mel-loly · 1 year
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-Hello Kitty liked this heart!✨
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how mha characters would propose! Or just ask you out on a first date? 💗💗💗 Also I love ur blog sm its so cute!
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content warning: fluff, multiple char. x reader, mentions of wine
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i think from the first month or so of your relationship together he was thinking "im so gonna marry them 💖" but waited about 4 years or so into dating
he's really nervous about proposing 🥺😭
he wanted to make it special for his precious bean 💞
he asked kirishima and sero to help give him tips 😂
on the day he decided to propose he came to your house early in the morning so he could take you to a nice valley range
you guys just hang out at like 5 in the morning alone on top the pretty little hill he chose just talking about your life and some interesting things you saw recently
when suddenly (he was waiting for the perfect sunrise moment) he told you to follow him then close your eyes
he took you to a flower field nearby, knelt down and pulled out a pretty ring box (😭🥺) tells you to open your eyes!!
and it's just the cutest and nicest thing you've ever seen, and he tells you he loves you so much and he wants to spend eternity with you forever and ever 💗💗
this man goes all out!! and on your anniversary too!
on the day of your third anniversary, izuku is so excited and nervous because he really wanted to make a proposal special for you, his adorable little bean <;/3
he researched a LOT, and even finds out what knee to kneel on (left knee)
he dresses rather nice, debating for about thirty minutes with himself to dress more casually than a three piece suit, settling on wearing a beige sweater you gave him for his birthday.
he even asked his mom about tips, 💓 asking where some places would be nice to go to
he told you he wanted to meet at a shopping place for you to have some fun, then visit a park with pretty flowers
he takes you shopping for your anniversary gift for the day, and the whole time he holds your hand, thinking on how lucky he was to have you.
when it actually comes the time when you go to the park (the place he chose to propose) he's a little sweaty, nervous, and he fears you might just reject him
so when he suddenly, abruptly gets down on one knee (in his panic on his right knee), that wasn't his intention (he planned to do it in front of a pretty tree) but he's doing it
he's crying a little bit, and he starts off by saying that he loved you since he first talked to you in high school. he has a velvety ring box open, and he asks you "will you stay with me forever y/n?"
after you say yes, he's the happiest man in the world, crying, and he squeezes you in a tight hug 🥺💗💗 (in front of a park bench)
after about 3 years of dating, to propose, this guy makes a candlelight dinner for you two at your guys' house!!!!
fuyumi is so excited when she finds out because she LOVES you!!!
he asked his brother, natsuo if that was really cheesy or not, he said yeah, but he did it anyway.
he asked one of your friends secretly to take you out on the day he planned it all out, so it was a surprise for you
he made a meal you both liked, and he got fancy expensive candles and lit it with his fire a few minutes before you got home.
he even put some red rose petals around and on the table 💗💗
he makes sure to dress fancy, and for once even messes with his hair a little bit to make a nice style!
when your friend takes you home, you see the candlelight dinner, with the rose petals, and fancy wine and your soon to be fiancé in a nice suit 🥺💌
he walks you to the table and pulls your chair out for you (gentleman!!) and asks you how your day was with your friend.
you guys talk for a while, and after you both finish eating, he walks to your chair, kneels down, and pulls out an expensive looking ring box from his pocket.
in the soft candlelight, he says, "y/n, my love for you grows more and more every day, and I would be so lucky if you felt the same way. will you marry me?"
after you say yes, he fits the ring on you and decides to slow dance w you with some soft music in the back (🥺😭💗💗)
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a/n: (lmao i think i changed the tense of the verbs like 3288432x but wtv lol) i like this prompt, it's really cute, and i love seeing cute proposals or hearing about them it's just too sweet yk? 🥺💖💖 i chose some of my favorite bois, i hope these reach your expectations anon!! so sorry for the long release date 😭
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strawowoberry · 1 year
Who are you’re some of your favourite artists on this platform? And why?
(I keep thinking of questions people could ask me but I know they never will so I’ll just ask others LOL)
Okay, okay a headsup I'll probably write a whole paragraph because I absolutely love everyone here akshdk (I want you to answer that question too if you've been thinking of this question and such 🥺😭)
You! @aceisew - Because your style is so like bubbly and amazingggg and I really love your energy! :DDDD and you're such an amazing person and you deserve sososososo much more lovesssss!!💖💞💙💜
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@animatorfun - YOU! I absolutely absolutely absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE all your art and style its so nice to look at its SO FRIGGN COOL its just everythingbto me I absolutely love how accurate to how'd I picture Dib and Zim to act, and You have such amazing ideas amabxm and you're just literally so friggn amazing and cool to meeee 😭💖💚
@verm1c1de - I LOVE YOUR ART, I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!! You're an inspo to me 🥺🥺 YOURE IDEAS ARE AMAZING ALSO, I loveeeee how you draw lard narrrr and literally somehow dragged me into the prazadr boat 😭😭😭 YOURE AMAZNG AND SO KINDBSN KEEP GOING WITH YOUR INSANITIESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! SCREEEEMMM 💘💚💖
@bonniecupcake - You're AN AMAZING FRIEND AND YOU HAVE A REALLY CUTE ART STYLEKSBEDK!!!! I absolutely love our collabs and its really fun talking with you and trading our comics for sneak peaks 🥹!! You're really nice AND DESERV ALL THE LOVE TOOOOOOOOO!!! I LOVR YOUR OC THEYR REALLY COOL 🥺❤️💞💕💕
@reynaruina - I love, THEIR AUS SO MUCH WE GOT PONYTAIL DIB AND COMPETENT ZIMANABDN I LOVR THEIR ART SO MUCH!! I love reading anything they make zadr content is so good aksbd Very much an inspo to me also 🥺🥺🥺!!
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hoshi-y · 2 years
HI IM BACK!! 🥺💖 Can I request Mitsuba, Yashiro, Tsukasa, Akane, and Aoi (I don’t know how many limits you write for characters so If that’s too much you could get rid of Akane(male) with a s/o that has long hair basically like Rapunzel yk?
(Take you time and have a nice day/night ^^)
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Mitsuba Sousuke, Yashiro Nene, Akane Aoi, Yugi Tsukasa
TW : None
A/N : I knew I was forgetting something— Lol, I removed Akane just as you said cause it was indeed to much HAHAHA, But as of now I have a character limit if 4, And of course! I'd love to do your request~
Repunzel is one of my favorite disney princess so this wont be too hard
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So long yet so soft.. how do you do it..
He thought your hair was a normal length, but oh boy
Cause you always had it up in a bun or a ponytail
or even cute little space buns
But you took of your ties though aha
Left him shocked
Your hair was almost down to your legs
How do you even comb your hair in the morning?
He snapped out of his thoughts and saw tou struggling to comb your hair
aahh tangles, just something you loved
So he went over to come and help you out! Although he was too shy to say it so he just forced you to give him your brush—
"Hey you're gonna go bald if you dont brush your hair gently!" He grabbed your hairbrush from your hands as he started combing it gently, getting rid of the tangles
Riigghhtt, Bald.
Sighing you just know he wont give it back until the hair tangles were all gone so you let him do what he wants "I'm bold gonna go bald Mitsuba—" Placing your cheek on your palm
"Well you will if you keep doing this treatment— I'm just saving you the regret" He said with sass, you deadpanned
You two talked about random things as he smoothen your hair and help you but it in a bun to prevent it from getting tangled again "I envy you.. You have really long hair but its very soft.." He mumbled, but you heard it loud and clear
"Ooohhh?? ~" You turned to look at him
"S-SHUT UP YOU DIDNT HEAR ANYTHING I HOPE IT GETS TANGLED AGAIN!" He stomoed away leaving you laughing your butt off
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You remind me of repunzel!!
He absolutely ADORED your long hair
You didn't know this but he is actually good with braids
Every chance he gets, He braids or styles your hair
Would put cut little pins he finds too!!
like a heatt, a star, or just regular ones with a pearl design
He also loves to play with your hair, it's so smooth and soft
He once pointed out that you were an in real life repunzel
You told him about repunzel and watched it with him and he just absolutely loved it
So that's where he got the idea from
You were heading up to the broadcasting room as it was the end of the day and you didn't feel like going home yet, as it was boring
Opening the door you felt a strong force suddenly hug you as you fell backwards "[F/N]!!! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!?" Tsukasa was reallt excited to see you, as Sakura and Natsuhiko went iver to see the commotion
"H-hey shrimp get off [L/N] You are making them uncomfortable!" Natsuhiko tried to pry Tsukasa off you but he wouldn't budge, Tsukasa finally got off you and dragged you to another part of the broadcasting room
While talking to him, Your ponytail accidentally snapped letting your hair let loose, You grabbed the broken hairtie and sighed "This is the 4th time this happened to me today" Hiding the broke tie in your pocket, Tsukasa grabbed your hand as he smiled at you
"Now, What hairstyle should I give my beloved today Hm?~" Grabbing your hairbrush from your back as he indian sitted behind you floating, He styled your hair into this cute two braided ponytails
"There!~ You look very cute" Tsukasa hugged you tightly as you giggled "I really like your long hair, You remind me of repunzel!" He went on about his rant about you and repunzel being the same as you listened on to his ranting
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Your hair is beautiful
Yashiro envied your long hair
It's always so smooth and soft and never once did you have a bad hair day
She also thought your hair as the same length as hers
but you were just hiding some length with tying a ribbon on the end
You two would ALWAYS Take turns styling each others hair
Pigtails, Braids, Ponytail, Half ponytail
Any hairstyle you guys would think off
Would try new styles each day too!
She would sometimes ask how you get such soft and silky hair
You'd invite her over for hair makeovers teehee your room would become a little salon~
You grabbed your hair straightener and placed it your desk "Hmmm.. I think slight curly hair would match you Nene!" Grabbing the Iron as you started curling her hair on one side "Do I look good it curly hair?.." She questioned as she looked at you thru the mirror
"I Promise you do!" Continuing to curl her hair, Yoy two talked about random things as you continued to style her hair
As you were finished you put on her hair clips again, fixed a few strands of her and her bangs "Ta-da!! All done!" You moved away from the Mirror to show her
"W-WAAHH I LOVE IT! THANK YOU [F/N]" She hugged you tightly, She also sat you down so she could style your hair "I wish I had soft Hair like you.." Combing it "Mmm, I do have a hair routine, Do you want me to tell you?" She nodded
You told her EVERYTHING
I mean, you took the routine from youtube anyways, It's not something you should gate keep
You helped her do the routine now too! And she too ended up with soft hair
The day went on with laughter and chatting, maybe chatting about your crushes in between 👀
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Now we're matching Aoi!
Just like you, Aoi also has long hair
You just couldn't think of it because she always had her hair up in that cute little pigtails
Aoi's hair was waist length, as yours was about to hit the floor—
She'd sometimes help you comb out any tangles
And put little flower hairclips!!
You two once watched Repunzel together and was inspired to that braid on you
"Ah! [F/N] Lets do the braid Repunzel had at the movie!" You nodded excitedly wondering how that would up like, Everyone in class called you Repunzel becayse of how ridiculously long your hair was
Aoi brought out a pouch that contained elastic bands, hair ties, and loads of hairclips as she got to work, You two would talk about how much the both of you loved repunzel and can relate to her so much, Not until—
"AOI-CHAN! YOU'RE AT YOUR MOST PUREST TODAY!" Akane brusted in as he knelt down infront of the two of you holding flowers that looked like he plucked it from the garden "Mmmm.. 4 Points, You shouldn't pluck the members hardwork from the garden you know~" She placed her cheek on her palm as she had imaginary flowers around her
"NY APOLIGIES AOI-CHAN!!" He kneeled down and sulked, as Yamabuki stood beside him not paying attention to his friend, Aoi put a little more flowers pings and clips as she added finishing touches "There we go! All done! What do you think [F/N]? ~" She handed you a mirror as you admired her work "I love it! It's even the exact tyoe if braid repunzel had in the movie!" You complimented ger work as she blushed
You didn't take a single pin or elastic off your hair, It was too pretty!
would get LOADS of compliments and ofc you had to mention your stylist~
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Am so sleepy but I wanted to finish this HAHDHHHAHAHA, I'll check any errors in the morning, I hope you enjoyed Sumire !!
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lovejoshua · 1 year
Bias tag game!!
You're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. Then answer the questions below! Try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
Thank you to @h-aelz for tagging me 🥺🥺 this seems like so much fun. I'm tagging @kookthief @junniieesbby @boba-beom @baljinciaga and anyone else who wants to do this 🩷🩷
My Answers:
1. Joshua (SEVENTEEN)
2. Yeonjun (TXT)
3. Ten (NCT)
4. Jiwon (FROMIS_9)
5. Chungha
6. Wonwoo (SEVENTEEN)
7. Jungkook (BTS)
8. Jungwoo (NCT)
9. Yves (LOONA)
10. Seungkwan (SEVENTEEN)
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Jungkook was the one I biased first! I always loved his voice and personality but something shifted for me last year that made me finally add him to my bias list <33 Chungha is a recent bias of mine, I just started to get more into her music but she's becoming one of my ults
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
NOO THIS IS HARD 😭😭 Yeonjun has been one my of biases since 2019 and I've literally seen him grow up and become ever more talented through every era. I'm always so proud of him :') As for Wonwoo, he became my bias bc I saw myself in him and it felt nice to have an idol who has similar characteristics as me. When he spoke about his feelings during hit the road, i understood those same feelings. In summary, I can't choose between them 😔
3.If you were to spend a day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
Why must you do this to me 😭😭 I will say shua since he's like my #1 ult and honestly idk 🧍🏼‍♀️ i think it would be nice to go to a coffee shop and then just walk around an unfamiliar city or!! go to an arcade or amusement park during the evening and just goof off. if i had money then we definitely could just randomly fly to another country like he did with mingyu.
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
her smile 🥺🥺 she's one of those people where i think she could brighten everyone's day just by smiling. I also love how she smiles when she performs, you can just tell she enjoys it
5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
I love how reserved he is, yet he gets all cheery with the boys sometimes. There's some moments where you just see him keep to himself and will add a comment or two but 5 minutes later, he'll joke around with the guys and be chaotic with them.
6. If you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
that he has one of my favorite voices!! absolutely love it when he sings, and that I hope gets more opportunities to do solo songs or another djj project
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closest would you raid?
A little hard 😭 I'm going to say Yeonjun bc of how stylish he is, but I feel like Joshua would have comfy clothes which i also love.
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
He has done it so many time but I love!! when he tries a style that is not only fashionable but that looks cool when he dances (if that makes sense?). I would love to see him do camp, I know he would pull it off so well
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer in height?
BOTH LMAO but if not wrong, jiwon is either the same height as me or an inch taller and chungha would be either an inch or two taller 😭😭 my shorties, no wonder they're my biases
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
...sigh 😭😭. I both love loona and svt a lot, idk if there's one I can really choose 😭😭 but I'll go with seungkwan bc he hasn't been talked about here and i'm DYING to talk about him. I ADORE his verses in svt songs and all of the covers he does. He is a genius when it comes to adding emotions to his singing, just listen to his verse of samex3 or his cover of forsake. he has such an incredible voice, i live for his adlibs. he has so much singing talent and I always smile hearing him high notes. truly one of my favorite singers of all time 💖💖
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aeons-domain · 2 years
Hi there, nice to meet you!
I haven't reblogged it yet, but a HUGE thank you for drawing my s/i, she really came out beautifully in your style! I'm insanely happy 🥺💕
Also your other arts are really cool, especially the way you do shading and lighting in them 💖
Wishing you a great day and mood! And hopefully we get along well ^^ 💕
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SENDS U A LOVING KAKYOIN hiya!!! Nice to meet u too!!
Awww, it makes my morning to hear that you liked it! As I always and will always say (lol), it's a pleasure and an honor to draw something for people hehe 🥰💖
AWWWW STOP I'M REALLY FLATTERED i really am!!! aaaaa you're the absolute sweetest, Leri 😳🥺💓💓💓 thank you thank you!
I hope you have a great day/night ahead of you too!! Looking forward to our future interactions hehe 💕💞💗
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staycatcher · 2 years
I'm glad I got the fairy cowboy vibes 💖 I've dyed hair my hair before, but not in a while I'd like to go peach maybe! It always looks good on other people and it's such a sweet color so I'd like to try it for myself 🙂
I checked out your art blog! Your art style is pretty! Camryn is so cute 🥺 What's the celestial realm like? And her partner!
I'm glad you liked Dreamer, I didn't like Sticker either but NCT bsides are always really good so I check them out every time they have comebacks.
I like to dance when I cook and clean, it really makes my day better to do something silly and with no impact.
What holiday do you think would be Camryn's favorite? It can even be one you made up! What's yours? I think mine is Halloween 🙂 It's not fully cold yet and the leaves are just starting to turn and the movies are always super fun.
Okay this is fuckin long as hell I really got carried away with it but yeah!! Hello bestie I hope your day has been going well!!~🤗
I’m sure you’d look amazing in peach colored hair I support this!! Plus I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone not suit peach idk~ I just think it’s lovely on everyone:D
Thank you so much!!!!💛💛 I’m genuinely touched you wanna hear about me ramble on about things that aren’t even related to the event or fandom at all🥺
ahem! anyways! the celestial realm is gonna be where the conflict is, so although it’s basically the heaven realm, in the story it isn’t so heavenly anymore. Very sanitized, stark, but it’s still very beautiful it’s just now clean but sickly so. No soul no coziness anymore. You know when you’re little n you go to like a family friends house or smth n their house is really nice. It’s all really pretty but, ‘don’t touch anything’ n ‘don’t sit too deep on the couch!! Be still! It’s very much that ki nd of vibe. I’m going to be referencing multiple eras for this one; rococo, medieval, renaissance, and industrial revolution (just for the hair styles mostly lol).
Her partner’s name is Frankie (she/they)! They’re a night sky elf, I kind of made it up but it’s also not that original but I’ll describe my ver. because lots of people n stories have starry characters. So in the sky realms, there’s day sky realm n night sky realm, she’s the latter. So she has a dark skin and freckles like the night sky!! Their hair is galaxy colored!~ She’s a witch, specializing in divination and potiondry. She also just has unique star / cosmos powers from being a night sky elf!
And yeah it’s true nct’s bsides are very underrated. I love the flow they have a lot of their songs when they sing it just feels like they’re having fun! So they’re perfect to dance to when you cook n clean!
Hmmmmmm I haven’t even thought about holidays for this au!! Since she’s part human n is in the human realm a lot I feel like she’d love the autumn n winter holidays cuz a lot of it has to do with baking and she loves it n her mom runs a bakery! If I had to choose it’d be Valentine’s Day. She’s just a lover. She would probably make a Valentine for every person she’s ever met! It’s sweets plus love that’s basically her!!<3 I’ll have to come up with unique holidays for the celestial realm but I plan on the night sky realms to have a bunch of holidays related to constellations, moon phases, eclipses and comets that sort of thing!🥰
My fav holiday is probably Halloween too!! It’s the queerest holiday around!! Plus autumn is debatably the best season, just barely beating out spring. But spring holidays are kinda lame.
Do you have any ocs or other fandoms or etc? I’m really intrigued to know!💞💞
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strawhatboy · 2 years
Hi Gab!
Sorry for the late reply, it’s been a busy week with work deadlines and Christmas shopping which I still haven’t finished D: how has your weekend been?
Oh thats nice! I hope you like the event, it was my first time joining this event last year, so it’s my second time participating. But I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Yes I love her music! Her lyrics really make me question life sjsjsks, I love Folklore! I think that’s my favourite album of hers. It was so different to her usual style at the time she released it but I couldn’t stop listening. My favourite tracks off that album are my tears ricochet, this is me trying, epiphany, exile, cardigan, mad woman. Then I also loved Evermore. What are your favourite songs of hers? :)
Ah I see! I’m aware of One Piece I haven’t watched it sadly, but I would love to watch it one day. It really looks good from the gifs and edits of it! It looks interesting. 🥺
Haha don’t worry I have seen some of the others you have listed 👀I’m also really into jjk, snk, bnha, kny right now. But I also have a soft spot for Given and Fruits Basket!
My next question is what are your favourite colours? Or colour combinations? Are there any you don’t like?
-animanga secret santa
hi my dear santa, how are you 💖 I'm currently busy studying for my finals (crying) so not really happy but I'm also super excited for christmas!! it's my favorite time of year, I love the colors, the lights and the food <33 do you like christmas? and please take your time to message me if you're busy these times can be so stressful 😣
RIGHT FOLKLORE IS SO GOOD I love the lyrics, the production, everything about it and she released it at a time I really needed it so I'm so grateful :') my favorite tracks on this album are cardigan, august, mirrorball, peace and this is me trying
ohhh you should 100% read/watch one piece sometime! I know it's really long and can be a little discouraging, but once you get into it, I promise, you'll enjoy every second of it, it's EPIC, luffy deserves all the love 🥰
ok about my favorite colors: I love happy colors!! my favorites are yellow, pink, blue, red, green…. pastel and bright colors, it doesn't matter
have a nice week and stay safe <3
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evenceflux18 · 2 years
Hey, I love your Coraline and Wybie art. I love your art style and colouring!
Quick question; in the art you drew of Coraline and Wybie’s family, what are their kids names? I really wanna know!
First of all @ariallieposts-blog-blog omg, thank you so much for liking my art😭💖 it's been a while and it's nice that there some people that get to see them🥺 and I see that you're curious about their names...🤭
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I actually already added them on my fanfic on wattpad but I never gotten to tell their full names, we had the Oldest (the big bro of the fam and typically got the personality of his headstrong mother eventhough he almost looks like much of his father)
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Sergei Alexander Lovat
We named him after Mr. Bobinsky because well, I had this headcanon that Mr. Bobinsky was the one that aided Coraline while her baby boy was still inside her womb and without Mr. Bobinsky the only person that heard her cries, they wouldn't be even alive until now...for gratitude, Wybie had decided to gave the name of the amazing Bobinsky that save his family's lives
And we had the youngest (her personality is much more like her father)
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Gardenia Wysteria Lovat
Since her Mother had the likes of taking care of the garden, after their daughters arrival, their bundle of joy, Coraline sould often see how beautiful her daughter is and she would called her "only Garden" that is where the Gardenia was made of...
Everytime Wybie would look at his daughter, he would always reminded him the Wisteria flowers he saw on one of the dates he's been with Coraline during their youthful days, and that's why they named her after that as well...
That's their names😊 and I hope you had a wonderful day as well! Thank you for asking!😊
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wrr000 · 3 years
also i hope its ok to send u random ideas cuz i just thought of this last night and wanted to share: dani styling diego's hair all cute cuz it's similar to her hair length/thickness and they are bffsies 🥺👉👈💖
And about Dani styling Diego's hair - it's perfect! 😫🤧 While playing FC6 I was thinking about the same idea, so I write some headcanons:
Literally the best duo, Dani as a big sis styling her little brother's amazing hair? Adorable!!
I think we can all agree that Diego have beautiful and strong hair (similar to Dani, but she couldn't care for them like he did)
While brushing, she would tell him not to walk with the tied hair for a long time because they would get damaged
"I'm too old to care about mine, but you chamaco have a lot to lose if you don't care for yours, you hear?"
(she cares very much!!)
I don't know why, but I feel like Diego would be a little bit shy and awkward, but he enjoy it for sure (they both enjoy it)
After finishing Dani is super proud (big proud idiot)
Diego feels good in the new hairstyle! He is very grateful to her
A cheerful smile on his little face
"Look at you amigo, you look better then me! But don't get too cocky, I'm working on changing it"
"Thank you, Dani. It means a lot to me. And yes, I look better than you"
A little teasing~~
They would hug each other at the end!
I feel like styling someone's hair is always an important moment
Conclusion: two big cuties
Ahhhh, sorry for such a fluff, but I really want to see them together, protecting each other and be like a family! 🥺 They deserves it!!
I'm also adding my sketch, ugh. I don't know how to draw boys, so,,, SORRY IF DIEGO LOOKS TOO MUCH LIKE DANI
(i want to thank you again for sending me your sweet idea! It's so nice, means a lot to me)
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pawtistics · 2 years
(left a comment instead like an idiot so i'm re-asking sjjdjsjs) anyway who's ur fav in proseka
NO YOURE DEFINITELY NOT AN IDIOT i wouldve answered there but i saw this first ^w^ <3 OK!!!!! WEEELL!!!!!! i have many favs for different reasons i guess >:? ! It all kinda depends but here we go
i relate to: ena and minori!!!!!!!! i hc enanan as having bpd and i Really really understand her struggle w seeing her bandmates as her Besties and then her worsties you know. everyones out to get her and if they act in a way that hurts her its Obviously on purpose, everything relates to her feelings, and they all hate her and think shes not good enough secretly. whatever whatever. shes pretty self-absorbed at times but i get it. i understand. shes me. MINORIII!!!!!!! IS CUTE its such a. silly dream but i think being an idol in a band is 🥺🥺 SOO ……that makes me happy, and i . Understand her thinking she has bad terrible luck that follows her wherever she goes and then finding hope thru haruka and getting to work with her and 😭😭 IDK IDK …… 25ji is my first fav but mmj… also wxs……. WXS I LOVE SM CUZ I LOVE THEME PARKS N I LUV HOW ….Just…..bright n good n sunny wxs is <3 ALSO MINORIS OTTER SHIRT LOOKS A LOT LIKE MY OTTER SHIRT !!
i am Crushing on: MOSTLY SHIHO (a little bit kanade. A little) i’ve posted abt this before but aauuu……the fact that shes like…..quiet but in a literal not shy way. shes firm but never unkind . But also shes like the cutest most precious thing with such goofy adorable habits and i want to hug her and take her to theme parks forever and steal her hoodies ..she doesnt like clingy ppl SOB (idk for sure but i would Consider myself clingy lol) but w the way shizuku treats her i understand (I LUV SHIZUKU!!!!!!! i can just see how that would b like…smothering bothersome esp bc im. autistic)
i love them Just bc: AIRIIIIIII!!!!!!! AIRI MY LOVE <3 SHES SO GOOD i love that shes good at cooking and taking care of kids shes Such a big sister 💖💖💖💖💕💕💘 and a really good friend it seems.. like she can be blunt and stubborn but it PALES in comparison to her kindness and willingness and enthusiasm helping her friends and she’s just so nice and lovely and i would also like to hug her tbh tbh <3 Yay. Also to a lesser extent emu!! she is ADORABLE PRECIOUS i really admire her and wish i could be as bright and fun and cute and spontaneous.. really want to be like her
i could definitely be pegging some of them wrong as i havent been into this franchise for sm time yet, but! i really adore all of them nonetheless ^_^ ALSO THE OUTFITS/STYLES IN THIS GAME JUST LIK THE DEFAULT ONES THEY ALWAYS WEAR? R SO GOOD. It makes me happy that the characters i relate to also share a rlly similar style to my ideal it’s like Ah >:3 validation
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daybreakx · 4 years
New idea since I'm bored: if you had to vote from 1-10 (1 being not really your style & 10 being your style) how would you rate your moots blog appearance? 🤠
ooooh interesting question anon! let’s see👀 (no particular order & sorry in advance if I forgot to add someone🥺)
@fairyofdusk — 10 definitely! from the name of the blog to the colors and the mobile page, i love everything about it!💖
@thelargefrye — 10! super interesting concept, I love the desktop theme a lot! and their aesthetics are always super nice!💖
@yunwoo — I hadn’t seen Anna’s new layout but it’s super nice! I’ll say a 9, i like the desktop theme but not really my style.
@ateez-little-star —I?? Love?? It?? I love dark aesthetics! (i’m not sure if she’s changing it atm but the letters are a bit difficult to read + my eyesight is bad lol) i’ll say 9 too.
@kpophours — 10 because it’s SF9 in mobile but maybe 8 desktop bc, once again, my eyesight is bad and it hurts a bit 🤣
@queen-of-himbos —Kes’ desktop theme is very nice, I love the layout, the wip box and the networks display. purple is not the color for me, so i’ll say 8.
i love you all uwu, and your blogs look 💯💯💯
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parisakamali · 4 years
hi miss bie congrats!!!!! i'm so happy for you!!!!! you deserve all the followers and even more!!!! can i get ♡ and ❀ + tagged/mine* ALSO my birthday is march 20th ty ily
miss salma i love you, but you know that already!!! thank you so much for always being such a sweet sweet soul and being my buddy 🥺💖 i’d think i dont have enough words to describe you, but apparently i have a LOT to say about amazing people 😌
join my celebration uwu
♡ : YOUR BLOG IS PERFECT. there’s nothing about it that i don’t like, literally aesthetic goals 😭 you just changed ur url and lemme tell ya... big fan, big fun!!! (le: you changed it again. no words. only love for mia khalifa <3) you always have such iconic urls anyway, how does it feel being a legend? i love ur icon sm the coloring is so beautiful, but thats expected from you! and your header too omg!!! i feel like i keep repeating myself but fr dude everything is so gorgeous!!! the TITLE!! the only title that matters! the taste truly jumped out with that one. i don’t even know what to say!!! YOU ARE SO TALENTED OHMYGOD!!! all your edits are stunning but we’ll get to that in a second. you’re like?? such a sweetheart??? you have big sister energy, even though it’s the chaotic kind sometimes. now, all grandma jokes aside, i look up to you a lot, actually. you’re very smart and i love how outspoken you are! you take no prisoners, you’re really a force to be reckoned with, and the type of person i’d like to have close during the apocalypse! but you’re also so 🥺🥺🥺 sweet and loving and supportive!!! your tags always hype me up and im sure a lot of people feel the same!!! im so so happy i know you, i always say that, but it’s true! you’re a blessing in anyone’s life and im happy you’re in mine <3 please, i am begging you, get some goddamn rest!!!!!!! y’all yell at me to go to sleep, but i’m not the one getting 3 hours 😭 treat urself, queen, you deserve the world!
❀ : uhm excuse me how dare you make me choose between your edits? when i’m so in love with all of them?? leave me alone, get out! go stand in the corner and think about what you did. smh the audacity of some people who call themselves your friends! anyWAY:
this silena edit! have you ever seen an edit so beautiful you cried? bc same. this is... no thoughts head empty, absolutely stunning! from the textures to the pictures and text, everything looks incredible! im super in love with the coloring, it’s so soft and it truly makes you think “yeah, she’s the daughter of aphrodite”. the second frame might be my favourite because of the way the text looks! i love the outer glow effect on both the text and the “mirror” (not a mirror, but the sky thingy idk could be a mirror), it ties everything together.
special shoutout to this tkak edit! since the style is kinda similar! i LOVE the text inside the mirror, it looks so cool, and with the outer glow too!! i guess i just like mirrors... but you found a really nice way to actually use the space both mirrors provided, and i really like that. also. coloring legend!!!
this hazel edit! first of all, big fan of the coloring! the torn paper texture looks really cool and i like the ripped part in the first frame. also really like the text placement, it’s not too much text and doesnt overwhelm the edit, but adds to the minimalist aesthetic. the dots on the second frame too! and i dont even think i wanna know how long it took to crop that horse, but it looks really good.
this manon edit! i don’t go here, but thiS!! EDIT!!! omg!!! at this point we know im a sucker for dark edits, so there’s no surprise i like this one so much. but what really fascinates me is the usage of textures!!! i love the smokey one in the first frame, it looks very ~mysterious~ and it creates a bit of a horror-esque aesthetic? also the moon!!! the moon looks dope, i love how you overlapped the blood and the person; also the fact that you can’t see her eyes adds to the mystical aesthetic.
this renee edit! i love. her and this. i’ve seen that picture of the girl used for renee before, but the way you cropped it and how you added textures and the background/text is so unique i wouldn’t even think it’s the same picture. the text placement in this edit is impeccable, especially on the last frame (++ i love the quote you chose!). i also really like when people make darker edits for renee for some reason, so this one is definitely a fave of mine overall.
this gopaf edit! DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID HERE??? ARE YOU AWARE OF HOW STUNNING THIS IS??? spare. some. talent. even like. a teaspoon of talent, pleASE 😭 it’s such a complex edit, so so many elements to it, but it still doesnt look like too much?? i love the red and blue colour scheme, especially the shade of blue you chose cause it kinda balances the brightness of the red? does that make sense idk!! also! the t e x t looks insane!!!! OH OH AND!! the way you made her look like she’s on fire or like she’s MADE out of fire!!! that’s also so damn cool!!!
another special shoutout to this renee edit! cause i spent a long time trying to find it! it has the coolest coloring and it’s one of my favourite poster edits cause it’s really simple, but it really makes me think about renee! big fan of the pink/blue combo, looks cool!!!
ANSWERING THIS TOOK ME SO LONG 😭 but that’s because you’re so talented and i didn’t wanna give you just some generic compliments, but im also not good with describing stuff??? BUT i love your edits, you’re an amazing person and i love having both you and your stunning creations in my life! hope you’re having a wonderful night!!! or day!!! but if you get like. 3 hours of sleep that’s a night. ily!! ✨💛
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lovlettres-moved · 3 years
HEY HEY HEY! AHhh the NEWEST HQ EP!!! I’m so happy karasuno won like I was holding breath the whole time and that moment where kagehina both blocked the ball together :0 they really said ❌no that is OUR quick not yours ❌ but like I’m also kinda sad for inarazaki boys esp for Kita because like isn’t this the last game for him as he’s in 3rd year? But also for Atsumu :( but I’m wondering who karasuno will go against next like I think it will be nekoma right ..!!! I can’t wait !!!! But I hope we see them again I love the twins a lot!!! Also hinata best boy like the smile he had on his face and how he always keeps going.. 🥺🥺 I love how in this game we saw more of the other characters (BABY NOYA IS SO SMALL I LOVE HIM 🤧) and their drive.. tanaka outdid himself in this game !!! And that moment where the ball was in the air and like everyone just breathed :0! I really want karasuno to win nationals.. they deserve it and I think maybe they could do it!!!! it’ll be so interesting seeing them go against the cat boys for real.. but who am I meant to support like... I don’t want either of them to lose 😔🙃 I also miss kiyoko where has she gone :( Ok I hope you’re doing well and having a good day .. pls look after yourself and rest as much as you can since it’s winter!! Hinata says ms lovlettres best girl.. it’s true!! ❤️💕❤️- hq anon!!!
I’m sorry I’ve sent you many asks these last few days :/// but I’m excited hhhh !!! The finale ep happened today!! And !! I’m so excited that they’ll be against nekoma .. idk what I’ll do like who do I even root for .. I know I’ll be so sad whichever of them loses :/ but it’ll be interesting since kenma really wants to win against hinata and 🥺 also I really want to see more of fukurodani and them playing like :0 bokuto seems so determined that’s my owl boy also the ending where they were just laughing and resting 🥺🥺😭 they all worked very hard im proud also kageyama has my entire heart truly he does 😔 can’t believe haikyuu gave me this serotonin boost every week wow the power they hold 😭 ok I hope you’re ok and resting during this time.. please rest as much as you can since you’re working hard.. I hope things get easier for you soon ❤️💕- haikyuu anon
okay first of all HI HAIKYUU ANON!!! i love your long asks fjjefje they always make me so happy
omg last week's episode was truly something else, the animation for the entire season was a bit disappointing but last week's and this week's somehow made up for it idk how
and yes!!!! i know kitas speech made me cry fr bc..... his approach towards life is so gentle but also firm.... i love how his character adds another layer to the entire story 🥺🥺
omg all the flashbacks of the characters, esp noya and the miya twins made me so happy... and like i said the whole inarizaki match adds something entirely new to the story like hinatas hunger to rival everything and catch up with tobio ( and vice versa) and the twins approach towards the game and how kita said they would've had fun playing against tobio and hinata bc their hunger to play matches the others.... it's all so neatly wrapped up
omg no don't apologize for the asks... sharing my love for haikyuu with someone else is such a nice feeling!!! so you can always send me asks whenever!!! 💖
omg you'll see the miya twins somewhere in the stands in the future episodes, it's not for very long but they do appear with kita
omg i think you'll adore the match between nekoma and karasuno bc it's stretched out so differently from inarizakis and nekomas dominant style of play as defence and karasunos dominant style of play as attack makes the ball stay in the air for so long....
(also a little spoiler but you said you wanted to see more fukurodani and they'll appear after nekoma, i think... my memory is failing me rn gjejjfjw)
and right!? haikyuu was a happiness boost for the last 2 months.... even though half of the episodes were gmwkfjgjekeifikwe :/ but i still had something to look forward to
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