#Philip Eade
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In words laden with affection and warmth, Prince Philip told the then Princess Elizabeth how he had fallen in love with her 'unreservedly.'
The letter, written in 1946 — a year before their wedding — was among several revealed in Philip Eade's 2011 book Young Prince Philip: His Turbulent Early Life.
The Duke of Edinburgh, who has died aged 99, told the Princess how falling in love with her so 'completely' had made his personal troubles and even those of the world 'seem small and petty.'
He also found it difficult to put his feelings into words, describing in another message after they had spent time together how he felt incapable of 'showing you the gratitude that I feel.'
And he told the Queen Mother in the year of her daughter's wedding to him how 'Lilibet was the only thing in this world, which is absolutely real to me.'
Love letters
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Philip served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War and saw active service against German, Italian, and Japanese forces.
The Greek prince's early life was also marked by upheaval — he escaped his home country as a baby by being hidden in a makeshift cot made from an orange box.
So his words were filled with meaning when he told Princess Elizabeth in 1946 how his love for her made all his past struggle — and the horrors the world had just been through — seem trivial by comparison.
He wrote:
'To have been spared in the war and seen victory, to have been given the chance to rest and to re-adjust myself, to have fallen in love completely and unreservedly, makes all one's personal and even the world's troubles seem small and petty.'
Three years earlier, Philip had spent Christmas at Windsor Castle.
Princess Elizabeth was said to be animated in a way 'none of us had ever seen before,' her governess, Marion Crawford, wrote.
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Writing to her after seeing her again in July, Philip wrote of the 'simple enjoyment of family pleasures and amusements and the feeling that I am welcome to share them.'
'I am afraid I am not capable of putting all this into the right words and I am certainly incapable of showing you the gratitude that I feel.'
The same year, he apologised for the 'monumental cheek' of turning up to Buckingham Palace uninvited.
'Yet however contrite I feel, there is always a small voice that keeps saying "Nothing ventured, nothing gained,"' he wrote.
'Well did I venture, and I gained a wonderful time.'
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And in a letter to the Queen Mother two weeks after his wedding to Princess Elizabeth in November 1947, Philip expressed his vision for their time together.
He said:
'Lilibet is the only thing in this world, which is absolutely real to me, and my ambition is to wield the two of us into a new combined existence that will not only be able to withstand the shocks directed at us but will also have a positive existence for the good... Cherish Lilibet?'
'I wonder if that word is enough to express what is in me. Does one cherish one's sense of humour or one's musical ear or one's eyes?
'I am not sure, but I know that I thank God for them and so, very humbly, I thank God for Lilibet and us.'
Public speeches
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The pair's wedding, attended by an array of foreign kings and queens, captured the public imagination in the austere post-war days of November 1947.
The newly-weds were called the Fairy Princess and Prince Charming.
After honeymooning at Broadlands, Hampshire, home of Lord Mountbatten, and at Birkhall on the Balmoral estate in Scotland, Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh stayed at Buckingham Palace until renovation of their new home, nearby Clarence House, was completed in 1949.
And in the years since then, both Philip and the Queen have spoken of each other with affection in public.
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In a 1997 toast during the couple's 50th wedding anniversary, he said:
'I think the main lesson that we have learned is that tolerance is the one essential ingredient of any happy marriage.
It may not be quite so important when things are going well, but it is absolutely vital when the going gets difficult.
You can take it from me that the Queen has the quality of tolerance in abundance.'
She said on the same evening that Philip had been her 'strength and stay all these years.'
'I, and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know,' she added.
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In 2002, at her Golden Jubilee Speech, the monarch said of her consort:
'The Duke of Edinburgh has made an invaluable contribution to my life over these past fifty years, as he has to so many charities and organisations with which he has been involved.'
And, during her Diamond Jubilee address to Parliament in 2012, the Queen said to her husband:
'During these years as your Queen, the support of my family has, across the generations, been beyond measure.
Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide.'
Private moments
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Philip was there for the Queen when her father, King George VI, died in February 1952.
Only six days before her father's death, the then Princess and Philip had embarked on their tour of Australia via Kenya.
According to Eade in his book, Philip said of the days following the King's death that 'there were plenty of people telling me what not to do.'
He added:
'I had to try to support the Queen as best I could without getting in the way. The difficulty was to find things that might be useful.'
And according to an anecdote told by Queen Alexandra of Yugoslavia, Philip is said to have told the Queen when recalling their first meeting in 1934 that — 'you were so shy. I could not get a word out of you.'
Mischievous Philip is also said to have joked to his wife on the day of her coronation in 1953 — when she was wearing the 17th-century St Edward's Crown — 'where did you get that hat.'
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Elizabeth II (21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022)
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (10 June 1921 – 9 April 2021)
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derekeads · 1 month
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"Twister" poster by Derek Eads.
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philibetexcerpts · 1 year
On 16-18 December 1943, the pantomime “Aladdin” was staged to raise funds for charity during the war, starring Princess Elizabeth as Aladdin and Princess Margaret as Princess Roxana.
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“That Christmas 1943, having, as he nonchalantly put it, ‘nowhere particular to go’, Philip went with David Milford Haven to stay at Windsor Castle. Before that he was to attend the annual royal pantomime, Aladdin, with the two princesses in the starring roles.
According to her governess, Elizabeth had already let on to her that Philip was ‘the one’, and she now went pink with excitement at the prospect: ‘Who do you think is coming to see us act, Crawfie?’
But shortly before the show, Philip came down with flu and was confined to bed in Claridge’s. He recovered in time to attend the third performance, on Saturday 18 December, however, sitting in the front row alongside the king and queen and his cousin Marina Kent.
The pantomime went off well, with Philip entering into the fun and laughing loudly at all the bad jokes, and Elizabeth ‘more animated’ than ever. ‘There was a sparkle about her none of us had ever seen before,’ recorded Crawfie. ‘Many people remarked on it.’”
Young Prince Philip by Philip Eade
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andreeamq · 7 days
Philip also spent summer holidays with the Foufounises at Berk Plage, where he and his sisters would go to stay for up to three months at a time. The eldest Foufounis girl, Ria, was in a plaster up to her hips for four years as a result of a bad fall, and Helene later described how Philip would sit for long periods next to her bed talking to her, refusing to be lured away by the other children.
One day a spectacularly insensitive guest bought some toys for all the children except Ria, explaining to her that 'you can't play like the others'. The others were stunned by this, none more so than four-year-old Philip, whose eyes 'grew wider and bluer. He looked at Ria, who was trying very hard not to cry,then he ran out of the room and returned ten minutes later with his arms full of his own battered toys, and his new one, and he put them all on Ria's bed saying, "All this is yours!"''
'Young Prince Philip: His Turbulent Early Life' by Philip Eade (2011)
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crimsonvelvet · 2 years
The meanings of Batman’s rogues’ names
So I decided to find out the meanings of the rogues’ names. Idk why, but I find this sort of stuff really interesting.
First of all, I’m not putting here those rogues, whose real names are unknown(like Bane or Joker). I am also putting here the prominent villains. I would love to do them all, but that would take me WAY too long. But who knows, I could make this into a series...
Let’s go with alphabet order.(btw I’m using the Batman wiki for the characters’ order and various websites for the meanings)
First up is Bane. Like I said, his real name is unknown, so there’s not much I can do.
Next up, Basil Karlo, AKA Clayface.(Wow didn’t even know he was considered a primary antagonist...)  Basil comes from the Greek name Βασίλειος (Basileios), meaning "king". Huh... 
Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman. Selina is a variant of Celina or Selene. Selene means "moon" in Greek. This was the name of a Greek goddess of the moon, a Titan. This is actually quite fitting for her.
Harleen Quinzel, AKA Harley Quinn. Harleen is, in fact, a name created primarily for Harley’s character in BTAS! So there really isn’t a meaning for it. (But the fact that they made up a new name is actually really cool)
The Joker. Yeah sorry, nothing here. Just like Bane.
Waylon Jones, AKA Killer Croc. Waylon is a variant of Wayland, which, in turn, comes from Wieland, meaning “uncertain”. Hmm, maybe it is a spin on his uncertainty whether he is human or a monster...
Jervis Tetch, AKA Mad Hatter. Jervis is an alternate spelling of Gervase (Old German): possibly derives from "spear". For such an unsual name, it has a really boring meaning.
Kirk Langstrom, AKA Man-Bat. Kirk comes from an English and Scottish surname meaning "church" from Old Norse kirkja. Uhh...maybe Kirk is religious?
Victor Fries, AKA Mr. Freeze. Victor is a Roman name meaning "victor, conqueror" in Latin. Could imply that one day he may achieve victory and find a cure for his wife.
Oswald Cobblepot, AKA The Penguin. Oswald is derived from the Old English elements os "god" and weald "power, ruler". Well, he is a very prominent mafia boss, so you could say he is the ruler of Gotham’s underworld.
Pamela Isley, AKA Poison Ivy.  Pamela as a name was invented in the late 16th century by the poet Sir Philip Sidney for use in his poem Arcadia. He possibly intended it to mean "all sweetness" from Greek πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" and μέλι (meli) meaning "honey". She sure is sweet, though. Dangerously so.
Ra’s al Ghul. This name is arabic for "Head of the Demon", as revealed in Robin#10. Should’ve guessed.
Edward Nygma, AKA The Riddler. Edward means "rich guard", derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and weard "guard". Uhhhhhh... He is the guard of his *cough* rich intellect?
Jonathan Crane, AKA Scarecrow.(Yay, my favorite DC character:D ). The undisputed origin of this name is that it comes from the Hebrew name Yonatan. This is taken to mean “Yahweh has given” or, “God has given”. YES oh hell yeah he’s a gift from God!
And finally, Harvey Dent, AKA Two-Face. Harvey comes from the Breton given name Haerviu, which meant "battle worthy", from haer "battle" and viu "worthy". hmmm, I mean, he is worthy to battle with Batman.
Aight, that’s it for now. Wow, that took longer than I expected... Sure was fun, though. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll do a part two with the less prominent folks like Firefly or Hush. We’ll see.
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boiling-files · 2 years
Where Did The Coat Come From?
So… the coat… potentially… Caleb’s coat. it’s become a new speculated topic that Philip stole or was given Caleb’s coat as Caleb is seen in a blue coat in Thanks To Them that’s similar to the coat Philip wears in Kings Tide.
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It’s a minuscule detail but lesser details have been foreshadowing haven’t they? I’ll be talking The Coat a lot I already have dozens of posts drafted up about The Coat, but I really wanna talk about how in the world did two orphans come across such nice piece of apparel when clothing was so hard to come by?!
“It’s just fiction that doesn’t matter!”
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no, because images we’ve had beforehand of these brothers straight from Philip’s mind. Has the two wearing very minimal clothing.
Heck, even in Hunter’s incredibly brief design change he’s drawn to the practicality of browns and tanned hides, working gloves, and a form fitting pants along with a pouch. So… what gives?
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I know it could’ve just been to draw attention to the two in the shots of them in Thanks To Them but it seems like a very misplaced detail.
As for literal meanings of blue coats, here historically in the United States they are most commonly associated with Union Soldiers, and here’s the jump in the theory; could’ve Caleb have been a child soldier himself? Much like his Grimwalker counterparts? Perhaps it was a point of pride for young Philip who wanted to be a Witch Hunter General, and before you go;
“But the US. civil war was in 1861! Caleb would’ve been dead by then!”
Nothing in the timeline makes sense at this point, nothing matches an actual irl historical date. The Ed(ead)wardian Era takes place in the 1600s!
So the coat other than it being blue I want to bring the other suspicious detail of it. That suspicion detail being the ‘A’ initial on the front of the breast
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Yes, yes… make your “Amongus jokes now…
At first I thought, the initial on the coat belonged to a loved one similarly to how Luz wears Eda’s old Grugby jacket. But if this is a coat for military service then the ‘A’ wouldn’t be for an initial of a person but rather an abbreviation for ‘Artillery’
Union forces uniforms actually had identifying brass pins with initials for what unit they were a part of. The round brass ‘A’ pin was used for Artillery and ‘I’ for infantry and so on.
There is also the fact that men ages 7-17 were permitted to enlist. it wasn’t til 1863 was there a enrollment act to authorize every man from 20 - 45 to enlist.
So, what does this mean? besides the possibly that either Caleb and or Philip was/were child soldier(s) which could explain multiple things about not having a community to fall back on and possibly being estranged from each other at some point.
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sea-dukes-assistant · 2 years
Do you know of any sea Duke books, biography or otherwise, worth recommending?
My top 3 recommendations are:
Prince Philip: The Turbulent Early Life of the Man Who Married Queen Elizabeth II by Philip Eade
Prince Philip: An Informal Biography by Basil Boothroyd
Philip: The Final Portrait by Gyles Brandreth
I am of the opinion that these three are the only books you'll ever need to read. Between them, just about every aspect of him is covered, minus his sheer perfection during the sexytimes. Others are good, but I've found a lot of them get repetitive, especially when discussing his childhood.
If you can find it, his first valet, John Dean, wrote one, titled simply Prince Philip. It's the original #WorkingForSeaDuke and obviously has been the main reference for my shit fanfiction. I found a copy on Amazon; it was used and still has the library catalog sticker on the spine.
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philibetexcerpts · 1 year
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A photo of Philip’s class at MacJannet American School, also known as “The Elms”, in 1929. The boy in the second row at the right is Wellington Koo, while the second boy from the right in the last row is his brother, Freeman Koo. They are the sons of V. K. Wellington Koo, the then China’s ambassador to France.
“He often spent the weekend at the Koos’ residence in Paris, where, invariably spurred on by Philip, the boys all ran steeplechases and played other raucous games amid the Chinese embassy’s precious artefacts. The ambassador’s wife admitted to Alice that however much they enjoyed having her son to stay, they were always a little relieved when the time came for him to go and nothing had been broken.”
Young Prince Philip by Philip Eade
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royalpain16 · 5 years
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Highly recommend this biography of Prince Philip.
Prince Philip, The Turbulent Early Life of the Man who married Queen Elizabeth II, by Philip Eade
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ledysec · 5 years
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On a day like today, Princess Elizabeth became Queen. This is what Philip Eade recounts about that day in his biography of Prince Philip, “Young Prince Philip: His Turbulent Early Life,” “By then it was 2:45 p.m. local time and Philip was having a siesta, after having been up for most of the previous night. Parker woke him with the news. ‘He looked absolutely flattened,’ Parker later recalled, ‘as if the world had collapsed on him. He saw immediately that the ydill of his life and their life together had come to an end. I never felt so sorry for anyone in my life.’ Philip said nothing to Parker, but breathed in twice very deeply as if in shock. Then he composed himself and went to find Elizabeth. ‘He said something like let’s go for a little walk in the garden and look at the fish,’ remembers Pamela Hicks, ‘and so Mike and I watch and they’re doing the naval quarterdeck thing of pacing up and turning back, pacing up, turning back, for a few minutes, and then, you know, they come back in and I, thinking that she had lost her father whom she loved, rushed up and gave her a hug and thought how awful for you, and then I suddenly thought, my God, she’s queen, remember to curtsey. She was always so considerate and she just said, ‘’I’m so sorry, it means we’re all going to have to go back home.’’” (EADE, Philip. Young Prince Philip: His Turbulent Early Life. Pp253-254)
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thegoblincourtier · 4 years
Top Ten Tuesday | Non-fiction I'd like to read in 2020
Top Ten Tuesday | Non-fiction I’d like to read in 2020
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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week you compile a list of ten books which coincide with that week’s theme. You can find everything you need to know about joining in here!
This week’s theme is a freebie, so this week I’ve decided to focus on a genre I’ve neglected over the past couple of years: non-fiction!
When I’m in the mood for it, I absolutely love…
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