grandmasickomode · 2 years
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"Young Master... I have done NOTHING but sacrifice for your well being. And what do I have to show for it? Apathy! Derision and constant falsehoods! And NO ONE takes your safety seriously!"
"So if I must sacrifice every last drop of my magic and being to make sure you are never in harm's way... THEN SO BE IT!"
"Allow me to Overblot to prove my loyalty!"
This took so many days to do, but man I love the concept of Overblot Sebek willingly Overblotting to try and protect Malleus. Thanks to @twistedtavern to suggesting the idea that he put Malleus in a tower ( read: Diasomnia dorm ) and prevent anyone from 'rescuing' him.
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ryllen · 6 months
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julicity · 2 years
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... Eh?
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weirdmango8 · 6 months
I got procreate and felt like doodling ch 7 stuff
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I’m happy with how Silver’s eyes came out
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amiko14 · 9 months
Fighting overblot malleus
Sebek: unfortunately, there’s no way we can do this
Ace, Deuce and y/n: fortunately, you’re wrong
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suntails · 1 year
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stream of creation
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dropdeadgorgeos · 3 months
Why hasn't Kalim overblotted?
Why hasn't Ruggie overblotted?
Why hasn't Epel overblotted?
Why hasn't Cater overblotted?
Why hasn't Lilia overblotted?
Why hasn't Trey overblotted?
Why hasn't Sebek overblotted?
Why hasn't Deuce overblotted?
[Ace would to if he could!!]
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Diasomnia is so nice and happy and nothing bad will happen. (What do you mean I forgot to draw someone? If I did they were probably just not invited to the scene)
So, chapter 7 huh? XD not to say I'm excited but I have been lurking around the fandom without posting anything about it and this cracked me so yeah, not at all excited to see if we get some nice angsty character development in the form of overblotting for my boi Draconia
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agisleepy · 6 months
Everyone after the update:
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Made with:imgflip.com
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savanaclawzz · 9 months
(Spoilers for the twst books)
Random npc: _____ is overblotting!
Yuu: oh word? Sebek shock the shit outta them.
Sebek: *fucking taser noises*
Like sebek could’ve stopped so much if he just decided to give the overblot boys a little push. Oh leona is about to murder ruggie? Tase him. Riddle is about to impale cater? Tase him. Jamil just launched everybody halfway across the desert? TASE HIM.
The mc wouldn’t have become fucking homeless 7 times if this alligator bitch actually did something
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
A deal you say?
summary: In a odd turn of events seemingly from how magicless you are you could possibly be their one way ticket out of this place. Do you still want to continue on travler their is no turning back after this point on?
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“ So have you come to apologize or just come crying back to us once again?” the tyrants voice echoed in the eerie dark room.
All the multi glowing eyes peered down onto the three. Each one filled with a venomous stare or one of curiosity.
“ Let’s just get this over with. You’ve already ruined my nap so this better be good.” One of them yawned out with a growl.
“ Oh the humiliation! You’re all already drowning within guilt how will you redeem yourselves worthy of redemption?” Another cackled before anxiously biting their nails.
“ I think we should have just thrown them to the ends of the world by now for their failures!” Another hissed gleefully.
“ Oh keep your damn snakes in your pants you freak! I’m intrigued as to why they now have the courage to show their pathetic faces here.” Another seethed at the scummy snake. “ Let’s just hear them out I’d like to see why my dearest Epel is even back here.” He chuckled with a venomous tone of the purple headed man.
As they all chattered among themselves deciding whether or not to hear the group out one of the horned members only sat there in the darkened corner. Curious to see who’s glistening eyes they could see behind the creeped doors. For he paid no mind to the others endless bickering only staring back into the brave eyes that stared back into his. It’s such a shame this poor being won’t last a single day here. It’s even the first time someone has ever looked into his eyes without immediately looking away. Oh well all good things must go eventually. Meanwhile as you stared into the emerald eyes the two men behind you soon pulled you over to them. Causing you to make a small squeak as the green haired guard squeezed your arm. “Sebek lay off on the grip will you? We want them in perfect condition at least.” He growled making Sebek let go immediately with a nod before muttering a ‘ you’re lucky filthy mortal’.
The five of them had brought you here with obvious intentions. They all had an unspoken plan that had the hairs on your back standing. If only you hadn’t grabbed that forsaken hand in the first place. You were eventually brought out of your heads anxious overlapping throughs from a blood curdling hollar.
“ ENOUGH! Let’s settle this like reasonable people and whoever agrees to see what’s so redeeming of the idiots say ‘I’. The tyrant spoke through his teeth with a fake smile.
Four of the throned members said I as the majority had been ruled. The tyrant now eagerly told them to get on with whatever it was. You gulped as the two muscular men brought you to the middle of the room. As if you were on display for all to see. They all huddled in shushed whispers except for the horned man in the darkness. For he only smiled at you with a smirk in his eyes as he softly gazed upon you. “ My king and liege’s I present a mere mortal that his no magic nor any blot on them!” Sebek announced quickly bowing at their presences. “ Well who are you? State your business here! Go on we don’t have all day!” The tyrant spoke up. “ I…uh _______ ______…I um have no business here.” You shrugged horsely from your dry throat. They all just glared at you with curiosity? Or plotting ways to kill you perhaps as the deadly silence dripped in the atmosphere like poison. But the dark figures emerald eyes looked at you almost adoringly. He just sat in the shadows unbothered by the others. One of them had finally come up out of their thrones. “ Huh well _______ you’re quite a rarity here. Due to our hideous cursed blot we’re all stuck like this for eternity.” the blond said coming over to you tilting up your chin “ but you could perhaps be out ticket out of this place.~” he purred as he analyzed your features. ” That is if you cooperate with us.” A lion eared man added on with a smirk. ” Fufufu~! Finally freedom from this hell hole~ How about we make a contracted deal my dear.” A half human and half octopus said to you. “ Ugh! It’s exactly like you peasants to just swarm some other normie!” The robotic man groaned rolling his eyes. ” Oh hush wouldn’t you be excited for the chance of freedom and vengeance!?” The snake haired man raised an eye browl to the robotic man. As they continued to swarm you a sudden unknown voice range out from the shadows. “ I think you’ve all hogged the Child of Man enough. For it would be rude to not formally introduce ourselves now wouldn’t it?
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Hope you all enjoyed the second part to this and are having an amazing day/ hope your day gets better
Sincerely- Cup1dT3a <3
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julicity · 2 years
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full size version
Please see the full sized version linked above! Since it’s been compressed pretty badly here...
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And here’s a version without the unnecessary lightning background, and a face close-up without the glow effects.
ALRIGHT, so this is one of the biggest pieces I’ve done in a long while. I put a lot of work into this so I hope you all enjoy~
I’ve got a lot to say about this one, so read at your own leisure lol.
I think it’s worth leaving notes on my design choices for this one, so I’ll start with that.
First of all, Sebek's character is based off of lightning/thunder (obviously) and also Maleficent's crocodile minion, the latter which I incorporated more parts of (like the halberd and the pointed coattails like his croc tail). Also his phantom would be based on the croc minion character.
I originally wanted to give him more actual crocodile features, like a tail or scales or something, but it wasn't really working out the way I wanted, so I scrapped it.
Most OB’s have long, ripped clothing so I gave him more of a cloak akin to Maleficent’s, the shape of the collar specifically being the same as hers.
I added some spikes on the coat like crocodiles have down their back and tail.
I really like the leg pieces that Riddle & Leona had for their OB’s, and the weaving pattern also happens to make a zigzag lightning shape, so it fits.
I also like the OB designs that have super drippy blot on their arms.
Some things are just copied from his dorm uniform, like the waistband and belts, and the shoulder armour (not the spools of thread though...).
The left shoulder armour doesn't exist in the normal dorm uniform. OB Sebek has one made of blot because Sebek's biggest insecurity is that he's incomplete and will never be good enough due to being half-blood and he wants to be whole T^T
Lightning-shaped blot markings on his face of course. Mostly I just tried to make something that didn't look ugly... 
Lastly, I wanted to make his hair messier, but it would end up covering his beautiful face so I let it remain swept back - 3- (aka I couldn’t make it look nice).
So in terms of why Sebek might OB... he clearly has an intense, unresolved internal hatred for his human blood, due to the environment he grew up in. And the way he copes with these emotions is by taking it out on the people around him. It just seems like with the intensity of these feelings, if he were to keep it internalized, it would completely destroy him from the inside. And he just has NOT had the chance or know-how to learn to accept himself and therefore others. So of course, this is something he needs to work on but he definitely cannot do it alone. I think something traumatic does need to happen for him to realize and learn from his ways honestly. In terms of the canon, this will probably be due to Malleus' overblot or whatever shenanigans will happen in Book 7.... but Sebek himself overblotting would do just as well.
I think this fic does a really good job with building up Sebek's OB and his mindset throughout it all getting worse and worse... --> READ HERE It’s still in progress at the moment of posting but the after-blot plot is really wholesome too for us Sebek fans. EVEN IF you are not one you should still give it a read. (Just for full disclosure, my OB design is not based on the one described in this fic.)
Thank you for reading my rambles. I’ve got more angst coming ;>
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nightmareissweet · 9 months
damn, I just now realized why Lilia is dreaming of his time as a general, because Malleus's mother and father died at that time, he felt guilty that he could not save them, that's why he is dreaming of that time, now that he is inside his dream of that general time He wants to save Malleus' parents so that he can be with his friends again, and here Malleus wants to stay with Lilia in dream so that Malleus can live in the memory of lilia in the dream with his parents and be happy ,and he also said "you all will become the main characters of a fairy tale" so in the dream Lilia is going to be a hero and save the Malleus parents.
(Sorry if my English is not good 😔)
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violetlunette · 2 months
Twst spoilers for book 7
I wonder if Lilia still would have tried to leave if he lost his magic when Silver was younger. I don’t think Lilia would abandon Silver before he reached double digits, but 12 and up, maybe? Boy, imagine Silver and Sebek going through everything they do in book 7 when they’re actual kids. Like, how the heck would they convince General Lilia to take them with him? (Aside from him secretly being weak to the angel/puppy eyes?) What do you think? You think Lilia would still consider going east if Silver was younger? Or do you think Lilia was only leaving because Silver was nearly an adult. And just for fun, how do you think Book 7 would play out with young Silver and Sebek?
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People misunderstood overblot boys so much, I want to send them twst character analysis
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wonderlandhour · 21 days
Ok, call me crazy, but I have a theory. And it might not necessarily be a theory, maybe just an observance, but I noticed something with Malleus Overblot.
Warning - Spoilers for Book 7
So as we all know, the main plot point that leads up to Malleus overblotting is Lilia leaving NRC due to a loss of his magic. But over the books, I've noticed something. In Book 6 we learn that overblots are less a sudden intense outpouring of blot and negative emotion, and more like the tipping point of an amalgamation of years of buildup. I find that made a lot of sense with what I'd noticed, because with the blot gathering cut scenes, even in parts where it seems like things are going pretty well (like with Azul, Jamil, and Leona all having the upper hand until almost the very last moment), it gives a sense of dread and things taking a darker turn.
And while some of them make a lot of sense (Vil's ever growing obsession and losses to Neige or Riddle's constant fights with the main gang and his own dorm), in the instances where the blot buildup doesn't makes sense, Book 6 fave it clarity.
But I noticed that there's always a tipping point. A snap where you can see the character in question starts acting differently or odd. Riddle was violent and sudden, all of them were. But Azul was the first and most obvious example of this snap that I noticed. Leona destroys everything he worked so hard for, it cuts back to us and the tweels, and when we get back to Octanivelle, Azul's gone batshit. Literally. He snapped in every sense of the word. Riddle's snap wasn't obvious to me aside from the absurdity of Ace punching him, until I looked back. Riddle's snap was Trey going against him. Leona's was finding out he not only got found out, but got foiled. Jamil's was thinking the whole world saw his plans (which I believe was actually less just his own plans getting fucked but also a reaction to the fact that if he got found out by thr Asim's, his family might not survive their wrath but that's for another time.) Vil's snap wasn't even what lead up to him attempting to poison Neige, because he acts normal right after when Rook takes the juice. His snap is Kalim stopping him from hurting Rook with said poison. Idia's snap, I don't think was in the underworld talking to the original Ortho. I think Idia's snap was hearing Ortho call him Idy.
But Malleus? While the lead up is all about Lilia's impending leave, his loss of one of his only people. The only person who's been there his whole life. His dad. He's no where near Lilia when he snaps. He's already snapped when he shows up in the party with Silver and talks Maleficent monologuing. You can so easily spot his snap, because similar to Azul, he goes batshit. Silver notices it right away with Malleus laughing suddenly.
The begs the question, why did he snap with Silver. They were talking about Lilia, and Silver was crying, but to me. It didn't feel like that snap was about Lilia. It felt like it was about Silver. I'm one of those people who believes that Malleus and Silver are like brothers. They have a bond like that, even if they don't act on it in cannon. They're supposed to be a prince and bodyguard, those are their roles, and they're good at playing them for a reason. But that's the thing. If that's all they were, why would Silver, who doesn't show that much emotion is general, who's calm and collected, who runs out in what seems like a near panicked state to find Mallsus before Lilia leaves, start bawling his eyes out in front of Malleus. With barely a nudge?
They were both essentially raised by the same man. They are brothers through Lilia. Malleus has almost no one, he clings to Yuu because they treat him as if he were just another person. Just as Lilia does. Just as Silver often does. Sebek is the only one of the group who treats Malleus the way we could expect someone from Briar Valley might. Sebek is a whole other thing, but wouldn't Silver, who was raised by Lilia, who was taken in by his grandmother the queen, who guarded his and acted as her general, treat him similarly?
He does! We see it in events like the Glorious Masquerade, he is still Malleus's bodyguard for a reason! But if Lilia's relationship with Melanor was like Silver's with Malleus, it makes sense that their relationship would reflect that of their parents. And it has the added effect of Malleus being an orphan as well, and as far as I can tell (and an eng player trying to not get too many spoilers), Lilia takes a major role in Malleus's youth. He might not have been there constantly when he was younger, but he was there. And he was the only one who (besides probably his very busy grandmother) didnt treat Malleus as something to be feared or revered.
But what does this all have to do with Malleus snapping and overblotting? Malleus and Silver have a very specific relationship in cannon. Its professional decently often, but it's also soft. Silver will absolutely protect Malleus, but he knows that he doesn't always want or need it. He doesn't need to be observed like a hawk 24/7 if something goes sideways. (Seen in how quickly he and Sebek check on Malleus after the attack in book 6, and how calm Silver is while Sebek is panicking over a missing Malleus he wouldn't leave alone later on).
Malleus barely has to say anything to Silver before he breaks down in tears about everything with Lilia. I know as someone who be very private with what's bothering me, the only person who could get me to break down that hard and that fast would be someone I consider family. Silver so inherently trusts Malleus that he'll sob and cry in front of him with so little. He's desperate and shattering. The only person he let see that was Malleus.
Then Malleus laughs, and Silver's caught of guard. That basically proved that this is his snap, because it pretty much fully implies that this is out of character for the prince. Silver would take the laughter and the teleporation is sride. Instead he's shocked and bewildered through both of those things, confused when they show up at Diasomnia.
Malleus only goes back and quickly overblots because he'd already hit the point of overblotting. But it required blot, and he hadn't used any magic for that blot like everyone else until he got back and everyone started fighting him. He overblotted because losing Lilia killed him. But he didn't Overblot until the only other person beside the newcomer Yuu (who was also trying to figure out how to leave him) who treated him like a normal person expressed his exact feelings.
Neither brother wanted their dad to leave, but Lilia was leaving, and it broke Silver. And thus, Malleus snapped and overblotted because of Silver.
Anyways I'm not very good at articulating myself sometimes but this is just a long-winded way of saying I think malleus actually only fully overblotted because his little brother sobbed for their dad leaving them and his need for the few people he has was combined with his need to protect them (aka the sweet dreams and forcefullness of them) and Silver's breakdown was just the final straw. He kept Lilia and everyone else via their dreams safe because it meant they were all together and happy.
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