#Marilyn Mason
garadinervi · 9 months
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The Music of Arnold Schönberg, Vol. VII, Columbia Masterworks / Columbia Records, 1969
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gatutor · 5 months
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Marilyn Mason (San Fernando, California, 7/08/1940).
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lilygoat · 4 months
Marilyn Manson - Angel With The Scabbed Wings [from: Dead To The World, ...
He is the angel with the scabbed wings
Hard-drug face, wanna powder his nose
He will deflower the freshest crop
Dry up all the wombs with his rock and roll sores
Rock and roll sores
Rock and roll sores
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aguacerotropical · 2 years
That new marilyn mason doc about evan rachel wood’s abuse just solidifies that johnny depp is the same kinda scum, since mason and him are best friends.
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 5 months
The Pines Family Tree
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i hyperfocused on this the whole day it's now 2:30 am
Also, I put an x mark on Stan because he was technically disowned and his dad (presumably) still hadn't accepted him back when he started impersonating Ford. I also put "Jewish and Jewish-descent" because I know Stan, Ford, Shermie, Caryn, and Filbrick are Jewish but idk about the twins if they're Jewish too even if i do headcanon it so uh yeah.
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oldshowbiz · 8 months
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spicy-drawing · 19 days
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tiliman2 · 2 years
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haemosexuality · 1 year
i love pretending thta songs sung by men about women are actually ab lesbians
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garfunklefield · 24 days
toji fushiguro headcannons?
Bend it Backwards!
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18+ viewer discretion advised
Fem!reader/Toji Fushiguro Warnings: sfw and nsfw headcannons, mentions of pegging, fetish talk Word count: 576 DESC: Let’s get to know Mr. Zenin!
I don’t think I’ve seen these kind of headcanons around. I genuinely stand by the last one and I’ll write it too.
I think being broke for a lot of his life, Toji is super creative when it comes to just about everything. Your bike broke? He has a hack for that. Your car AC stopped working? Hack!
So my main point? I think Mr. Zenin is good at cooking. He can take anything shitty in your fridge and turn it into something decent. It’s impressive really.
He doesn’t have the best cap on your anger. He can get mad at the drop of a hat, and take it out by loudly groaning and huffing. I don’t think Toji yells, since he knows how triggering it could be for some.
Maybe after he started dating you he decided to go to anger management classes. I like to imagine whenever someone pisses him off he just starts clenching his fists and goes “Anger management. Anger management.”
It’s only ever failed once. And that ended in a fist fight.
Toji can’t dress for shit. I’m SORRY (no I’m not). He’s the type to go to Old Navy and look in the clearance section. If it’s in his size (which I think is 1XL) he’ll buy it.
So he has a random collection of shirts. I think if it’s clearance it doesn’t matter if it’s from the women’s section, he’ll wear it. There’s definitely a shirt in his closet that says wine mom.
I think in his prime he was ripped, and he still is, but not everyone’s going to have a 6 pack all the time. Don’t get me wrong, Toji is super strong. He can lift you and your mom. But, he’s got some chub on him.
At first he was embarrassed, trying to work out more to compensate for it. However, you helped him learn to embrace the soft parts on his body. So I do think he’s got a dad bod going on. But a true dad bod, not Jason Memoa between movies.
Up the ass!
Toji likes it up the ass. He didn’t know initially, even though he was once a man whore. It happened when you suggested pegging. My guy didn’t really know what that was and said sure because, let’s face it, he’ll do anything once.
He was surprised to find he really liked it. Now, Toji’s a bit embarrassed, so he only likes to get pegged on special occasions. So think Valentine’s Day or his birthday. You don’t mind, but you like how whiney he gets. It’s one of the only times you’ll hear him whine and whimper in a low tone.
Toji is bisexual, or really just- he’ll fuck anyone. I say bisexual though since he has a strong preference for women, but he’s been in his fair share of homoerotic relationships.
His bisexual awakening was, follow me here, Marilyn Mason. This segways into the next headcannon ok!!
Goth fetish!
Mr. Zenin has a goth person fetish. It’s embarrassing now because Marilyn Mason is a shit asshole, but back then he was frothing over the pale menace. Now his fetish isn’t tik tok goths, no. He wants a true, trad goth to ride him.
Black lipstick smudges by his cock, your huge black wings smudged from how he fucks you. He loves women with shaved sides on their heads, teased hair. stretched piercings, split tongues. Oh, he’s into all of it. He wants a woman who wants to drink his blood and sacrifice his soul.
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geniousbh · 2 months
ooiii laura, um hc bem bobo q vim pedir aqui (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
como seria assistir um filme de terror com o cast?de preferência enzo, kuku, pipe e fran, no caso a reader tá morrendo de medo toda encolhida no sofá
oii lindeza!! que fofurinha o kaomoji!! eu to assim hoje ó olhe ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;)!! farei simm e irei colocar mais alguns dos rapazes, td bem?
começando pelos homens feitos enzo e esteban. esses aqui realmente assistem o filme, ainda que seja um terror bem meia boca e conversam contigo depois sobre. não ficam tão comovidos quando você esconde o rosto na curva do pescoço deles e só fazem um carinho nas suas costas tentando te acalmar. ao fim das uma hora e vinte vão te olhar e perguntar "se ia ficar com tanto medo, chiquita, por quê não colocou uma coisa mais leve?" - e eles não estão bravos nem nada ok - e ai que você toda manhosa e danadinha diz "pensei que você ia querer parar na metade pra gente...", o que arranca uma risada deles "nena, se você queria foder era só pedir, hm?" você vai conseguir o que tanto quer mais tarde, sem crise🙏🏻.
agr os mais boca de sacola da vida matías e fran. esses dois aqui têm quase tanto medo quanto você - apesar de jurarem de pé junto que é fichinha - e NÃO calam a boca porque ficam racionalizando cada cena pra tornar menos fantasmagórico! o recalt vai virar e dizer "mor, a freira não parece o marilyn mason? aquele cara que chupou o próprio pau? olha bem", e o fran fica "nossa, mas nem existia isso na época em que se passa a história, tá vendo? tudo mentira!", acho até que iriam ficar indo na cozinha pra "buscar mais ketchup pra pipoca" ou então fazendo quinhentas pausas pro xixi
e é chegada a vez dos meninos atacantes simón e pipe. esses aqui são os REIS do "netflix: are you still watching?" e a resposta é obviamente não. eles escolhem o filme de propósito, não te avisam que é de terror e quando você leva o primeiro susto ficando toda melosa e chorosa é o céu pra eles. vão te abraçar, te colocar no colo e ninar até que uma mãozinha boba escorre pra sua coxa, você olha pra eles assim 🥺 uma coisa culmina na outra e vocês acabam fazendo um meia nove invés de assistir a mais uma aventura dos warrens. quando algum amigo comenta do filme com vocês depois, ficam ambos "nossa muito bom, esse filme ai... elisabette né", "é annabelle😐", "ahhh verdade😆"
bônus: o pardella provavelmente te pregaria peças pro resto da semana dps de assistirem, ele literalmente seria capaz de comprar uma fantasia ou aqueles bichinhos realistas de plástico. simplesmente o auge da comédia ver você assim 😨 e bicuda com ele depois. vai te recompensar o trauma com um sexinho bem lento e cheio de beijinhos - que não é tanto do feitio dele.
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myrammmortal · 1 month
This is it, chapter 11. The last one. Don't cry, it will be okay. Somewhere, but not here.
“NO!” I screamed. I was horrorfied! Frau Schneider tried to comfort me but I told her fuck off and I ran to my room crying myself. Till chased after me shouting but he had to stop when I went into my room cause he would look like a perv that way.
Anyway, I started crying tears of blood and then I slit both of my wrists. They got all over my clothes so I took them off and jumped into the bath angrily while I put on a Linkin Park song at full volume. I grabbed a steak and almost stuck it into my heart to commit suicide. I was so fucking depressed! Anyway, makeover time! I got out of the bathtub and put on a black low-cut dress with lace all over it sandly. I put on black high heels with pink metal stuff on the ends and six pairs of skull earrings. I couldn’t fucking believe it. Then I looked out the window and screamed… Flake was spying on me and he was taking a video tape of me! And Loopin was masticating to it! They were sitting on their broomsticks.
“EW, YOU FUCKING PERVS, STOP LOOKING AT ME NAKED! ARE YOU PEDOS OR WHAT!” I screamed putting on a black towel with a picture of Marilyn Mason on it. Suddenly Vampire ran in.
“Abra Kedavra!” he yelled at Flake and Loopin pointing his womb. I took my gun and shot Flake and Loopin a gazillion times and they both started screaming and the camera broke. Suddenly, Till ran in. “Paul Darkness Edgelord Troglodyte Shadow Dementia Raven Way Alzheimer Birdflu Croissant Boy Landers, it has been revealed that someone has - NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” he shouted looking at Flake and Loopin and then he waved his wand and suddenly…
Hargrid ran outside on his broom and said everyone we need to talk.
“What do you know, Hargrid? You’re just a little Hogwarts student!”
“I MAY BE A HOGWARTS STUDENT….” Hargirid paused angrily. “BUT I AM ALSO A SATANIST!”
“This cannot be.” Flake said in a crisp voice as blood dripped from his hand where Tills wand had shot him. “There must be other factors.”
“YOU DON’T HAVE ANY!” I yelled in madly.
Loopin held up the camera triumelephantly. “The lens may be ruined but the tape is still there!”
I felt faint, more than I normally do like how it feels when you do not drink enough blood.
“Why are you doing this?” Loopin said angrily while he rubbed his dirty hands on his clook.
And then I heard the words that I had heard before but not from him. I did not know whether to feel shocked and happy or to bite him and drink his blood because I felt faint.
“BECAUSE…BECAUSE….” Hargid said and he paused in the air dramitaclly, waving his wand in the air. Then swooped he in singing to the tune of a gothic version of a song by 50 Cent.
“Because you’re goffic?” Flake asked in a little afraid voice cause he was afraind it meant he was connected with Satan.
“Because I LOVE HER!”
We heard a car door close and Olli came walking towards us. The wellness retreat had clearly done him some good. "Hi guys, I'm back. Did I miss anything?"
Well, this was that entire nightmare. I hope the sweet people from Rammtisch that requested this are happy. If you have any questions, I don't blame you. I have many as well. And not a single answer. But if you do have questions I will try to answer anyway. Person who originally wrote My Immortal: I hope you are okay, wherever you are. Your story may be the worst story ever written but I hope that didn't stop you from writing anyway and improving on your skills. I hope you are living a happy life and I hope that you can look back on your story and laugh at the joy and tears it continues to give people after all these years.
Yes, Paul's name has been changing and has been getting weirder by request. Why? Because I can!
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lilygoat · 11 months
Watch "Marilyn Manson - Running To The Edge Of The World" on YouTube
Remember when I took you up to the top of the hill?
We had our knives drawn
They were as sharp as we were in love
If God crossed us, we'd take all his drugs
Burn his money and his house down
And wait for the fire to spread
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radsplain · 1 month
I don't get why so many radfems love JK Rowling.
She's a TERF and speaks out about the topic, but she's also incredibly misogynistic and other radfems keep sweeping it under the rug.
You can't be a radfem if you support a woman who is friends with Johnny Depp and kept saying he's an amazing person and supporting him throughout the trial. You can't be a radfem if you support a woman who sends goddamn fucking roses to Marilyn Mason (I looked up if it was a mistake or what, and so far there's a single link that says "It was probably a mistake by her team," but there's nothing that confirms that indeed it was, and I'm not one of those people who believe in "innocent until proven guilty"). You can't be a radfem if you support a woman who leaves likes under Andrew Tate's brother's tweets.
I don't get how so many radfems are willing to turn a blind eye to this, because I know I just can't.
Actually yes I can. I don’t condone or support every single thing that JKR has ever done simply by supporting her. I support her as a woman and I support her for what she’s done for other women and for being one of the only high profile women to put themselves on the line for speaking the truth about this matter. It’s fucked up that she supported Johnny Depp, that I will not argue. But I’m completely done with writing off women specifically for not being 100% perfect in their lives at all times. Women are not paragons of virtue, even feminist women. A lot of self-proclaimed feminist women have done and said anti-feminist or even flat out misogynistic things in their lives. Doesn’t mean I have to stop sharing their words, their thoughts, and their contributions as a whole. Yeah, I do still support her. She’s not perfect. I never expect any woman to be.
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ellfiend · 4 months
tagged by @thelonestrider to put my music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people!
1. KILL4ME - Marilyn Mason
2. Forgotten - Linkin Park
3. Ratfinks, suicide tanks, and cannibal girls - white zombie
4. DeepSix - Marilyn Manson
5. By myself - Linkin Park
6. Personal jesus - Marilyn Manson
7. American witch - Rob Zombie
8. Tear away - Drowning pool
9. Saturnalia - Marilyn Manson
10. Thunder kiss '65 - White zombie
@camerxn @cyber-psychosis @shimmer-like-agirl @peaches-n-screem @mynonsenseistingling @nemiepies @humberg @heywoodvirgin @bubblgobbo @leota-nexus
Thanks for tagging @thelonestrider.
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spicy-drawing · 18 days
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Desire × Marilyn Monroe
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