#Yogurt Soot
alltheghosties · 2 years
dsmp kids!! <3
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(rbs help a ton but no pressure /gen)
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mimiri22-6 · 2 years
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The Soot Family
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delicehm · 8 months
An idea struck me and... Is this something?
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Philze didn't fit any of these categories so let's just say he's the one who know how get rid of toxic pain reactions and got rid himself and helps others
Btw for Yogurt and Michael it's headcanons, obviously
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comp3titions · 7 months
Fundy Duo Competition bracket for round one, may best dynamic win
Propaganda is encouraged and will be rebloged, but keep it calm
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Poll 1
Wilbur&Fundy VS Tommy&Fundy
Poll 2
Philza&Fundy VS Ranboo&Fundy
Poll 3
Niki&Fundy VS Quackity&Fundy
Poll 4
Eret&Fundy VS Jshlatt&Fundy
Poll 5
Dream&Fundy VS Punz&Fundy
Poll 6
Tubbo&Fundy VS Sapnap&Fundy
Poll 7
Cp.Puffy&Fundy VS Ghostbur&Fundy
Poll 8
Tallulah&Fundy VS Yogurt&Fundy
I hope everyone's favorite duo is mentioned I had only 16 positions(I had to cut one with 5up 😔)
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unhonest-iago · 7 months
Or my fist will put you out
(The Bursona in this is Revivedbur but will still refer to him as Wilbur)
Fundy woke up for the 5th time in the last hour to his adopted kid Yogurt screaming. Having gone through the last 10 days on little to no sleep, he really wanted to punch the kid. Wasn’t the kid, Fundy just didn’t know what to do. He racked his brain, trying to think of who could help him. Phil? No, the bird brain would help but not without relentless mockery. Dad? No, that bridge was burned when he ‘supported’ Schlatt, even if he was acting as a spy. But that was Wilbur before he died. Surely this revived version would view him as his son, wouldn’t he?
A rather loud cry brought Fundy from his second guessing. All he knew was that he and Yogurt both needed sleep. Grabbing a pair of slippers and coat, he picked Yogurt up, dressing him in clothes warm enough for the weather outside. Walking to Revivedbur’s house in the woods, Fundy knocked on the door with Yogurt propped up on his hip. Wilbur quickly opened the door, eyebrow raised. ‘Son?’
‘What’s up Wannabe Apollo?’ Panicking when he saw his dad’s door start closing, planted his foot so the door would shut on it. ‘Dad, I need your help.’ Wilbur noticing the bags under his son’s eyes & the clothed lump on his hip, opened the door. Walking over to the fire, Wilbur added more kindling. ‘So who’s this little guy?’ offering to take Yogurt from Fundy. ‘Yogurt, I found him outside Las Nevadas, I couldn’t leave him there.’
‘So now you have a champion of your own?’
Nodding, Fundy tugged on his hair, ‘Thing is, I can’t get him to sleep and I didn’t know if I could come here or—‘
‘Look at me, it’s alright. Plus this time, I can be of use. Now, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. Sit down.’ Returning Yogurt to Fundy, noticing the young snow fox was already sleeping from Wilbur’s humming. An old song that he would hum to Fundy, I Wanna Be In The Cavalry. One that his uncles would join in singing late at night when things were still peaceful.
Returning back w/ a little cup of what looked to be milk. Sheepishly, ‘I didn’t have any sippy cups…it’s angels milk.’ Fundy quickly helped, sitting Yogurt up to feed him. ‘It’s fine, what’s angel’s milk?’
‘Just steamed milk, little bit of vanilla and sugar. Works like a charm apparently. Phil taught me and now me to you.’ Wilbur’s humming along with Fundy burping Yogurt quickly put the snow fox to sleep. The two caught up, not bringing up any touchy subjects, both genuinely wanting to patch up their relationship.
Wilbur looking over to the duo, smiled when he heard Fundy’s snores. His chest rising and falling, Yogurt laying on top, burrowing his head into Fundy’s scruff. Getting up to head to bed himself, pulled a patchwork quilt over the two, kissing Fundy’s forehead. ‘I love you, my little champion.’
‘I know right now you can’t do much, but take care of my boy Yogurt, as he does you.’
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wiiwarechronicles · 2 years
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rat-rosemary · 3 months
A song that is passed down father to son like a circle of abuse
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sammypog · 2 years
okay. in the 2+ years i have been in the dream smp fandom, i have never been able to get over the absolute mess that is c!wilbur’s family. i need to write it down. so it all starts with philza minecraft, who is a bird hybrid and also immortal. he marries a samsung smart refrigerator who is also the goddess of death. they are happy. phil gives birth to wilbur soot, whom we can assume is a bird/human/fridge hybrid. wilbur soot grows up and marries a salmon named sally. he then gives birth to fundy. later, wilbur and sally get divorced. fundy is a trans man and either a furry or an actual fox. later, he adopts a pet arctic fox named yogurt. at some point, tubbo underscore joins the family (either adopted or birthed by philza minecraft). he is best friends with tommyinnit, who is possibly a raccoon hybrid. tubbo underscore marries an enderman hybrid named ranboo beloved, and they adopt a zombie piglin child named michael underscore beloved. meanwhile, wilbur soot has been killed by his own father after blowing up his own country. he has gone to a train station in limbo, and his ghost haunts the real world. the ghost has amnesia and is allergic to water. eventually, dream (who married fundy and had an unknown child with him at some point) resurrects wilbur, who then starts an intense love-hate relationship with another bird hybrid named quackity.
cc!wilbur has confirmed that c!wilbur’s mother was an actual refrigerator, and his wife was an actual salmon, dismissing theories that they are shapeshifters. i don’t know how this much chaos can fit into a single family i am still glipknorped by it to this day
edit: also according to recent lore, c!wilbur was born and raised in utah?? and worked at a gas station?? where did this come from i want to study cc!wilbur’s brain under a microscope
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honeyblockm · 2 years
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Hey there @apatura-iris-atelier! Your prompt was a typical day at Las Nevadas so I thought I tried going about it in the format of hourly comics. I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun with this! :) @lasnevadas-giftexchange
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I think C!Fundy would be a very good, “A little depressed, but he’s got his kid,” single dad. Just get up because your kid has the energy you don’t and you sit and watch A Dog’s Life.
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smalliishbeanss · 2 years
He stops in front of Joel's home, all of his bravado leaving him as he peers through the broken door. He lets out a soft yip.
Joel walks out of his kitchen, noticing Yogurt. He approached the broken door, now leaning against the door frame.
"Hello? Can I help you?
He tilted his head to the side, an expression of amusement on his face.
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inbetweenhours · 2 years
kept thinking about my fic “A Ship Could Never Love An Anchor” and how the title phrase applies nearly every dynamic within the Soot family in it.
Sally and Wilbur both feel as if they are the anchor to the others ship, keeping them from being truly happy. Sally knows she is not built for a life of domesticity and stasis and feels awful for this need because she knows the idea of a happy family, being attentive parents with stability is something Wilbur values very much. She feels as if she is the anchoring Wilbur from his happy domestic romance he wants so badly by virtue of being his wife and being unable to be happy with that. 
For all the same reasons Sally feels that Fundy is a lot like Wilbur, he needs stability and domesticity that Wilbur wants for him. Sally loves Fundy but feelings as if she is anchoring him by not being able to wholly be the parent he needs, not being the careful attentive parent Wilbur is because she is naturally adventurous.
Equally Wilbur feels guilty for keeping Sally in one place so long. He has a deep rooted need for the idea of a home, a place to stay and be, and he feels as if he is anchoring Sally with this need because it keeps her from her instinctive wanderlust.
All the same, Wilbur incidentally imparts these feelings to Fundy when Sally leaves. He doesn’t understand his mothers need for adventure and through attempts to explain ends up feeling much like Wilbur does, as if he is anchoring his mother  when she wants to be wandering, sailing. Hell, she doesn’t even want to be a fox anymore! She is a shapeshifter who has always preferred her aquatic salmon form! She took on the form of a fox hybrid when she ran away with Wilbur to be less cumbersome when so far from the water. She kept this form throughout Fundy’s childhood and its why he has taken after her as a fox, its why he doesn't know how to change his shape like she does. She kept that from to raise him, but it is not who she wants to be.
Later, Wilbur and Fundy may represent the term to one another. Wilbur anchors Fundy from growing up, exploring his individuality. Forever seeing Fundy as his baby boy, his little champion. A child who he must care for an hover over. He doesn't give Fundy the room to grow and in doing so pushes him away.
None of these intentions are inherently wrong, they all just had different needs that didn’t line up. Sally and Wilbur were young. They ran away together with a whirlwind romance. They love each other, they are best friends. But Sally has a natural wanderlust and lively youth to her that makes her incapable of being happy in the domestic stasis and familiarity that Wilbur craves. Wilbur ran away from home, feeling neglected and at odd with his fathers own constant adventuring. He wants for a home, and he wants that for his son, to the lengths of building it with his own two hands. Fundy wants a place to call home, to belong, but he just as well needed room to grow and be his own person and Wilbur's hovering and babying stopped him from doing that without drastic measures.
This is all to say the soot family lives rent free in my head constantly that family tree is so fucking interesting to me
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jhbase01mcytedition · 2 years
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delicehm · 11 months
I keep thinking about the idea I have
Yogurt is bored at limbo
Kristin tells him stories from the living world
One day
Kristin: What else happened there? Oh! Wilbur got a daughter! Wait, I shouldn't have said that...
Fundy: ... Grandma, I crave violance.
Yogurt, tail wigging: I have an aunt? I HAVE AN AUNT?? I HAVE AN A U N T?
And then they made her break the rule about reviving and got send to the living world(one of living worlds. The one, Wilbur ended up after Incident. Qsmp.)
Yogurt is one of the Eggs now, even tho he's not an egg
Yogurt is literally twice as old as all other kids, but Limbo does not allow someone to mature, so he's as young as was before dying
Fundy asks kids to play somewhere else and after they do he shouts at Wilbur that tries to apologize(again)
Yogurt learns fighting from Chayanne, music from Tallulah and tells them tales of deads he met
Kids are happy, adults not so much
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comp3titions · 7 months
Fundy Duo Competition bracket for round two
Propaganda is encouraged and will be rebloged, but keep it calm
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Pole 1
Philza&Fundy VS Ranboo&Fundy VS Wilbur&Fundy
Pole 2
Niki&Fundy VS Eret&Fundy
Pole 3
Dream&Fundy VS Tubbo&Fundy
Pole 4
Ghostbur&Fundy VS Yogurt&Fundy
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chaolie · 2 years
Fundy Week, Day 1 - Family
Alright so!! This year for @fundyfiles' Fundy Week I decided to do something different than usual! That's why instead of 8 one-shots, you'll be getting an 8-chapter fic! Every chapter will have two "parts", the first one being a memory from Fundy's childhood and the second one being him using that memory to be a good parent for Yogurt. If you're still confused, feel free to check the summary and notes I posted on my Ao3 for this!
[Next chapter]
Words: 1.2k
Characters: Fundy, Wilbur, Phil, Techno, Yogurt
Summary: Fundy gets told what family is. Not for the first time and not for the last time, but it makes the concept just a little bit simpler to understand. Fundy does his best to explain what family is to his son. He tries to do so in a way that won't lead to him changing the definition later, and he successfully gets his point across.
After finding a comfortable position to sit in while hiding between his bed and a wall, Fundy finally went still. He could hear the strangers talking with his dad in the hallway and he was certain his name was mentioned at least three times, so he was not planning to leave his spot anytime soon. He was not going to meet any strangers today, he refused- The door to his room gently opened, and his father’s footsteps entered. Maybe Fundy would’ve peeked out to look at him, but the strangers followed him inside.
“Fundy?” Wilbur called out before stopping. “...Oh no. I swear he’s here somewhere, just… Fundy? Come on, come out!”
Fundy stayed in his spot, though. He was NOT going to come out until the two strangers left his house, he refused. Besides, his little corner was very comfortable! It was warm, it made him feel secure, and he was sure that if he searched hard enough, he’d probably find some long-lost toy- Suddenly, the corner grew dark. Confused, the fox kit looked up and saw a big, tall pig… man… person? A stranger standing by his bed and blocking the lamp’s light. Even worse, looking at him. Before Fundy could decide how to react, the stranger looked in his father’s direction.
“Uh… Wilbur? I think I found him,” he said, sparing another glance in Fundy’s direction.
“Is he in there?” Wilbur asked, and he appeared at the stranger’s side. As soon as he spotted Fundy, he walked closer to the bed and knelt down. “Fundy? What’s wrong?”
Sitting as far from his father as possible, Fundy pointed at the stranger behind Wilbur. His father turned his head to check what his son was showing him, fell silent, and then looked back at the kit while shaking his head.
“Oh, no, don’t be scared! It’s okay, you can come out, it’s safe. They’re friendly!” he assured. “He… doesn’t do well with strangers,” he told his guests while he waited for Fundy to leave his hiding spot.
Despite his hesitation, the fox kit slowly summoned up the courage to get up and carefully leave his safe corner. His father kept encouraging him to do so while he took a few steps back to stop blocking his way, which was just enough to convince Fundy to actually come out. Once he was in the open, he looked around his room and found one more stranger standing there. That one possibly seemed even more intimidating than the pig person, with the giant wings making his frame much bigger and scarier.
“Hello,” the big angel-man greeted him, taking a small step towards him and waving to him. “You’re Fundy, right?”
Fundy did the only reasonable thing he could've possibly done when faced with such a situation.
He growled.
“No, no, Fundy, no,” Wilbur hushed him, gently picking him up. Somehow, being taller made the fox kit less scared of the two strangers. “It’s okay, see? They’re not that scary.”
Fundy decided to get a better look at the strangers while his father was still holding him and sure enough, they appeared less intimidating now. The pig-man suddenly looked quite collected and polite, and the winged man appeared much more friendly and kind… not to mention, he somewhat resembled Fundy’s dad, which immediately put the fox kit at ease. Wilbur seemed to pick up on that.
“Do you feel better now?” he asked, and Fundy nodded. His father smiled. “There we go.”
“Sorry for scaring you,” the winged man said once he was certain the fox kit was calmed down. Unsure how else to respond to that, Fundy let out a cheerful yip.
“Isn’t he cute?” Wilbur beamed instantly, rocking the fox kit in his arms. It didn’t take him long to collect himself again, though. “And Fundy, I promise you don’t have to be scared of them. They’re family!” he assured, but that statement did nothing but confuse his son. 
Family? No, that couldn’t be the right word! He shook his head. Now it was Wilbur’s turn to be confused.
“...No? What do you mean?” he questioned, and Fundy pointed at a drawing hanging over his bed. A simple pencil drawing of the two of them and Sally in it. “...Ohh! Oh, that’s… Fundy, family isn’t just you, me, and your mum,” he explained. “This is your grandpa because he’s my dad, and this is your…” he paused for a moment, eyeing the pig-man. “...Uncle? Do you want to be his uncle, Techno?”
While his dad and the pig-man started a discussion about which title would fit him best, Fundy fell silent and did his best to remember. So the family was him, his parents, and his parents’ parents… that wasn’t too hard to understand, he decided. When his father and… uncle? When they finally reached an agreement and Wilbur told him again that the two strangers were family, Fundy just nodded in response. It made sense, he supposed.
“Oh, what is this?” Fundy asked, crouching down to see the drawing Yogurt was holding. “Is that… us?” he asked, and a smile appeared on his face.
Yogurt nodded excitedly as a response.
“Oh wow, good job!” he praised him. “Do you want me to put it up somewhere nice? I think a… family portrait would fit right by that chest over there,” he suggested. Yogurt looked up at him with confusion on his face. “...Portrait? That’s like… a drawing of someone, but better,” he explained, but the confusion didn’t disappear. “...Oh, wait. Family?”
Yogurt nodded. Oh, Fundy thought. So he didn’t know what family was. He let out a quiet sigh before picking Yogurt up and carrying him over to his bed to sit down. He placed the fox kit on his lap and wondered for a second, how should he explain what family was? It was a simple task, he convinced himself. It didn’t even have to be perfect, it just had to get a simple point across - they were a family.
“So, family is…” he started, but he had to pause.
Was it a simple task? Certainly not for his parents when he was a kid, they must’ve simplified the concept just a tiny bit too much. At first, it was supposedly just him and his parents, then suddenly it was also his parents’ parents and a few more people… and it took him and his father moving to L’Manburg for him to learn that family could be so much more than that. He shouldn’t oversimplify family, he realized, it was far too important for that. He took a deep breath.
“...Family is people you’re really close to. They care about you, and you care about them… They’re important to you. Sometimes it changes and someone leaves or someone joins your family… but I think that’s a good thing, okay?” he explained while Yogurt looked up at him in wonder. “So do you think we’re a family? Because I do.”
When his son nodded to confirm and turned around to give his dad the biggest hug his tiny hands could offer, Fundy felt relieved. He gently hugged Yogurt back and thought, this went okay. And he got the most important point across. They were a family, and he couldn't possibly describe how glad it made him feel to finally say that. He hoped this one would last forever.
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