#Sound Booth
stimboardboy · 1 year
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sound booth stims
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fayrobertsuk · 9 months
And here’s the cleaned-up, truncated version of the Sleepy Stories Audition, where I made the audio a lot less dry-mouth-clicky. Let’s hope the company I’m auditioning with likes it (though I have a suspicion that I’ll be too GNC-looking for their video versions!
[video description: a white person with dark blonde, curly hair to their shoulders and a similarly coloured goatee beard, wearing glasses and as small a black top with spaghetti straps as they can get away with, is in a duvet fort sound booth mostly talking directly to the camera but also reading something slightly off-camera in the middle. Their gaze roves around and they gesture quite emphatically while portraying their own words, and their face is bright pink with heat. End video description.]
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hotforharrysheart · 2 years
Sound Booth
It was hard to believe that Apple was courting you. They were extremely interested in syndicating your, that’s right, YOUR, little true crime blog. Your last series covering the unsolved case of three missing women who had gone for a picnic at Denali National Park had reopened the Alaskan investigation with new information regarding a previous suspect who was already in custody for another similar crime. You were approached by Apple and actually had a couple independent investors who were interested in backing the project. You had a nice set up in London outside Harry’s home studio that would allow you to record the show and was additionally equipped for group interviews and investor advertisement. You’d flown back to it for your first recording and had edited from your laptop while travelling with Harry. It wasn’t as convenient as simply going to an office each day, but you were determined to make it work…even if it meant you spent more time flying than you could’ve ever imagined.
Shortly after the Prague show you’d flown back to record and due to editing had ended up missing Harry’s performance in Austria. Actually, you ended up having to stay back for a couple of days and worked round the clock to get everything completed and ready to broadcast. You’d made it back to Harry around two a.m. and were so exhausted you hardly laid your head down next to him before you were sound asleep. The next morning you wake to a note rather than the man himself because he didn’t have the heart to wake you before he went for a morning workout. On one hand you were so excited by the success of your work, however you were having to adjust to the super busy schedule and trying your best to settling in to seeing Harry less. You missed him tremendously but knew the set up you had in London was state of the art and was making all the difference in getting your work out and successful.
It was early on July 20th and you slept in. Your hotel room in Berlin was just gorgeous, but more importantly, you were enjoying the amazing bed. Maybe you were just tired…it didn’t really matter because at the moment you were just so happy to be sunk into an incredible mattress and tucked in to a warm duvet. Harry had already headed to the venue for an early sound check and to catch a private yoga session before the show. You got up, took a shower, got dressed, and had a quick brunch in the room before you head to the arena yourself. You feel guilty for sleeping in, but you arrived on a red-eye to be there and adding jet lag to the equation meant that you were exhausted by the time you crawled in to bed. It had been days since you’d seen Harry, but you had talked, and video chatted as often as you could during your time in London. You were ecstatic to see the show tonight, but more importantly you were just looking forward to seeing H; you’d missed his hugs, the smell of his skin and seeing him smile.
You arrive at the Mercedes Benz Arena and can’t wait to see him. There was a long line of people waiting to get in…it was astounding the hours people would wait to get the best standing space for one of his arena shows; and it was hours, because the show wasn’t due to start for several hours now. You hope to catch the sound check and then spend some time relaxing before the show. God, you hope it went by fast because truth be told, you were dying for some alone time with Harry and from the sound of his voice on the phone last night he was missing you just as much. He wasn’t any more happy about you being away for work than you were. It is what it is; you both had work to do and there wasn’t any way around that fact.
You hear him before you see him as you walk down the hall toward his dressing room. He was laughing about something and speaking animatedly so you knew he was in a good mood. You shake your head and grin, you were so ready to see him.
The door is ajar and you pause before you step through it. It’s weird to be nervous, but you are. You take a deep breath and push open the door.
He’s expecting the wardrobe people to come in so he doesn’t even bother looking up as you come through the door. Pauli says something and he breaks out into his ridiculously adorable knee slapping laugh.
They both look over and see you at the same time. Harry’s eyes go as big as saucers. He wasn’t expecting you until later.
Pauli excuses himself, kissing your cheek on the way out, pulling the door to as he leaves.
“Hiii,” you say softly, blushing.
He stands up and walks over to you quickly and pulls you in for a bone crushing hug. “Fucks sake, love. ‘M s’glad ya ‘ere. Wasn’t expectin’ ya til later.” He says into your neck. He pulls back and places his hands on your cheeks. “Hi baby. Missed ya s’ much.” He says, pressing his lips to yours.
You don’t even realize you’re crying until you feel the tears on your cheeks.
His thumbs wipe at your cheeks. “Don’ cry baby. Ya ‘ere. Ya finally ‘ere an’ ‘m never lettin’ ya leave me again.”
You giggle through your tears and hug him to you again. “Missed you so much, Harry.”
His eyes close as you hug him tight. Jesus, you smell good, he thinks. He can’t quite believe how much he missed you. “Missed ya mo’ than you’ll ever know, darlin’.” He pulls back to take a good look at you. “Ya s’beautiful. Ya even mo’ beautiful…how’s tha’ possible?”
You smile and blush. “It’s not but thank you.”
He smiles that killer smile and your tummy flips.
He rubs his hand over his face. “Gotta surprise fo’ ya. Come wi’ me,” he says, grabbing your hand.
“Wait…where’re we going?”
“You’ll see. C’mon,” he says, tugging your arm.
“Ok,” you say, wondering what on earth he has planned.
He leads you through the maze of tunnels in the arena until you get to a door at the back and he pushes through. This isn’t the view most people get of the rockstar life. It’s all semis and tour buses and little makeshift buildings for all of the crew. It’s teeming with crew members and roadies and they all greet you both as walk by. He finally stops at a trailer and turns to face you. “Meant wha’ I said earlier…never lettin’ ya leave like tha’ again.”
Your brows are furrowed. You’ve literally no idea what he’s on about. He knows you have to have the studio.
He can tell you’re confused. “Trust me?”
You smile. “Yes,” you say softly.
He smiles. “C’mon then,” he says as he pushes open the door and pulls you inside.
You gasp as you walk in, eyes big as saucers. Your hands fly to your face in shock. “Oh my god…Harry! You didn’t!”
He smiles watching your reaction. “I did. I tol’ ya. No mo’ back an’ forth. Ya can do ya podcast from anywhere we are.”
You throw your arms around him. “You’re the best! I can’t believe you did this for me!” You say, tears falling down your cheeks.
“Did it fo’ us. Need ya ‘ere wi’ me. Been a terror…ask the band.”
You giggle. “Thank you, H. This is…just thank you.” You squeeze him tightly around his waist. “I still can’t believe you did this.”
You run your hand over the sound board and even pull the microphone down a little just to test out its movement. You’re gentle and lean down to scrutinize the levers, buttons and knobs. “Harry, I think this is too much for me,” you say pulling your finger to your mouth.
He leans toward you and takes your wrist to move it away from your mouth. “Don’ be nervous, love, we can get ya up ta speed, you remember Gavin, who worked rehearsals wi’ us? He’s gonna be comin’ on full-time fo’ a while an’ he can show ya how ta use everythin’, he’s gonna arrive in a coupla days, but til then I can give ya a quick rundown on how ta work tha board. C’mere,” he says pulling the leather office chair out.
You stop and look around for another chair, but he has other thoughts as he grabs you around the waist and plops you down in his lap.
“Oof, Harry, you don’t have time to show me how to use all this now!” you exclaim waving your hand over the entire sound board and monitors for emphasis.
“Hav’ plenty of time, already ran sound check an’ ‘m jus’ gonna show ya the basics,” he says against your cheek.
You turn to cup his cheeks and thank him properly with a sweet kiss, “Thank you again, you’re so good to me and I just wish I could do something this special for you.”
“Baby, you bein’ here wi’ me is special an’ it’s important ta me, hate It when we’re apart,” he whispers against your lips, “I love ya s’much.”
“I love you too,” you say softly.
“Look,” he says pointing to a blue button, “this powers the board.” He takes your hand and uses your finger and his to push the button and power things up. His other hand is resting gently on your thigh, thumb stroking the skin at the edge of your shorts. “And this slide controls tha volume, see tha lights changing wi’ our voices?”
You nod slightly with furrowed brows watching as he goes on about how to change the speed of a recording, as well as the tones and background noises.
“This red button will record whatever is said through tha mic, ya can control tha sensitivity of wha’ background noises ya allow ta be recorded with this slide, but when ya press it, there’s a 5 second delay an’ then everythin’ will record ta either ya laptop hard drive or a USB thumbdrive. Ya push this ta pause tha recording an’ ta play it back, ya jus’ press here, wanna try it?”
“Okay…but I don’t have my laptop…” you say nervously. He rests his hands on your thighs and kisses your shoulder in an attempt to relax you. He fiddles with his jeans pocket underneath you and pulls out a red thumbdrive. He plugs it into the front USB port.
“Jus’ say ya name or Harry is the best shag ya ever had, yanno, just somethin’ normal,” he says with a shrug and a smirk.
You turn your head with a delayed giggle, “Oh…riiiighttt, just something normal….”
“Or ya could say somethin’ else, if ya wan’, yanno like, ‘Harry’s a sex god,’ he’s kissing your neck, “or ‘spank me sir’, I kinda like tha’ one myself, course I know you do too.” He’s worked the neck of your t-shirt down your shoulder and is nibbling and sucking your skin.
“Harry, you have a dirty mind and a filthy mouth,” you say quietly leaning your head to one side giving him better access to your neck and shoulder.
Suddenly you hear, “Harry you have a dirty mind and a filthy mouth,” repeated through the speakers. And you look down in time to see him defty click the playback button.
“Harry Styles!” you whisper-shout slapping your hand on his arm, “You’re sneaky!”
He chuckles, “An’ ya’re easily distracted, love.”
You turn your head to look at him, “I’m kinda Harry deprived at the moment.”
“I’m kinda Harry deprived at the moment,” repeats through the speakers.
“Stop it!” you say pulling his hand away from the board and back to your tummy.
He is working his hand under your t-shirt to stroke your tummy. “I missed ya s’much, baby. God, ya s’soft an’ ya smell s’good.” His other hand is pulling your hair away from your neck and kissing below your ear. “D’ya miss me?”
You nod.
“Gotta use your words in a sound booth, it won’t record when ya jus’ nod.”
“Harry, I’m not recording anything at the moment,” you say rolling your head back against his shoulder.
“We could yanno, Jesus, I’d love ta have ya recorded…I’d love ta listen to ya cum whenever I wanted, so so sexy, make the most amazin’ sounds.”
You shiver.
“D’ya touch y’self while ya were gone?” he asks lips pressed to the shell of your ear.
“No, I mean, I wanted to, but it just doesn’t feel the same without you.”
“I’m gonna ask you to do somethin’ an’ if ya want to ya can answer by jus pressing the button, but if ya don’ wanna jus’ don’ press the button, it won’ upset me, m’kay?”
“Ok,” you answer.
He nods toward the door then looks back at you. “Go lock tha door, I wanna record ya, if you agree come back ta me and push the record button, ‘s up to ya.”
You smile at him, slide off his lap and saunter over to the door and twist the lock, then come back to the board and the chair where he is man-spread and waiting for you. You run your finger along the edge of the board and walk your fingers up to the record button where you hover and glance back at him. Meeting his eyes, you gently press the button and sit on his lap.
He smiles, “Tha’s my girl,” then he sucks his lips in as he situates you on his lap, you back to his front. “Can ya undress fo’ me?” He says, gulping.
You can feel the heat rush to your cheeks. “Yes,” you whisper. You stand up and turn around to face him and slowly lift your shirt over your head, dropping it at your feet. Then you unhook your bra and let it fall to the ground. You slowly unbuckle and unzip your shorts and they slide down your legs. You’re just getting ready to pull your panties down when he stops you.
“Wait…” he swallows, “jus’ wait.” He pulls you to him by your hips. His eyes are blown out with lust, pupils dilated as he takes in your nearly naked body. “Lemme do it,” he says, his thumbs hooking into your panties and sliding them down. “God, missed this body s’ much.” His hands slide to your breasts, cupping them, fingers pinching your nipples.
Your head falls back on your shoulders. “Ahhh…mmmm…”
He smiles as he watches the lights on the board light up. “C’mere.”
You turn around and sit down in his lap.
He moves your knees so they over his and then he spreads his legs, spreading you open…wide.
“Ya comfy?”
“Yes,” you say breathily gasping as the cool air hits your pussy.
He looks down your body, his hands slowly sliding down your arms and to your thighs.
You sigh. “Missed your touch, your hands, your mouth,” you breathe out as his lips slide kisses down your neck.
He’s just running his hands up and down your thighs, just barely grazing the crease of your thigh and leg.
“Mmmm…” you gasp out as you feel yourself getting wetter.
His hands move to your breasts and his fingers lightly circle your nipples and then he pinches them hard like you like it.
“Ahhh! Ahhh, oh god,” you cry out as you feel yourself drip onto the floor.
“Jesus baby ya drippin’,” he says amazed.
“Yes,” you breathe out. You watch his fingers skate down your stomach to your dripping core.
“Ya gonna cum fo’ me? Gonna let me record ya cummin’ so I can listen whenever I wan’?”
“Yes,” you whisper as his fingers lightly run down your slit. “Mmmm…Oh god…”
“Ya s’fuckin wet, baby.”
You lick your lips. “For you. Only for you.”
He smiles against your ear. “‘M gonna make ya feel really good, yeah? Wan’ ya ta watch the sound board so ya can see all ya sexy little sounds ya makin’.”
“Harry…” you say breathily but your eyes slide to the sound board and you can see the lights move as you whimper for him as his fingers move up and down your slit.
“Ya ready fo’ my fingers?”
“Yes! So ready!”
You feel his mouth curve into a smile at your ear and his middle and ring fingers slide into your dripping entrance and still.
You gasp.
He curls his fingers up. “Gotta fin’ our spot.”
You’re panting. “There! Oh god…mmmm…”
“There she is.” His fingers curl up rhythmically as his thumb moves over your swollen clit. “S’swollen fo’ me.”
“Ahhhh…feels so good. Missed your touch…I…mmm,” you mumble as your hips tick up to get more friction. “Missed you so much.”
“Missed ya too. Missed makin’ ya cum, love makin’ ya cum,” he says, kissing behind your ear.
You’re starting to clench around his fingers and he knows you’re close.
“Can feel ya clenchin’ baby. Know ya close. Cum fo’ me. Wanna feel it.” He whispers in your ear, “wanna hear it.”
“Ungh…Harry…’m so close!” You pant out.
“Can ya hang there fo’ a minute?”
“Unghhhh…I dunno…”
He slows his movements down and you smile.
“Right there…ohhhh…so good…it feels so good.”
He smiles. He loves seeing you blissed out because of him.
“Ya ready?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
He speeds up his movements and your hips jerk.
You can feel your orgasm bubbling. His other hand over your breasts pinches your nipple and you’re gone.
“Cumming! Hahhhh…oh god, cumming for you! Ahhhh…ahhhh…”
Your head falls back on his shoulder and your back arches, even though you don’t move since he’s holding you to him tightly. It’s been so long since you came, you’re cumming hard, pulsing hard around his fingers. His thumb moves over your clit working you through it until you slump back against him and whimper.
“God I needed that so much, Harry,” you say panting and shivering.
He wraps his arms tight around you. “Ya, cold, babe?” he asks leaning forward to turn press the stop button.
“Don’t think I’m cold, but I can’t stop shaking.”
He cuddles in close, kissing just behind your ear, “Sweet’eart, ya came s’hard, still goin’ innit?”
You nod your head. His arm brushes against your nipple and you groan with a full body shiver. “Careful, Harry, so sensitive right now.”
“’M so hard an’ wanna make ya cum again s’ bad,” he whispers against your cheek.
“H, we don’t have time,” you say pointing to the time on the monitor, “everyone will be looking for you as it is, you need to get dressed and go be a rockstar for me.”
He groans, “would rather give ya my rock-hard cock, ta be honest.” His hand is running back and forth across your tummy and you can’t resist the wiggle of your bottom against the bulge in his jeans. “Stop, babe, it’s gonna be a rough night on stage as it is…gonna fuck ya so good tanight, ya gonna be ready fo’ me after?”
“Honey, you’re gonna be so tired, you give so much of yourself in the show, an…” he interrupts you with a pinch to your nipple, “Ahh!”
“Please don’ say no, ‘m beggin’, missed bein’ in you s’much…what are ya wearin’ tanight?”
“I’m gonna run back to hotel and put on a little dress I found in the closet in London, ya know, it’s like shopping when I go home having a different wardrobe to choose from.”
“Well don’ get used ta goin’ back, I need ya ‘ere wi’ me,” he mutters squeezing you tight.
“I better get dressed and run back to get ready for the show… you too,” you say with a pout.
“Tanight, will ya please stand at the middle sound board? I can see ya from there best, the light from tha monitors will lemme watch ya,” he says kissing your bare shoulder.
“Ok, tell Tommy that’s where, I’ll be, kay.”
You hate it, but you get up and get dressed. While dressing you giggle as Harry palms his bulge trying to will it to go away. “S’not funny, love. Hurts.”
“Baby, I’m sorry, you’re right, it’s not funny,” you say standing between his legs and running your hand through his hair, “Promise, it’ll be worth the wait.”
Resting his forehead on your tummy, he runs his hands up your thighs and squeezes your bum. “I love ya so much, God, I missed ya.”
“I love you too, tonight we’ll make up for the lost time. You need to get going before they send the calvary looking for you.”
He stands and hugs you tight then cups your cheeks to place a last passionate kiss. His tongue tangles with yours and you both moan.
“Gotta stop, H,” you murmur against his lips as he nibbles at your bottom lip, “We gotta get ready…”
“Want ya s’bad…” he whines.
You step away and head toward the door. “You can have me later…anyway… you want me…,” you twist the lock on the door, and then meet his gaze. “Tonight, I won’t be wearing panties…sir,” you whisper as you slip out the door.
He tosses his head back, “Fuckin’ hell!”
You make your way back to the hotel and change into a short, very tight, royal blue bandage dress. It has only one sleeve that is elbow length and has an asymmetrical hem that matches the asymmetrical line on your chest. It literally looks like you have been poured into the dress, you twist and turn in the mirror taking in the look…it cups your ass perfectly.
You rub in a shimmery lotion on your bare shoulder, arm and legs, leaving your tan skin glowing with a bit of a soft glittery look. You finger the little bee on the initial necklace Harry gave you as you look in the full-length mirror. You can’t help but think of how your skin glows like honey, oh how Harry loves his honey, your honey. The thought causes your skin to break out in goosebumps and an involuntary clench and rush of wetness flows through your channel. “No panties…what the hell was I thinking, I’m gonna be wet all night,” you say to your reflection in the mirror.
You take the time to curl your hair into long beachy waves and fluff it in a tousled sexy drape. Leaving your make-up simple you apply a bare colored lip tint and gloss. “Mine or his,” you say out loud looking at his cologne next to your perfume. You decide to spray on his cologne making sure some got in your hair, “Just a little bit of him,” you say smiling at yourself and press your lips together. Checking the time, you gasp and slip on your heels. You’re thankful that there will be a chair available to you throughout the night, because this outfit is not your usual casual concert dress, “dressed to seduce,” you comment grabbing your clutch and smiling to yourself.
You send Harry a quick message, that you won’t be able to see him before because you’re running a little late. It’s probably a good thing since you’re both horny for each other and seeing each other before would just end up in a make out session that wouldn’t be good for either one of you.
At the venue, you make your way through the throngs of fans who are amped up for a night they’ll never forget. So many people are devoted to Harry and his music, they spend their time and hard-earned money to get to be a part of his world for just a few hours. You get to the middle soundboard and find a spot to stand waiting for your man to take the stage. The energy in the arena shifts the minute he takes the stage. His presence is like a religious experience for his fans and your soul swells with pride. Music for a Sushi Restaurant starts and he’s dancing all over the stage. You’re clapping and swaying to the song when he holds up the microphone for the audience to sing. Then it happens, he catches your eye and his step falters every so slightly. His mouth drops open for just a second. It’s not something that anyone would notice but you… you know the minute he finds you. His smile turns into a smirk and he points the mic toward you. Raising your arms and swaying, you take that moment to just connect with him, with the music. As the song closes he’s waving to the crowd and blowing kisses, with one special kiss sent your way.
God, you love his music. His lyrics reflect his confidence and it’s sexy as fuck. You were doing just fine until Cinema. The crowd disappeared, it was just you and Harry. Every time he touched his body, you touched yours the same way. Let’s face it, you were wet for him and you couldn’t help but shimmy and sway thinking of some of the times you’d had him. The swing in the pink room, the dining room table at the cottage, the window at the apartment in New York….You open your eyes thinking of all the times he'd said, “eyes on me” while he fucked you into the mattress. The way he could make you cum. He caught your eye a couple of times and his smirk spoke volumes. You need him, you need to make him cum.
He lets the crowd know he’s gonna go away for a few minutes and then come back out and the stadium is buzzing with anticipation. You see three girls in front of you turned around and waving frantically. Tommy says, “think they’re waving at you.”
“They are? Why?”
He shrugs.
You smile and move in front of the sound board closer to them and wave back. They smile shyly now. “Hi!” You say brightly. They seem friendly but you’re still a little skittish after the fans in NYC.
“Hiiiiii…” they all say at the same time.
They introduce themselves as Kara, Emily, and Nancy and you’re just about to tell them your name when one of them says, “we know who you are!”
You smile. You kinda have an inkling of what it’s like for Harry. “Are you having a good time?”
They all nod at the same time.
You can tell they’re bursting with questions. “What do you want to know?” You ask them eyebrow raised.
They all giggle. “Is he as nice as everyone says?” Emily asks.
“He really is. Incredibly nice.”
“Are you really friends with Gemma?” Kara asks.
You laugh. “Yes and she’s just as feisty as you think!”
They all giggle and look at each other and you can tell they have something they really want to ask.
“Would you take a pic of us and show Harry later?” Nancy asks and then looks down. “We just…we want him to know we were here.”
You smile. “Of course!” You dig out your phone and take a pic of them. “I’ll make sure he sees it, promise.”
Kara surprises you by grabbing you and hugging you and then they all pile on in a massive group hug.
You smile and kiss the tops of their heads. It feels good to feel the love in what he’s deemed as Love on Tour. “It was nice to meet you girls. Gotta get back.”
They’re wiping tears from their eyes and smiling.
You get back to the sound booth and Tommy’s positively beaming. “Got some new fans, do ya?”
You laugh. “Yeah. Can we do something nice for them, T? They deserve it.”
He nods. “Of course. Be right back. Let me just get some info.”
You nod and smile as you watch their stunned reaction. You’re overcome with emotion for a minute thinking of all the love and niceness he inspires. It makes you love him that much more. Youre gonna make sure Tommy does something amazing for these girls.
You wipe the tears from your cheeks as the house lights go down again. You’re four songs away from being with him and you cannot wait.
As Kiwi starts up, Tommy grabs your elbow and you walk backstage and to the waiting car. It’s a long walk from where you were and you’d only been in the car for a minute before the door is flung open and a very sweaty Harry slides in next to you.
He doesn’t waste a minute before leaning over and pulling you to him and kissing you, pressing you against the window, his hand sliding up your thigh. “Jus’ makin’ sure ya no’ wearin’ any panties.”
You open your legs as wide as you can in your too tight dress and he groans as his fingers touch the bare flesh of your warm and very wet pussy.
“Fucks sake, ya s’wet fo’ me.”
“All for you,” you say breathily as you press your lips to his again. You can’t get enough of him. You moan into his mouth as his fingers gently run up and down your slit.
“Can’ wait ta get ya alone, fuck!” He says as your hand finds his jogger covered cock.
It doesn’t take long to get to the hotel and you both reluctantly part from each other and get out of the car and into the hotel.
He’s walking fast to get to the lift and once the doors open, he yanks you in and jabs the button for your floor. He doesn’t say anything but the tension is palpable. You finally get to your floor and he’s nearly in a jog to get to the room and you’re right behind. He pulls the key card out and swipes it. The door beeps and he pushes it open and pulls you inside, pressing you up against the door, kissing you breathless.
“Wan’ ya s’bad, bu’ I gotta shower. Ya comin’ wi’?”
You can barely answer since his lips move right back to yours. “Yes!” You pant out once his kisses move to your neck. He picks you up and carries you to the bathroom and then it’s a rush of undressing. He turns for a minute to turn the shower on and grabs your hand, pulling you inside with him. He’s on you the minute the water hits your back. Wrapping his arms around you he slides his hands down to your bum and pulls your pelvis in close to his. His mouth is sucking the skin below your ear. “Saw ya in tha’ fuckin’ dress, teased me all night wi’ these hips. Was so god damn hard no’ to jus’ stare. D’ya get wet fo’ me?”
“It was embarrassing, H. Can’t believe I didn’t have any panties on…mmmm…,” you moan as he kisses your mouth, “god I missed you so much.”
He licks at the seam of your lips. “Open for me,” he whispers against your lips. You open your mouth and his tongue dives in to slide against yours.
You suck at his soft tongue as he explores the inside of your mouth like he’s trying to memorize your taste. You can’t help your wandering hands; you stroke his back muscles feeling them flex as his hands explore your body. His hard cock is pressed against your tummy. You thread one hand in his hair and slide the other around to grasp him. Running your thumb across the slit at the head, you squeeze him tight. “How’d ya hide this, mister, because I was lookin’ at it.” You felt a surge of blood flood through the vein on the underside making him just that much harder.
“Wasn’ easy, baby, wasn’ easy,” he says in a lusty raspy voice.
You rise on tip toes to kiss his neck, up to his ear, feeling his hips flex. “I want my mouth on you, Harry, s’that ok?” you whisper while placing soft kisses to the shell of his ear.
“Jesus, love…,” he groans and whimpers, “do it.”
You slide down his body stopping to place kisses on his swallow tattoos and then the wings of the butterfly and finally on the stems of both laurels at his hips. “I love your ink, missed this body so much. Tried to touch myself in the shower one night,” you say settling on your knees
“D’ya cum, love?” he asks cupping his hand under your chin and pulling your face up to meet his stare.
“I couldn’t, H, it’s just not the same anymore, I can’t even fuck myself without you,” you say with a pout. “I know my orgasms are yours and it just didn’t feel right without you.”
“Good girl,” he says with a smug smile.
Keeping your eyes on him, you grasp his cock and place a soft kiss to the underside, in that spot just below the head where his super sensitive. “Missed my cock,” you whisper flicking your tongue over the slit tasting the pearl of pre-cum that dribbled out.
“Fuuuuck…” he sobs brushing your hair off your forehead. “Suck me, babe, need it so bad.”
You take the head of his cock in your mouth and suck hard flattening your tongue on the underside.
He brushes his thumb along your cheek, “Doin’ so good, baby.”
You open and pout your lips out so that you can slide down his rock-hard member until the head touches the back of your throat. You almost set off your gag reflex, but you don’t care, you want as much of him in your mouth as you can get. You can’t take your eyes off the blissed-out look on his face. His eyes closed and his jaw clenching, you pull off and turn his words back on him, “Eyes on me, H.”
He smirks, “Ok, babe” and his green eyes meet yours, pupils blow out.
The sight of your lips stretched out around his cock is almost more than he can handle. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ!”
You slide on and off him with hollowed cheeks, your hand following your mouth. You pop off to take a breath, a mixture of saliva and pre-cum gathered at the sides of your mouth. You pop your tongue out and make a show of licking his head letting a string of saliva stretch between your lower lip and the tip. You trace it back to place a slobbery kiss to the sensitive underside. “I want you to cum, Harry,” you say jacking your hand on him, “on my tongue.”
“Fuckin’ hell, babe,” he groans as his hips jerk. He places one hand on the tile wall behind you leaning forward on it for support. His other hand tangles in your hair. “Won’t take long, ya ready?”
You nod and suck his head back into your mouth, laving the tip with your tongue. You can feel him surging in your fist and the vibrations of his groan rolling through his chest and out his throat.
“Oh my god, babe!” he fists your hair tight. “Don’t stoooop…don’t…”
You continue to run your fist up and down his shaft and lick at the slit of his head.
Damp curl hanging down as he watches you, he simply says, “Cumming!”
You flatten your tongue out as ribbons of cum spurt from him.
“Unnnggghhh, shit, shit, shit!” he pants out, the sounds echoing through the shower stall.
A drip of his cum slides down your chin and he reaches down to wipe it away with his thumb. You grab his hand and promptly suck it into your mouth… licking the drop away.
He reaches down to pull you up, “Christ, tha’s sexy… you are sexy… naughty an’ sexy.”
You run your hands up his chest and around his neck, “I love making you cum, makes me feel sexy and powerful.”
“Oh really?” he says with a smirk running his hands down your back, “Well, ya definitely ‘ave a special power over me, tha’s fo’ sure.”
You place a kiss over his heart while he kisses the top of your head. “I love you.”
“I love ya so much. Let’s finish up in here,” he says grabbing the soap and leaning forward to kiss your lips, “Need ta make love to ya.”
You finish up first and slip out to dry your hair. You’re bent over trying to blow dry the underside of your hair when you feel his hand on your lower back, then his lips on your shoulder blade. You turn your head and he chuckles trying to brush away your fluff of hair so he can see your face. “Come ta bed, love, please.”
You slowly stand up and admire Harry’s nakedness as he walks toward the bedroom. How did you get so lucky, you think to yourself?
He turns his head slightly, “Comin’?” he asks.
“Oh, yeah, baby, I’m comin’” you respond smartly.
The hotel bed is a tall four-poster bed covered with a beautiful gray duvet, sheets and several pillows. Harry is plugging up his phone, when you start to crawl atop the bed. On all fours, you turn your head and smile at a staring Harry who sports an already semi-erect cock.
“You look like a man with a plan there…sir.” you comment cheekily.
“Oh, yeah, I ‘ave plans…wan’ you on my face, love.”
You bite your bottom lip and nod your head feeling a rush of arousal flow through your body.
You sit back on your knees while he situates himself on the bed. He crooks his finger at you, and you go to straddle his chest, but he stops you. “Wait, turn around, he says twirling his finger.
“I don’t thin…” you start
“Don’ think, babe, jus’ do it. Wan’ ma cunt on ma face backwards.”
You straddle his chest with your hands on his hips. “Scoot back,” he says pulling you by your hips.
You walk back on your knees until your pussy hovers his mouth. You look down to see his now fully erect cock laying over on his thigh. Leaning forward on your hands you place a kiss on the hard shaft.
“Jesus!” he cries out surprised by your move. You can feel the breath of his words and the vibration of his groan against your swollen cunt. Bracing you with his hands on your thighs he licks a stipe from clit to hole.
“Ahh…Harry!” you call out biting your bottom lip. In your bleary eyesight you look up and see a mirror over the vanity across the room. Who is that woman, you think seeing your reflection with Harry’s fingers digging into your thighs to brace you and his hard cock resting on his tummy twitching? You run your hands up your body to your breasts and pinch your nipples. You head falls back as he sucks your clit in his mouth. He’s maneuvering you with his large hands on your hips. You fall forward on your hands on either side of his hips when he pops off. You’re panting and moaning, “Harry! Need to cum!”
“On my tongue,” he says against your pussy. He stiffens his tongue and pokes it deep inside swirling around and around. You moan and look down between your legs to see his whisker covered chin bumping your clit, the sight is more than you can handle, the orgasm has no slow build up, it hits with the force of a freight train and sucks you under. You can’t even take a deep breath, all you can do is pant shallow breaths and chant Harry’s name over and over and over again. The trembling and shaking knocks you over onto your side next to him.
He turns around on the bed to join you lying with your head at the foot of the bed. “Breathe for me, love, breathe…just breathe,” he says gathering your into his arms cradling you tight. He’s smoothing your hair out of your face and gently kissing your cheeks. “Ya alright? Wan’ some water?”
You shake your head trembling and pulling him close to you, panting shallowly, “Intense. S’not stopping and ‘m cold,” is all you can say.
He sits up and you grab at him, “No’ goin’ anywhere, let’s get under the blanket an’ getcha warmed up, yeah?”
You nod and stumble your way to the head of the bed and under the blanket, that he holds open for you. He crawls in with you and pulls you to him. “Better?”
You nod and then look at him and finally, shake your head, tears rolling down your cheeks.
He startles, raising his head, “God, babe wha’ is it?”
You pull him toward you, “It’s not stopping, H. It..it still aches, need you. Can you…I mean…I just…make love to me? Please?”
He smiles proudly, “Aww, babe…don’t hafta ask.”
He rolls over on top of you and your spread your legs to cradle his hips. He’s cupping the sides of your head and stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. “Breathe baby, just breathe, ‘m right here…”
“Inside, Harry, please, I missed you being inside…”
He reaches down and lines himself up and pushes inside you stilling at the hilt.
“Mmmmgghh,” you groan at the feel of him. You take a deep breath, like you can finally breathe again. “I love you, I love you, I love you, H.”
“I love you babe, ‘m always home when I’m inside ya, ya never have to worry abou’ askin’ me to make love ta ya. S’it feel better?”
“Yes, Harry, just felt like…like… I came empty, need to cum with you inside me.”
He rears back and pushes back in deep. “Move wi’ me, babe, love when ya move wi’ me.”
You roll your hips up as he grinds forward. “So deep, want you so deep.” You shiver and wrap your legs around his thighs.
He stops for a moment just to pull the duvet up higher on his back. “Ya warm ‘nough?”
You run your hands up his sides and nod, “Just don’t stop.”
“Won’ stop, baby, never stop m’kay? I love ya so much.”
“I love you too, Harry. I need…need…,” you mumble your words.
“Wha’ d’ya need, my love?” he says pressing his forehead to yours.
“Need you to cum with me…inside me.”
“Yeah,” he softly smiles and nods his head, “Yeah, let’s cum together.”
He picks up the pace and in no time at all you’re there, the ache having never gone far. “Harry, I’m close, so close, don’t’ stop, please don’t stop.” You raise your knees up high on either side of his hips and move and grind with him until you both get lost. There’s only the sound of your breathing and soft moans and groans. Sounds you only make for each other; unspoken words that mean so much.
He collapses on top of you, breath hot on your neck as you pulse around him and try to regain control of your breathing. You’d missed this closeness while you were gone. Even earlier today you were dreading the next podcast because you didn’t want to leave and when you remember the sound booth he gifted you with, you start to cry. They’re happy tears but also tears of relief too. You can’t help but let out a sob and you clench down on him.
“Fuck!” He pulls back and sees that you’re crying and then he’s scrambling up grabbing a box of tissues and sliding back in next to you, pulling you close. “Y’ok?”
You wipe your eyes and nod. “I just…” you sniffle. “I missed you so much and then I remembered the booth and that I won’t have to leave and…and…” you trail off, a fresh batch of tears falling down your face.
He hands you a couple more tissues and watches while you wipe your face, blow your nose, and drop the tissues in the trash. He smiles the softest smile. “So…happy tears then?”
You smile and nod. “I was just overwhelmed, I think,” you say fingers running along his chest. “I’m relieved honestly. The flying, the travel, and being away from you was too much. You fixed it…like you always do,” you say, leaning over to press soft kisses to his mouth.
He smiles a smile of pure joy. “I like fixing things fo’ ya. I like tha’ ya let me take care of ya bu’ also have ya own thing.”
“Thank you. For everything.”
“Ya don’ have ta thank me bu’ ya welcome,” he says pulling you closer and slanting his lips over yours. He’d missed you - missed talking to you, kissing you, holding you, fucking you…everything about you. You grounded him but also made him soar high. You were his person and he meant it when he said he wasn’t ever letting you go. He didn’t have a ring or a date picked out or a plan really. He just knew that you were his and one day in the future you’d make it official.
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this whole 5 minutes is him throwing in the towel because he knows he's out of his depth here 😭
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candycatstuffs · 6 months
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essektheylyss · 4 months
It's been a full year since the Mighty Nein show announcement and I am honestly still laughing that we all inexplicably identified that the lines were re-recorded for the announcement in particular in .02 seconds flat. This is still my takeaway a year later.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The thing I'd want cis people to know is that I'm not transitioning to wear men's clothes or whatever. I'm transitioning so I can wear black heels for no reason
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madlyn5ever · 17 days
Missing Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan extra hard tonight (this morning?) (it is two am.).
I know we got 12 whole seasons which is more than some can say for many good shows, but I need more.
I need Zack living life after his 13 month sentence. I need hank talking because god damn it he really was just sort of there huh like they could’ve just not made her pregnant and suddenly have a baby and it’d almost be the exact same just slightly more confusing.
I need more of my favorite autistic character because holy crap I didn’t get enough of one of if not the character I relate most to. And I need booth not really understanding her all the time but loving her so much that it doesn’t stop him from being her number one supporter and protector (and knowing full well she doesn’t need a protector).
I need cam and Arastoo being married and happy. I need Daisy caring for Lance Seeley Sweets and I need Angela and Hodgins’ new baby and I need everyone. Even just one more time.
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wizardmarriage · 11 months
how would you transcribe blazar's barky-chirpy noises anyway, now that i'm thinking about it 💭
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findafight · 2 years
Currently consumed by the thought of a stobin Hollywood studio era lavender marriage au. They elope from Hawkins and Steve takes Robin's last name (a scandal when the paps find out!) And work shit jobs until they hit it big. (Robin is a trailblazer director who verbally eviscerates people who abused their actresses to get a ""more authentic performance"". Steve is a leading man who shifts into Dad Roles in his fifties. They adopt a gaggle of children so his career isn't as full as Rob's and he is so happy about it.)
They are a power couple for over half a century and eventually come out (Robin as a lesbian who's had a partner since the fifties and Steve as 'just very queer. I didn't have the words back then and now I don't feel like labeling it' and their marriage as one filled with love and respect and caring without romance or sex. Calling it "every bit as real as any other marriage, except we never had the complications of fucking. We loved together and fought together and cried together and lived together. The only thing more important to us than each other are our children and grandchildren, and isn't that what every other marriage is?") to the confusion of nearly everyone because they clearly adore each other and constantly hold hands or sit on laps and call each other soulmates and gaze adoringly across rooms and once said about meeting that they knew, after that first month of teasing and jeering and growing pains, that they'd found the person they were meant to be with. That they'd be together for as long as they were given because to know someone so thoroughly that they know you better than yourself and you know them the same that you barely need to speak but you do for the joy of the other's company is a rare gift to be given, especially so young.
Because they never lied! It's just, people assume romantic intent or attraction when Robin and Steve don't! They're the loves of each other's lives but they are not romantically in love and that's hard for people to understand. Especially a high profile couple who was the Romantic Ideal for three generations. And so when they say they were never involved like that, it's hard for some to believe because those two love each other so openly and intensely and for that love to be something other than romantic doesn't compute.
But on the other hand, they had already been queer icons. Steve 100% played in a heavily queercoded war film in the fifties and Robin had a Way of shooting women and they'd been vocal "allies" since the sixties. They'd nearly come out in the eighties but by then it wasn't just a decision they could make. It involved their partners and their children and grandchildren, so they waited to do so. But they were activists early for queer folk and did their best to fight the good fight (and also 1000% cussed Regan out. As he so deserved)
Idk I've rewritten this post like five times as I was helping my brother move and I'm just. Very emotional thinking of a grand, seven decade spanning, queerplatonic love story in the studio era of Hollywood.
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frickin shite that was the worst small group I've ever been to in my life
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keykidpilipili · 3 months
Malevolent Ep40 fic idea: Pick or make up your own memory for Arthur to offer to the powerup scales and write the consequences! Whether they are good, bad or just hilarious!
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angelmichelangelo · 10 months
sometimes i think about the time in the 2012 series donnie called mikey ‘michael’ and then they never said it again. like, he was Done with him and decided for wrongly full name him like, that’s just really funny to me idk why
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Sound Designer: The Theatre Gods do not grant monetary wishes.
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captain-hen · 10 months
this site rly takes nit-picking to a whole new level because people will be like, "enough queer stories that are sad period dramas that end in tragedy! let us have something different!" and then something different comes out, something challenging and complex and fun, and they'll immediately say, "no, no, this is actually, uh...horrible and [checks notes] fetishistic. we need something different." and then a cute queer romcom comes out, but then it's like, "no, this actually sets back gay rights by a million years because it doesn't address each and every issue faced by the community and doesn't tick every arbitrary checkbox for diversity and, uh...isn't ~~relatable~~ enough." like girl make up your mind.
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nerdreadss · 8 months
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john, w/demon blood rn: i'm boiling up but boy is it worth it to fuck with this guy.
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