#Tbh I'm not even sure whether I think he has a handsome face
lowbeno · 10 months
I made a stupid short comic
Warning: Luke’s nacked ass is visible for comedic purposes
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
Tbh no idea why people hate omegaverse so much, it's so delicious in every way possible and there's so much storytelling potential that it's insane.
Also both you and Elijah have me going insane and feral with your posts today I'm just.... growling biting at the bars of my enclosure at baby trapping posts. And I've been thinking of pregnant Simon since you responded to my post last night and I'm haunted by how much I need him to have my baby. He'd look so beautiful too 😔
He just needs to retire and be my house husband and I'll take care of him and make sure he goes to therapy <3
🔮 anonie you have thoughts going inside my head rn bc I can’t help but imagine ghost who’d never thought of having kids he wasn’t cut out to be a father according to him, and the only father he’s come across was the piece of shit he was related to and maybe even Price who has offered a helping hand whenever he needed it
But then he meets you and you’re so good around kids, whether it’s because you have one of your own or a younger sibling and he can’t help but imagine what it would like for the two of you to have one together
It’s insane it really is he understands that, he does dangerous work where he can’t guarantee he’ll be back in the morning, he’s not cut out for the role and besides the two of you have only been dating for a couple of months.
But everything changes one day when the two of you are out at the park with your nephew or younger sibling or kid in tow,
You’d ask ghost to watch over the kid while you went to get the three of you ice cream suddenly someone came up to him, told him what a lovely little family he has, even jokingly says how the two of you make handsome dads , but just as he’s about to correct the stranger you come up behind him with a bright smile on your face, thanking the stranger for their kind words before handing him his ice cream cone
“You’d make a great father you know?” You say staring ahead, where your nephew or whoever is climbing the monkey bars
He scoffs, but ducks his head to hide the blush on his face “doubt that”
You don’t push it any further, dropping the conversation and moving along to talking about something else but it doesn’t leave his head and all of a sudden he can’t help but imagine how he’d look with a bump, if the kid would have his or your eyes, and oh then there’s the way he’d find himself googling different types of positions in bed that would ensure the person got pregnant, he’s just doing research you know nothing serious, and more often than not he finds himself too lazy to take his birth control, keeping you inside him for hours because it’s comfortable and not because he’s hoping for something more.
And when he goes to take a pregnancy test that just so happens to be laying around in his bathroom and it turns out to be a positive one, he can’t help but feel an overwhelming amount of fear but also an overwhelming amount of joy because he knows with you by his side he can do just about anything
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johannestevans · 1 year
so important for the twink who's been lusting over his middle-aged oblivious het work colleague to finally just break and he like Hey real quick can I suck your cock
and colleague, who's never received a BJ or tbh a compliment before, including from his ex wife, to be like. huh?
like I'm just thinking and average looking guy who's a little too into his work and isn't great at charming people, he's blunt and a little bland
doesn't feel great about his appearance bc he's not too tall and he's stocky and pudgy and he's not got the big chiseled jaw
meanwhile this twink is. fucking salivating at the DILF supreme with his big strong hands and his weighted body and his hairy chest and his thick thighs and the way his eyes crinkle at the edges when he smiles
and the colleague is like but??? aren't you very gorgeous? by gay guy standards? can't you, um. do better? bc even women aren't particularly attracted to me, at least, they've never said
and the twink is like. ok well they're insane, open your jeans
idk im thinking about the particular het culture where autistic guys especially get overlooked dating wise anyway, but also some cishet women just never compliment their partners' appearances even just to say "looking handsome!" bc they think feeling attractive is for women only
and then you have. twink.
who's just a little drunk and/or stoned and horny and is just like Please, based on the rest of the package here, I'm assuming your dick is great
and the guy is like there is??? no package available
and twink like???? you have nice hair, your eyes are gorgeous and you have that cute crinkle and the dimples, you have strong shoulders and I've watched you lift stuff, you could definitely lift ME, and you're hairy which is HOT and you've got great legs
is your lap comfy
and colleague blustering and red faced but it doesn't occur to him to refuse when the twink gestures to his lap, and he's WARM and his hands are sliding down his neck and his thumbs are on his jaw, and colleague isn't attracted to guys but… this is NICE
esp twink kissing him and colleague trying to kiss back and twink being like EW stop that stop that right now what the fuck.
and colleague like oh I'm so sorry fuck i--
and twink all, kiss like i show you, don't be so liberal with the tongue
and they're kissing and it… it actually feels NICE? it feels good? especially bc the twink is grinding down in his lap and colleague is like 😳😳😳 bc he's hard and also he's 44 and just got Educated in Kissing Properly which he didn't know you could even do wrong
twink getting to his knees and colleague trying to be like oh no no you don't have to--
and twink like, i absolutely have to do this and might die if i don't. are you okay with killing me
and colleague like. I'm. I'm pretty sure you won't die from not sucking me off
and the twink like, alan, you didn't even know which month was pride month, so why would you be that confident about me sucking dick and whether i would die or not
and colleague just
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twink on his knees and colleague who's never considered himself much of a stud and sometimes has a hard time getting off absolutely losing his mind
because the twink is doing things with his mouth and tongue and HANDS he's never imagined
and he's tugging at his balls and twisting his grip a bit on the base of his cock and dragging his tongue against this one really sensitive spot on the side of his cock head and just
liquefying his brains
esp if they finish and the twink is like that was great
and goes home
and colleague is just like. that was mind blowing but am i a bad person if I'm not gay but I want to do that again? shouldn't i blow him back? to be polite???
and being so nervous and shy about wanting to invite the twink for more casual sex, but every time the twink suggests it he's like YES YES ABSOLUTELY and then is anxious he's too eager and that it's disrespectful or unkind
MEANWHILE the twink keeps saying he's such a daddy and that he's cute and hot and handsome and that's amazing but also the sex is so… affirming and NICE
the first time sex hasn't been stressful for felt like a chore
and the twink won't let him suck him off bc he's like. no babe I know you want to reciprocate but this is an acquired taste and in my expert opinion it's not for you
so he tries to fuck the twink as vigorously as possible when they try anal
and the. the benefit of his ED is that his stamina means fucking harder for. longer
than the twink expected
and the twink just fucking dizzy and mindless with cock after like oh my god????? you ruined me? do it agajn!?
I'm just obsessed with the dynamic of the twink who's. a lot more confident and experienced, but also very much at home with casual sex between friends
whereas the colleague is having a moderate identity crisis
because he's still not gay! he's pretty sure he's not attracted to men, including this one! but the sex is really good? does that make him a bad person, shouldn't he let the twink KNOW?
and he does and the twink is like… yeah? duh? would you like to try prostate stimulation
you don't have to but i think you'd like it
and colleague is all like, you… fuck me?
and the twink falling over laughing like, ME? top? top YOU? oh no we're great friends but I'm too lazy. no i meant I'd finger you while sucking you off
and the colleague just lying there after, dazed and starry-eyed, like. maybe we should get married
and the twink just like. Alan how has your ex wife not taught you to be more discerning about proposals? also i am NOT the marrying kind
anyway i think it would be good if the twink started introducing him to hot chicks he knows, that will top as well as bottom and that also just? Will make a man feel good?
esp if Alan is just embarrassingly smitten and goes OTT on flowers and gifts and she's like 😳
and i think the ideal for this is the colleague kind of clearing his throat at his wedding like. uh. i invited. i invited a guy. for you. he's just come out and he's like 45 and he's--
the twink is like, alan, please, say no more. point him and the coat closet out in that order
the twink, drunk, after, sitting in the lap of his new conquest: this is dave he's the sacrifice Alan made at the altar of my bussy in exchange for my services
Alan: this is a very unorthodox wedding toast
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 23 days
Ch 50: It's Up to You Now
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Failure Is Not An Option: A Shoujo Story About Love and Monsters
UMA Autumn has gotten both bigger and stronger from eating people while Fuuko and Andy were in the book. Andy suggests that it's starting to enter its second phase and busts out a new move:
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Autumn can regenerate! That's perfect for Rip, except...
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he can't even injure it in the first place because he's still just a kid!
We get to see Latla's ride, and it's a motorized broom of some kind. I hadn't really thought of her as a witch before this, but I guess it makes sense since she can predict the future. Her side-saddle riding is so cute. Is Latla a magical girl now?
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She's got her back turned to Autumn both because it's gross and so she can make a quick getaway if she needs to. I don't blame her tbh.
Anno Un says they'll draw an Artifact that can capture Autumn while the group distracts it. Rip asks Latla to fact check Anno Un and we FINALLY get an explanation for her ability.
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Also, I kinda can't believe Viz hasn't fixed Andy's typo in the first panel. I wonder if they fixed it in the print edition. UU is usually pretty clean, so it caught my eye.
Anno Un reflects on their strange life as they draw the Artifact with the G Liner in their mouth. The first object Akira manifested from a drawing was a little car, and that discovery led to the creation of Anno Un.
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Once they had a human avatar, they tried to visit Akira's mom, but she had already passed.
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Akira couldn't bear to even look, and so Anno Un did the grieving for him. Anno Un did all the things that Akira couldn't, including drawing those characters that little Akira had been so eager to show her:
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Each character is described by their relationships and loyalties to other characters. It's their relationships and interplay that make up the core of the story, no matter what the plot is.
Beyond the fact that his mom likes handsome (adult) characters, I think she would like Rip because Rip also lost someone. I don't believe there's ever an explanation for what happened to Akira's father, but it must've been a loss at some point, whether through death, divorce, or abandonment.
Akira's mom took a different path than Rip by devoting herself to those who remained instead of pining for the one who left. After all, she had a kid to care for, and there wasn't anything supernatural she could do to bring Akira's father back, unlike Rip using the Ark. But she probably understands his feelings very well. After losing Akira, I'm sure she'd do anything to find him again.
Anno Un uses the Life Is Strange Artifact on Rip and turns him back into an adult. Latla's expression is hilarious:
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With his prosthetics getting taller and his shorts shrinking, Rip's kinda got an Absolute Area/zettai ryouiki thing going on! (Which reminds me to add that Tatiana's ability is named after the A.T. Fields in Eva, which are protective barriers like Tatiana's that expand around the users. Which of course, got turned into a stocking fetish by otaku...)
ANYWAY, Rip already knows how the Artifact works because it's the same thing that Feng used on him when Andy almost killed him. It causes the user to age 10x whatever they aged the target.
Rip has a moment of pure kindness and offers to use the Artifact on Anno Un to try to even out the damage, but they won't allow him. The look on Rip's face in this bottom panel is a turning point.
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It's like he realized how much they knew already and how much they really did care about him. Rip has a hard time understanding selflessness and altruism, like when Fuuko saved Chikara. And here's someone he barely knows--someone he was recently trying to kill--and they're willing to sacrifice themselves for his sake. Rip's expression is childlike, which is funny since he just got aged up.
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Rip is still stunned as Anno Un fades away, leaving only the tracksuit, Soul Caliber, and the broken G Liner. The unlikely team of five will have to fight the rest of the battle without their advice. Will we ever see Akira again?!
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glowingbadger · 2 years
I’m currently doing the black eagles route, and I got total brain worms for the concept of Yandere!Seteth falling for Byleth, but then she ends up siding with Edelgard, but in a twist of fate the knights of seiros manage to capture her when they ambush garreg mach…and they deliver her right to Seteth for some good ol’ fashioned ✨ reconditioning ✨
Oh man Friend Anon this wiggled right into my brain and did not let me go lol guess it's time to write some Dark Shit™️. Since I don't write Yandere as often, I'm honestly not sure if I hit the right balance of like... "this is fucked up and he's fucked up" vs. "but like he's handsome and persuasive so it's fine, right?" lol so idk, hopefully you guys like it. I've been staring at it for too long and now I have no idea if it's any good xD Also God this thing ended up too long- it's like around 6k words I think wtf.
Side note- I actually decided to stick with my usual Reader-Chan perspective for this, but you probably could still just put Byleth there in your brain tbh
Also I guess if Byleth/Reader is with the Black Eagles originally for this, then technically Garreg Mach should fall after that battle, but for narrative purposes, I'm doing kind of a hybrid route where the conflict is ongoing and GM doesn't fall immediately idk man I needed a setting lol
TW: dub con, manipulation, general dark yandere-ish stuff
As always, please do not push yourself to read something you're not comfy with ❤️
Yandere!Seteth (FE3H) x AFAB Reader
NSFW 18+
Seteth's is the first familiar voice you've heard since your capture and imprisonment in the dungeons beneath Garreg Mach, and you're not certain whether to be relieved or all the more terrified. It's distant at first, but unmistakable still.
"We are not to be disturbed until I specifically send for you, do I make myself clear?"
The soldiers outside of your cell answer in the affirmative, and you hear their boots on the cold stone floors as they depart. You hadn't even realized there had been guards assigned to you specifically. There is a small barred window in the cell door, but the shackles around your wrists had been latched to the wall the moment you'd been taken in, so you've hardly moved an inch in what felt like hours, maybe a full day by now. Your muscles ache, your empty stomach aches worse. You're exhausted, filthy from the battlefield, mouth dry and hair a tossled mess. You had started to think your mind and heart had numbed through in your desperation, dulled by hopelessness. But Seteth's voice stirs something in your chest up to your throat, and you force your head up to watch him as he enters.
Five years look as though they've hardly touched him. Other than perhaps a deeper crease at his brow, he appears unchanged. It's almost crueler this way. Looking at him makes it so easy to imagine simpler days and pleasant chats over tea. You want to say his name, or say anything, but you're silent as he approaches. He seems... Sad isn't quite the right word. Regretful would be closer, if maybe not exact. He breathes out your name, and raises a hand as though to touch your face, but stops himself.
"I often prayed that I would see you again someday," he says, bright green eyes fixed on you, "But... Not like this."
"Seteth..." You finally choke out, your voice rasping painfully in your throat.
"Shh, do not push yourself," he replies. Once more, his hand nears, and when his fingertips graze your cheek, you instinctively lurch away. He looks hurt, and you almost apologize to him. But you remember- he's the enemy commander. He's the reason you're in this cell. He's your captor.
Nonetheless, Seteth sighs softly as he cradles your face in his hand,
"The things they must have done to you... When they took you from us, I feared the worst."
"No, Seteth-" your eyes plead with him, "You don't understand, Edelgard's ideals are similar to your own."
His brow furrows deeply, and he leans close.
"Poor thing, that witch has even poisoned your mind."
"It's not like that, please-! If you would only speak to her, I know-"
"That is enough," his eyes narrow to a glare.
"I could mediate, we could come to an agreement-"
"Silence!" His face twists into a horrible grimace, and the hand that had caressed your cheek is at your throat, his grip forcing you to look up at him. His eyes are wild, his hold at your neck restricts your breathing and pins you to the stone wall. Your heart pounds in your ears. You wonder if Seteth can feel your pulse racing beneath his hand.
Then, slowly, gradually, his expression softens, his grip loosens.
"This isn't why I came to see you."
Your chest rapidly rises and falls as you gulp in precious air. You don't dare to say a word in reply. His touch is gentle once again as he smooths back your hair. Then, he takes a waterskin from his belt.
"I cannot release you, you must understand that," he says with genuine remorse, and you nod, "but I will ensure that you are taken care of. You have suffered so much already..." He raises the water to your lips, one hand under your chin to guide you as he carefully tips the pouch so you can drink from it. It's fresh and clean, cool but not cold. You can't remember water ever tasting so good, and you lap it up gladly. Seteth is patient all the while, watching intently as you gulp down every drop he offers you. Then at last, when the waterskin is spent and he lowers it from your mouth, he runs his thumb across your bottom lip to dry it. You wish there were more, but the invigorating feeling of water in your belly fills you with such relief, you feel gratitude welling up in your chest unchecked.
"It would be foolish to think that things could truly be as they were..." He says, his voice low and bittersweet, "But if you are willing to meet with me, perhaps we can mend what's been broken."
You stay silent, and he steps away. Turning to the heavy cell door, he pauses to say,
"There are others who have been taken in. Your cooperation would reflect positively on them, and may allow the guards to treat them more generously. That is all."
The following day, Seteth brings food when he visits. Good food, at that- not some prison slop, but an array of cooked vegetables, meat and bread that looks to be straight from the dining hall. The scent alone makes you salivate, and your pupils grow wide as he approaches you.
You would be willing to eat from the floor. Frankly, you're surprised the food is plated. You know you can't have your hands free, but eating like an animal would be preferable to starvation. Yet, instead, Seteth carefully feeds you by hand, starting with easier, lighter foods. He regulates your pace, though you very nearly beg him for each bite.
"Easy now, go slowly. Don't overwhelm your stomach all at once and make yourself sick."
On the third day, he brings food and water, and a key. With it, he frees your shackles from the wall, and attaches them instead to a lengthy chain rooted in the floor. Your wrists are still bound behind you, but now you can walk, sit, and at least wander the breadth of your cell. You try to tell Seteth not to feed you today. You try refusing him, struggling, lashing out. He's patient, rebutting your attempts with a parent's measured tolerance, until you finally settle and allow him to feed you once more.
On your fourth day in captivity, Seteth brings a basin of water, towels, and some kind of subtle floral soap. He sets these down on the floor and gestures for you to kneel beside him. Only gradually does it occur to you that he intends to wash you himself. If the situation allowed for emotions like embarrassment, you're sure you'd be beside yourself. But, somewhat surprising even yourself, you simply allow Seteth to begin undressing you. His touch is gentle, even tender as he removes layers of fabric caked in filth and sweat. One dirt-crusted button at a time, he exposes your breasts, your stomach, your hips, his eyes wandering each inch of you with a focused, yet unreadable expression. His arms draw around you, and you feel his breath in your hair as he says,
"I'm going to free one of your arms so I can remove your tunic. Please, do not try anything foolish. I want to help you."
You nod. He opens the cuff around one of your wrists. You should fight. You should try to resist him- take the key and make your escape. Your muscles tense. It may be your only chance. Seteth holds you more firmly against his chest and pulls your clothing from your body. The air around you is cold, but he warms you, surrounds you.
Your muscles are weak from your imprisonment. He could easily overpower you. You relax in his arms.
"Very good, Y/N." He praises you softly, and you feel the words tickle the shell of your ear. Then, the cuff is locked around your wrist once more.
He tugs your breeches down your hips, then legs. Your undergarments soon follow. You're bared completely, but Seteth watches you with a softness in his eyes that's ill suited to a war general. He dampens his hands, then lathers them with the faintly sweet soap, and begins to massage it across your skin.
So good. His hands feel so good; they're calloused and strong, but he's gentle with you. And it's then that you notice you don't shy away from his touch anymore. In fact, you find you subconsciously lean into him. You savor him.
Madness. His care and kindness are breaking you.
"Seteth-" you try to bite back your own voice, but his name comes out too quickly.
"Yes? Do you need something of me?"
His hands run along your sides, and you inhale sharply, arching back.
"Why... Why are you doing all of this for me? I'm... Your prisoner. An enemy."
At first, he doesn't reply. He takes the towel and dampens it, then sets upon scrubbing away the filth of your last battle and the grime of your time locked up. At last, he says,
"I have never been capable of viewing you as an enemy."
You're about to question him further, but the way he looks at you stalls the words before you can get them out. For the first time since he'd discarded your clothing and left your body exposed to him, you meet his eyes. He leans close, an arm around your back to cradle you to him, as the other cleans you, caresses you, soothes you. Then, his lips are on yours, and you're almost glad your shackles keep you from reaching out to him.
It's not a delicate kiss- more the type that lovers share. You'd imagined kissing Seteth before, back when you had the luxury of such pleasant idle fantasies. It was never anything like this. His tongue passes your lips, toying with yours as he tilts his head and leans into you. And you kiss him back. Your lips and tongue move on instinct, welcoming him despite all reason. Your mind is screaming at you, but the screams sound muffled and far away. At some point, he dropped the towel he'd been using in the water basin. You only realize this because his hand is running up your inner thigh, and you gasp against his lips.
"Did that wretched woman take you as her own, I wonder?" He whispers into the miniscule space between you. There's a bitterness in his voice, yes, but also a deep and sorrowful sympathy.
"No- she... Edelgard never-"
"Or perhaps she gave you over to that snake of a man she calls her advisor... No, she wouldn't," Seteth's fingertips brush the swell of your lower lips, and your thighs twitch inward around his arm, "A covetous warmonger like that, who only seeks to conquer and subsume. She would not gift you to another."
You should push him away. You should scream for the guards and hope against hope that they'd dare to stop him. Instead, you accept his lips once more, and allow his fingers to part you, slowly pressing into your tight opening. Cradled against his warm frame, you feel him exhale, feel his heart thudding in his chest. His fingers gradually work you open around him with gentle, rhythmic thrusts, careful never to hurt you. Your chest is tangled in a million different knots- one of guilt, one of fear, one of desperate, longing need. The noise in your head is near unbearable, but above it all, you hear Seteth's voice against your ear,
"I want you to know that I forgive you. For everything."
Forgives you...? The words sound nice, but you can hardly parse their meaning. His fingers are coated in your slick, allowing them to fuck into you more steadily. You bite down on your lower lip to hold in a moan. He forgives you...
"Ha...!" A gasp finally escapes you. As though satisfied by that very sound, Seteth's fingers ease out from your drooling cunt, only to refocus on your clit. You barely even realize how you'd let your body slacken in his arms, letting him hold you close as he drives you to pleasure you've been without for far too long. Seteth, a man of the church, a man who lead troops against you and your allies. His touch pulses around your stiffened clit, sending shuddering waves of pleasure through your nerves. Rhea's advisor is going to make you cum. The realization grabs hold of you, filling you with white hot shame- and something far worse. A thrill of arousal. The temptation to surrender.
"Given my station, I feel it only right to take full responsibility for your spiritual well-being," his voice sounds like a lustful whisper, but the words are frigid, formal, "it would do you good to relearn several of the core values of the Church."
Then, his hand pulls away.
"We will begin with patience."
A moment of confusion rapidly devolves into desperation. You sit upright and lean towards him.
"Seteth, please-"
Please what? Continue to touch you? Make love to you? You find you don't want to face the truth of what you're pleading for.
He stands with all the dignity of a holy ceremony, then unclasps the cloak from the back of his robes. He kneels briefly to drape it around your shoulders. It's warm, and it smells like him. Like incense and old parchment.
"I will return with a change of clothes for you, and send for these to be cleaned," he says, picking up your old clothes and turning to depart, "I trust that you will be a diligent student in the coming days."
The night is agonizing. Seteth is all you can think of. Him, and the shame and guilt of how obsessively your mind circles him. His voice, his scent, his touch. You want more than anything to relieve the desperate need he awoke in you- to satisfy the nagging urge for release, and then perhaps be free from the memory of his hands. But with your own bound behind your back, there's simply no way.
How could you ever face your allies among the Empire's forces now? Now that you'd allowed- practically begged for a man of the church to pleasure you, to enter you. The phrase "sleeping with the enemy" comes to mind.
In the end, the moment you see Seteth open the cell door the following day, the heat of unresolved need floods your core. You tell yourself it's because his is the only touch you've felt in recent memory. You tell yourself that, if circumstances were different, you would resist him, push him away. Yet something in your expression must please him, as he grants you the slightest hint of a smile when he approaches.
"Have you had ample time to consider our lesson in patience?" his voice is firm yet kind, the voice he might use with a somewhat dense student. Your lips tighten to a thin line, and you step back against the stone wall. You give no reply, to which Seteth merely sighs and shakes his head.
"I cannot help you if you choose to be obstinate," he says, stepping towards you and raising a hand to your cheek as he has many times before. You realize that he hasn't brought any food with him today. The thought causes your stomach to tighten, grumbling low, yet loud enough that Seteth takes note. He gives a short, contemplative hum, then his hand comes to your chin to force you to meet his eye.
"Your body already associates our visits with food, I see." He knows what he's doing to you. He knows how he's training your body to respond to him. You force your head to turn from him, and he allows it, though his fingertips brush through your hair, "Don't be difficult, Y/N, I will have your meal brought after today's lesson has concluded."
Before you can reply, Seteth's hand begins to travel down your body. He caresses your neck, then continues downward, only pausing for a moment to cup your breast in hand. Your posture tightens, your face warms. But his free hand urges you to face him once more, and he kisses you with that same possessive intensity that hasn't left your mind since his prior visit. His thumb brushes across where your nipple has begun to harden against the fabric of your tunic. But rather than pursue this pleasurable sensation, his hand continues down your stomach and hips, then slides his fingers beneath your waistband.
The moment you feel him press between your folds, you whimper against his lips. His fingers run firm against your opening, but refuse to enter. You know you're positively soaked for him already. You know he notices the way you try to subtly shift your hips against him, rutting yourself onto his hand.
"Seteth, please..." you sob between kisses, and once again, he merely sighs.
"I had hoped that you would exhibit at least some measure of restraint," he says sternly, pulling away his hand and bringing his fingers to your lips. Some deranged part of your mind thinks that perhaps if you please him, he'll satisfy you- and so you immediately take the digits into your mouth, sucking and lapping at your own juices. Fierce emerald eyes fix onto you and watch you intently until you've finished, and he says,
"Your lessons will continue until you have fully grasped and appreciated the values of our Church," he continues, his tone even but his gaze firm and direct, "Now then, on your knees. Today, you will learn humility and service."
After only a brief glance at those unyielding green eyes, you obey.
You kneel at Seteth's feet, wrists still bound behind you, stubborn arousal and anticipation roaring in your veins. With pupils blown wide, you watch as he parts his robes and tugs down the front of his breeches, revealing the hardened length of his manhood. Once more, Seteth's reality is far more lurid than your idle imaginings had been, back when you'd entertained an innocent crush on the man who would someday be your adversary. His size is, in truth, a bit intimidating. But you straighten your posture and part your lips, worried that stalling for too long may provoke him.
Instead, he's patient. Excruciatingly so. If only he would be harsh with you, you think. If only he would attack or berate you. Then, you could hate him. Instead, a part of you that grows like a wildfire spreading too quickly for you to trample down so dearly wants his approval. His care and concern. The forgiveness he claims to offer, which you can only hope you're truly worthy of.
Your lips wrap around the head of his cock, a bit clumsy at first without your hands to balance you. Your tongue massages the glans steadily, and you turn your eyes up to him, not knowing what you hope to see in his expression. He's unreadable, but not cold. His hand comes to stroke your hair fondly, and he murmurs,
"That's right, Y/N. Take your time, and don't push yourself. This is all for your benefit."
True enough, forcing yourself to take him deeper would be uncomfortable at best, and suffocating at worst. Given his generous size, you're forced to work your way down the shaft gradually, working to widen your jaw and open your throat for him inch by inch. And all the while, Seteth instructs you, petting you and occasionally encouraging you.
You feel him grow harder within the warmth of your mouth, but he gives little indication of his pleasure. He seems utterly focused on you, his gaze unwavering as he watches you dedicate yourself to him. In a way, allowing you to service him slowly, rather than fucking into your mouth at his chosen pace, grants you the uniquely cruel opportunity to enjoy the process. You imagine a different scenario in a different life; one where Seteth is your lover and not your captor. You imagine how his strength would comfort you, rather than cage you. More than anything, you imagine this incredible cock making love to you- how it would feel inside of you, how he might sound groaning your name in pleasure.
Instead, as you urge yourself to take him as deep into your throat as you can manage, you only hear him exhale between his teeth. You quicken your pace, bobbing your head and taking him into the tight passage of your throat over and over. And at long last, you hear him from above you,
"I'd like for you to swallow it. Can you do that for me?"
You whimper around him, but don't dare to pull away.
"Very good. I'd rather not make a mess of you."
You hardly register the words. For the first time, he's thrusting back into you, his hand in your hair still, and his breath finally just a bit strained. With the slightest groan, he holds deep in your mouth, his cock twitches, swells, and begins to pour his release down your throat. Your eyes nearly water with the strain, but you force yourself to gulp down his cum as he grants it, swallowing until he's spent.
When he pulls away, you nearly slump forward, but he steadies you by the shoulder. You cough a bit, but somehow don't spill a drop of his release. Seteth fixes his breeches, then kneels down and caresses your cheek fondly.
"Seteth..." you half-moan his name, your eyes blatantly desperate, "Please, will you... I- I want..." you can't bring yourself to tell him that you need your own relief, but he understands your intent. And, if anything, he looks disappointed. He sighs, and stands once more before you.
"I see. So you had hoped for your own gratification in return. Have you truly lost sight of our lesson so quickly?" You struggle up to your feet, and he continues, "A servant of the Goddess does not act for the sake of personal reward. Service is done for its own sake, Y/N."
He turns toward the cell door, and only pauses to say,
"No matter. I'll bring you your meal, and we will try again tomorrow."
Days pass, and lessons pass. Seteth brings you food and water, he cleans you and feeds you by hand. Sometimes, he grants you a few precious moments of pleasure, his fingers working expertly between your thighs and yet never bringing full satisfaction. You wonder whether it would be more merciful if he never touched you, if you never experienced the rush of his lips on yours and his fingers stroking your most sensitive nerves. But then he draws near again and you can't even think to protest.
He continues to teach you patience and service, of course. And over time, further lessons follow. He teaches you obedience, instructing you to pleasure him with only your tongue, or to hold his cum in your mouth until he orders you to swallow it. And after this, your lessons become more intensive still. You're taught an extensive list of prayers by being made to repeat after him, knowing that success would earn you a few blissful moments of pleasure at Seteth's hands, while continued failure would bring punishment.
And you're a good student, only earning his punishment on a single occasion. One day- and only once -you dare to suggest that he may free you. That negotiations might be possible. You should have known he would react poorly, but the memory of his hand constricting around your neck is distant, and clouded by days of patient instruction, of food and bathing and touching.
Your suggestion earns you a lesson in contrition. As Seteth fucks into your throat so hard you can barely breath, he snarls from above,
"I don't wish to be cruel to you, Y/N, but you have forced my hand," his fist is tight in your hair, and his voice is low and dark, the warning of a far worse fate barely concealed in his tone. Your jaw strains around his thick cock and your eyes threaten to roll back, already dewed with tears. You nearly gag several times over, yet even when he feels you choke around his cockhead, he shows little mercy. Your throat feels sore and raw, and you wonder how you're even able to withstand him brutally pounding into your mouth for so long. Then, once he's finally sated, he pulls you off of his member by your hair, and shoots powerful ropes of cum across your chest as you watch him with dazed, puffy eyes and swollen lips. He's never marked you like this, always preferring that you take his load down your throat. Feeling his hot, thick release dripping down your skin fills you with a confusing mess of emotions- arousal, shame, humiliation, and strangely, a thrill of submission. The thrill of being claimed.
Seteth takes a moment to fix his clothes and steady his breath. Then, he kneels before you and cradles your face in his hands. For a moment, neither of you speak. His thumb brushes across your cheek, drying a single shed tear.
"I want to help you- you know that. Everything I have done has been for your sake. I take time out of my work each day to ensure you're cared for. In light of your favorable progress until this point, I have even given orders that other prisoners are to be given more generous treatment."
You raise your eyes to meet his. Bright green, and so earnest, as though desperate to reach you. Your chest feels heavy. Your mind is buzzing loudly, yet utterly silent.
"I'm... sorry," you choke out, "I'm sorry, Seteth..."
You're not certain what you're apologizing for- but he pulls you to him, cradling your head to his chest, and you feel a wave of relief. He kisses your hair and runs his hand over your back. He's warm- so warm, and his scent on his robes soothes you.
"You are forgiven. Always."
The soft sweetness of his voice seeps into your mind- into your heart.
It's intoxicating. He releases you, and smiles gently as he brushes your hair back.
"I will return in a moment to clean and feed you. Behave yourself and wait for me, I won't be long."
You never again go against Seteth's wishes. You never again mention your former allies, and with time, you think of them less and less. Such thoughts are replaced with lessons and prayers and Seteth's hands on your body. Yet you wonder why he has never fully taken you, instead choosing only to use your mouth. The surface answer appears to be that it would not serve to educate you. But is it what you want? The obvious answer comes far too readily. You want it more than anything.
Yet the day you realize this is the first day that Seteth does not visit you. You had found it strange that, during his prior visit, he had altered the shackles around your wrists so that your hands were bound in front of you rather than behind. In addition to putting less strain on your back and shoulders, this allows a guard to pass food to you through the openings in the barred window of your cell's door. You accept your meal, but call out before the guard leaves,
"Where- uh, where is Seteth?"
The guard hesitates before answering, and when he does, his words are rushed and clumsy,
"He- said he was busy today. And... that we were not to interact with you under any circumstances."
With that, he turns from the door and hastily departs. You know that Seteth must be a busy man- his consistent visits despite this are yet one more testament to his immense care and kindness towards you. But then the days continue, and for what you estimate to be a week, you don't see him. You don't feel him or hear him. The guards resolutely refuse to speak to you, only passing your meals before returning to their stations. The time spent alone is unbearable- worse by far than any punishment Seteth had ever granted. Are you being punished now? What had you done wrong?
The days without him are agony. Perhaps you had taken him for granted. He went so far out of his way for your benefit, taking the time to teach and train you, always so patient and understanding even when you made mistakes. If you could only see him again and prove that you would be good, that you would behave and obey him.
When the door of your cell opens at last, your heart leaps in your chest. Seteth enters, but his expression is grave. His eyes are narrowed, his brow low and stern as he silently approaches.
"Seteth-!" you gasp out, your face lit up with relief. A shadow of a smile shows through when he meets your eyes. He whispers your name with a strange sort of heat in his tone. That's when you notice the blood smeared down the side of his face. On a second inspection, he looks worn and haggard. His robes are frayed and torn in several places, the worst of which being a gash across his lower abdomen at his side. There's more blood still- some his, and some not, by the looks of it -and not even fully dry. Your expression falls. However before you can question him, Seteth says,
"Did any of the guards lay a finger on you in my absence?"
You're surprised that this is his concern, but you manage to reply,
"No, not at all."
He draws close and brings a hand to your cheek.
"Good. If any so much as looked on you even once, I would have them punished within the full extent of the Church's authority." You feel a chill at the thought- you know fully well that he means to imply execution.
"What- what happened?"
"Only a minor skirmish," he replies, his voice carefully measured. Then, his hands are at your waist, and he guides you back against the nearby wall, "Another attempt at breaking through the Monastery's gates. Preparation for this assault is what has kept me from you as of late. But you've no need to concern yourself with such things,"
He seizes the chain that joins your shackles and draws them upward, latching them to the wall behind you above your head. Then, he pulls you up and into his arms, embracing you and trapping you between the wall and his body.
"You- you should see a healer, you're hurt-" you stutter out.
"Such wounds couldn't possibly keep me from you," Seteth whispers, his voice rasping in his throat. When he kisses you, it's full of possessive hunger, and you feel the now-familiar ache for him roar to life at your core. You whimper against his lips. It feels different from before. Perhaps it's because of your recent separation, but he's more direct now, more passionate. He smells like sweat and iron and the carnage of the battlefield, but you can't think clearly enough to be bothered by it. If anything, it only spurs on your need for him.
Large, calloused hands run up your sides beneath your clothing, and you moan into his kiss. You're certain he means to tease you still, to bring you to the edge to leave you dangling by a thread. Instead, he tears open the front of your tunic with one hand while the other grips your thigh, down its outer curve to your ass, holding you firmly against him. And you feel his manhood, hot and incredibly hard, rutting between your lower lips behind layers of clothing.
You try to say his name, but he smothers your words in heated kisses, his tongue thrusting into your mouth to claim you. Before you can track, he's tugged down your breeches and adjusted his own clothing to free his throbbing member. Then, with your back to the cold stone and your legs wrapped around his hips, you feel the tip of his cock at your entrance and whimper aloud. You think he may make you beg or plead or pray. Not today. Today, at long, long last, Seteth murmurs your name and pushes the head of his cock into you, groaning as he feels you clench around him.
You're already panting, whining softly as he works his massive length into you. He had wasted no time, and yet you're already soaking wet for him, your juices coating his cock and welcoming him into your needy cunt. He spreads you open gradually but insistently, fitting you around him as he opens you up with thrusts that drive deeper and deeper with each pass. It's bliss- a bliss that makes you so dearly grateful for your own imprisonment. In this moment, you feel you'd gladly remain caged for life if it meant Seteth would care for you and satisfy you. Briefly, you do struggle against the restraints that hold your wrists in place, though only out of longing to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, to pull him close and offer yourself to him.
"Seteth..." you say, your voice shaky and weak. He glances up at you, and the heat in his eyes nearly takes away your breath. He's held inside of you to the hilt, the tip of his cock pressing hard into your core and the girth of it stretching you to your limit; yet he pauses, and you manage to say,
"Please- take... take me..."
He smiles and rests his forehead against yours. You feel the cool metal of the circlet he wears, and the tightening of his grip at your hips as he holds you against him.
"My angel..." he whispers into the quiet of your prison cell, "Yes, darling, I'll take you. Until you're mine and mine alone."
Seteth's hips begin to move, thrusting into you at a steady yet impassioned pace. His arms hook under your legs, urging them back towards you and spreading your thighs, allowing him to fuck you even deeper, driving into you to the hilt and filling you until you're gasping for breath. Your body arches up from the stone wall as his lips travel down your neck. Where it meets your shoulder muscle, he bites down, and you breathe out his name as he marks you, his teeth harsh around your flesh. His beard grazes your skin, his hair tickles your neck and chest, and not even the still-present scent of blood can lessen the thrill of finally receiving him.
You wear a dazed smile, mumbling his name amidst cries of pleasure, and his pace increases. He fucks into you harder, his hips slamming up against you, the tip of his manhood sending shocks of pain and pleasure up through your core. The distant sting of his nails digging against your upper thighs hardly even registers in your hazy thoughts. Your body can't withstand the onslaught of pleasure- not after days and night and weeks of building need -and with a shiver that runs up your spine and across your skin, you see white, and the tense knot at your core comes undone. The relief of cumming is like a potent drug, and the thrill of cumming around Seteth's cock is indescribable bliss.
You're a boneless, trembling mess in the wake of your long-awaited climax, and it's all you can do to watch Seteth with unfocused eyes and lips parted as he continues to chase his own satisfaction. Shocks of tingling pleasure wake your nerves despite how positively spent and dizzy you feel. But then his eyes meet yours, and the animal hunger in that gaze rushes you to the edge all over again. You bite at your bottom lip. He presses you harder against the wall, pounding into your cunt as it clenches and spasms around him, then growls against your ear,
"Say that you belong to me. Now."
You rally any sense of control you still have over your body to gasp out,
"I... I'm yours-! I'm yours, Seteth..!"
With a final shaky groan, he holds your hips painfully tight and shoves the entire massive length of his cock into you. His member swells and throbs, and then, the heat of his release bursts out inside of you. His lips find yours, drawing you into a messy, heated kiss as thick cum fills you, his full length swelling and pulsing against your aching inner walls with each wave of his orgasm.
You feel light. You feel dazed and unfocused and practically mindless. Once Seteth has finally poured out the last of his climax into you, he lets out a heavy exhale, holding you to his body while he catches his breath. With his cock still nestled deep inside of your over-full and over-used hole, he nuzzles his face against your hair, and with a tenderness that makes your heart ache, he says,
"I will never let her take you from me again. I swear it."
'Her' is someone who mattered once- you're certain of it. But in Seteth's arms, full of his warmth and cradled to his sturdy frame, you find you don't have it in you to care. Perhaps a lifetime ago, you would have questioned him, or even resisted him- but you know better now. He provides for you, protects you, gives you pleasure beyond what you've ever felt before. There's no doubt remaining in your mind that this is right. That you belong to the Church. You belong to Seteth.
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darlingmulti · 3 years
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Happy Birthday San!
-side note before you begin reading my outpouring of love for San on his birthday-
-While working on this I learned that San tested positive for Covid 19 and now has to quarantine. In the report they said he doesn’t have any symptoms, but I’m still so worried for him and the rest of ATEEZ. I’m sure he will be okay though. Let’s support and encourage him on any platform we can. Get well soon San. We love you 🥺❤️😭-
It’s our Sannie’s birthday today and I just wanted to make a little post talking about how much I love him and how much joy he brings me and also how wonderful and talented he is.
San is one of my ultimate biases and also probably one of my main comforts right now. As cheesy as that sounds whenever I see him performing, or watch him in videos I just feel better.
If Covid wouldn’t have happened I would have gotten to see him and all of ATEEZ in concert last year. And I would have gotten to do high touch with them. But because of the recent pandemic that was unable to happen and is still something I’m hoping for. It’s weird to say but I miss them. I’ve never seen them in person or met them but I miss them 😅😅. But anyways back to the main thing about this post, celebrating this wonderful mans 22nd (I think 23rd in korean age) birthday.
San is such a wonderful man. All of ATEEZ are very obviously wonderful people who deserve so much in this world. I adore them all so much. Here is a list of the things I love about San and also some of my favorite fan cams/edits/etc.
~He is our multitalented King- San can sing and dance and is also super athletic. San is also very smart and participated in his school band in middle school (I think). San also has a black belt in Taekwondo so we all know mans can fight. I could go on and on tbh but this is already gonna be a long post.
~He is obviously very handsome- Everyone in kpop is handsome or beautiful of course, but Sans visuals. Omgggg. Everything about him is so gorgeous. His dimples are so cute, his jawline could cut glass, his eyes hold stars, just 🥺🥺. Gosh. He’s so handsome. He also has a waistline most people would kill for. Of course people shouldn’t only focus on his looks, because he is so much more than his pretty face, but it’s definitely something to be pointed out ❤️❤️.
~San takes care of people- San takes care of everyone. If anyone in ATEEZ seems down or sad you can always see him trying to cheer them up and make them feel better. Whether he’s hugging or touching them, making silly faces at them, or even just blatantly talking with them and telling them it’s okay San is always someone others can rely on. Even recently, we saw him helping the kids down and joking around with them during dance practice. I also always think of how is even with people he doesn’t know. For example during the OMKalen interview they did where the interviewer was trying new food and San was so concerned about the spicy food and telling him to drink water. It was just so adorable and when I was getting into ATEEZ that was always something that stayed with me 🥺🥺.
~San is kind- This is basically a continuation of the one above. But San is a good person just generally. You can see that just in everything he does. From taking care of the members, to the way he carries himself, his fan interactions, and just ugh. Ugh. He cares so much about us and about his members too. It’s also reflected in the way he treats animals. He is always gentle and loving and kind. He just exudes sweetness.
~San is humble- San has every single right to brag and be egotistical but he is the complete opposite of that. In fact he rarely brags and usually tries to hype up other people instead of himself. He’s the ambassador of his home town for a reason.
~San’s dancing is on another level- I know I also mentioned this earlier but he is truly such an incredible dancer and performer. Every move he does is so powerful yet graceful. You can see how hard he works and how passionate he is. I really admire him. His facial expressions on stage are so fun to watch too. He’s the type of person people can’t take their eyes off of and he’s a true professional. As we saw during one of the performances of “I’m the one” he realized his jump wasn’t right and changed the movement so he wouldn’t hurt Jongho. It was barely even noticeable. Not only is it impressive that he could act that quickly, but it’s admirable that he risked his own safety to make sure Jongho wouldn’t be hurt. He is definitely one of the best dancers in kpop right now in my opinion. I can’t wait to watch him continue to grow.
~San loves his members unconditionally- This one I also already touched on but I just really love the way he and rest of ATEEZ honestly treat each other. They are all so bonded together and it’s so easy to tell that they are. San is always there for the others, always making sure their okay and doing things to be there for him and help them out. He literally gave his part in Mist to Wooyoung so that he could shine too. When Wooyoung won the race in kingdom he was so supportive towards him and so lovely.
~San is strong- Obviously we know San is physically strong. I mean he doesn’t have those abs for nothing 😂. But I mean this in the way of emotions and just his being. Even when San is struggling he is there for us, he is there for his members, and he doesn’t let things take him over. I find it such a testament to his character how after his grandfathers funeral he still decided to come and perform with ATEEZ for Kingdom even though I’m sure it couldn’t have been easy for him to do that. Even through all of that pain he was thinking about us and ATEEZ. I literally cry if I think about it too much 😅😅.
I’m gonna be linking a couple of my favorite tik toks and videos of San that live rent free in my head. Thanks so much for reading and let’s support him together for a long time.
A really hot San Edit that lives in my head rent free
Just a really cute woosan edit I love
San being clingy to the members on fever road
"I'm The One" San fancam white outfit
190819 Sicko Mode San fancam
“Thanxx" San fancam 9/3/2020
OMKalen interview because I just loved this interview and also how San was being the whole time.
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dercolaris · 3 years
Here you go, @temarcia - already done and translated. Scriddler of course. It’s extremly sad, but welp, I can’t help it. Sort of my style tbh. 
Thanks again to @shin-arei for helping me with the translation <3
The fitting song:
Uhm, yeah.. Have fun everyone.. 
The faint rustling of the wind slipped through the leaks in the dirty window, filling the small room with an unusual background noise. Jonathan lay completely motionless on the soft mattress, just listened to the fascinating sounds around him and registered slightly light-headed how the environment around him slowly changed. He blinked a few times against the persistent darkness, then smiled dejectedly. Basically, those noises were all he had left. As much as the former psychiatrist wished, his eyesight would never return. Hoping for it was a waste of time. The thin man turned on his side and ran his right hand over the velvety fabric of the bedspread. It tickled slightly, leaving an almost pleasant tingling sensation on his demolished skin. The brown-haired man mumbled to himself: "One would think that I would have got used to this eternal darkness, but to say this would be a bold lie." The Master of Fear sighed softly. Speaking his thoughts out loud at least gave him the deceptive impression that someone was right by his side and would give a meaningful answer after a while.
The reality was of course different. That longed-for answer would probably never come. He was a prisoner of his own nightmare and every attempt to break out of it failed miserably due to the fact that no one could turn back time. There was no hope. No light. Just darkness. Jonathan dug his fingers deeply into the warming fabric, burying his face in the comfortable pillow under his head. His body began to tremble by itself. The former psychiatrist didn't really mind the chilling temperature around him, but that evening the coldness held him in her icy hands. A stranglehold he couldn't really escape. The thin man suddenly felt a single tear find its way over a multitude of scars on his cheek and slowly slide down. He wiped his cool skin quickly. This whiny behavior was more than unacceptable for a seasoned academic like him. A thickening lump in his throat, however, indicated that all his efforts to stand against his feelings would fail at some point that night. You could ignore the sadness, banish it, deny it, curse it - in the end it would surface and lead to a downright collapse. With this in mind wasn't it actually wiser to give in to this inner urge to show emotional weakness? Now that he was alone?
The brown-haired man sat on the edge of the bed and put his hands on his knees. A few seconds passed without anything happening, brought a frightening realization for the criminal. He couldn't cry. Jonathan clenched his knees. No more tears would come. He couldn't really give his feelings the needed space, even if it would give him some relief in his troubled soul. It just didn't work. The spiral of thoughts in his mind was spinning again without ceasing. His left hand slid sideways into his straw-like hair and held the heavy head uncertainly on his thin fingers. He chewed his lower lip almost helplessly, staring at the floor with his blind eyes. The Master of Fear was about to rise from the bed when he heard a suspicious noise from the corridor. Out of habit, his opals looked at the door, or at least roughly in its direction. His brain still pretended to recognize shadows and outlines that he had seen sometime before the incident. Well-known places were impressively reconstructed from his memory. It doesn't matter whether these have changed drastically in the meantime.
This often led to unexpected difficulties in his orientation. In general, the familiar gave him security, and every novelty around him immediately stumbled him. The former psychiatrist listened into the darkness. Was it possible that he had just misheard? Quiet steps in the hallway quickly ruled out this possibility. Despite the noises, the gaunt man felt no fear or discomfort. He didn't own anything of value in his apartment and if a homeless person was content to use his nearly empty refrigerator, it shouldn't matter to him anymore. The brown-haired man had stopped eating two weeks ago. His hunger had long since passed and this circumstance made it at least possible for him to stay in his home. Nothing would be worse than wandering around outside Gotham in his wrecked condition to the amusement of all the gleeful people on the streets. The former psychiatrist pressed a hand to his cramping stomach. Even if the stomach occasionally rebelled, in the end it gave up constantly crying out for food. Most likely, the organ knew that this would remain just a wish and that nutrients would no longer force their way into the esophagus.
The pain slowly subsided. A cold wind played around his bony figure. The Master of Fear had long since decided on a quick way out of life and it was only a matter of time before death would knock on his door. It wasn't the plan to actually go the long road of starvation, but as long as he didn't know exactly how to do it, there was at least the hope of not waking up one morning due to lack of energy. The steps in the corridor came slowly closer and suddenly fell silent on the other side of the door. The thin man waited cautiously. The screeching of the hinges snuggled painfully against his ears, signaling that someone was entering the room. There was a thud, and then - silence. Suddenly it had become so quiet. Where was the wind? Where were the cracking branches? Where were the ravens in the tree tops? Jonathan looked around, disoriented, looking in the dark for the unannounced visitor.
After a while he heard the unusually low voice of an old friend: “Hey John. Don't worry, yeah. It's just me.” The former psychiatrist tried to fake a smile. Slight goose bumps crept down his back and gradually spread over his skin. He looked in the direction of the visitor and spoke in an alarming weak voice: "Edward. What a pleasant surprise. I'm very happy to see you again.” Those words hurt more than he expected. The former psychiatrist closed his eyes and heavily swallowed his emerging emotions. He heard the quiet steps again. Suddenly the tinkerer sat down next to him, the mattress gave way under the weight of the black-haired man. The Riddler breathed evenly, a long-forgotten warmth emanating from his body. The younger one finally spoke calmly: “You can hardly talk about seeing me again, right? I heard what happened and, yeah, how should I say that. I'm sorry, John.” The Master of Fear shrugged his shoulders slightly. Before he could reply, the other went on quietly: “I wasn't sure whether I should really come over or not. I mean, after the whole Waylon thing, you suddenly distanced yourself from everything and everyone and stopped showing yourself in public. Fuck, the underground has already made bets on whether you are dead or not."
The lean man laughed dryly at this message. He shuddered from the surrounding cold and had the strong impulse to take refuge in the warm embrace of the inventor. Contrary to his wishes, he replied exhausted: “I hope you were right with your bet. As you can see, I'm still alive.” To his astonishment, Edward didn't react calmly as usual. He didn't seem to be particularly amused by the statement. As if to confirm, the black-haired man hissed under clenched teeth: “It's not funny at all, John. Seriously. I just got half a shock when I walked in the door. You got so damn thin. Is there anything left at all? Only skin and bones it seems. When was the last time you ate something?” The former psychiatrist pressed his lips tightly together and stared at the floor in dismay. There was an awkward silence. Suddenly the older man felt the hand of the inventor on his. The Riddler slowly put his fingers around his, warmed his chilled skin. Even without his eyesight, the Master of Fear knew that the other was staring at him, waiting for answers.
He finally replied hesitantly: "I'm fine Edward. I don't need any help.” Both knew that this claim was nothing more than a lie. The younger one tightened the grip on his hand and didn't seem to let go of it again. Jonathan only shivered harder. The contrast between the inviting warmth of the black-haired man and his dying body increased with every passing second. He really wanted to be close, but at the same time there was a nagging fear of rejection. A monster like him was no longer allowed to receive affection. The tinkerer grumbled sourly: “You can fool the rest of the world, John, but not me. Should I put a funnel in your mouth and stuff you with food until you have some meat on your ribs again? Or would you prefer a cursed feeding tube? Your fucking decision.” The brown-haired man winced noticeably. He knew that he had always meant a lot to the younger man. Probably more than he wanted to admit.
There was a deeply hidden passion between them that had grown with each meeting in the past and almost exploded before his imprisonment. Only their worthless pride had prevented them from giving in to their lust in the end. But this was once upon a time. Jonathan was more than certain that the inventor had only come to him out of pity and would now look around for a more handsome partner. After all, the inventor wasn't exactly unattractive. Edward suddenly sighed softly and seemed to be reaching for something on the floor. Probably his shoulder bag. The black-haired man spoke calmly: “I brought you something. You have told me often enough that you love Edgar Allan Poe and that I should read something from him when I got the chance. I followed your advice.” With these words he put an arm around the older man and pulled him closer to his chest. He gasped in surprise, but did not evade the embrace.
He could hear the Riddler open a book and slowly turn the pages. Jonathan's heart suddenly began to beat faster. A few seconds passed before the younger one finally started reading aloud: "Eleonora by Edgar Allan Poe from 1842. I am come of a race noted for vigor of fancy and ardor of passion." The inventor's voice lit up the room with its soft sound, penetrating like a light through the darkness. The Master of Fear listened carefully. An indefinable feeling spread in his soul, touched him at points that he believed he had lost for a long time. Each additional line of the short story carried the gaunt man on, taking him to places he had avoided out of fear. Places of memories. Mostly memories of better times.
Tears pooled in his gray eyes, slowly running down his cheeks and falling unchecked off his chin. Edward, however, just read on, bravely struggled through the sometimes difficult formulations. "… for the Spirit of Love reigneth and ruleth, and, in taking to thy passionate heart her who is Ermengarde, thou art absolved, for reasons which shall be made known to thee in Heaven, of thy vows unto Eleonora.” The Riddler finished the short story, carefully closed the book. He apparently put it aside and finally wrapped his other arm tightly around the trembling figure beside him. The former psychiatrist cried silently, his weak fingers clutching the black-haired man's shoulders tightly. Edward whispered hoarsely: "John, I ask you, whatever you do, do not give up. I can really take a lot of your bullshit. Your hatred, your scorn, your rejection. If you scream in my ear right away that I should please get the fuck out of your life, that's okay too, just please don't die. I would not stand that. Your death is also my end and I'm afraid of dying so early in my life.”
The brown-haired man pressed his eyes tighter together and only held on to the younger man even more. The tinkerer slowly put the blanket around their body, giving the former psychiatrist the long-awaited warmth. The silence this time was extraordinarily beautiful. Reassuring. Balm for a broken soul. The younger one finally pulled him onto his lap and closed his arms around his narrow hips, pressing his fingertips into the worn clothes. Jonathan's lips quivered when he breathed softly: "Don't let go of me, Edward. Please, don't go. Stay."
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blobbyclouds · 5 years
Pet names with the main six in the arcana? Like what pet names the LI's call mc, where and how, how they feel about it, etc.. I'm a soft bean,,,, I'm weak for pet names so just,,, go wild i guess
I really feel that anon so… (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆
warnings: fluff, read at own risk
-Asra Alnazar-
Asra has an average amount of pet names for you. They fall off his tongue like second nature, so he doesn’t even realize he uses them sometimes
Which can sometimes mean that you���ll start blushing from a term of endearment he used and he’ll be completely baffled like what did I do???
He’ll use them in public without being too bashful, but uses them a lot more when it’s just the two of you
I’m pretty sure love/my love is a given 
Also, lovie anyone? I could see him using that when he’s being extra affectionate and just wants to cuddle you and pepper your face with kisses
I think sunshine would be one of his favorites too. Just imagine him handing you a mug of tea in the morning, hair still messy as he dots a kiss on the top of your head and murmurs “morning, sunshine”
Darling, honey, angel and dear are pretty common as well
He uses sweetie a lot, but it’s usually in teasing manner
Beautiful/Handsome for when he’s feeling flirty
And while baby is a pretty common pet name, it’s one he only uses in very soft and intimate moments with you, like comforting you from a bad nightmare or something along those lines. His voice whenever he says baby is so tender and warm and just 100/10
My other half when he’s feeling sappy? Cause… you know… half a heart and everything. Too soon?
He only adds a my to the front occasionally, and still gets a little kick out of the idea that he’s yours and you’re his
-Nadia Satrinava-
Nadia has a few pet names for you, most of which she reserves for being with just you or a few close friends
As the Countess, she feels that there’s a certain amount of professionalism expected on her part, so she’ll tend to stick to names like my dear or darling when in public 
Part of her would sometimes just like to say screw court customs but she doesn’t want to possibly make you uncomfortable, so she’ll keep herself under control
Surprisingly suave about using pet names. It didn’t take her long to get used to using pet names with you, and at this point she doesn’t even think about them
Lovely, dearest one, and jewel are some favorites
Eventually, she’ll have a specific gemstone pet name for you, like diamond, sapphire, or opal. Whichever gem she uses for you is the one she associates the most with you, whether it’s because the gem is your birthstone, a color she associates with you, or some deeper reason
Pretty sure Nadia knows more than one language, so she probably has one or two pet names in another language for you. Those pet names are usually reserved for when you two are alone though, so you see them as something very intimate
-Julian Devorak-
Considering how many languages he knows, he definitely has a plethora of pet names for you in other languages. They’re probably the most sickeningly sweet ones because the chances of you being able to know what they mean and see how lovey-dovey they are are pretty slim
But should you ever figure out what they mean he will be extremely flustered, poor man
He uses pet names in private and public about the same amount, but he saves the sappier ones for when it’s just the two of you or you’re with close friends
Julain definitely uses the classics like darling, sweetheart, and dearest one
And lots of names like my one and only and my beloved are saved for just the two of you, which in itself makes them even cuter
He definitely uses doll, especially when he’s being flirty
Star light, angel, my Queen/your Majesty/my King he always uses a wink with that one tbh, and my sweet are favorites
Sometimes when he’s flustered or a little panicky (like trying to comfort you when you’re upset) his mind can’t really decide on one pet name so they just come out in a jumble
“Angel— dearest, please, darling, darling— oh no please don’tcrysweetheart.”
Or sometimes he does it more on purpose, like using every single pet name he knows with little adornments like my, precious, and little as he smothers you in kisses
Oh no, help him
He’s probably never had pet names used on him (not in his memory anyway) so he wouldn’t have had a way of really learning any
Honestly, I’m wondering if he’s ever been in an environment where he’s heard pet names being used in general, even on other people? The most he’s probably heard is the occasional pet name in a conversations he overhears in the city
He’s very uncertain, and probably learns most from you
So if there are certain names that you use a lot, those are the ones he’ll probably get comfortable with and use on you
His pet names are going to be very simple, usually just one word
It’s very rare for him to add a my to his pet names because being that outwardly possessive is a little bit out of his comfort zone
Dear was probably the first pet name he was comfortable enough to use on you
He had been trying to work up to it all day because he was lowkey nervous to see how you reacted. When he finally worked up the courage, he was trying so hard to hide his blush and not look at you
He was silently pleased by the little smile you gave him, so he would make a conscious effort to try using it more often
He also catches onto darling, sunshine and — hear me out guys, this one’s really cute — raindrop
-Portia Devorak-
It must be a Devorak thing, because Portia also uses a lot of pet names
But hers are more simple and cutesy compared to Julian’s, and she’s a bit more shy about using pet names. She’ll use them in public, of course, but there’s definitely a difference between being in large groups and it just being the two of you
Her favorites are pet names like cinnamon, sugar, sweetie, cupcake, or cutie. She uses those ones on a near daily basis in more casual or playful situations
And honestly, I feel like Portia is one of those people who can make pet names sound so natural. It never sounds awkward or forced, and instead flows off her tongue like she’s always used these pet names with you
I have a sneaking suspicion she calls you hun more than your actual name
She uses charmer a lot when she’s teasing or being flirty, and of course throws in a cheeky wink when she does
Lot’s of flower pet names, like buttercup, rose, sunflower or other flowers she really likes
I swear this woman thinks of a new pet name for you everyday, she can’t be stopped tbh,,, I didn’t think this was possible but she has more pet names for you than Lucio does wow. Edit: Just read over Lucio’s part again, he still wins, sorry Portia :(
Some other favorites of hers are sweetums, sweet pea, and sunshine
-Count Lucio-
So many pet names omg, so many pet names does this man ever call you by your actual name? 
Lucio does everything over the top, which means you’re going to be constantly showered in pet names
He uses pet names both in private and in front of others, partly because he wants everyone in this city to know your his 
He gets kinda… touchy when other people use pet names on you, even casually. Like, a nice shopkeeper could call you hun or dear, and he’d feel the need to bring out his more extravagant names for you in response
Anyway, I think dove has been universally accepted by the fandom
Gem/gemstone, flower, jewel, blossom, pearl, darling, petal and treasure are fairly common too see what I mean, there are a lot
A lot of his pet names are compliments in a way, like gorgeous/handsome, angel eyes, and doll face
He would probably have a few pet names specific to your appearance, like goldie for blonde hair or emerald eyes for green eyes
Some of his more playful pet names are puppy, lamb, and kitten. He usually only uses them when he’s teasing or joking around with you
If you’re short — and even if you’re not tbh —  he may add little to the front of some things, like little jewel or little flower 
“Of course you can have it. You know it’s my job to spoil you, my little dove.” oh no I’m blushing help
Also, just thought of this but: Angel of mine is something I can almost literally hear him saying 
Pet names like precious and sweetheart are usually reserved for private. They aren’t as flowery as some of his other pet names, which makes them feel more intimate I guess
9.9/10 there’s a my added in front of any of these pet names because he’s possessive as hell 
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pixie88 · 3 years
Thanks for the OC Ask for ATB @aussieez 😘
Started at 5th May (Harry’s birthday!) 7:50AM recording the time it takes to finish 🤣🤣🤣 Finished time: 12:34PM I did bits in between.
Q1 -
Harry - Not bother, he'll just unhook it😊
Laila: She'll say something along the lines of "Bloody hell! Stupid handle" and get annoyed trying to unhook it 🤣🤣
Q2 -
H - He's a coffee in the morning and tea the rest of the day.
L - She's a 2 coffees a day kinda girl and a hot chocolate on the colder days.
Q3 -
Both their safe places are their flats, which would look something like these.
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Q4 -
H - Probably lying and cheating as he has been cheated on before in the past.
L - I would probably say the same as Harry's lying and cheating.
Q5 -
H - Laila calls him a few pet names like Mr. Muscles, Fluffy bear, handsome but I don't think there is anything else maybe I need to come up with one. 🤔🤔
L - Remy has called her Lulu, Harry calls her the usual pet names like gorgeous and beautiful.
Q6 -
H - Not so much books more health and fitness magazines.
L - Laila loves a Rom-com book when she has time to read.
Q7 -
H - I would say he's a bit of both assertive and shy because of his past.
L - She's definitely assertive.
Q8 -
H - Definitely friendly.
L - She's friendly and a bit of aloof maybe?
Q9 -
H - I think when someone upsets someone he cares about or insults them. Being bullied as a kid I think it would take a lot for someone to anger him if they were to say something about him.
L - Again if someone upsets family or friends.
Q10 -
H - Typical bloke banter makes him laugh or just banter.
L - Laila love chessy jokes and funny banter.
Q11 -
H - He definitely loves to prank and I think I need to bring that out in him a bit more tbh.
L - I think Laila is one that will fall for a prank, maybe even do little ones herself.
Q12 -
H - Harry is a personal trainer so he has to be healthy, he will have the odd day where he won’t work out and eat junk but over all his job is to be fit and well. I would say a good patient.
L - She’s goes for a run most morning but kinda eats what she wants she’s not one for diets etc. I think she could be both a good but also terror patient.
Q13 -
H - As a PT probably gym wear, vest or t-shirt, jogger or shorts and trainers.
L - Normally depends on the weather so either a t-shirt and jeans or a dress.
Q14 -
Both - I would say their both a easy people to please.
Q15 -
H - I would say his blue eyes or his muscles maybe even the fact he’s 6FT.
L - Probably her light brown/grey eyes.
Q16 -
H - Someone who’s honest, confident, bubbly, funny and loyal.
L - Laila likes anyone she puts her guard up but if they break through that she’s pretty much a friend for life. She wants someone who will stick around.
Q17 -
H - He’s soft around everyone.
L - As above Laila is hard on people until she gets to know them and they have gained her trust.
Q18 -
H -
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L -
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Q19 -
H - Probably at school when he was bullied about his weight. Maybe even when Gemma cheated on him.
L - I would say when Josh took his own life it did take Laila 8 years to get over him.
Q20 -
Both - Nope I don’t think they do maybe just each other.
Q21 -
H - Cheesy answer probably his girlfriend, he’s not materialist.
L - Probably the necklace Harry got her for her birthday.
Q22 -
H - Being a PT he needs little snacks during the day to keep up his energy.
L - She more of a 3 meal a day kinda girl as at work she doesn’t have time to snack.
Q23 -
H - Burger, steak kinda stuff as 80% of the time he needs to eat healthy.
L - Laila genially loves cooking no matter what it is.
Q24 -
H - Listening with no judgement and help resolve any problems.
L - Finding solutions for any problems.
Q25 -
H - Not sure he finds anything difficult.
L - Open up to people/letting people in.
Q26 -
H - Harry wants a dog but Laila convinced him getting a dog with the hours he works wouldn’t be fair on both the dog or him.
L - Laila is definitely a dog person. I imagine her growing up with Great Danes.
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Q27 -
Both - They have nieces and nephews so know kids can be both devils and angels. They are under no illusion that kids are perfect 100% of the time.
Q28 -
Both - I would say Instagram with the jobs they have they can promote on there. I have done a fake insta post not sure if I will use it yet.
Q29 -
H - I would say he’s a pretty organised person with a little laissez-faire.
L - She’s a very organised person. She’s the kinda person that will always be early.
Q30 -
Both - No idea!
Q31 -
H - Harry would go for something a little shiny.
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L - More feminine.
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Q32 - What they would were to a prom at their ages now not school.
H - face claim wears these kinda suits.
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L - I'm thinking something black.
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H - He’s pretty much friendly and anyone’s friend when he first meets them. His shyness left him when he gain confidence.
L - She pretty dismissive I think she throws banter at people those who can’t hack it normally don’t stick around.
Q34 -
Both can drive.
H - Being a tall lad he needs a biggish car, I picture him with an Audi Q5 but he doesn’t drive like an Audi w****r!
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L - More eco friendly living in London the smaller the car the easier to get around right? She has a hybrid (I rented this when my car broke down a few years ago if we only had 2 kids this would be my car. I loved it! #dreamcar) Toyota C-HR it's small but beasty.
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Q35 -
H - He’s attracted to someone who is good looking but has something about them and plays hard to get, he likes a bit of a chase and makes him work.
L - She just wants someone who’s a little easy on the eye, confident, gets her banter and gives it back.
Both - I don’t think there is anything about either of them that hasn’t made it onto the page.
Q37 -
H - Is that possible? He is a big lad, so pretty sure he’ll be hard to kidnap.
L - I would say pending on the chapters I have released Harry would kidnap her for some kinky reasons. If all my drafts were out it would be someone else.
Q38 -
H - I would say he would unwind with a nice hot bath and snuggles with his girl.
L - Probably just chill watching tv and snacking.
Q39 -
H - Guilty pleasure...is probably binge watching a series Laila has made him watch but one he would never admit to his friends about watching.
L - Rolling over to Harry’s side of the bed when he’s left for work because it smells of him.
Q40 -
H - Call the police as he goes on a hunt for the mugger himself.
L - Call the police and make sure their OK, be their shoulder to cry on.
Q41 -
H - He’d probably punch they back in the face if it was a bloke but if it was a girl he’ll back away and try and calm her down.
L - Laila would hit back no matter the gender.
Q42 -
H - Yes, in fact it is there birthday date today 5th May.
L - Yeah, I have a 3000 word chapter of how! Hers is 5th August.
Q43 -
Both - N/A - They don’t play them kinda games.
Q44 -
@aussieez​ feel free to correct me if you think different 😉
H - I would say would be in Hufflepuff.
L - I think maybe Gryffindor.
Q45 -
H - He’s a Taurus.
L - Of course she is a Leo.
Q46 -
Both - Neither of them are religious.
Q47 -
H - He blushes when someone does something nice but he is grateful they have taken the time to do it.
L - Gets overwhelmed and sometime emotional too.
Q48 -
H - He will cry in really happy moments like if Laila said yes to marrying him or if they just had a baby (Not that this is on the cards anytime soon just an example). He doesn’t get annoyed easily.
L - Laila will cry at anything even TV shows. She gets angry or annoyed easy and if she’s hanger Harry knows he better get her food soon.
Q49 -
H - I would say Harry’s biggest fear right now is losing Laila whether it be harm coming to her or her cheating (No that won’t happen well maybe one has in drafts).
L - Again she has lost someone via a horrible illness so she’s also scared to lose Harry.
Q50 -
Both - I think it depends on their day they can both be light/heavy sleeper and have dreams/nightmares.
Lets see your answers: @aussieez​ @secretaryunpaid​ @shewillreadyou​ @lem-20​ @khoicesbyk​ @irisofpurple​
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Yo, can I ask for a matchup if its ok? First of all, i'm very slow person, I never get jokes and sarcasm at all unless its emphasize (think of me as Mitsunari minus the clumsy streak) i also have a very messy sense of direction and i often get lost. I acted like I don't care and I have a hard time expressing my true feelings to people, but I really wanted to help/take care of them (like Ieyasu but i don't insult lol). And lastly, i have a childhood trauma that I wanted to forget. Thank you! 🎊🎊
Its always okay love! I'm so happy u requested a match up! I hope you enjoy it and I hope you have a good day! Also sorry for making you wait sooooooo long! 😆
So I match you with.................. Shingen
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You were adjusting to life at Azuchi really well. You had made a ton of friends among the Oda forces thanks to your friendly, warm nature. You had become really good friends with Nobunaga, Masamune, and Mitsuhide. The three would always strike up a conversation with you, trying their best to tease you. You also really like Mitsunari. The two of you were two beams of heavenly sunshine that brings so much warmth and positivity into the room. THB the Oda forces called you Mitsunari the second with the way that jokes, and sarcasm just flew over your head. Often the troublesome trio would make a joke or comment, and you and Mitsunari would just look at each other in confusion. Of course, Ieyasu would roll his eyes at the two cute, clueless angels, while Hideyoshi would scold the trio for taking advantage of yours and Mitsunari’s sweet, pure nature. You had a lot of fun interacting with everyone. You were long ago accepted by the warlords; even Hideyoshi didn’t suspect you for long due to your sweet nature. 
You worked hard for the castle and its people and was starting to wear yourself thin. Mother hen realized this and gave you a bag of coins telling you to go to the market and relax. He wouldn’t take no for an answer.
And that is how you found yourself walking around Azuchi’s market. You looked at all the fancy accessories, taking in all the smells and enjoying looking at all the different types of people. You found a particularly interesting shop selling the prettiest accessories. Manning, the shop was a tall, handsome man. He greeted you with the biggest smile and started turning on the charm. “I must be truly blessed that an angel from heaven has come to grace me with her presence.” To that, you looked around confused, then you simply smiled at him and said, “Excuse me, sir, but I don’t see any angel.” Shingen was shook that his cheesy pick-up lines did not affect you. He tried his hardest to compare you to a goddess, a flower, an angel, but to no avail. You were definitely an intriguing person. You bought a small dainty pair of earing and bid the friendly, handsome man goodbye. You then ventured deeper and deeper into the market, following your nose to one of the tea houses. You sat sipping on tea, thinking about the relaxing day you had had. Your mind couldn’t help but drift back to the handsome store owner. He had definitely made an impression on you. As the sun dipped past the horizon, it was time for you to head back home.
You walked and walked and walked; it was now getting increasingly darker by the minute as the sun was disappearing. You started to feel a sense of fear and dread growing with each step you took. You looked around at your surroundings as you walked, trying to find something familiar to lead you back home, but nothing. Everything felt unfamiliar, and you were now lost. You were so directionless that you didn’t even know how to get back to the teahouse you were just a few moments ago. You were now overcome with a sense of anxiety, when all of a sudden, a big warm hand came to rest on your shoulder. You turned around to see the friendly shop owners. You looked into his warm smoky eyes, and your anxiety dissipated. He looked at you curiously and asked what you were doing all alone in the street. You couldn’t help the tear slipping from your eyes as you explained that you were completely lost and didn’t know who to get back home. Shingen gave you a big warm grin and said, “I'll help you to find your way back, me dear goddess.” 
You breathed out a thank you and started following him, some shady looking men walked up to you and tried to coax you into coming with them. Thankfully for you, Shingen was right there to chase them away, he gently wrapped his big warm hand around your smaller one. “It is not safe for a woman to be out at night, my dear angel.” You realized the full gravity of those words as the two of you continued to walk, you peered into the darkness and saw just how sketchy the Azuchi nightlife was. Shingen brought you back to the light of the main road. You were so happy you could almost cry. You thanked him profusely as he said goodbye. You walked back to the palace gates while unbeknown to you Shingen watched from the shadows to make sure that you got home to the palace safely.
You definitely got an earful from mother dearest who was waiting at the gates for you ready to send out a search party. You had told him that you got lost and that a kind shop keeper had helped you find your way back. Mamayoshi breathed out a sigh of relief and made you promise that if you ever left the castle again, to make your way back long before the sun sets and to take someone with to escort you. The next day you made your way back to the market to thank the kind stranger for helping you. When you arrived at the shop, you realized a much younger man was operating the shop today. You were a little disappointed TBH. You turned around to leave when you bumped into a solid brick wall, except it wasn’t a brick wall; it was the very man that you had been looking for. He smiled down at you and started fliting with you as he does. Again, his attempts were proven useless as all his cheesy pick-up lines just flew straight over your head. Yukimura couldn’t help but laugh at the first woman who wasn’t completely charmed by his lord. You were definitely something else. 
You wanted to convey your thanks to the man, but honestly, you weren’t always very good at conveying your feelings. Luckily for you, Shingen spotted the parcel in your hand and asked you about It giving you the perfect opportunity to present it to him. He invited you to tea so he could sit down and fully enjoy the sweet buns you had made him. The two of you sat and chatted, enjoying the tea and each other’s company. When it came time to part Shingen once again walked you home, cause he couldn’t have his angel getting lost again now, could he? The two of you would “coincidentally” bump into each other in the market all the time, which usually resulted in the two of you spending the day together. Whenever you left the castle,  you were often excited, even anticipated bumping into the man in the markets, although you appeared indifferent to it on the outside.
A few months had gone by, and you were getting really close to Shingen. One day as the two of you was sitting at one of the teahouses sharing some tea and sweet buns; He brought up the sad news that he had to leave soon. You couldn't help but feel a bit sad at the news. Your face and words were indifferent to the matter, while your heart broke in two. That was until he took your hands in his, looked you in the eyes and asked you to come with him. You were at a loss for words, you really loved him, but you didn’t want just to leave the people who had cared for you for months. 
Shingen smiled a knowing smile; he could see the answer in your eyes. He told you he was going to leave the next day and that if you were to come back to the teahouse, he would whisk you away with him, and if not, he had his answer. Everything was a blur; you didn’t know what to do; the Oda warlords noticed something was bothering you. That night Hideyoshi visited you to find out what was going on, when you told him about the man who had managed to capture your heart. He looked at you with warm motherly eyes, left, and came back a few moments later carrying an empty bag. Hideyoshi knew you kept your true feeling secret like Ieyasu, so he could easily decipher your words. You had helped him so many times, so it was no his turn to pay you back for everything you had done for him, Nobunaga and the castle's people.
That morning the oda forces arrange a breakfast banquet in which all of them gave you gifts and expressed how much they were going to miss you. After breakfast, it was time to meet Shingen at the teahouse; you were escorted there by your whole entourage of brothers, each one curious to see who had captured their princesses’ heart. They were shook when they saw Shingen. You smiled sheepishly and introduced them, each one your new brothers threatened him in their own way. And after saying your goodbye, the two of you made your way back to Echigo. They welcomed you with open arms and gave you a room fit for a princess.
You and Shingen started your new life together in Echigo. You would often write to your Oda friends about how well you were doing. Shingen would shower you with love from the moment you woke up in the morning to the moment you went to sleep. The two of you had no secrets; you even told him about your childhood trauma. He healed all your invisible wounds while you worked with Sasuke to heal all his viable ones. Shingen truly believed you were a goddess or angel from heaven as you and Sasuke did, in fact, manage to find a cure for Shingen’s illness.  
Often the two of you could be found nestled in each other's arms, just showering each other in endless love. You love nothing more than to spend time with Shingen. Whether it's sitting in the garden playing with his bear cub while watching him do his carpentry or just spending a quiet evening together gazing at the moon. You know you have found your home.
Other potential matches..................Hideyoshi 
I hope you enjoyed this dear and I hope you are staying safe and well! ❤🔥
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thoughtsofdarc · 6 years
Wandering minds...
Y/n x Your favorite male Avenger
Words: 838
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It was quiet at the tower these days, the world didn't need saving, there wasn't any aliens trying to enslave the world population, there wasn't any Hydra movements showing their ugly faces... There wasn't anything to do, other than to relax and kick back.
She was bored out of her mind by now, not very good at having nothing to do.
When you have nothing to do, you have too much time to think... About anything and anyone in the world.
Right now her friends where having a lively debate on whether or not the quinjet could be boosted to go supersonic speed, without squishing them all to mush.
She looked back and forth between the men talking, already zoning out. How could such amazing people be so boring to listen to?
Her eyes wandered each of her friends, until her eyes landed on him... Then they stopped.
He just came from the gym, wearing loose sweatpants and a sleeveless top. Normally not a outfit to make anyone swoon... But on him? Fuck...
Not paying attention to anything, she let her eyes wander his body. The sweatpants display a nice firm ass, showing the slight muscle movements when he shifts on his feet.
Immediately her imagination run wild, thinking about how said ass would look like naked, doing... Other things.
The sway of his back from his butt and up to the strong shoulders. The muscles playing under the tight shirt, rippling the fabric in such a way that makes her want to run her fingertips along his spine. Feeling the warmth of his skin and the movements of his body.
Her eyes lands on his arms... Muscular strong arms that ends in large firm hands with long slender fingers.
He moves his arm, making his biceps bulge and the veins of his arm pop.
His animated talk with the other guys cause him to move his fingers in a mesmerizing way, and sure enough her thoughts go way south again...
The thought of what those fingers could do... Where they could reach.
She makes a quiet sound of pure pleasure, almost a whimper.
He cross his arms above his chest, resting his large palm on his upper arm, slowly drumming his fingers on his bare skin.
Unknowingly her eyes widens and she bites her lower lip, hypnotized by the movements and her fantasies.
Fuck... Is this man even for real? Does he know what he does to the female population of the world, just by existing?
He should be illegal!
As she chew her lip and follow the rhythm his fingers tap, she let a herself get lost in her mind and dreams.
Being so occupied by her own fantasy, she doesn't see his gaze resting on her, watching her every move, every reaction and listening to every sound she makes.
She doesn't notice that he watch her pupils dilate and turn her eyes dark and she doesn't notice the low growl he gives when he see them do so...
"Are you okay, y/n?" a voice cuts in on her daydreaming making her snap out of it.
"Huh? What? Yes... Yes! Yup, I'm good" she can feel her cheeks start to burn, knowing that they undoubtedly are turning red
"I have to go!" she mutters and quickly stand up and walk away towards her room.
She's in such a hurry that she doesn't notice the eyes following her out of the room, or the smirk on the face of the man watching her leave.
He turns his focus back to the others, his mind now anywhere else than on the supersonic quinjet talk.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go grab a shower and relax for a while... Catch you later, yeah?" he says as he raise a hand to goodbye and makes his way toward the hallway that leads to the rooms.
But instead of turning towards his own, he very determined walk the other way... Towards someone else's place.
The door is not completely closed and as he stops outside of it, he sees her silhouette swaying to the music that's coming from her speakers.
He raise his hand to knock, but instead it has a mind of its own and just push the door open enough for him to step inside.
The click from the door closing behind him makes her jump and turn around.Her heart immediately beating faster when she sees him.
Their eyes lock and a charming smirk is playing on his lips again
"Hello Beautiful" his voice low and husky.
Her eyes automatically trail his body, not being able to control it, before they land back on his, this time noticing the primal look that is playing in his usually bright blue eyes.
A smile form on her own lips, as she slowly walks towards the man by the door, with a little sway in her hips.
Her voice low, almost a whisper when she leans in close and say
"Hello there, handsome..."
Her hand reach beside him... Locking the door...
@fangirling-all-the-way-tbh ​ @owhatshername1 @sinceimetyou @alextittle @todorath @tbetz0341 @fortheloveoflamp @buckysjuicyplums @mynameisreallycoolbutitstoolong @kalisays @shitmymomsay @mjgonzalez-01 @projectxhappiness @kuollut-talven @lol-haha-joke @caplansteverogers @loki7ms @who-cares-rn @bexboo616 @cc8302 @buckysarm4 @altyex @mizzzpink @until-theend-oftheline @marvelite1998
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