotten home an hour ago. Before she’d left her lab, she had planned each thing she was going to do once she arrived home. So far, she has only completed step one: get cleaned.
She had intended to then go sit on the balcony and read a little or maybe tinker on some things she’s set to the side, not wanting to disturb her sleeping husband (how many times had he stressed the importance of beauty sleep to her? Even though she felt he was beautiful enough as is, and he could look any way he wanted, so what did it matter?). However, as she was walking out of their room, her gaze landed on his resting form, and she felt a warm sensation inside her chest.
Quietly, she walked to his side of the bed and sat on the edge, hand hovering over his face as she debated whether to caress him or not. Quay was a sound sleeper, though, and she knew that he’d likely not mind being woken, even if he did complain. Sometimes his love of hearing his own voice outweighed the actual sincerity behind what he was saying. So she placed her hand on his cheek. He always ran much cooler than she did.
Still asleep, he shifted a little, angling his head to face Laerryn ever so slightly more. She looked at him for a long while, eyes taking in every feature, using this time to burn his face into her mind so that even if she closed her eyes, she could still see him.
Dark veins twisted under the surface of his skin. It broke apart the otherwise light grey, and he looked as if he were made of marble. He looked like a statue. He wasn’t. Statues, no matter how well-crafted, had flaws.
Right now, Quay was perfect. He always was, to her. All her work, all her discoveries and inventions, none of it compared to him.
She knew how she fell short in expressing to him how much she cared. She knew how he questioned her sometimes, and how he thought back on all the times she wasn’t there. And she wished it wasn’t that way. She wished moments like this, where she could just sit with him—to simply be with him—could last forever.
The gentle rise and fall of his chest and the sound of his heart beating filled the room. If she strained her ears, she might be able to hear the distant whir of her batteries, the ever-present crackle of the arcane that permeated the city, and the whistle of the wind that blew through and around the buildings, but right now all she wanted to hear was Quay.
Moving her hand across his face, she brushed a lock of white hair back. For his broadcasts, his hair was purple, and while she thought it suited him (didn’t everything?), she preferred the pure white that was his naturally.
No matter what form he took, she loved him. And while she loved all he could do, she didn’t love him for that reason. She loved him for him. Words evaded her whenever she wanted to tell him that, though.
He knew how to show his love through words; she showed her love by doing things for him. How she wished he knew the things she did for him, and all the things she would do if given the chance.
Leaning forward, she planted a kiss on his forehead, and she could feel the shift of movement beneath her.
“Hello, darling,” he said, voice far clearer than it should be for having just been awoken. It was what he always said to her, but it seemed softer than usual. Perhaps that was the element sleep added to him.
Sitting up, she responded, “Hi Quay. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“I’m glad you did.” He too pushed himself into a seated position. Pure white eyes looked into her own. “When did you come home?”
“An hour ago.”
“Then you should’ve woken me sooner.”
Hand reaching forward to push the same lock of hair back as it had fallen out of place again, she admitted, “I was watching you sleep.”
Quick to respond, he gave a smirk. “Like what you saw?”
Choosing not to give an answer to that (because she’d either roll her eyes or say something sappy), she simply pushed him to the side a little. “Move over.”
And he did, even though this was his side of the bed. Even though she was never really in this bed unless they were indulging in other passions. Laerryn moved a bit further in and rested her head on Loquatius’s lap. Without a second’s hesitation, he started running his fingers through her hair.
“I love you,” he said.
She closed her eyes, a shiver running down her spine as Quay trailed his hand along her back now. “I love you too.”
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