thelovelybitten · 6 months
why am I actually on top of all my final projects rn
this end of semester is looking so fire
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
Halo: Combat Evolved #11 (Spoilers for the game, naturally)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Extra - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10
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Whew, I made it through Two Betrayals so now I’m SURE that this campaign will be super easy and fun! We’ll meet up with our good pal Captain Keyes and have a nice picnic or something, right?
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NO, THERE IS NO PICNIC. I’ve been swimming in coolant. I’ve been blown up SO MANY TIMES. SO, SO MANY TIMES. I once got blown OUT OF THE MAP in the ship into what looked like water under the floor. No, I kid you not. I “swam” around for a bit until it suddenly popped me back up into the map in a hallway. Where I got mobbed by the Flood who just REALLY wanted Master Chief’s autograph. I mean, they were INSISTENT on taking selfies with him. Some of them got so upset that they didn’t get a selfie and autograph that they EXPLODED in sadness.
LORD HAVE MERCY. Somebody remind me why I’m doing this? I don’t think Captain Keyes is going to be okay, he didn’t sound well when he told us to leave and, honestly, I think we should take his advice.
C’mon, Chief, let’s just get out of here and hope for the best, hm? Chief? Please?
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Yay, we’re out of here! Chief and I are gonna go get a cheeseburger, some fries and maybe a milkshake because, dang it, we’re tired. We’ve been blown up many, many times tonight and we deserve a nice meal after all of that. *nodnods*
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Sweet mother of pearl, frens. I’m almost 22 hours in now and at least I think there’s just this campaign and one more. And then I’m going to buy the Master Chief deluxe figure I’ve been wanting for a while now to celebrate. Because yes.
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He comes with an itty-bitty Weapon (but she’s small enough I think you could call her Cortana, couldn’t you?)! Plus she comes with a light-up base and I just really want them, y’all. 🥺
Oh, something I wanted to ask my in-the-know Halo gamer frens... I managed to acquire the pinata skull (yay for me for doing something extra but DARN IT, I wanted those endless grenades when you melee somebody 👍) in the last campaign but I can’t figure out how to equip it. My google-fu gave me unhelpful answers, mainly on how to GET the skull.
Only thing I can find is that it says you equip it in the missions but I don’t go in there to resume my game so didn’t know if that would somehow mess things up. 🥴 I certainly don’t want to start this campaign all over again given that I’ve made it finally into the ship and Cortana has me looking for the... shuttle bay? I think that was it, I was a little busy being WREKT while she was explaining it but I was following an arrow and getting close to it. But I can’t make it through the large open area where you get pummeled by a zillion Flood. I’ve tried lobbing grenades at them to clear them out. I wish I still had my rocket launcher but I have the shotgun (low ammo) and a plasma pistol.
Anyway, I certainly don’t want to end up outside doing the start of this level all over again but I thought I might try it when/if I get through here and start The Maw. It sounds like lots of grenades might be helpful there? 👀
I’ll have to investigate further. Wish me luck, Spartans, ODSTs, marines and civilians alike! Master Chief and I are outta here for tonight! ⭐
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Part 12
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solidifiedsunshine · 1 year
was painfully reminded today by a coworker that i could have been a gamer cat girl (uwu)…
she made a comment in passing and it dawned on me, the irony of the whole moment
i had chosen the socially acceptable route in life. what was in front of me and what made sense to keep interpersonal relationships and external perceptions stable. contained
in a cubicle, across form her now
floored by the sobering revelation, stumbling to give a response that’s as comprehensive as i know and need it to be
that i am so smitten with comfort, i’ve been trading in dreams to maintain it
stay private and keep my existence to myself. who needs to know im here?
what’s one more person going online to tell everyone who they are and what they think.
raised alongside an internet in its infancy. knowing nothing of what was yet and what would be. how dramatically technology would shape every waking moment of our individual existences. how close it would bring us to one another. how far it would make us feel.
even tho i wish i could have been (or could be) reckless and open online, capitalizing on trends for fun (because why not), and connecting with countless other humans i would have never had the opportunity to know or learn from had it not been for the rapid technological evolution seen in the 20th century — im thankful that the school system instilled fear of the internet in me at a very young age because. there was a very thin window of time where i could have let it consume me entirely before my brain was even developed enough to process what was happening
and part of me is like *whew* “yeah. no, you dodged a serious bullet of a potential reality”
and another part of me is just like….. i could be a full time content creator, connecting, doing what i love and impacting other people’s lives. whether it’s uwu cat girl or a piece of writing/art/sound that makes people see meaning or maybe remember a reason why they must keep living
… ill just keep living my dream (to be unapologetically public and socially unacceptable online) vicariously using Media and Images i guess
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legitimateluffy · 4 years
I ab crunched about 70 pounds today😳😳
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thefirsttree · 3 years
A personal update + my next game
OK, time to do this. I’ve been meaning to do a big DAVID WEHLE™ update for a while now and explain why I haven’t released a new game yet, but you know how life gets in the way. Especially when life is a quarantine hellscape, you have three beautiful, amazing, exhausting kids to raise, a spouse’s job you support, a viral YouTube channel that turns your brain to mush, a thousand emails waiting in your inbox since your game is free on the Epic Games Store (with an impressive number of redemptions too! … meaning lots of emails and customer support issues), etc., etc. What also contributes to my lack of updates is because… I just don’t really like posting online. Fascinating correlation, I know!
Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a venting/ranting blog post (well, maybe a bit), because my life is seriously AMAZING and INSANELY BLESSED and LUCKY. I can’t believe how many dreams keep coming true, so much so that I feel I don’t deserve it and I really pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes… but I did want to at least be honest, because I owe that to myself.
Wow, where do I even begin? Well, how about we start with the reason I’m even a full-time indie game dev now: The First Tree. This small hobby project I worked on at night morphed into this gargantuan beast (or fox) that took over my life the past 5 years. Which is great! I’m living the dream! And yet, I really didn’t expect it to do as well as it did. At its core, my game is a slow-paced, sad walking simulator (ahem, I prefer the term “exploration game,” but you know what I mean) that somehow seemed to launch at the right time to the right audience. It resonated deeply with some of you, and for that I’m eternally grateful. I still get emails almost daily how my game changed their lives in some formative way. I’m beyond honored.
However, with that spotlight came criticism and demands from the ever-present, insatiable internet. I would randomly be surfing the gamedev subreddit trying to decompress, and I would see a comment by some rando saying how much I didn’t deserve my success, and how it was all one huge lucky fluke. And I believed them!
And to add to it, some devs considered me an indie marketing “guru”, which I was uncomfortable with. I worked hard to market my game every week, and after my GDC talk, people assumed marketing was my passion; the reason I got up every morning. Just to clarify… NO, I don’t like marketing, and I hate being the center of attention. I don’t like asking people for money and wishlists. But I did what was necessary because I was passionate about telling stories, and I wanted to give my story a fighting chance to be seen on the crowded pages of Steam.
So now, you’re probably wondering “well then David, why did you make fancy YouTube videos showing off your success? Not very modest if you ask me.” This honestly could be a long blog post all on its own, because my experience of putting myself in the spotlight and becoming a “content creator” is… complicated. It was an unusual step for me, especially since I never even showed my face online (as a game developer) until my GDC talk.
First off, I always wanted to teach and start a YouTube channel. I love video editing, especially since I’ve been doing it longer than making games! It’s a huge passion of mine. And teaching people who didn’t know they could make and finish games was a huge motivator (and it’s been so rewarding already). But the second reason is, I was scared. I was self-employed, and I was riding the success of a “huge lucky fluke” that would probably not happen again. I wanted to make sure I could provide for my amazing family, and give them food and health insurance and security in these tumultuous times. I was turning my lifelong passions and hobbies into a business, and it wasn’t as simple of a mental transition as I thought.
So, I went all in on YouTube and the accompanying online course called Game Dev Unlocked. I spent years editing the scripts and videos, and polishing them to a shine. At first, no one watched my videos, no one was buying… and in the blink of an eye, the YouTube algorithm picked up my main autobiographical video (“How Making Indie Games Changed My Life”), and I started getting 5,000 subscribers a day. Right now, I’m at 150,000 subs, which is still hard for me to believe. I always had a dream of earning 100k subs on YouTube, so I was pretty happy with the whole thing. Sales were OK, but mostly people didn’t want to buy the course. Then the emails came in…
Something you should know about me: I am a textbook “people pleaser,” and if someone asks for my help, I take it very seriously. If someone is mad at me, even if I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s all I can think about, and it ruins my day. So, taking an onslaught of people begging for help and multiplying that by an impossible amount of people for my brain to truly comprehend thanks to the internet… and let’s just say it wasn’t a healthy mix.
I received thousands of emails from people who were begging me for some kind of reassurance that everything would be OK. That their dreams would come true too. And I wanted to help every single one of them. I went from a nobody working on a game for fun to becoming a spokesperson for the indie game dream. I couldn’t even get a shake from the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru without someone recognizing me and asking for game dev advice. And it didn’t stop there… I would get emails from suicidal kids asking for help, teenagers from Afghanistan asking me to get them out of their country, and on one occasion I received an email from a hopeful game developer in a war-torn country who had just experienced a bomb blowing up their neighboring village. His friends were dead, and he was hoping he could finish a game before he died too, and he needed my help. How do you say no to something like that? Didn’t I owe it to everyone because I was lucky with my hit game and I needed to “pay it forward”? (Something people constantly reminded me of)
And then to top it off, after you’ve given everything you’ve got to other people in need… you get hate mail in your inbox. You spend the whole day serving your children and strangers on the internet, then when the kids are finally asleep, you hit the bed to relax and take a look at your phone to decompress, and you randomly come across an angry gamer in your Twitter mentions telling you your game they got for free sucks, and that you took away a potentially great game from them and that your apology isn’t good enough.
Long story short, I went to a mental therapist for the first time in my life. I was broken trying to care for two toddlers and a new baby in a pandemic (which is very, very hard), taking care of my course students who gave me their hard-earned money and demanded results, and the countless people begging for help on the internet. I was this introverted, internet-lurker trying to take on the weight of the world. I was so tired and hurt that no one cared about me and my needs… only what I could do for them.
Quitting my day job and making this hobby my full-time job has stirred up… mixed emotions. This statement may disturb some of you, but I was definitely 100% happier when I had a full-time job and I was working on my game at night. I missed working with the amazing team at The VOID, working on Star Wars… back when the success of my game was this abstract thing I could only daydream about. Mostly, I was making my game for me with no outside expectations to pay the bills or satisfy the ever-demanding internet, and that brought me a lot of joy.
It’s not all doom and gloom though! I’m actually very happy now and in the best shape I’ve been since the pandemic started. I’ve had to confront my weaknesses and personality quirks, but I’m a better person for it (and I’m sure these issues would’ve come out eventually). I hired an awesome community manager for Game Dev Unlocked who is helping SO MUCH with the emails, I can’t even tell you the mental burden it alleviates. I even leased a co-working office to help separate work from my home, and that’s been a huge help too. I’ve decided to work with my old friends from The VOID on a cool, new VR experience. It will take me away from my projects a bit, but I’m ecstatic to work with a great team again (and not manage anything, whew).
These are all things I would’ve never guessed I needed, because I thought I knew myself pretty well… turns out I didn’t.
The reality is: running a business is HARD. Running it solo is even harder. You have to remember, I was burnt out on The First Tree well into the Steam release in 2017, but I kept working on it for 4 more years due to my fears of failing again and not earning enough money for my family.
So, I was wrestling with the age-old concept of commercialism and art. There was this dichotomy of doing whatever I wanted and being true to my vision (what most people assume the indie dev dream is like), and doing only what customers wanted to buy. This is something that has killed me with YouTube… in one specific instance, I was super excited to make the exact video I wanted to make. I loved every part of its creation, and I thought it had a message that would inspire everyone. I lovingly edited it over several weeks, posted it, and excitedly waited for the stats… and it was by far my worst performing video.
This is not a new problem. Even the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo was a commission forced upon him by the very violent Pope Julius II. My wife and I regularly talk about the fine balance between artistic integrity and commercialism, a problem she is very familiar with as an artist who constantly needs to balance what she wants to make with what the customer wants to hang up in their home.
For The First Tree, I was lucky. It was pretty much what I wanted to make (I had to compromise a lot of things of course), and it turned out millions of people wanted it too. Recently, I thought the safe business decision would be to do it all over again, so I started work on a spiritual successor to The First Tree (an idea that I may revisit one day since I do love the story idea). But that isn’t happening anytime soon. Trust me when I say I am now currently burnt out on animal exploration games.
So that realization left me with a question: what do I do next?
I’ve decided I need to make a game that I want to make, for me. It will be a bit different and I’m almost certain most fans of The First Tree will not love it… but it’s an idea that gets me super excited. It’s an idea that could help me fall in love with game development again.
A few more details: this game will be story-driven, first-person, and will use the Unreal Engine. That means development is gonna be slow going, because I have to learn a whole new tool. The “smart business” decision would be to make something quickly in Unity which I’m already familiar with… but I want to do this for me, and UE5 looks like a lot of fun. I’m also shooting for an early-ish release date so I avoid burn out and I keep the game short: I want to release it in Fall 2022, but knowing game development, it will probably take longer.
With the help of my therapist, I’ve also concluded that I’ve been too accessible on the internet and that my self-worth isn’t determined by the amount of people I try to help online. Of course, I love helping people and seeing them succeed, but I need to step back and focus on my family and myself. I will delete my social media apps on my phone (I will still post big updates occasionally) and stop responding to most emails, tweets, DMs, etc. It’s not that I’m ungrateful… in fact, if I don’t say thank you or at least acknowledge the incredibly nice people who share a sweet message about my game or want to tell me how I inspire them (still hard for me to believe, lol), I feel a ton of guilt… but I need to let that go. Please know I’m extremely grateful to all the fans who follow my work, so even if I don’t thank you directly, I truly mean it: thank you.
I will still post and stream occasionally on YouTube when I want to (and I still do live Q&A’s for my GDU students). The online course sales will help support my family as I work on a potentially risky game idea (and my new job will help alleviate the risk too). I’m gonna try one more marketing experiment and sell a mini-course soon (and add an Unreal section), and after that I’m done working on it. A gigantic thank you to the people who bought my course and are part of the amazing community, it has helped me and my family tremendously, and it’s inspiring seeing the games you make!
I’m a bit worried about the whole thing since this new game idea could flop, which could definitely affect my family. But a sappy, high-school yearbook quote is coming to mind…  I think it applies here: “A ship in harbor is safe—but that is not what ships are built for.”
Thanks for reading,
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bananaapplewaffle · 2 years
Book 4 Part One: Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Let's go gamers
Imma be real I have no Aladdin memories besides that of Kingdom Hearts
what am i supposed to gleam from that
oh look at this place
looking clean
... winter holiday
that means SSR Fairy Gala Leona soon
oh they go back to visit their ghost family!
Grim I know you're stuck on the food part but uh
what about the family part?
adds to OC's story >:3c
We're all looking at you Ace and Deuce
Academic Dishonesty~
I have my ways, Deuce.
What the fuck do you mean what brings us here
I am disgusted.
You're really making me want to destroy shit for the hell of it.
"If you do this job, I'll feed you."
Girl this is giving Houseki no Kuni winter vibes
I'm not even gonna question that
So anyway
Plant Boy!
I kinda get it
what's the point of bring too too much when you know you got shit at the house
He has GKB, Jack.
Alright! Don't listen to shit you say, got it!
Riddle you wanna stay with us?
Oh he is so upset
I have writing brainrot for you...for some reason
Oh? The tweels aren't going home?
Azul get yo eels
give his forehead a kiss to calm him down!
oh so it too hard for y'all to get home
Cater... I'm honestly getting tired of you taking pics for Magicam
I love how Ace was ready but Deuce was not lol
I don't have a Magicam, Ace.
fuck it
grim no bully
aww look at the snow
im sorry?
Grim do you walk on your own?
how fucken dare
grim is baby and deserves to be picked up
especially now
What's up girlie
not in the best of ways grim but yes we are
you bitch
well whatever
gotta make sure Grim is fed
I can't eat it
You are a very good actor, Jamil.
Nah this ain't Kalim.
Girl lemme gone head and get my plate to go. Pass the foil.
Don't worry about it Grim. Just know there's no poison in it.
Grim needs a tummy rub
(my dog does too. one moment)
Grim you can't say anything! You hit me in the head with the disk and knocked me out!
If it's cut up right, that's not too bad
girl he didn't donate a bit
Nice little lesson right there
baby said
"I stopped after 10"
Grim start stealing...
oh you're a replica
I don't trust you but let's go anyway!
Girl why are we so high up
do i go the disney route of the rihanna route
we're not gonna talk about his eyes
Grim pack a plate.
"That'll do it. You do not have to worry about me, you do not have to worry about me."
Jamil looking at me like
"She's on to me."
... Jamil
If you wanted to be warden, you shoulda just fought his ass
No. I refuse.
Idia's "shoulda leveled up more" face get me everytime
Grim set'em on fire
So y'all just gonna lock the door as if I won't just start breaking shit
Grim set this hoe on fire
Grim, baby, this is the voicemail
Full combo btw
Mans can make water
he highkey does have the palate
Kalim please stop force feeding my cat
How you getting us out Grim
I'm going to sleep
Put ya mfken hands on Grim. I dare you.
The damn act
Yeah, Jamil. Let's talk...
So what the fuck is the point of all of this
Girl are you wanting Crowley to step in?
Better open ya fucken mouth then
Im highkey over this
I want the mask to fall rn
The fucken play
Grim please get us out of here
oh hey
Sea boys saved us
waiting for the hook tho
Call'em so I can leave a message
Here we go...
puts Grim in purse
I'm out
Nooooo I don't wanna go back!
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ktheist · 4 years
02 — show me yours & i’ll show you mine | m
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➙ muses. seokjin x college student / gamer!reader ft. best friend! taehyung
➙ genre. best friend’s brother au. university au. working au. fwb au.
➙ word. 1.9k
➙ warnings. explicit content. oral (f receiving).
➙ index. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05  | 06 | finale | side story 1 |
➙ synopsis. 
“can we have morning sex?”
“not today.”
“is that my brother’s shirt?” is the first thing kim taehyung says to you after a whole night of you declaring war against him for choosing his girlfriend over you.
your body clock’s designed in a way where no matter how late you go to sleep, you’ll always wake up at 8 in the morning. the question of whether you can go back to bed or not varies. like right now, when your stomach is grumbling because it’s decided to deem that the spicy carbonara ramen you had has lost its sustaining-abilities.
“uh, is that a woman-choosing, best friend-abandoning human i see?” you say, eyes squinted at said human.
“whatever,” that seems to have taken taehyung’s interest off the creme colored sweater hanging off your shoulders and way past your butt. you could’ve not word shorts when you went out to get yourself a bowl of cereal. mainly because the brothers have a similar habit of sleeping in until the sun’s shining directly into their faces and they’d have no choice but to wake up - that is, in the event that they forgot to shut the blinds.
“what are you doing up anyway?” you ask but it’s a no-brainer because every friday night, kim taehyung and you would never fail to release a week’s worth of pent up frustrations over playing video games until the crack of dawn, “don’t tell me you haven’t slept.”
“unlike some people, i’ve got things to do,” he steals away the bowl of cereal you just finished preparing for yourself, “places to be.”
you can’t even get mad at his brazenness, not when those eyebags make him look like he’ll pass out with one swing of your punch. and you do punch like a girl - besides the fact that you are one, it’s already a settled fact that you’re really not fond of the idea of wasting your energy on something pointless - so you tend to give the least amount of energy for, for instance - if you do choose to - punching kim taehyung who’s walking away with your bowl of cereal.
so you fix yourself a new bowl, savoring it while watching an episode of the tale of nine-tailed and spending the entire morning catching up to the latest episode. it’s only until half an hour past noon, do you strut back into seokjin’s room, noticing the lump under the sheets now shifting with a sign of wakefulness.
“morning!” you greet, hearing the sound of hymns trickling into chuckles as seokjin pushes the sheet off his face and steals a glance at the uncalled for being that’s perched on top of him.
“you’re up early,” he remarks, arms stretched over his head, muscles flexing deliciously.
“can we have morning sex?” you put on your best smile, lashes fluttering in what you hope to be a coquettish manner rather than someone who looks like they have dust in both their eyes.
“not today,” he says but his large hand latches on your right breast, massaging with a expertise before pinching on your nipple and making you jump in surprise.
but before you get to complain, he’s pulling you down and engulfing you into a warm but shirtless hug (on his part at least).
“not fair,” you pout but snuggle closer anyway, forehead leaning against his chest.
but it’s short-lived because thunderous footsteps start echoing in the hallway and sounding dangerously close with each passing second. for a split second, you watch seokjin watch you, panic spreading across his face before your hands instinctively push him away. then the panic dissolves into alarm as he calls your name, accompanied by another timber-like voice that’s shouting out the same syllables.
and then your butt hits the ground, then your back and your head at the same time.
“whew chile, that sounds painful, you okay?” taehyung sounds concern, but he doesn’t take any step towards you to further assert your head - you could’ve had a concussion for all he knows!
“um, gee thanks for making sure,” you want to roll your eyes, but you’re too busy rubbing the spot where your head made contact with the floor.
but seokjin, ever the thoughtful person, is already climing over the bed and pulling you up with one heave.
“why are you shirtless?” taehyung suddenly inquires.
 the cozy creme sweater clinging onto your body feeling immensely inadequate as you ice up. he looks between you and his brother, screws twisting in that head of his before he asks another question.
“is that really my brother’s shirt?” his eyes scream concluded assumption.
well, it’s true, but-
“would you give me your sweater if i said i was cold?” you don’t give him a chance to respond, “no. right. so shut up. what do you want anyway? hurry up cause i wanna take a nap.”
“let’s play, the squad wanna go one more round with you before we all go to sleep,” he says, the matter of why seokjin is shirtless or if it’s really said man’s shirt you’re wearing now no longer a matter of importance.
you like how his brain works.
“the fuck? you came all the way here just for that?” you narrow your eyes, as if visually asking him if he knows whether he’s making sense or not but you get up anyway, walking towards your laptop that’s perched on the desk where you left it last night.
your friends greet you with less enthusiasm than they did last night - everyone sounded like they either need sleep or need a fuck. there’s no clear answer to what they need but you guess you’re up for one game.
“alright losers, let’s geddit.” your cheer is met with groans and tired version of ‘wooo’s and ‘yeah’s.
five minutes into the game, you feel a peck on your cheek and a smiling kim seokjin gazing down at you with bed hair and puffy cheeks. the smile you offer him back is fleeting because you have a character to maintain and a team to support. this time, you choose the supporting role while hoseok takes on the fighter role.
once you realize that the figure casting a shadow over you remains still and unmoving, you peek up at him for the briefest seconds to ask ‘what?’.
you’re only met with a higher tug of his lips.
and then he falls down on his knee - and you don’t even have the chance to wrap your head around it when he grabs hold of your ankle and spread your legs apart. lifting your ass up as he pulls down your shorts seem to be a muscle response than your brain actually understanding what’s happening. but by the time it does, seokjin’s face is already buried deep between your thighs.
“wah- yikes!” you manage to divert your surprise to the enemy that came on screen, forcing out a laugh, “th-that was a close one, whew i was about to die.”
“the fuck? you already had 8 hours of sleep what are you messing up for?” taehyung says into your headphone.
seokjin licking a strip up your love nub.
but that doesn’t stop you from retorting, “oh my god, did i tell you to play all night and not sl- sleep?” you bite back, barely managing to end your sentence with a consistent amount of sarcasm when the tip of seokjin’s tongue slips into your entrance.
“okay, okay, we’re all a little sensitive here,” jeongguk, the most competitive and non-losing-accepting out of the five of you actually tries to placate.
oh, you’re sensitive alright.
then he says something about how “we’re a team” and “if you wanna fight, fight the enemy team.” or something. you’re not so sure because you’re too busy clasping your hand against your mouth whilst trying to dish out healing powers to your team that’s fighting a few feet in front of you as seokjin tugs on your thighs, positioning them in an angle where his tongue can reach deeper inside you, so much so that your ass is almost hanging off the air.
“fine,” you almost choke on your supposedly vindictive reply as your toes begin to curl, back arching as the only sound that manages to escape you is a sob-like whimper whilst sparks erupt from the depth of your stomach and course through your veins like sweet, sweet poison.
seokjin kisses the inside of your thigh once your breathing slows down and you’re slumping on the chair like you have no energy left in you. jimin’s voice demanding you to cover for him barely registering in your brain as you click an ability that showers him with a protection spell.
“sorry, got distracted,” you say into the mic simply before hearing jimin’s “it’s okay, nobody died.”
if anyone of you died, it would’ve definitely been on you. last night, you got away with saying you weren’t in your ‘zone’ but today, your underperformance will be the reason you get kicked out of the squad for good. probably.
and because you’re under fire, you can’t stop seokjin when he slips away and out of the room, leaving you to make up for your mini blunder.
the game lasts a good 20 minutes before the golden symbol of victory flash across your screen and more energetic sheers erupt in your headphones. everyone starts bidding each other farewell and ‘good night losers’s before the headphones go quiet.
only then, do you bound down the hallway and into the kitchen where you know the reason of the sizzling, salivating scent is because of kim seokjin. a still shirtless kim seokjin with his beautiful, broad back on you as he chops something on the chopping board and gracefully pours it into whatever he’s cooking.
“that wasn’t fair - you should at least give me a warning,” you stand with your arms crossed over your chest.
“did the enemy you go against give you a warning before ambushing you?” he asks in a matter of factly, teasing smirk on his lips that makes your heart go flip flop.
he’s never smiled at you like that before.
“that’s- that’s different,” you refuse to back down, “they couldn’t even if they wanted to because the system doesn’t let us communicate with the enemy team.”
he nods whilst stirring the - you’d peeked - fried rice that’s sizzling in the pan, “i did give you a warning.”
“um where?” you can fee your eyebrows knitting together.
“the kiss,” he taps his cheek twice before shutting off the stove, devious smirk playing on his lips.
“i thought that was a bona fide peck!” 
“that’s on you,” he shrugs, pouring the fried rice into four plates, “like namjoon says - never assume.”
“okay, maybe he did say that,” you concur, taking a seat across from him where he places the plate and offers you a fork and a spoon that he took out from their respective drawers under the counter.
“something smells good,” taehyung comes popping out from the hallway, bowl of empty cereal in hand as his eyes light up at the sight of the two other plates placed between you and seokjin, almost as if knowing that the only other thing that coud summon the kim brothers out from their dwelling is seokjin’s cooking.
“i’m starving,” namjoon announces, seconds apart from taehyung’s assertion.
so you have breakfast - or lunch, really - together like you would. just four kids from the same hometown who found home in each other’s presence.
you might’ve found something else that you like in seokjin’s pants - but that’s besides the point.
note. and here we go for the 2nd installment! hope yall enjoyed!
taglist. @scalubera​ @aretha170​
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askaceattorney · 2 years
Turnabout Goodbyes (again)
Brace yourselves -- this is gonna be long one.
Dear Followers,
Whew...  We made it through another year somehow.  Congratulations to everyone who’s still mentally in one piece -- I’m just barely there myself.  There’s nothing like the holidays, a pandemic, employee shortages, inflation, and a severe lack of human interaction to make you sweat, is there?
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Thankfully, that only partly describes the world we live in.  As you know if you watched my 11th parting gift (and I don’t blame you if you didn’t, ‘cause it was admittedly kinda odd), I’m a strong believer in holding onto hope, not just because it makes life somewhat easier and more enjoyable, but because it’s the ones who hold onto hope until the bitter end who find success in life.  You don’t have to be a lawyer, an Ace Attorney fan, or a gamer at all, to see the proof of that.
I realize that doesn’t mean holding onto hope is easy, of course.  From the time I began on this blog until now, I’ve gained a total of four jobs and lost three of them, not because I was incompetent, but because of the simple fear of being incompetent (in other words, I quit them for various reasons, the biggest one being impostor syndrome).  I’ve also dealt with a fair amount of physical and emotional ailments, including chronic anxiety and depression (yeah, me too), a lack of energy, and a vitamin deficiency that made both of those issues worse.  I’m not saying all this to draw attention to my problems, of course -- in fact, I’d say I’ve had it pretty good overall -- but to show that I’m familiar with the difficulty of holding onto hope in a hopeless-seeming situation.  We don’t have the luxury of saving and reloading our game in the real world, unfortunately.
The good news is (here we go again), holding onto hope is, in my opinion, the biggest reason why I and so many others have been able to plow through these and other rough situations.  There are times when hope seems as visible as the world around you, times when it’s harder to see it, and times where you could be convinced that it only exists in your mind, but not once have I lost anything by holding onto hope or gained anything by letting go of it.  In fact, some of my biggest regrets happened when I decided to let it go.
So, while I can’t know exactly what you’re going through, I can say without a doubt that as long as you’re alive, sound of mind, and willing to make an effort, you have every chance in the world of achieving whatever it is you’re hoping for, whether it’s a good job, a better life situation, a steady loving relationship, clarity of thought, confidence, justice, or a better world to live in.  As long as you have those three things in place, there’s no excuse for letting go of hope, so...
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Was it not Adam West who once said, “E--
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“Enough with the philosophical mumbo-jumbo already!  Just get on with the thanking part!”
...You’re right.  Sorry for getting carried away.
(Sheesh, it’s not like this is my final speech or anything, right?)
So, I was hoping to have some kind of final project prepared now that I’m finally making my departure from the de Modder clan, but I got hit with a little insomnia right around the end of the year, so it looks like that’ll have to wait for now.  In the meantime, I believe some thanks are in order.  There’s no way on earth I could’ve pulled something like this off on my own, after all, so...
Thank you to CAPCOM for creating Ace Attorney, a game series that somehow gave us lessons about life, the truth, and justice through the stories of anime lawyers.
Thank you to the Ace Admin for creating this blog, and to the Mod for bringing it to its current level of popularity.  I know I’m not the only one who’s grateful to both of you for using your talents to make Ace Attorney that much more enjoyable for its fanbase.
Thank you to the Modthorne for suggesting that I apply for a Mod position during the Mod’s first audition...then allowing me to join up after I didn’t.  X )
Thank you to Mod Paups, Mod Maya, and Mod Vera for the help you provided while you were here.  Once again, best of luck in your future endeavors.
Thank you to Mod Kristoph, Mod Edgeworth, and Mod Justice for all the work you’ve done.  Trust me when I say it came at just the right time.
Thank you to the Tumblr staff for creating a platform that makes this sort of blog possible.  And also for including hashtags.  I love those.
Thank you to podcaster and writer Matt Walsh for your advice on striking a balance between boldness and sensitivity.
Thank you to God Almighty for giving this chance to spread some of His joy and laughter here.
Aaaaaaaaand of course...thank you to every single one of you.  Whether you’ve written one or more letters to this blog, liked or commented on any of them, offered some advice or correction, or simply stopped by to peruse our little puppet show, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking part in it.  Whether you meant to or not, you helped to make it what it is.
And now, if it’s all right with you, I’d like to say a few fictitious final words to the gang here.
To Phoenix Wright: Never stop defending the innocent.
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“Of course.”
To Maya Fey: Never stop being awesome.
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“Couldn’t if I wanted to!”
To Miles Edgeworth: Never stop pursuing the truth.
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To Pearl Fey: Never stop being adorable.
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”Thank you, Mr. Co-Mod!”
To Trucy Wright: Never stop amazing people.
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“Can do!”
To Apollo Justice: Never yield.
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“Sure thing.”
To Athena Cykes: Never stop being yourself.
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“You know it!”
To Ema Skye: Never stop learning.
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“Thanks!  You either.”
To Dick Gumshoe: Never stop being dependable.
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“You got it, pal!”
To Franziska von Karma: Never stop aiming for perfection.
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“Hmph...  I would not dare.”
To Sister Iris: Never stop becoming a better person.
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“Hmm...  Thank you.”
To Dahlia Hawthorne: Um...............  Good luck out there?
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And...sorry for the harsh treatment.  I guess not all of it was deserved.
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To Godot: Keep a cool head.
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“That’s one of my rules.”
Of course it is.
To Ibuki Mioda: ...
...Wait, what are you doing here?
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Ah, well.  Best of luck to you, I guess.
And with that, I must bid you adieu.
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Or if you’d rather have a GIF with a few more frames...
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I still have a few essays to finish (as well as a final project), so I won’t be completely gone, but my days of answering character letters and Mod letters have finally reached their end.
It’s been a blast, everyone.  Thank you for sharing it with me.
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-James “Co-Mod” C.
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fatefulfaerie · 3 years
What is your history with The Legend of Zelda? 😊 love your blog!!
Thank you!
Whew okay umm where to start
I was born into a gamer family in 2000, so I basically grew up with an N64 and a gamecube at my disposal. The first game I ever played was Super Mario 64 and I additionally played Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker but let’s be honest I was a toddler and I never knew what I was doing. At that age, the real joy came from watching my parents play video games. Sometimes after they played I would just watch the Windwaker opening crawl and as a kid I was obsessed because the music and the storytelling in those two minutes like *chef’s kiss*. Of course I didn’t know that’s why I liked it.
However, since I was a kid who didn’t seem to have the patience for playing Zelda games, I grew up playing Mario games, mostly the galaxy games and Mario kart wii. And, of course, the 10/10 perfect outstanding amazing stupendous breathtaking game titled Pikmin 2. I would also play lego games with my dad and Super Mario Bros with my family so you could say I was gradually getting better at the coordination bit.
Skyward Sword came out when I was eleven years old and it instantly rekindled my love for the Zelda series from there on out. From the age of 11, I played and finished every Zelda game I could, and some at the same time. tloz, taol, alttp, oot, mm, tww, tp, ph, st, ss. Not in that order but you get the idea. So by, the time breath of the wild came out I was definitely a seasoned Zelda fan, with almost encyclopedic knowledge of the series. (not to mention a pretty good platformer because I kept going with Mario games and Giana Sisters and eventually being amazing at Celeste but that’s besides the point)
Played botw, albw when my friend loaned me her 3ds, played la and coh when those came out in 2019. In October of 2019 I was hired by the website Zelda Dungeon to be a writer and editor. In April 2020 I was promoted to Associate Editor and in September 2020 I was promoted to Senior Editor.
*takes swig of water*
Now the fan fiction thing. Started in August 2017 when I was inspired by a piece of fan art and I only have my fans to thank for how much I have grown. I have written fan fiction for nearly every Zelda game I have played except for coh and I honestly cannot wait for botw 2.
I know that I am extremely lucky to be born into not only a family of gamers but a family with two working parents and no siblings, and thus we could afford these games and consoles. I am lucky for the welcoming ZD team and my oddly nice fans who have been with me every step of the way.
So, yeah...I mean you asked for a history lesson and honestly this is the condensed version. Luckily there won’t be a test.
Thanks for the ask! I love getting asks!
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faerghusfour · 4 years
Okay this will be looong but I love to hear your opinions so!... 001 with fe3h!
okay WHEW .... this took very long and i’ve not gone into huge amount of detail because i really shld be doing work.......but thanks anon i love you
favourite character
 if it wasn’t blindingly obvious by now, dimitri alexandre blaiddyd
least favorite character:
GILBERT. all my homies hate gilbert. if someone could give me some convincing arguments towards *any* of his redeeming qualities, i’d genuinely be interested to hear them. because all i’m seeing is that he traumatised annette and dimitri. also he’s fuckin useless in the gautier inheritance battle. OH i hate m*klan g*utier too he makes me feel sick!!!!!!!
five favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
hubert and ferdinand, caspar and linhardt, sylvain and felix, cyril and lysithea and dorothea and ingrid!
character I find most attractive:
going to pull a wildcard here and absolutely say judith because she literally lives in my head rent free. please intsys let me s-support judith hero of daphnel. her voice....her face.........the way she bullies lorenz......i am thinking
character I would marry:
i’ve been sitting here zoning out thinking about this question and ???? i think  i’d have a successful marriage with and who i think i’d get on the best with would be sylvain, mercedes, ashe or linhardt in a marriage lmao. need someone who will put up with my dumb jokes 
character I would be best friends with:
please let me best friends with dorothea. that’s all i want. we both wear hats. we’d be killing it. also i would love to have alois in my life!!! i feel like we’d both complete eachother with our Strong Dumbass energy!!!
a random thought:
my head is empty no thoughts because i stayed up late watching the el*ction coverage and i’ve been watching lectures all day!! sad!! so all i can think of is that i have been thinking about writing this one dimitri/reader/felix love triangle slow burn fic for like.....3 weeks straight......
also working on a little sylvix number and by little i mean it is Very Long and I am Suffering
an unpopular opinion
everyone knows how much i fucking would die for cyril at this point, which seems to be v unpopular. i don’t know why because he’s literally the sweetest kid ever. fight me. i’m founding the cyril defence league
my canon OTP and my non-canon OTP:
this is way too controversial a topic to be asked about in the fe3h community so i’m going to just say caspar/linhardt for both of them depending on how you choose to interpret their paired ending. personally i see that there is Nothing Gayer than abandoning ur noble titles to go adventuring with the closest person in ur life but yet...people want to still insist it’s platonic...........get out of here
most badass character
gonna pick the Absolute Units from my playthroughs and say they are the most badass characters to me. shout out to lysithea, dedue, ingrid and petra.....love them all v much, thanks for carrying me xx
most epic villain:
i wouldn’t call her ‘epic’ but cornelia terrifies me, especially after learning about how awful she was to hapi. i definitely think she’s one of the nastier villains in the game! but all of the villains are really not epic gamers
pairing I am not a fan of:
i really don’t like hubert/edelgard, hilda/claude and sylvain/ingrid! sorry heterosexuals but i’m built different
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
i think quite a lot of the crimson flower storylines were neglected, and the dialogue definitely seemed rushed and ill thought through. and i’ve absolutely talked about it before but they really missed a trick with yuri and ashe supports. 
favourite friendship
i really adore claude and edelgard’s friendships with their retainers! other honourable mentions go to lorenz and leonie, ingrid and ashe, dorothea and ferdinand!
character I most identify with:
i see a lot of dorothea in myself! but also probably linhardt too lmao. lazy ass bitch. need to stop napping
character I wish I could be
is there an option to say ‘none’ because honestly? name one character in fire emblem three houses who is having a good time. i dare you. 
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lelenoir · 4 years
What type of au's will your moots fit in? And which nct member/s will be in that au??
okAY this took a very long time for me to plot out [this has been rotting away for DAYS and im sorry to the anon who sent it 😭]. but hey i hope you like this anon!! even tho it took a LONG time. it's only been three(?) days but still...
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let us start with my very smol friend, jen. she's very artistic and most of all really geeky. im a geek as well so seeing someone that can relate to the shit i deal with is really fucking relieving. the umbrella academy au hehe she was the first person i told about my plan of writing something like that and she wasted no time in hyping me up. hmm i'll pair her up with number 5!renjun KSKSKSKS he'd like teasing you a lot and the way you get frustrated whenever he randomly teleports himself around you omg- i'll set this au maybe before he travels forward. he'd teleport himself outside of the academy every night and meets up with you at the local park. *angst coming thru* he had a crush on you, and when he went forward you were all he thought about. he even named his mannequin wife after you 😭 it devasted him to know you died before he could even find his way back.
next up, the loml, my one and only, engel. she's very sweet and i'd honestly give the WORLD to her. i wanna shower her with kithes everyday and give her the love she deserves (camille stop). anyways for au,,,,, an fbi agent au!!!!! we talk about the fbi looking through our phones a lot so 👀 for pairing hmm i think agent!jaemin will do the trick. engel deserves a LOT of love that i think only jaemin can give hehe also can u imagine working with jaemin and it's just him persistently flirting. whEW. this would be a slowburn type of fic with you not wanting to be easily swayed by his words. the two of you would laugh about the messages (ex. cringy flirting) of the people/phone numbers assigned to you and just have a blast ya know. this would be very cracky i can tell.
niKIIIIIIIIII, my crACK queen!! first off, she's very outspoken and i LOVE that about her. also very very supportive and shit and uwu i wanna hug her :< for her im thinking of a very cracky office au. like the chaos she exudes is enough to make any scenario cracky and im all here for it. she'd go very well with boss!heachan. she'd be the one looking disappointedly at the camera, seconds after haechan says/does something stupid and vice versa. also the banter---just imagine. hOnestly id PAY to see that. someone hand me the popcorn.
kathy. my babie. my very lovely friend. he's the type of person you go to to have a good time becaUSE EVERY TIME I TALK TO HIM IS A GOOD TIME. i love u bub,, you never fail to amaze me. an au suited for him would be a kind of highschool/college roadtrip au??? he strikes me as someone very smart and outgoing (if im wrong im sorry sksks) and idk why but in this au im pairing u up with best friend!jungwoo sinces he's fucking cute and loveable and so are you 😡 i see this au going as a sort of friends to lovers au(??) where you go on this road trip with your best friend in order to scratch it off your bucket list before y'all separate before graduation only to fall in love with each other halfway hehe.
next is yAng, my vrO. hmmm she's interesting. i kid you not yang is a very interesting person. we haven't messaged each other a lot and i can't look back on our previous convos in my old blog ksksksk hmmmm i can def see a photographer au with her liKe haVE YOU SEEN HER PICTURES???? omg i'd make her take pics of me everYDAY. okok im gonna be cliche here and pair you up with model/frat boy!lucas hehe i was thinking of hendery but then thought fuCk it let's give her lucas. the story would go as you being the vv timid and smol photography major asking this enormous and loud attractive human to model for her final assignment in college. uGh what a sight. i STAN this ship. the only otp that matters 😔✊
next is my cool bby gabs. i miss u bb :( gabs is a sweetheart, honestly how can you NOT love her????????????? she's very nice hehe. anyways au. *clasps hands together* i think a very suitable one for her might be a gamer au? i can distinctly remember her telling me about playing games a lot whenever i ask her how her day went. i pretty much pair u with gamer!jeno hehe i feel like he'd also be into the cute games you play and would play it with u often just to see u smile. also my girl is trying to be healthy and fit,,, believe me jeno would be the PERFECT person to help u with that.
okAy luna-- one of my first friends here <3 luna is very good with words (haVE U SEEN HER FICS??) and is just a very amazing person in general. i can see her be part of an author au, luna being this bigshot best selling writer with best friend/author/proofreader!mark. our friendship was founded through proofreading so i thought why not? mark has great eye on things except fashion and would easily spot any mistake which helped you a lot with your novels. he's very very supportive so whenever u feel down or unmotivated he'll try to help in any way and not make you feel bad for taking a break. i can see him dedicating his first book for you and honestly that's fucking cute.
lastly, anie uwu. i just stalked one of your tags and i can def imagine u in an 80s au and add in a wild crime au just for the heck of it! anie is sooOo nice, we never talked much in my old blog and most of the asks i send you are just me telling you to sleep 😭 in this fic im pairing u up with store clerk!hendery. here we tell the story of your nightly visits to the store which piques the curiosity of the night shift employee. it was on one night, you visit the store as usual, when the two of you accidentally witness a murder being done by a very powerful mafia figure. soon you were thrusted in this dangerous world. the police can't help you two now and hendery is dead set on protecting you as he drives miles away to mexico where, hopefully, they can't find you. whEw this became intense sorry skskksks
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okay this was really fun hehe send more pls!
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dee-oc-zone · 3 years
Asthana Sibling Stuff :)
When Ibrahim comes down with Roman to see Levi and invite him to his wedding, he and Levi had to have a big chat about going back home, Levi is like 😬 bc he fought with parents so long ago and it seems a mess to just bring up so suddenly.
Ibra wants levi to be his best man but levi is sure that will cause a ruckus back at home, but ibra insists he won't let them give him trouble this is his wedding dammit! Groomzilla ibra using his powers for good :) (also roman will be ring bearer i think hehe)
So anyway they have their chat and Roman is just left with izzy and nate and lucky for awhile- roman hasn't had a lot of exposure to fun punky ppl b4 but he likes them a lot bc "they're weird- I like em". Used to alot of more pompous ppl it's a breath of fresh air! They have talks about maybe roman coming back to visit after the wedding once his school is on break and can have a fun summer time hanging with levi and pals- nice to see his brother when it's not sucha stressy time!
But when the asthanas (and nate as Levi's +1) leave for the UK there's a development in the mix n match household-- whoops surprise its baby nico!! Needless to say the house will be a bit busy for a good while so roman visit plans get pushed aside for a bit..
Fast forward 2-3 yrs or so nico is a toddler and everyone seems more settled and roman gets to visit for a good while!! Its nice and freeing not being 1. At school and 2. Under parents watchful eyes so he can let loose, having some fun making friends! And..learning gender?? 🤔 Tbh Roman struggling w identity is a long stretching thing and makes him v impatient to find out but big brother levi and friends will try to soothe his worries :,)) take ur time buddy! Of course roman wants to have a life changing summer like in the movies.. so that's pressure LMAO
Unforto there isn't a lot of kids Roman's age (15/16) but Drew's brother EZ is a few years older so they hang out a bit. EZ is a clueless str8 boy so he says some clumsy things but besides that they have fun!! Also Jax's lil bro Simon is 13, a lil younger but they get along :)
OK quick here's some shenanigans- EZ gets roman into wrestlemania type stuff and they want to act those out hdbdh dumb.. playing around on the trampoline wrassling and launching little roman so high up in the air!!! EZ brings out a folding chair to pretend smack roman but drew has doubts about that and confiscates that, whew!! Don't need to get that kid actually hurt hdndn.
They play some sports in the yard and have some confusion about American v uk Football... (imagine that meteor??? Meatier??? Video lmao) also roman is bad sport at video games. Roman wants to Win please 😔 gotta have him sit it out and sulk while true gamers EZ and Simon play ;,))
Also EZ and roman get v high one time-- roman was like ohya no worries I've done this b4-- but it rly hits him this time he gets very silly. (He absolutely Does one of those whoa that'd be So Crazy if I was a Girl righttt wow imagine... Very subtle.well it is subtle bc EZ doesn't pick up onit🤣) Of course roman isn't in trouble for getting high but gets a lil paranoid-- but it's ok bc ibra was hanging out with Nate and company at the time too and they got high as well. Ibras like ok ur gonna laugh-- 😆 but levi and roman are like???sir is this allowed ur the responsible one?? But they do all laff it off eventually and its all good :)
Also levi and Drew end up hanging out bc of their sibs being pals and thats a fun dynamic! Levi is usually v teasingly flirty with Drew but if they're hanging out at Drew's parents place with the siblings that's a big no-no... levi will behave himself i promise!! They get into an all out war with a garden hose one time, very fun :,)
Ok ok also Roman being here also presents the gang with practicing parenting things they can use for their kids down the line and it makes me emotional about it! Roman carefully asks the gang lil questions about identity and giving advice is really hard??? But they do it 😤
Levi has a hard time being a disciplinarian he just wants to be the Fun One but he gives Roman a talking to about the dangers of crushing on older straight boys... he knows he's gotta step up in that way!!! Sorry roman but No. Bad. :,))) Roman gets so embarrassed at Levi's sudden stern tone but hopefully Levi can smooth it out!!! A learning moment for both of them,, God knows that when nico is a teen he'll need to have that talk too ahhh... thank u Roman for giving Levi the chance to practice being dad figure :,)))
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mai-takeda · 4 years
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Thank you for ALLLLLL the tags! I’m still not caught up and I may not get them all but I will still try! I kinda let the que run things more than not lately thanks to our umm change in life. You ever try to host a dance party for elementary kids over Zoom? Yeah...whew! Sooooo I’m back to keeping my eye on things which means you all have one job. KEEP SHINING! 
Me? I’m pooped after going through all those notifications!
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But I will be back! Same Mai time! Same Mai channel! Same, err, is there more to the saying? I suddenly can’t remember. My age is catching up with me! Hehe thank you again everyone who took even one single second to think of me and tag me on something! You ALL rock! Each and every one of you make this place a gamer’s home so shine on my lovelies! Shine on!
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rookieskrp · 4 years
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We’re back again with another update announcement, and hopefully you’ll be as excited about it as we are. This is Carly coming to you with the second of my final two projects that I wanted to get done before leaving my position as a mod, though it’s overwhelmingly been a group effort.
There have been a lot of idol shop changes, including new additions and new requirements, some higher than before and some less. Gamers out there, think of this as a balance update. Let’s get into everything below the cut, because it’ll be quite long. If the idol shop doesn’t interest you, please take a peek at this anyway and scroll down to the bottom, because there’s something important at the end.
Let’s go through our changes by category to try and make things easier.
this is a new category!
your idol may co-host an awards show
your idol may present an award at an awards show
check out the idol shop page for the requirements for these
added wait times to drama purchases. secondary roles now have a wait time of three months, while lead roles have a six month wait time
drama ost recording wait time reduced from six months to three months
added wait times to web drama purchases. secondary roles now have a wait time of two months, while lead roles have a wait time of three months
web drama ost recording wait time reduced from four months to two months
minor roles now have a wait time of five months
lead roles are now limited to two films per year
starring roles are now limited to two films per year
lead and starring roles now require group exp (25 and 50 respectively)
collaboration with a senior artist on album songs and special music stage with rk idols purchases have been removed for the time being in favor of being assigned by mods instead
collaboration with a professional dance studio group ex requirement reduced to 75
added a requirement of 100 creativity for the choreography for a senior artist or rk idol group purchase. buyers will now officially discuss which choreography they’d like to work on with a mod.
Oh neptune, this got a whole overhaul. So far in Rookies, having creativity points hasn’t really served a purpose, so we wanted to fix that. Creativity is still the skill that’ll help you the least, but if your character wants to travel down this path, we hope it’ll be a fun one. Here’s hoping I can properly explain what we’ve done:
songwriting is now separated into four tiers
tier one: co-writing lyrics or co-producing songs
tier two: co-writing or co-producing songs with another rk idol
tier three: writing lyrics to a song by yourself
tier four: writing or co-producing multiple songs for your group’s album
Lyrics and composing/producing are now two separate purchases for our muses that only focus on composing or only focus on lyric writing. For those that do both, however, you can make a lyric writing and a producing purchase at the same time for the same song if you’d like. This applies for all tiers. Since songwriting and producing/composing are actually different things, we wanted to be sure to differentiate between these since our songwriting purchases didn’t before.
Let’s do a quick crash course on requirements too, though all of this is written on the idol shop page now!
tier one: 25 debut points each, appropriate intermediate achievement, 100 creativity, 25 group exp
tier two: 25 debut points each, appropriate advanced achievement, 150 creativity, 25 group exp
tier three: 40 debut points, advanced lyric writing, 200 creativity, 45 group exp
tier four purchase a (lyrics): 50 debut points, lyric writing (rapmaking/songwriting) master, 300 creativity, 100 group exp
tier four purchase b (producing): 40 debut points, composing/producing master, 250 creativity, 100 group exp
tier four purchases get you two songs on your group’s album, and there’s no wait time, so they stack. this means if you’re willing to shell out the debut points you can get more than two songs on a single album. 
Hopefully this makes sense. If you have any questions on the songwriting portion of the shop in particular, feel free to shoot them to me (Carly) or Kyle.
idols can now be a fixed member of a variety show for a whole season! 
SOCIAL MEDIA (this is a new category, notice?)
groups can now purchase videos to upload onto the company youtube channel for free. you’re limited to how many videos you can upload per month based on the amount of members in your group. check the requirements out on the idol shop page!
your idol can open an official personal youtube account that’ll be promoted by the company
as such, you can purchase a monthly video for this channel for 15 debut points if you’d like
your idol can open an official personal soundcloud account that’ll be promoted by the company
your idol can release a soundcloud song for 15 debut points every five months. check the requirements for this on the idol shop page too!
v-live videos are now a free purchase! it doesn’t require a purchase form and won’t be scheduled by the mods, but you do need to send a message to the idol shop before writing about it so we know what’s going down.
APPEARANCES (another new category!)
your idol can throw the first pitch at a baseball game
your idol can also go to fashion shows; there’s even a purchase to be a model now
your idol can also go to brand events
there’s now a birthday mini-fanmeeting purchase; this is only five debut points and can only be bought once a year (for a birthday)
you can also have solo fanmeetings
If you’ve made any purchases where the requirements changed, but haven’t received your purchases in canon yet, please speak to a mod and we can work out what to do.
Whew, I think that’s it! We know this is a lot, so take some time to process it. Hopefully once you do, you’ll have a lot of fun with it. If you have any questions on this, please contact Carly or Ume!
Now this brings us to that important part at the end that I mentioned. Yes, this is the final project I wanted to finish up before leaving which means...there’s nothing left for me to do before I step down as a mod. That being said, I’m still going to stick around for another month to tie up any loose ends with the other mods and to answer any final questions of Mod Carly you might have. I’ll be taking my leave on April 2nd, which is a Thursday, so you don’t think I’m kidding when I make my final announcement on April Fools HAHA.
One of those loose ends I’ll be here to tie up is finding a new mod to help the others when I’m gone! We need some time after cranking all of this out to discuss what exactly we need from a new mod, but once we do, we’ll put up those applications and let you take it away.
That’s all from this behemoth of an announcement! We hope you enjoy all of the new updates.
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Can you show me in a condom how much you can cum? I would like to take one home to lay on.
Hmm, usually I’d sell this stuff by the ounce buuuuuuuuuut I think I can make an exception for a fan! One second, I gotta find my condoms, I’m used to using living condoms if you know what I mean.
D.va went and pulled out a alarmingly large condom and began to slowly slip it on her cock. The monstrous size of the condom looked far too big for anyone to put on comfortably but as D.va was sliding it on her semi-hard cock it was clear it would be somewhat small compared to the gamer girl’s cock. It only made it up halfway up her dick before it got too hard for her to move anymore. She sighed before she began to rub one out, her cock starting to thicken, veins swelling up and down her shaft, bulging and throbbing. Her dick was easily thicker than any part of her body, her fat balls hanging low between her legs as pre began to shoot into the condom, stretching out to the size of a beach ball. She started to gasp, moan, biting her lip as she felt her cock throb more and more, getting closer and closer to orgasm. Eventually she let out a high pitched squeal, releasing a load of cum that nearly shot the condom right off her cock. It began to swell with shot after shot, going from beach ball sized to yoga ball, then chair sized, and so on. It was now resting on the floor as she kept shooting thick loads of hot girl cum into the struggling condom until she finished up. By now it was large enough to fill a couch and tall enough to tower over Zarya. With a wet *schlorp!* she pulled her cock out of it and looked at her work.
Heh, whew. Hope that works for you. Sorry it wasn’t bigger, I did cum around 30 minutes ago so I was still recharging.
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pandemicthestory · 4 years
5: distanced
The next step is to find an in, and then an out. 
The morning news briefing on TV:
Kelly Sanchez, lead anchorwoman, stares gravely into the camera. It will be another day of news that no one wants to hear. 
“Good morning, Chicago. We’re here with your daily update of the coronavirus. Schools across the country have been canceled due to a significant shortage of public funding. These are funds that are currently being allocated to bail out the tanking airline industry. The President says that allowing the top corporations to suffer will result in a greater hole for the economy. We hope he’s right.
Meanwhile, bars, restaurants and shopping centers that have been re-opened early to boost the economy have not seen the dramatic rise in business that was expected. Perhaps people are too afraid to go out to dinner amongst the public, or perhaps they simply can’t afford it due to a loss of work. One thing we do know is that the most detrimental effect of these early openings is causing a further spread. As people in certain states that have not seriously social-distanced begin to cross state lines…”
Emma’s mom and dad are sitting on the couch, waiting for Kelly to tell them that things are going to get at least slightly better. But she doesn’t. It’s getting impossible to convince themselves that this will all be over soon--that everything will return to normal. It’s becoming likely that the new “normal,” if it ever comes, will be something that no one has ever seen. 
Emma’s alarm wakes her up at 8:30 AM. She facepalms herself upon remembering that school doesn’t exist anymore and therefore alarms are canceled. Dammit. 
But then, she remembers that Universe is currently downloading to her external hard drive. The excitement of this sends a shock through her system and wakes up every cell in her body. It’s that “Christmas morning” excitement, which is marginally more enjoyable than that “about to run away with a possibly bad dude” excitement. That kind is good too, just, different. She runs over to her computer. 
Shit. The size of this application is no joke. Seemingly she’ll have to wait until tonight to begin her exploration. To find Mason. 
Emma remembers the talk they had last night, and reflects on his support of her relationships with her friends. She realizes that she didn’t know many people with that quality, guys especially...it seems like they always demand her full attention and become frustrated if asked to share. Especially one guy. Well anyway, Mason. Intriguing.
Emma heads downstairs to make herself a bowl of cereal. Oh wait, there’s no milk. And no cereal either? These days, groceries are scarce and pickings are slim. Ah well, might have to be plain oatmeal. Serious orphanage vibes--which is somewhat fitting since her parents wish they could leave her at one. 
Ugh. Every time you eat oatmeal, you forget how horrible oatmeal is. Isabel sits across the table from her, scrolling through her phone with intent and drinking black coffee. Emma smirks. 
“Aren’t you kinda young to be drinking coffee? Plus what do you have to energize for, your job at the office?”
Isabel pays no attention to her. 
“Hello? Okay what is up with you.”
Isabel looks up from her phone, a faraway look in her eyes. 
“Do you have a headset?” she asks. 
“Um, what do you mean? Like headphones? What are you talking about?”
Isabel looks down again. 
“No, like a viewing headset. Like an Oculus or a Vive. Aren’t you like, a tech nerd? You don’t do anything with VR?”
Odd request. Emma isn’t much of a gamer anymore, she used to play Dota and Warcraft, but that was before she decided to cut back to become more social. Spend time with her friends. Date an asshole. Whatever. But in all her experience with gaming, she had never gotten into VR. She never saw the point...either play games or experience the real world. What was the point in trying to achieve both at the same time?
“No I don’t. And you know those are expensive as hell, right?” 
Isabel looks nervous. 
“I know. Which is why...um, I was wondering, can I borrow some money?” 
Emma bursts out laughing. 
“No Iz, you can’t borrow 800 dollars to buy a VR headset. Hey are you aware that we’re going through a global pandemic and the world may or may not be ending? I think food and toilet paper are better investments than virtual tennis, or whatever.” 
Isabel just shakes her head. What is with this girl? She’s normally the queen of smartassery--loves to spar with Emma and argue about literally everything. She’s usually so ready for a fight, but now she feels surrendered. It’s weird how you can be trapped in such close quarters with a person and still feel like they’re on a different planet. 
Emma and Isabel are two years apart. Up until Emma was 6 and Isabel was 4, they were best friends. They shared everything. Isabel didn’t want to play with a toy unless Emma played with it with her. She wouldn’t wear clothing unless it was Emma’s hand-me-down. They shared a bedroom, the walls covered with monarch butterflies. Their mom went for a theme, tacky lamp shades and all, lord knows she tried her best. Often, they would stay awake late into the night, vividly describing the dream that the other sister would have. They thought if they focused hard enough, they could carry those dreams with them into sleep. 
But as they got older, things changed. The tacky butterflies were no longer endearing. Emma moved into a room that was being used as her dad’s office. She got a Nintendo DS for Christmas. And she started locking her door. 
Isabel was left to wonder where her role model went. But after Emma made it clear that her hobbies were no longer to be shared, Isabel hardened herself to the rejection. She promised herself to become her own person in any way that she could, to never be dependent on Emma to define her personality. 
In fifth grade, Isabel met Anush. They met because they were both teacher helpers in art class, and it was their responsibility to help set up the room before class and clean it up afterwards. They were both very outgoing, emotional, and honest. Isabel always told Anush exactly what she was thinking, and vice versa. The two girls were popular among their classmates, but the good kind of popular. They were kind, and they included the other girls who wanted to be like them.
So really, it makes no sense that Isabel is being the way that she is. She’s confident, vocal, and annoyingly optimistic. On a normal day. So what’s wrong?
“Emma, someone just dropped a package off for you.” 
Their mom called from the other room. Isabel leaves the table, stressed and defeated. Emma continues to chip away at the bowl of grey sludge in front of her. It’s crazy that there are still people out there delivering the mail--how long until that stops too? 
Good morning, group chat. 
OLIVIA: GG morning check-in: I want to talk about what the hell Serena sees in Dan 
MADISON: or what dan sees in serena?? Come on he’s like an intellectual and she’s a superficial barbie princess 
ZOE: Mad you know that is MISOGYNISTIC and that you’re letting the fact that she wears expensive dresses and has blonde hair cloud your judgement!! 
MADISON: oh shut up it’s early 
OLIVIA: Remember when you were begging not to watch the show??
MADISON: quarantine does weird shit to people ok
Emma enters the chat. 
EMMA: Ok but without Serena, don’t you think Blair is so much more lame? Like it’s the best friend combo that makes the show imo
ZOE: There she is!!!
MADISON: goooood morning to our very own barbie princess! 
OLIVIA: Why are any of us even awake? SCHOOL’S OVERRR. Should we like, do something?
EMMA: Like what? Sit on our asses and text each other from afar?
MADISON: sounds chill 
Emma laughs to herself. Damn. She’s going to miss them. 
Maybe there’s a way for her to tell...part of the truth? Leave the part about Julian out? Kind of a big part... Say she’s coming back? Make up a concrete opportunity? There has to be some sort of acceptable explanation...there just has to be. And even if she can’t come up with one...there are other things she wants to tell them about. Another boy. 
EMMA: Hey do you guys wanna do a zoom chat in a few min? Just kinda feel like talking more than texting rn 
MADISON: do u mind if i go back to bed and pass on that? I love u girl but i’m tired af  
ZOE: aaand same here, but it’s only because i’m supposed to do this thing…
OLIVIA: so call Gabriel?
ZOE: Wellllll...I don’t wanna lie to y’all.
Ha. Emma knows the feeling. 
EMMA: you out too Liv?
OLIVIA: I am innnnn give me a call when you’re ready 
MADISON: kiss kiss kiss
ZOE: kiiiiissssss
EMMA: bye losers 
Well, maybe telling one person is a good place to start. Liv is super understanding...she’ll be able to think of a good way to break the news to Mad and Zoe. Emma runs up to her room and closes the door. She flops down on her unmade bed, and facetimes Olivia. 
“Hey Liv”
Lingering silence. Emma just kind of stares at the wall. Olivia breaks the silence.
“Sooo what did you wanna talk about?”
Emma doesn’t know if she can do it. Ok, form words. Try. 
“I wanna tell you something, that’s kind of a long story. And it’s connected to other stories. And basically I’ve just gone too long without talking about any of it and now there’s like this big clusterfuck of details that I need you to know but can’t figure out where to start.” 
Whew. Even the vaguest of outbursts feels cathartic. Olivia doesn’t seem to be freaked out yet.
“Emma, I’m pretty sure I know you better than anyone. And you can trust me.” 
“I know you say that now but...I don’t know if, after I say what I, well I don’t know if you’re gonna trust me. I haven’t said everything that I need to say to you. Or Zo and Mad.” 
“Ok, so, here’s your chance. I’m listening.” 
Emma takes a deep breath. Where to start?
*knock knock* 
The knocks are soft. Unlike her mom’s, whose are very prison guard-esque, and actually who is more likely to not knock at all. Emma calls out. 
Isabel’s voice comes from the other side of the door.
“I gotta tell you something.” Her voice is uncharacteristically soft.
“I’m on the phone with Liv right now, can it wait?”
Emma hears the creaking of Isabel’s footsteps down the wooden hallway, and then her beddoor shutting. Click, it locks. 
Emma turns back to the phone. 
“That was Iz, she’s been acting like a freak.” 
“What’s going on with her?”
“No idea. I feel like 14 is a weird age, plus like, she’s REALLY social and into school and shit. This quarantine is probably forcing an inversion of her personality.”
Olivia nods with sympathy. “God, that’s rough.” 
“Yeah...I feel kinda bad I guess. We just don’t really have anything to talk about.” 
“Oh come on, you’re sisters. Talk about how controlling your mom is.” 
Emma laughs. She flips onto her back and stretches her legs against the wall. Oh, physical exertion of any kind feels so unnatural. 
“Well Liv...we do have one thing in common. Which is...one of the things I haven’t told you.” 
Emma fights a smile. 
“So I saw Isabel playing this weird computer game, I mean I don’t even know if it was a game or like what the hell it was, but now, I’m downloading it…”
“Uh, ok?? Why?”
“This is going to sound insane, but hear me out…”
“I got this...message...online. From someone who I’ve never met. A guy, I think, and his name is Mason.”
“Hahah well it’s not like that, I mean I have no fucking idea WHAT it’s like, because it’s very weird, and um, he’s the reason I’m downloading this game. The one that Iz is playing. Cuz he told me to.”
“That...is really fucking weird.” 
“I know.” 
“You don’t even know how badly I wish I was coming over right now to go all detective on his ass right now with you…”
Emma laughs. “I know you would be. It’s so weird being here alone.”
“You’re not alone Em!!! I’m here. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but I’ll ALWAYS be here for you. That’s corny as hell but hey it’s true.” 
“Hah, yeah...same. I’m here.” 
How can Emma keep this incredibly annoying feeling of guilt suppressed? It’s kind of ruining the buzz of anything else. But it will be ok. Olivia will understand... 
Emma has come to expect that any message received to her ghostwriter account will be from Mason. She jumps up from her bed, still on the call with Olivia. Emma starts to get excited. 
“So this is crazy but he just messaged me, ahhhhhh…”
“Eeee tell me what he said!!”
Sure enough, the message is from Mason.
MASON: hi! did you get it yet?
Emma reads the message aloud to Olivia, who is equally confused.
“What is he talking about?
“I have no idea…”
Emma starts typing a response. 
EMMA: Good morning! Get what..?
MASON: a package!
Emma looks confused. Was it...Mason who sent the package? What the hell? How does he know where she lives?? Well at this point she’s not surprised. 
“Liv, I gotta call you back!” 
“Ok you BETTER tell me what the hell this package situation is because congratulations this is now the most interesting thing happening in my life!!!” 
Emma ends the call and runs downstairs. Her parents haven’t moved from the couch, still watching coverage of the virus’s destruction on TV.
“Hey Mom where’s that package??”
“Iz said she’d bring it up to you.”
“What? Can you not give her my mail?”
Emma’s mom turns to face her. “Attitude. Chill.” 
Emma rolls her eyes and runs upstairs. She knocks on Isabel’s door. Well, bangs, really. 
“Hi ready to talk now. What’s up??” 
No response. As Emma presses her ear against the door, she can’t hear anything. She jiggles the handle, it won’t open. 
“This is really weird. Hello.”
“Fine, we don’t have to talk. But I need my package. Now.” 
Emma grabs the little key from behind the thermostat in the hallway. Isabel will just have to forgive her for this. Emma inserts the key into the lock and…
The lock clicks, the handle turns, and the door opens. 
Emma enters the room, ready for Isabel to yell at her. 
First Emma sees the packaging. The medium-sized cardboard box on the ground, the bubble wrap, the plastic…it had clearly been torn off in a hurry...
Isabel is sitting at her computer, her back turned toward Emma.
Emma runs over and jerks the swivel chair to face her, and Isabel slouches over. She’s wearing a virtual reality headset. 
The one that was sent to Emma in that package.
Isabel’s ears are covered with oversized headphones, but even without them, she wouldn’t be able to hear Emma anyway. Her body is limp. Non-responsive. 
Emma starts panicking and checks Isabel’s pulse--steady. Her breathing, normal. What is happening here? What is going on??
Then Emma sees the computer screen. 
The map. That fucking map. 
She turns back to Isabel. She thinks of Mason. She realizes.
The right question is not “What”, but “Where.”
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