roisinivy · 9 months
September is PCOS Awareness month, and I'd like to point out some of the many symptoms people with PCOS deal with everyday...
moon face
excessive body hair, arm, chests, back, face, legs and buttocks
irregular periods
painful periods
extremely heavy periods
constant bloating
mood swings
struggle to lose weight
struggle to gain weight
food cravings
high cholesterol
insulin resistance
oily skin
sleep apnea
tubular breasts
dark and sensitive underarms
skin tags
belly fat
high testosterone
excessive hair loss
thinning hair
pelvic pain
ovarian cysts
And so much more, as well as having to struggle to even find a doctor who will take any of our symptoms and pain seriously. The medical industry needs to take better care of women, intersex and trans folks with PCOS and Endometriosis.
Our pains are real and we deserve better.
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avalentina · 1 year
The Gift
100% Pure Fluff🧸🧸🧸
Kind of part 2 to A family that just can't be
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Image not mine.
Harry talked you into it. He always does get his way, and even with a little pushback from you, he still got it. You agreed to one, ONE. One singular round of IVF.
"H. I don't care that you don't think it's expensive."
"Yes, I'm sure it's worth it to you if we get to have a baby."
"OH MY GOD, HARRY! Stop trying to turn this into a dirty joke, it's a serious topic H."
"I will not continuously set myself up for heartbreak."
"One. One round, if lightning doesn't strike, then maybe it's just not meant to be."
Harry made all the arrangements, doing it privately, sparing no expense, consulting your OBGYN, wanting to do literally everything possible to ensure that your dream of carrying the child, in addition to both of your dreams of having a family all came true.
"I promised you the world, our world, my love. And nothing will keep me from fulfilling that promise." H had said to you this morning when you woke up. He even went as far as to make your favorite breakfast. He also knows how much you love the Dino, so that was the car you took. Today is the day the fertilized eggs get planted back inside you. Tomorrow you're sleeping in, and then the next day Harry has to leave for a week to do a few more shows, but he'll be back in time for the two week check to see if it took.
Anne was checking in on you, you knew Harry asked her to, he hated the fact that he had to leave. You and Gem were having baby safe girl time almost every night. And when the two week check came, your OBGYN was already tearing up.
Seeing her tears you assumed the worst, and by the looks of it, so did Harry.
"Those better be happy tears like mine." She had said to the two of you.
You and Harry froze, once the words she had said sunk in, you finally regained your ability to speak.
"I…I…I'm actually pregnant?" You said, crying again.
"You 100% are." She replied. Harry couldn't hold it together any longer. He hugged you, then hugged your OBGYN and then hugged you again.
She gave you instructions on what to start watching for, some exercises to help, and everything else she could to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.
When you and H got back to the house, you grazed your fingers along the door handle to the future nursery with a smile on your face as you and Harry celebrated the miracle inside you.
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artistic-shapeshifter · 9 months
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September is PCOS awareness month. I've been hard at work on this comic. I've used my comfort ocs and characters in order to describe my experience with PCOS. I always put a part of myself in my ocs when I make them. In this comic, Pexio is worried he can't help the human he's assigned to as a guardian pinata because he doesn't understand the condition she's been diagnosed with. Ana teaches Pexio and JJ about PCOS and the effects it can have on women mentally, emotionally and physically. (with Sun and Moon's help) If any of my art were to blow up and get a ton of attention, please let it be this comic. I was invalidated, lost and hating myself thanks to my PCOS, other conditions and issues on top of it and...toxicity. I still am. Even with some of the help I'm finally getting after so long. If I can do one thing, I want to touch someone's heart. I want to make them feel seen and valid. I want to give someone else the validation and love that I didn't get. I hope you enjoy the comic :3 I put my heart and soul into it.
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sickvictorianangel · 7 months
Hey guys! I don’t really like asking for anything, but I really need your help.
I have pcos and I am pre-diabetic and I had to change my medication to ozempic. It’s almost 800 BRL and I really can’t afford it now. So, if you guys can reblog this post, it would mean the world to me 🩷
I have all details and better explanation on my ko-fi page.
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martha-oi · 8 months
Hi! Don't mind me this post is just for me and my mental health...
Finally I just got diagnosed with PCOS!
I'm so happy that someone acknowledged my symptoms,unfortynately in Italy this disease is not known enough as it should be,they just say "you are fat,eat less,go for a run,you should be more calm,don't stress".
If you feel sick and you KNOW there is something wrong FIGHT FOR IT! Let them know♥️🌈
Ps. Sorry for my english but I'm happy and sad at the same time and I can't think straight😩
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hlthi · 8 months
the main thing i wish i knew sooner about pcos is that there was a reason why i was so prone to overeating highly palatable foods, and that reason went beyond having a lack of willpower or self control. people with pcos tend to have a lot of intolerances to common foods (i.e. gluten and dairy) and we are very sensitive to sugar. eating sugar (in one of the many forms it exists in our food) or a food we’re intolerant to can throw off our hunger signals for days. (people are prone to crave the foods they’re intolerant to, and it gets more complex when you consider theories around absorption.)
having food that your body doesn’t agree with can leave you hungry and trying to pacify it, but many of us do not get proper education on what is actually a balanced meal for someone with pcos. the healthy food industry is deceptive and dishonest. foods i thought were healthy included granola bars (ridiculously high in sugar), most cereal (lots of wheat and sugar and nutritionally void), fruit juice (strips fruit of the fiber and just leaves behind the sugar), and so many other common suggestions that are not actually good for everyone. not to mention eating these foods usually leaves you extremely fatigued and can trigger other disruptive symptoms.
this is the awful cycle of trying to eat better, but accidentally eating a food that doesn’t agree with your body, and then feeling dissatisfied/ill with lots of cravings. this is why i always recommend that you start with monitoring sugar, identifying your intolerances, and learning how to create balanced meals if you have pcos.
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beenovel · 3 months
The pills I’m taking rn: DO YOUR FUCKING JOB
Me: *feels like I’m dying*
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kiestrokes · 6 months
After 4 years of actively trying to figure out what is going on with my uterus. 4 different primary care doctors. 3 different OBGYN’s. Countless internal ultrasounds.
We have an official PCOS diagnosis and plan to fix it, that does not involve birth control (because before anything else I am a migraine sufferer first).
All of this to say, if you’re having these problems just keep searching until you find a doctor who will listen to you. Don’t be afraid to question them.
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quinn-the-brain · 4 months
I have pcos (at least I think my doctor confirmed it?) and I have been wanting to lose weight.
Every single resource I see is all about how you need to change your entire diet because of how your body processes things and so on.
Not only is this so overwhelming for me to hear but very annoying. I just want to eat what I like without having to constantly worry about how my body will react
Idk what to do I want to be healthy and lose weight but
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tundesjourney · 1 month
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
More about me
I have insulin-resistant PCOS. So far I've visibly lost weight through walking and eating more vegetables. I don't check my weight on a scale it does nothing for me personally. I currently struggle with hirsutism which for those who don't know is basically excess male-patterned hair growth. I'm a super girly woman and I also hate pain so it's been tough dealing with that.
I've healed my relationship with my mom and also with how I view men over about 7 months. Obviously, it's been a lifelong process, but since, I started my podcast, "Tunde's Burner, my mindset took a turn for the better.
I want to get back in the gym to have a "sexy" back and bigger glutes. I don't currently have a gym so I'm doing the most with my two 5lbs dumbbells I stole from my mom (LOL) and my resistance bands.
I am a spiritual/highly intuitive person. This is my way of retreating while still being connected in some way. I've always wanted to just post my cute pictures on Pinterest and go live a fulfilling life. I think me going this route will lead me right back to where I left off. Such is the alchemist's journey.
I'll be posting what I eat, insights I gather along the way, progress pics, pictures from my travels, etc.
This will be a mixture of a moodboard/manifestation journal and me documenting the most pivotal changes in my life.
Thanks for coming along.
With love,
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
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roisinivy · 9 months
PCOS & Mental Health
Those with PCOS are far more likely to experience depression, anxiety, eating disorders and experience struggles with body image. Reported rates of depression is up to 80% and anxiety 76.7%.
In the UK it is recommended that adults are routinely screened for mental health disorders, particularly for those with long term health issues, mental health guidelines do not currently recognise those with PCOS as being high risk for anxiety and depression.
PCOS affects us in so many ways physically, but the mental affects can have an even worse effect on us, which then impacts the severity of our physical symptoms.
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avalentina · 1 year
A Family That Just Can't Be
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Image is not mine.
Word Count: 596
Warning- This one gets personal. I recently found out that I have PCOS, for those of you that don't know what it is, it's Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, it means there are a bunch of little cysts in my ovaries that cause a buildup of blood. (I was bleeding for almost 6 consecutive weeks). 70-80% of women with PCOS can not get pregnant. So I wanted to write a little blurb about it. I hope y'all enjoy. (Personally, I'm just happy to not be constantly bleeding anymore)
You may shed tears, don't worry, it is a totally normal reaction to denying our beloved Harry the family he so deserves, even when it is out of both of their control.
Now, to the blurb:
"Y/N, I'm home." Harry sings as he walks into his London mansion. When he doesn't get a response, he starts to get a little bit worried.
"Y/N? Darling? Love?" He asks into every room he checks. Finally he pokes his head into a pastel coral painted room, the room the two had decided would someday be their nursery.
Sitting on the plush white rug was his beautiful wife, "Y/N?" He asked. She was staring out the window, but her mind was lost in space after hours of crying. Which H noticed once he sat down next to her and turned her head so he could kiss her.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, she winced at the pet name and curled further into herself.
"Love, you're scaring me." H said.
"H, I can't be here anymore." She finally croaked out. "I can't do this." She added before getting up. She wanted to burn this entire room, the room they had been trying for nearly a year to fill.
"I caved H, I caved and went to my OBGYN today. It's never going to happen for us."
"GOD, I'M SUCH A FUCKING FAILURE!" She screamed and punched the wall.
"Woah. Woah woah woah. Sshhh, everything's going to be alright." H cooed and she whipped on him.
"Hey, we just have to keep trying, it'll happen for us someday."
"OH MY GOD H, DON'T YOU GET IT, IT WON'T! It won't ever happen for us H, it won't happen because I can't, I can't get pregnant H, I'm infertile." She yelled but her yells became sobs. Harry was speechless, he felt his own knees go weak.
Sitting them back down on the floor, this time with her in his lap, he just held her, wanting to give her every ounce of strength he had. He could feel how broken she felt.
"I have PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which basically just means that my ovaries are full of tiny little cysts that won't let anything through. I can ovulate, albeit not for long, and not as often, you can come inside of me as many times as you want, but no matter what, your sperm will never touch my eggs, let alone latch onto one.
"There are other options, love." He whispered.
"Except those other options don't involve me having our child growing inside me."
"Listen love, I love you. Yes we wanted a family, I wanted to be a dad and teach our kids how to dance, and take them on trips all over the world, change all of their stinky diapers, drop them off to school on their first day, and watch your belly grow with a life the two of us created. But as long as I have you, I will always be the happiest man alive."
For the rest of the afternoon, the two sat there, mourning the loss of the family they never got the chance to have.
Sorry for the tear-jerker.
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icareheal · 4 months
PCOS: Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a common hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. It is characterized by the presence of multiple cysts on the ovaries, as well as a range of symptoms that can have a significant impact on a woman's quality of life. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for PCOS, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this condition.
What is PCOS?
PCOS is a condition that affects the female reproductive system. It occurs when the ovaries produce excess androgens, which are male hormones typically found in smaller amounts in women. This hormonal imbalance can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle and lead to the growth of small cysts on the ovaries.
Causes of PCOS
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but several factors may contribute to its development. These include:
Genetics: PCOS tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic link.
Insulin Resistance: Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance occurs when the body's cells become less responsive to the effects of insulin, leading to an overproduction of the hormone and an increase in androgen levels.
Hormonal Imbalance: Women with PCOS produce higher levels of androgens and lower levels of estrogen, which can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle.
Symptoms of PCOS
PCOS can manifest differently in each individual, but some common symptoms include:
Irregular or Absent Menstrual Periods: Hormonal imbalances can cause irregular or infrequent menstruation.
Excess Hair Growth: Increased androgen levels can stimulate the growth of excess facial and body hair.
Acne: PCOS-related hormonal imbalances can lead to the development of acne on the face, chest, and upper back.
Weight Gain: Many women with PCOS struggle with weight gain and find it difficult to lose weight.
Fertility Issues: PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility in women due to the disruption of the ovarian function.
Diagnosis and Treatment
If you suspect you may have PCOS, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. A doctor will typically perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and may order further tests, such as blood tests or ultrasound, to confirm a diagnosis.Treatment options for PCOS focus on managing symptoms and reducing the risk of long-term complications. These may include:
Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help regulate hormone levels and improve symptoms.
Medications: Birth control pills, anti-androgen medications, and insulin-sensitizing drugs are commonly prescribed to manage PCOS symptoms.
Fertility Treatments: For women struggling with infertility, fertility treatments such as ovulation induction or in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be recommended.
PCOS is a complex condition that can have wide-ranging effects on a woman's health and well-being. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for PCOS, individuals can take control of their health and work with healthcare professionals to manage their condition effectively. If you suspect you may have PCOS, it is essential to seek medical guidance for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan to improve your quality of life. Remember, early intervention and ongoing management are key to living well with PCOS.
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heenbeneen · 7 months
The courage to try again.
This post is the restart of my PCOS journey. I felt like I fell off the rails a bit and just let myself have whatever whenever and skipped meals again.
So this is my starting point and I’m hoping this little blog spot will keep me honest and encourage me to push past the tricky parts and maybe even help someone who sees this later.
I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t spend 20mins looking for the pro Ana pages I used to scroll as a teenager hoping to find that perfect diet that will make things quick. But that’s not something I want to glamorise as a “quick fix” mentally ever again I feel like I’m in the right headspace to seriously change my habits and make progress.
So here’s the go
- Metformin (Daily)
- Ozempic (Weekly)
I’m still unsure of ozempic I know metformin will probably make me shit my pants at some point as I’ve tried it before and felt like my insides could explode but we are slowly increasing the dose so that doesn’t happen again but ozempic I’ve been on almost a year (as prescribed by my endo) and I haven’t seen much results although I’m not on full doses yet/haven’t made many changes to habits.
Starting measurements
Height: 170cm
Weight: 150kgs
If anyone ever sees this and has any meal/food suggestions or helpful suggestions in general I’m open to it.
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chasingaprilsrainbow · 2 months
Impatiently Patiently Waiting
This is my partner and I's first cycle really trying.
I've been using the Clearblue Ovulation tests and I'm starting to get nervous. I have had a flashing smiley for two days and it's driving me crazy. I mean I know I'm still fertile, but I am just waiting for that solid. I'm not sure if the ovulation testing is more nerve-wracking of it the two week wait is more nerve-wracking.
Here's hoping this is the cycle! Send lots of baby dust lovlies!
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boobsmcgeeed · 3 months
75 hard: days 4&5
Work has been crazy stressful and I’ve thought I was a day ahead all week but I still have managed to stick to stick to the plan!
I’ve done Pilates at home the last 2 days while watching tv and I don’t why I wasn’t doing this the whole time! I know I’m not paying as much attention the entire time as if I were in a class or at the gym so I stretched the workout to an hour and a half which I still enjoyed.
I’ve still struggled with my nausea so eating in the morning has been difficult. I eat enough to make sure my meds don’t eat my stomach and then I’ve added an extra snack later in the day to make up for it. I’m still not eating as many calories as I would like and certainly not as much protein as I want. But I’ve been planning meals for the Friday grocery run so hopefully next week I’ll be able to up that.
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