#Little Boy & Mr Scary Snake
auroramizutani · 10 months
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(via Olabisi Ajala’s Daughter)
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roalinda · 1 year
Contribution to @prongsfoot-microfic
May 5 : Orange
A/N : I don't ship drarry. I don't ship Harry with anyone to be honest. He is here because I need him to be. xD also this is my first try in present tense, so I apologise in advance if it sucks.
James stares.
Yes, yes. Staring is rude. He knows it. He has been trying to drill it into his son's thick skull for years and now he is doing the exact same thing. But who can blame him?
There, in front of him on their fancy crimson sofa is Draco Malfoy in an extremely ugly neon orange robes accompanied with a pair of pink gloves which are supposed to complete his dashing look. He is fidgeting with the top of his wand, trying to hide it's snake handle and James would have laughed if he wasn't in an absolute shock.
Then there is Sirius. 
He is in full Black mode, cold and emotioess, his handsome face is so stony that James shudders. His husband can be very scary when he wants to. Make no mistake, it's hot and kinky in bed but other than that, let's say Merlin mercy.
"Why are you here, little Malfoy?" Sirius asks icily and James winces, innerly praising Malfoy for not running away like he is about to be bitten by a werewolf.
"I'm here to ask for your permission to date Harry." 
Unfortunately James is too busy praying Godric and Salazar to bestow him the gift of colour blindness to jump at Malfoy's throat. At least he has Sirius for it, although seeing him dealing with another Black is quite frightening and a bit amusing. James is not used to this side of Sirius since he had never had the pleasure of meeting his husband's family.
"and why should we grant you such permission?" 
"Because I love your son." 
James takes pity on Malfoy, he sincerely does. If he was  the receiving end of Sirius' cold eyes, James would have needed all his Gryffindor courage to survive, that's for sure.
"Do you think I would have let you set a foot in this house if you didn't?" Sirius' tone is not pleasant. "Let me rephrase it, do you expect us to permit someone whose sense of fashion is worse than a house elf date our son?" 
James nearly spits out his coffee on Malfoy's face, nearly being the keyword. Fortunately he doesn't. Thank Merlin for small mercies. He really should stop sitting in front of the guests.
Malfoy's pale cheeks are flushed and James clears his troath before something disastrous happens. He understands the protectiveness, he wants to choke Malfoy as well, but that brutal sarcasm of Sirius' is probably too much for the pampered little Malfoy. 
"All my robes are either silver or green. I didn't want to hurt your Gryffindor eyes Dear Sirs, but golden and crimson were out of question as well, eventhough I wanted to please you. These were the closest colours." 
James can't decide if the boy is brave or stupid to talk and hold Sirius' gaze like that. He is ready to jump in between them in case Sirius decides to hex Malfoy when shock hits him.
"Very brave of you to talk back with that Slytherin tongue of yours. You must have gotten it from your mother." 
Well, the Black problem is fixed now it seems. But that doesn't mean the Potter side is fixed as well. 
"Show me all your wand tricks, Mr. Malfoy. Let me see if your skill is worth my son's time," he says silently, rolling up his sleeves and picking up his wand.
This time Sirius winces. 
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broken-everlark · 4 months
Welp my dumbass decided to make Wednesday pokemon trainer cards instead of updating my WIPs. Which I'm going to do after I post this🤣
I'm not fully happy about Tyler, eugene, and the xaviers teams. Those may change.
Almost everyone always gets a legendary/mythical.
I know literally no one will read this or care. But I figured I could post it anyway.
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I gave her Skorupi because of Nero, so he's her partner.
Gliscor because he's just a beast of a mon and reminds me of a scorpion/bat that fits Wednesday's dark theme. Tyler had given this to her as a present. On their first anniversary, it immediately became a favorite.
Corviknight because Wednesday is referred to as the Raven, and he just seems like the most raven mon (even though he's a crow). Wednesday found this pokemon back when it was a Rookiedee. It had fallen out of its nest. Instead of feeding it to her mother's Pyroar, she kept it.
Hydreigon because he's just a dark dragon, and I feel like he fits Wednesday's style. Wednesday had found him as a deino, the poor blind Dino had injured himself. She decided to take him in and raise him to become a terrifying dragon.
Dusknoir because he's a big scary ghost that eats souls in his chest. Out of all the ghost types, i feel like this one fits Wednesday the most. This mon snuck up on Wednesday and followed her throughout a haunted graveyard, not giving up until she caught him.
It was between Giratina (the underworld/antimatter legend) or Yveltal. Her legend I chose is Yveltal, He's the legendary of Death, basically destroying everything in sight.
(I feel bad for doing this to Tyler)
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His partner - Cubone - because they both lost their moms. Cubone wears his mothers dead skull on his head. Tyler's mother had given this to him just before she passed.
(Might replace.) Bewear - literally because Tyler is sweet & adorable on the outside, but on the inside, he's hiding a dangerous monster, just like bewear.
Mimikyu - because the creature inside the suit just wants to be loved, just like Tyler. So he hides behind a suit made up of a beloved pokemon. But everytime it's trainer looks underneath the suit, they die.
Scovillian - because it's a funny play on Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Two faces, two different personalities.
Garchomp - Because this mon is anger filled and very hard to tame also very powerful. Kinda reminds me of the hyde.
His legend is Mewtwo. A legend made by humans and hates humanity. Reminds me of Tyler's tragic past, hating others who don't understand what he's been through.
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Her partner is a shiny Spheal - Honestly, I just feel like Enid would love every single pokemon that's adorable.
Shiny) Politoad because he's just a very happy frog, and I feel like it matches. It Enids a very bubbly personality.
Arcanine - i feel like even though it's a big scary dog, she loves it because it's Fluffy and loyal. Just like Enid.
Lycanroc (Day form) just a little nod to her wolf form.
Dragonair - Honestly, it's just a beautiful mid evo that I feel like Enid would love
And her legend is Mew. It's just a cute, sweet cat that has all the DNA of each pokemon. Something I think Enid would take care of and love.
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So Ajax's starter is Ivysaur - because the bulbasaur line is famous for smoking grass
Ekans because of Ajax being a Gorgon and his little snakes poke their heads out sometimes.
Slowbro because it seems like a good pokemon to get high with.
Hisuian Typhlosion because he just looks like a depressed cool boy like my baby Ajax.
Noivern - because I just see Ajax being the chill guy at parties and noiverns ears remind me of speakers.
His legend is a shiny Rayquaza just because he's a giant space snek noodle🤣
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Eugene's starter is a shiny caterpie, figured he'd just be a bug type trainee.
Beedrill - because of his powers to control bees.
Heracross- same as the caterpie. Just figured he'd have a bug army.
Dewpider because he's just an adorable bean like Eugene.
Appletun because I just feel like he'd love chunky pokemon. Because chunky pokemon are the best.
wobbuffet because its a psychic pokemon and it's insane ability to use counter and I feel like Eugene would need a happy mon to keep him company.
Yes Eugene doesn't get a legend. Just couldn't find one that fit.
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Her partner being Primarina - has to do with her being a siren outcast. Her partner looks like a mermaid and sings like sirens and mermaids are known for.
Being the popular girl at school, I'd imagine she'd have tons of beautiful pokemon. A florges. Being a bouquet of flowers fits that perfectly
Again, Hatterene fits the popular girl status perfectly. Another beautiful fairy type to add to Bianca's team
Bianca would also have a shiny Altaria, it being her pride since it's a rare golden color.
Beautifly - a rare evolution of Wurmple, being very beautiful & every time it flaps its wings, sparkly pollen falls with each flap.
I chose Meloetta fighting form for her mythical pokemon. It has unique singing abilities, and being strong but beautiful would fit Bianca perfectly.
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Xavier surprisingly got a card. I didn't want to download a picture of him into my phone so he gets no picture.
He gets a shiny muk as his partner. Because he looks like throw up. Just like how I feel about Xaviers character.
He gets an Exeggutor because it's derpy in a stupid way🤣
Grafaiai because he's an artist.
Garbordor - because it's a pokemon made of trash.
Xavier does get a legend. But it's the worst one. He gets regice because it's a trash legend.🤣
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dib-thing-wannabe · 6 months
Thoughts on every JT character + personal headcanon for each of them?
Oooooh dear, there's quiet a few characters, so sorry if I miss any-
Johnny Test: 8/10 Overall, a pretty good depiction of a 11 year old boy! I would be lying if I said that I didn't think of him as one of the best character's in the show. Headcanon: He does have a pretty big soft spot for babies/toddlers, as long as they aren't evil, of course.
Mary Test: 6/10 She's good, but doesn't have much of her own personality apart from Susan. I also dislike that she legit uses Johnny as a test subject. Y'all are gonna kill the boy if this continues! Headcanon: She actually doesn't find Gil that attractive, it's just that every other guy at her school is mid, so he's her best option.
Susan Test: 6/10 Same thoughts as Mary. Headcanon: Her favorite type of scientific experiments are with machinery, especially when building, cleaning, or taking them apart.
Hugh Test: 7/10 He's so malewife it's unbelievable. Now call me spoiled or too sympathetic, but I definitely feel like he should spoil his kids just a little more. Not with toys or something like that, but with attention. Susan and Mary are probably fine with the attention that he's currently giving them, but Johnny might just want some positive attention towards him. Headcanon: Despite making meatloaf 24/7, his favorite food is actually jack fruit. He just can't have it nearly as often because of how expensive it is.
Lila Test: 8/10 The girlboss ever. I just wish she would be able to spend more time with her family, but that's all that I think of her negatively. Headcanon: She actually dyes her hair brown, and her actual hair color is the bright red that Susan and Mary have, and also the color of Johnny's tips. At first it was because her job didn't believe that her hair color was natural so she was forced to dye it, but then she just kept it since she really liked the way it looked on her better than her red hair.
Dukey: 9/10 I am a sucker for smart yet silly characters, what can I say? He's probably the most well written character in the show, but that's not saying much tbh. Headcanon: He did ended up having a litter of puppies before he went in the pound that Johnny rescued him from, and he does try to visit them as often as he can.
Bling-Bling Boy / Eugene: 7/10 He's an interesting character, and I find him funny! I just wish that he wasn't such a creep with Susan- Headcanon: His main type is actually southern women from America with thick accents. Susan is just an outlier when it comes to his attraction.
Mr. Mittens and his butler, Albert: 5/10 Fun villains, but I don't think of them as anything more than that. Headcanon: That cat definitely will sit on Albert's paperwork and things like that while he's doing it to be a pain.
Mr Black and Mr White: 6/10 Similar to Susan's and Mary's dynamic when it comes to writing, but still good and funny characters in my eyes! Headcanon: They are in fact married to each other. You cannot convince me otherwise.
Brain Freezer: 10/10 Silly villain go brrrrrr!! So silly and such a good character to me, I love him sm. Headcanon: Despite being a cold and ice-based villain, he cannot stand on ice without special attachments to his footwear.
Gil Nexdor: 4/10 Average boring white boy, but he's a sweetheart despite that, so he's not the worse. Headcanon: He's aroace, so he truly does think that Susan and Mary don't want to be anything more than friends.
Dark Vegan: 5/10 He's a tab bit boring for my taste, being the trope of a scary villain but when he's in his civilian/normal attire he's just a wimpy guy. Headcanon: His favorite animal is actually snakes!
The Beekeeper: 5/10 Not very memorable or too interesting to me. Headcanon: Despite being a beekeeper, his favorite insect/bug is actually a stick bug!
Zizrar: 6/10 I love this silly mole king, but he's a bit too silly to be fighting with an 11 year old boy. Headcanon: He definitely just makes a hole that's barely big enough to fit him in it and just sits in it for a while. Maybe even sleep in it sometimes.
Sissy Blakely: 7/10 She's a good character! But she's also just a gender bend of Johnny tbh. Headcanon: She's bi with a preference towards men.
The General: 2/10 I hate how he's actually a good depiction of people in the military- Also, why are you placing most of your problems at your job on an 11 year old and his teenage sisters?! Headcanon: He's dead, actually. He's not canon, he isn't real, this was the Mandela Effect.
Johnny's teacher: 1/10 Biggest bitch in the show, and he's technically not even that big of an antagonist. Headcanon: He treats Johnny the way he does because he's actually close to losing his job and he thinks that Johnny's bad grades are the reason he's about to be fired, when it's simply because he's a bad teacher, and treating Johnny the way he doesn't certainly isn't helping him.
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golden--doodler · 1 year
Bob's Burgers Random Facts
I love this show, so here are some random facts about it that I've discovered and want to share. Some are fairly obvious/well-known, but I also wanted to add some more obscure things as well. I might make a part two, but not sure yet:
--Linda's maiden name is Genarro! This was revealed in Season 12, Episode 20 "Sauce Side Story", where it's also revealed that Linda's family has a crazy feud going on
--Gene's favorite keyboard was a Christmas gift from Bob and Linda (as seen in Season 5, Episode 17 "The Itty Bitty Ditty Committee"), which he immediately fell in love with, which is adorable. I like to believe this being a gift from them made it that much more special to him
--It's never outright stated, but heavily implied that Bob has Hemophilia, because in Season 3, Episode 20 "The Kids Run the Restaurant", Linda states that Bob bleeds a lot if he injures himself and his body has a lot of trouble clotting. This episode also reveals he gets light-headed at the sight of blood
--The Belchers live in the state of New Jersey! This is revealed in Season 3, Episode 18 "It Snakes a Village". A cute little map is shown, featuring the Belcher's car, which is clearly seen in New Jersey
--In Season 6, Episode 6 "The Cook, The Steve, The Gayle, & Her Lover", Tina sings a bunch of random Spanish phrases which Louise translates very inaccurately, in an effort to break up Gayle and Mr. Frond. And apparently, in the Spanish dub (yes, this exists), Tina sings these random phrases in English instead, and it's hilarious
--Bob and Gene are both allergic to shellfish (which is probably why Bob hates Lobster Fest), and apparently, on Bob and Linda's first date, Bob got an allergic reaction to some shellfish. However, Linda somehow remained unaware of it the entire time, and to this day, still doesn't know he has a shellfish allergy despite him telling her about it multiple times. I personally like to believe she still took care of him after it happened, she just didn't know what was going on
--According to Gene in Season 6, Episode 13 "Wag the Hog", Bob isn't a fan of cilantro
--One small, funny thing I noticed is that both Bob and Linda's previous lovers before they met each other were blonde (Barbara Bunkley and Hugo Habercore, respectively)
--In Season 6, Episode 1, "Sliding Bobs", in Tina's story about an alternate universe in which Linda and Hugo actually got married and Bob becomes the Health Inspector, Bob mentions offhandedly that he tried renting out the building where "Hugo's Hot Dogs" is twenty years ago, implying that Bob and Linda have owned "Bob's Burgers" for around twenty years
--Not only has Bob forgotten his own birthday on one occasion, as seen in Season 1, Episode 1 "Human Flesh", but Linda has accidentally forgotten his birthday as well, as seen in Season 8, Episode 16, "Are You There, Bob? It's Me, Birthday". It seems on occasion Linda isn't great with dates, either
--As seen in a framed photo in Bob and Linda's bedroom, they actually got married at City Hall, and boy, do they look adorably happy in that wedding photo. I like to think that even though they canonically still had to work at the restaurant that day for money reasons, they still had a really nice wedding with cake and wholesome/tear-jerking vows
--According to Season 10, Episode 1 "The Ring (But Not Scary)", Bob, unfortunately, couldn't afford to get Linda a ring when he proposed to her, and instead gave her a nice high-five to make up for that. Also, in the episode, it's shown he's come a long way from "Human Flesh" by actually remembering their wedding anniversary and getting her a ring (I know she doesn't mind not having one, but it's too bad she still was never able to get it, thanks to it getting lost)
--In Season 8, Episode 13 "Cheer Up Sleepy Gene", it's revealed Bob and Linda both snore quite loud, and it's actually comforting to them both in a weird way and helps them sleep. Not only that, but they find other quirks of theirs comforting, as seen in Season 12, Episode 15, "Ancient Misbehavin'" when Bob admits he misses hearing Linda talking "emphatically" in her sleep. Even better, actual studies have shown that if you sleep in the same bed as your partner, it improves your sleep, even if they snore
--In Season 11, Episode 21, "Die Card, or Card Trying", it's revealed that Louise has been making the same "serial killer" smiling face in their family photos since she was really young, and it's really a sight to behold
--In the "Bob's Burgers Movie", it's revealed that Felix Fischoeder has a framed photo of his brother, Calvin, in his bedroom, which is surprisingly wholesome
--In Season 12, Episode 1 "Manic Pixie Crap Show", it's unfortunately revealed that Linda, when she was young, got incredibly attached to a neighborhood stray dog named Bottlecap (who got the name because he could balance bottlecaps on his nose) only to witness him getting run over by a hot dog truck. Apparently, she also witnessed her eighth-grade teacher get run over by a truck. Jesus, poor Linda ): It's implied this is a reason why the Belchers have never had a family pet before, besides being poor
--When Linda was young, she wore a pair of braces, though it's never stated how she felt about them
--According to Season 3, Episode 12 "Broadcast Wagstaff School News", Bob looked almost identical to Gene when he was young, which Gene is originally not happy about, but grows to accept. I like to think he'll look like Bob when he's older, even though that's one of the things he was worried about in the episode
--According to Season 3, Episode 14 "Lindapendent Woman", Linda actually has a really complex monetary system for the restaurant's finances, which keeps the family from being in too much debt. It's so complicated that Bob can't figure out how to do it himself once she temporarily leaves her job at the restaurant for another job, proving why she needs him around, besides the fact that he loves her and loves seeing her every day
--In Season 5, Episode 17, "The Itty Bitty Ditty Committee", it's revealed that Gene actually only knows how to play one chord, and isn't experienced musically in the slightest, struggling to get through doing scales a bunch of times when he briefly takes piano lessons. He even calls scales "gross". However, as seen in Season 3, Episode 16 "Topsy", he is still able to create amazing, Broadway-worthy musical numbers when he wants to despite this.
--As of Season 13, Bob and Linda officially have actual smartphones, because they had to upgrade after Grover Fischoeder threw their old phones in the ocean in the "Bob's Burgers Movie". Kind of ironic, considering in the two-part Season 4 finale, Calvin laments about how Bob hadn't purchased "a better cellphone". It's shown in Episode 11, "Cheaty Cheaty Bang Bang", that Bob is still struggling quite a bit with using his.
--According to Season 11, Episode 2 "Worms of In-Rear-Ment", Linda has always wanted to be a mother, ever since she was young. Despite her worries about how she's doing as a parent, I think she's doing pretty great
--Apparently, (as seen in Part One of the Season 4 Finale, "Wharf Horse") Linda told Bob she was pregnant with Louise on top of the Ferris Wheel in Wonder Wharf, and he "just kept screaming". They also share a sweet kiss in the same spot in Season 1, Episode 1 "Human Flesh", so that place is pretty significant for them. It makes me wonder how she told Bob she was pregnant with Tina and Gene
--According to Tina in the "Bob's Burgers Movie", she doesn't actually own her own phone despite being a teenager, and it gets "harder to explain every year". Hopefully one day she can get one
--According to Louise in Season 3, Episode 22 "Carpe Museum", not only is Louise secretly a huge daddy's girl, but she also truly believes Tina and Gene will stick Bob in a nursing home one day, and "not one of the nice ones"
That's all for now but hopefully, I'll make a part two if I can think of enough fun facts that I missed!
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jesshq · 2 years
I was bored and in a TMNT 2012 series mood.
(mainly incorrect quotes with my fav mutants: especially the ones fishface took in as Mr X)
(just need to run somethings by you to keep in mind: in my TMNT 2012 headcons:
snake (snakeweed), jason (mondo) and vick (spider bytez) know each other and are a mini family.
when humans mutate they get reverted back to their 'teens' and age slower.
and yes snakeweed is mondo's legal guardian as due to mondo is 12-14 and needs a parents as mondo can't go to his main parents for obvious reasons.
vick aka spider bytez in my headcons as a human looks older then he actually does due to he was used for drug testing, so when he mutanted and was given the same abilities as karai (can turn human to mutant at will) he's alot younger looking in human form along with rocksteady.)
Tigerclaw: But what about baxter stockman? spider bytez: Don't worry about them. spider bytez: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
bebop: Why are you guys acting like this? baxter stockman: Oh, we're not acting. We really are like this.
fishface: You know, when spider bytez comes over, and snakeweed is blooming, snakeweed can get a little… rahzar: Psycho? baxter stockman: Scary? mondo: Drunk? fishface: All three.
baxter stockman, to spider bytez: How do you tell someone politely you want to hit them with a brick?
spider bytez: mondo, can I ask you a question? mondo: Sure, anything. spider bytez: Where are your parents?!
(refering to the fact mondo is 12/14)
snakeweed, at spider bytez: You're my significant other. spider bytez: Yeah I am! snakeweed, at mondo: You're my child. mondo: Yes boss. snakeweed, at baxter stockman: You're my bitch. baxter stockman: Yeah I am- wait, what? snakeweed, at fishface: My bestie. bebop: Naturally. ------------------------------------------------
fishface: Why are you drinking? snakeweed: I drink when I'm depressed. fishface: But you're always drinking? snakeweed: *smug grin*
Teacher: Your child was in a fight. snakeweed: Oh no, that’s terrible! fishface: Did they win?
(you can't tell me before mondo betrayed them those two weren't mondo's 'adopted' brothers)
spider bytez: You’re my best friend, I would do anything for you. snakeweed: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. spider bytez: Absolutely not.
fishface: I know this isn’t going to end well and I don’t care. So don’t you try and stop me, spider bytez! spider bytez: I wasn’t stopping you. I was asking if you had a spare camera so I can record this.
rocksteady: Good morning. As you begin your day, remember that violence is always an option and often the answer. bebop: rocksteady: bebop: ...Please, go back to bed.
spider bytez: My friends say I'm the most charismatic out of the group. fishface: Well, you always have a smile on your face. spider bytez: Thank you. fishface: fishface: What drugs do you take?
rahzar: Guess what I'm about to get! tigerclaw: On my nerves.
tigerclaw: bebop is late again. baxter stockman: How did this happen? I called them at 8 o’clock this morning and pretended it was 11. mondo: I printed up a fake schedule for them saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon. rocksteady: I set their clock to say PM when it’s really AM. tigerclaw: Oh boy. We may have overdone it. *bebop bursts through the door* bebop: WHAT TIME IS IT?
mondo, throwing a pokeball at rahzar: rahzar, I choose you! rahzar, not looking up from their book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
bebop: Are you a cuddler? rahzar: I'm a machine of death and destruction. bebop: rahzar: …Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
bebop: rock! I can't do this stupid math! rocksteady: What’s the math problem? bebop: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply. fishface, covering mondo's ears, while rocksteady smacks bebop upside the head: Not going to lie that was hella smooth.
fishface: I can't imagine what snakeweed is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
*fishface is crying after a breakup* spider bytez: There there, fishface. fishface, still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my room? spider bytez: Great question—
baxter stockman: I CAN'T DO IT! rahzar, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER! baxter stockman: I CANT FUCKING DO IT ANYMORE tigerclaw: WELL I'LL TELL YOU WHAT, YOU CAN EITHER GIVE UP NOW, OR YOU CAN FIGURE IT OUT. BECAUSE WE CERTAINLY CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU, AND WE KNOW YOU CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT US. baxter stockman: baxter stockman: I appreciate it, baxter stockman: BUT LOOK WHAT WE'RE DEALING WITH- spider bytez: "trying to talk despite laughing to hard) baxter- baxter stockman: YOU GOTTA DRAW THE LINE SOMEWHERE! rocksteady: baxter we gotta- baxter stockman: YOU GOTTA DRAW A FUCKING LINE IN THE SAND. YOU GOTTA MAKE A STATEMENT. baxter stockman: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?' baxter stockman, motioning to mondo: NOT FUCKING THIS!
"mondo, fishface, and snakeweed are in tear laughing at the poor bug man"
baxter stockman: I told rocksteady that their ears turn red when they lie. snakeweed: Do they? baxter stockman: No. snakeweed: Then why did you tell them that? baxter stockman: Because I can do this. baxter stockman: Hey rocksteady! Do you love us? rocksteady, with their hands over their ears: No.
mondo: snakeweed, I need some advice. snakeweed: You need advice from ME? mondo: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
bebop: I know you love them. fishface: I am not in love with rahzar! bebop, staring at fishface: I never said who... fishface: *realizes* fishface: Shit. Well, anyways-
mondo, watching rocksteady and rahzar fight: Are you sure they should be fighting? What if they get hurt? tigerclaw, not bothered by the chaos: It’s fine. They’re too evenly matched to hurt each other. mondo: Then... who’s the strongest out of you three? rocksteady: tigerclaw. rahzar: tigerclaw. tigerclaw: Me.
baxter stockman: Something tells me snakeweed's going to be a bit more unhinged today... snakeweed, holding a lit match and a bag of cheetos: Leave me be, tigerclaw isn't home to stop me, I'm going feral.
baxter stockman: I’ve made a spread sheet of all the crime in Brooklyn. baxter stockman: There’s so much crime in New York, no one should live here.
snakeweed: Are you tall enough to play basketball though? mondo: Are you calling me short? snakeweed: I'm calling you vertically challenged.
mondo: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff. rahzar: I witnessed the dumb stuff. snakeweed: I recorded the dumb stuff. fishface: I joined you in the dumb stuff. baxter stockman: I TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THE DUMB STUFF!
baxter stockman: This food is too hot... I cant eat it. spider bytez: "had made the food" it's not hot, and I can eat you if you wanna complain bug. Everyone at the table: *silence* bebop: YOU GUYS ARE DISGUSTING! tigerclaw: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
bebop: Why is spider bytez crying on the floor? rocksteady: They're drunk. bebop: And? rocksteady: They saw a picture of snakeweed's spouse. bebop: But they're snakeweed's spouse. rocksteady: I know.
i got bored
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lightvsdark18 · 2 years
Here's the list of all of the halloween creatures in my universe. The order is when I first drew/created them. Those who go by their actual name will have it next to their halloween name and what creature they are.
For new people, I created 31 characters who become creatures on October every year in my universe. They are called Halloween Creatures. They all know each other and spend time with one another before, after and/or during October. They call their group "Scary Squad."
Creepy Cute, Clown
GentleSpider, Gentleman who can speak to spiders (and is afraid of them)
Seen The Truth (Emily), Creepy Stranger
Vengeful, Angry Spirit
Thiller, Zombie
Flaming Babe (Erica), Fire Elemental
Miss Fortune, Stitched-up Human
Mr. Distrust, Demon
Miss Ouija, Human Ouija Board
Trickster (Benny), Pumpkin Head
Jasmine (only one without a creature name)
Arachnophobia, Humanoid Spider
Build-A-Monster (Charles), Thrown Together Monster
Good Boy (John), Werewolf
The Doctor Is In (Brian or Dr. Times), Plague Doctor
Little Snow Bunny, White Rabbit
Silent Song, Siren
Victorian Sweetheart, Vampire
Wrong Decision (Henry), Corrupted
Empty Promises (Deuce), Humanoid Snake
Growing Venom, Humanoid Plant
No Hidden Secrets, Diaphonization
False Judgment, Deer Man
Fly On The Wall, Humanoid Fly
Falling Apart (Elena), Floating Limbs
Part Of The Proud (Joel), Humanoid Lion
Greedy Jaws, Shark Merman
Iron Strings, Puppet
Unspoken Rule, No Mouth
Outer Your Norm (Hex), Alien
Never Complete (Sally), Body Full of Holes
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robyntheredhead · 5 months
2023 Watch List 🍿✨
I watched 71 things for the first time this year! Not to mention all the YouTube, Tik Tok and Twitch I watched too. The * denotes movies/shows that were released new this year.
Jan 6th - Only Murders in the Building (S2)
Jan 7th - See How They Run
Jan 8th - The Menu
Jan 28th - the Grand Budapest Hotel
Feb 6th - Proud Family (S2)*
Feb 10th - the legend of Vox Machina (S2)*
Feb 21st - Avatar the Way of Water
Feb 24th - My place or yours??*
Mar 10th - all quiet on the western front
Mar 11th - Promising Young Woman
Mar 12th - The Last of Us*
March 28th - The Bad Batch (S2)*
April 2nd - Daisy Jones and the Six*
April 6th - Super Mario Bros movie*
April 15th - Dungeons & Dragons.*
April 19th - Mandalorian (S3)*
April 26th - Invincible (S1)
April 27th - Funny Girl
April 27th - In the Heights
May 5th - guardians of the galaxy vol 3*
May 20th - Love Again*
May 22nd - Book Club: next chapter *
May 27th - The Little Mermaid*
June 1st - Across the Spider-verse ✨*
June 8th - Transformers: Rise of Beasts?*
June 25 - Sweet Tooth (S2) *
June 30 - Nimona*
June 30 - Georgetown
July 2 - No Hard Feelings*
July 7 - The Love Bug
July 8 - Palm Springs
July 9 - Everything Everywhere All At Once
July 15 - Elemental*
July 23 - Barbie *
July 27 - iCarly (S1-3)*
August 5 (???) - the Great (S2)
August 6 - TMNT (empty theatre!)*
August 31 - What we do in the Shadows (1-5)*
Sept 2nd - Our Flag Means Death (S1)
Sept 22nd - a haunting in Venice *
Sept 25th - Good Omens (S1-2)*
Sept 26th - Blue Beetle*
Oct 1st - Staged (S1-3)
Oct 3rd - The Creator*
Oct 5th - Only Murders in the Building (S3)*
Oct 9th - Young Love (S1?) *
Oct 10th - Fantastic Mr Fox
Oct 20 - the new zoey *
Oct 22nd - Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Oct 24th - Killers of the flower moon *
Oct 26th - Our Flag Means Death (S2) *
Oct 30 - Not Okay
Nov 14 - Priscilla *
Nov 17 - Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes *
Nov 18 - Trolls Band Together *
Nov 18 - Scott Pilgram Takes Off (S1)*
Nov 18 - Blue Eye Samurai (S1)*
Nov 25 - Wish*
Nov 26 - Leo*
Nov 26 - Chicken Run
Nov 27 - David Holmes: the boy who lived *
Dec 7 - Exmas *
Dec 8 - Merry Little Batman *
Dec 8 - Christmas as Usual *
Dec 9 - Captain Laserhawk *
Dec 10 - Who Killed Santa?
Dec 19 - The Boy and the Heron *
Dec 21 - Chicken Run 2: Dawn of the Nugget*
Dec 26 - the Iron Claw *
Dec 29 - Maestro*
Dec 31st - forgive us our trespasses (short)
0 notes
cinnaminyoons · 2 years
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ミ☆ the journey of growing up is a rough one, but at least he’s got you next to him.
⤷ PAIRING jjk x m!reader
⤷ TAGS high school au, confessions, friends-to-lovers, brief self doubt
Hi! I've read a lot of your stories and I really really love your writing! It's amazing. It really inspires me as a writer myself. And as a pan boy I also appreciate the male reader as not many people write that. I was wondering if I could request something.
Where Jungkook is the reader's best friend and he has a crush on yn, and maybe gets jealous or something. Also, male pronouns. Thank you!!
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he is wearing a dinosaur backpack as big as himself. he has a little navy tie and a navy sweater vest and charcoal-grey shorts that don’t hide his bony knees, and he clutches a small pink notebook in both hands as he trails behind the rest of his class, with the teacher at the head.
he slows down as he passes the windows of the classrooms, gazing into them to see lines of the older kids diligently copying down weird maths questions from the whiteboard. they’ve got letters in them.
he glances away from the class, running towards his teacher and rejoining his class as they snake their way through the building into the one beside it.
they slow to a stop in front of another classroom. it sits on the ground floor and has a red door, which slides open to reveal another teacher. the two women smile and greet each other, and the one who opened the door waves jungkook’s class inside.
he doesn’t really listen to the teachers. he thinks he probably should, but standing in front of twenty bigger girls and boys is terrifying. he clasps his notebook to his chest, running his fingers obsessively over the bumpy leatherette surface as he stares at his polished black shoes. 
a hand places itself on his shoulder. he glances up at his teacher. she smiles down at him, extra gentle because he’s the youngest, and says, “your buddy is right over there. will you go say hello?”
he gulps and nods, casting his eyes over the seated students until he falls upon a boy with his hand in the air. a digital casio watch with a black strap sits around his wrist. 
shuffling closer, he takes a cautious seat in front of the other boy. his desk is next to him. all the big kids are sitting on the floor next to their desks, and jungkook wonders if it’s to make them appear less scary and tall. 
“hi,” whispers the other boy, hushed to allow the teachers to continue pairing off the little ones. “my name’s yn. what’s yours?”
even if he wanted to, jungkook can’t speak. it’s as if his throat’s closed up like a valve, and he can’t control the handwheel. 
“my class,” jungkook’s teacher calls, “take out the green books i gave you, please.”
jungkook shrugs off his backpack and unzips it, tugging out the staple-bound exercise book. it’s so new the pages refuse to lay flat.
“this is the book you’ll share with your buddy. at the end of every week, your job is to write about what you did with them, what you enjoyed, and maybe what you didn’t. don’t be scared to say what you think. the only one who’ll be reading them is me.”
she continues, “inside is a booklet of activity ideas. choose any of them, or do something else. we have markers, papers, and scissors at the front, and if you want something else, just come and ask me or mrs kim. have fun!”
the classroom fills with noise and chatter. jungkook sees how excited some of his classmates are, having had the luck to already know their buddy. two of them are partnered with their siblings, and they have no problem deciding what to do.
“what do you want to do?”
jungkook’s attention snaps back to you. he slides the printed booklet out from between the pages of his exercise book. his eyes glaze over the further down the list he gets, still unused to reading and matching the syllables to their sounds in his head. he ducks his head and thrusts it to you.
it is impossible not to notice how small he is compared to the rest of his class. his clothes hang off his frame, and the sleeves of his shirt are folded up a few times just to keep them at wrist length. you guess that it’s sized up on purpose for him to grow into, but right now, he’s swimming in them.
for the moment, you set aside the booklet of activities and lean forward to glance at his exercise book. as his buddy, it's your job to take care of him. “wanna write your name on that? i can do it for you, if you want. but you’d have to tell me what your name actually is before i can.”
jungkook says nothing, picking at the corner of his pink notebook. it’s a soft, pale colour, like strawberry milk.
“how about this,” you say softly, with more patience than most your kids your age have. you reach up and unhook a sheet of stickers from a red binder folder on your desk, and place it between your bodies. “we can use these to mark your book instead. they’re holographic and everything.”
jungkook lifts his eyes. a tiny gasp leaves his lips as he sees the small, warmly-coloured puppies on a clear sheet of plastic. picking up the sheet, with a careful glance at you first to make sure it’s alright, he draws it ever so gently closer to his face.
after a minute of intense deliberation, he peels off a small tri-coloured beagle and smooths it across the lined rectangle in the upper corner, where a name would normally go. without meeting your eyes, he holds out the stickers and pushes his book towards you.
“you want… me to put one there, too?” you question, taking them.
he nods at the ground.
you lower the sheet to the book, moving it around to see how the stickers you like would look next to the beagle. you choose a dobermann with tan eyebrows, a sticker that’s slightly larger than the beagle.
“there, all done,” you say, sitting back and sliding jungkook his book. you pause. you hold out the sticker sheet. “you really liked these, right? you can keep it.”
he meets your eyes for the first time. they’re big and round, and paired with his visible front teeth past his parted lips, he sort of looks like a bunny. if he had the ears of one, they’d be sticking straight up in alarm.
you smile encouragingly, extending the stickers further. “it’s okay. i’ve got heaps more.” 
his big eyes flicker between you and the sheet of stickers before slowly accepting it. he handles it carefully like you’ve never seen before, and lays it flat between the pages of the green book to make sure it doesn’t get wrecked in his bag.
you glance around, noting your classmates building lego towers, reading picture books, and colouring in pages together. jungkook sits quietly in front of you, watching you from the corners of his eyes.
“how about we make a chatterbox?” you suggest. “we’d better do something so we don’t get told off. do you know what a chatterbox is?”
he shakes his head, leaning in. 
“i can teach you how to make one. do you like drawing?”
he nods vigorously, clutching his notebook.
“great! come on, we’ll choose some paper.” you jump to your feet, and rustle around in your pencil case for some coloured pens and markers. you nearly smack your knuckles against the desk when you feel a slightly cold hand slip into yours.
jungkook stares up at you, brown eyes above a button nose almost afraid. the top of his head barely reaches your chest. the feeling in your chest is so warm you could mistake it for your heart literally melting.
you beam down at him and squeeze his hand. he squeezes back.
jungkook is very small and very sensitive and you will do everything in your power to make sure nobody ever hurts him.
“hyung!” he yelps when you engulf him in a big hug, doing his best to squirm his way out. “ew, get off, you’re all sweaty!”
you grin, holding him by his shoulders so he can’t escape no matter how hard he tries. “you waited for me? you really do love me, kookie.”
he rolls his eyes – oh dear, he’s learning from the kids his age – and makes a big show out of wiping his cheeks, still soft and plump with youth. 
“you always walk me home,” he mumbles, kicking your ankle above the cleated shoes you wear. “’s stupid how they made you change timeslots.”
you avoid his next kick. “oi, watch your language.”
“but you say it all the time!”
“no, i don’t.” you press your finger to your lips and toss him an easy grin. “even if i did, i’m older than you, so i’m allowed to.”
he scowls as you pick a blade of grass out of his black hair. “that’s not fair.”
“what? ‘course it is. anyway,” you grab his hand and tug him along, “let me change and we can go home. think your mum will let me stay for dinner?”
“that’s not even a question. she loves you.”
you laugh and jog into the boys’ changing rooms next to the soccer field, where a couple of adults oversee a casual game between some early arrivals for the next group. “everybody does.” you puff your chest in a grand act of superiority. “why wouldn’t they?”
jungkook pushes you and you poke his cheek in retaliation. you run off before he can do anything else and he hears your laughter echo off the tiled walls. he wanders over to the bench outside the changing room and dumps his backpack by his feet, the weight of a billion books eased from his poor shoulders.
“hey, jungkook?”
“what?” he calls back, leaning against the wall. he watches the two girls on the field kick around a soccer ball. 
“there’s this new movie out this weekend. want to come with me?”
“what movie is it?”
“i don’t know.”
he snorts. “why don’t you know? you're gonna go to something you’re not sure you’ll actually like?”
“well, i thought if we didn’t like it we could just ditch,” you say, your voice getting closer and closer until you pop out the entrance. jungkook stands up and heaves his backpack into his arms. “there’s that ice-cream place just beside the theatre, and frozen drinks across the road.”
you lead him across the field, waving goodbye to your coach and the girls jungkook was watching earlier. he glances down. his hand’s entwined with yours, and he hadn’t noticed it until he looked. it always feels naked when he isn’t holding anything – a bottle of water, a notebook, his blue mp3 player – but especially so when you’re not around to hold his hand for him.
“my bike’s being fixed, though,” jungkook reminds you. “there’s no chance i’m walking the whole way.”
“don’t be stupid,” you say, shifting your bag, and he pouts at the bad word. “you can ride on mine with me.”
he glances up at you worriedly. “won’t i be too heavy?”
you look him up and down. “you probably weigh like a bunch of grapes.”
“i’m not a bunch of grapes!”
“then how come you’re so small?”
“you’re older,” he grumbles, lower lip pushed aggressively out. “it’s not my fault.”
“i’m sure i wasn’t your size when i was eight.” you stop near the chain-link fence and face him. 
lifting your linked hands and wrapping your fingers around his wrist, you make a complete circle with your thumb and middle finger. you squint at it. “have you been eating your lunch?”
“duh, of course i am.” he glances behind you and his eyes widen. “whoa, look at the sky!”
you follow his finger and hum softly. the clouds are a bright, glowing shade of pink, shadowed with a pretty grey-purple. they float across a blue-pink backdrop, and the sun touches them with streaks of orange. the clouds are thick and fluffy, patterned like the sand beneath lazy sea waves, rippling across the sky.
“so pretty…”
“it really is.” you lower your eyes to find him already gazing at you. “we should get going. it’s getting cold.”
“that’s ‘cause you’re wearing shorts and a t-shirt,” jungkook points out. your hand swing between you as you walk, the path smudging loose coloured chalk onto the soles of your shoes. “you did it to yourself.”
“well, smarty-pants, the radio only talks about temperature highs and lows, not when. i bet you don’t even listen to the radio.”
“i don’t need to. i just look out the window.”
you shove him. he shoves back. you both burst into giggles.
“when we get home,” you tell him, “i bet i could eat more than you.”
“no way! bet i could eat twice what you can.”
“good, you’re thin enough as it is. race you home!”
riding home from a tutor’s house the next suburb over is calming. the chains of your bike click rapidly as you descend your favourite hill, wind whipping your tie over your shoulder. the hill is a straight line down at a good angle – not so steep as to be dangerous, and not so flat that you need to urge the bike through.
the roads and small blocky shops turn into houses and narrow streets, and your bike ticks along cheerfully as you come to a stop in front of a single-storey home with a neat, grassy front lawn and a line of hip-height bushes. a blue family suv is parked on the driveway.
you jump off and lean the bike against the white picket fence, kicking the stand down next to the mailbox. you have a lock for it, but you’ve never had to trouble yourself with it in this neighbourhood. 
bounding up the front steps and kicking off your shoes, you invite yourself in and call out, “good afternoon, mrs jeon!”
“hello, dear,” she calls back from the dining room. she appears shortly after, smiling gently. “did you have a good day at school?”
“i did, mrs jeon. if we pass the next couple of rounds, we’ll be heading to nationals.” you dump your bag in the corner, out of the way of travelling feet. “is jungkook here?”
she nods, taking you by the arm and leading you into the comfortable kitchen. you take the apple she offers you from the fruit bowl. it means study hard and remember to take breaks.
“yes,” she affirms, “he’s upstairs in his room. he was in a bit of a mood earlier. i’m sure seeing you will make him happy – the boy adores you.”
you rub the back of your neck and laugh. “he probably just lost one of his sketchbooks again. thanks, mrs jeon!”
“you’re welcome,” she hums, watching you make your way casually around the corner. once you’re out of sight, she hears you break into a run, reaching his bedroom in just a few strides.
she shakes her head fondly. they grow up so fast.
you barge into jungkook’s bedroom without waiting for him to answer your rapid knocks. “kookie! i haven’t talked to you in days, where’ve you been?”
jungkook lays on his stomach on a soft blue beanbag, a stack of comics next to his head. he has one of them propped open against the floor, and a black radio rests on top of his bookshelf. soft pop songs waft through the air, stirred gently by his open window.
“kook?” you enter properly, nudging the door shut with your foot. “you okay?”
he doesn’t give any indication he’s heard you. he flips a page. 
the smile slips from your face and you take a quiet spot next to him on his bed. the mattress’ springs creak under your sudden weight. you lean forward, elbows resting on your knees, and it creaks again. 
“jungkook, you’re worrying me… please tell me why you’re upset.”
he rolls onto his side, tucking into himself. he’s taller now – got a little more length to those limbs – but his white t-shirt’s too big for him, the shoulder lines dropping over his upper arms. it makes his arms seem skinnier in comparison. he adjusts his grip on the comic.
you sit unsurely on the edge of his bed. his white desk sits next to it under the window, and a haphazard stack of homework rests untouched next to the lamp. the apple in your hand is smooth and cool, red all the way around except for a round, yellow, leaf-shaped patch near the top.
a brown eevee plush smacks him in the back and bounces off.
“don’t make me keep throwing your toys. i don’t want my best friend to be angry at me.”
he tucks his chin into his chest, turning another page. “go be best friends with yuna.”
his voice is muffled. despite it, you know exactly what he said. you frown. “what?”
“you heard me. go to yuna’s house, go throw toys at her. she’ll be nicer than me about it.”
“have i done something wrong? what’s up with you?”
he drops his comic limply, not even bothering to mark his page. “i know i’m not a great friend. i don’t talk much, and we aren’t in the same classes, and i’m so – not like you. you're perfect.”
you don’t know what to say. you know he’s painfully shy, but he’s never voiced such thoughts to you before, as if he thinks he’s somehow unworthy of your friendship.
“you know how many girls have come up to me this month?” he pauses for a moment. “four. four pretty girls have said hello to me.”
“well… that’s good, right? you’re bound to find someone you like.”
he sits up too quickly. he takes a deep breath and waits for the dizziness to subside. “they don’t talk to me for me. they want me to ask you if you’d ever date them.”
leaning back on an arm, sinking further into his familiar mattress, you try to catch his eye. he turns away, picking at a loose thread in his shorts. your gaze drops to his hands.
papercuts love him. so do bruises, which appear every time he bangs his hip or shoulder into a table or door frame, either too immersed in a comic he’s reading or trying to take the shortest path somewhere. you’ve often teased him about his tendency to act like a ghost, thinking that walls won’t stop him.
he used to love his iron-man bandaids. he doesn't wear them anymore – says he's too old for them. you realise you miss putting them on for him.
“i wouldn’t date any of them,” you decide firmly. “anyone who uses others to get what they want is a horrible person.”
jungkook falls quiet for a long time. you spin the apple in your hand, throwing it into the air and catching it with a satisfying slap. you sigh heavily and fall back against his mattress, bouncing slightly. you toss the apple above your head, catching it idly.
you ask him, one arm over your stomach, “is this the reason you’ve been avoiding me?”
“i’m not avoiding you,” he mumbles. 
“and my head’s made of chicken.”
he sighs, far too heavily for a teenager. it’s like the whole world is crumbling, and the only one trying to piece it back together is him. 
“do you think i’m a horrible person, hyung?”
lurching over towards him, you finally manage to meet his eyes. they’re red, puffy, and his face seems… drained, somehow. 
on its own, your hand stretches out and cups his cheek. his skin is so, so soft, and warm. hot, in the way cheeks are after a hard cry. his eyes flutter shut and he leans into your palm, your thumb brushing the skin beneath his eye.
“i could never think that of you. kookie, do you not trust me?”
“i do, i do,” he whispers quickly, twisting towards you. “i’d trust you with my life.”
you crack a brief grin, gaze still worriedly trained on his face. “feel like i’ve heard that line before. you read too many comics.”
“but it’s true,” he insists. his eyes mist over and a gasp escapes you – you do your best to dry them, using your sleeve to dab them away as they spill over. 
“no, don’t cry, hyung’s so sorry for being dumb,” you say frantically, “i shouldn’t have pried in the first place – oh, please don’t cry, it hurts when you’re upset—”
and his mouth is on yours.
your eyes widen painfully, thoughts of glittering tears and drying them falling abruptly off a precipice inside your mind. 
it’s like a gaping ravine opening up over a well-worn country road beneath you. like descending a set of stairs and missing a step, with that fleeting split second where your heart jumps into your throat. like cutting up oranges and the stuttered shock of slicing your thumb.
he fumbles with your hand and twists your fingers together. his teeth click against yours. his lips are soft. the kiss is clumsy. 
he pulls away slowly as if he’s been shaken awake from a supernatural possession in those movies he forces you to watch, only to hide his face with a pillow at every jumpscare.
hastily, he tugs his hand away. “i-i-i’m sorry.” he scrambles to his feet. “forget that ever h-happened.”
it takes a blank moment before your mind catches up. then you’re calling his name and tripping over yourself to run after him, apple sitting forgotten on his bed.
you hammer on the locked bathroom door. “jungkook, open up!”
“no!” he sounds very close. possibly right up on the other side of the door. 
“i don’t want to talk to you like this. just open the door and we can talk about – about that.”
“i d-don’t want to.”
“why not?”
“don’t be childish! i don’t hate you or anything for it.” you sigh and lower your arms, thunking your forehead on the door. “jungkook, are you okay?”
he sniffles. “no.”
“open the door, then. i—” you swallow. “i’ll cut up an orange for you. do you think you’ll feel better after?”
“maybe. yes. i don’t know.” a thump. you guess that he’s leaning his head against the door, like you. “i’m sorry for being a bad friend,” he says quietly. “i’m sorry for – for everything, i guess.”
“you aren’t a bad friend. you’re amazing.” 
"you don't have to pretend, hyung. i understand."
"i promise i'm not pretending." you pause. you’ve never really been great at the whole comfort thing, especially when you can’t touch the other person. “uh… i… like that you trust me enough to show me your paintings and sing your favourite songs to me. my favourite days are thursdays because we played street fighter at the arcade together when we were little.”
you take a deep breath. “and i think… i think i’d like to… kiss you again.”
the earth goes silent. even the running water downstairs from the kitchen sink stops. 
the lock slides out of place.
jungkook peeks around the edge through a tiny crack, gazing up through his lashes. “you’re… serious?”
he stares at his feet. “but you’re so cool. you have a, a skateboard and everything. why would you want me?”
“i’ll teach you. then we’ll both be cool.” you attempt a smile.
the gap between the door and the frame widens. you can see his whole face now. he brightens. “that would – that’d be nice, hyung.”
you open your arms. he crashes into your chest, making you stumble slightly. you have to remember that he’s grown solid, no longer the wisp of a boy he once was. you wrap your arms around him tight, squeezing him until his back pops and he exhales. he holds you just as hard. 
you smile and press your cheek to the top of his head. his silky locks are soft and scented with his honey and vanilla shampoo. 
he burrows his face into your shoulder, the curve of his nose resting against your neck. you feel like you’re eight again, holding him as he cries about a raw scrape on his knee. 
such a sweet little thing, your jungkook, with his big brown eyes and soft laughter. you can’t bear the thought of him hurting.
“how long have you felt like this, kookie?” you murmur, tucking his hair behind his ear.
he hums with his eyes closed, soft and satisfied. “dunno. there wasn’t a point where i was like, ah, so since forever, maybe?”
“that’s a beautiful thought. think about it while i kiss you.”
the word ‘kiss’ kicks his heart to his throat and he barely has time to remember what it means before your lips are on his. 
this one is gentler. you laugh slightly as he fumbles, unused to such affection, and his lips press back nervously against yours. the unfamiliar actions feel… nice. 
the word leaves something to be desired, far too lacklustre, but he isn’t sure how else to describe the utter contentment blooming under his ribs. it’s so perfectly pleasing, the way your hand tenderly strokes his cheek. your kisses – they’re soft and slow, bringing to mind memories of lazing about in the dappled shade of trees in the middle of summer, cool grass soothing sticky skin.
he hums against your lips, melting completely in your arms. he likes kissing you, he likes tugging you down by your school tie, he likes how you gasp at his sudden liquid courage, drunk on the warmth of your lips. he smiles as your heart skips a beat.
it’s a pity that you have to part eventually. neither of you wants to let go, refusing to pull away until he forces himself to for his own good. he pants, each breath deep and quick, and his ribs ache as if he’s run a marathon. to hide his growing blush, he rests his cheek against yours, though the gentle rumble in your chest tells him you’ve noticed.
“how do you feel?” you ask softly, drawing shapes into his shoulder blades.
“good,” he sighs. he opens his eyes and grins cheekily up at you, eyes twinkling. “you’re not bad at that.”
“only ‘not bad’?” exaggerated hurt slides across your face. “how would you know what a good kiss is?”
he huffs, still grinning. “i watch movies, duh. i even felt the fireworks.”
“kookie, that’s so cliche.”
“no, it’s cute. it’s cute because i’m your boyfriend.”
you laugh and pull away from the hug to gaze fondly at him, thumb stroking his cheek. ”who said we’re boyfriends?”
“me, hyung! did you not listen?” he says with a petulant pout. he lowers his eyes, entwining his fingers with yours. he mumbles hesitantly, “you took my first kiss… you have to be my boyfriend now, alright? no take-backs.”
“okay, okay,” you reassure gently, “no take-backs. i’m yours.”
his eyes crinkle with his broad smile, giddy with elation. he squeezes your hand and whispers, shy as a forest doe: “another kiss to seal the deal?”
you accept your new role as boyfriend with pleasure. he hums lightly into the kiss and presses his soft palm to yours, dried paint and scribbled reminders familiar as your own face in the mirror. you just know he’ll be asking for kisses at every chance – but who would ever refuse him?
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zephahhhh · 2 years
Professor Riddle AU Headcanons
Tom was not a creepy evil boy, he just lacked love and approval, and he had the latter by being the top of his year and the teachers LOVE him. He was satisfied with that.
He had his little cult at school tho, but they mostly just do common Slytherin shits like gambling and drink and party and occasionally light reading about dark magic but academy purpose only (Tom is such a nerd)
Tom didn't become Lord Voldemort, he still has this but it's just his teenage edge lordname.
He knows where and how to open the chamber but never actually does it (so Hargid graduated and became a hella strong and scary Magizoologist, learning after Newt)
Basilisk starved to death because of that
(not sure about what happened to his uncle tho, @sevsssnape bestie any ideas?)
Dumbledore decided to give him the DADA post to keep him close and keep his eyes on, he still didn't trust him, and thinks he would turn bad one day
He's the youngest Professor ever of Hogwarts (19yo)
Slytherin won the house cup every fuck year even if he's not head of house
He became head of house in 1970
He has had a snake as his pet since fourth year, it's not THE Nagini but her name is Nagini anyway
He has a snake tattoo on his left forearm and it's magic so it moves and he thinks it's ✨cool✨
He used transfiguration (and a bit of dark magic) to keep himself look like in his late twenties or early thirties. Dumbledore knew about this but he doesn't give a fuck bc it doesn't really hurt anyone
He doesn't want immortality, he just doesn't want to look old
He's kinda rich from his time in school gambling
Severus is his favourite student of all time, and porker & Co paid a lot for bullying him
"That spell is really good Mr. Snape, but don't use it on human beings or we both will get into big trouble."
"Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, detention on Saturdays until the end of the term."
"Orion, I hate to tell you this, but Sirius' behaviour at school is not acceptable at the very least. He and his friends kept harassing their schoolmates, especially one of Regulus' friends."
Caught porker & co after curfew 1000 times even if they have the map and the cloak
"Seriously, you think you can walk around at night like this? 50 points from Gryffindors, each."
His finals are incredibly difficult. But as long as you practice and study hard enough, you'll pass.
Tom CAN conjures a patrouns, it's a snake (duh)
Lily and Sev both had a crash on him
So does Lucius but he never admits it
tbh half of the school does
He would daydrink and go teaching but never get drunk so no one knows
He doesn't hate children, he thinks some of them are future great wizards, others... he just doesn't care
Not really a good head of house since he doesn't really care about anyone other than himself and those he thinks have further values
He likes Sev simply because he's smart and he wants him to be his successor
He doesn't have a student club like slug club, he doesn't need one. The outstandings are going to have resources from him automatically and they know who and why and what they should do about it
He likes apples
Coffee drinker
"Come on Tom, have a sherbet lemon."
"No thank you Headmaster, I do appreciate your generosity but do forgive me for declining your offer of sweets."
He actually stole his prefect and head boy badge and kept them in his office (well, not stolen actually, he just didn't return them and told Slughorn he lost them)
Would go to FF for evening walk with Nagini
He likes Fwakes
Bath in prefect's bathroom 2am
And night snack after that
And caught porker & co in the kitchen
Taught Sev patrouns in his third year
I...I think I overdone it...
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auroramizutani · 10 months
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(via Olabisi Ajala’s Child)
0 notes
Forgive, But First Fun - Nandor x f(vampire) reader
Summary: After getting left behind to fight off a pack of werewolves on your own, now mad at Nandor, you and Nadja have decided a little night out couldn’t hurt.
Warning: slight angst, fluff, fun times, and a tiny smut mention
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Trudging angrily through the manors wooden doors, face stern and almost scary enough to put the fear of God into anyone. Your boots stomp into the large opening and onto the wooden floor boards as Gullimero, Nandor, and the documentary crew follow you in.
Your cloak is ripped and dirty as it lays in a pathetic black heap of cloth in Gullimero’s arms, your hair not looking any better, not to mention your face and arms that have various cuts paired with grass smudge marks adoring your skin. All in all you look like a hot mess.
“What the fuck happened to you lot? You’ve been gone all night.” Questions Laszlo as he walks into view from out of one of the hallways, his eyes scanning over a perfectly clean and handsome Nandor, then over to the dirty crew and disheveled Guillermo who’s got some leaves stuck to his hair.
“I don’t know.” You snap sarcastically, “How about you ask Mr. Dodgy-shit-stick over there.” Referring to Nandor who’s looking anywhere but you, keeping as silent as ever.
Gullimero looks between you and Nandor, then back at a confused Laszlo. “Oh, um they’re not speaking to each other right now.”
“And why the fuck not?”
Guillermo sighs before leaning towards Laszlo, “Nandor wanted to graffiti where the werewolves live and Y/N said he’d get caught and then Nandor said no I won’t and then he did.”
Laszlo raises a curious brow, “That’s it?”
“Oh, um....” Guillermo awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, suddenly pulling off a green leaf, “then they chased us to the park and when the pack closed in on us Nandor turned into a bat and left us behind so Y/N had to fight one of them off so we could escape and now we’re here.”
“Well that sounds rather exciting.”
“Not at the time.” Whispers Guillermo to no one in particular as he glances over at the camera.
“Huh,” Mutters Laszlo thoughtfully, scratching his beard as he thinks of how to help this situation, “well if you two dingbats aren’t talking to one another I believe Nadja needs you Y/N. Something about....well actually I’m not entirely sure.”
Perking up ever so slightly at this positive news, you cross your arms over your chest defiantly, “Well since someone does, I’ll be going then.” You grumble with a low growl at your Nandor who’s refusing to make eye contact while he stares frustrated at the floor.
Nodding in acknowledgment, Laszlo watches you stomp angrily up the steps before turning his head over to Nandor who’s now watching you leave with big sad eyes.
“Alright why’d you do it?” Interrogates Laszlo with a raised brow.
“Do whaaat?” Replies Nandor defensively, his once high and mighty aurora reappearing in an instant.
Rolling his eyes, Laszlo sets a hand on his hip sassily, “Well I sure as hell don’t want an angry Y/N wandering around this old place for the next however the fuck it takes you both to make up....in however fashion that may be. So I ask again, why’d you puss out and flee like a mangy opossum?”
Pursing his lips together in apprehensive embarrassment, Nandor mutters to himself before finally crossing his arms over his broad chest and sighing, “Because......I....I don’t know I panicked!” Exclaims the large vampire, causing Laszlo to start laughing. “Why are you laughing?”
Wiping a fake tear from his eye, Laszlo lets out a few more chuckles before finally composing himself, “My good man that is the second saddest thing I’ve ever heard. The first being when one of my many victims offered me one of their rare and exclusive Poki-muns card which I still have no idea what the fuck they were on about. Anyways, doesn’t matter, all I’ll tell is that you better make it up to her.”
“But she’s scary when she’s angryyy.” Whines Nandor with a frown.
“That’s all women my young pup, but since your lovely lady is a vampire she’s more dangerous.” He says while giving Nandor a kind pat on the back, “So uh, stay safe out there.” Adds Laszlo before turning and walking down the hallway leaving Nandor with his thoughts, Gullimero, and the documentary’s camera crew.
“What are you all looking at!” Snaps Nandor to the rest of the room.
“Oh my goodnessess that’s awful, my poor dark angel.” Soothes Nadja as you take a moment from your long and needed rant about the adventures in the park and Nandor’s cowardly stupidity. “That big hairy rhino doesn’t deserve you Y/N.” She reasons honestly, doing her best to make you feel better, knowing all to well the level of competent decision making skills of the other two vampires in the house.
“I know.” You mutter in agreement, your body tense and agitated as you pace back and forth in front of her as she sits in a chair, “Fucking beautiful idiot prick horse-fart of a husband. Urgghhh!” You proclaim loudly while throwing your hands into the air angrily, causing the furniture in the room to screech backwards across the old flooring at your outburst of vampiric energy. Nadja’s long obsidian hair blowing backwards as you do so while she keeps seated, unflinching.
Face softening, she gives you a sympathetic smile, “Oh my lovely fierce lioness, I know exactly what will make that sad little frown turn into a happy one.” Beams Nadja with an excited clap of her hands.
Hugging your sides, you let out a frustrated huff before giving your old friend a shrug, “What do you have in mind?”
“So we’re at the carnival!” Claps Nadja in delight as she smiles at the camera, “This will hopefully relieve Y/N’s pent up angers and keep her mind off of Nandor.....for now.” She adds a bit uncertainly.
“HA HA take that fuckers!” You shout joyfully from behind her, the camera panning over to you at the ball toss where you’ve been knocking down plastic bottles with a rubber ball. The stall owner cowering in the corner as he shields himself with a stuffed zebra.
The camera focuses back on Nadja, “I think it’s going really well so far.” She confirms with a convincing grin. “Relieving all that..uh....rage.” 
After winning a stuffed snake taller then you and deciding to wear it as a strange fashionable scarf, you and Nadja are wandering the carnivals streets while people watching to pass the time.
“So that’s why I never walk on the roof after 3am when I’ve had homeless man’s blood.” Rambles Nadja as your thoughts about Nandor come trickling down into your brain and nose. Huh, strange, must be cause you’re still wearing a thin red scarf of his.
No, stop thinking about him.
“Good lesson learned then,” You add with the flash of a smile before nudging her shoulder gently, “hey you wanna watch me win you something cool?”
Perking up in an instant, Nadja smiles a devilish fangy grin as she stops to eye up the multiple game stalls, “Why I would be delighted my dear Y/N, how about....um, oooh I want that giant tropical fishy with the long whiskers over there.” Points Nadja as your eyes travel over to the game stall with the large prizes.
It’s a game that requires the individual to shoot an arrow directly on three different sized bullseye’s stationed at various heights. Smiling like an idiot, you nudge your vampiric acquaintance in agreement, the both of you quickly swaggering over to the carnival game and it’s plush flashy prizes just screaming to be won.
“Hello good sir, my skilled roommate Y/N here is going to win me that fish.” Beams Nadja proudly as the teenager jumps off his chair to greet the two of you.
He smells like weed but surprisingly looks decent all things considered, “Uh yeah alright, two bucks for three arrows, hit every target directly on the middle red mark and if you make it on the bonus poster on the far back wall then you’ll have a chance to win that fish, good luck.” Mumbles the kid unenthusiastically as you slide him the cash.
Picking up the shitty yet still functional carnival bow, you give Nadja a wink before fitting an arrow in the nock and pulling back, lining up the shot and releasing directly into the first target to the left. Smirking to yourself you quickly draw again, hitting your second mark just as intended. Pays to be a skilled archer huh.
“Damn that’s pretty good aim.” Nods the teen as he watches in awe as you fit another arrow, releasing and punching a hole in the middle of the third target.
Nadja claps in excitement from behind you, “Yes! Win me that colorful fat bitch my feisty lioness!”
Standing like a warrior ready for battle with your bow in hand and wind blowing in your face, the kid almost drops the arrow he hands you for the winning shot as he practically swoons.
“Get those scissors ready, that fish is mine.” You growl in determination while picturing Nandor’s head as the final target, drawing back, you let the arrow fly straight into the bonus target. Winning Nadja her giant fish plushy.
“Yessss!” Shouts Nadja in delight as you drop the bow onto the table like a bad bitch before eyeing up the kid with a raised brow, “We’ll be taking the fish now.”
Wide eyed he almost falls off his chair, “Wait um, that’s the last one...I didn’t think, uh, my boss doesn’t want me to give away those ones.” He stutters out.
“What!” Snaps Nadja, “Then why are they just hanging there? You lied to us you little shit!”
“I’m sorry.” He pleads apologetically, “That’s what my boss told me. And no one ever wins the big prizes anyway so I didn’t think...”
“Well your boss he can eat a big horse turd cause I’m taking that fish.” You growl before jumping up and unhooking the fish from its perch above your heads, handing it to a practically glowing with joy Nadja who immediately hugs the thing.
Sticking your tongue out at the teen, you and Nadja turn to leave before a boney hand is suddenly on your shoulder, twisting around in an agitated instant, your face is mere inches from the wide eyed boy as he attempts to look even a tad bit threatening.
“No.” Is the only thing that slips from your tongue before your hand shoves him back, his whole body going air bound into the back of the carnival tent while the kid lets out a panicked scream.
“Ooooh Y/N that was very sexy of you.” Smirks Nadja while wiggling her dark brows, “Too bad a certain cowardly lion wasn’t here to see it.”
Petting the stuffed toy snake around your neck absentmindedly, you smile back a fangy grin, “Yes. Too bad.”
Continuing on your late night stroll through the carnival you both pass by random strangers, families, elders, children, and lovers all minding their sweet business completely unawares to the dark supernatural world walking right past them.
Although you’re quite enjoying this time spent with your best friend in the whole wide world, a low dull feeling of emptiness can’t help but creep into your undead being the more you catch sight of new and old couples walking together.
Sensing your growing sadness, Nadja nudges your shoulder playfully to gain your distracted attention, “Hello in there my black rose, what is on your mind?”
Holding the snake close to your body, a small smile creeps its way onto your face knowing she’s looking out for you, though it’s gone soon enough, “Oh you know....uh....blood.” You mutter unenthusiastically, trying to keep your thoughts away from Nandor and how much you miss him right now.
“Blood is it? But we just fed before attending the carnival.” Inquires Nadja in confusion as she keeps a normal pace at your side while the two of you follow the sidewalk past various shops and restaurants. “What is actually plaguing your mind my dear one?” She wonders with a frown, not keen on seeing you upset and in a grey mood.
Biting your lip anxiously, though not hard enough to draw blood, you walk past a couple more people before your eyes catch the sight of a small black bat disappearing behind a corner building just up ahead.
Squinting your eyes, your nose suddenly catches the scent of someone very familiar, “Nandor?”
Turning her head to face you, Nadja’s brows furrow in puzzlement, “What? No my sweet hurricane, forget that mangy old bear he’s not important right now.” Urges Nadja as she looks forward, suddenly surprised to catch a glimpse of someone who looks a lot like Guillermo racing behind the same corner you saw the bat fly behind. “Okay um what the fuck? Did you see that too?”
Glancing at Nadja you nod before quickening your steps as she does the same, her skirts flowing as she tries to catch up with you, though you’re much faster and with lack of annoying dress material, “Wait! You’re too fast.” Yelps Nadja.
Ignoring her protests you book it down the sidewalk like a maniac, almost running into a jogger before skidding round the corner of the brick building and coming face to face with a wide eyed Guillermo who gasps in surprise. Nudging him to the side, your eyes immediately fall upon the nervous fangy grin of your Nandor.
He gives you a shy little wave before shuffling awkwardly in place, awaiting your rampage of verbal and possibly physical assault that he’s certain is in the near future.
Taking a deep breath, you cross your arms over your chest defensively, “Were you following me?”
“Um, well.....I might have been....but only to make sure you were okay.” Mutters Nandor honestly, eyes shifting from you to the ground nervously as he awaits your wrath.
Pursing your lips together in thought, you shake your head before taking off the stuffed toy snake and holding it firmly in your hands. With a low growl do you grasp the snake in your right hand and hold it back like you might swing at any moment.
“You’re a fucking nincompoop you know that right?” Slips from your mouth without an once of anger lacing your words, instead do you hand the snake to Gullimero as Nandor watches in puzzled fear.
Taking a swift step forward, you point a finger into his strong chest while looking sternly up at him, “Racing off and leaving me too fight that angry bitch all by myself, and now following me when I needed a break from you! Nandor....... you’re something else.” You add with a shake of your head.
“Yes I know, and I’m sorry my love.” Smiles Nandor with saddened eyes, “I promise to keep you save from now on and fight off any werewolf who tries to hurt you....even if I am scared.”
Taking a step back, you can’t help the smirk that forms onto your face at his sweet words of forgiveness and sincerity. You know how much he fears werewolves and that he fled the scene thinking you were planning on following too, not realizing that you might actually give a shit about Gullimero’s and the crew’s lives.
“Oh my dear puff dragon,” You declare softly with a small smile, reaching both hands out to grasp his own, “I forgive you.”
Nandor’s face breaks out into the biggest and happiest grin you’ve seen since his last birthday when he walked into your shared crypt only to find you naked and holding a bushel of red roses while seated seductively on his coffin.
“Oh that’s fantastic because I was really missing you.” Reveals Nandor with a gentle squeeze of your hands. “Laszlo and Guillermo can’t make me laugh nearly as much as you can, they’re honestly rather boring.” He says before leaning in closer to whisper, “and not very attractive to look at either.” Causing you to crack another grin and your undead heart to fill with butterflies. 
Chuckling you reach up with one hand to pull his collar closer to you and a second later do your lips clash sweetly against one another in a heated moment of passion. He smiles into the kiss before moving to pull you in closer with both of his hands, one slipping low to cheekily pinch your round bottom.
Feeling him against you once again has to be the best sensation in the whole entirety of the world even if you’ve only been separated for a couple of hours. You absolutely love the way his fingers dig into your back and bum with an animalistic eagerness that’s slowly starting to drive you insane. Oh, the things he does to you.
Especially how his tongue slips into your mouth with ease while you tug at his hair long dark locks. “Y/N!” Suddenly shouts Nadja.
Begrudgingly pulling away, you turn around to face the confused lady vampire while Nandor hugs you from behind, happily smirking at her, knowing she can’t do anything to hurt him now. “Yes Nadja.” You answer.
With the fish plushy hung over her shoulder, her brows furrow in confusion, “What the fuck are you doing? I thought you were mad at him?”
“Yeah well, I was starting to really miss him and also I’m kind of horny now so.” You reply with a shrug as Nandor hugs you tighter, resting his bearded chin against your head while Nadja huffs in defeat.
“Alright. See you at home then.” Adds Nadja before turning towards Guillermo and shoving the giant carnival fish into his arms, “Hold this Gizmo I’m going home.” Then just like that she’s gone in a black wispy poof, flying away in bat form towards the vampire resistance on Staten Island.
“Okay then.” Mutters Gullimero as he looks up at the dark sky.
Feeling a wet kiss on the side of your face and neck you smile before turning around to face your dear husband, “Shall we take flight to seek out our bed chambers?” You speak slyly in a soft yet seductive voice.
“Yes.” Grins Nandor with a flash of lust and excitement before turning his attention over to Guillermo, “Hey Guillermo I’m leaving to make passionate love to my wife so don’t bother us or I will have a rat shit in your pillowcase. Okay?”
You giggle to yourself as Gullimero’s cheeks redden while he side eyes the camera, “Understood master. Have fun.” Squeaks out the loyal familiar as he stands there awkwardly with his hands full of two carnival prizes.
Nandor sneakily squeezes your bottom once more as he gives Gullimero a knowing smirk, “Oh, we will.” Then a second later you two are flying high above the city in bat form, ready to make love to your sweet Nandor for probably the twentieth time that week.
Down below the camera pans over to Gullimero as he blinks, “Well uh, I have these things now..” He says, holding up the fish, “and I am so not looking forward to cleaning up their mess.......again.”
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loganslowdown4 · 3 years
Another breakdown??
Gotta figure these dark sides out!
Here my breakdown of what JANUS had to say…
(And trying to reverse every lie wasn’t easy, because some of it was the COMPLETE TRUTH…) 👀
So Janus thinks that every meeting they have makes everyone more and more miserable lol, the petty sarcasm is TOO GOOD
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I mean, in a sense, he’s not wrong. The last couple episodes have ended on more sour notes than sweet. Or bittersweet. But he does have a tendency to drum up more bad than good, as per where the story is headed.
He thinks that Patton doesns’t make good decisions and that Logan makes too many mistakes. Oh all criticisms and no solutions, are you? Mr Snakeman? This guy…
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Janus considers himself Voltaire to Roman’s Rousseau. Voltaire and Rousseau were French philosophers who hated each other and their opposing ideals. Voltaire believed that through education and reason, people could separate themselves from ‘the beasts’ and be individuals, free thinkers and live above others as higher beings, that we earned that right. Where Rousseau loved mankind and thought Voltaire’s particular ideals are what made people corrupted, that we as individuals should see ourselves as equals to each other.
Yeah, that’s pretty much Janus and Roman right there 😁
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He pokes fun at Virgil’s makeup, Virgil proceeds to lose his mind pfftttt
Actually, its telling that Janus doesn’t have much to say about Virgil because ANY AND ALL THOUGHTS on him would be a huge frickin’ spoiler for the finale. So he pokes fun at something arbitrary and we’re just supposed to let it slip by?? No nonono, I still need answers!
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I mean, he says he mistook Patton for a garbage can but you could argue that was a lie. In fact, I did argue that point here.
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Jan and Ree hanging out in their downtime? This is probably the best well-known, well-speculated theories confirmed! I mean we’ve all guessed that they hang out together but it hasn’t been confirmed until now. And sneaking into Patton’s room to play DDR?? I may have screamed 😂
He hates it that he still hasn’t had a song! Haha! And apart from Roman, he’s the biggest theatre nerd in the mind palace so this is a friggin’ TRAVESTY. Guess who’ll probably get a song in the season finale? 👀
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Janus is normally very composed, but when he’s pissed off? Oof, his smooth composure and classiness go flying out the window. So you KNOW when he’s mad he’s telling the truth 😏😂 Good to know at least someone (Vee) can get under his skin lol
He implies Sacajawea is under his hat, then denies it, then breaks the 4th wall again? I’m starting to think that Janus is actually a softy underneath all that double speak and layers of concealment, like he really does have the hamster under his hat because he loves her and won’t let anyone else have her 😄
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Side note (hah): I just realized this is the most, I think, Janus has ever revealed about himself personally in any canon episode yet 👀
Janus disguises himself as Patton and says he regrets his attention to detail in the past. And I’ve said this before, but the next time Jan decides to impersonate one of them, we won’t be able to tell. At all. He will listen in and add his two cents and influence conversations all while being undetected. It’s what Roman told him he had to do when he impersonated Logan the first time. When he impersonated Logan the second time, he wasn’t detected at all until he revealed himself. So yeah, snake boi is getting better. And that’s more than a little scary…
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So what’s next according to Jan? He says heartbreak, betrayal and not being bored. And the interesting thing here? He’s not lying, you can tell by the straightforward way he says everything.
Heartbreak? I think this is referring to Patton and Roman having some issues with Nico. It’s also possible that Janus is going to be the catalyst for the group causing heartbreak for each other. Actually, funny this makes me think of Yoko Ono. Everyone blamed her for breaking up the Beatles, but the truth is she was just there. They broke themselves up with their long time disagreements and squabbling, and their egos just got too big for it to be about the music anymore. No one could agree on anything. All it takes is a few words to plant a seed of doubt and they would do the rest themselves. 👀👀
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Betrayal? You know what I said about they still haven’t dealt with how Virgil was a former dark side? You might want to check out what I said about Virgil yesterday… 👀 Could be insightful.
Not being bored? Jan and Remus are at your service to keep things fun. And oh the fun they will have! 😏
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So that’s the long and short of it-
BY THE WAY, is it me, or was Janus’ light bulb dimmer and more yellow than everyone else’s?? That was really weird lol
Anyway! That’s all I have for Janus! There was way too much in this video, I am having SO MUCH FUN
Last but not least, trash boi tomorrow!
Check out my previous analyses on Logan Patton Roman Virgil Remus
Tagged: @lordiedams
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Assuage: Chapter 5
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: A snake attack (nothing too, too descriptive though), an injured child
Author’s Note: This part is relatively shorter than the last few BUT it’s all for reasons and chapter 6 will be extra long to make up for it! Hope you guys enjoy it!
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Once Yoongi allowed himself to become comfortable within the pack, it scared him just how easy it was for him to assimilate and truly feel comfortable there. 
Working at the hardware shop with Kibum was going great, and Yoongi had even managed to design and create his own furniture to fill his cabin up with. Yoongi had also started to slowly open up to the other members of the pack, spending more time with both Hobi and Jungkook especially since they were fellow Alphas. Taehyung was undeniably his closest friend though, and if Yoongi was being honest, he came to be extremely grateful for how the Beta had taken him under his wing and convinced him to stay. 
As for you, Yoongi honestly didn’t see you around much. Per Taehyung’s explanation, you were often busy as Pack Physician and never really had much free time. Although Yoongi didn’t miss arguing with you, he had to admit that he had gotten used to you always being around so the absence of your presence was noted. He didn’t admit that to Taehyung though, especially after Taehyung had teased him and asked “Why do you care where my sister is, hyung?”
One particular day, Yoongi was hanging out in his cabin, attempting to figure out what was the best way to arrange the living room area when there was a knock on his door. Walking over to it and pulling it open, he was surprised to see Hobi and Jungkook standing on the steps. 
“Hey hyung,” Hobi smiled. 
“Hi hyung,” Jungkook echoed. 
“Hey, what are you two doing here?” Yoongi wondered as he leaned against the door. 
“We came to ask you if you wanted to come hunting with us,” Jungkook said excitedly.
“If you aren’t busy,” Hobi added. 
“I’m free,” Yoongi nodded. “I don’t have a shift at the hardware shop today.”
“Well, let’s go,” Jungkook smiled. After quickly changing into some looser clothes, Yoongi locked up his cabin before following behind Hobi and Jungkook as they led the way into the forest that surrounded the pack’s territory. 
However, as soon as they made it deep enough into the forest where they couldn’t see the cluster of cabins and buildings anymore, all three of them froze in their places.
“You smell that?” Jungkook murmured. 
“It’s snakes,” Hobi answered. 
“Yeah, but there’s something else there,” Jungkook shook his head. The three of them continued to stand there, sniffing the air and all of a sudden, the realization hit Yoongi. 
“It’s fear,” he whispered. “Someone’s in trouble.”
“What? Who?” Jungkook tried to say but Yoongi had already ran off, sprinting towards the scent. The closer that he got to the scent, the sound of screaming got louder and louder and his eyes widened when he realized what was happening. 
There was a little boy in a small clearing, terror clear on his face as he laid on the ground. When Yoongi looked down, his breath caught in his throat when he saw a snake wrapped around the boy’s legs.
“Hey hey,” Yoongi spoke up and the boy’s head whipped around to look at him.
“Please, please help me!” The boy pleaded and Yoongi nodded his head.
“I am, but I need you to try and calm down,” Yoongi instructed him softly, slowly moving closer to them. “I know you’re scared, but it’s very important that you listen to me.”
“O-ok,” the boy nodded, willing his body to stay still even though Yoongi could see his limbs still shaking. 
“Holy shit,” Yoongi heard Hobi gasp but he kept moving, creeping in front of the boy so that the snake couldn’t see him. Waiting a few moments in order to make sure that the snake didn’t hear him, he leapt forward, grabbing ahold of the snake’s mouth and pulling it off of the boy’s legs. Yoongi then made quick work of killing the snake, letting it fall from his hands and onto the ground once he was done. 
“Are you ok, little one?” Jungkook asked the boy as he helped him up but the little boy didn’t answer him, instead choosing to run right over to Yoongi and clutch onto his pants leg as he sobbed harshly.
“Hey, it’s ok,” Yoongi whispered softly as he bent down and picked the boy up, settling him on his hip. “You’re alright now.”
“I-I d-d-didn’t mean to,” the boy sobbed and Yoongi just shushed him as he lightly bounced him in his arms. 
“I’m sure you didn’t, and it wasn’t your fault,” Yoongi assured him. “Can you tell me your name, little pup?”
“Ch-Chan,” the boy replied.
“Ok Chan, I’m Yoongi,” Yoongi introduced himself. “I’m gonna take you to the infirmary cabin so that we can get you checked out, ok?”
“Ok,” Chan nodded.
“We’ll go find his parents and let them know,” Hobi offered and Yoongi smiled gratefully before walking off towards the infirmary. 
“Yoongi?” You called as you walked into the examination where Yoongi and Chan had been waiting. “The receptionist told me that you brought a pup in.”
“Yeah. Jungkook, Hobi, and I were out about to hunt and we found this little one with a snake wrapped around his legs,” Yoongi explained, making your eyes widened.
“Are you serious?” You gasped, quickly walking over to the pup and bending down, immediately looking over his legs and checking for injuries. 
“I think I managed to get to him before any real damage could be done, but I thought I’d bring him here so that you could check for sure,” Yoongi said and you nodded your head.
“Good call,” you murmured. “Well, it doesn’t look like the snake was able to bite him so there shouldn’t be any venom in him. It must’ve been super scary though, huh?”
“Really scary,” Chan agreed softly, making you coo at him.
“It’s ok Chan, you’re safe now,” you reminded him, taking ahold of one of his hands and lightly rubbing the inside of his wrist where his scent gland was. Your scent of white peaches and oranges began to fill the air, and Yoongi couldn’t help but to notice how...relaxing it was. It was almost like being in a warm room, while also being soothing at the same time. 
“Mr. Yoongi was like a superhero,” Chan told you as you continued to scent him. 
“Yeah?” You smiled softly as you looked up at Chan. “I guess it was a good thing that Yoongi was there then, huh?”
Just then, the door to the examination room burst open and a man and a woman rushed inside.
“Oh my gosh, Chan,” a woman sighed heavily, sprinting over and scooping Chan up into her arms. 
“Is he ok, Y/N-ah?” The man asked as he turned to face you.
“From the looks of it, yes,” you answered. “I think he’s just more shaken up than anything else.”
“Channie, didn’t we tell you about going out into the forest by yourself?” The woman lightly scolded him and Yoongi could tell by her scent that she was an Alpha. 
“I just wanted to pick some flowers to give to Teacher Jimin,” Chan pouted.
“We know buddy, but you have to tell someone where you’re going,” the man added, his calming scent letting Yoongi know that he was an Omega. “What if Yoongi-ssi, Jungkook-ssi, and Hoseok-ssi hadn’t found you? We wouldn’t have known what happened to you.”
“I’m sorry,” Chan apologized and the woman just sighed before hugging him tighter to her chest.
“Thank you so much for saving our son Yoongi-ssi,” the man said as he turned to look at Yoongi.  “I don’t even wanna think about what might’ve happened if you hadn’t found him.”
“It’s really no problem,” Yoongi shrugged. 
“I’m Kyung and this is my mate and Chan’s mother, Soo Jung,” Kyung told him. 
“Nice to meet you,” Yoongi nodded.
“Well, even though I’m sure he’s fine, I still want to do some tests on him just to make sure,” you interjected, and both Kyung and Soo Jung nodded in agreement. 
“I’ll leave you guys to it,” Yoongi said before looking down at Chan. “You’ll be a little bit more careful from now on, right pup?”
“Right! Chan chirped, making Yoongi smile.
“Good. I’ll see you guys around.”
“Thank you again Yoongi-ssi,” Soo Jung spoke up.
“No need,” Yoongi waved his hand dismissively before turning around and opening the door, stepping out and shutting the door behind him. Just as he made it down the hall and was about to step out of the front door, he heard you calling his name.
“Yoongi!” You called out, rushing down the hall towards him.
“Yeah?” He wondered as he turned to look at you.
“I just wanted to tell you that it was really cool of you to help Chan,” you told him. 
“It wasn’t an issue Y/N,” he chuckled.
“But still, you’re new to the pack and you’re not necessarily bound by the obligation of having to take care of packmates like we are,” you said. 
“Well, I kind of am, since I decided to stay,” Yoongi pointed out. “Besides, he’s just a pup who didn’t know any better.”
“Well let me tell you, this isn’t the first time that Chan has ended up in the infirmary because he’s just too curious for his own good,” you giggled. 
“That probably explains why you were so good at dealing with him, huh?” Yoongi guessed and you shrugged your shoulders.
“It’s a part of my job,” you replied. “Especially living in an area surrounded by woods, you tend to treat a lot of pups for small injuries. I have to say though, the snake thing was a first.”
“I bet,” Yoongi chuckled. An awkward silence fell over the two of you again, the both of you just looking at each other for a few seconds.
“Well, I better get back to Chan,” you said. “Poor Soo Jung is probably going crazy out of her mind by now.”
“Yeah, sure. See you around,” Yoongi said.
“See you,” you nodded before turning around and walking back down the hall. Yoongi then pushed open the door to the infirmary and stepped outside, the lingering scent of white peaches and oranges wrapping around him like a warm hug. 
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
1. Hope for All
In which Izuku never gets a quirk, in which Izuku follows another passion- analysis. In which Nedzu is intrigued and in which Izuku makes some interesting friends.
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UA… Izuku Midoriya had made it into UA however the timetable he had was strange. He was in the same room all day? Tomorrow he would move to a room for English, math and Japanese study but otherwise all his other classes, analysis, history, business and arts are all in one room… and it is suspiciously close to the principals office.
To become the number one hero. That was his dream but being quirkless and having gone through so much… he just can’t see himself being a hero like that. So, with a bit of research he found that UA supplied classes for quirk analysis studies and that made him realise, his passion for quirks was stronger than his passion to be the number one hero.
“Midoriya!” A voice called out, the white and green haired Mizuko Takashi came rushing towards him.
“Takashi!” Midoriya said with wide eyes, not expecting to see his neighbour dressed in the UA uniform… or at UA in general.
Mizuko Takashi had a cool quirk, Midoriya loved it she could turn into an emerald snake with white stripes over the eyes. Her snake form is so pretty but the most unique part, and secretly Izuku’s favourite is her ability to secrete a hallucinogenic like venom from her fangs.
“I’m so glad to see you here.” She said pulling the short male into a tight hug. As per usual Izuku’s face flushes a bright red as he feels her chest squish into his own. “At least I have one person to talk to here.” She sighed.
“I- I didn’t expect to see you here Takashi?” The greenette stuttered.
“Really? Oh well I suppose I never really spoke about wanting to be a hero did I? Got so used to being told that my quirk was scary or too stupid for heroics so just stopped talking about it…. And you? Did you get into the hero course?”
Her silvery eyes seemed to shine in hope and it make Izuku’s heart squeeze. She always believed in his abilities. He shook his head and a pout formed on her pale lips.
“I chose t-to join UA’s analysis course.” He said with a small smile. Her eyes seemed to widen in excitement.
“Really! That’s amazing! Do we have the same lunch breaks? We should try to get lunch together… everyone in 1A seems to be loud…. Especially Bakugou, the asshole sits in front of me.” She seemed to gleam before huffing at the thought of the angry Pomeranian.
“Oh Ka-“ Mizuko gave him a look. “Bakugou got into heroics as expected.”
“Yeah I want to bash my face into the wall… anyway I think my first homeroom will be beginning soon I can feel a teacher coming. Head to your classroom yeah.”
“See you Takashi!”
“You can call me Mizuko dude. Anyway bye Izuku!” The snake quirked girl waved before rushing back into the noisy classroom.
Izuku continued to walk towards his classroom or what he assumed it would be… opening the door it seemed to be a small office. Maybe he had the wrong room?
“Ah hello Mr Midoriya.” The green haired boy jumped looking around the room… slowly he looked up to see- Principal Nedzu?
“Uh hello Principal Nedzu?”
“Please take a seat.” The chimera said as he climbed from the roof into his comfortable chair. Izuku took a seat. “Now you must be confused yes?”
“A little sir.”
“It’s been a while since I had a personal student. Now as much as I would like to get right into telling you about your studies I will need to ask you to leave your things here so I can take you to assembly and after that we can get started is that alright?”
“Personal student?” Izuku asked as he placed his bag under the desk.
“Oh yes- follow me and I shall explain.”
Izuku nodded, following behind the principal.
“When I saw your admittance into the analysis course I was excited. Then I saw your exams and was even more thrilled. You have a brilliant mind Mr Midoriya and I would like to help it to grow.”
“What about my quirklessness?”
“What about it? Miss Takashi doesn’t seemed bothered by it now why would I?”
That made Izuku pause… someone besides Mizuko, her parents and his mother didn’t care that he had no quirk. Biting his lip he holds back tears and continues behind his new teacher and principal.
The assembly was boring but Izuku noticed something, Mizuko wasn’t there neither was the rest of 1A. Nedzu explained once they reached his classroom that Aizawa always did quirk tests to see if they would be fit for heroics. This made Izuku a little nervous, Mizuko already was apprehensive of her quirks capabilities this would surely upset her but the gleam in Nedzu’s eyes told him that she was alright.
“You care for miss Takashi yes?”
“Uh… yeah she was probably my only friend growing up after getting diagnosed-“
“Diagnosed… I don’t like that word you aren’t sick, you aren’t dying. You are just a young man who needs to go the hard way to get where he wants to. I’m sure it’s the same for many students here.” Nedzu interrupted.
“After being told I was Quirkless?” Nedzu nodded, he liked that sentence better. “Mizuko was the one who would still come and play- we went to different schools but she’s been my neighbour as long as I can remember. I had lots of bullies sir but she will never be one of them.”
“Excellent this further expands my plans for this year. You and I, you will be participating, will be creating a small group project for hero and general students alike.”
“What will this project be?”
“Why thank you for asking. We will split students into fours, two general students and two hero students. We will give them a title, hero, vigilante or villain. You technically count as a general studies student but are just my personal one. I would like you and Miss Takashi to be in a group along with Shinsou Hitoshi from 1C and Neito Monoma from 1B as vigilantes.”
“You have my group picked already?”
“Yes Midoriya due to you being my students and helping me organise this.. think of it like an assessment so I picked your group first. Miss Takashi has a similar strategic mind to you going by her exams and you feel comfortable around her, she will also be able to keep any quirkest students away from you and hopefully there are none.” Nedzu gleamed evilly. “Mr Shinsou and Mr Monoma however were just luck of the draw sorry to say as the plan was to keep everyone’s groups random.”
“Oh okay I understand.” Izuku muttered as he began scribbling into his newest notebook. He’d sectioned the first page writing names and leaving room for the barest of information.
“This activity won’t happen for another two to three weeks however.”
“Understood… so what do I have to do?”
“First let’s organise heroes vigilantes and villains. It’s a team effort individually but no one can know who is who. So no one may know that your group are vigilantes but you may be seen as a group to plan- that would be unfair if you weren’t able to plan however you can use this room as you wish. Now let’s get started on what their tasks will be yes?”
“Okay Principal Nedzu.”
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Aizawa felt a shiver go up his spine Nedzu was planning something he could just feel it.
In any case Aizawa was watching the class carefully, they seemed relatively potential worthy as heroes so far. The first task was running which would be simple enough.
One student was overly angry, one seemed to be staring intently at some of the girls- hopefully that won’t be a problem. Some students seemed too eager and some ready for sleep- a mood honestly. Aizawa was shaken from his thoughts as a pale student gently poked his arm.
Aizawa stared at the student, she wasn’t eager like the rest, she clearly understood this wouldn’t be fun or maybe she just had a good poker face like Todoroki does. She did seem a little nervous though which he supposed was fair.
“Yes problem child?” He asked the white haired girl with green streaks framing her face.
“What would you like us to do if our quirks are inapplicable for any of the tasks. For example I may be slightly stronger due to my quirk but it’s in my arms and legs less so my wrists or hands so throwing the ball will purely be at regular strength not with any other part of my quirk same with long jump I can’t make my movement bigger I however can constrict and tighten.”
Aizawa blinked. That was a relatively intelligent question.
“Good question. What is your quirk Takashi?”
“Ah yes Mizuko Takashi that’s me Mr Aizawa.” She said shakily before continuing before he could make a comment. “My quirk is Fear Factor, I have all attributes of a snake including being able to transform into one and I can create neurotoxins and hallucinogens in my fangs.”
He nodded slowly as she briefly flashed her what would be canines. (They are almost vampire like fangs instead)
“What do you mean by constrict and tighten.”
“Like how snakes tighten around their prey they constrict the airflow, break bones etc. I can do that as I am without being a snake but the strength is purely to tighten even with the muscle I do have the most I can do is squeeze someone till I break their ribs. I have a decent punch though?”
She seemed unsure in that last question, probably trying to prove that she isn’t weak, not that she needs to seemingly.
“If your quirk is not applicable either find a way to make it so or continue on though it is a quirk test it will affect your marks minimally if you do well in other areas.”
Mizuko nodded, understanding immediately what he means. Good.
It’s her turn for the race and Aizawa can’t help but be a little unnerved as she slips off her jumper and pants, though she is wearing tights underneath thankfully- he does not need an issue with any unnecessary bullshit today no thanks- his brows furrowed as he watched bones move and snap together till she was a large green snake, with white patches over the eyes. He suppressed a laugh, it’s like the opposite of how her hair sits. The emerald scales shimmering lightly as she moves waiting for the whistle to signal the races start.
“Oh man that’s nasty.” Someone behind him said and that didn’t stop people from agreeing, you could immediately see her curl into herself- though it could be her ready to move.
“What kind of snake is she?” He found himself muttering.
“It’s an anaconda hybrid.” The angry one from before, Bakugou, huffed.
“How do you know?” The pink girl, Mina, asked.
“We live in the same neighbourhood she hung around an extra from my school.” Aizawa raised a brow at the nonchalant shrug Bakugou gave.
The whistle chimed finally and it took perhaps six seconds before Mizuko had crossed the line, she’d coiled and sprung as quickly as she could. Good chance she could use it for the long jump… it’ll have to do.
Aizawa seemed to sigh, finally the last test. They were doing well surprisingly. The ball throw would be interesting to say the least, anti gravity, explosions, tape etc Aizawa would see their potential easily.
Bakugou stepped forward first, an explosion popping loudly making some of the class jump. Next was Mineta who did.. eh. Tokoyami did well. Momo made a small canon, Todoroki used his ice but the ball almost got stuck and Mizuko had an above average throw for a teen her size and age but he could tell as a teacher he’d need to help bring up her morale.
God he wanted to groan extremely loud as he realised that the students actually had potential… Mineta was on this ice.
“It was a logical ruse.” Aizawa said.
“So you lied?” Mina and Uraraka pouted. Aizawa raised a brow.
“Would you have tried so hard if I hadn’t?”
“I thought it was quite obvious it was a ruse.” Momo said.
“It wasn’t.” Aizawa and the rest of 1A snapped their heads towards the snake quirked teen. “It wasn’t a logical ruse Aizawa is known to only teach students with a decent amount of potential… plus you shuffled each time up told us a lie- which was every time you said you’d not expel us.”
“He did?”
“Good eye Takashi.” Aizawa said, slightly unnerved that she’d noticed the shuffle but impressed nonetheless. Momo seemed a little miffed at Mizuko’s statement but nodded along while Bakugo seemed to sneer making her curl her shoulders in.
“Either way.” Aizawa began. “You all did… well welcome to being a hero student. It won’t be easy and there will be hardships but if you work hard you’ll make great heroes.”
He won’t admit it but the fanged grin from Mizuko made some cold dead part of his heart swell with pride, the same way he felt whenever his son (adoptive) would gleam about high marks in class or when Aizawa would ruffle his hair.
He can never tell another soul about this moment…. Never.
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strawberri-blonde · 3 years
Amortentia - Fred Weasley
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Summary: Your classic enemies to lovers.
Warning: Curse words.
Feeling the piece of paper hit your face for what felt like the Millionth time; your tolerance was long worn down. You went to grab your wand but Hermione stopped you by resting her hands into your wrist but it didn’t stop the anger that was filling your soul as you looked over at the Weasley twins. “Y/n, no.” The twins laughed as they saw the glare upon your face.
“Merlin, I’ll gulge your eyes out with my wand, Fred!” The older twin chuckled making George share a laugh as well. Heat filled your face and reached your ears making it feel as if steam was coming out. Hermione saw the anger that resisted in your expression and slowly took your wand from your grip worried for the Weasleys.
“I’d like to see you try sweetheart.” An aggravated  squeal left your lips causing the whole class to turn in the direction of the two tables earning the attention of a certain Professor. The twins kept laughing while Hermione nudge you to the front of the class where Professor McGonagall resigned with a stern look.
“If the two of you are done flirting, then it’s time to get back to the lesson.” You instantly felt your cheeks overflow in a deep red while Fred tried to cover his embarrassment with a light smirk but George didn’t fall for his tricks. He bump his shoulder against Fred’s making the boy blush before shoving his brother back somewhat harder. “Boys.”
“Sorry, Professor.” After the Weasleys apologied McGonagall stared them down for one last time before continuing.
Shaking away your insecurities, you grabbed onto the your quill and began to concentrate on today’s lesson while mumbling out, “idiots.”
You clenched your books in your hand as you glided down the halls with ease, your mind was so concentrated on the fact that lunch was going to be served soon that you didn’t notice the human being that you bumped into. “Oh, I’m sorr-”
“Watch it mugblood.”
Your breath got caught in your throat as the insult spewed from the blondes lips. Tears started to form but you wouldn’t dare let that snake see you cry. Before you could respond someone grabbed your shoulders and moved you to stand behind them. “Why don’t you shut your mouth Malfoy before I make sure you can’t speak again.”
Draco let out a laugh making his minions do the same while you looked up at Fred in confusion. Why was he helping you? “What a Weasley, trying to shield a mugblood. Makes sense.” You tensed at the harsh word again, causing the red head to fume. “Your whole family should be qualified as mugblood yourselves I mean-” Draco’s word were literally caught in his throat as Fred stepped forward with his long legs and wrapped his lanky but strong hands around the pure bloods throat.
Your eyes increased in size and worry filled your soul but not for Draco, who was getting his windpipe crushed, but surprisingly for Fred. He could get in so much trouble. When the minions saw the scary expression on his face they ran away too scared to turn up like Draco. “Fred.” You clasped his robes into your hands and tried to yank onto the fabric as hard as you could but the boy was like a rock. “Fred let him go.” What sounded like whimpers left Draco’s mouth as Fred seemed to ignore you completely. “Please.” Hearing your plea, the Weasley turned towards you and looked at your defeated expression and softened his gaze. Letting out a sigh, he dropped the boy to the floor with no hesitation.
“If you ever,” he continued as he bent down to Draco’s level. “Speak to Y/n again. I won’t stop.” Your heart raced at his words and you stood perfectly still as Fred straightened his posture and put a hand behind your back to motion you away from the mess he made. His touch was so gentle that if you weren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t feel it.
As you both turned the corner, you clenched your books towards your chest. “Thank you for that, but I had it covered.” Fred let out a laugh and bumped into you slightly to joke around.
“Oh, I bet, but I really wanted to strangle that swamp arse.” Rolling your eyes you stepped onto the staircase and before you could grab the hand rail, the motion of it moving caused you to fall into his arms. “Darn, Y/n I didn’t figure you the type of girl to fall in a boys arms.” Hearing the cockiness, you pushed off him and took a step up and gripped the rail into your hand. Once the stair was set, you walked up the top and greet the portrait of the singing fat lady. Her silk pink dress flowed as she turned to look at the two of you and her eyes widen. “Pass- bloody, you two are standing beside one another and aren’t arguing?” You blushed whiled Fred laughed out the password.
“Caput Draconis.” With confusion in her painted eyes, she opened the door to the Gryffindor common room. Comfort washed over as you took in the cinnamon scent and saw the warm fire. “Maybe I’ll save you a seat in the dining hall.” You blushed as you looked down at your feet before looking at at the handsome man. “Can’t have anyone ruffling your feathers but me.”
You smirked and nodded your head, “but you huh.”
“Yeah.” Fred stuffed his hands in his pockets to stand a little taller. “But me.”
Ever since that day you and Fred and been a little more civil with one another... Okay, a lot more civil. At first so many people thought you both were joking; that it was some big prank because after all the years of straight arguing all of a sudden you like each other?
You let the huff escape from your lips as you went over the potion you were going to do in Professor Snape’s class but Fred wasn’t doing much help as he stuffed his face with countless of chocolate frogs. Giving the boy a sharp look, Fred laughed at your expression. “What?”
“You’re making a mess.” You closed the spell book while Fred bit off the head of the chocolate figure. “You’re going to get chocolate everywhere.”
A mischievous smirk made its way to the Weasleys face as he turned to you. “Oh you mean like this.” You gasped at he wiped some milk chocolate onto your noise without thinking of the consequences. “Or this.” You mouth closed its gap and instead an ‘are you serious,’ expression took its place as he wiped a line of chocolate on your right cheek. “What about this?” You sighed as he now spread the dark sweetness to your left cheek.
“You done yet.” Fred tilted his head and squinted his eyes and clicked his tongue against his cheek. He lifted his thumb and slowly pressed it on your bottom lip, teasingly sliding it across making your breath get caught in your throat. You both seemed to be in a trance as your eyes never left his and all of his attention was on your lips.
The room grew hot as your hearts race from the need of each other. Slowly you slipped the tip of your tongue out and licked away the sweetness and took his thumb into your warm and wet mouth. Fred had to clench the couch cushions to surpress himself from pouncing on you. The way you swirled your tongue around his thumb sent him in a frenzy. Seeing his eyes darkened from hunger you let him go with a pop. “How should I get the rest off?” Fred went to reach for your waist but the door to the common room opened with Harry, Ron and George coming in. You pushed Fred away from you sending him to the floor and your cheeks were flooded red from embarrassed that you let your hormones take over your mind like that.
The three boys looked at you two in confusion and Ron was the first to speak. “Y/n, why do you have chocolate all over your face and Fred, bloody hell mate. Get off the floor.” Fred sat up with a huff and George started to laugh quickly understand his frustration and you became a blubbering mess.
“Um, I-I um...” you got chocked up and gestured towards your spell book. “We, um... I-I.” And just like that you took off disguarding your supplies and ran up to your room hoping to hide away from embarrassment.
“So Ron told me about last night.” You rolled your eyes as you added ingredients to the spell.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You whispered back checking to make sure Professor Snape wasn’t looking because you really didn’t feel like getting yelled at by him today.
“Um, huh.” Hermione squinted her eyes and let a smirk take over as you pulled away from the spell and reached for your book but then you remembered how you left your book in the common room.
“Past.” Like as if he could read your mind Fred held your book in the air and waved it around making you giggle. You reached out to snatch it but the Weasley lifted it higher making you stick your tongue out to him.
“Freddie, give it.” This was the first time you’ve given him the nickname and it made him almost cave in.
“Come and get it.” You rolled your eyes at his words and looked to make sure Snape wasn’t looking before ever so slowly getting up from your seat to grab your book but right as you were about to snatch it, you stepped on a weak board having it squeak. In a flash Severus Snape turned in your direction having you look like a deer caught in head lights.
“What are you doing Ms. Y/l/n?”
“Um.” You mumbled not liking having everyone’s eyes on you.
“It’s my fault, Professor.” Fred stood up and gestured towards her book. “I took her book and Y/n was just trying to get it back.”
“Why is it?” He questioned stepping closer to the pair. “Every time there’s a noise or argument it’s from you two. Granger.” Hermione snapped her head up giving her attention to the older man. “Switch seats with Mr. Weasley.”
“Um which one sir?” Snape snapped a glare in Fred’s direction.
“Mr. Weasley you will sit in Ms. Granger’s seat and partner with Y/n and you two will learn to exist together and not argue.” Confusion went around the room because everyone took notice as to how great Y/n and Fred have gotten along. I guess Snape didn’t get the memo.
You shyly say back down and waved Hermione bye and internal screamed when Fred took a seat to your right. “Alright, everyone get back to the potion.”
Fred bumped you shoulder and handed you your book to which you took with a smile and opened it to the page you needed. “What are we making anyway?”
Shaking your head, you mumbled out. “Poor Hermione.” You added the last ingredient and began to stir. “It’s Amortentia it spells like whatever you’re attracted to.” You pushed Fred’s chest and laughed. “But with all of your cologne I can’t smell anything.” Fred rolled his eyes playfully and pulled you into him.
“First of all I could say the same Y/n, I mean did you broke the whole bottle on yourself and second, I was in a rush so I couldn’t put my cologne on only my deodorant.”
You two laughed at each other saying how the other is lying when Snape raisies his voice at the two. “You’re smelling each other from the Amortentia you idiots.” And just like that your smiles dropped and you both stared intimately at one another.
“If we weren’t in class right now I’d so kiss you.” Fred widen his eyes then signaled to George. Hermione looked worried as George pulled out some random vile from his robes and poured it into the potion. Green mist sprung loose and this horrible smell filled everyone’s noses. Fred grabbed you’re books along with his with one hand and grabbed your wrist with the other to pull you out the class. You couldn’t stop laughing at Fred pulled you down the halls and he dropped your books to grab your cheeks into his large hands.
As your eyes met, and heavy breathes collided you both smiled widely at one another. You were the first to make your move as you stood on your tippy toes and wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him down for the kiss. Fred caresses your skin as he felt your soft plump lips move heavenly against his thin ones. Heat pooled between the two as the kiss deepened. Fred licked the bottom of your lip for entrance and instead of accepting you pulled back with a giggle and grabbed his hands and pulled him behind you guiding him through the halls laughter filling wherever y’all went. Once when two reach the Gryffindor commons rooms laughter did appear once or twice but it was mostly filled with your sounds of passionate love.
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