#I don't want to glorify her suicide
a0random0gal · 8 months
Hot take, but I personally think all the Criston Cole hate is bs. He's probably one of the most despised characters in hotd and the slander is so unjustified.
Like damn, are you guys really going to hate on him for despising Rhaenyra after all she put him trough?
I'm 100% certain that if the genders were swapped almost everyone would side with him.
Just imagine a girl that owes her dream job on a prince that is in a significant position of power over her. One night, after things don't go his way, he makes sexual advances on the girl. She feels like she has to sleep with him, because of how he helped her achieve her goal. Also because if she refuses, the prince may be enraged and make up a lie to get her executed. Afterwards, she feels dirty, she knows she broke her oath, and that if caught she would be tortured and murdered, so she deludes herself into believing they love each other and should run away together. At least that way, she won't have ruined her life in vain.
But when she tells the prince her plan and confesses her feelings, the prince tells her that he's not willing to give up the throne for her and that all he wants her for is sex. She's pretty much just his glorified whore.
I bet all I have that in this case everyone would call Rhaenyra an evil fuck boy misogynist who only sees ladies as objects to sleep with. But since she's a girl, then the fandom views her as an empowered, sexually liberated girlboss who takes what she wants. Even if that leads a man to almost committing suicide.
The fact that the fan base also has the nerve to call him a pathetic incel is just the icing on the cake.
Guys, I'm not sure if you now, but hating a woman for something that has happened between you is not the equivalent of hating all women.
Criston hates her and her only, while treating every other lady in the show with great respect, hell he worships the ground on which Alicent walks! And scolds Aemond for how he treats sex workers, 'Cause for him they should all be respected like the mother! He's probably one of the least sexist characters in hotd lmao.
Sometimes I wonder if Rhaenyra stans can't stand him because they genuinely can't fathom a man receiving her advances, being offered to be her lover, and rejecting. Like "how dare him break our queen's heart!"
Poor dude never stood a chance
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luna-rainbow · 10 days
Allow me to present the defense case for Peggy Carter.
I don't mean the PC who is in What If BTW. I don't know who she is, but she's not Peggy. I mean the original version from 2011-2014, especially from recently re-watching The First Avenger.
Peggy comes off as being very aloof, detached and rather condascending at times. I argue that's because she had to be. Its very hard for women in the armed forces even today- but back in the 1940s it would have been even more difficult for a woman to hold her own in a male dominated context like the army. She'd have had to worked many times harder to prove herself and to gain the respect which her male counterparts took for granted purely by virtue of their gender and rank. If she showed any kind of emotional vulnerability or it seemed like she didn't know what she was doing, the men would have pounced on it and taken it as "evidence" she was just a weak and feeble woman who didn't belong in "thier" world. Even then... we still see people being insubordinate and talking down to her. When she punched that soldier who was making lewd remarks (can't remember his name) I don't see her being a bully. I see a woman having to deal with the type of casual sexism she probably experienced on a daily basis. When men who were far below her in rank treated her with contempt or just saw her as a sex object. No way that soldier would *ever* have spoken to a senior ranking male like that... She was also dealing with it in a very masculine way. Like another soldier would. In regards to Steve: again I don't think Peggy is ever intentionally mean or cruel to him. Yes, she's sassy and snarky, but I think she had to learn to be like that to hold her own among men. Her interactions with him in the movie are actually quite positive overall: she smiles when he uses his ingenuity and jumps on a dummy grenade, she doesn't talk about how weak he was she views him as a proper soldier when a lot of others don't: including Colonel Phillips. Even after the Serum Philips just sees him as some glorified performer whereas she trusts his judgement: reluctantly at first but willingly afterwards.
For his own part, Steve never talks down to her or views her as inferior. He was probably one of first men who did that only after Howard Stark perhaps.
When she said that Bucky was probably dead: again I don't think she was being uncaring. That line came after just after saying the 107th had been through "more than most" upon seeing an ambulance bringing an injured soldier back from the front. It seems to me she didn't want to see *another* man die in what she had every reason to think was a suicide mission. I mean, its very likely she'd lost friends before, maybe even had family members killed. Besides of which, she ended up helping Steve go on that rescue mission by persauding Howard to drop him near the HYDRA facility on his plane. Then didn't apologize for her actions afterwards even though Colonel Philipps basically threatened to basically demote her.
Finally, that scene where she fires her gun at Steve's shield: again I don't see that as bullying. When he kissed that other woman (*who did it very deliberately in front of Peggy*) it was quite obviously an attempt to make her jealous. (Not on Steve's part, but the other woman). I think in that moment she felt betrayed, because she believed Steve was different to the other men she encountered. Men who just saw her as a conquest or an airhead. She thought he was behaving "just like the other soldiers"- i.e treating women as objects, and she had an emotional reaction. She was actually wrong, but that proves she's flawed. She's human after all!
So yeah, Peggy in The First Avenger is great. She's sassy and snarky but she does seem to genuinely care for Steve as well. I see them as having a lot in common: both people who struggle to be accepted by others but find their place eventually.
Okay, before I start, I want to say that I did like her mannerisms when I first saw CATFA, because I like no-nonsense female characters. However, movies!Peggy was not a fully formed character — just as movies!Bucky wasn’t. One was the token love interest, the other was the token best friend. Hence, there are specific traits embedded in Peggy’s characterisation, or rather her story roles, that are factors of a male author writing a female love interest for a genre about macho superhero men. Which in itself is a product of the misogynistic nature of 2010 MCU.
Firstly, she’s never actually had her rank or her professional role specified. She introduced herself as an “agent supervising all operations of this division”, but all she does is hover around Howard and Philips in their offices. She’s not on the battlefield with Steve (no matter how her own series tried to rewrite it). She’s not in the field acting as a spy/agent. We are told she’s important, because somehow as an agent she’s giving orders to military trainees — a weird role but we can give her that suspension of disbelief — but we are never shown her doing anything important to contribute to war efforts. More than this being Peggy is a useless person, it’s a symptom of the writer not knowing how to handle a female professional in WW2, to the point of calling her an agent but having her both being in the science division and giving military trainee orders but hanging around looking like a secretary. And why exactly could Philips threaten to demote her? Who does she even work for? He could demote her if she’s military but she’s not. So it’s never clear that those soldiers are her subordinates, because they’re not. She’s not in the chain of command! And so why should they respect someone who’s not in their chain of command telling them that she’s going to give orders? She does have to earn it.
You and I remember that kissing scene very differently. Firstly, Lorraine pulled him into a kiss, Steve didn’t kiss her. We need to get the instigator clear here. We can debate how much of a willing participant Steve was, because that scene can be read anywhere from “Steve was unsure at first but then started to enjoy it” to “Steve was in shock the whole time and his hands came up to push her away”. Secondly, there’s no suggestion that either Lorraine or Steve knew Peggy was within watching distance, so I don’t agree with the interpretation that anyone did it to make Peggy jealous. Thirdly, Peggy and Steve were not an item at that stage, so it’s rather presumptuous of her to “feel betrayed”. What did he betray? He said he was waiting for the right partner, he didn’t say the right partner was her. She’s the one who’s taken it upon herself to demand his faithfulness. He never indicated he was happy to enter into that social contract. Fourthly, you’ve acknowledged that her emotional response to another woman kissing Steve was “flawed”, but object to that violent retaliation being called “bullying”. So let’s call it for what it is: unprofessional, unethical, unromantic, and bloody unhinged.
I’m sorry, there is no possible justification for discharging a gun at a man (and specifically in this case a man who is not in a relationship with you) over a kiss in an enclosed space at work where other bystanders could get injured.
But you know what? That scene is another symptom of male writers not knowing how to write a strong female love interest. In 2010 everyone knew it would be bad form if a man hit a woman for being kissed by another man, but violent anger from a woman directed at a man? That was seen as cute and funny and sweet. And that view exists because of the infantilisation of women. Female anger is seen as “not that hurtful” and “not that important”, dismissed as a momentary “emotional outburst” because women are prone to emotional outbursts, it’s a womanly thing to suddenly lose grip on logic over a jilted love. Where in a man that emotional volatility and violence would be a major character flaw that would turn him into a villain, in a woman that’s…cute and harmless.
So you know, Peggy was at the same level of neglect that Bucky-with-two-birthdates was. She was not a character they cared enough about to even give her a proper professional role in the army. She’s there because the movie needed a love interest. She’s there to show how unwanted Steve was before the serum, and how desirable he became after the serum. She appears, every now and then, to remind the audience she exists, but never in a way that directly affects the plot. @amarriageoftrueminds has multiple excellent metas explaining why the story could have proceeded without Peggy being present. She’s a character we are continuously told is important, but the narrative gives her only counselling type dialogues, and while those conversations are placed at narratively important milestones, none of her suggestions make any sway on Steve’s original plans before he started talking to her, making her someone who has minimal impact on Steve’s arc and on the story as a whole.
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 4: That’s Amorte
(There is no ethical consumption under capitalism)
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Don’t read any further if you don’t want to spoiler your appetite…
My Favs
We got Morty back!
When the world was about to send out an Amber Alert on a missing kid, Morty decided to return to us! I’ve enjoyed the season so far but having Rick and Morty together is a stark reminder that the strength of this show is found in the dynamic between grandfather and grandson. Also, I love seeing Rick getting healthy and bettering himself, but I also love to see a Rick that’s amoral and a bit unhinged.
Facial animation:
I don’t know if this is due to the Irish animation studio they’re working with now, but I’ve noticed there’s a bit more diversity in the facial expressions compared to the last two or three seasons. Has anyone else noticed this?
They did a Soylent Green!
I predicted that this might have been a red herring seeing the initial clips and they might instead do something akin to the Universal Paperclip game, but a Soylent Green is what we got. Well, the idea behind the paperclip game is still on the table for next season…
Euthanasia, Cannibalism, and Suicide
Quite the trifecta of “subjects we don’t discuss in polite society,” but I admire them for taking the risk and weaving everything together well. Kinda surprised S&P let them get away with it.
“His dying wish is to see deader people so he can feel superior.”
Morty-O’s Suicide Spaghetti
“ Is this people or not people? I just need to know how much I should pretend to be upset.”
Oh, Jerry…
“They dyed their sun institutional gray.”
“Ooo gray areas. My specialty.”
Classic Rick
Kotomi’s cover of “Live Forever”
“Life itself is wrong and that means death is right. But you can’t side with that. So you live, even when it means eating.”
Not My Fav:
They could have gotten nastier.
This is my one small gripe in an episode that I think is fantastic. I’m confident there is an earlier draft out there that got so much grosser before S&P made their cuts and I demand to see that draft!
Release that nasty cut!!!
My Thoughts:
First my less serious thought, how in the hell did Rick find out that those people turned in spaghetti when they unalived themselves? My headcanon is that he has made a regular habit of impersonating a doctor on that planet because he sees doctors as nothing more than glorified mechanics, but for people. Rick knows he’s the smartest man in the universe and a proper scientist so practicing medicine would not be that much of a challenge and along the way he discovered this delicious trait about the Keplar people.
On a more serious note, there are two moments that really stood out to me. First, was when Morty broke the news of the spaghetti’s origin to the family and their reaction. They were angry and disappointed—in Morty for delivering the message rather than Rick for feeding them people-spaghetti. That spaghetti was amazing and brought everyone joy and they were more angry about losing their joy than the moral implications of consuming human flesh. Morty destroyed the illusion that they were “good” people and instead of actually being good people and refusing to eat the spaghetti, Morty created a work-around so that he and the family could still maintain the illusion.
That felt very realistic to how, dare I say, all of us have acted at some point, whether it’s the food we eat or that store that sells the jeans that fit perfectly or the online retailer that delivers anything we could possibly want the next day. Maybe, we find out someday that it’s not created in the most ethical manner and we rationalize it. We think, “ Oh, it’s not that bad.” or “ I can’t afford the more ethical option,” or "I have such few joys in my life I don't want to lose this as well.” It’s easier to uphold the illusion of being morally upright under a system that makes it exceedingly difficult to do so. But even if the capitalistic system is destroyed can we ever really be absolved? This leads to the second moment that stood out, Rick’s monologue.
“Life itself is wrong and that means death is right. But you can’t side with that. So you live, even when it means eating.”
My interpretation is that Rick is saying, “Life, by it’s very nature, is inherently unethical and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Even if the meat you eat comes from an animal that is well taken care of, killed as quickly and painlessly as possibly, and processed in a facility that treats its workers well and obeys all regulations—that animal still had to die in order to produce that meat. You’re a vegan. Plants are still living things and for many plants the process of getting food from them destroys them in the process. Millions of bacteria are destroyed every time you wash your hands. Life needs other kinds of life to end for it to keep going, but humans are the only creatures that are aware of this fact so we create arbitrary categories around which types of life are okay to destroy (categories we can’t all agree on) in order to maintain the illusion of morality.
This episode does not have a feel-good message among the jokes and absurd characters and I appreciate that. This one got my brain a-churnin’ and I’m sure I read way too much into this episode but I couldn’t help myself.
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blooming-violets · 16 days
Ik this is a dark ask but you said that you enjoy angst...What if Peter was suicidal? Couple years after Ben & Gwen and he generally just doesn't want to live anymore thinking it would be best if he just died? If he did have a significant other would she have to talk him from of the ledge once or twice? Again you really don't have to answer this if you don't want to. I'm not trying to glorify suicide or depression at all. I think you're a great writer and would be the best equipped for this type of subject matter
I don't think it's too dark! Not for me, at least. This is right up my alley and very much something I believe Peter would be going through with his guilt. Talking about and writing about suicide and suicidal tendencies and depression in fiction are not glorifying the topic. You're allowed to express yourself and write/read anything you please, no matter the topic. Don't forget that!<3
Trigger Warnings: this is a short angst drabble about depression, self harm, and suicidal tendencies, mentions of self harm include (burning self in shower, standing under freezing shower, cutting skin, burning on stove), gory details about Gwen's death are described
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The water scalded his skin. 
It was as hot as his apartment shower would allow it to go. 
His palms were pressed against the wet wall in front of him in a braced stance with his head hung low. He held his back under the liquid fire through clenched teeth. 
Feel the pain. Consume him. Until there was nothing left. 
Let it burn through his flesh, let it melt away his muscles, and dissolve his spine until he was nothing but a steaming pile of visceral, bloody goop. 
What’s the point of anything? 
Peter’s pale skin turned red under the water. The bite of burning agony was everything he wanted. He could stay here forever to let his skin slowly melt from his body. 
And he did. 
At least, until the hot water ran out and ice replaced the heat. It was then that he allowed himself to lay down. Curled up under the stream. Cocooned by the dirty tub walls. The change of temperature sent his body in shock. Pools of icy water sloshed around his body. This hole in the wall apartment never had good drainage. It was filthy and broken just like him.
The cold overtook him much like the heat had. It held a different kind of burning bite but one he relished in. 
It numbed his blistering back until he felt nothing. There was no more pain. His mind slowed to a sluggish pace. His blue lips trembled along with his chattering teeth. 
His eyes closed. Here in the shower, he could find a peace he never could outside of it. 
The water halted. 
A towel was being thrown over him. Stealing him from his safety. He was so close. Just a little longer. That’s all he needed. Just a little longer and he could finally be free. 
“What are you doing?” 
She knew what he was doing. It wasn’t the first time she had found him in some sorry state. Whether he was beaten to a pulp and laid out on the street, slicing off parts of his flesh with a rusty x-acto knife he stole off some petty thief, holding his hand over the open flames of his stove, or teetering off the edge of a skyscraper. She knew exactly what he was doing. 
He was forcing his body to reflect the pain he felt on the inside. 
Because when he looked in the mirror, his reflection didn’t speak the truth. He looked too whole. His body was intact. It wasn’t broken or damaged like he felt. It was lying to him. 
When he closed his eyes, he saw her blood still coating his hands. It had soaked through the Spider-Man gloves. It had sunk into his skin and dried in cracks along the lines of his palm. He didn’t need a palm reader to know that he was cursed. There was blood on his hands. Blood that could never be washed off. No amount of showers could erase her from his skin. 
It didn’t stop him from trying. 
The tender break in her skull haunted him. He had pressed his hand against the back of her head like he had held her so many times when she was alive. His fingers had sunk into the fragmented hole in her skull, accidentally coming in contract with the fleshy softness of her brain. Her beautifully, intelligent brain. Smartest woman in his class. Future scientist, Gwen Stacy. 
Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy, deceased. 
Cracked open her skull and spilled her brains across the ground because he was too slow. Neck snapped by his own web. Spine severed in two. He had failed her. She trusted him. She believed in him. And he had let her die. 
He didn’t deserve to live. 
“Peter, get up!” 
She was leaning over him, her sleeves were getting soaked in the pool of ice water around him as she tugged at his arm. 
Get up. 
Gwen never got up. Why should he be allowed to get up? 
This was where he belonged. Naked and broken. Surrounded by ice. 
“Peter, please…stay with me…Peter! Please! I can’t…I can’t live without you…get up…don’t you do this.” 
He could hear the tears thickening her voice and choking back sobs. He knew those words. He knew those cries. Pleading. Begging. 
He couldn’t let her feel like him. He couldn’t do that. He knew this pain too well. He couldn’t spread it forward. It was his to keep. His to hold onto. He couldn’t let it slip out of his grasp to someone else. Not to her. 
That’s why he never finished the job. 
He could push himself right to the edge but never take that final leap. It was his selfish burden to bear. He would carry it until the end of time. 
He opened his eyes.
For her.
Because he had already ruined one lover's life. 
Because he couldn’t ruin another's.
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If you liked this and want more of this topic, I think you would really enjoy my one shot Nicest Thing.
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fantastic-rambles · 9 months
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Fandom: Durarara!!
Characters: Izaya Orihara, Shizuo Heiwajima, Others (mentioned)
Warnings: Attempted Suicide, Physical Disability, Threats of Violence
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: [Post-Canon, light Izaya novel spoilers] When it seems like the end of the world is nigh, Izaya finds himself drawn back to Ikebukuro. Even so, the last thing he expects is for Shizuo to actively seek him out and for the both of them to have a relatively civil and honest conversation. [Written for Shizaya Week 2023 | Day 4: end of the world AU @shizayasweek]
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Heavy steps sounded on the fire escape, but Izaya didn't even glance toward them as he perched on the railing on the roof of the building. He didn't need to: he used to hear them at least once a week, accompanied by the roar of a monster as it chased after him with a single-minded determination. Even when they stopped right behind him and the back of his neck prickled, he didn't turn around, simply continuing to gaze out over the city filled with the humans he loved.
"Thought I told you to stay out of 'bukuro."
The usual rage was conspicuously absent from the rumbling voice, and Izaya heard some rustling followed by the click of a lighter. Then, Shizuo exhaled heavily, and the faint smell of acrid smoke drifted past Izaya before the railing creaked as the other man leaned against it.
"Those things will kill you, you know."
A low chuckle.
"Doesn't matter now, does it?"
It didn't. Nothing did. All of Izaya's plots, his failed attempts at permanence, his determination to stay away from this place… all blown away by the vicissitudes of fate. He hadn't thought that he had any lingering attachment to this place, but once the news had been announced, he'd found himself drawn back.
Idly, he wondered where the others had gone. Sozoro was easy enough to figure out: home to his family, bringing Haruto and Himari with him. The boy didn't know what was going on, other than a new adventure, which was probably for the best, but Himari was a bit more clever than him. Nec… perhaps she would retreat to the world inside her computer, along with Tsukumoya. He'd released all of them from their obligations to him and made his way here alone. And that was how he'd expected things to end.
He hadn't counted on Shizuo showing up. But then again, he had never been able to predict what went on in the protozoan's head.
"Shouldn't you be with someone else? Your owner? Or your lady friend?"
Another slow inhale, and Izaya chanced a glance at the other man, finding his brows furrowed as he lowered his cigarette from his lips. He looked confused, the expression so familiar and amusing that Izaya had to hold back a laugh as he shifted his gaze back toward the humans rushing around beneath them.
"You mean Tom-san? And Vorona?" Shizuo finally asked, still sounding uncertain, and Izaya did laugh then. But it lacked its usual sarcastic bite, sounding not quite natural or genuine.
"Sure. Or even Shinra and Celty. There are plenty of people who care about you, so why would you want to spend your last moments with me? Or have you not heard that there's a meteorite on a direct path to wipe out all life on earth? Or at least, a significant chunk of it?"
"I heard. But I also got a feeling you were back. Figured I'd try to snap your neck one last time, for old time's sake."
A heavy hand landed on Izaya's neck as if to make good on the threat, the fingers that wrapped around his throat nearly encircling it. Izaya remained relaxed, though, his eyes following a bright red car that wove through the traffic.
"And it seems like you'd let me."
Izaya shrugged.
"If I had to choose between you and a meteorite, you don't sound too bad. Of course, I'd rather be killed by a human, but a monster's better than a glorified rock, at least."
"Then why aren't you down there? With your humans?"
Izaya did sigh then, shaking his head in disappointment. Shizuo had always been a bit dumb, but this much? He hadn't thought that it was possible for him to overestimate the man, but yet again, Shizuo was managing to defy his expectations.
"Do you really think that I can go around asking people to kill me, pretty, pretty please? Humans are selfish, Shizu-chan: I thought that you, of all people, would know that. Now that we're facing the end of the world, there's nothing that I could offer anyone to convince them to put some time and effort toward satisfying my ego. Besides, I've already been stabbed once, and if I'm going to die, I'd rather it be quick and painless."
"You probably deserved it."
"I did, but that's beside the point. So now that we've cleared that up, can you just put us both out of our misery and go back to whoever's waiting for you?"
But the hand released him, falling back down to the railing as Shizuo continued to stand beside him, looking out over the temples to human conceit that would soon be erased. The vast reservoirs of human knowledge, the technology that held everything together, the richness of their emotions… it was a waste. Even if halfway intelligent life re-evolved on this planet, it would take at least another couple hundred thousand years, and all of this would be little more than dust.
“Thought you’d be in a shelter or something. Shinra was saying that there was a chance of survival if people did something like that. There’s a bunch of old ones from the war, right?”
“Me? A shelter? Please, Shizu-chan. I love humans, but that doesn’t mean I want to be crammed together with them, surrounded by the heat of all those bodies and the wailing of children and babies. Besides, if they did survive, they’d end up in a deserted world, scratching for a living, suffering, living quick, cruel lives… that’s not for me. I suppose a monster like you wouldn’t understand, though. You probably don’t even need a shelter to survive.”
“Maybe,” Shizuo agreed with a slow nod. “I guess we’ll find out.”
“You mean you’ll find out.”
Izaya slid off the railing, stumbling slightly when his feet hit the concrete, but his grip on the metal kept him from collapsing. His wheelchair sat on the other side of the barrier, and he leaned over the edge of the building, his arms stretched to their full length as he continued to watch the humans scuttle around beneath him. There was something wonderfully ironic about this situation: he’d brought Kamichika to a similar place before, just to see what she would do when she was entirely disillusioned, her sophomoric self laid bare.
Ah, perhaps he should have reached out to Mamiya. She might have been willing to kill him, but then again, wouldn’t it be far more amusing for her to have her revenge denied? Ahhhh, if there was an afterlife, then he’d love to meet her again there and see her reaction. To him, to everything, to the afterlife she only half-believed in, the death she failed to respect.
And then he let go, his fingers falling open before he began to fall forward, a half-smile on his lips. There was a screeching sound behind him before his descent came to an abrupt stop, his right arm feeling as though it had been nearly jerked out of the socket.
“The fuck you doing, flea???”
Bemused, Izaya glanced over his shoulder. The railing was bent where Shizuo must have lunged against it to grab his wrist, his monstrous strength easily holding Izaya up with one hand.
“Dying, right?” he asked as if it wasn’t patently obvious. “I can’t get someone else to kill me, and I can’t get you to kill me. It’s rather anticlimactic, but despite what you may believe, I am a human, unlike you, so I’d still rather do it myself than wait for the strike and the tsunami and the heat wave or whatever to take me out.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Izaya blinked.
“Well, I have a host of issues, but none related to the current situation. But what’s wrong with you? Ever since I met you, it was ‘die, die, die,’ and now that I’m doing just that, you’re stopping me?”
“Like I can just stand by and watch someone die in front of me!”
“Oh? What about all the people down there? They’re all going to die soon, too. Or have you developed some sort of supernatural powers while I’ve been away, enough to pulverize the meteorite or divert it from its course? Can you save all of them? What’s the difference if I die now, or in a couple hours?”
“That’s… that’s not the point!”
Shizuo’s chest heaved as he backed up, pulling Izaya back onto the ledge, though he didn’t let go of him.
“Why are you so determined to die?” he demanded, and Izaya sighed.
“Actually, I would prefer not to,” he explained, speaking slowly as if he were addressing a particularly stupid child. “But at this point, it’s impossible to avoid. So if I’m going to die, I’d rather do it in a way that I like.”
“But why won’t you at least try to live?”
“As I said, it’s impossible. I’m not a monster like you.”
Ahhhhh, this was why he hated Shizuo. Most stupid people were easy to deal with, because they didn’t try to pretend to be human. They were fine with being wrapped up in themselves and only caring about others when it benefited them. But Shizuo was so determined to prove that he was something that he wasn’t, which led him to do even more stupid things that proved he wasn’t human.
And then he was tugged closer, pulled against Shizuo’s chest, and his flickblade was in his hand, slashing at the other man, just like old times. Except Shizuo didn’t let go, only catching Izaya’s wrist and squeezing it until he dropped the weapon as blood trickled down from the cut on his cheek.
“You said it, right? I might be able to survive even out here. So if you’re with me, maybe you can live, too.”
“I don’t want to. What’s the point of living in a ruined world with a monster?” Izaya snapped acidly, struggling in the other man’s grip. But he’d never dreamed of being able to fight against Shizuo head-on, and with his legs as they were now, that was even more unlikely. All he could do was pound a fist weakly against a chest that felt as hard and immovable as concrete. "If you’re looking for someone to go to hell with you, I’m sure that there are plenty of people who would be delighted to oblige.”
“I don’t want to live with you, either. But if I can save one person, then it’ll be worth it, even if it’s you. And maybe that would be what both of us deserve, after everything we’ve done. If we’re the only ones left, we can’t hurt anyone else. Or maybe we’ll both die, and that will just be the end of it. But I’m not going to leave you alone. Who knows what the fuck you’d get up to?”
Izaya’s scowl deepened. Pointless sentiment, the monster looking to assuage its misplaced guilt… fine, but why did he have to be dragged into it? He’d never felt any remorse for the things he’d done, standing above the humans and watching them scramble frantically beneath him. He didn’t need forgiveness or repentance. He'd always lived simply as he wanted to, even knowing that it meant taking on his beloved humans' feelings, both positive and—more often—negative.
"Let me go."
"Let me go!"
"No. Come on, I-za-yaaa, let's face the end together."
Braced against Shizuo's chest, Izaya didn't have any choice in the matter, and they eventually ended up on the ground, waiting with Izaya half in Shizuo's lap. Then, as they watched, a false sunrise lit up the horizon, setting the sky aflame.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
Hey bae, I've enjoyed your lords of chaos fics so far and I really liked the hcs and I just wanted to ask you could make one for necrobutcher? He was so fine in the movie but no one ever talks about him :)
Hello anon happy that you enjoyed my works so far. Pretty cute in the movie but the only voice of reason. So I hope and everyone else likes this little story and as always have fun readinf :)
It's over
warning : fluff, hurt/comfort, mention of suicide
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Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
°The two of you actually met in the supermarket one day. You wanted to buy something for you and your flatmate, who didn't really have anything any more. Almost the same was true for Necrobutcher the bass player and member of Mayhem he was still something like the voice of reason.
°Just as she was going to the section with the muesli and other packaged foods, she saw a black-haired young man. From then on, the two of you got into a conversation, or rather, he made the first move. A bad joke, a little laugh and a question about what all the patches on his jacket were for.
°There was a spark between the dark mysterious basist and the simple medical student. Which is why he not only wrote her number on her hand, but also lied her into the next rehearsal of Mayhem in the dried-out hut.
°She would be lying if she didn't find him attractive. There was something about him that was slightly mysterious, funny, realistic and, from what she had heard, not as evil as the news described all those statists. Which is why she went to the cottage at the weekend.
°When she arrived and went into the old hut, she quickly realised that it had seen better days. ,,Hey, Y/n, come with me, I'll show you the others!" he called cheerfully from the kelelr and wrapped her in a hug before they went downstairs. There she met the rest of the band from mayhem - nice but somehow strange people.
°Sitting down on the floor, she watched the band animatedly. Even though the music wasn't really her cup of tea at first, she soon felt herself swaying and humming along to the lyrics and cheering the band on. Before she pulled Necrobutcher into her arms, slightly embarrassed, and praised him.
°Staying with the band throughout the day, a small partx took place in the evening, where she not only had fun but also sat on the couch with the black-haired man and watched a film to ignore the noise from outside. He had his arm around her and she had her head on his shoulder. A cute moment that ended the evening with them kissing. The first kiss of many that night the two somehow ended up in a relationship.
°She quickly realised how sensitive, emotional and devoted he was. He listened to her problems, hugged her, kissed her and was there for her. He was indeed the most socially normal of mayhem and understood her worries that one day something might happen. Even though they both supported each other.
°But the day came when it would happen. The suicide of Dead and Euroynmou's exaggeration. He had gone too far and exploited his friend's death just for the sake of success. That same day, she got a call from Necrobutcher from a phone box who was more than upset and asked her to pick him up because his bike had a flat.
°As soon as she got into her car and drove off, she was worried. It was bound to happen sometime, she thought bitterly and sadly, before stopping at the phone box a few minutes later and getting out. She held the distraught and almost tearful Necrobutcher in her arms for a moment. She just held him and he mumbled and apologised for something he couldn't do.
°Then they loaded the fahard into the car and drove to him, as his family was not there at the moment anyway. Sitting down together on the couch, he rested his head on her lap and was quiet. But she was also quiet and just stroked his head. ,,It's going to be all right...they're gone, you don't have to go there any more," she said and only saw the brief nod. A moment later he sat down and wrapped her in a grateful kiss and held her hand. ,,Thank you for everything," he murmured and put his hand on her cheek.
°Not knowing that the past would catch up with them both. The suicide was only the beginning, then Faust's murder of the gay man and finally Varg's murder of euronymous. It was terrible, and yet the two survived the time together. They moved in together, helped each other and lived normal, free lives as best they could. Knowing that the horror had only made them both stronger.
@mayhem-things , @bvg-w1res , @beldamama
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kitkatopinions · 7 months
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So a couple of things stand out to me with this little gem from the commentary for V9.
They viewed Neo as she is as irredeemable. I one hundred percent disagree with the idea that there's a certain level of villainy that makes it impossible for someone to ever come back from, and if I did believe that, it would be like 'genocidal colonizers who want to take over the world' and not like 'formerly abused disabled woman who spent the better part of her on screen time working for someone doing much worse things than her who then developed a grief-driven misguided grudge and has done technically less worse things than most of the RWBY villains even including V9.' But this does make me feel a bit better in that the RWBY writers are less likely to redeem Salem and Cinder, who are two people that even though I think they can be redeemed, they probably should stay evil.
However, them saying they did want to give Neo a bit of sympathy (which is not the same thing as redemption) because of her past... Cool, actually. Yes, it's frustrating that other characters didn't get that sympathy despite having gone through similar or worse things than Neo went through, like Adam, but I'm not gonna want a formerly abused disabled woman to not get an ounce of sympathy just because a different character didn't get it in the past. But also, this does make me think Cinder, Salem, and potentially Mercury will get similar sympathies (I say 'potentially' Mercury because there's quite a chance that the writers are only willing to extend sympathy towards the women characters based on misogyny as they seem to be sometimes pushing a narrative that the women characters are unable to have made their own choices, but also Hazel is an example of them letting men have unfair sympathies they don't deserve and getting treated with a ton of sympathy like they're not responsible for their own actions too.)
It's worth noting that they were swayed by fandom opinion. "There's this really weird line of everybody likes her as a character," they say, as if they don't like or understand exactly why fans would like a character they invented, which is a weird thing writers do sometimes. And they go on to imply it was one of the reasons they had for not wanting to write Neo to have too bad of an end.
The way they talk about Neo committing suicide like it's a good thing... They are actively talking about how Neo 'has a chance' to ''pick a different person to be.' I mean, it was bad enough with the Paper Pleasers, but at least they actually were from the Ever After where (badly done or not) the implication was that it was slightly different than for humans, but Neo? She was a real person from Remnant! She killed herself, and they're like 'dum dum dum it's a sympathetic end for her because killing herself is a good choice actually that 'gives her a chance to be something better.' Like ??? That is point blank period glorifying suicide.
It's remarkable to me that the writers as well as fans think that the ending they gave Neo is even sort of a good thing for Neo that says that they're favoring her character, whether people think that's unjustified or good. The writers might've written Ruby to act a bit sympathetic (which I see as a step in the right direction for her being a caring protagonist, unlike when she cut off Tyrian's tale,) but Neo still didn't get any sort of good ending and in fact when you compare it to Hazel, it feels even worse. She spent the last several seasons playing lacky to someone who didn't respect her while she was grieving the only person who had ever treated her well, she then lost all will to live and reason for existence after Ruby was supposedly dead, then had her autonomy ripped away from her in one of the most meant-to-be-disturbing moments in the show, and a different being talked with her mouth and used her like a puppet, and then she committed suicide. How is that a good sympathetic ending just because Ruby had a two second moment of being like 'hope she does decide to commit suicide for good and become a different person who isn't so messed up?' Hazel got to die a heroic death after 'teaching Oz a lesson' and he was responsible for tons of deaths in Mistral and he beat Oscar on screen!
Idk, I just feel like the entire narrative surrounding Neo's death feels like a big middle finger, even if MKEK intended to try to appease her fans. I thought volume 9 was going to be Neo's time to finally shine in the spotlight, but they brushed her aside to make the Cat a twist villain (like they needed a twist villain,) and then wrote the worst possible end for Neo they could have, and I feel like a crazy person because I feel like the only person who's bothered by it.
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sbrown82 · 8 months
I just saw your post about Marsha and how Mick treated her and thought why don’t The Rolling Stones fandom not know about her except how he got her. They always talk about Marianne and how sorry they felt when she was put on drugs, had a miscarriage, almost committed suicide, and was suffering from deep depression. But never bring up Marsha and how much she suffered. They bring up how “amazing” Anita is and they things she did for The Stones or whatever thousands of times but never talk about how Marsha introduced a new band member, and a new manager for them and even gave Mick’s brother a job. They’ll even bring up the loads of groupies they had and all the things they supposedly did for them, but never bring up Marsha and how amazing she is, they just love to slander her name. They’ll acknowledge Bianca and say she was “THE QUEEN” ? Talking about how she controlled Mick and keep him in line, how “fabulous” she is. It’s irritating. The worst part of it all is that people only talk about how she was just Micks first babymomma and nothing really more than that. 🤦🏾‍♀️ She wasn’t a bitch, so I guess she gets slept on!
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Great question! Well, for one thing, Mick and Marsha’s relationship was very clandestine and private, which was quite different from Mick’s other relationships which were more high-profile. You always saw Mick and Marianne together, hand-in-hand at events, or splashed across newspapers from some scandal. And Bianca and Jerry were socialites who loved attention, too. Marsha is the only one who really minds her damn business to the point where she lived in nearly complete isolation in France for a while by herself. She loved Mick, but she never wanted to be famous or to be known as his ‘girlfriend’. She just wanted to make music and do her own thing, much like him!
Also…..she’s BLACK …and we all know how Black women are treated in mostly white fandoms. So i think she's just disregarded. But let’s be honest, people always talk about Anita Pallenberg as this fashion-forward, super metropolitan muse to the Rolling Stones who changed up their style in the late 60s, which in many ways she was. I mean, she was influential. But, she was also in a way, a glorified junkie who rattled cages. She was a damn mess from the start. She fucked Brian, then Keith and rumor has it, Mick, too. Many people have even said that she was a shit starter, and an instigator who brought out the absolute worst in people. Bill Wyman even called her an actual witch. Notice that Brian, Marianne, and Keith's drug addiction got worse (way worse) after they started being around her.  She even once messed with some 17 year old boy who shot himself in the head with Keith's gun in their house. A mess! Marianne is another overrated white girl who started fucking Mick when she knew he was with somebody else. In fact, he was dating R&B singer, P.P. Arnold (former Ikette), so I really don't understand why she was always crying and going on about Marsha Hunt and how she supposedly stole his ass from her. I mean, Mick and Marianne weren't married. Plus, Mick constantly complained to Marsha about Marianne’s drug addiction and how she was ALWAYS high and strung out so much so that their relationship had become pretty much platonic when he started talking to Marsha. The girl was just gone. Bianca is another over-glamorized chickenhead, I can't stand her ass either. She’s very nasty and mean. Another thing is, Marsha’s career never really took off after getting with Mick. The 70s and 80s were tough on her, she didn’t have a lot of opportunities and she was raising a child on her own with practically nothing (sis even resorted to getting food stamps and cleaning people’s houses for money), plus suing Mick ruined her reputation on top of all the lies and bullshit he was saying about her to the press.
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Like I mentioned in part 2 of the Mick Jagger & Marsha Hunt thread, when Mick met Marsha, the motherfucka literally showed up at her house unannounced, even after she turned him down the first time. And after they started dating, she listened to ALL his damn problems, sis got him a new guitarist after the Rolling Stones fired Brian Jones from the band, got him a new tour manager and a new secretary to handle ALL the Rolling Stones concerts and affairs, consoled him when Brian died, consoled him after his girlfriend tried to commit suicide, was there for his monkey ass after that shitshow at the Altamont Speedway where 4 people were killed during the Stones’ concert, she even hid him out and kept him safe after the Hell’s Angels security put a hit out on his ass and tried to murder him after he blamed them for what happened. Here's them talking about how they was gone kill his ass and why he had a price on his head:
Marsha even got his younger brother a job after he came back from India and was completely broke and damn near homeless. After he got married, Mick would even call Marsha up and complain to her about how Bianca was getting on his damn nerves. In her book, Marsha said she would’ve died for him if he asked her to…and he fucking played her. Even after all that, she never once bad-mouthed him, or called him names, none of that. She just wanted him to take responsibility. He completely deserted her and their child. It was horrible and he sounded like a complete lunatic talking about Karis wasn't his. Marsha has always been kind to his wife Bianca and Jerry and all of his children who love her too. But I find it really ironic how she always said never wanted to be known as Mick Jagger’s girlfriend and that’s exactly what happened. Ya'll need to show that woman some motherfucking respect because none of them hoes deserves it more than her. Give Marsha her damn flowers. She's a QUEEN!!!
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puppyboner · 2 months
Why do you glorify self harm so much? It's disgusting as someone who's actually gone through that...
Because it's hot and I like seeing people suffer silly!
Because self harm was a huge part of my life, still is, and I'm not ashamed of it. I am covered in scars that many people may not notice at first glance. My forearms, my hands, my shoulders, my thighs, my calves, my stomach, there is very little space on my skin that I have not hurt myself on. And through that, I also developed some, intense kinks. I like to see blood, i like to get cut, i like to cut people, i think self harm (active or scars) is incredibly hot.
i could go on the whole "well i think it's beautiful because it's a sign you chose to keep going with life and you're battling your demons blah blah" which is true! my scars are direct proof that i chose to do harm reduction instead of suicide (well, i do have that kind of scar on my arms too, but i don't hate that scar either. lowkey it's one of the prettiest if it was more centered lol)
but that's not the reason i make these posts. i make these posts because people with self harm scars n people who are still self harming (WETHER THEY ARE GETTING HELP OR NOT.), are fucking hot. they are. end of story. they're fucking hot. i see my girlfriends thighs and i see her scars and i wanna dig my nails into them and bite them and kiss them and make her feel loved and make her feel fucking sexy for them. i want her to know that i see her and i see her suffering and i am not looking away, i am looking at it, i am looking at her, and i am loving it. i am lusting after it. i see my own body, and i see scars i used to hide and be ashamed of, and i feel good. i feel hot. people find scars sexy, why the fuck should self harm scars be seen as different?
im sorry you see it as gross anon. im sorry you went through it, or that you still are. i hope you find peace, and i hope you get clean if that's what you want. but please know these posts are made because you deserve to be seen as attractive, not in spite of the scars, but because of them. i don't expect everyone to see it the way i do, but i'd appreciate it people would at least listen and try.
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I don't think Pyrrha's death initially had any glorification, prior to V6 which seemed to flip the message of it. In V3&4, Pyrrha's death wasn't portrayed as some noble sacrifice or anything, but a tragedy of a heroine who tried to stop the villain and died for it. The ultimate and final failure of the heroes at the fall of Beacon. A message that the heroes don't always win in the end. That's why the statue scene in V6 was so bad, it seemed to basically rewrite what happened.
You know I wasn't super clear on this one so that is my bad. My point was meant to be that the suicide glorification started in volume 6 specifically with that statue scene. As you said it seemed to rewrite volume 3 and everything that was and tried to play off her death like it was a good thing and playing it off like everyone should be happy she died the way she did which at the time didn't feel great but it didn't feel so gross like it does now when looking back on it after the multiple on screen suicides that have been glorified by RT.
I think if the statue scene was the only thing RT had done it still wouldn't feel great obviously but it wouldn't have the same horrible gross feeling it gives me now. But even if it was the only thing that wouldn't fix how it was a total rewrite of events as you said. Pyrrha went into a fight out of desperation and a feeling of obligation. She never should have felt any of those things but sometimes bad things happen to good people and it hurts and it is okay for it to hurt. But then the show tried to pretend like we needed to celebrate her death and build statues in her honor and that feels very very wrong and goes against everything Pyrrha would have wanted. Pyrrha wanted nothing more then to be seen as a normal girl and now she has a statue in her honor glorifying her death and that point seems to be the start of RT's frankly worrying obsession with suicide.
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geraniumplant · 6 months
Welcome to my roleplay blog. Here is the general info: private/ selective /mutuals only / 20+. I am not affiliated with any fandom. I am not pro or anti ship. I ship what I want & that's the end of it. If you have a problem with that or genderbending characters you are free to leave. I don't need to be loved by strangers on the internet. I like to keep my dash & blog tight-knit but I'm not against meeting new people if we vibe.
About the mun: My name is Wolf. I am 25+ she/her/they/them. I have a learning disorder, dyscalculia & dyslexia. Please be patient with me. I tend to switch between past & present tense & write in a stream of consciousness. Spelling mistakes & grammar mistakes are likely on my end, as this isn't my strong point. (but I try) I love writing regardless & use it as a form of escapism, but also to meet cool people with similar interests. I'm always happy to chat or plot with mutuals. I'm very easygoing & I care about the comfort of my writing partners.
My writing tends to deal with themes of identity, gender, sexuality, trauma, mental illness & sometimes suicide. I will tag these themes to the best of my ability with the main tag #usfw (unsafe for work). That being said, it is possible themes such as homophobia might come up in my writing. This will never be glorified or encouraged as its purpose is to explore the negative effects it has on my muses. If you have any concerns you are more than welcome to message me privately.
Anyone younger than 20 who follows/interacts with me will be blocked. I am not comfortable roleplaying with anyone under the age of 20.
The main muse of this blog is Vash the Stampede from Trigun. If you do not specify a muse in asks & tagged content I will answer as Vash.
This blog is mobile based. 99% of the time I am on mobile. If I can’t read your rules, muse list, writing, etc. because of small or fancy font I most likely won’t follow.
If I follow you that means I am interested in roleplaying with you. Think of it as me giving you permission to write with me & send me things.
You do not need to ask to turn asks into threads. I encourage this. If I send you something it means I am eager to write with you.
I am fine with shipping but I will not force someone to roleplay a pairing they do not like. I ask that you do the same in  return.  
Smut in roleplays will be asked to be continued on Discord if possible. This applies only to smut. Kissing, making out, etc. will be present here.
I am selective with OCs due to bad experiences in the past. Please  do not pester me if I decline an offer to roleplay with your OC. It  isn’t anything personal. This is for my own comfort. If you're an OC blog & I follow you first or follow back then that means we're good to write.
I will roleplay almost anything except for the following: Do not  ask me to have my character rape or violate yours. Relationships must be  consensual. No  underage ships or sexual relationships with minors. No dead baby jokes, severely harming, abusing or killing children & animals. I do not wish to read or write detailed scenes of birth, abortions, miscarriages, genital mutilation, or anything too graphic regarding medical procedures, injury, piss, vore, or extremely graphic body horror.  (light body horror is fine)
I will not tolerate: drama or call out posts, anon hate, racism, any kind of homo or transphobia, bashing people for their religion, politics, ethnicity, or beliefs. I tend to unfollow people who post too much ooc negativity, or politics of any kind. Roleplaying is my escapism & I’m not here for any real world drama.
The respect you give will be the respect you receive. ♥
( Please like if you have read & agree to the rules. This is not required but it does make me feel better. )
The following is a list of Fandoms/characters I have no interest in interacting with...
Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss // FNAF // My Hero Academia // One Peice // Naruto // Harry potter // video games such as Mario, Sonic, & Pokemon. // Comics such as Marvel & DC. (No hate towards these fandoms or anyone who likes them. I just have no interest in roleplaying them. I am unlikely to follow blogs related to these fandoms unless you're a multi-muse. )
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touchingmadness · 6 months
Help me choose a Nano project?
I am by no means promising to heed the results to this, but I could use some opinions. I have a few ideas for what to work on for Nano but can't make a final decision which is... a problem, since these all need some more planning before I actually start writing them.
Descriptions and pros/cons below the cut.
Reblogs allowed and appreciated.
That Which Remains (post-apoc sci-fantasy)
In a post-apocalyptic world where the passage to the afterlife has been mysteriously cut off, the streets are oversaturated with the spirits of the dead. Trained Quellers take to the streets with their spirit-sensitive subordinates to channel and extinguish these spirits. Aereas is an unsanctioned Queller who is secretly spirit-sensitive. When they're called in to investigate the apparent suicide of a Queller-in-training, they get pulled into the mystery of why the spirits of the dead are lingering and what the Quellers are - or aren't - doing about it.
Most developed plot
Main and secondary character decently developed
I know DEFINITIVELY how this ends, down to the scene
Might be derivative -- formulated as a dream while I was binging stories about body-hopping and talking to the dead
Most of the other characters don't even have names
Unsure if this is a single book
Wither and Woe (high fantasy, political drama)
Five nations are on the cusp of deadly conflict. Tensions are rising, and plans are being pushed into motion under the veneer of civility. A young princess married off as a glorified hostage barters with the demon Wither for a child that will earn her nation's protection. She bears her husband an heir that is not his own amidst the political machinations of the inner court and begins to suspect that she is not the only one who Wither has helped.
WITHER!!! I love Wither so much!!!
Most of these characters are well-planned
Wrote a bit for this a few months back
Still unsure is this should be one POV or like six
Worldbuilding needs some work
Heavy subject material with little room for levity -- usually prefer to write these types at the same time as a lighter project
Casey Draper's Big (Gay) Alien Road Trip (contemp sci-fi)
Casey Draper is stuck in a rut since graduation, faced with the harsh realities that her dreams may never come true and her friends might not want to see her again. Life isn't like the books, and that sucks. So who can blame her when she lets herself be kidnapped away from her dead-end job by an angry alien who seems to think she's a missing alien prince? Casey's in for the adventure she always craved as they flee secret government agencies, stumble upon strange towns, and eventually have to stop the actual runaway prince from getting himself killed with his party boy attitude.
Main cast is completely planned
Incredibly dissimilar to anything I've watched/read lately, so less likely to accidentally draw from things half-remembered
Almost episodic, can afford to be rambly and unfocused
It's the type of contemp where the worldbuilding is basically just our world, which is difficult and often boring for me
Literally no existing outline AT ALL
Annoyed with my own job in a way I wasn't when this was first planned -- risks getting too pessimistic or just frustrating
Project Evergreen (post-apoc sci-fi)
Arden thinks his life is over when he leaves behind his family's stronghold to take his sister's place at the Eternal One's estate. But instead of being imprisoned for Fern's habitual impulsiveness, he is given a new name and instructed to work on a mysterious device alongside others in similar situations. And he would truly prefer it if the Eternal One would simply lurk. Instead, the mystical woman infamous for somehow surviving long past the Before Times visits him and speaks as though he is someone else.
Relatively developed cast drawing from discarded projects
Basically a fucked up and nonromantic sci-fi Beauty and the Beast story, so most of the big story beats are planned for me
Strong thematic center - easier to make story decisions
No clue what happens between the big story beats ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Worldbuilding is slapdash at best
I have no clue how this ends
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mercifullymad · 10 months
Interesting update to my previous posts urging people to call their senators and oppose the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA): KOSA is "essentially copied" directly from legislation created by a British Baroness and film director who directed, among other things, the second Bridget Jones movie.
Baroness Beeban Kidron, who has been successful at pushing various online restriction bills through British Parliament, is partnering with U.S. politicians championing similar causes. I very much agree with her stance that it is the responsibility of platforms, rather than parents or kids, to ensure their product is safe for users of all ages. However, the Electronic Frontier Foundation opposes the too-vague language used in one of the U.S. bills copied off of Kidron's bills, the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA), which has already been signed into law and will go into effect in 2024. CAADCA, "the first [law] of its kind anywhere in the U.S.," says it will "protect children from seeing posts about self-harm or from predatory digital advertisers."
The same problem occurs over and over again with these children's digital "protection" bills — the language is simply too vague, and vague enough to be implemented dangerously by either social media companies or Republicans using these bills to block children from seeing queer or race-conscious content. Aside from those more obvious problems, we also must think seriously and deeply about what good it does to stop everyone under 18 (as CAADCA defines a "child," with no differing restrictions for different ages under this cut-off) from seeing any content about self harm, suicide, eating disorders, and other forms of "self-destructive" conduct that are imagined to be highly transmissible by the sane public. Why do these bills prevent children from seeing content about "self-destructive" behavior but not "other-destructive" behavior? Why do they focus more on preventing access to content about suicide rather than content glorifying gun culture, or content about eating disorders rather than content about white supremacy, sexism, transphobia, and fatphobia (some of the biggest forces causing/encouraging eating disorders)?
These bills want children to self-manage their reactions to living in a dangerous and unjust world in "proper" ways, without actually moving the conditions of the world closer toward safety and justice. And per usual, the target audience of these bills are children who are imagined to be not-mad, children who are not already contemplating suicide or hurting themselves, but who could be "corrupted" into doing so by nefarious forces on the internet. Meanwhile, already-mad children get psych-warded or locked out of the care need.
There's a fine line to thread here, because I am extremely pro-regulating Big Tech and pro-digital privacy/rights, and I don't want to come off as if I'm not. But much of the motivation for these bills comes not so much for genuine concern for digital privacy but overextended paternalism of (mad) children and even more generally, an unexamined discomfort with changing norms for social interaction in a digital world. Kidron recounts that she initially got into this sphere of activism because she once walked into a room to find a bunch of teens "all just looking at their screens," prompting her to make a documentary about teens' digital behaviors. More than looking at how much time children are spending on screens and what they're doing on screens, we must first look at why they're using this technology in these ways. The why of it surely has more answers to what we can do to make the world more livable for them.
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littlequeenies · 7 months
The online Demri book is so good!! I've known about Demri for nearly 10 years now but there's stuff in there I hadn't read before, you did a great job. I would be so curious to know more about her flaws, as weird as that sounds. I think she's always come across as a perfect human which makes it feel she was almost supernatural. I have trouble articulating it fully in a short message, because I also know that loved ones would rather not speak poorly of her and want to focus on the good, and that should be respected. But I don't know, I think it would be nice to know about her more 'fully'. It seems alluded to in the book and it made me wonder. Flaws make people more relatable, she's always seemed unattainably perfect to me, even with the darkness and addiction. Anyway, great book, and I hope I explained this with the nuance and tact that I intended!
Hi anon, thank you for your question, it is very interesting indeed. We will first let her family and friends talk about the subject.
One aspect of Demri’s personality, according to Austin [Demri’s mom], was her inability to handle guilt. In Austin’s words, “If she offended you, and you didn’t have a cell phone or anything, she would start calling your house, waiting for you to get home to apologize.”
Kathleen Austin: Her concern for others was far beyond her concern for herself.
Barbara Dearaujo: She was constantly on the run. Not sure it was running scared but running for sure. Maybe she was afraid of missing out or just looking for the next thing to stimulate her. I have no clue what it was but I definitely could not keep up with her and whenever I tried or whoever tried we all would end up just as sick, lost and confused and most of us would tap out. She never tapped it seemed, no matter how horrible the circumstances got she could deal with it. Crazy. I wouldn’t call her suicidal but definitely self-destructive. Poor girl. Such a sad story. Demri always and forever a wild wood pixie.
Fabiola Gonzalez: The beautiful soul of Demri is she never had an ounce of hate in her heart. She loved everyone. She was so unconditional even when she was judged and even faulted on her own self-love. She was a good person. Better to others than she was to herself.
Krista Kay: She also had some rough times and went down a heartbreaking road. She was beautiful and complicated, and unforgettable, and human.
Krista Kay: Want to honor their [Demri's and Layne's] memory? Pursue your dreams and talents, lift up others, and take care of your body and mind.
Keli Lake: Demri is special to me because she inspired my self-confidence. It’s complicated since she lacked it herself. It’s like she gave it all away until she was depleted.
Rob Meiser: She was a good person with a big heart but she was fighting demons like most of us.
Jacque Nakken: She always wanted to make others happy, more than herself.
Elsa Schmolke: It’s all very sad but Demri was certainly loved but just so out of control nobody could help her.
Scott Spivey: Always kindness even when she struggled so hard with her demons.
Mara Wheelan: My dear soul sister, she extracted the truly beautiful parts of my soul and made me unafraid. She brought light into the depths of darkness from within. She loved all my ugliness and glorified my uniqueness.
Chay Wilkerson Moore: Demri was like a beautiful flower stuck in a tornado. She was very sweet, most of the time. Always yelled my name and hugged me, made me feel special, like she did most people. Very strong spirit, very bent on destruction, I don’t know why... [She was] The most powerful pretty little thing, with this profound sense of vulnerability that she seemed surrounded by. A princess in distress. I immediately felt the need to protect her in a brotherly way.
For what we've learnt about Demri trough all these years, and reading what her closest people said about the subject, is that she had a poor mental health. She had an addiction in the first place, an addiction usually is the consequence of a poor mental health. She may also was not very self-confident or self-conscious, she always wished the best for all the others but didn't apply to herself. Like Robbie Williams, sometimes the people that look the happiest, have the worst demons, and with no professional help, it is very difficult to fight them.
Maybe she went to drug therapy and I guess that included mental health therapy. But back in the day that was taboo. Still today it looks you are crazy or insane if you admit you go (or have been) to therapy (and I have been and still go!), so imagine back then. Plus if she didn't have the money nor the support, probably for her it was easier to escape her demons by actually taking the thing that caused them - the drugs.
I always find her story so tragic. So young. With so many people around that cared about her, and still she succumbed to drugs. I suppose is what Jerry Cantrell said about Layne. All the band members and his mum tried to help him, but they had their own struggles as well, and if ultimately he didn't want to be helped... there's not much you can do. I wish she could have let herself help.
The book is here for everyone to read it. Please, take care of yourself, look for help and support if you need it. Mental and emotional health are as important as physical health.
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incarnateirony · 2 months
Cool story bro. Still didn't answer the simple gods damned question.
Would you or would you not help your ex out of suicide if she called into your line?
We can only help people that want to be saved. She has refused this entire time.
I would try, but I would fail.
She would be my only failure so far.
I would not mind. She has fought me this entire intervention since it began, first in a kindly tone before she chose to escalate.
What part isn't clicking, you whiny shitbags?
You can't PC out of this.
You aren't paying me for this.
I gave her a few WEEKS for this, when on the hotline you maybe get an hour.
No whining.
No backpedaling.
No half.
No driving in reverse.
We don't care.
Stop dragging everyone to hell with you.
Even after she repeatedly ripped open san bernadino boy's cucumber road to jack off the snakes, romeo radio was trying, and begged her to listen to reason even on Eros day which she ignored beyond whatever she wanted to filter, and she refused, and now you're like, "but you're not rubbing my clit while telling me not to rape you" get bent, lilith.
That's all an empty, unfull, opposite moon is. Selene ceases being a guiding light, she is simply lilith, tugging off the serpent she wants to milk.
I'm angry, okay?
I'm pissed.
In every timeline your very singularly located brain is currently trying to whine about this in.
And before you wahwahwahwahwah that sounds stupid go bitch at her about the night i dragged her to ancient greece before she realized I said it first. Go bitch that she's crazy first before bitching at me. Cuz I'm over people bitching at me because this glorified roadie literally refuses to get off everyone's collective dicks in any generation to look at herself in a mirror. It's over. Whine on tumblr all you FUCKING want.
I know you supreme whiny bitches are used to being able to complain your way out of anything on tumblr, but this bitch deadass dug her grave picking a fight with a high magus for years while deadass making a cult she refuses to disband while gargling my knob against my will, you can't belatedly "but help her!" about it when i tried for ages and yall enabled her horse shit even when I begged the people around her to intervene. It doesn't work like that, and the timeline sure as shit isn't gonna turn around for her just because you and her start wetting your diapers because her penis pacifier privileges are being revoked on main for starting a kung pow penis chain in my cosmic notes.
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highlifeboat · 11 months
I love walking sims that make you think, and no nothing about Nevermind. Please tell me more, (if you're willing)
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Nevermind is a walking sim where you play as a Neuro Scientist (I think they actually call you a Neuro Prober) that goes through the brains of 4 trauma patients (+ an IntroSim). It's actually designed to have biofeedback so it can register your heart rate and change based on how scared it thinks you are, but you don't need that to play/get the whole experience.
The basic run down is you go through these patients memories to help them remember the cause/root of their trauma and help them find peace with what happened. To do this you go through their mind and collect memories in the form of pictures. There's ten pictures for each patient, half of them are real and half are the equivalent of trauma blocking/false memories. In order to help the patients you have to put the real memories in order of events that lead to the traumatic event you're helping them remember. (After you finish a patient you can go through it again to find little hidden memories. They aren't important over all but they're still neat and will just give the patient some extra personality)
You never actually see these people, but they'll give you a little summary that's always kind of like "This is how my past was. I don't think you'll really help, but it's worth a shot right?" They're also all pretty unique. The first is a woman who witnessed her father's death, the second a war veteran, the third is an older woman, and the last is a trans woman. All with completely different traumas.
This game is also incredibly beautiful. The visuals and scenery are all amazing, and the mind-scapes are so creative and fit their respective patients so well.
HOWEVER (and this is important) I ALSO CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH THAT THIS GAME REQUIRES A HUGE TRIGGER WARNING. It does mention it at the start of the game with a big ass warning (that I will drop below), but I figure I would mention this because it's kind of really important for deciding if you want to watch/play it.
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Because this game deals with various traumas that it visualizes in various ways, it won't be for everyone.
Nevermind contains various depictions of death (both human and one instance of animal death), suicide, PTSD/CPTSD, alzheimer disease, abuse, derealization/dissociation, blood, drug abuse, transphobia, and loud noises. A lot of which are graphic and will be disturbing to people and I understand is not for everyone. (There's one in particular, a War Vet, that's really fucking intense with gore specifically)
I will also stress it doesn't glorify these things, either. The entire point is to show how various types of trauma affect people and how it really screws with the brain.
I, personally, believe the game handles all the topics very well. But, y'know, if you're sensitive to any of that stuff you might not wanna play it. There's a lot of videos of the IntroSim,however, and DS Playthroughs has a playlist of all the Sims with No Commentary if you just wanna watch a playthrough. (Literally the only full walkthrough I can find of this game)
All in all, I think it's my favourite walking sim game and I highly recommend at least taking a look at the playthrough if you're interested in it.
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