brother-hermes · 1 year
Today I want to take a look at the alchemical concepts of microcosm and macrocosm. We’ll start by taking a brief look at Paracelsus words on the subject and trace them back to their Hermetic roots. We’ll discuss a brief outline found in the Kybalion before taking a look at the Jewish Tradition. Join me as we take the journey within.
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americanmysticom · 10 months
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Joe Rogan Experience #1315 – Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell
Published on June 21, 2019Updated on September 2, 2020
Bob Lazar is a physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory
on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S-4 near the Area 51 Groom Lake operating location. Jeremy Corbell is a contemporary artist and documentary filmmaker.
Weaponized Video Series; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PJLD6LLMUY&list=PLyyu-kB5uDRekzb1Og6AUeq84-AepM7p5&index=2
The Weaponized Audio Podcast including audio only episodes 4, 7 & 8 can be found here;
[Human Consciousness, the Neshamah, the Will of G-d, reactionless movement, High-Energy Quiescence, called 'Magic' by the uninformed.]
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thelema-fr · 1 year
De notre évolution personnelle avec Thelema
Post #9
Nous n’avons pas besoin de cours en biologie pour vivre, même si une telle formation peut aider à comprendre ce qui se passe dans notre corps et pourquoi. Un bébé respire et mange même si ses parents ou géniteurs ne connaissent rien en anatomie ou en physiologie. 
Une personne déficiente sur le plan psychologique n’a pas besoin de suivre un cursus en psychiatrie pour avoir sa propre idée sur le conscient et l’inconscient, même si elle est incapable de les nommer. 
Ce dont nous avons tous besoin c’est de connaissances pragmatiques, qui ont une utilité dans notre vie de tous les jours. Nous aimons en savoir plus sur la biologie pour pouvoir nous alimenter mieux. Nous aimons connaître les études sur les réactions émotionnelles d’un bébé pour aider au mieux nos enfants. Nous aimons comprendre les causes du stress pour nous en protéger et éviter l’infarctus.
Il en est de même pour satisfaire notre envie d’améliorer notre condition quotidienne et le changement (parfois radical ou douloureux) qu’il implique, dans le sens où je l’avais abordé dans mon troisième post (cliquez ici). 
Outre certaines autres notions (dont celle du temps que j’aborderai d’ici peu), une notion d’importance est celle de la différence (à première vue) entre la réalité physique et les autres (dont la réalité psychologique, par exemple).
D’un point de vue physique, l’homme est un point minuscule dans l’univers. Cela nous donne vite l’impression de notre fragilité, de notre insignifiance, voire de notre inutilité. Cela pourrait amener à des comportements inadéquats, asociaux, criminels sous cette justification que, après tout, en toute relativité, ça n’a finalement aucune importance. 
D’un point de vue psychologique, pour chacun de nous pris individuellement, tout tourne autour de l’égo et démarre de lui. “Je” peux avoir une idée sur ce Post que je lis pour l’instant, mais comment pourrait l’avoir la “personne” assise juste à côté de moi qui n’est pas là parce que “pas née” ? (Je conçois qu’il faille relire cette dernière phrase.)
Pas d’égo sans corps. Et chaque égo devient un point dans lequel se concentre l’entièreté de l’univers donné à connaître à tout individu grâce à l’intellect. Mais pas uniquement, sans quoi ce serait un repli autistique qui apporterait aussi son lot de comportements inadéquats, asociaux, voire criminels.
Tout est une question d’équilibre.
Il nous faut regarder le graphique des Séfirots (cfr. Post  #6) comme étant une interaction et un accès de Dieu (en haut) à l’Homme (en bas). Dieu (ou appelez-le “La Force”, ou le “Grand Architecte”, ou comme vous le (ou la) voulez) fait “émaner” quelque chose (les émanations ou Séfirots). Et la nature humaine se révèle dans sa création charnelle. Dans ce corps se déploie d’autres émanations. Certaines ne se déploient pas d’office et peuvent devenir l’objet de l’étude, de la construction et du développement de l’Homme. C’est ce que nous appelons “la route du retour” en Magie.
Il y a quatre grandes étapes dans la création par Dieu de notre réalité : Chiah, Neshamah, Ruach et Nephesh, Chacune de ces étapes correspond respectivement à une des quatre lettres formant le nom de Dieu chez les juifs, à savoir : Yod, Heh, Vav, He. Soit, en hébreu : יְהוָה
Ne pas développer ces quatre étapes c’est ne pas atteindre pleinement la réalisation de ce nom divin a la prononciation tenue secrète. Et donc, ce qui advient est dès lors un nom incomplet et donc différent. J’en parlerai plus loin dans ce Blog.
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Crédit photo : image par Olga Ozik sur Pixabay
Votre “devoir” du post :
A ce niveau, ce qu’il faut c’est retenir que : 
Chiah est la force de vie (élément : feu)
Neshamah est l’esprit supérieur (élément : eau)
Ruach est la conscience (élément : vent)
Nephesh est l’esprit animal (élément : terre)
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project-catgirlpillar · 3 months
Not a huge target audience but i think brija would hate living in a practical Guide to evils world so much. If you dislike being a pawn in a Game the gods are playing you're gonna hate your entire reality being created so the gods can settle a wager on whether free will should exist or not
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Etz Hayim “Tree of Life” Talon Abraxas
Kabbalah: The Mystical Side of Judaism
Archetypal, Intellectual–Creative, Substantial–Formative, and Physical Material, are the names on the “Secret Doctrine” p. 200 diagram for the four lower planes of the cosmos. These names do not originate with HPB or her Adept-Teachers; they are the names used in Kabbalah for the four planes, which are also called Atziloth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Asiah, respectively.
The Kabbalistic view of the inner constitution of the human being relates to these four “worlds” or planes, showing that “as above, so below.”
Standing transcendent and above the four, however, they place Yechidah. HPB explains that this is equivalent to Atma or Atman in the Theosophical teachings of the seven principles or components of man; pure universal Spirit, the Higher Self. (“The Theosophical Glossary” p. 137)
Next in order of descent and on the same level as the Archetypal or Emanation World of Atziloth is Chaya. Despite the apparent similarity, this word is not linked with the term “Chhaya” as used in Theosophy in relation to the First Root Race; they are completely different things. The Kabbalistic Chaya is equivalent to the Theosophical Buddhi, the “Spiritual Soul” which radiates Atmic Light. (“Glossary” p. 137)
Then there is Neshamah on the Intellectual or Creative level of Briah. This equates to Higher Manas, the higher immortal Mind-Entity or Higher Ego, the reincarnating Individuality or “Human Soul” (“Glossary” p. 137) . . . but not always exclusively, for “there are the “upper” and the “lower” Neshamah (the dual Manas),” says HPB. (“Glossary” p. 348-349)
Ruach stands on the Substantial or Formative plane, i.e. Yetzirah. “Ruach” literally means “breath” or “spirit” and HPB says the term belongs properly to Buddhi-Manas. (“Glossary” p. 280) It is not used by Kabbalists in that way, however, but is described by them in a way that matches the Lower Manas, i.e. the lower mind, the personal ego-consciousness, linked with Kama, the “Animal Soul” of desires, passions, emotions.
The lowest level of consciousness is called Nefesh and belongs to Asiah, the physical or material world of action. This is equivalent to Prana, vitality or life-energy, and also Kama (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 243) and by definition relates closely to Sthula Sharira, the physical body.
Mention is also made of Tzelem, sometimes called the Tzelem Elokim. This is the Kabbalistic name for what we call the Linga Sharira, the astral body or astral double. (“Glossary” p. 348)
So there we have all the Seven Principles that Theosophy teaches compose the human being when in physical incarnation: (7) Atma, (6) Buddhi, (5) Manas (which includes the immortal Higher Manas and the mortal Lower Manas), (4) Kama, (3) Prana, (2) Linga Sharira, (1) Sthula Sharira.
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According to the Jewish tradition, the 32 Paths of Wisdom concept is derived from the 32 times that the name “Elohim” is mentioned in Genesis, Chapter One.
Sephiroth: “Elohim said:” *
Kether – “In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth.” 1:1* Chokmah – “Let there be light” 1:3 Binah – “Let there be a firmament . . . let it divide . . .” 1:6 Gedulah – “Let the waters be gathered . . . let dry land appear . . .” 1:9 Geburah – “Let the earth put forth grass . . . etc.” 1:11 Tiphareth – “Let there be lights in the firmament . . .” 1:14 Netzach – “Let the waters swarm . . . let fowl fly . . .” 1:20 Hod – “Let the earth bring forth living creatures . . .” 1:24 Yesod – “Let us make man . . .” 1:26 Malkuth – “Be fruitful and multiply . . .” 1:28 Mothers: “Elohim made:“ Aleph – “the Firmament and divided the waters . . .” 1:7 Mem – “the two great lights . . . and the stars.” 1:16 Shin – “the beast of the earth after its kind . . .” 1:25 Doubles: “Elohim saw:“ Beth – “the light, that it was good.” 1:4 Gimel – “that it was good.” (the separation of dry land and waters) 1:10 Daleth – “that it was good” (the earth bringing forth grass, etc.) 1:12 Kaph – that it was good” (the two lights in the firmament) 1:18 Peh – “that it was good” (swarming of waters with creatures; of air with fowl) 1:21 Resh – “that it was good” (the beasts of the earth) 1:25 Tav – “every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.” 1:31
Elementals: “Elohim –“
Heh – “hovered over the face of the waters.” 1:2 Vav – “divided the light from the darkness.” 1:4 Zayin – “called the light Day, and darkness Night.” 1:5 Cheth – “called the firmament Heaven.” 1:8 Teth – “called the dry land, Earth . . . and the waters, Seas.” 1:10 Yod – “set them [the two lights] in the firmament of the heaven” 1:17 Lamed – “created the sea-monsters, creatures that creep, and fowl.” 1:21 Nun – “blessed them [sea-monsters, creepers, and fowl] . . .” 1:22 Samekh – “created man in His own image.” 1:27 Ayin – “created He him; male and female created He them.” 1:27 Tzaddi – “blessed them [male and female].” 1:28 Qooph – “said: I have given you all . . .” 1:29*
*There are two exceptions to this: The first is Gen1:1, and Sephirah 1/Kether, wherein “Elohim said” is assumed. The second is Gen1:29, and Elemental 12/Qooph, wherein the focus is shifted from the “Elohim said”, to the “I have given you all . . .��
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Breaking into book five and ANAXARES IS BACK BABEY! And physically described for what I think is the first time.
Tanned in the way of the Free Cities, he was dressed like a beggar in worn robes too loose on his frame. Which was thin, though not the thinness of the heathy. He looked like he’d had too many lean meals, or perhaps like the fire in those grey eyes had eaten away at his body from the inside. The Hierarch of the League of Free Cities, for this could not be anyone else, was middle-aged and balding. His eyebrows were thick and bushy, both they and his sparse beard warring between white streaks and dark brown. One of his boots, I could not help but notice, had been so poorly sown back on the sole was coming off at the front. I looked at him, saw him scribbling on a clay tablet while intently following the proceedings, and felt the slightest bit of fear. He looked like no one, I thought. But coming from his body like an invisible current was some deep and terrible power the touch of which could be felt over all of Rochelant. It was not reaching into my mind, not yet, but it felt as if raising my hand would allow me to feel the unseen ripples.
"He looked like no one, I thought." Ohh yes yes yes, that's not insignificant. Names are reflected in their holders' appearances, and this is a very different kind of "looking like no one" than you get with, say, Scribe. Anaxares' appearance reflects the fact that he sees himself as an ordinary everyman, as part of the People. This is another point of evidence to my other post: Amadeus is mad at the gods because they're unfair to villains; Anaxares is mad because they're unfair to everyone.
Now, while I of course fully expected Hierarch to be behind the mobs — it was pretty heavily implied, though that might admittedly have been my own wishes — I'm fascinated by how powerful the effect seems to be:
“That’s an aspect,” Indrani said, voice hushed. “Gods, how can that be an aspect?” “Andronike?” I asked. The crow-goddess did not reply for a long moment, until I turned my head to look at her. If a bird could look uncomfortable, I saw, it would be something like this. “This is… difficult,” Andronike said, voice tight. “The pull is strong.” My fingers clenched. “You’re having a hard time fighting him,” I croaked. “What the Hells is this, Andronike? He’s Named, not…” “Faith,” the crow got out. “This is faith, Catherine Foundling. Pure unadulterated belief, untainted by doubt or hesitation. It sings, and the world sings back.” “Faith in what?” I asked. “Nothing,” Andronike hissed. “A snake eating its own tail. It is bleak madness screamed by endless throats, and it would stand tribunal over the Gods themselves.”
... I really was expecting Anaxares to be... subtler, I guess. Raw power and supernatural influence certainly weren't what I thought I'd see, at any rate, though the display might seem subtler to ordinary folk. Clearly there have been some internal developments since his run-in with the Bard. What's the aspect, I wonder? Incite? Instigate? It clearly relies on others — I wonder if it could be deployed against an army, or even the Dead King's forces? The latter I doubt, but the former could be a fascinating challenge for Catherine if applied to her own forces.
I have two guesses for how this could be employed in the story: number one, the Serenity. Nobody seems to have any real thoughts on how to deal with the Dead King's personal Hell yet, and this seems like one of the few things that could make a dent without causing mass death. That said, it feels, narratively, more like the Serenity will eventually be some kind of big challenge for Cat. Having to choose between slaughtering a huge group of mostly innocents (Evil But Effective Choice) and trying in vain to convince them to turn against Neshamah (Good But Useless Choice) seems like the sort of story beat that would fit better for her. I guess I can also see that happening and then deploying the Hierarch as a sort of compromise, cheating the story yet again, but I dunno, it doesn't click for me quite.
The second possibility, which I see as more narratively plausible, is that the Hierarch will end up killing some big-name hero who publicly oversteps. This would probably take the form of: some hero (probably Hanno, Judgment is his whole thing) makes the unilateral decision of killing a villain, maybe Black or Kairos, who has recently done something helpful and/or proven themself useful. The hero commits this murder in a public setting, the general public is pissed about it, and Anaxares' aspect incites or empowers the People to tear the hero limb from limb. But this prediction has its own problems, in that it denies Anaxares the chance to actually transcend the games of Names. This scenario would suborn the People into a weapon in the contest between Named, and unless I've misread Anaxares' Role, that doesn't really fit either.
So I suppose what I mean to say is, I have no idea what might happen with this aspect, and the above two paragraphs were basically short-form fanfic.
As for the faith part, this brings to mind the idea of "true faith" some modern vampire media like VTM uses, where faith in anything has a material effect, so long as it's faith. (Was it Doctor Who that had the vampires repelled by the faithful Communist?) Has there been any previous indication that Creation runs on belief-rules? There's Sve Noc, at least, brought to power by constant implicit sacrifice. But I don't recollect any other use of faith as a material force. We haven't been enlightened as to the intricacies of priestly powers, so it could be that the Lanterns get their juice from their own faith... but it could also be gifts from the Gods. We don't have a ton of evidence either way here, as far as I remember.
Still, "standing tribunal over the Gods themselves" is exactly what I was hoping for, and it's what I sensed a whiff of in my post on Anaxares' confrontation with the Wandering Bard. Anaxares is similar to Amadeus in that he opposes the Gods and what they have deemed for the world, but the details of his view are vastly different.
Black, though he might kill me for saying so, operates off of spite. I don't remember the passage, but he has said that he seeks victory for Evil "to prove it can be done," or something along those lines. He's so furious at the state of Creation that he wants to invert it. Anaxares doesn't. He believes in a different authority entirely.
“You are Cordelia Hasenbach,” the man stated, half-questioningly. A moment passed, while I was genuinely at a loss for words. Ah, I thought. So this is why the Tyrant thinks he can make a pawn of you. For a heartbeat I debated actually pretending I was the First Prince just to see if I could make some trouble for her, but discarded the notion just as quick. Best not to roll dice when they had teeth and a noted fondness for biting. “Catherine Foundling,” I replied. “Queen of Callow.” If he felt embarrassed about the mistake, he didn’t show it in the slightest. “There’s no such thing,” he told me sternly. “Queens or Catherine Foundling?” I said. “Because one of those debates is a lot more philosophical than I’m equipped to handle.”
Hee hee. But it is fascinating just how divorced Anaxares is becoming from worldly affairs. He started as a diplomat, remember — originally, he may have been wholly subordinate to the First and Greatest of the Free Cities, but he was still very involved in foreign affairs. He's changed a ton since the start, and some fraction of this change was since his run-in with the Bard. Names tend to do this to people, it seems, separate them from reality in favor of their ideals, but they don't do that without personal development and/or a story behind the shift.
“Is this why the League has gone to war?” I asked. “To end crowns?” There wasn’t a single thing that changed about him, I thought. He was still a skeleton of a man in ill-fitting robes, a scarecrow with a scowl. Not a single thing had changed, and yet… If I strained the ear, I could hear the chorus. The howls of the mob. Chains ripped apart, palaces toppled and bones being crushed. Torches starting a fire that would spread across the world. A song of revolt, of rebellion. I could feel it, like warm wine running through my veins. It was harsh and unforgiving, but oh how glorious it was. How easy it would have been to partake of it and let that warmth swallow me whole. “We are all of us free or we are none of us free,” the Hierarch of the League of Free Cities said, voice like steel. “There is no middle ground. And for the lashes struck at our back, all will be called to account – if gallows must be raised for devils and angels alike, so be it.” I almost, out of sheer contrariness, pointed out that devils did not die but only disperse. But would they really, if it was this man passing the sentence? Suddenly I was not so certain. My mistake, I thought, had been trying to think of him as either a terror or a fool. Fear had dogged me, wading through his aspect, but it had retreated as we spoke. As the man proved to be so uninterested in his surrounding as to be lost. I’d allowed the cadenced little phrases, the obvious mistakes and ignorance, to lull me into believing him… adrift. Living in his own world. But Black had warned me about people like this, hadn’t he? About Named who did not see Creation as it was but how it should be. Men and women who embraced their vision so deeply they bent the world around them to match it. My mistake, I thought once more, had been to believe he must be only one of the two. He was not. The Tyrant of Helike had not sharpened this blade so carefully to cut a mortal empire, I decided. There was a broader game unfolding.
So where's Kairos aiming? The Heavens and Hells don't seem like the kind of entites capable of rising in revolt, even with an effect this strong. The Bard is a clear and obvious enemy of the Tyrant's, and one shared by Anaxares at that, but this isn't the kind of weapon that can hurt her. She doesn't have cities or armies, she's pretty much as divorced from that as possible. Hell, she could be excommunicated from every society on Calernia and still be almost as effective. I can't see the broader picture here, and it's frustrating. As much as I love him, this story does not end with Anaxares victorious; that's not how this works. He isn't going to liberate everyone.
But it's conceivable that he carves out a larger republic somewhere, and that republic works as an engine of... whatever this is all on its own. That sounds plausible, albeit not likely. It fulfills the "fire that would spread across the world" Cat hears, and surely Anaxares understands that he can't just go to every single city on Calernia and start riots. We don't even know what this place is going to look like after he leaves. But of course Anaxares has an answer to the "how are you going to win" question:
“War against Calernia,” he said amusedly. “As if tearing down masters was the same thing as warring on their slaves. You betray yourself, tyrant. You think I wage war on them?” The stylus flicked at the crowd of Procerans. The axe went up, the axe went down. Another dead man, dragged into the alley. “The old faceless thing bade me to choose a side,” the Hierarch said. “And at long last, I have.” My eyes narrowed. The old faceless thing. There weren’t a lot of entities out there that would fit that epithet. Anaxares of Bellerophon smiled, crooked teeth bared. “You think us outnumbered?” he said. “How many of us are there, tyrant, and how many of you?”
Again, he was a diplomat. Anaxares may not be so very smart, but his understanding isn't that shallow. He's got to know that it'll take more than a few loose sparks for the world to go up in flame. Which means he's not being entirely forthright with Cat, he's mostly antagonizing her, like in his letters. His only real goal can be to strike a blow against the Gods, or more likely, their proxy — though that is difficult for reasons stated above.
But there's something else I want to talk about. See, I got a fair few chapters into Book Five while I sat on this post.
Okay, fine, I got to chapter 72. What do you want from me.
But the point is that, having come back to this post fresh off the coup attempt in Salia, I see a parallel. Anaxares views his chosen mortal ideology as above even the Gods, and is strongly implied to have the power to enforce that. Cordelia is exactly the same. She sees the rule of Proceran law as superior to the law of Above, and is able to exercise that power to such extent that she forces a Name back down. It's not the same ideology, sure, but it's mortal. That's the important part. This is the start of a pattern, and we know how those work in the Guide.
And it's no coincidence that these two cases — Cordelia and Anaxares exercising their very human ideologies — are the only two times we've actually seen the Wandering Bard upset, angry, and even surprised. I think I'm starting to see the shape of this story, mortal beliefs triumphing over Above and Below, and if it's followed through on it could be very impressive.
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teenageascetic · 3 months
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“The life and vitality which the teachings of Chasidus infuse into all aspects of the world (the “miniature world” of man, and the “real,” literal world) issue from the vitality that Chasidus infuses into all the elements of Torah, and are generated from that life-force—for all the elements of Creation are drawn from and are derived through the Torah.
In the Torah itself there are four levels of interpretation: peshat, remez, drush and sod, and the teachings of Chasidus imbue each one with life and vitality.
That is, in addition to the explanations which Chasidus gives to various subjects within all four parts of Torah (which negates the common misconception that Chasidus arose in order to explain only the “esoteric” part of Torah) the learning of Chasidus also infuses life into every subject (in all the parts of Pardes [the acronym for peshat, remez, drush, sod]) which we learn in Torah. And the subject then “lives” in an entirely different manner, with an Essential life-force. This vitality strikingly illuminates and profoundly deepens one’s understanding of the idea.
An analogy to this concept of additional illumination and vitality in the Revealed part of Torah, and in a practical law, is as follows:
“The entire service of Yom Kippur is only acceptable when done by him” (the High Priest). In the same manner that the holiness of Yom Kippur is effective for the special services of Yom Kippur, it also affects the daily and extra (Shabbat) sacrifices that are in themselves connected to all the regular days of the year; they, too, become sanctified through the sanctity of Yom Kippur.
The same is true of Chasidus, the “Shabbat Shabbaton” of Torah: it likewise affects and influences all the parts of Torah. For the four parts of Pardes are the four levels of the Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah and Chaya of Torah, and Chasidus is the Torah’s Yechidah ; and the manifestation and revelation of the Yechidah elevates all the other four levels of NaRaNaCh, as explained above.”
-Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn.
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lividdreamz · 1 year
The gist of this tag game that I just made is to spread some positivity/love to fellow writeblrs! Whatever you have to say can be general or geared towards a specific writeblr(s) (I really wanted to say something specific for every writeblr tagged down below, but oh boy would that have taken a while). If you’re tagged, pay the positivity forward (no pressure if you don’t have the time or energy, though. This is all in good fun!)
It has been a very challenging week (and year), as I’m sure it has been for so many people, but I’ve been thinking long and hard about what it is I’d like to do for all my mutuals and I guess the writeblr community in general, and this is really the best I could come up with.
Yeah. I just wanted to say, whether you’ve been with me for five months or five days, I see you, and I appreciate you so so much. I’m not very good at explaining how it is I feel exactly as I feel it, but, like, every time I get a notification or I see you beautiful beanbags on my dash it’s just an instant mood booster. I may not always respond to tag games, or asks, or posts where you guys share your writing immediately but I see them and as I’m sure my tags hint at, I love them. I feel really honored to be a apart of a community so full of talented and creative people. You guys are seriously made my 2022 so much better. Cheers for a (hopefully) amazing 2023!
Happy (belated) holidays to those who celebrate and Happy New Year! Tagging basically every writeblr I know on this hellsite (😭): @thetruearchmagos, @cryptid-s-wips, @space-cadead, @asablehart, @writingamongther0ses, @toribookworm22, @calicojackofficial, @westcountrygothic, @mz-elysium, @wearfinethingsalltoowell, @blind-the-winds, @happystarfishnightmare, @littlepatchofhell, @spookyceph, @jamieanovels, @thatndginger, @aesa, @theskeletonprior, @citruswords, @reowrites, @highlycosmic, @make-the-heteros-upseteros-2022, @blackwidow2005, @ellatholmes, @chayscribbles, @likegemstone, @navarenwizard, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @toboldlywrite, @thelittlestspider, @maggiefromspace, @shireduchess, @jess-p-edits, @orphicpoieses, @moonandris, @alwaysastrophel, @neshamahs, @kingsinking, @eternalwritingstudent, @gailynovelry, @writingforevren, @unholyspaceprophet, @bittenthehand, @eli-writes-sometimes, @ashirisu, @harrison-abbott
And @alistonjdrake I know we’re not mutuals but I’m a fan of yours so 👉👈 🥺
Now, there are almost certainly followers/writeblrs I’m forgetting, so if that’s you, know I didn’t do it purpose and yes this tag game is for you too. In fact, it’s for everyone who’d like to join in!
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
Prisoner of Zion: Rabbi Yosef Mendelevitch
Returned to his roots
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Rabbi Yosef Mendelevitch was a Jew in Soviet Russia who accomplished the seemingly impossible: he practiced his religion despite intense persecution, and inspired those around him – even in prison – with Jewish teachings and practice.
Born in Riga in 1947, Yosef was raised with only scraps of knowledge about the Jewish tradition because the Soviets destroyed all organized religion, holy books, and ritual objects. His family had a Passover seder, but didn’t have Haggadahs, so his father told the story from memory. The harsh conditions and persecution of Jews led Yosef to apply for an exit visa to go to Israel. He didn’t know much about Judaism or Israel. He later said, “I was not being honest with myself. I thought, ‘Yosef, you are struggling to go to Israel, but for what reason? You claim that you would like to go back to your roots, to Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, but they were religious. If you know that is the truth, why aren’t you keeping mitzvot (Jewish law)?”
Yosef started becoming religious, and he joined the Jewish underground movement in the 1960’s. He was able to get some prayer books and a Chumash (Five Books of Moses) in a Russian translation. He started a Bible study group and became editor of an underground newsletter on Jewish issues. For his religious activities, Yosef was sent to prison for eleven years. He was brutally beaten for refusing to remove his kippa (yarmulke). Yosef served with famous Jewish dissident Natan Sharansky. The men were kept in solitary confinement and communicated through toilet bowls and radiators.
Separated from his family, Yosef created familial relationships with his fellow prisoners. He became the unofficial rabbi of the group. Every week, he would save bread for Friday night, when he would lay out a white tablecloth to celebrate Shabbat, and share words of Torah. Yosef was punished by receiving less food rations. He later said, “I wouldn’t let it bother me; I wouldn’t let them limit my free will. When they gave me my allotted portion, I would deliberately leave some over – making it my decision how much to eat, not theirs.”
As Yosef languished in a Siberian prison, he became a cause celebre for Jews around the world who were passionately advocating for “refuseniks”. These activist Jews held protests and raised money to smuggle Jewish books into the Soviet Union. Yosef was known as the “Prisoner of Zion.” Finally, in 1981, Yosef was allowed to immigrate to Israel. He became a rabbi and popular public speaker, and wrote a best-selling memoir called Unbroken Spirit. He said, “I wrote my book to show how, with the help of Hashem (God), it is possible for even an assimilated Jewish boy living in Soviet Russia to find his Jewish neshamah (soul). It is my hope that the next generation of Jews will read the book and think, ‘If a simple Jew like Yosef Mendelevitch could do it, I can too.'”
For maintaining his faith in God despite religious persecution, and for inspiring Jews around the world, we honor Rabbi Yosef Mendelevitch as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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torahtot · 10 months
i drafted a little thing about the prayer elokai neshamah and the translation of the word taharah who wants to see :3
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brother-hermes · 1 year
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Are the foundation of the known Universe because they are the principles of polarity:
“Like and Unlike are the same- opposites identical in nature, but different in degree. All extremes meet, all truths are but half-truths, all paradoxes can be reconciled”
Consider EL (power) moving into ELoHIM (majesty of being in this instance). The two being bridged together via Lust describes their relationship connecting via the 19th Path. We can traverse 19 “by loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.”
CUPS EXIST WITHIN BE’RIYAH where Neshamah- consciousness- is rooted. Since our consciousness is an extension of the Divine consciousness of Hayyah we can assume traversing this path requires we learn how to express the Divine Love overflowing from Chesed into Gevurah. Such a journey implies that we are to learn how to treat others with the same kindness we would treat divinity with. Why? Because divinity is all there is and anything we do to others is only being done to ourselves.
This is the expression of spiritual discipline in real time. Reading books is great. Meditating is great. “Religion that is pure and underlies before God is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
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sarahlizziewrites · 1 year
7 snippets, 7 people!
I was tagged by @elizaellwrites - thanks! This is a new game for me :)
I'm giving a snippet from each of the first 7 chapters of The Adventures of Sitora Lux - but each focusing on a different side character. This serves double duty in me not having to post recent work which is all...mega spoilery lol.
Raelynn took her hand and dipped her forehead towards it, tucking one boot behind the other in a curtsey. “Extremely charmed to make your acquaintance, Sitora.” As Raelynn lifted her head and was smiling with a huge grin, Sitora thought that maybe she was the charmed one.
The sandy-haired boy glanced around, trying to find the person he was speaking about. “There,” he said eventually, pointing at a dark-skinned boy with an undercut and dreadlocks pulled into a top knot. He had a proud posture, his shoulders held back, and a serious expression. They watched as another male student took his arm and led him to the darkness of the cloister and he followed, intent.
Trixanra didn’t have a response to that. Lance continued: “First, what weapons will you be using?” “Sword,” Sitora said immediately, at the exact same time that Trix confidently answered: “Spear.” They looked at each other then, their expressions mirroring each others’ keenness to compete.
Master McKinnon threw his head back and laughed, but nonetheless, halted ten feet from her and brought his sword to his hip. "I shan't go easy on you this time."
“My mother tongue is that of the Undercity; my appearance,” Master Aaren gave them a coy look, “required no alteration in order to blend in below the streets of Brightfield. Soon, I had located a thread of possibility, and followed where it led. Sure enough, the cult was located. In the face of our party, and once the badly beaten, but still ferocious, Master Corris was freed, the cultists fled."
“There’s war brewing abroad.” He chewed over the word ‘war’ like it was stuck to his gums. Sitora peered at him, sighing a little. Đindic predicted a new war every few years; it had become as regular as the setting sun.
The knight turned his eyes on her, silvery-white and glowering. Sitora couldn't see his pupils: his eyes were purely a glowing white light that bored through her with terrible might. She felt the overwhelming urge to cower; to flee. She had never been so sure that she would lose a fight.
Tagging: @athemarina (welcome, hi!), @frankensteinshimbo, @vacantgodling, @cmoroneybooks, @late-to-the-fandom, @emdop, @neshamahs
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izzyspussy · 1 year
Tagged by @words-after-midnight to find the given words in my WIP(s). Their words for me are minute, dare, fresh, ahead, and none.
"You feared me when you got here," Fiona reminds him, matter-of-fact. Kieran's first instinct is to deny it, and then to apologize. A shallow well of guilt opens up in his belly, even though the memory seems distant. A feeling from years ago rather than minutes.
from One Feeling Only draft 2, complete at 5k Sign up here to be tagged when I publish this story.
September is muggy just about anywhere in the country. So neither of them have bothered to put a stitch of clothing back on even inside in the A/C, and Eddie has been petting the hair on Richie's thighs while Richie lights up. Richie waits for a moment, thinking that Eddie is going to dare him to answer the door like this, knowing he'll do it if Eddie tells him to. Eddie smiles like he was considering it, but then hands Richie a pair of shorts.
from gold rush (IT fic), currently 26k Sign up here to be tagged when I post this or other IT fics.
"Ah," Stede says finally, once it's fully sunk into his sleep-slow brain that Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach wets the bed, and has wet him too in the process. "Well. Not to worry, I'll just make us a fresh pot, shall I?"
from The Drowning (OFMD fic), currently 1k Sign up here to be tagged when I post this or other OFMD fics.
In the next fifteen or twenty minutes, Richie somehow manages to request, receive, and drink two fingers of whiskey. He's left sitting on top of a busted amp, staring straight ahead while everyone bustles by around him, like a lost child. The show is canceled, refunds and comp tickets announced which Steve will arrange for on Monday. The theater is emptied and the sound set taken down and packed away. An apology is tweeted to Richie's account, by someone who is not Richie.
from gold rush
The townspeople say all kinds of things about him too. The man who lives between the cliffside and the woods, who avoids your eye and never speaks loudly enough, could just as easily be a cautionary legend as any fairy tale. And none of that is true. It seems unkind now that Kieran ever believed such nasty things about Fiona even though he had never met her.
from One Feeling Only
I tag @magic-is-something-we-create @avi-why @fearofahumanplanet @haileypiperfights and @neshamahs. My words for y'all are name, humble, wide, duck, and strike.
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lord-fallen · 2 years
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penguin classics tag game
thank you for tagging me @aninkwellofnectar here are the mock covers for two of my wips which i thought would suit the aesthetic well.
TAGGING @lachiffon @ferrariwrites @honeywisteria @neshamahs @maximillian-rex @tiredyouths @mellifluas @cryptidsandqueers @whumpkinpie @chishiio @tobiaswriting @ikilledmyocs @bebewrites
how to: this website allows you make a cover for you in the style of the penguin classics covers
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chishiio · 2 years
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penguin classics tag game: heavy as stone
i’ve had these in my drafts for a while so i’m glad for an opportunity to share them!! i will forever have this bookmarked for future use lmao
thanks for the tags @lord-fallen @writingbyricochet & @aninkwellofnectar ♡
i’m tagging @westcountrygothic @asablehart @redotter @neshamahs @equusgirl-writes @houndmouthed @calicojackofficial @thepixiediaries @theonorth @bebewrites @kaiusvnoir​ & anyone else because it’s very fun :’)
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talonabraxas · 11 days
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The Four Worlds Talon Abraxas
The function of the Four Worlds in the evolution of matter is identical to the function of the the four levels of the human soul. They are the delineation of the evolution of matter from the pure, amorphous spiritual Substance, or light, that was the first emanation of the Creator, into the solid tangible matter that makes up the form of physically perceivable universe in which we live.
Atziluth—The Archetypical World The first and highest of the Four Worlds, corresponding to Fire of the elements, Chiah of the soul, and Yod of the Tetragrammaton, is called Atzilut. The term Atzilut is usually translated as "Emanation", but literally means "closeness". This is the "World", or primordial Substance which is the first emanation out of God's unique and pure Essence, and is therefore the "World" closest to Divinity. This Substance corresponds to Philosophic Fire, which - as opposed to literal fire - is best described as "living light". The Substance of "living light" is intangible and has no definite, specific Form, but its dynamic qualities of vitality and illumination are distinguishable. Life and light are the two qualities that must be postulated as being prevalent in any Divinely creative act. Since these qualities can be discerned as having existence distinct from Essential Divinity, the emanation of the primal "living light" (Substance) is the preliminary phase of Divine Creation. This phase is what is called Atzilut. As this is the primal spiritual Substance from which all other matter evolves, it corresponds to that which is called Chiah in the evolution of souls.
Briah—The Creative World The next phase, corresponding to Water of the elements, Neshamah of the soul, and the first Heh of the Tetragrammaton, is called the World of Briah, which translates as "Creation". Like Neshamah, the function of Briah is to define specific Form and function in the amorphous energy of Atzilut. This is the evolutionary stage where matter begins to condense, "solidify", and to acquire specific, distinguishable qualities of it's own. This is because the Divine Unity is indivisible. Specification, which is division from that Unity, cannot be classified as Divine because the condensation of primal Substance into specific Form begins to occur at this stage. Thus, Briah corresponds to Neshamah, the stage where the human soul acquires individual personality and identity.
Yetzirah—The Formative World It must be understood that Briah is a purely embryonic stage where specification and differentiation are applied only in an abstract sense, identifying the potential function of specific Forms and forces. The actual separation and division of these different qualities occurs in the next phase of evolution, called Yetzirah, which literally translates as "Formation". The world of Yetzirah corresponds to Air of the elements, Ruach of the soul, and Vau of the Tetragrammaton. As Air is generally associated with the intellect, this is the stage where differentiation of qualities (analysis) is applied to matter, and where these qualities are combined (synthesis) and Formed into archetypal conceptual compositions with a view towards various specific applications. This is the function of the human intellect with which an individual theoretically experiments with various courses of action with the intellect and comes to a decision that the individual thinks will best serve the primal motivation or desire. Yetzirah corresponds to Ruach in that this is the stage where a specific compound is identified and given personal existence in the same way that an individual human personality is given identity and necessitates a physical vehicle.
Assiah—The Material World Here we come naturally to the fourth and final stage of development, called Assiah, which translates as "Action". The World of Assiah corresponds to Earth of the elements, Nefesh of the soul, the human body, and the final Heh of the Tetragrammaton. Assiah is the actual physical universe in which all things live and carry out their functions. This is the final proving ground where all the preceding Worlds and Spheres are actualized. The results are judged according to how well they perform their intended purpose, which is conceived in Briah and gestates and takes Form in Yetzirah. In correspondence, the human body is the proving ground of the soul, where the soul is evaluated according to how well it fulfills it's intended purpose (Thelemically, the Higher, or Pure, Will).
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