#Klaus mikaelson x sister!reader
fandoms--fluff · 8 months
Hey do you think, you could do one of the Mikaelson have a little sister like 2 years old and always what to stay with Nik and Elijah….. also she is so jealous that Camil and she do something to her and Nik tells that she is a mini me
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Flufftober, October 6th
Mikaelson little sister reader x Elijah Mikaelson x Klaus Mikaelson
Warnings: mention of blood
You're sitting in Elijah's lap, playing with two Chelsea dolls you got some years ago, while he's on the phone with someone. It's quiet except for the sound of your big brother's voice every now and then.
It's all peaceful until Kol comes crashing into the room and sits on the ground in front of you. You tilt your head and hand him one of the dolls. "Play!" You tell him.
Kol nods and plays with you, making a horrible high-pitched voice for the doll which makes you laugh, but Elijah cringes and hopes he stops soon.
It's been ten minutes, "What the bloody hell is that horrible sound?" Klaus walks in, he clearly just got back from wherever he was. Most likely Cami, but he never discloses that information, knowing you've openly shown your dislike for her.
"Our brother's wonderful voice for a doll" Elijah sighs, putting his phone down.
"Hey! My voice is amazing!" Kol exclaims, hearing the insult and sarcasticness in Elijah's answer. "Yeah!" You cross your arms like Kol is.
"See! Y/n knows what she's talking about" Kol says as Klaus picks you up out of Elijah's lap and places you on his hip. You wrap your tiny arms around his neck and relax your head against his shoulder.
"Y/n is also two, I think you need a better defense" Klaus raises an eyebrow. "Technically she's over a thousand like all of us... I'll shut up" Kol says, seeing the looks he's getting from the big brothers.
Kol, having both dolls in his hand, places them down on the coffee table before leaving the room. He plans to go into town and create some havoc that all of his siblings (besides from you) will have a fuss about, but it'll be fun.
Later in the week, there's a party being thrown in the abboiter. It's all vampires and humans for them to feed on. Some to kill and some to compel away.
"Well, this seems to be quite the turn out" Rebekah walks over to you and Klaus, who's carrying you tightly in his arms. "Indeed it is, sister" Klaus smirks.
"Look at you all dressed up" Rebekah coos, running a hand through your hair. "I did all by my'elf" you say excitedly. You're wearing a long sleeve dark purple dress that flows out under the bodice, and matching purple glittery jelly shoes that are put on the wrong feet. But Rebekah didn't want to tell you that and make you feel bad or make you upset at yourself. You also have a couple bead bracelets on your wrists and a heart necklace that Elijah gave you that you never take off. Your daylight ring is on your right pointer finger as well.
"Well good job, beautiful girl" Rebekah kisses your forehead before noticing Cami making her way over, and leaves to go back into the crowd.
"Hey Klaus," Cami smiles. "Camille, You look beautiful" Klaus kisses her. "Mmm, thank you" she says.
You make a disgusted facial expression before facing back the other way and laying your head back on your big brother's chest. You wonder how thus girl seems to be everywhere and why she always comes up to you and your big brother. Why don't they just make her go away like other woman they have before. You don't know what happens to them, but you assume it's fine.
Your siblings make sure you're kept out of all the killing and death during your existence.
As they keep talking, you try to ignore them to the best of your abilities. How much longer, you keep thinking. You try looking for Elijah, so your other big brothers can take you away from them, but no luck. You can't seem to find him anywhere from where you're placed on Klaus' hip.
As soon as you hear her chuckle at something Klaus said, your 2 year old self gets fed up. So, you take off one of your bracelets and throw it as hard as you can at Cami's face.
Now you may be biologically two, but you're still an original vampire, and with that comes a lot of strength. The bracelet made a great slash in her pale cheek, now blood running down her face.
Klaus quickly vamps into his room with Cami and you still in his hold. He sets you down on his bed as he bites into his wrist and offers it to Cami.
As she drinks blood from his wrist, Elijah comes into the room, noticing Klaus vamping out of the courtyard with the both of you.
"What happened?" Elijah asks. You stay quiet, as you sit crisscross apple sauce on the bed, happy that Elijah's here, and even though Cami is now healed, you did something for her to stop talking. You really don't like her.
"Um, I'm fine, though I think it's time for me to go" She sighs, glancing at you before walking out of the room to go back to her apartment.
"What happened was someone decided to get a bit violent" Klaus informs him, facing you. Elijah follows his gaze, landing on your face. You have a slight smile on your face. Yay! you made Cami leave.
"Why did you hurt Camille, y/n?" Elijah walks over and crouches in front of you so you're face to face.
"Bad Cami! Don' li'e her" answer front forwardly. Elijah raises his eyebrows. It's known you're not a fan of the woman, but you've never actually said it out loud up until now.
Klaus chuckles. Elijah turns his line of sight to him, "What do you have to snicker about?"
"Oh, just the thought of y/n is slowly turning into a mini version of me" Klaus smiles and holds a thumbs up at you. You have a big grin on your face. "Niklaus, do not encourage this behavior" Elijah sighs. It's going to be a long life if this is going to keep happening regularly.
A new rule is set in place to make sure that you're never in the same room with Cami with less than one of your siblings. And that one day they can hopefully get you to like Cami and not loathe her.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Mikaelsons x sister!reader - the light is you
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The Mikealsons x sister reader. FLUFF. :) love you - Anon💜
The entirety of the supernatural world knew of the originals. Dangerous. Unforgiving. They know of the Mikaelson siblings.
What they didn’t know was that there was another sibling.
But you weren’t like the others.
Yes you were a vampire. But you had never turned off your humanity, you’d never killed a human, and when you fed from one you always fed them your blood and compelled them to forget.
You were different.
And that’s why the siblings worried for you.
They tried their best to look out for you, especially Klaus. He saw the way the world was and he didn’t want it to turn you into what it had turned him into.
Anywhere you went he had to go.
So when you asked to go to the grill, he tagged along behind you. As much as he didn’t want to go, he wasn’t going to let you got there alone.
“Don’t wonder to far.” Klaus whispered.
“I won’t! Elijah and Rebekah are coming soon too.” You beamed.
With that, you wondered away towards the pool table where Jeremy was playing pool with Tyler and Matt.
You’d become friends with them after you decided to go to high school out of boredom. And of course your brothers and sister were totally against it. But since no one knew about you, and no one knows your a vampire you were safe.
“Hey (Y/N).” Jeremy smiled.
“Hey guys, where are the others?” You asked.
“Not sure, they said they’d be here by now.” Matt shrugged.
You hummed and nodded, pulling up a nearby chair to just sit and watch how the game played out along with Tyler who had just lost.
“Want a drink?” Tyler asked.
“Yeah please. Get me whatever.”
“Sure thing.” He smiled.
He wondered away and you carried on watching.
When he came back he gave you a drink and pulled up a chair next to you, and you guys started talking.
Slowly the others started trickling in.
Every time the door went you would naturally look over. Klaus and Elijah were talking in one booth, and Rebekah had somehow roped Caroline, Bonnie and Elena into a conversation.
You could heard that Salvatore brothers whispering to Alaric about something, but not wanting to intrude you didn’t listen in properly.
Instead you cheered Jeremy on as he was playing against Tyler again, and he had nearly won the game.
Standing up, you walked over and stood in front of the table, clasping your hands behind you back.
“You were bragging so hard earlier.” You smirked.
“I can still win.” He said.
You looked over the table and shook your head.
“You’d need one hell of a miracle.” You laughed.
“Oh shut up.” He snapped.
You turned your head a rose a brow at him.
“Relax it’s just a joke Tyler.”
“Well it’s distracting so shut up and go away!” He growled.
You took a step back, walking straight into someone.
Looking up, you found Klaus right behind you and he placed a hand on your shoulder. Elijah stood just in front of you and Rebekah to your side.
“What’re your doing here?” Damon growled as he walked over.
Now you stood in front of your friends, surrounded by your siblings.
“Let her go Klaus.” Alaric warned.
“Not while your little pet is getting angry with her.” He growled.
“You threaten our beloved sister, you deal with us. Simple as.” Elijah shrugged.
“Sister?!” Caroline yelled.
You sighed and nodded your head, placing your hand on Klaus’ you gave it a gentle squeeze and removed it from your shoulder.
Gently nudging Elijah to the side, you stood in front of him.
“Yes. I am the youngest of the Mikaelson siblings. (Y/N) Mikaelson. But please, don’t be angry with me! I just wanted a normal life. I wanted friends, to do things like a normal teenager.”
You gave them all a weak smile.
“But if you don’t want to talk to me anymore I understand, I’ll leave.”
They all stared at you.
“Get out…” Bonnie whispered.
You didn’t need to be told twice. You simply nodded your head and left.
You never went to school after that, you stayed at the apartment.
Your siblings saw how upset you were, and finally it was Rebekah who decided to try and help you first after thinking long a hard.
“Come on, let’s go.” She said.
“Where?” You asked.
Rebekah walked up and pulled you from the bed, taking your hand she started to drag you downstairs.
“Bekah!” You whined.
“Just come!” She laughed.
Taking you outside she, she dragged you into the car and started driving.
She didn’t answer when you asked her again and again where she was dragging you off to.
Finally she pulled up in front of the school, and you sighed.
“Bekah please, I want to go home.”
“Just trust me.” She smiled.
You followed her out of the car, and she started to lead you through the school halls until she took you into the gym.
Inside was everyone, including your two brothers who smiled brightly and walked over to you.
“(Y/N).” Elijah smiled.
“Hey ‘lijah.” You smiled.
Hugging him lightly, you pulled away to look at Klaus who held his arms open.
Walking over, you happily padded into his arms, and sighed softly as you hugged him back.
“They wish to talk to you, but we’ll be right here.” He whispered.
You nodded your head and pulled away from him, and you walked around, heading over to stand in front of him.
“We did try call.” Elena smiled.
You blinked, then smiled sheepishly.
“I… lost my phone…”
“Again?” Matt asked.
They laughed softly and you laughed a little as well.
“Look, we’re not fully convinced on the whole trusting you thing.” Damon said.
“Damon!” Alaric hissed.
“It’s okay, I understand.” You nodded.
“But, you really haven’t done anything to hurt us. You’re a good friend, and we don’t really want to loose you.” Bonnie smiled.
You smiled brightly.
“Yeah! You’re our best friend!” Caroline laughed.
“Exactly, and without your hyper self with us it’s been boring (Y/N).” Jeremy smiled.
You grinned and jogged over, throwing yourself into his arms. He laughed and held you tightly and spun you around.
They didn’t trust your siblings.
But they trusted you, and they loved you. They didn’t want to throw all of the away because of a feud with your siblings.
Seeing you so happy, Klaus couldn’t help but smile.
Yes, he has plans. Things he wanted to do. But seeing you smiling like that, he couldn’t bring himself to go through with them.
He couldn’t hurt your friends, because he’d hurt you and that’s just something he would never do.
“You have to promise not to do anything stupid.” Elijah whispered to him.
Klaus nodded his head.
“For now. However if they do much as make her cry, I will end them.” He growled.
No one was every going to take your soul from you, not while they had a day because you were still a bright light. And they needed you to guide them out of the darkness that surrounded them
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inlovewhithafairytale · 5 months
Teen Wolf
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She looked at me as if there was something worth seeing in me(Theo R.)
I think we lost her(Theo R.)
Because I love you you little piece of shit(Theo R.)
I think we lost her II(Theo Raeken)
Morning Love(smut(Theo R.))
Friends Dont look at friends that way(Malia H.)
You belong with me(Stiles S.)
You're beautiful just the way you are(Stiles S.)
First time you ever listen to me( Sister reader)
You got the devil on your team(Void Stiles)
Maze Runner
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He was only 17(Newt)
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Keep your head up soldier(The Winter Soldier)
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Elijah Mikelson x Reader Headcannon
Yandere Klaus Mikelson x Reader Headcannon
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I don't want to forget
A letter from Y/n to reader
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POV series wich include a mini stories of Winchester little sister reader.
Why and how this is going to go...
part 1
part 2
⛥⛧Flashback series
" flash news. you have a little sister"
"promise you wont leave"
POV: The Winchesters have a little sister 1 2 3
Supernatural masterlist.
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Requests are open for:
Stranger Things
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Sister's Always Have Your Back
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Request from @mrs-fanfiction-2001 I love your writing. Niklaus x reader who is sisters with Caroline and she realizes has feelings for him. The Scooby gang freaks out (mainly Damon and Elena) and kinda turns their back on her
@rosie-posie08 @colbysbrocks
Foosteps entered my bedroom where I fling myself into my twin sisters arms catching her off guard. She regained balance quickly since she was a vampire and I am still just a human. "Woah, what's wrong sis?" She asked seeing me crying a little knowing something was wrong. Brushing hair out of my face I sniffed before foosteps rushed into the room. Damon, Elena and Bonnie to be exact. My sister slightly pulled away from our hug scoffing towards the other vampire. "Damon, you can't just burst into my sister's bedroom like this. We're having a moment!" Damon waved his hand in the air rolling his eyes at her. "Well you won't be able to have any moments until we take down the hybrid. And I have the perfect plan to capture him. We use your little sister as bate." Caroline stomped her foot on the ground suddenly vamping him into the wall making him grunt. "Urgh it makes the most sense...tell her Bon." Bonnie sighed slumping her shoulders to us. "He's right. Klaus would kill the rest of us. But he won't suspect it from Y/n...what do you think?" She focused her gaze to me waiting for my opinion.
"I uh - I don't think I can do that." Damon scoffed still being held against the wall by sister. "And why not little Forbes?" Throwing my hands up in the air I immediately regretted the words that came out. Shoving my hands over my mouth seconds afterwards. "Because I think I'm falling in love with him!" Elena finally stepped up clearly taken back by my confession. "How is that possible. All he has done since he came to this town is try and kill us all!" Crossing my arms over my chest I mumbled under my breath. "Really just you..." Elena raises a brow when Damon shoved my sister back revealing his vampire fangs straight in front of my face. "He must have compelled you to think that. Because there's no way in hell that you truly feel that way. I mean he's the bad guy-" Raising my voice to the vampire I didn't believe I called these people my friends. I mean Damon used to be the bad guy before he started dating Elena. "I wasn't compelled Damon. Whatever I am feeling is real. I know you only think otherwise because you're too worried about weak Gilbert!"
Elena gasped starting to cry and backs away by Bonnie. Damon bared his teeth glancing over to my sister. "Did you know about this blonde. That she wants to jump into bed with the monster?" I felt tears slipping down my face so I decided to just run outside the house needing to get away from those people. Collapsing against a tree in the middle of the woods I slide down it burying my face in my knees crying until a whooshing sound appeared in front of me. "Y/n, I'm sorry for what Elena and Damon said. It was mean and dumb." My sister dropped down on a knee in front of me. Lifting my head from my knees sniffing I noticed Bonnie was right beside her on the ground. "Bon...you're here too. I thought you'd be with the others..." She rested her hand on my knee giving me a weak smile. "Care and I will be here for you always. So go to him and follow your heart." Wrapping my arms around my friend and my sister I smiled letting Caroline vamp me on Klaus's doorstep ringing the doorbell leaving me alone.
The front door opened and I am greeted by Klaus who is wearing a black leather jacket that I hate to admit looked better on him then Damon Salvatore. "Y/n, I wasn't expecting to see you here tonight. What do I deserve to see you?" He has a smile on his lips that drives me crazy to stride up and kiss him suddenly. I mentally smacked myself in my mind because I was the shy Forbes meaning I wouldn't have done something like this. I mean he's the big bad hybrid and here I am kissing him. When I started to break the kiss I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist kissing me back deeply. "Not that I wouldn't mind doing that again but why did you do that Y/n?" He rests his forehead against mine listening to my heart beat racing inside my chest. He enjoyed because it meant that he had an effect on you. Someone who was just a human. "I...Elena and Damon said that I was insane for...feeling something for you. I don't really know what I am feeling but...I know it's something though. If you don't feel the same way I get that...Damon was probably kidding when he said you were obsessed with me-" I'm cut off by him kissing me passionately where I wrapped my arms around his neck jumping up into his arms. He smirked holding me up in his arms. "Of course I am obsessed with you Y/n Forbes. Because you are so much more than a simple human. To me you are a queen in my eyes." Smiling down to him I crashed my lips onto his never wanting to go back.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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widowkate · 2 years
the best day | hayley marshall
- based off ‘the best day’ by taylor swift
SUMMARY: on the fourth year anniversary of your moms death you remember all the good moments ( and some of the bad ) you had with her.
relationship: hayley marshall x daughter!reader & minor lizzie saltzman x reader
warning: bullying, cursing(?)
request?: no
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At five years old, your mom told you about the story of vampire, witches and werewolves. It was kid proofed and she would go into more detail when you were older but you had to know this stuff because your parents were hybrids and your aunts and uncles were the original family.
You watched her explain it to you and your twin sister hope in her gentle and kind voice. You couldn’t help but feel anxious as she explained that werewolves were real. Like in little red riding-hood. But your mom wasn’t scared, she was brave. And you wanted to be like her. Because she was the best person you knew.
You and Hope had been attending the salvatore boarding school since you were seven. And you guys never really clicked with anyone. It’s not like you didn’t try — it’s just that being the tribrid freaks didn’t exactly help out.
Now in your teen years, thirteen to be exact, the girls attending the school were mean. especially the headmasters daughters, lizzie and josie.
“No wonder your daddy didn’t stick around, he couldn’t resist his murder urges long enough to be a father” Some kid in class, you think her name is alyssa, yelled out pointing to the title of the book on everyone’s desk klaus mikaelson the great evil
feeling tears weld up in your eyes you stood up, lizzie saltzman watched hesitantly before speaking out her own hurtful words “Yeah i mean, who would want hope and y/n as their kids anyways?”
It stung, it really did. You didn’t know why Lizzie and Josie suddenly started jumping at yours and your sisters throats. It started happening after some fire in hopes room. But it hurt, You used to really like the blonde. Imagining what it would be like if you and hope took up the offer to be friends with her when you first arrived.
You ran out of the classroom and into your dorm. Putting up a barrier spell and crying on your floor. After two hours of refusing to leave your room — even when headmistress caroline forbes knocked and asked you if you wanted to talk about it. You heard a familiar knock and the kind voice of your mother call out “Sweetie, Do you mind coming out?” headmistress forbes must have called her.
You wiped your tears and opened the door “Mommy” You cried and gave her a hug. She rubbed your back for ten minutes until you calmed down. Then told you to follow her.
You spent the day at mystic grill for lunch, and then shopping, then some icecream and to finish the day off — you went on a walk around mystic falls.
When your mom gave you the tightest hug ever and told you to call her if you needed anything — no matter how small, you couldn’t even remember who alyssa chang and lizzie saltzman were.
You had the best day with your mom today.
At fifteen years old, You watched with power-disabling chains on your wrist as someone you knew as your uncle elijah stabbed your father “Elijah” Your mom whispered out. But he didn’t help her. He walked over to you and grabbed you as he saw you run towards your mom. She closed her eyes for a second before looking between you and hope. Mouthing ‘I love you’ before pulling greta’s hand out of her chest — snapping off gretas daylight ring finger and using her vampire speed to speed out the door. You watched as your mom light up in flames as your dad screamed and your uncle elijah, the man she loved released you. You fell to your knees and ran over to your moms burning body screaming something along the lines of mom! don’t leave me, i still need you . Your dad grabbed you before you could touch her burning body.
That was the worst day of your life
Now, At nineteen after defeating a god with the help of people you thought you never be friends with. Holding the hand of the person you thought would never such as breathe near you willingly — You stand infront of the tree that had carved in hayley marshall
“I’ll miss you forever mom” You whisper, tracing the writing with your fingers before wiping the tear that fell. You felt a hand on your back and looked up to face your girlfriend, lizzie saltzman.
She pulled you in for a hug as you sobbed into her shoulder. You would miss your mom forever, Just as your sister hope will. But your mom loved you, you know that. So that’s why you chose to celebrate her life.
“I love you mom” You whisper quietly.
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Klaus M. x Reader x Elijah M. - Bruises
***This was posted like 20 years ago (it was really only 2018), but got taken down or in review or whatever I actually don’t know. And I got bored so I edited it a bit and decided to reupload it***
A/N- I wrote something, not entirely sure I’m so proud of it. It’s kinda all over the place but I wanted to post something for now. But yeah this is a Klaus x Reader relation and Elijah x Reader sibling thing.
Warnings: black eye, mention of a fight
Word count- 1136
I knew it was better to not go out at night, but I wanted (favorite food) so bad and we didn’t have any left at the compound. So that’s what led me to my current predicament. My need for the food so strong that I was on the verge of being kidnapped right now. Well, that’s what it looked like, but I knew how to handle myself and got out of there in a breeze.
The only downside of this entire adventure, Klaus is going to be pissed. He’ll be upset that I left the house without him or any of his siblings yes, but that will hold no flame to how pissed off he’ll be once he sees me. Living with the Mikaelsons has taught me how to handle myself. They always tried to protect me, Klaus’s little human spouse, but they also made sure to teach me how to take care of myself just in case something ever happened.
And that’s exactly what happened tonight. I handled myself just fine except the downside is I now have a black eye due to the guy getting a punch in.
Welllllllllll, it’s not exactly my fault the dude was trying to kidnap me…. I think to myself as I walk back to the compound. At least I’m going back in one piece.
I enter the compound like an overdramatic spy in the movies. I check around every corner and listen very intently to make sure there is absolutely no Mikaelson sibling there before moving on. And it was working, I was almost in my room until I hear Elijah speak up from, thankfully, behind me.
“My dear, whatever are you doing?” 
“Just playing around. Do you know where Niklaus is?” I retaliated, not looking at him so he couldn’t see my eye.
“I believe he just went out to find you. Are you alright, (Y/N)?” He put a hand on my shoulder and attempted to walk in front of me.
“YES!” I paused as I realized that maybe wasn’t the best course of action. “I’m sorry, I’m fine, just tired. I’m going to go lay down.” I try again before walking away and into my shared room with Klaus, locking the door behind me.
I knew all the Mikaelson siblings in the compound overheard the conversation due to their heightened hearing and knew I was going to be in trouble. However, all I can think about right now is trying to cover up this bruise the best I can and hope I can pass as being alright. Before I can even step away from the door, I hear a soft but firm knocking.
“Little one, are you alright?” I hear Kol’s voice come through the door.
“I’m fine, Kol. Just tired,” I whined and walked into my bathroom.
I may as well try and clean this up before Klaus gets back. If he, or even any sibling, sees this bruise, there will be hell on earth. And I don’t feel like calming them down again.
I grab my makeup and get to work but nothing is working. I’ve tried everything in my bag and followed almost every single YouTube tutorial on covering bruises and everything.
“WHAT THE HELL?” I screamed and threw a hairbrush across the bathroom. “(N/N)? Can I come in?” I hear Bekah’s sweet voice come through my door.
“No! I’m fine! Why can’t you all just leave me alone?!” I screech yet again not helping my case.
Wait case. Where the hell is my food? Fuck, I must have dropped it when I was fighting that guy.
“FUCK!” I wail and drop to the ground. All I wanted was my damn food and now I don’t have it.
I don’t even have a chance to realize that I’ve started crying before the door busts open and Klaus rushes in with his siblings behind him.
“Love, what is wro- Who gave you that bruise? Why are you crying? Are you hurt any further?” Klaus starts panicking over everything.
But I can’t talk because I’m so overwhelmed. I almost got kidnapped. I got an ugly bruise that hurts like hell. I left my food back on the streets. And now Klaus is in my face yelling. I get that he’s concerned, that they are all concerned, for my well-being. But for now, I just need a second to decompress before I go any further.
And I believe ‘Lijah sees this as he ushers his siblings, including Klaus, out of the room. I don’t pay attention to everything happening around me. Elijah talks to his siblings in the hall before coming back in and assessing my state. Then without saying anything, gently picks me up and lays me on my bed, tucking me in and sitting beside me.
After a few minutes, Elijah starts talking. “Are you alright?”
I sigh, “Yeah.”
“My dear, then why are you crying?”
“We ran out of (favorite food) and I went to get some more. And before you start, yes, I went alone. Yes, I know how dangerous that is. But I didn’t want to bother you guys. Plus, I can handle myself. But then a guy tried to kidnap me until I beat his ass. Although, he got a nice right hook in. And then I came home to try and cover the bruise up with makeup so you guys wouldn’t freak out. But then none of that was working and stressed me out. And then I realized I dropped my food in the fight. So, all of that stupid stress and stuff for nothing.” I start crying again after I explained everything just because of how tragic yet childish it all sounds.
“Don’t worry, (N/N). We all have bad days. Do you want me to get Klaus for you?” He asks as he strokes my hair.
“Yes, please. And thank you for being such a good big brother,” I sincerely  reminded him as I started getting sleepy from the exhaustion of the day.
“You’re welcome. And don’t thank me, you’re like a little sister to me. I would do anything for you.” He said as he softly smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead before leaving the room.
While you stayed in the bed, half-asleep, Elijah went out and explained everything to Klaus, who was holding fresh (Favorite food) that he went out and got while Elijah took care of you.
As Klaus entered the room, I just stayed right in my bed. He thought I was asleep when I was only half-asleep. And he climbed into the bed behind me after putting the food on my bedside table. He made sure to move carefully so he didn’t wake me up as he moved closer and held me in his arms.
“I’m sorry for stressing you out even more, Love. I just panicked and wanted to make sure you were okay. But I just want you to know that I am right here to protect you and take care of you and you will never be a bother to me or the family. I love you, (Y/N).”
I just smile to myself and let myself fall asleep knowing that I am truly loved and protected.
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The Hope of the Mikaelsons family Part three
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Warning: Talking about transfusion of red blood cells and more don't read if you're not comfortable
"Guys Klaus is not answering his phone." Caroline tells her friends
"See I told you to not trust Klaus with your sister." Elena said
"You did what?" Damon asked mad
"Caroline trusted Klaus with her Y/N." Bonnie tells Damon
"Caroline, are you serious? you know how dangerous that family is. I can't believe you trust him with your sister." Stefan shakes his head at Caroline
"Guys don't get mad I know he wouldn't hurt my sister. " Caroline tries to tell them without them getting mad at her
"How can you be sure about that?" Jeremy asked
"Stop being so judgmental about Klaus and his family, you all know he changed for the sake of his daughter." Caroline yelled
Scooby Gang looked at Caroline with a guilty looked
"You're right, we need to stop being so judgemental about them, we're just not used to them being nice and everything. " Enzo says as everyone nods
"You know what invite them to Y/n's sixth birthday party." Bonnie tells Caroline with everyone agreeing with her
"But will your mom let you invite them?" Tyler asked
"Don't worry, she will be out of town so there will not be any problems."
"What if she hires someone to watch your sister and you?" Matt asked
"What's why we have Damon and Stefan to compel them."
Caroline smiles as everyone laughs, but stopped when there was a knock
Caroline stood up from the couch "it might be them." She opened the door to see Klaus and you "Why didn't you answer my calls." Caroline asked worry
"Sorry Caroline, we were watching a movie and we ended up sleeping. My siblings didn't wake us up because they also fell asleep."
"Your siblings are here?"
"Yes and so is Hayley. They came today."
"That's nice by the way, your family and you are invited to Y/n's birthday party on Friday."
"It's in two days thank you, but are you sure your mother and friends are going to be happy with us being there?"
"Don't worry my mother is leaving town today and my friends are okay about it."
"Alright, I'll let my family know."
"Y/n sweetheart, tell thank you to klaus."
"Thank you klausy." You smiled
Klaus smiled back, "no problem love."
Caroline smiled, whispering "thank you."
Klaus nods with a smile and left the Forbes's house
"Wow, your right Caroline Klaus does treat Y/N nicely he treats her like his own daughter." Elena says
"Yes, I know and it breaks my heart seeing that."
"I honestly don't want to go through what Klaus and his family are going through right now." Bonnie says
"They might've done bad things, but they don't deserve it." Stefan said sadly
"You all want to know something?" Caroline asked and everyone nodded. "Klaus told me that my sister reminds him of his daughter because she has the same name and age."
Damon nods "We knew that."
"How?" Caroline asked, confused
Matt looked at Caroline confused "Everyone knows the Famous tribrid Y/N Mikaelson."
"But everyone calls her the hope of the Mikaelsons family because she's the reason the Mikaelsons stopped picking fights and that they found peace because of her." Tyler adds
"The Mikaelsons can't be here in town,not on the day that I need to leave, but it's ok, I hired someone to watch them." Sheriff Forbes tells Sheriff Rodriguez
"I bet it sucks, needing to leave today when in two days it's your daughter's birthday."
"It does, but I pay for everything for her party. She has Caroline and her friends. " Sheriff Forbes smiles sadly "for now we need to give good expectations to Alexander so he knows what to do in case the Mikaelsons or anyone tries to harm my daughters."
"Good we should get going, we wouldn't want the plane to leave without us." Sheriff Rodriguez says
"What? Caroline invited us to Y/n's Birthday party? " Rebekah asked, shocked
"and her friends are okay about it?"
"Yes, it's weird that they're okay about it."
"We're going to her birthday party right?" Hayley asked
"Of course we wouldn't miss it for anything." Klaus answers
"I'm happy to have you as my sister Y/N I don't know what I'll do if something were to happen to you I'll even risk my life to save you."
You hugged Caroline "I love you so much big sister."
Caroline hugged you back. I love you so much too, little sister."
"Wake up sweetie." Caroline tells you
"No Care, I want to sleep for a little bit longer." You tell your sister sleepy
"I know sweetie, but I need to get you ready for your birthday party. Everyone is coming in one hour."
"Fine care, I'll get up. " You got up from your bed tiredly
"Happy birthday little one." Damon and Stefan smiled
"You keep getting old Y/n." Enzo tease
"I'm not getting old like you enzo. " You sass making everyone laugh
"You broke my heart, little one." Enzo pretended to cry
"Thank you for inviting us." Klaus smiles a little bit
Alexander walked up to Caroline "Excuse me miss Forbes but your mom told me to tell you that you can't have the Mikaelsons here."
Damon smiles and compels Alexander "you're going to mind your own Damn business when Sheriff Forbes comes back you're going to tell her nothing got it."
Alexander nodded and left as Klaus gave a confused look to his siblings "since when did your sister and you have a bodyguard?" Rebekah asked
Caroline smiles "since my mom has been leaving to help in another state."
"Wow, it might be hard not having your mother at all times. " Marcel says
"It can be but I have Y/n and she has me." Caroline tells Marcel
You grabbed Klaus hand "Klausy let's go paint."
Elena laughs "not even on your birthday you'll stop painting."
"Bye guys if you need us, we're going to be painting." Klaus tells everyone as they all smiled
"Hayley, we want to help find your daughter." Bonnie tells her
Hayley let out tears, "You guys want us to help?"
Elena nodded "Yes, we do only if you guys let us help if not we understand."
"Of course, but why do you all want to help us? If we have done bad things to all of you before. " Kol asked
"We know, but you guys don't deserve to go through what all of you are going through right now."
"Why don't we forget everything that happened and start fresh." Kol suggests
Everyone was about to agree, but stopped when they heard Klaus scream for help they all ran to where Klaus and you were
Caroline saw you unconscious in Klaus's arms, she was about to fall down but she was caught by Damon
"Klaus what happened to my sister?"
"Everything happened too fast."
"What are we waiting for? Let's take her to the Hospital."
When the hospital's doors opened immediately doctors and nurses started to work on you and to put you in a room, Caroline was about to follow, but she was stopped by a nurse "Sorry mama, but your friends and you have to stay here we need room to work."
"But she's my sister, she needs me." Caroline glared
"I understand, but we need the room to work." The nurse said before going into the room
Caroline was pulled into a hug by Bonnie. "Caroline don't worry she's going to be ok trust me."
"Brother what happened?, why was Y/n unconscious in your arms?" Elijah asked worried
"Not right now brother at the moment Caroline needs us." Rebekah says
Caroline stood up quickly when the doctor came out with a worried look "Doctor What happened to my sister?"
The doctor doesn't respond as he gives everyone a worried stare
"Doctor, answer what happened to Y/N"?
"Y/N has Anemia. She immediately needs a transfusion of red blood cells."
"Could I donate?" Caroline asked
"Of course, but I'll need two more people to donate In case you're not eligible to donate."
"I'll do it." Klaus agrees
"I'll do it too." Elena agrees too
Caroline give a thank you smile to klaus and Elena
"Alright then follow me so we can get started." The doctor smiled
"Hopefully one of them is eligible to donate." Bonnie tells Enzo
"Bonnie,don't worry Caroline will be eligible if not we have Elena or Klaus." Enzo pulls Bonnie into a deep hug
"I feel bad for Caroline. I don't know why bad things have to happen to innocent kids." Rebekah tells Elijah
"Right poor Y/n I feel so bad for her I wish we could go see her." Elijah said
"Davina, is something wrong?" Marcel asked through the phone
"Marcel I might've done a little research on Hayley and Klaus's daughter I might've found out where she has been this whole time
"Sorry Miss Forbes but you're not eligible to donate."
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Her Life Means Everything
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Maddie Julia Forbes. The shy twin sister of Caroline Forbes finds herself falling for the wrong guy, the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson. When she discovered her sister became a vampire she feared that she would just be in her older sister shadows until the hybrid came into town. Maddie gets pulled into the supernatural world as the only other human beside Matt Donvan. Question is can she stay that way
1 - Matching Rings
2 - Sister's Lie
3 - Unexpected Comfort
4 - Playing Princess
5 - The Originals Mother
6 - Together as One
7 - Alaric Wants to Kill Me
8 - He's Actually Alive
9 - Dancing Date Gone Bad
10 - Another Vampire Hunter
11 - Tale of the Five
12 - Which Witch Did You Call?
13 - My Orleans Girl
14 - You'll Never Lose Me
15 - Picked A Death Wish
16 - Who's The Better Teacher??
17 - Ring to New Orleans
18 - How About Aunt Caroline
19 - Everything is Red
20 - Two Hearts
21 - Prom..Interpreted Us
22 - Be Mine Forever
23 - Graduation Cap Multiple Uses
24 - The Brave Bartender
25 - Lockwood's Betrayal
26 - You're Better Than This
27 - Vampire Visions
28 - Keys to the Kingdom
29 - Our Twin Daughter's
30 - Returning Home
31 - She Deserves To Cheat Life
32 - You Will Be Missed Liz
33 - Desirable Soulmates Evening
34 - My Fairytale Wedding
35 - Supernatural School
36 - Complicated Urges
37 - Forced To Fight
38 - Back to Mystic High
39 - Runs In The Family
40 - Quest of the Mates
41 - Worst Spring Break
42 - Epic Mikaelson Reunion
43 - A Family Dress
44 - Gemini Curse
45 - Us Against Triad
46 - Family Holiday
47 - Supernatural Game
48 - Who Is Hope Really???
49 - Rebellious Teenagers
50 - Memory is as strong as Family
51 - We Broke Always and Forever
52 - Family Loopholes
53 - Kai Parker Influence
54 - Who's More Powerful Now
55 - Most Powerful Creatures On The Planet
56 - Eternal Love Breaks
57 - What Brings Family Together
58 - Merge Day
59 - Salvatore Musical
60 - Salvatore Musical
61 - New Addition To Our Pack
62 - A Kirby Proposal
63 - Grandpa Nik and Grandma Maddie
64 - Little Elope Wedding
65 - The Life We Choose
66 - They’re Mikaelson’s Forever
67 - Creation of the Tribrid's
68 - Humanity Here We Go Again
69 - Drastic Vampire Measures
70 - Fighting the Bite
71 - Mikaelson's Don't Go Down Easy
72 - Always and Forever
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list- just ask to be added
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @queenieala @dragonixfrye @samsgirl93 @elijahmikaelsonbitch
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saltyluminaryvoid · 1 year
“Cold was the steel of my axe to grind.”
A story of a daughter’s newfound quest for her family. 
In which the daughter of Elijah Mikaelson and Princess Samira Parvati Agrawal is betrayed by her own and imprisoned for several centuries. When the hollow sacrifices Elijah it triggers unforeseen consequences onto humanity and the supernatural world. The escape of the dhampyre releases nearly a thousand years of blood thirst and unbridled rage onto vampire kind and anyone who stands in her way for revenge. 
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In the cool air of the August night, a woman moved gracefully through Agrawal Palace, tiny bells upon her ankles announcing her every step as she carefully balanced two trays one ladled with cold lemonade and the other with fresh bread and cheese. 
Parvati! a voice calls in the distance, ‘you could have called for me and I would have come to assist you.’ Sister, Parvati calls softly nothing will fall and be ruined, the golden-skinned beauty teases as she removes her hold upon the trays only to leave them hovering mid-air, ‘that’s the beauty of magic’ she softly demonstrates. Her baby sister a fiery red-headed Indian woman tsked her, ‘Well at least it would have given me something to do, while our sister occupies herself with her warrior training.’ Orrrr, Parvati begins to tease you can practise your English and allow your elder sisters some much-needed peace. Aarushi only pouts as she descends the stairway, the length of her silken saree flowing with the gentle breeze, Parvati follows into the large courtyard trays trailing mid-air alongside as she joins Aarushi under the large Willow happy with the reprieve the nights brought from the hot Indian summers. Her younger sister Lokirina  dutifully practices her sword fighting, clothed in nothing but dragon hide armour, no doubt kept cool  from the many magical runes inscribed onto her armour. 
Parvati sips her lemonade, half-mindedly listening to her sister prattle on about how pretty the Patel twins are. She recalls the many nights Lokrinia and father stalked and hunted the dragon which terrorised neighbouring lands. In her foolish bravery she remembers almost being killed for her hubris, her father’s broken cries as he cradled her sister’s burnt body. She’ll never forget the way fear and panic racked her body when the healers announced Lokirina now fully healed from her burns many never awaken as her mind had retreated too far for magic to heal. 
Parvati had never felt so useless, as the eldest child of the greatest coven to exist in the Vijayanagar Empire Parvati was the problem solver. The one her siblings turned to when they were far out of their depths, the one her father groomed to take up the mantle of Thakurani, the ruler who fell under the great Maharaj of the Empire. In her passing hopelessness, Parvati had assembled the greatest witches and warlocks of the empire and together they slayed the dragon and affirmed her position as the most beloved Kumari in history. Her sister’s dragon hide armour was carefully cut and within its skins, all manner of protective and tracking runes were sown.
She recalls her once loving father who made it his priority to be involved in the education and rearing of his girls despite still mourning his beloved wife and heading his kingdom. She knew he once truly loved her in the way he’d  patiently explain complicated theoretical magic, in the way he lovingly feed her bites of food when she was too caught up with her newest magical project or the way he hid the pain his face whenever she looked far too much like her mother or even the way he never resented her as she was the admissible evidence her mother’s heart would always lie with Elijah. 
Bitterly she thought, he didn’t love me anymore why else would he have plotted with the spirit Esther to seal her away? 
Why else would he turn the coven against her once he discovered the truth of what her father really was?
Why else would he punish her sisters alongside her when they refuse to turn against her?
Why else would he have thought of such a brutal prison to seal her away so she could never fully transition?
Because of him they were forever trapped within a prison world, doomed to repeat this one day until the end of time, she was doomed to live in an unending loop of fiery torment clawing at her throat. A torment which could only be sated by the dhampyre natural prey, a vampire.
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
No Humanity Hope x Sister! Reader | Legacies - Season 4.
Summary: In Which Hope turns off her humanity and maybe, just maybe Y/ N is the key to her humanity.
Warning: Blood & Gore, Killing, Blood Drinking. Mention of killing, Ripping out hearts, Neck snapping. Etc.
Pairings: None, Except Hope & Landon.
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Reader's POV
To say you were shocked when you heard Hope turned off her Humanity after learning that she killed Landon was shocking. Why did she kill the boy she loved? And why did she turn off her humanity? People who always do that are never the same, they always end up harming the person they love or destroying things.
Now here you were in the school library also known as Salvatore Library. Weird name, but it was fine.
Picking up a book, you begin to look over the words trying to find a way to get your sister out of the situation she was in.
But it seemed nothing worked.
If your friends couldn't get Hope to turn her emotions back on, then maybe you could.
But how can you when the world is on your shoulders?
A sigh left your lips as you found what you were looking for.
Humanity switch.
You carefully walked over to a table and tried not to lose your spot in the book, sitting down you run your finger over the words of the page.
And took in every word slowly and carefully.
“ Emotions, also known as humanity, are one of humankind's greatest strengths and weaknesses. Vampires and vampire-hybrids are able to feel emotions more strongly because everything is enhanced. Vampires also have control over their emotions. Emotions can empower witches and their magic, while werewolves are strengthened by anger, though they are also very susceptible to it. ”
Pausing your eyebrows were scrunched up and your eyes were wide, So humanity was just Emotions, and the person turned them off?.
You jump when the library doors open, a class is coming in. With a sigh, you grab the book and walk away trying not to be seen.
As you walked out the door, you didn't notice a pair of eyes looking at you.
Time Skip : New Orleans.
You were nervous, the family had invited Hope to New Orleans but your sister didn't know that this was Klaus ( You two's) father funeral.
If you knew your sister well, you would assume she would be in denial and think they were poking fun at her.
Which no one will.
This is serious.
You were currently at the table looking over words in a book you found from the library.
You look up when you see your sister coming in. She made eye contact with you, and you felt a shiver run through your spine.
“ Hello, Hope. How are you sister? ”.
Hope narrowed her eyes at you and walked forward, her footsteps seemed to get louder and louder in the quiet room with every step she took.
“ Where is Aunt Rebekah? And what is going on? ”.
You forced a smile and closed the book you were reading.
“ Nothing is going on hope. We are just worried about you”.
Hope eyes flashed and you instantly grew scared. You were not as powerful as she was, so you knew her mindsetsate isn't normal at the moment.
And you had to be careful what you said and how you said it.
Closing your eyes you took in a deep breath, relaxed, and prepared yourself for the worst outcome.
“ Hope we are here for you”.
“ What the hell is that supposed to mean? ”.
Hope, your sister didn't get a chance to say more until Rebekah and Freya.
You sighed.
You were just glad you didn't have to talk everything in.
But the look on your sisters face was telling it all.
She was looking for trouble.
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fandoms--fluff · 5 months
Heloop can you do one of baby Mikaelson, that she is always with nik and Elijah but when Hayley comes to leave with them yn what to be with her
New Favorite
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Baby Mikaelson sister reader x Hayley marshall (+ Klaus & Elijah)
Warnings: pregnancy?
A/n: I've been wanting to write something like this for a while and I got so happy when this request came in!
You peek out from behind your big brother, Elijah's, leg. Across the room, where she's sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, is Hayley. The lady who all of your brothers and sister have been fighting about what should happen.
Apparently something happened with Niky and her, but no one will tell you and you've been too nervous to go up to Hayley and actually say something to her.
The closest you ever gotten to her is right now, holding on for dear life to Elijah's leg. You don't like being around people you aren't familiar with. Which I weird that you're feeling like that with Hayley, Elijah has been noticing, since you technically have met her before in Mystic Falls. But you guys did just move back to New Orleans and it's a bigger change for you considering you like being in Mystic Falls, that's sometimes hard to believe truthfully for him. Then again you don't have some horrendous memories of the place like the others do.
You look at what she's wearing and your eyes land on her hands. On her fingers, there are a couple rings in various shapes and some have a colorful stone on them.
Elijah is talking with Niky. It sounds like he's mad with him. Though that's not really concerning to you considering he and Elijah get into fights all the time, so you're used to it. The same with when Niky and Bekah also get into fights.
As they continue to squabble, you carefully start letting go of your big brother's leg and start to make your way over to Hayley. You move slowly, not wanting to accidently trip like you do sometimes when you're nervous or excited.
Hayley looks down and sees you standing a couple feet away the end of the couch supporting your small basically toddler frame. She smiles softly, she took a liking to you during her time in Mystic Falls. Even though she despised, and still kinda does, Klaus, she likes how he acts all soft and protective of you.
She's noticed you're basically always with either Elijah or Klaus. Whether that be them carrying you, holding your hand, you attached to their legs or just being in the same room.
"Hi there" She speaks to you first, her tone soft.
You look up at her with big eyes and take a small step towards her, still holding onto the couch cushions on the way. You lift your other tiny hand up to give her a small wave.
It takes you a moment to climb up on the couch and sit down on your knees, facing her.
She has to admit, You're pretty cute.
You look up at her face and then down at her hands, repeating that a couple more times. Your sight finally lands on her hands. The rings shine under the light.
She realizes it's her rings you're looking at, so she moves her hand and places it in front of you, right above your knees. "You like my rings?" She asks you quietly.
You wrap your tiny hands around her hand and start tracing the ring with a butterfly on it. It takes you a moment to reply, but quietly you finally say something, "Pretty." You mumbled before looking back up at her, your hands still clutched to hers.
"It is, isn't it?" She smiles.
Rebekah walks into the house from being out all day. She rolls her eyes at the two arguing. Instead, she made her way to the both of you.
"Well, I think it's time for a certain someone to get ready for bed," She tells you after reading the clock that's sitting on the mantel.
You frown before complying and climb off the couch. You reach up and grab your big sister's outstretched hand. As you guys start walking toward the stairs, you look back and wave a 'bye' to Hayley.
Over the next few months, you start spending more time with Hayley. You got attached to her quickly. She revealed to you about being pregnant with Klaus' child, earning an excited reaction from you, and getting a smile out of herself as well.
It seems as if you're spending more time with Hayley than your brothers. As Rebekah has teased your guys' brothers about.
Klaus sits with you on your bed, trying to get you to sleep. Which isn't working in his favor. When you want to be, you can be more stubborn than Rebekah, and that's saying something.
"It's past your bedtime" He whispers. He's not exactly trying that hard anyway, but you usually listen to him.
"Bad sleep" You frown up at him. "No, not bad sleep, you need sleep, or else you'll be grumpy in the morning," He says, leaving out the point on how Elijah will have his head if he lets you stay up way too late again.
"So let's lay back down, curl up, and go to sleep," He tells you softly, handing you your stuffed yellow teddy bear.
You slowly follow his wording and snuggle your teddy bear as he tucks you in. Your brother places a kiss on your head before turning the lamp off and slowly leaves the room.
After laying in your bed for ten minutes, unable to fall asleep, you sit back up and shuffle out of your bed.
You quietly walk out into the hallway until you find yourself in what used to be Kol's room and now is Hayley's. You patter in and Hayley looks up from her book to see you standing a couple feet away with your teddy bear clutched in your hand.
"Hey sweetie, aren't you supposed to be in bed" She asked you, already knowing the answer. "uh-uh" You shake your head and walk over to the bed and climb up with Hayley helping you.
"Whatever you say, hun" She chuckles.
You crawl closer to her. She lifts her right arm up, having you cuddle into her side. You move down a bit to rest your head on her pregnancy bump. You giggle from the feeling of magic coming from the baby. You're the only one who seems to be able to feel any of it.
You hug your teddy with one arm while your other hand is tracing shapes on Hayley's bump, tiredly. Not even ten minutes later, you're out like a light.
Klaus searches around the house, trying to find you. He hasn't seen you all morning. While he searches, Elijah stands up from where he's sat. "What's wrong?"
"I can't seem to find our baby sister anywhere" Klaus answers before leaving the room, obvious that you're not in here. Elijah follows after him.
"Have you checked Hayley's room?" Elijah asks him. That makes him pause before going up the stairs to where the bedrooms are.
He opens the door to the pregnant werewolf's room and walks in. What he sees makes him breathe a sigh of relief. Showing in front of them, Hayley and you are sound asleep, you cuddled into her arms with your bear still in your grasp.
"What are you two doing? There are more than enough reasons as to why not to wake up one of them, let alone both of them" Rebekah whisper at them, pulling the two men out of the bedroom and closing the door.
"But I think, you guys have been replaced with a new favorite" Rebekah smirks, nodding to Hayley's door before walking away.
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mrs-kmikaelson · 10 months
Braver Together
(Should've Known Better Part Two)
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x reader, Klaus Mikaelson x reader, Mikaelsons x sister-in-law!reader, Hope Mikaelson x mother-figure!reader Summary: Ever since your heart was broken, you became scared of love altogether, but then the most unexpected thing happens and you realize that there was no point in being alive if you weren't living. So you force yourself to face your fears and start being brave... with some help, of course. Warnings: very long, mentions of cheating, angst (with more fluff tho imo), complicated relationships, death, ofc violence, and i totally bend the tvd-originals timeline Words: 10.6K
a/n is at the end of the post.
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When you accepted Klaus’ proposal a thousand years ago, you could’ve never imagined that your life would end up the way it would. For a long time, you were happy, maybe even the happiest girl in the world. It didn’t matter if your family was dead—the Mikaelsons became your family. And for a while, that was fine with you, but now it just felt like torture to be with them every single day.
But you supposed that you signed your life away when you married your husband.
His infractions amazed you, but you still didn’t leave him, even when every bone in your body begged you to. It was the little things, like watching Hope smile as she opened presents on Christmas morning, that made you feel like it was worth it.
You had grown attached to her. While you still weren’t the best of friends with her mother, you remained civil for her. After all, you were both stuck in this family with no way of escaping, so you found it pointless to continue to ignore her.
Klaus, however, was much more deserving of your ignorance, but like Hayley, you pushed that to the side. Your feelings didn’t matter when their child was involved. Even though you weren’t her mother, Hope felt like a daughter to you. Her name was so fitting; she really was this family’s last hope, and she was definitely yours.
Over the years you had, you managed to mend your relationship with Rebekah, even if it was never really the same as it was before. You were no longer running around Chicago together, dancing the night away, but now you had responsibilities to care for and hurt in your hearts. Rebekah had always been a child of sorts, but coming back to this city forced her to grow up. In a way, you supposed you did, too.
Elijah and you were better after that talk you had that one Christmas Eve, not as good as before, but better, and for the time being, that was good enough.
Sometimes, as you were playing with Hope in the living room, your siblings surrounding you, you lied to yourself and pretended you were a family again. But you knew better now. You’d been here before already.
But then something happened, something that almost made that lie feel real.
You walked into the Abattoir with a wide smile on your face, a sight that’d become rare to see. But when you were with Hope, it was impossible for the corners of your lips not to go up. She was giggling at something you said, but, looking back, you couldn’t even remember what it was.
There were shopping bags in your hands. You just took her out to get clothes for her first time at school. You were expecting to see the family seated on the couches, prepared to watch her “runway” her new wardrobe.
Instead, you were met with an apparent crisis. Rebekah sat on the couch, hand cupped over her mouth in shock, tears in her eyes. Hayley stood off to the side, glancing in between Elijah and Klaus, the former staring pointedly at an unknown man whose back was turned to you and the latter with his arms crossed, also staring at said man.
At your entrance, Hayley looked over to you, seeming to let out a breath, as if she was thankful to have a reason to leave the situation. “Mommy, mommy!” Little Hope waved Hayley over, even though she was already walking in your direction. “Me and Auntie Y/N/N bought pretty clothes! Wanna see?”
“Yes, sweetheart, just after your father and Uncle Elijah work this out.” She picked the child up, glancing your way with a sort of warning in her eyes, nodding over to where the rest of the family stood before she looked back to Hope. “For now, why don’t we get you in the bath?”
Hope groaned in protest, making you smile in amusement, but Hayley paid no mind to this, taking her upstairs. Your smile was immediately wiped away. The look the werewolf gave you suggested that something was going on, something she didn’t want Hope to be apart of. The rest of the Mikaelsons hadn’t taken their attention off the man they were staring at for even a second, worrying you.
So, you placed the shopping bags you were holding down next to the gate, walking towards them with your arms held out. “What’s going on?” You asked, but no one turned to answer you. Your brows furrowed. Just as you were about to ask again, the mystery man turned around and it was like the wind was knocked out of you instantly.
Standing right in front of you was no stranger. It was Kol Mikaelson.
For a moment, you almost forgot how to breathe. He gazed at you tenderly with an indecipherable look in his eye. Before you could get to even trying to figure it out, you jumped out of your shock and engulfed him into a tight hug that he quickly reciprocated. Tears leaked out of your eyes for the first time in years.
After a minute, you pulled away, patting his arms and looking him up and down, like you were trying to figure out if he was real. He looked just like Kol, just like your Kol. You pinched yourself, causing the man to let out a small chuckle.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you, Y/N,” he said, and you were gobsmacked because that was his voice, his voice that you hadn’t heard in years. As you realized this was real, that this was really Kol, you pulled him in for another hug. 
Kol was the one to pull away this time, cupping your cheeks with his hands and wiping your tears away. You opened and closed your mouth like a fish, trying to find the right words to use, trying to figure out what you even wanted to say. When he died, you felt like there was so much left unsaid, but now you didn’t know where to start. “How- how are you here?”
He softly smiled at you, so different in comparison to the usual Mikaelson smirk that you were used to. “I’m going to explain everything.”
All of a sudden, you heard a throat clear, reminding you of the others in the room that you’d somehow forgotten about. You looked behind Kol to see Elijah, straightening his cufflinks. “Yes, it appears that we all have a lot to discuss,” he remarked, almost looking uncomfortable. You then glanced to Klaus whose jaw was clenched. Rebekah was still in the same exact position as before, expressionless.
Kol guided you to the couch next to her, telling the brothers they should sit, too. And then he told you all the story of a lifetime.
You listened intently as Kol explained how he was alive. He said he had been on the other side, watching all of you every day. Hearing this made you tense as you wondered what he could’ve possibly seen or heard; you were embarrassed that he might’ve seen how Klaus treated you and how you stayed, but your mind didn’t linger on the subject for long as he continued with his story.
He said the other side started to fall apart, all thanks to the travellers and their sociopathic leader, Markos. You were surprised he was even real; when you came across travellers in the past, you thought they were insane, but it turned out that they actually had real power, enough to bring down a supernatural purgatory that had existed long before even your time.
Kol then said he went back to Mystic Falls after a witch told him that Bonnie Bennett had taken the place of the other side’s anchor. He explained how, following Stefan’s death, the scooby gang engaged in a plan to bring him and their other fallen friends back. 
“So I was stuck with my life in the witch’s hands.” He suddenly looked to you. “She refused at first, but when I mentioned you, she eased up and decided to let me through.” For some reason, this information made you freeze. You were stuck staring into Kol’s eyes until he eventually looked away, making you shake your head. “Whatever you said to her, Y/N, may have just saved my life.”
You knew what he was referring to. Long ago, when you were still in Mystic Falls, before Klaus cheated and before Kol died, you gave the Bennett witch some advice you thought she’d find useful. You told her not to let people walk all over her, to start living for herself.
How ironic was that?
It seemed that neither of you had followed this advice, though, because Bonnie was still stuck putting her life on the line for her friends and you still lived with your husband and his family.
Both of you were doing things that’d kill you eventually.
Maybe it already did.
After Kol’s story, you were all worn out, like each of you had lived through it yourselves. Even though you were exhausted, you were still ecstatic that Kol was alive, that your wishes had come true. When Rebekah got over her shock, you could tell she was happy too, and even Elijah had a ghost of a smile of his lips. But Klaus didn’t look as happy as you would’ve thought he’d be.
You didn’t mind this, ignoring it altogether, refusing to let anything ruin your good mood. That night, you went to bed happy in a house full of Mikaelsons.
The next day, when Kol met Hope, the smile that was already on your face got even wider. Oh, they would cause trouble together, you thought. The three of you spent the week together, sometimes including one of your other siblings. And for the first time since you were with that boy, you felt human again.
You could’ve never imagined this turn of events, Kol coming back to life, Klaus’ child being your salvation. But no longer could you imagine any what ifs, any other life for yourself. You didn’t wonder and wonder about what would’ve happened if Elijah let you go, if Klaus never found you. If you got the chance to go back, you didn’t even know if you would’ve done it all differently. That was saying something, but at the moment, it all felt like it was worth it.
There were so many questions you had for Kol, so many qualms you still had with your family, but for that week, you ignored it all. You could only focus on the influx of pure happiness you felt. You started living like you weren’t a thousand-year-old Original whose heart was broken and like you were gonna die the very next day.
And it was liberating.
But you knew better than to think you could live in paradise forever.
You and Kol lied on the grass of some hill he’d driven you to. You were surprised he even still knew his way around the city, but he was always one to surprise you.
You just stared up at the stars together in silence, a comfortable silence that didn’t feel like it was suffocating you. It was just the two of you, no Klaus, no drama, no anyone. It was just you and the stars.
Out of nowhere, Kol broke the silence, his voice just above a whisper. “My brother doesn’t deserve you.”
Your breath hitched, turning your head towards him, but his gaze was still aimed at the sky. Your perfect little moment was suddenly invaded by the thought of your husband who you’d been unknowingly avoiding in conversation with Kol altogether. Maybe he noticed that.
Maybe he noticed the way you and Klaus no longer touched, even though you couldn’t keep your hands off one another the last time he was alive. Maybe he really was watching you from the other side, and that terrified you.
You knew Kol held you on a pedestal, even if neither of you would ever acknowledge that. He thought you were so good, so strong, so it killed you to think that he saw you when you were most vulnerable. It killed you to think that he knew all of his brother’s indiscretions and how you stayed, anyway.
You knew better than that—no, you were better than that.
Kol went on, “He never has-”
This time, you cut him off, the shock wearing off. “Kol-”
“No, Y/N.” He finally stopped staring up at the stars, turning to look at you. You were expecting the disappointment, but you weren’t expecting the raw anger in his eyes, an anger that’d never been directed at you. But you know it wasn’t. “You were always too good for that bastard, too good for this entire fucking family.”
You tried to stop him, but he kept going every time you opened your mouth. “Here you are, raising a child that isn’t even yours for his sake. Even after what he did to you, what he kept doing to you, you stayed—because that is just how loyal you are and how loyal he isn’t.” He started laughing, but there was no trace of humour in it. “You have no idea how much I want to sock him every time I see him.”
“You know there’s nothing you can say to make this better, Y/N.” That shut you up. “I’m not going to let you spin this just to spare my brother the trouble.” Oh, how embarrassed you felt. Klaus cheated on you over and over again, yet you still felt the need to defend him. 
Things were okay with Elijah and Rebekah because, even though they were there, they weren’t really there. They didn’t know how bad things were between you and Klaus, how it ate you alive, not even Rebekah who watched you break down and isolate yourself. But Kol- oh, Kol saw it all.
You swallowed, looking back up to the sky. “I’m sorry,” you whispered.
Never had you been turned so fast. When your eyes met Kol’s, they were fierce, but his voice softened. “Don’t ever apologize for him. Never again, not to me- not to anyone.”
You swallowed a second time, losing your words as you just stared into his eyes. You hadn’t seen him in so long; you forgot how well he knew you, how he was able to read you like a child’s book.
But Kol had gotten more complicated to you. Whenever you were around him, there was a new look that’d surface in his eyes. This look was like a passerby that you didn’t know but had seen before, a friend of a friend. This was a look you could not decipher, and currently, he was giving you that exact look.
For a long while, the two of you just looked at each other as if you were the stars you’d came all this way to see. The only things heard were crickets and the cars from the city until Kol’s voice sounded.
“I should’ve never let him do this to you,” he said. And you didn’t know what that meant.
But it didn’t matter.
Because, seconds later, you both got up and drove away.
This night hadn’t dampened your mood. There were so many things to be happy for. Years ago or even a week ago, you were depressed beyond words, but Kol coming back had filled a hole you’d thought would never go away. So even though this conversation stung, you were still okay.
When you got back to the compound, you both pretended he never said what he said. Kol went back to being his playful self, making jokes, and you went back to laughing at them.
It was like you’d been given a miracle. You never thought you’d feel like yourself again, and you didn’t really, but it was so close, as close as you’d been in a long time. 
You didn’t feel so alone anymore.
Every day started being spent with either Kol, Marcel, Hope, or sometimes even Rebekah. Life was as normal as it had ever been, as sunny as you’d ever seen the world—at least as sunny as your life has been in decades.
Until it started to rain.
You were in the kitchen of the Abattoir, looking through the cupboards to see what you could make. While none of you had to actually eat, Hope did, and so it’d become a staple in the Mikaelson house to have dinner every night. These dinners stopped being so awkward after a while.
Hayley and Eijah were at some werewolf meeting, Rebekah had taken Hope to buy school supplies, Kol was roaming around, and you suspected Klaus was out causing some sort of mayhem. You assumed you were alone in the house, but you were proven wrong.
Footsteps sounded behind you; you sensed him before you even turned around. Even though Klaus and you had gotten to a point of pleasantness, that didn’t mean you enjoyed being alone with him. 
A few years of pleasantness couldn’t erase the thousand years you’d spent together.
“Love,” he greeted, pulling out a barstool and sitting down, the kitchen island separating you. You lightly inhaled, turning to nod to him in acknowledgement.
You kept rummaging through the kitchen, trying your best to ignore your husband’s presence. Oh, Klaus hadn’t felt like your husband in so long, but what else could he possibly be to you?
You were trying so hard to be friends with him, but could you really be friends with the man you were in love with for a millennium? With the man who had hurt you more than anyone else ever had? You didn’t have an answer to that.
The two of you sat in silence. There was a point in time where silence between you both felt like a warm blanket, comfortable and safe, but now it felt ominous, like the calm before a storm. With Klaus, there was always a storm.
Just as you placed your final ingredients on the counter, he caught you off guard and asked, “What are you doing with my brother?” You quickly spun around, widening your eyes and narrowing them in the same sequence. This was a question, but it felt much more like a challenge.
Klaus was impassive, but you knew better than to actually believe that. However, you mirrored his expression, anyway. “What do you mean?” you quizzed. You tried to keep your voice devoid of emotion, but you couldn’t help the bite of annoyance that seeped through.
He clearly noticed this if the tick in his jaw was of any indication. “You and Kol, Y/N.” Your brows furrowed at his vague explanation, causing his eyes to roll. “Come on, don’t act as if you’re surprised. You had to have known that I’d ask eventually. You’re my wife.”
He stared firmly into your eyes. No, I’m not your wife, you wanted to scream, but you bit your tongue. You hoped that your gaze said it for you, anyway. Instead, you scoffed, “No, Klaus, I really don’t know what you’re talking about.” He tried to say something, but you cut him off. “I’m not sure what insinuation you’re trying to make, but you need to cool it.”
You were fed up, and you could feel an argument on its way. Klaus and you hadn’t argued in a long time, but that didn’t mean you didn’t have things you wanted to say to him. You held your comments in for Hope’s sake, but if he wanted to poke the bear, then you’d make sure that the bear poked back.
This time, he scoffed, his calm façade falling apart as he snarked, “Oh, please, you can’t possibly be so naive.”
“There is nothing to be naive about, Klaus—there’s nothing going on between your brother and me.” And if there was, it wouldn’t be your business, you wanted to add, but you weren’t gonna add more fuel to the fire. You didn’t even know why your mind went there in the first place.
“Perhaps that’s what you think, Y/N, but I’ve seen the way my brother looks at you-”
“He doesn’t look at me in any way.”
“Yes, he does- and you’re fooling yourself if you think he doesn’t.”
There was a door in your mind that Klaus had opened with these remarks, a door you’d been scared to even go near. But you closed it right away, refusing to wonder about it. He was wrong. There was nothing going on between you and Kol.
Your eyes hardened and you snapped, “I don’t have the time nor do I have the patience to deal with another one of your paranoid episodes.” He scoffed again, but you paid it no mind. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have dinner to make.” You turned around, not caring to see Klaus’ expression. You heard the barstool screech against the floor and then his angry footsteps as he left the kitchen.
And just like that, that opened door was slammed shut.
You tried your hardest to ignore Klaus’ words, telling yourself it wasn’t true, that there was no way it could possibly be true, but you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You and Kol had always been close, but there was nothing that wasn’t platonic there. 
Or maybe you were wrong.
You had given up on love so long ago. You gave your lover your heart without a second thought and he threw it to the ground like it was nothing, like it wouldn’t shatter everywhere, like it was possible for you to ever recover from that. And then when you try and find happiness, he rips that away from you, too.
Klaus had blown out any spark you had, leaving you alone in the dark.
Was love worth it if felt like this?
You didn’t know. These weren’t questions you asked yourself when you said “I do.” You didn’t know what to do anymore.
So you did what you always did, stuffing your feelings away and acting like nothing was wrong. But something changed. Whenever you saw Kol after that, you felt something—something you couldn’t explain, something you couldn’t name. It was like you had felt this before, but just never noticed it.
This feeling lurked in the background for a while until it was pulled back to the forefront of your mind when you least expected it.
“Bloody hell,” you muttered, storming into the compound with Kol following soon after. Your language was partly ironic because bloody you were. Of course, not your blood, but you hadn’t been in this state in at least a century.
Safe to say, you didn’t miss it.
You had just killed a horde of witches. They were good opponents, strong, but nobody was ever really smart if they decided to go up against the Mikaelsons. Nothing was stronger than family, even if it didn’t always feel that way.
They wanted to go after Hope, but you would never let that happen—none of you would. So you killed them- slaughtered may have even been a better word to use. Some of them had their hearts taken, their limbs ripped apart, stakes stabbed into their chests; your family could get creative.
Elijah, Hayley, and Klaus were dealing with the mess while Rebekah was tending to Hope. They didn’t need anymore man-power, so Elijah told you both to go home and clean yourselves up. He didn’t have to tell you twice.
“Seems that this family can never escape a bloodbath,” he joked.
“Ugh, disgusting. I need a real bath.” You spun around, a dramatic look on your face. Kol chuckled. He was more at ease than you were; he got a meal out of it, but you preferred quick kills, so now you were just annoyed.
“If you weren’t my brother’s wife, I’d join you.” His tone was light and playful, teasing even, but there was a glint in his eye that made you think he wasn’t completely joking. Your mind went back to what Klaus said to you, about the way Kol looked at you, then you thought about everything he did to you, how he just discarded your vows like they were meaningless. 
Maybe, if you hadn’t just come from a fight, you would’ve laughed it off, but you were tired of thinking about what Klaus wanted. 
You shrugged. “Well, I don’t think I’ve been his wife for a long time now.” You maintained eye contact with Kol as he paused. The playful atmosphere disappeared and was replaced with tension.
A beat passed before he slowly responded, “Y/N, what are you trying to say?”
What were you trying to say? You didn’t know if you could put it into words. So you stepped forward, hearing his breath catch in his throat, putting a hand on his bicep. “I think you know what I’m trying to say.”
Another beat. And then the next thing you knew, Kol’s lips slammed onto yours. You were sped upstairs, immediately ripping his shirt off and letting it fall to the floor. Yours came off somewhere in the mix. You could taste the leftover blood on his lips, not enough to satisfy you, but just enough to leave you wanting more.
You didn’t know what you were doing, but it felt good. You never thought you’d feel anything remotely like this ever again, but now that you had it, who knew if you could ever let it go?
Kissing Kol was like drugs. Ecstasy raced through your veins. You didn’t know if you had ever felt anything like this before; if you had, then how was it possible that you let it slip through your fingers? No, this was unlike any experience you’d ever had.
He suddenly pulled away, heaving. You reached to pull him back in, but he stopped you, breathing, “Are you sure that you want this?”
You didn’t even have to think about it. “Yes- you have no idea how badly.” This clearly sufficed because he was back to kissing you the second you stopped talking, hands going to unclasp your bra.
Oh, at that moment, you couldn’t give a damn what Klaus thought.
And Kol made sure you didn’t think about Klaus for the rest of that night.
Kol made it feel like your first time all over again, like everything you felt was new and foreign to you, but by the time you were done, your body was anything but foreign to him. 
After multiple rounds and showering, you laid in your bed tired. You couldn’t remember the last time someone else laid with you. Part of you thought that, for some reason, Kol would leave, but he stayed right next to you, holding you in his arms.
You only had sex, but this felt like so much more than that.
The only thing that could be heard in your room was the sound of your breathing. You didn’t want to say anything, to talk about it and be reminded that you were married. You just wanted to bask in this moment.
You don’t know how long you’d been lying in silence before Kol whispered, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You turned your head toward him, but like that night on the hill, he kept his vision directed to the ceiling as if he was afraid what he’d see if he directed it to you. He hesitated. “I think I’ve felt something for you for years, centuries. Maybe- maybe I always have.”
Your heart nearly stopped. Not just because he was confessing to having feelings for you, but because maybe you did, too. But this was more than a confession.
Your response to this could determine your future, if there was any, with Kol. 
The rational part of your brain argued that this could never work, that Klaus would never let it happen, that this would only end in tragedy. You wanted to stop this before it became something more, but that other part of yourself, the part ruled by her heart, told you that it was too late for that. This was already something more.
You couldn’t let this go, not even if you wanted to.
You cupped his cheek, turning him to you. When his eyes met yours, you saw an emotion that Kol rarely ever showed, and that was fear. You wondered if he could see that you were scared, too.
You looked into his eyes for what felt like forever but was really only a minute. And then you decided that what you were feeling was more powerful than words, so you didn’t say anything at all, leaning in to kiss him. It wasn’t as fervent as before, now tender and soft but still with purpose. You weren’t too sure of what’d happen after this, once you woke up from this dream and got back to reality, but as you kissed him, it didn’t matter.
You were together. 
And for now, that was more than enough.
When you woke up, Kol was still there, right next to you. You could’ve stayed in bed together all day, but you weren’t normal people. You belonged to the least normal family and led the least normal lives. So you got up, reluctantly, and he went back to his room before anyone could find him in yours.
Then you walked downstairs, ate breakfast, and dealt with the effects of the your most recent problem. You were at Rousseau’s, about to meet with Marcel, when you were pulled into the bathroom, Kol’s lips immediately meeting yours.
The feeling of his lips soon became so familiar to you.
You wanted to be normal so badly, but you couldn’t. You knew you couldn’t. So this became your new normal instead: stolen moments and glances, being together when no one else was around. 
Slowly, that feeling you had whenever you were around him was given a name. You don’t know if it was love, if it could even be that yet—but it felt dangerous, and exciting, and warm all at once. You felt it whenever you kissed him, whenever you looked into his dark brown eyes, and whenever he smiled. 
You were falling for Kol Mikaelson.
You constantly berated yourself, even though it felt so good. This was like alcohol, and drugs, and every other vice out there: it was temporary. The Original Hybrid was your husband—this was his brother. He wouldn’t let this happen.
This was wrong.
But it felt so right.
You had rejected every possible opportunity of happiness for years. Couldn’t you just have this one thing? Couldn’t you just let yourself be happy?
Oh, Kol made you happy. He brought out a part of you that you thought was gonna be gone forever. He made you feel like yourself again, like you were alive, like you had something to live for.
You had been living in black and white for so long that you forgot what it was like to live in colour.
Music filled the Mikaelson living room, music that the rest of the world would perhaps call old but never got old to you. Kol held you close to him, rocking you to the rhythm while your head rested on his chest. You were both very well versed in classical dances, but you didn’t need a big fancy dance for this to feel the way it did: special.
There was something going on—there always was—but, at that moment, that something didn’t exist. At that moment, it was just the two of you.
A small smile came to your lips. “You know, you weren’t even actually alive when this song came out.”
You felt his chest rumble as he chuckled. “Yeah, and I’m glad. This song is terrible.”
You gasped, pulling away and hitting his arm. “Kol Mikaelson! Don’t you dare speak about Celine Dion that way.”
He laughed again, easily pulling you back to him and kissing the crown of your head. You tried pouting, but it felt impossible to do anything other than smile. “Don’t worry, darling. You like it, so I like it.” Your smile got wider, pulling back again but this time it was to kiss him.
You found that, when you kissed Kol, it wasn’t always so hot and heavy. It didn’t always lead to making out or making love. Sometimes, you just kissed because it felt good. It was soft, and gentle, and reassuring, and it felt good.
Maybe, if you were being honest with yourself, it felt better than anything else.
You pulled away after a few seconds, taking the time to stare into his eyes. You did it all the time and yet, every single time you did, it felt like the first time all over again. You could stare into his brown orbs all day long if you could. However, your lives didn’t allow for that.
But that just made little moments like these all the more special.
After a few seconds, he directed your attention away from his eyes, mumbling under his breath, “The song’s still shit, though.”
“Oh, shut up,” you scolded, but your head still made its way back to his chest, anyways.
Everyone else was back at the benefit. You were there, too, until you both decided to sneak away and go back home. That was cutting it close, definitely, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. You didn’t get to go on dates or hold hands in public, so you were gonna grab these moments while you still could.
You knew that what you were doing was just prolonging an eventual- no, an inevitable outcome, but after everything you went through, you learned a few lessons. All good things came to an end—everything had to end at some point. Your marriage sure did, but that didn’t mean that you’d go back and change a thing. Yes, things with Klaus ended badly, but he gave you a thousand good years first.
So if what you were doing with Kol ended, then at least you had this. At least you had dances in the living room, and stargazing, and soft kisses.
Maybe this story wouldn’t have a happy ending.
But as long as you got a happy middle, then you were okay with that.
And he did everything he could to give you just that. 
It felt… different, to be with someone other than Niklaus, but it was a good different. It felt good to smile and to actually mean it. And it made you wish for something more, to be more than just two people engaging in a forbidden love affair, but that’s what this was, wasn’t it?
But Kol made it feel like it really was more than that. He made you feel like a diamond, like you were beautiful, like everything that had weighed down on you only made you that much stronger. 
This was more. This was so much more than you could’ve ever hoped for.
You were lying in bed together late at night when it happened. You weren’t expecting it- you weren’t sure if you ever expected it. But Kol was always one to do the unexpected, surprise you and keep you on the edge of your seat.
Yet, when he spoke, he didn’t sound so dauntless. He sounded small and afraid, but at the same time, you could hear the hope in his voice. Hope, courage, bravery—at the end of the day, it was just called Kol.
He was always brave enough for the both of you.
“I love you.”
Your breath hitched, turning to see that he was already staring at you. The déjà vu hit you hard. Here you were, in the same position you’d already been in with him, but this time, he looked right at you.
Brave enough for the both of you.
You didn’t say anything. You wondered if you were dreaming, hallucinating, imagining things, if this was some cruel trick of the mind. But, the longer you stared and the longer he stared right back at you, the more convinced you became.
This was real.
This was real.
You wrapped your arm around his neck, pulling him in and connecting his lips with yours. Butterflies still erupted in your stomach, even though you had been at this for a while. You put your everything into this kiss, but Kol deserved more than everything.
This scared you, but Kol had given you so much. He didn’t need to be the brave one all the time.
You wanted to be brave, too.
So when you finally pulled away, resting your forehead on his, eyes closed, you whispered back, “I love you.” 
You and Kol were brave together, braver together. Yeah, there were dragons out there so much more powerful than you, but you could slay them together. Maybe it would’ve been safer to just stay away, to just tuck yourself away in a castle and avoid the dragons altogether, but what was the point in that?
What was the point of being alive if you weren’t truly living?
And you were living.
Everyone around you could see it. Your change in behaviour was unusual, but it lifted everyone’s spirits. You were starting to be able to actually hold a conversation with Rebekah, and you were starting to be able to talk to Elijah about things other than the family’s latest conflicts. You were even starting to be a little more friendly with Hayley.
You didn’t tell her, but a part of you was thankful for what she did. She knew who you were when she met Klaus; she knew he was married, and she still slept with him. This had previously enraged you, but now you couldn’t help but feel relieved.
Had she not done what she did, you may have never had this with Kol.
And Hope would’ve never been born.
Oh, you would do anything for her. This family may have been cursed, but you were all willing to do whatever it took to break the cycle. No more running, no more instability. No matter how dysfunctional you all were, you would give her that.
She was never alone. When her parents weren’t there to bring her or pick her up from school, you were. And if you weren’t, then Kol was, or Rebekah, or Elijah, or Marcel. The odds were against you from the start, but you were all there to flip them. 
For her.
You were always happy with Hope, but even she could tell that something had changed. She was a child, but she was bright, and she knew you were happier.
The relationships in your life blossomed. Klaus was the only person that this didn’t happen with.
You loved Kol—you were in love with Kol, but loving him didn’t skew your memory. Klaus and you had a long history. You still couldn’t look at him without picturing it.
It was easier to be more forgiving of Hayley. She wasn’t the one who vowed to be faithful to you, nor was she the one to cheat on you three times or give up on your marriage. He was. You couldn’t see yourself letting go of that. Maybe one day, but being around him wouldn’t speed up that process.
Klaus was actually the last person on your mind.
But that didn’t seem to be the case for him.
You were on your way out of the compound when something caught your eye. You stopped, turning to see your husband by himself in an empty hallway. It appeared that something had caught his eye, too.
He was so focused that he didn’t even see you. You could’ve pretended not to see him, walked away and gone on with your business, but you knew what he was looking at. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t look at it every once in a while, too.
Yes, you could’ve walked away, but the easy thing was never easy for you to do.
So you walked up to him, leaving a foot between you and looking at what had captured his attention. It was a portrait, and a familiar one at that.
The truth was, you’d studied that portrait until it was engraved into your memory. Even when you weren’t looking at it, it still came and found you in your dreams and even when you were just sitting around and thinking.
It was you. It was you, and Klaus, and Rebekah, and Elijah, and Kol. Before he died, before Hayley, before this godforsaken city. It was when things were calm, when you still had some sort of semblance of family. Or at least that’s what it was supposed to be.
Because it wasn’t real.
You never got together for this portrait. This time didn’t exist. It was fake. Niklaus was such a wonderful artist that he almost made you believe it, but it wasn’t real. He could paint you all so realistically, make you look so happy, but when was the last time you were all happy as a family? It was never in these clothes, never in this age.
But he made it look real.
He made it look like you were all picture-perfect, like his brother didn’t bring you to your end, like Rebekah never lost her mind, like Kol was never murdered, like you were never out crying in the rain for a man who would never change, like he was a man who could change.
Who knew that such a happy picture could evoke such sadness. Because this portrait wasn’t what was— it was what could’ve been.
Klaus broke the silence with a voice you would’ve never heard without enhanced hearing. “I really did love you.” Neither of you turned to face the other. “I really do love you.”
Not too long ago, you would’ve started crying. And while tears did build in your eyes, you smiled first. You didn’t doubt that. It didn’t take you long to respond, “So did I.”
1996, when you left, when you came back, when he cheated again, when you found out he was having a baby, when he killed Leo, when you stayed, when you took Hope. All of this flashed before your eyes, but it wasn’t all you saw. You also saw your wedding, your first time, when he painted you as you slept, when you got drunk together, when he cooked for you, when you kissed on the beach at night all by yourselves. You saw how happy he made you and how easily he just took it away from you.
You would never forget these things, none of it. You would never forget the bad, but you would never forget the good, either.
He lightly chuckled as if he was remembering all the same things as you. And then, for a while, you both just stood there, staring at the painting. There was a time when you could practically read his mind, but now you had no idea what he was thinking.
You were different people now. You weren’t the same people who went through the good, nor were you the same people who went through the bad. You weren’t the same people you could’ve been in that picture, either.
And he knew that, too.
“I’m never going to be your husband again, am I?” He mused, but this wasn’t a question. You both already knew the answer, even if you hadn’t said it out loud to each other.
“No.” You shook your head, opting to look down at your boots. “No, you’re not.”
Maybe you were imagining it, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw him wipe at his eye. Suddenly, a part of you felt bad, but not for him. You felt bad for the boy you fell in love with, the boy who gave you humanity even when he had lost his own. And you felt bad for the girl who kissed him at the altar.
So, against your current feelings, you turned and swiftly wrapped your arms around him, hoping that you weren’t just hugging Klaus, but that you were hugging the boy you married all those years ago. He quickly hugged you back, holding you tightly, but his grip slowly lessened.
Like he was getting ready to let you go.
You don’t know how long you were in his arms, but eventually he pulled away. You could finally see his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, and how they were filled with tears despite the smile on his face. He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t need to. You had both said everything you needed to say; there were no more chapters to write in this book of yours.
It was time for your story to end.
You let go of each other and you turned around, walking away without sparing that painting another glance. You were just at the edge of the hallway when he called your name, making you turn your head.
“Be happy with him,” he said, even though it looked like it annihilated him to say it.
But you didn’t question it. You just nodded, then you turned around and walked away. You didn’t need to ask him who he was referring to or have him explain any further. You understood perfectly.
You would.
You were gonna be happy with him.
And just like that, the Original Hybrid and the Mikaelson Wife were done.
But who knew? You could very well become a Mikaelson once again if Kol got his way. You wouldn’t admit, just as to not inflate his ego, but deep down, you wanted him to get his way.
Slowly, the suspicions your other siblings had became confirmed. You weren’t overly affectionate in public, but they were able to put two and two together. Rebekah had been in love so many times that she was able to see it clearly on you, and Elijah was always the scholar amongst you, the smart one. Marcel saw it from a mile away. While he and Kol hadn’t always gotten along well, they were both willing to put that aside for you.
Even a child could see that you were in love; Hope did.
“Aunt Y/N/N, do you and Uncle Kol love each other like Belle and the Beast?”
You both simultaneously turned to her, along with everyone else in the living room. It was movie night; Beauty and the Beast had just finished, and Hope had asked you that question as soon as the credits were rolling.
She was just a kid who was curious. She didn’t know the potential outrage her question could cause.
But you weren’t gonna lie to her. You weren’t gonna deny what was possibly the best thing you ever had, even as your entire family was in the room.
“Hope-” Hayley had started to scold, but you cut her off.
“Hayley, it’s alright.” She didn’t look convinced and still looked embarrassed, but you turned back to Hope with a smile on your face. “Yes, sweetheart, Uncle Kol and I do love each other.”
She now looked confused, like your reply hadn’t cleared anything up at all. “But my daddy looks at you the way Uncle Kol looks at you.” You opened your mouth, but you didn’t know what to say. “Does daddy love you, too?”
It appeared that none of you had the answer to her question. How were you meant to explain your situation to a child, that you and her father had loved one another for a thousand years and then your relationship ended because he slept with her mother?
What you were least expecting happened. Instead of having an outburst, Klaus beckoned Hope over, petting her hair once she was sat on his lap. “Ah, my littlest wolf,” he sighed, but the corners of his lips were upturned. His eyes were slightly glazed over as if he wasn’t really there, but that look quickly disappeared. For Hope, he’d be present. “I wish that love was as simple to understand as Belle and the Beast, but it is much more complicated than that. Your Aunt Y/N has been there for me many times, and for that, I will always love her,” he professed. His eyes found yours for a moment, but he quickly looked back to his daughter. “But we love each other differently from how her and Uncle Kol love each other. We love each other as family, not as people in love with one another. But no matter what any of us feel for each other in this family, Hope, we will all always love you.”
Hope slung her arms around her father’s neck. “I love you, too, daddy.”
“Always and forever, little one.”
While Hope’s back was turned, your eyes met again and the corners of your lips quirked up slightly. You knew that must’ve been hard for him to say, so you mouthed, thank you.
He smiled back at you. Even though it was so obviously fake, you still appreciated it. He nodded in response.
Yes, you and Klaus had been through a lot. You all had complicated relationships with one another, Kol and you included, but you were gonna push that aside for Hope. Every time.
One day, you would explain it all to her, how Marcel was her brother but your son, why Rebekah was so soft and hard at the same time, why Elijah was so protective, why her parents weren’t together, how you fell in and out of love with her father, why you were still here, how you fell in love with Kol.
But for now, you were gonna let her hold onto her innocence for as long as she could.
Hope still had questions, but she also had all of you to distract her from all of the problems you dealt with. However, you were no longer consumed by all these problems. You had someone to distract you, too, and that was Kol.
Whether you were in bed together, kissing, or just holding hands, he always took your mind off your troubles. He was like a wizard, transporting you from reality and bringing you to cloud nine every day. The problems, the threats, the drama—none of it mattered to you. To you, being with Kol was enough.
If you could just have this for the rest of your life, then you’d be happy, and that is exactly what he wanted to give you.
Time passed in a blur. It was a true what they said, that time flied when you were having fun. Before you knew it, a year had passed since Kol first kissed you, since you started this. A perfect year, calm with minimal conflict both in the Quarter and in the Abattoir.
You could’ve passed many more years this way happily, but you were always one to accept less than what you were worth. Kol knew that, and he wanted more for you- more for both of you.
He wanted to do more than just take you to dreams away from reality.
He wanted to make those dreams come true.
“Kol, what are you doing?” You giggled, stumbling a little but never falling. Kol would never let you fall.
He hushed you, “Shhh, we’re almost there.” 
A blindfold was over your eyes as he guided you around. You got into the car together hours ago, and when you woke up, the blindfold was on. He said he had a surprise for you.
This was so cheesy, but you were a sucker for these kinds of things. You never thought you’d get to a place like this again, that you’d be a hopeless romantic or even just a romantic ever again after what Klaus did to you, but Kol made you believe in romance again.
He put your heart back together after you thought it’d been broken beyond repair.
Finally, after more stumbling and laughing, he stopped, holding you in place. “Okay, are you ready?” You couldn’t see him, but you could hear the excitement in his voice. You nodded. “Alright. Three, two, one-”
The blindfold fell to the ground and the sight he’d been withholding was revealed to you. Your brows furrowed. You were in a living room with beautiful floors and beautiful decor, a fireplace parallel to the big couch behind you. You looked around and saw incredible artwork hanging on the walls and gorgeous windows that let the moonlight in.
It was beautiful and all, but did you drive all this way to break into someone’s house?
You voiced your confusion. “Kol, what is this place?” You turned around to see him trying to hold back a smile, a twinkle in his eyes. He looked like a kid about to tell you that he saw Santa. That thought made you laugh. “C’mon, Kol, really. Where are we right now?”
“Well, geographically, we’re in North Carolina.” His explanation produced a gasp from you, making him laugh. He was having way too much fun having you in the dark.
“North Carolina?” you echoed. Your jaw was practically on the floor. “We’re in North Carolina? You’re kidding- that’s like ten hours away-”
“Thirteen, darling.” This didn’t get rid of your disbelief, though you doubt that was what Kol was aiming for, anyway. He shrugged, adding, “Well, I actually got it down to twelve, but that’s besides the point.”
“Trust me, the shocker for me is not your reckless driving-”
He cut you off by speeding to you, lifting up your chin so you were looking right into his eyes. Funny, how he was still able to make you speechless. “I’m going to ignore that jab at my impeccable driving skills because I love you.”
You snorted, “Sure, if impeccable means shit.”
He hushed you again, causing you to roll your eyes. “Back to your question,” he said, making you remember the topic of conversation. You wondered if he had any idea how easily he was able to make you forget about anything—about everything. “I drove us here because North Carolina is relatively… quiet.”
You raised a brow. “Quiet?”
“Yes.” He gently grabbed your hands, holding them in his. Sometimes, he did this absentmindedly, but you were never bothered. You were far from bothered. “Louisiana is perhaps the heart of the supernatural. New York and any other state with a thriving night life also has a thriving vampire population, and they’re busy enough with humans as it is. The big states always are. But North Carolina… North Carolina isn’t on any vampire’s bucket list.”
You drawled, “Okayyyyyy… but why are we here?” What he was saying made sense, but you didn’t get how it related to either of you.
He just smiled, so clearly amused by your confusion. “You amaze me, Y/N, truly,” he proclaimed, that same shit-eating grin on his face that you’d grown accustomed to. “Only you would take so long to get the hint.”
That was obviously a hint, too, but you weren’t catching it. Kol shook his head, getting that look in his eye that he got when he was remembering something. “You told me once that, if we weren’t who we were, you’d want to live somewhere without ruckus, like a normal person. But you knew that couldn’t happen with my brother’s aspirations.” Now he looked at you pointedly and, all of a sudden, a wave of realization washed over you.
Your eyes darted all over the house. There was a reason why you were so in love with it. You looked back to Kol, mouth agape. He continued, “You wanted a house that wasn’t just decadent, but a home.”
Tears welled in your eyes as your hand flew up to cup your mouth in shock. You could remember telling him that, but it was so long ago. You’d long since abandoned the idea, but here he was, offering it up to you. “You- you remember that?”
He leaned in to wipe a tear that you didn’t even notice had fell, caressing your cheek. “I remember every moment I’ve ever spent with you, Y/N.” His actions were pointless because his words caused even more tears to fall.
You had never felt such an overwhelming feeling, so in love, so loved. Your heart’s immediate instinct was to kiss him, to say yes, but your mind… you’d been through enough to know better. 
“How are we going to-” you stammered, “we can’t- we can’t just move away.”
“This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, but-” your voice cracked. “we can’t just pick up and leave, Kol—you know that.”
He was now cupping both of your cheeks, staring so deeply into your eyes that you were sure he could see the parts of yourself that you’d tucked away. “Do you remember when I left Mystic Falls?” Of course, you did. How could you ever forget? “I asked you to come with me and you didn’t. Why was that?”
You didn’t want to answer, to relive this after you’d already agonized over it for so long, but you did, anyway. “Klaus. I didn’t go because of Klaus.”
“Exactly. You didn’t go because of that bastard, and you don’t want this now for the same reason.”
He stepped closer when you thought he’d already closed all the space between you. His voice was soft and firm all at once. “I died thinking I’d never get the chance to tell you how I felt. I wasted so much time, worrying, unhappy.” He shook his head. “Well, I don’t want to worry anymore. I don’t want to waste any more time.” More tears fell, from both of you. “You make me happy, Y/N. I just want to be happy with you.”
A teary laugh escaped your lips. He made you happy, too, so much happier than you’d been in so long, so much happier than you even thought was possible after everything you’d been through. And he was right. Klaus was the one thing holding you back, but why should he get to do that?
You’ve given away years of your life for other people. Couldn’t you be selfish, just this once, and have this one thing for yourself?
You just wanted to be happy.
So you pulled him in and kissed him until you had to pull away for air, and when you did, you whispered, “Yes.”
And that may have just been the best decision you had ever made.
When you eventually drove back to New Orleans days later, you explained the situation to Klaus. He wasn’t jumping up and down with joy, but he surprisingly took it better than you expected.
You spent a thousand years with that man; saying goodbye wasn’t as easy as it seemed, but it needed to happen. It was time for you to go your separate ways. And even after everything he put you through, you still hoped that he could maybe find happiness one day, too.
Niklaus Mikaelson was your epic love, but you knew without a doubt that Kol was your true love. He was the warmth you’d been yearning for, and you were gonna let yourself have that.
North Carolina was the perfect place for you to settle down. It was quiet, like Kol said, with little to no supernatural population. It was also close enough to Louisiana that you could distance yourself from all the crazy but still get there if they needed you.
That’s what you told Elijah when you said your goodbye to him, that you were just a phone call away. He was gonna be the one running the show now, as always. He was always the responsible one amongst you, and you hoped that he’d let go of that and let himself live a little, too. As much as you didn’t like her, maybe he could get with Hayley one day or even find his own person.
You had hope that all of your family could one day be free of this Mikaelson curse, that they wouldn’t be bearing the hybrid’s sins for the rest of their lives. Rebekah was getting there. She was still growing up a little, and she all the time in the world to do that.
It was hard saying goodbye to Hope, but you just reassured her that this wasn’t goodbye. She’d always have a place in your home if she so needed it, and she’d definitely always hold a place in your heart. The only reason you felt okay with leaving her was because you knew she wouldn’t be alone; she had two parents that loved her more than life, a crazy aunt and uncle, and her big brother.
Marcel congratulated you with a wide grin on his face. He was elated for you, telling you that he’d be visiting you, to which you replied that he would always be welcome with you two.
Maybe you were just sentimental, but even saying goodbye to the city itself was hard, nerve-racking. It had given you so much, but taken so much more. You were learning, though, that love wasn’t supposed to drain you. You were learning to let go.
Goodbye, New Orleans, you whispered to yourself as you passed the town sign, and then you were saying hello to North Carolina… and also the new you.
Y/N and Kol Michaels. You got married not too far down the line. Of course, if you wanted to be normal, ditching the medieval last name was best. You supposed you could’ve kept it, but getting rid of it was more symbolic than anything.
You wanted to start over completely, and so that’s what you guys did. You weren’t abandoning your family, but making one of your own, too. Eventually, the idea of kids came up. You wanted nothing more than to raise your own child with the man you were in love with, but you couldn’t conceive a child and you didn’t want to drag one into this life, anyway. It was too dangerous.
The realization that you would never get to have kids broke your heart, but your lover repaired it like his words were glue. The two of you were together, and that was good enough for you.
Doing this, starting over, was scarier than any other situation you had ever been in—and that was saying something, considering how long you’d lived. But with Kol at your side, you were able to be brave. 
There was so much to be afraid of. You were scared that this wouldn’t work out, that this was only a happy middle with no happy ending, that you’d feel cold again one day after growing accustomed to the fire, but if all of that happened one day, then you decided that you’d be okay with it. You would be okay with it because at least you lived. You weren’t gonna let your fears stop you from doing that. If you just gave into your fears, then you would’ve never felt this feeling. You would’ve never fallen in love. You would’ve never found yourself again.
You owed it all to your bravery.
And you owed it all to Kol’s.
But together, you were fearless. Together, you were braver.
You were braver together.
Taglist: @honestlycasualarcade @hyperactivewhore @tnrthings @brooklynscherry-z @roselibrary @kollover24 @volturissideslut
a/n: sorry for the long wait, but here is part two! ik i said i was gonna do the thg fanfic first, but that one is long asf so i decided to drop this first. i tried my best to listen to all ur suggestions—unfortunately, i couldn't find a way to write in a pregnancy. but we've got a happy ending! i really, really, really did not want a happy ending, like i had a whole sad ending planned for the part 2 but everyone wanted happiness so i just decided to end it there to avoid to outrage lol. if u want a part 3 where it doesn't end there but ends the way it was supposed to originally, then tell me. and lastly, thank u all so much for all the support!
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inlovewhithafairytale · 4 months
Happy Valentine all my single people!!!
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Ok I know I just ask for a request but I love your writing and had another idea it’s Niklaus x reader who is sisters with Caroline and friends with the Scooby gang (not really Elena and Damon though) and she is the only one of them Niklaus is nice too and soon she realizes has feelings for him and the Scooby gang freaks out(mainly Damon and Elena) and kinda turns their back on her well beside Bonnie and Caroline and then her and Niklaus get together and he comforts her if you have time and don’t mind
Hi there I am absolutely doing this request ❤️ But what about as a full on fic written on my side blog too @countrymusiclover
If ya'll would be interested in that let me know below in the comments
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readerthatreadsss · 10 months
hello you can make headcanons about yandere soft elijah mikaelson x fem human reader, where he has several yandere traits but to his lover he is a softie.
Alright anon, I GOTCHU.
Please don't be afraid to let me know how I did cause this is not only my first headcanon post but also my first Yandere one :)
Soft yandere!Elijah Mikaelson headcanons
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Warnings: Starts off pretty calm but ends a little smutty so minors beware, sub!reader, yandere themes (possessiveness, manipulation, overprotective behavior, compulsion, mild obsession, denial of said obsession, unhealthy relationship tendencies, etc), breeding kink and edging mentioned, also more nsfw themes...
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His siblings and enemies consider him to be noble, but when it comes to you? This man is everything but that.
Jealous, paranoid, overprotective? Yeah, that's Elijah.
The first time he met you had been under less than ideal circumstances but he couldn't help but take immediate note of how beautiful and strong you were. You helped the Salvatores to dagger him but that was quickly forgiven once you helped Elena undagger him a short time after. It was then that he saw that not only were you beautiful but you also had a good heart and were protective of the ones you loved, which was more than he could say for most of his past lovers, so he immediately set his sights on you.
Elijah needs to know where you are and what you're doing constantly or he stops functioning. Like he'll be more irritable than usual, snapping at his siblings, more aggressive with the men he's hired to watch you on the very few occasions when he can't, etc.
Most times he's following you with a small notebook where he writes down new things that he learns about you every day...though after enough time he's convinced that there's nothing about you that he doesn't know.
He saw you smiling at Damon for too long while watching you outside the Mystic Grill (without your knowledge) slashed Damon's car tires and ripped out his steering wheel.
His siblings tease him about his obsession with you and he denies it every time. "This isn't an obsession. I've simply taken a keen interest in her," he'll say.
Elijah takes note of your body language. And that's not just general things like how you struggle to hold eye contact with most people you talk to, or how you lick your lips and clench your jaw when you're frustrated. No, Elijah sees the smallest of habits that you don't even realize that you do on the regular.
He also knows your scent better than he knows himself. Elijah can actually smell your perfume/shampoo/lotion from a mile away and it actually comforts him the moment it hits his nose. When he's close enough or in a room with you, there are times when your scent becomes so overwhelming that he has to stop whatever he's saying or doing, close his eyes, and deeply inhale it so that he can go back to normal, (or as normal as he can pretend to be)
You are deeply involved in all the supernatural lore in Mystic Falls so you know that you're supposed to hate the Mikaelsons...but something about Elijah catches your attention. You liked how calm and composed he was or appeared to be in comparison to his brothers. Though he did things that sometimes hurt your friends, you could see and even appreciate the reasoning behind why he did them. He was also less impulsive than his brothers and sister in the same manner that you were less impulsive than your friends (the Salvatores, mainly).
You were one of the few people in Mystic Falls to engage in a conversation with Elijah that didn't end in a threat. You even once complimented the suit he was wearing that day and Elijah couldn't stop smiling for the rest of that day.
He has and will never lay a hand on you, even when his siblings demand that it would be strategic to harm you to persuade the Salvatores to do what they want. He actually threw Klaus into a bookshelf for even suggesting the idea.
Elijah sneaks into your house and watches you sleep on numerous occasions, and even though he knows it's wrong, he uses his abilities to force dreams he's had of the two of you together into your head while you sleep. He just wants you to see how good you could be together.
Since he started putting those dreams into your head, he's caught you stealing inquisitive glances at him, even with your friends around.
He hired someone to research your internet patterns and reading/music history and bought first editions of your favorite books/records and mailed them to your house that same week. You had no idea who sent them but the package was tied with a thick string that had a pattern that you could have sworn you saw on Elijah's tie the week before.
Since then you've been more hyperaware of your surroundings on your day-to-day. (You actually almost caught Elijah a few times but he managed to speed away before you could catch sight of him)
Elijah is known to be very patient in comparison to his siblings. This applies to you too. He wants you to see that he's the man that you belong with in your own time. But who says he can't continue to persuade you without brash tactics? So Elijah continues to send gifts, jewelry, and your favorite things to your house.
He saw you sitting at the edge of a creek one night and decided that this would be the one time where he would stop hiding and watching and just show his face. You two had a long conversation that night about the stars, (because he knew you were into astrology and astronomy) and he even told you that both your astrological signs were romantically compatible.
It was a lie and you both knew it but he loved the way it made you blush.
That was the night you two first kissed. It was better than the many many times he's imagined it. You were obviously apprehensive at first and he had to take the lead on it but he was more than happy to do so. You gave him your number and told him that you would be interested in going out with him. He already had your number for weeks before but you didn't know that.
It only took a few dates and late-night picnics for him to convince you to become his.
You noticed small differences in his behavior since you became official; he'd get slightly annoyed whenever he'd text or call and you'd say that you were with the Salvatores but if you were with Elena or any other female friends it was no problem, the deadly glares he'd send men in the street when you walked together and one stared at you for even a second (these men would end up missing dead in a dumpsterthat same night without your knowledge), or the way his grip on your hand would get tighter whenever you mentioned Klaus by name.
Once you started dating he insisted that you needed to live with him. He bought a house just so that the two of you could be alone and away from not only his siblings but the drama of Mystic Falls. You didn't agree at first, but Elijah sent two of his men to your house to fake a home invasion and that scared you right into his arms and your new home.
When you moved in with him, Elijah gave you a new phone and told you it was a housewarming present. It actually had a tracker in it and was connected to his own phone so that he could see every call and text you made. He asks you exactly where you're going whenever you leave the house. And of course, he checks his tracker just to double-check.
The longer you dated, the more violent Elijah got when it came to people who tried to harm you or take you away from him. But he never let you see him harm others, and on the rare occasions when you would, he'd compel you to forget it. He couldn't live with himself if he made you afraid of him.
Some of your family members got worried and upset when they went a whole month without seeing you and Elijah compelled them all to move across the country.
Despite having to do all of these outrageous things to keep you to himself, Elijah had never been happier. You were finally his and he would do anything to not only keep you his but to make you fall for him as deep as he had fallen for you.
He considers turning you because all he wants is to spend the rest of his life with you without worrying about human illness or one of his enemies taking you away from him, but he wants you to ask him to do it. He knows that bloodlust isn't something that everyone can handle and only wants you to be happy.
On nights when you'd get into arguments with your friends about your relationship with Elijah and come home sad and angry, he would hold you in his arms and kiss your head while you cried. He hated seeing you cry and would internally seeth with rage at your friends for making you sad. But he'd always find a way to calmly tell you that if it were up to him you'd never see the Salvatores ever again but he understands your loyalty. (he doesn't. he really doesn't like the Salvatores or how close they are to you.)
NSFW hcs up ahead...
Elijah is a primarily gentle lover by nature. For your first time, it was mostly because he thought he wouldn't get the chance to do it again and wanted to make the most of it while he could. But as you continued dating he was only rough with you when you asked him to be...which was most times.
On these days when you asked him to be rough...he would completely oblige. He would never degrade you but praises would easily fall from his lips while he pounded into you from behind with enough force to leave you limping the next day. "You look so beautiful taking me like this, love."
He gets extra possessive during sex. "No one else can ever make you feel this good, huh gorgeous? Tell me who's making you feel this good." "You're all mine, love. No one knows your body like I do," he'd growl with a hand softly resting around your throat while he drives into you with a finger fiddling with your clit. And Elijah was right. He knew what made you tick and what drove you crazy.
Elijah loves edging you. Like he will spend a whole hour working you with his hands or his mouth to the precipice of your orgasm only to pull away. He'd only indulge you once you were a sobbing, blubbering mess, begging for him to fuck you and let you come for him. You always wanted to be good for him so you'd never come without his permission.
He definitely feeds on you during sex (with your permission ofc). He loves the intimacy of the act and even makes you drink his blood sometimes. But Elijah also just loves the taste of your blood. It's painful every time he does it but you love the look of satisfaction that crosses his eyes once your blood hits his tongue, so you swallow the pain and allow him to do it every once in a while.
He absolutely LOVES leaving hickeys on your body. He would shout it from the highest rooftop that you were his if he could (he wanted to but you begged him not to), so for now, he's settled for leaving those deep red marks on your skin to let others know who you belong to. Once you tried to hide them with a scarf and he snatched the scarf from your neck and ripped it to shreds in front of your face.
Elijah worships your body during sex. He will caress and kiss every part he can get his hands on. He quite literally cannot get enough of you. His favorite parts of your body are your shoulder, your inner thighs, and your stomach.
You moaning or screaming his name drives Elijah FERAL. Actually, just you saying his name is music to his ears regardless of the setting. Your voice can soothe him in an instant or be his undoing in the bedroom.
There was one day that he got caught up in the moment and said, out loud, that he'd murder any man who even thought about seeing you like this. But you were so cockdrunk that you didn't register it.
Lastly. Breeding kink. Need I say more? Actually, I'll say more cause why not. Elijah obviously doesn't need to worry about surprise pregnancies with you but that doesn't stop him from whispering in your ears that he's gonna "fuck a baby into you," or that he "loves filling your womb with his come"
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I know this was supposed to be soft yandere...but I feel like it kinda got away from me and strayed into REAL yandere territory so I hope that's okay?
Don't be afraid to comment or reblog and my requests are open! Hope you enjoyed <3
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rekaning · 10 months
Not A Peep | Original Siblings x Mute!Child!reader
CW: Canon-typical violence, implied abuse of a child
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Elijah watched as his brother tore into the man's throat. It was savage and gruesome and entirely unnecessary when draining him of his life blood would have sufficed.
Complete overkill.
And yet, Elijah reveled in the man's pained and horrified screams. Basked under the knowledge that all his cries for help were in vain. No one would be around for miles, Elijah himself had made sure of that.
"You couldn't contain yourself for one more bloody minute, Nik?"
Elijah let his gaze drift over to the stomping figure of his sister.
Rebekah's glare passed between both of her brothers but ultimately settled on Klaus, who held the whimpering man by the back of his bloodied neck.
Klaus rolled his eyes, scowl prominent, made more impressive with the fresh coating of blood dripping down his chin onto his navy blue Henley shirt.
"Why are you here Rebekah? I thought I told you to stay back with—"
His words caught in his throat as he spotted the small figure that had hidden behind his sister.
Wide, innocent eyes looked over in his direction before settling on the victim at Klaus' feet.
Elijah quickly strode over and blocked the young girl's view of the barbaric scene. He placed a gentle touch onto her tiny shoulder, his face devoid of the satisfaction it once held when looking at the man's bloodied form, and morphed into warm adoration as his brown eyes met the young girl's.
"You shouldn't be here, Baby Bird." His tone was soft and soothing. The young girl looked up at him, her eyes fluttering shut in contentment as Elijah's large calloused hands stroked her hair.
Rebekah huffed from behind the small girl, her hands landing pointedly on her hips, "That's what I told her!"
"So, pray tell, sister, why she's not where she's supposed to be?" Klaus growled from behind Elijah, the elder Mikaelson silently asking that same question with the hard look he threw to his little sister.
Before Rebekah could respond at her brother's unwanted tone, movement from the youngest of them caused the retort on the tip of her mouth to die out.
The young girl stood back from Elijah's gentle caresses as she moved her hands deftly, signing to the tall vampire before her.
Please don't be mad at her. I told her I would start to cry if she didn't let me.
Klaus had stepped away from the bloodied man he'd been maiming, leaving his trembling body where it was, confident that his prey wouldn't move from his spot on the ground. He'd moved closer to his brother once he'd wiped the remnants of blood from his chin, and caught sight of the child's signing.
Her wide eyes looked over to him the instant he came within view. Her eyes pleading for him to reserve his anger and judgment from Rebekah.
The hybrid knelt before her, hands reaching to cup her tiny face. Her small hands grasped his wrists and she nuzzeled her cheek against his right hand, a serene smile forming on her lips. Her eyes shone with such unconditional love and admiration for the vampire-werewolf before her, that Klaus himself found it difficult to maintain his irritation at Rebekah's failure to keep the child away.
"You still shouldn't be here, Little Wing. Elijah and I wish to keep you away from these...incidents."
Her brows furrowed and her lips formed into a pout. She slowly stepped away from his warm hands and began to sign once again.
Are you going to kill him?
Klaus looked over to his siblings briefly. Unspoken conversation passing between the three with ease. Centuries of sticking together through all manner of situations made them experts in the small tells and movements their siblings had.
Elijah was the one to answer, as he, too, genuflected before the child, tenderly taking her hand and resting it upon his lifted knee, stroking small circles on the back of her hand, "He must pay for the suffering and torment he has inflicted upon you, sweetling. He is not worthy of your compassion."
While she could see the form of said man from over Elijah's shoulder, the elder vampire held her full attention as she answered back.
I'm a bad person, too.
The three siblings went rigid at the girl's confession. Rebekah, mimicking her brothers as she fell to her knees at the young girl's side. She stroked a hand across the child's hair, "You are not. Why would you say something like that?"
Tears formed along the ridge of her wide eyes as she eyed each sibling before looking down at her hands before responding.
I'm not compassionate. I don't feel bad for him. I hate him. Doesn't that make me bad?
Their reactions were immediate. Each Mikaelson placed a hand upon the child in comfort. Rebekah held her right hand, Klaus held her left hand, and Elijah cupped her cheek once more.
"It makes you human, sweetling." Elijah's smooth baritone assured her warmly. his warm brown gaze held her own as he continued, "He has hurt you in a way no parent ever should. You have every right to hate him. That doesn't make you bad."
A single tear escaped from her eye. Klaus wiped it away with his finger. The child looked over at his brilliant blue hues.
"I can make you forget, if you wish."
Rebekah and Elijah looked at their brother sharply. Their protest dying on their lips as he held a hand up for them to allow him to finish.
His Little Wing cocked her head in confusion.
"I can make it so you would believe we compelled him to leave. That he packed his stuff and that he left this town, leaving you forever and never looking back." The hybrid glanced back at the passed out form of the man before turning his focus back toward the child, his eyes cold and unwavering, "I will make him suffer and beg for forgiveness. And he will die tonight."
His grip on her small hand tightened just a smidge, "I have killed and maimed for less, Little Wing. What he has done to you...it is unforgivable. My anger shall be your justice, my hands will deliver your judgment, but you need not remember this, if it will be a burden on your mind."
The girl looked down at her feet. The swell of adoration and love that bloomed across her chest was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. The fact that these three people, these vampires were showing her the love and care that she had sought from her father for years since her mother's death, was slightly overwhelming but it filled her heart with endless joy.
She thought back to all her moments with her father and the reality that every memory that crossed her mind was one of pain, hurt, or sadness sealed away any thoughts of redemption for him. Klaus was right. The knowledge of his death would haunt her mind. She didn't know if she was ready to carry that consciously with her, so she looked at him, eyes brimming with tears as she nodded her head, the hand Rebekah held coming free as she signed.
I want to forget.
He nodded. Elijah and Rebekah said nothing. Their brother had been kind enough to give the girl a choice and her decision had been made. So, they said nothing as Klaus turned the girl away from the body of her father. His blue eyes captured her gaze as he compelled the child.
Elijah and Rebekah stood from their kneeling, circling around so that the child would not glance back and see the bloody scene behind her.
Rebekah mumbled to her eldest brother, "I'm staying. I want to get a couple of hits in before Nik finishes him."
Elijah glanced briefly at his baby sister before staring back at the child, "Do throw in a few punches on my behalf. Perhaps a broken femur?"
The blonde woman smiled at his request, "Of course, brother."
Klaus stood from his position, their small ward's hand held in his. He looked to Elijah, having heard Rebekah's declaration of staying here.
"Sleepy yet, Baby Bird?" Elijah asked warmly.
As if on cue, the young girl yawned adorably wide. Her nose scrunched up cutesy as she blinked tiredly at the eldest brother. She smiled sheepishly before lifting her arms up in a clear sign for him to carry her.
Elijah did so without question, his arms securing her to his form. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she settled her head in the crook of his neck.
"We'll see you soon, Little Wing." Klaus whispered, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"Sleep well, Birdie." Rebekah muttered as she placed a gentle kiss to the child's crown.
After quick glances of assurance to his siblings, Elijah sped away from the crime scene.
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