#Scandinavian art for kids
nsipaph · 2 years
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aifoemo · 9 months
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mochirizu · 9 months
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Hello Aphmau nation how we feelin'
Anyways, take the concept art of the Bro'Meaves from my rewrite.
In my rewrite, Zane and Vylad are half-bros(same mom, different dad) and Garroth is just a different kid entirely(Garte married Zianna when Garroth was 2 and Zane was 1, Vylad was born a year later)
And my ethnicity hcs are that Garroth is white with Norwegian Heritage, Zane is 1/2 Korean and 1/2 White(Scandinavian) and Vylad is also 1/2 Korean and 1/2 White(Norse).
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spacetravels · 1 year
if we’re talking ttrpg alternatives cuz of wotc bs i’m never ever going to stop recommending the kids on bikes family
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kids on bikes setting is very 1980s kids investigating strange town things (think stranger things! et!!) and is such an easy to learn system and creates such wonderful storytelling opportunities. it’s my favorite rpg to run (i have a lot abt my kob campaign here lol) and i think is one of the best ttrpgs i have ever, ever played. you can play with super fun tropes like the nerdy kid or jock or popular kid and the prepared adventures are great!!
& teens in space and kids on brooms follow p much the same structure but w their own twists to fit the settings :] they’re great games!!
if you’re a d20 fan you’ll recognize kids on brooms is the system that misfits & magic uses, and if you want live action play of kids on bikes i cannot recommend kollok 1991 enough !!
like yanno if u want MORE options frm what a lot of ppl share
(also in a similar vein will plug tales from the loop, an alternative nuclear scandinavian set in the 80s-90s with the pcs also being kids/teens, with beautiful art from simon stålenhag!!)
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missjadesfics · 1 month
15 Questions For 15 Friends
Thank you for the tag, my darling @lady-phasma 💕 Hope you don't mind I'm answering these questions on this blog instead of my other one ☺️
Are you named after anyone? Well, my first name, Jade, is not named after anyone, but I actually have two names. One is because of a Scandinavian background. I am a descendant of Rangar Lodbrock, so my real name is Freya (Freyja), after the Norse goddess. And my English middle name is Presley-Marie (after Elvis Presley, and Marie is a family name passed down from my mother's side)
When was the last time you cried? The other day when I was watching Dune Part Two (a certain scene breaks my heart)
Do you have kids? No, not yet; maybe in the future
What sport do you play / have played? I couldn't play any sport even if I tried.
Do you use sarcasm? A little too much, I will admit
What's the first thing you notice about people? Their eyes, the intensity and power one look can give, are always the first thing I notice.
What's your eye color? Green / Hazel
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, please!
Any talents? I don't really know, I've been told I'm a great drawer and singer but I wouldn't think that. I think my talent may be something more along the lines of the editing that I do on my Instagram account.
Where were you born? Adelaide, Australia
What are your hobbies? Where do I begin? Okay, writing, reading, film and TV binging, learning about history, junk journaling, baking, meditating, drawing, music, do Jason Momoa, Elvis Presley and Austin Butler count as hobbies?
How tall are you? 5'10" same as Timothee
Favorite subject in school? I love english literature, history, theatre, and art. Those subjects were where I excelled most.
Dream job? Actress, archaeologist or writer.
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no pressure tags : @austinbutlerslovers @austinstyles @feydsociety @hudson-bay-girl @sansaorgana @austinbutlermischief @abswifey
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virtual-winter · 4 months
Frozen memories #002
My Frozen story - Part 2
"But, isn't that just a kids movie about some reindeer?"
My dear mother had no idea what her 22-year-old son was getting into on November 20th 2014 😅 Following my introduction to Frozen via ABC's Once upon a time-series, I was eager to find out what all the fuzz about the original movie was about.
I still lived at home at the time (in the countryside) and I had asked my parents to see if the movie was available at the local library. I can’t remember if I watched it the same day I got it or not. Probably a few days later (on my old Philips not-even-full-HD monitor 😅).
Prior to watching it, I had learned a few things about the plot and it sounded unlike any other movie I had previously seen. In addition to that, I had watched the Let it go-scene which was very captivating and I was very much in love with the song and the animation!
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My original Swedish copy of Frozen
Seeing the movie for the first time was a bit of an otherworldly experience. I’m not sure how to describe it. I think everything about the characters, the story and the setting just clicked for me. Even though I don’t even have a sibling, I was awestruck and very touched by the tragic story of Anna and Elsa. And the theme of isolation and feeling of being an outcast was something I could relate to, always having been the introverted quiet one with very niche interests. I think I saw a lot more of me in Elsa than I even realised at the time. I think I watched the movie three times in just a couple of days.
From the first day of experiencing it “properly”, I was very much in love with Anna and Elsa and their world of Arendelle, which seemed so familia to me, being from Norway's neighbour Sweden and having experienced the wilderness of this real-life Disney-like nation just around the corner. I still vividly remembered going there on vacation some 8 years earlier. So, it wasn’t just the characters and the story that made it feel like it was “my movie”. The landscape, the art, the culture and the folklore (trolls) also felt so close to home!
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Sisterly love
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Scandinavian trolls
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Old Norse revival architecture
I had not expected to get pulled into a fandom the way I was because I usually never do and this is still true till this day - I haven't found anything else that I enjoy as much as Frozen. But this movie was just… I couldn’t get it out of my head! All the songs were so incredibly catchy! I think I spent most of winter 2014/15 just replaying them constantly in my head (and on my phone). I also couldn’t get rid of the feeling of how incredible it would be to get to see Anna and Elsa in real life. I guess this was really the first time I got to experience something like this 😊
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And so, my journey into the Frozenverse had begun. I was thrilled when I learned there was a new Frozen short film coming out in 2015 (along with some Cinderella remake that I wasn’t really interested in) and I even brought my mother with me to see it in theatres. She had no clue at this time what Frozen was! She probably liked Cinderella better but I was a blessed Frozen fan! Funny enough, it was my mother who told me Disney had just announced they were gonna make a Frozen II…
I’ll cover my continued journey through the Frozen fandom in part 3.
See ya soon!
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r7inyz · 25 days
my fav shows with reasons why under cut because I am a nerd and am bored
(warning this is very long lol 💔)
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•disenchantment- THIS SHOW DGUDGUDUGO AAA THE LAST SEASON MADE ME CRY it was so good omg. the pacing of the show isn't great at times BUT I LOVEE THE MAIN CHARACTERS (not elfo. he makes me mad and I don't know why) really enjoyed the storytelling and vibe of this show
•bee and puppycat- major art inspo for me, I LOVE THE COLOURS AND THE ARTSTYLE <3 this show is just sososoooo cute and a joy to watch,,,I love the silly plots in each episode (I love bee she's so real)
•hilda- HILDA HILDA HILDA **THE** SHOW EVER. I LOVE HILDA. I HAVE ALL THE COMICS AND TIE-NOVELS. this show means the WORLD to me.. i adore the inspiration behind it being like,,, European (mainly Scandinavian) folklores,,like omg that's so cool,,,,I love all the little creatures (alfur and tontu my favs 💪💪) everything about this show is so good 😭😭 (I used to be a Hilda fanblog in 2021-2023 before I rediscovered my love for COUGHS fnaf,, still adore that show)
•the baby- DAMN. WHY DO I EVEN SAY ABOUT THAT ONE. the only show on that list that is LIVE ACTION‼️ (well um aside from dhmis in ways) this show omg. I need a season 2. There HAS to be one. IT CAN'T JUST END LIKE THATTTTT... This show. Very normal show where this woman unexpectedly finds a baby ((it legit falls from the sky LMFAO)) that's like. evil. demon baby. IT'S SO CREEPY SFUFDUOKUGD love this show it was so fun to watch (it terrified me)
•dont hug me im scared- RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAHHH GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAÀÆÅÂ that's how I feel about this show <3 this show!! It's fantastic I LOVE HOW IT'S SO?? EXPERIMENTAL?? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT I LOVE IT. an actual horror show with disturbing themes pretending to be a cute innocent kids show?? WITH SILLY PUPPET CHARACTERS WHO ARE DEFINITELY NOT TERRIFIED??? YEAH COUNT ME IN 💪💪
•king of the hill- saving the best for last/j I LOVE THIS SHOW. MARRY ME. MARRY ME RIGHT NOW. KING OF THE HILL IS RIGHT. everything about this show marry me rn. The writing of this show, how the characters GENUINELY FEEL SO REAL?? AND MAJORITY ARE JUST SO LIKEABLE!!!perfect. And the humour is just 👍👍👍 the voice acting are just. Wow. it's just very good and I love it with all my heart..words cannot describe how good this show is. ALSO HANK'S FRIENDS. DALE, BILL AND BOOMHAUER. ARE JUST AMAZING if there is a KOTH fandom on Tumblr PLEASE find me
ok um see you next time for pt2
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wodania · 1 year
A series of notes on my cultural/fashion inspiration for some miscellaneous houses and regions within ASOIAF! Unfinished bc I can only fixate on so many families. A basic rule of thumb is that fashion may overlap closer to borders or with characters who have a close connection to a region outside of their native one. Not tagging this bc it’s a commentary to go with my own art and not an analysis of actual inspirations for Westerosi cultures. Like at all.
The Northmen (-Iron Islands) : the main inspirations I’ve always come back to for the North is Indigenous and Slavic inspirations. I use First Nations, Inuit, and Métis fashion influences alongside Slavic fashion as well. In terms of ethnicity it’s a mixed bag as well. The Starks, minus the inclusion of Cat, in particular I’ve always seen as Algonquin, based on the irl region of these people spanning north in wooded regions. Ukrainian fashion specifically comes to mind as an inspiration for many of my pieces, including those I’ve yet to post.
The Iron Islands: Scandinavian 100%. I do imagine a lot of overlap from the mainland indigenous-inspired population, which also has irl historical merit, fun fact (Erikson’s expedition circa 1000). Major Viking vibes with the islands, as GRRM intended. I also like to include “foreign” jewelry, fashion, and accessory styles with Ironborn designs due to the Iron Price, as well as their trading with foreign merchants.
The Free Folk: Iron Islands/Northmen love child. Scandinavian and Indigenous inspirations, though the Slavic has fallen out at this point. More Inuit inspired fashion starts appearing in my inspo list at this point.
Riverlands: Ireland. House Tully especially. Those girls are Irish. Plaids are common fashion, which overlaps into the Stormlands (see Stormlander category). Flowing fabrics and leather armour alongside the more modern chainmail. Knotted pattern embroideries. This would make the Stark kids, minus Jon, Indigenous-Irish inspired, though most take after their mother over their father.
Stormlands: Scottish icons. Especially House Baratheon and House Connington. Like the Tullys, plaid is a common fashion. Tight hairstyles or head coverings for women for efficiency against the wind. Differs for formal wear where weather is not an issue. Paler features due to lack of sun, rather weather beaten depending on the occupation and habits of the person (do they sail often, do they hunt despite the weather, etc). Thick Scottish accents because there’s no way Robert and Jon don’t have a Scottish accent, I don’t buy them being British one bit. Kilts would be pretty cool too. Generic historical drama chainmail with a hint of kilts or plaids depending on the person in question.
The Reach: Mediterranean Europe is my go to for the Reach. Dark hair, tan skin, artistic clothing. A huge focus on art and renaissance, with fashion and accessory inspirations coming in from Dorne in the south. Italian renaissance, with a hint of Tudor England in the fashion. The wealth of the region is evident in the higher class’ fashion sense. Nice jewelry, embroidery, and fabrics. Even prettier armour.
The Westerlands : to be determined. I’ve been playing with a bunch of different fashion eras and have settled on Tudor as a default, but this may change. I’ve been debating playing around with French and German fashion in the future.
Dorne: I read somewhere that Dorne was inspired by Palestine, “Moorish” or Islamic Spain, and Wales (?) and the first two stuck with me. Don’t know where the third one came from but ok. North African/European/West Asian cultural overlap. Islamic European fashion and architecture is a new endeavour of mine so I’m still playing around with combinations and stuff but I have the vibe figured out. Ethnically, North African and West Asian inspired peoples with more European overlap or even complete European the further north. Different houses/regions have different irl inspirations but that’s too deep for me to dig into at the moment.
The Targaryens : BYZANTINE!!! The oldest Targaryens of old Valyria were Byzantinian, yet the fashion and culture began drifting away and is only present in small forms by the time Rhaegar and Viserys come into the picture. Now the fashion inspiration for the Targs is often imitations of fashion from different kingdoms within the Targ empire. Ie Rhaegar was probably a Reach fashion kinda guy.
The Vale: I’m gonna be honest with you I often forget these guys exist and have put almost zero thought into them. English? I have no idea.
Dothraki: Mongolian. Not gonna go much deeper as I’ve yet to explore Essosi inspo.
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pensocks · 16 days
( last redo i swear 😭 )
Hihihi, thanks for stopping by! ♡ Pronouns Page | Linktree [WIP] | Carrd [WIP] | Art Status
more info under the cut! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
● I go by an assortment of names, take your pick! I mainly use Crow (default), Uzi, and Pen — but I also go by Ollie, Lu, and Tess!
○ I mainly use she/her, xey/xem, and paw/paws, but I also love bat/bats and it/its! No they/them please!
● Scandinavian-American self-taught and freelance artist, animator, and writer. I fluently speak English and am learning both Spanish and Norwegian. ENFP with ADHD, RLS, and anxiety and depression mayhaps. I'm 14
○ Fictkin! Uzi Doorman kintype, Tessa Elliott synpath, Squirrelflight/paw (specifically in TNP) synpath, and Ragatha copinglink. I shift into Uzi most commonly
● I am omniromantic, demisexual, pupgender, and girlflux! Semifictoromantic as well </3
○ Furry and therian! My theriotype is Golden Retriever but my fursona is a Spanierd :3 (I shrieked when N talked about Golden Retrievers in Home I kid you not)
● Multifandom, but currently hyperfixated on Murder Drones so expect nothing but that for months. Also a BIG multishipper (44 ships in MD alone, 39 excluding joke ships ;w;)
○ #1 Tessa defender, CEO of SquirrelDaisy, and the living proof that Juzi is canon!!
● @mischiefburns my darling husband <333 /qp ; @azandranec and @cuntingblonde my shitty ass wives /aff /p; b,g,n,m,b,b,e >>>>>> others <3 /p
○ My alts are @uzi-irl (more personal stuff) , @therealjkisser (yapping & reblogging shit) , @inklessbarefoot (wips)
● warrior cats blog is @olikae , alt for THAT for redesigns is @olikae-designs
⭑ Message or ping me with Uzi, J, and N content!! ⬩ Mutuals can ask for my Discord!! \(・∀・)/ ⭑ I love chatting! Don't be shy, I don't bite <3 (unless ur miko >:0 /silly) ⬩ I don't have a DNI list but you get the gist: proship, codegolders, all that nasty stuff. I do not hesitate to block. ⭑ Keep NSFW, shirtless dudes, and yandere TO YOURSELF! ⬩ Tonetags strongly encouraged when interacting with me! (Unless we're close, then I don't really need em unless I say otherwise)
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froizetta · 2 months
3 and 20 for the ask game ❤️❤️
3. Biggest strength
Excellent question! I spent a little time thinking about this because I honestly don't think I have just one, clear strength - although I guess do most people, really? But in the end, I think my actual biggest strength is that I'm a little bit good at a lot of things. For example: I'm scientifically minded, which gives me a useful range of skills; but I also have a bunch of creative hobbies like music, writing, drawing and dressmaking that I'm fairly competent in. And it turns out that having some skill in a wide range of stuff makes you a lot more versatile. Like, for instance, when your PhD suddenly requires you to basically do arts and crafts for Science reasons, you can be like, cool I can basically already do that!
20. 5 things you love
Five whole things? Uhhhhh...
Obvious but: fandom shit. We're literally on dc tumblr lol, I feel like this goes without saying. I'm lumping it into one answer so this whole list isn't just a list of pairings and fandoms, but superbat is the current loml!
Music! I've been playing instruments and singing since I was a kid. I like basically all genres tbh, but my favourite genre to play is jazz and my favourite to listen to is basically any genre fused with funk. (This includes pure funk btw: put on September by Earth, Wind and Fire in my general vicinity and watch me absolutely lose my shit for 3 minutes and 35 seconds.)
A really good sandwich. The majority of sandwich ingredients are fucking baller (I am a slut for both good cheese and a nice seeded sourdough), there's near endless variety, they're easy to make, and it's socially acceptable to just stuff it into your face with your hands. Exquisite. My favourite (partly just out of nostalgia but whatever) is reker smørbrød (open prawn sandwich for the non-Scandinavian) on a sunny summer's day with the family, on the proper white poppy-seed bread with plenty of mayo and a good spritz of lemon juice. And yeah, sure, there's very obviously an element of nostalgia there. But it's my list and I can do what I want, so there!
Fashion I guess? I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was a kid, and although I decided a long time ago that I would hate that actually I've still always really liked clothing and dressing up. Ever since I hit an early quarter-life crisis during lockdown, decided that cringe was dead actually and started dressing like a low-effort e-girl basically all the time, I've been having a blast lol.
The brain. Look, the PhD may have thoroughly beat my interest in neuroscientific academia out of me, but my love for the brain in general remains mostly unsullied. If anyone ever wants a fun neuroscience fact, especially about dopamine (objectively the best monoamine neurotransmitter imo), I'm always happy to provide!
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quartings · 5 months
My favorite shows/movies/comics of 2023!!
What a year! I graduated from college, made a few animated shorts I’m really proud of, and got my first proper internships in the industry! Not to mention a ton of great movies, shows, comics, etc came out- so I decided to use this as a chance to recommend some of my favorites to you if you’ve been looking for something new to check out!
Favorite Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3
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Summary: The third and final entry in the series- and it’s not often you get a proper conclusion in superhero franchises, so that’s already a great sign! If you want to get into the series I’d highly recommend it- and if the whole MCU is too daunting for you, then just watching it in the below order should still suffice:
Guardians of the Galaxy > Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 > Avengers Infinity War > Avengers Endgame> The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special > Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3
Pros: This isn’t much of a surprise if you’ve followed my blog- I absolutely ADORE this series- The combination of both amazing practical and CGI effects. The story full of creative action sequences and sweet found family bonding moments. The well-rounded characters, who grow beyond the usual stereotypes people would assume of them, learning how to process and overcome their trauma. The amazing soundtrack and score. The comedy combined with the surprising dark and emotional moments and characters. And the fact that this was a beautiful conclusion to the story instead of just dragging it out into endless status quo or replacing the main cast 1:1 like other superhero stories makes it an added benefit! My eternal thanks and congratulations to writer-director James Gunn, whom I wish all the best to in his future at DC!
Cons: I really can’t think of anything major! Maybe just that instead of being able to marathon all 3 Guardians movies in a row, you have to watch two Avengers movies in between with their own storylines?
Favorite Western Cartoon(s): My Adventures with Superman
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Summary: As I follow James Gunn over to DC I’ve decided to brush up on some DC characters for the first time in a while! A fresh anime-styled look at Superman’s first weeks working at The Daily Planet with a slightly new take on his crush Lois and best friend Jimmy!
Pros: The art style and animation are gorgeous, knowing almost exactly what good influences to take from anime! The new designs and personalities for Lois and Jimmy are fun, and most importantly- Clark Kent aka Superman’s portrayal is fantastic- just the right balance of heroic, kind, and awkward in a way that’s cute but not annoying.
Cons: You may have heard this complaint go around, but I have to echo what some of the fanbase when I agree that most of the villains in this series are a big letdown. A lot of them have the same angular tech aesthetic, not many of them have creative powers, and some of their voice actors I’d even say don’t fit them at all. And a certain pair of them who do have creative designs and likable personalities aren’t even villains in this series despite being villains in the comics and other series. Hopefully this gets amended in season 2, which I’m still excited for!
Honorable mention goes to Hilda!
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So far, I’ve just watched the first 2 seasons and the movie but here’s what I have to say!
Summary: A cozy and cute kids cartoon that beautifully captures the spirit of a magical Scandinavian adventure! I put off watching this for years and finally got around to it- it really is as great as everyone says! Though looking at how long the hiatuses were between seasons, I’m actually glad I took this long to start watching- I don’t think I could have survived the wait, haha.
Pros: The art style and animation are GORGEOUS- some of the best ever! The voice acting is great and adorable (It blows my mind that I watched Bella Ramsey as Hilda in this and as Ellie in The Last of Us- the two characters are like night and day, haha) The tone is really sweet and cute while still having enough adventure and hints of good comedy to not make it feel too slow-paced. It may not be my favorite animated show ever, but I can 100% understand if other people want to rank it as their #1!
Cons: I don’t know if anyone will agree with me, but I felt Season 2 was a bit predictable? I still loved the season, don’t get me wrong, but there were moments where they cut from the adventure to focus on two characters disagreeing and it wasn’t really as tense as the show wanted it to feel, because you’d know how things would get resolved. It’s forgivable for a kids show, but it just stands out because of how mature all the other plot points and the tone of the series is overall.
Favorite Anime: Tomo-Chan is a Girl!
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Summary: Tomo Aizawa tries to win over her crush and childhood friend Jun, who just sees her as “one of the bros”. To do that, her gloomy friend Misuzu suggests that Tomo act girlier. But as the series goes on and we learn the characters’ backstories, it becomes obvious that things aren’t so simple and gendered (thankfully!)
Pros: Despite starting off on pretty standard shenanigans, I love how much respect is given to both leads in this romance! Usually most love interests in media are just treated as objects to be won regardless of gender, but thankfully the friendship between Tomo and Jun here is treated with a surprising amount of respect and care! Plus if you prefer dubs, this show has a fantastic one! And the supporting cast of Misuzu and Carol are some of the most iconic and hilarious best friend characters in anime ever!
Cons: If you’re not a fan of typical anime romcom shenanigans then this may not be for you- though I will say, like many shows it does get better after Episode 2 (the big reveal at the end should hopefully get you on board!) Also, the subplot for the comic relief character Carol has some problematic undertones which are already dialed down from how they were in the manga- though it’s a pretty minor subplot so it shouldn’t be too bad in my opinion!
Sidenote: I know Frieren is one of the best anime ever made, and I will probably check it out when the season wraps up next year!
Favorite Western Comics: Superman Smashes the Klan!
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Summary: More Superman! A period piece about two American-Chinese immigrant siblings trying to fit in their new neighborhood, and Superman trying to protect them from the KKK while struggling with his own heritage as an immigrant.
Pros: I don’t normally like western comic art styles, but this was drawn by GuriHiru (the group who does the ATLA comics) and their style is one of my favorites ever! A nice, self-contained graphic novel, so you don’t have to worry about reading 1000 other side series! This version of Superman and his supporting cast is even more enjoyable than the version in My Adventures with Superman in my opinion- just as much focus on kindness and real heroism! And this has some of the best Asian representation I’ve seen in a long, long, time- actually focusing on how hard it can be for anyone of any heritage to adjust to a new neighborhood and prejudices, instead of how most other Asian-American movies and cartoons these days are like “My parents abuse me but that’s a quirky part of my culture so I should be happy about it!”
Cons: I can’t really think of any! This is an amazing short graphic novel- definitely buy it and read it!
Honorable mention goes to Hooky!
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Summary: Magical twins Dorian and Dani find out they have an important and terrifying magical destiny, and in their quest to survive their world and defy fate, they make some great new friends and allies along the way!
Pros: A wonderful and cute art style, great story full of emotional highs and lows, characters with lots of depth and development, and very well-tailored worldbuilding that makes the world feel alive but not too crowded. The stars of the show, Dorian and Danielle, have a great and believable sibling bond, and you get really attached to how their stories progress over the course of the story. I will also add that the endings of each of the three books are some of the most powerful I’ve ever seen!
Cons: This was a webtoon at first, so that may be why the pacing is REALLY fast. Even the slower chapters feel like they move really quickly and are full of dialogue- not a lot of room for slow atmospheric panels. Also this is a con for me but maybe not for others- there are a LOT of romantic subplots in this. Not than any of them are poorly-written, but when they all have to compete with each other and the main plot, it makes the crowded pacing feel even more rough. Also the plot in the third book feels like it’s trying to get to the resolution even faster, which may be a let down from the amazing ending of book 2.
Favorite Live-action Series: The Last of Us
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Summary: A zombie apocalypse series about people getting taken over by Cordyceps fungus! Hardened smuggler Joel (Pedro Pascal) has to escort angry teen Ellie (Bella Ramsey) across America on a dangerous mission.
Pros: An amazing adaptation of the games, adding even more intense action and mature themes than before! Gorgeous visuals, superb acting and great pacing! And if it’s your jam, there’s even more well-written LGBT storylines than there were in the games! Not just one of the best live action shows or shows of 2023, but one of the best shows of all time!
Cons: Going to echo another common critique- I don’t mind that there aren’t as many infected in the show compared to the games- for the first 6 episodes or so I think it’s just fine! But when the last 5 episodes of the show don’t have a single infected at all in the present day (there’s like 2 in flashbacks) when it’s a big theme that ties into the stakes of the ending, that’s actually a big problem.
Honorable mention to Prehistoric Planet!
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Pros: One of THE BEST prehistoric documentaries of all time! With gorgeous CGI depictions of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, and portraying them as real animals, not just man-eating monsters! You will grow attached to the dinosaurs as characters, not just creatures. Actual respect for prehistory is so hard to come by in media, so I value it way more than live-action dramas or even most cartoons!
Cons: All episodes take place in the same time period- essentially the last few years of the dinosaurs in the late Cretaceous. Which means we miss out on a lot of other eras and animals. On top of that, the episodes are composed of many short 3-minute bits rather than full storylines like Walking With Dinosaurs, which is a bit of a letdown.
Favorite Manga Lightning Round!
Somehow, my favorite three manga that I’ve discovered this year are all romcoms!
#1: Pseudo Harem (Completed!)
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Despite the name, this is an adorable and wholesome series about a stagehand and an actress in a highschool drama club- they’re friends who pretend to be in all kinds of tropey relationships for fun, and these adorable interactions lead to a really sweet romance between them! Like all good romances, we get to see the quirks and perspectives of both parties! And what’s more it’s even getting an anime adaptation next year!!
#2:  Kimi wa Yakamashi Tojite yo Kuchi o! (You Talk Too Much, So Just Shut It Already!) (Ongoing at 38+ biweekly chapters)
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The story of a deaf girl and the extremely cheerful and stupid boy who tries to befriend her! It’s fantastic representation for the deaf community (even having some small sign language lessons in chapters!) Unlike many manga where the nonverbal girl is just a shy cute thing to be pined after, we get to hear the inner monologue of our female lead Tsukino and see her perspective on things as THE protagonist and not just the love interest. The side characters are also hilarious, the story takes some surprisingly wacky turns for your average high school romcom (name another meetcute that involves a feral Komodo dragon, I dare you) and the comedy is surprisingly witty and fanservice-free- very much a style rarely seen in manga and really up my alley!
#3: Mietemasu yo! Aizawa-san (I See You, Aizawa-san!) (Ongoing at 14+ monthly chapters)
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You might be surprised to see a Yuri (WLW) romance series on this list, but I’d say I’m more surprised that not more people are talking about this compared to the usual generic Tsundere x Genki Girl stories that dominate this site year-round for some reason.
This series is about an emo highschool girl named Michi who has been plagued by visions of ghosts her whole life. When she finds out her classmate Aizawa who passed recently was an idol, Michi simultaneously becomes a diehard fangirl of Aizawa, but also tries her best to ignore the adorable and goofy ghost of Aizawa because of Michi’s longtime fear of ghosts (honestly one of the best metaphors for gay panic I’ve seen).
I think the reasons I prefer this over most shoujo manga are as follows- First, the art style has a good usage of shading and black colors and not just the usual light airbrushing that is in most of them. Secondly, it’s got a good mix of the typical pretty and detailed shoujo art but also cute silly chibis in comedic moments (very good comedy I might add!). And thirdly, there’s a cool fantasy element that ties into the romance rather than fighting for screentime with it (the ghosts and such)! There also seems to be a deeper mystery to the plot but I don’t think it’ll be addressed anytime soon, which is fine! (Sidenote this isn’t the first WLW series I’ve watched but it might just be my favorite even after just 14 chapters!)
The only con I’d give this series is that it still has one shoujo trope I dislike- where almost all the female characters have to be the same kind of pretty. Thankfully our lead Michi is spared of this and looks like the stressed emo she should be, but there’s a “dumb jock” character later on who looks just as elegant and feminine as the other girls even though the story implies she looks tougher than most, haha.
If you do decide to check out any of these, or have already seen and love them, let me know what you think! I’d love to hear more people gush about stuff I love, and I can’t wait to see what other amazing series I’ll discover in 2024!
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on multiple street art pieces by Swedish street artist, Herr Nilsson. Featured pieces are as titled (and in no specific order):
"I drank all the booze and I feel Fantastic," in Stockholm, Sweden
"Hair Day" in Bromsten, Stockholm
"Save the Planet Kill your Kids (on climate change), in Snösätra, Stockholm
"Happy Riot," in Vällingby, Sweden
Sleeping Beauty piece in Lunda, Stockholm, Sweden, c. 2019
STREET ART UTOPIA: "How would you describe your working method?"
HERR NILSSON: "I’m almost constantly trying new ideas, sketching them in my mind until they are pretty much done, then I realize them in a painting or a sculpture. Most often I experiment with two strong symbolic things or characters that convey totally different messages. And then, when I put these two together in a painting or sculpture, the new meaning conveys something totally different. Something I would like to share with my audience."
Source: www.streetartutopia.com/2021/07/05/interview-with-swedish-street-artist-herr-nilsson.
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beepboop358 · 2 years
Have you seen the movie Heartstone? It’s a very artsy Icelandic film but I remember when s3 came out Byler reminded me so much of the main characters. The story is set in a small town in the 80s, where the two young teenage boys that are the main characters are very obviously pining for each other (or one sided, how ever you interpret it). The plot is basically one of them was bullied by his dad and classmates for being gay and is very obv in love with his best friend, while the best friend is dating a girl to try and mask the fact that he likes him back - I won’t go into detail but it ends with the obv gay kid trying to kill himself and then moving away to a more progressive place. It’s a great movie (although I doubt the brothers or anyone involved in making stranger things has seen it…). It came out like a month after s1 though so 🙇‍♀️🤷‍♀️ still an interesting parallel I think (as an avid enjoyer of both artsy Scandinavian films and stranger things at least)
I have not seen this movie, but I am DEFINITELY adding it to my watchlist ASAP. The plot sounds very similar to things in ST, and the time line adds up too! I wouldn't rule it out as possible influence/inspiration for ST because they have used non-American media to influence the show before!! Eyewitness is originally a Norwegian show, and Amelie (a French movie) was on the st4 vsf list, and I can't remember any others off the top of my head but there could be more!
I love that you love Scandinavian art films, super cool! 🥰😊 I need to watch more of those myself LOL. I've been super into the Italian Neo-realist movement recently so watching a bunch of those films currently ahahah.
Hope you're well! xx
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I snagged this from @coraleethroughthelookingglass!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. My parents made up my name specifically for my nickname. My mom thought my nickname was too "boyish" and refused to have it on my birth certificate. What's cool is that my nickname (which is what I've always gone by; I love it) is actually a Scandinavian girl's name. My Norwegian mother-in-law was absolutely tickled about it when I first met her.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. Life is currently tossing me lemons faster than I can make lemonade.
3. Do you have kids?
Yes, a whole bunch of them. I even have a son-in-law!
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Usually only around other sarcastic people, but even then, it's often light sarcasm. I get anxious over the idea of inadvertently hurting someone's feelings.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their vibe. It's probably because of childhood stuff, but I notice people's moods before anything else. And I'm usually not wrong when something seems off about them.
6. What's your eye colour?
A warm but very dark brown. Not quite Ben Barnes dark brown, but close.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Depends on my mood. I don't watch as much horror as I did when I was younger.
8. Any special talents?
Um, I can raise my eyebrows individually and make them do the wave?
9. Where were you born?
Southern California, USA
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, art, playing piano (not very well but I love it anyway), cross-stitching
11. Do you have any pets?
It's more my husband's pet, but we have a little milk snake named Jack.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I was a competitive swimmer in high school.
13. How tall are you?
5'4" or 152 cm for my non-American friends
14. Favourite subject in school?
Whichever class had the most engaging teacher. I liked learning, so there wasn't a subject I despised. But there sure were teachers I dreaded sitting in class for!
15. Dream job?
Full-time author. But that would mean actually writing a novel, so...
Tagging anyone who wants to play! I'd love to learn more about any of you!
Here is the list of questions in a single paragraph for ease of copying and pasting:
1. Are you named after anyone? 2. When was the last time you cried? 3. Do you have kids? 4. Do you use sarcasm? 5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 6. What’s your eye colour? 7. Scary movie or happy ending? 8. Any special talents? 9. Where were you born? 10. What are your hobbies? 11. Do you have any pets? 12. What sports do you play/have you played? 13. How tall are you? 14. Favourite subject in school? 15. Dream job?
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15 Questions Tag
Thank you for the tag @elfpuddle ✨
1. Are you named after anyone? My great uncle Jack.
2. When was the last time you cried? Mother's day, went to visit my grandparents who passed from covid 10 days apart. 😭
3. Do you have kids? Absolutely not.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot. Who doesn't.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? I played softball for 8yrs, did soccer, gymnastics and cheerleading (that one was not my want but my mom's so she signed up my sister and me in hopes we'd make friends and become "popular" (it backfired) but we won a few competitions)
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people? Sense of humor. If you can't laugh, gtfo.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? I don't have a preference. I'm not a big movie person tbh. 🤷🏽‍♀️
8. Where were you born? Midwest. 🙃
9. Any special talents? I'm more patient than I should be 😮‍💨 I'm counting it bc I don't have the energy to really think on it rn.
10. What are your hobbies? Collecting unique Halloween items, squishables, squishmallows, blankets and pillows but also any unique Beetlejuice art and items I WILL find and make mine. Um video games, learning old Norse and icelandic as well as continuing to learn about the Scandinavian cultures past and present, ummm let's see what are my other hobbies. Oh! Laying on the floor w my cats, collecting unique platform shoes and purses/bags. Probably more tbh but I'm tired so
11. Do you have any pets? 2 cats
12. How tall are you? I'd be a dwarf in LOTR.
13. Fave subject in school? Art! Omg art. Science/biology, PE tbh
14. Dream job Being paid to do fuck all and NO customer service. Fuck them customers. No phone calls of any kind and no emails either. Leave me alone and pay me.
15. Eye colour Brown 🤷🏽‍♀️
A lot of folks have done this already so if you wanna do this, by all means, go for it 🖤
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arsonyte · 1 year
15 questions, however many people
Tagged by: @turniptitaness
1. are you named after anyone? not really. well, unless you count “scandinavian fortress”. but yeah. not really.
2. when was the last time you cried? Christmas. While watching Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Go figure.
3. do you have kids? Nope.
4. do you use sarcasm? A lot. 
5. what's the first thing you notice about people? I recognize faces. I also notice mannerisms. And probably I turn to look at their phones. If they have a popsocket or-- *gets shot*
6. what's your eye color? Dark. 
7. scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings
8. any special talents? People in the office forget I know how to draw. :)
9. where were you born? Somewhere in the Pacific.
10. what are your hobbies? I used to write. A lot. I just daydream now. And probably plan on doing some DIYs. When I’m not being eaten up by stress. 
11. do you have any pets? No. :( My last dog died almost 5 years ago. With my living quarters, I can’t have pets for now.
12. what sports do you play/have played? Soccer/football when I was in high school
13. how tall are you? Short.
14. favorite subject in school? English and Art
15. dream job? I wanna be paid playing video games. Its just not gonna happen as I’m too shy to be in front of the camera for vlogging-- *gets shot again*
No pressure tags: @hawthorne-spengler-stantz @izhunny @nuggsmum @i-wanna-be-in-england @slimerspengler @aki33 @elen-aranel @the-haven-of-fiction @majortomslonelyspidersfrommars @mescadesuka et al anyone who sees this and wanna play
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