vaguesxrrow · 3 days
Cat king x reader headcanons please? Honestly anything will suffice but can cuddling be mentioned. Perhaps just relationship headcanons.
ofcc, i enjoyed writing this so hope u enjoy reading <3 sorry for the long wait
cat king / reader relationship hcs
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a/n: any details about the reader are completely unspecified so imagine to your heart's content - the only thing is that they definitely arent afraid of thomas !
tags: gender neutral reader
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- honestly, i think thomas would be kind of lost as to how to actually ask you out
- sure, he would flirt with you from the get go, complimenting everything you did and constantly inviting you to go places with him. but actually asking for a relationship? ehh...
- so instead, he'd keep bringing you gifts
- at first, he's just task his cats with wordlessly bringing you flowers, etc
- until one day you demand to know who they're from, and his cats spill
- "they're from the cat king. everyone knows he has a soft spot for you."
- you: well.. tell thomas thank you
- after the confirmation that you do in fact appreciate his gifts, thomas will start bring them to you himself
- as for how you finally get together...
- imagine: you've been 'coincidentally' running into him for about a week now, and you finally confront him
- he isnt used to being confronted like this so all his pent up feelings would come pouring out
- of course, you feel the same way. you know that really, thomas tries to be the best that he can for his cats and for you xx
- he's thoughtful and caring. what's not to like?
- okay now we can get into the relationship stuff
- firstly, dates: i imagine a lot of breakfast/lunch/dinner dates, where you both dress up or coordinate outfits cause you KNOW thomas would be all for it
- he would buy you a lot of clothes or jewelry that adhere to your style
- this man would know you so well, all from observing you and noticing the little things
- because of this, he would often surprise you with gifts that always suit your liking
- i imagine that eventually your home would become his and vice versa
- you would get used to sharing a space with him and you can bet that he would always take care of you after a long day
- i think cooking together would be a cute domestic activity
- and if you don't like cooking, he'd be thrilled to have you sit on the counter and sample his concoctions
- he doesn't sleep much at night cause he's a cat and all, but will for you
- and i imagine that he sleeps the best with you by his side and with physical contact because he likes knowing you're by his side
- thomas is a bit of a serial cuddler
- like, he will latch onto you at night and not let go
- however, he does take a lot of naps
- during naps, imagine him tucked into the crook of your arm, curled up in true cat fashion
- doesn't mind whether he's the big or little spoon (if asked, he would jokingly say neither - he eats with his claws) so you switch
- him as the big spoon: arm around your head as a pillow for you, the other one around your torso
- him as the little spoon: loves it when you scritch his back, neck, hair. anything, really
- cuddling doesn't even have to come with sleep for him. he's more than happy to just lay there and talk
- ^^ when this happens though his favourite thing is to have you tangled together, so much so that you can't tell who's on top of who
- he would talk to you, or really just be thinking aloud, and loves it when he can feel the vibration of your laughter when he cracks a joke
- he really just likes seeing you happy and will try to be there for you in any way that he can
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 hours
A Personal Post
Hi guys, I'm finally making the post I kept telling myself and my best friends I'd make but wanted to put it off until I felt better. That hasn't happened and with how things are going I thought it was best to just post it now.
So for a while, since probably late 2023, I've felt less like my blog is for me, and more like it's some kind of fandom archive. Which, if you use it this way as-is, great! I'm glad my blog could make you happy like that! But that's not what I set out for it to be.
I'm the sort of neurodivergent person who likes to categorize things, including my interests. All my tumblr blogs are specific to one thing, and this one was no exception.
I began tagging things soon after I made the blog because I saw a lot of people were sad about the twins, and I thought "well since I love both sad and happy stuff, and I'm really good about categorizing things, maybe I can try and help!" And according to many, it did help!
But I think that also gave off the impression that I was making this blog for other folks, and that isn't the case. I'm sorry I never clarified. It's not an archive; I do not reblog shipping posts, posts from people I've blocked, AUs I don't click with, and sometimes just not everything I see.
I've gotten popular in the fandom, and for the most part I do, from the bottom of my heart, enjoy it. I have people who care about my hyperfixation! That's amazing! I have people who love my cosplay and want to meet up with me. I've made so many friends of all shapes and sizes and it's probably the most incredible thing I've ever experienced, truth be told.
But yeah my blog being mine has gotten away from me a bit, I think.
I want to keep tagging my submas tags, that isn't going to change. I will tag triggers when asked, unless it's kind of impossible due to the blog's subject (trains, for instance) or a name or really common word (like the word 'head' or something). Other than that please reach out and I'll do my best to remember. But other tags? Those will be up to me. I don't want to tag when OCs show up. I love OCs and like seeing them, and don't want to have to remember that one person who visits my blog doesn't.
I had anon off for a while because honestly ever since making this blog, there have been anons who really made me unhappy. (Also yes, non-anons but that's been fewer and far between). I've gotten misinformation, accusations, horrible and disgusting explicit asks, and criticisms and complaints, and I'm just... Not here for that. Keep the explicit things and misinfo out of my inbox, I am no arbiter of morality or personal decisions, and I am not here for you to share your negative opinions of submas or the fandom.
Anon is on for people who are too self conscious to chat face to face, for people to send fun headcanon ideas (remember when people did that back in 2022 when this blog started? I miss that, it was sweet and wholesome), to share song recommendations... That kind of stuff. If you have an actual problem, please, PLEASE talk to me off anon, whether that be DMs or a non-anon ask that I can answer privately. Especially if we're friends; please, please just talk to me about stuff. I don't bite! I swear!
But yeah the bottom line is I'm here to participate in fun (and sometimes heartbreaking!) fandom stuff. I'm here for FUN, not as my job. I know that we're all a bunch of neurodivergent folks and sometimes interactions can be a swing and a miss, but please try to be mindful. Please treat me like a person and not just like a museum curator for this blog.
Truth is, I haven't been okay for a while now. It's gotten worse this year for sure, and due to life stuff I cannot see things feeling better for me for some time. I need to go day by day for a lot of things, and I am trying to get better about needing to set boundaries and all that sort of thing. I suffer from intense paranoia too, and having so many eyes on me is genuinely terrifying at times. I'm trying to manage that as best I can, but I do ask that folks be kind.
NO I am not going anywhere, my blog is staying and will continue on as normal, but I really, really needed to get this posted.
Please continue to interact with me and chat and everything like that! But also please remember to treat this space, my blog, as my space. Thanks for reading!
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catboyrobin · 1 year
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relationship chart of some of my favs! if you're curious about my system headcanons, go here! (eventually i'll make part 2 with way more characters)
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sneeb-canons · 2 months
Headcanon #500:
Mind is afraid that when he distances himself from or above the others, that he will be too far gone to come back down. That when his paranoia gets the best of him, he'll shut everyone else out and then be completely alone with no way back to where he was before.
Heart is afraid that if Mind is right, with the idea that what he does isn't genuine, that he's being manipulative without realizing it. Then therefore being Whole without himself there is the better option. That he'd be thrown out because his ideas would then be "not worth it" or even "vile"
Soul is afraid that no matter what he does or how good things will be, they'll always eventually split up again or even end up worse. Even then he has no clue what he's supposed to do or be during everything, and so because of that he'll never be whole. Or worse that he'll never really "feel" whole.
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hrokkall · 1 year
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Saw a post the other day asking how P03 is able to see; my best guess is something like this.
I actually inspected P03′s 3D model for this which I don’t usually do (and then I proceeded to draw it off-model anyway. Whoops) but even outside of its hypothetical camera-vision, there’s a few other things of note:
P03 seems to have a lot of large vents (or at least things that look like some sort of ventilation/cooling). Two major ones on the chest, three on the top of the head (with potentially another on the side of its head), and one on the underside of its base (though that one might be for the hologram projection it uses to float). My best guess is that it’s because his factory is built right by the water where there would be a TON of moisture in the air. For that reason, some of them have got to be exhausts to make sure all of the air circulating in his torso is dry. That or he just overheats extremely easily I guess, but I’m leaning towards the humidity explanation (or it could be a combination of the two).
Its “eyes” are somewhere on the front of its face; whether it sees through a camera or just through the eyes on the screen via video game magic is up for debate, but it turns to face the player when they stand up so its vision probably isn’t on the sides of its head or something.
Similarly, P03 has some sort of sensitivity to touch (he reacts to Leshy’s hands gripping his monitor before Leshy says anything). I don’t think any “touch sensors” would be externally visible though.
Presumably (based on the ending to Act 3) P03′s head isn’t just a monitor, there’s vital systems in there as well (otherwise tearing its head off wouldn’t do anything to disrupt its upload/its ability to function). My best guess is that his power supply is in his chest so it would be the equivalent of just... unplugging your computer while it’s trying to preform updates.
The wire it uses to connect to the modules to update cards in Act 3 seems to come from either its neck or its torso, but in act 2 it’s very visibly on the side of the head. Granted the act 2 sprites are all pretty different from the Scrybes’ 3D models so that’s not an outlier.
The range of motion in P03′s arm seems pretty similar to a human arm; he has a ball-and-socket joint on the shoulder and a hinge joint on his elbow plus separate segments for the “wrist” and “hand”. The only thing it probably can’t do is twist its forearm.
I don’t have any idea what either of the cranks do. The head crank moves when it changes its expression so it might have something to do with its display, but the arm crank is only shown doing anything on the G0lly Uberbot hologram. My best guess is that P03 used to have a lot more built-in functions but ended up removing them in order to operate faster so a lot of the buttons and switches on it are just vestigial leftovers. (The idea of the arm crank being able to function as a hand-crank motor in a pinch is really funny though. Spin it a few times when P03 is out of power and you can generate just enough battery for it to tell you to fuck off then go back into sleep mode again).
I have no idea how the levitation works either. It’s cool and that’s why it works. No need to get more complicated than that.
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Is Shaun Nora's child? If so, does she view X6 as family due to his closeness to Father, or just as a friend?
shaun is nora's biological child, yep, and post-institute when asked she says she has two sons (referring to shaun and synth!shaun--but a minor plot point in my fic is that she doesn't tell anyone about synth!shaun being a synth. if pressed for details, she just says her eldest passed away recently and that typically shuts down any further questions).
oh, edited to add bc i don't think i was clear: she treats synth!shaun as a son too. she takes to him straightaway. he's still a child who views her as his mother, and she still wants to be a parent. they have a good relationship.
she does view x6 as family, but in a found-family sort of way that doesn't have anything to do with them sharing dna. she thinks shaun calling himself "father" is extremely--i think paternalistic is the right word, and she emphatically does not approve. she feels family is a lot more than genetic material, and so is parenthood, which relates back to her family situation mentioned here.
she and x6 grow close as they work together and kind of outside the bounds of father's knowledge. x6 is a smart guy and figures out nora's still working for the railroad, and for his own reasons keeps it to himself, and nora's aware that if she actually reported how snarky and independent x6 is, he'd be sent to reconditioning. so their relationship is tense for a while, but eventually grows genuine and very close.
i think outside of nick, x6 is the companion she's closest with by the end of things.
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I think it would be a good idea to make a tag like #mcytdontsee or smth that we can ask ccs to block/filter so we can use it to post stuff we're uncomfortable with them seeing like the tma fandom did
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yellowlaboratory · 2 years
If a genie let you put one scene or detail or whatever into season 3 of obx, what would you choose? (I’m basically asking what your dream scene would be)
oh lord. oh my god. can I even pick?
I'm going to sound like a broken record, but the thing I want to see THE MOST is a recognition of Kiara's Kook Year. I want to hear more about it, I want to know more about how she made up with the boys and how it affected their relationships, and I also want to know more about what the boys did while she was gone. I personally think they would have fallen apart a little bit without Kiara around (like Jordan says, she's mostly in charge of their singular brain cell) but I want to know more of the show's take on that.
I think in terms of my dream scene... oh god. I really want Kiara to have a "do you know how special your son is" moment in front of JJ. Like, not with Luke, obviously, but that same type of sentiment. she thinks so highly of JJ and he just has no fucking idea. I want to see a scene where she's talking to someone (or even JJ himself) and he realizes that she thinks the world of him. and also, i just need her to tell that poor boy that he's destined for more than a jail cell. please. PLEASE. it's set up so well in s2 and i think they could nail a scene like that in s3.
someone find me a genie 🤡
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skitkattl · 1 year
mmy asks r still open btw.. u should talk to me hi
can be questions or random shit abt anything idc but feel free to ramble to or ask me abt pokepasta stuff especially.. i like talking to silly ppl who share my interests.... ok thats all *sharts*
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pixiesndberries · 6 months
a small series of Jujutsu Kaisen men as your husband !
☆ OUR STARS : Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Choso Kamo, Aoi Todo, Toji Fushiguro, and more !
━⁠ WARNINGS : none
ෆ PIXIE'S NOTE ! : heya pookies I know it's been a while 🙏🏻 but here I am creating another series to pay off the days I wasn't posting so much —⁠ forgive me my pookies 🏃🏻‍♀️💨 we have holiday break so I'm going to grind a lot 😝
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NANAMI KENTO, as your husband !
• Nanami is the perfect standard for male wife, argue with the wall —⁠ this man knows how to cook, clean his home, does his own laundry, and mostly basic life skills that most men barely know which is pretty much a big turn on.
Nanami who always supports your decision as long as it doesn't have any bad effects in your life, he respects you a lot to whatever you do in your life —⁠ he thinks that just because you are married it doesn't mean he have full possession on you, though sometimes when you asked for his opinions about your decisions in such situations he isn't shy of what he thinks.
Nanami the type of husband who will always do small and big things for you even though you can do it yourself —⁠ carrying groceries for you, helping you in the kitchen, sending you to your work, helps you clean the house, and goes to the mall with you.
; he surprisingly took the shopping bags form your hands gently "your hands will get numb, this is pretty heavy." he says with his usual tone as he looks at you softly, you can't help but to smile in his small little gestures and gosh it's making her heart melt.
"thank you, kento." you say as you gave him a big smile and pressed a kiss on his cheeks making him grin.
Nanami who is being a worrywart when you don't reply quickly when you're out with your friends late night —⁠
; kento | sent a message.
10:24 pm
kento : just got home love ❤️
kento : what time are you going home?
11:04 pm
kento : love, tell me when you're going home I'll pick you up ❤️
kento : is everything going alright?
kento : kind of worried, hope you respond soon 😅
11:07 pm
kento : please reach out to me when you can so I can pick you up ☺️
kento : I'm worried 😢
you : love I'm fine sorry, we we're drinking just a tiny bit 😭
you : you can pick me up now 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
Nanami the type of husband to use cringe emojis but you appreciate it anyways, he barely use his phone or try to use emojis —⁠ headcanon : he learned using emojis from yuji or gojo 🙏🏻 you find it silly and cute anyways.
Nanami who's phone is always filled with your photos and some sceneries with you in it —⁠ he doesn't like taking photos of himself that much though, he loves taking photos of you and look through it when he's not busy or when he misses you and he's at work.
Nanami when he learned how to use Instagram and he can't stop posting you —⁠ Gojo probably tried influencing him to use social media once and he was like no??? not until one time you took a photo of him during one of your dates and you asked him, "hey can I post this?" and of course he said yes and after that you kept posting him at some times which led him to the idea of posting you as well since he thinks you deserve it too.
; nanami.kento1990
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tagged : @y/n.igcom | ❤️
itaaa.yuji and 13 others liked this post.
gojosatoru | he knows how to use Instagram 😦 ???
gojosatoru | WHO TAUGHT YOU ⁉️
itaaa.yuji | first post !!
nobaraaaa | parents 🙏🏻
Nanami who is nervous to talk about the future he wants with you — not totally nervous it's more like when you talked about kids you wanted soon with him he will always be like, "sure I also thought about that." with his usual tone but deep inside talking about it was his hyper fixation and he can't stop thinking about it.
Nanami who never in his life forget about giving you flowers in small or big occasions —⁠
; "happy mother's day." he says softly with a grin in his face as he hands you a bouquet of your favourite flowers, "kento, I'm not a mother yet." you laugh as you take the bouquet from him, admiring the flowers for a second. He never fails to make you feel happy, "maybe soon?" he chuckles then makes his way to give you a hug. "sure." you laughed and happily hugged him back tightly, exchanging I love you.
Nanami who never left by your side especially when you are not okay, he will leave his work for a day or even weeks if you really need him by your side —⁠ he will never get tired of comforting you; if you need a shoulder to cry on? He's there. He can stay all day in bed with you to make you feel better —⁠ take you out in a vacation if that's what you really need or probably do every house chores just to make you rest.
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Portgas D. Ace Headcanons 01
Excuse me Oda-sensei, but that 40 year old Ace is simply criminal. Thank you so much for blessing us with him
Anyway! Have some Husband!Ace headcanons For more Ace content please head to my Tumblr MasterList
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Ace is, respectfully, a huge simp for his wife
To the extent that the Whitebeard crew straight up jokingly awarded him with a “Biggest Wife Simp” Award
They made it look official and had Whitebeard sign it and everything. There's even a stamp.
Ace has it framed and hung proudly on the wall next to your bachelor’s degree / college diploma / degree in general. 
I feel like despite his own personal insecurities, Ace still manages to be an amazing father
I imagine Ace originally setting out for like one or two kiddos at most (because y'know...what if he's not good enough) and ending up with 3 or 4 kids
Thing is, that’s both your faults.
Ace is tender and goofy with his kids, and he’s so friggin caring: to the extent that…well wouldn’t it be neat to see him with maybe another 2 or 3 kiddos of his own? 
(Your husband is hot okay?)
In his case, he swears you have a unique glow about you when you’re pregnant. But more than that when he sees you with your first born, he suddenly wants a big family with you.
I imagine his kids are an eldest son, then his princess, then the youngest boy who takes after his uncle Luffy.
His kids aren’t parentified. He keeps his issues far, far, away from them. Besides, he’s got you by his side.
He was dedicated to making sure they got as much playtime as possible.
He heard about learning through play, and he is DEDICATED to doing that as much as possible
Ace’s kids are spoiled with affection, but not spoiled brats.
While it’s true he’d give them the world, he’d rather let them go get it themselves. 
For example: when they asked for a tree house, he gave them the greenlight immediately.
But they had to build it themselves.
It was a super fun project lasting a little over two months with the whole family involved.
Oh and the Whitebeard crew helped too.
It took a while to get the design down initially, then the shopping logistics and whatnot (they used a lot of math here - see education via play)
Building the thing took maybe a weekend or two because the Whitebeard Crew and even the Strawhats came over to help
(It was mostly Franky and Usopp doing work, Sanji was cooking with Thatch)
Uncle Luffy was not allowed near the construction zone after an accident.
They almost destroyed the tree house with their partying once
Ace’s kids were not happy and no one was allowed in the backyard for the rest of the night
He makes sure they have proper manners and self-defense skills
You had to help out here, no lie.
He admitted he needed your help, especially after a dinner with Garp where Makino tagged along to see Ace again
He puts all of his kids into martial arts classes
especially his princess - he’s so proud of her when she beats up bullies
He’s not great at discipline though to be honest. He probably goes about it similarly to Garp. 
Ace will not tolerate any of his kids being nasty to their mother. No matter the phase.
You will have to hold him back if you want to let them get their frustration off their chest.
He’ll let them talk, but you’ll have to keep a hand on him somewhere, his arm, his hand, his knee, his shoulder, his back and rub soothing circles
Let’s just say, “talk shit, get hit,” is Ace’s attitude towards anyone being demeaning towards you (more so with adults, not his kids, but that's why they get a scolding)
"Ace my love" (he melts every time you call him that) "the kids’ll start thinking you love me more than them if you do that"
"My kids won’t disrespect their mother though!"
"They’re just venting darling, and when they say or do something that violates my boundaries, I'll be sure to reinforce it. Lead by example right?"
If they ever feel like pissing Ace off for fun they can just say something kinda not nice about you and he'll get mad and they'll flee from him giggling like the little gremlins they are
Ace is veeeeeeeeerry physically affectionate and he isn’t shy about it at all.
At gatherings with the Whitebeard family, he will gladly seat you in his lap, he will happily hug you as you are seated.
His arm is on your waist most of the time.
They tease him to make him tone it down, he does not.
He, in fact, dials it up. Turns up the heat lol.
You have kids? Not in front of them? What do you mean, not in front of the kids? It’s important they know just how much he loves their mama!
So he will continue to be playful with his hugs and kisses and other displays of affection.
It’s nothing too over the top. Just hugs and quick pecks wherever.
Your entire head is fair game for his smooches, your arms (he loves kissing your pulse and then making eye contact, sneaky guy that he is), your shoulders.
Maybe lifting you and spinning you around. Cuddles. Little bites.
He will play-wrestle his kids to “fight” them over getting to cuddle you, and then he’ll just put all his weight on all of you in a group cuddle
Just to let you know, your kids also receive all the warmth and love of his affections.
When his sons are still tiny and adorable, he smooches them all over. The kisses grow less frequent as they grow older, but the hugs do not stop.
Oh no, hugs galore.
Ace still pecks his little princess on her forehead though
When they’re all under ten he’ll wrap them in a hug (after he chased them down and caught them so they’re laughing and screaming) and start smooching their cheeks while they laugh and try to get out of his grasp
Also yes she’s his princess, but that girl has no problem throwing a fully grown man twice her size around, he made sure of it.
I reiterate: Ace is not remotely shy about displays of affection
Like his eldest could have a friend over, and Ace would still launch a full scale hug attack using the rest of his troops (daughter/youngest)
It's complete with screeching, screaming, and a lot of laughter
His kids used to get teased for it, but it didn’t take more than a few conversations for them to instead jeer at the kids that teased them.
"You’re all jealous your parents don’t love you like ours do"
"How sad, your parents don't hug and kiss you"
Their dad, grandpa, uncle - uncles really, are all gremlins - it's in their DNA
The kids are really physically affectionate with each other as a result
Deadass they’ll be kicking the shit out of each other one second and the next they’ll be all cuddled and huddled up playing Mario Kart or something
Ace is his kids’ hero.
His sons aspire to have his level of fitness.
His daughter, when she’s older, uses him as a standard for dating
You're relieved
Ace is touched and a touch nervous, because he is aware of his shortcomings, though he works hard to keep improving
Of course when you look at him, a twinkle in your eyes, and tell him, “I’m so proud of her, I’m so proud of you!” He feels better
When you continue: “if she can find a guy like you, who cherishes her as much as you cherish me, I’d be so happy.”
Ace loves you so much he swears
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toji-girl · 3 months
I think I need more pregnant reader and toji 😳🥺
I LOVE talking about this so much!!!! and I'm not sure if you wanted fluff or smut or angst so I went with something kinda funny? I will always take toji requests! especially with pregnant! reader!!! - I can always do nsfw drabbles or even headcanons as well 🤭
tags: pregnant! fem reader
You stared at your husband, who currently laid on the couch, stretched out like a cat snoring away loudly, one hand over his belly and the other under his head keeping it propped up.
He barely stirred, his hair fell in his face as you nudged him with your knee, your swollen belly made it hard being six months pregnant to bend over and do anything.
This time, you reached for the pillow under him and tugged on it, then stood above him as he slowly woke up startled when he saw you.
"What the hell, baby?" Toji muttered as he rubbed his eyes before looking at you, taking note of the look on your face he knew already.
You wanted him to come and lay in bed. "You fell asleep down here, I want both of us to lay down, please?" You asked softly with a pout.
There was no way he could resist even though he grumbled about you waking him up. "Because you were snorin', couldn't sleep with a lawnmower in my ear." He rasped with a groan.
"Like you're one to talk!" You shot back. Your hormones out of whack made your eyes tear up immediately, triggering Toji's gaze.
He furrowed his eyebrows and watched you turn away and walk back to the bedroom. "Want me to come back to bed?" He called out.
"No!" You shouted and stepped inside to lay back down using your pregnancy pillow for support falling asleep once you got settled.
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ysrjune · 18 days
Nerd!Anakin headcanons
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I love nerd anakin oh my goodness.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin reads to you every night because you told him you love hearing his soft voice.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin has multiple polaroids of you and him in his room. you have lots of them too, which are pictures you took of him covered with kissy marks in your lipstick.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin learned how to do your hair, so whenever he’s bored and you’re lying on him, he’s braiding or doing whatever hairstyle he learned how to do.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin loves when you get your nails done because he loves the feeling of them scratching his back or caressing his face and feeling the tips gently digging into his cheeks.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin writes his own silly stories to read to you.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin bought your mom flowers the first time he met her.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin loves to lay in between your thighs while you play with his hair, and he/you tell(s) you/him all about his day.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin won’t leave without a kiss.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin lets you try different makeup looks on him, but whines when you wanna take a photo of him.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin bought you a necklace/bracelet with his and your initials engraved on it on your 1 year anniversary.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin sometimes gets jealous when other guys talk to you, but never says anything because he trusts that they’re just friends/someone you talk to.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin always needs to touch you. holding your hand, arm wrapped around your waist or chest, sometimes he’ll rest his hand on your ass while you’re walking around.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin likes his hair pulled while he eats you out.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin loves when your stroke or suck his cock. especially slow. he likes to be teased, but if you edge him for too long, he’ll start whining and squirming around, thrusting himself into your hand just so he can cum.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin has the cutest whimpers/moans.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin has a huge praise and mommy kink. (you already know I had to put in the mommy one).
౨ৎ nerd!anakin secretly likes when you cover his mouth to keep people next door from hearing his loud moans.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin is obsessed with thrusting his cock up and down between your folds and cumming all over your tummy.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
tag list ✦ @heartsforanakin @anakinstwinklebunny @sockiess @erosmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader 🎀
please let me know if you wanna be added/removed from my tag list <3
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atticrissfinch · 6 months
◁ Meet Me in the Back Masterlist ▷
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{Moodboard by the head "sleazy gas station joel" slut herself @chloeangelic}
Status: Ongoing (sporadic) Pairing: sleazy gas station clerk!joel x fem!reader Series Summary: When you stumble into your local gas station one night and the sleazy clerk refuses to sell you alcohol, you have to get creative. What should have just been a one time bribe winds up being more than you bargained for. Rating: Explicit 18+ for all chapters [Minors Do Not Interact] Series Warnings/Tags: Age gap, daddy!kink, size!kink, breeding!kink, mentions of cigarettes/weed/alcohol, minor degradation!kink, VERY light dubcon for first part, really cringey dirty talk courtesy of joel but it's hot. Please see individual chapters for more indepth warnings/tags. a/n: this series has such a special place in my heart, and i'm so humbled and grateful for all of the love (and reluctant attraction) y'all have expressed for my little slimeball Joel I've crafted. if you're new, i hope you enjoy and please feel free to hop into my inbox with thoughts/headcanons/requests and i'll see what i can do :) 💘
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Main Series:
Part 1: Meet Me in the Back  summary: When the gas station clerk refuses to sell you alcohol after a shitty day, you need to get creative word count: 3.8K
Part 2: The Night Is Dark Enough We’re Only Seeing Stars summary: You can’t resist another visit to Joel in all his pervy glory. word count: 4.7K
Part 3: Hard to Break the Habit summary: When you need some air in your tires, Joel does some filling  word count: ~5k
Part 4: (His) Home for the Holidays: A Meet Me in the Back Christmas Special summary: joel texts you while he’s horny during the holidays, and you decide to visit him at his house after work. word count: ~5.2k
Part 5: I've Got My Red Dress on Tonight summary: when your Valentine’s Day date doesn’t show, you decide there’s one person who would be happy to see you. word count: ~7.8k Part 5.5: The Morning After summary: A little intermediary part. The morning after Valentine's Day. word count: ~3.3k
Part 6: Always on the Tip of my Tongue summary: when you see joel flirting with another girl, you start to lose your head. word count: ~7.6k
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Underneath Kitchen Lights: A Ficlet summary: You ride Joel’s thigh. That’s about it. Some gross fluff. word count: ~1.6k
Alright with a Slow Burn: A Oneshot summary: Just a casual cockwarming competition on a weekend afternoon. word count: ~5.4k
-> Thanksgiving/Black Friday Headcanon (~290 words)
-> A Day in the Life Headcanon (~500 words)
-> First Text Exchange Headcanon (~200 Words)
-> Schtupping the Soccer Mom Headcanon
-> Our Man’s Kinks
-> Prison Lore
-> [NOT CANON] Reader comes over to Mama Miller’s for Christmas
-> Doreen’s Visit (Post-Christmas)
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-> Spotify Playlist
-> Gas Station Floorplan
-> FANART 1 (Santa!joel) and FANART 2 (everyday Joel) by auteurdelabre!!!
-> Steal His Look!!! by the effervescent chloeangelic once again
-> The MMITB Joel Special
-> Vibey moodboard by Aly iamasaddie!!!
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unluckilyimnot · 22 days
anyways can you do headcanons for bllk character introducing you to either their teams or the press iykwim
pretty please I loveeeee your posts so much <333333
Introducing their s/o to their team - isagi, kaiser, rin, hiori, chigiri
m.list | rules
Note : Hiii you're so cute lslsls thank you sm for your request <3 I chose this one cause somebody else asked about the press finding out so I'll do both !
Nobody is mentioned so I'll choose but feel free to ask for your fav ! 
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He's so shy but happy omg
He's probably blushing if they keep saying how pretty you are 
Those who ask a bit more about you earlier to isagi will probably start a conversation more easily 
But you love to talk with everyone!
If you're famous, they'll ask about it or how you two meet or even about your job 
But if you're someone like you and me they're begging to know how you two meet 
They're probably expect something really cheesy based on isagi himself 
He probably get teased a lot afterwards but he takes it easy 
he’s just so happy you can finally meet them 
he’s pretty but awful so everybody think he’s bitchless
no need to say that they GASPED when he introduced you
you seem so sweet, what are you doing here ?
“He paid you ?” i definitely see some of them ask you that - like bachira 
wait until you tell them that you asked him and he wasn’t planning of doing without you mentioning it 
they’re shocked, they feel betrayed and are ready to make a scene to him before you calm it down 
everybody want to know more about you, asking you lot of questions to the point that rin has to claim you back 
holding your waist or wrist to remind you that he’s there too 
I think it goes more simply that he imagined at first 
He's always happy when they ask about you even if he doesn’t show it
just like that time they react when they saw his sister, they will ask him who you are even if it’s obvious that you’re his s/o 
one or two would probably ask you out on a date to make him mad - tbh it’s really funny to see
he’ll blush and become protective over you, adorable 
he would roll his eyes at their jokes but as long as you’re laughing at them, it’s fine with him
he’ll get tease by the gaze he sent you all night, sweet and soft, speaking all the love he has for you before his tongue can 
he’s a bit cash if they’re doing to much though, they have to be careful around his lover 
he talks about you regularly so they’re all happy when he mentions that you’ll tag along for a team meal they’re HYPE
they’re so happy to see you it’s cute, you wish every partner is welcome that way 
you’re so soft spoken it totally make sense that you ended up with him 
you’re probably a little reserved and overwhelmed at first but they’re calmer than you thought 
it’s also a lot funnier than you thought so, even if you stay glued to hiori’s side, you can enjoy the night to the fullest ! 
he checks on you frequently, catching a lot of eyes and they make sure to let him know 
you two are just so cute for sure damn couple goal 
ness is jealous lmao 
he’s very cocky and proud to introduce you to them 
you’re so precious and most importantly : you’re his - he can’t just keep it to himself 
sharing the world about you start with his teammates
he’ll tell them how you two meet and how you fall in love with him - as if he wasn’t the one down bad - with his arm around your shoulders to keep you close 
he trusted them but they can’t touch <3 even in a friendly way 
you’re really welcome though, they’re all very interested in you and your life/job 
it goes pretty smoothly, even if ness is a little salty 
he’s reluctant to say the least, he knows he won’t see the end of it 
you’re amazing, he loves you unconditionally
but you’re so good like that that he knows he will have to deal with them asking how you’re doing and he doesn’t like it 
he says yes anyway, and one day he brings you with him at an unofficial meeting 
they’re so shocked but happy to see you in real life (you’re on his lock screen) : they want to know everything
sae is a rather intimate person and doesn’t talk much about his personal life so you’re the one who will tell them the cheesy stuff
yes you received death glares, you you still answer them with a big smile 
you’re funny, they already really love you and they can’t wait to see you more around
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I hope you liked it !
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ozzgin · 6 months
Girl I love Daitou but I'm ngl I need more of Yazuya😭 if you can, can you write headcanons about him please? I'd appreciate it thank you <3
I was wondering if he’d end up mentioned at some point haha. Most definitely I can. I might just turn this into HCs for both of them, since the story parts so far didn’t have much romance.
Yandere!Yakuza x Reader Headcanons
Ultimate dating guide and palate cleanser featuring the gangster boys (Kazuya and Daitou). For those that have been left hanging for proper romance.
Main story: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Tags: @swagbucksjester @lucienbarkbark @moonieper @nu-vino @vee-love @tamaki-simp @pinkazelma
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Kazuya was raised in a brothel, surrounded by women, so he is much more knowledgeable than the average man when it comes to feminine matters. Similar to someone who grew up having sisters, you can talk to him about anything and everything and not only will he be empathetic towards your problems, but he might offer tips and tricks you didn’t even know about. Not too shocking when he’s already heard multiple variations of whatever is bothering you.
The downside to his upbringing is that intercourse has always felt terribly transactional to him. He has a hard time associating it with intimate relationships. He will flirt a lot with you, but despite all the sexual innuendos, he won’t actually do anything until later in the relationship. He struggles with the irrational worry that sex will somehow taint the quality of your bond, making it feel cheap. Dating you has helped him realize that such things can be done out of love as well.
He is extremely affectionate and well mannered when dealing with you. Which may sometimes cause you to forget there’s a reason him and Daitou are good friends. While he isn’t as ill-tempered as his younger self, it doesn’t take much to anger him still. It’s a rare occurrence for you to witness it, but when he has it out for someone, he nearly matches Daitou in ruthlessness. He's very prideful and protective and will not hesitate to crush whoever challenges him or messes with you.
If you have a group of (girl)friends, you can confidently bring him with you with the only risk being that he’ll steal your spotlight. He can charismatically slide his way into any kind of conversation and you can hardly believe that this is the same man cracking gross jokes over his latest murder to his fellow criminal buddies. You might consider him a social chameleon, having no trouble adapting to any environment.
Smokes like a chimney and you have to slap the cigarette out of his hand sometimes because he’ll just light one up anywhere (including your bedroom).
Now this one is for the ones that are into it: God forbid you accidentally call him Daddy because he’ll ride that high until the end of time. He loves the idea and will tease about it with every opportunity. “Terrible weather today. Should Daddy drive you to work instead?”, or “Is that any way to talk to Daddy?” for when you’re out in public.
One neat detail about being with Daitou is that you get to see a lot of things you took for granted in a new light. Whatever you assumed was a common experience for everyone, like having a picnic or going to the amusement park, is utterly foreign to him. He was raised by the Yakuza and barely interacted with anyone before meeting Kazuya; civilian past times were never presented to him. So you get to witness his shocked and delighted expression as he tries all these things with you.
Thankfully you don’t have to worry about teaching him the…intimate aspects of a relationship. Kazuya has that covered. And Daitou seems to be a rather fast learner, because he’s incredibly gentle and careful with you. Part of it is due to his own fear of messing it up. He’s only ever been good at breaking and killing people. Despite that, he loves you so much. He has to be the best boyfriend for your sake. Surely these hands of his can do more than just damage.
He might actually be a little too eager to learn the ropes. More than once you’ve walked in on him reading a graphic manga and nearly choked, mumbling an apology for interrupting his…activity. He’ll look at you with a confused expression, completely unbothered and wondering why you’re so embarrassed. He was flipping through the pages for ideas, given he’s never had any kind of experience himself. Ah. That explains the random kinky gestures he’s started doing without shame or doubt. You’ll have to do some tweaking in the near future.
This may come as a surprise, but Daitou is exceptionally good at household chores like cleaning and cooking. Registering with the Yakuza involves a mandatory apprenticeship of several years where you do menial tasks for your higher ups. Additionally, the time he served in jail has left him with a lot of discipline and organization. Somewhere between adorable and comical is how you’d describe the sight of him kneeling on the floor and carefully folding the kitchen towels while waiting for the stew to simmer.
Daitou isn’t exactly what you’d traditionally call jealous. His only frame of reference is Boss, thus he will treat you with the same kind of loyalty and dedication. You wouldn’t expect a mere nobody to walk up to the Head of the Family, so anyone approaching you will, similarly, be violently kept away until their intentions are clear. You are his most prized possession, after all. He’d do anything for you.
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