seri-41 · 1 month
I know many of you have established the spelling of ‘Hisashi’ and I’m not a native Japanese speaker so tell me if I’m wrong-
There is more to this!!!!!
Let's break down the name HISASHI:
久 (Hi/Kyu):
This character means "long time" or "longevity." It signifies endurance, permanence, and continuity. It reflects the idea of something that has lasted for a long time and will continue to endure into the future. In the context of a name, it can convey wishes for a long and prosperous life.
志 (Shi):
This character carries the meaning of "will," "purpose," or "aspiration." It suggests determination, ambition, and the pursuit of one's goals or dreams. It reflects the individual's inner drive and motivation to achieve something meaningful or significant.
Combining these characters, "Hisashi" can be interpreted as expressing the enduring will or determination, embodying the idea of steadfastness and perseverance in pursuing one's aspirations or goals over a long period of time.
It's important to note that Japanese names can be written in different ways using alternative kanji characters (called ateji), each carrying its own nuances and connotations.
Variations of "Hisashi" might include:
尚志: "Nao" meaning "esteem" or "still" and "shi" meaning "will" or "ambition." This combination suggests a strong determination or ambition that is highly esteemed or respected.
久史: "Kyu" meaning "long time" and "shi" meaning "history" or "chronicle." This combination could imply a person with a deep connection to history or someone who is destined to leave a lasting legacy.
久司: "Kyu" also meaning "long time" and "tsukasa" meaning "to administer" or "to rule." This combination might signify someone who governs or guides over a long period with wisdom and authority.
If you find different ways to spell his name a lot more hidden meanings start to appear. Can someone please correct me if I said something wrong??
I swear I’m not delusional-
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Crazy ass motherfucker planned this all from the start I KNOW IT  😭 😭
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Does anyone else wanna talk about how A petty petty man just jeopardize the entire missing, cause he has the most small dick energy
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dysfunctionalcreature · 3 months
here's the thing, I fully believe that Alastor is aroace, but I also believe that he would commit to dating someone if he thought that doing so would be really entertaining. like absolutely Al hates Vox, but if he discovered that calling Vox "babe" made him consistently short-circuit and fry any other nearby VoxTek, I think he would seriously consider starting to call Vox "babe" just to get to see him bluescreen and wreck his own tech
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hejdetermig · 2 years
my parents are begging me to move to florida with them. every person i met in florida just expounds on the greatness of the beach
“have you been to the beach yet?!”
“when are you going to the beach?!!?”
“oh the beach is where it’s at!”
they’re all lying, the beach almost killed me. i wish it had rather than burn 10 million holes through my dermis straight to my heart. and the ocean almost took me cause my goggles weren’t effectively sealed and saltwater crept in to my eyes and a lot went in my mouth. plus i couldn’t stop imagining sharks lurking around me bc the water was fucking green and not blue like the pictures.
so anyway,
apart from the beach, what is there? it’s redneck nation, white trash lollapalooza. basically oklahoma except without the native americans, cows, and casinos. it’s humid as all get out. no one, i mean absolutely no one could wrap their head around me disliking the weather. it was so bizarre. i thought o was losing my mind after the 14th floridian i met who asked why i don’t move down there just looked at me in total confusion when i said i didn’t like all the humidity. MY OWN DAD didn’t believe me, like sir you were born and raised in indiana and then spent the last 20 years in oklahoma please don’t act like it’s normal to be violently perspirating after standing outside for 2 minutes. i legit think the sun is affecting their brains. i couldn’t catch my breath when i got off the plane i’m not joking. it’s a hell site, fucking dagobah if it downpoured every 3 hours and if yoda had a meth addiction and was also a nazi
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astrobei · 9 months
maybe my number one stranger things pet peeve is when people write max mayfield like she’s an asshole who hates her friends (especially mike) as if her love for and memories of her friends did not give her the strength to realize she wanted to live. as if her love for her friends didn’t literally save her life.
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bulkhummus · 9 months
okay enough asking i need cecil palmer mad and deranged on the radio NOW *telekinetically blows out all your lamps with my mind*
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voltstone · 4 months
Ajax: Enid’s mom just hated me. Ajax: Like, I couldn’t do anything right! All I did was stone her once! Wednesday: How fortunate for you. The moment our relationship started, she disowned Enid. I never had the privilege. Ajax: Oh shit, you right. You, like, contaminated Enid bad. Enid: Enid: We’re not hanging out together again.
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olli-is-a-fish · 1 year
Uther: Oh, so when a crow remembers people who wronged them and hold grudges, its "intelligent" and "really cool"
Uther: But when I do it, I'm "petty" and "need to let it go"
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tvckerwash · 5 months
I'm forever upset over the fandom completely fucking up wash and epsilon's dynamic (and also giving wash ai related trauma that he does not have).
like....wash isn't mad at epsilon, he's able to recognize that their whole situation wasn't something either of them could've predicted or circumvented, and despite it negatively impacting him, wash does not hold anything against epsilon for. ya know. trying to kill himself in his head.
and you wanna know why wash doesn't hold anything against epsilon for it? because he knows that wasn't epsilon's fault—it was the director's fault that epsilon was pushed to that point, and he is very aware of the fact that he was just the guy who was unlucky enough to get caught in the crossfire of epsilon's very traumatic existence.
all things considered, wash is pretty neutral when it comes to epsilon. beyond seeing him as a victim, epsilon is mostly a means to an end for him. wash would've never learned the truth about the director and would've never had the information nessacry to take pfl down without epsilon, and for that, he's honestly very grateful for their brief time together in a way. epsilon was literally his key to everything, and because of that, wash simply can't be angry at him for what happened.
epsilon on the other hand is quite angry with wash, and he spends a good chunk of present day s10 trying to other him from the bgc along with carolina, with his emotions peaking when the bgc turns their backs on him and carolina. epsilon feels as though wash betrayed and abandoned him when he had to be removed because he was impacting his mental state, and he is blinded by those negative feelings to the point that he is unable to look at their situation objectively in the same way wash is able to.
unfortunately, their situation never got resolved because s10 is literally the last time they interact in the series, and even more unfortunately, their situation is unlikely to ever be resolved at this point. it's honestly really sad because it would've been so nice to see wash and epsilon talk about what happened so that epsilon could get some closure regarding his unresolved feelings, and there was so much potential between the two of them regarding epsilon failing/going into rampancy.
like imagine epsilon telling wash that he's afraid he's going to get carolina hurt, imagine him telling wash that he's afraid carolina is going down the same path as the meta and that he's afraid that he's going to become like sigma. imagine him telling wash that he's afraid of losing himself again, but this time he won't be able to come back.
imagine wash telling epsilon that he needs to tell those things to carolina, imagine him telling him that she'll understand, and that she won't be angry or upset with him. like this would add so much more to that scene epsilon has with carolina in s13 where they talk about what happened.
imagine wash telling epsilon that he's not angry or upset with him, and that he knows it wasn't his fault and that he forgives him. imagine epsilon apologizing for being himselfTM, and then they have a jokey moment about the whole thing because church?? having emotions that isn't anger???? absolutely impossible.
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drawbauchery · 10 months
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recklessracoon · 1 month
My taste in fictional men is so terrible that it's a good thing thing I'm probably aroace.
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cipheramnesia · 10 months
I mean saying the movie supported men's rights kind of ignores that what the kens did was painted as bad. Like that was very much the message of the film
That was the text of the film but not the message.
I'm not going to apply greater nuanced analysis to a movie that had all coherent structure papered over in producer notes. But for a movie that spends a lot of time pointing out situations that are unfair, not equal, or "bad" it didn't have anything to say about why or what might actually resolve the inequality.
Not saying it needs to author the revolution or anything, just it kinda stopped at "patriarchy bad because men rule all and are dumb boys who are gross" and I think that's boring? It's like hey, inequality sure is bad! And it seems like weird and wrong the girl empowerment doll for diverse women is exclusively developed by old white men! Followed by crickets chirping.
I was kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop, like yes, this is a pretty fun satirical look at gender and... and..? And that's it. Barbie world goes back to hierarchical control in a perfect utopia. The real world is unaffected because all those executives are just silly guys who are trying their best. Gloria gets to be a good mom, and hands her ideas over to the corporation. The new line of Barbies are Barbies that just don't want anything at all. And Margot Barbie just leaves.
Which is unfortunate because it starts out with a great deal of very interesting ideas, but ends up without anything much to say at all. It uses all the right words but mostly just kinda ascribes broad universal meaning and morality rather than considering any of it could have some underlying complexity.
We all know feminism can't hold hands with capitalism, but the Barbie movie wants the cache of the feminist movement beholden to the bottom line of Mattel's investors. And as a fun movie about children's dolls it's fine, but it's also selling itself as a feminist film, which it very much is not.
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heyitsrink · 1 day
Reading The Murderbot Diaries on audiobook is fun because, like Murderbot, I am having EMOTIONS at a really inconvenient time (at the grocery store) and need to go stare at a wall for a while.
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I've been too nice to Dazai recently with my metas. I feel the urgent need to roast him to restore balance to the universe.
Anyways what do you mean your mentee scared you so you stopped your literal heart to momentarily terrify him into thinking you'd died from shock. What the hell do you mean "the only way I knew how to reward you was showing you my secret technique which is cardiac arrest" - shut up dude. You are a petty little control freak with a just barely hidden competitive streak a mile wide who had to win the scaring contest
Dazai, after Atsushi scares him once: "Oh no! My aura of unflappable mystery! To regain my honour, I must immediately and momentarily die about it!"
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cosmicjoke · 18 days
No more questions about why Levi didn't want to kill Annie. Jesus Christ, if you can't see the difference between Levi wanting to kill Zeke and not wanting to kill Annie, then I don't want to hear from you, because you've already told me by asking that your reading comprehension skills are trash.
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asleepinawell · 7 months
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has mr fires seen a cow up close I wonder? it should gaze into the big beautiful brown eyes of a cow and maybe then it'll calm down
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