#Power Pax
illyanarasputinfan · 1 month
Darkchild/Illyana Rasputina X-Force Annual #1 (1992) “Shattershot”
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Darkchild serves as a member of X-Force in an alternate future timeline. Her team is comprised of Cannonball, Sunspot, Siryn, Douglocke, and Power Pax. They aid Shatterstar in quashing a rebellion by the Spineless Ones on Mojoworld, where he is ruler.
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paxopalotls · 4 months
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stressed about chem exams so I did a ghost king doodle to cope
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shushuslss · 9 months
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If Jill's "Snow White" alt costume was literally snow white :)
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
I love megasoundop on occasion but i adore how deeply tfp soundwave feels against Orion/Optimus to funny levels
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mahoushojo · 8 months
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PAX West was pretty cool! We got to meet the OG Mario.
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sparklingpax · 2 years
Y'all hear me out for a sec 😳
what if 👀
An alternative way for the Orion Pax arc to play out....had Optimus revert to before the archivist days--like, when he was off eating dirt or whatever he did before studying at Iacon and "acclimating to society" as it was put.
Aka the era in which Orion was feral
(I am so sorry for typos, I wrote this on my phone)
Just,,,imagine that scene where Megatron's stalking forward, ready to kill him, drawing out his sword.
Rather than Optimus looking up and innocently asking where they are, he gains consciousness, takes one look at Megatron, growls.
And then just!!! bites his arm!!!
After all, he has no idea who this is! Or where he is or like...whatever.
Megatron yelps in shock and surprise, grimacing. He tries to shake him off but the bite is firm and Optimus will not let go!!! Megatron starts to panic because what is this??? this wasnt supposed to happen 🤨 What????
And then the autobots come by and (after Optimus is extracted from Megatron, who immediately jets out of there, swearing revenge or something) they guide their leader through the bridge to base. The rest of the time in this arc is everyone standing around watching Optimus and trying to figure out what to do. They take turns making sure he doesn't get hurt or anything.
Meanwhile Optimus goes around poking things or spending periods of time sitting in a corner, eerily quiet and watching everyone with a sharp, wide-eyed gaze. The kids start giving him headpats (because he reminds them of a dog in some ways) and he even purrs--or the Cybertronian equivalent, not knowing what they're saying or what these life forms are, but viewing them as friendly. He enjoys their company and lets them do as they wish with him.
Maybe once, Optimus disappears, seeming to have escaped Arcee who was supposed to watch him but went on patrol instead. So everyone flips out, goes searching all over. But then Raf follows a hunch he had and goes up to the roof. And indeed, he finds Optimus up on the top of the base, sitting motionlessly, absolutely mesmerized by the sunset and the stillness of nature. He'd probably just wandered out, the boy guesses, smiling to himself. Optimus doesn't end up going back inside until the sunset is over and the sky has fully darkened. Raf shares those moments too, both of them just watching the sun, wordless. When they both come downstairs, everyone is relieved, and they all decide to watch a movie together. Optimus falls asleep against the wall before the film is over.
Then at last, one thing leads to another, matrix of leadership is restored by Vector Sigma, and Optimus goes back to normal. No one speaks of it, Optimus doesn't quite remember it, only Miko has some saved photos to remind her sometime in the future. (And a drawing or two she made during some school classes 😋)
Like please I can't be the only one who finds this kinda funny but also interesting--
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endawn · 12 days
REFER HERE . act 3 conclusion to his 'personal' quest. sort of. bal reclaiming the rite would involve ascending pax. thereby making PAX a vampire ascendant instead of caz or astar..ion. which, would only deepen mol..ag’s hold on him and bring his body all that closer to becoming a vessel / conduit for bal to cross over into the mortal plane with. not only is the tadcrew saving pax and all those spawn, but the world from another being bent on death and domination. before the crew sets out to deal with caz, there will be a little camp event involving pax where he’ll mention feeling strange but believes it to be the lingering necrotic energy he absorbed while in the shadowlands ( this will be important later ) compounded by being a tad overwhelmed by the hustle & bustle of the city as he has not been in one for some number of years. he can be questioned further and if a perception check is passed, the pc can notice he’s nervous about something. if persuaded, he’ll admit the events at the mausoleum are weighing on his mind. yet, he’ll seem hopeful it is not possible outside of the shadowlands despite the absorption of necrotic energy. if asked if he’s still fit to fight, he’ll assure them he is and it’s really nothing to concern themselves over. if, however, the pc tells him to sit this one out and rest, he’ll agree and say it might be for the best.
if he is brought along, after defeating caz, pax will cry out and fall to the ground as he holds his head. mo..lag wields a form of mind magic: he intrudes upon the minds of mortals as a form of torture. it is an invasive, agonizing experience. by forcing his way into a mortal's mind, he can show them horrific visions. he does this in an attempt to make pax more susceptible to possession; break his will. this together with using his influence over necrotic energies, bal is able to take over the knight's body. if going with the left at camp choice, pax will show up right after defeating caz but not before the crew can pull him out of his coffin. the dawning realization something is wrong with him; his eyes. the light in them is void. there will be little time to react before pax starts attacking the party. a voice not quite his own begins thanking them for returning his rite to him. they will remember it as mol..ag’s when he possessed pax at the thorm mausoleum. the tadcrew can either try to kill pax, knock him out or try to survive 9 turns against him like with hal..sin’s portal.
note: he has the standard vampire powers of being rather resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and is unaffected or barely harmed by necrotic magics, resistant to cold and lightning, and completely unaffected by psionics and paralysis. in addition to this, they'd have to overcome his regeneration by using holy water, any spells that produce sunlight or deals radiant damage. creating water and having it act as running water would deal acid damage and debuff him slightly. though, he is more resistant to sunlight than standard vampires. he'd be able to manipulate / pull the blood out of an opponent from a distance sparingly, try to dominate them with his gaze, slam, punch, rend, bite, teleport in mist or as a swarm of bats, turn invisible, thrall person or use his skills as an eldritch knight [ gestures vaguely]. action surge, eldritch strike, weapon bond, war magic, shatter, scorching ray, shocking grasp, thunder wave, magic missile, misty step, shield, booming blade ( need to look into him game wise ).
during the entire fight, pax will be trying to resist mol..ag and regain control of his body. he'll occasionally receive a dazed condition and won't attack or will miss them. apologies can be heard as he strains to speak to the party; apologizing for attacking them. he does not wish to hurt them, he's trying to fight. resist. mol..ag will retort by calling him weak or a worm. as pax is addressing his friends, he'll also invoke a divine each round starting with sten..darr preserve me. if the party is able to survive the 9 rounds, it ends with pax invoking akat..osh and then addressing them all by going divines ! purge this foul darkness ! but not before asking his friends for forgiveness ( or directly going forgive me, cor meum. my heart, forgive me. if romanced ). his body is lifted into the air and erupts in a blinding, all consuming light. as quickly as it came, the light will recede and he’ll drop to the floor while smoke wafts from skin. charred and burned , but otherwise seems to be whole. an outcome he did not expect. he believed he would perish when he invoked the divine spirits. leave naught but ash , purging all of mol..ag corrupting presence.
when approaching his body , they can attempt to shake him awake. it will not garner a response. the pc can then decide to do nothing or cut their palm to allow a few drops of blood to fall into his mouth. doing so stirs him to a semiconscious state and heals a few wounds present on his body. propping him up and offering him a wrist to bite will be met with meek reluctance. if they insist, he’ll bite only briefly and abstains further as he does not trust himself not to take too much in his current state. he’ll use what strength it game him to assist them. otherwise, the party has to deal with caz in his coffin by themselves. during the fight with pax, caz was able to recover some of his health but will be much easier to defeat. IF they wake pax up via blood, despite his still injured state and experience with mol..ag, he'll use his vampire lord form to help end caza..dor one final time. collapsing from exhaustion not long after the battle ends and will not wake again until a day has passed. the tadcrew will have to carry his body out of the palace either way. when he wakes, pax thanks them for helping him and laments on his inability to resist. if questioned on the possibility of mol..ag returning, pax will admit he will but not for a long while. for once, he feels....unburdened. that not all is entirely lost, perhaps. maybe there is some hope for him? at least it was a small consolation his gods answered his pleas. while they could not remove the taint entirely, they were able to temporarily banish bal when his power waned from the strain controlling pax placed on his reach & influence in fae..run. if asked about mol..ag reclaiming the rite, an answer will not be given. he is uncertain. regardless, he'll be notably....happier, but attention quickly turns to defeating the elder brain.
ANOTHER THING TO NOTE: if they manage to kill pax, that’s that. he’s permanently removed as a party member. his body turns to ash. mol..ag will not appear in camp to offer pax’s resurrection for a price. withers will be unable to resurrect him. if they defeat ( KO ) but don’t kill, mol..ag will be unable to maintain his possession of pax. he will be too weak to extend his reach pass the watch of the faerunian gods. the prince will slink back to his domain.
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justgowithit505 · 11 months
alright so now im really sad cause I've just read a book, and there was a main character that, like, had Reggie's personality and every dialogue that character spoke Reggie could say it very well in JATP, alright, and that character offered himself to save his friends in the final battle, so now I ask myself: what if Reggie died to save Luke, Alex and Julie from Caleb? But, like, in post-canon? I mean, everyone would cry, just like I did. I'm really thinking about writing an AU for that book but with the JATP characters.
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spoodleydoodley · 1 year
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"By the Power of Grayskull, I HAVE THE TOOOUUUCH!!!" - He-Mech
Here's a thing that I'm miffed doesn't happen more: a Crossover of Transformers and Masters of the Universe!
With his Sword of Leadership, He-Mech protects the world of Cyberternia from the evil forces of Skeletron
This was a blast to make and I hope you all like it~
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paintwizard · 11 months
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Easier than lying - Halsey
Caffeine Cold - Fall out Boy
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OK i was listening to "Just Another Day" by Oingo Boingo and my brain suddenly clicked and associated it with suovetaurillia so. explaining it here. not going too in depth for all of them bc i think many explain themselves but @frau-line
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Areia after being pulled into the 3rd dimension, sensing its presence all around her even when she's back in the 2nd dimension and can't see it. Then, such a shift in worldview shattering her belief in the 2nd dimension as a true reality as she leaves home to preach the 3rd dimension and face the dangers that comes with such dissent.
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Areia choosing the truth of the 3rd dimension over living a peaceful life with Pax, drowning out her love for him with the fact that he would hold back her mission. 'So easy to forget' could either be Areia believing that Pax so easily forgets the commitment they have to each other by refusing to listen to her words of the 3rd dimension and having no belief in her visions; or Areia so easily forgetting the prospect of the life they might have had together, and the life that she could return to, if she wasn't so entirely consumed by spreading the Gospel of 3d.
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Saturninus being the voice in her ear that doesn't go away, encouraging and supporting her actions, after their encounter. Also thinking about how Pax interpreted her ramblings as a 'dream', from which she suddenly started spouting words that make no sense but wouldn't leave her mind.
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Pax in his vision with Areia
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Saturninus being the one with the smile on his face. After all, now everyone (who has survived) knows the undeniable truth of the 3rd dimension, and he and his apostle have succeeded. Thinking about Areia being heavily associated with shining jewels, 'a golden coin that reflects the sun', the sun being a 3rd dimensional divine body. She's the golden coin that has seen the glory of this heavenly object, and her sole job now is to reflect it to her home of Flatland and make them recognize it's existence as well.
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Pax in his vision, desperately trying to remind Areia of what they could return to. A place for themselves to grow old. She doesn't have to leave calamity in her wake wherever she goes, burning out like a star among the heat of her own flames, bright enough to call the attention of everyone to her message.
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Idk much about this part, but around when Areia gets executed (i'm pretty sure thats what happens). She's finally spread Saturninus' word, succeeded in her mission of people knowing the truth of the 3rd dimension, 'heavens are secure', just for it to all come crashing down on her
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hunnie-and-baller · 2 months
I love how Kally seems well adjusted and normal (at least when you compare her to the company she keeps) but this girl ATTRACTS all the weird.
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mallardbee · 1 year
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
You know what I think could be an interesting au for tfp? A bit of a what-if.
What if, instead of being an Archivist, Orion Pax was a noble? Perhaps even a senator? Famous for his sense of fairness and kindness, and fairly popular. Unfortunately, a but naive. But he's still a noble, and he has his vices.
His vice is the gladiatorial fights and, by extension, Megatron. He is Megatron's sponsor, so he makes sure he has enough shanix for proper medical care, better lodgings, etc. In exchange, Megatron spends time with him, often debating and discussing different topics.
Orion Pax enjoys this a great deal. The interfacing isn't too shabby, either!
But eventually, he ends up falling in love and decides to buy Megatron's contract.
They're soon conjunxed, even if there's a bit of a social uproar. It's always a bit amusing to see Orion Pax, while not a small mech by any means, alongside his conjux, draped in jewellery like a proper senator/noble consort.
... I haven't got much further. Sorry for the rambling. I guess this takes place in a somewhat lighter version of tfp?
Sorry it took me a bit to get to this! I've read a couple? fics that are kinda like this, but they made him a noble and an archivist. I don't remember the name of it but one of them had made him the son of a senator? It's been a while on that one tbh.
The whole sponsor plotline is interesting,
wait is this another sugar daddy!Orion and sugar baby!Megatronus situation wait wait wait
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bone-evidence · 10 months
Sometimes ideas really get away from me in the best way possible
I started with a small idea based off a song and now it's blossomed to Steampunk Pirate au and in the first paragraph I'm shitting on one of the captain's crew's ability to ransack a town
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classychassiss · 2 years
Covenant Orion Pax is so different from Exodus Orion Pax; why did they write all that fun stuff about him being really old and having been a part of both the Cataclysm and the Quintesson Invasion and then retcon it like he’s a young and naive Mid Caste Mech?
I like the idea of an Orion trying to work w Megatron from an angle of someone who’s experienced some of those terrors first hand, but is himself new to the struggles of the Post- Functionist era mechs like…. Fun Orion who knows a bunch of bots bc they were freedom fighters and also looks soooo young until a younger Megatron asks his age and he’s like ‘oh I just turned 7 million :)’ . Like Covenant Orion actually was in the battle field w Ultra Magnus and that was such a fun little bit of text, as was him being fast friends w Jazz ( JazzOP Amica Momence!!)
EDIT: CoP Came out after the novels and thats the big disconnect but the other way around lmao my bad!
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