#also i'm sitting here with jiwon
foxcassius · 2 years
as i look at job listings here in korea, i cant help but still dream of that private lesson life. like, every job here will still expect you to teach 6 classes a day 5 days a week, for like a maximum wage of 2.4 million won per month. i could make twice that teaching that many classes in a private lesson setting, and i could easily make the SAME wage and just work less (ideal scenario)
#last night jiwon asked me like a million (imo unfair) questions about america and its society and why it succeeded#(unfair bc i just genuinely cant give definitive answers aside from 'it succeeded economically thanks to slavery')#and i was like 'you ask me sometimes why i dont want to move back to america and there are so many reasons and its hard to put into words'#'but one of them is that the work culture is so gross to be in and people still feel trapped in their jobs and there's no freedom to it'#and he was like 'korea is the same way it's just that i'm a specialist and you are foreigner who speaks english as a mother tongue'#'so i am inherently privileged out of genuine poverty by way of my degree and you are as well by way of being the class of foreign worker#you are. so korea has the same kind of trap for ''lower class'' people when it comes to work its just that you arent seeing it due to#your own status and my status as the main korean national whose life you are privvy to'#and i was like yes. i am aware of this. i am perfectly aware of how much poverty there is in korea and that not everyone lives as we do.#and i'm also perfectly aware of the fact that i would lose visa status and be sent back to my home country before i had any chance to#experience korean poverty. it sometimes feels like when he asks me why i dont want to go back to america he forces me to state One (1)#reason why and then takes that one reason and is like 'korea is like that too' which for starters I Know. because he refuses to acknowledge#this but korea is heavily controlled and influenced by the usa im not gonna get into that right now but I Know the similarities in many way#s between the usa and korea. secondly there are Many reasons why i wont be going back to the usa not the least of which is that#jiwon and i intend to get married and he doesnt intend to leave korea so its all a moot point anyway and idk why he keeps bringing it up#he wants to stay in korea and i wouldnt choose to move back to america so idk why he keeps like forcing me to explain myself on reason at a#time and like turn it around is trying to make me want to leave like. let it rest king i am so tired of talking about american politics#at 12 am especially bc sometimes he wants to have an argument abt it and im like Neither Of Us Is Educated Enough To Have This Conversation#i have my own lived experiences and a small amount of specific research. he has whatever they teach in school here abt america + some#internet readings. neither of us is qualified to sit and talk about this#it just feels like sometimes i'll be like 'america is a suffocating capitalist hellscape where kids get shot at school' and he's like#'well korea is also bad' and im like yeah no shit everywhere is bad everywhere is a capitalist hellscape the us has its hands in korea's#government and economy. but at least here i have a job with a decent salary and You so.#anyway. long rambling tags over. <3#t
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10underoot2 · 1 month
I thought I would have so much to say about the car accident scene. And while I could go on for a while on why it's everything I've ever wanted from a scene of this nature and why it's a beautifully acted cinematic piece, I do think the beauty of the scene lies so much in silence. Their expressions are do a fantastic job to express their emotional state so I'm just gonna call attention to a few things I won't get over anytime soon.
Imagine being Haein and seeing your husband wrecking a car window in hysteria. Imagine seeing disbelief on his face when he sees you and walks towards you. Imagine watching him unable to breathe properly (sound on and high for this scene). Imagine seeing life flood into him as soon as you touch him.
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Jiwon plays such an important part here. Because Haein has NEVER seen Hyunwoo like this. He's a pretty calm nice, non-violent guy. She knows him to like mostly everyone and he rarely gets angry - he's pretty composed. But then what is this look of complete shattered pain on his face? With a mix of disbelief, bearing the heaviest heart on the planet? He's unrecognisable to her. She can't make sense of any of his actions. She's in utter shock hearing how hardly any air is making it's way into his lungs.
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In his eyes is a look of crazed wilderness just tamed. He's out of his sense. Completely lost in the events that have just passed. Not believing that he can breathe. That it's okay. All is well in the world for now. She's unscathed.
'What's going on? Calm down.'
The way she asks him to calm down - touching his face - cause she just doesn't know what in the world could send him in such a frenzy to forget himself. Her asking him to calm down here is everything to me. She's really just saying I'm here okay. Calm down. Calm down, you can breathe. Tell me what happened and I can fix it.
'Even still, Are you crazy? How could you break the window with your bare hands? Look at this!'
I know it probably didn't register to him at that point. But he's hearing her being worried for him again when he thought her lost forever. Wouldn't that sound like music to his ears.
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And her...god she's so worried for him. She's never seen him like this. She doesn't know what happened to make him like this. One she sees his absolutely broken bloody hand. Two she's seeing her husband absolutely crushed. She's so confused.
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That is until his words hit her like a truck. I think she had an idea that he did it to save her but she didn't know he did it because he thought her dead. And that makes all the difference for her.
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Also I thought it was very interesting to keep showing his injured hand clenching. I think it was a way to show how the physical pain still didn't hold a candle to his emotional turmoil. He CLENCHES that broken hand multiple times. I can't even begin to think when he actively registered the pain.
The need for constant touch to reaffirm that she indeed is there. The sitting down. The head on her hand. The heavy breathing. *Chef's kiss*
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I love women comforting the man they love when he's broken. Gah! That hand on his face and hug. Her embracing him. Letting him cry all he wants. Giving him the reaffirmation he needs by placing her self as close to him as possible. Trying to tame and override his sense. The hand on the nape of his neck. The hand caressing his hair lovingly. And good god, the RINGS.
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Also notice his breathing on her shoulder. He's trying to calm himself. Telling himself she's here. Hearing her say it's alright. Everything will be alright.
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I'm sure they stay like this until the ambulance comes and asks them if they're hurt. Only then Haein must've gently tore him apart from her (hand on his face again ofcourse) and convinced/guided him to finally get treatment. I can just Imagine Hyunwoo completely dishevelled going, 'Huh *sniffs*......oh.......Right, my hand' and that's when the pain hits him.
Special mention to the hospital conversation when Haein asks him 'Will you sob like this if I die?' and he says truthfully, bashfully, embarrassed but without missing a beat 'Ofcourse.' He's hiding behind nothing. He truly meant to give up on himself after her.
For me this is also the night Haein starts to write her diary. Hyunwoo must've been sound asleep, amped up on painkillers and she must've had so much time to sit and admire him and write.
Gif credits: @wolha and @seawherethesunsets
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iznsfw · 1 year
The Devil's Telephone
IVE's An Yujin x Male Reader Smut
6969 words
Categories | model!Yujin x photojournalist!you, rough sex
Barely edited. Who cares, I did great.
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"Is it true? What they say about you?" 
You're nervous, fidgeting  in the king-sized bed with your arm leaning against the mattress. It feels odd to be in a rich and attractive girl's place without being naked. Not that it's something you've experienced before anyway, but it's like breaking an unspoken law everyone but you was oriented to. But you have your manners, and so does she. Supposedly.
She's still beside you, her expensive clothes hiding not her shapely form. And to think it looks beautiful without the need for oil painting all around it or nakedness. That pretty smile, that also intimidates you a little, is the cherry on top of the cake that is An Yujin.
Speaking of, there's one right now between her lips. She's toying with its strand of a twig, tracing the cherry she got from the bowl beside her bed along the pink hills of her luscious mouth.
"After everything I did," Yujin says, "what do you think?" 
"I don't really…" Struggle to find your words. "I, I don't really dwell on—"
"If I'm a slut or not?" Yujin finishes for you, smiling teasingly. 
This conversation's a mistake, now that she's using words about a subject you tried to tread on lightly. "Look, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm sorry."
"No offense taken. I get it."
Yujin lifts herself off her comfortable lounge position on her bed and instead sits on the backsides of her legs. Her hands are on your lap rather than her own. Should've been a sign for you that this is going nowhere but in a downward spiral. 
"You want to know if the rumors are true? If nepo model An Yujin's really a slut, like they all say?"
"Uh… sure?" 
Yujin gestures her chin to your crotch. "Whip out your dick. Then you'll see."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me."
"I'm not," says Gaeul. "Say that one more time and your career's over. No going back."
The small smile that's an everyday accessory to her features is gone. That tells you that what she says is what there is to her statement. What you hear is what you get. There's no underlying tone to it; she's completely serious, and besides, when has Gaeul ever lied?
Wring the looped lace of your camera over your head and place it and the device that can make or break your career on her desk. "Nope," you say. "I'm not doing it."
"You will," Gaeul says. "Nobody else will do it."
"Can't you get Jiwon to show up there?" It's worth a try, right?
"Like I said, no chance. Rei's with her on vacation. And Yunjin is out of the question."
"God fucking dammit." 
Looks like this day can actually get worse. First, you miss the taxi going to the studio, ending up being about an hour late to your meeting. And then the nervous intern almost spilled coffee all over your camera. Luckily, the scalding liquid only ended up mostly on your pressed shirt. It's like the day is toying with your feelings, trying to see how far you can get without breaking down.
Your eye twitches. The day might see your breaking point after all. 
"Gaeul," you say, "I'm a photojournalist, not a fucking Seattle professional."
"And so are a quarter of the people who go to the fashion week," she counters. Gaeul exhales through her nostrils, then leans forward on her desk, hands folded. "All you have to do is stand in for Chaewon and take the photos for each model. Don't worry about the caption."
"How'll I know what they're wearing?" 
"I can do that for you. I'm quite the fashion enthusiast, if I do say so myself."
You don't see the sense in it, like, at all. "Then why don't you go take the photos?"
"Because I don't want to, newbie," replies Gaeul simply. She swings her legs over the table and places her palms behind her neck. "You can sit here all day whining about I'm-a-photojourn-this and I-can't-do-it-that, but you're still going to go through." 
Gaeul's a rather straightforward girl, yet she can still make her blunt words sound frightening. You have to show that you can hold your own, too, and that you're not going to back up. Ever.
"And why do you think I'll give in so easily?" you challenge. 
She smiles. "Because An Yujin's going to be there, and unless you live under a fucking rock, you'd know she's the main attraction."
You aren't dumb. Of course you know her. It’s impossible not to know of her when the magazines all scream her name and the camera flashes crave her presence. It’s hard to navigate life without at least seeing a Yujin standee for one of the brands she sponsors or her face on soju labels. She’s become a household name that, even if you somehow wished it to be the other way, she's become an inescapable force in every Korean’s life. That’s just how it works. It’s been like that for as long as you remember.
She rose up in the industry at a young age. Being her age, you can remember the buzz she creates among your classmates, from head-over-heels, hopeless romantic boys and adoring girls (and a few girls who'd die to be able to touch her, too.) She's on their phone wallpapers, in another cutesie pose, and on the photocards in the back of clear cases. She's here, she's there, she's everything everywhere. 
You're familiar with her, but nothing about her except the usual: she's a model, she's an idol, she's a—
Ah, how should it go?
The girl beside you at the event, who's rather tall and if circumstances were different should be on the runway herself, tells you it goes like this: "She's an international free-use backstabbing slut."
Well, you didn't expect Kazuha to say that so easily (she told you her name earlier just so you had something to call her during the mandatory small talk),  but you know what she's talking about. However, you have no right to say Yujin's a slut when you're dressed… well, dressed like this. Your whole outfit is an embarrassing array of rainbow colors. Even your tie's pulled into passiveness by the colorful dress code. If this is what those high fashion enthusiasts call "fashion," you're glad you're not a part of them. You'll be glad to keep shopping at your local thrift store. 
Hence, "I wouldn't put it that way," you say.
Kazuha smirks. "How would you say it?" she asks. 
Why is she so interested in what you think about her? You suspect Kazuha's one of those girls who's rather jealous of the stick-figure models strutting the runway but would deny it with all her soul. Maybe that's it. She's jealous that she sits there in the audience while perfection after perfection makes themselves known to the public. 
"She's…" You snap a pic of another eighty-pound model walking down the runway. "Uh, promiscuous. That's all."
Kazuha grins. She purses her lips and writes down on her notepad, probably intending to use your statement as a headline pun. "Maybe we should switch jobs," she says. "You can be the devil's advocate journalist, and I can be the white knight photographer." 
Exhale loudly. For fuck's sake, you want to tell her, I'm only here to do the job I didn't want in the first place. Why has she chosen you to play with to fulfill her boredom? Whatever game she's set, you're not joining. 
"Look, what is it about Yujin that you hate?" you ask. 
"She fucked Jang Wonyoung, those MCs she used to partner up with, that actress from the period drama who was on Produce, too… everybody."
"Okay." You look at her pointedly. "Source?" 
Kazuha gestures a rude index to the runway. "Look at her. Look at her and tell me she isn't a slut. I dare you."
You look up from the lens of your camera for once, and as much as you'd like to come to Yujin’s defense, seeing as there’s no evidence to all those allegations and being a public figure with all the criticism must be the deepest ring of hell, you see what Kazuha means. 
You hate to say it, and you’d love to pass no judgment, but the prodding journalist is right. Yujin isn't skin and bones like the other models, nor does she wear light makeup. However, her confident gaze that not once settles on the floor immediately makes you think, wow, now that is a model. She only looks forward, stepping onto the smooth floor in heels that make her much taller than she already is. Her eyes are lined with this sharp, blaring dark that makes her brown contacts stand out and makes her look like a black cat. So much for Jiwon’s nickname.
But that isn’t all. It’s far from done, because it’s not Yujin’s arrogant smile that drips of sultriness that confirms Kazuha's allegations for you, nor is it her makeup. It’s what she’s wearing. Her chest nearly spills out of the oddly-cut neckline of her blouse, and it’s see-through, meaning that even if her busty figure is in some way contained by the clothing, you can still see everything. For example, her tummy lined with her abs and a small tattoo (barely noticeable, but enough to cause a few tabloids to freak out); her wide hips, and of course; the bare flesh of her breasts. The fabric tape does nothing to hide them when her brown nipples beg to be seen through the fabric. Each bounce coerced by her confident strut is out there for all to see, and so are the jiggles of her full thighs. 
Which part of everything do you have to immortalize in a photograph? You don’t know. You just keep taking pictures. There’s plenty enough to create a video of her walk without actually having to record one. 
Seeing your dropped jaw, Kazuha grins satisfactorily. “Told you,” she says.
You aren’t done looking, though. As the press and audience scream her name, (they all know her name—she’s bagged so many brand deals, shot more than enough magazine covers, and performed songs you couldn’t count on two hands just so that any type of audience can recognize her), Yujin steps up to the end of the catwalk. She smiles at all the attention, setting a hand on her waist before blowing several kisses to the audience. 
And, of course, she finishes off her umpteenth walk with another scandal:
Shredding her blouse into pieces. Yujin rips it clean from the seams, letting the lost dangle of fabric finally reveal the whole of her chest. Her skimpy shorts are the only thing remaining complete on herself. 
The viewers gasp, and you do, too. But you're hypocrites, the lot of you, for you remain interested in scanning every bit of her enviable body. Secretly, you all know that some part of you were looking there even before her blouse ripped.
You haven’t seen a model do that before, but then again, she’s not just a model. She’s plenty of things: a singer, an idol, an ambassador—
A slut. A full-on, shameless, lives-up-to-her-name slut.
“So,” you say, resentfully. Your camera’s in your bag, and Gaeul is on the phone with you. You’re proceeding out of the vicinity like everybody else. It's eight p.m.; someone’s bound to be hungry at this hour, and that someone is you.
You can hear the giggle in her voice as she asks you, “What do you think?”
“What do I think?” you say, flabbergasted. Zip up your satchel bag and walk through the rain. “Gaeul, the girl just ripped her shirt off in front of everyone! This isn’t what I signed up for!”
What should you get tonight? Minute Burger? Maybe McDonald’s or some sushi? You’d take anything—you’re pretty hungry after the long show. If this is how hunger hits after shows, you’re glad you don’t have to go through the whole fashion week. By Saturday, you’d be as dead as everyone was after the stunt Yujin pulled.
“I thought you knew about her, newbie,” replies Gaeul. She’s clearly poking fun at your reaction. What’s also clear is the obvious fact that she picked you out for this job just to see how you’d handle it. Would you go crazy? Treat Yujin as a Victorian man who’d just seen a lady’s ankles would? Oh, she’d love to find out.
“I didn’t know she was…"
“Oh, please be normal about it. You’re a photojournalist. You handled the dead guy who was stabbed alright, but a woman showing her tits is where you cross the line?”
“It’s not that,” you say tiredly. Your stomach is really growling now. “I guess… I think…”
Your phone drops to the wet cement road. Like a haunting phantom, Yujin appears out of nowhere. It's like she suddenly materialized from the fog of the storm.
You don't know where to look. Yujin's still dressed, (somewhat), in her ruined blouse. The thing is even more transparent as the rain beats down on it. Still, she looks perfect. She is perfect. You know that without having to be a fan of her. 
The light from a camera hidden in a beaten bush makes you flinch. If the crouched man in black taking photos of Yujin isn't there, you'd have accepted your fate to get struck by lightning. Yujin raises her eyebrows questioningly, and you're forced to compose yourself once more.
"Uh, hi," you stammer. Bend down to pick your sodden phone up. Darn it, it's dead. How will you contact Gaeul now?
"You're one of the photographers, right?" asks Yujin. Unlike you, she doesn't care that your phone has met its end, or mind that her boobs are out in the open. 
You mutter something of agreement, but you're still tinkering with your phone. The battery's probably broken, which's a pity when your late mother gifted it to you on the last birthday you had together.
"Damn, must be nice to snap photos of a half-naked chick, huh? You liked seeing me up there?" 
That makes you stop fiddling with your destroyed gadget. "I," you say, cornered into confession but still trying to gather a burst of energy to escape, "I'm not—"
"An Yujin," she says, as if the whole world doesn't scream her name. As if she were just another girl out there who's a little too friendly. She doesn't offer her hand; she grasps yours and shakes it firmly. 
You have no other choice but to be acquainted with her there and then. You tell her your name, albeit nervously, as you slip your phone into your pocket. What is she planning? Why is she out here with you? 
Yujin grins. "Nice to meet you. Want to come to a party at my house? Starts when we get there."
Now you understand what she's planning. What else would you expect from her?
First things first, though: where should you look? Her chest is a dangerous option. To look or not to look? That is the question—you choose the second option. Note the dim stars in the foggy sky. Look down at the road blotted with raindrops. Remark inwardly about the state of your shoes and how they're too expensive to be dragged through a weather like this.
Second, should you go? Gaeul would be looking for you. She'd want the pics immediately so she could put them in the magazine and on your company blog site. But you haven't had fun in years, and for a girl with the wealth and status of Yujin, it might be a new beginning.
Work, however, comes first.
"I'm sorry," you tell her. You really are. Yujin seems like a fun girl outside of her wildness. "I don't think I—"
"Great! Come on, I'll drive you!" 
That's how you end up in a limousine for the first time in your life and learn that An Yujin doesn't take no for an answer. 
The seats are dark and soft, and there's two long aisles of it for thirty pax max to occupy. However, despite the spaciousness, Yujin still chooses to sit snugly beside you. Should you feel flattered? Intimidated? You struggle to choose for this question.
You wonder where you're headed. The infamous Jang Hills where celebrities like singer Son Seungwan and model and humanitarian Jang Wonyoung, who owns the place, reside? The rain is too strong for you to be able to see where the vehicle's headed, but you suspect that's the destination. There's no other. 
"So," says Yujin. She's still sitting comfortably beside you. Her smile dimples her cheeks, and it just doesn't match the boldness of her ripped blouse. When she wears that smile, she looks like a girl who's too cheerful and innocent to be… the way she is. "Would I have to pay you to see my photos?"
"For god's sake, Miss An, put on some clothes before you scare the guy," chuckles the driver, shaking his head. He's a tall, dark man with the typical shades and a rosary on his rearview mirror. You wonder if he prays for Yujin sometimes. 
"But that's no fun," she says, the pout on her face growing wider when her driver tosses her a black fur coat (that still reminds you of her when you note how the chest part is gone) and sleeveless innerwear. Seems like he keeps clothes in his car for situations like these. "Clothes are so big and boring, you know. Totally outdated.
"Anyway, about the photos…?" 
"Oh, you don't have to pay," you tell her. But you know that money isn't a problem with Yujin—she can buy you and your whole life if she chose to. 
"Gimme then." She makes grabby hands, and your camera eventually ends up in them. Her eyes sparkle with narcissistic adoration. "Oh damn, I look hot. Delete this, though. Bad angle."
"I– okay." 
"My tits look amazing, don't you think? Come on, say my tits look fantastic."
"Ms. An," says the driver firmly, albeit his tone holds some of the amusement in it still. "Put on some clothes."
Yujin rolls her eyes, but she does. And you watch as she strips, painfully slow. She pulls the soaked blouse above her wet body, showing her bare, beautiful arms and pits. Even her soft midriff is perfect. And, try as you may (must),  you can't stop looking. Several snaps and pinches would be too weak to pull you back into reality, because there's the goddess that she is to look at. You figure out now why your former classmates were and still are obsessed with her. She may be a wild little thing, but she's got an amazing body, an amazing fashion sense. Everything about her, even her boldness, is enviable. Desirable. Unreachable.
The clothes mold to her beautiful shape. The damp, slightly messy hair only adds to her beauty. You can feel yourself getting warm. 
"We're here," says Yujin cheerfully, oblivious to the way your eyes are raking down her perfect body. "Here's your camera. Wouldn't want it to break like your phone. Pity."
Getting up to open the car door isn't part of a wealthy girl's everyday life. Yujin isn’t an exception—she has her driver to do that plus assist her out of the limo, and when he does, you're welcomed into a whole new world.
The rain has halted. Signs of its earlier presence, however, can be seen on the drops on the maze of bushes. There's statues of Eros, gray and mighty with his strong arms and arrows, perched on pedestals to the entrance of the mansion. Through the gate, you catch sight of a large pool, where heiresses and friends of Yujin laugh and swim. It's no land for lowlives. You are the exception, somehow. 
"This… this is your house?" 
"Yep!” She nods positively. “Daddy gave it to me after he died from a heart attack."
"My condolences," you say. As the guards open the gate to Yujin's mansion, you admire the place. It looks like a temple for cupids. Perhaps it’s Yujin they’re worshiping.  "Did he have heart conditions before that?"
"No." She shakes her head then waves happily to one of her friends at the pool. "He just saw me wearing a bra over my crop top, and he dropped dead."
You snort. Yujin looks at you weirdly. That's how you realize she isn't kidding. 
"You're serious?"
She opens her mouth to say something, but forgets it. It's a long story that doesn't need more sequels. 
Just the second drink of the night and you’ve met more celebrities than an average person would see personally in their whole life. As the dazzling disco ball shimmers rainbow colors all over the place, you catch sight of more than plenty of pretty and handsome faces. Over there is Jang Wonyoung, one of the models who walked earlier, and Miyawaki Sakura, a famous CEO of more beauty lines than you can count on ten fingers. Whether their beauties are handcrafted or God-given, they all have something in common: they’re all A-listers—they’re relevant, popular, used to this wild lifestyle. Camera flashes have trained them not to flinch at the gliding lights. This is an everyday routine in their book.
However, you’re used to being behind the camera, not in front of it. You’re overstimulated by the sea of laughing, moving bodies and the loud music. While Yujin happily screams and downs several shots, you stand idly beside her, dizzy and tired. 
“I don’t think I can handle more.”
“Past your bedtime?” asks Yujin, grinning. She waves at Wonyoung and points at you, mouthing something to her, to which the model winks in response. You wonder what kind of exchange the two models had that granted an unusually smug look on Wonyoung’s face. You’re certain it’s about you, but you don’t know what it’s about. You’re not even sure if you want to discover it.
“It’s not that,” you say embarrassedly. “I’m… I’m not a party person. I get lightheaded easily.”
“Wanna take a break? Go to my room?”
Now that’s a red flag. It doesn't even try to hide its true color; it waves proudly in front of you. You’re the bull who went straight for it. 
Yujin’s bedroom is the size of your living room, with a large bed to match. Curtained pillars stand on each end while posters hang off the walls. You suppose that the people on them are the ones Yujin looks up to: IU, known as Lee Jieun whenever she ventures out of singing and into acting; Marilyn Monroe (no explanation needed), and a few other nameless models and actresses. A lot are old posters of seventies’ pornographic films. Lights frame the mirror on the dresser table. 
“You’re a privileged girl, miss An,” you say. It’s the only way you can respectfully say that she’s kind of a spoiled brat. But maybe that’s your jealousy talking.
“I know, right?” replies Yujin, twirling around. “And please, call me Yujin. You can sit on the bed if you want to.”
Your mind toys with the idea of the posters on her wall debating if you’re the hundredth person to have come over or the thousandth. Nevertheless, you want to stay neutral; it’s none of your business anyway. So you take a seat on the edge of the softest mattress you’ve ever felt while Yujin does so, too. She kicks her boots off on the carpeted floor. 
“Hey,” says Yujin, “want to play a game before you doze off?”
Just how many red flags does this girl have? “Er, sure.” You shrug. Maybe it’s just a game, nothing more, like she said. 
“Since we barely know each other, let’s take turns asking each other questions. Dibs on the first question.
“I haven’t seen you in shows before. How did you end up there?”
A safe start. “One of my coworkers was sick,” you explain. “I had to fill in for her. My turn.”
“Hit me.”
“Did you take modeling classes?”
Yujin laughs as if it was the funniest thing she’s ever heard. “God, no,” she says. “Classes and workshops are scams. All I had to do was ask my daddy to ask for a spot for me.”
“Must be nice.”
“Right? Did you take classes for photography?”
“I took one of the scams, yeah,” you say, earning a giggle from Yujin. “I’m a journalist first. It’s all I know.”
Meaningful silence fills the air. You remain hooked on your sentence, realizing how true it is. Photojournalism is the only thing you’re good at. It’s sheltered you and brought you so many opportunities at the same time. You don’t know how to find other hobbies to make your forte when you’re stuck in its bubble, and its bubble only. Without your camera, you’re nothing. Without people like Yujin to take photos of, you’re nothing, too. 
You suppose you should break the heavy silence. But you’re unsure if your question should be asked; it might trigger a violent response from her, although she’s been nothing but laid-back with you. And you don’t particularly want a rich girl to ruin your career. You’ve gone so far that the only direction to look at is forward.
But you must learn to take risks.
"Is it true? What they say about you?" 
You're nervous, fidgeting  in the king-sized bed with your arm leaning against the mattress. It feels odd to be in a rich and attractive girl's place without being naked. Not that it's something you've experienced before anyway, but it's like breaking an unspoken law everyone but you was oriented to. But you have your manners, and so does she. Supposedly.
She's still beside you, her expensive clothes hiding not her shapely form. And to think it looks beautiful without the need for oil painting all around it or nakedness. That pretty smile, that also intimidates you a little, is the cherry on top of the cake that is An Yujin.
Speaking of, there's one right now between her lips. She's toying with its strand of a twig, tracing the cherry she got from the bowl beside her bed along the pink hills of her luscious mouth.
"After everything I did," Yujin says, "what do you think?" 
"I don't really…" Struggle to find your words. "I, I don't really dwell on—"
"If I'm a slut or not?" Yujin finishes for you, smiling teasingly. 
This conversation's a mistake, now that she's using words about a subject you tried to tread on lightly. "Look, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm sorry."
"No offense taken. I get it."
Yujin lifts herself off her comfortable lounge position on her bed and instead sits on the backsides of her legs. Her hands are on your lap rather than her own. Should've been a sign for you that this is going nowhere but in a downward spiral. 
"You want to know if the rumors are true? If nepo model An Yujin's really a slut, like they all say?"
"Uh… sure?" 
Yujin gestures her chin to your crotch. "Whip out your dick. Then you'll see."
You’re flustered. Did Yujin—this tall, alluring model that’s got her whole life ahead of her yet nothing to lose, this irritatingly attractive Yujin—really say that to you? Or was it something lost in the swarms of shouts and music from outside of the room? Maybe you’ve misheard. Maybe you’ll keep playing safe tonight. 
But those are just mere maybes with no connection at all to what’s about to happen.
“Can’t do it yourself, pretty boy? Let me help you.”
Yujin lifts your satchel bag from your shoulders. You find yourself raising your arms to help her. It’s like the what and tension in the air have infected you and made you into this heated, lustful character far from the real you, because if this were truly your own self, you’d say you had a career. You’d say this shouldn’t be happening. You’d leave the room instead of helping her unbuckle your belt. You’d do anything but this.
Perhaps she’s changed you.
Yujin slips a tongue along the path of her luscious lips at the sight of your bare thighs and cock. “Our friend here,” she says, “needs a little help from me, no?”
“Yujin…” you moan, and it’s humiliating, especially when barely anything sexual has happened yet. At least, anything sexually physical. 
Luckily for you, she curls her fist around your dick and gives justification to your breathy sounds. Maybe the rumors about how she likes to get around are true; Yujin knows how to work her way with a cock. Her warm fingers jerk your flesh at just the right timing, letting the hardness build up before doing that too with the pace. She’s looking at you with this wild desire in her eyes that grows bigger when your erection does, too. Oh, and that smile—if looks could kill, An Yujin would already be arrested for your murder.
“Now that’s not so bad, is it?” she remarks. She spits on your cock. Her wet saliva coats your length with just enough to let her smooth palm slide along itself pleasurably. “You like this? Just wait until you feel my pussy. Or maybe my lips would do first? The higher ones, I mean.” 
Yujin’s lips descend onto your shaft, welcoming it into an impossibly soft and wet heaven. Yujin’s little tongue flicks at your base gently, even daring to lick at a little part of your balls before working their way up. It deliciously slides upwards at your veins.
“Fuck, Yujin. Your mouth—fuck, it feels so good.”
“Mmm.” Yujin engages in an open-mouthed, sloppy kiss with your tip. “I know. I’d fuck me, too, if I could, but I have you to do that.”
“Right,” you say breathily, because she is. If she’s sucking your cock this well and her cheek’s painfully stimulating as your cockhead brushes it, how much better would her pussy be? You’re definitely fucking her, even if your experience in this is zero. Yes, that’s also right: you’re a virgin. Zero experience, no bitches.
But, if it means anything, it’s the other way around. It’s Yujin making you her bitch. She may be serving you with the lips and kisses of a good girl, but her eyes tell you that there’s more to it than you think. You’re hers, see, for this night, and that’s all you ever will be. You’re no photojournalist anymore—you’re Yujin’s one night stand, and that’s the only achievement people will ever remember to your name.
“These’re so fucking full,” murmurs Yujin as she admires your heavy balls. Sucking on them lightly before smiling up at you, she adds, “Make sure to blow all of it in my face, ‘kay? Promise me.”
“Think you can handle it, Yujin?” you ask, and it’s another embarrassing moment you’ll relive forever, for your cockiness will never get on the level she has. Your voice shakes too hard and your cock drips too much—it’s clear who owns who at this point.
“I’m a big girl.” Unfazed, she smiles. “I can handle myself.”
“Y-you sure?”
“Oh, don’t play hard to get it, baby,” Yujin coos. She pleases you with one hand and glides her fingers on your thigh with the other. It’s deadly. She’s deadly. “Let your guard down. It’s just me.”
“And you’ve said that to how many people?” you shoot back.
“More than you’re worth,” she quips. She winks at you. “Now cum for me.”
Ouch, but it doesn’t matter when her lips provide a great suction to cool the burn. It’s making your cock feel the heat instead, forming the tightness in your stomach more. Her hands massaging your thighs causes your sensitivity to reach an all-time high. Yujin’s covered your shaft in such an amountful that just one lick sends your toes curling. She licks, she sucks, she laps at your weak spots and delights in the upward push of your hips, but her hands keep your legs down. Can’t have her meal escaping. She wants all of your cum, and when Yujin wants (no, needs) something, she gets it. It’s how she’s navigated life, having everything her heart could ever want brought to her by whim. But if she has to work for your cum, then so be it. Either-which-way, she’s not giving up until she gets it.
She kisses your cock deeply, almost making your lips jealous. She sucks on each sensitive side and your dripping tip. What takes the cake, though, is how she downs the whole thing so suddenly, slipping itself inside her tight throat and letting you fuck it. Gasps can’t be contained by your pursed lips, and their cycle of repetition continues because of her. Because of Yujin, Yujin and her stupidly desirable mouth.
“Fuck,” you whine. When she hears that, she pulls away. Like rain, drops of semen make slick landings on her face. You keep expelling several shots of the thing she so desperately wants, and you realize that, even with your own pleasure being fulfilled, you’re still serving Yujin. You’re still giving her what she wants: your cum on her face. The fact that she’s playing with you remains stoic.
“Ah, this is the best.” Yujin licks her cumstained lips. “I could have swallowed it all like I did with these cherries here, but I can’t let it spoil the main course.”
“W-which is?” you inquire, still panting. Can you handle more? 
You find out through Yujin taking off her black vest. Then, she slips out of her jean skirt. It hugs her lower figure so nicely that it nearly makes you mourn their departure, but you find a better thing to gawk at, and it’s Yujin’s ass and thighs. She may have dressed earlier, but the panties were off. She cares not for modesty, even outside of the modeling industry.  It’s just not who she is. 
For that, you’re glad. If Yujin were modest, you wouldn’t have had the chance to see her fat ass and shaven pussy up close. You wouldn’t get to see her sway her hips side to side, letting you see from behind how her ass ripples and bounces, or let you peer at her dripping thighs. 
"You're weaker than all the others," Yujin notes. "I like it."
Should you be offended? Probably, but you aren't, because there's her approval. There's her saying that she likes how easily you break. There's her on the bed with her pussy spread by her fingers, revealing her tiny hole and needy clit.
There's a lot to look at is what you're saying, and a lot to take in consideration. For example—
"Ohhhh, fuck," moans Yujin. She rubs her core and gets a feel of how wet she is. "I'm so wet, see? I'm so, fuck, wet from blowing you."
Yujin leans against one of the pillars of her bed. What makes the sight of her masturbating hotter is that she's still covered in the face with cum that soon drips down her neck and onto her collarbone. She looks like she's been used incessantly, to the point where no amount of cock or finger can help her reach a good enough high. Although you're still sensitive, you begin to jack yourself off to her.
"Shit. Ohhh." Her head tosses backwards and she shuts her eyes. "This feels so good. Make me feel even better. Use your mouth."
It's all about what she wants, but you find out that you also want to put your mouth on her. Stop jerking off to kneel on the floor and place your hands on her thick thighs. You have no idea how to do this except from porn, but she moans loudly when you flick your tongue upwards, so you must be doing well.
Yujin's so wet that she dribbles on her expensive sheets. The feminine scent of her drives you crazy. Due to that, you pick up the pace of eating Yujin out. She's delicious. Better than any expensive meal you got going out. 
"Oh, fuck," mewls Yujin. She grinds her clit down on the flat of your tongue. "That's it. Eat me out like that."
Next, guide your tongue to her slit, catching the juices she has. Push it inside, make her thighs suddenly clamp around your head. Painful, but worth it, because as useful as her makeshift earmuffs are, you can still make out her heavy moans.
“G-good, god, so good. Don’t you stop, don’t you fucking stop.” 
“I won’t.”
The force of your mouth holds nothing back as it holds Yujin’s nub captive. She pulses in your mouth, and you can sense that she’s close because she’s screaming. She's squirming, she's writhing, she's—
“But I, I thought you said—” You were having such a good time, too. Why did she have to ruin it?
Yujin giggles. “I wanted to cum on your cock,” she confesses. Sweat rolls down the sides of her face. “Let me?”
She’s subtly assertive like that, asking you first before making you do it anyway. She’s so used to getting her way, so used to letting people bend reality into the form she wants. And you’re becoming one of those people, as you lie down on the bed and let her mount you. You don’t suppose anyone would refuse either—her splayed lips rubbing your tip seems like a good thing to have in exchange for being under her ownership.
“Fuck,” you curse. Maybe this is better, in hindsight. Her hole grasps for you, but she teases it by only letting her clit glide along your cock. “Miss An, ah, Yujin, you’re so—”
“Pretty? Successful? Tight?” She sinks down on your dick with a smirk that differs from your weakened look of bliss. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”
They’re all perfect adjectives to describe her, but you weigh in the most on the last. Her soaked slit swallows you without time to properly take it in. She just keeps bouncing on you, a millisecond going unspared, as if she’d die if your cock weren’t ramming in her all times of the day. By her desperate moans, you think you’re right. They’re heavy, hanging onto your mind for too long that it just makes you throb harder inside. 
You reach up to grab her tits. The bra-like innerwear she dons blocks you from experiencing the whole of it, and Yujin takes that into consideration, through which she pulls it up her arms and off herself. Her bust now moves up and down freely, looped in your mind like a constant reminder of how lucky you are to have Yujin fuck you. She may get around a lot, but whoever she fucks is like her: a hell of a catch.
 You lift yourself up to suck on their brown nipples. She moans ferally. Her pushing your head deeper into her tits is how you realize you’ve wanted to do this, to suck and play and slap her chest, ever since you saw them be set free on the runway. It’s funny how two mounds of flesh can hypnotize you just like that. You’re trying to defeat the impulse actions they convince you to do, as if they were spiritual entities on your shoulder each to twist your decisions. But both are devils—even from their source, it’s clear that An Yujin is no angel.
“Yes, so good!” she screams. Her eyes are shut as she rides you with an impulse and speed that surely can’t be human. The pleasure she unleashes onto your cock as her pussy clings and gropes it must be the embodiment of the deadly sin of lust itself. It was written before in holy books, preached as a warning in churches. There’s no explanation for how angrily she impales herself with your cock. “Your cock’s too fucking big, I’m going to cum all over it!”
You spank her ass, and the plentiful skin wiggles right back into your hand. Seeing her face twist up into this pained yet blissful reaction inspires you to continue. That and your cock entering and exiting her hole, plus your kisses following the path of her neck makes Yujin go crazy. 
“Fuck me!” She’s fully unhinged when she cums. Her short yet sharp, alliterate downward thrusts of her core leaves red on your thighs. She’s kissing you with this hunger that’s been fulfilled, in a way, but with which comes gluttony. She can’t have enough. She can’t have enough of your dick. It starts to scare you how she’s like the girls your pastor warned you about in Sunday school—she’s a gluttonous nymphomaniac greedy for things that aren’t good for her. Aren’t good for you.
Having sex with An Yujin makes you debate if you should go back to your religious roots and pray again. You’ve heard about the devil hiding behind human faces, and she completely fits the criteria: charming, deceiving, gorgeous beyond human comprehension. However, her divine body also can be something holy. It’s something that’s more than worth worshiping.
Which is which: evil or good? Angel or demon? A goddess who descended to earth or something far, far more dangerous? 
Whichever, you just busted a load inside exactly that. 
“Come on, tell me,” you say. Yujin’s teasing banter piques your curiosity to higher levels. “Did you really fuck all those people, or is it just,” shrug, as if you couldn’t care less when you do, “you know, hearsay?”
Yujin strokes your chest thoughtfully. The aftermath of the rough sex has left her almost invalid, but after a shower, she’s good to go. You followed suit after.
“The devil’s telephone,” she whispers.
“Here. You know where to call me.”
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ggidolsmuts · 8 months
Fromis App Part 14: Snug and Secure - Fromis_9 Hayoung
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You yawn and stretch as you walk to the front of the Fromis building. How did you get here? Now you're just another employee of Fromis App.
For the day. Hayoung ended up not returning with you that night, instead bilking you of a free meal and then using her leverage to have you be her lackey today. You pull out the nondescript access card that Hayoung gave you—maybe (Hopefully!) it wouldn't work, you'd just tell Hayoung you couldn't get in and leave.
Damn it. You sigh and make your way to the security room again.
"I'm here Hayoung."
"Good, on time, I like that. Come over, I need to sit on you."
"I'm sorry?"
"You heard me." You look around, but nothing has changed from the last time you were in Hayoung's security room.
"There's nowhere to lie down!"
"Who said anything about lying down?"
"You said you wanted to sit on me."
"Ugh Saerom and Nagyung are really holding your head to the gutter aren't they? Get in the chair!" Hayoung points to her usual chair, and obediently you do as she says. She then bounces up and plops herself on top of you—you're too confused to be aroused as she squirms and pushes herself in your lap, trying to get a more comfortable position. She grabs your arms and wrap them around her waist, as if putting on a seatbelt.
"Hehehe, my own massage chair." It's almost adorable the way Hayoung nestles into you, if you weren't gripping onto her tight abs—she kept herself in great shape for someone in security sitting all day.
"Y-You want me to massage you?"
"Later, just hold on to me for now."
Your back is ramrod straight, tense as Hayoung settles into you. Over time you begin to slouch, unable to keep your posture straight for that long. You're not sure what Hayoung's working on, but it looks boring, and there's nothing going on in the screens as well. You start drifting off, your head resting comfortably on Hayoung's shoulder—she has managed to keep herself upright the whole time.
He's kinda cute, she smiles and thinks to herself. Can't imagine him railing Jiwon and Nagyung right in the office, he doesn't seem like the type! Yet she doesn't have to imagine, and she hovers over the video files she has saved for "easy access". Your arms are still around her, hugging her like a pillow, and a warm need flows through her—but not yet, she still had to focus for now.
"Hey, I have to take a call." Hayoung nudges your arm around her.
"Hmm? Oh sorry, do you need me to get up?"
"No, there's no video. I just wanted to tell you since you were napping."
"Oh right, sorry about that."
"Sure, anyways, starting the call now." She clicks into the call.
"Hello Saerom, how are you?"
"Oh hey Hayoung, how are things?"
"Good. I prepared the security report you wanted."
"Great, let's go over it." Hayoung nods and dives into it, screensharing and going page by page with Saerom. She's fully focused—Hayoung doesn't half-ass things, something Saerom appreciates. However, it also means that she doesn't notice your hands not staying idle. You do your best as a massage chair, kneading her midriff with light squeezes before moving down to her hips and doing the same on her thighs. Like all massages it helps with blood flow, and unnoticed by Hayoung (for now), blood begins flowing down her body.
"That was what we had for the quarter." Hayoung concludes.
"Thanks. Any security incidents, did oppa fuck around in my office again?" Saerom asks offhandedly. Hayoung planned to lie, but her mind still races, blinking rapidly.
"No, I haven't seen him."
"Yes." Hayoung prays that Saerom doesn't somehow hear her breath hastening.
"Good. Okay thanks Hayoung, I'll see you Monday."
"Yes Saerom, see you then." Hayoung exits the call and sighs in relief, leaning back before almost jumping off your lap. "Ahh!" She had forgotten you were there!
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah yeah, just forgot you were here." As her heartbeat slows back down from the surprise, Hayoung bites her lower lip—why does she feel so warm? A small tingle of pleasure flows through her, and she realizes your hands on her thighs. "What are you doing?"
"Being a massage chair, you seemed tense on the call."
"Oh... Oh okay, thanks." Hayoung squirms in your lap, and you're suddenly very aware of her warmth on your crotch. She is equally aware of your "presence" against her, and she grabs your hands, bringing them around her waist once more. "I need to focus."
"Of course, pretend I'm not here." Yet how could she? Hayoung scoots forward to avoid your growing stiffness, but it allows you to massage her lower back instead. Your hands continue their work, and try as she might, Hayoung can't concentrate, blinking rapidly and biting her lower lip.
I could use a break, Hayoung convinces herself. Wordlessly she opens a file—the one she's using to bargain with you, the one where you're fucking Nagyung over the desk. You don't notice Hayoung playing the video, your view of the screen blocked by the back of her head. You continue your diligent work, massaging up and down her back like it was your actual job. The blood continues to run through Hayoung's body, pooling at her core as she watches the lewd recording, imagining your hands on her back pressing her against the desk instead. It is only when you see Hayoung's hands drop off the desk do you realize what's going on—they've moved between her legs, resting there, her fingers probably teasing herself.
"Need some help with that Hayoung?" you whisper in her ear, finally noticing her watching the video.
"N-No, but I could use a pussy warmer," she fires back, trying to maintain control of the situation.
"Of course, I'm all yours." Hayoung gets off you, allowing you to remove your pants and boxers. She sits on you once more, sliding her own pants and underwear down just enough for access. A small gasp is heard your tip touches her entrance, and a held back whimper signifies her sitting on your cock, sheathing you fully inside her.
"G-Good, good, now just stay still and don't move, I need to work." The pretense is ridiculous, but you listen to Hayoung, doing your best to not squirm, to not buck into her as she adjusts her position, sending jolts of pleasure through the two of you.
Fuck, I forgot how big he is! Focus Hayoung! She edges herself and forces her finger to click off the video and back to her work. Your hands, previously resting on her hips, quietly move to the front, below her bellybutton.
You gently press in.
"Guh... mmm!" Hayoung bites back a moan as you press in a small circle over her womb. The "massage" causes her front wall to rub against your cock, and when you let go the friction is reduced. It comes back strongly as you press down again, but Hayoung manages to keep herself quiet. It still sends her into a tizzy though as the repeated motion makes your shaft drag across her g-spot, as if you were actually fucking her, but no, you're simply applying delicious pressure to her lower abdomen. You keep to your word, keeping your hips immobile even as Hayoung begins to squirm.
"Ah..." Hayoung leans forward, allowing your fingers to sink in further, pushing her pussy walls more insistently over your cock. She wanted it to last longer, but the more you ground her g-spot onto your cock, the more she wanted to cum now! "Nngh..." With willpower that surprises even herself, she grabs your hand and pulls it away.
"Not yet."
"I'll go slower." Hayoung jumps when you place your hand back where it was, but with a soft and very slight press, she relaxes—she could handle that much. She takes a deep breath and resumes her work best she can. You watch her screen and the security cam footage, noting the other employees' various tendencies at work—Saerom constantly reorganized her papers on her desk; Nagyung had a tongue habit you hadn't noticed until now; Jiwon loved to brush her hair; Jisun constantly touched up her makeup; Chaeyoung was always looking at the mirror; Seoyeon was regularly scribbling on her little notebook.
As for Hayoung, the main thing you noted was how wet she is as you continued to apply small pressure to the spot randomly, slowly ramping up in force and frequency. The few drops of slick on the chair initially is becoming a more noticeable puddle, and every time you press down now is followed by a deep breath from her.
God I just need to cum, but not yet! Not yet Song Hayoung! She bites her lower lip as you press deep on her womb, making her g-spot rub against you cock strongly. It's 5:50 pm, just 10 more minutes and she can get off work and get off. "Mmm!" You rub your finger up and down, and it causes the friction to grow exponentially. Hayoung tenses, a single spasm of her pussy around you signaling her closeness.
"Can I make you cum?" your whisper in her ear.
"N-Not yet! The work day's not over yet!"
"When does it end?"
"6 pm!" Hayoung gasps as you lift your fingers. Truth be told, Hayoung does no work, her eyes focused on the clock as she stares a hole through the monitor. You are right there with her, the two of you watching the static number tick up.
5:59 pm
6:00 pm
Hayoung intended to grab your hand and bring it to her pussy, but you move faster—your fingers drum furiously over her mound, pressing her g-spot onto your cock over and over, rubbing her front wall against your shaft repeatedly. In her edged state it feels like you're fucking her even as the two of you sit still in the chair, and Hayoung jerks back, screaming into your neck as you make her explode. The spasms come fast and furious, her pussy contracting around you erratically. Now she's bucking on your lap, throwing her hips back against you for more friction. You keep your hand over her mons, pressing your fingers rhythmically into her, feeling her twitch and jerk under your fingers. Her walls clench around you firmly multiple times, and Hayoung let's out a strangled moan—she's rolling from one orgasm to another, crying as another wave of pleasure crests over her.
"N-No more, stop..." she finally croaks, and you press your fingers deep into her flesh before finally letting go, earning yourself a whimper from Hayoung. "Ah... worth the wait."
"You really waited till the work day ended huh?" you manage in a strained voice—you wanted to get off too.
"Yes, work hard, play hard," Hayoung says with all due seriousness. "Now it's your turn to play." She gets off you and beckons you to get up, taking your spot in the chair instead. "Sit."
"I can't sit on you!"
"Fine, how about now?" Hayoung spreads her legs, and instead of just diving in and fucking her right there, she insists that you sit between her legs, and she wraps them around your waist loosely, like a clingy sloth. "You see that folder? Open it and click on the videos."
You do as she instructs, while she takes off her blouse, and your eyes widen when you see yourself in the videos—not only did she have footage of you and Nagyung, she had footage of you and Jiwon too! You groan as you feel Hayoung's soft chest and hard nipples press against your back, and her hands reach around to stroke you two-handed.
"Bet you wish you had these videos didn't you? They make very good material for long nights, hehehe."
"Yeah, oh fuck... Have you been watching them?"
"Mmhmm, maybe I even shared it with Jiwon and Nagyung, who knows if they watch them too." The video is silent, but that only servers to make Hayoung's handjob louder as she rubs pre-cum all over your shaft. You watch Jiwon squirt all over your hand, and you grunt and spurt a little more lubrication for Hayoung. Jiwon is bouncing on you hard on one screen, and you've bent Nagyung over the desk on the other, and as the pace of the videos goes up, Hayoung's strokes get faster too.
"Look at that mess you made Jiwon make, I remember Saerom ordering new furniture the very next day. Maybe she gave the furniture to Jiwon? I don't know."
"Fuck Hayoung!"
"Or maybe it's in storage somewhere. I know, you should take Jiwon there and make her squirt all over it again, just for fun. Or take Nagyung there, actually no, do it somewhere I can watch, have you made Nagyung squirt before?" Hayoung fills your mind with all kinds of filthy thoughts.
"Ugh, going to cum!"
"Do it, cum!" She grinds her palm over your cockhead, and with a loud shout you burst, splattering her hand with your load. You let out a long low moan as Hayoung catches your load with one hand while wringing you dry with the other. By the time you are done her palm is covered with thick white fluid, sliding off and dripping on to the seat.
"Ah, damn!" you gasp, relaxing against her as you come down.
"Mmm delicious." You can't see her behind you, but you know that Hayoung is licking her hand clean right now. You confirms it when she grabs your cock again with a saliva-coated hand. "How about you think about what position we should do it in and get hard again quickly?"
"Well, we can't do it in this position anyways. Switch?" Hayoung agrees. You get up, as does Hayoung, and she grabs some wipes to clean the chair. In her bent over stance you arrive at an answer quickly. "I want you like this."
"Hm? Oh..." A loud gasp escapes her as you take her by surprise and from behind. "That was quick." You reach around and squeeze a breast, and her nipple stiffes against your fingertips—she definitely did not mind. But the chair rolls and moves as you try to fuck her, and Hayoung quickly grows annoyed. "Just fuck me over the desk!" You wrap your arms around Hayoung's torso and swing her around, planting her on the table with a solid thump.
"Shit, sorry."
"It's fine, keep going!" You start with slow pumps of your hips, pushing past Hayoung's tightness with every thrust. But even after she has sat on your cock for the whole day, her "lock" has not memorized the shape of your "key". So you apply more force—if the lock can't be unlocked, then it has to be picked. You start sawing in and out of her, causing her monitors to shake slightly. The videos continue to play, and Hayoung moans as she finally begins to feel what Nagyung and Jiwon felt in the recordings.
"So fucking tight!" She hears your growl, and unconsciously she tightens on you further. Hayoung grunts as you paw at her chest, squeezing her tits from behind. You're trying to press all her buttons—tweaking her nipples, squeeizng her breasts, pressing on her womb from above even as you pounded her. And then a hand drifts down to apply tension, rubbing on her clit—if you didn't pick her lock, you definitely ruined it as Hayoung jerks and cries out.
"Oh, oh fuck, ahhh!" Her legs start trembling, and the images of Nagyung and Jiwon being fucked disappear as Hayoung eyes roll into her head, wiped out by the strong orgasm. Her walls loosen for just a moment before contracting violently around you. You watch her back flex erotically before she shivers and goes still, allowing you to continue to fuck her, close to your own release again.
"Hayoung, I'm gonna cum!"
"Oh fuck... Pull out!" Weakly Hayoung drops to her knees just as you begin to throb. She makes to grab your shaft, but so slippery it is from her slick that it slips out of her hand, and you end up shooting it over her desk, one blast splattering a monitor. She manages to take your throbbing length in hand, but not before another cumshot lands on her chin and drips down to her chest. Your whole climax is a sloppy affair as Hayoung finally manages to rein you in, swallowing the rest of your load with her lips wrapped around your tip.
"God... fuck Hayoung!" you gasp, bracing yourself on her desk before slowly lowering yourself down next to her. She can only manage a gulp in reply, and you quickly hand her the first thing you can find—her blouse. You get a painful slap on the shoulder for that.
You hand her the wipes she grabbed earlier, and Hayoung cleans herself up before pulling the blouse over herself. Shivering in the air-conditioned room the two of you quickly get dressed before Hayoung looks at the damage done.
"Oh my god, thank god you didn't hit the keyboard," she mutters, wiping her monitor and desk of your load.
"Yeah sorry about that, you slipped and I just, you know."
"Now imagine that hitting the back of my throat, hehehe."
"For how cute you are you really can be quite dirty."
"Cute, me?" Hayoung sidles close to you, and blushing, you have to take a step back.
"No, you're not cute! I mean yes you are, I mean—" Hayoung laughs at your flustered look before beckoning you in for a whisper.
"Did you forget? We double-teamed our dear Saerom between the two of us, what makes you think my head isn't in the gutter?" She leaves you stunned as she begins to close up for the night. "Get your stuff, I'm locking the office soon. Oh, and give me the keycard back." Dutifully you hand back your access card and wait at the door obediently, like an employee waiting for their boss to leave first.
"Well, thanks for coming, consider our deal done, Saerom won't find out about you and Nagyung."
"Thanks. Speaking of Saerom, were you the one who told Saerom about me and Jiwon? Since you had the video."
"No, you got unlucky that time, the system logs when someone's in her office, and you and Jiwon entering her office was unexpected, so she pulled the video herself."
"And me and Nagyung?"
"She knows Nagyung was supposed to be there, so on the logs it doesn't look surprising, she won't pull it up. If you don't tell and I don't tell, how would she find out?"
"Okay, that's a relief."
"Now that you know though, if you ever want to, you know, fuck somewhere that's not Saerom's office, I wouldn't mind watching."
"How would you watch if we're the ones— Oh!" You realize what she means after a short delay.
"I haven't seen you talk to Seoyeon or Chaeyoung much, just saying. Of course, if you want to come over and fuck me I wouldn't mind either hmm?"
"Right, ahem..." you cough awkwardly at the suggestion. "I'll think about it, bye then." Hayoung leans in to give you a chaste kiss before waving goodbye to you joyfully.
"Have a good weekend!"
You think to yourself as you walk away: Saerom may be the leader of the company, but Hayoung is the one that sees all.
A/N: Finally got around to continuing FROMIS app, gonna try to write Seoyeon and Chaeyoung chapters as soon as I get an idea... so...within 1 year? Thanks for reading!
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pupyuj · 8 months
I hope you're doing okay 🙏I've been thinking lately and thought why not share it with my favorite fellow yujin simp.
just thinking about how she needs you really bad but you're at an I've practise of hers or in a dressing room for one of her performances.
Baby girl comes up to you all cutely 🥺🥺and hugs you to then whisper in your ear how badly she needs you, she's been thinking about it ALL DAY and having you so close is driving her wild.🥴
You successfully escape the said room to find a quite place to ruin her in. Telling her to be quite for you, "you don't want anyone to hear us right love?"🤭🤫
Yujin being a mess, gripping at your clothes, whining and moaning in your ear😳, bitting your neck as she's close to silence herself 'cause she knows she'd be to loud otherwise. she' s been craving you for hours and that build up + your fingers is just to much for our puppy. 🥰
Also can I be 🧇anon?
tee hee this was 🧇 anon's first ask but i couldn't work on it back then :((( SO HERE I AM :DDDD choosing the dressing room setting too cuz 👀
thinking about yujin who feels like she can't wait for you to touch her until the end of her performance so she's glued to you the entire time she and the girls were sitting patiently in their room waiting for their turn on the stage :((( her pressing her cheek against your shoulder, smiling fondly as you made jokes with jiwon and gaeul, listened intently while rei was telling a story, laughing at your stupid antics with hyunseo and wony, she was so in love with you :((( her mind turning into a puddle when you put your hand on her thigh... you didn't mean to turn her on or anything! and it wasn't your fault that she was so desperate to be fucked! 😵‍💫
her tugging at your sleeve, putting her lips close to your ear, "i really need you, unnie... i'm so wet." see, you weren't really the type to just have sex anywhere whenever you want, so you looked at her with wide eyes at first 😭😭 yujinnie thinking that she might have weirded you out, pouting and looking away, more than ready to just hold it all back until you wanted to touch her :((( but then you excused yujin and yourself to a separate, small empty room right next door 🤭 surprising yujin when you pressed her back against the wall, your knee already sneaking in between her thighs 🫠
yujin was by no means a hard sub but it was rare to see her as she is right now: needy and impatient, practically begging for you to fuck her with the way she grinded on your thigh,, "please, please, please..." she was whining so cutely ☹️ you were never able to say no to yujin... but this was such a once in a lifetime opportunity to push her over the edge for omce,, she always got what she wanted from you, so why not have fun and mess with her for now?? pulling down her safety shorts along with her panties, pressing your thigh against her bare cunt,, yujinnie thinking that you were going to fuck her hard and fast but immediately reads your intent when you started kissing up her neck,, "unnie.. un-unnie, please... just fuck me, i need you..." but she can't help liking the feeling of your lips on her skin :(((
you were careful not to leave marks, but with how weakly you were kissing her yujin only grew more desperate 🫠 she grabs one of the hands you've placed on her breasts and puts it close to her cunt but you swat her hand away, "let me have my way with you or else i'll refuse to touch you the entire day." and that seemed to shut her up quickly,, the pup needed some training anyway,, telling you all that nasty stuff while in the presence of her staff team and members! you would have found it embarrassing had someone heard her... but you'll let it pass just this once bcs yujin was being so cute 🤭
pinching her nipples through all the fabric she was wearing,, yujinnie whining so much bcs while she does feel something, it's not enough :(( humping your thigh mildly to stimulate her clit,, "oh, puppy... you're drenched... you must be really horny, hm?" teasing her after seeing the mess she's made from her wetness alone,, yujin refusing to make eye contact bcs she knew why this was such a big deal to you :((( "you gonna come just from this?" and despite being desperate to come, yujin still had this huge ass pride and refuses to give you more reasons to make fun of her so she holds her climax back,,
it wasn't going to be for long though 😈 without warning, you thrusted two fingers inside her, deeply and harshly,, yujinnie having to hold you so close to drown out her moans,, hands clutching onto your clothes so tightly you thought she was going to rip them to shreds,, "u-unnie..! unnie, unnie..!!" she was so loud 🫣🫣 but your thrusts never ceased even with the risk of being caught,, you only fucked her faster and even deeper, hitting all of her sweet spots and turning her brain into mush with each hit,, slipping a third finger in so suddenly?? spreading her cunt and using your other hand to play with her clit—god, yujin was screaming at this point...
"come lots, yujin-ah.. make this risk worth it.. you're unnie's good girl, aren't you? aren't you, puppy?"
between the nickname, the three fingers stretching her pussy so fucking well, and your breath on her neck, yujin came hard—writhing beneath you and biting your shirt as she squirted all over your fingers,,, legs shaking so hard she nearly collapses, tears squeezing out the corner of her eyes bcs of her climax :((( "thank you.. thank you..." and she doesn't forget to kiss you and clean up the mess on your hand herself,, licking and sucking,, grinning at your flustered face at the sight,, whether she's subbing or domming, yujin will never not drive you insane 🥴
she definitely asks for more if there's time!! otherwise both of you will be at it all night long, no breaks—just how she likes it 😈
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bonbonchocolates · 6 months
Game Over
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Yandere Taehyung x Reader
Summary: When you and your friends get trapped in a game......
Warnings: yandere tae, obsessive behavior, death (of minor characters), blackmailing
A/N: Again originally from my Wattpad account. If you like it please leave a like.
"Look everyone, what I found?"
Jiwon yelled coming towards you with a big box in her hands. She placed it down on the coffee table near the couch you were sitting on.
"What is it?"
Serim asked in curiosity. Being the curious type she got excited as soon as she saw the box that Jiwon brought.
All your other friends left what they were doing and rushed to see the box. You observed the box.
"It seems like a game to me."
You being the most intelligent among all your friends guessed it without opening the box.
"This seems fun."
Sihyeon commented.
You all sat on the ground surrounding the coffee table where the box was kept. Eunji tried to open the box but to her disappointment she failed.
"It's too tight."
She complaint.
"Let me try"
Yoorim suggested and tried to open the box. To her luck the box opened this time. She is the strongest among all of you afterall.
"You are strong, Yoo"
Jiwon complemented her while clapping.
"I know bish."
You all erupted in laughter. Just Yoorim being Yoorim.
After the box was opened you found a model of something that looked like that of an amusement park to you. Though it was a small model, it seemed real. You were totally intrigued by it. Your eyes then caught a piece of paper beside it, you picked it up and and began to read.
"Welcome to my game of hide and seek. The game is very simple, you need to hide from me and escape from the amusement park. You all have two hours, if you escape then you are free but if you are caught, you lose the game and if you are not able to escape within the time given to you, you'll be trapped with me here, FOREVER.
But there are rules you all need to follow:
1. Don't be in pairs. It will be easy for me to find you.
2. If you feel like I'm behind you, don't turn back and continue the game.
3. Don't expect me to play fair because I never play fair.
4. The last and most important important rule, don't beg in front of me if you lose the game because I will show no mercy.
If you want to still proceed then it's up to you. The choice is yours now. Good luck.
You read out loud so all your friends can hear.
"But, how to play it?"
Eunji asked.
Just then Jiwon discovered a small box made up of cardboard. She opened it and found small miniature characters inside it.
"Guys, I think that each one of us needs to take these small characters and place them in the miniature amusement park."
Jiwon explained.
"Isn't it like playing with dolls?"
Sihyeon complaint.
You all did what Jiwon told, completely ignoring Sihyeon. Then you found a small character of a man dressed weirdly between the bunch of miniature characters. It was bigger than the others in size and had a strange clothing.
"He must be the one who will try to catch us."
You explained to your friends and they nodded their head in understanding.
"Guys I don't think we should play the game."
Yiren said. Truth to be said you also got negative vibes from it and your gut feeling was saying you not to play it.
"I think Yiren is right."
You commented.
"Oh ho, Y/N you are no fun."
Yoorim said.
"And Yiren what is wrong if we play it. It is totally harmless, right? Stop being a scaredy cat."
Yoorim complaint.
"Let's start the game."
Serim clapped her hands and placed the miniature of the weirdly dressed man on the miniature amusement park.
As soon as she placed it you heard a weird sound coming from the kitchen.
"Must be a cat."
Jiwon said.
"Guys look"
Sihyeon showed you a picture of a man that she found in the box where the game was kept.
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"He is so handsome."
Eunji commented.
"He looks creepy"
I said being completed uninterested. Then you snatched the picture from Sihyeon's hand and started observing it. You feel like you saw it somewhere but you couldn't recall where.
"Let's not play the ga-"
Before you could complete the sentence you found your friends, they laid on the floor. They all fainted and now you to started to feel dizzy.
What is happening to me?
Then everything blacked out.
"Y/N, wake up!"
You heard someone yelling at you. You opened your eyes to find the faces of your friends looking worriedly at you. You got up and imagined to find yourself in your room but as you observed your surroundings you found yourself somewhere else.
"Where are we?"
You asked.
"I don't know but it seems like an amusement park to me."
Sihyeon said.
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(Sorry, I couldn't find a better picture)
You observed your surroundings more clearly this time and it looked like an abundant amusement park to you. You feel like you saw it somewhere before. You tried to recall what happened before you fainted, you remembered about the game. You joined the dots together and you understood everything.
Oh no, we are trapped in the game.
"Guys, do you remember the game?"
You tried to indirectly inform that you all are trapped in the game, you don't know why.
"Wait, don't say that we are trapped in the game?"
Serim said finally understanding it.
"This is why I told you not to play the game."
Yiren said while a few drops of tears were rolling down her face.
"It's just a nightmare, we'll wake up soon."
Sihyeon said trying to come with an explanation with what is happening right now. You hoped that she is right but deep down you know she is not. Still to convince yourself you pinched yourself and felt hurt, that means you are not dreaming.
"It's all Serim's fault, she was the one who was so eager to play the game."
Eunji complaint.
"Shut up, Eunji. You are saying as if you didn't want to play the game."
"Stob it you all. It's not the time to fight, right now we need to find a way to get out of the game."
Jiwon said.
Just then you heard someone laughing. It sounded like a male voice. You looked around and found no one except your friends. You all were confused now.
"Welcome girls, I hope you all know the rules of the game, so let's get started. I can't wait anymore, it has been decades since someone came here. It will be fun to hunt you all down. Let the game begin, find a good hiding spot, somewhere that I won't find you. Best of luck."
A deep male voice greeted you from somewhere. You could only hear his voice but couldn't see him.
"Who are you?"
You asked with all the courage that you gained. Once again you heard the sound of laughter.
"Curious, are we? Don't worry Y/N dear I'll soon reveal myself, till then try to hide from me."
His voice sent shivers down your spine and moreover he knew your name. That means he knows everyone's names.
"We only have two hours, we need to escape from here soon"
Jiwon said and told you all to follow her. At first you all started following her but then he remembered something and stoped in your track.
"Wait, in the rules it was written that we should not be together or it will be easy for that man to catch us."
You said.
"Does it mean that we need to separate from each other?"
Yoorim asked.
"Unfortunately yes"
You said her.
"Just remember all the rules and don't let your fear take control over you. We'll surely win the game, just trust yourself."
Jiwon said and with that you all parted your ways. However you need to find the way out. You randomly started walking not knowing where you were going.
After a few minutes of walking you couldn't find anything that can lead you to the exit. The only thing you observed was that the amusement park was huge and there were randomly wardrobes placed here and there. It was weird for wardrobes to be in a theme park, maybe it is for hiding.
Just then you heard footsteps behind you, you were about to turn back but you stopped after you remembered the rule.
If you feel like I'm behind you, don't turn back and continue the game.
You started running and then you hid yourself inside a wardrobe and closed the door. From the holes of the wardrobe you saw a man outside. Your eyes widened when you saw the man was weirdly dressed but you couldn't see his face.
"Clever, sweetheart, I like it."
He said in his deep voice and he went away. Deep down you felt like he knows where you are hiding but he is just acting as if he has no idea. Obviously, you don't think that he is as stupid as Granny.
After waiting for a few minutes you got out of the wardrobe where you were hiding. You then continued on your way and soon you found a tent. You got inside in hope of finding a clue to get out.
You started searching everywhere inside the tent but you couldn't find anything. At last you found a picture. As soon as you saw the picture, your eyes popped out, it was a picture of the same man whom you saw in the picture that Sihyeon showed you. He was with a girl and unexpectedly the girl looked like you. The photo seemed to be old and soon you kept the photo from where you picked it up.
Maybe my mind is playing tricks with me.
You continued on your way. You just hoped that your friends are okay. You had no idea how much time do you have left with yourself. You need to be fast.
After some time what happened to be a small house caught your attention. You quickly went towards it and tried to open the door. To your luck it was not locked and you entered inside. This place was not like the others, it looked like it was recently used. It was cleaned and decent.
The house had only one room attached with a bathroom. You began to investigate the house. You saw the room had a bed, a couch and other furnitures. All were clean and dust free like they have been in use recently.
Maybe this is where the weirdly dressed man lives.
Then your eyes went to the pictures hanging on the wall. There were several of them and to your surprise it was pictures of the same man with a woman who looked like you. As you observed the pictures you felt like they were memories rather than a simple pictures. Now you figured out that weirdly dressed man and the man in the pictures were maybe the same person.
You ignored them and started to investigate the house in order to find a clue or something to escape from here. Right now your only mission was to escape from here. You hoped that your friends have all escaped or have found a way to escape.
Just then you found a newspaper on the bed side table. You picked it up and saw the date and it was..................1915.
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"Businessman Kim Taehyung arrested for charges of murder."
Wait, he is a murderer too. That means he is a dangerous person you need to take him seriously. How much you wished this all to be a nightmare.
Then you heard the sound of ticking. You turned back and found a wall clock and you saw the time. You only had half an hour left. You don't know how you wasted so much time. Now you have no more time to waste you decided to get out of this house.
You went towards the door and tried to open it but unfortunately you couldn't. You banged on the door but to your avail you couldn't open it. You sat down there and silently cried. You never in your life imagined to bring this situation.
Your eyes then went to the bed where the same game was kept, which trapped you here. You quickly went towards it and found that the miniature character you choose was on the top of a small house. Then you understood that it was showing your current location. But you couldn't find the miniature characters of your other friends and the miniature of the weirdly dressed man was just outside the house you were in, so that means he is just outside.
You began to observe the miniature amusement park that was kept in the bed in front of you. Then your eyes landed on a particular place where it was written 'exit' and there was a small arrow near it. You finally figured out the exit.
Why didn't I observe it before playing the game?
"Smart, aren't you, sweetheart?"
Your heard a deep voice, you looked back and found the weirdly dressed man in front of you. This is the first time you saw his face for the first time and you were right it was the same man from the picture.
But one thing, he was hella handsome. What are you even thinking right now?
"So you finally figured out the way? You all the ones who played the game before couldn't find the way out but you, my love are a genius. You know the way so you are free to leave."
You couldn't think of anything and got up and tried to run away past him. And to your luck he let you go and the door opened this time.
His deep voice stopped you in your tracks.
"But you'll be the only one to leave because your friends are all out."
He said with an evil laughter.
"What do you mean?"
"Sweetheart, this will disappoint you but your friends lost the game. They were not smart enough and now they are trapped here forever as my personal toys."
After hearing that you broke down.
"No worries, my love, I can make an exception for you. You have two choices either you escape alone or your friends escape without you."
You asked in curiosity.
"You are smart, sweetheart so you should already understand it. Ok so let me explain to you if you surrender yourself to me I'll let your friends go."
You started to think. If you escape alone without your friends, what are you supposed to say to their family about their sudden disappearance. It will be very selfish of you to escape alone without your friends when they were with you your entire life.
"Think fast, sweetheart. Time is running."
You wiped the tears from your face and decided to take your final decision.
"I'm ready to surrender myself."
Your words brought a sinister smirk on his face.
"Great choice, my love."
He came towards you and engulfed in a hug.
"Now will you let my friends go?"
"Ofcourse sweetheart"
He said and kissed your forehead.
"This time I will not let anyone take you away from me."
You had no idea what he meant by that but still a drop of tear escaped from your eyes.
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vex91 · 11 months
Ahn Yujin - A visitor
Pairing: Ahn Yujin x Female Reader
Fandom: IZ*ONE / IVE
Requested by: @luvjanexx
Request: hii can i request yujin x ive member reader fluff
yujin ad reader being cute on vlive please and thank you !!
Summary: During your most recent vlive, Yujin decides to pay you a visit and stays for the rest of the live.
A/N: I love fluffy Yujin, thanks for requesting <3
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3rd's POV
Y/N is here!!!
Are you at your dorm rn?
Comeback when?
"Hi guys. Yes I'm at the dorm right now, in my room to be exact. I was actually bored so I decided to turn on the live and talk with you all" You said, reading the comments. People were slowly tuning in and you continued talking with your fans about random topics like what did you eat that day or what you planned to do tomorrow.
"Yeah, other members are still doing their photoshoots. I finished earlier than everyone today" You answered another question about the other members whereabouts and laughed when you remembered their faces when you told them that you finished for today and could go home.
Poor members lmao
Y/N won life today it seems
You continued talking with your fans until you heard a knock on you door "Come in" you yelled and soon the door opened, revealing your leader in her full glory. She was in her sweatpants already which meant that she came back some time ago. She was also wearing a gray hoodie with a hood pulled on her cap. In her left hand she had a bag full of what you could see be different kinds of snacks and drinks.
"It looks like we have a visitor today guys" You laughed at the camera as Yujin started dancing her way to you. You turned your phone a bit so the camera could catch at least a little bit of your leader being a loveable fool as you often said.
Soon though you had to put your phone to the side so it could show you and Yujin who took a sit next to you after pulling her hoodie of, leaving her in a simple white t-shirt. The cap stayed on her head as she greeted the fans "Hi guys. It's Yujin who managed to finish her today's schedules" She made a V to the camera and looked at you to signal you to do the same. After looking at each other for a few seconds you turned to the camera and made a V of your own, earning a happy "Yay" from Yujin.
They're so cute together🤭
The V queens are here✌
We're gonna be fed so well today :>
"Are the others still working?" You asked her as you started looking through the bag that Yujin brought "Rei and Jiwon finished before me but they went somewhere together. Gaeul unnie and Hyunseo are still busy" You hummed at her answer as you continued looking for your favorite chips. Yujin used this time to read some more comments, giggling at one specific "You guys look like a couple right now" You quickly looked up and noticed that you indeed looked like a couple, mostly because of Yujin's cap on your head and her arm being wrapped lazily around your waist.
Omg they do look like one :0
Starship probably doesn't have them on a gun point this time
They're my parents idc
They're accepting their fate I see😈
The live continued with some occasional jokes about your relationship, Yujin being her flirty self and you actually becoming flustered over some of the things she said. Your not so small crush on Yujin didn't helped the situation too, it only grew during this live.
"They asked us to hold hands" Yujin said and looked at you with a teasing grin as she put her hand out in front of you "Come on, I'm waiting" You sighed and connected your hand with hers. You did hold hands occasionally but only now you realized how your hands fit perfectly together, so much that you've even started questioning if it was true or if your mind decided to play tricks on you.
Suddenly Yujin brought your hands to her face and kissed the back of your hand. It was so sudden that you couldn't help but gasp lightly as your face started heating up. Your heartbeat started being faster as you looked away from Yujin and onto the comments.
Woah Yujin so flirty😳
Is our ynnie blushing?
Omg she's blushing :>
We're being fed so well today🤭
"Did I made you flustered?" Yujin looked at you and you slapped her shoulder repeatedly in order to get her attention away from you which only made her laugh loudly "Y/N is so cute right guys?" Yujin looked at the camera again, pulling you more into her embrace because after the whole holding hands thing you pulled away from her a little "Oh shut up" You mumbled but still cuddled more into her side.
You heard your members downstairs and looked at the time "We're here a while now. I guess it's time to say goodbye" You started as you and Yujin got closer to the camera "I'll do another live tomorrow so you can come back here if you had fun today. Are you going to visit us again unnie?" You asked Yujin as she nodded "Probably yeah. We'll see if Rei lets me, lately she's been complaining that she wants to be on one of your lives too" You laughed when you imagined Rei complaining, she must have looked so cute.
Before you realized it Yujin kissed you on the cheek before you could end the live "There was a comment that told me to kiss your cheek" She said with a smile and you only managed to nod as you ended the live. Honestly you didn't had to know that there was no comment like that and Yujin just made that one up.
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brrrkdslek · 10 months
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❒ ateez x gn! reader
❒ idfk, gossip girls???
❒ your friend ditches you and is replaced with your favourite group, ateez.
❒ 0.8k
❒ fyi i was like half asleep when i wrote this. im not even gonna bother to edit btw im not making fun of anyone n shit just go with it pls im begging😭🙏🏻
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your heart stops for a whole minute as you watch ateez walking across from you, just getting off their flight.
you rubbed your eyes multiple times as you shamelessly gawked at the boys that walked farther and farther away from you. damn, is this how lucky you are???
apparently not as you waited at the parking lot, checking your phone every few seconds waiting for your friend to arrive to pick you up.
you squatted down as fatigue took over your body and knocked you to the ground. you sighed, not even bothering to move.
just then, your phone vibrated in your pocket as you pick up the call. "jiwon! where the hell are you, i'm fucking starving!"
"uh... i might not be able to make it, heh." your eyes widen as you silently cried. fuck it's already 11pm, who's gonna take you home now???
you decided to sit there and cry your ass off until a miracle happened, which it did. you cried and whispered words of curses directed to your supposed 'best friend'.
"waaa, that stupid bimbo... i bet she ditched me 'cuz she's hooking up with some man whore," "who did?" you jumped as you looked to your right.
is that,
jung. fucking. wooyoung. question mark.
you stare at him for a few seconds before suddenly slapping yourself across the face, taking him by shock. "fuck! focus y/n, you shouldn't be fucking hallucinating right now..."
you sighed as you looked in his direction again. his figure still and very real. "wait, what the hell? you're real???" you put your hand over your mouth, why were you so fucking unlucky????
wooyoung then laughed as you stared at him like he was on something, "ah- sorry, i've just never met a fan like this before! wait, you're an atiny, right?"
you nodded, face still red from embarrassment. "what are you doing out here at," you glance at your phone, "almost 12am?" wooyoung shook his head, "no, what are YOU doing out here? and why are you on the ground crying????"
you explained your situation to wooyoung as you cursed your friend in anger. you also told him that she hooks up with the randomest dudes ever and worst of all, she's your roommate.
the miracle finally happened when wooyoung offered to drive you back, not mentioning that he was with his members too.
as you approached the black van, he opened the passenger door, pulling san out and shoving him in the back. you side-eyed wooyoung as he kicked and shoved san into the back, no explanation.
"yah! jung woo- ow, don't kick me!"
"what the fuck are you doing???"
"hey, get off me!"
"what is going on???"
the members clamoured as they adjusted their seating due to the extra fatso being shoved in. extra fatso as in choi san of course!
"you saw nothing!" wooyoung exclaimed happily as he opened the passenger door for you, you got in and sat awkwardly as the members gawked at you.
maybe you should've stayed outside until you got kidnapped by a sexy man/ woman and lived in their basement forever, okay maybe it wasn't that bad.
"uh, who are you?" okay maybe it was that bad.
"uh-" wooyoung got into the driver's seat and started the car, "our little atiny's friend dumped her on the streets so we're gonna take her home!" ouch, why's he word it like that???
mingi's face lightened up, "you're an atiny!? ooo, who's your bias?" fuck, you didn't expect that. um, what were you supposed to say now???
suddenly your phone rang. for the first time ever, you thanked jiwon for calling you at a random time. wooyoung put on some music and started driving, "oh- right, where do you live?"
the members tease wooyoung for his stupidity as you entered a location on the gps, then answering the phone. "hello- what?"
the members eyed each other quietly as they, not very discreetly, listened in on your conversation. not like they couldn't, right?
"what did you say just now?" "uh- so my hookup might've stolen your yeosang photocard." you gasped so loud. wooyoung looked over, "what, what is it?"
the members eyes widen with curiosity, silently rooting for you as you screamed at your 'friend' on the phone. unlucky day it was.
you hung up, turning to wooyoung, " actually, take me here instead." you enter another location. "what- wait why, what happened?"
then began your rant of your slut of a roommate. how she was messy, never giving you space and always up your ass about everything. you also mentioned that you were finding a new apartment so you could finally get away from her.
"what! that's so insane, she let the guy sleep naked on the couch??" seonghwa cringed in disgust. "yeah, he was so damn ugly too." san snorted and laughed, "i even have a picture, you wanna see???"
the rest of the car ride was filled with gasps and 'no way!'s and 'omg's and more! but of course, the boys deliver you to your location safely and you've never felt happier.
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mode-lfy · 2 years
Jiheon - Warm
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This story idea originated when I saw a clip of Jiheon saying her bucket list, and saying that she wants to try drinking alcohol with her friends and all the members were like 'No!', 'drink with them in the dorm'
"First thing on my bucket list is.... I want to drink alcohol with my friends!!!" Jiheon excitedly say.
"Huh!?!?!" Some of the members reacted.
Jiwon and Nagyung then suggested, "bring them to the dorm and drink there, we will supervise."
Jiheon looks at them, bewildered.
Jisun then added, "We can cook fried dumplings and some side dishes for you guys to accompany the drinks.
The rest of Fromis_9 then continued talking about the maknae's wish list and treating her like a little kid.
After the finish of promotions for their comeback, most members went back home to spend some time with their family and take a break/rest.
Jiheon decided to go home to her parents for some days and spend the New Years with them.
At the same time, she want to visit Y/n, her childhood friend, whose family is close with hers due to their close friendship since young.
The next day, she came into Y/n's family restaurant, which sells gukbap mainly.
"Hey!" Jiheon greeted him, smiling.
"Hey! You are here!" Y/n greeted back happily.
"Take a seat, I'm almost done helping out, have you had lunch yet?" He asked.
"Not yet... I'm not hungry." She answered.
Jiheon takes a seat while Y/n himself takes a bowl of hot gukbap and sits down across her.
Y/n starts eating deliciously, making Jiheon smile. "Are you that hungry?" She asked, laughing.
"Sorry. Ever since, I started helping out my parents during my university term breaks, I realised how tiring it is." He replied.
"You eat gukbap everyday. Isn't it tiring sometimes." Jiheon asked curiously, putting her head on her hand while asking.
"Nope! Warm food is always the best! Especially during the cold winter like right now." Y/n said, while filling his mouth with gukbap.
"By the way... You know I'm turning into an adult right!" She said excitingly.
"Congratulations! I am already one before you." Y/n said, teasingly.
Making use of the fact that Y/n was born 6 months older than her, which as a result makes him born in the year before her, which makes him officially one year older than her. (Korean Age)
"Aish!" Jiheon frowned and stared at him.
"Just joking, so what do you want to do?" He asked.
"Have you seen this video of me? Where I talked about my bucket list?" Jiheon asked cutely.
Y/n still putting food into his mouth, nodded, "You want to try drinking with your friends right."
"Yes!" She excitedly nodded.
"Your Unnies also said, bring your friends to the dorm." He said, looking at her.
"But there's no fun then..." Jiheon pouted.
"So what do you want to do?" He asked
"Gather up all our childhood friends, then we try drinking once together!" Jiheon suggested excitedly.
"Are you crazy!" Y/n pointed his spoon at her.
"Your first time should be with your family. Go try with your family before you try it with friends." He continued.
"Why?" Asked Jiheon.
"First time drinking should be with family, that's what my father taught me." Y/n said, looking at her.
"How was your first experience of drinking alcohol!?!?" She asked, excited and curious about his experience.
"It was fine. I was with my father, we tried drinking at home. My mother was less enthusiastic about it however." Y/n said, laughing slightly as he muttered the last sentence.
"What about the taste?" Jiheon continue asking.
"It was bitter, but you will get used to it later on. You have to drink with side dishes to make it better." Y/n said.
"Wow! Becoming an adult makes me feels like I'm really grown up now." Jiheon said, smiling.
One night before Jiheon is about to go back to her dorm, she went to visit him again and have a nice moment with him.
"Hi!" Jiheon entered the shop, wearing warm fluffy clothes around her. She greeted Y/n who was closing up the restaurant.
"Hey, what brings you here?" Y/n asked as he was surprised to see her.
"Are you closed for business already!" Jiheon asked shyly, looking down lightly and moving her hair around.
"Yeah, I told my parents that I will tidy up the place and told them to rest earlier. What's up?" Y/n asked her.
"Are you gonna be free?" Jiheon asked.
"I'm planning to watch football with my friends. Why?" Y/n ask, sitting down as he finished cleaning up.
"Do you want to have a drink with me?" Jiheon asked, sitting down on a random seat.
"Hey! There are a few big matches today. I have to watch it with my friends."
Jiheon thought for awhile and then stand up and says, "Then maybe I should ask someone else to drink with me."
This triggered a response from Y/n.
"Who's that someone? Is it a guy?" He asked worriedly and a light hint of jealous in his voice.
"Why should you care. Aren't you too busy for me." Jiheon said, smiling and sticking out her tongue.
"*tsk* Stay here, let's drink in the restaurant. It's more comfortable here than other places." Y/n smiled at her antics.
"I brought some alcohol drinks from my house!" Jiheon happily said, taking out some drinks from a bag.
"I will take some stuff out. Wait for me." Y/n went into the kitchen.
He took out some side dishes to accompany the drinks and then they started drinking together.
Jiheon excitedly opened a bottle of soju and passed it to Y/n, who is bewildered but happy, smiling at how excited she is when opening the bottle.
"Is it really that fun to open the bottle?" Y/n asked, looking at her.
"Of course! When I was younger, I always see adults doing it and it looks cool."
Y/n then poured the drink into two glass and passed one to her. They cheers and Jiheon started drinking it, then letting out an exaggerated expression.
Y/n smile and laughed slightly at her cute actions.
"I had my first drink with my father. He had even taught me about some manners that I should observe." Jiheon said.
"That's good. Did you like the taste of alcohol?" Y/n asked.
Jiheon shook her head.
"Then why did you ask to drink with me?" Y/n asked, confused.
"Cause I want to drink with you. I feel
comfortable with you." Jiheon confessed.
"And I also haven't been able to spend much time with you too. I want to spend some time with you before I go back to the dorm tonight." She continued.
Y/n smiled warmly. "Those words are heartwarming. Well I hope you are enjoying this moment now with me." He said.
"Have some side dishes too. You are gonna get sick later at the dorm if you don't eat while drinking." Y/n nagged at her.
"But I don't feel like eating, I will be fine." Jiheon assured him.
"You are gonna get very very uncomfortable later if you don't eat, you know..." Y/n looked at her worryingly.
"Are you worried for me?" Jiheon looked at him cutely, putting on her cute smile and putting her head on her hands.
"Of course! *Slight hesitation* Well... my parents would scold me for not taking care of you!" Y/n said, making Jiheon chuckle.
"Well I will be going now. I will be missing you. I will try to come more often to see you." Jiheon stood up, preparing to leave.
"Goodbye, now I can watch my football!" Y/n pretend to cheer infront of her.
Both laughed and waved goodbye at each other.
Few hours later, around midnight, Jiheon started feeling sick and uncomfortable after she returned to the dorm.
Gyuri, being her roommate, decided to stay up and take care of her and accompany her. Then she felt like eating something hot and warm, she thought of Y/n and his family's gukbap.
So she took her phone and called him, hoping he is still awake.
"Hello?" Y/n answered.
"Oppa..." Jiheon said with a weak voice, alerting Y/n as she doesn't usually call him that.
"Jiheon? Are you okay? You sound sick." Y/n said with a slight worry in his tone.
"I'm sick.... Can you deliver me gukbap? I'm cold and craving your gukbap... please??? I'm at my dorm now." Jiheon said lethargically.
"Hey! The restaurant is closed right now and there is no more gukbap! I would need to cook it and deliver it to your dorm!?!? Your dorm is at least half an hour away? You want me to deliver it to you in the middle of this cold winter night!?!!" Y/n said with an angry tone.
He then continued. "I'm also watching football right now! Don't disturb me!"
"But oppa..." Jiheon said sadly.
Then the call hangs up.
Jiheon then turned grumpy and sad. This made Gyuri who was beside her asked, "Are you okay?"
Jiheon nodded slowly, albeit with a sad face.
Gyuri then pulled her for a hug and patted the maknae.
One hour later, while Gyuri and Jiheon were having some personal moments, talking about personal things.
The doorbell to their dorm rang, and they both came to the door to see who it was.
Jiheon peeked through the door hole and sees Y/n carrying a metal deliver box and wrapped in winter clothing.
"Oh? Y/n...." Jiheon said in surprise after she opened the door.
"I thought there's no more gukbap and you were busy watching football...." Jiheon muttered.
Y/n then brought the metal container over into the house.
"That is true, I had to spend some time cooking gukbap and as for the football part... I could always watch it another time... You are more important." Y/n said, looking at Jiheon, flashing a small gentle smile at her before taking out the food he prepared for her.
Y/n took out a bowl gukbap and warm side dishes that can help Jiheon feel better.
They both sat down along a table in the living room while Gyuri sits from a distance and observes them.
Jiheon starts slowly eating the gukbap and side dishes, making both Y/n and Gyuri smile.
"Is it delicious?" Y/n asked, as he sees her eating continuously.
Jiheon nodded, smiling brightly.
"Is this how you two always interact?" Gyuri asked curiously from a small distance.
Y/n turns over and sees Gyuri, he stands up and greets her. "Hello! Well, I am Jiheon's friend."
"Jiheon told me about you before. I see that you two are very close." Gyuri said.
"Well, Y/n.. accompany her. I will be heading back to the room to sleep. No funny ideas in this dorm, understood." She looks at them both.
"We are just friends..." Both of them said.
Gyuri chuckled and went back to the room.
Y/n sits back down and looks at Jiheon as she awkwardly eats it slowly after what Gyuri said.
"Do you feel better?" Y/n asked her.
"I'm still sick but I feel better now. The food that you prepared makes me feel warm." Jiheon smiled.
"I brought some medicine over for you. Take it before you go to sleep later on." Y/n said as he took out some medicine pills from his pocket.
Jiheon grabbed some kimchi with her chopsticks but the kimchi fell before it entered her mouth.
"Aish, so clumsy. Let me feed you." Y/n said, laughing at her.
He then picked up a pair of chopsticks and fed some kimchi to her.
They both looked at each other in the eye as Y/n feeds Jiheon.
"Is it tasty?" Y/n asked.
"Mm. The food you prepared for me is more effective than any other medicine." Jiheon said.
After eating the food, Y/n put the dishes back into the container and accompanies her.
Jiheon laid down on the couch and looks at Y/n who was sitting on the floor and looking at her.
"Do you like me?" Jiheon asked, not blinking as she gazed at him.
"Of course I do... You have always been so kind and pretty. It always make me happy whenever you come to spend time with me." Y/n said, as he caressed her cheeks.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend...?" Jiheon ask shyly, blushing red as she say out the words.
Y/n nodded as they both gently smiled at each other happily.
Thanks for reading to the end, this story honestly felt a little hard to execute and this might or might not feel rushed. But I hope you enjoy this oneshot story.
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blazestar0525 · 1 year
Blaze Rants! Part 1/Part ????
*Turns around in chair*
I READ 20 EPISODES OF A NEW WEBTOON AND I WANT TO SHARE MY OPINION! Reminder i'm reading the english version on my computer which only has 20 chapters available for me to read so no i have not read any other episodes pass episode 20 and no i have not watched any spoilers even though my cousins had spoiled a few episodes for me.... but lets not talk about that!
Okay which Webtoon am I talking about:
*Slams hand on desk*
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Okay i'm going to go on a rant of each character and a tiny bit of plot, let's start with each character and i may roast some of them (only 4 and two are from another fandom) so fans for these charather's (if there even is any) don't come at me!
Read more under the cut
Let's start with our Mc here: Jiwon Kang!
Jiwon is a character i really felt sorry for at the start of episode 1 since her husband cheated on her with her best friend and im here sitting like: Why am I getting remarried empress vibes over here? (you're going to be hearing this phrase a lot...)
She dies at the hands of her own husband like WHAT THE MUFFIN?! Then the spirit of her dad gives her a second chance, sending her ten years back into time while me over here being like: GIRL THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! AVOID GETTING MARRIED WITH THAT SORE EXCUSE OF A HUSBAND AND MARRY SOMEONE ELSE!!!!!
As soon as I was her boss and there were a few interactions i was like: Girl, this is your dream man, marry him right now. Then we get to the episode which is her high school reunion and she gets a glow up while me and my friend (who just started reading it) were acting like proud mothers/aunts and I was talking to my screen saying: Show everyone your not the same person and your a strong girlboss now!
Jiwon is a really smart person where she uses her knowledge of the future to her advantage in order to help the lives of other people and to get her revenge which is smart! Not only does she get her revenge but she also helps the lives of people she didn't really know struggled that much in her first life!
I know that she's focus on revenge but i feel like she needs to focus on herself and making her life better, revenge can't be her only goal because after she gets her revenge then what? She has so many allies in the later chapters and she has people who are falling in love with her so in my opinion what I wanted her to do is go date and marry someone else, looking at a certain someone who is not her "boyfriend."/ Trash husband in the future.
Let's move on to who I believe is Jiwon's future husband that she deserves: Jihyuk Yu!
There are a few scenes I got from the first 20 episodes where i came to the conclusion: He has a crush on her from the very start of this webtoon or maybe even before the Webtoon timeline! Even though she's in a relationship (a Very bad Relationship) He still goes out to protect Jiwon from her boyfriend.
Heck there were a few scenes where i was yelling to Jiwon: Dump your boyfriend and go with your boss! But it seems like the girl has other plans.....
Jihyuk Yu is trying to protect her from her boyfriend because he knows that Jiwon's boyfriend is going to cheat on her but Jiwon pretends she doesn't know that even though she does.
Jihyuk Yu is boyfriend material and I'm putting my statement out there! He treats Jiwon with so much hidden love and affection and treats her better than what her boyfriend treats her! If the new fancy shoes weren't enough to show how much he cares for her then i don't know what will for the girl to take a hint.
Okay moving on to! *looks at my list* Hey can i skip these next two?! No? Fine i'll do these two characters in one sitting and i'm going to toast them as much as i want.
The next two im talking about is.... Sumin and Minhwan..... No seriously can i skip these two please?! No?! FINE!
Okay these two, I hate them so much! And here I thought Trashta and Sovieshit (Rashta & Sovieshu) were a bad enough couple, these two over her put the icing on the cake!
Sumin is quote on quote: Jiwon's friends, well why the hell are you lying! Stop lying you piece of sushi (my friends called her that and that's my name for her) She is manipulative and toxic and messed up a perfectly good relationship Jiwon could of have with one of the side charather's! And you cannot say her talking style in episodes 15 - 20 (I think) when she got injured &/or trying to get older men on her side sounds exactly like Rashta from the remarried empress! Like I wanted to commit murder.....
Minhwan..... I'm going to burn you in hell and throw you off a cliff! He's basically Sovieshu, if these charather's would be in the remarried empress then we already know these two pieces of garbage i mentioned are the two worst characters in that webtoon meanwhile the other two i mentioned are Navier and Heinrey.
Minhwan only dated Jiwon because of a bet and I hated him for that and at the end of episode 20 her now acts like a yandere boyfriend even though he FLIRTS with Sumin! LIKE WHAT THE FUDGE MUFFIN!!!! and Minhwan only proposes to keep Jiwon to himself AFTER she gets a glow up and more men are after her! I wonder if he would have done that even if she didn't get the glow up (probably not) but they made it to the step of marriage even without Jiwon getting a makeover so maybe?!
Aright im not talking about sushi girl and mr.cheater over here so lets move to the side characters.
Some i wanted to throw off a cliff, looking at one while some i really hope the writer includes a happy ending for them! Jiwon's old classmates were tricked by lies but in the end they became good allies and I hope Jiwon can rely on them for help on her revenge plan on Sushi girl.
Jihyuk Yu sister is someone i wish was real and is someone who i wish was my sibling because she's so supportive for her brother and is a great friend to all of her co-workers, she is the definition of a perfect friend and maybe a good wingwoman!
Jiwon's old crush, I admit i had no care in the world for him but after i learn the truth that he liked her i hated Sumin more because she ruined a good relationship for Jiwon and Jiwon could have had a happy life.
Jiwon's co-worker who is a working mother with a young child and a shit husband, I wanted to punch her husband at first sight and then i looked at the new character they introduced in episode 19 i said: Please let those two together they look like a good couple.
I'm not going to talk about the other side character (Bald man) because they don't deserve it.
Jiwon deserves to find love and shouldn't be fully focused on revenge while i hope Sumin and Minhwan get karma since they're the worst!
Anyways that's the end of my rant, tell me what i should give my opinion on next: games, shows, webtoons, etc. and i'll check it out and give my opinion! the ask box is always open
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enhadiares · 2 years
%...Pairing Kim Sunoo x reader
%...Genre Fluff
%...Warning not proof read , 1 kissing scene (I think that's it)
%..a/n here's a fluff for sunoo's birthday 🎊🥳🥰 hope you guys like it🤍🤍 I'm sorry I am not good with fluff😭
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"Give me that" "I'll give it to you if you reach it" "ahhh oppa" "ahhh oppa~ *mocks* "
You could hear two children fighting for some sweets in the background. You were having a headache. You massaged your forehead and said to your partner in crime who was equally frustrated "shouldn't we do something?" "ofcource we should but what should we do?" He replied "I don't know , honestly what were we thinking when we thought about this" Flashback to when you guys came here without thinking about the pros or the cons.
"Hey listen!" Sunoo yelled and came into your bedroom. He doesn't knock since he is your bestie and considers your room as his. How sweet. "Shhh don't yell . I can hear you just perfectly even when you don't yell okay?" "Alright alright, now listen I had an idea" he said this time normally "on what?" you asked. "You know how we were discussing about something to do since it's our summer vacation and we can't just spend money all the time" he exclaimed "yeahh what about that?" "Well I found us a job - babysitting. I choose this job because we love babies , the job is easy , we'll be together , we'll still be able to enjoy and we'll get money . How's it?" Sunoo asked hoping you would like his idea. You sat straight on your bed and looked at him with a thinking face while saying "I mean what you said was true , should we do it?" "Ofcource we should , I already gave our names to the job instructor and he said we can call whenever we are ready" he explained. "Yah Why'd you do it without telling me - what if I said no?" "I know you wouldn't , and if you did I am here to convince you aren't I?" He said pinching your cheeks making you hiss and swat his hands away. You spend your time calling the instructor and telling him about your details and asking him about the job to which he replied that there is one lady who is hiring for babysitters. He said that he'll send you a file about the details and you can start after two days since that's the time the lady needs you guys. You and sunoo were both equally exited and happy.
Flashback ends. Now you can see the harsh reality. That babysitting is no joke - it's a hard job. Even tho there were two babies and two adults (you and sunoo) you couldn't handle the babies. One was a 5 year old girl who was named Jiwoo and the 8 year old guy was named jiwon. They both were really cute but very chaotic too. "Okay instead of crying over the past we should try to fix this " you exclaimed "yea let's try to get them to calm down" sunoo nodded and stood up.
You tried everything but the kids weren't listening to you. In the end sunoo pulled you towards him and wishpered something in your ears. It made you blush but also smile since the idea he gave was amazing and you were wondering how you didn't think of it.You both went towards the kids and said loudly "the one who sits on the couch quietly will get pizza and ice-cream. To this both the children left everything and ran straight to the couch and sat there while looking at you two. You both smiled. "Alright what pizza do you guys want to eat?" You were playing with the babies and sunoo was ordering the pizza. "It's ordered. It's going to take a few minutes , what shall we do till then?" Suno asked everyone. The little girl raised and yelled "let's play royalty - I'll be the princess , oppa is the prince (brother) and you guys will be the king and queen" you and sunoo looked at each other with blushes on your faces. Yes people ship you with him but it's not helping to hide your crush on him. It's seems like it keeps getting hard to hide your feelings about him. What you didn't know was that sunoo felt the same. You both still nodded and played along with jiwoo unknown to the upcoming things. You were all fine and playing happily until jiwoo turned to look at you and sunoo and said "Appa kiss eomma" it made both of your eyes wide and a pink tint appeared on both of your cheeks and ears. You fanned your cheek to cool it down while sunoo seem to be thinking something. The next thing he did made your jaw drop. He actually kissed you. He pulled you closer and said "I love you yn , I have since forever but was scared to confess. You don't have to say that you like me back - I just wanted to let it out." You pulled back and looked in his eyes with adoration "why wouldn't I ? I have loved you since a long time too , I won't miss this chance ever " saying this you kissed his cheek and he let out a happy squeal."We are finally boyfriend and girlfriend , aren't we?" "Yes we are baby". "Ummm should we leave?" You suddenly realised that you were babysitting and looked at the two babies. Jiwon was covering his and jiwoo's eyes . You and sunoo chuckled and picked them up just as the door bell rang . "I think it's the pizza - do you still wanna leave?" "Nooooo I want pizza" Well it seems like babysitting wasn't a bad idea after all. It was worth it.
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astrofireworks · 7 years
astro witch coven au (eunwoo)
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introduction | rocky | eunwoo | moon bin | mj | jinjin
he trained under Snuper’s coven as an apprentice
Snuper as the OG healing team – they’re all nurses but with different healing methods
Eunwoo primarily adopted Sangil’s method of healing via prolonged skin-ship
but as we all know Eunwoo is ridiculously smart            
he’s picked up Sebin’s (emotional and psychological healing via empath links) and Suhyun’s (healing aided by chanting and potions) by mere exposure during the time he trained under Sangil
it was really weird when they found out because one day there was this kid who stumbled in with his hand dripping with some glowing substance that couldn’t be wiped off
and normally with supernatural substances Taewoong or Suhyun are called in
but Taewoong had no luck after an hour and Suhyun wasn’t in and the poor boy looked like he was in so much pain that Eunwoo had to do something
so Eunwoo sat him down, gritted his teeth, slid on his glasses and tried to remember as much as possible what he’s seen Suhyun do in these situations
and somehow after 2 hours of low-pitched chanting and a sweating Eunwoo and three discarded healing-song books, the substance finally slid off the boy’s hand
yeah he was shookt
they were all shookt lmao
Eunwoo’s the resident Mum™
honestly though
he knows the boys sometimes don’t go to sleep for days on end, especially when MJ’s rituals require him to chant on and off for 3 days and when Rocky’s potions need constant monitoring overnight and he doesn’t trust anyone to do it
and so he sometimes presses his fingers to their back to help relax their muscles and prepare them for the long night ahead
but most of the time he just presses food on them and makes sure they eat on time at least
also sometimes they’re so messy he just kind of nags them into doing all their chores
and Eunwoo doesn’t know this but lmao most of the time the boys just kind of hand over their chores to Jinjin for favours like leaving him alone in the room with MJ for a while
can be most often found surrounded by books
reads widely about healing methods and different diseases and ailments
but also reads a lot of romance novels
also read Twilight once and coughed so violently in shock they needed Rocky to brew an emergency potion to stop it
also hangs around Bin a lot
like a lot
it’s not even a joke anymore at this point
whenever anyone comes to seek Eunwoo the rest of Astro doesn’t even bother going to the Healing room to look for Eunwoo they just ring Bin’s bell in a specific pattern and Bin has to rouse Eunwoo from whatever he was reading or from whoever (Bin) he’s staring at to go to his patient
Eunwoo maintains that this is because Bin often puts too much of his energy trying out a new spell and passes out and needs Eunwoo to revive him but
we all know why he’s there
team s o A P
he will deny it until the day he dies but he loves seeing blue energy flow out of Bin’s hands and into the talisman
it’s just so graceful?????
and the way Bin’s fingers gently manoeuvre and mold the ball of light ?????????? beautiful
sometimes the energy doesn’t work well and Bin has to focus and his eyes shine with attention and concentration and ???? wow Eunwoo loves that look
and sometimes Bin’s doing basic things like cleaning the crystals he has to charm or polishing his glasses and he starts humming and smiling to himself and his hair falls into his eyes and wow
like, wow
wow Eunwoo is so whipped
but don’t suggest it to him because he’ll just get flustered and his eyes will widen and he’ll stammer trying to deny everything
“hahahAHAH who ??? has a crush??? on Bin??????? what is a crush haha who’s Bin I’ve never heard of him hHAHhhahahhhhh”
yeah he gets flustered and blushes very easily can you tell
is the one that recruited Bin into the coven
wow let me tell you he’s been whipped for Bin the moment the idiot showed up with a bleeding cut and about 10 crystals hovering around his head
but that’s also a story for another time
is the coven co-founder along with Rocky
this is a long story are you ready because here we go
so one day a witch bursts into the Snuper coven house carrying his daughter on his back and she’s bleeding out everywhere and he’s crying and panicking and pleading, pleading for someone to help her and he’d do anything, just please –
and so Sangil and Suhyun hurriedly clear a Healing table and set her down and Sangho starts treating her wounds with human medicine but her blood won’t stop flowing out 
and immediately Taewoong brings out his elemental equipment and Sangil places his hand on her stomach and they start work
both witches sit by her bed for two days and two nights, both stopping briefly only for short breaks when Suhyun delivers the patient’s next batch of potions and begins his chanting
and because the main touch-Healer Sangil is taken up, apprentice Eunwoo is left to tend to the rest of the patients coming in
a lot of them
a lot of patients
okay, not that many
but more than what Eunwoo is used to given that he’s only been dealing with at most two patients a day but now he has to deal with up to ten and by the end of the two days and two nights with very little sleep or rest Eunwoo is exhausted and near the brink of collapse
he’s transferred nearly all his energy to other people during their skin-ship and it’s just really draining
and so Suhyun tells him gently to go outside and take a break and walk over to the Bangtan coven to pick up more potions please because we’re running out
and so he does
and he’s directed into the Potions shop in the basement of the coven house
and remember how I said the first time Eunwoo walks into the potion room he nearly gets smacked on the head by a flying glass vial
it was Rocky
(“thanks a lot, Park Minhyuk” – Eunwoo, still bitter to this day)
and so exhausted Eunwoo stands teetering on the threshold of Rocky’s Yoongi’s potions room and wow he’s heard from Suhyun that Yoongi was pretty smol and emo and grumpy but
this witch standing behind a bubbling cauldron two metres away is smoller and grumpier than he expects
also younger
Eunwoo coughs“I gotta ??? get an order ??? for Suhyun? ?? ?? ??????????” mm yes very coherent, Eunwoo
he watches as Yoongi Rocky waves his hand and warm golden waves wrap themselves around vials on a nearby table and wafts them into an open bag, which floats over to Eunwoo
except Eunwoo’s eyes are slipping closed and he sags against the doorway for support
and our smol Rocky, while grumpy, is somewhat alarmed
he tugs the closest Restoration potion from the wall of potion vials behind him and runs over to Eunwoo, uncorking the bottle and tipping it into Eunwoo’s mouth
“drink, you idiot”
Eunwoo is also still bitter to this day that Rocky dropped honorifics but
when someone is saving your life I guess you can’t be picky
and Rocky looks so threatening and grumpy and also mildly alarmed that Eunwoo opens his mouth in alarm and nearly chokes on the Restoration potion
and Eunwoo isn’t sure if anything someone so grumpy made could ever work well because Eunwoo was taught that you have to be in a good mood to help and heal people ???
wrong (ddeng sound)
it worked very well
honestly, too well
Eunwoo’s eyes shoot open and he feels tingling all the way down to his feet, a gentle green light running over his limbs and all the way down to his fingertips and toes
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – Eunwoo, at that point in time
because he’s never had such a strong reaction to a Restoration potion before?? even when Suhyun got it from this place and he gave some to Eunwoo he’s never had such an in-tune reaction to the potion
literally though Eunwoo’s glow only comes out when he’s touching someone and in the conscious process of Healing
but he’s now glowing with green light all over and he’s laughing and everything seems clearer and brighter and he’s grinning down at the now more-than-slightly alarmed Rocky
and offers to set up a coven with Rocky right then and there because how??? does this smol potioneer (that he discovers in a bit is Not Yoongi and is in fact his smol cousin) 
and proceeds to sweep out of the Bangtan house to put down a lease payment for a new coven house before Rocky even agrees
Rocky was shookt, to say the least 
so was I, Rocky, so was I
bin’s up next y’all pls anticipate
47 notes · View notes
kyufiber · 3 years
get f*cked  — lee hyunjae
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member: hyunjae — tbz
tags: enemies to lovers <3, no actual smut (idk is a makeout scene smut?) but Very Suggestive™, various references to sex and Certain Kinks LMAOO bye
word count: 9.2k
a/n: i've been reading a lot of erotic novels lately LOL and well. i got inspired so <3 !! also a VERY special thanks to @cloudykyu​ who helped so so so much <3333 as well as @yeoldotcom​ @brururun​ @seoulbinz​ for encouraging me throughout <333 love u mamas <3
taglist: @stopitvpls​ @hyuckslytherin​ @vitaminhyunjin @kitymetal @notbeforelong @mavericsohn
playlist: kiss with a fist florence + the machine • choke i dont know how but they found me • boys like you tanerélle • two more minutes jaymes young • hurts like hell sølv • give up at 2 sofi de la torre • need you like that ezi • tempt my trouble bishop briggs • crave tove lo • loveyou dxvn. • bedroom eyes sølv • afraid of the dark ezi (full playlist here)
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rage. there it was again. it always seemed to make an appearance when lee hyunjae was around.
your fists are balled up so tight that the skin stretched across your knuckles begins to turn white.
if looks could kill, hyunjae would've been dead a long time ago.
and there was his stupid fucking grin again. always playing on his lips, like he was having the time of his life pushing your buttons.
"alright, alright-!" the professor calls out, stepping between the two of you. "you're disrupting class, the both of you. sit down and be quiet, or you'll have a visit with the student office."
reluctantly, you tear your eyes away from hyunjae and march over to the other side of the classroom.
the professor makes his way back up to the front of the room and you take the few seconds his back is turned to shoot hyunjae one more glare.
he isn't looking though, and that pisses you off even more.
the class passes and you don't spare another glance in his direction so as to not ruin your mood any further.
finally, the clock hits 3:15, and you're free. a text beeps through on your phone offering that you join a couple friends at the chicken joint just outside campus. you need something to get your mind off he-who-will-not-be-named, and so you shoot back a quick text of agreement.
an hour later, you're well into your third drink and a 'i hate hyunjae' monologue.
"he's such an asshole," you grumble, snatching your drink away from seoyeon when she tries to confiscate it. "and i always get in trouble for it, because he pisses me off and i fly off the handle." a quick swig of your drink.
jiwon chuckles, a bit nervously. "y/n, maybe you should stop drinking."
"it's the only way i can better my mood after dealing with him," you whine, letting your head fall down onto the table with a thunk. your head shoots back up again suddenly, making hayoung jump. "i want some tteokbokki."
"no, y/n. we're going home. if you drink or eat anymore, you'll throw up all over the dorm, and i don't have the patience to deal with it tonight." seoyeon scolds you, looping an arm around your back. "c'mon guys, help."
"no~!" you groan, struggling a little against the three girls, but it's to no avail.
they manage to get you into a cab before piling in behind you, and your cheek rests on hayoung's shoulder. she pats your head lightly, and you snuggle up against her.
"i'm telling you all right now," you mumble. "if he tests me one more time, i'm gonna deck his ass."
"yeah, sure, y/n." jiwon responds, and you can imagine her rolling her eyes.
the ride back to the dorms is quiet, save for the occasional ding from seoyeon's phone, and your own quiet breaths.
the three girls had been your friends from the very first week of university. seoyeon had been your assigned roommate, and while at first, her abrasive attitude had put you off, you quickly realized that the two of you meshed far better than expected. she was the one who taught you to call others out on their bullshit, and you could always trust her to tell it to you straight. you'd met jiwon in an art club you'd signed up for. both of you were horrendously bad at painting, and you'd bonded over it. neither of you was still in the club, but the friendship had grown. and then, of course, there was hayoung. sweet, a little loud, and the voice of optimism in the group, you two had met at the freshmen orientation and had been close ever since.
the four of you naturally meshed into a little group, and the rest was history. you'd all lived together for two years now, and the dorm you shared was a hotspot of fond memories– though not without chaos.
with hayoung's gentle head pats, your eyes fluttered closed and you felt your awareness slip away, chased by sleep.
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as the professor explains what a diphthong is, another sound reaches your ears and pries your attention from the lesson.
glancing around, you realize it's coming from hyunjae and the boy he sits next to — sunwoo, you think his name is. the two of them are whispering and laughing at some unknown joke. with a quiet sigh, you scribble a sloppy note on a piece of paper in your notebook.
please be quiet, trying to pay attention
you tear the sheet from your notebook and give it to a classmate, jerking your head at the two boys.
moments later, you feel a tap on your shoulder as the girl hands you the same piece of paper, only folded differently.
dont wanna
irritation pricks your chest like a thorn. civility never worked with him, but there was a test coming up and you really didn't want to interrupt class.
you send back a note, this one scrawled a little more sloppily, indicative of your declining patience.
if you aren't here to learn, go home
again, a tap on the shoulder. you unfold the note and roll your eyes so hard you nearly see your own skull.
i paid 2 b here :P
you glance up at the professor, checking to make sure he wasn't looking when you passed back another note. it's not like this was high school, but you can't imagine he'd be happy to have his students passing notes instead of taking them.
yeah same. except i paid to learn, not giggle in the back of class :)
awww r u jealous im not paying attention to u??
you want so badly to chuck the crumpled note right at his head, but instead, you take a deep breath and scribble a response.
can you just shut the hell up
whoops. hit a nerve there huh ;)
breathe, y/n. breathe. no need to lose it.
seriously? i'm trying to actually learn here
ok so stop replying then
you grit your teeth and crumple the paper into a ball, shoving it into your back pocket. you train your eyes on the front of the classroom, trying to pay attention, and then, there it is again. just within earshot, the sound of whispering and quiet laughter.
you slam your hand down the desk and jump to your feet, resulting in the chair clattering across the linoleum floor with a loud bang. "can you shut the fuck up?"
the classroom is dead silent, and you realize what you've done.
"excuse me?" the professor asks, gone still.
with your figurative tail tucked between your legs, you shrink back down into your seat sheepishly. "not you, sir." you murmur. "i was talking to hyunjae,"
the middle-aged man's eyes shift to hyunjae. "still... that's not a reason to interrupt class." he blinks as if he still can't believe what just happened. "and hyunjae... please stop distracting other students."
"sir, i don't even know what she's talking about." he pipes up, pouting. "i wasn't talking."
"are you kidding?" you blurt out before you can stop yourself. "you were gabbing nonstop with him!"
sunwoo sinks into his seat a little, ears turning red.
what is going on with you today? it's like any semblance of a filter that you might've had is gone.
"i don't know what you're talking about," he shrugs nonchalantly. "it was probably someone else you heard."
it's less the fact that he was talking, now, and more the fact that he's denying it in front of everyone and making you look like an idiot.
"screw you, hyunjae." you spit.
why are you so angry? something about him just lights you up, and not in the good kind of way, but in the kind of way people go to jail for.
not that you'd ever do anything to warrant your arrest, but still.
"hey–" it's the professor, trying to interject.
"yeah, you want to?" hyunjae snickers.
you see red.
you snatch up your pencil case, winding back, ready to hurl it right at his face, when–
"alright! that's enough!" the professor booms, and you're torn from your rage trance. "both of you, out. you're grown adults; this is just– this is unacceptable."
it's then that you feel the full weight of everyone's eyes on you. you want to sink into the floor as you gather your things and stuff them into your backpack.
as you pass by your professor, he examines you with disappointed eyes. "you two, head to the guidance office. a counselor is going to have a word with you."
you bow your head, cheeks burning with shame, and exit the classroom.
as the two of you wait in the guidance office waiting room, you shoot hyunjae a deadly glare. "this is all your fault."
he raises an eyebrow. "i'm not the one who yelled in front of the whole class,"
before you can respond, a voice calls your names from a cracked door at the opposite end of the small room.
you've never been inside the guidance office before, as you'd had no reason to– until now. the office is home to several bookshelves chock full of books reaching several feet high, and various wall-hangings that you can't make out the words on.
the counselor sits behind a dark wood desk, with a nameplate that reveals this man's name as ryu kyungseok, the head counselor.
you want to sink into the floor, but instead, you just settle into the leather chair and press your knees together.
"good afternoon," mr. ryu smiles easily. "i heard about the incident in professor kim's class today."
taking advantage of the moment of silence, you shift forward. "sir, i am so, so sorry. i lost my temper, but it won't happen again, i swear."
he holds his hand up to silence me. his eyes are crinkled around the corners, etched with laugh lines. "unfortunately, this isn't the first report i've gotten about the two of you. every single professor that's taught a class with the two of you in it..." he shakes his head. "my point is, even if you believe what you're saying, i can't."
you press your palms against your thighs, cheeks flushed. this is humiliating.
"so, instead of reacting in a way that may hurt your record," he folds his fingers together. "i've come up with an alternative."
now, standing at the entrance to the storage room, horror is painted over your features. when he had said "alternative," this is not what you had pictured.
instead of a normal response, like, i don't know, moving one of you to a different class, they'd decided to put you in even closer proximity.
the library has a storage room, he'd gone on. right now it's a mess, and nobody has had time to clear it out. that's where the two of you come in.
the two of you had been tasked with clearing out the storage room and finding places for the likely thousands of books that had been dumped in here.
thousands was probably an understatement. every corner of the room is piled two thirds of the way to the ceiling with books. dread bubbles up in your chest.
you're fucked.
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you're told by mr. ryu that you'll start library duty the next day at 4, as that's when both your classes are over for the day, and finish at 6.
that night, you complained to your friends about the situation and seoyeon had snarked that you shouldn't have blown up during class.
you had glowered at her and pouted like a child, but she was right– as usual.
you pick up a book and dust off the cover, releasing a plume of particles into the air, which causes you to sneeze violently.
hyunjae's head pops around the corner, one eyebrow raised. "i'd say 'bless you,' but i'm worried you might throw that book at my head."
"ha, ha." you sneer humorlessly and turn your eyes back to the stacks.
you briefly questioned counselor ryu's judgment. you'd been seconds away from chucking a pencil case at hyunjae's head the day before, and now he was letting the two of you alone with hundreds of books at your disposal?
amusement washes over you at the thought of smacking hyunjae in the head with a book.
"hey," his voice sounds right behind you, and you jump, dropping the book you were holding. his eyes skim over the piles. "is this as far as you've gotten?"
you instantly bristle. "excuse me? and how much have you done?"
his mouth quirks up, far too smug for your liking. "more than this. too busy thinking about me, huh?"
your eyes narrow. he's right, technically, but he doesn't ever need to know that. "as if. i'm just actually putting effort into doing it right."
his lips flatten in an almost-grimace. "uhuh. like when you were 'putting effort into actually learning'?" he adds air quotes, and you stare him down through your hair.
"yeah, exactly like that. notice how i was actually paying attention?" or trying to.
"right, all that furious note scribbling."
you slam a book down onto one of the piles and climb to your feet. "it's six. i'm leaving."
"it's actually only five fifty-five!" he calls after you, and you give him the finger.
later that night, you find yourself at the same table of the same chicken and beer joint as before. only this time, hayoung is missing, studying for a test.
you narrow your eyes at an empty soju bottle and your head lolls to the side. "'m gonna kill 'im," you slur, a heavy pout on your lips. you sloppily point to the bottle as if it's hyunjae. "stupid!"
jiwon sighs and rests her head in her hand in exasperation. "y/n, if you drink every time hyunjae upsets you, you're gonna go into liver failure before you graduate university."
you ignore her, raising your hand to ask for another bottle, but it's quickly stopped by seoyeon. "nope! you're done."
in what felt vaguely like a repeat of the other night, the two girls help you into a taxi and head home, but this time there's no hayoung patting your head. you pout again, like a small child.
as they're helping you through the dorm building's hallways, you catch sight of a familiar face and instantly your body goes into fight mode.
"you!" you hiss, struggling against seoyeon and jiwon's grips, which are desperately trying to hold you back.
you spit various profanities at the hyunjae hallucination before the girls can drag you inside the dorm room. once they do, all your energy seems to deflate and it doesn't take much effort to dump you in your bed.
snuggling under the cover, you finally let sleep take you.
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the next morning, a dull throbbing plagues your head as you get ready for the day. you leave later than usual, having slept through your alarm, and this proves to be a grave mistake.
nothing is amiss as you leave your dorm and make your way down the nearest dining hall. it's not until you're proceeding down the breakfast buffet and feel someone standing a little too close, that you begin to realize something is wrong.
hyunjae stands next to you, empty-handed, leaning against the marble counter of the buffet. his mouth quirks up. "hangover?"
you blink, confused for a moment.
then you recall the previous night and it dawns on you that the "hallucination" was likely not a hallucination at all.
the blood drains from your face. you can't decide if you'd rather stand here frozen, hoping he'll go away or make a run for it.
before you can make a decision, he speaks again. "see you at the library later," he grins and walks off.
this is the probably thousandth time you've felt humiliated in the last week, and it's getting real old, real fast.
you snatch up a sausage link, ignoring the judgmental eyes of the person behind you, and keep moving down the line.
later that day, hyunjae is exactly 13 minutes late to library duty, and while normally you would make some snarky comment about his tardiness, you can barely look him in the eye.
"aw, she's shy." he snickers, pushing open the storage room door, and all you can manage is a quiet grumble.
the next two hours are just as bad as you expect them to be.
after a few precious (suspicious) minutes of silence, hyunjae holds up a book with his eyebrows innocently knitted together. "oh, look, y/n. i think you'll like this one."
you glance up, eyes skimming over the cover, and your mouth contorts into a grimace.
drink: the intimate relationship between women and alcohol. the bold black lettering mocks you in a way that's quite reminiscent of the person holding it.
"shut up," you mutter, and all he responds with is a smug chuckle.
he continues to make fun of you until you hurl a small paperback in his direction, and then he lets up a little.
during the last half-an-hour, the two of you push around carts full of organized books, placing them on the correct shelves.
hyunjae is nowhere to be seen – most likely on the other side of the library – and you're reaching up to a shelf that's just out of reach, when a hand appears above yours, snatches the book from your grip, and slips it onto the aforementioned shelf.
you turn and are met with an unfamiliar face.
"oh, um, thank you," you murmur, creating more distance between you and the stranger.
he half-smiles. "no problem. i'm eric."
you dip your head, an awkward smile stretched across your lips. "y/n."
"nice to meet you, y/n." he takes a step forward, and you eye him. "i hope this isn't too forward, but i noticed you a while ago and thought you were really cute." it is too forward. please back up. "could i get your number?"
is he objectively handsome? yes. are you interested? no.
you find yourself mildly annoyed that hyunjae has put you in a state where you're too preoccupied to be flattered that a guy is hitting on you.
"oh, um..." your eyes dart around, and you stiffly scratch behind your ear.
before you can think up a proper response, a familiar scent hits your nose. annoyance flares in your chest near-immediately, and it occurs to you that hyunjae has basically pavlov's dog-ed you. just the scent of him is like a mosquito, sticking a needle into your patience and draining it.
he leans over your shoulder, shooting what seems like a friendly grin at eric. "sorry, man. you're out of luck. she's got a boyfriend."
you nearly gape at hyunjae, but manage to keep it together, realizing it probably wouldn't be convincing if you looked shocked at the idea.
"a boyfriend?" eric blinks. "i could've sworn she was single. who is it?"
of all the things you might've predicted would happen next, what actually happens is not one of them.
hyunjae slips his hand into yours and intertwines your fingers, his grin becoming exponentially more smug. if you didn't know any better, you would've sworn your heart all-out stops.
eric's eyes drop down to your interlaced fingers, disappointment painting his face. "oh. um, my bad. see you around," unlikely.
once eric rounds a corner, you rip your hand from hyunjae's and wipe it on your jeans. "i need to go wash my hands, now." you huff.
he blows air out his lips, stepping away to lean against a bookshelf. "i think a 'thank you' is in order?"
you shoot him an obviously fake smile. "i didn't ask for your help. and holding my hand was not necessary."
"i forgot how ungrateful you are." he squints. "or are you just trying to cover up the fact that you liked it?"
"hold on, hold on–" you hold your palm up to your mouth, feigning a queasy look. "i think i just threw up in my mouth a little."
he rolls his eyes, and your arms drop to your sides. "how do you even know i wasn't going give him my number?" you narrow your eyes. "you could've been doing more harm than good just now." that wasn't the case, but he didn't need to know that.
he scoffs. "please, y/n. don't you think i can read your body language by now?"
your eyebrows knit together in surprise. what?
"anyways, it's past six." he turns, heading towards the front of the library. "came to let you know you can go home."
after he rounds the corner of a bookshelf and disappears from your sightline, you stand for a moment, processing.
contrary to how you'd made it seem, you were thankful that he'd helped you. but you were never, ever going to say that out loud.
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your eyes blink open, but the darkness in the room is so thick, you can't make out the ceiling. you rub your eye and sit up out of bed, the sound of muffled chatter reaching your eyes.
following the noise, you're led to the common room of your dorm's floor. settled into the couches are your roommates, along with several boys you've seen around– and hyunjae.
an exasperated sigh escapes your lips, and it catches the attention of the group. hyunjae shoots you a crinkly smile, and you roll your eyes.
"y/n!" hayoung chirps, motioning you over. you snuggle up next to her, stuffing your feet under her sweatpant-clad thighs.
"we were talking shit about you," jiwon jokes, and you throw a sofa cushion at her.
"no, actually we were talking about changmin's candy addiction." seoyeon declares. "he has like, thirty bags of that shit stored in his dorm room."
changmin – at least, who you assume is changmin – smiles good-naturedly and offers you a bag of various candies.
you shrug and take a lollipop. "can't blame him, honestly. there's a reason i had a ton of cavities in middle school."
a guy you recognize from your literature class, chanhee, shudders in his spot on the opposite couch, earning a chuckle from seoyeon. "oh, whatever, chanhee. we all know you've never had a cavity and are so much better than us."
he sticks out his tongue. "as long as we're on the same page."
hayoung suddenly studies the empty lollipop wrapper gripped in your palm. "wait, is that fruit punch flavor?" she whines. "that's my favorite! i couldn't find one in the bag..."
you laugh. "sorry~ i would give it to you, but i already licked it, so–"
"so?" hyunjae interjects, and everyone's heads swivel to look at him. you don't like the mischievous gleam in his eyes.
he reaches out, taking hold of your lollipop, and in one quick movement, he slips it between his lips.
your mouth falls open.
someone – you're not sure who, since you're gaping at hyunjae – lets out a quiet "ohhhh," and it's followed by a loud cackle.
"mm. tastes good." he sucks on it pointedly, eyes never leaving yours. "not sure if that's you or the lollipop, though."
and then he winks.
you shove him off the couch armrest, and he hits the ground with a painful thunk. he whines in pain, and the group bursts out in giggles as you rise to your feet.
"going to bed," you announce, biting down on the inside of your cheek.
"y/n~! don't leave!" hayoung whines, but you ignore her and march back to your dorm.
stupid, stupid, stupid.
you curse him to the depths of hell and back, your mind a stream of profanities all directed at lee hyunjae.
what was he playing at? he had a special talent, and that was that everything he did managed to make you look stupid.
you slam the door of your bedroom and settle into your desk chair with a huff.
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as much as you had dreaded library duty at first, shelving was actually quite relaxing. you didn't have to deal with you-know-who, and you could just withdraw into your own thoughts in the quiet of the library.
you turn the corner into a section in the furthest corner of the library, and stop dead in your tracks.
unable to pinpoint exactly what it was that would be causing the sound, you shuffle towards the source of the noise. what would be making a rhythmic thumping noise in the back of the library?
you peak your head around a bookshelf, and that's when you realize. oh.
face bright red, you whip your head back around and speed walk the other direction. scurrying around a corner, you slam into hyunjae – you know from that damn scent, like fresh laundry or some shit – and nearly fall over.
he steadies you with his hands and then examines your face quizzically. "what are you rushing around for? is the president coming?"
you press your lips together, face still flushed at what you just witnessed. "well– erm–"
"why are you so red?" he asks with a small laugh.
"there's a couple over there–" you jerk your thumb behind you. "doing things." you blush even harder.
his eyes glance behind you and you can see the moment he realizes what you mean when his lips press together, trying to hold back a laugh.
"you saw a couple getting it on?" his eyes twinkle.
you shove past him, glowering to hide your embarrassment. "yes, shut up."
"oh man, he cracks his neck, a grin hovering on his lips. "innocent little y/n. can't handle a little thrust action."
you furrow your brows indignantly. "i'm not innocent! i just wasn't expecting to see that... here."
"you aren't innocent?" he repeats, raising an eyebrow as he walks alongside you. "then why'd you lose it over a lollipop?"
you quail at the mention, hastily stuffing a book onto the shelf next to you. "i don't wanna talk about that."
"see what i mean?" he sighs, like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. "you're a baby."
"i'm not! i've done... stuff." you swallow, not looking at him as you push the cart forward.
"hyunjae! i don't wanna talk about this!"
"i'm just saying," he says airily, and in your peripheral vision you see him shrug. "you said you weren't innocent, but you're all embarrassed talking about it."
"you're a real asshole, you know?"
your mind flashes to your most recent experience. it wasn't pleasant, and it lasted for no more than 30 seconds, and you regretted it as soon as it happened. you grimace at the memory.
"not good, huh?" he chuckles, his tone teasing. he continues, leaning forward and lowering his voice a little. "so it wasn't a spicy rendezvous in a dark corner of a library, then?"
"god, no, i wish." you blurt out, and then your face returns to the rosy shade of red it was just a minute before.
you quickly look over to assess his reaction, and his grin is awfully similar to one of the cheshire cat.
you push your cart forward a little faster than before. "you didn't hear that."
"sure, i didn't. gosh, y/n, i didn't take you for the kind of girl who was into that."
you slam a book into his chest, jerking your head at the shelf on the other side of him. "shut up, please."
he just laughs, and for the first time, the sound doesn't make you wanna punch him.
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you don't realize you've forgotten about the school field day that's coming up until you're on your way to class one morning and notice that the athletic field – which is usually only occupied by the sports teams – is bustling with activity.
there are students darting to and fro like ants, carrying boxes and equipment you can't put a name to. on one end, several students are painting canvas posters with giant bubble letters. on the other, there are even more people setting up tables for who-knows-what.
"that's this week?" you mumble to yourself, and you jump when you get an unexpected answer.
"i know right? i totally would've forgotten, but my seatmate in astronomy is on the student council and she's been talking about it all week." jiwon smiles from beside you.
you return the expression and turn your eyes back to the organized chaos of the bleacher-enclosed field. "are you gonna compete in any of the games?"
"y/n, please. jesus. the last time i did a sport was high school, and it was colorguard."
you snort. "hey, i've seen the photos. those girls have serious muscles. don't shit on colorguard."
"anyways, no. i'll be happy on the sidelines cheering for younghoon."
you pouted. jiwon and younghoon had been dating since her first year of university, and as nice as that was, you were a little sulky that she was in a stable multi-year relationship while all you got was short flings that usually ended with you being ghosted.
"are you?" she asks.
you laugh. "i doubt it. i'm not super athletic, but i am competitive, and that wouldn't turn out well."
she chuckles along with you, nodding knowingly. "true, god. do you remember when we played monopoly?"
you fix her with a joking glare. "don't remind me. that was a dark time. seoyeon and i almost got divorced."
the week passes in a blur, both figuratively and quite literally. everyone seems to be busy with something, rushing around and getting ready for the field day. the previous years, you'd been back home during this time, so you hadn't witnessed the chaos of pre-field day before now.
library duty is suspended temporarily and a good chunk of students are missing from classes, both due to event prep, so you haven't seen hyunjae since the library incident.
you'd like to think you're enjoying the peace and quiet, but in actuality, you're restless.
it's probably just the energy from all the activity rubbing off, you tell yourself, but every time you walk into linguistics and a certain seat is empty, disappointment bubbles up in your chest.
ridiculous. are you looking for a fight or what?
the days before the big event, you find yourself walking slower than normal when you pass the sports stadium, eyes searching the span of the field for a familiar figure.
when the self-awareness hits, you scold yourself and speed up your pace, refusing to turn your head any direction other than forward until the bleachers are out of sight.
finally, friday arrives, and the sports stadium is filled with hundreds – if not thousands – of students wearing athletic clothes and big smiles. dozens of tables are set up just outside the bleachers with food, school merch, and various things to purchase. the grassy section inside the running lanes is littered with props for various minigames; plastic pools, batons, and cones.
the sound of someone's loud laughter hits your ears, distinctive amongst all the buzz and chatter, and you turn your head just as a spray of water hits you. you inhale sharply as the freezing cold water runs down your legs, dripping into your sneakers, and you try to blink the liquid out of your eyes.
"sunwoo, you asshole!" a familiar voice shouts, with an edge of laughter, and when you open your eyes, hyunjae is there.
his hair is soaking wet, curling in small ringlets and sticking to his skin, as is his sleeveless tie-dyed shirt. the grin so often playing on his lips is present.
"miss me?"
holy fuck.
"no," you scoff. "thanks for that, by the way."
"hey," he holds his hands up in a surrendering gesture, eyes crinkled. "that was sunwoo, not me. he probably wants revenge for being embarrassed in front of the whole class."
you squint, feigning annoyance. "by getting me wet?"
he winks suggestively, earning him a smack on the arm.
"ow!" he whines, cradling his arm.
"are you participating in anything?" you ask in a tone that (hopefully) says 'i don't care either way.'
"yeah, apple bobbing and the baton relay." he shoots you a boyish smile, pain forgotten. "are you gonna cheer for me?"
you scrunch your nose in distaste. "you wish."
just then, hyunjae's name is called by someone letting him know it's nearly his turn for apple bobbing. he shouts back an affirmative and then turns back to you.
"don't scream my name too loud." he starts to turn, and then turns back for a moment. "actually, i take that back." he shoots you a wink and is on his way with an obnoxious spring in his step.
you give him the finger, even though his back is turned, and seoyeon, who suddenly appears next to you, smacks it down.
you are not prepared for the apple bobbing contest.
sure, contestants need to be on their knees for this game. you get that. but hands tied behind their backs? to "prevent cheating," they say. or is it solely to drive you off the edge of sanity?
as time runs out, hyunjae's head emerges from the plastic pool, and he spits the apple gripped between his teeth onto the grass.
someone loosens his arm restraints, and he climbs to his feet, running a hand through his dark-brown, drenched hair and grinning at the crowd.
"goddamn," jiwon mumbles, but you know she's looking at younghoon.
even so, you choke out an "i know right."
the next time you see hyunjae, he is completely dry and wearing a shirt with actual sleeves, thank god.
he shakes his head to get the hair out of his face, reminding you of a dog, and shoots you a smile as the two of you make your way to the back of the library.
"don't forget to check all the dark corners," he teases. "that couple might be here again."
you roll your eyes. "god."
as the two of you pass the library office, the head librarian glances up. "oh, you two!" she calls. "head to the guidance office! counselor ryu wanted to see you."
the two of you exchange a look.
the whole way to the office, hyunjae is cracking jokes, and you can't help but laugh at his dumb antics.
"do you think mr. ryu knows we were having lewd affairs in the back of the library?" he feigns worry.
"will you shut up?" you huff, but you can't help a laugh from escaping your lips, and it only encourages him.
"you're not shy are you?" he inquires with an impish smile, just as the two of you arrive outside the office. he waves to the receptionist to let her know of your presence, and then continues. "i thought you liked that kind of thing. giving mixed signals here, y/n."
"you're such an idiot," you scoff, leaning your foot against the cinderblock wall behind you.
"your mom wasn't saying that last night," he quips with a self-satisfied smirk.
"my mom's dead." you deadpan. you're lying, of course. she's alive and probably watching tv in your parents' living room right about now.
"yeah, right. i overheard you talking about your mom like two weeks ago."
"worth a try," you respond airily, crossing your arms.
"y'know, funny enough, that's exactly what park eunyoung said to me last week when she was trying to convince me to sleep with her." he grins, and lightly kicks a loose rock with his foot as he takes a small step forward.
before you can think twice, the words are bubbling up from your throat. "hyunjae," you scoff. "you probably don't even know how to kiss a girl properly, much less fuck her."
oh, shit.
his expression changes and you regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth.
he takes a calculated step forward, and then another until he's well invading your personal bubble. you try to take a step back, but there's only wall. you're trapped between a rock and a hard place, quite literally.
you study his face closely, watching for any familiar expression to latch onto, but you find nothing. his usual playful grin is gone; the mischievous gleam that typically dances around his pupils is nowhere to be found.
regret prickles in your chest. is he actually angry? you can't tell; his expression is so uncharacteristically stony, you don't have a clue what's going on behind those eyes.
"i wouldn't say that to me." he finally speaks.
"why not?" you mean for it to come out a sharp retort, but it's far more shaky than intended.
his gaze flicks down to your neck.
in your peripheral vision, you see his hand rise from his side, and then you feel it press against the sensitive skin of your neck. his fingers wrap around it, far too gently to have any real effect, but just enough to send a message: he could if he wanted.
you swallow against his palm, eyes locked on his face.
his head tilts slightly, and his eyes finally meet yours again, and it becomes just a little harder to breathe. "you wanna fuck around and find out?"
the words themselves might've come off as terrifying had the context been different, or if it had been anyone who'd said them. but it was him, and that was a different story altogether.
your stomach sears with heat, despite your desperate attempts to will the feeling away.
a glint of something familiar shines in his gaze, and his mouth quirks up at the corner. "you like that, huh?"
you don't like the flush that creeps across your cheeks; not at all. because he's right, and you absolutely hate that.
the receptionist calls for you both through the open door of the guidance office, shattering the trance you're trapped in, and you shove him away. "no," you snap, hoping your voice isn't shaky, and stride into the office.
the receptionist smiles politely and motions towards a familiar closed door across the room. "you can head on in."
mr. ryu is sitting behind his desk, just as he had been the last time you were here.
you clear your throat, shoving down the memory of what just occurred outside the office.
"hello again, y/n. hyunjae." he offers a friendly smile and adjusts his position in the chair. "how's the library work coming along?"
"just fine," you swallow. "we've made a lot of progress."
"good to hear. i was worried the two of you would fight so much you wouldn't get any work done." he chuckles. "are you getting along well?"
in the beat of silence before you can think up a proper answer, hyunjae interjects. "oh, for sure."
without thinking, you glance over at him, and back is that oh-so-familiar grin that often rests on his face. mr. ryu shifts his eyes somewhere for just a moment, and hyunjae takes the opportunity to send you a cheeky wink.
it takes everything in you to not leap out of the chair, but you settle for scowling at him instead.
"well, i'm glad to hear it." mr. ryu speaks again. "i just wanted to check on how things were going, since it's been quiet lately. you're free to go now. thanks for coming in,"
as the two of you make your way outside, hyunjae reaches to open the door from behind you and brushes your arm in the process. you bite down on your cheek so hard you taste iron.
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there's that scent again. it lingers around your head like a halo, invading your senses and almost making you dizzy.
where he went, that sweet fragrance always followed.
where is he, then?
ah. there he is.
you can hear his breathy gasps. you can see the beads of sweat dripping down his jaw.
he's there, and then he's not.
you can feel hands ghosting across your bare skin; his mouth on your collarbones. his fingers on your neck.
oh, god.
they tighten around your throat, pressing against the skin just under below your jaw.
oh, god.
his name spills out of your mouth like a wellspring, pouring over the edge, more and more.
you want more.
your eyes fly open.
your ceiling fan whirrs quietly, its breeze catching strands of your hair and making them flutter.
your pajamas are wet with sweat, and there's a throbbing between your legs that makes your cheeks burn.
despite trying to push the dream out of your mind, it sticks in your brain like a parasite. someone mentions doing their laundry, and it pops into your head. there's a cartoon drawing of a bed in your textbook, and there the dream is again.
you accidentally snap a pencil in half when one of your classmates starts asking everyone what they had dreams about the night before, and wonder if the world is personally out to get you.
in the class you share with hyunjae, you've never sat so stiffly facing forward as you do today. you refuse to look at him, even in your peripheral vision, because you know exactly what will happen as soon you catch a glimpse of his face.
why hyunjae, of all people?
lost in thought, you don't notice that you've stabbed your pen into your notebook so hard that the ink is bleeding through the page, or the fact that class has ended.
"you okay, there?" a familiar voice asks, and you jump in your chair. hyunjae raises an eyebrow, laughing a little bit at your skittish behavior.
just as you expected, the moment your eyes land on his face, all you can think about is the dream, and your face begins to burn.
you look away, fearing that if you look at him too long, he'll be able to see right into your thoughts.
"mhm," you cough and gather your things, furiously shoving them into your backpack.
"y/n–" he starts, but you're already fleeing out the door to safety.
by the time four o'clock rolls around, you're confident you've steeled yourself for being alone with him for two hours. and then he pulls off his hoodie (and as a result half his shirt with it) and the last several hours of preparation go down the drain.
he glances over and your head snaps in the opposite direction, studying the cover of a random book so intently, you're convinced you can see its threads splitting as time passes.
"you're acting weird," he comments. "why are you acting weird?"
"i'm not acting weird," you respond, bite in your voice.
"you're definitely acting weird,"
"i'm not."
"you definitely are."
"no, i'm not!"
"is it something i did?"
you whirl around, a scowl on your face. "not everything is about you."
this definitely is, though.
he raises an eyebrow, and you try your best to ignore him.
after a long while of silence, you withdraw into your own thoughts and relax a bit. absentmindedly, your gaze flutters up and catches on his hands, gripping the book cart.
you swallow, lips parting.
a book slips out of your hands, tumbling to the floor with a loud thunk, and you jump.
"have a headache. going home," you mumble, and rush out of the library without another word.
you don't dream about him that night.
you shove down the disappointment in your chest, trying to convince yourself that you absolutely do not want to dream about him again. but when your friends invite you out to go drinking with them, you decline so you can go to bed early.
when sleep finally overtakes you, your sleep is anything but dreamless. upon waking, that familiar sheen of sweat drips down your thighs, and you don't answer jiwon when she asks why you're stuffing your sheets in the washing machine so aggressively.
the evening following the second dream – which is somehow worse than the first – a dozen of you from your floor go to the dining hall together. jiwon and younghoon are cuddling on the opposite end of the table, seoyeon is fighting with chanhee about something, and hyunjae sits across from you, laughing with kevin.
you stab your fork into your food, eyes locked on his stupid, dumb, idiot face. how can he be so carefree and unaffected when you're losing your mind?
saerom, another girl on your floor, appears at the end of the table with a big smile and a tupperware full of cupcakes. "hey, guys! it's my birthday today, so i made some cupcakes! any takers?"
of course, being college students, there's a chorus of "me!"'s and she makes her rounds, making sure everyone gets a cupcake. when she arrives at your chair, you shake your head with a polite smile. your appetite is ruined by your inner turmoil, and you can barely finish your lunch.
hyunjae, tasting a stripe of frosting off of his cupcake, shakes his head. "y/n, just try one." he pesters, and then, when you glare at him, adds: "you're no fun."
something in you snaps.
you reach forward, taking hold of his wrist with your fingers and pulling his hand towards you. confusion knits his eyebrows together.
and then you lean forward, sucking a dollop of frosting off his fingers, and the confusion morphs into realization.
his mouth hangs open, and it registers that the entire table has gone silent.
"mm," you hum, wiping the corner of your lips with your thumb. "tastes good."
your mouth quirks up at the corner in triumph, having finally given hyunjae a taste of his own medicine.
he stares at you, dumbfounded, hand still frozen and extended.
he blinks. withdraws his arm. "come here." he says, with an odd tone of voice.
you don't move.
he presses his tongue against his inner cheek. "y/n, come here."
you lick your lips nervously, now slightly regretting having acted out. "no."
he makes a move to get out of his chair and you bolt. the table you're at is in the back of the large, windowed room, and you make a beeline for the closest exit.
catapulting out the door and into the balmy, night air outside, you slow down, thinking you're safe. until you hear the door slam open behind you, and catch sight of hyunjae right on your heels. when you try to make a run for it, his fingers reach out, grabbing a fistful of your hair and dragging you right back to him.
the involuntary noise that leaves your lips is unholy.
his eyebrows shoot up at the sound, and your face flushes beet red. while he's still caught off-guard, you kick his shin as hard as you can and sprint down the sidewalk.
when you reach your dorm, you slam the door behind you, even though you know it's unlikely he followed you. breathing hard and legs shaking a little from running so hard, you make your way to your bedroom.
you come to the conclusion that the only way to avoid any more humiliation involving lee hyunjae is to avoid him, and therefore make a promise to yourself to stay far, far away from him for as long as possible.
and that's exactly what you do. if you see even a hint of that familiar haircut or hear that characteristic laugh, you're dashing in the opposite direction. you move your seat across the room from him in every class and bolt as soon as class ends.
and then there's the issue of library duty. the first day, you get out of by helping hayoung's club with decorating their clubroom. the second, you insist you have a horrible migraine and that you need to go home. the third day, you're running out of reasons not to show up– until jacob.
on wednesday, jacob bae transfers into your linguistics class and sits right beside you, wearing a friendly smile.
"hi," he beams, holding out his hand. "i'm jacob."
"nice to meet you," you dip your head.
during a partnered activity, the two of you chatter and realize how much you have in common, like your disdain for pancakes, or how you prefer to eat your pizza folded in half.
"i actually know a really great pizza place like half-an-hour from campus," he starts excitedly. "do you want to go there after class?"
you calculate the math in your head; class ends at 3:15. if it takes 30 minutes to get there, and you'll likely spend at least an hour there, probably more, and then the ride back will take 30 minutes...
you'll miss library duty.
you grin. "sure!"
the next week goes by smoothly. jacob lives in the dorm building next to yours, so the two of you end up walking to class or meeting up between classes often.
anytime you see hyunjae and jacob isn't around, you run for it. if he is, you link your arm through his and urge him to walk faster, coming up with some excuse that you feel like walking at a quicker pace.
you're sure you've settled into a foolproof routine, until that next friday. 
do you consider yourself a good person? for the most part. unfortunately, you’re prone to making unwise decisions, and this is one of them.
you couldn’t do library duty, for god’s sake. close proximity to hyunjae for hours after your mortifying encounter the other night? you shudder at the thought. but then again, you needed those hours logged, and so the only solution you could think of that solved both issues was to forge them yourself. 
this is the reason you wait for the guidance office receptionist to head to lunch, and then you sneak into mr. ryu’s office, where the library duty attendance logs are kept.
you would need to be quick, otherwise you’d have a lot more than just library duty to worry about. 
you comb through mr. ryu’s desk drawers until you find one labelled with your name. just as you reach for it, a sudden voice makes you jump out of your skin.
“what are you doing?”
your head jerks up.
it’s hyunjae, and you honestly aren’t sure if that’s worse than it being a staff member. 
your brows furrow. “hyunjae, what the hell are you doing in here?” you hiss. 
“what are you doing in here?” he shoots back accusatorially, stepping further into the room.
you circle around the desk in an attempt to create more distance. “none of your business,” you snip.
“you’re trying to fake your library hours, aren’t you?” he sneers. “not happening. you’ll actually have to show up and face me.”
“just– leave me alone!”
“then leave the attendance records alone,”
you scowl at him, and he narrows his eyes right back.
the sound of the office door handle squeaking makes both of your heads whip around in panic.
“oh fuck, oh fuck–” you say, frantically looking around the room for somewhere to hide. 
at the last second, hyunjae drags you into a tiny closet on the far right side of the room, closing the door just as the office door opens. 
his hand covers your mouth, and you squirm in an attempt to get it off, but it only tightens his hold on you. 
someone you assume is mr. ryu crosses the room to the desk, shuffling around papers as if looking for something. a moment later, his identity is confirmed when he answers a phone call. 
“good afternoon!” he greets the person on the other end of the phone enthusiastically, and hyunjae takes advantage of the noise. 
he puts his lips adjacent to your ears and drops his hand from your mouth. “why are you avoiding me?” he whispers, and you almost shiver. 
you can feel his chest against your back, the tight space forcing contact, and his breath fanning over your neck. 
you don’t move an inch, nor do you answer him. 
“... sorry, you’re breaking up! say that again?” ryu’s voice filters through the closet door. 
“y/n,” he breathes against your neck. “why are you avoiding me?”
“i’m not,” you manage to choke out, and you hear a quiet scoff.
“bullshit. you’ve skipped library duty for a week, and you run every time you see me.”
“will you shut up?” you hiss lowly. 
“... no, i think it’s me!” there’s mr. ryu again, his voice almost a shout. “my office hasn’t been getting signal lately–!”
hyunjae’s arm wraps around the side of you, fingers taking a gentle hold of your jaw. “is it because you moaned when i touched you?”
your eyes widen.
ryu finally leaves the room, still shouting at his phone in an attempt to be heard, and shuts the door behind him. 
you shove hyunjae off of you, rocketing out of the closet like a rogue firework.
“stop it!” you grit your teeth, backing away. “that is not what happened!”
he steps closer, eyes squinting. “let’s take a stroll down memory lane, shall we? first, you bait me by licking frosting off my fingers–”
“shut up,”
“–and then, when you run away and i try and stop you–”
“hyunjae, i’m fucking warning you–”
“–you moan like you’re bent over my–”
you lurch forward, propelled by rage, and swing at him, except he catches your wrist before you can make contact. you try with your other arm, and he does the same thing, leaving both arms helpless and you at his mercy. 
you try to shrink back, but he refuses to give you any slack. 
“let me go,” you growl at him. 
his eyes narrow a little, and he forces you backward, still restraining your wrists, until your waist bumps against the front of ryu’s desk. 
“why? so you can hit me again and run away?” he jibes, leaning forward. “not gonna happen. you’re not getting away this time.” the last line is said in a low voice, and every nerve in your body lights on fire. 
“just admit it, y/n.”
“admit what?” you respond, trying to conjure any scraps of resistance left in you. 
“admit you want me.”
you tilt your chin up defiantly. “i don’t.”
“oh, yeah?” his eyebrows quirk. “we’ll see about that.”
and then, fuck, he’s kissing you. he lifts you up onto the mahogany desk, one hand holding his weight, the other pulling your waist into him. 
the kiss is furious, desperate, almost violent, as though if you don’t put your all into kissing him, the world will end right then and there. 
you groan softly, and he smirks into the kiss. 
“shut the fuck up,” you say breathily, the fabric of his sleeve bunching in your grip. 
he forces his knee between your legs, forcing them apart, and you respond with a sharp inhale. 
his tongue is in your mouth, and his hands are under your shirt, groping places that make you gasp, and it’s so, so good. 
“oh, god.” you whine, your breathing quick and labored. 
“not god,” hyunjae mumbles into your lips, like the little shit he is. “me,”
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when hyunjae hauls you onto his lap in front of all your friends, eyebrows shoot up.
“you two..?” changmin asks, eyes shifting between you.
“you didn’t see that coming after that whole show in the dining hall?” seoyeon snickers.
“how did this—” jiwon motions between the two of you. “—even happen?”
hyunjae’s hand finds its way to your thigh, squeezing a little. “well, it started when y/n had a secret crush on me—”
you roll your eyes. “get fucked, hyunjae.”
“yeah, you did.” he grins, and you kick your heel against his leg as the group pipes up with a chorus of disgusted complaints.
he wasn’t wrong.
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
Summary: Almost any day now.
Genre: crime au; fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut (spanking and submissive behaviour, amongst others)
Characters: B.I I Kim Hanbin x reader x Bobby I Kim Jiwon
A/N: None of the images in the collage are mine, please refer to here for more; For SF9 writings, read here and for iKON, read here~~
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The place is a motel, straight out of an American movie. You would not see a place like this anywhere else in the world, or even visit one for that matter. But he had insisted. He brought you here, on a whim, spontaneously. The bed is fine, less than clean but not dirty either. Upon first glance, the place is retro. ''Out of an American movie'', you had said out loud. He chuckled, ''I guess it is.''
Now he is balls deep in you. Caressing your side, in a soothing manner, soothing your cries and whimpers because of the stretch he causes. But it's more than that. The cries of his name that fall from your lips is because of how he pleasures you. Surges of arousal rocks you to and from. With every touch he fills you.
Hot and cavernous are his kisses. You only lean away for breath. Ironic that it has to be something so intimate to occur in such a setting. With every kiss, your hot cries are muffled, like he wants you all to himself. So that no one else can hear you. It is the small space between the two of you, within which all the sounds of resulting pleasure come from, that cultivates such precious memories.
Maybe it was the thrill of running away. From the police you were running, gasping for breath. You wonder if you are going to go to jail. That can not happen. There was conflict of the mind. You were scared, when you were running through the barbed-wired gates but for a brief moment, you looked at the two of them and laughed. Such a weird moment it was; you can't stop thinking about it.
''Let's play some music'' he had said. As he kissed your collarbone and fluttered down your breasts, taking a perk bud into his mouth, hot and heavily, music played through the speaker. In between fast- paced and slow-paced, regular maybe, it played in the background. It was like nature, enough to leave an impression but also enough to pass by.
Hanbin sucked on the skin above your breasts, skirting the area with the warm touch of his lips, his mouth doing it's dirty work. He loves tasting you, the smell of your skin would embrace him too, in this act. Without Jiwon. The atmosphere is different, more serious. With Jiwon it would be light, some jokes would be thrown around. Where is Jiwon?
Out taking a risk. He could be caught. You and Hanbin are here, without a care in the world. Finish what you start. A couple of thoughts are involved in this. He absolutely needs to be naked with you, to let go of all his worries. Motivated by his concerns about the three of you getting caught by the police? High off adrenaline? Whatever it is, you push him on his back, straddling him with a bright smile.
Moans and groans ensue from the man underneath you, whose chest you have your hands roam on, freely. Exploring. Your mouth falls open, jaw slacks when you sink onto his hard cock, circling your hips. The two of you are way past any concerns at this point. He caresses your backside, kneading the flesh in his hand.
You fall forward, on his chest. He slapped your backside, rather harshly, eliciting a moan from you. Anything he does would be pleasurable to you right now. Not less than twenty minutes later, Jiwon comes back. Flash of fear radiates throughout your chest. Your first instinct is to freeze but Hanbin's isn't. He covers you with his body, shielding you from view.
You look like you are caught. You can not see much but you relax. It's Jiwon's chuckle, ''You guys are doing this? Go on, it's not like I haven't seen her naked before.''. You mumble something for Jiwon to shut up, which he laughs at, ruffling your hair before dropping off the groceries on the table.
''Shit you scared me man.'' Hanbin murmurs, ''Plus, we were done, just cuddling.'', he motions, wincing as he slips out of you and into his jeans. You lay on the bed for some time, contemplating, looking outside with your limbs splayed all over the sheets. In a moment, you find them in the bathroom.
Jiwon is freshening up, all his clothes removed, hastily placed on the counter. He only wears his boxers. You grab your shirt from the side, putting it on. Jiwon momentarily loses his train of thought when he glances at you. ''What was I saying? Ah'' was what he said, welcoming you with a hug.
The conversation stops short. He hugs you, in relief, I'm back, so to say. He nuzzles himself in your hair, breathing in the scent of home, what it smells like. Committing it to memory just in case he does not come back anymore. Hanbin looks up from his phone, smiling at the two of you. It can not be the same without either of you or something like that, he thinks.
''What happened?'' you ask in the embrace with Jiwon. It sparks a need from him, he's open to the idea since there's a bed big enough to fit the three of you out there. He needs you, but not now. He has something to tell you first.
''Let's get out of here first.'' he motions to the bed that makes up for most of the room.
Hanbin doesn't say anything, he follows you out into the room. ''We have time, we can stay here for sometime. Unless the two of you want to get out of here, which is perfectly fine by me. Actually, I think we should move.'', Jiwon looks out the room, confirming his idea.
Hanbin seats you in between his legs, his chest touching your back and opposite Jiwon who is close enough to touch your knees. He rubs your sides, blowing out air in nervousness. He tries to keep calm. He can't lose his calm now, especially not in front of the two of you. Shit like that is contagious.
''Where should we move?'' Hanbin asks. This has to be thought out carefully. Choices have to be rationalised right now. The more choices the better, but then it would feel as if it was wrong, like this can't be right.
After that conversation, Jiwon takes the two of you to the pool he found earlier. To relax. You feel that he's doing this because you won't be able to rest, maybe for a really long time. Jiwon thinks hard to himself that he wants the three of you to be together. More peacefully as compared to the situation that you currently are in. Maybe in a foreign country, relaxing on the beachside, something like that.
He'll make sure that it happens, just the three of you. He knows that you aren't one for settling down but it's better than going to jail. That's how it is at this point. Alone would endanger you with no help and three is a support but easy to pick off when together. Stuck. Perception?.
He's on the other side of the pool, waddling his legs and leaning against the granite wall. The pool is blue, brightly so. Sun shines throughout the whole area. Hanbin is at the opposite end; you are swimming towards Jiwon. You took off your t-shirt earlier. You are naked right now. What can Jiwon do?. He knows that this was perfect.
Jiwon reaches out for you as do you for him. He switches so that it's you against the wall. You already know how this will play out. But every time is a new experience. Of experience but new? Fresh is the optimal word. You kiss him lightly, giggling some and laughing some.
He reached for your sex, easing a finger or two in without warning. His groin stirs at the scenario. You were already wet from having sex with Hanbin, he had eased you up. But like this? You must have been ready for a second round. You would have done so if Jiwon hadn't come back then.
If he was more than a second late, he would have seen Hanbin ramming your pretty ass into the creaking bed, without a care that the bed should be intact because it's the only one you have. For three people. He could have joined in. But now he had you all to himself. He turns you around, telling you to place your hands on the wall.
You do so excitedly, he can see the flush on your cheeks at his suggestion. ''From the back?'', you ask even though you know. He hums, placing a kiss on your neck, pumping himself a few times before he sinks into your warmth. God, it is glorious. He is lost for words. The feeling of relief after a long day spent running and what not. He always had the energy to do this with you.
He rocks you against the edge of the pool, shifting the water in waves. Hanbin doesn't watch for the first half, but he can hear. And his cock grows hard when he hears. Especially what you say about Jiwon's dick and how it is like an intrusion between your legs. Fuck, he thinks. You cry out in pleasure, like you had moments ago, cutting off your speech short.
It is how hard you were holding onto the edge, grasping the granite, moaning out like the mess you were. Jiwon noticed the red print, like a shake darker than it should have been. The mark on your backside, made by Hanbin. He grits his teeth at that instant. He pulls you back by the neck, asking, ''What were you and Hanbin up to when I was gone huh?''.
His tone is punishing and you know where this is going. You are about to love this. He takes your silence as disobedience. He lets go of your neck, letting you fall back to the edges. Jiwon forces you straight when he fists your hair, printing your backside red. Tears rim your eyes. You will find it hard to sit afterwards.
Jiwon is angry. Unsuccessfully, he had pushed it away earlier. By going out, he was risking his life, your relationship. He could have been caught. But he walked in to see the two of you having the time of your life, of course, it angered him. And this is how it was coming out. Frustration.
He hits till you cry out for him to stop. He goes much more slowly then. He caresses your tummy, avoiding your sore spot altogether, asking, ''You okay? Do you want me to stop?''. You sniff, finding him peering at you with those inquisitive eyes, always inquisitive.
You disagree and he continues on, till he rips your release out of you. Before you can slump, Hanbin catches you, sliding in front of you. You lean on his chest. Jiwon kisses you, leaving the pool. You pull him back, ''Where are you going?''. He kisses your hand, meeting your smile, ''I'll be back.''.
You are a little tired, not by much. Hanbin holds you till Jiwon comes back, with a bottle of lube and a condom. ''Huh?'' you murmur, realising that you are not done, at least not yet. Jiwon slips back into the pool, the warm body of water enveloping his figure.
Two different people, two different scenarios. Perhaps not all the resources are available but you have time. Enough to let both of them fill you up before you leave for the open road.
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a-blue-secret · 3 years
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Chapter XXXII | Chapter XXXIII | Chapter XXXIV
GENRES: royal au; fantasy au; magic au; friends-to-enemies-to-lovers; king!beomgyu, vizier!taehyun
PAIRING: taegyu
WARNINGS: mentions of scars (?)
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AN: This chapter is probably the shortest that the Court of Lies chapters have been in a while, but it's also the fluffiest that they've been for a long time! I hope you like it :)
SUMMARY: Best friends turned enemies, Kang Taehyun has managed to trick Choi Beomgyu into his service, and to rule for a year and a day, until his youngest brother would be old enough to take the throne. Choi Beomgyu has no intention of being obedient however, and tries to thwart Taehyun’s orders at every turn. With a growing amount of distrust and lies within the court, will Taehyun manage to keep the kingdom of Gojongja from falling apart?
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“Yeonjun, how’ve you been?” Beomgyu cheered, holding out his arms as Yeonjun came running into the room. They hugged, Beomgyu almost being crushed into the pillows from the force of it.
“I should be asking you that,” Yeonjun grinned, patting his shoulder. “How have you been?”
“Oh, you know,” Beomgyu said, a smile on his face. “I just turned into a beast and almost went insane. You know, the usual stuff.”
Yeonjun laughed.
“Oh, and–” Beomgyu lowered his voice confidentially, “Taehyun told me about all the spy stuff. Though to be honest, I kind of suspected it already.”
“Yeonjun’s eyes were wide, looking at Taehyun. “You did what?”
Taehyun shrugged, sitting down in the chair beside Beomgyu’s bed. “I didn’t mean to,” he said. “But I had to mention Hueningkai to talk about the encounter with Soobin.”
“Ah, Hueningkai!” Beomgyu peered curiously behind Yeonjun. “Where is he? I thought he’d be with you.”
“Hey, hey, you’re going to fall out of bed if you keep wriggling,” Taehyun chided, fixing the bed covers. “Honestly, you’re like a child.”
Yeonjun looked behind him, walking back out into the hallway. He poked his head into the room. “Wait, let me just find Hueningkai first, then I’ll get him to you.”
Yeonjun’s head disappeared, and there were muffled yelps outside, and a lot of scuffling.
“Hey, what are you–”
“Beomgyu wants to see you, brat–”
“No– wait– how does he know–”
“Ask him yourself, now come on–”
“Ah! Yeonjun, my arm–”
Yeonjun dragged in a yelping Hueningkai, grinning. Hueningkai let himself be dragged by the cuff of his sleeve, looking rather shy. Beomgyu grinned as he saw the younger, and held out his arms for a hug.
“Hueningkai!” he beamed. “It feels like it’s been ages since I saw you.”
Hueningkai gingerly hugged Beomgyu, still looking rather awkward. But Beomgyu continued to chatter animatedly, and the Aruyeonan’s stiff frame relaxed, and soon he was grinning and laughing.
Yeonjun beamed like a proud parent, standing beside Taehyun.
“Hueningkai really adored Beomgyu,” he said. “When Beomgyu came to Aruyeo, he was literally the only person who was genuinely nice to Hueningkai.” He nudged Taehyun, grinning. “You have a pretty amazing boyfriend.”
Taehyun smiled, watching as Beomgyu got Hueningkai to relax. “I know, he said. “I know.”
There was the pattering of feet outside Beomgyu’s door, and someone knocked hurriedly. Taehyun walked over to open it, and was almost run over by the Kangs storming into the room. The Hwang siblings followed behind in a more civilised manner, but with big smiles on their faces.
“Beomgyu, oh, you’re finally awake!” Nabi sobbed like an overdramatic mother. “You don’t know how worried we all were!”
Beomgyu stared at them all in surprise as they engulfed him in a huge hug. “What? When did you guys get here?”
“They’ve been here for three weeks,” Hueningkai said, walking back to stand beside Yeonjun. Yeonjun wrapped an arm round his shoulder, smiling. “Yeonjun brought them here to help Taehyun.”
Beomgyu stared at the Kangs, eyes wide. “Wow… Taehyun searched for you guys for ages, you know. Even though he wouldn’t tell me, I knew he was. And yet Yeonjun found you just like that?”
“Well, he had help.” Hyunjin stepped forward, hand outstretched. “My name is Hyunjin. I'm a friend of Yeonjun’s. And this is my sister Yeji.”
Beomgyu grasped his hand, eyes shining with curiosity. Then he suddenly yanked Hyunjin forward, pulling him into a hug.
“No need to be so formal, Hyunjin,” Beomgyu laughed. “You’re Yeonjun’s friend: so you’re my friend too. And this is your sister?” He turned to Yeji. Yeji smiled, and Beomgyu reached forward to shake her hand.
“What, do I not get a hug?” she said teasingly.
Beomgyu gave a sheepish smile, rubbing his nose. “Ah, right! Sorry, I'm just awkward around girls.”
Yeji laughed, giving him a hug. “Don’t worry, I am too. It’s nice to finally meet you, though: the person everyone has been scrambling to save. I can see why it was worth all the effort.” She nodded her head towards Taehyun. “Your boyfriend started smiling more the moment you turned back.”
Taehyun, standing to the side while everyone crowded around Beomgyu, gave a smile. “What can I say?” he said. “I smile around people I’m comfortable with.”
“It’s nice to see you again after all these years,” Jiwon grinned.
“Likewise,” Beomgyu grinned back. He spotted Junghoon hugging Jiwon’s leg, and his smile widened. “Wait, is this Junghoon?”
Seohyun chuckled. “Yep,” she said. “He’s all grown up now, isn’t he?”
Junghoon smiled proudly. “I’m eight!”
“You’re eight?” Beomgyu gave a gasp, smiling at the child. “Oh wow, the last time I saw you, you were only four!”
Junghoon giggled.
“Do you remember Beomgyu, Junghoon?” Nabi asked. “He’s Taehyun’s best friend.”
Junghoon looked at Taehyun, then at Beomgyu. He laughed again. “No, silly, they’re boyfriends!”
The said boyfriends blinked in disbelief as everyone else burst into laughter. Junghoon giggled, proud at having made them laugh.
“Well, you’re not wrong,” Jiwon said, ruffling Junghoon’s hair.
Beomgyu chuckled. “Well, what have you guys been doing while I was half-insane and Taehyun was busy crying his eyes out?”
Taehyun punched his arm playfully, smiling.
Jiwon gestured to Nabi and Seohyun. “My badass sisters ran Gojongja while you were away.” He pointed to Yeonjun and Hueningkai. “They went and avenged their Queen.” He patted Hyunjin’s and Yeji’s shoulders. “These guys gathered info on how to bring you back, and also supervised Junghoon for me. And I went with the army to subdue the people who wanted to kill you.”
Beomgyu gaped at them, eyes wide. “Nabi and Seohyun did that? Wow, you’re incredible! So you managed to keep the entire Kingdom under control while being pestered by impertinent Lords and a huge insane beast was on the loose?”
“Oh, it was nothing,” Nabi said, smiling.
“And yes, we convinced the army to retreat from the forests, and affected towns are being compensated for their loss. With money coming from the Crown itself,” Seohyun added, grinning. “Everything is going well.”
“Good, good,” Beomgyu smiled. “Wow, you guys all worked really well while I was gone.”
“It was all for you,” Hyunjin said. “We all wanted you back. Even if we didn’t know you – aka Yeji and I – we could tell how much of an important person you were to the people who did know you.”
Beomgyu smiled at that. “Thank you, really. I had no idea that there were so many of you.”
“I mainly brought them so that Taehyun didn’t dissolve into an emotional wreck every day,” Yeonjun interjected, “but it’s good to see that he managed to gather himself and organise a plan.”
“I wasn’t that much of an emotional wreck!” Taehyun protested.
“Taehyun, flower, you were,” Seohyun said, smiling a little. “I didn’t want to say, but you had huge eye bags under your eyes when we came.”
“Speaking of eye bags, Beomgyu still looks hella tired,” Jiwon said. “We should leave him so that he can sleep.”
There were voices of agreement, and the Kangs and Hwangs began to file out.
“Rest well, Beomgyu,” Nabi said, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
Seohyun ruffled his hair. “Get better soon, okay?”
Beomgyu smiled, waving as they left.
And then, once they had left, it was just Beomgyu, Taehyun, Yeonjun and Hueningkai.
“So how long till you can walk again?” Yeonjun asked, dragging two chairs next to Taehyun beside Beomgyu’s bed so he and Hueningkai could sit down. “I heard you sprained both your ankles. Somehow.”
“I talked to Seokjin, and apparently sprains take three days to three weeks to heal,” Taehyun said.
Hueningkai nodded thoughtfully. “That’s a big time range. You could be waiting days or weeks for it to heal naturally.” His eyes lit up. “Or I could whip up a rejuvenator.” He nodded at Taehyun. “Like I did when you fell sick.”
“Does it taste nice?” Beomgyu asked curiously, leaning forward. “Cuz if it doesn’t, you might need to knock me out before I have it.”
“Oh, there’s no need to knock you out,” Hueningkai said, smiling. “It doesn’t taste like anything. Don’t worry.”
Beomgyu nodded, smiling. He sank back down into the pillows again. “So what were you guys doing just now? Taehyun told me about your spy mission over these past couple of weeks, but what about just now? Taehyun had to go fetch you.”
“Well, some spies decided that it would be a good idea to go down to the dungeons and threaten Soobin and his sister,” Taehyun said, staring pointedly at the two Aruyeonans.
Hueningkai held his hands up in surrender. “Wait, don't look at me. It was Yeonjun’s idea!”
“Hey, you agreed to it,” Yeonjun said, lightly punching his arm.
“We only went to tell them to surrender,” Hueningkai said. “When we got there, Soobin was all ready to escape.”
“You killed Arin though,” Taehyun said disapprovingly.
“She’s not dead,” Yeonjun protested. “Soobin just cursed her! Well, he cursed all of us but only she was affected.”
“Besides, we managed to effectively subdue Soobin, without anyone getting killed.” Hueningkai crossed his arms proudly. “I think we deserve a thank you for that.”
“I appreciate it, I do, but I just think that your intimidation tactics were wrong. I mean, I saw you threatening them with a sword! And that whole ‘killing’ thing? Why–”
“Don’t listen to what Taehyun says, because I for one think that what you did was perfectly acceptable,” Beomgyu interjected, grinning. “So is this what you normally do as spies? Intimidate and threaten people and then kill them if they don’t do what you want?”
Taehyun sighed and rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face as Beomgyu began to eagerly ask the two spies about their job.
Yeonjun gave a small laugh, waving his hand. “No, no. I don’t do that all the time. I’m not the mafia.”
“He goes to boring talks and tries to verbally convince people to do what Queen Erajin wants,” Hueningkai said. “He’s only ever been on three physical missions in the whole of our spy careers.”
“Got the scars for it too,” Yeonjun sighed. “A huge one along my bicep, along with tiny ones down my back.” He frowned. “I’ll never forgive that guy for ruining my perfect back. The scars all marr with my muscles, and it’s annoying.”
Hueningkai rolled his eyes, patting Yeonjun’s shoulder consolingly. “There, there. It’s okay. You and I are the only ones who are ever going to see your perfect back muscles anyway.”
Hueningkai laughed as Yeonjun squished his cheeks angrily.
Beomgyu pursed his lips in thought, staring at the ceiling. “How long have you two been spies?” he asked.
“Since I was twelve, and Yeonjun was fifteen,” Hueningkai replied. “Twelve years.”
Beomgyu nodded thoughtfully. “You were adopted, weren’t you? Do you still have any family left?”
“Oh, as a matter of fact I do. Lea and Bahiyyih, my sisters.” Hueningkai smiled. “They helped Yeonjun and I get Queen Erajin back on the throne.”
“They’re so cool,” Yeonjun interjected, eyes wide. “Hueningkai’s sisters are so cool.”
“Hey, maybe you could ask them to come to Gojongja,” Taehyun said. “We’d definitely like to meet them.”
Hueningkai smiled. “I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see them again, but sure. Of course.”
Beomgyu tilted his head curiously. “But if you have family, why were you adopted?”
“Ah,” Hueningkai hesitated, giving another small smile. “It’s because we had to run away from where we were originally living. My sisters were the ones who were meant to go to Aruyeo with me, but somehow things got mixed up and it ended up with me being the only one who could leave. I came to Aruyeo at the age of seven. As a young child, I had to be adopted.”
“We didn’t even know Lea and Bahiyyih were alive until five years go,” Yeonjun said, comfortingly wrapping an arm around Hueningkai’s shoulders.
“I thought they’d hate me, since I was the only one who made it to safety,” Hueningkai said.
“They didn’t hate you though, did they?” Beomgyu said. “There’s no way anyone can hate you.”
Hueningkai gave a small smile. “Thanks.”
There was a tense silence. Then Taehyun clapped his hands, leaning forward.
“Alright, I think that’s one tragic past that we can unpack another time,” he said. “Maybe we can all gather to discuss our tragic pasts? I know for sure that Beomgyu and I have experienced rather traumatic childhoods, and by the sound of it, so have you two.”
Yeonjun smiled, standing up. “Right! We could all have a counseling session together where we just cry about our pasts.”
Hueningkai chuckled at that, smiling.
“But anyway, I think we’ll leave you and Beomgyu in peace now,” Yeonjun said. “Beomgyu ought to rest if he’s going to get well soon.”
Taehyun nodded. “Alright, see you!”
Hueningkai waved. “Get better fast Beomgyu.”
Beomgyu nodded, grinning. “I will.”
Hueningkai gave another wave, and then the two spies left the room.
A calm silence enveloped the room. As soon as the door had shut, any tension or hyperness dissipated from the room, and a tranquil atmosphere settled over them, as delicate and pure as a bubble.
Beomgyu lay back in his bed with a contented sigh, smiling up at the ceiling. Taehyun gazed around the room, watching the way the sun sparkled against the candelabras.
The bubble of calmness wibbled and wobbled and reflected the light pleasantly, rainbow patterns dancing leisurely as Beomgyu turned to look at Taehyun, smiling.
Taehyun caught Beomgyu looking at him, and smiled back. Neither of them said anything for a long moment, content with just basking in each other’s presence.
And then Taehyun spoke, and the bubble of calm popped to sprinkle a glittering cloud of happiness over them.
“You have no idea how wonderful it feels to see you in real life,” he said softly, bringing up a hand to trace intricate patterns onto Beomgyu’s cheeks. Beomgyu laughed at the tickling sensation, and reached up to catch Taehyun’s hand in his own.
“You have no idea how wonderful it feels to be able to touch you properly, with my own hands,” Beomgyu responded, the smile bright on his face. He sat up, keeping Taehyun’s hand in his own. And then, flipping it over so it was palm-up, he pressed his lips against the soft surface, before leaning forward to press Taehyun’s hand to his lips.
Taehyun’s ears pinkened as he recognised the palm kiss that Beomgu had given him. He took Beomgyu’s hand in his own and, ever so gently, gave him a palm kiss of his own. They both gave soft laughs, smiling widely at each other.
Beomgyu reached forward, placing his hand softly on Taehyun’s cheek. He gently drew Taehyun towards him, until their faces were mere millimeters apart. The next words Beomgyu said brushed against Taehyun’s lips, light and ticklish.
“Taehyun, love?”
“I love you.”
And with that, Beomgyu closed the gap between them, and their lips met in a soft, gentle kiss.
.・゜-: ✧ :-
“Hey hey, don’t get up so fast, you might still pull your stitches out–”
Beomgyu tsked affectionately, gingerly standing up. “It’s been five days, love. I’m due to get them taken out in a couple of days. I’m sure that it’s very unlikely I’ll pull them out now.”
Taehyun sighed, letting Beomgyu use his shoulder to pull himself up. “If you say so.”
Beomgyu straightened, stretching. “Ah, it feels so nice to be standing on my own two feet again! How long has it been since I’ve done this? Three weeks? Four? I have no idea.” He gave a joyful yelp, spinning and jumping up and down. Taehyun laughed as Beomgyu ran around the room, arms in the air.
“Remember to thank Hyuka for the rejuvenator,” Taehyun said, as Beomgyu hopped over all sorts of furniture.
“I will, don’t worry!” Beomgyu called, doing a headstand before jumping onto his feet again. “Ah, this feels so nice!”
He leapt around the room, prancing and spinning around. Taehyun smiled. With his face set into a bright laugh, limbs nimbly jumping over objects, Beomgyu had never looked younger. It was adorable to watch.
Eventually, Beomgyu hopped to a stop in front of Taehyun, grinning. His face was alight with a smile, features glowing.
“I’ve missed this,” he said. He reached for Taehyun’s hand, gently kissing his knuckles. “I missed being able to hold your hand.”
He spread his arms, pulling Taehyun in for a tight hug. “I missed being able to hug you.” He pulled back slightly, hands running through Taehyun’s hair. “I missed being able to stroke your hair and kiss you everywhere.”
Taehyun laughed as Beomgyu placed feather-light kisses all over his face.
“And…” Beomgyu cupped Taehyun’s face with his hands, Taehyun’s head tilting up slightly to stare at Beomgyu adoringly. “I missed being able to hold your face in my hands, while…”
He leaned forward, kissing Taehyun.
“I missed being able to hold your face in my hands while your lips touch mine,” he finished, grinning widely.
Taehyun’s ears flushed, but he smiled, hands coming to wrap around Beomgyu’s shoulders.
“You really are the most adorable person ever,” he said, before pulling Beomgyu in for a longer kiss.
They were smiling: smiling so hard against each other’s lips that it was difficult for them to carry on the kiss. Taehyun pulled away, and Beomgyu leaned forward to gently nudge his nose against the vizier’s.
“I love you,” he said softly. “And I’m so glad that I’m able to say it properly now. I love you, Kang Taehyun.”
“It’s Jeo Taehyun,” Taehyun teased, smiling.
Beomgyu rolled his eyes playfully, kissing his nose. “Fine. I love you, Jeo Taehyun.”
“Though actually,” Taehyun said musingly, “Perhaps it’s Kang Taehyun, since I was legally adopted.”
Beomgyu laughed and peppered Taehyun’s entire face with kisses. “Make your mind up, will you? I want to be sentimental here!”
“Okay, okay! I prefer Kang Taehyun, anyway,” Taehyun said, smiling.
Beomgyu pecked his lips. “Actually, on second thought, I think Choi Taehyun is better,” he said. “What do you think?”
Taehyun’s ears warmed yet again, and he buried his face into Beomgyu’s neck, giving an endeared sigh.
“You know what? I think I like that too.” He breathed in Beomgyu’s warm scent, and smiled. “I love you too, Choi Beomgyu.”
taglist: @my-moarmy-heart @arohabangtan @a-fragmented-world
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soft-sunflower · 4 years
Flower of Evil Thoughts- Episode 13
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I think for Episode 13's post, I'm not going recap the whole thing. I'm just going to talk about some keypoints throughout the episode that really stuck with me as these posts are taking up too much time to write and gather caps for. I hope you understand.
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Alright, so... we are starting off Episode 13 showing us a bit of Heeseong's past. And it would seem that from the time he was a kid, he was a pretty mentally screwed up individual. Such as throwing bricks off the roof and killing a dog. And I don't buy for one moment, one MOMENT that he "can't remember" and that he's stressed over school and depressed. That's just an excuse. Like I said. He walks out of the counselor's room, smirks and brushes off his fake crocodile tears. He uses that to get people to feel pity for him.
And would you look at that. There's Hyunsoo and his creepy dad sitting there at the psychiatric center. Do Minseok calls Heeseong out there asking if he knows why he did that. "Yes. It was because of teenage depression caused by academic stress." LOL No it wasn't. That sounds like such a fake, rehearsed line to get people to feel sorry for you. Anybody who pays close enough attention to you, or is just like you *cough*DoMinseok*cough*
"You've never met someone like you. You don't know how to play. You must've been lonely while doing it."
Oh my GOD you creeptastic man! We don't mold and groom people to turn into serial killers and be buddied up while doing it, regardless of how *like you* this kid might be. Well, at least now we know how Heeseong became Do Minseok's accomplice and prodigy. Ughhh ewww... that whole scene actually gave me chills.
Okay, so back to where we left off last episode. You know, just Heeseong and his father casually dumping Soon Young's body into the trunk of their car and finding out Hyunsoo and is wife are there at the house. Hyunsoo and Jiwon have arrived at the place they weren't planning to arrive, surprise! Or is it... trash mom looks a little nervewracked over the fact that they're just randomly showing up there. She keeps peeking and checking corners to make sure Heeseong isn't within eyeshot. It's not like a murder was just committed in the middle of the hallway of her house after all. She tries to pull the "I'm feeling tired. I'd like for you to come back tomorrow."
Jiwon interrupts with "I know everything." Uh oh...
So they're in, they're sitting down. Trash mom is all agitated again.
"What do you know and how much do you know?" her fidgety ass gets on my nerves.
Without missing a beat, Jiwon looks her dead in the eye.
"What are you hiding and how much are you hiding?" Girl YASSSSS.
And then they start pulling the whole "you know who your husband really is, and so you'll just accept that?"
"First of all, I want you to know, that I'm on his side no matter what happens."
Damn right she is. That's her man. Whether his name is Do Hyunsoo or Baek Heeseong, that her is MAN and she's got his back. She loves him and she will support him, regardless of what happens because that's what a strong wife does.
So trash dad says there are many things the 4 of them could talk about it.
"There's not only four of us. There's one more person this house, right? Where is he?" LOL GIRRRRRRRLLLLL. I REALLY love her. My badass female lead. She's not wasting ANY time.  And they sure did not waste any time in showing Heeseong hooked up and supposedly in that coma. Claiming he could die at any moment. Oh, please. You can't keep this a secret forever.
"We revealed all the secrets we have." LMAO NO YOU HAVE NOT. LYING SACKS A SHIT.
The way Jiwon and Hyunsoo are looking at each other, they BOTH know something is up and that something is not right.
Ohhh, Hyunsoo, you're brave but playing a VERY dangerous game here. I had a feeling that SOMEHOW this trap he set to catch Yeom Sangchul was going to backfire. But Hyunsoo is right. The person who made a deal with Yeom Sangchul to kill him, the person who offered double the amount of money, the ONLY person who knew he'd struck a deal with Yeom Sangchul that night, who knew the exact amount of money he paid Yeom Sangchul was trash dad,  Baek Manwoo. He also wanted him to kill Park Kyung Choon and was going to pay him to leave quietly. All signs point to there's some seriously shady business going on with Baek Manwoo, and I think Jiwon knows this, no matter how much he and his wife try and play up the innocent act.
"I believe I underestimated you." Well, they definitely handled that well.
"Hyunsoo, it's not me." Thing is, trash dad isn't lying. He's not the accomplice for the murders, but he knows who is and him trying to fake both Hyunsoo and Jiwon out is very obvious. If only they knew that Heeseong is not in a coma.
Oh look, the lights just conveniently go out... and here's how we find out that Yeom Sangchul did not go to the summer house. Because Heeseong tells him not to. This guy is really really smart. He's so smart, he's cunning and having that kind of person for a serial killer is rather terrifying if you ask me.
"Something is off. Something doesn't feel right, but I can't figure out what that is."
Jiwon, you're so close... You KNOW something isn't right and I think Hyunsoo can feel it too.
Also, HYUNSOO DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING IN THAT BASKET. DAMMIT. This is going to be how they frame him for the housemaid's murder. I just know it. He's literally handling everything in that basket and getting his fingerprints all over it. They plotted the whole thing with the lights going out, the candles, the mother dropping the basket of items with a tape roll in it.
They had to figure out how they were going to frame Hyunsoo, and this was too perfect. They are so ahead of the game that it's terrifying, and Heeseong is loving it because it really IS all just a game to him. He's a really scary and creepy character. His calculations are spot on with everything. I'm curious how this is going to turn out when Hyunsoo and Jiwon find out Heeseong is alive and out of his coma and he's the one doing this. I really can't get a read on Gong Mija... is she doing this because she fears for her life hence her almost seemingly reluctance? Or is she doing this because Heeseong's her son? I mean she tried to kill him twice now, so...
"Hyunsoo, I've always thought of you as family. That much I was sincere about."
Is she being serious right now? I mean here she is helping frame him for a murder he didn't commit, but is she also cooperating with Heeseong because she doesn't want her son to kill her on one of his crazy rampages? I think she's afraid of her son and fears for her life, but that she actually does care for Hyunsoo because she knows Hyunsoo is not a monster of a man that everyone has spent years making him out to be? I don't know. It's so strange... she's hard to get a read on.
"No matter what you thought of me, I have never wondered what you sincerely felt, not even once."
What does he mean by saying this? That he doesn't really care what she felt? That maybe he actually knows she's always cared for him? Or that maybe she's never given him a reason to wonder about what she sincerely felt in regards to him? The way she's watching him though as he places everything back into the basket she dropped, particularly when he grabs the roll of tape, is unsettling... I really don't get her. Why would she say that? Is she on his side and is just being used by her son and husband? Or is she on her family's side and enjoying plotting against Hyunsoo, tricking him and then framing him for murder? I can't figure her out yet... she's too back and forth and very inconsistent.
Wow... they're very thorough with framing Hyunsoo for this murder. To the point he's pulling hairs out and putting them in their car. More evidence for the police to find that Hyunsoo is the murderer. Heeseong is one formidable foe. He looks far too amused while sprinkling her hair everywhere. As they say in kdrama, AISH!!!
Alright, who's smoking cigarettes and watching Haesoo...? Is there someone else we don't know about?? Does she have a target on her back too? Can we think at all of who smokes in this drama? Has there been anything suggesting a character like that? Also, the person's handprint is on the window. I would think Haesoo would want to tell the cops this...?
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You know, I'm with Jiwon on this. I really wish Hyunsoo would stop getting himself involved, but it's almost like he can't help himself. I mean I can't really blame him. Being pushed into almost committing murder (Park Kyung Choon), being told to leave quietly, having a hit put on his life, his wife finding out who he really is, almost having to leave his entire life and family behind and spending the rest of his life on the run? That's a lot for one man to deal with, but if he'd stop getting himself involved, maybe things wouldn't go so far south. Oh who am I kidding. This is kdrama.
And god love him, he's scared to the core for the safety of his family. The very idea that someone like that could exist in his life makes him sick, and the fact that they could reach Jiwon and Eunha terrifies him. This is definitely one of the WORST times he could've picked to discover he has emotions. I feel so sorry for him right now, because  he's doing what every loving father and husband would around the world. He's wanting to protect his family. And I love how Jiwon tells him that they're stronger than that serial killer. I love how they smile at each other, that seems to give him confidence. that she covers his trembling hand with hers to comfort him. Jiwon is so amazingly strong. I just love her. I can't stop loving this incredible character. I may even love her as equally as I love Hyunsoo.
JEONG MISOOK IS ALIVE AND I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT. I CALLED IT!!! I called it from the VERY START of them saying they never found her body and that she is still missing. Kdrama rules. If the body is missing, it likely means that person is alive somewhere. But still I KNEW she wasn't dead. It was a feeling I had since before Park Kyung Choon tried to kill Hyunsoo. It would seem she has no memory of anything. She didn't even know her own name, so it makes me wonder just what happened to this woman?? Hmmm... and how is Sangchul going to use her for insurance? Insurance of what? Is he going to go up against Heeseong now and use Jeong Misook being alive to his advantage? This is definitely interesting.
It's 2:31am and Hyunsoo is getting a call that's waking him. I think that's me every time someone wakes me up haha. That's a pretty late time in the night to be calling anyone though. Annnnd it's Heeseong. That much is obvious. He starts mentioning Jiwon and Eunha claiming he's a fan, but it's more than obvious by the total creep factor of his voice that he indirectly threatening Hyunsoo's family. And Hyunsoo knows this. He can feel it. And the anxiety and fear in him is high now. His family has a target on their backs.
What does he do? Search up the location of the phone number and leaves... oh NO. DO NOT leave the house!!! This is the perfect opportunity they have to continue to frame you for murder. They will use the "You left the house for awhile last night, so where were you?" Hyunsoo, I admire your fierce determination to protect your family and to continue to put together pieces of the puzzle, but this is REALLY REALLY bad... and OOHHHH there's a dash cam on someone's car!!! I mean I get that they're on vacation, but please tell me that dash cam might come into play??
Inside the payphone box written on the wall is
"Hide and seek. I can see you, but you cannot see me." And we know Heeseong wrote that specifically for Hyunsoo. He knew that Hyunsoo would come to that pay phone trying to find him. He's having far too much fun with this. It's nervewracking how calculating he is.
And naturally, people cleaning up the woods would find the body. Of course. Hyunsoo left the house, went to the pay phone and that body is likely buried very close to where he was at. And poor Hyunsoo. He's so stressed out and nervous about the indrectly threatening phone call he received, that while he's pouring breakfast smoothies he made for his family, he doesn't realize he's spilling it out all over the table. Instead, he keeps repeating the sound of the voice from last night's call and comparing it to the accomplice's voice in the threatening message he sent years ago. He knows they're the same.
Jiwon asks if her hubby is okay because he's thinking so hard about something he's spilling smoothie everywhere. Then sweet little Eunha comes running with a hairclip for her daddy to put in her hair for her. Makes me wonder how often he's went shopping with Eunha, picked out little hair clips and things for her as well as do her hair for her in the mornings before school? It's such a sweet thing between father and daughter. But ohhhh, Eunha. Why do kids have such big mouths? Lol He left early this morning and she saw? Ohhhh noooo... Busted. Jiwon knows you left. And saved by the bell. Or rather, the phone ringing. It's not like he can just start telling his family right there in front of the both of them that he received a passive aggressive call last night indirectly threatening their lives.
Eunha's little "Fighting, mom!" Was soooo cute as Jiwon rushes off to work.
I love how protective Hyunsoo is over his precious little girl.
"Eunha, look at daddy. Did you talk to a stranger recently?" "No." "You didn't think first." "Hmmm? No." "Never go anywhere with a stranger. What are the rules?" "I will not go anywhere with a stranger. An adult doesn't ask a kid for help. Mom, Dad or Grandma would never ask someone else to come pick up Eunha."
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Look at their big smiles. I love how holds her face in his hands and tells her she did well.
Awww baby girl is hungry! How is she SO CUTE!?
"Dad! My stomach gurgled! Did you hear that?" And when he puts his ear up against Eunha's belly. Goodness my heart melted but then cracked at the same time. I'm so scared for this little family. I'm scared to death for Eunha... she's so precious and innocent. Heeseong worked for human traffickers that also kidnapped and sold off children. I'm so afraid for her. I'm so scared something is going to happen to her.
Alright, so the thumbnail is missing on Soon Young's body again. What is it about Heeseong's obsession with fingernails?? He collects the ones on the left hand from his victims while also biting off his own on his left hand. Is this just how he commemorates the killings of his victims? By collecting their nails? Ughhh GOD he is just so GROSS.
Noona is back at Hyunsoo's shop and confirms to Hyunsoo that the accomplice can't be Baek Manwoo because during the time that he was meeting up with them, someone was watching her. Hyunsoo tells Haesoo about the strange call he received in the middle of the night. Thank GOD she knows this!! This is actually really important, I feel. I'm almost hoping that Haesoo contacts Jiwon to tell her about this after everything goes down. I don't like that Hyunsoo is keeping this a secret from Jiwon. I get why, but I wish he'd tell her. I feel like this is really important. And now Moojin is telling them about the body being found and that it was missing a thumbnail, because neither had any clue about anyone being murdered.
The fact that they found her notebook and her notes inside shows the direct connection she had with the murderer. Jiwon looks unsettled as she's reading the notes and wondering who she'd be referring to when she says "If you do this again, I'll tell madam and Director Baek." And of COURSE the body would be found in Makmun-dong... the same location Hyunsoo was at last night when he was checking where the phone call he received had come from. UGH! The Baeks had this too well planned. How frustrating...
And now that they have identified the body, Sunbae is informing Jiwon that it's her in-law's housemaid. Jiwon thinks back to last night on their drive home when Hyunsoo states he needs to meet with the housemaid. She knows something isn't right and rushes out stating she has something to confirm urgently.
I'm really trying to understand Heeseong's obsession with Hyunsoo. Why is he so obsessed with him? Does it have to do with the fact he's Do Minseok's son? Is there something he has planned in regards to him?
Moojin says something here that I feel is really important.
"Serial killers can't contain their urge to kill. Perhaps it was because they were in a situation where they couldn't do anything for the last 18 years."
He's right. Heeseong was in a coma. That's why he couldn't do anything. That's why the serial killings stopped. I'm sure he worked behind the scenes for awhile with the human trafficking ring, but the night he hit Hyunsoo with the car and tried to bury him alive? That's when everything stopped. His family even went to so far as to lie and state he left the country and was studying abroad. I mean really now.
Awww, Hyunsoo doesn't want his sister being alone and very unsafe and exposed, so he tells her that she needs to stay with Moojin. I'm not really a fan of their pairing, but I do love the fact that Hyunsoo is entrusting her safety to someone. Honestly, I'd rather it be Moojin because there's nobody else out there he can ask or trust to care for her and keep her safe. He makes Moojin promise him that he won't leave Noona alone and that he'll keep her safe.
Hyunsoo, Yeom Sangchul is not someone you can use so easily to get close to the accomplice, especially now that Sangchul has his own ideas and isn't so willing to cooperate with Heeseong now.
I'm really wondering what plans Sangchul has for Jeong Misook. He's not sympathetic over her having it rough. He's gonna get paid? How? Obviously he knows that Baek Heeseong is the accomplice and a serial killer, but since he failed to kill Misook, what are his plans to use this to his advantage? I have to do more thinking on this. If you guys have any ideas of what you think he's going to do, please tell me so we can plot and speculate.
Okay, so Jiwon is fingerprinting her husband and comparing the fingerprints. I'm not so sure she willingly believes that her husband went out in the middle of the night and committed a murder on Soon Young. I think Jiwon knows something is definitely up, because she knows Hyunsoo wouldn't just suddenly at the drop of a hat decide to randomly commit a murder after everything they've been through and after revealing his whole life to her. He had plenty of opportunities where he could have committed murder, but the very idea of it sickens him. He expressed that much on their drive home from the Baek's.
Heeseong continues to disturb the hell out of me more and more. He might love and worship his mother, but I get the feeling that if she made one wrong move, he wouldn't hesitate to murder her ass too. And I think the mother is terrified of her son so she's trying to be careful not to make the wrong move. She doesn't want to set off her serial killer son after all. And just like I said, I KNEW they were going to use Hyunsoo picking up all those items, especially the roll of tape, to their advantage. I knew she was in on setting this trap for him. And she seems almost guilty that she did that, after remembering Hyunsoo gently pulling a string of fuzz out of her hair.
Hyunsoo is calling Yeom Sangchul from the burner phone... And who answers? Well SHIT now. Hyunsoo knows that Jeong Mi Sook is alive!!! And I also feel like this is VERY important and needs to be paid close attention to.
Jiwon enters the shop and starts questioning where Hyunsoo was at. Was it Makmun-dong? So Jiwon tells him who's body they found, and that she was in charge of taking care of a person who's in a coma and that she was the Baek's housemaid? She tells him the fingerprints on the tape turned out to be his, all the while shedding tears.
At first I thought, Jiwon are you kidding me? You're a DETECTIVE. You KNOW where the two of you were last night. You KNOW that your husband disappeared from your side very briefly to help "mother" gather up items she dropped everywhere. You KNOW what kind of man your husband is so WHY are you suspecting him of murder now!? This is NOT your style, this is VERY inconsistent of your character, as well as your claim of "no matter what happens, I'll stand beside him." Those were my first thoughts upon all of this when she tells him he's a murder suspect and she's arresting him without a warrant.
Also, I knew the mother would tell the police that she suspects Do Hyunsoo murdered the housemaid. This whole entire thing orchestrated between the 3 Baeks was too well thought out and too well done. Now the entire police force believes him to be a true murderer and that he's guilty. My stomach just twisted. Sunbae just told all of them that Hyunsoo is Jiwon's husband... oh god...
Anyway, I don't think Jiwon is suspecting her husband of murder. I think she starts to cry because she knows that he's being framed. She also knows that police are going to find out and will be showing up to arrest him as a murder suspect, so she wants to arrest him first. She even tells him that they will make sure he does not get punished for what he didn't do. Jiwon knows that her husband did not murder that woman and that he's been framed. Jiwon is doing this protect him. She's wanting to take him to the police station because honestly he would be safest there while giving his statement as well, but she is not telling her husband this, because she herself wants to get to the bottom of who's framing him once again. That's what I truly believe. Jiwon has her own agenda, and it makes it hard because she and Hyunsoo are not on the same page.
Hyunsoo seems legit heartbroken that his wife believes him to be a murder suspect. So much to the point that he sees the image of his father, has a flashback to his father telling him this.
"Love can be very cunning. It is very sly. It makes you think you can solve everything, but in the end, it betrays you. Hyunsoo, listen to me carefully. When you feel the urge to trust somebody one day, it means you're becoming weak."
Okay, yes, he is distraught by this. He's genuinely hurt because he thinks Jiwon doesn't believe him. That Jiwon doesn't trust him anymore, so much so that it crushes him and makes him see his father once more telling him this. Jiwon gives him that look because she remembers him "seeing" things before that wasn't there. The fact that his wife would believe for even a moment that  he could be capable of killing anyone has sent Hyunsoo's mental health on a bad decline once again, and I am so worried for him...
"Tell me something. Do you believe me?"
Jiwon can only say "What?" Because I don't think she realizes what's happening to her husband's mental stability right now thanks to her.
"Or deep down inside, do you believe that I really could have killed her?" He tearfully tells her "If you don't even believe me, then who else in the world would believe me?"
And now, here's where I believe Hyunsoo shuts of those emotions long enough to put his own agenda into play. He's not going to trust anyone anymore, because all it's been doing is getting him hurt, getting people out wanting to kill him, putting his family's lives in danger, and even making his wife not believe in him. Like hell he's going to that police station when the lives of his family are in danger and he knows it. I'm pretty sure I know what Hyunsoo is doing. For this moment, he's throwing away love.
It suggests as much from the preview for Ep 14, but it appears to me that he's setting his own trap.
For one, I will say, he's definitely heartbroken over the fact (at least through Hyunsoo's eyes) that his own wife seemingly does not believe nor trust that he did not kill Park Soon Young, so I can understand his hurt here. I think my heart ached for him too. However, I fully believe that the CCTV was a set up, as well as him "attacking" his wife and holding a blade to her throat. That was a set up too.I believe he was trying to show hostility toward his wife to better her chances and give the accomplice less of a reason to want to go after her. Also, back when he attacked Moojin, he had no CCTV set up in his shop at that point in time, because why would he? It's his OWN shop. There's literally zero reason to have a CCTV in there, especially when he never did before. His shop is right below his house. At least I don’t recall ever seeing one in there til this episode. All he did was lock the doors and close the blinds. There was no unplugging cameras at all.
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He points Jiwon toward the monitor and he's turning this into a "hostage" situation because now he's been framed, yet again, for ANOTHER murder he didn't commit, and he knows that that accomplice knows about his family. He knows that the strange call he received at 2:31am was from the accomplice and that his family is ultimately in danger and being targeted. He's creating a hostage situation and is going to do his best to get Jiwon and Eunha somewhere safe. I fully and 100% believe this, because that's Hyunsoo's style and because of the preview for the episode. Like him telling his wife in a very gentle voice "We'll see each other again. Don't look at me like I'm going off to die. Wish me luck instead." Also, they're running off together hand in hand. Jiwon doesn't look like she fears for her life.
It would seem like cheap writing for her to just suddenly start randomly suspecting her husband of murder. It's not Jiwon't style and it's horribly inconsistent to her character up til now. I think both Hyunsoo and Jiwon have their own agendas because Hyunsoo kept the secret of the phone call from Jiwon, and Jiwon knows that someone is trying to have him killed, namely the Baeks. Hyunsoo is using the logical side of himself rather than reacting through the emotional side, because emotions CAN make you weak and now he needs to be as calculating in this game as Heeseong does. Now it's his turn to play Hide and Seek while finding out that Heeseong is the accomplice.
My heart is pumping now and I cannot WAIT til next week!!! It's going to be a very long, agonizing wait, these next 5 days.
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