#Universed and Mayhem
derekfoxwit · 9 months
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How Animation Discourse Can Feel At Times: The Complete Collection
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thatturtleleon · 1 year
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B-team superiority
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tmnt-tychou · 10 months
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As usual, this is just a meme for laughs. Don't take it seriously. Feel free to make your own. There are no right/wrong answers.
But this chart clearly explains my confusion when people draw the 2012 turtles looking at the Rise turtles like "Oh, these poor children."
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potatemotate · 5 months
Happy 14th birthday BFDI! Let's celebrate this whole community founded by you!
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redkehlchen · 7 months
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Some 2003 season 2 doodles! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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fabuloustrash05 · 7 months
I want a TMNT crossover movie or special where when the Turtles all meet each other they aren't all teenagers. They are all the ages they would be if they canonly age in their timelines.
So imagine the MM Turtles meet their other counterparts from other series and while these boys are teens...
The Rise Turtles are in their late teens to early 20s
The 2012 Turtles are in their late 20s
The 03 Turtles are in their late 30s
And the 87 Turtles are in their 50s
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ruizpizzaria · 10 months
Tmnt alternate universe
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DPxDC Prompt
Thinking back on it, Danny probably should have been more wary of being given the title ‘Ender Of Timelines’.
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ridreamir · 5 months
Arven, mid mochi-mochi dance as he stalks toward you, eyes glowing and glazed over... he doesn't stop, getting up so close that it's almost uncomfortable:
"M-moch-li-little bud..."
"-m... mo...I..."
"..." He then leans in close, his breath hot and sickly sweet.
"M-mo-ch..." "M..M...ine..."
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missowo · 1 year
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pov: your pizza delivery
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forgetful-nerd · 4 months
Rise! Leo and Rise! Donnie, in an effort to prove that they are the ultimate twins, decide to have a “twin off.”
Of course it can’t just have any pair of twins as their competition, they need the most ultimate set of twins, and who would be better competitors than fellow turtle twins?
So, combining Donnie’s tech and Leo’s portals they create an inter dimensional portal, and traverse the multiverse to find different turtle twins to a “twin off.”
Except they realize early on that most of their other dimensional counterparts are quadruples, not twins.
However, they are both too stubborn to give up, so they assign “twin” status based on vibes and then kidnap those turtles to participate in their twin competition.
All this to say that Rise! Raph is not happy when he wakes up to find, not only has their lair been trashed, but they now have some unexpected and unhappy house guests.
Mainly, two very pissed-looking Raphs (2003 & 2012) being held back by a very irritated Leo (2012) and a slightly amused Donnie (2003).
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc prompt #50
The Justice League are investigating a series of accidents in a haunted newly-abandoned high rise, and call in Constantine to take care of the problem.
Danny is retrieving one of his wayward subjects from the same building.
Quiet murmurs fill the stuffy room as the leaguers sent to deal with the problem wait for Constantine to sort out their problems for them. One of the newer heroes shrieks as a door flings open and a white haired teenager all but struts through.
“Connie! It’s been a while since we ran into each other like this-!” is all he manages to say before John yanks him by the wrist and chucks him out the open window.
The heroes freak out, (their coworker just threw a child out the window!) and demand to know why he did that.
“Every time i run into him, without fail, something always happens!” The kid knocks on the window next to the one he was tossing out of, floating like he’d never even heard of gravity, and John lets out a string of very creative curses about the trouble magnet ghost king.
Half a second later, he’s just proven right when a hair raising shriek and a rumble like an earthquake shake the building.
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mayhem07 · 1 year
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Trying new foliage brushes because I suck at backgrounds 👍 Also 5 days til tears of the kingdom!! I'm gonna disappear for awhile after it comes out 🦀✨️
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mmoofykins · 1 year
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Because my friend asked me to make this about rise Mikey and Donnie and I let them get a little bit of help from their other selves 🤼‍♂️🤼‍♂️🐢🐢🐢✨
Them hanging out afterwards
This also took way longer to make than it should have but
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I think I've never produced anything greater than this face
Most fun part about making this drawing, easily
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shyalia · 1 month
Heya! Just dropping in with my first-ever post, presenting the first piece of fanart I've ever gifted to someone, featuring their absolutely incredible fanfiction that compelled me to write my first-ever comment on Ao3. Lots of firsts here, and it's all thanks to @saladmix and her fic 'The Day the World Broke' on Ao3! If you like TMNT, well-fleshed-out AU's, horror and suspense, this fic may be up your alley! With some captivating story-telling, witness these regular turtle teens try their best to navigate and survive in a broken world.
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angelmichelangelo · 1 year
everyone ripping on mutant mayhem turtle tots for being ugly as if every iteration of the turtle tots haven’t been the very definition of “faces only a mother rat father could love”
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