#The Future of Indian Cinema
ashokprasad03 · 1 year
Ashok Prasad Abhishek is a successful businessman who has excelled in his field via perseverance, enthusiasm, and hard work. He has established himself as a highly sought-after investor and producer in the business sector. He has been a successful entrepreneur and business leader thanks to his knowledge, experience, and dedication to excellence.
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
Channeled messages you need right now✨️ 🪷
Pick a picture by intuition ♡
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This may not resonate with everyone, take what resonates and leave the rest ♡ always remember that you are the creator of your own destiny.
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Move on from what's not meant for you, leave things behind for your own mental health. Remember you have a lot of other options too.
Wow! You are being blessed with Emotional fulfillment and wealth by the divine. Take that decision fast!
The decision may feel impulsive or rushed to you but this may turn out to be the best decision of your life.
A wish of yours is gonna get fulfilled, or you're gonna achieve fame in the near future.
I see a vision of you in a party or a wedding. And you may have a fight or competition there.
If you're thinking of starting a new venture or changing places, or even international travel, do it! It'll give you a sense of justification and satisfaction.
You or someone in your friend group may buy a new vehicle.
If you're growing tight on money, don't worry, this phase will go away on it's own.
Someone in your friend circle will show you their real face, they can be a masculine energy with earth signs. They may leave you heartbroken or betrayed but you need to be thankful that such people are getting out of your life and be neutral about this situation, don't let it affect you in any way.
Black and white color, white cats and clocks can be significant or a sign from universe for you if you asked for one. So pay attention to things around you.
I see mountains and a river with lots of greenery, maybe your mental health is finally recovering and you're getting in alignment or on track finally.
Let me - Zayn malik can be significant.
You may get emotional clarity by the next crescent moon. Your blocked emotions will release and you'll gain stability and clarity. You'll get a direction or a path to follow.
The emotional release can be about some childhood trauma or even heartbreak, deep emotional pain.
Zindagi do pal ki - KK can be significant, especially the last verse.
You may frequently ask god that why you were given so much pain and harships in life. But remember that each circumstance has a deeper meaning behind it. Everything serves a purpose in life, so take the bad times as a lesson. You're meant for something bigger.
I can see the presence of a male figure in your life, who's very wise and thoughtful. They'll teach you some things about life, which will help you.
Your angels/guides/universe, whatever you believe in, has their eye on you. They are protecting you behind the scenes. Their presence is always there to help you.
Your heart or throat chakra can be imbalanced. Please do some meditation or even try therapy for it. You need to work on these two chakras very much for your own good.
Lord Shiva is protecting you or they can be your guide.
Lord Ganesha is watching over you and protecting you too.
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Don't fight or resist change. Be calm and let things happen on their own.
Divine wants to do some intervention but your attitude towards life is not helping it at all. A cycle is being closed.
If you are a feminine, a masculine energy will woo you in some social gathering or a party. I see people around you, so it can be a public place. Trust your intuition with this person. It's love at first sight.
Your fears are coming in between your success and divine union. Don't let your fears run your life. Trust the universe.
This state of indecisive is coming to an end. Don't let memories or past heartbreaks come in between.
You are undergoing a transformation. The new "you" will be very clear minded and creative.
Do some self introspection. Reanalyse your toxic cycles.
Your shadow self needs some more time to heal.
Pay attention to red butterflies, it's a sign.
June / July months of any year can be significant.
Bol do na zara - Arman Malik
444 or 44 is significant for you.
Any financial unstablity is coming to an end.
Don't be too materialistic, don't make your lust an obsession.
Leave behind past memories, don't dwell into nostalgia so much.
By doing so, you are blocking a new beginning in your life.
Don't be too afraid to speak up for yourself.
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inmyworldblr · 1 year
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Trikal (1985)
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newspatron · 30 days
The Future of Indian Cinema: Regional Rise and Bollywood Shift
Excited about the future of Indian cinema? Share your thoughts and predictions below!
In India’s dynamic film industry, a transformative shift is underway. Regional cinema is surging in popularity, propelled by its authentic narratives, captivating performances, and explorations of India’s diverse cultural landscape. These films are transcending language barriers, captivating audiences worldwide, and redefining the future of Indian cinema. Join us as we delve into this exciting…
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
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María Félix (Doña Barbara, La Mujer sin Alma, Rio Escondido, La Cucaracha)—Maria Felix is still possibly the most well-known Mexican film actress. She turned down multiple-roles in Hollywood and a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer in order to take roles in Mexico, France, and Argentine throughout the 1940s, 50s, 60s. She was so famous and so respected as a dramatic actress that she inspired painters, novelists and poets in their own art--she was painted by Diego Rivera, Jose Orozco, Bridget Tichenor. The novelist Carlos Fuentes used her as inspiration for his protagonist in Zona Sagrada. She inspired an entire collection by Hermes. In the late 1960s Cartier made her a custom collection of reptile themed jewels. She considered herself to be powerful challenger of morality and femininity in Mexico & worldwide--she routinely played powerful women in roles with challenging moral choices and free sexuality. But even still, years after he death, she is celebrated with Google Doodles, and appearances in the movie Coco, and holidays for the anniversary of her death.
Vyjayanthimala (Madhumati, Amrapali, Sangam, Devdas)—Strong contender for /the/ OG queen of Indian cinema for over 2 straight decades. Her Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award came not a moment too soon with 62 movies under her belt. Singer, dancer, actor, and also has the most expressive set of eyes known to man
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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María Félix:
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She's Thee Hot Vintage Movie Woman of México. She's absolutely gorgeous and always looks like she's about to step on you. you WILL be thankful if she does.
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"María Félix is a woman -- such a woman -- with the audacity to defy the ideas machos have constructed of what a woman should be. She's free like the wind, she disperses the clouds, or illuminates them with the lightning flash of her gaze." - Octavio Paz
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María Félix is one of the most iconic actresses of the Golden Era of Mexican Cinema. La Doña, as she was lovingly nicknamed, only had one son, and when her first marriage ended in divorce her ex-husband stole her only child, so she vowed that one day she’d be more influential than her ex and she’d get her son back. AND SHE DID! María Félix rejected a Hollywood acting role to start her acting career in Mexico on her own terms with El Peñón de las Ánimas (The Rock of Souls) starring alongside actor, and future third husband, Jorge Negrete. She quickly rose to incredible heights both in Mexico and abroad, later on rejecting a Hollywood starring role (Duel in the Sun) as she was already committed to the movie Enamorada at the planned filming time. Of this snubbing she said, quote: “I will never regret saying no to Hollywood, because my career in Europe was focused in [high] quality cinema. [My] india* roles are made in my country, and [my] queen roles are abroad.” (Translator notes: here the “india” role means interpreting a lower-class Mexican woman, usually thought of indigenous/native/mixed descent —which she had interpreted and reinvented throughout her acting career in Mexico— and what abroad was typically considered the Mexican woman stereotype, with the braids, long simple skirts, and sandals. This also references the expectation of her possibly helping Hollywood in perpetuating this stereotype for American audiences that lack the cultural and historical contexts of this type of role which would undermine her own efforts against this type of Mexican stereotypes while working in Europe) She was considered one of the most beautiful women in the world of her time by international magazines like Life, París Match, and Esquire, and was a muse to a vast number of songwriters (including her second husband Agustin Lara,), artists, designers, and writers. Muralist Diego Rivera described her as “a monstrously perfect being. She’s an exemplary being that drives all other human beings to put as much effort as possible to be like her”. Playwriter Jean Cocteau, who worked with her in the Spanish film La Corona Negra (The Black Crown) said the following about her, “María, that woman is so beautiful it hurts”. Haute Couture houses like Dior, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Hérmes, among others, designed and dressed her throughout her life. She died on her birthday, April 8, 2002, at 88 years old, in Mexico City. She was celebrated by a parade from her home to the Fine Arts Palace in the the city’s Historic Downtown, where a multitude of people paid tribute to her. Her filmography includes 47 movies from 1942 until 1970, and only two television acting roles in 1970. She has 2 music albums, one recorded with her second husband, Agustín Lara, in 1964 titled La Voz de María y la inspiración de Agustín «The voice of María and the inspiration of Augustín», and her solo album Enamorada «In Love» in 1998. Her bespoke Cartier jewelry is exhibited alongside Elizabeth Taylor’s, Grace Kelly’s and Gloria Swanson’s. In 2018, Film Director Martin Scorsese presented a restored and remastered version of her film Enamorada in the Cannes Classics section of the Cannes Festival and Google dedicated a doodle for her 104th birthday. On august 2023 Barbie added her doll to the Tribute Collection.
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Nostalgia is an often-underappreciated component in nationalism: a carefully crafted collective yearning for a lost idealised and often non-existent past, used in the service of contemporary political projects. The ‘glorious golden age’ serves to galvanise a particular form of collective social identity that stresses shared cultural heritage for a unified nation. At the same time, nostalgic visions exclude those deemed internal and external ‘others’ responsible for the downfall of this golden age (the Mughal era is currently being removed from the Indian school syllabus). This repurposing and ‘presenting’ of the past – a kind of heritage politics – not only mobilises support for political causes and commercial interests but also provides distraction from bad governance, through the promise and vision of a regenerated past-inspired future, associated with pride and dominance over enemies. Nostalgia, therefore, can be used to build hegemony by nationalist movements and parties, by articulating disparate individuals and groups into a nationalist political identity while marginalising others.
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rhapsodynew · 17 days
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Jim Morrison at the finale of The Doors performance at Remerberg Square in Frankfurt am Main. The Federal Republic of Germany. September 13, 1968
Born in Florida into a military family, the future rear admiral, he did not have a stable social circle all his childhood, endlessly moving from school to school. The desire to stand out and be a leader was sometimes combined with shyness and even timidity in him. It seemed that fate itself had prepared for him a military career in the future, his father even took him to sea a couple of times for exercises, but the service only disgusted Jim. His range of interests was quite different, as a teenager he read Plutarch's Comparative Biographies and many other books not typical of children's literary hobbies, later he was interested in philosophy, psychology, theater, cinema, music, especially poetry. One of the English teachers remembered him like this: “Jim was reading a lot then, probably more than anyone else in the class. But everything he read was so unusual that I asked another teacher who used the Library of Congress to check if the books Jim was talking about actually existed. I suspected that he had invented them himself, since they were seventeenth- and eighteenth-century English books on demonology. I've never heard of them, but they existed...”
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Steve, Jim and Clara Morrison. Bethesda, Maryland, USA. 1944
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Jim Morrison in a cowboy suit riding a pony. USA. 1948
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Jim Morrison in an Indian costume (left) with his brother Andy are preparing to celebrate the Eve of All Saints' Day (Halloween). USA. October 31, 1951
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Andy, Jim and Ann Morrison. Alameda, California, USA. November 1957
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Arrested for disorderly conduct while intoxicated at a football match and petty theft, student Jim Morrison at the police station. Tallahassee, FL. USA. September 28, 1963
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Andy and Jim Morrison with an unknown young young lady (possibly Mary Werbellow). Coronado, California, USA. 1964
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Jim Morrison at one of The Doors' early concerts at The London Fog Club, with Ray Manzarek in the background. Sunset Strip (now West Hollywood), Los Angeles, California, USA. 1966
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Jim Morrison during The Doors concert at the Town Hall in Philadelphia, PA. USA. June 18, 1967. Photographer Jack Rosen
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Jim Morrison at The Doors concert at the Crosstown Bus Club, Brighton, Massachusetts. The band's performance was accompanied by a demonstration of psychedelic film footage. USA. on August 10, 1967. Photographer Peter Simon
Morrison became a legend during his lifetime, he invariably attracted great attention, thousands and thousands of his photographs have been preserved
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hallasimss · 1 year
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— surprise 모두 기립 박수 (hala, hala) | ( 🎧 ) ( an introduction. click photos for better quality. )
it's patch day, everything has gone to sh*t for those who don't play vanilla (read: me, i refuse to update until my essential mods are back in working order) and somehow i figured this was well overdue since i've been mostly lurking in the community and spam liking (plus i uh. may be lacking in simblrs to follow). time to stop being creepy and make sure the rest of you know who i am sksksksk
* about me, or; an overview.
halla. non-binary, they/she/xe, they/them preferred. bi/pan. xviii. neurodivergent. afro-carribbean with south asian ancestry. islamic christian and religious pluralist. tired high school senior, video editor/translator volunteer and k-pop/indian cinema stan in their free time. (mostly) wcif friendly, stick to the inbox when inquiring. (if i see you in the comment section it's going to be very hard not to convince me to soft block you i'm sorry) currently tracking #hallasimss. follow from my main @theinfinitedivides.
* what to expect.
mostly cas and lookbook edits since i suck ass at sticking to legacy gameplay—will try to share shots here and there from my current playthrough, but do not be surprised if three months in there's another sim that is getting the main spotlight instead of the one before them. also trying my hand at converting a few illustrations into cas tattoos for personal use, so we'll see how it goes on the cc end
* where to find me.
i don't want to make it seem like i'm chronically online but i am chronically online in a way? if you can't catch me here or on my main you'll most likely find me on my pinterest or the deepest recesses of mydramalist if you're lucky and i'm back in my k-drama phase voluntarily (no, i'm not leaking my username. take a wild guess and tell me if you're right). discord invites are for mutuals only—otherwise, stalk me on spotify to get a glimpse into my mental health!!! you will however be asking yourself why i have a specific song on loop for six hours and i will not be able to answer that
* simblrs i recommend.
@softerhaze (sunblind is one of the only reasons i am able to make this post, ty) ∙ @cinamun ∙ @simelune ∙ @rhdweauni0 ∙ @tau1tvec ∙ @farfallasims ∙ @wildmelon ∙ @literalite ∙ @kadelyka ∙ @miilkymoonsims ∙ @kashisun ∙ @gunthermunch ∙ @bananasplit-sims ∙ @pralinesims (when i tell you that most of my mods folder is just their content i am not lying. absolute godsend) ∙ @puppycheesecake ∙ @glimersims
* fin.
and that's it, ig? i'm terrible at these sorts of things but hopefully all of this made some kind of sense—if you are an active simblr pls interact or say hi so i can follow you back, otherwise how tf am i supposed to find y'all if i'm now stuck in this community for the foreseeable future sfjsfdnkjsdnj (mobile navigation post coming soon-ish. if i can get more of my sh*t together. tbh that's highly unlikely but we're trying to be optimistic)
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bollywoodirect · 2 months
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Today, on the birth anniversary of #ParveenBabi, we remember her legacy as one of the most iconic actresses of Indian cinema (04/04). Her contributions to the film industry will always be cherished and celebrated. From her captivating performances to her mesmerizing beauty, Parveen Babi was a remarkable force. She will forever hold a special place in the hearts of her fans, and her legacy will continue to inspire future generations. Rest in peace, Parveen Babi. You are dearly missed and fondly remembered. What are your favourite Parveen Babi films?
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misanthropicvampire · 6 months
My Top 10 Cinema Recommendations of 2023
movies/shows that I watched for the first time this year, worth a try, ranked
10. Eastern Promises dr. David Cronenberg (2007)
Nikolai, both ruthless and mysterious, has ties to one of the most dangerous crime families in London. He crosses paths with Anna, a midwife who has come across potentially damning evidence against the family, which forces him to set in motion a plan of deceit, death and retribution.
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9. Thelma dr. Joachim Trier (2017)
A confused, devoutly religious college student begins to experience extreme seizures while in denial of a female friend's feelings for her. She soon learns that the violent episodes are a symptom of inexplicable, and often dangerous, supernatural abilities.
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8. Interview With The Vampire (2022)
Aging journalist Daniel Molloy returns for a second interview with Louis de Pointe du Lac, who presents a new spin on his tumultuous relationship with the vampire Lestat de Lioncourt.
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7. Benedetta dr. Paul Verhoeven (2021)
A seventeenth century nun becomes entangled in a forbidden lesbian affair, but it is her shockingly transgressive religious visions that threaten to shake her Church to its very core.
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6. Femme dr. Sam H. Freeman & Ng Choon Ping (2023)
Jules, a drag performer, seeks revenge on the perpetrator of his sexual assault. But as the facade of his relationship with the man, Preston, develops, this revenge is called into question.
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5. Infinity Pool dr. Brandon Cronenberg (2023)
Guided by a seductive and mysterious woman, a couple on vacation venture outside the resort grounds and find themselves in a culture filled with violence, hedonism and untold horror. A tragic accident soon leaves them facing a zero tolerance policy for crime: either you will be executed, or, if you're rich enough to afford it, you can watch yourself die instead.
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4. Possessor dr. Brandon Cronenberg (2020)
Tasya Vos, an elite corporate assassin, takes control of other people's bodies using brain-implant technology to execute high-profile targets.
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3. High Life dr. Claire Denis (2018)
Monte and his baby daughter are the last survivors of a mission consisting of criminals used as scientific experiments, on a doomed journey to the outer stretches of space. They must now rely on each other to survive as they hurtle toward the oblivion of a black hole.
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2. Crimes of the Future dr. David Cronenberg (2022)
As the human species adapts to a synthetic environment, the body undergoes new transformations and mutations. Accompanied by his partner, celebrity surgery performance artist Saul Tenser showcases the metamorphosis of his organs. Meanwhile, a mysterious group attempts to use Saul's notoriety to shed light on the next phase of human evolution.
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The Indian Runner (1991)
Talk to Me (2022)
Midnight Mass (2021)
Malignant (2021)
1. Hannibal (2013-2015)
Reclusive FBI profiler Will Graham is recruited to help investigate a serial killer in Minnesota using his empathic abilties. With the investigation weighing heavily on Graham, his superior, Crawford, decides to have him supervised by elusive psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the very perpetrator of these gruesome crimes. The bond Lecter forms with Graham begins to threaten his double life, as Lecter is fascinated by Graham's ability to empathise with murderers and hatches a plan to push the boundaries of Graham's fragile sanity and transform him into a killer.
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gesamkuns-twerk · 6 months
Don’t know what’s going to happen to this blog, but at the moment I’m intensely obsessed with Big Top Burger. A truly delightful and original 12 or so minutes of joy.
I have some questions/ thoughts on Cesare, my favorite goth twink bitch based on the most iconic goth twink bitch in cinema:
- he’s a zombie from the West Indian mythology, not a modern American one. He was brought back against his will to be a slave/do a job.
- if he was working for 1000 years, what was Venice like in 1023? Were marionettes invented? Is BTB set in the future? (I am aware that time is “fun” in this universe)
- the Zomburger crew are named after characters and actors associated with The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. They probably all went in together knowing their boss was a lanky weird goth named Cesare (“Chayzaray”) and them being theatre kids they just went with it
(I wish my experiences working with weirdos were as much fun 😔)
All discussions/info appreciated
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inmyworldblr · 1 year
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Trikal / Past, Present and Future (1985)
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amethystsoda · 2 years
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My Favorite Album Covers from 2022 (full list under the cut)
YukoEXE - Sugar Dust | donatachi - donatachi.com | WEDNESDAY CAMPANELLA - Tinkerbell / Hot Pot Commander | Vinyl Williams - Exopalace single | AURORA - The Gods We Can Touch | djo - change single | Bastille - Give Me The Future | Ginger Root - Nisemono | mazie - all i ever wanted (was you) single | Sondre Lerche - Avatars of Love | Paul Cherry - Back On the Music! | St. Lucia - Utopia | Isaac Dunbar - Banish The Banshee | Kenshi Yonezu - KICK BACK limited edition single | Duckwrth - Chrome Bull | Hatchie - Giving The World Away | Hot Chip - Freakout/Release | MARINA - Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land | MUNYA - Cocoa Beach (Neon Indian Remix) | Synthsie - Stargazer | Phoenix - Alpha Zulu | Lemaitre - Substellar (Deluxe) | nelward - Lucid Scream | Two Door Cinema Club - Keep On Smiling
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twiststreet · 12 days
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Oh! I have an entirely one sided (one might say invisible to the sane and decent) war with the villains at the Criterion collection (where i’m arguably perhaps somewhat in the wrong, though i personally believe future writers of historical fiction will thrill to ask “but what if i weren’t”) and it has entered a spooky new phase. “Being owned by Indians” just must’ve started to feel good to them in a “pleasure is pain now” way after years of me whispering how they could eat me under my breath, during their little “valiant efforts to preserve cinema history” hogwash.
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whileiamdying · 1 year
Iranian Filmmakers Face Fight or Flight Amid Political Turmoil
By Nick Vivarelli
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Credit: Les Films d'Ici/Berlinale
The wave of protests sparked across Iran by the death of Mahsa Amini by Iranian morality police in September came amid a banner year for Iranian cinema. 
But as 2023 kicks off, more than 500 people who have protested her death and called for justice have been killed while prominent members of the Iranian film industry were either arrested, put on trial or banned from making movies. The result being that the country’s cinematic community has largely ground to a halt. 
Which raises the question: unless something changes, how many films actually shot in Iran will be surfacing on the international festival circuit going forward?  
In 2022, Iran-based directors landed slots in all major international film festivals and won major awards. Revered auteur Jafar Panahi took the Venice Special Jury Prize for “No Bears” and Houman Seyyedi’s tragicomedy “World War III,” which was Iran’s candidate for the international Oscar, scooped two statuettes on the Lido. 
But 2023 is kicking off with only films by Iranian diaspora directors launching on the fest circuit. Case in point: native New Yorker Maryam Keshavarz’s “The Persian Version,” which bowed at Sundance. 
And the widening divide between Iran’s expat directors and Iranian filmmakers living in the country is stark at the Berlinale. 
Berlin’s Panorama section, which is titled “Films as Tools of Resistance,” is opening with Paris-based Sepideh Farsi’s feature “The Siren” which provides a timely take on the Iran-Iraq war. Incidentally, the section also features a doc by Indian director Sreemoyee Singh titled “And, Towards Happy Alleys,” which is about Panahi, who was recently released from Tehran’s Evin penitentiary after spending seven months behind bars on charges of “anti-government propaganda.”   
But the only film in this year’s Berlin selection that is by an Iran-based director is Negin Ahmadi’s doc “Dream’s Gate” which depicts an all-female Kurdish militia in Northern Syria.  
Berlin’s artistic director Carlo Chatrian says this year he actually received more submissions from Iran than ever before. But the fest’s selection committee was leery of Iranian films, many of which came from companies affiliated with the government. Why? “Because for them it’s a statement saying: ‘OK, this is not true what people abroad are saying about us,’” he said.  
Chatrian added that “at times films [from Iran] that from the outside look independent are not fully independent,” so they can still be seen as a form of government propaganda. 
In solidarity with the protests sparked by Amini’s death, the Berlinale has banned Iranian government film industry entities such as the Farabi Cinema Foundation, Iran’s national film promotion outfit which has been attending Berlin’s European Film Market with a stand for years.  
And on Feb. 18 there will be an event on the Berlinale Palast red carpet to shine a spotlight on the fest’s position against Iran’s repressive regime.  
Berlin’s executive director Mariëtte Rissenbeek pointed out that it’s bound to be more difficult these days for filmmakers in Iran, most of whom are anti-government, to make films. “They are for freedom of expression, which is exactly what the Iranian state is trying to fight right now,” she said. 
That, of course, is indeed the case.  
“Iranian cinema is now under attack in Iran,” noted “World War III” helmer Seyyedi, in an email interview from Tehran. “As a middle-aged man who is deeply involved with the present problems, I have no idea if I will really be able to start making another movie in future. We will have to wait and see what happens.” 
According to Mohammad Attebbai, head of Tehran-based sales company Iranian Independents, at the moment “Iran’s nearly 50% inflation and its severe censorship codes dissuade anyone from investing in a movie.” 
Attebbai added, “There are lots of filmmakers who, like many others in the country, believe it is impossible to keep living in Iran and are trying to immigrate.  
“They simply cannot tolerate the situation any longer, with censorship getting much worse and film production slowing down dramatically,” he said.  
Most artists at present are banned from travel outside Iran.   
Significantly, two-time Oscar winner Asghar Farhadi, Iran’s best-known director, is currently working on his new film in Los Angeles and Europe. Farhadi was at the Zurich Film Festival when protests following the death of Amini erupted. He voiced support for the protests and has returned to Iran since. 
As an Iranian diaspora director, Paris-based Farsi said she now feels a greater responsibility “to carry on the flag of making films that are relevant and have to do with Iran, though maybe not directly.”  
“I don’t know how ‘The Siren’ will travel,” she pointed out. “But for sure I would really love people in Iran to see it. 
“The end of the film has hope, and I really would like them to feel it as glow of sun for the near future of Iran. Because I’m really hoping that we will reach a victory soon.” 
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bollywoodirect · 21 days
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Today marks the 51st anniversary of the release of the iconic film #Zanjeer (11/05/1973).
Directed and produced by Prakash Mehra and written by Salim-Javed, the film starred Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Pran, Ajit Khan, and Bindu. Released at a time when India was facing issues like corruption and low economic growth, Zanjeer became a turning point for Hindi cinema, shifting it towards a more violent and aggressive direction.
The film not only marked the end of Bachchan's struggling period but also turned him into a rising star. Zanjeer's success led to many subsequent collaborations between Salim-Javed and Bachchan, establishing him as a superstar and inspiring future generations of actors.
Moreover, Zanjeer had a significant impact on South Indian cinema as well, with Bachchan's acting inspiring future Tamil superstar Rajinikanth. Today, Zanjeer is regarded as a classic and an important film in the history of Indian cinema. Let's celebrate the 50th anniversary of this masterpiece and its contribution to Indian cinema.
The lead role in Zanjeer was offered to several established actors including Dilip Kumar, Dev Anand, Raaj Kumar, and Dharmendra, but all of them turned it down. At that time, Rajesh Khanna was at the height of his popularity as a romantic hero, and the film industry was dominated by romance movies. However, Zanjeer, which did not feature a single romantic scene between the lead pair of Amitabh and Jaya, marked a new direction for Hindi cinema.
Many actors who refused the film were concerned that it would damage their image, but Amitabh Bachchan, who had yet to establish himself as a star, took the risk and accepted the role. As history shows, it paid off, and Zanjeer became a turning point in Bachchan's career, paving the way for his superstardom in the years to come.
#AmitabhBachchan, #JayaBachchan, #PrakashMehra, and others at the muhurat of Zanjeer.
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