#I’m unabashedly tagging the hell out of this
themagichour · 1 year
I’m writing chapter 5 of my tomgreg fic in a notebook in a restaurant. In a previous chapter, Greg admits to wanting to drive to Graceland with Tom while listening to Paul Simon’s “Graceland” on repeat.
“Graceland” just came on over the restaurant’s speakers.
I CAN DO THIS. I can finish this fic. It probably ain’t gonna happen before the premiere like I’d intended though, lol.
All I do is put tomgreg on Ferris wheels of differing sizes and try to write a half-baked business plot. Not sure how compelling it is. They’re finally gonna get MATURE at the end of this chapter, HOWEVER!
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mimymomo · 2 years
In ‘Lucas on the Line,’ Lucas Sinclair experienced countless bouts of racism and micro aggressions including but not limited to:
Had children run away from him and refuse to touch him because they thought his Black skin color would rub off on them. This happened IN THE THIRD GRADE! And he never told his parents about it!
Calmed his anxiety about being the only Black kid in his homeroom class by coming to the realization that since there was no other Black kids that meant he most likely wouldn’t be bombed
Had to install a camera in his locker because his property got defaced by a glitter bomb
Lost his first and only black friend/mentor who supported him thanks to an ACTUAL MAKESHIFT BOMB being installed in his locker that caused a janitor to go to the hospital for 1st/2nd degree burns (and the white boy who did it barely got punished)
Got teased that the only reason he got on the basketball team was because he was Black
Comes to the realization that he might’ve actually only gotten in the team because the coach has a history of recruiting Black boys for the team regardless of their skill level
Gets called an Oreo (for uneducated: white on the inside, black on the outside) by racist bullies. Erica (who apparently has also been called this) sticks up for him and is the only one who understands what the insult means which means Mike and Dustin don’t know/understand the lengths of how deep the racism Lucas experiences in Hawkins on a daily bases
And these aren’t even all of them! These are just examples I had from the top of my head!
And despite all this happening in the book, “fans” have STILL FOUND A WAY to turn this book about Lucas and his struggles as a Black boy in a mostly white suburban town and his deteriorating relationship with Max and make it about Byler!
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The fact that Lucas, one of the only characters of color on this show, can’t have ANYTHING to himself without people using him to push their ships is so aggravating!
He and Erica constantly get shit talked and miss characterized by fans, get excluded/cut out of group shots, and barely get any fanart/fics about them and their struggles compared to the white characters (I could make a whole new post about the terrible way this fandom treats Erica but I won’t do that here). Hell don’t forget that the fandom constantly tries to dispute the racism Lucas received in S2 from Billy was either not really racism, just a moment that Duffer Bros. put in to “ruin” Billy’s character and ultimately can be tossed out and ignored.
The only time I ever see Lucas get any large amount of attention is either due to 1) Lumax (but let’s be honest: 90% of the lumax tag on here isn’t even about them and has now become Elumax 2.0 and most post are people praising ElMax and then being like “oh Lucas/lumax is cute too” in the tags and that’s it). 2) people creating “parallels” of Lumax to their ship of choice (mostly Byler and Mileven) as a way to say that their ship is gonna be canon or 3) to say that he’s bisexual.
And all that is fine and whatever, ship and headcanon things to your hearts content, but if you only care about Lucas if he’s helping push you ship narrative or because you think he’s gay (to the point where some people actually read snippets of the book that talked about Lucas coming to the realization that Black boys like him can be considered attractive and only acknowledge the “queer” reading of the text and completely ignored the big race element that was the main focus), I’m sorry but, that’s not cool. The fact that 95% of the Lucas Sinclair tag isn’t about Lucas himself but white characters like Steve, Eddie, Byler says everything about how the fandom treats him.
I’m just so tired.
Lucas Sinclair deserves the same respect that the white characters get!
I leave you one of my favorite sections of the entire book: Lucas learning to become unabashedly himself:
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Rant over.
Edit: in my blind rage I realized I forgot to edit out the Twitter handle. That’s completely my fault. Please don’t hate that Twitter user. I’m just coming back to fix that.
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kinokoshoujoart · 29 days
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CORRECT TAGS‼️‼️‼️‼️ @rn0na-lizard you are so so so correct….. my favorite ‘Normal Girl’ in hmds…….i almost never see anyone talk about these aspects of her let alone also love her for them as they should.
i feel like Leona/ DS lumina gets mischaracterized super often which is understandable bc out of all the DS candidates leona is the least like her ancestor (who i also love, for different reasons).
in AWL lumina was the only kid in the valley for a very long time, but many of the DS residents have lived in the valley their whole lives. while lumina had accepted her role as a proper young heiress by chapter 3 of AWL— and when DS begins Leona already at this point of her life— lumina still had a lingering sense of uncertainty and angst and loneliness and doubt, and unresolved worries about her parents. absolutely none of this is present with leona
in this world leona starts with Lumina’s 22 year old appearance, she’s just rich as hell and living her best life (as she deserves), she’s unabashedly shallow, puts herself first always, speaks so politely and affably yet she can be so casually cruel in the most genuine cute way and out of touch with reality and and i fucking love her and i’d die for her. my beloved girlboss girlkeep girlypop
more iconic Leona Moments
when muu/muffy asks for beauty advice leona’s recommendation is “this brand of mail order beauty cream is simply divine! and it was quite inexpensive too, just 100,000 G 🥰” everyone else looks uncomfortable and muu is like “you’re as frivolous as always….”
aside from the 3 who take literally half your money (Witch💖, moi, and thomas) leona and panama (romana) take the most money from you if they carry you home when you faint. just a couple of girl bosses holding on to their girlpire (btw shout out to sebastian, the only resident in the entire valley who carries you home for free)
neither panama nor leona attend the harvest festival, they send sebastian there by himself to test the food first lmao (if you poison it like the witch they’re harboring on their property requires you to do, sebastian is just like “i can’t serve this to Mistress Panama…”)
once again sebastian attacks mukumuku for her sake, this time not to make her a paintbrush but she told him to get her the best slippers and this was apparently the easiest way. sebastian gets fucking mauled btw
leona has hands down the best romance route in hmds. all her scenes are incredible but god the slow burn friends to lovers with your DVD player….
in her purple heart event she shows up at your house because she heard you have a DVD player, asks you to show her how it works, and then just leaves after she’s done playing with it
in her yellow heart event she has sebastian fetch van so she can buy a DVD player for herself but van’s like “i’m so sorry …. Pete… bought the last one….”
leona is so unable to stomach the idea of other people having things she doesn’t that she starts to cry and the only way to placate her is to tell her she can go to your house anytime she wants just so she can use your DVD player. that’s not a setup to a budding romance that’s her final heart event
it’s the most incredible romance arc in the world like girl you have infinite money you can just. buy a DVD player somewhere else?? “i want to watch DVDs at my house just like you!” leona you have three entire bedrooms
“rich girl love interest who has everything except love, win her heart by having genuine conversation with her”: done to death, tired, i don’t have time for that
“rich girl love interest who has everything except a fucking DVD player, win her heart by giving her expensive stuff and ‘relax tea’ and access to your DVD player”: audacious, intriguing, never been done before, innovative
if you deny her god-given right to access your DVD player she is like “Is that so……………Just let me be alone for a little bit.” incredible tragedy i understand. take as much time as you need to grieve darling
oh but her first heart event asks you to pick a side in an argument she’s having with panama and the correct answer is to say “sebastian is the one who’s wrong” (sebastian has said nothing wrong this whole time and yet both of them have just been yelling at him to shut up)
and her blue heart event is “help me find this heirloom necklace… boohoo…” and when you find it she’s like “perfect! now grandma won’t get mad at me. hmm, you seem pretty dependable…♡” augh she’s way too good at this…….!!! i’ll do anything for you!
when you propose she says “of course, i always dreamed of having a romance and a wedding♡” and says nothing abt how she feels about you <3
also if you marry her, once a week she goes to hang out at her ex love interest’s place for 6 hours straight and comes home saying “whew… i had so much fun that i must have lost track of time… i’ll hurry on home”
if you marry another girl she starts flirting with you like “I’m so envious of your wife, having such a fine husband… Pete.” (or whatever your name is)
i’ve become obsessed with her and romeo’s horrible trainwreck soap opera marriage since replaying cute in jp… it’s SO… i have so much to say about them that it should be its own post but i’ll just give the cliffnotes
shotgun wedding vibes. romeo is surprised by his own wedding. they’re childhood friends but he himself has never considered marrying her. her words to him at their wedding are “Make me happy♡” (command)
she understandably can’t stand his terrible table manners or his clothes or anything about him (except that she wants to watch him surf and have his child. but he instead walks in circles all day. coward) and he’s both really good at accidentally stepping on landmines and just ever so slightly majorly terrified of her after marriage (“but surely her angry outbursts are just her way of showing love hahahahaha” you’re going to die. she’s going to kill you). the only positive things they say about their marriage are extremely shallow. they can’t communicate with each other because romeo always says the Dumbest Shit obliviously and leona always responds by cutting him out of her life forever!!!!!! (for 5 seconds) while he has no idea what happened
they are both so melodramatic and they both just do nothing except make each other worse and run away from each other and push each other away but they can’t escape each other. neither of them ever has to grow or change if they marry each other because an elderly overworked man is sustaining both of their existences and neither of them can take care of themselves and i love them your honor
also romeo’s first crush as a kid was apparently her mom, and if leona falls for YOU she flirts by mentioning that sebastian says you look like the spitting image of her dead father. dear fucking god
they’re the epitome of “You're both just enabling each other's mental illnesses. You're both perfect for each other. Never change. Just never involve anybody else in what you've got going on.”
romeo really does feel like her stupid lackey. like the karen to her regina. they even had this dynamic in the games they played as kids… she was the Harvest Goddess and he was Servant A/Minion A (they might still be playing this game as adults…he calls her lady/mistress sometimes after marriage…)
btw leona’s best friend (wife) marivia is also just as… there’s an event where they just gossip about all the mineral town ppl and marivia says ann would win a gluttony contest and they both giggle
there’s also an event where marivia casually walks into Witch’s hut and just interviews her so she can write her into a novel. witch is left completely drained by this exchange. leona and marivia both are so chill about the horrible cruel villainess living in leona’s shed who wants the town poisoned and rewards you for killing animals and hurting yourself and is putting curses on everyone (and they’re right. she’s never done anything wrong in her life)
#i also feel like leona and marivia summoned Witch (just girlypop things summoning hot evil ladies from hell)#i’m a marivia x leona x witch truther. the evidence is out there. evil yuri triad (real)#i also love to believe that witch is fucking with all the rival couples in the valley but ESPECIALLY romeo x leona#since she’s petty about her crush (leona) choosing the village idiot of all people#she can’t affect gustafa and nami because gustafa is like a garden gnome type that wards away evil#leona would make coquette edits of phantom skye/steiner#man i really have a lot of overlapping ships but i just like thinking about everyone together in some way#marivia was interviewing witch for a girls love leona x witch sequel in that series she wrote that has the main character based on leona#(this was revealed to me in a dream)#bokumono#harvest moon ds#hmds#harvest moon#story of seasons#hmds leona#hmds lumina#i’m sorry for going ham about your tags i promise i’m normal#^_−☆#hmds cute#i feel like everyone collectively forgot what hmds was like which is understandable because it’s a fever dream#or maybe we misremembered it from our childhoods#but replaying the girl and boy versions in english and japanese has really refreshed my views on the characters#i have so much to say about everyone mostly the rival couples#love the dysfunction and bad vibes in this game#poisoned water supply type of townsfolk#girls hour (meet up in the mines to beat each other up and slaughter various animals and humanoids to eat)#it’s such an evil game#haunted by natsume malware ghosts
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jerzwriter · 3 months
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Book: Open Heart Characters: Tobias, Merida Rating: Teen Words: Approx. 1100 Summary: When Merida receives startling news, she hunts down the source to get answers. And he better hope he has the right ones. A/N: So, whenever we have our little "MOC" (Merida-Oliva-Casey) world stories, I always feel like Merida and Tobias have their own special friendship, their own little vibe. After the two tag-teamed trolling Ethan again in the last fic, I wanted to explore their dynamic a little more. An idea popped into my head, and I thought it would be fun. @lilyoffandoms (to whom the incredible Merida belongs), this one is for you.
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Merida stepped out of Edenbrook onto Boston’s busy streets with fire in her eyes. Ethan hadn’t realized he was setting the stunning resident off on a mission when he innocently uttered five words.
“I ran into Tobias at Derry’s...”  The unflappable doctor was brought to silence with just one stare. “Did I say something wrong?”
“Derry’s? He’s there now?”
“Yes, he...”
But Merida had already turned on her heel, waving off any further attempts at communication.
“I’ll be back," she muttered as she stomped out of the office and whisked down the hall... heaven help any fool who considered getting in her way. Derry’s was a fifteen-minute walk when strolling at a comfortable pace. But there was nothing comfortable about the way Merida’s designer heels carried her took double steps today, marching single-mindedly toward her target.
She pushed the coffee shop's door open with a brusque thrust, her eyes searching the crowded room for her prey. They narrowed with wicked delight when he was spotted. Mindlessly scrolling through his phone in the back of the cafe, Tobias was blissfully unaware that the sharp cadence of stilettos on the hardwood floor was heading directly for him. But there was no mistaking his friend’s presence when her well-manicured hand smacked the back of his head.
“Ow!” He startled, turning to see who the assailant was, but Merida had already claimed a seat on the other side of the table. Arms crossed in defiance, her demeanor demanded answers before she uttered a word.
“Mer?” he perplexed. “What the hell?”
“What?” she scoffed. Didn’t think it was me? Where did your mind go? A bitter ex? Perhaps a one-night stand you walked out on while they slept?”
Tobias shook his aching head with a gentle snort. “Maybe at one time... but not now. So, care to tell me what’s up before I file assault charges?”
“You’re dating her? For real, you're dating her?”
Tobias brought the coffee mug to his smirking lips, taking an exaggerated sip before fixing his eyes on Merida’s.
“Good news travels fast, I see.”
“Tobias, what the fuck? How could you?”
“How could I what? Date Casey? I thought you’d be thrilled.”
“Yeah. I mean, she’s your best friend… I’m your friend. Honestly, I don’t know why you didn’t suggest this sooner. It’s perfect! Now, you don't have to worry about not liking whoever we end up with. We can have movie nights, go on double dates…I’m not seeing the bad part here.”
“The bad part is you’re my friend. Which means you’ve confided in me. Which means I know your track record. And no judgment from me, you should unabashedly do you... or whoever the hell else you want to do... but... Casey? She's over the moon happy thinking this is real, and if you fuck her over... so help me, I’ll kill you.”
Tobias leaned closer, hoping to assuage his friend. “Look, Mer... Casey is...”
“Casey’s incredible!” She jumped in. “I know! I don’t blame you for wanting her. But what happens when you go your usual week and a half and then tire of her? I’m telling you now, I’ll be taking her side, not yours... and that will be the end of this beautiful friendship.”
Tobias sat back defensively. “And what makes you think I’ll tire of her in a week and a half?”
 “Please, Carrick,” Merida mocked. “I know you. What’s your record, two weeks? Three tops?”
“Actually, wiseass, I’ve gone a whole month in the past.”
“Wow! I stand corrected!” Dropping her shoulders, Merida let out a cleansing sigh, continuing with a softer approach. “Seriously, Tobias. The two of you mean so much to me... did you have to date her? I mean, we all work together?”
“Oh!” He barked. “OK, and you and Ramsey, don’t?”
“That’s different!”
“Different, how?”
“Can we circle back to your illustrious reputation when it comes to matters of the heart... and groin?”
“You know, I’m hurt, Mer,” he replied, and she couldn’t tell if he was being serious. “You know me better than most; I thought you knew I’m more than that.”
“I do,” she empathized. “But let’s be honest... you’re that, too. And look, Casey’s a big girl; I know she can take care of herself. If she wants a ride on the Tobias train, so be it. But you had to see her when she told me. She had "that look". She's so happy, and when this inevitably ends, I don’t want our whole friend group to be in tatters.”
Tobias was grinning from ear to ear. “She had “that look”, huh?”
“Can you focus!”
“I am. But who says it’s ending?” He broke off a piece of his bagel, casually popping it in his mouth with an impish smile. “I’m not as stupid as I look. Casey and I knew that if we got together and things didn’t go well, the damage could reverberate beyond us, and neither of us wanted that. That’s why we decided to keep our relationship on the down low until we were sure, and now that we are...”
“Wait just a second,” she cut in. “What?”
“We’ve been dating for months. Casey’s not some conquest, and you know I don’t play games... I love her, Mer... and for some crazy reason, she loves me back. This is the real thing.”
Tobias had to stop himself from laughing as an astonished Merida sunk back into her chair, hand reaching up to cover her gaping mouth.
“Come to think of it, neither of you have told me about any dates or hotties you spotted at the bar for at least...” she counted back in her head.
“For at least four months. Yeah, that’s when we started seeing each other. Honestly, I’m a little disappointed in you, pal. A diagnostician as good as you should have picked up on this.”
As she reached over the table to playfully smack her friend, she noted the sincerity in his eyes. Tobias Carrick could easily fool many, but never Merida. She could read him like a book.
“You’re really serious. You love Casey?”
“I’m freaking crazy about her."
Jumping from her seat, she rounded the table to give Tobias a hug. “Oh my God! You and Casey! My bestie and my dear friend! My bestie and my boyfriend's bestie... are in love!”
“Yeah, pretty wild, right? Does this make us, like, metamours or something?”
Merida shot him a sarcastic look. “I don’t know. Are you and Ethan fucking without my knowledge?”
“No, we're not,” Tobias laughed. “I guess you’re right. I mean, just to confirm, you’re not sleeping with Casey either, right?"
“Babe, please!” Merida snorted. “If Casey and I had gone that route, I assure you, you would never have been a consideration."
“Of that, I have no doubt. So, do you feel better now?”
“A little,” she grinned. “But you should buy me breakfast for the mental duress you’ve caused me, at the beginning of the day, no less!”
“ME! You should be picking up my tab so I don't file assault charges on you!"
“Tobias, if I had intended to assault you, you'd be sitting in the ER by now."
“So,” Tobias winked. “We good?”
“We’re better than good. This is so exciting! Does Ethan know yet?"
"No, I was going to tell him today."
"Great! Because we're going on a double date this weekend. I’ll make all the arrangements.”
“Do you seriously think he’s ready for that?”
“Oh, hell no. But the man will have to acclimate.” 
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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bimrsadler · 11 months
For something nasty? Low Honor!Arthur with an F!reader in a scenario that leads to either dub-con or con-nonconsent (your choice) because she's physically ill somehow? Maybe vulnerable to Arthur due to a bad showdown/gunshot or just wrong place wrong time? Sounds weird I bet dfjblg but if you do do this, ty!!
In A Bind
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x female reader
Word count: 3,000
Warnings/tags: nsft, con-noncon, lots of dirty talk, d/s themes with bratty reader, rough oral (m receiving), rough sex, unprotected piv, creampie, light degradation, LH Arthur, established relationship/consent
Summary: after a failed robbery lands you in a Rhodes jail cell, Arthur comes to spring you but finds he can kill two birds with one stone in the process
Notes: this is just 3k words of smut basically lol, also my first time writing cnc so I kept it on the lighter side (plus even LH Arthur would never go further than that imo) but that being said if cnc of any kind is an ick for you - don’t read
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Twiddling your thumbs in the quiet jail cell, you watched shadows from the trees outside as they danced on the wall — wishing desperately you hadn’t gotten yourself into this mess.
Arthur would no doubt be unbearable about it, with his sarcastic tsk tsks and I told ya so’s as he stood tall with his hands on his gunbelt, shit-eating grin wide and proud on his face. But dear God, as much as he could drive you crazy, he charmed you to death as he did.
It had been some time now since Sheriff Gray stumbled outside on “business,” clearly drunk on the moonshine the boys had recently recovered.
Unfortunately he had been sober enough to chase you down after a stagecoach robbery gone south the day before.
The bullet he fired grazed your leg and spooked your horse, stirrup catching around your ankle and twisting it as you hit the ground hard enough to knock the air from your lungs.
You were given cloth to tie around it and you’d seen worse, but it would put you out of commission for a few days.
Eventually the heavy footfall of boots on the wood floor broke the silence as Arthur came into view. Sauntering over with that stupid grin and familiar stance — he stopped in front of your cell and laughed.
“Well, well…quite a predicament you got yerself in missy,” after a pause and lazy scratch of his short beard he continued condescendingly. “I told ya not to go pokin’ ‘round where ya ain’t ‘sposed to.”
“I’ll poke around wherever I goddamn please, Mr. Morgan,” you stated unabashedly.
He raised his eyebrows and scoffed (smug taunt), “and look where that’s got ya.”
“I saw an opening and I took it. Care to tell me how many times Hosea and Dutch have rescued you over the years?”
“Lotta tough talk from a little lady stuck in a jail cell, don’tcha think?”
Arthur leaned closer to the bars and lowered his voice, “way I see it, you oughta choose yer next words carefully seein’ as I’m the only one who can help.”
Ignoring his vague threat you gestured towards his chest, “I think that silly little badge you’ve been wearing is going to your head. I can take care of myself.”
“That so? You ain’t foolin’ me. I could see that little shiver when I walked in, and yer still breathin’ fast. From where I’m standin’?”
Arthur reached through the bars to caress your cheek, a gesture in stark contrast to his deep and rough drawl. “Ya look like a rabbit caught in a trap.”
He slowly moved his hand along the growing length in his jeans, palming languidly at the sight of you sweating. “Now…what’re ya gonna do fer me if I let ya out? Seems fair don’t it?”
Astounded with his audacity you scoffed, “my leg’s hurt, the hell do you expect me to be able to do?”
Arthur responded without missing a beat, “ya can kneel right? Yer mouth ain’t hurt is it?”
“Pig,” you sneered as you crossed your arms in protest.
He chuckled darkly at your insult, rubbing himself harder. “Ya can lie down and open them pretty legs for me can’tcha?”
“I think you’re all talk, tough guy. Why don’t you come in here and make me?”
Arthurs eyes studied your face as you tried not to break your showing of defiance. You were going to make him fight for it as long as you could.
He was surprisingly agile for such a large man, giving you no time to react before your wrist was trapped in his much larger, much more powerful hand.
“C’mon asshole, knock it off.” Swearing under your breath and trying to pull away did nothing as he tied your wrists around the cool metal bars with his bandana.
“Quit squirmin’ and get on yer knees.”
You leaned in as close to the outlaws face as you could against the bars and spoke in a daring whisper, “ya deaf? I said, you’re gonna have to make me.”
Arthur placed a powerful hand on the shoulder opposite of your hurt leg and pushed. Even at his gentlest he was exceptionally strong, barely needing to use any of his strength to urge you down.
Freeing himself from the confines of his pants, he stroked his twitching cock inches from your face and thumbed your lower lip with his other hand.
You turned your head away from him defiantly, contempt clear on your face.
“Ah ah, what’s the matter princess? Too good for this? You’ll be cryin’ my name in no time, that’s a promise.”
“You wish.”
“Quit stallin’ now or you’ll be stuck in here even longer.”
Placing his forefinger and thumb on your chin he moved you to face him, broad figure towering above you as he waited for your warm mouth.
Positioning himself between the bars in front of you, he prodded your lips apart with the head, urging his hips forward as you took him further.
Arthur let out a long, groaning sigh. “That’s it, take it darlin’.”
He was slow at first, pushing to the back of your throat gently as you adjusted your lips to his girth; twirling your tongue around the tip and hollowing your cheeks along the shaft.
Glancing up you saw Arthur’s arms extended above him, hands white-knuckling the bars and eyes sealed shut it bliss. Every light thrust he made was accompanied by a sharp breath or husky groan.
Feeling ashamed, you realized the sight and sensation made your pussy absolutely throb — it was already becoming difficult to pretend you didn’t want this.
Small moans traveled up your throat and vibrated around his cock as you bobbed your head eagerly; shifting on the floor and squeezing your knees together to accommodate the uncomfortable arousal.
Always keen on your body and its responses to him, Arthur grinned and sucked the air through his teeth. “See? I knew you wanted this, I bet yer soaking through to the floor just from suckin’ on me. That right?”
You were dangerously close to giving into your lust drunk stupor, to rambling and moaning with spit hanging off your chin; though you couldn’t give him the satisfaction without a fight just yet.
You pulled your head back and away to remove him from your mouth, looking up at him with raised eyebrows. “Lotta talk for someone who was about to come in ten more seconds.”
“We’ll see if yer still sassin’ me like this when ya can’t walk tomorrow. Now, I asked you a question woman.”
You batted your lashes and smirked, “that’s funny, I don’t recall hearing a question. All I could hear was you whimpering.”
Gathering a fistful of your hair Arthur pushed into your mouth and to the back of your throat, causing a gag as your nose met his chestnut curls. The thrusts were rough and sloppy now, his soft whines turning into primal, teeth gritting grunts.
“Tired a hearin’ you talk girl, yer mouth’s better at this anyway,” you looked up at his crooked smile, drool gathering at the corners of your mouth.
“Now…fuck — let’s try this again. I bet yer soaked just from havin’ my cock in yer mouth, ain’t that right?”
Arthur pulled out quickly to let you respond — and to catch your breath.
“Yes,” you mewled and panted, unable to stifle your dizzying lust. “I’m so goddamn wet right now.”
Arthur laughed smugly as he fished for something in his pocket, “that’s what I thought.” Revealing the cell keys he let himself in and closed the door behind him.
Still tied to the bars, Arthur circled around you slowly as his eyes traveled along every inch of you. For the first time you truly did feel like a rabbit caught in a trap.
“Can ya stand?”
Your replied nervously, “I think so…”
“Then do it…” His snarl was dark and harsh and sent a shockwave straight to your core.
He felt dangerous and you felt cornered.
Gently pulling yourself upright Arthur allowed you to test the waters. Putting pressure on your ankle, you found that the pain was a quiet whisper compared to the aching arousal between your legs.
He approached slowly, boots thudding next to you as the scent of leather and tobacco was carried with it. He opened the front of your dress forcefully to slip a hand inside, squeezing and massaging your breast with his cock twitching at your side.
“Can’t let an opportunity like this pass me up can I?” His pulling and pinching of the pert peak made your hips roll at the air.
Moving behind you, Arthur placed his hands on your hips and rutted his hardness against the soft fabric over your backside with shallow breaths.
You spoke in a breathy plead, “haven’t I given you enough yet Morgan?”
“Hardly. You think that pretty little mouth a yers was all I wanted?”
Pressing himself tight against you he dragged the flat of his hand along your mound possessively. “I deserve this tight cunt too don’t I?”
He tilted your head backward against his chest to look up at him, his other fingers tightening along your slit — pressing into the soaked undergarments. “Don’t I?”
You nodded with a lick of your lips, not wanting to say it out loud but left helpless to his appetite.
The outlaw brought his lips close enough to your ear that you felt the scratch of his stubble as he spoke, “good girl.”
Bending you forward, Arthur made your lower half bare to him, wetness glistening invitingly. Without warning he entered you with three of his sizable fingers, immediately motioning inside of you.
“So fuckin’ wet for me girl, thought you didn’t want this huh?”
All you could muster was a weak moan, focusing instead on the ebb and flow already increasing in your abdomen, the lewd sound of Arthur working your walls, the absolute debauchery and how good it made you feel.
“Got nothin’ to say now do ya? If you wanna come I better hear it.”
Arthur suddenly removed his fingers, leaving you desperate at the sudden hollowness.
The digits instead roughly penetrated your mouth, making you suck them clean of your juices. “Taste that? That’s what I do to ya girl, may as well jus’ admit it.”
“Now…beg for it.” he asserted harshly as you whined around his fingers. The palm of his other hand collided with your ass, leaving a hot sting. “Ain’t playin’ girl. Beg. Or I’ll take what’s mine and go.”
And this is what you wanted. For Arthur to tell you off and take you, to make you beg and turn you into jelly. The shame was merely an afterthought now that your carnal body had taken over.
“Please Arthur,” you swayed your ass and rolled your hips. “Please — let me come.”
Another playful slap landed on your backside as he stuffed his fingers inside of you once more, “yer lucky yer so goddamn gorgeous.”
You felt his other hand move to your sensitive bud, rolling in circles as he fingered you. “C’mon now, lemme feel how bad you want it.”
Obscene noise and filthy words filled the cell and ushered in your peak, waves of fluttering giving way to squeezing pulses around Arthur’s fingers.
Crying out your body fell forward, shaking and spent.
Giving you no time to recover, Arthur spread your swollen and sensitive lips as he entered you, flush with your ass and twitching in your core, a relieved groan escaped his lungs.
“You can take it sweetheart…you can take it.”
As wet as you were — and as wet as he always made you; there was still a sweet sting as you adjusted to his girth. But Arthur was not patient today.
His iron grip on your waist was the only thing keeping you from collapsing as he pistoned in and out of you, pushing the air from your lungs with each thrust.
“Someone,” you fought through the stuttered breaths, “stop — someone could come in!”
“Oh but you’d like that wouldn’t you?” Arthur pulled your hair and rode harder. “You’d like the whole town to see what a little whore y’are, ain’t that right?”
Arthur slowed his pace to a long, languid grinding. “Let ’em watch, then they’ll know yer all mine.”
His substantial hand travelled slow down your spine, almost lovingly. You had a feeling this wasn’t part of the act.
“No one else gets to touch you like this — take you like this.”
Your breath hitched in your chest at Arthur’s words, injured ankle faltering slightly. Taking notice he untied you from the cell bars and laid you face down, flat on the cot.
Now that you were more comfortable, his demeanor snapped back to dominance.
Arthur’s hands pawed roughly at your ass, fingernails digging in as he rutted against your dripping slit.
You couldn’t help but grind your mound against the thin mattress and ass along the bottom of his shaft, the time for feigning disinterest long gone.
“Give it to me,” you pleaded against the thin pillow, losing all composure.
Keeping your legs together Arthur once again entered you, the sting no lesser in this tight position. “Look atcha, ain’t even hidin’ that ya want it anymore.”
Arthur’s broad torso encompassed you as he hovered above your back, repeatedly slamming into your heat with hot, wanton breaths against your ear.
Pressed into the mattress you listened to Arthur’s breathing become ragged and felt his body stiffen, all signs that he was close.
In one swift movement he pulled out to flip you on your back, pinning your wrists above your head as he plunged back into you.
“Wanna look at that pretty face while I fill you up. You want it?”
You turned your head to the side, feeling your body flush with heat from the intimacy of his words — of his future actions.
“Yeah you do,” Arthur leaned into your neck, sucking and biting at the tender flesh above your collarbone.
You couldn’t help but grind against him as he bucked into you, much to his delight. “Such a dirty girl, knew you wanted it. Coulda just enjoyed it sooner if ya weren’t such a goddamn brat.”
Lacing your fingers through the honey locks pressed against his forehead in sweat, you tugged gently while dragging the nails of your other hand down his back.
Arthur winced with a proud smile, “gonna empty myself inside ya.” He paused with a bite of his lip and groan, “I’ll be drippin’ down yer thighs and all over that nice dress…”
You could feel his cock flexing inside your heat, talking himself into a frenzy with each passing second.
Falling on top of you as his climax took over, Arthur moved in for a heated kiss; the first since he walked through the door.
Pressing deep inside you his hips moved in shallow jerks while painting your walls. A single, honest groan released from his mouth into yours, turning into whimpering shudders as his tongue roamed.
Arthur laid his forehead on the pillow beside you with a quiet expletive as you both took a moment to catch your breath.
Stirring slowly you felt his calloused hands running down your calf and toward your ankle. “Y’okay?” He gently ran his thumb over the swollen skin, “I can go take care of that bastard, don’t give a damn if he’s the Sheriff.”
“I’m okay, handsome.”
“Good. Ya know, ya didn’t need to get yerself arrested to get me to uh,” he grinned with a chuckle, “well…fuck ya like this.”
Playfully slapping his chest you exclaimed, “you know I didn’t do this on purpose!”
“I dunno, yer a pretty wild woman. I wouldn’t put it past ya.”
“Shut up,” you teased.
Arthur was rough around the edges but you trusted him. After many mornings of trying to keep quiet in the tent, humid nights shared at the Flat Iron lakeside, sweating and entwined with praises and whispers; you couldn’t help your lust drunk confessions. Wanting excitement and thrill, to do things the other hadn’t done with anyone else.
“So was it…thrillin’ enough for ya then?”
“That and then some, cowboy.” You ran your hand across his bulky chest. “What’d you think?”
“That it’s the hottest — and craziest thing I ever done,” he laughed and squeezed your ass playfully. “And on that note we should get goin’ ’fore anyone comes back.”
As the two of you began making sure you were decent, you inquired, “won’t Sheriff Gray put it together that it was you who broke me out?”
“He’s drunk as Uncle on a Saturday night sweetheart, he won’t even remember I was here.”
Arthur paused as his tone grew stern, “really though, what were you thinkin’? You gotta be more careful.”
He was right, but his pension for being overprotective and pushy in these situations felt unnecessary after an injury and arrest. “Most of the gang’s been in jail or tights spots at least once, comes with the territory.”
He taunted, “maybe, but what if I ain’t around to rescue ya next time?”
“I could’ve broken out myself. Wouldn’t be hard to seduce a nervous old deputy anyway,” you winked.
“Ain’t funny.”
“Well quit givin’ me a hard time then.”
“Alright alright, let’s get ya outta here.” Arthur wrapped his arm around your waist as he ushered you through the back of the jail, supporting you through your slight limp.
Before he helped you up on his horse you planted a quick kiss to his cheek, “thank you, Arthur.”
He shrugged dismissively in response but the rosey tint forming on his face didn’t go unnoticed. “C’mon now, let’s get you home and get that leg better.”
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noxsoulmate · 8 months
WIP Wednesday Smut edition
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Big thanks to @heartstringsduet, @carlos-tk, @carlos-in-glasses, and @bonheur-cafe for tagging me 😘 loved all your snippets and I can't wait for the full fics to come out so I can devour them 🥰
For today's snippet, I tried to work on chapter 5 (the night of the dinner) but it's getting late here and I'm tired... so I thought I'd just give you some smut instead 😇
This happens shortly after their first meeting in last week's WIP Wednesday. Since it's basically just smut (or, well, foreplay), I'm putting most of it below the cut 😅
When Carlos reaches for his hips, TK helps so Carlos can rid him of his trousers and underpants as well. The clothes haven’t even hit the floor yet by the time Carlos is already on the bed, right above TK, slotting their bodies together perfectly.
TK can’t help but give in to the sensation. The feeling of another cock, pressed against his; naked skin against naked skin. He arches into it, trying to get more, pulling Carlos in even closer.
He wants to feel Carlos’ lips on his again but clearly, Carlos has other plans as his mouth instead begins mapping out TK’s body. Taking him apart with every nip and every bite, every swipe of his tongue and every press of his lips. TK is nearly going insane, unable to keep still, unable to keep silent. His hands find their way into Carlos’ hair; not to guide his head – God knows the man needs no guidance to make TK fall apart – but because he needs an anchor. He’s floating in a sea of sensation, and when Carlos’ lips close over his cock, he screams out, unabashedly. 
“I bet you want more than this,” he hears Carlos murmur, realizing that lips are replaced by a firm hand and gentle, steady strokes. “But I fear I have nothing here to make that happen tonight. I’m sorry. I’ll still make you feel good, so don’t worry.”
The words need a moment to make it through TK’s fuzzy brain, and a thought presses against his skull. He nearly loses it again when Carlos’ lips once again close over his throbbing cock. For a little while, he just lets go, just ignores the hazy thought, because, hell, Carlos has one fucking skilled mouth.
But, no. No, TK wants more – needs more – and for that very reason, he came prepared.
“Wait,” he breathes out, unsure if it’s even loud enough to be heard. 
Apparently, it is, and Carlos stops instantly, looking up at him with concern. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
TK has to pull all his brain cells together to find that thought again. When he does, he moves to sit up. First, he presses a quick kiss to Carlos’ lips to make him stop worrying. “Nothing’s wrong,” he reassures, then leans over the side of the bed, reaching for his trousers. 
As he rummages around, he feels Carlos’ hand on his skin, thumb digging into the small of his back before one hand brushes over one of his ass cheeks. He can’t help his grin when he hears Carlos moan and just to tease a little more, he wiggles his ass. Carlos audibly sucking in air has TK chuckling. 
Just then, he finally finds what he’s looking for and heaves himself back up.
“Like what you saw?” he asks, biting his own lip in a teasingly coy way.
The noise that leaves Carlos certainly doesn’t disappoint and it has TK chuckle again – which turns into real laughter when Carlos pushes him back down into the mattress, pinning him down with his whole body. 
“Very much so,” Carlos groans. “But it’s not nice to tease with something I can’t have.”
“What if you can?” TK asks, holding up the little jar he dug out of his pocket. When he sees Carlos’ frown he explains. “It’s a new type of lubricant. Very effective.”
“Sounds fancy. Where did you get this?”
Swallowing, TK quickly schools his face, putting on his best smirk. “You really wanna talk about that? Or would you rather take me and make me scream?”
It’s certainly an offer TK doesn’t have to make twice. Carlos nearly rips the jar out of his hand, then has TK roll over. Anticipation is building in his belly, and he buries his face into the pillow, trying to control his breathing as he feels Carlos’ hands wander up and down his legs, over his ass, and then all the way up his body. The man settles over him again, fully, his chest pressed against TK’s back as his lips find his ear.
“I just need to know,” he whispers, and TK doesn’t know which makes him shiver, the husky voice, the hot breath, or the naked body pressed against him. “Have you done this before?”
Maybe it’s a combination of it all, including his nerves. He doesn’t know why Carlos wants to know but TK finds himself unable to lie, so he shakes his head, if only minutely. 
“Okay,” Carlos murmurs, catching TK’s earlobe between his lips. “I’ll take care of you. I’ve got you.”
(Yes, this scene added "Lube in 1912" to my Google search history 😂)
Noxy’s Tagging List:
@detective-giggles, @sgirl18, @firstprince-history-huh, @beautifulhigh, @rangergurlgleek1211, @shadesofdeviant, @actuallysara, @carlos-in-glasses, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @wtfuckevenknows, @paperstorm, @lightningboltreader, @meditating-honey-badger, @just-inside-her, @alidravana, @morganaspendragonss, @bonheur-cafe, @heartstringsduet, @ravens-words, @lire-casander, @otter-love-asl, @ramblingdisaster73, @first-kanaphan, @xtltokio, @buckybarnesalways, @mangacat201, @catanisspicy, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @a-kinkajou, @juuls, @paxdracona, @whatsintheboxmh
and an open tag for everyone who wants to join 🥰
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okdeedee · 9 months
i have some more seven minutes in heaven with a pedro boy of choice as created/coined/prompted by @boliv-jenta, because i’m a goddamn comedian, and this is fun for me. thank you for thinking this idea up.
this is every pedro boy i have an opinion on:
javi p : 7 minutes pretending I have no idea who he is and treating him like your average joe, just so he gets a break from the incessant pablo escobar questions. i will however be unabashedly checking him out and complimenting whatever obscenely well tailored and bright button up shirt he has on that day.
marcus m: split the time in half. first 3.5mins? sorry i’m just gonna throw metal stuff at him (with consent) and test the magic metal powers. second 3.5mins? a little shoulder massage. he seems tense.
dave york: 7 minutes in Court Ordered Therapy. i don’t like him and i don’t like his hair. he gives me the heeby jeebies.
joel miller: i’ll be honest i’ve got 2 options. 1) sit on a porch and chill out with him and his guitar. serenade me, cowboy. i’ll serenade you right back.
2) do my level best to (with consent) give him life-changing-make-you-want-to-plan-a-future-with-me-level head. yeah. uh. next.
marcus p: let me at this man!!!! i want to play with his hair i want to be all curled up with him on a couch i’ll watch Casablanca! i’ll watch some movie from the 40s. do i like them? no! would i watch them all day (or in fact for 7 minutes) just to be in his presence? yes!
jack daniels deserves a nice one so here’s a nice one for him as well: 7 minutes at some near-empty bar in the early afternoon. maybe i steal his hat and put it on and maybe that holds implications. perhaps i am unwaveringly normal and complimentary and he’s taken aback by my lack of performance and abundance of genuineness and falls in love with me and ditches the whole arrogance and misogyny sort of act. i don’t know. just spitballing.
din djarin: 7 minutes to watch him train or absolutely decimate a group of ruffians in a brawl. i’d like him use his gadgets and his brute strength and proficiency. i’d start wanting to bite things. after? i’d give him orange slices or a cold washcloth or again, head,,,,. whatever he needs. i live to serve.
pero tovar: talking him through a 7 minute personal hygiene and skincare routine. i just have this feeling he’d really be into soap if he ever got the chance to use it. and then if there was time left over i’d re-do his eyeliner.
max phillips: i don’t much like him. think i’d follow him around with a UEBOOM playing various songs from the twilight soundtracks for 7 minutes. then get the hell out of dodge before he could ruin my life.
javi g: anything. i’d stare at him in that white singlet for 7 minutes. i’d let him wax poetic about nicolas cage. i’d go for a swim. i’m terrified of heights but i’d cliff-dive with him. i’ll let him talk me through the entire nicolas cage collection. hell, i’ll hang his laundry out to dry for 7 minutes. I just want to be in his presence. he’s my dream man. ugh.
ezra: since prospect was taken off netflix in my country and i haven’t been able to watch it in 2 years, ezra in my head is now more closely associated with either @oonajaeadira’s bookshop series or @frannyzooey’s in the dark
(this doubles as a shoutout to them for some gorgeous gorgeous writing in these series and in everything they do. i hope you don’t mind me tagging you in this!)
if we’re in bookshop? i’d like to coexist with ezra peacefully for 7 minutes. all domestic. surrounded by the smell of old books. talking about random things. maybe holding his hand and stroking the back of it with my thumb. something soft and loving. what a sweet and heartwarming series.
if we’re in in the dark i’m sorry, i would lean more towards getting absolutely railed into next week by him. god he’s hot. i’m not immune to a bit of an age gap and this one is done so well and so tastefully.
frankie morales: i think i’d enjoy spending seven minutes chatting with an alcoholic beverage while we’re grilling at the barbeque. so dad-coded of me, but maybe the sun is setting and it’s summer and it’s a taste of normalcy he hasn’t had in a while so it’s romantic. i like him. i like him a lot.
oberyn martell: i think i’d spontaneously combust in his presence. he’s just … wow. and ellaria is so gorgeous as well. I’m just one shy bisexual. i’d need the upper hand or at least to impress them. OK let’s set it that I’m like a travelling bard or something and I’ve come to Dorne. Therefore I’d sing for them. that’s my One Great Skill. and then they go oh nice! and i get a full time job just doing what bards do in Dorne. and maybe i am invited to their bed once in a while.
pedro across the street: forget apple originals - to me, PATS is from oonajaeadiras’ good things take time series. her work has a way of sticking in your brain. would love a 7minute non sexual massage from this one. my trapezius (?) muscles are rock hard.
surely that’s it. i feel like i’ve forgotten a big one. well. thanks for reading if you got this far.
peace out.
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darsynia · 1 year
Trust Fall | Ch7a
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ARC reactor image by Eury Escodero
Story Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: Tony/OC, 'terrorists made us fall in love;' IM1 timeline. In this chapter, Tony creates the ARC reactor, shows them his schematics, and Emory offers him something heartfelt, despite her situation.
Length: 2,901
I’m shy as hell about saying this but if anyone wants to be tagged or ask me to write something please do! Tags: @starryeyes2000 @raith-way @arrthurpendragon
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“Stop that,” she says, leaning over and picking up the battery. She uses both hands, not because she has to, but because it’s easier. “You’re planning to defy like 100 terrorists to build this thing to get us out, presumably being the person standing there taking bullets! It’s not selfish to put yourself in harm’s way. You don’t have the practice the rest of us have with self doubt, I’m guessing. You should go to bed instead of indulging in it. It’s possible to overdose, trust me.”
Tony looks at her like she’s spoken some kind of alien language. Emory supposes that she might have, at that.
“You’re the expert, I presume?” he asks, reaching over and sliding two fingers into the space left between her fists on the rope for his battery. She would have sworn he’s conducting the actual charge of the damned thing through his hands by the way their brush against her sizzles.
“Board certified,” Emory says. “I was already pretty good at it before my best friend turned into a diva and started teaching me how to really doubt myself. Her latest master class has been to insult what I look like on the off chance her fame-seeking boyfriend might look at me instead of her.” To her horror, just mentioning this brings up every single awful feeling she’d crammed down and tried to forget in those moments, and Emory can feel her eyes well up with tears. “I never realized how bad it was, at the time. Fuck, what a pep talk.”
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Chapter Seven: 115 117 110 108 105 103 104 116
The next night, Stark spends a half hour connecting wires to various outlets and stringing them to the cylinder. It’s hard work, and he’s stripped off the white shirt and only has on an olive-colored t-shirt with a cut-out for his battery apparatus. The more time he spends in the cave, the less he looks like the sleek, suited, snooty Stark and the more like a scruffy laborer. More like a Tony, than a billionaire.
Emory likes it. They’re only able to do sponge baths, really, and the water never gets her hair clean, but his shorter hair fares better. She still remembers running her hands through it when she kissed him back.
She sits and unabashedly watches him set up the power to the thing he’s built. When he’s done, he’s got a dial, and he sits down with the palladium cylinder resting right in front of him. Before he turns it up, Tony looks over at Emory and jerks his head to ask her to come over.
The leap her heart gives is concerning. This dirty, stressed-out version of Tony Stark might loosely be described as ‘hers,’ in the very weakest sense of the term, but if they live through this mess, he’ll be gone forever.
That fact doesn’t stop Emory from standing up and coming over. He smiles at her, and she smiles back, giving in to the way it feels-- like that firm, reassuring squeeze he’d given her hand when they were standing outside surrounded by however many hostile, demanding men she couldn’t even see.
As she stands there waiting for Tony to turn the dial and see whether the thing he’s built works (it will. She has the utmost confidence), Emory realizes that in that memory of him squeezing her hand, she can see him clear as day.
Tony turns the dial slowly, and to her surprise (but not his, she can see), the thing starts to glow a clean white-blue. He’s mouthing numbers, probably a calculation of how long to subject it to the energy source, but Tony’s radiating a calm, assured happiness.
“That doesn’t look like a Jerico missile,” Yinsen observes, leaning over to look closely.
“That’s because it’s a miniaturized ARC reactor. I have a big one of these powering my factory at home,” Tony tells him. His voice is deeper than normal, Emory notices, probably because he’s very pleased. “This should keep the shrapnel out of my heart.”
“But… what could it generate?” the older man asks.
“If my math is right-- and it always is--” Tony says, flicking an insolent gaze over at Emory as if daring her to point out how conceited he sounds. “Three gigajoules per second.”
She has no idea how much that is, but it’s got to be a ridiculous amount for the size of the thing. Emory wonders if she’s just watched him make the kind of scientific breakthrough that could make him a legend, if it weren’t achieved in these circumstances.
“That could power your heart for fifty lifetimes,” Yinsen says, sounding stunned.
“Or something big for fifteen minutes,” Tony says, his smile showing everywhere but his lips.
“That’s what those pages are. The thin ones you’ve been poring over,” she says quietly.
“Yeah,” Tony says. “Come look.” He gets up, careful not to pull on the wires that are still attached to his ARC reactor. He picks up his battery and starts toward the taller table that he’d hidden his plans on.
“Wait a sec,” Emory says.
“Hmm?” Tony says, turning fully toward her.
“What you did is truly amazing,” she tells him. “I can’t give you a Nobel prize or any kind of accolade, but--” She breaks off, walks over and realizes she’ll have to ask his assistance for what she’d like to do, because she flat-out can’t reach. “Lean over?”
Tony gives her a strange look. “Something in my hair?”
“Not exactly.”
He leans over, exactly as she was hoping he would. Her adrenaline is spiking, because the idea she’d had was a lot less intimidating when she’d thought it up than it is now, with Yinsen across the room and Tony completely in the dark about her intentions. With a fortifying deep breath, she comes close and lifts herself up to press an unprompted, un required kiss to his lips.
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At most, Tony expects Emory to give him some sort of trinket she’d found in the cave, a kind of joking prize for what he’s been working so hard on. At least, maybe a hug? So when she lifts up and kisses him, he’s unaccountably touched by the gesture. For one of the first times in his life, he doesn’t seek to turn a short kiss into something more, despite wanting to. It is over too quickly for him to do much anyway.
She offers him the tiniest smile and rushes over to where Yinsen is standing, leaving Tony no chance to say anything.
It’s evening, late evening. They’d all gone to bed as if they were going to sleep, then gotten up to power the reactor. That kiss was for the two of them and no one else. It’s yet another generous action by Emory. Tony wonders if he has any right to hope that the kiss is something she wanted instead of something she did just for his benefit. It would certainly ease his conscience, as well as the sense of guilt Yinsen seems to approve of… but it might also be personally gratifying. He wants her to want to kiss him.
Tony scrubs his free hand through his hair and processes what’s just happened for a few seconds longer before he heads for the table the other two are standing in front of.
“You said you’re hoping to power something other than your magnet?” Yinsen asks.
“Yeah. This,” Tony says, handing him the stack of pages. He knows neither Yinsen nor Emory will be able to make much sense of them. When the older man smiles and shakes his head, Tony takes the proffered pages back and lays them down on the table again. “Take a look,” he says, flattening them down so the transparencies work to show the whole suit, layer against layer.
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The schematics had made no sense to Emory when she’d seen them in Yinsen’s hand, but once Tony runs his hand against them to show the whole design, it looks amazing.
“I could totally see you wearing that,” she says.
“I have to build it first,” he says, scratching the side of his head. He does seem pleased, though.
“I’ll have to get started on the plans for mine,” Yinsen says pleasantly. “Good work, and goodnight.”
Emory can see Tony let out a rough breath as he watches the interpreter make his way back to his cot. “I bet he’s a ball-buster as a dad,” she says quietly.
“I’m going to get you both out. The arms have flamethrowers, for fuck’s sake.”
She feels a pang of compassion for the frustration in Tony’s voice. “He might be right a lot, but that doesn’t mean all the time. He’s human, just like we are.”
“No, he’s right this time too. We don’t have the caves memorized. One person sneaking up behind us can kill both of you. I’ll come up with something.” He’s leaning over to look at the schematics, and she can see he’s using the critical eye that Yinsen has installed in his brain. The expression on his face is bleak, compared to the pride from earlier. She can’t stand it.
“Stop that,” she says, leaning over and picking up the battery. She uses both hands, not because she has to, but because it’s easier. “You’re planning to defy like 100 terrorists to build this thing to get us out, presumably being the person standing there taking bullets! It’s not selfish to put yourself in harm’s way. You don’t have the practice the rest of us have with self doubt, I’m guessing. You should go to bed instead of indulging in it. It’s possible to overdose, trust me.”
Tony looks at her like she’s spoken some kind of alien language. Emory supposes that she might have, at that.
“You’re the expert, I presume?” he asks, reaching over and sliding two fingers into the space left between her fists on the rope for his battery. She would have sworn he’s conducting the actual charge of the damned thing through his hands by the way their brush against her sizzles.
“Board certified,” Emory says. “I was already pretty good at it before my best friend turned into a diva and started teaching me how to really doubt myself. Her latest master class has been to insult what I look like on the off chance her fame-seeking boyfriend might look at me instead of her.” To her horror, just mentioning this brings up every single awful feeling she’d crammed down and tried to forget in those moments, and Emory can feel her eyes well up with tears. “I never realized how bad it was, at the time. Fuck, what a pep talk.”
She tries to pull her hands off of the battery rope, but Tony captures both of them with the hand between them.
“Whatever she said about you is a lie,” he says firmly.
“You don’t even know what she--”
“I don’t have to know. I know what women like Rory are like. I spent some time with her, remember? Everything is a competition. I’ve heard you sing. I’ve lived with you for two weeks. She pales in comparison.” 
Emory’s breath catches. She suddenly feels completely inadequate to the quite frankly romantic thing he’s just said, even though she’s sure he’d just meant it to be encouraging. His expression is earnest, though, his grown-out hair backlit by the fluorescent light behind him, no hint of amusement or teasing in his eyes. As much as she fights it, his words are having an effect, but not the one he’d intended. Emory struggles to direct them to her brain, rather than her heart, but they’re slipping through, and she kind of wants to let them.
Tony reaches out with his free hand and tucks the wild red hair she’s been using to hide her tears behind her ear. It’s a compassionate, gentle touch, and it ramps up her misery in a really odd way. That gesture is something she desperately wants to keep, and she knows she won’t be able to. If Tony Stark is going to act like that here and only here, she’d rather he didn’t.
Finding him stupidly attractive is one thing, but she doesn’t want to care about him this much. There’s no hope in it. It’s that thought that ramps up her emotions, pushes the tears out of her eyes. How ironic that he’d told her to be selfish, and he’s the one she’s being selfish over? Not that she’d ever tell him.
The silence between them has stretched out far too long.
“Thank you. But she and I are just different people, no value judgment required. And Rory might not have been so awful if I didn’t enable her for so long,” Emory says, yanking her hands free so she can wipe away her tears and scrub her hands dry on her shirt. “So there, there’s your lesson on self-doubt and recrimination. Here’s hoping I save you from spending so long giving someone what you think they want, despite your better judgment!”
She scurries away, a hand over her mouth to stop herself from calling back and apologizing for ruining such a lovely moment. There’s zero chance he saw it the same way she had, and letting him know she did would be embarrassing.
“Emory!” Tony whispers after her, but she climbs into bed and pulls her blanket over her head.
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Emory wakes in the morning to the sounds of a welding torch. Tony’s wearing an honest-to-God leather jacket, with safety goggles that make him look like some sort of a steampunk hero. It’s kind of hot, which is ridiculous. She sits up and pulls on her day shirt, and he turns off the torch and leans over to examine what he’s just done. When he straightens back up, she sees something glowing in his chest.
“Oh, Tony, that’s gorgeous,” Emory says as she stands up. She worries for a split second about using his name, but his reaction doesn’t seem annoyed.
He looks over to her and reaches down to pat the reactor in his chest. “You think?” His words aren’t arrogant, as she might have thought, but rather… proud and pleased, even a little questioning.
“Definitely. Kind of hot, too,” she admits, safely across the room.
“Hah,” Tony says, setting down the welding torch and jogging over. “I’m not tethered by that battery anymore. Go on, touch it.” He pulls the unbuttoned part of his white shirt aside, so she can see the ARC reactor in its housing. “A familiar phrase of yours?” Emory teases.
“None of those women would have lasted a day in here,” he says, taking her elbows and backing up into the camera’s line of sight. The fact that she knows that’s why he’s backing up ramps up her awareness of him, because Emory knows what’s coming next, what he clearly wants to do.
“That’s unfair, you know. People can survive all sorts of things,” she says. Inside her head, she’s telling herself to stop looking forward to something that’s just their own version of keeping her alive. It’s not working. Especially not because when Tony stops moving, he looks down at her with anticipation as obvious as what she’s feeling shining in his eyes, and she’s taken aback by it.
Abruptly, she hears the sound of the sliding view window on the door, and Tony’s eyes widen in concern.
With her heart in her throat, nervous as all hell, Emory runs over to the table as if trying to get away from him.
“You come back here,” Tony shouts after her, catching her right where she’d intended, the table where he’d started welding, his plans clearly sitting in plain sight. The terrorists start opening the door, and Tony lifts her up to set her right on top of the pages. The gratitude and respect in his eyes adds kerosene to the flame that’s been building in her heart.
The lead terrorist says something in a pleased voice, and Yinsen sidles over to translate.
“We see with happiness that you have begun to build in earnest. Our gift of the woman has clearly motivated you,” he says in a dull monotone.
“I’m… reinvigorated, thank you,” Tony says, his hand heavy on Emory’s shoulder, the other held high just like hers are.
The terrorist laughs, says something else.
“To reward this, we have ordered some clothes for her. You will like,” Yinsen translates.
“You really shouldn’t have,” Tony says. Emory kicks her foot against his leg, safely out of sight from the three men and their guns.
The expansive, cruel laughter of all of the terrorists after the bearded man’s next words makes Emory’s heart clench in fear. 
“Ah, but you won’t need to take her with you when you return to your company, so we will just resell them! Everybody wins!”
Tony’s hand starts to squeeze the join of her shoulder, but she can’t see his face, so Emory holds still as they watch the men leave, locking the door behind them. As soon as the latches clang, she lets out a sound of pain. 
“Shit,” Tony says, pulling her shirt to the side. “I basically used your shoulder like a stress ball.” It hadn’t been hard enough to bruise, she doesn’t think, but there had been something soothing about his defensive reaction on her behalf, so even if it did, Emory decides the connotations wouldn’t be terrible.
“All things considered, I’m great,” she says quietly.
“There was no nuance to the language that might hint at what kind of clothing. If it is indecent, Emory, I will object under the auspices of religion,” Yinsen assures her.
“Oh God, I hadn’t considered that. I figured it would just be traditional clothing, whatever that is. What if they-- oh, God,” Emory says, picturing the sorts of things they could find online. They’d said they were ordering clothes…
“I’m confident in my ability to fake a fetish for women in oversized men’s clothing, come to that.”
“They may not be for you at all, Stark,” Yinsen said darkly. He nods at the camera.
“Okay, I’m going to go cover myself with a blanket and read that book of yours. Its dystopian, alien-overlord-run world is actually a nice change, right now,” Emory declares. “Help me down?”
“Gladly,” Tony says. He lifts her up with a care she attributes to the precious schematics he’d sat her down on top of. “Rain check?”
She’s so disturbed by the interaction with the terrorists that the words don’t make any sense at first. Then Emory realizes what he has to mean. “Oh! Yes! Of course! I mean, yes. Less with the enthusiasm. Okay, I’m going to--” and with a hand clapped over her mouth, she runs back to her cot.
“That’s a yes, then,” he calls out after her with amusement in his voice. Emory peeks over her book at him a few minutes later to see that he’s returned to welding.
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Next chapter, Yinsen tells Emory and Tony about the serum he'd bought from a shady scientist. Now that his family is gone, he offers it to Emory to prompt powers that might help them escape...
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starrylothcat · 11 months
LOVE the idea for the follower celebration! And congrats!! 💕 I’m gonna shamelessly spam the crap out of it and you can pleeeease feel free to use your discretion to ruthlessly cut some or all from the lineup. 😂😘
I’m unabashedly in love with this Howzer x Fem!OC full length fic that I wrote… 🙈🤣 I think it’s got playfulness, character growth, action, romance, yearning, angst, adventure, passion, and is just a fun ride overall. It’s done for now, til TBB S3 shows me the rest of Howzer’s story, but I left it in a nice pause place, not a cliffhanger. It’s thoroughly researched to be canon-compliant and is SFW but rated PG-13 for the various content tagged at the top of the post. 💕 I’ll be posting chapters daily here and people can request to be on the tag list, but the entire work is on Ao3 for people who don’t want to wait. 😂
Ahhh thank you for the first submission! I’m all for self recommendation hell ya!
Howzer is up there in my favorite clones and I just read the first three chapters of this fic. I LOVE Aurelia already and Howzer being a confident, cocky shiny is everything. I’ll definitely be keeping up with this one! Awesome work @freesia-writes 😁
If you love Howzer check this out y’all!
Starry’s Spread the Love Event
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ava-core · 1 month
when i tell you i’m courier six: may brainrot i am MAY brainrot!! more info on her!! (still not the main post on her…i have an entire google document on her with all her stats, backstory and a journal of her journey as i play the game as her)
in the meantime, here’s an OC chart of her (template provided by @vault81 <3)
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yeah, par for the course.
some tidbits on this chart i’d like to explain:
of course i blocked out her real name. call me marjorie, but it adds to her mystique…and the fact that no one in the mojave, too, is none the wiser her real name isn’t May Bells? yeah i’m into that. the only person who has an idea is Boone, and that’s because they’re around each other 24/7—enough for him to notice the dogtag around her own neck that’s visible when she sleeps has strange symbols on it (his 3 INT can’t quite reach the fact that it’s mandarin) and he’s pretty sure they all don’t translate into something as short as May Bells.
may also has this strange flirtation going on with the strong, hot-headed women of the NCR: colonel cassandra moore, whose compliments seem…loaded, and corporal betsy, who never misses the opportunity to flirt unabashedly with may (who can never respond, despite usually being quick to reply with a dry or scathing quip). what can she say? she’s got a type. something about tough-around-the-edges soldiers with baggage to carry…oop.
of course boone doesn’t appreciate that. it’s first recon on first recon beef for this less-than-verbally-charming courier who will pick her nose if she knows there’s a booger in it
on that note: her 3 CHR stat and 28 Speech is so fun for me. i usually play as couriers with silver tongues, and may is, at the end of the day, underneath her combat prowess and big brain…just a nerd. just look at that big, fat 9 INT. she knows her way around terminals, science, how a plasma rifle works and how to jury rig that shit. she’s basically a few training modules away from being a certified trauma surgeon. she literally does math problems in pre-War textbooks to destress. she’s also convincing when she needs to be so long as the conversation involves reason and logic. but when she gets flirted with? nope. this girl will NOT respond with anything else than a silent, burning red face or roll of the eyes, depending on how much she likes you.
this aspect is so funny. really. i’m so used to the smooth talkers that i just up and use the failed speech checks for dialogue because i can see may saying them with her rifle in hand, her trigger finger itchy because where her words fail her bullets don’t. (“i came here…for uh…yeah, fuck it, you’re going to die.”)
her tag skills are medicine, science, and unarmed. this surprises no one.
this girl LOVES her sarcasm. growing up in an environment where you had to be kind, calm, and submissive, the freedom to just be a jack shit asshole with your words was a promising proposition may took without a second thought the moment she was in shady sands.
still, when she doesn’t need to talk, she won’t talk. she prefers the company of books, and later in the story, when she grows closer to boone and the rest, she still retains her fondness for silence—she bonds with others by being silent together.
while she might seem like an average grizzled merc with her mask and the scars and bullets around her body, not to mention her terrifying presence perk, she’s actually quite forgiving. it ties into her natural tendency towards compassion, no matter how hard she tried to suppress it; hell, remember her father, who murdered almost all of his entire family? may remains conflicted about that, and despite his abuse of her and her siblings, there are times where she remembers him fondly and often honors his memory alongside the other deceased members of her family.
it’s her recognition of the complexity of these relationships and how they tie in together that make her more empathetic of the people in the mojave. she knows everyone around her’s got their own burdens; if they’re not doing anything to actively shit on you, why add to that, right?
may spends a lot of her time thinking. she’s always pensive, always wondering, thoughts swirling around in her head, the entire opposite of head empty. may head full. too full. always full.
also, yes, she’s superstitious. somewhat, as i indicate, because she’s not above dismissing some Shi rites she deems irrelevant entirely—but some centered around karma and the value of the soul, she upholds. an example is, again, her effort to respect the dead civilians she encounters in travel. a broc flower here, a silent prayer there. if no repose is to be found in this life, it was the least she could do to at least wish for them to find it in the next one.
MAY BELLS i love you…my nerdy, awkward, sarcastic little courier six…playing fnv as you is the highlight of a very difficult week <//3
also if she was exposed to modern music, she’d probably love my chemical romance, fall out boy, green day and the smashing pumpkins. you can already imagine what kind of person she’d be…that emo-punk eyeliner phase LMFAO
so…one more song for the road, one i know may would have as a favorite.
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phoenixwrites · 4 months
Tagged by the fiercely fun @wendydarlingfics. (Put music player on shuffle and list the songs that come up!)
1. “Camaro” by Liz Longley—oh God I love this song so much. Liz Longley does the most luscious tortured love melodies. I also want to use it for a future Barbgrove fic, that would lean more heavily into angst territory. (Or at least them pining after each other post breakup)
2. “God-Shaped Hole” by Plumb…um…I don’t have a good excuse for this, except that Christian pop and rock were a strong part of my childhood and adolescence. I have a playlist entitled “Toxic Theology…but still a bop”
3. “Broke” by Brandy Clark. I wonder if Brandy Clark is confused with Brandy Carlisle…? Anyway, I love a classic country song about how poor you are.
4. “All Good People” by Delta Rae and Vocal Rush. I’m 50/50 on Delta Rae—so many of their songs hit SO GOOD, but others fall flat for me. But All Good People is such an incredible call to action.
5. “Holy Water” by Miranda Lambert. I have an affinity for country artists like Miranda Lambert, Gretchen Wilson, and Ashley McBryde. They are unabashedly petty, coarse, sweet, and roughshod all at once. I have a big annoyance with Taylor Swift editing her back catalog to more progressive lyrics. Songs are a history of a musician’s journey! Embrace being a petty 19-year-old.
6. “Anymore” Anna Akana. I know Anna from TikTok, presumably what most people know her for? But I really enjoy her album. She does an interesting sort of chant-sing-spoken-word style, not quite rapping, but almost. It’s softer and vulnerable. And God, the way she screams out in the second verse, “Convince yourself that one day when it’s right, you will commit/But I know you better than that baby, can’t you just admit? You don’t want a real girl what you want doesn’t exist.”
7. “Don’t Tell My Mom” by Renee Rapp. I have my own version of this song, called “Please Don’t Tell My Mama I’m Smoking”. I love a song about a powerful relationship between mother and daughter, especially one that explores the complexities of mental illness.
8. “Hollywood Forever Cemetery” by Allison Ponthier. I LOVE THIS SONG. I want to stroll down the street every day jamming to it. It’s quite a gruesome song, about ephemeral fame and short-lived starlets…but so bouncy and creepy. J’adore.
9. “Hell Yeah” by Montgomery Gentry. I thought this was the most badass song ever when I was a kid and I longed to be the girl in the second verse, with a “plush corner office and a don’t mess with me attitude”. KNOW ANY BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN?! This is a great song to listen to after I’m off of work.
10. “Reincarnation” by Leanna Firestone. I do so love Leanna. A positive of TikTok is that it has introduced me to so many incredible independent musicians. I love the hope of this song, reminding herself that love is cyclical, that it will always return to you, even if you lose it somewhere else.
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goingmorry · 3 years
[One Piece Headcanons] OP Boys -> when some guy asks them if you're single
Part One | Part Two Characters: Zoro, Sanji, Law, Kid, Ace Tags: reader-insert, gender-neutral reader, suggestive language, overprotective, possessive, jealousy Author’s Note: Thanks for all the likes and reblogs. I appreciate all the love! 💖
Raises his eyebrow at the question.
On the surface, he appears not to react at all, but his mind is 😠 as he discreetly sizes up the other guy.
Straightforward. He tells the other guy that you're in a relationship with him, so there's no confusion.
"Do you know if they're single?" The man asks again, after hearing no response from the one-eyed swordsman.
Zoro gulps down the remainder of his sake, brown eyes locking onto the guy sitting across from him.
The man swallows the lump forming in his throat, feeling unsettled at the intimidating aura emanating from Zoro's questioning look.
"Who's asking?" Zoro's fingers twitch, hovering over his swords for a brief moment before settling down on his side, "And why?"
The man involuntarily flinches at Zoro's seemingly menacing words. "Me. I'm a traveling merchant," he responds honestly, not wanting to anger the pirate hunter, "We - uh... made small conversation a while back. They seemed really nice. And pretty to boot-"
"They're not," Zoro interrupts, observing the man's reaction to his following statement, "We're in a relationship."
"Ah... I see... Makes sense then," the man gulps, fingers fidgeting in nervousness. Before he can remove himself from the intimidating swordsman's presence, Zoro responds, flashing him a cheeky grin.
"Know where I can get more sake?"
Protective as fuck.
He's not afraid to give this guy a piece of his mind for asking him if you're single.
How could someone as beautiful and perfect as you not be taken anyway?
Are they single?
"What? Hell no, they aren't!" Sanji exclaims, making the guy jolt in alarm.
"I-it was just an innocent question," the stranger says, hands held up in mock surrender, "They're really nice... And pretty... So I figured, you know... Thought I'd ask...?" he trails off, realizing that every word he uttered further provoked the rage building inside the blond cook.
"Oi, you shitty bastard!" Sanji yells, flames erupting from his leg, poised to strike this guy down. "You better leave them alone!"
The guy flees in the opposite direction; another would-be suitor scared away by your overprotective boyfriend.
A vein pops out on his temple.
He is visibly pissed off. He was already in a foul mood at having to deal with the Strawhats' shenanigans, and now this?
How dare this person ask him if his S/O is single? The sheer audacity of this bastard.
King of Unspoken Threats.
The thought of vivisecting this man crosses Law's mind but he restricts himself from doing so. Not in broad daylight anyway.
"Do you know if they're single?"
Law's golden eyes squint in disgust, flabbergasted that this stranger would dare to walk up to him to ask such a pointless question.
"Get out of my sight," Law responds, tightly gripping his nodachi. The tattooed ink of DEATH on his knuckles in clear view for all to witness.
"It's just..." the man elaborates, ignoring the subtle warning, "I've seen you with them quite often. I figured you'd know if they were in a relationship with someone."
Law smirks at the man's persistence and refusal to comply with his request, his cold eyes hinting at the Surgeon of Death's callous nature. "Don't make me repeat myself."
The words die in the man's throat, suddenly feeling a wave of nausea at Law's intense stare.
If I see you here again, there's no telling what would happen to you.
As if on cue, the man hurries away, not without looking over his shoulder, to see your familiar figure in the distance approaching Law's threatening form.
Grins maniacally at your potential suitor.
Humors the other guy for a bit to see what his intentions are.
Goes from 0 to 100 real quick when the other man makes inappropriate comments about you.
Are you single?
Kid looks at the man beside him in sudden interest, dark red lips stretching into a full-blown grin, eyes flashing dangerously at the man's question, "And if they are?"
The guy perks up, wrongfully assuming that you were, in fact, single. "They're hot as fuck."
"Can't disagree with that," Kid states, laughing while flexing his metallic arm, "You interested?"
"Hell yeah! I'm definitely interested," the man responds enthusiastically, "You see that mouth? Oh, what I would give to put those plump lips to good use."
Ignoring Kid's warning glare, the man continues unabashedly, "I would LOVE to cum all over those-"
No one was allowed to say that about you openly, Kid thought. Except, well, him.
The guy never saw it coming. One second, Kid was sitting down, taking a sip of his beer bottle with his flesh arm. The next, Kid was standing over the man's collapsed form on the floor, unconscious from Kid's ferocious strike.
Before exiting the establishment, Kid throws some beli on the bar counter, a satisfied grin plastered across his deadly features.
"And for the record, they're with me."
Noticeably shocked. He knew you were attractive but never imagined that someone would outright ask him if you were single.
Attempts to recover from his previous outburst by explaining to this stranger that you and he are in a relationship.
Though he starts to wonder if someone else would be better for you.
When he feels insecure, you take his head in your hands, look him right in the eyes, tell him how much you love him, and shower him in kisses.
Ace feels dumb for even feeling that way - he's never doubted your love for him and vice versa - but you reassure him that all feelings, whether good or bad, are valid.
Ace ungracefully spits out a mouthful of liquor at the person in front of him. It takes him a few seconds to recover. His right hand lightly punches his chest in a show of removing the excess liquid stuck in his throat while his left hand reflexively clenches into a fist by his side.
The man across from Ace appears unamused, grabbing a nearby cloth to clean himself of the drink that was spat on him.
The question rings in Ace's head.
Are they single?
Ace stares at the person in front of him, carefully watching as the guy sets the cloth aside and tilts his head in your direction.
"Uh - no, they aren't," Ace finally responds, pausing to clear his throat.
The guy patiently waits for him to continue.
"I mean - they're taken," Ace clarifies, glancing at your figure from across the room, "We're together."
"Ah, a shame then," the guy jokes, giving Ace a lopsided grin, "Well, you better be treating them right, or I'm stealing them from you!"
Ace returns the man's lightheartedness with a salute, "Aye aye, sir! That's the plan."
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squidgamesmut · 3 years
Ali, Sang-woo & Gi-hun | A lesson about pleasure 🌶️
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Prompt: Ever since you joined the team of Gi-hun, Sang-woo and Ali, neither of them has been able to keep their eyes off of you. Deciding that tomorrow's uncertainly is good enough of an excuse to have all of them, you have a rather unconventional request.
Word count: 4,6K
Tags: Degradation, foursome, oral, dom/sub
Requested? Yes @themindfulwriter16
Proofread? No
Ever since you joined the ragtag group of Players during the Tug-Of- War, something grew tense in the air amongst three of the men in the posse.
An unspoken feud came into existence the very moment you decided to make your allyship official, and neither of them had left your side ever since.
First there was Cho Sang-woo, Player 218, the person you deemed one of the strongest in the group if not the strongest. He was headstrong and intelligent, something you thought would come in handy in a situation like the one you were currently in. He was charming, though did not strike you as the type to settle down and have permanent relationships.
Then, Seong Gi-hun couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. In the short time that the Squid Game had been going on, you had seen him grow from the meek and clumsy man who provoked the gangster in the very first minute to a determined, kind friend. His kindness towards the old man warmed your heart, and you wondered what he truly was like in the outside world.
The third and final man who was starstruck with your presence was Ali Abdul. Sweet and unswervingly loyal, you had instantly figured. Large, warm eyes would meet yours occasionally, and you knew that every word that left his lips would be true. You wondered how he ended up here, for he didn’t seem the type to get himself in deep trouble.
So one evening, in between games and after dinner, you sat with the other women at the side. The annoying yapping of Han Mi-nyeo was something you had learnt to block out within an hour of knowing her, just letting her chatter whilst braiding her tangled hair as well as you could. A bit away sat the three men who had felt this undeniable attraction towards you, staring at you whilst glaring daggers amongst one another. It would have seemed like a romantic comedy if the environment had been any different, and you weren’t stupid to not notice.
“Aish! Don’t tug on my hair so firmly, that hurts!” Mi-nyeo whinged and showed you a deep frown. You muttered an apology and shifted a strand of hair so that it wouldn’t hurt her anymore. With a few swift movements of your fingers, you finished the braid, tying it up at the end with a worn-out band.
“Are you going to fuck one of them or what?” Mi-nyeo quizzed unabashedly whilst grabbing the bottom of her braid to inspect it, humming in satisfaction.
You blinked at her. “Excuse me?”
“Those Players over there. They’re practically undressing you with their eyes. Come on, who are you gonna fuck? The leader?”
Letting out a scoff, you shook your head. “You really are something.”
“I’m serious!” Mi-nyeo shrieked, turning towards you. “In this hell-hole you better take all the dick you can get! Even if you might end up regretting it.” She let out a sigh and looked across the room at Player 101, who had betrayed her earlier. “He’s an asshole, but it was fun whilst it lasted.”
You shook your head but could not fight a smile from forming. “Well, what do you suggest?”
Mi-nyeo puffed out her cheeks. “Well, I’m not sure. I wouldn’t fuck 199, so maybe 218? 456 seems like such a softie, like he wouldn’t know what to do with his prick!”
Had you met Mi-nyeo in real life, you were certain that you wouldn’t have been friends.
“I like all three of them,” you confessed, “So it’s difficult to choose.”
A laugh left Mi-nyeo’s throat - high-pitched and annoying you deeply. “Well then, that’s quite the predicament! Say, why don’t you just fuck all three of them at once? You never know what this place will bring, right? Tomorrow, we might all be dead for all we know. Just fuck them and get it over with. What’s the worst that could happen?”
You sighed and shrugged, biting your lip whilst looking at the three men one by one. Cho Sang-woo maintained eye-contact, slightly narrowed his gaze, tilting his head in a questioning way. Gi-hun blinked in confusion and looked away only to look back a second later, flustered by the contact. Ali averted his gaze at once, and you did not meet his eye again.
“Perhaps you’re right.” you acknowledged, “Might as well get everything I can.”
“Good luck!” Mi-nyeo said in a sing-song voice, “Let me know all the details!”
You stood and approached Sang-woo first, leaning closer towards him to whisper in his ear. “Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.”
Not awaiting his reply, you stepped over to Gi-hun, who was playing with the hem of his tracksuit. “Gi-hun,” you whispered, causing him to look up at you with widened eyes. “Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.”
Finally, you invited Ali as well, who was immediately frozen in place at your proximity and unexpected proposal. He meekly nodded, and you left the Players be, heading for the bathroom to prepare yourself as well as you could.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you fixed your hair as much as possible, checked your breath by blowing into your palms, and tugged down your shirt a bit to reveal a bit more cleavage. Smiling, you bit your lip, your heart beginning to race inside your chest. Were you really going to do this?
Behind you, the door opened and closed. Gi-hun stood with quivering legs, your gaze meeting him through the reflection of the mirror. You turned around and smiled at him.
“You wanted to see me?”
You opened your mouth to speak and acknowledge it, but just at that moment Ali walked in, short of breath, flushed from the obvious excitement that ran through him.
“Miss (Y/n), can I help you with anything? Is anything the matter?”
You smiled and shook your head. “No, not to worry. I ah, I just wanted to meet with you in private and--”
The door of the bathroom opened and shut one last time, and Cho Sang-woo strode to stand in between Gi-hun and Ali, an air of confidence hanging around him.
“If you could excuse us, lads. (Y/n) has asked to meet me here, so I’d appreciate it if you left us alone.”
“Huh? She wanted to see me, too!” Gi-hun commented, crossing his arms. Sang-woo’s face fell into a frown and he turned to his friend.
“Did she?”
“She asked me to meet her, too.” Ali added, then looked at you, “Are you alright? Does it have to do with our little group?” He swallowed thickly. “Have I said anything that upset you?”
You once again shook your head, taking a deep breath. “No, not at all. Don’t worry. I uh… I wanted to meet all three of you so I could ask you something.”
The three men fell silent, all looking at you expectantly. Exhaling, you tucked some hair behind your ear. “You see, I’ve noticed you looking at me, and--”
Ali fell to his knees, rubbing his palms together. “I apologise, Miss (Y/n)! I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable! It’s just that you’re such a beautiful lady that I can’t help myself sometimes. Please, forgive me!”
A soft chuckle left your lips and you walked towards Ali, stretching out your hand for him to take. “No, no Ali. You’re not listening to me. What I’m trying to say is that I’ve noticed the three of you looking at me, and I was wondering if… If you’d care to do something about that.”
Gi-hun blinked in confusion. “I don’t think I’m following… What do you mean?”
“Well, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so I feel like we should just go for it. Right here, right now.”
Ali and Gi-hun looked at each other in puzzlement, shrugging. “Go for what?”
Sang-woo was the first to catch on and stepped closer to you, looking at you with darkening eyes whilst addressing the men with him in the room. “(Y/n) is proposing to have sex with us.”
Gi-hun started to cough whilst Ali’s eyes widened in shock. “What are you saying, Sir? It’s rude to assume such a thing about a lady like her!”
You bit your lip and laughed lightly, reaching over to Sang-woo’s cheek to cup it. “Well, you are right. We might die tomorrow. Might as well enjoy today, hm?”
Sang-woo inhaled sharply and put his hand on your jaw, stroking to your lips with his finger before his hand slipped around your throat. You looked up at him, and sudden lust surged through your abdomen, weakening your knees.
“All three of us, hm?” Sang-woo said with amusement in his voice. You wondered if he had made many women happy, only temporarily so. You nodded, and he slid his hand towards your ribs, teasing at the underside of your breast. “What a slut.”
“Sir, don’t say that!” Ali gasped, walking towards the two of you, trying to get Sang-woo off of you. “That’s unkind!”
“Not when she seems to be thoroughly enjoying it.” Sang-woo mused, looking over his shoulder. “Gi-hun, what do you say?”
Player 456 seemed a bit lost.
“Remember what we used to say,” Sang-woo began, “When we were children? What’s yours is mine, and vice versa. The lady wants you, so come over here and kiss her.”
Gi-hun approached, and your heart picked up speed. He inspected your face, scanning for any sign of regret or restraint, but found nothing but unspoken lust. He leaned in and kissed you, slowly at first, but you soon deepend it.
Sang-woo stepped back to watch it unfold, and you heard him talk to Ali. “You see, sometimes you just have to grab what life throws at you. In your very lap, a lady like her appears. So willing and obedient, so eager to be taken. I’ve met women like (Y/n). So keen to please, and good with their mouths.” He slapped Ali on the shoulder. “Why the hesitance? A place like this should have no space for something like doubt.”
Gi-hun pulled back, his lips slightly swollen. You smiled at him, feeling like you were floating, your knickers soaked through already. You hoped that Ali would join in, but you knew that the other two were already convinced. It didn’t take a lot.
Sang-woo tried again. “Why don’t you kiss her, Ali,” he suggested, “And if you still have your doubts afterwards, you can leave and we won’t talk about it ever again.”
Swallowing thickly, Ali nodded, stepping closer. You brought your face in front of him, rubbing your nose against his before leaning in and claiming his mouth. Ali hummed, instantly melting at the sweetness of you, grabbing an inexperienced hold of your face. You knew you weren’t his first, but he certainly lacked confidence. Nevertheless, it was a marvellous feeling.
Instantly, the other men were upon you, roaming their hands over your body to make quick work of your tracksuit. Within no time, you were in nothing but your knickers, and the cheap bra slipped from your breasts to expose them to the three pairs of eyes in front of you.
After pulling back and giving Ali a sweet smile, you fought the urge to cover up and allowed the three of them to eye you up and down. A certain glint in Ali’s eyes made you realise that he wouldn’t walk out that door right now, and the sudden tent growing in his trousers confirmed that.
“Well?” you mused, bringing your hands to your breasts to cup them and pinch your hardening nipples. The sight caused Gi-hun to groan and quickly shed himself of unnecessary clothing, and Sang-woo hummed appreciatively, palming himself.
“You’re absolutely beautiful, Miss (Y/n).” said Ali, swallowing as his eyes glued themselves upon your soft breasts.
“You may touch them.” you told him, and Gi-hun also took you up on that offer. Soon, your hands waved themselves in thick, black hair whilst he and Ali latched themselves upon your breasts, sucking your nipples with an eagerness that made your heart skip a few beats.
Sang-woo stood behind you, pressing his face against your neck, inhaling your scent deeply. “What a willing girl, hm?” he murmured, slipping his hands around your bare torso, cupping your breasts from the bottom to lift them up a little. This gave the two men in front of you better access, and their licking and sucking continued. You gasped, face flushed.
“So… Compliant…”
You nodded, tilting your head so Sang-woo could kiss you. His tongue snaked into your mouth, one of his hands coming to rest on your throat once again, the other sliding down your waist, into your knickers. You let out a moan against his mouth, moving against his hand, welcoming his touch.
“I should teach those two boys what it takes to please a lady.” said Sang-woo, strong fingers starting to toy with the soaked folds of your cunt. Your clit throbbed against his fingertips, your knees almost giving out underneath you.
“Step back.” Sang-woo suddenly stated, firmer than you anticipated, and it startled you a bit. Gi-hun and Ali let go of your nipples, which were now glistening with saliva. “It’s time that the two of you learn something about pleasing a woman.”
Sang-woo stepped around you, taking your chin between his fingers to tip it upwards.
“If a woman comes to you, practically throwing themselves at you, you better realise that she longs for your attention. Are you just going to give it to her?”
He looked at Ali, who shrugged. “Well, yes. I always want to be a gentleman, and--”
“No,” Sang-woo cut him off. “They are desperate, and you can not only have some fun with it, you can also get her to do whatever you want. Want her to suck you dry? To ride your face? You name it, and she’ll probably do it. Open your mouth, babygirl.”
The nickname made you croon and you did as he ordered, and without warning, Sang-woo spat into your mouth, his saliva mixing with yours on your tongue. “Little slut. So eager to get fucked. Not by one, not even by two, but by three men. You think you won’t have to work for that, hm?”
You shook your head, “No, Sang-woo. Of course not.”
He smirked a bit. “On your knees.”
You sank down in front of him at once, reaching for his waistband. “Watch and learn.” Sang-woo told the others whilst you removed the pants of his tracksuit. He was erect and bobbed with need, a beautiful long cock that you quickly took into your hand to jerk off a few times.
“Take it.” he hissed, and you obeyed by taking it into your mouth and beginning to bob your head up and down. A hand laced into your hair, guiding you back and forth. “You see that? Her eyes are pleading for more. Once you have a woman who longs for you that much, you better fuck her hard and good. But not without having her work for it, first. That’s just how little sluts are, all taking, no giving. You better put her in her place.”
You moaned around his cock when it brushed the back of your throat, and you covered the rest of it with your hand to jerk him off.
Sang-woo softly grunted, watching you work your mouth at him. “If she’s put in her place, she won’t take advantage of you. (Y/n) here, she’s a fierce one. Come on, Ali, why don’t you take her mouth for a bit?”
Ali’s cock was hard and thick, girthier than Sang-woo though a bit shorter, and you wrapped your lips around the uncut head, feeling it instantly tense underneath you. In the meantime, you heard Sang-woo walk over to Gi-hun, who was watching you do your thing with much interest.
“Gi-hun, why don’t you spur her on a little.”
Swallowing thickly, Gi-hun stepped closer to you, standing behind you so you could see him if you looked up, your mouth still kissing away at Ali’s cock. “You’re doing a good job, (Y/n).” he said, licking his lips. Sang-woo tutted.
“Come on, be a bit firmer.”
Gi-hun drew a sharp breath, watching how you kept blowing Ali like your life depended on it. Said man groaned and was unsure of what to do with his hands, choosing to rest one on your head, the other clasping over his mouth to block out the sound of his moans.
“I’m uh… I’m not really the type to say such things, and…”
“Well, you aren’t the type to fuck a woman you barely know either, hm?”
Gi-hun sighed and rubbed his neck. “Well, what should I say?”
“Well, for example…” Sang-woo grabbed the back of your head, starting to guide your head up and down Ali’s cock. You nearly choked on it, humming around its girth. “That’s it, you little slut. Take it like the whore you are. So willing to suck a big dick, hm?”
You hummed in acknowledgement, letting him force your head back and forth, and you closed your eyes firmly to prevent tears from spilling, until it suddenly stopped. “Like that,” said he, “Nice and slow. Or quick, if you’d prefer.”
Unaccustomed fingers replaced Sang-woo’s, and Gi-hun shot you an apologetic look. You smiled around Ali’s length, telling him that it was okay. After all, sleeping with three men at once did not exactly make you look like an innocent girl that deserved to be adored in all ways possible instead of needing a rough fuck - in all holes, so it seemed.
“Yes, doll. You’re way quieter with your mouth full of dick.” Gi-hun’s words made your heart skip a beat and you moaned around Ali, who had been losing his mind ever since he felt your lips around is cock.
Your jaw started to hurt and you closed your eyes, slobbering his length as well as you could. “Just like that,” mused Gi-hun, smirking a little, as if he was imagining himself in Ali’s stead. He was palming himself, and you wished that you could angle your head so that you could look upon his erection as well. Alas, you had to wait a little while longer.
“Good girl.” mused Ali, and your eyes snapped up to meet him. Something akin to amusement filled your features and you pressed a soft kiss to the head of his cock, licking the weeping slit. “Your mouth is so nice and warm… Ah… Can’t last long.”
“Stand up, (Y/n).” Sang-woo said, and you didn’t second-guess his authority in the situation, standing up and rubbing your sore knees, which had been painfully rubbing against the tiles of the bathroom. You gasped when he suddenly grabbed you, pulling you against him. “Gi-hun, you better make sure that she’s ready for us.”
Gi-hun did not need any further instruction, dropping to his knees to latch his mouth onto your dripping pussy. His fingers pried aside your soaked knickers, and his tongue was upon you at once. You moaned, throwing your head back against Sang-woo’s shoulder, whose lips found the nape of your neck. His cock pressed against your back, and you hoped to feel it inside soon.
The man feasting upon your swollen folds was undoubtedly skilled, and you couldn’t help but claw in his hair. Ali was watching the scene unfold in front of him, thoroughly enjoying it, though unfamiliar with the practise. You smiled a bit, realising that he was way more innocent when it came to sexual acts than you had anticipated.
Gi-hun’s tongue worked wonders, and your juices soaked his face to the point that when he pulled back, his chin was glistening, lips turned upward in a gentle smile. He was loving this as much as you were, and you hoped that you’d feel his cock inside of you soon, wondering if he was as skilled with it as he was when performing oral.
“I think she’s ready.” Gi-hun whispered against the inside of your thigh, way too soon. You nodded and gave him a thankful smile, beckoning him closer. He kissed you softly, and you could taste yourself on his tongue.
“Do you want to fuck her, Ali?” asked Sang-woo. Ali was hesitant, rubbed his arm, perhaps having regrets or second thoughts.
“You don’t have to.” you assured him, “I can suck you off again, if you’d like.”
He smiled and nodded. “Yes, please. I’d ah… I’d like that.”
Something akin to guilt swelled deep inside your chest, but it faded the moment Gi-hun appeared in your field of vision. “Alright, Sang-woo.” quizzed he, “How are we going to do this?”
Sang-woo hummed in thought. “I will lay down on the floor,” he began, “And then (Y/n) will get on top of me. Then, Gi-hun will enter her from behind, and Ali can get in front of her face.”
You frowned. “You want to lay down on this filthy floor?”
Sang-woo shrugged. “Sometimes you’ve got to work with what you have.”
And so, it was done. Sang-woo laid down on the cold tiles against your better judgement and you straddled him, cock poking at your entrance with a bit of guidance. You moaned at the intrusion, yet Sang-woo more collected, and he shushed you by pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Easy does it, doll,” said he, “After all, Gi-hun also needs to get in still.”
Gi-hun’s body towered above you, and with a bit of shifting, he straddled you, holding himself up by leaning on your back slightly. It was uncomfortable, but it was the best you could manage if you were to have Ali’s length in your mouth whilst doing this, and you eagerly took the weeping cock of said man back against your tongue.
Sang-woo eased a finger around the spot where your bodies joined to stretch you open, and you grunted around Ali’s cock whilst he added another slender digit. The slick of your cunt and with the help of a little spit, Gi-hun eased his cock inside of you, slowly but surely.
It burned, and you were sure that you were bleeding a little, but eventually, it fit. Tears appeared at the corners of your eyes, and Ali’s gentle hand on your cheek was sweet. However, it was Sang-woo’s snark that made you moan.
“That’s it, so full, aren’t you? Little slut. Taking our cocks so well.”
You nodded and began to bob your head, whimpering at the first thrusts of the men inside you. Sang-woo and Gi-hun moved unevenly at first, but soon found a pace they could both keep. Your breasts swung in Sang-woo’s face with every roll of their hips, and he took one of your nipples into his mouth.
Veins were sticking out on Ali’s cock, and he could not be far off. Slick ran down your thighs and the movements of the men became easier. Your tongue swiped over the sensitive ring of flesh around Ali’s head, causing the Pakistani man to moan in pleasure.
“That’s it,” he praised, “Your mouth is so good and nice, you… Filthy slut!”
Sang-woo smiled against your breast. “I’ve taught you well.” You laughed around Ali’s dick, nearly choking on it once again, and gathered more saliva in your mouth to spit onto his weeping tip.
“Such a slut.” Gi-hun grunted behind you, his body pummeling against yours, “So extremely full with our cocks yet begging for us to keep going.”
Your walls clenched around the cocks at the words. For a second, you pulled back for air. “Oh, harder!” said you, “Please, sirs.”
Sang-woo chuckled and quickened his pace. You wondered if he was close to orgasm. Ali was full-on groaning now, jerking himself off to the scene in front of him. You were a beautiful mess, and he could cum all over your face if you’d have him.
Gi-hun wasn’t making it a secret, either. He moaned, slamming his hips against yours. “Such a tight pussy,” he groaned, “Such a needy, spoiled brat!”
“Of course I’m spoiled!” you said with humour in your voice, though a mewl of pleasure unable to be suppressed right after. “I’m having three cocks at the same time! I’m just lucky, aren’t I?”
Sang-woo gripped your ass, guiding you firmer onto his cock. You opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue so that Ali could tap the head of his length against it. “Gonna cum,” you announced, getting more and more stretched out by each thrust yet clenching around their cocks as if they were your last lifeline.
Ali was the first to cum - already on the edge for such a long time. His lips parted and he moaned, semen landing on your tongue and cheeks. You smiled at him, licking from the underside of his cock all the way to the head, and kissed it gently.
He attempted to catch his breath whilst Gi-hun came in stripes on your back, and you winced at the sudden removal of the girthy length of his manhood. Sang-woo replaced the sudden loss of stimulation with his fingers on your clit, and his determined eyes found yours when you looked down at him.
Moaning, you came around his length, legs giving out, your body falling atop his. Sang-woo fingered you through it, amused at how you crooned, and you saw stars.
When you finally regained some balance and managed to get some strength in your legs, Sang-woo pulled out of you without warning, causing you to flinch. He came inside his own fist, hot seed seeping out from the top as he coaxed himself through his high, his gaze fixated upon you.
“You needy slut,” said he, slipping his fingers into your mouth whilst his satisfied cock fell flat against his stomach with a splat. “Take all of it.”
You eagerly licked clean his hand no matter how tired your jaw and cheeks were from all the work, and you had to resist the urge to cuddle into him. Sang-woo wasn’t the type to snuggle, nor was this the place to do so if it had even been the case.
No, you thought to yourself whilst you allowed Gi-hun to help you up. You’d snuggle with Ali and Gi-hun, and Sang-woo would proudly watch from a distance. Or enviously, you weren’t sure.
Ali grabbed a few handfuls of toilet paper for the four of you to get cleaned up. In pleasant silence, you all redressed, tidying up the mess as well as you could in a situation like this. No matter how scratchy the paper was, or how moist your knickers immediately felt against your thighs, it was something you wouldn’t have wanted to miss for the world.
“If you go back first, (Y/n),” suggested Sang-woo, “Then Gi-hun can come after you after thirty seconds. Ali will follow after a minute, and I will come after that. That way, it will not raise suspicion.”
The four of you agreed on that, and you adjusted the jacket of your tracksuit before turning to the three men. One by one, you gave them a lingering kiss on the lips, enjoying each of them for their unique flavours and feels.
“Meet me at my bed.” you told all three of them, smiling before turning to the door, heading out to leave.
You wondered who of them would show up, you thought to yourself, but regardless of the afterglow that was soon to come, you were happy that you had followed Han Mi-nyeo’s advice, making a mental note to thank her later.
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idmakeitbehave · 3 years
Did That Just Happen?
Summary: Sleep-deprived from the latest case, you let a confession of love slip. Spencer’s positive you didn’t mean it—no matter how much he may wish you did.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: that’s right, another cheesy love confession!!! Shocking, I know. Also I wrote this in like an hour so do with that what you will
The never-ending case from hell is finally, blissfully over.
The team looks like a horde of zombies, all running on fumes and far too much caffeine. Even the relief of the unsub being caught isn’t enough to wipe the sleep deprivation from your faces. Everyone had just barely made it to the hotel, Hotch and Derek being the only ones alert enough to drive you all back.
There’s one last speed bump in this dreadful case—room reassignments. There was some issue or another in the booking system, and everyone’s been reassigned to different rooms for your final night.
Spencer can’t help but watch you out of the corner of his eye as everyone shuffles into the lobby, waiting for their new keys. You’re a little wobbly on your feet, and he can tell that you’re in a bit of a daze. It’s not much different from just about everyone else here, but Spencer finds himself far too concerned with your well-being in particular.
As if that’s anything new.
You lean into him a bit, and he can’t tell if you pretend not to notice the way he jumps or if you actually don’t notice. “I’m so excited to sleep,” you say, head dropping to his shoulder.
Spencer can’t manage more than a pitiful little nod. He doesn’t trust himself to speak and say anything that isn’t a ridiculous declaration of love.
The comfortable silence that takes over is broken when Hotch approaches the group with a stack of room keys in hand. He holds one out to you, and you accept it with a wide, almost goofy grin.
“Thanks, boss.”
And then it happens, so quick that Spencer almost believes that he’s imagining it: you kiss Spencer, right on the lips, soft and light and over much too soon.
“Love you, goodnight,” you mumble, as nonchalantly as if you’ve said it every night of your life.
And with that you turn and head into your hotel room just a few steps away, the door shutting behind you. Spencer blinks rapidly, staring at the door before turning back to the rest of the team. They’re all staring at him, eyes wide with both shock and amusement.
“Did that—did that just happen?” he asks before he can stop himself.
“Oh, it absolutely did,” Derek says, an undeniable gleam in his eye. “And I am so, so happy we were all here to witness this.”
Emily elbows him in the side, eliciting a dramatic oof. “What Derek means is: we told you so.”
Derek nods. “Can’t believe they were the first one to break. You better go get ‘em, lover boy.”
Hotch just barely manages to stop himself from rolling his eyes. “Okay, as entertaining as this has been, I’m going to bed.”
There’s a chorus of agreements, and before Spencer can even register it, he’s left standing alone in the hallway just outside your door. He contemplates his next move for longer than is probably acceptable, mind racing with what has just happened.
It was probably the sleep deprivation, he decides. Just a random slip of the tongue, like calling your teacher ‘Mom’ or telling the movie theater attendant to enjoy the show too. Something like that, something that would explain why you had suddenly kissed him on the lips and told him you loved him. A million different explanations run through his head, all except one—that you meant it. Because that one is simply too good to be true. There’s absolutely no way you meant it.
But what if you did?
Maybe it’s his own exhaustion getting the better of him, but Spencer’s desire to know the answer beats out his utter disbelief, and he knocks on your door.
He thinks that maybe you’ve fallen asleep when you don’t answer right away, but the door clicks open after another moment.
“Hey,” you say softly, not quite meeting his eyes.
Spencer doesn’t really know what to do in this situation. “Can I—can I come in?”
You nod, and he follows you to your bed. The two of you sit side by side, the once comfortable silence now tinged with just a hint of awkwardness.
“Why did you—”
“I’m sorry—”
“Wait. Why are you sorry?” Spencer asks. He tries to brace himself for the answer—you’re sorry you kissed him, sorry you said anything, sorry you ever knew him at all. (Spencer has quite the imagination.)
“I didn’t mean to—to kiss you. Or to say that,” you say, and all at once Spencer can feel his heart breaking into a million little pieces. And then: “That’s not how I wanted to tell you.”
He blinks at you. “What?”
You sigh. “I was just—so tired. And it kind of just came naturally? I’m sorry, Spence, I’m so embarrassed.”
You’re starting to get flustered now, and Spencer can’t help but think of nothing except how completely adorable you are.
“Not how you wanted to tell me? What does—what does that mean?”
You look up from the thread of the blanket you’d been picking at, and it’s as though the moment you meet his eyes you understand. You finally smile. “I didn’t really picture telling you I loved you for the first time in some sort of sleepless haze.”
Once again, Spencer finds himself near speechless. He watches you in disbelief, waiting for the punchline, but it doesn’t come.
Finally he asks, “You meant it?”
You nod. “Is that… is that okay?”
The question is so completely ludicrous that he breaks into a smile so wide his cheeks hurt. “It’s more than okay. It’s perfect.”
“Will you stay?”
Spencer nods. There’s nowhere he’d rather be.
The two of you are staring unabashedly at each other now. Spencer feels like his vision is going fuzzy, be it from the lack of sleep or the sudden realization that everything he’s ever needed is right in front of him. (It’s definitely both.)
In a burst of courage, Spencer pulls you towards him, the two of you flopping back onto the bed with a soft thud. He wants to bottle up the laugh you let out, to press the sound between the pages of a book.
Anything to have this moment forever.
You reach out and turn off the lights. The darkness envelopes the room, and it’s as though you and Spencer are the only two people in the world.
In a way, you are.
“Can I try it again?”
It takes him a second to process what you’ve asked. “Try what again?”
You don’t answer. “I love you,” you say instead. “Goodnight.”
If the first time had been perfect, then there are no words to describe this.
“I love you too,” he finally, finally says.
It’s quiet for a moment, and Spencer’s suddenly sure that you’ve realized your mistake, that this was all just one huge misunderstanding. The panic eats away at him for just a split second before you pull the covers up over you both. You kiss him again, slow and sure, and suddenly you’re both certain.
You’re going to say it every night of your life.
@diesinspanishbcimhispanic @myglitteringstardust @sapphic-prentiss @fandom-monium @julialuv1d @howdycharlie @fantastic-fans @saspencereid @whxt-to-write @90spumkin @idocarealot @moonstarrnghtsky @thelovelyrose @closetedreidstan @averyhotchner @tripleyeeet @rainsong01 @multifandomegan @no-honey-no @bauhousewife @shadybagelsludgecolor @idiotinnit @elldell1204 @gublersbooblers @calm-and-doctor @shadyladyperfection @homoose @wheelsup @writingintheroses @reidingmelodies @spenxerslut @imdefinitelyfloating @spacedikut @spencerreid9 @sweetandsunny @cynbx
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sillydg · 2 years
Part nine: Italian night. Part one.
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Book: The royal romance
Pairing: Drake Walker X F!MC (Riley Herreld)
Rating: 18+
Word count: 5700
Series Summary: Fate interferes when Riley’s supposed to be working on that big Bachelor night. She gets drawn to Cordonia in another way. But what happens when a Workaholic, meets a Walker come together? Will they provide a Christmas miracle and get over their own love skepticism?
One way to find out!
Chapter nine; Italian Night. Part one. Summary: Drake agrees to stay over for some Italian food, but only under one condition.
A/N: I’m sorry that it took me this long to get it out! My life is kind of one hell of a rollercoaster right now, so my head space to write wasn’t there. But I found it back and hopefully it stays with me this time 😉 So once again I’m sorry, and I’m hoping that you’ll enjoy it even though it is a while ago.
A/N: Just a little fresher upper: Drake always wrinkles his nose when he’s joking or being sarcastic.
A/N: For everyone who takes the time to read it, thank you!!
Please let me know if you want to be tagged for this series 
Category: Over the top a bit predictable Christmas fluff.
Warnings: Swearing, Please do not read if you’re under 18.
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A Walker knows, when a Walker knows.
Italian night. Part one.
Still Sunday, five days before Christmas.
“So,” Riley narrows her eyes in suspicion at his smug smile, “why does it feel like this is backfiring?" Drake gently ushers her inside with her hands lingering on her hips, and he kicks the door shut behind them, "Because it kind of is..."
"Really? So what condition are we talking about, Walker?" She lifts her hands to take his jacket off her shoulders, but he stops her at the wrists, “Not so fast, Sparkles.” 
She raises a brow in question when he starts unbuttoning her coat, "Uhh, Drake…What are you doing?"
"I took you home early to relax, Herreld," he finishes the last button, turns her around, and slides both their coats from her shoulder, "So, you're relaxing. Meaning..." 
"Meaning..." She softly repeats, ignoring the sensations running through her body when his fingers brush her collarbones. 
Drake draws in a sharp breath at the revealed sight of her, and there is no way to stop his eyes from unabashedly drifting up and down. Her tight white shirt reveals a curvy hourglass figure, her skinny jeans showing handfuls in the right places, and he has to stop himself from finding out how well her ass will fill up his hands. His fingers find their familiar spot on her hips, and gently usher her into the cozy open kitchen, leaning in to whisper, "Meaning that you're gonna do nothing but watch me cook." 
She closes her eyes at the sensations running through her body when his lips gently brush her ear, at the feeling of his hands on her. He has been touching her all day, but it feels so much more intimate with only a thin piece of fabric between his hands and her skin instead of the thick coat she was wearing earlier. She turns to face him, "But what if I don't agree with this condition, Walker?" 
"Ohh, I'm very sorry, Sparkles!" Drake lifts her with ease, slides her onto the countertop between the stove and the fridge, and lingers between her legs. “But this is not up for discussion. I promised Mable to take care of you! So, if you want to be a stubborn ass and force me into staying for food, I'm going to be a stubborn ass and take care of that stubborn ass of," he boops her nose, "yours."
Riley surrenders, snuggling eagerly into his neck when he wraps his arms around her, "You know what, fine." He gently rubs her back, and she wiggles her body in approval, "Do you think you can keep doing this while cooking, though?" 
"I'm afraid that I have to disappoint you, Herreld." She murmurs something inaudible, and he looks down at her with a warm laugh, "Oh sleepyhead. Are you falling asleep again?"
"Mmh," she nestles even further into Drake’s neck, drawing a soft ‘nngh’ from him when her lips brush his skin, "I'm sorry, Drake. I'm feeling weirdly relaxed around you." 
"Riiight..." Drake whispers in her ear, "You sure this isn't just your subtle way of telling me that I'm deadly boring? " 
Riley chuckles softly, "It appears that you see right through me, Walker! You're extremely boring!” She slowly loses herself in his musky scent mixed with the smell of a campfire and sighs contently. “So boring that I think that you can help people who are struggling with sleeplessness if you ever consider a career change. Two seconds with you, and they're happily sleeping."
He snorts at her teasing, "Well, and if you ever consider a career change, stand-up is definitely not the way to go."
"Hey!" Her head snaps up, feinting to be highly offended, "you're actually looking at the -two years in a row- funniest teacher of the school, mister Walker. My 'why is the math book so unhappy? Because it's full of problems,' joke is a complete sensation, and there is absolutely more where that came from, thank you very much!"
"Oh my God," He drapes his hand over his face in utter horror, "So, that means I can expect a whole lot more of these abominations this week? It isn't just a symptom of your sleep delusion?"
"I'm sorry, but there is no way to sugarcoat this, Walker!" Riley adds some drama to her words by laying a hand on his shoulder combined with an expression on her face that matches one every doctor has, who has to bring bad news to loved ones in a drama series. “People around me suffer from my serious case of incurable, and most of all insufferable horrible sense of humor."
Drake drops his head dramatically onto her shoulder, "Oh God, why?? WHY??"
“I know…” She chuckles softly, scraping her nails gently over his back, "I know, it’s not fair. What a cruel world you live in, that you have to put up with me this week! There, there." 
He snuggles into her hair with a snort, relaxing under her touch, "Mmh, you know what. I'll survive if you just keep doing this, this week!"
"Okay. Fine by me, but can't deny that it's a bit odd request coming from the man who’s already worried about me handling dangerous tools with two hands, and while focusing on one thing at the time..." 
Drake murmurs something inaudible.
"Drake," Riley whispers, and she peeks at the relaxed man on her shoulder. His eyes are closed, a content smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Are you falling asleep?"
"Mmh..." He snuggles into her neck, and wraps his arms around her, "Just resting my eyes for a little bit." 
"Do you want to take a nap while I cook?" 
"Nice try, Herreld. I cook," he mumbles contently, "and you will sit, relax and watch." 
She gently runs her fingers through his hair, "Mmh… Very convincing, Walker." 
"Just five minutes, Sparkles... " Drake groans in approval when she softly massages his temples, "Okay, maybe ten."
Riley chuckles softly, moving her fingertips over the contours of his face before running them back through his hair, "Ten minutes it is..." 
Drake suddenly feels his phone buzz, instantly recognizing it as Liam calling. "For fucks sake," he murmurs, followed by some inaudible swear words. He takes his phone out of his pocket, puts it on speaker, and throws it onto the kitchen counter without lifting his head from her shoulder. "You better be looking at a gunpoint, asshole. I was on the brink of taking the best nap of my life." 
"Drake!” Liam’s voice sounds through the speaker, “Lovely to talk to you too bud! I do have a question about you napping at Riley's apartment... The last time you literally slept near a woman was... Let me think…" 
Drake's head snaps up, lunging at his phone, almost throwing it into the air as he tries to take it off speakerphone, but fails miserably in his panic. 
Liam laughs, "Mmh...was it, never? Yeah, I believe it is."
Riley teasingly raises her brows, giving Drake, who’s pinching the bridge of his nose and once again inaudibly swearing, a cheeky grin. "My, My Mister Walker, should I have been the one to ask if I’m boring?"
Liam draws in a sharp breath at her calling him Mister Walker, since he always hates it when people do that, but Drake just brushes over it to his surprise. 
"Oh, no, no, I your absolutely the opposite of boring, Herreld. I can imagine life with you around being anything but dull due to all of your tumbling, twirling, and joking."
Riley smiles, “Drake Walker, is that a compliment?"
Drake snorts, “It's mostly very complicated. But you know what, I'll make you a hamburger feedback card once I figured it out, yeah?"
"Ohh," her eyes sparkle with excitement, "Including small sparkly glitter drawings?"
He scowls, "Now why the hell would I do that?"
She opens her mouth, but he stops her by placing a finger on her lips, "Don't you dare say," he puts up a Riley voice, "Because it's super cute." She pouts and he immediately drapes his hand over her face, "Stop it! I'm asking for practical, logical reasoning here. Not getting swayed over by the most annoyingly cutest pout ever."
They're so occupied with one another that they've completely forgotten about Liam, who tries to process what just came to his ear. His best friend has never, ever, ever called pouting cute. Or anything to begin with.
"Not everything has to be practical or logical, Drake. It would simply put a smile on my face, something like this..." Riley gives him a beautiful bright smile.
Drake stares at her, that drop-dead gorgeous smile instantly weakening his knees, and he knows that there is no way that the word ‘no’ is leaving his mouth after witnessing it. He huffs with folded arms, averting his eyes in annoyance, "Fine whatever. I'll make you those drawings, whatever. No biggie. Just doodling."
Liam blinks. Did Drake just agree to make cute little glitter drawings? Didn't he ask me to banish glitter a few years ago? What's going on there?  
Once again, a flawless smile has been thrown recklessly at Drake's head, and he puts his hand on her mouth to cover her smile, "I already said yes. Jeez. Enough of that."  
Riley bashes her eyelashes innocently at him.
"Yeah, you know what... I'm turning around." He turns, leaning casually with folded arms between her legs against the kitchen counter. "That's better." 
"Uhm, guys, I'm still here!" Liam carefully says, and both Drake and Riley startle at Liam's voice with a shared 'Whoa!'
"Oh, for fuck's sake Liam, I completely forgot you were there," Drake places his hand onto his thundering heart, and Riley takes a few deep breaths to compose herself. 
Liam laughs, "That was clear, bud. But generous as I am, I do accept a small little glitter drawing as a token of an apology."
 Drake pinches the bridge of his nose at his best friend's teasing, and he groans in a clear warning, "I swear to God, Li."
Liam falls silent, and Riley’s not sure why. Drake, however, knows exactly what’s going on and an even lower annoyed groan escapes him, "You're pouting, aren't you, fucking asshole?" 
“Oh absolutely,” Liam laughs, "but I doubt that it looked as annoyingly cute as Riley just did it! Oh, Riles, maybe you can give me a private pout lesson sometimes?"
Drake rolls his eyes. Here we go.  Riley, however, doesn't seem the least impressed. She lays her chin on Drake's shoulder, wrapping her arms around him, "Sorry, Liam. But my schedule is filled with being a pain in Drake's ass this week... No time for private lessons."
He glances in surprise at Riley as he's used to women eagerly taking every opportunity to spend time with his best friend, and he wasn't the only one who didn't expect the answer, as Liam also sounds a little bit startled, "Oh alright. Uhm, I’m calling to tell you that I’m running a little bit late, but I’m almost on my way. I couldn't get a hold of you." 
She sighs deeply and drops her head against Drake's shoulder blade, "Aaand there goes my surprise."
"One moment, Li," Drake puts his phone on mute, and glares over his shoulder back at Riley, "Do I want to know what you're up to, Herreld?"
"Ahhh, well... " Riley rubs her wrinkled forehead, "Liam told me this afternoon that I just have to text if I needed something, and I couldn't let you walk home...So…" 
"So, you ask the fucking King of Cordonia to come to pick me up?" 
She snorts, "It does sound kind of ridiculous if you put it like that... But yeah, that’s pretty much what I did."
"You could've called me a cab," he turns to face her again with a grin, "So what's the alternate motive here, Sparkles?"
"Whaaat? Riley squeaks, placing a hand on her chest feinting to be highly insulted, "Me? Alternate motives? I would never."
Drake stares at her with folded arms, and a look that says 'why don’t we cut the fucking bullshit.' 
"Fiiiiine," she rolls her eyes, before innocently looking up from under her eyelashes, fiddling with his drawcords, "I just wanted to give you the opportunity to tell Liam what you told me tonight. About the whole workaholic situation... You know, since you had a practice run on me."
He tries his best to avoid looking into those big beautiful eyes, and keeps his focus on her fine fingers playing with the drawcords, "And what in the world makes you think I didn't already do that?"
She withdraws her fingers, and his eyes snap up to find her returning the 'cut the fucking bullshit' look he threw her just a few seconds ago. 
“Okay, okay,” he gladly returns her a roll of the eye in response, "but this is slightly different Sparkles. This is the King of Cordonia we're talking about. His workload is bizarre."
"Look," she gently takes his cheeks in her hands, drawing his eyes to hers, "I'm not forcing you to do anything! I just wanted you to have some time with your best friend, okay? And if you do decide to share it with him, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will lead to direct changes, but sometimes it helps to get it off your chest. Just think about it, okay?" 
He sighs, averting his eyes in thought before meeting hers again, "Fine. I'll think about it."
She entwines her fingers behind his neck with a smile, "That's all I ask!"   
"Oh, Herreld, Herreld, Herreld," He shakes his head with a grin, wrapping his arms around her waist. Drake's phone's forgotten on the counter beside them. "Only you could use your one favor from a King for someone else's benefit." 
She snorts, "Don't be overly dramatic now, Walker. I'm pretty sure that I can use my cookies as a trading offer if I need something in the future!"
"Yeah, I guess you’re right," Drake pulls her closer, "Did you know he actually called to ask me, to ask you for cookies?" He narrows his eyes, "What kind of addictive stuff do you use in those pieces of heaven, Sparkles?"
Riley bites her bottom lip with a cheeky grin and pushes her body flush up against his chest until there's no space left between them, "Just a little bit of my addicting Sparkly love, Drake. Nothing more, nothing less."
He brushes his nose briefly against hers, before lowering his lips to merely a breath away from hers, "Sounds dangerously delicious."
Their eyes close, breath enhancing.
She purrs, nails hungrily piercing his sensitive skin, "Really? So, why don't you have a..."
Drake almost jumps through the ceiling, and Riley smacks her hands in front of her mouth to muffle a loud squeak as they both once again have totally forgotten about Liam. 
"Are you two still there?" Liam's voice sounds through the phone, “Guys?” 
Drake pants hard, leaning with both hands onto the counter, "For fucking Christ's sake."
Riley hides her face in her hands, snorting the adrenaline out of her system. "Oh my God."
"Oh, that bastard! Oh..." Drake's eyes start to glimmer when an idea comes to mind, "First the nap, and now this..." He takes his phone from the counter, and grins, "Miss Herreld, how would you like to mess a little with our beloved King?"
“Mister Walker!” Riley gasps overdramatically with one hand in front of her mouth, and the other decadently on her chest, “What a scandalous proposal! I’m a decent, innocent school teacher. I would never agree to tease our very own King.”
"You? Innocent? For Christ's sake, Herreld," Drake gives her a dimple-forming smirk, “You do realize that it actually takes waaaay less time to just say 'yes' instead of being a drama queen, ha?"
"Now where's the fun in that, Walker?" Riley grins cheekily and pulls him closer towards her at his sweater-vest, before wrapping her legs around him, "Let's turn those tables. You do realize that it takes waaaay less time to just accept my drama queen act, instead of starting a war your destined to lose."
"Ohh," Drake folds his arms, "Don't get cocky now, Herreld. It's a freaking huge mistake to underestimate my stubbornness, and hell no I'm backing down from a good challenge, so..." 
He stops midsentence, breath hatching in his throat when Riley gazes up at him with those big beautiful blues from under her long bashing eyelashes. She wraps his drawcords cheekily around her finger, and his eyes snap instantly down when she bites her bottom lip. "I'm sorry," she purrs in her most sultry voice, "You were saying?"
He murmurs some inaudible swearwords, turning his back towards her between her legs, but makes sure that her legs stay wrapped around him. "Un-be-fucking-lievable. How the hell is this fair? For fucks sake."
Riley drapes herself over his broad shoulders with a victorious grin, and Drake wipes his hand over her face, "Stop that! It's already absurd enough that your kryptonite-filled blues wield this 'overthrow Walker' power, Herreld. No need to rub it in."
"Seriously? Drake? Riley?" Liam's voice squeaks through the speakers.
"You better get that, Captain," she rests her chin on his shoulder with a chuckle, "would be such a shame if we would lose the chance to tease the King, ha?"
Drake groans, but brushes his nose affectionally against her cheek anyway, "You’re excruciating."
"I know, and something tells me that you wouldn't want it any other way!" He sticks out his tongue, and she teasingly places a quick peck on top of his nose.
He wrinkles his nose and unmutes his phone. "Li! We’re still here. Sorry, Herreld here is kind of a distracting pain in the ass. But on another note, it just came to my ear that you're on your way over to pick me up."
"Yes! That's what friends are for, right?"
"And I truly appreciate it! But…" Drake coughs, and the tone of his voice is suddenly sterner than Riley has witnessed the hours before. 
Liam gulps, “But?”
"You do realize that I won’t hesitate to kill you if you show up at Herreld's doorstep without my replacer, right?" 
They can hear Liam freeze, turn, and his footsteps quicken on the gravel, "Of course! Who do you take me for, Walker? You know that I would never be so stupid to leave the palace alone!"
He manages to keep up his stern voice, even when a smile escapes him, “Sooo, you didn’t sneak out by falling from your balcony into the rosebushes as you always did when we were two young idiots trying to get out without permission?" 
Riley glances sideways at Drake, her heart fluttering at the sight of his sparkling hazels at teasing his best friend and recalling the clearly treasured memories. Her hand slides affectionately around his shoulders, snuggling her nose against his cheek, and he naturally leans into her touch.
"Nope, nope, nope," they can hear Liam get out of breath, "that would be utterly stupid, right?"
"Oh, yes! That would be royally fucking stupid, Liam Rys." Drake and Riley stifle a laugh as Liam gulps. "But that means there's no problem to hand the telephone to my idiot replacer, right Li?"
Another gulp. "Uhm, no, no, no, of course not! Just let me..." They can hear a door open, "Just a second, I think he..."
"Liam Rys!" 
Riley draws in a sharp breath at Olivia's sudden ice-cold voice, and Drake puts his phone back on mute with a grin. 
"There you are! WHAT are you doing? I found this idiot wandering the hallways alone!" 
They hear a low men's voice say, "Sir."
"Josh, Hi... I uhh..." Liam stumbles. 
"Oh, for heaven's sake! Were you outside just now? And why are you dressed so..." A silence falls. "Have you been snooping around in Drake's old room?" 
"Uhh..." Liam's clearly lost for words, and Olivia keeps rambling, "Are those leaves from the rosebushes? Wait... is that an actual rose on your sleeve?"
Riley hides her face into the crook of Drake's neck, snorting loudly, "Hahaha, there is no way to talk himself out of this, right?" 
Drake grins sideways at the sight of Riley completely losing it, "Just wait for it, Sparkles. This is mister smooth we're talking about."
"Uh, yes... Yes, my love!" They hear Liam compose himself with a cough. "I was taking a stroll in our beautiful gardens when I tripped and fell head over heels before..." They hear him rip off the rose with a small 'Auch', "this beautiful rose! It reminded me of how hard I fell for you once upon a time, my heart, my love, my rose." 
Silence falls on the other side of the line, and Riley snorts even louder, "Oh my God... Is he serious?" 
Drake raises his brows in surprise at Riley's unexpected 'I’m far from impressed' expression, where expected excessive swooning and at least an 'oh my God, he's so dreamy' response. 
"Okay, okay," she wipes some tears from her cheeks, "I'm stating here and now that I will apply for vice-principal Tuesday if she buys this because that means wonders still exist, and I might have a chance."
"Wait, what?" Drake’s brows knit in confusion, "What do you mean, applying for vice-principal?" 
Riley realizes what she just said and smiles innocently, hoping for Drake to let it go since she's in no mood to go over that subject tonight, "Nothing?"
"Riiight," he looks at her with narrowed eyes in suspicion, but her reaction states clearly her not wanting to talk about it.
She blinks once more, and he rolls his eyes, deciding to let it go for now. "You know what, fine. But of course, he's going to get away with this. It's Liam saying Liam things! How could it not?" 
She shrugs, thankful for Drake letting it go, "That can be, but I'm not feeling those 'Liam words', sorry..."
They can hear excessive kissing, followed by a heavy sigh from Olivia, "Josh, take my place in the conference room..."
"Oh, I don't think I'm qualified, nor hired for that..." 
"Well, you're also not doing where you are hired for... So, let's switch. I'll watch Liam, and you go to my meeting. Any complaints, or shall I fire you on the spot?"
"Understood, my queen."
"Good. Never thought I would say this, but I'm missing that Walker idiot! AND let me be clear, if one of you ever speak of it, I will personally kill you, and very, very slow that is." 
Drake and Riley share a chuckle at the sound of two very loud gulps.
"Now. I suggest you follow me, my King. I'm going to need that silver tongue of you else were."
"Ohh," Riley chuckles, "but she's definitely feeling it."
"Soooo," they hear Liam whisper as he's being pulled away, "I'm not on my way anymore, and I'm running even later than expected."
Riley laughs, and Drake unmutes his phone to scream, "That's fine! Taaakeeee aaaalllll the time you need, bud!"
"Not so lou..."
"Liam, are you on the phone with Drake? I swear to God if he heard about me missing him..." 
They hear Liam gulp for one last time, and the line goes dead. 
Riley lets out a low whistle, lifting her head from his shoulder, "Oof. I might have to call you another ride, Drake. Not sure if we ever see him again..." Drake puts his phone away and turns to face her again with a wonderous look. 
"I just," Drake scratches his head, not sure if he should be scared of or impressed by her apparent Liam immunity, "you felt nothing? It wasn't doing anything for you?" 
"Nope," she shrugs, "nothing."
"Oh! I got it!" He throws her his most prince charming smirk and wiggles his brows, "you must have that you missed his signature, prince charming smoldering look."
"Drake," her eyes flash over his face, her hand on his forehead, "Are you okay? Do you have a fever? Oh my God, do you have a stroke? Should I call an ambulance?"
"Very funny, Herreld," he playfully smacks her hand away from his forehead. 
"Thank you, thank you! I will be here all night!" Riley performs a small, but dramatic bow before coming back up with a self-assured grin on her face, "Still convinced that stand-up isn't the way to go?"
Drake wraps his arms around her shoulders, "The only thing I'm more sure of is that you once upon a time must have fallen on your head, Herreld."
She wraps her arms around his waist with a snort, "Is it really, really, really, that hard to believe that not everyone has a soft spot for a charismatic, handsome prince charming?"
"Yes. Yes, it is." He pulls her closer with a sigh, and her head naturally tips up to meet his warm hazels. “I’ve been standing at his side for years, Herreld. First as his best friend, then as his first protector. Everything revolves around him, it always has, it always will, and if he wasn't so damn likable, I might even resent him for all of it. For God's sake! I’ve seen men and women drop to their knees at so much as his charming smile. How is it not hard to believe?"
"Mmh, okay. Fair. But there's something you seem to be forgotten, Walker!" She gently brushes a few strains of hair out of his face, and he closes his eyes at her gentle touch. "Mmh, and what's that, Sparkles?" She smiles softly and whispers, "That I'm simply not like others, Drake."
He opens his eyes with a teasing snort, "Understatement of the year, ladies and gentlemen."
"Yeah, yeah! Verry funny, Walker," Riley pushes him playfully backward with a roll of the eyes. "Why don't we stop teasing the innocent and extremely hungry teacher and get that..." She taps his butt with her foot to push him in the right direction, "sexy butt of yours behind the stove before I turn you into a pre-course."
Drake grins, "First. You can't say that you're an innocent teacher and tell me that I have a sexy butt and that you want to turn me into a pre-course in the same fucking sentence, miss Herreld." She opens her mouth in protest, but he places a finger on her lips before she can say anything. 
"Which brings me to the second point, that I'm now extremely conflicted about still wanting to cook or not." 
She gives his finger a firm bite, and he pulls his hand back with a grin. He raises a cheeky brow at her unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome move and tries to wave off the pain in his finger. "Just for your information, Herreld. This is not the motivation technique to get me behind the stove. Au contraire."
 She gasps dramatically before playfully smacking him with one of the oven mitts within her reach, “Get your head out of the gutter and that butt behind the stove, Walker.” 
"Okay, smacking, biting… the same category,” he grins, and she rolls her eyes in a miserable attempt to suppress a smile. 
"And last but not least.” Drake continued, “I never said that being different is a bad thing, Herreld.” Riley averts her eyes with a shy smile, but he draws those gorgeous blues back to meet his hazels with a gentle finger under the chin, “Once again. Au contraire.” Silence falls as they stare into each other’s eyes, and he gently drifts his thumb over her lips.
“But,” and the sudden playful smile on Drake’s face indicates a clear warning sign for ‘incoming teasing!’ “I guess you will have to wait for a definitive verdict until you receive that feedback burger at the end of this week." 
"Oh," Riley playfully smacks Drake’s hand away, tapping him once again against the butt towards the stove with her feet. "If you manage to reach the end of the week, Walker! Because you will meet hangry Riley if you keep going like this and let me tell you... she’s not a 'nice' version of me!"
He smirks over his shoulder, making his way through her kitchen as if he never cooked anywhere else in his life. He collects the needed pots, pans, and other needed cooking stuff on basic instincts, without once asking where to find them.
“Oh, God! And I'm once again conflicted. If this so-called 'nice' version of you is obsessed with smacking, biting, and kicking my butt… What will this not so 'nice' version of you do to me?”
She raises one brow, looking pretty smug with herself. There’s something about him that sparks something inside her. He makes her feel sexy and confident, something she didn't know she was capable of. She crosses her legs casually, checking her nails for chips, “You would ever be so lucky to find out, Walker.”
Drake gives her a cheeky glance over. "Innocent my freaking ass.” 
Riley shrugs and takes two beers out of the refrigerator beside her. She opens them, and hands one to Drake with an innocent smirk, “I have no idea where you’re talking about, Captain Walker. I’m innocent as hell.” She taps his beer with hers, and her eyes never leave his as she takes a big swig. 
Drake notices the sudden goddamn sexy, confident sparkle in her eye and can't help but grin. He finds himself in a situation that he’s never been in. She's been a whirlwind to deal with from the first moment they met, but it doesn't bother him. At all. On the contrary. He never felt more comfortable with someone so fast. He never found himself fully clothed in a woman's kitchen for anything else than compromising, meaningless activities after just meeting them, and yet he never felt more naked as those piercing blues peel him off layer by layer with ease. 
She's exposing him, as no one ever did, as no one ever managed to do. Because women tried. They tried hard to break through his gruff shell. To see the man underneath, even though he told them that he doesn't commit. Women tried but always failed. His thick shield always withstood, until this one came along with those kryptonite blues. Hell. He never experienced something so fun, sexy, exciting, and arousing as being here with her tonight, then all the meaningless nights in the past combined.
He has found his match in this stubborn, God damn annoyingly gorgeous pain in the ass. And once again. It doesn't even bother him. At all. 
Or at least, for now, that is. 
Until he understands what it actually means. 
Until he realizes what he already knows. 
“You know,” Drake places his beer on the small kitchen counter behind him, “I almost believe that I will not make it to the end of this week at the sight of that dangerous sparkle in your eyes, Sparkles. Almost.”
Riley folds her arms with a raised brow, "Mmh, and why’s that, Walker?" He pre-heats the oven, lights the stove under the saucepan with leftover sauce, and fills the kettle to boil some water for the pasta. 
"Because..."He's beside her again in less than a second. His hand drifts up over her leg until he reaches her thigh and whispers in a dangerous, low husky voice, "you miss Herreld, are dying to see my very tough, extremely manly glitter drawings that come with that feedback burger at the end of this week." 
"Ohh," she lets out a shaky breath as his hand on her thigh sends electrifying shivers through her whole body. "You don't play fair, Walker." 
He steps back with a grin, and she whimpers lightly at his strong hand leaving her thigh. "That's rich coming from you, miss Bambi blues!" He dives into to refrigerator with a wink and comes up with a case of fresh spaghetti.
"I can't help genetics, Walker!" Riley smiles, pointing her beer bottle in hand at the box filled with fresh spaghetti in his hand, "Oh, and we need two more cases of those, Walker!" 
"Two more?" Drake narrows his eyes in suspicion since he's sure that one is already too much food for the both of them but takes two extra out of the refrigerator, nevertheless. He also grabs a freshly frozen pizza out of the small but expertly stuffed freezer and slides it into the preheated oven. He looks at her while adding the pasta to the boiling water, "So, Sparkles... Just so I know where I'm getting myself into. Are you inviting the whole hallway to join us for dinner?"
"Ha! Oh, no, no, no, Walker!" Riley snorts, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you want to spend the next two hours answering questions about when you're planning to propose, our wedding is set, and when you're going to knock me up? I absolutely love these people to the death, but they get way too excited if there's even a whiff of what might be a change in my non-existent love life." She takes a swig of beer, "No, thank you!"
Drake throws her a sly grin while giving the leftover sauce a good stir. "Well, excuse me, Herreld, but I do have to correct you here. We know each other for," he glances down at his watch, "five fucking hours. It's about goddamn time that we have a talk about you when you're going to make an honest man out of me." He laughs at his own joke, but Riley, almost chokes on the sip of beer she just took, and her coughing makes him snap out of it. He looks up to find the horror practically dripping off her face. 
"Jeez, Herreld!" He leaves the sauce, gently pats her back and her coughing slowly fades. "It was just a fucking joke. Easy."
"Oh, thank God, a joke," Riley places in relief a hand on her heart before taking a few deep breaths, "Are you trying to kill me, Walker? Sarcastically joking, and deliberately not wrinkling your nose..." She takes a big sip of her beer to smear her throat and ease her nerves. 
Drake's annoyance caused by her reaction instantly turns into confusion. I didn't wrinkle my nose? 
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Thank you so much for reading!
Catch up if you want at the 'A Walker knows, when a Walker knows' --Masterlist--
Nine, Italian nights, part two is coming soon!
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33 notes · View notes
jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Prologue (OHTY)
Open Heart: Third Year Rewrite
Book: Open Heart, Book 3 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Words: 1K Premise: A new year, a new relationship, and a new Edenbrook. Will everything go as smoothly as they had planned?
Author’s Note: That summary sucks but this is my OHTY rewrite. I plan to make it dramatic. And angsty af. Here we go! Hope you like it. 
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Prologue: His Beloved 
Caroline's eyes roamed the cavernous space, taking in the upgrades with something akin to wonder. Even from afar, he could see that sparkle in her eyes, the curiosity that was ever present whenever she beheld his newest innovation. It was enough to inspire anyone to conquer the world itself. 
Now more than ever, something burned in his stomach: The urge to hold her. The despair and rage at being unable to. 
As the seconds ticked by, his wife remained silent, nodding and humming here and there. Her soft, expressive brown eyes fell on the new kiosk at the reception desk and she quietly chuckled. A delicate, gloved hand hovered over the gleaming surface, almost as if she was afraid to touch it. 
“These are the same ones I suggested for the Princeton tech lab.” 
With the words, came a memory, unfurling before Leland's mind like a heavy mist. Their last trip to Paris, gazing at the Eiffel Tower from the patio of a small but elegant café. Caroline's hand in his from across the table as they talked about the Princeton project, her smile far more beautiful than the whole city in Springtime. 
“You thought of everything, my love.” Her eyes met his with such sadness, he was certain she remembered too. 
“We will be the prime research facility on the East Coast by the time we're done with the renovations,” he told her, willing her to understand he was doing everything to remedy their situation. 
At this, her smile turned genuine, shining with pride. “You're going to help so many people.”
Leland almost scoffed. He didn't give a damn about other people. 
Before he could blurt out the bitter words, however, Arthur, his driver, approached with a single nod at Caroline. She sighed, returning her gaze to Leland. 
“I must go if I am to board the train on time.”
“If you miss it, you can always just take the jet. It's much faster and comfortable anyway.”
Her soft laugh was the best thing he'd heard all day. 
“You know me, my love. I will enjoy the view of the countryside any opportunity I get.” And this time, when she paused, there was undeniable misery in the way her eyes shone. “Plus, you know I'm a nostalgic old woman. Train travel will always have a special place in my heart.”
They had met on a train for the first time many years ago. 
The words hurt more than the prospect of not seeing his wife for months. They had mutually decided that time in the serene seaside town of York would be beneficial for her. Rather, Caroline, unable to bear their forced distance much longer without breaking down into tears, decided this was the best temporary solution. 
“Shall I wait outside?” Arthur asked politely. 
With a start, Caroline seemed to wake from a reverie. “I'll be right out, Arthur.”
After the driver disappeared through the glass doors, Caroline turned to Leland, her body almost quivering with the restraint of keeping its distance. Instead of the customary kiss and hug goodbye, they simply gazed at one another, Caroline with palpable despair, Leland with renewed determination. 
“Goodbye, my love,” she murmured, the sound almost lost in the hubbub of the atrium. 
Leland heard it, though, as loud and final as the clashing of iron bells. 
“Goodbye, Caroline.”
Before long, she turned on her heel and walked out the doors with as much dignity as a broken heart allowed. 
Leland, meanwhile, remained fixed to the spot, watching her go. The pain of his own suffering was muted by the fierce rush of conviction. The determination to find a cure was the last tether holding him to sanity. 
Before he could move or even think about anything else, a note of delighted laughter echoed nearby. His eyes fell on a couple, traversing through the atrium hand in hand. The lively brunette gazed up at the tall and seemingly brooding man, her eyes sparkling with adoration. When the man finally submitted to her teasing , it was clear that he, too, was completely besotted by her. 
“... not a hospital. More like an Apple store,” she was saying. 
“What the hell is an Apple store?” 
“Oh, that's right. You're a sworn Android user, I forgot.”
Ethan Ramsey rolled his eyes. 
“They're phones, Lilac. The rivalry between the two is absurd when people use them equally to waste their lives away.”
This time, it was Lilac Allende who rolled her eyes, but not without a loving smile. “You're such a senior citizen sometimes.”
Ethan halted his steps at that proclamation, tugging at their joined hands and pulling her close to him. Lilac's small cry of surprise melted into one of knowing amusement under the intensity of his roguish smile. Without much preamble, he leaned in and whispered something that made her both blush and nod, impressed. 
“You're an incorrigible flirt, Ethan Ramsey,” she tried to admonish, but the effect was tarnished by how pleased she sounded. 
Ethan, undeterred, murmured something else into her ear. With a very serious expression, he pulled back to look into her face. There was no humor left in their expressions as they gazed at one another, only pure longing and affection. Then, he held the tip of her chin in gentle fingers, like the most delicate of songbirds, leaned in and kissed her. 
Leland glanced away, unwilling to accept there could be love and affection in the world. Teeth clenched, his eyes returned to the couple before he could avoid it. It was almost as if they were flaunting their romance for everyone, including Leland, to see. 
They couldn't do anything for Caroline and now they taunted him. 
The bitter burn of jealousy and rage pumped through his veins like a poison with every beat of his heart. 
That  the two doctors could touch and love so unabashedly was…unacceptable. 
“Have a good day,” Lilac whispered to her beloved before moving away. 
Their hands were still clasped and Ethan seemed unable to let her go. He tugged her again and Lilac looked at him curiously. The man looked on the verge of saying something, his throat working in the small pause. Then, appearing to change his mind, he kissed her forehead instead. 
Ethan Ramsey didn't have to say a goddamn thing for Leland to know. Leland had looked at his Caroline the same way before uttering the three words.
Ethan was in love with her. 
The solution struck Leland with such intensity that he remained immobile. It was so simple, he felt like a fool for not having thought of it before. At last, he knew of a surefire way to secure Caroline's cure. 
“Sir?” His assistant, Parker, enquired when Leland silently beckoned. 
“Have Ethan Ramsey meet me in my office this afternoon,” he commanded simply. “Make it clear the meeting is not optional.”
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Author’s Note: The following chapters will be longer! I won’t have a posting schedule. I think I’ll just post these bad boys as they’re ready. Approximately weekly? Thank you so much for reading this far!
As a side note, this will be Ethan x MC centric. I will try to include other characters but I can’t promise you much. Also, I’ve kept some things from the original mess that is book 3, but the overall plot will differ. (Hey crazy idea but if any of my mutuals wants to write for other characters, hit me up?)
Chapter 1 coming soon!
*Tagging in a reblog*
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