#Ladies Only
foreversleepy66 · 1 year
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yoramkelmer · 1 year
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More pre-partition posters, yet again
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john-patrick-art · 10 days
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Quicksketch soft pastel on toned A3 paper. Prints available upon request. No NFT.
…..pose for me…. DM please.
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toriluv607 · 1 year
How to be more feminine: tips to act more ladylike
Being feminine can mean different things to different people because each culture has its own notion of what it means to be female.
In the west, the concept of femininity is tied heavily to gender norms.
Traditionally, being feminine or girly means being gentle, nurturing, sensitive, sweet, passive, empathetic, or devoted — to name a few traits.
As people continue to realize that gender norms are a little outdated, we now think that being feminine is more of a style choice (although positive feminine traits are still good to emulate).
So how do you become more feminine?
Achieving a girly “look”, adopting ladylike mannerisms, and getting in touch with the female mindset can help you take on a more feminine image.
In this article, you’ll learn how to embody the grace, politeness, and competence which define the female attitude.
Appearing more feminine
Achieving a girly look takes so much more than wearing pink. Let’s break down what it takes to appear more feminine:
1) Take care of your hygiene
The first step to becoming more feminine is proper hygiene. After all, you’re more likely to associate slobbish behaviors like unkempt hair and muddy clothes with younger boys.
Ladies are expected to look clean and smell nice. And whether you’re male or female, good hygiene is essential to keeping yourself healthy and attractive.
Your hygiene habits don’t have to be excessive; you simply have to make an effort to take care of yourself.
Here are a few feminine hygiene tips to take note of:
Set aside time for grooming: You don’t really need to take three hours in the shower but setting aside 15 – 20 minutes per day to shower is important to keeping up a ladylike appearance.
You’ll look, smell, and feel much fresher after using soap, shampoo, and toothpaste. Don’t forget to comb your hair before leaving home as well.
K eep your body hairless: One traditional sign of femininity is hairlessness.
Even though it can be impractical to pay attention to the hair on your eyebrows, upper lip, underarms, and legs, most women do everything they can to keep their body hair invisible.
You can employ various techniques like tweezing, waxing, threading, or shaving but don’t force yourself if you don’t want to.
Spritz on perfume: Smelling great is a feminine characteristic. Spray on light, flowery, or fruity fragrances before you leave home for an extra girly feel.
2) Dress in a girly style
Clothes play a big part in how we present ourselves to the world. More importantly, clothing can help us embody who we want to be.
2) Dress in a girly style
Clothes play a big part in how we present ourselves to the world. More importantly, clothing can help us embody who we want to be.
If you want to “cast” yourself as a girly person, wearing appropriate clothes can help you become more graceful and ladylike.
Some ways you can style yourself in a feminine way are:
Dress for a feminine silhouette: When you take the time to dress in a feminine way, you’re more likely to carry yourself accordingly.
Dresses and skirts are the most universal signals of femininity so fill your wardrobe with well-fitting and flattering pieces.
Plus, these clothes can also help you move in a ladylike way; you’re less likely to stomp around if you’re wearing a delicate outfit, after all.
Girly Makeup
It’s best to wear more shades of pink, lavender, blue, teal, green, yellow, or red for a girly feel.
Wear appropriate accessories:
Girly girls typically have a wide range of fashion accessories available to them, in addition to the clothes they wear.
Heeled shoes, scarves, handbags, hair accessories, and jewelry are some key items which can tie your look together, bring out your personality, and boost your overall feminine look.
3) Wear makeup
While popular culture is slowly steering men towards using makeup, it is still largely a female-dominated territory.
Most women never leave home without completing their look with makeup. Aside from adjusting your appearance, makeup is a great way to enhance attractiveness and boost your confidence.
Basic cosmetics like foundation, lip gloss, eyeliner, mascara, and powder can easily take you from barefaced to beauty.
You can also utilize neutral eyeshadows, concealer, nail polish, and red or pink lipstick to take the feminine look to the next level. Makeup is really an art form so you have fun while trying it out.
Most women never leave home without completing their look with makeup. Aside from adjusting your appearance, makeup is a great way to enhance attractiveness and boost your confidence.
Basic cosmetics like foundation, lip gloss, eyeliner, mascara, and powder can easily take you from barefaced to beauty.
You can also utilize neutral eyeshadows, concealer, nail polish, and red or pink lipstick to take the feminine look to the next level. Makeup is really an art form so you have fun while trying it out.
4) Try “feminine” hairstyles
Although long hair isn’t necessary to being feminine, women have traditionally grown hair past the shoulders. Hairstyles like ponytails, braids, and long, romantic waves are difficult to achieve with shorter hair.
Aside from brushing and conditioning your hair, you can care for your hair by consuming a healthy diet.
Fatty fish, lean meats, seafood, leafy greens, and fruits rich in vitamin C can give your hair strength and a mirror-like shine.
5) Embrace your sexy side
If you’re struggling to feel and act feminine, then it’s time to embrace your sexy side and unleash it onto the world.
Many women get scared off at this stage, worried about being seen as promiscuous. It’s all about finding that balance.
Women can be many things. They can be sexy, smart, funny, cute, charming and so much more.
Don’t let the world define how you see yourself. Instead, show them how you want to be seen.
Being feminine is sexy, so embrace it. Get a little bit flirty with the men in your life. There’s something so feminine and attractive about a woman you can’t have. Have a little fun with it.
Do what feels good and enjoy each step of the way.
Acting More Feminine
Once you’ve mastered presenting yourself in a feminine way, you need to learn how to carry yourself in a ladylike way as well.
Cultivating habits, mannerisms, and behaviors can greatly help you embody girl traits.
6) Practice proper posture
Countless movies that include feminine makeovers often include a scene where a tomboyish character has to practice walking with a book on their head.
While this is an exaggeration and most women don’t actually do this, it shows you how important good posture is to femininity.
You have to keep your spine straight with your shoulders directly above your hips and your chin parallel to the ground.
When sitting, women have to keep their legs crossed to avoid exposing themselves when they’re wearing short skirts or dresses.
Additionally, sitting with your legs wide apart has a masculine feel to it.
To sit like a lady, plant both of your feet on the ground and cross them at the ankles, then bring your knees tight together for a prim, feminine way of sitting.
There is also a way of walking that accentuates the feminine figure and shows off the curves.
The trick is to pull yourself forward using the lower half of the body, rather than having your torso fall forward and letting your feet catch up.
Toss your shoulders back and elevate your chest while swinging your hips slightly at each step. As much as possible, walk slowly and gracefully by taking lighter steps.
If you are in a hurry, aim to look composed as you walk with quick, short steps to reach your destination.
7) Cultivate good manners
Good manners matter. Proper etiquette guides us as we interact with people and navigate society.
More than being mindless pleasantries, good manners and proper etiquette help us show our respect towards others and make them feel appreciated. And treating people well often means being treated well in return.
Ladies are expected to cultivate basic manners and etiquette as a model for others, especially young children.
Practicing the basic rules of etiquette you learned as a child is a simple way of being more feminine and elegant.
Try to incorporate simple manners in your daily habits such as:
Smiling genuinely at people
Eating with your elbows off the table
Saying “Excuse me” when you burp in public
Using “Please” or “May I”
Sneezing into a tissue rather than your hands
Finding a kinder way to give negative feedback
Greeting people kindly even if you’re in a bad mood
Chewing your food properly, with your mouth closed
Knocking on doors and waiting for a response before entering a room
Not interrupting people or rolling your eyes when they are speaking
Asking people to pass dishes to you during a meal rather than reaching for it yourself (and invading their space)
Keeping negative opinions to yourself but sharing positive comments and compliments to others
8) Speak like a lady
You don’t really have to change the way you think or ordinarily talk to be perceived as feminine as a big part of femininity relies on confidence.
Swear words and crude language, however, are generally frowned upon in society.
Men and women alike need to think twice when cussing in front of others, especially in a formal environment like the workplace.
The difference is that men get a bit more leeway for cuss words and vulgar jokes because being provocative is seen as a masculine trait.
On the other hand, women are expected to speak politely most of the time so femininity is closely associated with polished language.
At best, being feminine means finding the balance between polite speech and asserting yourself.
You can still raise your voice (sometimes) and curse (very quietly) but overall, you need to speak politely.
Speaking like a lady means speaking clearly, knowing what you want to say, and being considerate towards others.
A ladylike person isn’t rude, hostile, or mean to the people around them, even if they’re with someone they dislike.
If you’re dealing with a rude person, it’s best to smile and limit your contact with them.
To be a feminine speaker also means reducing the number of vulgar or inappropriate conversation topics you bring up.
9) Avoid masculine behaviors
Being “one of the boys” can take a toll on the feminine image you’re trying hard to construct.
Some behaviors like booing, shouting, giving high fives, chugging beer, showing off, or chomping on food can undermine your femininity.
Unlike the subtle, coy, and graceful behaviors expected in femininity, male behaviors are very “in your face”.
Having a girly image doesn’t mean you can’t drink beer or enjoy sports; you’re just encouraged to do all these things with more style and grace.
Moving in a more feminine way means being smoother and more in control.
Of course, this all depends on the context.
Feel free to act tough or aggressive while playing sports or participating in other activities. Having fun and being carefree is all part of the feminine charm.
10) Spend more time with women
Having male friends is great but in order to learn what it takes to be feminine, it helps if you are surrounded by women — especially if you are in a male-dominated environment.
Being around other women allows you to learn what people consider as “feminine” and what is not.
You’ll also be able to appreciate femininity more as you find women to uplift you and show you ladylike values, such as compassion, sensitivity, and strength.
It’s important to note that hanging out with women requires you to act ladylike, whether online or offline.
When it comes to drama and gossip, you should stand up for yourself if something is wrong — but never try to tear someone else down.
11) Read women’s magazines
Media plays a large role in shaping what is feminine and what is not.
Women’s magazines, talk shows, and social media content can all give you a clue on what typical women are supposed to look like and how they should act.
For example, the media is always trying to uplift empowered women who are polished and successful in their own ways. This is the current brand of femininity they want to explore.
Tuning into style, fashion, and relationship trends provides you an idea of how women are expected to behave in today’s society.
Do be cautious and take everything with a grain of salt; most of the content you see is designed to advertise rather than to give advice.
Embracing A Feminine Mindset
You may look, smell, walk, and talk like a lady but it can only go so far if you don’t have the right mindset.
Attitude and confidence have a large impact on what people recognize as feminine; feeling at home in your own skin, extending love to yourself and others, and enjoying life will allow you to express femininity and help others see it in you too.
12) Own your confidence and unique charm
No one has a monopoly on what it means to be feminine. You can absolutely define what femininity is for you.
Of course, you need to own your definition of femininity and not be afraid to show it to the world.
Rather than conforming to traditional roles of femininity, you should focus on how to make yourself happy first.
Building confidence in your body is about being comfortable in your own skin, regardless of your shape and size.
It’s easy to be more confident when you take care of yourself so don’t be afraid to eat healthily, sleep a lot, and exercise when you can.
Growing your own brand of charm requires you to accept and take pride in your unique personality.
In order to charm someone, you have to showcase your incredible sense of self. You’re not bragging about who you are or what you’ve done; you’re simply staying attuned to who you are.
13) Empathize with others
Historically, femininity has been rooted in empathy and compassion. Female figures are often perceived as wise and nurturing rather than combative and competent.
Sometimes, empathy can be misconstrued as a weakness because typical female behavior isn’t aggressive at all.
Women try to solve problems by fostering community and togetherness. A great lady would always recognize other peoples’ feelings and make an offer to help them feel better.
What does feminine compassion mean today?
Some compassionate behaviors include:
Avoiding unnecessary conflicts with others
Being respectful and polite even if you are road
Considering how the other person feels before getting upset
Thinking of how a problem affects others and not just yourself
Using your power to speak up for those who are unable to speak for themselves
Comforting others in their time of need with kindness
Withholding judgment until you hear the whole story
Recognizing that when someone does something bad, there are usually other factors at play
14) Be more expressive
Compared to men, women tend to be more expressive with how they act, talk, and dress. After all, it’s more acceptable for women to display emotions.
When you feel like there isn’t much to be said, utilize your body language and show people how you feel through your eyes or your smile.
In some cases, body language doesn’t work and you will need to use your words to avoid miscommunication.
Femininity is also about being open, vulnerable, and available to others.
You aren’t building walls around yourself to block people out nor are you pretending to be something you’re not.
15) Complement yourself
Stand in front of the mirror and start showering the compliments on yourself.
This type of self-love will help you feel good about yourself, which will then show outwardly to those you come into contact with that day.
We are always our toughest critics. The first to find faults in ourselves and to talk ourselves down. This isn’t feminine at all.
If you’re going to start convincing others of your feminine side, then you have to start by making an effort to convince yourself.
Stand in front of that mirror each morning before you leave the house for the day. Find three things to compliment yourself on. Try and mix it up each morning so you aren’t reusing the same compliments.
Here are some perfect examples:
You look fab in that dress!
Your hair looks amazing today.
I love that color on you.
You look happy.
Your eyes shine when you smile.
You paired your dress well with your handbag.
The options are endless. You just have to be brave enough to see the best in yourself. This should also flow into the way you talk about yourself in front of others.
No one is going to see you as feminine if you’re constantly criticizing the way you look and act.
When you talk about the negative things in your life, you’re going to be seen as much less attractive.
When you talk about the positive things, your face automatically shines with a spark and you become much more attractive to those around you.
Self-confidence is a powerful tool, so don’t underestimate it. Both when you’re alone and when you’re around others.
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punisher273-blog · 8 months
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zeninsama-moved · 1 year
oddly enough i’m thinking abt yuuta right now… he gives me the same vibes as that song “heaven is a place on earth”
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So I'm finally ok enough to say I broke up with one of my boyfriends and I'm no longer in an open poly relationship, now I'm just in an open relationship 😋
I'd really like to find a girlfriend this time tho so wish me luck 🤞💖
I just want to make content with a hot gf and get creampies together and swap mouthfuls 🤤 is that so much to ask for??
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Why is it the guy I was talking to ages ago just messaged me since I posted the pic of what I'm wearing today and hasn't talked to me since I realized he had a gf??? Ladies I'm all yours, I'm so tired of these men.
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I enjoy a fun & and laid-back discrete lifestyle with lots of opportunities for travel and meeting new people. I look forward to meeting and getting to know you. Can't wait to see if we really hit it off and have great chemistry! We'll have so much fun together! I will talk to you soon!! 💯
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manateemcgee · 4 months
I feel so much happier!!!!!!!!! I have removed so many men from my life >:)
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why aren't there more mysteries that take place in nursing homes & retirement communities. i want to watch a group of deranged retirees-cum-amateur-detectives combine their powers of:
decades of life experience
boredom-fueled busybody shamelessness
access to the most gossipy next-door-neighbors in existence
"I am too old to be arrested and/or give a shit" attitude
and solve crimes. this should be an enormous subgenre.
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arunneronthird · 8 months
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pov you just tried to express an opinion in a wayne party. youre a super
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beautysalonjamilla · 7 months
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