tomorrowusa · 1 month
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Living in a police state means you're governed by criminals who ignore threats to public safety.
It turns out that the four terror suspects were from Tajikistan though living in Russia. This is essentially an internal matter. Putin's secret police were too busy murdering political opponents and harassing dissidents to be concerned about the threat of terrorism from within.
Moscow terror attack: Russian massacre suspects’ homeland Tajikistan is plagued by poverty and religious strife
Putin buddy Emomali Rahmon is Tajikistan's kleptocratic “Leader of the Nation” – essentially dictator for life. Like Russia, the country is undemocratic but holds sham elections for window dressing.
The pro-democracy organization Freedom House lists Tajikistan as a Consolidated Authoritarian Regime. It's a place only a dictator would love.
Tajikistan: Nations in Transit 2023 Country Report | Freedom House
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brexiiton · 25 days
After terror attack, Russia sees U.S. role and claims it is at war with NATO
By Robyn Dixon, April 3 2024 at 2:22pm
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The Russian flag flies at half-staff on March 28 in memory of the victims of a terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow. (Yuri Kochetkov/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)
RIGA, Latvia — In the aftermath of last month’s terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow, Russian officials not only have blamed Ukraine but also have repeatedly accused the West of involvement — even though U.S. officials insist they gave Moscow a specific warning that the Islamic State could attack the venue.
If the U.S. warning was so detailed, it raises further questions about Russia’s failure to prevent the country’s worst terrorist attack in two decades. But rather than publicly confronting questions about their own actions, Russian security officials have disregarded the claims of responsibility by the Islamic State.
Instead, they have insisted that U.S. and British intelligence were involved in helping Ukraine organize the strike.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment Wednesday on a report in The Washington Post that U.S intelligence specifically warned Russia that Crocus City Hall could be a target for terrorists. The New York Times published a similar report shortly after The Post.
Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev on Wednesday directly blamed Ukrainian security services for the Crocus City Hall attack, in which at least 114 people were killed. Patrushev also hinted at Western involvement.
A day earlier, he accused Western intelligence of using terrorist groups to attack adversaries.
“They are trying to make us think that the terrorist attack was perpetrated not by the Kyiv regime but by followers of radical Islamic ideology, possibly members of the Afghan branch of [the Islamic State],” Patrushev said at a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan, of security council secretaries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization nations. He said it was more important to identify the “masterminds and sponsors,” squarely blaming Ukrainian security services. He added that numerous hoax bomb threats have emanated from Ukrainian territory since the attack.
“It is also indicative that the West began insisting on Ukraine’s noninvolvement in the crime as soon as the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall was reported,” Patrushev said.
Russia’s blame game comes amid increasingly confrontational anti-NATO rhetoric from top security officials who insist that the U.S.-led alliance is fighting a “war” against Russia. Several of these officials have hinted repeatedly about Russia’s potential use of nuclear weapons.
NATO officials continue to assert the alliance’s right to supply Ukraine the weapons it needs to defend its territory.
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Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev in Moscow in 2022. (Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP/Getty Images)
Since the Crocus City Hall attack, Russian officials have subtly framed the violence as part of that “war,” while barely mentioning the Islamic State’s Afghanistan branch, Islamic State-Khorasan, or ISIS-K, which U.S. intelligence officials have said was responsible.
U.S. intelligence also warned last month that terrorists could attack a Moscow synagogue. A day after receiving the warning, on March 7, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) announced that it had prevented an attack on a Moscow synagogue by an ISIS-K cell.
Asked if the United States warned Russia that Crocus City Hall was a possible target for a terrorist attack and whether a U.S. warning helped the FSB avert the synagogue attack, Peskov on Wednesday declined to confirm the report.
“Okay, I see,” he said. “This is not our competence because such information exchanges are conducted at the level of specialized services, and the information is transmitted directly from service to service.”
The spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, on Wednesday alleged a disinformation campaign by Washington and said the U.S. government should prove that the reports in The Post and the Times were true by disclosing when and to whom the detailed warning was given.
At least two members of the cell that planned the synagogue attack, based in the Kaluga region, were killed by FSB agents when they opened fire during arrest, according to the agency, which reported that the cell was planning to attack the synagogue using firearms. Kazakhstan confirmed that two of its citizens were killed in the raid.
Four days after the Crocus City Hall attack, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov blamed Ukraine and said Western security services were involved.
“We believe that the action was prepared by radical Islamists, naturally, Western security services contributed to it, and Ukrainian security services bore a direct relation,” Bortnikov told reporters.
Patrushev told the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper in an interview published Tuesday that Washington used NATO as a tool to carry out hybrid wars “to undermine and disorganize the system of state administration of countries that do not agree with the policy of the Anglo-Saxons.”
“At the same time, the alliance does not disdain using terrorist organizations in its interests,” he said. NATO, he said, “has been a source of danger, crises and conflicts for many years.”
Three days before the Crocus City Hall attack, Russian President Vladimir Putin had dismissed the U.S. warnings, calling them “outright blackmail” and attempts to “intimidate and destabilize our society.”
Putin and other Russian officials have made no mention of the U.S. intelligence supplied in relation to the planned synagogue attack.
In an interview with Argumenty i Fakty published on the morning of the Crocus City Hall strike, Peskov said NATO was waging a war against Russia, repeating a linchpin of Kremlin propaganda used to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and to mobilize Russia’s population behind the war.
“We are in a state of war. Yes, it started out as a special military operation, but as soon as that bunch formed there, when the collective West became a participant in this on the side of Ukraine, it has already become a war for us. I am convinced of that. And everyone should understand this, for their internal mobilization,” Peskov said.
Putin alleged a Ukrainian link to the Crocus City Hall terrorists the day after the attack when he told Russians in a speech to the nation that “a window was prepared for them from the Ukraine side to cross the state border.”
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Russian President Vladimir Putin appears on a screen onstage in Moscow's Red Square last month. (Reuters)
Top pro-Kremlin propagandists, including Margarita Simonyan, editor in chief of the RT news channel, ramped up attacks blaming Ukraine and the West. In a post on social media, she asserted that Western intelligence clearly played a direct role in the Crocus City Hall attack because it had identified the perpetrators.
“They knew who the perpetrators were. Before the detention. That’s direct involvement,” Simonyan posted, later adding that the source of the attack was “not ISIS,” but Ukraine.
Likewise, Russian lawmaker Alexander Yakubovsky claimed that “the Nazi terrorist regime of Ukraine is behind this terrorist attack, possibly using radical Islamists, but without Western intelligence services it is impossible to pull this off.”
Another hard-line Russian lawmaker, Pyotr Tolstoy, posted on Telegram that the attack could not be seen apart from “the war with the collective West for the peaceful futures of our children.”
The Kremlin’s effort to blame Ukraine and the West for the attack appears to have succeeded in mobilizing Russians around the war effort. Russia’s Defense Ministry announced Wednesday that 1,700 Russians a day were signing contracts to fight in Ukraine, many of them, it added, motivated by the Crocus City Hall attack. In the past 10 days, 16,000 people have signed contracts, it announced.
Shortly after the U.S. warnings were shared with Russia, the authorities did tighten security at Crocus City Hall, according to a 15-year-old coat-check boy, Islam Khalilov. He told Russian media: “We were warned a week ago that there might be attacks. There was training. They told us what to do, where to lead people. I was ready for it in principle. That week there were the toughest checks, with dogs.”
But just days later, on a busy Friday evening, four gunmen rampaged through Crocus City Hall, shooting concertgoers and setting the hall on fire without any resistance, according to video from the scene.
It remains unclear why security was loosened again. Russian officials — and pro-Kremlin news outlets — have steered clear of the question, instead focusing on blaming Ukraine and the West.
Putin, speaking at an Interior Ministry meeting Tuesday, called for increased security at concert venues, shopping centers and other places where crowds gather.
“It’s important above all to bring law, order and security at crowded places, at sports and transport facilities, shopping and recreation centers, schools, hospitals, colleges, theaters and so on up to a new level,” he said.
Russia’s foreign intelligence chief, Sergei Naryshkin, claimed Tuesday that U.S. intelligence on the Crocus City Hall attack was too general to be of help.
“Indeed, the FSB did receive information,” he said. “The information was too general and did not allow the ultimate identification of perpetrators of the horrible crime.”
Shane Harris in Washington and Natalia Abbakumova in Riga contributed to this report.
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sinoeurovoices · 1 month
安德烈·科爾圖諾夫 Andrey KORTUNOV,俄羅斯國際事務委員會學術委員會主任 莫斯科郊區發生的大規模恐襲事件的全貌,終於逐漸清晰起來。 3月22日,周五,四名中亞裔男子對莫斯科衛星城——克拉斯諾戈爾斯克——的“克羅庫斯城”(Crocus City)音樂廳發起襲擊,他們全副武裝,攜帶自動步槍和燃燒彈。襲擊者從入口處沖入,殺死了手無寸鐵的保安人員,而後一邊射擊,一邊穿過大廳進入音樂廳。 2024年3月22日,“克羅庫斯城”(Crocus…
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ligapediaslot · 1 month
ISIS-K yang Klaim Aksi Terorisme di Gedung Konser Rusia
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Ligapedia.news – Afiliasi ISIS di Afganistan yang bernama Islamic State Khorasan Province, atau ISIS-K merupakan kelompok yang mengklaim bertanggung jawab atas serangan teroris mematikan di Moskow.
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Seperti diketahui, ISIS-K didirikan pada 2015 oleh anggota Taliban Pakistan yang tidak puas, yang kemudian memeluk versi Islam yang lebih keras. Kelompok ini mengalami penurunan jumlah pejuang sekitar setengahnya, menjadi sekitar 1.500 hingga 2.000 pejuang pada tahun 2021 akibat kombinasi serangan udara Amerika dan serangan komando Afghanistan yang menewaskan banyak pemimpinnya. Kelompok ini mendapat angin segar yang dramatis segera setelah Taliban menggulingkan pemerintah Afghanistan tahun itu. Selama penarikan militer AS dari negara itu, ISIS-K melakukan serangan bom bunuh diri di bandara internasional di Kabul pada Agustus 2021 yang menewaskan 13 tentara AS dan sekitar 170 warga sipil. Serangan itu meningkatkan profil internasional ISIS-K, memposisikannya sebagai ancaman besar bagi kemampuan Taliban untuk memerintah. Sejak saat itu, Taliban telah melakukan pertempuran sengit melawan ISIS-K di Afghanistan. Mengutip The New York Tines, sejauh ini dinas keamanan Taliban telah mencegah kelompok ini merebut wilayah atau merekrut sejumlah besar mantan pejuang Taliban yang bosan di masa damai, di antara skenario terburuk yang terjadi setelah pemerintah Afghanistan yang didukung Barat runtuh. Presiden Biden dan para komandan utamanya mengatakan bahwa Amerika Serikat akan melakukan serangan "di atas cakrawala" dari pangkalan di Teluk Persia terhadap ISIS dan pemberontak Al Qaeda yang mengancam Amerika Serikat dan kepentingan-kepentingannya di luar negeri. Jenderal Michael E. Kurilla, kepala Komando Pusat militer, mengatakan kepada komite DPR pada hari Kamis bahwa ISIS-K memiliki kemampuan dan kemauan untuk menyerang kepentingan AS dan Barat di luar negeri dalam waktu enam bulan dengan sedikit atau tanpa peringatan. Awal bulan ini, pemerintah AS mendapatkan informasi tentang rencana serangan teroris di Moskow yang berpotensi menargetkan pertemuan besar, termasuk konser yang mendorong Departemen Luar Negeri AS untuk mengeluarkan peringatan publik kepada warga AS di Rusia. Selain itu, pemerintah AS juga membagikan informasi ini kepada pihak berwenang Rusia sesuai dengan kebijakan 'kewajiban untuk memperingatkan' yang telah berlangsung lama. ISIS jelas berusaha untuk memproyeksikan operasi eksternal mereka jauh di luar wilayah mereka. Para pejabat kontraterorisme di Eropa mengatakan bahwa dalam beberapa bulan terakhir mereka telah menggagalkan beberapa plot ISIS-K yang baru lahir untuk menyerang target-target di sana. Dalam sebuah unggahan di akun Telegram resminya pada bulan Januari, ISIS-K mengatakan bahwa mereka berada di balik serangan bom yang menewaskan 84 orang di Kerman, Iran, saat prosesi peringatan untuk Mayjen Qassim Suleimani, seorang komandan Iran yang dihormati yang tewas dalam serangan pesawat tak berawak Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2020. ISIS-K, yang telah berulang kali mengancam Iran atas apa yang dikatakannya sebagai kemusyrikan dan kemurtadan, telah mengklaim bertanggung jawab atas beberapa serangan sebelumnya di sana. Dan kini, kelompok ini telah mengaku bertanggung jawab atas serangan di Moskow. "ISIS-K telah terpaku pada Rusia selama dua tahun terakhir" dan sering mengkritik Presiden Vladimir V. Putin dalam propagandanya, kata Colin P. Clarke, seorang analis kontraterorisme di Soufan Group, sebuah perusahaan konsultan keamanan yang berbasis di New York. "ISIS-K menuduh Kremlin memiliki darah Muslim di tangannya, merujuk pada intervensi Moskow di Afghanistan, Chechnya, dan Suriah." Sumber : cnbcindonesia.com Read the full article
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reportwire · 2 years
Kabul suicide bombing: Attack on school in Afghanistan's capital leaves many dead, mostly young women
Kabul suicide bombing: Attack on school in Afghanistan’s capital leaves many dead, mostly young women
Relatives and medical staff remove a wounded girl from an ambulance outside a hospital in Kabul, September 30, 2022, following a suicide blast at a learning center in the Dasht-e-Barchi area of Afghanistan’s capital. AFP via Getty Kabul — A suicide bomb attack on a school hall packed with hundreds of students preparing for exams in the Afghan capital on Friday killed at least 30 people,…
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corepaedianews · 2 years
Afghanistan: assassination of al-Qaida chief reveals tensions at the top of the Taliban
Michele Groppi, King’s College London The killing of the al-Qaida leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in Kabul by a US drone strike on July 31 raises some crucial questions. It appears the ruling Taliban were aware of, and gave their blessing to, al-Zawahiri staying in one of the residential areas in Kabul. But did someone in their hierarchy turn him in to the US – and if so, who and why? It’s worth…
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unladyboss · 8 months
I liked how lovely Claire was but I didn't connect.
It's ok I don't have to connect, but I did feel weird in this scene, where Carmy is talking to her.
There's this physical distance that didn't make a lot of sense to me.
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They just spent the night, and she's in a t shirt and little else, yet he's there with this scene shot over a pan, his tums off to the side there, and him leaning away when he usually leans into Syd. And I mean when he and Claire aren't being physically intimate, there's a distance.
He put his whole body into hugging Syd, that same day of the fire suppression exam
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He's talking to Claire about the most important thing about the restaurant at that point and he's leaning away
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He's always up in Syd's face and in her space but not ever really with Claire.
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The physical distance is overt
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raplinesmoon · 2 years
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this was uncalled for
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tomorrowusa · 1 month
Some people think that letting a dictator run the country will keep them safe. But a dictator's primary motivation is to accrue personal wealth and power – not to benefit the country or its people.
Vladimir Putin's ambition is to become known as the Peter the Great of the 21st century. He aims to achieve that by restoring the territory and hegemony of the decrepit Soviet Union. So far, Putin's invasion has cost hundreds of thousands of Russian lives, has been a serious drain on the country's resources, and has caused Russia's international reputation to plummet.
The Kremlin casts President Vladimir Putin as something close to a savior, a strong leader who has brought stability and security following the chaos of the Soviet collapse. The mass-casualty events that have punctuated his nearly 25 years as president or prime minister -- and the recurring images of explosions, flames, and helpless victims desperate to escape harm -- badly undermine that narrative. Instead, analysts say, they tell a story of a leader whose focus on the protection and prolongation of his own power have come at the expense of the security of the people. Putin’s critics say that more than three decades after the demise of the Soviet Union, Russia remains a country in which the state puts its own interests far above those of its citizens. The biggest example is the war against Ukraine: Before the full-scale invasion of February 2022, when Russia was massing tens of thousands of troops at the border and the United States was warning that the onslaught could begin any day, many observers predicted Putin would hold back because a massive attack would harm Russia’s security, not improve it.
Putin's secret police are too busy hunting dissidents, liberals, anti-war activists, and gays to be much concerned about genuine security threats. And this culture of repression was already in place before Putin started the war.
This leaves Russia highly vulnerable to real extremists, analysts say, and to deadly disasters in which corruption, corner-cutting, and negligence cause or exacerbate the effects of avoidable accidents like the fire at the Zimnyaya Vishnya (Winter Cherry) mall in the Siberian city of Kemerovo in March 2018, seven days after Putin was declared the winner of that month's presidential election. “The intelligence services are focused on political investigation and intimidation of citizens. They do not fulfill their direct responsibility to protect society from real threats,” Russian political observer Dmitry Kolezev wrote on X, formerly Twitter.
Putin's control of media has made sure that nobody can criticize the way things are run. So everything the government does is publicly portrayed as wonderful. Then when something goes badly wrong and is too big to cover up, people are puzzled at how such a thing could possibly take place.
The March 22 attack at the Crocus City Hall outside Moscow “looks like a grandiose failure” on the part of the state, he wrote. “Fantastic amounts of money are spent on ‘security,’ but in reality, this security is not provided.” Under different circumstances, the political opposition and independent journalists would press the government on this problem, seeing to ensure that security forces do their job and that money is not misspent, Kolezev wrote. “Unfortunately, neither of these groups has access to national television, where they could speak quite loudly about this.” Instead of serving as checks on the state authorities, in other words, these groups are their targets. “Russian security personnel have been trained to look at specific, politically important ‘threats,’” Andras Toth-Czifra, a fellow with the Eurasia Program at the U.S.-based Foreign Policy Research Institute, wrote on X, adding that “due to resource/time/manpower constraints this means that they have less capacity to look at and prevent actual threats.”
When dictators are responsible to no one, they have no obligation to act responsibly.
Putin’s sluggish reaction to the Kursk submarine disaster during his first year in office is an example, and experts say bungled responses to the Nord-Ost theater attack in Moscow in 2002 and the Beslan school hostage crisis in North Ossetia in 2004 increased the casualty counts. The predominance of the priorities of the state and its senior leaders over the interests of citizens is not a new problem: It stretches back to Soviet times and the tsarist era, and it’s a phenomenon that dissidents, rights activists, and opposition politicians say must be reversed if Russia and its people are to thrive. But Kremlin critics say it has become more pronounced as Putin’s rule drags on. Among other things, they point to the war in Ukraine, which has caused hundreds of thousands of Russian casualties even as Putin, securing a new six-year term in what opponents and analysts say was a tightly controlled vote marred by millions of falsified votes, used the election to portray himself as the indispensable leader of a deeply united country.
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miocommitedarson · 29 days
oc doodles
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alanshemper · 1 month
God, it's so crazy how ISIS and IS-K are always carrying out terrorism against political enemies of the US like Russia and Iran.
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bozusuruz · 9 months
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Benim basim egilmedi benim basim koptu
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ao3-saiki-updates · 3 months
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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jareauwalker · 11 months
Jemily Bring It On AU
omg jj torrence, emily missy anon your brain is massive
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