#I think Kronk would win
cursedcola · 2 years
Synopsis: They say something hurtful to their s/o and make them cry 
Characters: Ace Trappola, Jade Leech, Leona KingScholar, and Riddle Rosehearts 
Warnings: This is MUCH longer than part one. 
Part (2/2)
Read the first half: here
{A/N: Hi everyone! Here’s the second edition, as promised! This took 3 sittings to write lol. Sorry for the boring formatting but I don’t think I have the guts to deal with tumblr today.} 
Ace Trappola 
Ace doesn’t have the guts to seek you out immediately
He’s too busy holing himself up in his room. Likely wasting hours laying down; either staring at the ceiling or tossing a baseball in the air. 
His braincells are working overtime (a very rare occurrence in his case), and he’s got the classic ‘Angel vs. Devil’ advocate on each shoulder 
Ya know, think Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove 
According to his Angel, you’re better off alone. He’ll just make things worse and that’s the last thing he wants. The best option is to let himself brood and you have your space. He can wait for you to come to him, and then he’ll apologize. He needs to reflect to be better for you.
As for his Devil, he’s pissed that you ran off without him in the first place. It whispers that the issue wasn’t big enough to warrant a scene. It was only some mindless teasing, and telling him off would have been better. 
It’s a game of tug-o-war between the two. Ace’s pride doesn’t want to admit that he’s in the wrong, and wants you to apologize to him. It wants to march over to Ramshackle, demand you talk to him, and to keep going like nothing happened 
The Devil nearly wins, but somewhere in the back of his mind the Angel has an ‘ace in the hole’. One holding back that sinful pride 
It says that this fight, while small on the surface, is one that would repeat itself if left alone. It’s not the first time Ace’s teasing has gone too far, and he knows it. He has always chosen to ignore it, thinking that you can handle it. He projected himself onto you in many ways, and that’s the real problem. 
If he wants you to stay with him, then it isn’t the teasing that needs to stop. It’s the projecting. He needs to try listening more and treating you like his partner rather than a friend with benefits. 
In the end, his Angel wins
Yet he is still Ace. Patience is not his virtue, so the Devil will have his advocate. 
The fool bolts to Ramshackle, ignoring the protests of his upperclassmen and his dorm’s curfew. Not wise, considering the punishment awaiting him, but he’ll deal with that tomorrow. 
For now, all Ace is concerned with is getting to you before he passes out or does something stupid again 
Without concern for your sleep schedule, he’ll bang on the door “Oi! Open the door (Y/N)! We gotta talk,” 
If you don’t respond, he’ll keep banging until you do. It will progressively get louder and he won’t let up for a moment. It is in your best interest to open it and let him in 
When you do choose to open it, you’ll find him a mess. He didn’t bother to clean himself up after his little existential crisis. 
Once inside, he at first gets cold feet. He initially planned this long ramble about how he would be better, but one look at you makes his thoughts become static 
In the end, all he can manage is to pull you into a tight hug. One he hopes conveys how sorry he is. For earlier, and for overlooking your feelings 
If you hug him back, he’ll calm down significantly. Ace won’t want to go back to his dorm in fear of riddle so perhaps offer him merciful refuge. Give him a glass of water and let him go wash his face. 
You can sentence him to the couch, or spend some time together. He’s okay with either, but you can’t go to bed just yet. Now that he’s calm, he’ll try to scrounge pieces of what he wanted to say earlier but couldn’t.
“Hey,” he starts, facing you with his characteristic determination, “I’m gonna be better. I don’t know how just yet, but that’s my problem to figure out. Just know that I'm gonna do better by you. The next time I make you cry, it’s going to be because you’re so damn happy and can’t help it. I won’t accept nothin’ else, alright?”
Will you give Ace a second chance? 
Jade Leech 
Jade is not one to act on impulse. Every move he makes is done with intent.
Every word is weighed against all others in his vocabulary
Every step is taken considering the optimal route 
Every hour is maximized, even for personal affairs and hobbies 
Jade has always been this way ever since he was a child. How else does a person become so meticulous in everything they do? You noted his behaviors early on, surprising him.
Drawing conclusions based on past experience, deducing his nature should have labeled him as cold-hearted -unapproachable- in your eyes.
 Definetly not someone to be loved or admired 
Yet, you remained fond of him. Finding security in his planning and trust in his words. If he always chose his actions carefully, then he would never lie or hurt you. He found the refreshing point of view charming, agreeing with it.  
“Many may try to harm you, but I am the least likely to,” is what he said. However, even then his words were picked selectively. Even then, he secured himself. 
‘least likely,’ is not definite. If you noticed, which he is certain of, you had not commented and instead played along. 
That conversation had been months ago, yet Jade found himself reflecting on it more in one day than during the timespan between. 
After your argument, he had steeled himself to forget his emotions until your ‘situation’ was taken care of. He met with Floyd and Azul in the VIP lounge, quickly informing them of your whereabouts and why he would be working the night shift. 
As always, he spoke guarded. Only reassuring that you would not be leaving the dorm for the rest of the night and leaving out information on the ‘lovers spat’. Utterly useless, since Floyd and Azul knew Jade well enough to sense there was more. However, neither pried.  
Instead, they readjusted the system. Now Floyd would accompany you through the day, Azul would escort you home, and Jade would personally track any abnormal behaviors from a distance. 
Needless to say, the targeting did not last much longer. Floyd may be decent at tracking, but he’s always been the one to strike in a hunt. Now Jade? He was still on your schedule, yet not bound to your side. With Floyd on guard duty, he was easily able to follow the clues after every ‘accident’. 
Two days
Two days and it was done. He had a hunch before, but it turns out that multiple people with grudges teamed up for this plan which is why their tracks were covered well. Jade still found them though, and his brother was just itching for a good squeezing. 
Unfortunately, Jade held no pity for them. Though he did offer them one last solace. 
“You have succeeded, albeit only temporarily. I grant you the mercy of this knowledge. You have also hurt someone precious, and so I will let my brother here handle your punishment. I have some loose ends to tie in the meantime,” 
With that, he leaves and lets another important issue cloud his mind. 
Jade had lost his composure with you, which normally wouldn’t be too harsh since he does have his moments. They normally appear as taunts or light teasing, but that is not the issue 
Even if he lost control over his voice, he still could have acted.  He hurt you, but instead of fixing it he chose to use the situation to his advantage. Using your moment of distraction to handle the more pressing issue, and letting your emotions fester. He also made you feel unsecure by lying though omission, despite doing it for your own safety 
Now Jade wonders, how well can you truly predict him? Enough to know he did not mean what he said? Enough to understand why he did not resolve your misunderstanding promptly? 
He first finds Azul near your dorm, who informs Jade that you’ve gone to the botanical gardens to relax. The two experience a silent communication, and Jade knows his absence has hurt you. Likely more than his words or lie. 
He finds you seated on a bench, laying back and watching the wind sway the trees. You are unsuspecting, calm, and now Jade understand why you were targeted over himself. 
“If you stare hard enough, perhaps the trees will bend to your will. Although you will then no longer need Grimm for magic lessons...” he permits himself to sit next to you without asking. You glare at him from the corner of your eye, and Jade deflates slightly. 
Something tells him that you know everything. That he spoke impulsively, that he purposefully ignored you, and that someone was after you because of him 
Yet something itches, that you do not want an apology for those issues. His only clue is how you haven’t left, and merely sit defiant as a way to say ‘we’ll? I’m waiting...’
“I suppose that an apology is in order,” he breaths, reaching out to lay a hand over one of your own, “If I am correct, you are already aware what I spoke the other day is not true,” you nod, “that I purposefully distanced myself,” you nod again, “and that I withheld knowledge concerning your safety” you nod for a third time
“I am sorry for hurting you, but not for trying to keep you safe. I do not regret that and never will. Yet -above all else- I am sorry for being distrustful and leaving you alone,” 
Will you accept Jade’s apology?
Leona KingScholar 
The moment the door slams, Leona is out and chasing after you. If his underclassmen know what’s good then they won’t get in his way or spread anymore gossip. They are the reason he’s in this mess anyways. 
He tried fixing one problem, but ended up with one much worse. Leona could handle your anger. He’s not the type of guy to hold his tongue, and that gets you both in many fights or troublesome situations. 
Yet those are petty fights. Normally about how he talks to your friends, skips class, or carries you around like a rag doll. He could brush them off and so could you, because deep down you were aware that he never actually aims to do harm
When it matters, he’s straightforward and heartfelt. You believe that when things get serious, he would never ditch you. Not for a moment has he lead that trust astray, until now 
In your eyes, he put his “ pride” over your trust. The initial plan was to brush his dormmates concerns off, but Leona took it too far. Though this isn’t the first time one of his schemes evicted bad karma 
Leona catches up quickly. No matter how fast a human you may be, speed is a lion’s game. 
He grabs you by the bicep just before you are able to enter the travel mirror and leave Savanaclaw. 
“Quit running before you get hurt...” he trails off, the scent of salt hitting him again except more powerful than before. Without letting go, he reaches out his other hand to wipe your tears, only to get pushed away 
While he’s startled, you rip your arm from his hold and push through the mirror. Leaving him with a last warning.
“Go away! I never want to see you again!” the command rings in his head. His arm drops limp to his side, before he growls and punches the rim of the mirror in frustration. Leona curses under his breath, before turning around and letting you go 
He can’t chase after you now, no matter how much he wants to. There is a reason Leona did not want his underclassmen to think your relationship is serious- why he told such an abhorrent lie. 
In his culture, the most respected person in an individual’s life is their partner. The moment you accepted his companionship, you became important to Leona. Which means that if you want it, then it happens. He may complain, he may groan, whine, talk back, etc. 
but whatever power he has, is now yours. You just don’t realize it. 
The same cannot be said for others. People that have bad motives. So, he lied as a preventative measure. Used his pride as a scapegoat, asserted his dominance, and planned to brief you in later. 
He tried to set things right before matter became worse, and failed. Now Leona needs a loophole. Some way to fix this without confusing you or overstepping a boundary. A way that involves a medium. 
More like an errand boy. Leona can’t send Ruggie, because the hyena by default is required to respect you as much as Leona. Jack Howl? No ties. Hates drama. No ulterior motives. 
A quick bribe, pull at the heartstrings, and before Jack realizes it he’s already delivering a penned note to your dorm. 
“The house-warden is pretty bent out of shape these days. Snappy, moping, and honestly a real pain in the ass. Give the letter a chance, maybe he’ll surprise you,” Jack said upon leaving the note
Refuse him or not, you will take the letter. It’s enchanted to keep reappearing until opened by the intended recipient
 If you ask why Leona has not come himself, Jack will simply emphasize the letter again with a huff 
“Your word is binding, understand? I can claw, scratch, scream -do whatever other stupidly desperate thing you’re picturing right now- but I can not come near unless you say so. Now that you know this, let me explain everything first, and if you still want to run away then go ahead. Just know that if you don’t show up, I will keep hassling your bushy-tailed friend. Maybe I’ll enlist the gluttonous cat? All the tuna in the world in exchange for the stubborn prefect; what will he choose?”   
Will you return to Savanaclaw?  
Riddle Rosenhearts 
Riddle tries to follow you. He screams in his head to move, find you, explain himself, and bring you back 
Trey is looking at him expectantly, as are the rest of his dormmates. In his frozen state, his eyes scan their faces. Some of sympathy, others withholding frustration, and a few near ready to go after you in his place 
Riddle understands, you are beloved by all. You have a place here. A place with him. 
Resolving to move, he pushes his chair back to make haste. Yet, he pauses midway in a panic to stabilize himself against the table. It’s then he realizes how his legs are like jelly, and how afraid he is to speak with you again. 
Riddle nearly falls over, with Trey steadying his shoulders at the last second. He hears his name being called, yet is too absorbed in his thoughts.  
Most specifically, the voice whispering for him to let you go. 
It is no secret that Riddle has changed since meeting you. He’s become more sympathetic with his peers, and has somehow managed to become more than just respected in their eyes. He is grateful for the impact you’ve made on his life, and only a fool would not notice his adoration...
What has he done? What can he offer you? He has joked many times that you will find no better in all of Twisted Wonderland 
Does he truly believe that? No, and now you have the chance to go home. A world he has never seen before, where you can be happy. If he lets you go now, then it will make separating much easier. There will be no goodbye. He will simply return home to his mother, and when the new year begins it will be like you never entered his life. You can be free from everything-
His face stings. Riddle’s sight finally focuses on those around him, specifically on the rageful freshmen glaring daggers into his skull and with a hand raised
“Just shut up already and go after them! You’re such a big baby- ‘boo hoo I'm holding them back. My name is Riddle and I talk superior but really I’m just afraid of everything’,” Ace mimics Riddle’s voice, pretending to sound like a crying toddler, ”that is what you sound like. Damn straight you aren’t good enough for them, but you better finish what you started or someone else will,” at the end of his lecture, Ace points towards the rest of Heartslabyul’s residents and nearly all agree aloud. 
Riddle goes red, all self-deprecating thoughts vanishing at the taunt and mixing with embarrassment. Ace tries to push past him yet gets halted. Not by a collar, but merely Riddle standing in his path. All signs of jello-legs gone, as he looks his underclassmen in the eye. 
“That,” Riddle says through his teeth, “is not necessary. Rest assured that they will not be leaving Twisted Wonderland. I swear it on the name of Rosehearts,” he dismisses the final unbirthday party of the year and sends Trey to retrieve some spare stationary. Once received, he bids all a goodnight before returning to his bedroom. 
The next day arrives, and Riddle is carrying his suitcase to where he’ll be staying over summer break. On the way there he stops to release a messenger crow, one carrying a very important message. 
He walks up the steps to the house, nervous about the previous day’s events and his mother’s reaction. Waiting for a response letter will also be very stressful. The list seems to only grow...
He takes a moment to steel himself, and knock on the door. Once. Twice. Three times. As the rules dictate. 
He hears steps grow close and clutches his suitcase firm. When the door opens, he offers a meek smile, “may I come in?”  
Too surprised to speak, you step aside wordlessly and usher him inside Ramshackle dorm. 
“I am aware you may not wish to see me after yesterday,” he begins, setting his suitcase down to take your hands, “but I cannot let that be our last meeting. If visiting home is what students do over break, then I will be staying here. I want you to stay in Twisted Wonderland. I want to spend time at your side, and I am sorry for leading you to believe otherwise. I am willing to spend the entire summer earning your forgiveness, but do not leave. Please,”
Will you remain in Twisted Wonderland with Riddle? 
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
I think a sexyman poll about the snicketverse characthers would be fascinating, specially if we ignore the man and vote in what snicketverse adult is the sexier. Now while is very likely that Esme would win with the real challenges being Beatrice and maybe Kit, we have some real strong contenders. The Dutches of Winnipeg has amazing vibes, Netflix Olivia has a significant fandom, Ernest is another fan favorite, Olaf is very tumblr sexyman coded and Jacques just has the impecable vibe of a well-dressed man (he was a fashion columnist after all). That all being said Lemony is actually the one with the tatical advantage. Why? You ask. Because in the series he was portrait by Patrick Warburton! And Kronk deserves this tittle!
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 36
Another filler episode disguised as an important episode. They seriously spent way too much time focused on soup and just nonsense dialogue. Also, I was tempted to time the transformation sequences because they wasted so much time with them this episode. They even did that insulting thing where Tailmon digivolved to Nefertimon and then instantly de-digivolved to do a Jogress with Aquilamon. What was the point? -_-
They're lucky I like anime food. Also, Shakkoumon's design is good.
Digimon introduced: Tapirmon, Shakkoumon
-The weird heavily-lined art style is back! I don't hate it, it's just kind of distracting
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(Look at those eyelashes!)
-Archnemon and Mummymon become goofier with each episode. I saw someone else on tumblr compare their dynamic to Yzma and Kronk, which is pretty accurate.
-Why does Mummymon have a "human form" when his human form doesn't even look like a human? He has grey skin and shark-like teeth...what's the point? (Kind of just noticed this)
-The Chinatown thing reminded me of a gag in Hetalia where they were saying no matter where you go a Chinatown will just spring up out of nowhere. Kinda cracks me up that there's one even in the digital world. (Like...digimon don't even have nationalities right? Hmmm)
-Both in the dub and the sub they were like "oh Chinese soup!~" which is weird to me for two reasons: 1. I know ramen originated in China, but in America we consider it strictly Japanese food 2. If this were made today, they would have just called it ramen, but I guess ramen hadn't become super popular yet. I feel like I wasn't really aware of its existence in the 90s/early 2000s, but maybe that's just because I'm white lol
-Tapirmon/Bakumon is cute. Now I want to recruit him in Digimon World 2 lol
-Why was one of the Holy Points a hot spring made of broth...why is there a hot spring made of broth in general?
-There's one point in the episode where the kids are fighting with Archnemon and Mummymon and then the latter two just randomly de-digivolve and run off? I watched the scene twice and still don't know why that happened. They even comment on it in the dub like "What just happened?? Oh well!" lol
-Mummymon was even more of a punching bag then usual this time around. I don't really care for that kind of humor, especially in a kid's show. It's just kind of unfunny and uncomfortable. (Especially knowing he likes it lol)
-All the bits about the Shakkoumon jogress digivolution were super cute! Takeru and Iori supporting one another and then hugging in excitement when they finally did it. They also showed Patamon and Armadimon guessing what their Jogress name would be. I really like Shakkoumon's design but it feels really inconsistent. Shakkoumon is clearly based on an ancient statue but Paildramon and Silphymon are mash-ups of their predecessors. That's kind of unfortunate, I feel like they should have done one or the other.
-The preview was like "Will they win the climactic battle??" and I'm just like "DEAR GOD FINALLY" (Although it could be a fake out so I won't get my hopes up).
-So I know Mummymon's crush on Archnemon is unrequited but it got me thinking about love between digimon. So far digimon have been portrayed as asexual and there haven't really been any mentions of digimon families either. I wonder if that will be explored at some point or...?
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skellebonez · 1 year
Let's also avoid being too obvious:
Goliath for the character meme and Moonstone for the ship
when I started shipping it if I did: A few months ago, I had a convo with Bucky and we went "you know, what if Sun Wukong wanted to go back to the moon to visit?" and it spiraled from there!
my thoughts: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
What makes me happy about them: I love the idea of two people who have lost so much, friends/family and an old flame, finding a new person to start a new chapter in their life while also keeping the past chapters in their hearts. Something I haven't gotten to writing yet is that SWK is incredibly supportive of Chang'e in her mourning and remembering of Houyi. He's not a replacement, her ex-husband will always have a place in her heart, and in turn he is thankful to him for taking care of her while she was with him.
What makes me sad about them: They have lost. SO MUCH. They need all the emotional support they can get.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: There's like 2 fics so nothing yet fkjkldj. Though I would be miffed if someone wrote a fic where SWK was jealous of Houyi or something like that.
things I look for in fanfic: I just WANT fanfic for these two fdkfdkls.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I have so many SWK ships that there are tooo many options for him. For Chang'e, I do enjoy BlackBerry (Macaque) and her ships with Spider Queen and Scorpion Demoness!
My happily ever after for them: They go between Earth and the Moon, family belonging to both, finally married and Li-Yan happy and healthy (Li-Yan is their oc kid from Celestial Crossing for anyone who doesn't know).
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Depends on the day!
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: They adore gardening together!
How I feel about this character: THIS MAN DESERVED BETTER. He was in the show and hardly got any TIME.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: ... *looks at SWK* ... LISTEN... I BLAME LACE. (But honestly, I more so just ship him with other people's OCs)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: He and Huntsman are BUDDIES. Brosefs. THE BROEST. They care for each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't know if he is popular enough to have an unpopular opinion?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: SPOTLIGHT EPISODE OF ANY KIND.
my OTP: Goliath/Meiyun is kiiinda winning right now.
my cross over ship: .... I didn't have one before, but now.......... for some reason I think shipping him with Kronk would be HILARIOUS.
a headcanon fact: He runs a book club that Red Son is part of online. No one knows!
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happiestplacehq · 2 years
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Camp Hollow Event !!
Sign-Up for CAMP HOLLOW is now officially open! There are a few ways to apply, but don’t leave it too late, or you might be sleeping next to the composters. Camp Hollow is open to all adults over the age of 18, running from Friday 8th to Saturday 16th July.*
If you’re looking for the quick and easy online form, click [here] to be taken to a Google Form.
If you would rather do things the old-fashioned way (and keep things off-grid) you can find a sheet to fill in below. This should be submitted [here].
Now, I know what you’re thinking! How can we sign up for something when we don’t know what the activities are? Well, you’re in luck. The outline for the program of events can be found below. (This may be subject to change at any time.) Sunny Scamsalot, Raymond Bug and Kronk Cabrera have an excellent line-up prepared for our first year back at Camp Hollow in 26 years.
Nature Expedition
Water Sports - Canoeing, swimming etc.
Foraging Expedition
Treasure Hunt
Competitive Games / Teambuilding
Cook Out Competition
Bonfire Bash - A night of telling stories and singing by the campfire
Fort / Campground Building & Competition
Crafting - Woodsmithing, natural crafting, etc.
Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course
And many more!
On night one, to welcome everyone to Camp Hollow, campers will be assigned teams who they will compete for during their time at camp. Initiation begins with a Tent Building Competition, using materials found around the area. Two winners will be granted the first night’s sleep inside one of the cosy cabins on sight. All other campers will spend their first night in the tents they created, and will be given access to their assigned sleeping arrangements (tents or cabins) the following morning.
At the end of our Camp, we close the show with a bonfire a la Burning Man, where campers can participate in a symbolic burning of their troubles. And then, of course, there’s a big party to go with it. The team with the most points at the end of the week may also win a prize!
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                                                Submit Here
Will you be camping/ tent sleeping, or pay the extra to sleep in one of the limited cabins?:
What activities would you like to take part in? See list above.*
Do you volunteer to take on any assisting/ maintenance roles within the camp? e.g. firewood collecting, food prep, water collection.
 **Teams will be assigned according to numbers where applicable.
WAVER 1 (OOC) - Sleeping arrangements will be assigned at random, however, I never oppose shenanigans. If you have pre-plotted, or are wishing to plot, with another player that would benefit from the characters being placed in the same sleeping space, please leave those characters here. For example: Tina & Wendy. If you would prefer a random selection, leave this area blank.
WAVER 2 (OOC) - Do you volunteer this character to be involved in the greater plot in some way during this event? Mr. Borovsky has plans. If there are multiple volunteers, characters will be selected at random. If you say YES, this will be discussed and approved before anything goes forward, so you may change your mind. *Conditions apply.
                                              Google Form
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All attendees must be over the age 18. OOC Information can be found in the next post.
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knowlessman · 7 months
…it's always been way longer than I think it has, huh. rereading the last batch… aoyama was a lil creepy, there's a school festival concert thing coming up, and a sean-connery-looking libertarian is looking to get fingerblasted. looking forward to that. (bnha s4e20-25)
(mineta meeting eri) jesus christ on an alternate dimension where he can do anything about untenably problematic anime characters, I think I'd take Leeron, Gurren Lagann Leeron, over this guy and that says a lot
(ep title is "gold tips imperial") "gold tips?" "yeah, how do you always seem to find more gold than we do? what's the secret?" "I'm gonna level with you, I have no idea, they just coded Skyrim to put more gold in chests when I open them"
anyway back to the show aw hell it's Ditto again, get a personality my dude -- "we're doing a play: Romeo and Juliet and a bunch of random references." …wait, is azkaban not copyrighted? well, wookiee probably is and they used that, I guess they just don't give a fuck
beauty pageant. …think I might just not like this arc in general. the mafia stuff we just did, that was cool. it was, like, dark, but it was good. this one, I can feel it, is gonna have too much mineta in it (which does not have to be very much).
(deku's working on the finger gun thingy) "so much more control is required than before… is there a trick to it?" imagine you're putting a microwave on defrost. or, or something. …I miss deku's silly microwave epiphanies
"there's something I want to try with this new move… I want to try and put a paper football on the moon"
"my mom sent me this new tea, it's called [title drop]!" is the tea haunted. or drugged. why is it in the title. squints suspiciously
okay, sean connery the clownboy would not have 0 likes and 800 dislikes, he would have WAY more likes and 90% of those likes would be people who thought he was hilarious. if this was ten years ago (maybe only five, idfk), there would be dance mixes of this nonsense.
"I just wonder what sean clownery is up to…" mah boi, this not-having-to-worry-about-what-a-libertarian-is-thinking is what true warriors STRIVE for -- "open the bat-folder, kronk! …it won't open." "I locked it, you have to right-click" peak comedy. 'XD this goofus is gonna get clowned on so hard, he might end up making this whole arc worth it by himself tbph -- "we can have a 90-minute teatime if we get there right when they open" …blinks wait what am I saying, I take at least two hours to eat lunch when I take adderall
'XDDDD "wait did you say TEA???" gentle doofus blowing his entire cover like this is almost jojo levels of stupid, I am LIVING here -- gentle thief, filming self running from deku: ♪ look here come the consequence, consequence, consequence, look here come the consequences of my own ac-tions… ♪
who would win, a villain with ten youtube subscribers whose head is so far up his own ass he's a donut, or a shonen protagonist who is prepared to move heaven and earth to entertain a little girl -- 'XD oh yeah, and the donut's mustache is apparently on the line. hope la brava packed a shaver
(translated from Gentleman) "I just want to sneak in, make an ass of myself, and get tossed out by security. um. so let me go plz?"
wait so ditto only entered kendo in the contest so she'd stop hitting him when he does his inferiority complex bit? so someone with a fucking baseball bat took over her duties? pfft okay
I've never actually seen bobobo bobobobo but iirc they control random body hair in that. I think this lady must've wandered in from there. her quirk must be either prehensile eyelash tentacles (which is fucking terrifying) or super-strong eyelids (which is truly pitiable)(she does also remind me of renge from ouran host club a bit but only bc of the dress and the hoity-toity laugh)
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("remember where the air membranes are…") hanzo from before they completely changed his abilities back when overwatch 1 existed: "heh. simple geometry."
show, these are filler villains with incomprehensible motives. I don't think even brava knows what clownery's trying to accomplish. don't try to get me invested in them
oh gawd and now it's the deejay nobody likes
"Today, I take the first step towards my great work! I WILL get my eleventh subscriber!" -- "they wouldn't let me be a hero, for the silly reason that I was completely incompetent! the world OWES me attention!" -- "it's not a selfish wish, either, because there is one entire other person who also thinks the world owes me, and that makes my cause just!"
…deku, the fuck no you aren't the same. clownery was born with a legitimately useful power but would've made a shitty hero for other reasons, you were given your power because you were judged to be good hero material.
please tell me brava isn't actually as good a hacker as she thinks she is and doesn't get in, it'd put a nice toothpick in this whole stupid sandwich.
(more flashbacks for the filler villain) "please don't help me rob people. it'd make you a criminal." "it's too late for that. I've already hacked your bank account and invested your entire savings fund into crypto. you shouldn't have made your password whoisjohngalt."
…eh, what's three more episodes
gentle thief suddenly epiphanizing that he's just a selfish dumbass having a particularly destructive midlife crisis. good for him
'XD they could've had Hound or Ecto give a dramatic pause and then go "no, all is fine here," but I'm glad they had Hound bother to say "some alex jones type jackass tried to mess things up but we caught him" first. don't flatter the guy by pretending he'd be worth canceling the show over
"I was once in the hero course, too" 100% of the population was, it's kind of the only thing anybody aspires to in this setting -- "he was so hard to fight because I could've ended up like him" again, he had the chance you didn't and flubbed it
concert scene gud stuff, no notes
"you heard about your father from gandalf. he lied to you. I AM your father" dammit I wasn't planning on liking this too 'XD harry potter reference aside
holy nier automata flashbacks batman
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something something vaporeon
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montage scene gud, no notes : ] just watching characters who've been through hell have a good time. (still miss shinso tho, I know it's asking for stuff but I wanna see him get to do hero stuff)
wonder what these last two eps even are, they just wrapped up an arc
(eri is gonna live at the school apparently bc I guess they don't have stuff set up yet to account for kids with uncontrollable destructive quirks) blinks I'd completely forgotten that togata lost his quirk. …gotta admit, show gets points for that
(hero rankings) huh. endeavor's "mask" and "mustache" sort of make the symbol for fire. sort of, anyway. hadn't noticed that
how an appliance direct commercial is in the top ten, I don't get
"quirk: streaker!" …I was tryna think of anything to say about hawks but wtf, what the actual fuck
"endeavor doesn't do handshakes, you've changed, you've ruined it now, waaa" 'XDDDD
"haha I just have no self-control" you've said that, we get it, you're an asshole, we just don't know how bad of one yet
"you can fly?" "I'm just not falling!" pfft
…okay well that was a sendoff, huh. that was a lot all at once.
(postcredits) the ninth what. one for all? ghosts? spookums? tbc, I spose
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Who would win between this Disney Villains?
Maleficient vs Ursula
Dr.Facilier vs Hades
Mother Gothel vs Evil Queen
Chernabog vs Horned King
Yzma vs Cruella De Ville
Gaston vs Clayton
Ooooh, cool!!
Maleficent VS Ursula: I think Mal's magic is better since all she needs is herself while Ursula needs a pot and ingredients, as far as we know, but Ursula is the type to go rabid and just fucking tackle Mal when things aren't going her way. Cuz like, she knows she's a big girl and her best assets against a humanoid are her tentacles, so...
I'd say Ursula, assuming she gets to Mal before Mal transforms herself into a dragon, because then she's done for.
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Dr Facilier Vs Hades: Hades! He's a God, so, sorry Shadow Man Stan's, but I'm doubtless that Facilier is going down.
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Mother Gothel Vs Evil Queen: Mmm... I think... Mother Gothel? Cuz like, she has Rapunzel to 'refresh' herself (Magically fix up her injuries and give her energy again) whenever things go south for her so as long as she can get away, she can always come back and start over fresh. Its hard to beat that...
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Chernabog Vs Horned King: ... Chernabog? I dont know him too well but he's huge, and I doubt it would be super hard for him to find a sacrifice to appease that cauldron.
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Yzma Vs Cruella De Vil: Lets see, Yzma has science and Kronk on her side and Cruella has two idiot smugglers and gnarly driving skills. I'd say Yzma... hesitently XD
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Gaston Vs Clayton: My gut is saying Gaston?.... I mean, Clayton's smarter no doubt, but Gaston has a village. He's also bigger.
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And I have some for you, too! (Or anyone who wants to throw in their theories!!)
Scar Vs Shere Kahn
Lady Tremaine Vs Judge Claude Frollo
Shan Yu Vs Commander Rourke
The Evil Queen Vs Yzma
Governor Ratcliffe Vs Charles F. Muntz
Ursula Vs Eris (Sinbad)
Jafar Vs Rothbart (Swan Princess)
Horned King Vs Rasputin (Anastasia)
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machinatings · 2 years
I meant in general not just Taika characters!! Taika characters would be a double diversity win though
OH SORRY ANON for misunderstanding. But if you just want some Jewish characters in that case you’re in luck!!!!
But first- I’m actually gonna have to put this post under a cut because it got pretty long. To be honest though I genuinely thought it would be longer, but when I sat down to write a list I really struggled to think of Jewish characters, at least ones that I liked. Most of the ones that came to mind feel into bad stereotypes, had their jewishness played only for laughs, or only ever mentioned they were jewish like once during a Christmas special or something.
And some of the characters on this list do fall into tropes I don’t like, but there’s enough there for me to still like them. Either way I hope you, anon (and anyone else possibly reading this) find a character you might enjoy! Warning that most of these are comic book characters lol.
Oh and the last thing I’ll say up top here is that if anyone seeing this post knows of any Jewish characters you like that I haven’t mentioned please add on!
With that said. Here’s some Jewish characters I like:
Magneto: always correct. My grandpa <3
Kitty pryde: 💖💖💖 She has The best looks of all time, she yells at Professor Xavier, she has a magen david that can repel vampires. She’s bisexual. She’s the greatest character of all time.
Peter Parker (spiderverse): crushes a glass at his wedding and the director confirmed he’s Jewish. Also. Look at him.
Polaris: She’s magnetos daughter and has green hair which makes her very cool
Billy Kaplan: he’s Scarlet Witch’s son and Magnetos grandson (Debatably. We’ll get to that later) but not biologically, spiritually (comics are weird) but IN ANY CASE all you need to know is that his biological parents are Jewish and he is also Jewish. Anyway he literally has a gay Jewish wedding in space so if that isn’t enough to sell you on this guy I don’t even know
Moonknight. Please let him be Jewish in the tv show please let him be Jewish in the tv show pl
Leah told me to add Lexie (euphoria) and TK (911) which I haven’t watched either but their actors are Jewish and pushed for their characters to be Jewish too which is nice :]
Gray reminded me about ANNIE!!! From community!! I love ANNIE! We would hold hands.
The main character from Crazy Ex Girlfriend I forget her name. REBECCA. Rebecca?? I WAS RIGHT ITS REBECCA. I’ve only watched a few episodes but shes fun
Elsa from JoJo Rabbit genuinely means a lot to me I won’t spoil the film (which. If you haven’t watched it go fix that) but I really love how her character was written
ISABELLA FROM PHINEAS AND FERB. I remember when I was little seeing her celebrate hannukah and it BLEW my entire MIND I was like “CHARACTERS ON TV CAN DO THAT?!?!”.. yes little Ti. Yes they can. Sometimes I wish they would do Anything Else.
And finally, the internet says kronk is Jewish. From emperors new groove. I haven’t watched the film in a long time and I haven’t researched to verify if this is true but I don’t care. If I’ve been lied to I hope I never find out. Kronk is Jewish
Aaand now here’s some dubiously canon Jewish characters for fun:
Peter Parker (comics): this one I really want to put him in the straight up canonical Jewish characters section bc OK LIKE. He very frequently uses Yiddish, has name dropped quote unquote obscure jewish holidays, he was created and written largely by Jewish comic book creators (Stan Lee and jack Kirby) and very much embodies Jewish humour, morals, outlooks. Also Brian Michael Bendis who is a very big comic writer and made miles morales and has written for spider-man a bunch etc etc (I don’t rlly like him but Still) says that peter Parker is Jewish. He literally is Jewish. Buuut it’s technically not canon and is def not canon in the mcu so. Dubiously canon. 😐
OH YEAH ALSO Andrew Garfield is Jewish and said he played his Peter Parker as Jewish so there’s a win for the tasm fans
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver - magnetos kids. This is dubious because scarlet witch and quicksilver arguably don’t count because them being magnetos children was retconned which is dumb so I ignore it but still there you go. Listen. Comics are weird
Also on that note there’s Scarlet Witch’s other spiritual but not biological son who is Billy’s brother but born to a different, non Jewish, family: Tommy Shepherd. Is he Jewish? You tell me.
Spock! Leonard Nimoy and based the 🖖 signal from a prayer ceremony he saw :] Spock is Jewish to me <3
Aaaand there you have it! A list of Jewish characters. It’s not just me though, this list feels short right?? Granted there are plenty of iconic Jewish characters that I haven’t listed because I just haven’t watched/read the media they’re in but… considering I’m always actively looking out for and take notice of Jewish characters you really would think there’d be more. Im sure I’m forgetting some tho if I think of any more I’ll add em.
Still!! Hope this was the kind of thing u wanted anon lemme know if you wanna know anything else about these characters :D and again to anyone who sees this please feel free to add on!
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athenagrantnash · 3 years
If we ever got an episode where there was no emergencies, like it followed the team on an off day ( I know it will never happen but whatevs) what would you like to see happen?
I want to see Bobby and Athena decide to take a vacation, and jokingly say it's "to get away from all of you".
But then... well everybody else has vacation time, and it's not like they're all gonna end up in the same place, right? Right??? RIGHT???
Bobby accidentally taking over as chef for a restaurant for a day a la Kronk in The Emperor's New Groove
Every 20-year-old on the beach hitting on Athena a la How Stella Got Her Groove Back. (at least four of them respond with "Aaaand? 😏" when she says she's married)
Maddie taking Jee out into the waves while Chimney PANICS
Jee finding a "pet" unbroken sand dollar and running to show daddy but accidentally tripping and breaking it. The entire team then join forces to find her another one.
Buck getting drunk, buying a ukulele, and trying (very very badly) to serenade Taylor. (Taylor thinks it's the funniest thing ever)
Maddie getting drunk, stealing the ukelele from Buck, and trying (very very well) to serenade Chimney. Chimney loves it, Jee is offended.
Also featuring every single one of them doing a dance-off in their swimsuits. Jee wins of course
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In theory, can the Kronk and King Candy androids get together and start having fun cooking various pastries? Or would King Candy turn it into a competition?
As much as I would like to think that KC would turn baking into a competition, I also like to think that not even KC has the heart to hurt Kronk in any way.
KC: Oh? So you think you’re a better baker eh? Well you’re talking to the King of Candy! No one is better at sweets then I am!
Kronk: As long as we’re having fun and your happy, I don’t care who wins! ☺️
KC, internally: This boy, this absolutely child. He’s too pure for this messed up world
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alittlecursed · 4 years
How would all the Disney Villains react to each other’s movie? Would they laugh at Hook’s fear of the crocodile? By the way, I love your blog!!!! I love your imagine of the Disney Villains playing Among Us! It made me laugh many times!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😄😄😄😄😄😀😀😀😀😆😆😆❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aw, thank you! This is gonna be in two parts cuz I want to include a lot of the villains
Disney Villains Meeting Each Other Part 1
Yes! Poor Cpt. Hook will never hear the end of it! And he’ll be cruelly teased of the fact that his enemy is a child and he can’t deal with a misbehaving child. Hook retaliates by stating that most of the Villain’s main enemy is a snot-nosed child or teenager, which enrages almost everyone because it’s true (Hades, Jafar, the Evil Queen, Yzma, Shere Khan, Queen of Hearts, Gantu).
I feel like maybe MAYBE Shere Khan and Scar would understand Hook’s fear of the crocodile because they themselves are lethal animals and know how dangerous it can be to come across one...Scar was ganged up on and killed by hyenas so there’s that… and Shere Khan has a fear of fire which is not ridiculous but others can say it is because they haven’t experienced it as he did...The felines would understand but will still tease him about the crocodile
Hades learns more about Jafar’s plan and gives pointers, which Jafar rejects because Hades’ style is not his style PLUS Jafar didn’t ask for advice!
Some respect does go around for the Villains who almost reached their goal or actually reached it but the hero/heroine foiled it in the end: Jafar did become sultan, Rourke was almost home free, Scar became king of the pride lands for a long time, Clayton did capture gorillas and seized a ship, Mother Gothel kept Rapunzel locked for 18 years,Yzma was ruler for a little bit - although Frollo didn’t reach his goal he caused serious damage to France and Notre Dame so he gets points for that
Shan Yu is talked smack by Gaston, calling him out for getting his army killed by a girl and then getting killed by that same girl. Shan Yu disregards him because he’s not gonna waste any breath on this foolish brute and personally, I have a headcanon Shan Yu respects Mulan because she kicked ass real good and he respects a warrior who can face against him and actually win
Oogie Boogie is also talked smack because he never had an actual plan, he was thinking more with his stomach, and the way he was defeated was so easy. He attacks back by saying at least his henchman actually fear him and did their job in carrying out his orders, unlike others who can’t follow orders (point to Kronk, Jasper, Horace, Pain, and Panic) and others who hardly act as henchmen and more as pets (Flotsam, Jetsam, Diablo, Iago). 
Jafar bites back saying, “They still did more work than you and they’ve shown to be more sadistic for mere children compared to your old sack of bugs you call a body.”
Cruella realizes Clayton’s potential and tries to recruit Clayton so he can get her the puppies’ furs but Clayton declines her because he is not going after some magging mutts. That’s an insult to his profession as a hunter and his credit. She tries to bribe him but he still declines. He admits to being the same kind of monster as her for they both use cruelty against animals but they are on different levels. Cruella insults his yellow mustard clothing and hopes he rots in the jungle
Basically, everyone critiques each other’s evil plots and calls out each other’s failures.
Maleficent laughs at them, asking specifically for their movie titles instead of their hero’s/heroine's movie title. Everyone pauses and stares at her.
Hades scoffs, “Sorry babe, not all of us have the luxury of having our own movies but you’re just the same and dramatic as us. You cursed a baby when you could have just gone for the kill, just putting it out there.”
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popolitiko · 3 years
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Rep. Deb Haaland, one of the first two Native American women elected to Congress, on the East Front of the Capitol on January 4, 2019.
The case for a Native American secretary of the interior
Indigenous leaders are calling for Biden to name Deb Haaland to head the department. She would be the first-ever Native American Cabinet member.
By Rachel Ramirez Nov 18, 2020
President-elect Joe Biden already made history by selecting Kamala Harris, the first Black and South Asian American woman to be elected vice president of the United States. He is also building a transition team that’s shaping up to be majority women and people of color. Now, tribal leaders and environmental activists are urging Biden to break barriers further by appointing the first Indigenous person to serve in a presidential Cabinet position.
A key role they have their eyes on is the secretary of the interior. Last week, more than 120 elected tribal leaders and organization officials sent a letter to Biden, asking the president-elect to select Rep. Deb Haaland, a Laguna Pueblo member in New Mexico, to serve in the Cabinet as interior secretary. The Department of the Interior, organizers pointed out, would be best filled by an Indigenous member, considering it addresses most matters related to tribal land and Indigenous affairs, including education. Haaland told Vox and other media outlets she would gladly accept the offer if Biden decides to appoint her.
“There’s no doubt it would be historic,” Haaland told Vox. “It would be symbolic, and it would be profound, especially when we think about how the federal government essentially threw out their federal Indian policies throughout the centuries and tried to exterminate Native Americans across the country.”
The Department of the Interior oversees 500 million acres of surface land — one fifth of the land in the United States — as well as 1.7 billion acres off the nation’s shores. The agency also manages the Bureau of Indian Education, which has been left underfunded, as well as the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which oversees roughly 55 million acres of tribal land held in trust by the federal government for Native Americans.
The department, in addition, manages the country’s natural resources, a critical role that the Trump administration has undermined. In fact, the Trump administration is currently rushing to secure oil drilling rights in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge — which would impact Alaska’s native tribes who have spiritual ties to the animals that roam the refuge — before Biden can stop it. Trump’s Department of the Interior, currently headed by former oil lobbyist David Bernhardt, expects a lease sale by January, around the time of Biden’s presidential inauguration.
Unlike previous secretaries who tend to adhere to the needs of Big Oil, Haaland would apply her lived experience as an Indigenous person to the role of protecting public and tribal lands, according to Nick Tilsen, a citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation in South Dakota and CEO of NDN Collective, an organization dedicated to building Indigenous power.
“Corporations have a stranglehold of influencing the interior department for generations, which is why they have so much power,” he said. “So someone like Deb Haaland would be the right person to stand up to these corporations and make sure that the Department of the Interior stands up for the Indigenous people, the environment, and lands.”
A Native American interior secretary would have “a fundamental respect for public lands”
Aside from overseeing all public lands, the Department of the Interior is responsible for honoring the federal government’s commitments to tribal nations — yet it has repeatedly failed to do so over the years. Several tribal nations have recently sued the Trump administration for numerous violations of the law in the permitting process of building the Keystone XL pipeline that would cross Indigenous lands in South Dakota, Oklahoma, and a few other states. Trump decided to push forward with the development, which is still being legally challenged.
This type of land exploitation and negligence isn’t new. Indigenous groups have been attacked and forcibly removed by the federal government for centuries — from the Indian Removal Act of 1830 to the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890 — and until 1948 were even denied the right to vote. The long history of abuse and erasure has sparked ongoing movements from Indigenous communities, some of which have garnered more attention in recent years, like the Standing Rock protests. This election, Indigenous voters came out in droves — many, activists say, to take a stand against the Trump administration, which not only proposed to slash funding for tribal education but neglected Indigenous groups during the pandemic. In the end, Indigenous turnout was key in helping Biden and Harris win battleground states such as Arizona and Wisconsin.
“We’re heading to a time in this country where reparations are real,” Tilsen said. “What reparations look like for Indigenous people is having Indian lands back to Indian hands, and that’s starting with public lands. When we say land back, it means fundamentally undoing the things that have been done to Indian people, so appointing an Indigenous person as interior secretary is a really huge step in the right direction of getting the country’s relationship right with Indigenous people.”
Having a Native American as secretary of the interior could also affect climate and environmental policies. Elizabeth Kronk Warner, dean and professor at the University of Utah’s law school and a citizen of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Michigan, said that having someone who’s familiar with Indian country working in Biden’s Cabinet would be a win-win since Indigenous people have access to “a wealth of renewable energy,” which the president-elect has expressed interest in. Throughout his campaign, Biden called for a just transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy — which includes solar panels and wind turbines that would be less polluting than oil and gas — in concert with the growing demand for climate action.
Appointing a Cabinet member, Kronk Warner added, who has knowledge of where tribes are located, what their capacity is, as well as the challenges in terms of developing renewable resources is something that could be helpful with the Biden-Harris administration’s vision of equity and a just transition to renewable energy.
“The Department of the Interior plays an important role in outreach to Indian country, so having somebody who is Indigenous and has experience with Indian country and tribes would be very helpful in terms of that outreach and ensuring that the federal government trust duties to tribes and individual Indians are met,” she said. “If an Indigenous person takes up that role, you’re going to have a fundamental respect for public lands.”
Indigenous leaders call for Rep. Deb Haaland to be appointed
Rep. Haaland knows that her name has been floated as a potential appointee for interior secretary. But while she would be happy to take the job, she is in no rush to hear Biden announce his pick.
“As soon as it was clear that Biden would be our president-elect, I was really happy — especially that he wasn’t even in for 24 hours before he got his pandemic task force together,” Haaland told Vox. “The pandemic is his priority and it needs to be that way. It will just depend on when he feels like it’s under control that we move on to the next change.”
In 2018, Haaland made history as one of the first two Native American women elected to Congress, along with Rep. Sharice Davids, a citizen of the Ho-Chunk Nation in Kansas. Rep. Haaland is also the vice chair of the House Committee on Natural Resources and the chair of the subcommittee on national parks, forests, and public lands, and sits on the subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States. A bulk of her job is centered around listening to testimonies from community members, many of whom she said have expressed concerns regarding the Trump administration’s moves to destroy sacred sites, the environment, and public lands.
“It’s disheartening. I’ve been on the front lines, really,” Haaland said. “This administration has essentially destroyed and gutted the department and policies. President-elect Biden’s commitment to fighting climate change and protecting our environment is the most progressive we’ve ever seen, and it will fix that.”
The appointment of an Indigenous person as secretary of the interior also aligns with the Biden-Harris plan for tribal nations, a comprehensive outline released in October of their priorities in strengthening tribal nations and addressing key issues such as health care disparities faced by Indigenous communities during the pandemic. And since no Native American has served in any Cabinet position ever in US history, tribal leaders say that the move will be monumental.
“As we think about repairing this country’s relationship with Indigenous people, [Haaland’s nomination would] be historic because the interior has traditionally been about exploiting Indigenous people and our lands,” Tilsen said. “But it’s important that she embraces those of us who are in this movement and use us to build power and shift policies.”
No matter what happens, Haaland said, she just wants whoever leads the Department of the Interior to ensure that the federal government is meeting the needs of Native Americans.
“I trust President-elect Biden will bring tribal leaders to have a seat at the table,” she said. “That’s really half the battle: We have to get back to a place where tribes do have a voice.”
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Fallin’ All In You (Pt. 39)
Title: Fallin’ All In You (Pt. 39)
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 1,037
Warnings: Fluff, domestic life
Tags: @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​, @two-unbeatable-beaters​, @randomness501​, @sevvysaurus​, @paryl​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @talesfromtheguild​
Author Notes: I love Disney movies if you couldn’t tell and the image of dressing up Tequila as Izma and Kronk hits me just right in the feels. I feel as if he’d be totally down to dress up like him too. I love Tequila. Haha! Any feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading!
Gif Credit: Google Search
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           “Tequila hurry up! Or we won’t get a good spot on the line!” you shouted from the living room. Your long white lab coat swished around your calves as you twirled around in front of the mirror in the front hall. You grinned as you stared at yourself loving that you and Tequila were able to pull together these Halloween costumes in time for the holiday, even if you had to filch old lab coats from the New York lab. It was a pain finding one that would fit Tequila’s broad shoulders but you had managed to do it luckily. You were most excited for the haunted house that Tequila had suggested you two go to. He had said it was called Gravesend Inn and was run by students from New York City College of Technology. And even though you weren’t a fan of haunted houses the fact that Tequila was so excited for it made you excited for it. You loved seeing him get passionate about things that he liked.
           Just then you heard the sound of the bathroom door opening and you turned around laughing brightly. Tequila wore the matching long white lab coat, long black gloves, a pair of dark black glasses, a black wig and a blue hat that sat atop his head. Squealing in joy you ran in place with excitement.
           “We look so awesome!” you shouted out and Tequila laughed loudly.
           “Well I must say we look as close to the movie as possible.” Tequila said grinning widely. Tequila came to stand next to you in front of the mirror and you grinned widely as you felt excitement and giddiness swirling around inside of you. The two of you were dressed as Izma and Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove and you were excited to go out for Halloween dressed like this. “I gotta say Cur, you’re real creative.”
           “Thanks Tequila. If there’s a costume contest we are so going to win!” you said enthusiastically.
             It was hours later and the sun is just softly rising on the horizon as you and Tequila walk into the apartment complex. Your costumes are little worse for wear now that the night is over, your lab coats are dotted with fake blood, Tequila’s wig is gone but he managed to keep the little blue hat and he’s holding a medium sized trophy that’s in the shape of a skeleton couple. You on the other hand still have all your costume but the black wig that you had hair sprayed to stand up straight is drooping down to your shoulders. You know the two of you look like a sight but you still wave over at Geoffrey the doorman with a bright grin as Tequila laughed softly. You both quickly moved to the elevator and you pressed the button for Jack’s floor wanting to get up into the apartment and possibly sleep for a good few hours.
           You enter the apartment quietly as to not wake up Jack in case he’s sleeping since he had been away on a mission for the past week. He had sent you a text while you were out with Tequila last night that he had gotten home and would be there when you returned.
           As you move to the kitchen to start making breakfast you spot Jack leaning against the kitchen counter waiting with his mug for the coffee to finish brewing. He turns his head and has to quickly do a double take as you and Tequila enter. His deep rich laughter bursts out of him as he gets a really good look at the two of you.
           “Who are you supposed to be?” he asks once he’s able to control his mirth. You gasp and Tequila barks out a loud laugh as he moves around both you and Jack to the dining room.
           “Oh you’re in trouble.” Tequila says lowly as he takes a seat at the dining table. Jack looks over at him confused before he turns to you. You’re standing in the middle of the kitchen with your hands on your hips and Jack has to admit whoever you’re dressed up as, you’re awfully cute as them. He moves closer to you wrapping his arms around your waist tugging you against him before he dipped down and kissed you softly.
           “Whoever you are, you’re awfully cute.” He says lowly and Tequila chuckles from behind the two of you.
           “Alright Romeo.” You chastise him teasingly. “I’ll make breakfast for the three of us and we’ll watch the movie that Tequila and I dressed up as while we eat. Deal?” you suggested smiling widely up at Jack.
           “What’s for breakfast?” Tequila asks hopefully from behind making you and Jack chuckle.
           “I was thinking over easy eggs, sausage, potato hash, and bacon.” You reply and hear Tequila whoop in agreement.
           “Deal!” Tequila shouts as he gets up and moves to the spare bedroom and bathroom. Jack chuckles happily as he tugs you close to him once again nuzzling his nose behind your ear.
           “You really are cute dressed like a mad scientist. It fits you.” He teases you and you smirk at him affectionately.
           “Oh hush you’ll see who I am when we watch the movie.” You explain as you move to start pulling out the breakfast ingredients. Jack comes and presses his chest against your back and presses soft kisses to your neck.
           “Whatever you say darlin’.” He says as he begins helping you cook breakfast.
             The credits are just rolling for Emperor’s New Groove and you grin widely as you turn your head to look at Jack. He’s staring at the tv with a wide smile on his face before turning to look at you.
           “Now I get it. You two are the perfect Izma and Kronk.” He says chuckling softly. You chuckle affectionately as your eyes dart over to Tequila who is splayed out in the armchair snoring with his head thrown back. Jack leans over to press a kiss to your cheek. “Still think you’re cute dressed up as her.” He gets up from his seat and starts collecting all the plates and smiles warmly as he watches Tequila snoring in the large arm chair.
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thestalkerbunny · 4 years
Are you abble to make 1 headcanon for each menber of the felt?
Itchy- Itchy is on constant probation from the garage because of his crimes against car-manity. He has blown up, destroyed, scratched, sunk and totaled more cars than one can count on fingers. There is a reason why there is 5 locks on the door to the garage and a sign that says 'Itchy is not allowed in the garage under any circumstance' and he just stands there in front of it is saying 'THAT SIGN WONT STOP ME I CANT READ'. He can't help it he just does everything at 6x the acceptable speed. It makes him a fantastic getaway driver-but he will always end up destroying something in the process.
Doze- Doze is weirdly good at puzzles. Compared to Itchy who tries to do something at 50 miles per hour, Doze is good at analyzing things from every angle and then breaking it down to what he needs to do because he takes his time and is careful. If you ever needed a bomb defused-provided there's not a timer, Doze is the who can do it successfully. He's the dude who takes 4 days to solve the rubix cube but it's at least better than anyone else can do.
Trace-Trace's favorite hobby besides following people around to see where they've been and have that level of dirty blackmail on them and playing stickball with Fin, is blowing up cars. Any day where an order comes in for the a bomb to be planted on a car for some reason is a good day to be Trace. Fin often helps him; not that he's good in any regard at it, it's just because only the two of them combined can actually remember all the lyrics to the song 'Cars that Go Boom'
Clover-Clover is the ideal leperchaun in many regards. Mainly because he's just so GOOD at charms (thanks to his luck) his riddles are always air tight, the pranks immaculate, his jokes and japes are always funny, it makes him basically the hottest leperchaun in the felt. He also has one of the better singing voices of them all.
Fin-Between the two pool sharks, Fin has lost more teeth because he just impulsively bites everything. Like a true shark, he goes thru life biting everything he can rather than using his hands to figure out what they are. They grow back rather quickly, but at the same time, it's not uncommon for him to bite into something-or someone-and a tooth to be left behind. One could make a macabe necklace from the teeth he sheds.
Die-Die is more of a complex fellow than most of his fellow members believe, he's devoutly obedient to his 'belief system' and refuses to do anything that might break it's code of conduct. He is prone to fits of Insomnia and long periods of heavy sleeping and just in general takes very poor care of himself and and is only a proficient mobster when he really puts his mind to it. He's a very touch starved person and his erratic and eerie behaviors often push people away and he is often immediately suspicious of people who willingly want to spend time around him because he assumes it’s a joke or they want something out of him. It's a private fact that he keeps secret that he simply does not like himself that much.
Crowbar- Crowbar is a firm believer that he's under appreciated in the group and feels often left out of things because he's the 'boss'. It's like you don't conventionally invite out the guy who is constantly telling you to 'cut that shit out' for drinks because he's a stick in the mud, right? He feels like always has to be better than the rest of them; be the model example, be the immaculate leader he is expected to be and it drives him up the wall half the time because he never has a real break from it. He has the stress of those kids who you know have been tiger parented into success and the idea of anything less than perfect just screws with their head a little too much. Crowbar has eldest child syndrome despite being the 7th oldest.
Snowman-When she was first introduced to the group, she highly resented all of them because by technicality, they are 'frogs' and frogs are what got her in this exiled state in the first place. She gradually warmed up to them more when she realized none of them had ever spoken to a woman and were unquestioningly frightened of her based on that fact alone. She still doesn't understand their weird customs and reasoning behind doing things most of the time.
Stitch- He's actually ironically very good friends with Die-Die thinks that Stitch is an excellent listener and enjoys his company but in actuality, Stitch is lazily grooming Die to be the next 'tailor' for The Felt incase something happens to him that makes him unable to fufill his tailor/sawbones duties. Nobody fucking ever protects the healer and now his leg don't WORK half the time and half his face is fucked up and can't see good out of one of his eyes anymore, if Die has to become the next tailor, it's YOUR GUYSES FAULT
Sawsbuck-Actually a very good gambler??? For some reasons, he plays the game of 'ooh what card game is this fellows? I do not know it but I wish to play it' on people and it WORKS. And then everyone loses their money. You'd think Clover goes to those back room dark poker room games-no, everybody in the city is too wise to play against CLOVER, but they will play his pudgey friend who is holding the cards upside down, that guy obviously can't win a single hand by the looks of him. And then everyone but Sawsbuck goes broke.
Matchsticks-Covered in burn marks from having to time travel and even though he uses his extinguisher to put it out most of the time, sometimes you're on fire just a little too long and it just leaves a big of permant damage on the skin that doesn't heal correctly. Not too many-small patches, the fire usually eats thru his clothes first before it can get to his skin.
Eggs-Eggs is not a good liar. (I have no good strong headcanons for Eggs or Biscuits because I rarely give them heavy thought.)
Biscuits- Has cried for 15 minutes straight when Itchy told him that 'bread makes you fat'
Quarters-Quarters never smiles for anything, he has an eternal poker face and Itchy's running theory is that he broke the muscles in his face years ago and now he's stuck with this neutral gargoyle scowl all the time. Which is no true; he smiles and actually laughs, it's only because the one person he actually finds funny and worth laughing at is Clover and his little antics. They're not in Fin and Trace level inseperable but are decent runner ups.
Cans-Kronk. He's Kronk. It's all coming together now. Would you like a spinich puff? (I also don't have very good headcanons for Cans. RIP.)
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blookmallow · 4 years
i look at skyrim wiki pages a lot bc there is SO much in this game world i cannot keep track of everything/will not be able to remember everything i did before for new characters and anyway heres some things ive learned 
- theres a drunk dude in the markarth inn who will pick a fight with you if you talk to him. if you win he becomes a potential follower. but what i also found out is apparently you can actually marry that guy despite there being basically no other interaction with him other than like, talking about how he’s drinking himself to death bc he can’t get work, and i cannot IMAGINE what he’d be like as a husband lmao. the marriage options are so bizarre who looked at that guy and was like “i want that one” 
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- cicero sometimes gets stuck bc he refuses to go into water, which i had not noticed myself until i started watching for it (it doesn’t Always happen, he can swim, just, sometimes he Won’t) its listed as a glitch but i like to think he just hates getting wet 
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listen i would die for him
- i was headcanoning that my dragonborn is far more interested in the daedra/feels more drawn to them and less connected with the divines, and it turns out thats actually pretty common dunmer culture and most of them dont even worship aedra in the first place. the daedra ive encountered/medea’s done quests for were mostly the ones worshipped by the dunmer (azura, boethiah, i guess mehrunes dagon, i like his weapon) so [kronk voice] its all coming together
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gavillain · 5 years
My friends and I have recently gotten into playing Disney Villainous, a strategy board game where you play as the Disney Villains as you try to complete their unique objective while defeating your opponents. It’s kinda tricky and has a learning curve to it, but once you get the hang of it, it’s loads of fun. By now we’ve collectively played each villain in the original game and both expansion packs at least once, so I wanted to share my thoughts on each villain. Villains who I’ve personally played are italicized.
The Worst Takes it All
Maleficent - Maleficent was the first one I played as, and I won with her. But it was the first time we played so we all were kind of getting used to the game, so I'd probably have a harder time playing as her now that my friends are wiser about countering opponents. Maleficent has one of the most straightforward objectives: she has to start her turn with a curse cast at every location, effectively engulfing the kingdom in her dark magic. Her curses, however, can be fairly easily broken by both Fate actions and Maleficent's own actions, so you have to be very strategic with how you deploy your curses, where, and in what order. She's fun because there's a lot of genuine strategy involved with her and a challenge, but the challenge comes from the gameplay and the talent of your opponents rather than luck or a convoluted or cheap mechanic.
Jafar - Jafar is so far the only round I've played where I've straight up lost (we always play for second place with the two remaining in the game). While Jafar's deck is really visually stunning (as all are), his gameplay is less fun. His objective is that he must unlock the Cave of Wonders, and get the genie and the lamp under his control at the Sultan's Palace. The thing about Jafar is that he's basically useless until he finds the scarab to unlock the Cave of Wonders, and if it's unlucky enough to be close to the bottom of your deck (like mine was), you're in for a bad time. He's also very vulnerable to Fate actions with Aladdin and Abu's abilities to steal the lamp being a big hurdle that's very difficult to earn a win with.
Captain Hook - Hook has the reputation as the easiest villain to play as. I don't really agree with that, but he's definitely not hard. Like Jafar, Hook has the luck based difficulty of having a locked location that can only be unsealed with a single card, and, if it's at the bottom of your deck, you're in for a bad time. So many of Hook's cards are based around searching your Fate deck to find Pan, while he has very little ability to search his OWN deck (even Jafar has spells that let him dig through his). Also, because your objective to defeat Pan is so straightforward, other players see your victory coming a mile away and will soup-up Pan to make him difficult to kill. Still managed to get second place with him.
Ursula - Ursula, we've determined is the hardest and most broken character. She's also by far the most strategy heavy character. She has to get the trident and the crown to her lair, but she's very vulnerable to the luck of her deck. She's unique in that she can't defeat heroes by vanquishing them. Rather, she has to get heroes under binding contracts and fulfil the terms of the contract to defeat them, and she has to do all of this with one of her locations constantly locked (you can move the lock, but you can't break it). She also is very vulnerable to Fate actions with Ariel in particular making things impossible to win.
The Queen of Hearts - The Queen of Hearts's gameplay is based on croquet. She has to turn four card soldiers into wickets and successfully take a shot. Her board also features Wonderland size changing with her heroes able to shrink and grow to block certain actions. She has by far the most docile objective, but it's still off with the heads of her enemies. She's I'd say of a medium difficulty. She's less luck based and more arrangement based, which is interesting.
Prince John - Prince John is, I think, the easiest character and the character I think I would use to get beginners acclimated to the game. He has to accumulate 20 power tokens by taxing the people of Nottingham and farming for power. Strategy comes from being selective about which heroes you spend power to defeat and which you just move to the jail to be useless. The thing about John is that opponents see his victory coming a mile away, so you get dog piled with Fate actions the closer you get to victory. You can't really be sneaky with John.
Wicked to the Core
The Evil Queen - The one who started it all is, in my opinion, the easiest villain to win with and the most fun mechanically to play, and her gameplay borrows from Jafar, Hook, and Maleficent without ever feeling like just a rehash. The Queen wins by killing Snow White, which she must do by first casting four different potion ingredients to unlock the Dwarf's Cottage, then she must find Snow White and poison her. Most villains have to defeat heroes by sacrificing allies or playing special effect cards, but the Queen has a really fun system where she can brew her power tokens into poison tokens, and she defeats heroes by powering up her poison apples with the poison tokens. There's a more straightforward attack that the Queen has that no other villain duplicates, and with the Magic Mirror's scrying and her own effect cards, the Queen has ample opportunities to find Snow White and her potion ingredients. She's also not very heavily impeded by her Fate deck, which kind of makes her a sucker's bet to play against, but I just have such a fun time with her and her gameplay that she remains the top of my heap. 
Hades - Hades is a slow march to get three Titans at Mount Olympus. They have to start at the Underworld space and cross the board. It's straightforward, but it's tedious, even more so when you consider that your Fate deck is all about freezing your Titans in place. He has some cool powers that let Hades help his Titans out and avoid discarding them like other allies, but other characters, like Scar and the Evil Queen, will leave him in the dust and win before he's even gotten one Titan in place.
Doctor Facilier - My friend played Facilier in our first game, and, ngl, I was completely lost as to what he was doing for most of the game, which is a good thing. His objective is to take over New Orleans, which he does through a special card. Facilier has to form a special deck (like Scar) and find a specific card within his deck, so it's hard to see him coming as an opponent. He seems to have the same luck-based play style that Jafar has where you're at the mercy of the shuffle of your deck.
Evil Comes Prepared
Scar - Scar is an interesting character to play because he's the most focused on destroying heroes in the plural. You have to kill Mufasa and then accumulate a special graveyard of dead heroes that adds up to a certain point value, so he has the interesting mechanic and distinction of being tricky to impede because Fating him gives him what he needs to win. He has a lot of hyenas who boost each other in numbers, which makes defeating enemies very doable. He has a sort of obnoxious Fate effect called Hakuna Matata, which resurrects dead heroes that have already been defeated (if they're under a certain level of strength) which can get annoying if you're unlucky enough to have your graveyard resting on characters like Zazu, Timon, or Pumbaa. Still, Scar is an easy villain to play as, and I enjoy the mechanics of destroying your enemies as a primary objective. Only reason I got second with Scar was because my friend was playing the Evil Queen and we were neck in neck.
Professor Ratigan - Ratigan is very item and gadget focused. He has to get the robot Mouse Queen to Buckingham Palace, however, Ratigan is unique in that if Basil defeats the robotic Mouse Queen, he goes feral and his objective becomes to kill Basil. The switching goals feature of Ratigan is fun and clever. However, the Queen Mousetoria Fate card outright blocks victory through the Robot Queen, and if she's tucked behind a wall of heroes that includes Basil the way she wound up on our playthrough, you can effectively block Ratigan from both switching objectives and from winning at all. So he's a little broken with regards to specific conditions of switching objectives and the way he can be impeded.
Yzma - Yzma has to kill Kuzco with Kronk, however she has two unique obstacles to her victory: first is that she has four different Fate decks, one for each location, which makes finding Kuzco an extra challenge. Kronk also can be redeemed into a hero under the right circumstances, which means that holding onto him until you're ready to kill Kuzco is a must. She has tough Fate actions to overcome, like Wrong Lever which costs her half her power. My friend did, however, win with her in our game.
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