#I'm still super excited about the show 😊
fuckedupsociety155 · 1 year
Just found out about the GO leak. Let's just remember that this was Amazon's fuck up and not the fans, ok? Let's try to not divide into factions of who did the right thing and who didn't cuz this was shared by an official source, so it's absolutely normal for fans to get excited and share it around. You can be upset about the leak but but but let's project that on to saying a big FUCK YOU to Amazon and maybe try to unite and turn this into an opportunity to support the writer's strike. How about that?
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doctorbunny · 1 month
More serious summary of the livestream
Unfortunately I can't provide a full translation because the entire time I was watching in autistic excitement like 😊🥰🤩 whilst my brain melted out my ears and didn't pick up on a lot
Luckily, I have a feeling someone will get around to translating this stream eventually since they finally had the BGM on a lower volume so everyone was audible the whole time Without further ado:
We started with introductions seating order is Yamanaka, Yurina (Es' VA), Minami (Amane's VA), Ryouta (Kazui's VA) and DECO (who dyed his hair blonde) They each have one of the 4th anniversary acrylic stands in front of them The actors have their characters but Yamanaka has Haruka and DECO has Muu
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Yamanaka admitted to being a Haruka oshi/fan
Then Minami talks about being a Fuuta fan (she calls him cool) and she's handed the Fuuta stand and she pushes the Fuuta and Amane stand next to each other (and jokes about their height difference then imitates Fuuta going zenbu zenbu zenbu!)
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But then Yurina sticks her Es stand in between them to separate them
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And then they move the Amane stand next to the Kazui one and everyone coos
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Before moving Amane and Fuuta back together in front of Minami Then they basically just lift all of the stands up on to the table and continue on
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They discuss their thoughts on the trial
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Looking at who got voted inno and guilty Minami is happy Amane got inno but has no idea how Mikoto wasn't guilty They note that the audience wasn't very happy with Kotoko for beating up the other prisoners Then they give some thoughts on the MVs from Daisuki to Deep cover They get most excited talking about Cat and Purge March Kazui says that he was able to put the right emotions into Cat because he recorded the voice drama first Yurina and Minami actually caused the microphone to peak with their excited shrieks at one point (ow)
They answer some audience submitted questions One question was answered along the lines of "Be prepared" One was submitted in English and they tried to but couldn't read it Then they got a question (in Japanese) from someone from 韓国/South Korea [side note: I feel like the south korean milgram fandom has gotten more prominent recently, its always been there but it feels bigger than ever and that's pretty cool]
After audience questions they made a few announcements Some things we already knew, the gratte cafe crossover, the Kotoko line stickers, Earbuds are still on sale (and they're making badges and stuff based on the earbud promo art) the 4th anniversary art/acrylici stands literally in front of them Then some new things: Minigram LINE stamps (everyone was especially pleased for the Kazui XP stamp) There's going to be a part 2 to the Karaoke collab (no details yet other than its coming)
They also announce this year's perk for annual members [the pain of being an annual member but living outside of Japan so you can't get these 😭] Blank lamenated cards of the prisoner's interrogations and a whiteboard pen so you can write your own interro questions and answers They bring out the cards for Kazui and Amane and do some examples
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"Do you like cake?" "I don't eat it."
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"What did you have for lunch today?" "Gyudon." [a beef and rice dish]
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Then Minami just writes "Toilet paper" in katakana and everyone laughs (Then she writes Toilet paper rap/lap/wrap and I'm not sure what she means)
Most exciting is script books for the Hallucenation liveshow (scripts of the voice dramas and songs) The live show uses condensed versions of the voice dramas but this is the first time we'll have official transcripts of key moments to help check translations with
Then they start saying that T2 was hellish, but T3 is going to go beyond hell: They're going to send everyone to Super Hell And at this point my brain fries and overloads on eeby deeby memes as they all go back and forth talking about Super Hell
They all start doing their outros/saying goodbye
Yurina talks about upcoming challenges we have as guards meanwhile Yamanaka ominously holds the Haruka stand up in frame
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Then that's basically it, not much going on because a lot of stuff (like Hallucenation, the plushes, earbuds) came out right before the 4th anniversary
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wonuwrites · 1 month
hiii, if it's not a problem, can I request seventeen's reaction to their s/o being adored by cats? like, every time they go on a walk, there's at least one kitty that comes to them and wants to be petted
love your work!!! 😊
Ahhh not a problem at all! This sounds SO freaking cute I'm so excited to write it <33
Warnings: it's gonna be cute af, cats lmao
p.s: bc im writing about cats I wanna show off my babies ~ the Tuxedo is Shadow and White Cat is Stewie.
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ღ S Coups:
omg Seungcheol would get heart eyes everytime a stray cat came up to you and rubbed up against you. You both would be doing your daily late night walk and an orange tabby would run straight to you you would drop Seungcheol's hand just to give the tabby some attention. Even though Seungcheol would fake pout everytime you chose a cat over his hand, he found it so precious how soft you were with cats and vice versa.
ღ Jeonghan:
When you first told Jeonghan cats loved you, he thought you were all talk. He didn't realize how true it was until one came up to you after one of your dates and just rubbed up on you. He jokingly called you a Disney Princess and it honestly was the best and most real compliment you have ever received. Whenever a cat ever came up to you, he would laugh in disbelief but he would love the fact that animals loved you just as much as he did.
ღ Joshua:
The majority of Jisoo's camera roll was with you and cats. You often would joke with each other that if you had to choose between cats vs him, you would choose cats. While that was not true in the slightest, Jisoo still would "respect" his place. There would be times where he would have to be voice of reason when you would want to take a new kitten or cat home which would be bittersweet but you would know he was right.
ღ Jun:
As a cat as well, Jun would completely understand why cats loved you. You were so calm and cute so it just makes sense. When cats would walk up to you, he swore he fell in love with you even more especially as you would crouch down and coo at them. He found it to be such a green flag that you were so good with animals.
ღ Hoshi:
Tell me why he'd be jealous of a cat? Not actually "jealous jealous" but would be like "yah, get your own partner. (y/n) is mine." He found it amusing whenever it happened because not only was the cats completely enamored by you but you also were. You would coo and would make up "back stories" about each cat that came up to you. If you ever saw the same cat twice, Soonyoung would be like "Oh yeah, it's Frederick the Third who really loves mischief and belly rubs" which would make you laugh because he remembered the back story. He would never admit it, but finding cats on your evening walks was the highlight of his day.
ღ Wonwoo:
tbh, the cats would be coming up to BOTH of you constantly. Something about Wonwoo and you just radiated such peace that cats just knew. You both found it a bit comical but also super wholesome that it happened as often as it did. If it ever happened when you weren't together, you both would either take a picture or FaceTime the other. Honestly, it would always make you both talk about adopting a cat together one day. Both of you would always get excited about the thoughts of making future plans like that together <3
ღ Woozi:
Similarly to Jeonghan, Jihoon would have some doubts about your claims of being a "cat magnet." He knocked the first few times as a "coincidence" but after awhile, he realized you were right. He found it so precious and would smirk when he would see an adorable four legged friend stretch before running up to both of you. He'd find it precious seeing you smile wide as you stared at a skittish cat that got nervous when Jihoon crouched down next to you too look at the kitten that decided to walk up to you. You would softly tell the kitten that Jihoon's muscles were all for show and he was a softie which would cause him to scoff and make mental note to show you how much "for show" they were later on.
ღ DK:
Seokmin would find it hilarious when you would just be walking and a cat would just be following close behind you begging for your attention with 'meows' and purrs. You would just give him a look of "I told you so," before playing with the kitten that so desperately wanted your attention. He found it so precious that he would film it and send it to both the 97 group chat and Seventeen group chats. His friends would be so jealous at your talents with cats and would ask you constantly for tips on how to get random cats to love you which would just make Seokmin feel so proud lol.
ღ Mingyu:
Mingyu was shocked when he realized it was not just cats and him that were obsessed with you. Whenever you both went on a walk together animals would ALWAYS come up to you. It could be cats, dogs, or even a crow. You would always mimic the noises of the animals and the animals would just act so happy that you were communicating with them. Honestly, it made him fall more in love with you.
ღ Minghao:
You know his infamous giggle? The bestest giggle in this whole wide world? Well it would star when you both would hear meows from behind you and noticed your charms worked on a grey long haired cutie. You would coo at the kitty and Minghao would coo at you. He found this sight to be the cutest thing EVER. He would take pictures and would even name the cats with you. For instance, this gray kitty y'all just found was named "Jinkies."
ღ Seungkwan:
Seungkwan would be flabbergasted that his partner was some character from a Disney movie. He would find it absolutely precious when he would see cats run up and look at you when you went on walks with each other. He often would find it funny because half the time you would get 'tired' of this talent you had. Sometimes you wanted to just enjoy time with him and when a cat came up, you just had to pet the kitty and ignore your busy man. It would make you feel guilty but he would always reassure you that it was okay.
ღ Vernon:
The first time it happened, he thought it was a freak occurrence. As did you. In fact, it was with Hansol when you realized you were the cat whisperer. It would be weird if a cat did NOT come up to you when you both on your nights. He would laugh if you got sulky because you didn't see an four legged friend on your walk. He would tease you that you were "losing your touch" which would cause you to roll your eyes and playfully push him.
ღ Dino:
Chan swore you had catnip or tuna in your pockets because there was just no way. So before your went on a walk, you emptied both of your pockets to prove him wrong. When he was satisfied you both left and ironically three damn cats showed up on your walk. He would be so flabbergasted and would laugh his infamous laugh. You would tell him it's a sign and you both should get a furbaby child soon which he would agree.
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
I think Demetri x chubby!bimbo!Reader is such a fun idea. it would be great to see their dynamic, how they treat each other, how they flirt in front of everyone which makes Reader blush, Demetri being proud to show her off because he never imagined being with such a woman, etc. I'm also super interested in seeing them in a more spicy and steamy dynamic. any ideas about that?
love your writing btw this is one of my fave accounts on this app
So many ideas, I need to make headcanons. And omg 🙈🙈 I feel so honored to be one of your faves. I never know how to respond to such things, so thank you 😊
Demetri Alexopoulos x Chubby!Bimbo!Reader Headcanons
CW: fluff and smut hdcns, piv sex, oral (fem receiving), illusions to monstercock!Demetri,
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🤓 talk about the unlikeliest of couple to grace the earth. Their friends definitely didn't see this one coming but as soon as they see them together, they get it.
🤓 Reader is smitten by Demetri. His smarts make her fall head over heels for him every time he opens his mouth. He can be talking about the most random shit and she'll have goo goo eyes the whole time. Omg she's hanging off of every word he says and in the beginning of their relationship, he doesn't even realize she's gawking.
🤓 long make out sessions where she sits on his lap and the rest of the world disappears. They're so caught up in each other that no one else even matters. They'll be sitting for so long and someone will come up to them, try to get their attention, and realize it's futile then walk away, leaving Reader and Demetri to their own devices.
🤓 when things start to get a little more sexual in the relationship, Demetri is a little nervous. He's impressed Reader up to this point but he doesn't want to under perform in bed. He's seen porn videos but knows that isn't enough. So when it's time to get down and dirty with her, he takes the time to learn everything she likes.
🤓 eating her out is easily the best way to get her super excited, and also ready to take him. Her fingers in his hair are magic, and he loves it when she tugs on his dark locks and moans his name, bucks her hips into his face. He has to hold her waist to keep her still, usually meaning his fingers dig into the fat of her hips and give her that extra sensation.
🤓 she loves riding him and he loves watching. Taking his big fat cock as deep as possible, working her way down his length until their hips meet, and she bucks her hips, grinding down on him, sending him to heaven. She moans his name and gushes about how deep he is inside of her, how full she feels. It's a rollercoaster, one she could ride for hours, overstimulate herself on and not even realize it. She just knows he makes her feel good.
🤓 especially when he hits it from the back. He somehow reaches further and pounds her fat cunt into oblivion. He leaves little crescent shapes on her hips from his nails, fucking her hard and deep. She begs for more and he has to stop himself from going that extra round immediately after the last one so he can take care of her properly, make sure she has enough water and a break in between rounds. Sometimes during the break she decides her pussy has had enough, but other times she leans back on one hand and uses the other to play with her puffy folds, beckoning him to come fuck her again.
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Can and will do more of this dynamic. If you have any ideas/asks/headcanons, send them to my ask box ;)
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Hi can I request 141 + Los Vaqueros + Konig with Dutch!Male reader who celebrates carnaval with them
Basically how the dutch celebrate is to dress up in costumes or be in the Prins/Prinses carnaval basically schools choose somebody to be a prince or princess and minister for carnaval.
Maybe the reader feels sad they can't celebrate it with their family/friends so they throw him a small party with the traditional carnaval clothing to make him feel better?
Anyways thanks for reading my rant I became prince carnaval last week so my dutch brain is breaking-
[A/n:I never knew the Dutch did that, that's super cool, and congratulations i bet that super exciting to be 😊. Thank you for requesting]
Summary:They throw you a traditional Dutch party since you can't be with your family
Type:Scenario:141 + Los Vaqueros + König X Dutch M!Reader, tad bit of König X M!Reader
The main reason they throw the party was because they seen how sad you looked when you realized you wouldn't be home. It was Alejandro's plan, and Alejandro knows how to party. Rodolfo did research on Dutch party's to tell Alejandro. The Los Vaqueros had everything planned, it would be ready tonight they just need to keep you occupied long enough to set it up. Price and Gaz would take you out for lunch hopefully making you alittle better. You three surprisingly hung out around 3 to 4 hours, due to Gaz asking you all about Dutch party's, to send more information to Alejandro. You were very excited to talk about it.
"Oh my God Gaz I'm gonna have to take you to a REAL traditional party with all my family, you'd love it, also did you know I'm the Prince Carnaval"
Next was Soap, he decided to take you alone. Bring you to walk around the center of town were all the fun stores are, he just picked you up from tour little lunch date with Price and Gaz. You guys almost spend like 500 dollars, in one store. You guys can't be taken to a mall, or free-market that's for sure. But it was so much fun, finding thing that not only reminds you of home, but thing you can decorate your room with, make it feel more homey.
"Oh my, SOAP! Look at this, see how it glows under light. Yeah, i wish I could show my mom, it looks like something she'd put in the kitchen"
Lastly, Ghost and König taking you in the longest way to get back to the base. Just so everyone else could get there on time. König was driving, that eas better for him since he doesn't know you all that well. Well, not as much as the others, he knows you but just enough to be invited to the party. The car ride was mainly silent, there wasn't much to talk about. But you sudden slide to the middle seat, leaning in between the two. Ghost didn't notice you at first but when he did he pushed you back.
"Put your seat belt on! And don't stick your head between the seats, what if we got into a reck?"
You rolled your eyes before buckling your seat belt. Once Ghost seen your seat buckled he sat back in his seat. Looking at König you noticed how he seemed go be voned out, taking this time to get a good look at him. Taking in every detail and small feature, you looked him over a few times just enjoying the view, you've heard he was eye candy before but you never took those people seriously. But know looking him over, seeing how his shirt wasn't covered by gear, and how it wasn't a tight fitted shirt like how Ghost had on, it was nice. His sleeves were rolled up too, causing you to have a great view of his arms. Looking into the mirror next to Königs head(I forgot what it was called)You looked at his mask covered face, all you could see was his eyes but you didn't care, his eyes were a blue, not necessarily dark or light, his long brown eyelashes making his eyes even more pretty with the way they kinda pop out. You wish you could see his whole face but you can't, either way he was still beautiful and you'd certainly tell him. Smiling a lovestruck smile at him through the mirror you continued to stare as you three drove. Soon enough you guys arrived, you still were staring at him tho. Hearing fingers snapping by your head you shook your head and looked over at Ghost.
"Done staring love bird?"
Was all he said before stepping out of the vehicle. You huffed and hurried out of the car. Talking their heads off about your day you didn't even realize what was happening. König opened the door for you causing you to blush abit saying a small thank you, as you three walked to the lounge. You were cut off by cloth being thrown at you. Taking it off and looking up. You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand.
"Hurry and go change, your a Dutch prince right?"
Alejandro said with a small laugh. His laugh was cut off with you crushing him in a hug. He let out a small gasp, not expecting a hug.
"Oh thank you Alejandro, het betekent veel voor me"
Alejandro wasn't sure what you said exactly but he's glad he made you happy. You ran off to your room to put the costume on, that Alejandro picked out.
"This was a good idea Alejandro"
Price said patting the mans shoulder. Alejandro gave a nod to the captain, and they all waited for you to return. When you did Gaz made everyone do a clap, for the Prince of course. Today was an amazing day for you. The lunch, the stores, the ride home, and then the party? It was amazing. You told them hundreds of thank yous but you couldn't help it. You'll have to get them all back eventually but how?
[A/n:I hope you enjoyed.]
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cindersfireplace · 4 months
4town Valentine's Day 💘
Jesse, Taeyoung, Aaron T, and Aaron Z walk through the hallway to their hotel room after taking a stroll around the neighborhood:
Taeyoung: There's nothing like bird watching on a calm afternoon.
Aaron T: I'm just glad there was an ice cream truck. That was one of the best chocolate cones I've ever had. Thanks for helping me chase it down Z.
Aaron Z: *walks behind him exhausted* Anything for you buddy 😊
Jesse: You good Z?
Aaron Z: *gasping * Yeah when I catch my breath next week I'll be able to function again 😮‍💨
Jesse: I wish Robaire came with us. It's good to get outside once in a while.
Taeyoung: I'm sure he has his reasons.
*Jesse opens the hotel room door*
Jesse: Yeah probab- sweet cheese and crackers! What's all this!?
*The room is decorated with heart, banners, balloons, pillows, roses, and LOTS of candles*
Robaire: Welcome home my friends! I thought I would put up some decorations for Valentine's Day. *Sigh* Love is in the air.
Aaron Z: I didn't know love smelt like *sniffs* vanilla and *picks up a candle* … Late winter breeze. Whatever the heck that smells like.
Jesse: We were gone for like an hour? How?
Robaire: I'm very efficient when I'm passionate about something.
Taeyoung: So that's why Jess is always yelling at you to do your taxes.
Aaron Z: Were you not efficient enough to get any cookies or candy?
Robaire: That will be for the gift exchange.
Aaron T: Why can't we just buy cards?
Robaire: Because first of all the 4town best friend Valentine's super special gift yearly extravaganza exchange -
Aaron Z: I still say we should shorten the name.
Robaire: -is a time to appreciate each other's gifts and is a testament to how well we know each other. I love giving gifts and I put a lot of thought into them.
Jesse: And I very much still appreciate those custom ‘Art Dad’ oven mitts, but shouldn't we be focusing on our gig that day? The 4townies are so excited to see us perform One True Love live for the first time next week, and after the show I want to go to bed.
Robaire: Then go right to bed on another day of the year but you have to be there for the opening of gifts. Besides we've already drawn names for it so no going back now.
Jesse: Fiiiine if I must.
Robaire: That's the spirit.
Jesse: Uh I think a spirit is what we'll be if all of these candles stay lit. This is most definitely a fire hazard. I'm only agreeing if I get to put half of them out.
Robaire: Fiiiine. If I must.
Aaron T: We've known each other for a while shopping for each other should be easier. Right Z?
Aaron Z: Totally….
*Skip to the day before Valentine's Day at the mall*
Aaron Z: …Not.
Jesse: Come on Z it'll be fine.
Aaron Z: Not when I'm shopping for Robaire it won't. I don't know what to buy and he's definitely gonna try to one up us with his amazing gift.
Jesse: Does anything else in this world motivate you quite like your need to be better than Robaire?
Aaron Z: Absolutely, this is just a continuous priority of mine.
Jesse: So no then. Got it.
Aaron Z: I will search through every isle of this mall if it kills me. I will be victorious.
Jesse: Or you could breathe and let it go…and he's gone. Valentine's is gonna be fun.
*The next day*
Taeyoung: That must have been our best performance yet! Everybody was so excited, and despite my mild fear of heights trying to convince me otherwise, the rising heart platforms weren't so bad after all.
Robaire: Told you it would be incredible!
Jesse: Anyways now that that's over we can open gifts now.
Aaron T: Yeah guys the sooner we get this over with the sooner old man Jesse can take his nap.
Jesse: I'm not ol-
Aaron Z (whispering to Aaron T) You just want to get candy from your gift don't you?
Aaron T (whispering back): Shhhh I just care about Jesse's health…and my blood sugar.
Robaire: Anyways, who wants to go first?
Taeyoung: Me! I got T! Here you go! *Shoves present box into his hands*
Aaron T: YESSS! *Opens package* *gasp* It's a book of skateboard tricks! These are some of the most advanced out there and….a box of chocolate. Thankyou *hugs Taeyoung and whispers* This is why your my favorite.
Taeyoung: No problem at all.
Aaron T: So I guess it's my turn to give and I got Jesse *gives him a very messily wrapped package with 50 bows on it*
Jesse: Geez this looks interesting *opens the box* *gasp* ITS THE SUPER SMOOTH 3000! I've been trying to find this blender for months! My fruit smoothies will be so much better now! Thank you *lifts Aaron T off the ground in a hug*
Aaron T: Your *cough cough* welcome. Could you please put me down now?
Jesse: *Drops Aaron T* I'm next and I got Taeyoung. So here you go?
Taeyoung: *Carefully takes the box from his hand and opens it* Woah! Bird watching goggles! They even have little doves on them! Thanks Jess. I'm gonna have so much fun taking these to the park.
Jesse: I'm so glad you like them. They were some of the best I could find.
Aaron Z: I guess Robaire and I are last. You can go first Ro 😊
Robaire: No, I insist. You go first 😁
Aaron Z: Well this day means the most to you so you should go 😊
Robaire: And I like to share that joy with my friends so you should go 😁
Aaron Z: You.
Robaire: You.
Aaron Z: YOU.
Robaire: YOU!
*While these two keep going back and forth Taeyoung and Aaron T give each other a look and then open the presents themselves (whilst Jesse has too little sleep in him to deal with this)*
Taeyoung: Wow Robaire this is a really nice Destiny ‘s Child record.
Robaire: That's the exact one we listened to when we first met 🫢
Aaron T: Dang Z you got this cool basketball trophy. It even says ‘best basketball player I know ‘. Nice Sentiment.
Aaron Z: That was one of the first things I told you that I dreamed of receiving 😯
*They hold the gifts in their hands for a moment appreciating them*
Aaron Z: *clearly struggling* Th-th-th-
Robaire: Are you trying to say thank you?
Aaron Z: Nah I'm trying to say ‘That's all folks’. Yes I'm trying to say thankyou. Anyways thank you … for … this.
Robaire: Then I guess I want to say thank you too…I guess.
Jesse: Awww this is too sweet.
Aaron T: Maybe it wasn't about who got the best present after all?
Robaire: Mhm. Even though we all know it was me.
Aaron Z: Wh- if anything it was me!
Robaire: No you didn't!
Aaron Z: I got you the record that you sorry self was too BROKE for when we first met!
Robaire: I got you a CUSTOM TROPHY 🏆! Do you know how much that is in this economy?!
Aaron Z: But did I ask-
Robaire: But my-
Aaron Z: No but Robaire answer the question. Answer the question! Did I ask though? Did I?
Robaire: No but you can't just throw that in my face when I'm trying to be nice.
Aaron Z: Clearly not nice enough to admit I'm better…
*Senseless arguing continues in the background*
Jesse: T! They were this 🤏🏻 close to having a nice moment.
Aaron T: Sorry, I was just trying to bring some positivity.
Taeyoung: I'm positively sure they will be arguing for a while so I'm just gonna go now.
Jesse: Agreed. *yawn* 🥱 I'm going to sleep.
Aaron T: And I shall consume all this chocolate within the hour. I love Valentine's Day!
*Later that night Aaron Z and Robaire go to bed setting their gifts down on their night stands smiling at them and then turning the lights out to sleep*
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rwrbficrecs · 1 year
May Faves
I’m finally here with the first instalment of Monthly Favourites 🥳 
This is going to be a Monthly post I’ll be doing with a round up of my favourite fics I’ve read the past month. I’ve picked a few to write longer thoughts on, and will add smaller thoughts for the rest. If I did long reviews for every fic, I don’t think I could keep up with this every month, but rest assured I loved every fic mentioned in this post!! Majority will be completed fics but there is a “WIP” section as well 😊
Happy reading, & if you enjoy this sort of content please let me know! 🥰
Let Loose Your Glow by @athousandrooms I’ve been following along with this fic during its WIP stage and it was completed recently! So of course I had to binge the whole thing and it was so worth the wait. It’s a fake dating fic that is SO soft!! Alex & Henry are so sweet in this fic and the slow burn is so !!! ahh no words but honestly this is one of those fics you can reread again and again and still feel all the feels over and over. Such a beautifully written fic!!
All the Old Showstoppers by @cha-melodius I’ve never watched any of the “Bake Off” shows (so I think any references went right over my head) BUT I enjoyed this fic so much regardless of my lack of “Bake Off” viewing. I loved reading about Henry and Alex’s journey as contestants on the show, but what was even more delightful was the growing feelings between them!! Also the ✨seductive spoon licking✨
i wake with your memory over me (that's a real fucking legacy) by @coffeecatsme Alex is Henry’s ski instructor in this fic - and from the get go I loved their interactions with each other! I also really loved the brother-sister dynamic between Henry and Bea in this!! 
YourMusicSucksAndYouLookLikeADickhead by @cloudywilmon Alex & Henry as neighbours is always such a fun time and this fic is no exception. It’s a super funny fic, and I especially love how Nora is written in this as well!
Count The Stars And Constellations by @everwitch-magiks Ohh my gosh, I loved this fic so much that I reread it about 3 times last month. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions reading this fic (excitement? frustration? Is heart-eyes an emotion? Cause that’s the only way to describe how I felt at the ending). Seriously read this beautiful fic 🥺
a rich and complex tapestry by @everwitch-magiks I feel like I could just repeat the review I wrote for everwitch’s other fic and it would still all apply for this one too. I was yet again going completely heart-eyed at the ending of this fic. I have no words to describe how much I loved this one?!
all's well that ends well to end up with you by @evanbuvkley This is such a sweet fic!! Alex accidentally kisses Henry and I love how things just spiral from there!!! Just go read it, you’ll love it I promise. 
Paint Stain Smiles by schmulte I loved the way Alex & Henry’s friendship develops in this fic (and of course the way the romance happens!!). The nude modelling is a lovely bonus. 
i just think about you all the time by @livinginrhythm Omg I just … loved everything about this fic? Alex is Catherine’s equerry which made me so intrigued at how things were going to turn out and the ending definitely had me screaming from the feels! 
✨More Faves✨
A little off the top by @clottedcreamfudge A hilarious misunderstanding!
bend the rules by @tedddylupin Blossoming romance during Covid Lockdown? Yes please
catch my breath to breathe your name by @jamespttr Really loved this fic - really wanted to shake some sense into Henry in this one!! 
Cognac and Malaise by M0ssPiglet Pez and Henry’s friendship here - loved it so much!
he got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue by @evanbuvkley Really sweet!! Also love that the rest of the Super Six feature 
(la)cross(e) my heart by weather_stained I found this fic so funny and Alex is perfectly written in this!!
like i'm the stranger here. by @chaa-kiao Love coworker AUs! The boys are very sweet in this - but also the angst!!! 
Cabin Fever by selkies_and_stars I love a fake dating fic!! Even better when they’re fake dating on a cruise ship (plus they’re also roommates AND there’s bed sharing). Their pining for each other had me wanting to shake them both.
for you alone by fel24601 Ok I LOVE this fic. I love how Henry and Alex’s relationship develops, I love how fluffy this fic is, I loved the smut, just everything about this fic is so lovely. It hasn’t been updated in a year BUT even in its unfinished state I found it very satisfying as it is. Even if it never gets finished I would reread it over and over!! Such a beautifully written fic - go give it some love. 
Ghosted by @cockleshells I really love the plot of this fic - it’s so different and definitely such an intriguing concept. Don’t be put off by the “Major Character Death” tag (and I say this as someone who avoids that tag like the plague) I’ve ignored it in this case because the author also tags “i can at least promise you guys a happy ending” so that’s defs been enough to assuage my fears. It’s an amazing fic so far, so give it a read!!
Never a Guarantee by @clottedcreamfudge If you haven’t already been following this fic - what are you doing!! Loving everything about this fic - it definitely gets you hooked straight away. The slow burn killed me in the best way 😩
That’s a wrap!! Stay tuned in early July for June Faves!
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malinastharlock · 9 months
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One Piece Live Action Review:
I'm probably super late to the One Piece party but I have never seen the Anime and I just finally got done watching the show on Netflix and holy bachanga I think I have a new favorite show. Also the sword guy Zoro is so freaking cool and so dark & broody 😍😍😍 Anyways incredibly attractive Zoro aside. I have fallen in love with this show and I hope they make more 😊. I wanna talk about the story but I feel like that would be spoilers so I'm not going to ruin for anyone that hasn't watched it. There is also this cute af pink haired Marine named Koby that has an interesting friendship with this guy I absolutely hated at first named Helmeppo, but he grew on me and went through a rather surprising character development twords the end. Oh and Koby is also cute af like I want more of his character too. Cute little lost puppy look all the time but so sweet 😍. They have an amazing cast with fun characters, the makeup and effects are very well done, I love the set designs (especially the lair of the fish people) The story also has some deep meaningful lessons and morals in it along with some beautiful scenes of friendship. There was no shortness of brutality in this show too and I didn't expect, like blood and guts and people getting their heads smashed in or loosing appendage.
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Show Score
Acting 4 / 5
Although the cast did do amazingly, there were several time I found myself thinking, "This character is kinda bland or not giving it their all." Honestly I think some of them might still be getting in the swing of things so I look forward to season 2 to see if they get better.
Story 5 / 5
The story was quite beautiful and very engaging, I loved the morals behind the story and the bonding the characters displayed over time after meeting their spunky and charismatic new pirate captain and friend. I also found myself very emotional at certain parts and although I cried, it was worth the tears.
Effects & Action 5 / 5
Holy bachanga the action is insane. The fight scenes were very well choreographed and the added effects for the fights just made them even more exciting. I found myself actually rooting and cheering for Luffy and his crew.
My score for this show: 4.7 / 5
In conclusion this show is definitely a must watch and if you really wanna make it authentic, don't watch it on Netflix 😊🏴‍☠️
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starheirxero · 2 months
I am back again! :D Laes was Suprisingly lighthearted this time around-
It was really cathartic to see Earth not just stand up to the creator, but actively calling him out on his bullshit and criticizing him about it👀 He was so perplexed about it!
Hell, only Moon and Sun seem to be as cautious of him as they should be! Monty and Earth really just talked over the guy and thought of a way to get rid of em- They did NOT take his ass seriously! XD Gotta love Lunar's enthusiasm about destroying him as well-
I also CANNOT get over Monty yelling at the sky! They really went "AYO, GET YO ASSES DOWN HERE, YOUR BOYFRIEND'S IN TROUBLE-"
Sams did have me more perplexed🤔
I wonder, if Molten Freddy is gonna become an active threat. Though considering he's after Ruin, he might become more of an inconvenience more than anything. He could cause Ruin to shut down, or destroy the code Moon scanned, putting more relevance on the creator's deal? I'm honestly trying to figure out his place in this-
More so, how is he alive?? How come he wasn't destroyed with the dimensional collapse??? So many questions!!
I really, really hope, I don't annoy you with my reviews, analysis', and rambles! I'm just really excited about everything involving this show, and I think you're a really cool person! I adore listening to your own thoughts and opinions, and honestly just your general ideas! 😊 If it is too much though, please don't hesitate to tell me!
I KNOWWWWW THE CREATOR'S BAFFLEMENT WAS SO FUNNY TO ME. The way Monty walked in and Earth was just like "Hi Monty there's a PEST in here there's a NASTY ROACH on the premises there's a RANCID THING in the BUILDING." and the Creator just had to sit there and take it like 🧍 AND MONTY YELLING AT THE SKY THAT WAS SO EVERYTHING YEAHSHJABAHAHA they don't know whats going on but they've got the spirit!! <3
AND YEA MOLTEN FREDDY. I'm still mildly torn on him but ghod yea his involvement w/ Ruin could either end up with more problems or some sorta fascinating lil situation. I've been seeing everywhere it coulddd be a wink and a nod to Davis's other projects bc playing Molten Freddys are a staple for him?? But I wouldn't know that tho. shrug LOL
Maybe it's a matter of chance? Maybe there's certain "safe" spots? Maybe other characters that are "between life and death" like our Creator can cheat being sucked into the collapse? Idk but honestly I'm super relieved bc now it means my "omega timeline" idea can still ring true LMAOAJAOS
ALSO UR ABSOLUTELY FINE ur thoughts and rambles are such a delight to me and I look forward to ur asks whenever lore episodes drop!! Never keep it down, analyze and review to ur hearts content all day everyday if u so wish <3
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hello. May I request a first kiss scenario with Vil, Rook, Jade, (+Neige if you can)?? Like a kiss that's passionate but not to the point its basically making out. Please only write this if you are comfortable with writing this though !! Otherwise you can delete this request!! Plus congrats for reaching 550+ followers!!😊🥰🎂🎂🎊🎁🎉
Hello, thank you for the request! This is super late, and I'm so sorry about that! There's been a lot of requests in my inbox and I'm taking time to catch up rn. Either way, I think what I'm understanding from this is that the kiss is supposed to be a deep one? Like Disney "true love's kiss" kinda feeling? At least that is what I'm going with, hopefully it's an enjoyable read!
Vil, Rook, Jade, Neige x gn!reader giving them a nice first kiss
He was returning from a fashion show and you were anticipating him that night. He promised to meet you at your dorm when he came back, and though he warned he would come late (as in like, 2am) you still stayed awake to greet him!
He knocked on your door, and, being careful not to wake up Grim who was sleeping upstairs, you shuffled quickly to the front door and opened it to see Vil. He was still wearing some makeup from the show and he had a bunch of designer gifts he had received in his arms.
"I wanted to share some of these with you. I think there's a perfume you might like in one of these," he said before stepping in. He set the items aside and opened his arms to give you a hug. You basically jumped on him and gave him a kiss there.
He froze up. You also realized you had kissed him for the first time. "Oh, I-I'm sorry! I was just so excited to see you-" "Darling, you should kiss me like that again, it was really good." He ends up being the one to make you red in the face. He would be lying if he said the kiss wasn't good, it was like he was melting actually!
He gives you a soft kiss on your lips before taking your hand in his. "Y/n, that was quite brave of you as well. Never thought my first kiss would be so passionate." You blush harder as he continues to tease you about it.
He was planning on kissing you during one of your walks outside. He was done with the science club meeting he was in and you greeted him at the botanical garden.
"Mon amour, you look stunning as always!" he picks you up and twirls you around. You give him a hug as well before asking where he wanted to go to next. The two of you had been almost everywhere together, so now it was the most obscure places left. He suggested to just stay on campus this time, perhaps closer to the woods.
You guys end up walking around for twenty minutes, and right before you can ask him what else he wants to do now, he asks if you had heard a tale about a princess who woke up by a kiss. He ends up narrating the story dramatically and right at the part where he explains the kiss, he kisses you.
You turn red of course, you hadn't expected him to kiss you and it was his first kiss at that! Yet, you let yourself kiss him back, perhaps deeper than you had expected. The two of you pulled away at the same time as well, and he gave you a small smile.
"Y/n, I didn't know you were such a good kisser," he compliments. You blush and say that it was your first time as well. "I felt like I was floating in the heavens..." "Ah okay, you don't have to compliment me more haha" you end up stopping him before he gets carried away with words lol
He was, too, planning on giving you your first kiss himself. But it turns out you had been one step ahead of this eel!
You two were out collecting mushrooms together, a date routine the two of you had grown fond of. He was planning on kissing you somewhere here but he hadn't really thought out when. Then, before he knew it, the two of you were going back to Mostro Lounge, he had missed his opportunity! But no fret, there was still the lounge that the two of you were planning to chill in.
While the two of you are sharing a drink, he does the classic "I think there's something on your face" move before going in to kiss you. You were a bit confused at first, but then you saw him come closer and were immediately like "yep, I know what you're doing." Then, you just quickly place your lips on his and he ends up being the one with wide eyes.
He didn't expect to like kissing this much, but here you were basically making him melt into you! He ends up letting himself hug you, closing his eyes and helping you take the kiss deeper. But then Floyd showed up with Azul from seemingly out of nowhere and saw what you two were doing.
"Shrimpy, Jade! Whatcha guys doin' there?!" Floyd yells, and the two of you pull away immediately. Jade has a slight blush on his face but quickly gives you a smirk. "You're a very good kisser, y/n," he whispers before helping you up and telling Floyd that the two of you were just talking. You're going to get a lot of teasing from Jade here on out haha.
You were waiting for him to finish up filming for a commercial. You were right outside the studio, some of his fans were outside as well but you knew that he would find you in the crowd of people.
Neige stepped out eventually, being the nice celebrity he is he ended up taking an hour to fully escape his fans because he was busy with autographs and pictures haha. He ends up taking you to a nice park where you guys can chill.
He tells you about his day, but he wants to hear about you. "Well, I didn't do much, mainly just finishing homework," you explain. "We should do something exciting now then!" he stands up from the park bench you guys were on, then he asks what you want to do the most right now.
You take this basically as a chance to kiss him. You stand up, tell him "this" before planting a kiss on his lips. His eyes go wide, but he ends up smiling and kissing you deeper. Neige's arms wrap around you and you can feel the kiss go more passionately than you had expected. You two both pull away together.
"Well, that was definitely something more interesting than homework I hope?" he laughs, giving you a peck on your cheek and taking your hand. You nod, giving him a smile as well. "Now I'm going to feel like I'm floating for the rest of the day," you reply. "Great! I think I'll be the same," Neige says. You two end up spending the entire day together, returning to your dorms almost at midnight haha.
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griefabyss69 · 5 months
Hi hello!
Nobody likes religious trauma frowny face
For the wip game please 💜😊
both you and the other person in my inbox this morning asked about steddissy WIPs <3 <3 <3 What a beautiful morning!!!!!! This fic is 12K already lmao and another one that's going to be super long. I'm thinking of seeing if it's congruent with the other one I just posted about, if it is I will put them in the same series/universe!
This is one of my older ones, I wrote + shared a bit from it when I did this game in november! Here's the link to the post What I shared in that post was from when Chrissy was still in school, so I'm going to jump ahead and share from later in the fic! My characterization for how Eddie acts around Chrissy is fully extrapolated from that one scene in the cafeteria in episode 1, where he like bows all dramatic and lets the cheerleaders go by in the middle of his big monologue LMAO. Ofc I've made it way more well rounded than that, but at this point in the fic they're still new to each other and he's still walking on egg shells that he doesn't know aren't even there Excerpt: (Contents: ED mentions (in the form of child abuse tbh), rated G)
Eddie's fingers drum restlessly against his knees until he slaps his thighs, getting to his feet.
"Okay. We need to run an errand."
His voice is hard like it never is, even when he's putting on a dramatic show and taunting someone. He's clearly trying for a smile but Chrissy sees the glass in his eyes, even as he tries to blink it away.
She doesn't really know what has him trying not to cry but her own eyes sting in sympathy.
"Um, what kind of an errand?" She asks, hating how strained and timid her voice is.
Eddie chews on his lip, fingers twisting at his rings for a few agitated moments before he takes a deep breath and sighs it out.
"Sorry, I got ahead of myself," he says, the charm back in his voice but the cat's out of the bag, Chrissy can see he's still upset. "Would you like to go to the library with me?"
She lets herself frown in confusion, knows he won't take it as an attack of obstinacy.
"What's at the library?" She asks, catching her mistake the same moment he does.
"Books, duh," they say in unison as he grins at her and she rolls her eyes.
He laughs, seems like he's loosening up a little bit, and reaches out to clap her on the shoulder before stopping short, bringing his hand back to himself.
"Sorry, forgot personal space."
She doesn't frown at that because she gets it, but it would've been fine if he touched her shoulder. She kind of really wanted him to.
She shrugs.
"Which book does the library have that has you so excited?"
Eddie fidgets without moving somehow, his muscles tensing and untensing in the same way he taps on things. The tempo is the same, maybe.
"Don't hate me, okay? If I'm like, overstepping or just making things worse just tell me and I'll drop it but," he pauses, looking at her out of the side of his eyes, his endless array of expressions showing off both a puppy dog cuteness and a nervousness ready for a slap. He winces preemptively like it'll lessen whatever blow he's about to deal. "The library has books on sewing."
She doesn't get it for a moment, eyes wandering over the floor as she thinks about it, the hem of her skirt catching the bottom of her sight and tipping her off.
She feels her chin crumple dangerously and buries her face in her hands, trying to concentrate on keeping the tears inside of her face and the embarrassing sob in her chest. She cannot cry in front of Eddie, the only person who despite being scared to touch her, doesn't treat her like she's a porcelain doll these days.
"Oh no," Eddie says, voice soft and panicked. "I'm so sorry, I knew I should've just minded my own business, shit."
She feels a laugh bubble up, maybe inappropriate but way better than what was going to come out of her, so she lets it out, even if it's watery.
"Chrissy, I'll drop it. We won't go to the library, I won't get any books, I'll forget how to read," Eddie's voice is still soft even if it's ramping up in drama, like he's trying not to scare her and she hates that, but she hates that it works even more.
She sniffles hard, pulling her hands away from her face. She has like, two tears on her cheek but it's enough to make Eddie wring his hands, clearly unsure what to do now that he's made a girl cry.
She kind of wants to use it, show him how she wishes he'd comfort her, but that probably wouldn't be very honest. He thinks she's sad, and yeah, sure, she's a little bit sad all of the time, but.
Mostly she just can't believe it, that he picked up on something she hides so well, remembered maybe the one sentence she said about her mom giving her trouble about needing to let out her skirt again. And then instead of telling her she needs to listen to her mom's advice or try harder or just suck it up and deal with the shame and humiliation of trading in another of her dwindling meal options for a skirt that fits better, he just.
"Eddie I'm not mad," she begins, because she knows how despite all of his bravado about gender roles and how maybe they suck, he has a guilt for women that he doesn't for men. "I do want to go to the library."
He pauses, bottom lip firmly between his teeth, practically on his toes with how he's both working himself into a frenzy and desperately trying not to make it her problem.
"I'm sorry for crying, I just got like," she sighs, shrugging. "Surprised, I guess."
Eddie relaxes even though he's shaking his head.
"It's not your fault, don't apologize," he says, a little smile bringing out his dimples. "Do you want to go now?"
Chrissy nods, giving him a little smile of her own. She reaches out and claps him on the shoulder, squeezing. Since he won't do it to her, she'll do it to him; bridge the gap that he self imposed even though she's seen him get so close to other people's faces they could've been kissing.
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helluvashitposter · 1 year
This is the first time I'm gonna get in on reviewing the new Helluva boss episode because this was the one I was most excited for! But before I do that, I'm saying it now:
I saw a lot of negative reviews were focused around the Ozzie texts between Stolas and Blitzo and well...I'm sorry guys but my main focus is on THIS MAN RIGHT HERE
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So without further a dooooooooo...
I honestly enjoyed Striker in this episode! I love seeing a wackier side of him and not just edgy edge lord, low voice, "I'm gonna eat your kids" through the whole episode. I understand why some people were super disappointed in him not being as threatening as he was in the first episode, but hey. This is a cartoon about dumb demons and sex, I try not to take it too seriously already! (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
(I also wanna say this now, I was also one of the people taken back by the change in voice actors, but I ain't even gonna let that bother me too much: I know folks like Norman are gonna be mighty expensive or too busy to keep around. As sad as it is, if I can get used to Stolas new voice, I can do the same for this one as long as it means more Strike!)
Speaking of Striker, the main criticism I keep seeing is that he was too egotistical, and because of that statue everyone is just saying he was another Chaz. But I honestly don't get this one?
Striker was ALWAYS just as entitled and self centered in the first episode: Did we forget this man literally made a song all about how awesome he is (That didn't even rhyme) And his speech to Blitz where he talked about how he was above the imps? The statue seems pretty in character for him! Striker has always sucked his own dick, maybe it was a little overzealous but definitely not enough for me to say he was just a full blown Chaz!
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Plus, that man still took his job pretty damn serious! Never once was Striker incompetent or a dumbass in this episode. He knew his mission and he was damn malicious about, I mean if you gonna try to tell me this man wasn't just as bloodthirsty as he was last time-
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This man has never once hesitated to hurt anyone who gets in his way or just for the fun of it and I think it still shows greatly here!
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All and all, I have to disagree with everyone saying his character was "ruined" or "too Chaz like" Striker definitely did not spend the episode going on and on about how his dick is the biggest or how everyone wants to fuck him like Chaz would. (R.i.p Chaz, I love you sweetie!) As left field as the statue was, it definitely didn't steal from the fact that this man was once again determined to finish his job. Which got taken away from him by Stella at the last minute, which he was super bummed about, but he does get paid extra soooo! 🎉🎉🎉
(Full disclaimer: I didn't really care for the Stella part of the episode, I do like the voice actor for snowy owl though. But overall they really were just there...it's really hard to say anything about it other than the fact that she didn't want Stolas killed sooooo (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠;⁠))
Now for the big stuff: The pacing.
I have to say...I do have to agree with everyone when they say the pacing was all over the place. I have to admit: With all the trailers that we were getting, I was expecting this bad boy to be long as hell! At least a good 25 to 30 minutes because we were getting all kinds of things! But man...
Even though the little vet visit was funny, and I am a huge fan of that cute lil goat doctor, it did take away from the actual tension. I came here for badass Striker! And not to mention M&M barely got time to shine as well! The pacing really was just:
Loona scared of vet 🥺
Blitz and Karen yell at each other 🤬
Loona got her shot 😊
I feel like we totally got robbed on a much more epic fight and some shades thrown from M&M and Striker, especially when it was a highlight of the trailer! These two being able to properly settle a score with Striker would have really made for such an amazing tension scene since they were the main ones who were affected by him in the first episode. LIKE GUYS, LET MOX AND MILL SHINE WHEN BLITZO ISN'T AROUND, I BEG YOU! THEY'RE AMAZING TOO!! 😭
I will stand by everyone when they say: WE NEED MORE MILLIE DAMNIT!
The ending with Stolas definitely tugged at my heart strings, I won't lie! But again, I'm not here for the Stolitz angst, I was just here to see Strikey boy. WHO DIDN'T DIE, SO YES! TAKE THAT TWITTER!!! MY BOY GETS TO HUNT ANOTHER DAY, AND NOT ONCE DID HE GET HIT BY A TRAIN, IN FACT HE APPARENTLY LOVES THEM SO HA!!
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All and all, I will say Harvest moon was peek Striker. It's gonna be hard to ever top that, Norman Striker will forever be missed! But at the end of the day, I did enjoy seeing my favorite cowboy again, and there's apparently some more lore behind him as well that we'll hopefully get to see in the later seasons. I'm just glad I can easily sleep tonight knowing that he wasn't just killed off in the second episode we get him in! 🙏
So it was a good time all around! Especially watching it with my favorite person 💕
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seancamerons · 9 months
So I'm just really happily rewatching the oc. It is a magical experience! ✨️ I find myself using expressions like unbeatable combination, schmear more than I admit. As of earlier this week I have been craving bagels and need to get myself a cute little slicer cutter and some cream cheese and some lox but it is pretty funny.
And best part I got my bfs sister interested and she is converted! Seth is her favorite. We are midway through season 2. Now, she won't watch Dawson's or Tree Hill, but she did give Degrassi a chance, but lost interest after a certain point (sometime in s5, I can't really blame her.) Maybe she will be saved from season 6 new!Sean so she dodged a bit of a bullet lol.
I at least got her into the The OC which she loves (thank god!) as well as Friday night lights, stranger things, breaking bad and mad men.
We are a trio of show people, and we also like card and board games. We have so much fun. C has excellent taste in shows overall but I'm glad I got to show my faves and her, and I have common faves as well. We wish twin peaks was on streaming so we can show it to tj. She's like a sister to me.
And like my bf was a Saved by the Bell and Seventh Heaven stan before I came along, and now he loves breaking bad degrassi and the oc and one tree hill, gilmore girls and more. I'm so proud of him and he loves and is super invested in the characters, couples/ships and makes predictions and looks forward to watching with me qnd i try to remain tight-lipped on spoilers on things i know. All in all, he'd fit right in here, I swear. Sometimes we don't always finish our shows bc we take on too many and we tease each other about that. I'm so glad we are together. I'm so happy and grateful for that. People day couch potatoes like its a bad thing but we don't just sit in front of TV that's usually an evening thing. We have jobs and lives friendships and interests isolated from each other. In October, 3 past three years have flown by, and it's been an amazing three years of happiness love and just wonderful unexpected and joy. New traditions, beginnings, excitement, films, TV, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It is truly the best. I love that real and special love I'd been longing for since for friggin' ever. I can't see myself with anyone else. I don't want to. He is everything. 🥰
To close, I love shows. I love television. I love tv romance friendships dybamics. Television brings families and friends and people together. It's a beautiful thing. 😍 📺 im a firm believer in sharing shows being a love language. For example, if I gush about my favorites and you let me, you are my people. If I share my feelings and favorite shows and all just know you're so important to me.
Thanks for letting me gush on your dash about a friggin lovefest of my shows and ongoing appreciation for characters and romances spanning pretty much forever and ever bc I'm a romantic and I love it!
Even when I'm sad or it's sad I still love it. Smile through the tears. Television has been around for what? 50 years, 60 years? Whoever invented tvs and streaming too you are a damn magnificent genius and bastard at the same time. Thanks writers, thanks directors, thanks for costuming, hair, editing, and all you who make shows possible youre so appreciated. Thank you for the entertainment.😊
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ramonag-if · 1 year
hi, mona! about MCs' eyes being different from other Ishari and being blessed by the ancient ones... Does Rana also possess these? and in chapter 6 can we also have an option where we are indifferent towards the new family of Salyra? And just treat them as a guest... I actually experience IRL the situation that MC is currently in 🥲 and I also form a bit of jealousy toward my half-siblings at that time because my mother stay with her "new family" and had a "loving family" while me and my dad she just throws us like we're some garbage because at that time our family is having financial issues I guess "my mother" only loves money which showed her true face to us she didn't even blink when she cheated on my dad and the rest is history 🤧 but now we're all okay and the jealousy at that time became a joke now because I realized that "why would I push myself into something or someone that doesn't even know love/love myself and just love herself which is a waste of time" now me and my dad we're having a great time without her. It's also a slap on her face because my dad is now handling his business well... and about my half-siblings, we treat each other like a guest just being polite.
Well, what I want to say is that can we have an option of just not interacting with Salyra and the rest of her fam after the confrontational and venting our feelings to her? Or just having an indifferent response and also being polite enough I already imagined my MC having a 'don't think about interacting with me if you are part of salyra's new fam or just don't ever mention the names of salyra and her new fam in front of my face or you're dead' face after confronting Salyra 😆 and regarding about Rana and her father I think my MC will also have a hard time accepting what really happened and this response won't antagonize anyone just treat them as a guest just being polite that's it... leave my MC alone and let my prince irus comfort my meow meow hehe 🥺💖
Overall, chapter 5 is a rollercoaster for me HAHAHA while thinking about the mysteries of our eyes and being blessed to meeting Salyra, and learning that she had a new fam really made me teary-eyed. Now I am super excited for chapter 6 I know you'll give our MC justice and really thank you for being open to suggestions I know it's hard because you'll change your game from time to time due to our suggestions and just a big thank you and a big hug from me for you are working hard just to satisfy the readers but also bettering your game! 🥰😘
Hello, Anon 🌼
I can't answer about the MC's eyes because it will come up and it's a bit of spoilers at the moment 😊
Currently, you can accept or reject Salyra or choose to be undecided. Her new family is a different choice and you can choose if you'll have a relationship with Rana and Danzor or just Rana or neither of them.
Suggestions that are seemingly being implemented are actually things I already had planned so I don't think I'm that much of a people-pleaser 😅 I consider all suggestions because sometimes they help, but mostly I don't implement everything because it's a lot if extra work that doesn't impact the plot in any way.
Still, feel free to send in suggestions 💖
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moss-the-moon-moss · 1 year
Hallo, I'm posting this entry like a week late but it's better than nothing tbh. Anyways this is my first weekly music update, i basically just talk about what music i really like from that week. I will be talking about new music i find, my favourite songs, what playlist im listening to the most and show my spotify stats as well😋
This week, due to the announcements related to Melanie Martinez's new album, I have gone back to my roots and have been listening to all of my favourite songs by her. Melanie has been one of my favourite artists for years now, probably since just before k12 came out!! It's really hard to decide on my favourite songs by her since I really like all of them; despite this I have still decided on my favourite song from each album/ep. From crybaby we have 'pacify her'; from k12 it was a bit harder to decide but i'm going to go with 'highschool sweethearts', and lastly from the after school ep we have 'The bakery'. In the last week almost all of my top songs have slowly become melanie, she's just really amazing like that I guess. Anyways i'm super excited for the new album, her new form is really pretty💕
Here is a playlist with all of my favourite melanie martinez songs!!
Some of the other songs seeping into my spotify stats are from a playlist I have called "WHAT IS THIS MELODY ''. This playlist has quite a bit of crystal castles in it. In Fact the overall theme of this playlist is just crystal castles and other songs that I think are kind of similar. I think that my favourite song this week was probably 'Goth' by Sidewalks and skeletons, this song is on the previously mentioned playlist as well!! I just really love how the song sounds, it's a good one to listen to on loop while doing things😊
Other artists I've listened to a lot this week are Lana Del Rey and Glass Animals. I really got into Lana near the middle of last year due to my friend who is a lana stan, and I'm honestly very grateful for it. Lana has so many amazing songs, i just sometimes feel like i'm on another planet listening to them, she managed to place in my top 3 artists during spotify wrapped last year lmao. I don't particularly have a favourite song by her at the moment but i think ultraviolence and art deco may tie with each other. Anyways moving onto glass animals, they have been my favourite band since around 2016. I initially found them through sally face and creepypasta animated memes; 'pork soda' and 'The other side of paradise' , , they really had a chokehold on us all istg. My favourite album by glass animals is probably 'how to be a human being' . Every single song on that album is a masterpiece, I literally cannot dislike any of them if I tried. My favourite song from HTBAHB is probably 'pork soda'; from zaba its 'black mambo'; from dreamland 'space ghost coast to coast', and finally my favourite single is 'golden antlers'🥰
Heres my favourite songs by glass animals!
And heres my favourites from Lana <3
Majority of the music at the top of my stats came from me listening to them on loop for hours at a time and also from exclusively listening to the same playlist for weeks. I haven't actually listened to them in a while. They're just still up there from listening to them so much. Fun fact "miss you" by south star has been in my top 20 for months now, i listened to it 399 times last year and i can't seem to get rid of it from my stats now. Anyways, I am now currently working to get rid of those songs from my stats😭
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blushinggray · 1 year
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
a little excerpt from my ph!bkg x villain!reader wip that i'm always rambling about in my tags 😊
“Once we get outta these things, I’m gonna fucking kill her, and then I’m gonna fucking kill you, shitty Deku.” Katsuki hisses.   “Kacchan!” Deku protests.  “‘Kacchan’?” Another voice suddenly pipes up from behind them and Katsuki all but jumps out of his goddamn seat. “That’s so cute! Is that a nickname? You guys must be super close.”  Fucking shit, he still can’t move his body enough to start forming heat in his palms, otherwise he’d blast you the fuck out of here just for that comment.  “SHOW YOURSELF.” He demands.  “Well jeez, I didn’t know you were so excited to see me, Dynamight.”  And to his slight surprise, you really do appear out of thin air before them, deactivating your cloaking function. And the first thing he notices is that you’ve got a new helmet. It’s just as sleek and high tech and completely matte black as the last one.  And as always, fits seamlessly with your completely stolen and upgraded super suit, leaving no part of you unprotected.   Honestly, if he had seen this kind of suit in a movie, he would’ve liked it. But the fact that he knows exactly where each of these parts integrated into your suit come from and reminds him of all the missions he’s messed up just makes his blood pressure go up.  “Or wait— can I call you Kacchan too?” You chuckle as you squat down to his eye level, then dodge a spitwad from Katsuki. “Oh come on, we’ve been flirting on and off for a little while now, Dynamight. You already got a cute little name for me, why can’t I have one too?”  “Get on your knees and die.” He spits again out of habit. There’s not much else he can do now that their mission has been compromised.  “Kacchan, stop—” “You shut the fuck up, stupid Deku. It’s your fault we’re stuck like this in the first place!” It really could not get worse, Katsuki is literally surrounded by the two people who are the bane of his existence. Why don’t they just throw his mother in here too?  “Now, now, Dy-chan, you can’t blame Deku for looking out for Hatsume-san’s work. I’m quite a fan of hers, actually.” You say, finally stepping forward towards them in their chairs. If Katsuki could feel his body right now, he’d surely tense up or at least try to take all the openings you have right now. It pisses him off so much that he’s stuck watching you walk around ready for a prime ass-kicking while he’s immobilized.
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