#Raising Bee Event
risingsouls · 3 months
continued from ★ || @athenafire
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" Huh? You guys need a whole community to build a house? "
A second thought reminded him of construction ventures he witnessed in the city. Ones that took months to complete and entire crews. A feat that a Saiyan or two could put together in a few days to a week, max, depending on the size of the project. But he supposed he could give Earthlings a break: most of them were pretty weak physically in comparison and next to none of them could fly to make things even easier. They had to use giant bulky machines and pulleys to accomplish work that was high up.
" Hell, me and Raditz could probably build your house in half a day ourselves. Might need a little instruction, but I think even we could manage. " Nappa laughed and slapped Raditz on the back. " The runt may not look like much, but even he's capable when he wants to be. "
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Raditz rolled his eyes. " Says the guy who can barely keep his business afloat without my help. " Arms folded, he glanced toward the spot she indicated, the ruination of her house. He snorted at the irony: he and Nappa had a much deeper history of destroying homes over building them. " But he's right; we could probably make quick work of this. "
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athenafire · 3 months
Meredith stared up at the finished home. Two days, hundreds of people, thousands of pounds of food and drink. And now...? Now she can relax a little. This one will stand, she's sure of it. The barn was fixed up, repainted, the roof patched... it felt like the weight of the world lifted off her shoulders. And now she could get back to healing.
Quiet as ever, she made her way into the new woodshop, and began working on making new furniture.
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divinityunleashed · 3 months
Chronoa arrived to the scene with a big smile on her face, accompanied by four armoured women behind her as they all were holding boxes full of food, drinks and other things.
"Hope we're not too late to help out!"
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"Look at all the people that are already here..."
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"So many strong people! I wanna fight them!"
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"Relax, White Heart. We're here to lend a hand with construction and safeguarding, not to spar with people."
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"Indeed. As Chronoa said, I hope we are not too late to help out."
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unboundpower · 3 months
A pigeon pecks on the windowsill, on its leg a small invitation to a Raising Bee this Weekend up at Fabled Orchards. (For the Son family)
An animal visiting their home on the mountain wasn't at all an unusual occurance. Goku turned to the kitchen's open window at the sound of tapping, and smiled at the sight of the bird.
❝ Hi there! Did you need somethin'? ❞ He walked towards the pigeon, eyes drifting over towards the tiny object tied to its leg. Immediately getting the clue that a snack wasn't the reason for the bird stopping by, Goku went to gently undo the thread.
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❝ A message? Let's see… ❞ As he scanned the text, Chi Chi approached him from behind, wiping dry a glass.
❝ What is it Goku? ❞
❝ It's an invitation directed to us! ❞ He faced her with a grin. ❝ For a raising bee, at Fabled Orchards. ❞
❝ From Meredith? ❞ Now Chi Chi's curiosity was piqued.
❝ Yeah! Remember how the orchards were destroyed during that weird attack on West City? I guess she's requesting help in rebuilding the place. There's a potluck, too. ❞ Goku put aside the invitation, and waved a little goodbye as the pigeon flew away - its task completed.
❝ We should go, Chi! I dunno how many other people will get invited, but I'd feel bad if Meredith didn't get enough help. ❞
He alone was enough to do any heavy lifting required, but Chi Chi was just as capable of it. The more pairs of helping hands, the better.
❝ Of course. Who would we be to turn a blind eye to another farm's plight? ❞ Chi Chi agreed, putting the glass she was holding back into one of their many cabinets. She stepped towards their fridges.
❝ Just in case there's not many people there, we'll prepare plenty of dishes to bring. I already have a few ideas. ❞
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❝ Hehe, sounds good! Whatever ingredients we need, I can get. I'll see if Goten wants to come along too. ❞
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optimistc-apathy · 2 months
Before anything else, I am a writer.
I would also call myself a singer. Or a textile artist, maybe. I could be a sibling, or a friend, or a student, or a baker, or a gardener, or a cook. There is an incredible number of labels you could put on me that would fit.
When I was a kid, I would deny so vehemently that I ever wanted to be a writer. I used to read like it was breathing, and when my relatives would interrupt me in the middle of a story to ask if I'd ever want to author one myself, I would tell them that reading and writing were two different things, thank you very much, and just because I was a reader didn't mean I was a writer.
But, through that love for reading, I ended up figuring out what the phrase "Stockholm Syndrome" meant much younger than you might expect. Think eight or nine, after reading the "Series of Unfortunate Events." Which, if you didn't know, is a notably bad place to garner vocabulary. Lemony Snicket is in the habit of explaining words in a context entirely different from what they actually mean. Still, I have a vivid memory of sitting in a corner of the living room on Thanksgiving as a nine-year-old (reading, naturally), and hearing my sister's boyfriend ask my mom for clarification on the concept of Stockholm Syndrome. I looked up from my book and told him what it was -- much to the chagrin of my parents, who were wondering where I'd learned it.
It's ironic that it was a book that introduced me to the concept of Stockholm Syndrome, and that it was one of the few phrases that Lemony Snicket ever explained correctly. I doubt you're unfamiliar with it, but it means to be trapped or held captive by something, and to grow to love it anyway.
When I think about it now, I realize that it was inevitable that I learned to love to write. I also hated learning how to read, but my dad taught me before I even started kindergarten, and I loved knowing I was better at it than the other kids. It was my way of setting myself apart. I drank so desperately from the books I read that I couldn't help but fill myself with words.
And then, just as inevitably, they had nowhere to go.
That was the first part of my own experience with Stockholm Syndrome. I was folded into myself like origami, with so much to say and no space for it. Every word I'd ever read was crammed into my lungs, and I didn't know what to do with them. It wasn't until I found other people's writing (like Broadway shows I loved, intersectional queer lit, characters that looked and felt and breathed like me, etc.) that I ever wanted to make my own.
I didn't start writing until I was 13. I found my first inspiration -- and what it was, I'll never tell because lord, is it embarrassing -- and I made something out of it. It felt like reaching down into my chest and taking hold of something I barely knew was there and turning myself out onto the page, but in a different font. Whether that be Times New Roman or the chicken scratch I had going in 4 different notebooks simultaneously, there was always something to say. I could never get away from it. And, as the Stockholm Syndrome mention might suggest, I grew to love it.
There is a part of me now that is inextricable from my writing. I put words together to get feelings out, in a way that is both authentic to myself and more beautiful than anything I have ever been. I put words together to process what I've been through. I put words together to write lives that I've never lived, and I grow vicariously through them. I know that love exists because I write it into existence. I am all that I need to be through the words I put down.
At the end of the day, yes. I am fully and completely bound to my writing. I am trapped in a way that I will never experience elsewhere. I would be nothing without it.
But fuck, I love it.
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jessamine-rose · 7 months
/obey me! vent/
#jessamine rambles#before i start. pls keep in mind that this is fully subjective and could just be a 'me' problem. i just want to get this off my chest#ngl i've been contemplating on whether i want to stop playing obey me. both the og game and nightbringer#idk i've been playing the game since its first month and while it's given me a lot of joy + memories + chances to befriend other ppl. i'm#pretty burned out. not to mention TIRED of my consistent disappointment with the game#the main story.....where do i start?? i actually enjoyed s1-s3 despite my qualms with the fillers and pacing but s4 disappointed me. i was#rlly looking forward to simeon's storyline and the new characters but ultimately. the devs tried to squeeze too many things into one season#not to mention that there is a notable difference in how the characters are written. i.e. beel's hunger and asmo's beauty#being watered down to running gags instead of the complexities explored in the old dg stories and chara songs#gameplay-wise. i was there when the devs raised the rewards price of the event urs and removed the demon ssrs completely#but nightbringer was the last straw for me. the amount of time it takes to grind for two games. knowing that the og app has essentially bee#abandoned by the devs?? not to mention that while the plot is interesting. i haven't touched the main story ever since the coma arc#i will give credit to the devs for improving the event stories by choosing to focus on 1-2 demons. but it has always felt like a quantity >#quality situation. esp if i were to compare it to my other fandoms#it also doesn't help that i'm currently at a point of my life where i'm questioning if i could use my time on obm for better things#seeing how the game is giving me less reasons to believe it is worth my time#idk this may also be a short-term phase since i DID get back into twst after a long hiatus and i recently got into whb#which btw has felt like a breath of fresh air despite my frustrations with the bugs and current gacha#but yeahhhh........as much as i love the obm characters and fanfics. i'm just tired#at this point i feel like the only reason why i still play the game is due to the nostalgia and so i don't waste the years of grinding#aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#this is what i get for being the type of player who only plays a few games so they can rlly dedicate their time and passion to it#that's all
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hemmingsleclerc · 3 months
My Husband ┃CS55
summary: Y/N attends her husband's home race but didn't expect to find the "popular" girl at her high school back in the day.
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The sun was seen over the Barcelona-Catalunya Circuit while the Spanish Grand Prix was taking place. Y/N, dressed in an elegant yet casual dress that perfectly combined glamor and comfort, strolled through the paddock with an air of confidence. Her husband, Carlos, was focused on preparations for the next race, leaving her free to immerse herself in the exciting atmosphere.
As she toured the different garages and hospitality areas, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of nostalgia. The roar of the engines brought back memories of her teenager's years when she would never have imagined being there in the paddock. Yet here she was, the wife of one of the sport's most talented drivers.
The familiar murmur of voices interrupted her thoughts and she turned to see a group of people approaching her. Among them was a face from her past: a girl named Carla, who was once the queen bee of her high school. Carla's eyes widened in false surprise when she saw Y/N there.
"Well, well, if it's not little Y/N," Carla sneered, her tone full of mockery. "What brings you to the Spanish Grand Prix? Trying to catch a glimpse of the rich and famous?"
Y/N smiled, refusing to let Carla's comments get to her. "Oh, you know, I've always been an F1 fan. I thought I'd come and support my husband."
''Husband?, so after all you did get a boyfriend?, what a wonderful surprise!''
''Yes, yes I did Carla'' Y/N responded, avoiding the urge to roll her eyes.
Carla smiled and looked at her boyfriend, who was next to her. "Well, we're here because my boyfriend is a big fan. You probably know him, he was with us at school! In fact, today he met all the drivers. It's a dream come true for him."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, recognizing the familiar pattern of Carla trying to outdo her in any situation. "That's fantastic for him. I'm sure meeting the drivers was an unforgettable experience."
''So, is this your first race?''
''In fact no, I have attended several grand prix, although it's probably your first time, so enjoy it Carla!'' And just as she finished saying those words she turned around and walked away from that irritating situation.
The race came to life and Y/N continued to enjoy the event, doing her best to ignore the presence of her ''wonderful'' former high school classmates.
As the checkered flag waved, signaling the end of the race, Y/N once again found herself in the path of Carla and her boyfriend.
"Well, well, you again” Carla said with a forced smile. "Did you have fun watching the race, sweetie?"
Y/N sighed inwardly but maintained her composure. "Yes, it was thrilling. Excuse me, I need to find Carlos."
As she tried to walk away, Carla's boyfriend, Y/N's old crush from high school, stepped forward, trying to strike up a conversation with her. Y/N felt a wave of discomfort but remained polite. All she wanted to do was go to her husband and congratulate him on his incredible podium finish in the race.
Suddenly, the crowd around them buzzed with excitement as Carlos Sainz approached, his red racing suit adorned with sponsor logos. Carla and her boyfriend exchanged surprised glances.
"Carlos Sainz!" Carla exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"
Y/N couldn't help but smile triumphantly. "Oh, I didn't mention it before? He's Carlos, my husband, sweetie."
Carlos, oblivious to the tension, politely greeted Carla and her boyfriend. When they noticed, Carla's forced smile faltered and Y/N took the opportunity to gracefully exit the conversation. She walked away from her, leaving behind a speechless Carla and a bewildered old lover.
''Thank God you showed up, I couldn't stand them for another minute''
''You okey mi amor?''
''I'll be better after the celebration for your great podium, cariño''
With their heads held high, Y/N and Carlos walked out holding hands, along with the shiny trophy, ready to have a great night.
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anthurak · 5 months
So with everything we learned and saw in Episode 4 from Angel, Valentino, Charlie and Husk, here’s a little theory on how the Hotel crew saving Angel from Valentino might play out. Particularly in how Husk’s status as a former Overlord may factor into things.
Because I have a hunch it’s actually going to be Husk, rather than Charlie who gets fed up first and goes out to make a real attempt at getting Angel away from Valentino, given everything we saw between Husk and Angel in this episode. Specifically, Husk aims to lure Valentino into gambling for Angel’s contract.
Now that raises the question of what exactly Husk could gamble with. I see two possibilities:
Option One, Husk full on bluffs Valentino that he still has substantial power as an Overlord and has been hiding it all this time, tempting him with more souls and power. And as we’ve seen most notably in Episode 2, Val in kind of a massive fucking idiot, so I could see him actually falling for this. Essentially, Husk gambles with nothing, save his own soul, for a chance to save Angel.
Option Two, Husk actually gets his power BACK from Alastor. Specifically through fulfilling some mysterious, nebulous condition Alastor set up for him. It could even be that this is what sets up Husk to gamble Val for Angel’s freedom. Alastor returns Husk’s power as an Overlord because he’s curious as to what Husk will do with it now. Which we see, is putting it all on the line again for a chance to save Angel.
Whichever way we get to it, we find Husk in a high-stakes card game with Valentino. And of course, Husk does the classic trope of NOT telling his friends or even the guy he’s doing this for what he’s doing to ‘keep them safe’ and all that. Of course, they do find out. Which will come into play later…
As for the all-important gamble; Husk actually does WIN legitimately against Valentino. However, because Valentino is… well, Valentino he welches on the deal and attacks Husk, and perhaps a recently arrived Angel as well.
Now in the event that Husk was bluffing Valentino the whole time and is actually helpless against a fully-powered Overlord, this would be when Alastor, from afar, actually returns Husk’s own power as an Overlord as some offhand, magnanimous whim. Which of course now allows Husk to actually fight back against Valentino.
What ensues is a full and proper fight between Husk/Angel and Valentino, with all the requisite emotional drama of Angel and Husk admitting their feelings for each other and all of Valentino’s shittiness as a person coming out in force. Maybe like an mlm version of the Bees vs. Adam fight.
However, despite getting his power as an Overlord back, Husk ultimately turns out to not be as powerful as Valentino. Alternatively, perhaps he never gets his power back at all and we just skip to here from Husk winning the bet. Whichever way we get here, Husk and Angel are now at the non-existent mercy of Valentino.
Which is precisely when CHARLIE shows up.
And I imagine what ensues plays out in a flash. Like everyone is only just registering that Charlie has appeared when suddenly everything is on fire. We get only the briefest glimpses, perhaps only in silhouette, of the full-sized horns on Charlie’s head, the great leathery wings coming out of her back and the pitchfork in her hand before she has Valentino by the throat and the mothman starts BURNING, screaming in pain as he is consumed in hellfire.
Basically, I feel that after this episode we are going to see Husk be the one to step up first to try and save Angel from Valentino, given everything we saw between the pair this episode. But at the same time, I think the interactions between Charlie and Valentino, particularly Charlie starting to transform in rage, sets her up as the one who’s going to ultimately put Val down. Specifically via giving us a glimpse at Charlie’s true power.
And I do say glimpse because I imagine the full and proper reveal of Charlie’s ‘Devil Form’ is almost certainly going to be saved for when she’s forced to take on the likes of Adam and the Exorcists, the ones who have been set-up as proper antagonists to Charlie herself.
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wifeyifey · 10 months
Sorry if this is a bit long, but maybe it could start something like this?
Y/N visits Sam at college with Optimus, who might've came with to harass Sam about helping like an alternative to the scene where they meet at the graveyard. Leo follows Sam out, probably harassing him about the website or whatnot, and basically just kinda stops like "You didn't tell me your sister was hot!" before running up ahead to hit on her, with Sam having his fifth mental breakdown of the day. Optimus isn't happy with Sam's dormmate, to say the least.
First request for the 1000+ follower event!!! Yippie!!!
Bayverse! Optimus Prime x fem!AFAB!human! Reader
OP in love with Sam's friend who is like an older sister of Sam is my favorite trope 😌💅🏻
Smut smut smut!!!
Warnings: size-difference! tried to keep this realistic so no penetrative sex. cock humping, clit stimulation. messy cum 🥴 Also cheesy flirtations from Leo
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You were sitting inside Optimus who was in his semi-trailer form as you both waited for Sam to come out of his dorm building so you could surprise him. “You think he’ll be excited to see me, Optimus?” you ask softly, “I know it’s only been one day since he’s been here, but I was so upset I couldn’t help him move in,” you say with a small hint of guilt in your voice. 
“My dear sweet spark, Sam would be happy to see you,” Optimus said in his soothing deep voice in reassurance through his radio. You smile before affectionately rubbing your hand over his steering wheel. You open your mouth to say something when you see Sam walking out of the building with his roommate in tow. “Oh, look! He’s coming out!” you say happily as you scramble out of Optimus. 
“Sam!” You call out to him, effectively grabbing his attention. “Y/N?” Sam says happily as he sees you waving over to him with Optimus chilling behind you with his engine revving. Sam rushes over to pull you into a big hug as he lifts you slightly in his tight embrace. You can't help but giggle brightly as you wrap my arms around his neck tightly. “God, I’m the worst big sister ever-,” you start before you get rudely interrupted by Leo’s low wolf whistle making you pull back from the hug and look at him with a raised brow. “Damn, Sam! You didn’t tell me your sister was a babe,” Leo says as he pushes Sam to the side a bit as Leo grabs your hand to kiss your knuckles, “I’m Leo, Sam’s roommate, and hopefully your future husband,” Leo winks. Sam watches the scene unfold as he tries not to burst out laughing at the clear disgust on your face. Optimus is fuming at the scene knowing you're not exactly enjoying the flirt. Your brows raise in shock as you pull your hand away from him. “Charmed,” you say sarcastically as you wipe your knuckles on Sam’s shirt. You turn back to Sam, “Anyways, hon. My husband,” you pause to look at Leo as you lift your hand with your wedding band on it that you wear to fend off creepy men then look back at Sam, “wanted to talk to you. He said it was urgent. So, go get Bee and meet up with us,” you say in a more relaxed tone as you look at Sam. Sam can't help but chuckle lightly before realizing you're talking about Optimus and he let out a sigh. “Really? I can’t have one day?” Sam asks exasperated. “Nope!” you say as you pop the ‘p’, “And you know you can’t really say no to me and I’m not exactly asking,” you finish with a cheeky smile before walking over to Optimus and getting inside. “See you soon!” you say sweetly. 
“Wait! Here’s my number in case your husband doesn’t work out or if you want some spice in your life,” Leo says as he hands you a folded-up piece of paper and he blows you a kiss. Optimus’ engine revs loudly in annoyance at Leo’s insistence. You look at him incredulously and can’t help the laugh that comes out of you, “I genuinely don’t know where you get this confidence to go after a married woman, but I’m very much not interested, kid,” you scoff. “Leo, buddy. Trust me. Her husband is a god compared to you,” Sam adds as his hand pats Leo’s back as he guides him away from you. 
You crumple up the number and toss it aside as Optimus peels out of the parking lot. After a few minutes of driving at a fast speed and Optimus being oddly quiet, you decide to speak up. “My love?” you ask softly only to hear nothing but silence. You sigh softly, “You know you’re the best thing to happen to me right? That I’ll never get tired of you and that it’s always you on my mind right? The only one who gets me all hot and bothered,” you say reassuringly with a small giggle at your last statement as your hand caresses the dashboard in a soothing manner. “I know that. I’m not upset with you. Never with you, my sweet spark,” Optimus says with a soft sigh before pulling off to the side of the road and into a small forested area as he transformed into his humanoid form with you in his servos. 
He finds a tree and sits down with his back against it as he lifts you up to his face and carefully places kisses on your face and lips. “No one else could ever have you,” Optimus says as his spike is released and his other hand reaches under your dress to take off your panties only to realize you weren’t wearing any and he lets out a low rumbling growl. You smirk slightly, “I have to keep things interesting, Optimus,” you say teasingly. “My wife,” he says possessively and places you against his warmed-up spike making a shiver run down your spine. His voice and possessiveness were something you’d never dealt with before with him. Optimus was always so gentle and loving, but this… this was primal and rough. You begin to rock your hips lightly as your slick covers his spike making it easy for you to feel the ridges of his spike against your clit making you let out breathy moans. His servo wraps around your torso in a firm grip. “Primus, you’re mine,” Optimus groans out as he gently rocks his hips lightly to create more friction as you grind against his large spike. Your hands grip his spike as you let out a whine at the feeling of him, “I’m yours. N-no one else’s. I love you, I love you,” you whimper out desperately as your orgasm approaches. Transfluids start to leak from his tip and he pushes your hips down as he starts to apply more pressure to his length as he let out a deep moan from the feeling. Your juices have coated his spike as your thighs tighten and they become lubed up from your essence dripping down the sides of his spike. “‘M close, my love,” you gasp out as you continue to moan and whimper from the pleasure. “Optimus!” you cry out as your orgasm wracks through your body and your thighs squeeze around him. Optimus hasn’t stopped moving you against his spike as his hand moves down to hold your lower back and ass to continue the grinding. “Y-Y/N,” he groans loudly as he twitches and the transfluids shoot out from his spike in large spurts against his abdomen and breastplates. 
You watch the liquid shine against him and you bite your lip softly. “I… don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing that,” you say lovingly before looking into his blue optics. “Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you… it’s quite sexy seeing you so- what’s the word,” you pause, “so deliciously possessive,” you finish with a smile and a small giggle. Optimus lets out a small chuckle as he raises his other servo to caress your cheek with the back of his finger. “I wasn’t too rough?” he asks softly with slight concern. “Your grip may have been too tight, but would I change that? Absolutely not. In fact, I like this rough side a bit,” you smile cutely, “it’s kinda, super, mega sexy,” you giggle brightly making Optimus laugh softly with you. “I love you with all of my spark and every inch of my being, Y/N,” Optimus says lovingly as he leans down a bit to rest his forehead against yours gently. Your hands go on either side of his face as you place soft kisses on his lips, nose, and forehead before resting your forehead back against his as you both close your eyes to breathe in the moment. “I adore you and every bit of me forever belongs to you. Mind, body, and soul. I love you,” you say in a soft whisper.
Sam turns to Bee at the place they were supposed to meet you and Optimus at. "Where are they?" Sam asks confused. Bee shrugs his shoulders and lifts his servos slightly, "Hell if I know," he says through multiple channel changes through his radio.
A/N: lmk what y'all thought about it!! comments appreciated 🫶🏻 tips are also appreciated, no matter how small 💞 much love and kisses to you all
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vxmpjules · 1 year
˚ · • . ° ꫝ🇪 𝔞Ⓡ︎𝘁ᗷℯ𝕒꓄
⋆·˚ ༘ * " i don't believe in consistency"
C; Hobie brown ~ Spiderpunk x SpiderPerson!reader
Prns; Gender neutral, feminine traits.
Warnings; Mentions of hookups, no actual smut
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As everyone knew Hobie wasn't consistent in anything, in his bands, friends, most stuff. Only consistent thing was his position as spider-punk, and surprisingly you, you two have been best friends since you met each other, you both instantly clicked.
You both where inseparable, both chaos in your own ways. You loved his opinion and care free style, and he loved well... Everything about you really.
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One day things got heated and you both found warmth in each other. Which you knew was one of the worst mistakes you could've ever done, you should've never hooked up, it was wrong. You had told hobie to just keep things normal after that, no talking about it, nothing. You didn't want to ruin your friendship and turn it into something difficult, you couldn't fall in love with someone at this time, not with Hobie.
Until... You came crying, your canon event finally happened to you, and you found comfort in Hobies arms. It was something other than just some lazy hookup, this actually sparked something, and you regretted it again, Hobie started being kinda-ish different, he seemed more protective of you, or got cold when you mentioned you going on dates or finding other people attractive.
You thought to yourself that was just a normal friendship thing, but you couldn't deny those feelings either. But you ignored them and became more distant to Hobie, it was wrong and you felt horrible, you cared and loved Hobie, but it couldn't pass more of the best friends line.
This confused Hobie, he didn't know how to feel, he wasn't good with this whole romantic thing, sure he had his girlfriends before, but feeling something for someone so close to him, wasn't on his list. He felt frustrated because of you, you weren't helping, distancing yourself for no reason and being distant, he felt lost, he needed to do something quick.
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You had a little boyfriend, which was a stupid decision, knowing that deep down the only boy you wanted was Hobie and you knew he want too. You just didn't know how to handle it, you ruined your relationships quickly, you where always with people you didn't like so it be easier to discard them, you never tried anything with Hobie because you didn't want to loose him, one wrong move and you could loose him forever, you where lucky enough he stayed by your side all this time.
Your boyfriend was making breakfast, as you walked around in one of Hobies shirts, not that your boyfriend would know so you didn't care. You had put your phone next to your boyfriend, being easy to see any notification or message that popped on your screen as you grabbed some orange juice to drink.
Just as you where drinking the juice a text from Hobie appeared on your screen, it wasn't anything bad really just a simple "When can i see you" but that could be misunderstood quickly, before you could grab your phone your boyfriend had already saw the message, with a furrowed brows he questioned "Who's Hobie?" With a sigh you say "Just a friend of mine" as you jump off the counter and take your phone with you.
Your boyfriend finished with the breakfast and served your plate before going up to you and kissing you before he left for work, Eating the breakfast you heard a soft knock on your window.
You raised your brown and went over to check the window, seeing hobie hanging upside down, with a sigh you open the window for him to enter, your heart beating faster at his presence. These times anything could happen with you both, but you knew that whatever happened you would distance yourself again.
"Hi" he greets, with his British accent as he makes himself at home and sits on your couch. "Hi 'bee" you greet back, using the nickname you gave him the first time you met, you eyed him, watching him scan the surroundings. Noticing someone else's shoes and jackets, from the last time he was here the only things that weren't your's were his. "Got someone here?" He innocently asks looking up to you, his heart beat faster at one of the polaroids taped on the wall.
Seeing you and another boy in the photo, both smiling happily. He kept looking at you waiting for an answer as his heartached, "That's my... Uhm my boyfriend" you respond as you look down, avoiding his gaze. "So that's what you've been doing all this time, eh?" He noted with a cold tone, he couldn't handle this, you stopped talking, hanging out with him for this idiot? He knew that deep down it should be him, the one in the picture with you, the one leaving his stuff in your house, the one making you breakfast, the one holding you tight all nights as you sleep, not some idiot.
You fidgeted with your fingers nervously, you couldn't look at him, at the only person you care about, the one that runs your mind 24/7. You felt guilty choosing some prick over him, you didn't want your boyfriend, you only wanted Hobie.
Hobie stood up the sofa, seeing you still gazing at the floor, walking over to you, he lifted you chin up for you to look at him. Your eyes where watery you didn't know what to do, your heart ached as you wrapped your hands around his neck. This was wrong, you where gonna hurt yourself and him.
Hobie took your chin and kissed you on the lips, giving you a soft and tender kiss, you leaned in his touch before he pulled away, he wiped one of your tears with his thumb before he said something that he shouldn't have said.
"I love you" he whispered with a small smile, before more tears left your eyes, you couldn't do this, "You shouldn't be here." You commented as you got away from him, nodding over at the window.
Hobie frowned at your words, he could almost feel some tears run down his own cheeks before leaving silently.
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There's gonna b a part 2 lmao
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thewulf · 4 months
With You? Always || Legolas
Summary: This was supposed to be a request but I took it in a very fluffy direction. Like no angst. Just teasing and reuniting with Legolas after the events of LOTR. Hope you guys enjoy!
A/N: Thank you for the cutest request anon even tho I didn't follow it! I had too much fun writing this one. It's so much fun to write these LOTR imagines. Thank you guys for sending them in!
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
Word Count: 3.4k +
TW: Insecurity, angsty, fluffy
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“King Thranduil suspects he will be back by nightfall.” Your father spoke breaking you from the trance you had seemed to be in. Your eyes were scanning the emptying kingdom among you. Just like the Elves of Rivendell the Elves of Mirkwood took to the sea’s too, many more than you suspected would leave so quickly. You were yet to get the calling. You were sure your father had felt it just as your mother did so long ago. But he had a duty to the king as his head guard, and he wanted to be around for you and your life milestones, “His elk can sense Legolas but a few hours away.”
You let out a small gasp with glee, “The Elvenking is hardly ever wrong.” Your eyes upturned into the smile that had now graced your usually withdrawn face since he had left here almost two years ago. You hardly lived your thousands of years without Legolas in tow. It’d been well over a year since he set off to destroy the ring. Being that you had lived thousands it should have been quick, but it felt like more than a century since you had spotted Legolas’s nearly silver, blonde hair.
“Indeed, my daughter. It is unwise to not listen to the king.” He gave you a knowing smile before retreating from your room and heading to his chambers to get ready for dinner. Leaving you to be with your thoughts. Quickly you got ready making sure to take extra care of you appearance just in case he had arrived early enough for it. It would be rather obvious of your intentions for you had been rather careless since he had been gone. You found no point to go above and beyond since you knew your eyes only landed on Legolas. No one else stood a chance even if they tried.
Sliding on your finest evening attire that wasn’t too over the top you set off for dinner. You scanned the castles dining hall for any sight of him but only slumped when you came up short not finding his normally intricately braided blonde hair.
It wasn’t often Elves could be snuck up on but when your eyes were desperately searching for the one that had been on your mind nonstop it was rather easy to sneak up on you, “He has yet to arrive my lady.”
You jumped turning to the elf standing beside you, “Galion! Where did you come from?” You placed a hand over your rapidly beating and rather startled heart that felt like it got caught doing something it shouldn’t have been.
“From across the room.” He smiled giving you a bow, “I was hardly being quiet.” He gave you an answer you weren’t really looking for.
You nodded quickly looking away, “Right. Thank you Galion. I was searching for my father.” It was an obvious lie and even he knew that for he knew of the feelings between the two elves. It had been painfully obvious for centuries. Even King Thrandruil was growing tired of son not courting you. He had long since accepted you as an extended member of his family. He had practically raised you alongside Legolas. He was eager to see the two of you together before he set sail. He had wanted to rejoin his wife and was growing impatient to Legolas’s growing timidness to asking you the question.
Galion nodded knowing you were lying through your teeth. Being the kings longtime advisor, he had known you just as well as the king and your father did. He knew all your little quirks. One being that you couldn’t lie to save your life, “Right my lady. He’s in the corner with the king.” Galion pointed to the two elves sitting there snickering about something.
Ever since the Kingdom of Mirkwood received word from Legolas that he was safe, and the ring had been destroyed the usually stoic king that hid away made himself more present and smiled far more often than you remembered. You were excited to catch glimpses of the old king you’d grown to see as a second father. Ever since Legolas’s mom and his wife has passed the king has grown cold. But now that there was finally some good news and hope he was becoming more of his old self.
Your thanked Galion before making your way your father. You weren’t planning on eating with him especially not that you learned that he was eating with the king. It’s not that you didn’t like them. No, you loved your king. It’s that he seemed to know of your longing feelings of his son no matter how well you tried to hide it. He always found a way to bring Legolas up and embarrass you in the process. Surely he would show no mercy due to your father sitting next to him.
“King Thranduil, Father.” You bowed before the two elves with utmost reverence. You knew how precious your spot in the Kingdom of Mirkwood was. If your father wasn’t who he was you would be nothing but a peasant elf the king could care less about. You tried your hardest not to take it for granted.
Before your father could speak the king did instead, “You look rather put together tonight Y/N. Special occasion?” He asked with a hint of smirk on his face. And that was why you were trying your hardest to avoid said king who was beginning to antagonize your efforts.
“None that I am aware of.” You spoke another obvious lie. Your father watched in amusement as your usually cool demeanor crumbled over the look the king was giving you. He too was not dumb. All of Mirkwood would have to be blind had they not known you and Legolas were to be bound together. It was just the two of you who seemed to lack the awareness.
His eyes looked over your outfit before replying, “My son’s favorite color is red. It is most uncommon to wear that color here, no?” He waved his hands before him showing that nearly elf was either in green, gray, or beige.
“Is it?” You tried to play dumb feeling utterly nervous under his looming gaze. How had he managed to make you feel so silly was beyond even you. Because he was right. Red wasn’t so common for greens were usually the chosen Mirkwood shades.
His stoic expression broke with an innocent smile, “Indeed it is. He will like this dress on you Lady Y/N.” Your father cracked a grin from beside the king seeing your dumb expression. He too was tired of watching you pine from afar and wanted to see you happy and in good hands before he departed.
You coughed trying to think of anything to say to him. You eyed your father for help, but he simply shrugged leaving you high and dry. He was enjoying this interrogation far too much, “Oh, my king, this is not meant for Legolas…”
He held a hand up to you letting you know to quiet, “Be that as it may. Which is a lie. He will be most happy to see you even more so in that dress.” You dared not disagree with the elf as he was in a chipper mood. Surely his sons return had something to do with it.
“Aye.” Your father agreed which earned a laugh from the normally stoic king. Were they drunk? They had to be. But you didn’t see any wine on the table nor smelled any alcohol on their breath. So, they were just enjoying seeing you squirm? You’d have a word with your father after it was all set and done.
The kings gaze softened seeing you truly so dumbfounded at his conclusion, “He will be here within the hour Lady Y/N. Take a stroll in my private garden after dinner. Galion will escort you after supper. I will see to it that he meets you out there after his arrival.”
You gulped. Was King Thranduil trying to get the two of you together? It seemed as if you were not as sneaky as you thought yourself to be, “Oh, I would not want to impose my king.”
“I insist.” And that was that. He had you escorted through his chambers to the garden even you had yet to see. It was small but truly, one of them most beautiful spaces you’d ever had the pleasure of stepping into. You walked around admiring the roses and flowers that seemed endless as they tangled with the grass and trees. You had sensed why he had kept it to himself after all of these years.
“My father was right. You are a vision Lady Y/N.” The familiar voice of the man you loved snapped you out of the trance the dancing roses captured you in. For the second time that night you had been snuck up on. Most unlike you.
Your face broke into a smile seeing the blonde elf in person finally, “Is red really your favorite color?” You asked not fully believing the king.
He bowed to you, “It’s been over a year, almost two and that’s the first thing you ask me?”
“It is. Is that an issue my prince?” You gave him a dramatic bow in return. That was just one of the many things he had grown to adore about you. You never really gave care in the world of his title. To you he was always just Legolas your friend. For he hadn’t a clue of how you felt about him.
“Hardly. Indeed, red is my most cherished color. This color precisely.” He stepped closer to you grabbing at the extra fabric on your arm. If your heart could simultaneously stop and explode all at once that was what was occurring. He was so close so suddenly. Was Legolas flirting with you?
“Well,” You cleared your throat trying your best to respond to him as your brain tried its best to keep up with him, “Hopefully I wear it all right.” You joked around trying to shift the growing tension between the two of you.
His hands did not drop from your arm as his eyes snapped up to yours, “My lady, you wear it finer than any elf in this kingdom and all kingdoms beyond.”
What was he doing? Your face paled before your cheeks exploded with color. You were usually so good at hiding emotion such as this but his outright honestly instead of the joking he would normally play in had taken you off your guard.
He smirked now knowing his father’s push was really all he needed. You would not blush so had you no feelings for him. He did not wish to ruin the grand friendship he had with you for it was the most cherished thing in his life. For in his mind, you had no feelings for him.
“Oh, thank you Legolas.” He noticed you flexing your hands. He had long since learned that was your tell for being unsettled. He’d often caught you doing the same before an attack would commence or when you had a terrible feeling of something.
“There is no need to be nervous Y/N. It is just me, Legolas.” He hid his smirk away for a softer smile. He held his hands out for you to take.
Slowly you placed your much smaller hands in his, “Indeed. That is what’s making me nervous.” You admitted out loud before your brain could stop you.
“What do you mean?” He turned his head to the side just so as his eyes scanned over your face searching for something, anything.
“You have occupied my thoughts every day since you left.” You spoke quickly before you could decide it would be a bad idea letting him know you had feelings too, “Are you being sincere?”
He stepped forward placing a tentative hand on your hip, “Aye, my lady. I would not lie to you. You look beautiful tonight.”
You placed your hand on his face making sure he really was back, “I missed you Legolas. This had been the longest year of my life. For I did not know years could take so long.”
He tested the waters by bring you closer to him. He fully wrapped an arm around your waist. You thought your heart was going to leap out of his chest as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, “I survived out there because of you.” His hair tickled your neck, but you could hardly care as you processed this information he had just told you.
“Pardon?” You had asked him to expand on that ever so bold statement.
He brushed your hair behind you ears, “When we wanted to give up, when all hope was lost, when I surely thought this life was over…” He paused seeing the horror in your expression. You must not have known how dangerous the quest truly was. But he continued trying to get to the point, “I thought of you. Coming home to you in Mirkwood kept me going.”
He surely heard how fast your heart was beating now, “I am glad I could provide you the strength to come home to me. For I do not know how I would fare middle earth without you.” This moment in the garden was the most intimate the two of you had ever been with the other. The most truthful too. You would have to thank his father later for the push the both of you needed. He must have been planning to leave soon as he never meddled so obviously before.
“I could not let that happen. I have made sure of that.” He smiled, eyes gazing down lovingly at you. You’d seen the gaze before but told yourself he meant something else. You were mistaken clearly.
“Legolas.” His name slipped out of your mouth so effortlessly. By Eru were you thrilled you could speak his name out loud because he was actually in front of you.
Ignoring your soft plea he asked you, “May I ask you a very important question?”
Your eyes piqued in curiosity as you nodded, “You may.” Wondering whatever he may ask you.
He took your hands in his gently rubbing his thumb along your much softer skin, “I wish to court you. I want to spend the rest of this life together, meleth nin. Would you do me the honor?”
You repeated his words slowly, “Meleth nin…” You repeated back to him before continuing in your disbelief, “For am I dreaming right now Legolas?” You asked not sure if you were truly in reality any longer. For as long as you pined for the blonde elf from afar this was happening faster than you had imagined.
“I certainly hope not, it took me far too long to work up the courage to ask you.” He grinned feeling like he could do anything in the world. His love, you, had said yes to him. He was going to have you as a partner, lover and more for the rest of his life. He could not wait to start the next part of his life with you. A youthful pang of excitement went off in his heart as he felt a new sense of adventure in the near future with you.
You laughed giving his hands a squeeze, “Then it is my greatest honor to accept. May I ask for how long?”
This time it was his turned to blush. It was a rare sight to see the kings son so squirmy in any sense, “Give or take a few hundred years?”
You smiled, “I have you beat then my prince. I had a growing crush nearly a thousand years ago. I thought it would go away so I just buried it deep down. See what good that got me.”
“Half our lives?” His eyes went wide as if he was finally seeing you for the first time.
You nodded you head trying to hide the embarrassment of hiding yourself away, “I suppose it is then half our lives so far. It was when you got back from Minas Tirith with your father. I had missed you far too much for the feelings to be simply friendly.” It wasn’t so bad admitting it to him for it felt more of a relief. He was going to know your truest feelings finally.
He placed his hands on your uppers arms, “I am nothing but a fool. I did not notice.”
You half laughed, half groaned, “I did not give you a chance my prince.”
“Why did you hide away from me?” He asked sincerely as he took a handful of your long straight hair in his hands. He was certainly more comfortable getting more handsy with you after you had accepted his proposal. It was no question to you. He was the only one you would say yes to.
“I am nothing but a Silvan Elf.” You spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. When Legolas’s face turned to nothing but confusion you continued, “I heard the king talking, years ago now, about how lowly he view the Silvan elves he presided over. I would never have the approval.”
“What are you talking about meleth nin?” He sounded genuinely confused, “How long ago was that?”
You shrugged, “A long time ago.” You didn’t want to admit it was nearly two thousand years ago you heard his decree. Even by elf standards that was some time ago.
“You know even stubborn kings can change their minds given some time.” He pinched your side lightly letting you know your thoughts were mistaken for the king had all but forced him to tell you this evening.
He held his hand out after he admired you for a moment longer than needed. He could not help it though for he couldn’t believe that you were his, “Come with me.”
“Where are we going?” You asked curiosity getting the better of you as you placed your hand in his.
He sighed turning back to you with that glimmer in his eye, “We may have an audience on the other side of the door waiting to see if you said yes.”
You let out a hearty laugh, “Unbelievable! Who is there then?” You followed him as he began walking.
“Your father and mine… and Galion” He smiled sheepishly almost afraid to see your reaction.
But your laugh let him know you didn’t mind, “Those meddling older elves. They need to mind their own business.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, that adorable blush forming over his cheeks, “I am thankful for their meddling for I never would have had the courage to ask you my lady.”
You gave his hand a squeeze before you walked through the thick wooden door, “I would have waited another two thousand years for you Legolas.”
He looked down suddenly bashful. You were beginning to adore the far more emotional side of the man you had grown to love truly throughout the centuries. It had made falling even further in love with him a less daunting task. You were more than excited to explore life as a courting couple. You’d make big decisions in this stage of life. How many children did he want? Where did he want to live? Was Thranduil going to give the crown to his son? Would he accept?
“You have always had such a way with words meleth nin.” He brushed the side of your face breaking you away from your thoughts.
You grinned at his kind words, “Meleth nin.” You whispered back to him for the first time. You could get used to calling him that. Your love. Your lover. Your everything.
He put his hand on the door before turning back to you, “Are you ready to deal with them?”
A smile broke out on your face in consideration of his actions, “With you? Always.”
He gave your hand a squeeze before opening the door before both of you. Sure enough not a second later both King Thranduil and your father pounced on the both of you with questions while Galion stood back with a relieved expression on his face. You laughed with utmost glee as Legolas pulled you into his chest shielding you from the questions and answering them all. If this is what it meant to be loved by him then you could surely get used to this.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!) : @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891
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risingsouls · 3 months
continued from ★ || @dragvnsovl
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" Heh, glad to hear it. Would be a shame if you weren't. " Nappa could tell the triclops struggled not to jump him. To maintain the peace so as not to ruin the event. The Saiyan knew he should ruffle the guy but...he couldn't help himself. For the sake of everyone there, he did silently promise not to take his banter too far.
" Yeah, I've been doing pretty good for myself. Never expected a second chance after what happened, but I guess the universe has all kinds of tricks up its sleeve. "
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athenafire · 3 months
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The people of the far North knew what to do when the call rang out. A tradition that kept the isolated, spread out families together for centuries. Barn raisings, house building, more food than most could comprehend. Music, dance, a celebration of community and survival.
These posters were spread far and wide, with word of mouth carrying it further into the mountains. Help was needed, and they knew to answer the call.
//Feel free to interact with this short event. Bring food, make jokes, whatever. Just be friendly and funny.
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ziggyzolch · 2 months
Queen Bee-atch Ⅵ (Regina George x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of eating disorders, nothing explicit. Also almost smut.
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“I have a callus on my middle finger, but you can’t really see it unless I do this,” Janis and Damien’s eyes widen as you stick out both middle fingers, completely unaware. Janis jumps forwards to put your hands down, glancing at the teacher passing behind you. “Fucking idiot.” Janis mutters while taking the pencil you borrowed from her back. Shrugging, you glance at Cady, who was entranced by herself in her pocket mirror, then back to Janis while slapping her shoulder.
“Dude!” Janis grabs your wrists and holds them together,
“I bet you 10 dollars she wouldn’t notice us staring at her,”
Letting go of your wrists, Janis turns to look at Cady, “She used to live in Arkansas, dude. She must have some self-preservation skills left.”
“Africa,” You correct, “So what, you pussying out?”
Janis rolls her eyes, sticking her hand out for you to shake.
With a timer set on your phone, you and Janis stared at Cady. “Any second now,” Janis mutters, before announcements distract you both. You and Damien cheer when Janis’s name is announced for her art competition, while Cady’s still applying lipstick. Damien rolls his eyes, turning to Cady, “Oh my God! What shade is that?” Cady finally looks up, and you stick out your hand to Janis as she hands you a 10. “Oh it’s an elf,”
You raise an eyebrow, “Just ‘elf’? Is your eyeshadow ‘Santa’?” Janis slaps the back of your head, “So, you coming to my show?” Looking back down at her mirror, Cady puts on a sad face, “I can’t, I have tickets in Madison with my Mom.” Janis raises her hand to your face before you could mutter ‘I told you so’.
“You seem real bummed about it.” Janis mutters, turning back towards the front of the class.
“Why do you have that?” Regina had invited you over after school, insisting that it'd be easier for you to go to the event together. You pulled a Lebanese flag out of your backpack, “It’s for Janis!” You push past her into her room, “Are you okay, by the way? Cady was a total bitch.” She drags you to her bed, “It’s nothing, they’ll probably be humping my leg tomorrow.” She points at a pile of clothes, “That’s your outfit, I’ll be in the bathroom.” She had picked out a band t-shirt and short black skirt for you. You were honestly impressed at how well she knew you, and shocked that she even had these.
After you finished changing, you turned to find Regina standing at her bathroom door, looking at you with a smirk. Her face drops slightly when you wrap your arms around your stomach and turn back around. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She approaches you and places her hands on your hips. “Nothing, it’s stupid.” You push her hands off you, moving towards her closet to find shoes. Walking up to you, she places her hands on your shoulders before you shake them off. Regina sighs, she knew she couldn’t fix everything in one day, but being confronted by it directly was different. She sits on her bed, waiting for you to come out, before patting the spot next to her. You avoid eye contact while approaching her. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, you speak up, “Do you only like me now because I lost weight?”
Regina’s eyes widen, “No! I’ve always liked you.”
You scoot away from her, “You didn’t give me the time of day when we were freshman. Even if you did like me then, you only started being nice after I lost weight.”
Regina sighs, “I didn’t want to like you. Not because of your weight or anything! Liking girls was just something I never expected from myself,”
You raise an eyebrow, “Says the girl who literally used boys just to make other girls jealous,”
She smacks your shoulder before continuing, “The only thing I could think to do was…be horrible. When I finally realized who you were this year, I felt horrible thinking that you lost weight because of me.” She takes a deep breath, “I figured that if I couldn’t reverse what I’d done, I could at least try to make up for it.”
You place a comforting hand on her shoulder, “Regina, you weren’t why I lost weight. You may have contributed a little, but I was sick. I am sick.” You offer a comforting smile to Regina, “It was my choice to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, not yours.” Regina was shocked. If she had been in your place she would’ve held a grudge till the day she died.
You turn away from her suddenly, “So all of this was out of pity, basically?” Regina sputters, attempting to deny it before you fall back in laughter. “Asshole!” You attempt to jump to the other side of your bed before she pulls you back, straddling you and holding both your wrists above your head with one hand.
You stop laughing, eyes going wide when her other hand starts trailing down your body. Heat started creeping up your neck, your gaze locked onto her hand. She’s getting so close to where you need her, her hand going beneath your skirt. You whine as when grazes the apex of your thighs, before she pulls away completely.
“We need to leave soon.” She smirks. “No! What was that!” You get up, following her to the bathroom. “Payback. Go do your makeup, pretty girl.” She taps your cheek then closes the door in your face.
You and Regina pull up to the gallery in her pink convertible. She shook her head in disgust when you suggested getting a cab. Walking hand in hand, you enter, perking up when you spot Janis. “Hey! I’m so glad you made it- Regina?” Janis approached, looking at you for answers. You scratch the back of your head, “I should’ve told you she was coming, but more importantly, Regina has something to say!” Regina turns to you, wide eyed and shaking her head before you push her towards Janis.
Janis looks at Regina expectantly, growing irritated. “I’m sorry, Janis. I really did value our friendship and it was stupid of me to ruin it for a boy. Also sorry for making you out to seem like an arsonist, and that one time I told everyone about the time you-”
“Alright, alright. Jeez.” Janis laughs. You run up to them, bringing them both into a, probably, uncomfortable hug. Baby steps.
You find Damien already seated, having saved seats for you and Janis. Before you could protest Regina taking your place, she pulls you into her lap. Janis and Damien look at each  other with raised eyebrows, making a mental note to ask you about it later.
You and Damien stand up, pulling Regina with you and cheering as they announce that Janis won first place. You raise the Lebanese flag as high as you could while Janis walks back to the group. “Uh, why do you have that?” You look down at your flag then back up at her, “You’re Lebanese aren’t you?” Damien pats your shoulder, “Bless your soul, baby.”
“I am a lesbian, not Lebanese.” Janis starts laughing, Regina and Damien following after her.
You groan, “I spent ages looking for this flag! How did I not know this?”
“I came out in 6th grade. Remember?”
“Oh. I guess I misheard you.” You scratch your head, realizing you misinterpreted the whole story between Regina and Janis.
You turn to Regina when you see her pulling out a Kälteen bar. “Why are you eating those?” Regina sighs, “These are all I’ve been eating, I need to lose like 3 pounds.” You raise an eyebrow and ignore Janis and Damien's hand gestures, “What? My mother made me eat those to gain weight.” You slap your hands against your mouth when you realize why Janis and Damien were trying to stop you. Regina crushes the bar in her hand, “What.” She says with a mouthful before spitting it out and stomping away.
Janis slaps the back of your head, “I didn’t mean to!” She rolls her eyes before dragging you and Damien out of the gallery, her artwork in hand. You were adjusting yourself on Damien's lap on his motor scooter, figuring that Regina had gone home already, while Janis took her spot standing in the back. Taking out your phone while Damien starts driving, going through peoples stories. You squint your eyes at a story someone posted of a house party, “Hey, you recognize this house?” You point the phone towards Damien and Janis.
 Janis clenches her jaw.
“That’s Cady’s house.”
A/N: The middle finger thing is actually something I did once, or twice i think. I'm spoiling you guys w these chapters smhh. jk thank you for reading!
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matan4il · 4 months
I saw your post about Noah and it just but a bee in my bonnet about how people in all sorts of fandoms have been doing similar things to Jewish actors (but it’s not as well known cause they’re obviously not as high profile as stranger things). I follow you from the 911 fandom, and I also watch 911 Lone Star and both Ronen Rubinstein (who plays TK) and Lisa Edelstein (who guest starred so isn’t a regular anymore but is iconic in her own right) have gotten hate. Ronen removed his twitter after people started calling him a Zionist and harassing him. Lisa turned comments off on some of her ig posts and specifically said it was so she wouldn’t get attacked. The only things those two have said are in regards to getting the hostages home safe or in reaction to the immediate events of Oct 7. Yet they’re being called supporters of genocide. The antisemitism disguised as “antizionism” is so fucking obvious and it’s sad how it’s infiltrated even the smaller fandoms if actors involved dare to be Jewish and express concern for fellow Jews.
Hi Nonnie!
First of all, yes. Sadly, there is not a single fandom I have been active in, that has been a safe space for Jews in general, and they've all become worse since Oct 7. So I'll talk a bit about the 911 fandom, but let's be clear that this fandom isn't the issue, it really is a symptom of a much bigger problem, which is very prevalent in online spaces, not just online fandoms. What I'll talk about is obviously not true for every single person, but it IS true for enough people, and especially for some very vocal ones, who shape what the "allowed" discourse is.
I have not been following what the 911 fandom does and says about Ronen Rubinstein for at least 2 years, but I can't say I'm surprised by what you told me.
I've written more than once about the fact that Jews are not white, not even the white passing ones. Also, I'm hardly the only Jew raising their voice about this, and yet I've noticed that the 911 fandom, which raged when half-white Eddie Diaz was not recognized as a POC by one fan, the fandom which has accepted Christopher Diaz as a POC (even though he's canonically only 25% Mexican, and is played by an actor who actually IS white, which means there's no arguing over the fact that Chris looks white), is also the fandom which has repeatedly conceptualized Ronen as a white guy, same for his character TK (even though he's canonically only half white), and with that view in mind there's been hostility towards Ronen that I've come across not long after 911LS just started. Ronen's family is from an area where Jews had been repeatedly slaughtered, including during the Holocaust for NOT being white less than one hundred years ago. TK looks white (you know, exactly like Chris), so that's enough to ignore Jewish identity, history, being native to the Middle East, and anti-Jewish persecution. Ronen gets conceptualized as a white oppressor. And as such, he's a fair target, even an encouraged one.
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Gavin, whose character Chris is recognized as a POC, even though he himself is completely white.
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Ronen, whose character TK is not recognized as a POC, even though the actor is fully Jewish.
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Natacha, whose character Marjan is recognized as a POC, even though the actress herself is half white. She's also half Lebanese, Marjan is fully so, and whatever Arabs are, Jews are the exact same, because both groups are native to South West Asia (similarly, both groups come in a variety of skin tones).
So I'm not surprised that Ronen is being mistreated. Jews are mis-conceptualized as white, and the Israeli-Arab conflict gets mis-conceptualized by applying to it a race-based model imported from the US, in which Israelis are white Jews (even though 21% of our population is Arab, a part of our leadership is Arab and has been since the first Knesset was elected, over 70 years ago, and even though many of the Israeli soldiers fighting to protect us are Arabs... when the conflict is explained, they're all erased, and Israelis are only understood as - and blamed as - white Jews), who are evil oppressors of brown Arabs (even though some Arabs are just as white looking, or even whiter than some Jews). Then, this conflict is used to vilify and justify harassing Jewish actors, whether Noah in Stranger Things, Timothee Chalamet, or Ronen and Lisa.
Here are some white looking Palestinians, who always get ignored by the people conceptualizing the conflict as white vs brown people:
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Two pics of Israeli soldiers killed, each pic from just one day in this war in Gaza, and you can see the diversity of skin tones...
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Like I said, I haven't been following Ronen, but I did happen across a post that claimed he needs to be canceled for the crime of blocking people who the poster said were pro-Palestine. But in my experience, even when you're a Jew who is not being hateful towards Palestinians, you're just pro both groups, because you recognize they're both humans, the fact that you have the "audacity" to stand up for Jewish people and Jewish rights, and against the mis-representation of Jews in Israel, is enough for antisemitic bullies to use that to come after you with antisemitic abuse under the guise of being pro-Palestinian (here's just one example. I wonder how many Palestinians have been liberated by harassing Jews online. Pretty sure the answer is zero. I also always love how this crowd never actually stands up for Palestinians when they're wronged by fellow Arabs, in Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon or Syria. It's only the Jews who bother these "pro-Palestinians," not the actual well being of Palestinians). I'm sure that if we could see who Ronen was blocking, it would be the same kind of people who have been sending me these very caring, human rights-oriented messages:
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^ This ask was specifically a response to my reply to an anon telling me I lost my claim to humanity when I became an Israeli (and me answering that that was at the age of 5 months, and that my parents' decision to bring me to Israel actually saved my life).
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^ Just a small collection, nowhere near what I actually got, but I kept them 'coz I wanted to show people at some point what Jews who dare to not want Israel destroyed are subjected to. And Ronen probably got similar ones, he blocked them, and for saying he was blocking them, he got further hate... At what point are people going to wake up and see that this is how an antisemitic misinformation campaign works? Lots of Germans genuinely believed in the narrative that Jews backstabbed them during WWI. If you were to ask them in the 1930's whether they hate Jews simply for being Jews, they'd say no, that they hated Jews, because Jews deserved to be hated due to their actions. In the exact same way, now support of the existence of the Jewish state, not even of its specific policies, is being spun as justification to hate on Jews.
I'll say this again. This reply isn't about Ronen. It isn't about Noah. It isn't about Lisa. This isn't about a specific fandom. This is a call for people to wake up and smell the antisemitic coffee, the legitimization of Jews being harassed. Please don't be a part of it, and if you can, please speak up when you see others being a part of it. I KNOW that online, and def on Tumblr, the majority of posts you see justify the vilifaction of anyone who is pro Israel's existence, even while also being critical of its leadership. And it's easy, and it feels right, to go with what everyone else in your echo chamber says. But you can be that one guy in 1930's Germany who didn't do the heil Hitler. If you will be, it may not be easy, but I very much doubt you'd ever regret it.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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heaven-s-black-box · 4 months
Blurred Lines- Sunday x fem!Reader
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Recovery date: February 9th, 2024
Description: A personal entry for the Valentine's event, location: Hotel!
Includes- slight plot, not much smut (sorry), office sex, fem receiving oral
Notes: Not Beta read, also there's so little content/info on Sunday that is is probably ooc. Link to the Valentine's event is HERE, it's still ongoing and I have no requests rn!
Word count: 1 009
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Penacony is the land of dreams. 
Is a land of dreams. It exists beyond the border of consciousness, tethered to reality by only a single building– a hotel that stands as the only line between dream and reality. 
The Reverie.
As a native and current resident in this land of dreams, Sunday prides himself in being able to confidently distinguish between these two faces of his homeland. The hotel in reality is always occupied with people milling about and guests checking in or out. It has an artificial brightness cast upon it by the lights, and despite what guests claim, it’s rather dull. At least compared to the Reverie in the dreamscape. Only there can he see the hotel from the guests point of view, where the hotel itself glows and the lights cast a golden haze. 
Also, his office, where he frankly spends most of his time, does not exist in the dreamscape. It doesn’t need to, but if he were to explain to someone how he can tell the difference between the two Reverie’s, that’s what he’d say. The absence of his office gives away the dream and separates it from reality.
If he’s in his office, he’s in reality.
“Sundaaay,” Y/n drags out as she wraps her arms around his shoulders and nuzzles against the side of his face.
His wings flutter against her cheek, making her giggle and place a gentle kiss on the feathery appendage. This earns her a shaky sigh from the leader of the Oak family as he relaxes into her hold, setting his pen down and raising a hand to hold her arm.
Out of the corner of his eye, Sunday watched Y/n gnaw on her lip as she considered what she wanted to say next. He knew it was getting late, he was expecting her to usher him to bed and perhaps into a date somewhere in the dreamscape, so as she mulled over her words he began to stack the papers he’d been signing. His movements were slow so as not to disrupt her, but when he finished and she still hadn’t moved he turned his chair around and forced her to let go.
He ducked forward as his chair swiveled, narrowly avoiding knocking their faces together, and came to a stop when they were face to face.
“Have you come to usher me to bed?” He prompted upon further silence, settling his hands on her waist. Y/n was still awkwardly leaning over him, but the second his hands touched her waist she straightened up as if snapped from her daze.
“Sorry,” she sighed, letting him drag her into his lap. She took a seat on one of his thighs and threw her legs over the other arm of his desk chair. Sunday ducked his head and began to litter gentle kisses along her neck, nipping gently when Y/n’s hands wrapped around his neck and began to scratch gently at his wings. “I really just came to remind you to eat,” Y/n sighed contently as Sunday kissed up to her jaw, then he pulled away to look into her eyes, “but maybe going to bed is a good idea.”
Sunday’s thumb began to rub gentle arcs against her hip as he leaned in closer, eyes half lidded before they slid shut and his lips connected to Y/n’s. The kiss was slow and lazy, the day’s exhaustion weighing on them both as they finally found themselves in eachother’s warm hold.
Lazy kisses turned into lazily roaming hands as Y/n brought one hand down Sunday’s chest to undo his vest and Sunday’s hand began to bunch her dress up at her waist. The silky fabric of his glove scraped against the skin of her thigh, making the muscles clench up. With a soft chuckle, Sunday spun the chair back around and rapped his knuckles twice against the desk before helping Y/n up.
He took a moment to move the papers he’d been working on into a drawer, and then placed his hands on either side of her hips.
“Well I think I should thank you for taking such good care of me.”
“The door’s not locked.”
“Do you really think someone would have the gall to enter my office without permission?” He whispered against the shell of her ear before kneeling down between her legs.
Y/n dragged her nails against his scalp, tangling the soft gray hair near his wings around her fingers while he kissed up her thigh and helped her out of her underwear.
Sunday prided himself in the ease with which he could distinguish the dreamscape Reverie from its counterpart in reality. His office was a safe space in that way, being tangible proof that he was in reality.
His office was located in reality. 
The words floated aimlessly in his head as he licked a wide strip through Y/n’s folds. Her thighs snapped closed around his head, pinning his wings down. Everytime they tried to flutter, a small shudder would wrack Y/n’s body as they tickled her and the shudder would cause her to roll against his tongue making her sigh. Y/n leaned back, resting her weight on her hands, and smoothing her bunched up dress enough to see Sunday’s eyes.
This was reality. 
The words faded into the wet slurping as he tongue fucked Y/n, looking up at her through his lashes as he moved a hand from her thigh to her clit. Her eyes screwed shut as the tension in her abdomen grew and she began rolling her hips forward to match his rhythm.
Was he sure this was reality? 
The thought grazed the edge of his consciousness as Y/n’s thighs practically crushed his head and he pressed himself further against her cunt. Maybe it was the limited oxygen that had made his mind grow hazy, or maybe it was the pleasured noises coming from the women above him, but…
The lines between dream and reality were starting to blur.
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