#after hours of sculpting fur
miniaturebattlecats · 9 months
Blender exploded my Yellowfang so that wip is no longer relevant and I take back the compliments I just gave the program
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weremonsterteeth · 6 months
Orc Wife dicking you into oblivion before a battle.
She fucks into you with quick, sharp snaps of her hips that earn little high-pitched moans from you with every thrust. Your head is thrown back on a pile of cushions, hands clutching at fine fur pelts now soaked through from hours of taking your wife’s cock.
It’s all part of an Orcish tradition. Following through is imperative as it’s meant to provide warriors with the strength to fight and return home safely by “borrowing” it from their mate.
At first, you had been unsure about the effectiveness of the exchange. But now, as you're laid out flat and spent while your beloved pummels into your entrance with seemingly endless vigor, you begin to think there could be something to it.
You lift your shaking legs to encircle your wife’s waist as she punishes your dripping hole. She loves watching her cock disappear inside of you, but she looks up when she feels your thighs weakly squeeze around her.
“Oh, my sweet mate,” she coos, gentle fingers coming up to brush back the stray hairs sweat has slicked to your face. Her pace becomes languid as she buries herself completely within you and remains there, grinding slow circles into you. “You’ve done so well.”
You lock your legs around her and you press yourself down on her cock, groaning at how its thickness stretches you even this long into your love-making.
“Please don’t stop.” You look up at your wife with pleading eyes, rocking your hips on her length roughly in an attempt to spur her on. “I want you to keep going. Keep taking it from me.”
Her hands suddenly grasp your hips hard, a growl escaping the back of her throat as her claws dig at your skin. The pace is still slow as she guides your harsh movements to hit spots inside you only she knows.
“Oh gods,” you moan out, eyes shut tight. “Please, my love.” Your begging is whiny and breathless as she works you over her dick. “Just take everything. Take it so you can come back to me.”
Her motions falter as she processes your words. She lets out a small snort of amusement before relaxing her hold on you, hands trailing up your body and caressing your features until two broad arms come to rest at either side of your head, caging you in under her larger frame.
"Worried for me? How precious.” Her lips yield tender kisses to your shoulder, making out a path across your chest.
“When I return,” she says, “I’ll shower you with tokens of my victory and carry you off here to my chambers.” Sharp teeth playfully nip at the skin of your neck. Her mouth begins sucking her marks into you, tongue swiping out to massage each deliciously sore bit of flesh.
“And then I’m keeping you here,” she chuckles against your skin. Her head pulls back momentarily as she takes you in, her perfect little mate bruised and panting beneath her. She smiles down at you warmly before lowering her face to yours again, lovingly grazing a tusk over your cheek in a deeply intimate gesture. “You won’t be allowed to leave under any circumstances.”
Her chest settles against yours, trapping you between soft furs and the warmth of your lover. You whimper lowly at the contact, bracing your palms against her sculpted shoulders as you try to rut yourself up against her solid form.
It’s far too much. You’ve already been overstimulated to tears several times over. All the sensations surrounding you, your wife’s wonderful promises, her closeness, her heat, her touch, her smell. Fucked out as you are, you’re still so needy for her. She seems to register just how much as you writhe pathetically - adorably - under her.
“Gods. You’re all for me.” She traces her tusk up your jawline and halts her motions with her lips hovering right next to your ear. “After this battle, my cock is going to fucking live inside of you.”
A hand grips each of your thighs and your legs are hefted over your wife’s shoulders as she folds you into a mating press. She slides her cock all the way out of you, teasing the tip at your opening before slamming back in and setting a brutal rhythm.
You scream out in shock and pleasure, throwing both arms around her neck. She has you so worked up and oversensitive that you’re cumming hard around her on the second thrust, wetness leaking over you both. You cling to your wife desperately as she rams into you with a new intensity. You asked her to take everything, which means she’s not stopping until you’re lying limp against the bed.
Yes. There definitely is something to this tradition.
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whiskehorange · 1 year
How the Slashers Would Treat Your Stuffed Animals
literally pissing and crying writing this right neow.
Also, Happy New Years Loves! I wish everyone and myself a better 2023, I couldn't ask for better supporters ♥♥
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Stabs them repeatedly when youre not home until theyre nothing but a shredded mess like an untrained dog and when you confront him he denies it like you've accused him of murder.
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Kisses each one on the forehead goodnight like he's going to be deployed in the morning. Comes home the next day with glass display cases for you to put your favorites/ most valuable in. Even buys them personalized stickers and trinkets to but in and on their box like he's assigned them their own personalities.
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Punches each and every one of them in the face as hard as he can like they all own him a grand each right in front of you, laughing until he violently shit himself while you scream at him to leave them alone.
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Gives each one their own day to help/follow him around the farm (carrying them around in one arm or aggressively stuffing them down his pants when he needs to use both hands) while actively getting them dirty with blood, dirt, and shit or tearing them in the process of being so unintentionally violent.
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Gives them dirty looks when they touch his stuff but actively grows very fond of them and shares all of the family drama and tea with them when they are alone. The dirty looks shift to you when you walk in on a heated tea spill session.
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Steals them from you.
Humps them.
Cries and denies taking them if you find them before he's able to "sneakily" put them back where he got them.
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Refuses to acknowledge them and absolutely refuses to touch them, but buys you more and more whenever he's out by himself. When you leave the room he apologizes for ignoring them all day and adds the new friend to your collection. Has to turn them away when the two of you do the dirty.
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Gives them all government first, middle, and last names and doesn't forget them either. Also constantly buy you new ones whenever he sees them and issues them names, social security numbers, and jobs before he even gives them to you. Makes them beef with each other.
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Dresses up and has tea parties with them. When your not home. Writes and prints hand made name tags, name plates, bibs, and beautifully crafted invitations with their own messages for all of them. Spends hours making real treats for said parties.
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Quietly passive aggressively threatens each of them that if hey even think about getting closer to you that he'll destuff them and use their skin as pillow covers, and will do so in front of the others. Insists that he loves them when you ask, shooting them dirty looks after you've turned around.
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Crop-dusts them if you keep them waist level and will even grab them and purposely rip the fattest, wettest, most gut wrenching, stomach rumbling, room clearing, radioactive, leg lifting fart you've ever heard right in their face and throw it at you, flipping you off as he walks away.
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Makes them all their own little wax sculpture the same color as their fur and keeps them on a shelf above where you keep yours. Still doesn't have the heart to tell you that he stole one from you once to sculpt and accidentally dropped it in a vat of wax and had to dump the whole basin because it was ruined. Claims you must have just misplaced it.
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Makes you homemade, roadkill fur stuffed abominations that smell like the wettest of shit and will set them right next to yours on your bed/shelf. Can never remember the names of your stuffed ones and called them something not even close to what they are, thinking he's 100% right. Pets them unconsciously if he's standing next to them and just mindlessly talking.
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
You hated your job. Working in the SPA of a 5-star hotel was not as luxurious as people made it out to be. The therapist got tipped while you needed to do the infusions, clean around the mess the guests left, deal with touchy customers, and worst of all, tell guests all over again that they can't fuck in the sauna, pool, or whatever. Well, at least you got paid 1pound above the minimum wage.
So you spent another day standing at the front desk of the SPA and trying to look useful. Nothing ordinary happened until a handsome Adonis walked into the spa. Fuck, he came up the elevator wearing only a towel around his hips, not hiding his perfect sculpted abs; he looked like an Adonis; his biceps was probably bigger than your head; and you looked up to see his beautiful face. His face had some badass scars, wrinkles, and the most gorgeous set of eyes you ever saw in your life.
"Good morning, sir. How can I help you today?" you said, trying to hide your enormous blush from him. You were used to naked people in front of you, but this man was different; he made your legs press together behind the corner, like a horney slut.
"Awright bonny, a'm 'ere fur th' sauna cuid ye shaw me th' wey" You hated yourself for not understanding him, but his voice was already the cause of your wet dreams for the next few months.
"I'm not called Bonny" was the only response you could gather to say and point to your nametag.
He chuckled, "Sorry, lass, I'm used to people understanding my accent. Could you show me the way to the sauna, please?"
"Of course, sir, please follow me." You walked out behind your reception, guiding him the way through the almost empty SPA.
"No need to call me, sir; I'm not much older than you," he said, throwing you a cheeky smile.
"We're here" He went into the sauna and thanked you. And you hated yourself for not being able to flirt with this man. This was a one-time chance to meet a man who was able to be on the new season of the bachelor of your county, and you failed.
After a few hours, you prepared an infusion smelling like amber and peppermint, so you went to the sauna. To your disappointment, your new customer crush wasn't there. You started with your usual show, throwing towels around and then leaving the sauna. Leaning against a wall, panting after being in the 90-degree sauna.
And there it was again, a man approaching you without a towel wrapped around his hips as if it weren't common courtesy to hide your own, oh god, erect cock. You tried your hardest to look into his eyes, but that ugly dick of his was like a car accident earthquake and a fire at the same time.
"If it's too hot for you, I wouldn't mind seeing you less clothed; you must be sweating in this tight and long uniform," he said, tucking your hair behind your ears.
You were more than disgusted by this behavior, but it was nothing new for you. "Sir, I feel uncomfortable with this situation."
"Come on, little bird, you girls take these things so seriously. I was just flirting a bit."
"And I want you to stop flirting," you said, sounding confident and not showing an ounce of your fear. You knew there wasn't much staff around anymore.
"Come on, Birdy, I paid so much for my stay; there should be something in it for me." He started to put his hand on your hips, pulling you closer to him. You were so ready to fight him off, but before your knee could make contact with his crotch, the Adonis men was behind you, towering over you.
"She said no, you better leave now or I'll help you leave bastard." You fell behind in his massive frame after the man pulled away from your hip.
"Sorry, mate," he said, walking out of the spa to his hotel room with a hint of embarrassment. Asshole was afraid of Adonis.
You turned around to face him, blushing at how close you were. "Thank you, sir."
"No problem, lass, call me Johnny, not this Sir nonsense," he smirked at you, and you felt like you melted on the ground immediately.
"Okay, thank you, Johnny. You can have a drink on the house; just grab something from the bar." This would be the least you could do.
"When urr ye off, a'm waantin' tae keep edgy fur ye nae that that bastard comes back." You felt the butterflies in your stomach when he said he wanted to protect you.
"Johnny I'm a big girl; you don't need to ruin your vacation by looking out for a stranger."
"Beautiful stranger." You blushed at his compliment and thanked him. You worked for the next three hours and then started to clean everything so you could close. When you locked the door, only you and Johnny were there. You approached him, but he still sat in the sauna. His marvelous body was glistering with sweat, just like his weird but funny hair. You noticed how he sat there with his legs wide open without a towel, so you had a perfect view of his manhood.
"Aye, sorry, I didn't notice ye" he said, hiding his manhood from you.
"Don't worry, I see them every day."
"Och, ye dinnae ken how tae flatter a lad," he said, acting fake hurt, which gifted him a slight chuckle from you. "Ye kin at least admit a'm a het lad."
"You're a hot lad, Johnny. Happy?" Your eyes wandered down his abs.
"Take a picture; it lasts longer."
"Uhm, sorry, I just think you're very handsome. I like your biceps."
"Do you want to touch it, hen?"
You nodded, slightly embarrassed; this is still your workplace after all.
Johnny's breath hitched slightly as you touched him, his muscles tensing. "Feel that, sweetheart? That's pure Scottish strength. It's also quite sensitive... If you know how to handle it properly."
"You work out a lot?" You asked already knowing the answer.
Smirking, Johnny leaned in close, whispering in your ear. His stubbles touched your neck as he did this.
"Aye, lassie. I work out every chance I get. And believe me, it's more than just to maintain my looks." Soap grinned, flexing his bicep slightly for you. "Feel that again, lass. You can't deny the pure muscle you're touching. And don't even get me started on these abs. I've been told they're quite impressive." He was pretty arrogant, but you couldn't deny that he was allowed to be arrogant after looking like this.
"They are. I'm sorry I'm acting unprofessional." You remembered your minimum wage job.
Johnny chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Oh, don't apologize, hen. Unprofessional behavior can be quite endearing. Besides, I'm not one to judge." He leaned in close, his voice barely above a whisper.
As your gaze dropped lower to his prominent V line and his thick happy trail, Soap caught the subtle hint of curiosity in your eyes. Leaning back slightly, he ran his free hand teasingly over his toned abs before continuing. "You seem quite interested in this area, don't ya?"
You blushed immediately. "I'm so sorry."
Johnny chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Sorry for what? For being a horny wee lassie? There's nothing wrong with that." He reached down, his fingers tracing the outline of his hardened member through his towel. "See this?"
"Oh, Johnny," it was thicker than anything you had in your life and will have.
With a devilish grin, Soap pressed his thick shaft against your stomach, causing you to gasp. "Want a taste?" he asked softly.
"I work in this Spa and you are a customer Johnny I can't just blow you in the Sauna"
Johnny chuckled again, pulling his cock back from you. "Didn't say you had to blow me?" he replied with a wink. "Though I wouldn't mind that." You couldn't stop laughing at his comment.
Soap smirked at your laughter, taking it as a good sign. "Listen, hen," he started, his voice now low and rough with desire. "I've had my fair share of women throwing themselves at me, but you're not throwing yourself at me. You subtle, I like that, and I never had sex in a sauna, and you're one hell of a looker, the most beautiful girl I've seen in ages."
"I never had sex in a sauna too."
"So" He unwrapped the towel around his waist, making sure you got a good look at his hard cock pointing at you. "How about we fuck in the sauna?"
"That's pretty forward, Johnny."
He chuckled warmly at your comment. "Aye, lass, I'm forward when I want something," he replied confidently, taking a step closer to you. "And I really want this."
As you watched in anticipation, Soap slowly unbuttoned your uniform, revealing more of your delectable body with each button that flew open. His eyes roamed hungrily over your curves, taking in every detail. "Yer sae bonny"
Once your pants were off, Soap gently pushed you onto the bench in the sauna, his eyes locked onto your clothed sex. He took one of his thick fingers and started to circle your clit with it. You couldn't help but moan; he was doing it better than any man before. He didn't treat you like a scratcher; he knew what he did, which made you feel insecure. Of course, men like him would have more experience than you do.
"You look and sound like an angel; can I—my little man can't wait any longer?" You laughed at his words and just nodded.
He positioned himself between your legs, rubbing the head of his cock against your entrance before slowly pushing inside.
"God, that's fast." You whined as he split you in half with his thick cock.
Johnny grunted in pleasure as he felt you tighten around him. "Fuck, lass," he groaned, starting to thrust slowly inside of you. His hands found their way to your tits, squeezing them roughly as he took his time fucking you.
Johnny picked up the pace, slamming his hips against yours as he fucked you hard in the sauna. The sound of your flesh slapping together filled the small room, echoing off the walls.
His cock throbbed inside of you, reaching deeper with each thrust. Your body glistened with sweat in the hot sauna. Johnny growled low in his throat, his face contorting with pleasure as he continued to pound into you. Sweat dripped from his body onto yours.
"Fuck, you're so tight." You scratched his back, gripping hard on his biceps. You needed to hold back and not cum too fast so you couldn't embarrass yourself in front of him.
Johnny hissed in pleasure at the scratches down his back, leaning into the bite and scratch marks on his neck as he felt you grip his biceps. His hips picked up speed, slamming harder into you as he reached around to pinch and twist your nipples.
Feeling you close to orgasm, Johnny moved a hand between your legs, rubbing your clit firmly as he continued to pound into you. His fingers circled your swollen bud, teasing it until you cried out incoherently. "Johnny"
Johnny groaned, feeling himself getting closer as well. He picked up the pace even more, slamming into you harder as he leaned forward to capture one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking and biting gently.
He growled low in his throat as you wrapped your legs around him, taking him deeper inside of you. He moaned into your skin, his teeth grazing lightly as he nipped at your other nipple. "Fuck," he panted, "I'm going to cum."
"Mhm, you can cum inside; I'm on the pill." It was foolish of you to let a stranger cum inside of you, but you were too fucked out to properly think.
Hearing your enthusiastic agreement, Johnny let out a groan of relief as he felt his climax building. With one last hard thrust, he erupted inside of you, his cock pulsing as he shot his hot cum deep inside your wet cunt.
Johnny panted, his heart racing, as he leaned down to kiss your full lips. "That," he whispered against your lips, "was fucking incredible." He pulled out of you slowly, his still-hard cock slipping out of your pussy with a wet pop.
"I usually don't do things like this with strangers, I swear." This was your first nightstand and even in your workplace. What must he think of you?
"Well, I'm glad you made an exception for me." Johnny grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. He reached down to stroke his cock a few times, getting it slick with his own precum before pressing the head against your entrance again. "Ready for round two?" This man must be joking, right?
"Another one?"
"You bet your sweet ass I am," Johnny growled, pushing his thick cock back inside of you in one swift motion. He slid in completely this time, his hips meeting yours as he began to thrust into you again, harder and faster than before.
You needed to regain power so you wouldn't come immediately "Mhm, fuck, let me be on top."
"You got it," Johnny grunted, pulling out of you so that you could mount him. He helped guide your hips as you positioned yourself on top of him, his hands sliding down to grab your ass and pull you closer.
You bounced on his dick with so much passion and enthusiasm as he had never seen in a woman; you were so eager to please him and so eager to sleep with him. You weren't like this usual starfish woman; you were perfect.
Johnny moaned, loving the feeling of your wet pussy slamming against his cock as you rode him with all your might. His hands gripped your hips tightly, guiding your movements as he watched you in awe. "Fuck me, woman. "Yeah, I'm definitely feeling that." Johnny groaned out, his body arching off the ground as you continued to ride him. He reached up to grab one of your tits, squeezing it gently before rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
"A Boob Guy, huh?"
"Well, I'm a man," Johnny chuckled, running his free hand down your back to your ass before squeezing it. "And I definitely appreciate a nice pair of tits." He nipped at your earlobe before biting gently, making you moan loudly. With every movement of your hips, his veiny cock hit your Gspot perfectly, making you whine and moan in pleasure.
"Johnny, I'm close."
He growled, "Come for me then, lass." He held onto your hips, his cock throbbing inside you as he felt you getting closer. Just as you started to tense up, he thrust up into you hard, feeling your pussy clenching around him, milking him as you came undone.
He continued to thrust into you until he couldn't hold back any longer, his cock erupting inside of you with his hot and sticky cum.
Johnny leaned his forehead against yours, his breathing ragged as he held you close. "One hell of a fuck, wasn't it?" he asked with a smirk.
"Yes," you stated monotonously. You screwed up your chance of dating this guy by simply fucking him the first time you saw him.
Johnny chuckled softly before kissing your neck, nibbling gently. "Now then, what's got you all wound up?" He asked curiously, running his hands down your back and ass.
"Was this a one-night thing, or could I get your number? Oh god, it's embarrassing. I never had sex with a random man, and now I'm asking for your number. I'm stupid." You started to ramble while looking into his beautiful eyes.
Johnny smiled at you, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "A one-night thing? Hardly." He said it teasingly, tracing a finger down your cheek. "I'm not the kind of man who gives up so easily once he has a taste."
"So, how about we exchange numbers?" Johnny suggested with a grin. "I mean, unless you're afraid, I might call you at all hours of the night."
"I'll give you my number."
He raised an eyebrow in surprise but quickly took out his phone to enter your number. "Alright then, pretty girl." He said, pressing the buttons on his phone. "You've got mine too. Don't forget it." He gave you some sloppy kisses and helped you put on your clothes again.
Before he left, you screamed to him. "Call me."
"I will," he assured you with a wink, and he left the spa on his way to his hotel room.
A moment later, your phone rang, and you answered. "Hello?"
"I promised to call you, Mo leannan
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 7 months
shes wearing jeans and a tank top. theres blood on the carpet. she says so, you want to be a werewolf? you say yeah. she says just so you know your claws and teeth wont be any sharper than a humans. im not allowed to give anyone any weapons. condition of my parole. you say thats fine, not ideal but fine. the two of you start talking details between sips of your coffee. when shes asking you about fur color she pulls out a swatch like they have at paint shops. all the fur on it feels real. it also feels warm. and the swatch itself is soft and yielding underneath the fur.
zero, two, or eight boobs? zero you say, but eight nipples underneath the fur. she says that works, do you want the knot? you say yeah. she asks how long you want it to last after cumming and you say half an hour. she says you know that means you and your partner pretty much wont be able to move thst whole time right. you say yeah. she shakes her head and says your funeral.
shes finished her coffee and started smoking. you say arent you worried about your lungs? she laughs. she says nah my Amy will fix me up if i get cancer. she says any other requests? you say just so we're clear, i want this to be actual lycanthropy. she says huh? you say you want to actually transform on the full moon. she considers that a second. she says hm i think i can do that. the transformations will probably hurt like a bitch though. you say you dont mind. she says she needs you to sign a waiver for this one. you say okay. she says give me like fifteen minutes to write one.
get the fuck out of here she says. she says who the hell gave you my address? she says fuck off before i show you what im really capable of. you say whats the problem? she says i dont DO cape work. she says im full rogue these days. she says i only take clients who arent parahumans just to be sure im not complicit in anything. you say youll go. she says go faster or she'll get your body to show you what a teratoma is.
you start describing your fungus colony idea but shes already shaking her head. she says sorry. says she would if she could but shes not allowed to do anything that can propagate itself. she says her parole agreement says she can only give reproductive organs if the resulting offspring would be baseline human. you say thats stupid. she says she doesnt disagree. how do they even determine baseline human you ask? she says shes pretty sure they use dna testing if theres any doubt. you say damnit. she says i can still make you a mushroom person i just cant let you be sporing. you sigh and say okay.
shes more animated than youve ever seen her before. youve been here a few times, requesting monsters be made for your haunted house. shes tried directing you to a colleague of hers, the Goblin King or something like that? you always tell her that her creations have a certain je ne sais quoi. she always giggles at that.
this time you came to ask her for a skeleton. the idea excites her. shes pacing around. a skeleton, a skeleton. you say shouldnt this one be easy? she says you still want it fully autonomous right? you say yeah. she says right so i have to give it muscles and nerves but i cant make them too obvious. and the bones, where is she gonna get the bones? you say you just want a human skeleton, whats the issue with the bones? she says that is the issue. says shes not allowed to use human remains anymore. she'll have to get some sort of animal bone and sculpt it. she says maybe Amy can help with getting them to look right. but that still doesnt solve how to make it walk...
you say sorry, what do i owe you for this commission? she waves you off. she says this ones interesting enough that she wont charge. she pulls out a set of colorful glitter markers and starts doing anatomical sketches on the back of an old pizza box. she says you can go now. she says ill call you when you can pick it up.
six fingers she says. you say yeah. and thats all she says? you say yeah. she says sure no problem but like, why? you say so earth aleph has this tv show called Gravity Falls
she says im so so sorry. she says i wish i could help but this isnt my field. you say its ok, but you cant hide your tears. she says no, no, dont cry! she hugs you. she smells like sweat and smoke and blood. its still a good hug. she says i dont know many mechanicsl tinkers, but ill call the ones i do know, ask around. she says we'll find somebody who can help give you a working electrical outlet pussy, i promise. you say thank you. youre still crying. shes so sweet.
ok, she says, so i can do that with some caveats. you say shoot. she says im allowed to give out wings but not allowed to give anybody the ability to fly. you say why?? she says it counts as giving out parahuman abilties and thats against my parole. you say thats so stupid and she nods. she says do you still want the wings? some of the angelkin ive done this to say they actually feel WORSE having the wings but not being able to get off the ground with them. you say thats ok. you say youre not angelkin, you just want them for kink reasons. she says ohhhhh. she says so how sensitive do you want them
she says i can do that but have you REALLY thought about it? youll be totally dependent on a third party. like what if your partner breaks up with you and you can't find someone else who "gets it"? you say im willing to take that risk. she says ok. she says so let me make sure ive got this right, you want detachable skin that laces up in the back and has to be washed out every night?
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blae-kitta · 2 months
Zoro 🐯 Process:
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Commentary below:
One of the first attempts at sculpting the boy; the head was later altered quite a bit and the legs entirely scrapped, and the torso bulked up shaking my shoulders feverishly: we need to properly represent his 110 cm bust and what we have isn't cutting it. Scabbards were made (which survived till the end!) and the original clay swords were made by this point.
New torso and legs give (hallelujah), as well as the loops and holes for the ears (such finicky small work, fuck me) were made. Holes were first made with straight wire and dried before the hoops were gently (and with swearing) inserted through.
Clothes added, also with swearing as the clay dried and stiffened faster then I wanted to and made it hard to get nice folds. Scarf was re-made and smoothed later.
Scabbards added! Immediately drops it and breaks a piece of it off. I've glued multiple bits of the scabbards back on the flimsy bastards. He remained armless for a good while. A Venus on the shelf by my desk...
Because the clay sword (after a good hour of tender focused work) would IMMEDIATELY would break upon the lightest touch, annoying me to no end, one evening was like God I wish I had actual metal to use instead wouldn't that be cool, and then was like OH! I COULD DO THAT! So the metal is actually cut from the tin of a cat food can, straightened and sanded., as seen in photo!
The blades hilted, before placed in capable hands
ARMS! and the sculpting is finished. Onto painting!
First layers of paint on various parts; I generally paint via colours I'm using at the moment (ie, greens in this instance)
More layers laid down. I generally go for shading in rules of three (main colour, lighter, and darker hues) and apply them at different opacity of acrylic. Adjusted the green since I found it too pungent. Once the fur tones were finished I gave him his stripes (cue me searching up loads of photos of tigers and tiger fursonas to see how people have done the stripes. Did you know depending on the area they are from they have different face shapes and stripe patterns? Fascinating stuff)
Finished project! Last layers, and highlights where added, adjusted the eye and fuck-ups re-adjusted. Dropped and had to reglue things. The gold is actual gold leaf I applied using a glue you paint on but that was a bit of a whole mess and took a long time, and doesn't go on very flat on very not-flat surfaces... (Who would have thought...) In the future may instead use gold paints for metallics.
Here's also the link to the post of more photos of him finished!
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the-shy-artisan · 9 months
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After months of work, Proto-Beastos is finally complete!
I've been attempting baby sized Beastos plushies for a couple years now... but it never once occurred to me to use the original plush's pattern scaled down.
This guy is entirely hand-sewn, made of shaved faux fur and minky fabric. He's stuffed with a mixture of polyfil and weights filled with plastic pellets and small glass beads. He has shiny plastic gold eyes with a touch of copic marker under them to give him eyebags, and his face has been thread sculpted with an embroidered nose and mouth (hard to see 'cause of the fur, but it's there I swear!). Proto-Beastos sits at about 10.5" tall, is around 19" long, and has a wingspan of 15". Each Beastos (including this one) will a heart inside of them that looks like this.
I do have plans on making more to sell in the future, more information under the cut:
Each Beastos has an adoption fee of $85 USD. I take payments via Paypal (to be shared later).
Because I do my sewing by hand and I have a job where the hours fluctuate without warning, it will take some time for me to sew these guys up. Remember: I am a person, not a machine. Please be patient with me as I make your Beastos.
Also due to my hand sewing, no two Beastos will be alike, there will be some slight differences. I will match them as closely to the prototype as best as I can.
These guys come from a smoke free, pet friendly home.
I will try to give daily updates on my progress here or Discord! (DM me for my username). I will post when I am about to begin my work. There are no guarantee due dates.
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the-stardust-artist · 3 months
I’ve started to replay MM so I’m going to drop my headcannons for the group. No spoilers if anyone still cares? Hope you enjoy, ILY <3
Yoosung Kim General Headcannons
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*He has freckles!! All over his body but most noticeable on his face.
*He doesn’t keep up with his bleaching. His roots will show for at least a month before he gets his hair redone.
*He also doesn’t shower daily it’s more of as needed bc he thinks he doesn’t really do anything to need one daily.
*He has a bare minimum skin care routine that consists of a generic cleanser and sunscreen.
*After long sessions of LOLOL he will wash his face to refresh himself, even if he’s late.
*He likes his science class bc he thinks it’s interesting but hate any math class bc that is bullshit.
*However regardless of the class he usually daydreams or sleeps through them.
*He goes to the library to study but just sleeps there for hours. He has been locked in over night on multiple occasions.
*He will cook meals at 3 am bc take out is no longer an option. His favorite thing to cook is soups.
*He will also skip meals bc he’s too busy but will HYDRATE. He has a big ass water bottle with LOLOL stickers he takes everywhere.
*Number 1 Artist supporter. He has massive respect for anyone who can draw/paint/sculpt traditionally or digitally.
*Has commissioned a few artist to draw his avatar and has purchased many stickers from small artist.
*His handwriting is decent and readable. Nothing special but he does dot his “i”s with stars.
*He worked as a barista but it didn’t last very long.
*He doesn’t like bitter coffee and is a frappe enjoyer. He swapped to energy drinks after that one incident.
*His favorite is brand RedBull but is partial to Venom or specifically the strawberry monster.
*He will treat himself to a frappe once every blue moon but will be nervous about it still.
*He’s a sucker for Christmas. The décor, the films, the music!
*And he’s the BEST gift giver. Will go all out on wrapping and outs so much thought into them.
*He likes to foster pets from shelters bc he thinks he doesn’t have enough time for a pet of his own.
*Doesn’t like reptiles and prefers pets with furs or feathers. As long as it isn’t scaled it’s okay. This includes fish bc he thinks they are boring.
*He does have a preference for bunnies though.
*His love language is gift giving but likes to receive words of affirmation.
*He really likes alternative music bc it hyped him up when playing LOLOL. Preferably rock or punk but not screamo or emo.
*He’s cis and bi, pronouns he/they, romantically leaning lady.
*Understands the basic lgbtq+ terms and such but will get confused. However he will try his best.
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direwombat · 1 year
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happy wip wednesday y'all
tagged by: @trench-rot, @socially-awkward-skeleton
tagging: @adelaidedrubman, @detectivelokis, @sstewyhosseini, @baldurrs, @strafethesesinners, @strangefable, @fourlittleseedlings, @purplehairsecretlair, @schoute, @gaeadene, @g0dspeeed, @sukoshimikan, @poetikat, @wrathfulrook, @josephslittledeputy, @madparadoxum, @euryalex, @clonesupport, @ivymarquis, @voidika, @nightwingshero, @aceghosts, @deputyash, @jacobsneed, @jacobseed , @confidentandgood, @inafieldofdaisies, @vampireninjabunnies-blog , and anyone else who has something to share today! (But as always no pressure <3)
have i finished drafting chapters one and interlude i of kneeling at the crossroads? no. is that stopping me from working on chapter two? also no. so have the intro to that :)
Hope County MT. September 13, 2018. Lamb of God Church. 9:14 a.m.
Were Father Brian not already dead, Sybille would ask if it were poetry or sacrilege that happened at the Lamb of God church. She doesn’t know him well, never spoke to him much — Irish priests are a little too ascetic for her taste — but she knows that no one deserves this.
She stares up at his corpse, nailed to and sharing the same cross as his Lord and Savior. Church makes crucifixion seem so much more beautiful than it actually is. The artists paint and sculpt Jesus with such exquisite ecstasy in his agony. But the stories she grew up hearing never talked about the immediate aftermath of his expiration.
Surely, Jesus didn’t reek of death while Virgin Mary held him as she wept. Surely, his body never bloated the way Father Brian’s has — feet swollen and gut distending as it fills with gas.
“Shit,” she breathes, and she pats Boomer’s head when he lets out a sad whimper.
There’s a thudding on the roof as Grace Armstrong leaves her nest in the belfry. Dust shakes loose from the rafters, raining down, tickling her nose and causing Boomer to errupt into a series of full body sneezes.
“Okay, okay,” she says with a small huff of laughter. She gives him another pat and gently nudges him to turn around and head back outside. “C’mon boy, let’s go.” They pass back through the entryway of the church, its doors partially blown off their hinges and riddled with bullet holes.
The air outside isn’t much more pleasant. Fresh though it may be, it’s still heavy with the coppery tang of freshly spilled blood. Bodies of Joseph’s followers are scattered across the ground, a few slumping over the headstones.
The Lamb of God has been led to slaughter, and all that remains is death and decay.
Sybille takes a seat on the concrete steps and breathes a heavy sigh. It’s not even noon and she’s already lost count of how many people she’s killed. Her fingers twitch, reaching into her breast pocket out of habit. They brush against the soft flannel, noting the distinct lack of cigarettes, before she remembers that she lost her current pack after Dutch fished her from the Henbane.
A shame. It was a fresh pack, too.
Boomer sits beside her, leaning his rump heavily against her hip. His tongue lolls from his mouth, breath coming out in hot, wet pants. Her nose crinkles at the smell; dog breath briefly overpowers the stench of dead bodies.
She ruffles the fur atop his head, causing his ears to flop. His eyes squint shut and his tail swishes against the concrete, whacking lightly against her each time it arcs her way. That panting smile of his widens.
It’s difficult to believe that it’s barely been an hour since she freed him from that cage, only to find his Mama — Rae Rae — shot dead and lying in a pool of her own blood.
So much blood.
On the ground. In the air. The county is hemorrhaging, and she has no tourniquet, no gauze, nothing to staunch the flow other than her own goddamn hands.
And she’d been so certain that moving to Hope County was her opportunity to finally wash them clean.
A shadow falls over her, accompanied by a clipped, “Hey.” Sybille looks up to find Grace standing before her, one hand on her hip while the other shoulders her rifle. “Where’d you serve?”
She huffs a small laugh. Soldiers. They’re all the same, herself included — she’d been wanting to ask her the same question. “Afghanistan,” she answers, rising to her feet. She shoulders her own assault rifle. “Eleven years. Discharged a few months ago.”
“No shit,” Grace says. The corner of her lips quirk up. “Must’ve missed each other.”
“Army’s big,” Sybille shrugs.
Grace snorts. “Ain’t that the truth.” She holds out her hand. “Name’s Grace”
Sybille takes it, giving her a firm handshake, one that’s returned just as firmly. “Armstrong — I know. Seen you on the billboards. I’m Deputy La Roux. Sybille.”
A wry smile stretches across Grace’s face and she nods slowly. “Ah,” she says. “So, you’re the one the Peggies’ve been scramblin’ to find.”
“Guilty,” Sybille says sheepishly.
“Well, if you’re on Joseph Seed’s shitlist, you’re fine by me. Thanks for the help, by the way. Ain’t no way I could’ve held them off on my own. I owe you.”
“Just doin’ my job,” Sybille shrugs. “Protect ‘n serve ‘n shit.”
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bonecarve · 4 months
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the blade slips. it lands precisely where it means to. it carves a line, gaping eye to twisting tail, and the bone becomes a wolf. he keeps his eyes closed, feeling with marrow-slick fingers what truths cannot be seen. hours pass, or maybe more. the carver lays down the knife. he lays down the bone. today they shall sit together, and the wolf will tell him the story of its life.  tomorrow it will join the pile. months from the day, something shifts around him. the carver raises his head and sniffs the air. a storm on the horizon: earth mother’s breath catching in dark and tangled fur. gathering, releasing, then descending: the wolf has died, the wind weeps. the carver smiles queerly, tracing a familiar line through the sand –– gaping eye to twisting tail. yes, he says. but was it not a beautifully crafted death?
the carver is formless –– that is to say, he appears differently to every person. whosoever looks upon the carver will see something different, conjured into being by their own mind. his form is determined by the perceiver’s memories, fears, and desires, as well as their past, present, and future. as the bone carver possesses the ability of divination, he is able to assume forms that may seem unknown or unfamiliar to the perceiver in the present, but which the perceiver will come to know in the future. his appearance is essentially a projection of the onlooker’s subconscious. the carver is able to choose what part of the mind he manifests, and he is aware of the importance of that form to its onlooker. he can assume any gender, identity, or expression thereof; while he refers to himself with he/him pronouns, he will respond to any.
NAME. none. he lost his name when he gave up his physical form. KNOWN AS. the bone carver. SPECIES. death god. old god. STATUS. reanimated. original body destroyed by the cauldron.  AGE. immortal. well over a century old during the events of acotar. FAMILY. stryga, the weaver ( twin sister ), koschei, the deathless ( older brother )
the bone carver has forgotten his own form. his abilities also apply to himself; no regular mirror is capable of revealing his nature beneath the glamours, or perhaps he has no true nature after centuries of changing forms. this underpins his motivation to acquire the ouroboros mirror. after divining his own death in the near future, he wishes to see himself for what he truly is, one last time –– and not what his mind has conjured into being. not what his body has deemed to be the closest approximation of what he once was.
TRAITS. cunning, curious, rational, mischievous, sly, wise. MENTAL. after centuries in near-isolation, the carver displays some eccentricities akin to madness. MBTI. ISTJ, the logistician. MORAL ALIGNMENT. true neutral. 
the bone carver possesses near omnipotent knowledge; however, he will not part with it easily. for every question he is asked, he demands one truth in return. he may also be plied with gifts –– particularly bone offerings. however, he trades primarily in knowledge. an eye for an eye, a truth for a truth. an endless game of knowing and being known.
DIVINATION OF THE FUTURE. the carver is able to foresee death. he knows how every living creature will die, and he records these deaths by sculpting and engraving them into bone. the carvings –– the revelations of mortal fate that look like the fancies of a madman –– are discernible only to him.
DIVINATION OF THE PRESENT. the carver is omni-aware of what is happening in the world. his manner of present-divination relies on the wind, which allows him to see and hear events as they come to pass, regardless of where he is. he is even able to hear the cauldron –– though he cannot see it. 
SHAPE-SHIFTING. as described prior, the ability to manifest different forms depending on the perceiver’s subconscious.
DEATH. rarely used. he can reduce living creatures to ash with a single touch, absorbing their essence in the process.
MAIN. encompasses the timeline of the books, as well as the years of imprisonment preceding the events of canon. 
PRE-CANON. in the lands that would eventually become prythian, three siblings from another realm ascend to godhood — deified by those who come to worship their powers over life and death itself. the triumvirate and their worshipers are known colloquially as the death court; they are widely feared by the ancient fae, and rightfully so. koschei, the head of the court, wields magic powerful enough to raze entire villages to dust; stryga feasts on the fae to maintain her youth; and the carver, all-knowing and all-seeing, seems to control fate itself. 
unlike his siblings, the bone carver does not bask in the fear and worship of the fae. he is no willing god. still, he spends centuries complicit in the death court’s tyranny, using his divination as a shield against resistance. he is the gate-keeper between the death gods and the fae –– until, of course, the bones reveal a future so bleak he sees no choice but to turn against his own.
POST-CANON. click here to be redirected to a post detailing this verse.
GENERAL CROSSOVER. the bone carver is a chthonic god and diviner known for his ability to read fates –– specifically, deaths. he is the youngest of three siblings, each of them death gods in their own right, and generally known in legend as a harbinger of doom. though not overtly malicious in nature, he is cunning and secretive. he will not help those who seek him out without first demanding something in return, and he does not tend to sympathize with those who might plead with him to prevent their fated deaths. the bone carver lives in isolation, self-imprisoned in a cave littered with bones of all shapes and sizes. those who seek answers from him must be ready to part with truths and knowledge they might not wish exposed, or even undertake a quest to procure impossible items of terrible power. those who do brave these trials, however, will be rewarded, for the carver does not betray a promise made.
unlike his siblings, the bone carver is willingly imprisoned.
his death magic is the weakest of the three siblings, but his divination the most powerful. he sees more than them. hears more. Knows more.
the fae warrior who defeated the siblings was the carver’s mate. he is the only living creature who remembers her name.
the carver helped the fae imprison his siblings after foreseeing the death of the world by their hands. after stryga and koschei are bound to their respective prisons, the bone carver allows his mate to bind him to his cell.
though it would eventually be used to harbour all manner of dangerous beings, the prison was originally built to contain the carver. he is its first and oldest inhabitant. 
the bone carver isn’t afraid of stryga and koschei because they will kill him; he’s afraid of them because he believes they will not kill him. he’s afraid of what they are capable of –– what koschei will use him for –– and what manner of deplorable wrath they will release upon him in lieu of death.
the carver feels guilt over the fate of his twin sister, but does not regret his decision to aid in her imprisonment. he loves stryga but loathes the weaver she has become.
a death god he may be, but the carver has no desire for the boundless destruction of an entire world. hence why he conspired against stryga and koschei by betraying their weaknesses to the fae.
the three siblings come from another realm. they slipped through a tear in the fabric of the universe before the creation of prythian and, due to their power, became revered as gods.
the carver was not born a paragon of death. in exchange for his soul and his body –– that is, his tangible, permanent form –– he acquired unmatched abilities of divination. koschei and stryga struck similar deals. in order to become omnipotent beings, the siblings exchanged their mortality for monstrosity. the bone carver was the most reluctant of the three, and only agreed in order to remain alongside his twin sister. because he retained the most humanity of the three, he gained the least power.
the carver traded his soul for knowledge. by the time he realized he chose wrong, it was too late. he got the knowledge he sought –– limitless, all-knowing –– but it cost him everything. if faced with the same choice again, he would not take it.
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cloudy-encanto · 2 years
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Big Bang update 🥰☀️ topology and UVs
Now the pretty part of the workflow is over, we've entered the technical art. They don't look pretty again until we get to texturing (which I'm excited for because that means we get to paint them!)
This section is probably the most time consuming part, as there is a lot that has to happen so they can animate! It's also a different type of workflow, less creative and more logic now. In a big film studio like Disney, this section of the workflow might be done by a different department than the artists who did the character sculpts, then another department would later rig them, and another to animate them, another to render them, etc. I tried counting how many hours it took to trace out the grids over their bodies but I lost count after 20 hours, and I've done a couple more evenings since then! But they are both ready now, and I was lucky enough to listen to Taylor's discography a couple times over while I worked haha 🌈 Gotta get her that grammy!
Now we're up to the UVs - so think of a chocolate bunny for example - a 3D shape wrapped in coloured foil to look like fur and eyes etc - but when you unwrap it, it's just a lump of chocolate and all the colours were printed on a flat sheet of foil and wrapped around. That's how we paint assets in 3d - So I map out these meshes and guide the computer on where it would cut and unfold so it knows how to wrap over when we project on the detail and colours. See in the 2nd picture, next to Pepa are her UVs - those white outlines of shapes.
If you look at the 3rd pic - See the black and white checkers over Pepa's dress? That's how I know the mesh will receive it's texture correctly. If the squares are all twisted then the UVs arent good and I need to cut and arrange them in a better way so that they will be straight (See the cursed 4th pic for an example of bad UVs hehe - If I tried to paint her with those, the paint would stretch and warp, just like the checkers are doing)
I'm still going on this step and it'll take a few more hours, but once it's over we get to paint them 😉💛
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daisys-gard3n · 2 years
Always Mine {Kars x Jackie}
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{warning: smut, kinda rough if you squint, pretty vanilla}
commission for @pillarfuckeranon
“You’re mine.”
Those two words are what brought Jackie to this point. Clothing ripped to shreds, those rough hands grabbing and dragging down her body how they pleased, lips on her skin that stung like fire with each kiss, suckle, and bite. After discovering this being in front of her, who was trying his best to claim every inch of her body, after witnessing a meteor crash near a deep cave – Jackie was lured back to come and visit him, carefully earning his trust with simple gestures such as bringing him food and coming off as non-threatening as possible. She should have left the first time laying eyes on that man, seemingly carved from the marble the Greek statues were once made of. Why did she keep coming back?
Maybe it was the way he laughed, exclaiming: “I like you, human. You’re entertaining.”
Maybe it was the affectionate tone in his voice when he called her ‘pet’.
Or was it each waking moment Jackie was free, she searched for this man called ‘Kars’. Listened to his stories of thousands of years ago, his first awakening in the 1930’s and how he was sent to orbit by his ‘sworn mortal enemy’, and his questions of the new era. Yeah, it sounded all like nonsense – but Jackie did see him break out of a meteor, so it probably wasn’t a far reach. Within a blink, she found herself wrapped in the bind of the ‘pillarman’. Lips on hers and hearts intertwined, Jackie fell into Kars’ arms more and more.
Sitting in his lap, trembling at the stimulation the violet-haired pillarman gave her by cupping her breasts in his large hands and his head lowered to suck harshly at her nipples. Pointed teeth digging into the deep-colored points and scratching occasionally while his lips did most of the work, tongue brushing up against Jackie’s sensitive chest in between the hollowing of his cheeks. All until her chest was left covered in dark red hickeys, the every now and then indents of teeth marks, and undeniably sensitive buds that were coated in drool and hardened. Stinging her with an indescribable pleasure, even with the cold air replacing Kars’ lips as her fingers twitched at the feeling. Squirming in place as her cunt drooled in the larger man’s lap, the teasing glide through her glistening folds that made her let out a small whiney yelp felt like she would come undone at that point. Never experiencing such a burning hot desire before, Kars let out a laugh at the sight of the small squirming human in his arms.
“Looks like you’ve never succumbed to a man’s touch, pet! All the better for me, to make you truly mine.”
His hand reached to the back of Jackie’s head, resting against her dark-colored curls as he tilted her body to lay flat onto the rug made of skinned animal furs. His large, sculpted body hovering over her much smaller frame, free hand allowing its fingers to glide down the hot and sensitive skin – drinking in the whimpers Jackie tried to bite back, her loins burning with desire as she tried to rub her legs together to calm herself down. Those ruby-red eyes looked down at her in a way like a python while she was the shaking mouse in his bind. It tickled something pleasurable in Kars, shown in that cold and teasing touch that traced intricate patterns around Jackie’s throbbing sex. Collecting the sticky arousal that spilled over her lips and just barely gave her the true pleasure she needed, eyes squeezing shut and her nails digging into the skin of her palms while she trembled. His touch was too much, pinpointing the spots and actions that drove her crazy as if he were marking a map of an undiscovered territory. It was certainly affective, having her curling her toes from just lithe touches and words sweet and addicting like ambrosia breathy on her skin before Kars went in and pressed kisses afterwards. It was almost frustrating how good he was at this, reducing Jackie into this state in under an hour. The gentle rub at her throbbing clit made her hips jerk in response, electricity rushing through her veins before fingers prodded at her entrance. Pushing through and stretching Jackie’s pulsing walls as they slid in deeper before slowly curling up towards her puffy g-spot. Her brown eyes prying themselves open and her mouth agape, a hitched and breathy gasp leaving those drool-coated lips while one of her hands flung to Kars’ bicep. How she clung to him for dear life whilst he pumped his index and middle finger into her tight entrance, it was just so cute. The wait was killing him.
“Shhh, hush now…I know, it’s too much, isn’t it? Poor thing…Tantalizing a beast for what’s to come with how adorable you are.”
A cascading waterfall of berry wine fell around Jackie, it made it hard to not direct her eyes to Kars’ hazy ruby gaze. Her legs were hoisted over his shoulders as the blunt head of his cock prodded at her weeping pussy, the act of stretching her out in preparation grew too tiresome as the pillarman’s patience wore thin. He needed this human to be completely his, this human who boldly approached him without fear and earned his company. It was undeniable that she drew Kars in, unafraid to voice her opinions and go against his thinking while being approachable. Normally, he would have killed a human for this…But he couldn’t dream that upon Jackie. For she wandered too deep into his heart. Feeling her tight walls hug around the shaft of his cock stole the breath out of his lungs, his grip tightening on her thighs as he stood still to allow Jackie to adjust to his size. Watching her twitch and let out breathy pants and whimpers while digging her nails into the dips of his shoulders, tears pricking her eyes as she tried to control her breathing. The need to coddle and coo at her only grew, cock throbbing at the sight.
The passion took over quickly, from slow and gentle moves into rougher and sloppier ones. Kars’s cock pumped deep into Jackie, forming a mild bulge against her stomach that stretched in a painfully pleasurable way. Body twitching constantly as her brown eyes rolled to the back of her head, trying to hold onto the pillarman with all her life as the way his cock curved and rubbed against her sweet spot made her almost cross-eyed. Her mouth agape and contributing to the cacophony of moans, groans, and cusses from both parties. Kars’s hands gripping at Jackie’s waist and bringing her down on his cock, meeting with his hips to make more of an impact. He wanted the feeling to be engraved in her brain and body, so much so that she couldn’t live without him. To show her the spell she put him under, the yearning he feels for her. To make him crave for her touch and affection, to want to see her like this – underneath him and trembling under his grasp whilst her cunt pulsed rapidly with her orgasm. It was an act that she couldn’t get away from unscathed. His movements much sloppier and cock throbbing as it warned Kars of his release coming soon, he continued to push Jackie over the edge while tears ran down her face. Pleasure washing over her hazy mind as she let out whimpers and cries, a grin on Kars’s lips as he groaned out.
“You’re completely and utterly mine, pet.”
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lex-n-weegie · 11 months
Its like 3 AM but shhhh I felt the sudden urge to ramble about my version of Glamrock Bonnie soooo
Under the cut cause long and rambly and worldbuild-y lol
Okay so as a quiiick refresher, here's my version of the dude (old art grahhhhh)
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(Yes I got a special version of Foxy too called Captain Foxy but that'll be for a different post maybe xvkanxka)
Okay okay before I fully talk about Bonnie I gotta talk about the Pizzaplex itself. Monty was around before Bonnie was decommissioned, he was a special animatronic for the golf course attraction, made as a sort of "experiment" on adding more special animatronics for different areas. He worked well, and it let to DJMM and The DA to be made soon after. Monty and Bonnie were buds, but Monty got along pretty well with all of the main four. He fit well within their dynamic, even the workers could see that. And if course, Freddy and Bonnie were the absolute best of friends, the dynamic duo. The bear and bunny.
However, Bonnie had some chronic issue: he simply didn't care much for rules. He'd follow most of them of course, like don't bite the children, but for others(such as stay in your greenroom after-hours) he'd ignore them if he simply felt the urge to. He was really laid back, maybe even too much so sometimes. He didn't care about how much the workers would scold him about it, nothing bad ever happened so what was the harm? They weren't his dad, they couldn't tell him and the gang what to do. Eventually the others followed his example, leaving their rooms at night, cause the workers couldn't do much in terms of retaliation when it came to the main four. Just empty threats it seemed.
Sometimes it was a good thing, breaking that particular rule, as it let Bonnie be the first to kind of "meet" Hazel.
Ramble about Hazel(can probably be skipped): Hazel was originally going to be a bare, boring animatronic, made to help with freelancing costs by simply being a Jack of all trades when it came to art. Painting, sculpting, construction, repair, even mechanical engineering, put in as a just in case if a Glamrock needed attention and no one else was available. However the first person who worked on them made them look heavily like an old Fredbear's character, one that existed for an extremely short time, a golden bear with heterochromia named Daisy(the worker found some old remnants of posters with her in them). The company however, freaked out when they saw that, as they wanted zero trace of Daisy in anything they did, so they fired them and asked someone else to "fix it." That resulted in his brown fur and poofy dark brown hair. They also programmed him with a more quiet, almost shy esque personality to hopefully avoid any rampages with his extreme strength(it was needed in order to do all the construction they wanted). All of this is just a long winded way of saying that due to unique circumstances, she stood out among all the other staff bots. Also fun fact! He wasn't called Hazel at this point, just referred to as "Bear."
All bots were ordered into their rooms, again, and told that something in Rockstar Row broke and someone would be fixing, "Do not speak to them under any circumstances." "Bear(Aka Hazel)" was told the same, don't talk to any of the Glamrocks. Bonnie of course, being Bonnie, ignored the orders and went out to say hi. Bear originally didn't want to respond, but ended up chatting a bit when Bonnie asked what exactly they were fixing. He actually first put the idea in his head to do other things than what he's told or programmed to do, even if he didn't follow that until much later.
Other times however, leaving his room didn't end so good.
It had been a good couple months, possibly half a year since "Bear" and Bonnie talked, Monty was having a particularly bad day. Monty wasn't a Glamrock, so he was "lesser priority" and often treated badly. He wasn't the only one, any animatronic that wasn't part of the main four was treated like garbage("fun" fact again, at this point in the timeline "Bear" had been locked away in an old room for a couple of months, forgotten about and honestly expected to lose power). Sometimes, unfortunately, Monty would take out his anger on the others. Never physically mind you, but he stilled yelled and snapped.
There was one time he was slightly physical though.
That night was a bad night, and Bonnie left his greenroom to go to Gator Golf, Monty's "room," to talk to him about it. He was up on the rafters, and he tried to talk to them about it. They were being pissy though, refusing to talk about his feelings and anger. Through his anger, he shoved Bonnie away him, only intending to get some space when he put his hand on his shoulder. Instead, he slammed again the guard rail, it snapped, and Bonnie plummeted to the floor. Similar to the game, he hit a pole on the way down, severing his top and bottom half of his body, but he did also break from other stuff.
That would have been fine, fixable even, but unfortunately the top half landed into one of the many ponds Gator Golf had going around. Normally, they all were waterproof, but when their circuits were exposed...yeah.
Monty was soon quickly made to replace the bunny, and they went to dump the box of him and his parts they gathered into some random room in the basement. Instead, a worker accidentally found "Bear," still on and drawing brand new concepts and things they weren't asked to. It eventually led to them becoming a new attraction, Bonnie being left in that room she was in to rot.
A year and a half later, a bunch of stuff happened with "The Gang"(Freddy, Chica, Roxy, Monty, and Hazel), but the main thing was that they all had found out they were given "birthdays"(only the main four got them, Hazel wasn't given one). Not exactly the days they were made, but when their characters were born. Hazel immediately set out to make the best gifts ever for all of her friends(her and Monty weren't a thing at this point, just dumb crushes). Freddy's was the farthest, being just the month before they learned all this, so Hazel had a whole year essentially to figure something out for him. And she absolutely stumped him. Chica, Monty, hell even Roxy was easy, but Freddy they couldn't think of anything.
And desperate for any ideas, and figuring maybe some of her old doodle paper from years back could still be in there, she sought out the old room she used to "sleep" in. She found no papers, but that box they brought in the same day she was brought out was still there. Now with more free will, they willingly let curiosity win and peeked inside. Bam! The old parts of Bonnie! Not only was part of her actually furious that Bonnie was essentially, put through the same thing she was put through, but it fueled her to rebuild the guy best she could, as she still had everyone's blueprints in her memory.
At first she gets the head working, and from there they chat while she fixes the rest of him. Unfortunately, due to untreated water damage(being allowed to soak in), some parts couldn't be salvaged and needed to be replaced. Mostly motors, but also his memory card. She saved as much as it as he could, but it still resulted in him "forgetting" memories and skills, such as playing the base and the scattered memories from before. Good enough for him though, he could relearn it if he wanted(or have Hazel program the knowledge back in), and he can make new memories with the gang. With her fixing him up and the time they spend together afterwards, he develops a little crush on her, similar to Monty.
After he's fully fixed and revealed to be at Freddy's "birthday," he stays in the basement during the day for a month or so, at least until Vanessa and Mason(BF's s/i) can come up with a reasonable excuse and a convincing lie about how they fixed him, all outside of company time and "for free." Eventually, Glamrock Bonnie was able to come back, simply explained away with "he retired and went on vacation, but now he's back to teach you how to bowl!" He doesn't rejoin the band, he's how similar to how Monty was and what Hazel currently is, a mascot for the bowling alley. Unfortunately it does mean he's treated a similar way to the two(aka treated badly), but it doesn't bug him much cause he's just happy to be back.
As for the selfshipping side of stuff(him and Hazel + how the poly relationship happened), it's sorta a funny story. After Monty got over some guilt and whatnot, the two were quick friends again, and ended up expressing their crushes on "a certain animatronic." Neither wanted to say who, cause they both knew the other would have teased them mercilessly, but they both convinced each other to try and confess.
So naturally, they both end up trying to confess at the same time. And kind of fight over it(they didn't really MEAN to, just kinda happened yk?
Hazel didn't wanna choose, she honestly grew to crush on them both, and eventually yelled at them to snap out of it and "I'll date you both then!! Okay?!" If you've ever read the original Archie comics it's semi like his relationship with those two girls(I forget their names fjsnsj). They both kind of "share" him I guess, lol. As for the two of them, they're not into each other, not romantically at least, but they do have a close and deep bond. They're not a couple, just a couple of besties ♡ dying
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Buzzworthy Bumblebee
Worlds Collide
by Hasbro (2021)
I got real lucky with this set.
Hours after being announced on TFW2005.com’s forums on 07-26-21 about being spotted in a Target in New Jersey I decided to stop by that very same store, and found two remaining, so I picked it up.
The Worlds Collide set was an unexpected treat!
It was a four pack of Transformers consisting of three deluxe class figures and one voyager class.
Part of the Buzzworthy Bumblebee toyline it features a variant of Bumblebee, Predacon Blackarachnia, the headmaster Decepticon Fangry, and a new comer to Transformers mythos Nemesis Primal. Not Nemesis Prime, mind you, PRIMAL, and evil version of the Maximal Optimus Primal.
Let’s get started.
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I’m not about to bury the lead here, I’ll start with my favorite...
Nemesis Primal:
Nemesis Primal is a repaint of the Kingdom toy of Optimus Primal figure, and I really like it!
The beast mode is gorilla with black fur, and purple skin. Otherwise it’s the same toy, and it’s really good. The joints are tight, he poses and stands well too.
-Beast Mode
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-Bot mode
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Nemesis Primal in bot mode is even better! He’s got a new head sculpt, which is the Optimus primal head, but with a closed mask instead of the open one from the Kingdom figure. It looks really good!
He’s got the usual articulation, and has blast effects ports, you can even see a tiny Predacon badge on his chest plate. Nemesis Primal is an awesome figure!
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Next up is a deluxe class of the headmaster (or Titan Master now) of the Decepticon Fangry.
-Beast Mode
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Fangry is a heavy retool of Titans Return Twinferno, and other two Monsterbot retools; the all share the body core section.
Fangry is a werewolf with bat wings. He was my original and first headmaster toy as a kid, so he was probably also my favorite.
Though the beast mode is blocky it is also okay. He’s got many shared parts as Twinferno such as the body core, the legs, and wings. He’s got a cool wolf head which looks organic, just like his G1 toy.
The headmaster Brisko sits in a compartment in the wolf belly, and can be removed by opening the hatch.
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Is pretty basic, however once you start doing so you might notice some of the thin, and weird feeling plastic. This toy is a heavy retool, and I’m not sure if Hasbro used the best materials for it. It’s a little concerning.
-Bot Mode
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Once you get Fangry into robot he looks really, really cool. He’s just this hot pink and black robot with a green face, and I totally dig the look.
However referring back to shoddy materials mentioned in the transformation they’re still present for the robot mode. He’s got loose joints such as elbows and knees. Fangy cannot stand well without having to point he knees away from each other. It’s very frustrating, and prevents me from making poses and such. It’s such a shame because I love his look.
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Since Fangry didn’t come packaged with a weapon, I decided to give him his mini Titans Return figure configured into weapon mode for him to wield. Why not?
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Unfortunately the gun mode is not blast effect compatable.
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Brisko is a the head mast partner. He looks good, and has a painted face. That’s just about it for him.
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Here’s comparison of Worlds Collide Brisko next to his Titans Return version. Pretty much the colors are inverted and the new one has a silver face. Otherwise it’s the same mold.
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Bumblebee here is the odd man out for this set. Being the only Autobot among Decepticons and Predacons, in my opinion he’s also the weakest of this set too.
This Bumblebee is in the Cliffjumper body of the Earthrise one.
The car mode is basically the Cliffjumper body but in bright yellow. It rolls well, and the accessories attach to the car mode just fine.
-Vehicle Mode
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You can have the bazooka peg onto the roof just fine. 
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The car mode has water ski mode, just like all the other figures of this mold can do.
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Comparing Worlds Collide Bumblebee to Earthrise Cliffjumper
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Comparing Worlds Collide Bumblebee to Earthrise Bumblebee.
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-Bot Mode
Bot mode is basically Bumblebee’s head on a yellow Cliffjumper body. OKay. that’s it.
I’m sorry, but that’s a little dull to me. 
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What I think was a missed opportunity was Hasbro could have made a new head sculpt for BB based on his original G1 toy, the one with the battle mask.
OR what would have been a good idea was attach the Cliffjumper head to the yellow body and make a yellow Cliffjumper. OR used Earthrise (Volkswagon) BB (head and all) just deco him all read, making red Bumblebee.
You G1ers out there, I’m sure some of us remember the rare red BB and/or yellow Cliffjumpers. I have a couple of them.
All I’m saying is that there were other options Hasbro could have taken, instead of such an un-imaginary one.
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A hive of Bumblebees
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Blackarachnia is a spider which colors are based, roughly on the the original toys. The colors are two shades of purple and gold (and I think I mis-transformed her beast mode,  but I don’t really car). I really like this deco.
-Beast Mode
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-Bot Mode
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Final Thoughts:
Thoughts? I live this set. The Worlds Collide set was briefly hinted at one day online, and then like a week later was just rushed onto the store shelves. I was one of the lucky few to get my hands on it first, and I think it’s great!
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unpossession · 2 years
Willow —
It stormed today, one of those vengeful California rains that always come around this time of year to remind us of the impermanence of sunshine. It made me think of you, especially when the fog rolled in and tangled itself up in the trees. I’ve always prefered weather like this — “gloomy,” most people call it, though I can think of no word worse; I come alive when the sun goes away, and the colder, greyer, and wetter it is the more sensual I feel. 
Have you ever taken your clothes off in a downpour? The rain falls all over your body like cold kisses and the fog caresses you like fine silk. Windy storms are an extra treat, because the violent gusts sometimes feel like a lover throwing themselves at you, desperate with passion. In my garden, bombarded with the rainy perfume of flowers and water, I let the tempest ravish me and imagined you with me — atop me, naked, warm, laughing. An orgy with the storm. 
My imagination gets away from me. I thought, too, of what we would do afterward: I would lift you up in my arms — you don’t weigh a thing to me — and carry you inside, the water dripping from our bodies onto the floor as though we ourselves are made of rain. I would lay you down on a fine, soft rug, or maybe a fur blanket, in front of my fireplace, and then the fire and I would dry you off — the flame with its heat and I with my tongue, kissing the droplets from your skin. I would give you warm, spiced wine and feed you rich red fruits and chocolate, watching your lips all the while. 
Oh, your lips. I must admit, sometimes I love to frighten you — to inspire a gasp — just to watch those lips part. They were made for me, those lips, sculpted by some wicked fallen angel. You were made for me. My temptation. My ghostflower. My waking dream. 
I ache for you. Come to me soon. I’ll not sleep or eat until you do. 
When Willow finds this letter at her door, she knows exactly who it is from. If not for the perfume of Zero's scent wafting delicately from it's envelope then for the sudden anxiety - protectiveness - that settles in her stomach the moment she lays eyes upon it. With cold and steady hands, she tucks away the evidence of their affair (whatever lays inside is for nobody's eyes but her own) beneath her jacket pocket and carries it with her to her bedroom, where she locks the door and reads it by candlelight, secretive and romantic.
After reading it once, twice, three times... She settles at her desk to write a response and does not emerge from her bedroom for a number of hours to post a letter back to him, her heart refusing to settle in her ribcage until the letter, now memorised, has been tucked away beneath her mattress for safekeeping.
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Creator Reforged: Building God Chapter 5
A/N: Here we go, chapter 5! A... very special chapter, as we’ll soon see! I hope you all enjoy!
Word count: 2302
Warnings: surgical mentions, brief body horror, alcohol mentions
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Taglist: @chihawari, @under-a-starry-night, @shadowfireblue, @brainless-gummy-bear, @hiraeth-rawr, @rogueofbullshit​, @atsukawolfcat, @iyohme
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Albedo pulled the suture taut, freed the needle, then began to knot the last piece of thread. This was not a simple operation, nor something Albedo had much of an opportunity to practice. Hard as it was to believe, not many gods had offered themselves up for him to practice upon.
What he was doing was halfway between exploring novel techniques and a new means of torture for the poor surgeon.
Never had he had to re-attach someone’s head to their body- stitching together all the different tissues, lining up the different arteries and veins, matching the different muscles. Normally, this type of surgery was unfathomable to anyone across Teyvat, were it not for the other boon, which had also caused the other, larger issue.
He repeatedly had to pause the procedure every so often to help poor Sucrose cut back the flesh that was trying to heal in the wrong way. Veins and arteries intermixing, bones attempting to reconnect out of line, skin being woven together in a non-flat pattern, muscles intermixing. And it’s not that the task was difficult; both Albedo and Sucrose had experience cutting open many different types of biological matter. It was that he was having to trim back his Creator’s flesh as he otherwise tried to help it heal properly.
The scalpel had felt a little heavier in his hand every time he had picked it up. Was it better or worse that every time he carved into this God, that there was no blood to come out?
His hands shook as he set his implements aside. Sucrose had been dismissed (half by him, half by herself) as the surgery wrapped up, having seemingly been as worn down as he had. She had collapsed onto the cot Albedo had set up for himself, but that was a discussion for another time.
He released his breath as his head dipped down. His hands wrung around each other, weary and cramping from the hours of repetition.
He knew he was keeping himself from facing reality, from comprehending the full depth of the situation. He had nearly been shattered by the revelation some days ago, saved only by clinging onto an assurance that he could not be so certain of. And… did he really make the situation better? Pulling the Liberator together was his penance for…
…his prior actions. But this, this whole surgery, did it really make things right? Was he hurting his Ultimate Truth more in his bid to ameliorate his mistakes? Was he blindly, foolishly acting without thinking?
Could he even know the answer?
He ran his hands through his messy, unwashed hair. How much time had he been spending on this endeavor, pushing himself to the detriment of everything else? How long had he been pushing forward with this one task, potentially ignoring any better methods? Could there have been something he could have done to avoid all this hardship and suffering?
Albedo pulled his gaze back up and looked around the room, eventually turning to the reassembled figure that occupied his bed. Ignoring the unsightly scarred skin around the neck, it would not look out of place as the subject of one of the hundreds of paintings he had seen of Them. The Engineer of Reality resting after the long hours of tireless labor hewing Teyvat ex nihilo, Nature’s Gardener sleeping under the fruits of Their labor, or the Designer dreaming how They would sculpt the next region of Teyvat.
He had done this.
He had mended the Creator from Their disparate pieces into a whole body.
He could not look away from the scars, how they seemed to layer on top of each other like matted fur. He could not look away from the ominously pallid skin and could not forget all the bloodless cuts. Physically, They were together, complete.
But his work was not yet done.
Albedo stood and turned towards his stockpile. He would need epoetin reagents. Tubing. Bandages.
If he could not find solace through his prior actions, he would find some other way to make amends.
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The winds whistled as they tore past. Wood creaked and fabric thrashed. Aloft in the air was the faintest whisper of a song. From here, the white and gray expanses of the mountain blanketed in snow stretched below, the jet-black sky loomed overhead, those cerulean sprites grew higher and higher from the horizon every day. Aloft in the wind, slowly rising higher and higher up the slopes was a single glider and a passenger precariously clinging on.
Venti shifted his grip on the glider as he tried a turn again. Maybe gliding wasn’t the faster option.
Venti grit his teeth. He’d spent the better part of an hour putting himself into direct danger, and for… what? If he were being honest with himself, he couldn’t put a reason to why he was flying up here. Sure, climbing up the Dragonspines was a chore, and it’s not like he hadn’t used his archon-ly powers for more frivolous matters, but… he didn’t really have a reason why he was doing this. He was able to throw together a convincing enough cover story when Amber asked him why he was leaving but the question ‘why are you doing this’ never quite seemed to leave his mind.
He was sure of one thing: something was calling him up here, not the winds or songs or promises of a night of reprieve from his memories. It was something deeper in him, beneath the beds of his fingernails, entangled in his ribs, buried in the depths of his lungs–
With a start, the glider suddenly wrenched against his body, threatening to slip between the winds. Venti fought back, eventually steering it back into the currents.
–Or perhaps dashed against the face of the mountain, if he was going to get any more careless. As much fun as he was having being introspective, he doubted being _extro_spective would be as much fun.
Seriously, what was wrong with him? Summiting a freezing mountain when there was a warm tavern and a chilled wine calling his name back in the city, saying that he was going to be checking up on Albedo of all people because Jean asked him to (and Amber bought it?), and here he is, still trying to fly up after six different brushes with misbehaving currents!
Seven. Seven brushes with unruly wind currents.
Venti sighed as he crested a ridge. He would be nearing Albedo’s cabin in a minute or so. He hoped he would find out whatever this real reason was soon. Or maybe, better yet, he would never find out and keep that unknowable part of him undiscovered for another day. He surveyed which of the snow banks near Albedo’s cabin would make a good crash site when something caught his eye.
Over there, tucked behind the ridge and hidden behind a snowbank was… a temporary camp? Venti spied a few rudimentary constructions, realizing it was mostly built to keep a low profile from the ground. Not so for someone mid-air, however. Venti frowned. What fool would be mad enough to set up camp on a mountain?
–A person that, of course, wasn’t Mondstadt’s lovely Chief Alchemist–
Venti frowned at the encampment. If the inhabitant truly was human, then there were the obvious mysteries of who this person was, why they were here, and why they were staying hidden. If it wasn’t, Venti figured he could at least take it out and earn a glass of whatever passed for alcohol in Albedo’s cabin. Hopefully, if he needed to swipe something, he wouldn’t accidentally try and sneak a bottle of rubbing alcohol again.
Venti angled the glider, turning wide over the area. A few extra turns, and he was lined up to land behind whoever it was here. Venti popped the elevators and let the glider swiftly descend. The nagging sense of recognizing the person hovered at the edge of his mind as he neared, growing stronger with every inch he approached.
It suddenly struck him as he was about to land. “Zhong–” Unfortunately, his lapse in attention meant he plowed straight into the snow. The snow padding engulfed him from all angles, saving him from disaster, but above all the crunching was a worrying thwack as his released glider found something to impact.
Venti began to pick himself up from the crater when someone grabbed and lifted him up by the back of his shirt. Scrambling to his feet, he looked up and saw that grumpy archon’s face glaring down at him.
“Venti,” he grumbled, “I hope there’s a good reason for this.”
“Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you too, mister Zhongli! It’s been quite some time since we last met, hasn’t it? I think last time you graced Mondstadt with your presence, you forgot to check up on your old bardic friend!”
“But don’t you worry! I may have missed that Ozinthian wine you talk about so much, but that just means you can try this season’s batch of Dandelion wine! Let me just say, that Traveler has come up with a mix that I can’t wait for you to try!”
“I mean, it’s a shame that you’ve arrived in these hard times. It’s not easy to find a good, untapped bottle anywhere! Everyone just wants to drink, drink, drink!”
“Venti!” Zhongli snapped. “Why are you here?”
“Oh, but that is the question, isn’t it?” Venti closed his eyes, acting as though he were musing through his questions. “Why is anyone anywhere? Why have I decided to climb a mountain?” He paused and opened an eye, pointedly asking his next question at Zhongli. “Why have you been here, spying on an acquaintance of mine?” Zhongli flinched when he heard the question. “The least you could have done is stop by Mondstadt and say ‘hello’. And in case you’re wondering, I was asked to check in on Albedo. So, uh, what’s your reason?”
Zhongli seemed to collect his thoughts for a second. “It’s a long story. The short of it is that I was asked to deliver something to Albedo, but have found myself with concerns and uncertainties about the situation. I found the best way forward was to observe the situation from afar.”
Venti narrowed his eyes. He was never a fan of all of Zhongli’s secrets. Well, if he wasn’t going to give him a straight answer, he might as well force the issue. “‘Concerns and uncertainties’? Well, why are you sitting around here all stubborn, waiting for the answers to come to you? Come on,” he grabbed Zhongli’s hand and tried to pull him towards the cabin, “no better time than the present!”
“Venti!” He tried to pull his hand back. “No, we’re not– This isn’t the right time. I don’t have the right things to say, he’s not expecting me, you’re far too drunk to even attempt talking to him right now–”
“Oh, when’s any of that stopped me?” Venti slurred. “You should see my midnight performances!”
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Venti half kicked the front door open and half fell on it. “‘Bedo! How’s it goin’?”
He blinked as he took in the wreck of a room around him. Albedo was notorious for keeping things prim and pristine, but the entryway had seen far better days. Paper cluttered his desk, the notes written in frantic shorthand. Half-unpacked medical sets sat on every open surface. Unwashed dishes and half-eaten meals crowded in a stack on his desk.
The biggest mess in this room, however, seemed to be Albedo himself. Venti had never seen him look this haggard- his clothes rumpled and disheveled and his hair unkempt, neither looking like they had been washed recently. (Well, he wasn’t one to talk…) The most striking was how pale and gaunt Albedo seemed to be. What had been eating at him to make him like this?
“Venti.” Albedo looked at the person behind him. “Zhongli, if my memory stands. To what do I owe the pleasure?” His tone was not his usual one, though Venti couldn’t put a finger on how.
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe the things I heard about this guy down in Mondstadt!” Venti pointed back at Zhongli. “He’s been talking all about you!”
Albedo raised an eyebrow. “Has he?”
“Venti…” Zhongli tried to interject.
“Oh, all good things, all good things! He’s been mumbling about what you’ve been doing up here and all the suspicious activities you’re doing with the stuff he gave you earlier.”
“Zhongli,” Albedo warned, “I don’t quite think you’re to talk about others’ ‘suspicious activities’. You can rest assured and my assistant and I are doing everything in our power to ameliorate the situation at hand.”
“One’s claims of sincerity are reflected in their actions towards transparency. Might I suggest that the side of a mountain might not be the most accessible location?”
“Perhaps not, but the situation has demanded we work with material reality. Loath as we are to work in substandard circumstances, we are also not in the position to risk the situation deteriorating!”
Venti looked between Zhongli and Albedo. Boy, he really messed this up, hadn’t he?
Ah well. Nothing a little bit of alcohol shouldn’t fix, anyway. Albedo wouldn’t mind him rummaging around for it, right? It’ll be fine.
Venti silently excused himself from the conversation, stepping aside as the two continued to bicker. He scanned through the mess of a cabin, slowly picking through Albedo’s stuff. No, nothing here.
Venti poked his head into the adjacent room. Nothing here either, just more mess that someone should really deal with sooner or later. Dresser, worktable, workbench, cot, bed–
Venti’s body and mind froze and he swore he sobered up by a few degrees.
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You began to stir.
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