#I've been here that long haha
penkura · 1 month
found you! [1/3]
Summary: Twice Penguin found you. The third time you found him.
Note: It's Penguin’s birthday. Why not make this my first post, aye? Nothing really special or to warn about this one, except references to sex, that's it. Fem!reader because that's all I know how to write, sorry. They're all adults here (pretty sure they are in the canon anyway but). Shachi and Ikkaku are in an on again off again relationship because I said so. Penguin calls the Reader by petnames to cut down on using [y/n] and the like.
I don't have the next two parts written yet, but I will be working on them this next week.
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Rolling over in your bed, you pull your pillow and stick your head under it, praying you can drown out the whispered shouting of Shachi and Ikkaku, though you know it’s pretty useless when those two get riled up. It's always in the middle of the night, nearly always at 1:30am, and happens at least twice a week, always in the room you share with Ikkaku. You hear her shush Shachi again, saying you’re sleeping and to keep it down, but he argues with her that she wanted privacy while they fought spoke and this was the best place considering the others still awake through the ship.
Please, please just shut up.
They don’t, still fighting about something stupid, probably Shachi flirting with some girl in front of Ikkaku, that sounds about right you realize as you pull your pillow tighter over your head.
You’d think they’d be a bit more considerate since you’ve been sick with a cold the last few days, but unlucky for you, this is one of the best places for them to fight about their non-relationship. They think they’re so slick, that no one else knows about their hook ups and quiet dates that Ikkaku swears to you aren’t dates, but everyone on the Polar Tang can see they’re both just lying to themselves. There’s been a betting pool on when the two will just commit, Law is even taking part because he’s just as sick of this as everyone else is.
For several more minutes all you hear is hushed, angry whispering, to the point you finally sit up in your bed, wrapping your blanket around you, and going to leave.
“Oh! [Y/N], I’m so—”
“Don’t be. Just don’t have sex in my bed okay? I just washed my bedding.”
Ikkaku turns bright red and she throws her pillow at the door when you close it as you leave, making you giggle just a bit. You know better than anyone how their fights end, you don’t want to come back to your room tonight at all.
Instead, you start to make your way towards your captain’s office, knowing Law is still wide awake, probably working on a plan or just revising a medical book. Having known him nearly as long as Penguin, Bepo, and Shachi, you’re not surprised when you finally get there and knock on his door, trying to push back a cough when you hear a soft ‘come in’ and open the door.
Law barely looks up at you, giving you a slight glance with a raised eyebrow while you walk over to the couch in his office.
“Can I help you?”
“Lovers spat in my room.”
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose but not looking from his book. “Again?”
“How do they fight all the time but you and Penguin don’t?”
“Perks of having been together almost a decade. We know everything about each other and are too committed to screw it up at this point.”
As you lay down, pulling your blanket around you more, Law watches you before speaking again.
“That’s my napping spot, you human cat.”
“Shh,” glancing over your shoulder, you put a finger to your lips, before snuggling further into the couch, “I sleep. I’m still sick.”
“Then go find your boyfriend.”
“He’s still on night watch. He’ll come find me.”
Law doesn’t get another word in before you fall right to sleep, he rolls his eyes in response, turning back to his desk.
He knows Penguin will come find you, he just kind of wishes you’d keep your sickness to your own room or the infirmary.
Penguin does come looking for you once his night watch shift is over an hour later. He first goes by your shared room with Ikkaku, but the sounds he hears make him blush bright red before he quickly turns and goes towards the men’s bunks. If that’s going on in there, you’ve definitely left to sleep elsewhere. You’ve probably snuck into his bunk bed to get away from the non-couple on the ship, it makes his heart clench a bit at the through, you having to leave your room still under the weather and needing some peace an quiet.
Not like the men’s bunks are that much quieter, but at least there’s not active sex happening in there right now (at least, he hopes there isn’t). He’s already starting to unzip his boiler suit before he’s even fully in the men’s bunks, just wanting to crawl into bed with you and sleep finally, even though morning would be soon, he can at least get about four more hours before it’s time for breakfast.
Perfect plan, and tomorrow’s our day off~
Unfortunately, you aren’t even in his bed, causing his excitement to disappear and his shoulders to slump, before Penguin looks over to Clione and Hakugan nearby.
“Have either of you seen [Y/N]?”
Clione shrugs while Hakugan shakes his head, both responses making Penguin pout a bit while he slips off his boiler suit to just his tank top and boxers to sleep in.
“She’s not in her room?”
“No, well,” his face turns red again and the other two men are quick to realize that Shachi isn’t around and what that must mean, “I sure hope she isn’t…”
“Ugh, those two again?”
“Do they forget there’s a designated room for that?”
He shrugs, starting to prep his bed to bring you to it once he finds you, remembering the day Law awkwardly told everyone there was now a room only for extracurricular activities, and sex anywhere else wouldn’t be tolerated if it was found out. Sometimes people slipped and brought someone back to the wrong room, or Ikkaku and Shachi argued in your shared room and it escalated once they worked things out, like tonight. You and Penguin were at least smart enough to either use the designated room or, if you were docked on an island, rent a hotel room away from everyone else just for that night.
As soon as his bed is ready, Penguin takes off to find where you’ve gone for some peace and quiet. There’s very few places on the Polar Tang that aren’t bustling with people doing various things, whether playing cards, having animated discussions, or performing maintenance where needed. The current, most obvious places for you to sleep would be the designated room, Law’s office, or the nearly empty infirmary. He does make a stop by your room but continues on as he still hears sounds he doesn’t want to, moving quickly towards the infirmary first to see if you’d dragged yourself there. You hate sleeping in there unless it’s your only or last option, but even when he gets there and pokes his head in, Penguin doesn’t see you on one of the beds at all, only catching sight of Uni who you’d somehow given your cold to. Knowing you practically never go to the designated room, not without him at least, the only other place you could possibly be is Law’s office, so he starts to make his way towards the captain’s room.
You may not have known Law as long as Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo, but the two of you have become close ever since you joined. Your home life having gone from comfortable to hell, leading you to beg the small group of Pirates that landed on your island for help ended up being the best thing to happen to you. It wasn’t Law you ended up clinging to and begging for help, not even Penguin. It was Shachi who had been checking out the island with Penguin, the two teens at the time bringing you to the small group of about seven people, Law agreeing to hear your story before he offered you to join them after you’d made known you were a decent cook and seamstress. Stereotypical hobbies for a young woman, but with how your family was, it was all you could do to make money for you and your mother at the time. You’ve since learned how to fight, martial arts and a metal baton being your choice of weapons. You’d moved from being a dual chef and seamstress to being more help in the mechanical aspects of the ship, while still working on the crews clothes when needed.
While Penguin did find you attractive as soon as he met you, it was still another two years before he said anything, eventually confessing to you with your favorite flowers in hand, his face bright red which made you grin before you kissed him as a response.
You’ve been together ever since, Penguin doesn’t think he could ever be happier than he is now.
Finding Law’s office door cracked open leads Penguin to briefly knock on the doorway before stepping in, not waiting for a response from his captain and friend.
“Hey, Cap! Have you seen—”
“On the couch.” Law nods his head back towards where you’re sleeping, not bothering to look up from his book once again.
Once he sees you, Penguin smiles just a bit before thanking Law, walking over quietly and giving you a small kiss on your temple which wakes you enough to crack open an eye, the slightest smile as you realize who just woke you.
“Hey there, pretty girl, I found you,” he gives you a soft smile before starting to help you up, making you wrap your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist as he lifts you up, “Got kicked out of your room?”
“No…I left cause they were arguing.”
“Ahh that explains it. Let’s get you to my bed then.”
You hum as a response while Penguin grabs your blanket, you briefly looking over to Law who just watches the two of you, making you smirk.
“Told you he’d find me.”
Your captain rolls his eyes before bidding you both goodnight as Penguin starts to leave and head back to the men’s bunks, you greet your other crewmates with a slight wave once you’re there. Penguin leans forward enough for you to release him and lay on his bed, scooting towards the edge to give him space to join you once he’s laid your blanket out over you again. He joins you as soon as he’s gotten enough of the others to quiet down, letting you wrap your arms around his middle while he does the sane to your shoulders, kissing your forehead and tucking your head under his chin.
“Thanks for coming to get me.”
“Of course~” Penguin sighs contently while you bury your face in his chest, you really do just make him so happy, “I’ll always come find you.”
“Love you, Peng.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
You’re asleep quickly, Penguin stays awake and watches you for a few moments, while more lights are shut off in the room and a few of the other men snicker over how whipped they believe their older comrade is for you. He doesn’t pay them any mind really, he just loves you enough to take care of you however you need. For a second, he looks to his nightstand and remembers the small box he picked up a few days ago, smiling to himself at the thought of finally, finally, asking you to marry him once he talks to Law about it, but that’s for another day as he starts to drift to sleep.
Definitely gonna marry you soon.
“You’re finally going to ask her??”
Penguin nods with a shy smile while Shachi and Ikkaku both grin, her letting go of his arm to give their older crewmate a tight hug.
“That’s so wonderful, Penguin! She’s definitely going to say yes!”
“You think so…?”
“Dude,” Shachi pats his friend’s shoulder roughly, making Penguin look at him, “She’s been with you for almost ten years now, right? There’s no way she’ll say no.”
Ikkaku nods in response, still grinning brightly at the thought of you and Penguin getting married at last. She’s the one that’s heard your wishes for a small wedding with him, if he ever wanted it, you were waiting for Penguin to make the move and ask. You told her you were content just dating him, but actually tying the knot had been on your mind more recently.
“She’ll for sure say yes. She’s told me how much she wants to marry you!”
That causes Penguin to blush slightly, still smiling as he scratches at his cheek before pulling the small box in his pocket out to show your two friends the ring he’d already picked out for you. Ikkaku snatches the box and opens it, swooning a little over the simple ring he'd picked out. A thin silver band with your birthstone fixed on it, exactly what you’d told her was one of your options for a ring, Penguin must’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it since Ikkaku hadn’t told him a thing about your wants. Either that or he’d seen in a magazine or maybe even asked Law about it, considering how close you were to your captain.
“When are you going to ask her?”
“Our tenth anniversary is in a few weeks,” Penguin nods while he takes the ring box back from Ikkaku, quickly slipping it back into his pocket and checking to make sure you haven’t snuck in, “So, I’m going to ask Captain if we can dock at an island then. I’ll find a place to take her to dinner and ask her after that.”
Ikkaku nearly swoons again, instead sighing dreamily and leaning on Shachi’s shoulder.
“That’s so romantic…why aren’t you like that?”
“I’m sorry, am I your boyfriend? I thought we just friends with benefits.”
“Excuse me?!”
Penguin sighs, still with a smile, as Shachi and Ikkaku start to argue. He’s beyond thankful the two of you don’t have such issues after being together so long. If you two fought like that, there’s probably no way he’d even consider marrying you, he thinks. He loves you too much to screw around with other women, to argue with you about it too. No one else compares and he’s sure some would say he’s crazy for having settled on you at just nineteen-years-old, but he doesn’t care.
“Hey, Peng~” he’s not even a little surprised at you coming up behind him, slipping your arms around his middle and making him smile as he looks over his shoulder and down at you, “What’re they arguing about now?”
“Ah…just if they’re a couple or just friends with benefits.”
“Hmm…” You watch the other allegedly lovely couple of the Heart Pirates, before shrugging. “Would be easier if they’d just settle down with each other already, yeah? Like you and me.”
He can’t wait to finally make you his bride.
Nodding, Penguin keeps the smile on his face, setting one of his hands on yours, and realizing how excited he really is to ask you to marry him in a few weeks. How glad he is that he and Shachi found you on your home island twelve years ago, and helped you convince Law to let you join. How happy it makes him to think about his long past confession and your reciprocation of his feelings.
“Yeah. Like you and me, sweetheart.”
He can’t wait to finally make you his bride.
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beeguillotine · 6 months
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HEY!! My comms are officially OPEN!!!
Very very excited to draw for y'all!! If you've got any questions, feel free to ask!!!
Rbs and shares are super appreciated!! <3 <3
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vitrines · 3 months
btw when you guys only hype up female content creators when they do something you find attractive that's not activism. "oooo step on me" you do not respect women or that woman. you are not treating her as a person. because it's dead fucking silence when she's just living her life.
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hailsatanacab · 11 months
Wip Wednesday babeeyy
eyy I've finally remembered that wip wednesday exists!! here's some proof that i'm working on something, and that something is the follower milestone gift i said i was going to do and i promise i'm doing it! i'm doing it it's happening i promise! so here's a little taster!!!! and here's Part One if you want a refresher!
And then the kid just vanishes.
In the blink of an eye, in the time it takes for him to look down, screw his face up because this is all confusing as fuck, and look back up, he’s just gone. There’s nowhere to hide, there’s nowhere to go, Jason can see everywhere around him—but he can’t see Danny.
“Well… shit."
“What, what happened?” Dickybird hisses in his ear, the unsaid, exasperated “now” very clear in his voice. 
As much as he loathes to admit it, Jason is feeling very much the same way right now. What was meant to be a simple case of “investigate the potential child abuse and put an end to it” has instead become something… less simple. When is it ever simple in his life?
Still. If working with supers, metas, vigilantes, whatever, has taught Jason anything, it’s that just because you can’t see someone doesn’t mean they’re not there.
“Hey, kid… Danny. Listen, I’m not here to hurt you and if you’re still here, if you can still hear me, then, I don’t know, do you want to get a bite to eat or something? I just want to talk. I just want to figure out what’s happening.”
Jason doesn’t hold his breath. 
Okay, no, that’s a lie. Jason holds his breath, but he swears he’s holding it so he can more accurately hear if Danny is still around. That’s all it is, he’s not attached to this kid already. He’s not.
When no answer comes—not even a whisper of a breath or the scuff of a sneaker on the pavement—he suppresses a frustrated growl and opts instead to breathe deeply and pinch the bridge of his nose.
“So…” Tim begins, drawing out the word.
The urge to growl—hell, the urge to pull out his comms and smash them on the floor—grows.
“The kid’s a meta, then. Potential powers including but not limited to: invisibility or teleportation. You think he’s still there?” There’s no reason for the kid to still be around, not at all. If it was Jason, he’d have scattered as soon as he realised the stranger impersonating his dad wasn’t the guy he thought was impersonating his dad, and honestly, wasn’t that extra fucked up? That someone impersonates people in this town often enough that it’s not a surprise? The way Danny spoke about him… What was his name?
Amorpho. Amorphous. Without shape. 
A shapeshifter?
Whatever. It’s a mystery for another time, because there’s still a more pressing mystery in front of him.
Or,. rather, not in front of him.
Yes, there’s no reason for Danny to still be here, but…
Jason sighs. 
“I’m going to Bat—Nasty Burger. Really? Is that the best burger joint here? Nasty Burger? Whatever, I’m going to get some fucking fries.”
Jason feels fucking stupid talking the air like this. He must look fucking stupid, too, but the thing is… There’s a prickling on the back of his neck, a rolling taste of green on his tongue when he glances through his peripheral, the vague weight of an unseen eyes on him. 
Call it wishful thinking, call it a hunch, call it something else, but Danny’s still here.
“There’ll be a burger waiting for you, too, if you want it. My treat.” Jason turns in a full circle, examining everything in his surroundings. Nothing seems out of place, nothing screams wrong to him. “I just want to talk.”
He waits for a full minute with no success, which makes Jason feel even more stupid, before clicking his tongue and making his way to the, hopefully ironically named, Nasty Burger.
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melverie · 1 month
Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh today I've been constantly experiencing the urge to un-private today-in-the-devildom & start writing for it again
#i'm gonna ramble in the tags but#i've been talking with starr (if you're reading this--hi starr!! <3) about the blog today and sharing some of the entries#and it just made me miss it so much#+ the conversation actually made me realize some other reasons why i didn't enjoy the blog in general anymore#like i genuinely love the blog and i genuinely loved writing for it & that conversation reminded me of that#but also there were so many reasons that ultimately pushed me to more or less abandon the blog & then later private it too#so i'm kind of at a loss here#tbh i think i'm mostly just scared to pick the blog up again only for it to end exactly like last time i picked it back up#i've actually always wanted for the blog to be a source of inspiration y'know?#like the things mentioned in the entries are kinda just small ideas right#i was hoping that people would read these & feel inspired to write or draw something of their own based on my entries#that was actually what made me start the blog in the first place. the hope that i could inspire others that way#aaahhhhhh.... maybe it's on me since i could have more openly communicated that idea......#i did get to meet one wonderful person who wrote a few fics based on my entries tho!! (hi ali <3)#but yeah..there's that#also the way engagement just dropped significantly after a while#like i know i was gone for a good while & that a lot of people left the fandom and all that#but still getting maybe one reblog if i'm lucky really feels like a punch to the gut#ESPECIALLY considering that i was close to 900 followers on there#do you guys know that feeling when you proudly show someone you care about something you did only to get a disinterested answer?#yeah...#that's essentially how it feels like to me#and well as you might know the feeling of “why should i keep writing if apparently no one cares” eventually won... haha.....#but aaaahhhhh i'm still clinging onto the hope & what ifs here#that conversation with starr really just made me forget about everything that frustrated me about the blog & left me with this#longing feeling to start again lol#hey if you've made it this far into the tags let me just ask--would you care if i picked the blog back up?#would you also *show* that you care?#i'm actually quite curious (you could almost call me george lol)#anyway maybe we'll see each other on today-in-the-devildom again in the future.. who knows
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nuks · 1 month
dusts my hands off
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feroluce · 7 months
Some off the cuff 1k of Skirk & Tartaglia (skirtaru???) hcs before 4.2 proves me wildly wrong, they are very much a dynamic in process to be changed as we see more of them and as I think and consider them more, but I wanna see them interact so BAD.
Anyway. Tartaglia is an idiot who develops a crush, or at least something like a crush, on anyone who can give him a good fight. Obviously there are plenty of people who can just kick his ass- he's ranked at the bottom of the Harbingers. But they all suck, and there's no passion when they fight! They don't appreciate it the way Tartaglia does! So it's not a good fight and those assholes don't count!
So I think little Tartaglia was doomed the second he saw a very very pretty lady with a very very sharp sword and she immediately beat the shit out of him. Like she awakened something in him right then and there, unfortunately for the rest of the world haha
And then! Not only could she beat him one handed! But she took the time to teach him! And this! This was exactly what Tartaglia had wanted when he ran away from home with nothing but some food and his sword! He'd wanted an adventure! He'd wanted something new and different and wild!
And he can have that now, with Skirk and the Abyss! So his crush could have instantly dissolved right there, but it didn't, because Skirk was weird and interesting and Tartaglia adored that.
((Wheezing imagining Tartaglia trying to show off because he wants to impress his shifu, and she genuinely is impressed because Tartaglia progressed so fast, but then she pops his teenage boy ego with a pin and he deflates sjzjnskdkz))
He develops such an endless amount of respect and admiration for her. He's so happy and so proud of himself when he masters the Foul Legacy, because this was a goal laid by his shifu and hell yeah, he blew it out of the water!! And I'd like to think this was when Skirk said those words in his profile-
"You shall ever be the eye of the storm,"
"And the clashing of steel shall ever accompany you."
"The pitch-black memory of stepping into uttermost darkness,"
"Shall, at last, become the strength by which you will overturn this world."
-with Tartaglia knelt before her and her sword at his cheek, as though she were knighting him. And Tartaglia realizes then that oh. He likes it here. He likes being in the Abyss. He likes being with Skirk. He likes hunting and killing and surviving here in the Abyss with Skirk. Morepesok is and will always be home, but it was stagnant there. Too much of the same. No room for growth.
But the Abyss is boundless possibility to explore in every direction, and Skirk has never flinched away from him even once. Tartaglia can be as violent and bloodthirsty as he wants; Skirk is worse. She gives zero shits. She loves to fight and hunt and kill and make things bleed. Tartaglia is free to explore and revel in all of his worst inclinations and instincts and that is what the Abyss and Skirk become to him. Freedom.
And then he falls out of the Abyss just as suddenly as he had fallen into it. He didn't even get to say goodbye.
And it's not all bad or anything. Tartaglia isn't miserable. He's plenty capable of making his own happiness. He brings his own joy everywhere he goes (derogatory, unfortunate for everyone else ndkdjdjkd) and he genuinely likes being around other people. He would have missed a lot of things if he'd been permanently trapped.
But now there is an itch that he can't scratch. And it's driving him nuts. And he misses Skirk. She was fun to be around. He liked her.
He finds himself seeing things in everyday life and wishing he could show her. He pulls out ingredients in the kitchen for dinner and wants her to eat his special dish and show off how good he can cook. He reads through reports about the Abyss and he never finds what he's looking for (a swordswoman, an entrance, anything-), but he wants to ask her her opinions about them. He sees a really nice sword and wonders if she would like it. Little things.
Tartaglia decides he's going to find her. Even if it's just for a chance to thank her. Even if it takes years, decades. He just wants to see her again.
And then, it finally happens! They really do get to reunite! I have no idea what will happen in the archon quest of course, but like. I really like the idea that after things settle down, Skirk decides to stay for a while. She doesn't really want to live here or anything, but she's curious. She wants to see what Teyvat is like. She especially wants to see Snezhnaya, like Tartaglia used to talk about. And Tartaglia decides to go with her, he's an experienced traveler, a man of the world after all! He'll take her wherever she'd like to go.
And I'd love for them to say goodbye to The Traveler and Paimon and depart from Fontaine on a classic will-they-won't-they sort of vibe, where it's obvious that Tartaglia has Some Feelings about Skirk, but it's not clear how Skirk really feels about him yet. But it's the kind of thing where it's hopeful, and you want to root for the guy to get his love interest haha.
(The Traveler and Paimon bump into them a few months later and Paimon chides Tartaglia because Childe have you seriously not confessed yet the hell have you been doing all this time, which he responds to with hey, Skirk is a classy lady, give me time to do it right! and meanwhile The Traveler can see around Tartaglia to where Skirk is sitting at their campfire, manspreading on a fallen log, eating raw meat with blood on her face and dripping down her arms BNSKXJSMKDMD)
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loppiopio · 4 months
psychic damage.
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smokeys-house · 1 year
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(Puukko pog emote by @wowa-bublord btw ❤️)
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emblemxeno · 1 year
Hi! Is it alright to ask you what is it that you like and dislike about Seadall? (Based in yout previous post)
I love Seadall's backstory and him being a dancer. Anything that has to do with performing is a very entertaining character to me as a fellow performer, plus the types of language he uses along with his fortune telling make for really good conversations. My favorite supports of his are with Citrinne, Alcryst, Yunaka, and Veyle, because they all use those parts of him really well. Shoutout to his voice actor as well, very good performance, I love his soothing voice.
But. The big, big detraction for me is how Seadall's relationship with food is written. I hesitate to call it or name it any kind of eating disorder (mostly because I lack the knowledge and therefore the sensitivity to properly talk about it), but the whole "food has to be a certain way in order for me to function properly, I can't succumb to my own happiness" is definitely an unhealthy way of living. And part of why it's such a dislike for me is because it's unfortunately not too far off from what I've experienced before, where I've tried to weigh how much food I've eaten vs. how much work/how productive I've been that day to make sure I've "earned it", even though it's food and we all need food to live.
However I give the game some grace on this-and it's why I might have an improved opinion on him later-because all the supports that deal with his food issues (Rosado, Timerra, Chloe and Alear) end in a way that have him learn that eating what he likes doesn't equal overindulgence like he thinks it does and that if he treats himself better, he'll actually dance better in the long run. Though there is also an air of comedy to these supports as well, so again, bleh. Mixed feelings. Thanks for the ask!
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duckiemimi · 2 days
heartbreak is when your therapist asks you to come back with homemade food the next session so she can taste your cooking but then discharging you twenty minutes later </3
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Danny Fenton & Damian Wayne, Batfamily Members & Danny Fenton Characters: Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne are Twins, Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton, Gun Violence, Blood and Violence, Gunshot Wounds, Mugging, Medical Torture, Vivisection, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Child Neglect, Past Child Abuse Summary:
“If you ever find yourself in danger, go to Bruce Wayne. He will help you.”
His mother had loved him, in her own way. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have helped him escape. If she hadn’t, she would have dragged him back to the League of Assassins, to Grandfather. If she hadn’t, he’d be dead.
She loved him, but she loved the League more.
Jack and Maddie Fenton loved him too, they did, but they loved their work more.
They loved their work more.
After his parents react poorly to his reveal, Danny escapes to the only person he thinks can help him - Bruce Wayne. He doesn't know what to expect when he gets there, but it has to be better than where he is, surely? He certainly doesn't expect to be reunited with his long lost twin brother Damian. It's funny how things work out that way.
Danny is 16 years old, not Phantom Planet compliant
Chapter 12!! Chapter 12!! Chapter 12!!
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luchiaketchum-art · 1 year
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Miku for the pamphlet of an upcoming performance I have in two weeks!
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droodlebug · 22 days
20 and 23 >:3cc
yahooo... the ask game
20. which oc do you think has changed the most since you made them?
Definitely Danica.... She started as a MLP:FIM oc when I was 11
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and now she's a girl with a demon friend in her eye... that led to her being trapped in a medical facility. But she was save and then ended up being raised by Sofi,, who's another of my ocs in disguise. and also she ends up being a trans man when she's older. Smile.
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23. which oc do you think has affected you the most as youve grown with them?
ok this is pretty broad and i wasn't active on tumblr when they were my lifeline BUT. My dragon ball ocs.... Jonu, Arugula, Pea, Mesla, Summi....
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I made them during a time my home life was. Bad. and I was barely mentally hanging on at school. I was able to draw them constantly during school and at home and it was a huge comfort for me. To have some guys that are always there.
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I used them to explore gender in a way that was safe for me, which led me to accepting my own transness. And I projected a lot of the trauma I'd gone through and was going through onto Jonu which honestly. Helped a lot I think.
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And artwise, I drew them so much and dragon ball is such a energetic franchise.. well I grew a lot artistically. Got better at drawing anatomy, the start of different body types, character design, posing, expression, character interactions...
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idk they're all really important to me even if they're all on the shelf so to speak nowadays. um which is why i've given you a huge dump of a fraction of their art lol
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coquelicoq · 9 months
i finally wrote an xword that i think might be nyt-submittable...i originally wrote it for the local paper though so i now have to go back through and rework the clues to take out the specific local ones and make some of the others harder. i know exactly which day of the week this would run in the nyt (if it gets accepted) because this type of theme always runs on the same day, so at least i know which clue difficulty to aim for, but i'm still finding it difficult to hit that precise level! i'm used to just making the clues as easy as possible because my local paper's audience is mostly people who aren't xword aficionados. i already reworked this puzzle a couple times based on feedback from friends and family but that was all still when i thought i'd be running it in my local paper. i kinda just want to be done with it but i've never had a theme and fill i thought were completely nyt-worthy before!
#i've been thinking that i would write a puzzle that was intended for the nyt from the beginning#but i never prioritize it because the local paper is actually expecting something from me and i have deadlines with them#so this might be the only way it ever actually happens#i feel kinda bad for the local paper that they don't even get my best work haha but also this theme would probably be too hard#for most of their audience (though let's face it probably all of my puzzles are too hard for various reasons)#aw shoot though i just reread the submission guidelines and they're specifically looking for themes OTHER THAN this type#hmmm#cruciverbs#i also wouldn't mind submitting this in collaboration with a more experienced constructor who could help me with the clues#and i imagine such people are always looking for greenhorn collaborators because it allows them to have >3 submissions#in the queue...but i don't even know how one goes about finding such people#if i submit it and they reject it no harm no foul EXCEPT that i don't know how long it would take them to get back to me#and if this isn't going to run in the nyt then i'd still like to run it in the local paper#but also maybe if they reject it they'll be like 'we don't want this but you seem to have promise so here's the email address of#one of our veteran constructors who would be willing to work with you on other ideas you may have'#i just made that up idk if they would actually do that haha but it seems plausible. and wouldn't it be nice?#i do have another nyt-specific idea that i've been spinning my wheels on for like two years#hmm hmm hmm. i think my best bet is still to rework these clues and submit it and see what happens#worst case scenario is they never get back to me. which is a distinct possibility given what happened with my#american xword puzzle tournament previous year solved puzzles (ie they never got back to me >:( )#but that was will shortz. this is will shortz plus like 5 other people. he probably doesn't even see new submissions
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marshmallowgoop · 1 month
WIP Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
I was tagged by @hexfloog! Thank you!!
This is a game I actually played years ago, so I thought it'd be fun to look back at that and see what I've finished since then?
Things I Have Started and Am Determined to Finish
I am standing by your side ❌
I am afraid I was made to be able to fall apart ❌
out of time japanese ❌
Ship bingo by ahasbands ❌
heishin ranking ❌
three days with heiji hattori ❌
detco blu-rays ✅
noir zine ✅
crying in the club ❌
HD English dubs ❌
Things I Might Maybe Finish (That I Might Not Have Actually Started)
I prefer kick drums and red wine ❌
with you heishin ❌
shadows in the city ❌
I’m just a little messed up ✅
ryuketsu the movies ❌
you are someone else ❌
Forgiveness in Fiction (and the ‘Net) ❌
detco merch ❌
KLK fairytale AU ❌
OP 5 HD ❌
best buds forevah ❌
detective conan dub comparison ❌
Yeahhh.... 3/22 isn't so good, is it? But some current WIPs I'd like to get done in the next few months or so!
jimjam bday
subtitle process
coai mmv
secret summer
heishin scrap
Kazuha ribbon
Anime NYC
The Boy's Return of a Favor
(And this probably doesn't really count, but I've been thinking about making a post about how to buy Detective Conan films officially and attach your own English subtitles? Some of these skills I've briefly touched on already in my HD English dub process post, but I could go into more detail about how to buy from Japan when you don't live there, how proxy sites work/which ones I use, what you might be able to do if you don't want to rip a disc, how subtitles work on VLC Media Player, etc. I just feel a little sad seeing folks buy bootlegs when you absolutely and totally can buy Conan films officially and just attach your own subtitles—and it's really quite easy! (If expensive and time consuming.) I guess I'm mostly wondering if there's any interest at all in that. Because I realize I'm bonkers 😅)
I tag: @astravis, @cartoonsbyandie, @detectivefable, @meitantei-shitpost, @sapphicselkie, @srirachapop, and anyone else who'd like to do this! (But no pressure at all to play, of course!)
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