#also super awesome that your mom helped you that first time
asarajaa · 1 month
(no pressure if you don’t want to do it ofc bbg<3 )
Ofc bb but have patience, I’m a little bit down cause I didn’t like at all my last post so yk 😭✋🏽
Omg I’m so dumb, I answered it without the fic made HAHAJJAJAJA, when I got it I’ll put it here and I’ll tell ya, k love? Have some paciencia 😽💗
Update: k so I already did it so here you go my love, hope you like it <3!
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Warnings: fem!reader Words: 656 Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings! Taglist: @merlucide
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Meeting Bachiras mom for the first time
₊˚ෆ To help me with this, I will pretend it is the second part of the Bachira falling in love hcs.
₊˚ෆ Indeed, his mom liked you.
₊˚ෆ First of all, when Bachira got home and told her mom about you, she was super enthusiastic to meet you!
₊˚ෆ After Bachira made a move and you guys become boyfriend and girlfriend, the next step was meeting each others parents, being Bachira the first.
₊˚ෆ When the time came, you were extremely nervous, Bachira tried everything to make you feel less nervous but obviously it didn't work.
₊˚ෆ You wanted to everything go great. Your friends always says that is like having a second family and that creating a bond with his mom is important bc she's gonna be like a second mom to you.
₊˚ෆ You made yourself a list of 5 rules to follow when you meet his mom (which made Bachira laugh at you because- babe, my mom is super chill you don't need to do those things.)
₊˚ෆ Rule number 1: Do not show empty handed. It doesn't matter if you give her flowers, some dessert or a gift, Bachiras mom will appreciate it and think that you're a very nice and sweet girl. She's the type of person who appreciates the small things so giving smth to her will be perfect.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 2: Dress modestly. Look, Bachiras mom wouldn't care if you go with some jeans and a cute top, in fact, she would compliment you. But if you go dressed like if you're going to some club she would not think bad of you but neither she'll think good of you. I believe that as an artist she's very into the fashion world and if you're meeting her with a cute outfit she'll like you.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 3: Don't try to be somebody that you're not. She want to meet the person her son fall in love with, no one else. She'll like you just the way that you are! As an artist, Bachiras mom know about being judge so don't worry about those things.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 4: Always offer to clean up. Of course, she wouldn't let you, but it would be nice seeing the effort of your actions that his son never stops talking about.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 5: Try having a one on one time with her. Women to women bounds are super special so you have to use the opportunity to grow a very strong relationships. Honestly, she always wanted a daughter so just talked with her about girl things and it would be awesome!
You and Bachiras mom were left alone, she told Bachira to go to the store to buy some dessert (you bought flowers) so now you girls were alone.
"So, how did you knew you wanted to be an artist Mrs.Bachira?" you asked her enthusiastic, the dinner went awesome and you guys were having a great time.
Bachiras mom loved your question, nobody usually ask her about her profession and you were actually interested.
As the night went by, you girls ended up having a girl talk about the latest in fashion, the new tea about celebrities, skincare and make-up.
When Bachira came with the dessert, he was confused. He left you guys silent and when he come back you were sitting next to each other talking passionately about some new viral linase mask that gives a botox effect. Although he wasn't complaining either.
"Word of mouth is that the mask also works to give definition on the curly haired girls." you said showing her the video of a girl trying it.
"Really?" she said leaning to you "Bachiras cousin has curly hair, i'll show it to her."
₊˚ෆ She loved you, like she would call you some days to exchange tips and your calls last hours.
₊˚ෆ Bachira was more than happy when he find out, It seemed perfect to him that the two women in his life got along so well.
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nksdhfsbfv idk what I did.
I feel like It was too short, great rules tho
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© asarajaa — Please, do not copy, translate or reuse my work without my permission.
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anzulvr · 1 year
In which two friends like their other best friend.
COVE / DEREK X READER (head cannons might make a oneshot 🤞🤞)
— reaction
Cove is kinda confused, he never really expected Derek to like you in that way, he never really got any signs (Derek was trying to hide it) but he wouldn’t be upset or anything. You’re all friends in the end, besides Derek was being considerate trying to hide his feelings for everyone else’s sake.
Chalks it up to “Well who wouldn’t like MC?”
(Final warning for Derek dlc spoilers!!)
Derek has always been aware of Coves crush since it’s super obvious to everyone. In his DLC if you tell him you thought he was cute he admits his first impression of you was that you are cute too! So I think after he hangs out with you and Cove for the first time he realizes early on that Cove already likes you so he’d just try to act like nothing but the more you hang out the harder ignoring his feelings get. Derek’s reaction to Cove finding that out that he likes you would be worried cause he doesn’t want to make anything weird. Cove wouldn’t throw their friendship away just cause he’s got a crush on you. Derek would go down a spiral of “what if Cove hates me.” “What if they both never speak to me again.” So just make sure he knows you’re not going to ghost him over this😭
more in cut!!
Extra hcs for u!!🫶🫶
How would people figure out both derek and cove like you?
ft — Mr Holden, Moms, Elizabeth, Lee, Kyra! In that order!!
Derek was over for lunch with everyone and at the table it was just too obvious. They knew Cove liked you but they hadn’t really payed mind to how Derek acted until then. Cove still would have been completely oblivious to it. At home Mr. Holden would say something like “so, you have competition huh sport?” with zero context and wouldn’t further explain when coves all lost. Cliff decides not to break it to him💀Maybee if it comes up sometime he’d give cove advice like in the soirée DLC where he makes him to bring you a flower! He’d always be up to help out cove but cove would be too embarrassed to ask😭
For the moms they’d just tease you how they do with cove and they’d also just mess with Derek in the same manner. Probably not around Cove so he wouldn’t catch on😭 when they’re feeling out of pocket they’ll say something to you both like “I wonder what has him all nervous” once derek is out the room and just laugh while shushing eachother.
Elizabeth canonically knows and she doesn’t care who hears her when she says things lmfaoo
it’s not super regular she hangs out with you since she does her own thing but I feel like she’d be down to gossip about it all the time like. “ELIZABETH GUESS WHAT-” and that’s literally the only time she lets you in her room without arguing about knocking or telling you you’re being annoying 😭
Lee knows every detail she’s so invested lowkey she’d instigate just a little but nothing comes out of it because it’s Cove and Derek. You can’t leave this girl in a room with one of them because she’ll say somethingg 😓
“Hey Cove, didn’t derek ditch soccer’s practice to hang out with [MC]? It’s so unusual of him huh? To willingly SKIP a day to hang out with them..”
“Not really? I think it’s nice, he needs breaks once in a while.”
And then when Lee gets Derek alone for like 5 minutes;
“Hey Derek- do you think [MC] and Cove are cute?”
“Huh? Oh- well yeah [MC] is has the prettiest eyes and they’re so cool and funny and amazing- Coves a awesome guy too but I’m not interested like that ya know?”
“I meant cute.. like together. ”
“Oh. ”
Kyra time!! She’s the bestt
She noticed your little love triangle in that one trip to the mall while she was spying on all of you. The little drink share?? Derek blushing when you snuck up on him and Cove too freaked out to let you drink his smoothie?? She almost got caught by cove when he heard her laugh but he just wrote it off as him hearing things.
She TRIES to help Cove take you places because he drags you to the beach every other day 😭 like “Hey babyyy, you’re not hanging out with [MC] today?”
“Not today, they’re out helping Derek with his brothers today.”
“Oh alright, maybe tomorrow? I can take you two out some place? Maybe the tropical place again.”
“yeah I guess? I’ll ask them if they can later! Thanks mom.”
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inklessletter · 1 year
No, but hear me out; Steve is genuinely good with kids and toddlers. Like, absurdly good. He engages with them because he finds them not only adorable, but really fun to be around. Steve kind of gets how they think, loves to play with them, their funny logic, how seriously they take what’s happening in their busy little minds. He finds them fascinating, and they often surprise him in the best ways. Steve respects them, and kids perceive that and love and respect him back. Also, to Steve, spending time with kids is socially freeing. When he’s around kids he’s not worrying about social cues, or saying something wrong, or can stop paying attention to his manners or his looks.
Steve loves kids, and kids love him back. 
And Holly Wheeler is the living proof of that.
Read it on Ao3
There is a bonus scene of this, just saying
You drew stars (around my scars)
Mike was the only one in the family who actively resisted to like Steve. Since he set foot in the Wheelers household, everyone in the family seemed to be head over heels for him. He had heard his father admitting more than once that Steve was a fine good young man; his mom was delighted with him since the very first dinner because he helped with the cleaning up after every time (he even brought flowers every now and then, ugh); and of course, he had to endure Nancy’s annoying pining and giggling for months. Then they started dating and he was at home almost every day and it was insufferable having him around every goddamn day. 
But the worst one was Holly.
Before Steve, Holly used to chase Mike around, wanting to be with him all the time. Of course, Mike shoved her out almost every time, especially when his friends were over. Lucas understood him; he knew what having an annoying little sister was like. Sometimes she was around, when they were drawing their D&D characters, Will would save a seat for her and let her borrow his big box of colors, or Dustin gave her treats under the table.
Mike Wheeler didn’t want to deal with Holly after him all the time, but when Steve showed up, Holly got totally smitten with him. He wouldn’t pressure her to give him a kiss, but instead, he high fived her. Steve called Holly “Super Star”.
“Hey, what’s up, Super Star? How was school today? Did Timmy borrow your doll? Again?”
“Hey Super Star, wanna sit next to me for dinner? I bet I can beat you, I’ll eat my baby carrots faster than you!”
“I heard Super Star was feeling funny in the tummy today. Are you okay? Will you feel better if we make a tea party with your stuffed buddies? Yeah?”
Then, suddenly Super Star didn’t want to do anything with Mike anymore. Now it was all Steve. 
(Sure, Mike didn’t like having her around, but he didn’t want Steve to steal her from him either. That’s two out of two, not that long ago, Nancy actually DMed campaigns for him and his friends, and then she decided she liked him and now it was suddenly a dumb game.)
When Nancy dumped his stupid ass in November of 1985 Mike almost made a happy dance. The nightmare was over.
But the fucker appeared at the door the day before Christmas with a gift for Holly. He didn’t stay for dinner, but he handed it to Karen. 
It was a stupid light board.
Dustin was suddenly attached to him now. Now they were friends. Lucas was also fond of him. Steve was cool now for his friends too, apparently. And don’t get him wrong, what he did to defend them was amazing. He hated to admit that it was a little bit cool (but Steve’s panicked face when he woke up in the back of Billy’s car driven by Max was awesome). 
Yeah, after all that shit they talked a little bit. Mike made himself crystal clear that he still didn’t like him, and Steve just sighed and told him that he knew. Mike was about to go victorious after that, but Stupid Steve had to add “anyhow, if you need anything, you can always reach me.”
He still kept showing up for Holly’s birthdays. He still brought her Christmas presents secretly. Mike knew that Steve showed up considerably early when he was going to pick him up and his friends to give them a ride to the arcade, or to the mall, or wherever just to spend half an hour playing with Holly. 
Holly laughed the loudest whenever they were playing in the living room together. And it’s not that Mike wasn’t glad that his sister was happy, it was just— He couldn’t be so flawless. Nancy called him bullshit, she must have seen something in him. No one was that perfect.
He was still around for the upcoming apocalypses. He was starting to make peace with the fact that Steve wasn’t going anywhere, when he stole yet another friend from Mike.
Now he and Eddie had bonded. 
They were often together and that riled Mike up like no other. Hawkins was full of people, did Steve have to put a goddamn spell on anyone around him?
Even when Mike hosted in his basement the Hellfire campaigns after Eddie graduated, Eddie showed up at his front door with Steve.
“You are not a Hellfire member, Steve,” Mike deadpanned.
As an answer, Steve lifted a box. A brand new toy doctor kit. He smiled.
“I didn’t come to see you anyway. Isn’t Holly’s birthday this weekend? I have an early gift for her.”
“You’re so lame.”
“Get new material, Wheeler,” Steve rolled his eyes.
Eddie observed the interaction, both of them coming in. Mike closed the door.
“Well, I mean, I’m not surprised you want to spend so much time with Holly, I guess you need someone of your intellect so you can stop feeling stupid all the time around adults.”
Steve stopped for a second. He looked at him as if he wanted to actually reply. He let out a sigh, and went upstairs. God, Mike resisted the urge to fully smile. He glanced at Eddie, who was giving him a dead serious, borderline angry look.
Mike rolled his eyes.
“Wheeler, while I do appreciate that you’re hosting the new campaign, I’m gonna say something, and I’m gonna say this just once, so listen carefully. Treat him like this once more, and you’re out of Hellfire.”
“You heard me.”
“That’s bullshit!” 
“No, you being an asshole with him is. I already lectured Dustin for this, and now I’m lecturing you. I will not tolerate any Hellfire member to behave like this towards friends. That, that is bullshit.”
“He’s not my friend.”
“Like hell he’s not. He cares for you, he does shit for you and you not only do not thank him, you pay him by treating him like shit. He’s saved your ass several times. He pays your fucking late dues, man. Like, shit, give back the tapes on time, Christ.”
Mike was fully uncomfortable now. He crossed his arms and bit his tongue to not snap at Eddie any more.
“Look,” Eddie said, calming his tone. “I don’t know if anything happened between you two, and I don’t want to know, but he’s going through a lot lately. A lot, Mike. You don’t—Shit, you don’t have to like him. Just—just don’t treat him like this, okay? I’m serious about cutting you off Hellfire if you keep this shit.”
Eddie headed down the basement, and Mike was left uneasy.
That afternoon was by far his worst performance in D&D. He had been replaying the conversation with Eddie in his head on and off all the time, but Eddie didn’t give him shit for it, because he knew.
Eddie, an understanding DM as he was, called on a break, and Mike bolted upstairs.
He headed to Holly’s bedroom, the door wasn’t closed all the way. He stopped before coming in to put his thoughts in order and apologize properly. He heard the voices behind the door.
“Doctor Super Star, there are no more patients for you to save! You did great! You cured them all!” Steve said in a funny voice.
“But your tummy hurts!”
“My tummy hurts? Oh, no, ugh! It hurts so bad!”
Mike peeped, still hidden, observing the scene. He saw Steve doing a pretty poor performance of a faint, and he fell, belly up over the rug, amongst the plush toys scattered around. Holly, dressed as a doctor, rounded him and kneeled at his side. 
“I’m going to give you an injection to save you!”
“Oh, please, Doctor Super Star, please, it hurts so bad! N-no, Holly, holly don’t lift my—”
Holly did, and Mike froze. 
Both Wheelers looked at the sudden exposed skin of Steve, all covered in nasty, pink scars. Eddie’s words resonated in the back of his mind loud and clear, and he suddenly understood what Steve was going through lately. Those scars were—God, they were gruesome. That must have hurt like shit. He heard what happened, but now he was seeing it.
That could have been his sister.
Or Robin.
That could have been anyone there, but it was Steve.
Mike gulped, feeling a heavy weight in the pit of his stomach. 
“It’s okay, Holly,” Steve spoke softly, but Mike could feel the nervous, vulnerable tone after his words.
Holly passed a finger ever so slightly, over one of the scars. She looked both curious and serious. Steve’s abdomen flinched a bit.
“Does it hurt?” Holly asked, softly.
Steve closed his eyes and put on a flaky smile, facing the ceiling.
“Yeah,” Steve whispered. “Yeah they—they hurt sometimes.”
Steve let her wander her small hand, examining his torso. 
“They’re pretty.”
A silence. A broken voice. “They’re not.”
“Yes, they are. They look like stars.”
Then, Holly, slowly, put against his stomach a bright pink toy syringe and faked an injection.
“Now you’re cured. Now it doesn’t hurt.”
Mike couldn’t see Steve’s whole face, but he saw enough before he turned away from Holly to see. His expression crumpled, and he saw Steve’s bob apple up and down a couple times. If he wasn’t crying, he was about to.
“You cured me, Doctor Super Star. Good job!”
“Wait! I’m not finished!”
Holly jolted to his drawer, where he kept all her drawing stuff. She came back with a few colored sharpies, and got back to the same position she was before. Steve observed her. 
Then Holly put the sharpie nib softly against Steve’s belly, and he observed.
She drew stars over Steve’s scars.
“See? They are pretty. They’re stars.”
Steve smiled at her. She beamed.
“They are stars. They are pretty.”
After a few seconds, Steve cleared his throat and suggested Holly tidy up all around and draw for a little bit in the living room. Only then Mike reacted, and left the hallway, going back down to the basement.
By the look he gave Mike when he came back, Eddie must have noticed something weird in Mike, but didn’t say anything.
When it was time for all of them to leave (seriously, Mike had been a total disaster), Eddie hushed them all to the van. Steve was saying his goodbyes, and then Mike spoke before he left.
“Hey, Steve.”
He turned around. “Yeah?”
There was a silence, in which Mike tried to find the words. Steve waited.
“I never—I will give the tapes back on time from now on. I’m sorry for that.”
Steve was puzzled. 
Mike was shit apologizing. Mike was shit communicating, at best. He was shit at being vulnerable. Mike was shit at feelings.
“Yeah, and—thank you for—you know. The, um—yeah.”
Mike pursed his lips, crossed his arms. He pinned his eyes to the floor. He could feel his ears and his cheeks grow hotter and pinker.
“Yeah. No problem.”
He could feel Steve’s soft smile in his voice.
“You can go now.”
“Yeah, okay. Bye, Mike,” he said. “Good night Doctor Super Star!” 
Holly waved him from Karen’s arms. She even threw him a kiss. He captured it in the air and put it in his pocket.
Mike rolled his eyes.
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jq37 · 4 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 3 Fast Times at Fantasy High
Welcome back to Fantasy High! It’s a very exciting episode because something that we rarely see in this show about high schoolers studying at an adventuring academy is happening: The Bad Kids are actually going to class. 
But first, they have to get to school. Riz, unsurprisingly, arrives first. On a big old 30 Investigation roll (+11 to a 19), overnight he did a deep dive into what everyone needs to do to get into a good college. Fig is actually doing great. If she would just go to her classes, she’d be fine. Kristen on the other hand is in serious trouble seeing as allowing your god to die is pretty much an auto-fail for a cleric. Fabian and Gorgug are both solid students with good extracurriculars. Their main hurdle is going to be the MCAT–the Multiclass Achievement Test. In order to multiclass, you need to get permission from your current advisor and pass the test. Then you can take 3/4 of each track for a 150% course load. And then, of course, he and Adaine are the party nerds so they’re doing great. They could maybe add some extracurriculars but they’re model students. 
RIz also has done some research about possible college options: Astral State University (where they visited in the one shot), CUS Dabus (in the City of Doors), Bastion City University (who are doing big, world changing stuff), the Society of Shadows (the rogues only group that forces you to leave your life and friends behind that Penny Luckstone refused to join in The Seven), and–most hilarious but also saddest–Lord Salazar Edge's College of Lone Adventurers (which we learn in the AP was a Murph pitch, lol). 
Back at Mordred, Adaine is doing her best to get her less studious friends up and ready for school, going as far as casting Friends on them to get them in the car. Fig willingly fails and Kristen–who really wants to be convinced–sets the DC at 10 and gives Adaine the Help action. Before they get to the car, Lydia (Ragh’s awesome mom) slaps a toxic looking blue energy drink from Kristen’s hands and gives them all full trash bags full of food for lunch (she’s used to feeding half-orc athlete Barb Ragh, not three spellcasters).
Jawbone loads them in the car and, on the way to school, they hear the song of the summer which is this emo anthem. When they meet Riz, he’s super excited to see everyone and show them their dossiers. He even made one for Adaine just for fun even though she doesn’t need any help and she loves it. What she (and Riz) don’t love however is Fig’s new school plan which, as we learned last week, is to enroll in something other than bard classes and then go to her bard classes (since a part of her isn’t going because she has chronic Stick-It-To-The-Man-Itis). Riz and Adaine try to figure out if they can gaslight Fig into going to her classes or hack the system somehow. 
Back at the Thistlespring tree, Gorgug is doing some last minute pre-school work: creating his homunculus (which is kind of like an artificer’s familiar). It’s a hastily made archaeopteryx (flying dino thing, if you know Pokemon, think Archeops) that’s light on the feathers. He accidentally names it Cloaca (a birds multipurpose excrement chute) which his parents love because it’s spreading awareness of non-traditional bodies. Then they launch into a story about mermaid reproduction that I’m not gonna get into because not even Gorgug wanted to hear it. He’s clearly anxious about his skills because he feels his parents disapprove of the bird even though they’ve never been anything other than 200% supportive of him in their lives. 
He gets a ride to school and his friends meet Cloaca, who he nicknames Chloe–the name I’ll be using even though the Bad Kids of course will exclusively call it Cloaca. Riz hands Gorgug his file which he reviews along with the letters from his parents. It’s a lot of the same info except that one of the letters is a rejection re: Multiclassing with a note to talk to his advisor (Porter, the Barb teacher who Fig hates). 
Fabian shows up, starving and shabbily dressed without Cathilda to take care of him–she’s still in Leviathan. The girls share their trash bag food with him which he wolfs down gratefully. (When he mentions his parents are away, Fig seems surprised that Gilear left. Interesting to note for future eps because that feels out of character for their relationship). Anyway, he mistakes Chloe for a piece of trash because is it really the first day of school if Fabian doesn’t insult Gorgug (accidentally this time. progress!) and then the bell rings. As it does, the Bad Kids look around and realize something strange: they’re Juniors now. That means more than half the kids here are younger than them now. They’re not the Freshmen they once were. 
The Sorc Prof (Jace Stardiamond) is filling in as VP while Gilear is away and as he makes an announcement on the intercom, Fig almost falls into an open construction pit (a SECOND construction based incident) but is saved when she’s hit with an armful of gym equipment instead. Put that on the Faeth luck swap conspiracy board. Anyway, Jace also says that Aguefort is gonna be out so they have a new Principal: Emergency Backup Interim Principal Grix. The Bad Kids have never heard of this guy before. 
In the spot where they saw Dane and Penelope campaigning to bring back Prom Court their first year, the Bad Kids now see a table for Student Gov manned by Jawbone and a minotaur student he seems to know: Mazey Phaedra–a senior and the student body prez. She’s also based on a Scottish Highland cow which isn’t important to the story but it is important to me because those cows are super cute. Riz suggests they sign up so they go talk to Mazey who seems cool: She thanks them for saving the world, she knows Ayda, and Fabian clocks later that she’s a dancer bard. All green flags. 
After indulging Fabian’s ego for a bit, the squad encourages Kristen to go for President. Before she can though, she’s beaten to the punch by a halfling student with major Tracy Flick energy who introduces herself as Kipperlily Copperkettle. Kristen immediately shoots back with, “What are you, four different dogs?” which is maybe the funniest thing a Bad Kid has ever said. The Bad Kids hate her vibes on sight but Kristen especially is full aggro. Riz notices that she’s wearing a pin of a rat’s butt being grinded between two gears and when asked about it, she says it’s Ratgrinders pin–Ratgrinders being the name of her adventuring party. They ask who else is in her party and she points out Reuben–an emo, gnomish bard who is signing autographs because he’s the one who wrote the song they were listening to on the way to school (before Kristen changed it to a health and wellness podcast). 
Kipperlily (who I’m gonna call KP) is told that she can sign up but she has to find time to campaign outside of her classes. She says that won’t be a problem because she’s already aced Junior Year and she slides over an envelope to Jawbone to prove it. Apparently, the way Rogue classes work here is that the students find clues and puzzles throughout the school left by the professor but they’ve never actually met them. If a student is able to find the Rogue professor, they automatically get an A for the year and, apparently, KP did just that. 
Paperwork in order, KP is about to leave but Fig stops her to ask what her platform is. Her answer: “Equality, equanimity, and fairness under the rules. In the past, there has been an eccentricity to the bureaucratic and administrative decisions of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy that has favored some students over others. Very nice to meet you guys.”
As she leaves, they hate her even more. 
Adaine tries out a new trick she has which allows her to see into the ethereal plane. She sees a lot of Aguefort’s wards but also the fact that the wards are porous enough to let in ghosts because one of the professors is a ghost, though they don’t know which one. She suggests to Riz that maybe the Rogue prof is a ghost. She also sees some ghost steaks in the fridge, presumably belonging to the ghost prof (btw: steak for lunch at a high school seems wild, lol). 
At this point, Fabian notices Mazey’s dancing shoes (Badidas of course) and clocks that she’s a dancer bard. He talks to her about how he’s looking to multiclass and she hooks him up with a note to give to the dance class professor (Terpsicore Skullcleaver) that says he’s a good kid. She also tells him that Jem Peppercorn (the absolute legend who stayed in the gym eating for the whole Goldenhoard fight) graduated last year and he had the party house which means there’s an opening for a new party house. And Fabian has a very big, very fancy, very empty house. Kristen does an Insight check and gets a Nat 20 to clock that yeah, there’s a little bit of a flirty vibe going on. So of course, she uses Thaumaturgy to create tremors–a move I was extremely confused about at first blush but I think she was using to give Fabian an excuse to hold her or something. Clearly, she’s a more attentive Wingwoman than she is a Saint. 
Anyway, conversation finished, they go to the Auditorium where Jace announced Principal Grix wanted to give a speech. Grix is a gold, warforged spellcaster with a ball comprising his lower half instead of legs. Apparently, he was created by Arthur Aguefort to take his place while he’s on vacay. He speaks in a stilted, robotic manner and gives a speech parallel to Aguefort’s day one speech about what an Adventurer is. But instead of the rambly, unhinged answer Aguefort gave, he simply gives the Dictionary definition: One who goes on adventures. And then he starts going off about order, bureaucracy, and rules. 
The Bad Kids are taken aback–even rules gremlin Riz.On a 27 to clock whether he’s been hacked (because she can’t believe Aguefort would make a robot that acted like this) Adaine sees Grix steepling his fingers and saying “Perfect order” which isn’t conclusive but is def troubling! They start raising their hands and asking Jace questions about if they really have to follow rules in a hard way this year–it still is Aguefort after all–but Grix cuts in and says that the backtalk he’s getting is exactly the problem. He casts Time Stop (a 9th level spell) and the entire auditorium finds themselves in the hall, in a single file line, ten minutes before class is about to begin. Not a great start to the year! And on a dirty 20, Kristen doesn’t see KP anywhere. Suspicious! 
Riz tells Fabian and Gorgug about any extra MCAT stuff they don’t already know. He also tells the group about the Frosty Folk Festival and Gorgug mentions that his parents are hosting. Fig says she wants to maybe try out some of her new songs there…once she’s written them. Fabian asks if they can take a break from hardcore Bad Kid stuff this semester and Kristen says that’s a good point because she has a campaign to focus on. Fig declares herself secret service because, of course she does. She also announces her plan to go to Bard classes…but disguised as a new persona (Tiny Emo Girlie: Wanda Childa) so she can befriend and spy on Reuben. Riz and Adaine are at the end of their collective rope. 
With his free time before the bell rings, Gorgug wants to talk to Porter to sort out the MCAT stuff. Porter lays it out for him. He thinks Gorgug has amazing, raw, natural talent and he uses his rage in a really noble way to protect his friends. But he hasn't seen him reach his full destructive potential and he’s not impressed that he defeated the Night Yorb will tools and “magic” instead of rage. He would be fine if Gorgug wanted to get some Fighter levels with Ms. Jones or something else that would dovetail nicely with Barb classes, but as of now, he hasn’t seen what he needs to see to think that Artificing classes would do anything but steal focus. Gorgug can of course quit the Barb track and move to Artificing, but Porter is not giving his approval. 
Meanwhile, Fabian is having a much less hostile meeting with Terpsicore (after an accidental detour to Adaine’s wizard class because he trusted Fig–who’s never been to bard class–to give him directions). Terps is this tiny (5 ft 3in) Half-Orc with crazy, hyper positive, aerobics grandma energy who immediately breaks down Fabian’s cool guy jock persona and gets him into a dance, jam sesh with her that moves through different styles of dance and music. I can’t do this scene justice, you have to watch it. Her “Uh-oh, uh-oh! Uh-oh, uh-oh! A challenger approaches!” tells you everything you need to know about her. 
By the end of the dance, Fabian has fully embraced his weird art kid energy and Terps has approved Fabian for multiclassing. It’s looking like all sunshine and roses for Fabian until Terps tells him that if he’s gonna make this multiclass thing work, he needs to be really serious. Lots of rest. Lots of healthy food. And no parties. Uh-oh indeed. 
Next up, we turn our attention back to Riz who’s still in the hall and tries to steal the envelope KP turned in to Jawbone to get some info about the Rogue prof. Jawbone catches him and is good natured about it but won’t let him have the envelope: not for moral reasons so much as because a good rogue has to earn it by not getting caught. 
Riz asks about KP and Jawbone says she’s a good kid but kinda Type A. He asks Riz if he’s getting some “I’m in the picture and I don’t like it” energy from her and Riz denies it. Jawbone decides to give him a little bit of a hint re: the Prof and says that KP technically didn’t find the prof. The prof found KP. But he won’t say more and he would appreciate him not saying where he got the info. The main reason he’s giving the info at all is because KP was snooping and heard him talking about Kristen’s god dying. She then asked Jawbone a bunch of questions about Kristen which he answered so he figured fair’s fair with regard to giving Riz some info about her. Riz is troubled. Jawbone tells Riz that they’re due for a heart to heart but Riz says he’s good and he’s stressed but stress is good. Yikes!
Kristen is also still in the hall and finally properly signs up for class president but, as she does, she hears some familiar voices: it’s her parents, dropping her younger brother Bucky off for his first day at Aguefort. She has serious deja vu as they’re saying the same “Don’t mix with the weirdos” stuff they said to her on her first day. Kristen fails a Wisdom save and is deeply affected by watching her parents basically bullying her younger brother who she hasn’t seen in a good bit now. The last time she had any contact with them it was just to give them her dragon gold and that was over the phone.  She sees that her not being in the household to shield her brothers from her parents has led to them having to take all that parental abuse and pressure alone. She goes over to confront them feeling hot under the collar and Riz senses a crackle of something in her aura. 
Cass chimes in, thinking she’s been summoned, and asks if it’s a good time for them to talk and Kristen snaps at her that OBVIOUSLY it’s not a good time. Kristen feels a spasm in her body and, for the first time, Cass snaps back at her: "Fine! I can make my own people to talk to!“ Deeply concerning, but we’ll come back to that. For now, we follow Kristen as she reaches her parents and brother. Bucky immediately goes in for the hug and seems very happy to see her. Her parents, not so much and the feeling is mutual. “Second time’s the charm, hopefully” they say, tacitly deeming her a failure. She pretends to be directing traffic so she can hustle them out the door ASAP and gets a Nat 20 to do so (rolling with advantage for reasons Brennan doesn’t expound on). Bucky says he wants to talk to Kristen about something but he’s late so can they meet up after class? She says sure thing and he runs off, his longsword trailing after him. 
Kristen is left alone with her parents and it’s a bit of a standoff. Her mom asks how she’s going and seems to genuinely want to know to some degree but it’s still mainly jabs about her lifestyle and choices and leaving the church. Her dad especially comes down hard on her for leaving Helio without a chosen one and becoming a cleric to a night goddess right before they were struck with four months of night which, admittedly, is a fair thing to have questions about. But Kristen has died and come back from the dead. If that can’t keep her down, her parents certainly can’t. She pirouettes away from the conversation and heads to class (because she may not be worried about her parents but she is worried about what Cass said to her). 
We hop over to the second nerd of the party, Adaine, who’s in wizard classes with Professor Tiberia Runestaff who Brennan says has “Evil Lucille Bluth” energy (which is different from regular Lucille Bluth how?). She’s a friend of Aguefort’s from the Mountains of Chaos and Adaine wants to impress her so so bad. 
She starts off her lesson by saying that this year is the weed out year. This is the year that separates the paltry magicians from the truly great casters. Then, she starts listing out the materials they need for this week’s castings–a list that includes TEN BARRELS OF DIAMONDS. For ONE WEEK. Adaine may come from money but she doesn’t have access to any of that money right now. She raises her hand to ask if there’s any way she could borrow some diamonds from the school or something and basically gets a harsh, “That sounds like a you problem” kind of response that she shrinks back from. Tiberia continues to list the ridiculously expensive materials needed to continue on and Adaine knows that she can’t ask Jawbone for any of this. She resolves to call Aelwyn for help during lunch. 
We then move on to a Fantasy High first: Fig going to class! Although she’s not going as herself. She’s disguised as her alter ego Wanda Childa. The professor (Lucilla Lullaby who is some kind of chill Eladrin) seems to perhaps think she recognizes her before she sits down next to Reuben. She charms him by smelling of peach schnapps and cigarettes and they have a flirty emo-off before Lucilla points out that she’s 100% not on the roster and, despite the fact that it doesn’t always seem like it, this is a school with rules. This year especially! She leaves, but as she lingers to give Reuben one last look (and sniff) she notices that he has a Ratgrinder tattoo that matches KP’s pin. 
As she exits Lucilla is making a call on her crystal and there’s a good chance it’s connected to the encounter Fig has when she gets to the hall. Jace Stardiamond is leading an eagle aarakocra Council of Chosen agent (think FBI) who is investigating truancy in the area and calls Fig by name–well by pseudonym anyway. He is incidentally also looking into the disappearance of Hilda Hilda. Sensing her chickens are finally coming home to roost, Fig gives a weak lie about not knowing how schools work and skateboards away, using Cutting Words to prevent Agent Clark’s attack of opportunity on her. He vows to find out who she is as she makes her escape. 
Proving you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it go to bard class, Fig goes outside to spy on her class through the window instead of attending because she thought Lucilla actually seemed pretty cool. She doesn’t hide well enough though and Lucilla spots her through the window. She’s shocked to see Fig for the first time in two years and welcomes her in like she’s the prodigal son. Fig asks if it would be weird for her to attend. Lucilla assures her that it’s the opposite of weird and, in fact, mandatory. 
She settles in for her first day of bard class–this semester and ever–but out of the corner of her eye, she notices a sneering Rebuen texting someone. It’s Lola Embers. Looks like they’re signed to the same label. 
Finally, we hop to Kristen who’s headed to cleric class with Professor Yolanda Badgood (a wispy air genasi). Before class even starts she tells Kristen to meet her after class. We timeskip to that meeting and, like many others in this ep, she thanks Kristen for saving the world. But she has a followup question: How did she do it when her god is dead? Kristen says she has a lot going on with her estranged parents she just saw and her scattered mind and her feeling like the stairs are disappearing behind her as she climbs. She has to update her god in the files and her address for that matter because, as we learned when she talked to her parents, all her mail is still getting sent to her old address. Her professor sincerely asks her how she’s feeling and Kristen says she’s fine but asks if there’s some kind of test she can take that will tell her what god is right for her. Her professor is like, “Didn’t you just say you had a new god???” But Kristen feels so much pressure with Cass and she mainly feels annoyed by her presence. Professor Badgood says that she’s allowed to change her god as much as she wants–she herself gave up an active relationship with a divinity so she can be kind of an interfaith minister to all her students. And she says that all faiths are trying to capture a piece of the truth–even the out there ones with evil gods and such. She recommends that Kristen spend a week earnestly trying to connect with Cass and if she still feels like she wants to split she can go from there. 
Kristen has a followup question: What do you do when your god says, "Fine, I'll- I'll make new followers"? Badgood seems taken aback, and she’s even more so when Kristen says she’s been rude to her god. Kristen asks if she should apologize and Professor Badgood gives her the most gracious version of, “Duh, obviously” a person can manage. She directs Kristen to one of the million prayer rooms in the class so she and Cass can talk. 
Kristen actually takes this seriously–or at least more seriously than she takes most things. She clears her mind and meditates until she finds herself in the forest of Sylvaire where Cassandra is crying to herself. A bright moon that would erase any shadow or doubt encroaches. When Kristen tries to touch Cass’s shoulder, the god flinches away and sobs that Craig–her only other follower–has joined the Wolfsong Revival. Tracker’s movement.   
Cass is scared. She doesn’t want to end up dead in the Astral Realm like Yes? Kristen apologizes and says that she understands that she’s getting to point where chaos isn’t cute anymore. She follows that up by saying that her top two priorities are Cass and her student president campaign however so I don’t know how committed she is to being serious. Cass isn’t either because she flat out states that she can’t rely on Kristen. She’s so so lonely and she’s confused about why things aren’t working out. They started out so big and magical and they’re still so stuck. She thought it might be because of her somehow but then she learned about the trail of abandoned gods in Kristen’s wake and realized that *she* was the connecting factor, something that Kristen cops to verbally: “It’s me,” she says. 
Cass announces that she’s getting some help and Kristen asks who. A cleric? Nope. No clerics for now. She just wanted a friend. Kristen sees her petting something invisible and asks if it’s a dog. 
“I’m more of a cat person,” Cass says as a black cat fades into view. 
“Hi Kristen,” Kalina says. 
And that’s where we end our ep!!!! The bitch is back!!!!
Honor Roll
Riz for Thinking Of All His Friends
In Sophomore Year there was a thing with Riz’s dad where it was like, sometimes you show your love through work and, viewed through that lens, Riz *really* loves his friends. I recognize that the likelihood of his meticulous plan actually working is slim to none and he’ll have to accept that even if they all stay really close friends (which they better), they’re likely on at least slightly different life paths, I do think it’s really sweet that he’s putting so much effort into making sure that ALL of his friends are successful by the metric that he’s using. Also, the “Hi Adaine :)” binder for her was so cute. I love nerd friendship. 
Fig for Hilda-Hilda-ing Too Close to the Sun
Girl the Fantasy FBI is after you!!! Just stop lying and go to class!!!!!
Random Thoughts
In the AP for this ep, Emily mentioned some cool warlock thing that might be worth taking the MCAT for and officially registering (she’s currently off the books multiclassing) but it’s never mentioned in the actual episode so I assume it got snipped away in editing. 
I really love how polite Adaine is to anyone who hasn’t earned her scorn and the little moment of her taking a reasonable amount of food from the trashbag Lydia offered her and thanking her was very endearing to me. 
Zac is very quick on his feet and Chloe is a GREAT save for Cloaca but it is ABSOLUTELY not gonna be what anyone calls that bird but me and him. 
When Jace said over the intercom that Sorc classes are just talking about how fun and easy magic is, I’m surprised Adaine have anything snarky to say about that, lol. *I* had a comment and I don’t even go to that school. 
Is anyone else getting like…Santa Clause 2 energy from the Grix situation? If that ends up being the vibe then that’s super funny because iirc Santa Clause 1 was ref’d a bunch with the oracle stuff in Freshman Year. Full circle baybee. 
KP seems like she is springing into existence to fill the voice left by Penny Luckstone getting her GED and leaving. They’re like on the exact same level of one axis of a cartesian plane but on opposite sides. Both at 100% intensity but vibes in opposite directions.  
I kinda wanna add a poll to this post that’s like, what is the crazier story? Mermaid reproduction with the Thistlesprings or snapping turtle man with gun up his secret cloaca story with Jawbone?
Honorary Honor Roll to Ally the person for the legendary 4 dogs joke. Honestly even funnier knowing that that’s the actual name of Brennan’s old PC. Burned the man to his face. Roasted him like corn. 
OK, so what are we thinking about the Ratgrinders? Is that a ref to grinding rats for XP or more how they see other people/what they’re going to do to people who get in their way? KP is obviously very rules focused but in a Lawful Annoying way. I do think it’s interesting though. Have any of you guys ever seen the Community episode where it turns out everyone at Greendale hates the gang because they have major main character syndrome and are always forcing everyone else at school to accommodate their flights of fancy (a perfectly reasonable reason to have beef with people)? I’m wondering if there’s a bit of that energy happening here. Either way, this strikes me as a party that’s interested in exploiting loopholes and such for maximum efficiency (eg: finding the rogue prof for instant straight A’s) and that’s a different kind of maverick behavior than what the Bad Kids do which is go buckwild, breaking rules if necessary, but getting real results. It’s like the BK’s are Aguefort’s perfect party and I’m suspecting the RG’s are Grix’s. Speaking of–
A FH concept I had ages ago was rival adventuring party to the main group which has like, bizarro versions of everyone. And we may be getting that! We have an emo bard to contrast Fig’s punk rocker energy. And a rules follower (derogatory) rogue to contrast Riz who is also a rules follower (blessed). Very curious to see the rest of their party! And very curious to know if they’re Bad (™) or just annoying in a high school way. Sometimes people just don’t vibe with you. 
Oh, a specific concern that I have: KP specifically asked where Kristen was able to create a god. I don’t think that’s info I want a super type A person I don’t trust to have. 
Very sweet that Jawbone’s immediate instinct when he thinks an earthquake is happening is to bodily shield Fig and Adaine, his two kind daughter-figures in the Bad Kids. 
Kristen says that Cass is a hard sell but I have to disagree. Look at this flyer. It looks convincing to me!
“I think songs can accomplish a lot, if you let yourself hear the music.” Gorgug :( He’s gonna show Porter this season. I just know it. I believe in you Spring Break! 
Love Murph throwing in the Frosty Folk thing apropos of basically nothing just to make sure they had an in-character reason to all know about that for later, just in case. Info management! Important! 
I remember Bucky being a lot younger but either I’m confusing him for one of her other two brothers or it got retconned (or Quangled lol) older to make this storyline work. Very interesting that he went in for the hug, not the other way around. Seems like at least one person missed her. With his longsword and his parents’ inclinations, it seems like he’s most likely a Helioic Paladin. I’m very interested in how they’re going to treat his relationship with Helio because even though Kristen rejected him and we’ve seen that he has some followers that range from just shitty (K’s parents) to downright culty (the Harvestmen), that doesn’t mean that all of his followers are like that and we’ve never actually seen Helio be anything but pretty chill when he’s appeared. He wants to talk to Kristen about something and my conspiracy theory brain is wondering if he was asked to be Helio’s new chosen one but he hasn’t told anyone yet. That would be very interesting and I’d like to see a storyline about the tension of K and her brother having very different relationships with the same god. The chill peace and love god might have been a great person for him to turn to in absence of his one lifeline in the house leaving. But it could also be tons of other things so we’ll see. 
Wild that Kristen has pissed off or abandoned every member of that godly family (Sol, Helio, Galicaea, and Cass). She really is the constant here. 
Ally says Kristen is wearing an Adidas tracksuit meaning that this world canonically has both Adidas and Badidas. 
It’s a funny moment when Terps is like, “Is there harm in your life? ”to Fabian when he mentions eating food out of a trash bag but like, the kid isn’t doing *great*. Def some neglect happening and he said he was wearing yesterday’s clothes and still banged up from the Night Yorb fight. If I was a teacher, I’d have questions too! 
Yolanda Badgood. Terpsichore Skullcleaver. Lucilla Lullaby. Most of these professors are named like My Little Ponies and I love it. 
When Lucilla say “Wanda” it seems like she briefly (correctly) thought it was Fig which is funny because it paints the picture that she’s been actively waiting on pins and needles for her to show up for the past two years. It’s funny because she’s not a missing person. She’s highly visible both from saving the world and being a rockstar AND both of her dads work at your school! Just get in touch! 
Really hope Adaine follows up on the Aelwyn conversation because I wanna see two kids raised in old money discuss the price of ten barrels of diamonds. 
Also lol at random things like Fabian being the FUTURE OF DANCE being pinned on Adaine’s oracle prognostications. 
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bengiyo · 3 months
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 2 Eps 13-16 Stray Thoughts
Last week, so much happened. Kasuga and Nomoto finally expressed how they feel to each other and have begun dating. Also, since Kasuga's aunt gave her dad her address, Kasuga has decided to move and asked Nomoto to move with her. Nagumo admitted her anxieties around food, and had become Kasuga's confidant. Kasuga and Nomoto also discussed how out they want to be.
Episode 13
I absolutely love opening on Yako and Nagumo being given the update on the relationship progress. It's what they deserve.
Hell yes! Assemble the whole squad for the house party! Is Sayama coming too??
A curry party with naan and lassi actually sounds incredible. I need to host one.
I don't have a lot of friends who also enjoy cooking together, so it's rare I get to work with others except my uncle or mom in the kitchen.
I love that Nagumo wants to participate and try things!
Ladies, please! You are a couple now!
Nagumo having some ice cream feels like a small but important bit of progress.
I like them sending the leftovers with Nagumo so she can try the naan and the curry.
This party was a total success. Few social experiences are better than successfully blending friend groups.
I'm enjoying this show leaning into the transition from friends to a couple.
Episode 14
I want to unpack the sales pitch of beer and marshmallows. Please discuss this in the notes. I think I prefer kick drums and red wine.
First a curry party and now a marshmallow party. This show is a treat.
I really hope that Nagumo actually finds help when she goes to the hospital. Pacing this so that we see her enjoying her time around meals with people so this can be a way for her to participate more has been a good choice.
I love, love, love Kasuga admitting she doesn't have much experience with dating and wanting to talk it through with a friend first. It's hard being queer sometimes because sometimes you just don't get a lot of dating experience in your teens.
Hey, a decent doctor. I am relieved that he gave Nagumo a name for what she may potentially be experiencing, and proposed finding solutions together based on his medical experience and knowledge. I remember being relieved when they finally diagnosed me with my own issues, because now we could treat it.
Unexpected Yako and Nagumo outing! Let's fucking go!!
This show is so kind. I love this because I find that I have decent neighbors almost everywhere I go. My neighbor's kids and my other neighbors' grandkids always run up to tell me about their days when I get home, and we often share kitchen gizmos. Just last week I helped one of the kids with some of their math homework after helping remove junk from his grandmother's shed. Their grandma made me this really nice brownie as a reward.
Yako is awesome. I'm so happy Nagumo stumbled into a group of friends to support her.
Episode 15
Yes! I want to see a strawberry picking date! The festival is coming up in another month and a half here!
I like this work lunch. Even though our pair is together, I am glad we're still checking in with Sayama's experience in the dating pool with men.
How are they going to look for a new place to live when it seems like it's always dark when they get home? This conversation about the physical, emotional, and financial realities of moving was necessary.
This is super cool. I kinda love that they allow folks to experience a part of how their food is made.
Ladybugs are a good sign! They prey on other insect pests.
Oh no. Nomoto is starting to worry that she's not being sensitive to Kasuga's wants.
Episode 16
Hell yes! We're talking it out! It actually can be really difficult when two accommodating people are together.
Looking for housing has gotta be difficult in a city that doesn't provide an overabundance of parking like the US. Trying to find a place that's in walking distance to a station that also has parking is probably going to be impossible.
Yako is right, as usual, but now I'm nervous about this big talk.
Every time there's a personal note from @furritsubs I brace for impact.
"I want you to be selfish in front of me." Thank you for inventing romance, lesbians.
I was touched by Kasuga talking about holding back on saying what she wants because she's never been prioritized.
Fantastic week. This felt so great after all the anticipation of the big ask around Valentine's Day. I'm so happy that Yako and Nagumo are friends, that Nagumo is starting treatment, and our ladies are navigating their relationship together with open communication. Super excited about the potential move next week, and maybe their first kiss.
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ladykailitha · 11 months
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 17
Welp. We are in the home stretch. I’m almost done writing the last chapter and then there will be a small epilogue. Thank you so much for sharing this ride with me on this one.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Edie isn’t exactly sure when it started happening, but she began to notice little changes in her dad’s eating habits. Some times he would go for seconds if he liked it or he would keep some kind of fruit on hand to snack on.
But knowing her dad’s past also helped her notice when he would get that thousand yard stare or when he would jump at certain sounds. Knowing that he had walked through hell, not just once, but multiple times was like slotting in a piece of the puzzle you didn’t know was missing. And just watching all the other pieces that didn’t make sense before form a complete picture.
She knew that they had told her was only scratching the surface. Things they weren’t directly involved in but didn’t want to know. After she was told about their past Mr Munson gave her permission to dig into the incident surrounding the actual fucking lynch mob that was led by a psychotic basketball star.
What made her the angriest was that the asshole died in the earthquake and never had to deal with the consequences of his actions. That the town took that as liberty to just sweep it under the rug. The police chief quietly resigned two years later. No one that was involved in the witch hunt was actually punished for what they did to Mr Munson.
So she decided she was going to make a long distance phone call. A very long distance phone call.
“Miss Thing!” Lily Byers greeted cheerfully. “To what do I owe this totally awesome pleasure?”
“Cousin Itt!” Edie greeted back. “How’s it rocking, girlie?”
“You know,” Lily said, “as much as I love traveling the world, I got soo super jelly of your prom pictures. I’m trying to convince Mom to let spend the last year of high school with you.”
“Just say the word, Cousin Itt,” Edie said seriously, “I will deploy the puppy dog eyes.”
Lily laughed. “I’m not quite that desperate. Yet.”
“Duly noted,” Edie said. “Hey, I need a favor. But first how much do you know about your parents’ high school days?”
“You talking normal angst filled love triangles?” Lily ask slowly. “Or are we talking about nightmare fuel?”
“Nightmare fuel.”
Lily let out a slow breath. “I got ‘read in’ last year.” Edie could feel the air quotes from here. “I’m guessing you’re new to the ‘my parents are fucked up’ club?”
“About a month I guess,” Edie said with a sigh. “Me and Harri Munson. They tell you about what happened to his dad? Eddie Munson? Not the monster shit, but the normies fucking shit up stuff?”
Lily let out another long sigh. “Yeah. The witch hunt of the century.”
“Can you please explain why your mother and father didn’t expose the fucking town the way they did the Lab?” Edie asked pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
“That is a really good question, Miss Thing,” Lily said. “And I think you just gave me new leverage against my parents over the whole high school senior year dealio. I’ll get back to you.”
“Love you lots!” Edie said.
“Love you more!” Lily replied and then hung up.
“You know,” a voice said from behind her, “that’s a pretty low blow, weaponizing your cousin that way.”
Edie whirled around to see her dad leaning against the doorframe of her bedroom. His arms were crossed over his chest, but he had an easy smile on his face.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to eavesdrop,” she said glaring at him.
“I just came to ask if you wanted pizza or kebabs tonight,” he said, his smile turning into a grin. “I did knock. A couple times in fact. But you were the one plotting world takeover with your bedroom door open.”
Edie flopped on her bed. “Is that one of the reasons we rarely get together, because we’d take over the world?”
Steve laughed. “One of many. One of many.”
Edie grinned. “I’m just correcting a miscarriage of justice is all.”
“Oh, is that all?” he asked grinning back at her. “Knowing Lily Byers like I do, I fully expect an expose by the end of the week and formal apology from the city of Hawkins and the state of Indiana to Eddie by the end of the month.”
Edie pretended to toss non-existent long hair over her shoulder. “Good.”
Steve pulled her in for a hug. “I think the reason she didn’t is because of me.”
Edie pulled away slightly. “What do you mean?”
“I think she didn’t want to stir up feelings for Eddie after he left.”
“But he left three months after,” Edie insisted. “Why didn’t she say something then?”
“Our town was nearly destroyed,” Steve reminded her. “And the government had found a scapegoat in Henry Creel, got Eddie off and all this while Eddie was still in a coma from being nearly ripped to bits. She had a lot on her mind those first three months. We all did. And then he got a record deal, he was going to be famous. She probably didn’t want to make waves for him and ruin his chances.”
“Damn it,” she sighed. “Those are all really good reason not blow up the biggest scandal since the ‘gas leak’.”
“So maybe tell Lily to ease up a bit on her mom?” Steve asked.
“Not a snowball’s chance in hell, Dad.”
Steve sighed. He figured that was the answer, but felt he had to try. At least a little.
School was ending and Edie and Harri both had summer school. Mandy and Kenny were free, but then they were good in school and mostly liked by the teachers.
Their rich school was a bit backwards. Probably because it had only been built in the last decade, but Mr Pearson wasn’t the only teacher that turned their noses up at old money students like Edie. She had the misfortune to be old money, too. Her family’s wealth went back as far a century at least.
She wasn’t third or even fourth generation wealthy. Her great-great grandparents were stinking rich. They were among the few families to come out of the stock market crash and Great Depression relatively unscathed. It’s why Dad’s trust fund was so sought after.
A trust fund that only grew because he may not have had a head for numbers, he had a head for business. He knew when to pull out if something was failing and when to pour more money in if they looked on the verge of discovery.
But it meant that all the teachers thought that her dad didn’t earn having his daughter at their school. So they always went a lot harder on Edie then they did her friends. All three of which had parents that came from nothing or very little to make their wealth. Mandy and Harri were both children of rock stars. Kenny’s mom invented some kitchen gadget that had taken the world by storm and now was in nearly every house in the country.
Harri was only joining her in summer school hell because two of the credits he needed to graduation next year didn’t transfer over and he had zero desire to sit with sophomores and juniors his last year of school.
“They should standardize the curriculum across the country,” Harri grumbled, kicking at a rock on their way into school.
Edie sighed. She agreed with him, but if they had she wouldn’t have a summer school buddy to be miserable with.
“I hear that,” was what she said instead. “And you should be allowed to skip a class if you don’t want to take it. As long as you get two years of math, who cares if it’s just basic math. It’s like judging a fish by its ability to climb or however that quote goes.”
“Right?” Harri agreed. “Like if what you want to go into takes heavy math that sure, you do the advanced math, but if you’re going into art and the only math you’re going to need is fractions they shouldn’t have to force you into bullshit like that.”
They both had to take a math class and a science class, so they took the same ones so that they could at least have a study buddy.
“I hate that I have to do this,” Edie groused as she flopped down in a desk somewhere near the back of the class. “It means I can’t go to the gala this year.”
“Gala?” Harri asked, sliding into the desk next to hers. “What gala?”
“The biggest event my dad does all year,” she explained, resting her head on her hands and staring off into the distance dreamily. “He’s involved in a shit ton of charities, but this is his biggest. It’s like the it party of the year and everyone foams at the mouth for an invite.”
“So why can’t you go?” Harri asked.
“Because for everyone else it’s a one night event,” Edie said, “but for my dad it’s a week long thing just prepping for it. And because I have summer school, I can’t help him. His rule has always been that I’ve been too young and that was supposed to change this year. I was going to help out and get to go. But because I have this stupid shit, I have to spend the week at Mandy’s.”
“You’re nearly eighteen,” Harri protested. “Can’t you be left home alone?”
Edie sighed. “If it was about Dad being gone all the time, sure. But it’s not. It’s held at the house. Or rather the backyard. There are people coming and going all hours of the day and night. Setting up lights, preparing food, setting up tables. It’s a whole thing. And if I want to actually pass these classes...”
Harri winced. “You can’t be around all that shit...Point well and truly taken. So what are you going to do instead?”
Edie shrugged. “Normally Mr Lawrence lets Mandy have a party that night and we stay up late watching movies, but I think the Lawrences are going this year, so I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
Harri opened his mouth to ask another question, but the teacher chose that moment to walk in and they were forced to pay attention to the class.
Part 18 Epilogue
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @cardigangoth @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall @stxrcrossed186
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annierosesim · 7 months
The Sims 4 Taylor Swift Eras Challenge
Dear Reader,
It’s me! Hi! Welcome!
I sometimes fancy myself as a Mastermind. I had an idea of making a new Sims 4 legacy challange based on Taylor Swift’s Eras. First things first, I googled if something like it exist. I found @gillysims “Swiftacy” challenge and it was really awesome! (Tumblrhttps://gillysims.tumblr.com › postthe sims 4: swiftacy a 10 generation swiftie legacy challenge - Gillysims) We basically had the same idea but I still wanted to make the stories in my head happen. I decided there is no harm in trying. I could still make my own. So you might find a bit of similarities in our challenges. I also combined it with a little of @lilsimsie ‘s “Not-so-Berry” challenge. (Tumblrhttps://lilsimsie.tumblr.com › postNot So Berry Legacy Challenge - lilsimsie - Tumblr) I hope I didn’t do something bad and that it’s not forbidden or something.
I cooked it up in my head. I based every generation to a Taylor Swift era and songs from the corresponding album to make a story for each sim. I have no idea if the challenges are doable in one normal sim lifespan but hey, this is me trying. 😅
If you’d like to try it out for yourself please go ahead and don’t forget to share your experience and insights to me. Or if not, I guess I’m on my own, kid. #ts4TSeraslegacy
P.S. sorry for all the Taylor Swift puns. 😅
Gen 1 - Debut Era
Matriarch: Taylor Swift
Color: Emerald
Song inspirations: Our Song, Teardrops on My Guitar, You Should Have Said No
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Traits: Romantic, Creative, Music Lover
Story: You’re from a small town and loves country music. You have always wanted to be a musician ever since you can remember so you spend every minute making your dreams come true until you meet, fall in love and marry a guy who eventually broke your heart leaving you with child. You struggle at being the best mother tou can be to your child while also fulfilling your dreams.
- [ ] Complete Musical Genius aspiration
- [ ] Join the Entertainment Career (reach level 8 musician)
- [ ] Master Guitar Skill
- [ ] Master Singing Skill
- [ ] Achieve Global Superstar Status
- [ ] Marry someone who will eventually cheat on you
- [ ] Get divorced
- [ ] Become a single mother to one kid
Gen 2 - Fearless
Color: Gold
Song inspirations: You Belong with Me, Love Story, Fearless, The Way I Loved You, The Best Day
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Traits: Romantic, Family Oriented, Good
Story: Being an only child raised by a superstar single mother, you have spent your childhood mostly alone and you have always longed for a big happy household. You meet the love of your life as a teen but your parent hates him so you’d always sneak around. You help your boyfriend and mother patch things up and you marry him right after graduation. You become an ever loving partner and a super parent.
- [ ] Complete Big Happy Family aspiration
- [ ] Marry your teenage sweetheart
- [ ] Become a stay at home mother
- [ ] Have 6 kids
- [ ] Become best friends with your heir
- [ ] Be good friends with all your children
- [ ] Master Parenting Skill
Gen 3 - Speak Now
Color: Purple and Lavander
Song Inspirations: Dear John, Enchanted, Mine
Aspiration: Soulmate
Traits: Romantic, Perfectionist, Foodie
Story: You have always loved food and would always cook with your parent, your best friend. You dream of being a chef someday. You’re parents had a perfect relationship and you have always wanted to find what they have. As a teen, you become good friends with a young adult whom you develop feelings for. When you come of age, you move with him to the city. He strings you along only to break your heart and ask you to just be friends. He marries another and move out. You’re heartbroken but you kept going until you meet the right person and spend the rest of your life together.
- [ ] Become best friends with your mom
- [ ] Cook together with mom all the time
- [ ] Move to the city
- [ ] Reach Level 9 of Culinary Career
- [ ] Master Cooking skill
- [ ] Master Gourmet Cooking skill
- [ ] Be married to a sims you are extremely attracted to
- [ ] Complete soulmate Aspiration
Gen 4 - Red
Color: Red
Song Inspirations: 22, I Knew You Were Trouble, We are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Everything has Changed, Begin Again
Aspiration: Best Selling Author
Traits: Bookworm, Ambitious, Outgoing
Story: You have never found it hard to make friends. You are always surrounded by your good friends bur most of all you can always count on your childhood best friend. You strive to be a best selling author and you best friend have always supported you in everything. You marry a person who turned out to be insecure of your ambition and drive. As an adult, you caught him cheating with one of your good friends. You divorce him and turn to your best friend for comfort. You discover you are in love with your best friend and get married to them.
- [ ] Complete best selling author aspiration
- [ ] Master Writing skill
- [ ] Reach Level 9 of the writer career
- [ ] Have at least 3 good friends
- [ ] Have a childhood best friend
- [ ] Get married to the wrong person
- [ ] Have child/children
- [ ] Get a divorce
- [ ] Marry your best friend
Gen 5 - 1989
Color: Baby blue and white
Song inspirations: Welcome to New York, Blank Space
Aspiration: Villainous Valentine
Traits: Non-Comital, Hates Children, Snob
Story: You are a Style Influencer who moves to the city to pursue the high brow crowd. At a young age, you learn that love is fleeting so you get out of every relationship you ever had. You never wanted a family but a one night stand has gone wrong and you reluctantly became a single parent. You never liked children so you hire nannies regularly and you could focus on your career. A relationship with your heir is basically non-existent
- [ ] Complete Villainous Valentine aspiration
- [ ] Reach Level 10 of Style Influencer Career
- [ ] Master Charisma
- [ ] Master Painting
- [ ] Level 9 Writing
- [ ] Become a single parent
- [ ] Hire nanny regularly
- [ ] Have little relationship with your heir
- [ ] Become a Proper Celebrity
Gen 6 - Reputation
Color: Black
Song inspirations: Getaway Car, I Did Something Bad
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Traits: Evil, Slob, Materialistic
Story: You were neglected by your parent so you act out and chose a bad path. You had a relationship with a co-worker but you leave them at the altar not knowing you were pregnant. You raise your kid alone but realized that the criminal career is not working for you anymore because you wanted to be there for your child and be a good example so you changed careers to a mixologist because you have always liked a good drink.
- [ ] Complete Public Enemy Aspiration
- [ ] Become a minor crime lord
- [ ] Have a bad reputation
- [ ] Master Mischief skill
- [ ] Master Parenting skill
- [ ] Master mixology skill
- [ ] Change career to mixologist
- [ ] Leave someone at the altar
Gen 7 - Lover
Color: Pink and blue
Song Inspirations: Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince, Paper Rings
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Traits: active, geek, cheerful
Story: You couldn’t shake of your parent’s bad reputation but your teenage sweetheart knows the real you. You are very indecisive so you enter different careers. You are fascinated about fitness, technology and space but ultimately decided that your ultimate dream is to explore space.
- [ ] Complete renaissance sim aspiration
- [ ] Marry your first love
- [ ] Enter the athlete career (Level 3)
- [ ] Enter tech guru career (Level 3)
- [ ] Enter astronaut career
- [ ] Master fitness skill
- [ ] Master Logic skill
Gen 8 - Folklore
Color: White and gray
Song inspirations: August, Illicit Affairs
Aspiration: Botanist
Traits: Romantic, Loves Outdoors, Vegetarian
Story: You have always dreamed of a simple life out in the country, growing your own vegetables and keeping the perfect garden. You plan to move to the and make your dreams come true but you fall in love with someone who ended up being married. You had an affair but when you found out you were pregnant he freaked out and said he can’t leave his family and that he loves his partner. So you move away to fulfill you dreams while raising your kid.
- [ ] Complete botanist aspiration
- [ ] Master Gardening skill
- [ ] Master Piano skill
- [ ] Have a cow plant
- [ ] Have an affair with someone married
- [ ] Have a kid
- [ ] Move to the country (simple living lot trait)
- [ ] Live off the land
Gen 9 - Evermore
Color: Brown and orange
Song inspirations: Tolerate it, Willow
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Traits: Creative, Art Lover, Family Oriented
Story: At a young age you have always known you love art. You start a career as a Painter as a young adult but you me someone and have whirlwind romance. You elope and get married and start a family together. You leave behind your career to raise your children and support your partner in their political career but you continue selling your art. The stress of being a politician gets to them and you get taken for granted by them. More and more you and your partner became less romantic but you are determined not to give up so you do everything to bring back the spark. Ultimately, the two of you fix things because you learned you are meant for each other.
- [ ] Complete painter extraordinaire aspiration
- [ ] Join the painter career and quit after marriage
- [ ] Marry a politician
- [ ] Have 3 children
- [ ] Master painting skill
- [ ] Master parenting skill
- [ ] Win back your partner
Gen 10 - Midnights
Color: Dark blue
Song inspirations: Maroon, Midnight Rain
Aspiration: Master Actor
Traits: Ambitious, Self-assured, perfectionist
Story: You move to the Big City to become an actress. You are driven and would do anything to make your dreams come true. Being a Global Superstar was priority number one so when you meet and fall in love with someone nice you found that it was distracting you from your dreams so you break their heart and move to Del Sol Valley. You never fall in love again and never have a family but you got what you ultimately wanted.
- [ ] Complete Master Actor Aspiration
- [ ] Move to the city
- [ ] Become an actress
- [ ] Break someone’s heart
- [ ] Move to Del Sol Valley
- [ ] Master Acting Skill
- [ ] Master Charisma Skill
- [ ] Master Fitness Skill
- [ ] Become a global superstar
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carolinaboy34 · 1 year
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Colin’s Family Weekend
Colin invited me to his home this weekend, and I’m really excited to see the place where he grew up and meet his family. We have been getting on great, and our relationship continues to grow and mature in ways that I didn’t expect.
We both know that the other is not monogamous, and that seems completely fine. I have no interest in controlling anything he does, nor does he want to control me. We both truly love each other and care for one another, and we want the best for the other. Exploring that with someone that has similar interests, so I am not having to convince someone to do something, is amazing and liberating. He actually enjoys and gets off on hearing about some of my exploits, as I do his.
But, we have wanted to continue to grow as a couple, and we figured meeting the ‘rents was a good next step. So, on Friday, we packed up his car and headed north to his hometown, about two hours away. The trip was uneventful, except for the road head I gave him that almost made us wreck. He came so hard he almost crossed into the next lane and took out a car. But he tastes amazing and fits so well in my mouth, it was worth the risk!
We got to his house in the evening right at dinner time, and I was kind of nervous. I mean, he’s the first “boyfriend” I’ve ever had, hell the first any serious relationship I’ve been in, and I didn’t know what to expect. He told me his parents were really chill and accepting, but I still had nervous stomach. They couldn’t have been more welcoming or warm. His powerful father, a titan in the local business community, was sexy as fuck, but welcomed me with a huge hug and an offer of a bourbon, which I eagerly took. His mom wanted to know all about me and wanted to make sure we were doing well in school. Colin had already told them about my family, and I think she wanted to be a surrogate mother of sorts.
We had been there about a half hour when the front door banged open and Colin’s little brother came in. I say little, but he is actually taller than Colin and outweighs him by a fuck-ton. He’s also sexy as fuck, and on the verge of manhood. He’s a junior in high school and the proverbial high school jock - quarterback, third baseman, and all around stud. If he was a year older, fuck, that would be a interesting weekend. But, he was equally warm and welcoming and was eager to spend time with his big brother and me.
Shortly after, his mother announced that dinner was ready and we gathered in the dining room for the meal. She was super excited to have her boys together again, and even expressed great joy about having a third. They blessed the meal, non-religiously, and then we dug in. I sat and watched everyone grabbing for food and laughing with each other and felt a huge hug around my shoulders. I have never been able to experience the kind of family love they were showing. I mean, my dad is amazing, and he did so much to make sure I was raised well and had everything I needed. But, he worked a lot, and with mom gone, I was at home alone a lot, from a pretty young age. So, I ate a lot of dinners by myself. This was just very cool. His mom broke my trance with an imploring call to “get something before it’s all gone!” I dug in and enjoyed the great food and company that surrounded me.
After dinner, Colin’s brother, Jace, helped with the dishes, and Colin, me, and his dad went to the back deck for another bourbon, and so he could smoke a cigar.
“So, Drew, Colin tells me your polyamorous. Is he not enough for you?”
I coughed and about choked on the mouthful of bourbon I had and looked at him like the proverbial deer in the headlight.
“Um, well, uh, he’s uh, awesome.”
“HA!” He bellowed and doubled over with laughter.
“Sorry, Drew, dad’s just being a dad. And trying to give you a hard time.”
“Uh, ok.”
“I know how things work, Drew. Just welcoming you to the family. It isn’t much of my business how you two conduct your affairs.”
“Thanks, sir. I really do love Colin, and he is incredibly special to me.”
“Oh? That’s very nice. Colin, love?”
“Yeah, dad, we professed that to each other a little bit ago. He is incredibly special to me.”
“Well, that is cause for celebration! Jace! Mom! Come on out here!”
“What is it, dad?” Jace said as he was walking out the door with his mom.
“They are in love! I wanted to toast them!”
“Aww. My boys!”
It was a lot, but also very sweet. They are almost too good to be true. His mom is the local president of the PFLAG group, so they also walk the walk.
“Drew, Colin told me he met this boy last fall, soon after you met. I could tell then that you were special. We are very happy for the two of you!”
“Thank you, sir. Yeah, he is very special to me.”
“And I hear you guys have great sex!” Jace yelled.
“Jace! Behave!” his mom scolded back.
“Well, Jace, that is really important in a relationship!” his dad replied.
The rest of the evening went along in a similar way. We had a few drinks on the deck and enjoyed each other’s company. I could not imagine a more perfect way for the night to have gone.
It was eventually time to go to bed, so we worked our way up to Colin’s bedroom. He had a double bed and such a quintessentially boy room, with sports posters and trophies and everything you’d expect. We got our stuff together, and I went to take a shower, coming back to the bedroom and laying face down on the bed to wait for him. I must’ve dozed off from the excitement and the booze, because as I came to, I felt a finger lightly graze my butt hole then come up over my ass and up the middle of my back along my spine. I felt his hardening dick along my hip too, so I turned slightly into him and felt his warm, moist skin along my back and legs.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in tight against him. He wrapped his right leg around me and pulled my ass into him as well. I humped back into him and felt his now rock hard and very familiar dick resting in the crack of my ass. He was leaking precum like crazy and slicking up my butt as I continued to hump into him. He nibbled on my ear and held me tight, and started talking about how hot it was to have me in his boyhood bed.
“Do you know how many loads I have sprayed all over the place in this bed, alone, dreaming of having someone like you in here with me?”
“A lot, I bet”, continuing to work his dick with my ass.
“Laid back, jacking off thinking of fucking a cute boy with an amazing ass just like yours. Humping into the pillows and coating the sheets with my cum while I imagine it’s shooting deep inside your hole.”
“Mmm hmm. No more pillows for you! Just fuck me and breed my bussy now!”
He pulled back from me slightly until the head of his dick was pressed against my hole then pushed firmly until it breached my tight, hairless sphincter and began to travel deep inside my body. God, I loved feeling that dick inside me. I couldn’t get enough of it. He slowly reached bottom and pressed against me, my ass flattened against his hard abs and his balls smashed against my legs.
He pulled out then pushed in a couple of times, allowing me to relax my hole around his shaft and get used to being stuffed again. Eventually, though, he wanted to fuck, so we rolled over on my belly with him on top. He dropped his knees down onto the bed outside of my legs and his elbows under my arms, hooking his hands over my shoulders. He squeezed his knees together, bringing my legs tight and burying my hole deep in the crevice between my legs and butt cheeks. This was his power position, and he loved to use this when he was really turned on and wanted to fuck the living shit out of me, so I knew to get ready.
I was kind of surprised, with his parents and brother down the hall, that he would go so hard, but he started to fuck deep, pushing me into the mattress while each thrust down into my hole. His fucks were long and slow, but incredibly strong, really deep-dicking me and letting me feel every magnificent inch of his gorgeous, perfect cock. I buried my face in the pillow to muffle my moans and groans, because he was making me vocalize how much I was enjoying this. The thought that my dick was pushing into the same mattress he laid on while jacking off as a kid had me going strong.
Colin’s face was next to mine, and his mouth right at my ear. He nibbled lightly while this continued, but then started to talk dirty to me.
“”Like humping my bed, Drew? Does that get you excited?
“Uh huh. Gonna spray the same sheets you did with my cum any minute!”
“Don’t you fucking dare! Not yet anyway. I’m just getting started drilling your perfect ass!”
He picked up the pace and started slamming into me, grunting in my ear with each thrust into me. He was hitting hard, and the ripples across my ass sent shivers up and down my body. I wasn’t lying when I told him I was ready to cum; this was getting to my head like crazy, and I couldn’t avoid it. My orgasm rocked my body, and I stiffened up, pressed down into the mattress and pumped my load out onto his boyhood sheets, my warm cum spreading out under me and over my abs before soaking into the bed.
“You just came! Fucker! Now get ready, ‘cause I’m really gonna give it to you now!”
He was slamming into me like a madman, harder than he ever has before. His grunts matched mine with each drop into my hole he made. He was using all of his body weight to drive into me with incredible force, and my still hard dick, swimming in the load I just pumped out into the bed, was warming up again for a repeat. He suddenly planked above me, the tip of his dick barely inside my body, before working his feet and knees between my legs, forcing my legs open and wide. He then reached down and pulled my ass up, arching my back and dragging my shoulders down his bed. He sat back on his knees and pulled me back onto him, forcing my body down onto his dick and burying him back deep inside.
He used my hips as handles and fucked into me, while at the same time pulling me back onto his steel hard cock, fucking me harder than ever, ramping this fuck up to one of the most epic he’s ever delivered. He was slamming into me with great force, his balls slapping mine with each thrust. My dick stayed hard and was flopping around underneath me, flipping precum and left over jizz from my first orgasm all over me and the bed.
I’ve never seen Colin more animated. He was using his whole body to drive into me and fuck me with abandon, almost like he was showing off. It was amazing. I wanted to stay in the present and be there with him, so I didn’t allow myself to drift off into a trance. I grunted and groaned and pushed back and flexed and grabbed what I could the whole time. I really wanted him to enjoy this, clearly a fantasy he’s had for a long time. I arched my back and pushed back, aiding his effort to pull me, and slammed into him. The smack of our sweaty skin against each other echoed throughout the room, coupled with the musical groans and moans coming from the two of us.
My balls couldn’t take it anymore. I was enjoying the wonderful pain radiating from my groin with each slap of his balls against mine, as well as the slam of his body, and the second orgasm raced through my body and rocketed out of my dick, adding more to the cooling pool on his bed from my first orgasm. The shivers and shakes of my body, as well as the rhythmic tightening of my hole with each shot of my cum, dove Colin crazy until he slammed into me one final time and held me still, tight against his abs. He let go of his first shot, then collapsed down on my back, hugging my torso tightly as the rest of his orgasm shook through him and into me. I could feel each volley shoot out of his dick and deep into my guts, and the warmth that radiated from it wrapped around my body.
As he calmed down some, I relaxed and brought us both down onto the bed, the cold spunk shocking my skin as I laid back down. He was still convulsing, his dick continuing to spasm in me as the aftershocks of his orgasm ricocheted through his body. It was epic and one of the best fucks we’ve ever had. We laid like that for a while, him on top of me still buried deep. I was enjoying the warmth and closeness we were having. He rolled off of me, his dick popping out of my ass and leaving a trail of cum over my thigh, but I tightened up as much as I could to hold his seed inside me.
He quickly fell into a slumber, but I had to pee and clean up a little, so I wandered out into the hallway. It was quiet, but the light in the bathroom was on and the door was slightly ajar. I walked quietly up to the door and peered inside and was surprised to see Jace naked, his feet spread wide looking in the mirror and jacking his dick! He was even more impressive when he was turned on like that. His muscles were tense and pumped, glistening in the bright light of the bathroom. His dick was equally impressive, long and thick, capped with a deep purple head that was shining from the lube he was using. His balls hung loose in his sac, rocking back and forth with each stroke he took. His legs were like tree trunks supporting his frame and rooted to the ground.
I must’ve moved or made a sound, because he grinned and looked my way.
“Come on in, Drew.”
“Uh, sorry to disturb you. I just had to pee.”
“Oh, it’s ok. You aren’t disturbing me at all. I was kinda hoping you would appear.”
“You were? For what?”
“To, uh, maybe help me with this.” he said, looking down and shaking his hard dick at me.
“What about Colin?” I hadn’t thought this through at all and didn’t know what to do. I mean, we aren’t monogamous, as everyone announced tonight. But, his brother? He’s fucking hot and hard and waiting for me, but should I? It isn’t the first time I’ve taken multiple family members, but is Colin different? How will he feel?
These thoughts were spinning in my head, but my dick hardened in front of him. He looked down at it and said
“Is that your answer?”
I guess it was. So, I went into the bathroom and closed the door, kneeling in front of Jace and letting him put his dick on my extended tongue. He tasted amazing and just like Colin, his dick very similar, if not a little bigger. I ran my tongue over the head and tasted more of his precum before taking him down to the base in one move.
He gasped and leaned forward, bracing on the bathroom counter and began to pump into my mouth. I grabbed around his waist to his firm ass and held tight, letting him do the work and get his nut. It didn’t take long before he was erratically pushing into me. He reached down and grabbed around my head, holding me tight against him as his orgasm shot out of his dick and filled my mouth. He came buckets, so I swallowed, only to have my mouth filled up again. I swallowed twice more before he finished and stood up, unceremoniously pulling out of my tight lips.
“Dude, that was way better than any of the girls at school. You should become a tutor!”
“Lol! Thanks.” I stood up, and he saw the cum on my stomach and running down my legs.
“Fuck, you’re a mess! Was it good?”
“Fucking amazing. Your brother knows how to fuck.”
“I saw the end, so I could tell. That’s what got me so worked up! That was hot, even to a straight guy!”
“Maybe not so straight?”
“Lol, yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m straight. Bu whatever, that was fucking hot!”
He slapped me on the back and left me to clean up. I just got in the shower and rinsed off, letting Colin’s cum bubble out of my ass and run down the drain. I rinsed the rest of it off and toweled dry before making my way back to the bedroom.
I settled into the bed and spooned up against Colin. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in tight, his soft cock nestling into my ass crack.
He breathed quietly for several moments then whispered in my ear “Taste good?”
“Um, yeah, he did. I hope that was ok.”
“Of course, my sweet little slut. Of course. I love you.”
“I love you, too!”
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basics-academy-yum · 9 months
Info dump about the students in high school. Do they go to the same one coincidentaly? Are they still in touch with the teachers?
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prepare for an unskippable cutscene <3
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SO SO SO SO SO!!!! Most of them do go to highschool together, considering they don't live to far from each other in the first place... And to answer your second question... yes. They are still in touch with the teachers. More than you might think :]
Playtime, Paisley, and Andrew (Baldi's son, for those unaware) honestly treat each other like cousins. Paisley's legal guardian is Micah, Playtime's stepdad is Prince... and Prince and Baldi are best friends, so those 3 are super close.
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Paisley Playtime Andrew Art Billy
I'll give you little bio of each of them :]
Paisley - 15 (she/her) Super overprotective of Playtime. Stays out late hanging out with Andrew. She's finally on medication for her OCD so she rarely ever has hallucinations anymore!! Yippee!! She's pretty mature actually, for a 15 year old.
Playtime - 15 (she/her) Gonna be so real, puberty hits this poor kid like a truck, some days it takes ever fiber of her being to not curl up in her bed and cry. She's super studious and loves laying in bed watching magical girl anime. She's very into soft harajuku styles as well (like yume kawaii and a bit of lolita and stuff <3). She does get relentlessly bullied, but luckily she's got some pretty cool friends that tend to beat people up a bit too much–
Andrew - 15 (he/him) In a bunch of AP and honors courses and is burnt the hell out!!! He's pretty depressed and constantly beating himself up... Paisley will help him escape all the work and ruminations and just be a teenager sometimes. It's pretty awesome :D
Art Audrey- 14 (she/her) She's a very reserved art student, but believe it or not she's been managing her anxiety pretty great! She's been dating Billy, and boy does that kid have some enemies for protecting the LADIES in his life. Speaking of which...
Billy - 14 (he/him) He's still got anger issues, but he's learned how to be a lot more true to his feelings. Any time he sees his girlfriend or his childhood friend, Playtime, getting bullied, boy does he let them have it. Anyway, him and Audrey love to make comics and stories together, they have a huge universe with the craziest plot– it's super nifty 👍
Now I know what you're probably not thinking, but I've gotta bring it up. Playtime's bestie, 1st Prize!!! They stay best friends of course but... gosh, there's really no good way to put it. Philip (that's 1st Prize btw) passes away when he's about... 17. Playtime visits him all the time, of course. Some days she'll sit by his grave for hours, doing homework or telling him how her week has been or plots to her favorite anime... she'll also visit his mom sometimes and just hang out with her :]
Another big thing you've probably noticed is AUDREY!!!!!! Yeah, she's trans, pretty cool B) Now, as for interacting with her in the current timeline of the blog (pre-transition), it's best to still just use Art and he/him, solely because at 8 years old he's like "damn being a girl would be so awesome, too bad that's impossible" (if anyone wants to throw little asks at him about said topic tho to help him figure things the freak out, i cant stop you 😳🤭)
Anyway those are the basics (no pun intended), but if you guys wanna know more i will GLADLY tell little stories with them (idk about drawing them but i can write them 🤭!!) also feel free to use this knowledge as you wish, you can ask questions to them as highschoolers or as elementary schoolers, you can bring things up to try to figure out how they get for point A to point B.... all sortsa fun stuff!!! go go!! :D!!!
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trobedgirldads · 2 months
Hey, I'm working on my Cooliver fic. Do you have a list of episodes that are best to rewatch to get their personalities and dynamics?
okay first of all i’m honored that you thought to ask me. second of all, i’m sorry i took forever to reply but i realized i didn’t have a list so i put one together lol
the otto motto (s1 e18) is the first time the idea of oliver being gay is mentioned
the walk (s1 e 20) is sooo important for cooper. first time we see his real personality instead of just his cool kid facade. also iirc this is the first appearance of “move on to your next point”
boo-who? (s2 e5) is pretty good for early oliver. it’s got his sass, some insecurities, a touch of scheming and ofc his iconic scream. cooper’s not in it tho.
blondetourage (s2 e11) is so iconic for them. the sneakers, the phone scheme. “i’m already riding bitch on your vespa.”
all coupled up (s2 e17) is their first big fight, so if you’re writing a fight/argument this is a good one. also some good cooper & katie moments.
it’s hard to say goodbye (s2 e19) is another one without cooper, but if you’re writing sad oliver this is such a good reference; he’s really well written and acted in this episode. the cgi tears take me out tho 😭😭
here we go again (s3 e2) has them work through conflicts and like resolve a fight without intervention from katie/greg. i love them <3. absolutely banger episode for each of them individually, and them as a duo.
enemies: an otto story (s3 e4) has a good oliver scheme, and he gets cooper in on it. cooper talking about tagging along to boarding school with him makes me feel things.
trust me (s3 e5) is the absolutely iconic scooby-doo halloween costumes/making out practice episode that every cooliver writer has written about. i think it’s the first time cooper is seriously brought into the whole “oliver might be gay” bit, but i might be wrong about that (i know cooper’s mentioned the first time it’s ever brought up, but i think this is the first time he really seems like a piece of the puzzle)
body image (s3 e6) again, no cooper, but very good for insecure oliver
mo’ money, mo’ problems (s3 e13) is also so iconic in my brain. idk how genuinely important it is to either of their development, but it means a lot to me. i can’t remember who it was, but someone on here posted a really good analysis of cooper in this episode and how he’s lying to try to get oliver to not go to the party, which could be useful depending what you’re writing. also this is the first time cooper calls katie and greg mom and dad :(
insta-friends (s3 e16) is another big fight for them, and also some serious cooper daddy/mommy issues. this one isn’t super helpful for individual oliver, but it’s great for individual cooper and their dynamic when they’re mad at each other
field trippin’ (s3 e20) is a much sillier, fluffier episode than a lot of what i have on this list. silly lil scheme gone wrong. cooper’s really only in the first like half of this one tho
a mom’s parade (s3 e22) ok so hot take i don’t really like this episode that much… you can do you is very queer coded tho so it’s going on the list lol
girls’ night out (s4 e6) is just so awesome. oliver’s really sweet towards the end, and it’s bcuz of cooper. cooliver/triplor double date mention!!! tiny touch of cooper angst. greg implying that cooper holds a similar role in the family to trip. just all of it is so perfectly cooliver. this is one of their best episodes imo
hip to be square (s4 e9) is the i love you episode!!!!!!!!!!!! them fighting and then saying they love each other!!!!!!!!!!! so interesting for their dynamic!!!
a very english scandal (s4 e14) is the one where the whole school thinks oliver is gay. the one time cooper denies being oliver’s boyfriend. overall very gay episode.
all is fair in love and war reenactment (s4 e17) is a good one for them supporting each other, but not enabling each other’s shitty behavior. really good for their dynamic, and cooper’s got some good layers in this episode
senior prank (s4 e18) ohhhhh they’re such big brothers in this one i love it so much. if you wanna write them as parents this might be a decent reference. also, not cooliver related but franklin is just so iconic in this.
vacation! (s4 e19) i’ve said it before and ill say it again: this episode feels more like a cooliver fic than an actual episode. so good for both of them as individuals, their dynamic as a couple, and how cooper fits into the otto family as a whole.
prom (s4 e20) is another one that i think is good for oliver as an individual and their relationship as a pair. also big brother cooper crumbs!! (they’re very small but they’re there and they’re important to me 😌)
graduation (s5 e1) is ofc so good if you’re writing some angst. seeing how they deal with issues involving them that seem out of their control. also more cooper fitting into the family as a whole <3
psych (s5 e2) is really good for later-seasons oliver and his need for validation. also supportive bf cooper :)
coupling (s5 e3) is the episode i show ppl if i want to get them into the show bcuz it gives such a good overview of all of the characters and their relationships with each other. more cooliver fighting if you need references for that. the couple coding in this episode is so intense.
kids these days (s5 e5) is sooooo good for their dynamic bcuz it really shows how they support each other without enabling each other. i love cooper so much in this episode. “our family” <3
mother’s little helper (s5 e6) is pretty good. shows off that no matter how much they’ve grown, they’re still just dumb teenage boys.
encourage, discourage (s5 e8) is soooo good for cooper fitting into the family as a whole.
the heist (s5 e9) chef cooper origin!!!!! oliver being a supportive bf!!! i love them!!!
getting frank with the ottos (s5 e10) is a big turning point in their relationship. once again, supportive bf oliver!! they’re so cute.
the election (s5 e13) i feel like their dynamic is a little bit weird in this episode (oliver’s like weirdly chill abt once again being confronted w the idea of cooper moving, but ig it’s bcuz he has his own stuff going on) but it’s so good for sad cooper/daddy issues cooper. this is definitely a huge one for cooper angst references
okok so this is a really big list. obvs i don’t know what the plot of your fic is or when it’s set, so some of these might be much more helpful than others depending what you’re writing. these are just my suggestions of the ones that stand out as important for them as individuals and as a duo. hope this is helpful!!!! i’m excited to read your fic if/when you post it :)
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theone-with-thestuff · 11 months
Power Rangers: Zeo💠
Hey guys! Here's an awesome new series of commissions made by the super talented @artandfail showing what I think could have been the 2017 movie sequels!
Following Zedd's attack and the Rangers separating, a new threat rises from the wreckage of the destroyed alien main ship. Capturing civilians and building an unknown structure. What is this new enemy's goal? And without the Rangers, who will be able to stop them?
We now get to the next part of Tomi's story! Where she has to take up the mantle of Red Ranger and train a whole new team to become Rangers after the previous team separated following their losses and sacrifices.
In the aftermath of Lord Zedd's invasion, the loss of their friend and losing their ability to morph, the once proud Rangers have disbanded.
Zack has decided to leave with his mom for a new city to focus on her health and treating her long-term illness.
Jason and Kim, grieving and in need of a fresh start, applied and were accepted to a college far from Angel Grove.
Tomi and Billy stayed behind... resolute to maintain the ship and keep watch over the reformed Zeo Crystal.
"After Trin-... I'm sorry, I just need some time to deal with this. And I can't do that here."
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Deep in the quarantine zone, in the heart of Lord Zedd's mothership wreckage, evil still remains.
Analyzing its new habitat, capturing preys to assimilate, reconstruct and remold. Creating the perfect warrior, the perfect hunter. Create an apex predator, a drone to control just as its Bio-metalic system dictates.
It recreates the greatest warriors of this planet in its own image. Recreates these... Power Rangers.
But it will need more drones to construct a signal tower to contact the rest of its kind. It will need-
To assimilate another prey.
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School project partners Aisha, Adam, Rocky and Kat were taking pictures near Angel Grove's quarantine district when the... Ranger attacked. They tried to talk to it, tried to run but it was useless, it was hunting them, separating and isolating them.
But moments before it could strike and capture one of them, someone else managed to strike IT.
"I don't know what you think you are, but you are no Ranger. YOU'RE NOT WORTHY!"
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After facing the Dark Ranger and reviewing the pictures taken by the four teens she had just saved, Tomi came to a simple conclusion. Angel Grove needed the Power Rangers again. This new threat was too big. It was building some strange structure within the quarantine zone, not only that but it was also capturing civilians and transforming them into these Dark Rangers.
With that in mind, Tomi headed back to command center, unknowingly being tailed by the same teens she had saved.
With the help of Billy, Alpha, Zordon and a broken piece of her own Power Coin, Tomi managed to imbue slivers of the Zeo Crystal with Morphing energy and strap them into six pairs of modified wrist attachments in order to create a new method of morphing, stronger than before, the Zeonizers!
Tomi took the first set and shortly followed by giving Zeonizers to each of the four teens that had followed her into the ship, finding them worthy after seeing them in action and observing them at school. She then offered the final Zeonizer to Billy... Who refused it, holding his own now powerless Blue Power Coin in his hand.
"I was proud to be a Ranger, we were heroes, we saved the earth over a dozen times... But my time is over. This isn't my team, It's yours. You are the new Red Ranger, this is your time."
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With the help of her new teammates, Tomi dove back into the mothership of the monster that had taken so much from her. Intent on stopping this new enemy and destroying the mysterious machine sending deep-space signals that has been constructed in its center.
Fighting these bio-metallic twisted versions of her previous team, Tomi and the new Rangers will show them that no matter what, Power Rangers never lose!
"I've fought against witches, aliens, monsters, invaders and tyrants. You think you upstart Venom-wannabes are going to be the one to conquer earth? Well you've got another thing coming!"
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Celebrating their victory, the newly formed Zeo Rangers returned to the ship and celebrated in the pit. Four teens joking together in the sandy terrain as two others stood farther away, picturing four other friends who once stood in that very same spot, joking in a very similar way after a difficult battle.
"So, what did you think of them?"
"They'll need training, lots of it... But they have the heart... They'll be fantastic."
"Rangers at the core, huh?"
"You could say that... What about that sludge we brought back for analysis from our latest planet ending event?"
"Metallic bioplasm, living metal, I'm not sure how to even start defining it. We ran it through the ships archive and had a match but the files are encrypted. Not even Zordon could access them. Alpha is trying to brute-force the system but we can't figure out exactly where that deep-space amplifier was trying to send out a signal until then.
"I just hope we were able to destroy it in time before it could reach whatever it was aiming for."
"Me too... We were able to access one thing from the files though."
"What was it?"
"Just two words, something called the Machine Empire."
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In a deep, old and forgotten part of the universe, an ancient evil awakens.
Something so depraved and vile, even Lord Zedd himself had deemed necessary to seal away.
A hive of living machines, assimilating all biological matter it finds.
And after millenias of slumber, a blip, a hint of a signal reaches one of its communication captors, breaking their weakened prison.
The Machine Empire lives once more.
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Hope you guys like it!
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ryuichirou · 3 months
A bunch of shorter ones today, but first!
We posted two top-centric hc lists yesterday, and I somehow completely forgot to mention Jack in either of them 🥳 I am so sorry to Jack Nation and to the goodest of boys himself, so at the end of this post there are hcs about him on both of the yesterday’s topics… (I’ll also add them to the respective posts, obviously)
This weird oopsie aside, here are the replies:
feverish-dove asked:
THANK YOUUUUUUUU♥️ i don’t think you realize how happy that made me. i love speedpaints but when an artist takes the time to break down what they did so i dont have to try (and usually fail) to do so myself it just goes brrrrrrr<3 im soooooo happy rn. you and katsu are awesome
You are so very welcome!! ♥️
I am very happy that the post was useful and any of my explanations were cohesive enough to understand something. And I really love talking about my art process, so thank you for your question!
Anonymous asked:
I just wanna say i'm in love with genderswap twst headcanons and arts... Thank you for sharing a full course meal-
You’re very welcome, Anon! I am super happy that you’re enjoying these. Like I’ve already said, drawing and writing these are a treat and a national holiday for me lol
Anonymous asked:
I’ll break Idia, you say? Well, I did always want to wreck him… 😏
Anonymous asked:
You can't tell me what to do 😠
I'm swallowing your art whole as you speak
Anons are misbehaving… Anons are getting wild 😳 breaking Idia left and right and not chewing stuff properly!
I love the chaos.
Anonymous asked:
I also have an Idia plush and he’s cheeked up.
His clothes sold out though so he’s naked. I put a Nagito jacket on him to hide his shame i.e. his butt.
Damn Anon this is even better though. Imagine Idia with a Nagito jacket barely covering his naked body. This image is doing something with my brain.
Anonymous asked:
HELP do you have any thoughts on azurido??? its been on my mind since i saw Floyd say Azul (probably) wouldnt mind keeping him as a pet for winter (?) break
Indeed, Anon, here is the tag!
Oh we love that line from Floyd lol This whole scene happens so fast and feeds us with so much stuff that it takes time to process.
Azul absolutely wouldn’t mind keeping him as a pet… it’s upsetting that Riddle probably wouldn’t be much of a help at the Lounge (the main reason for Azul to keep pets lol) but knowing how much Riddle’s existence wounds Azul’s precious ego? He would get super smug with Riddle temporarily being his lap cat. Or a little chihuahua.
Anonymous asked:
I’m not sure why but I would love the idea of Epel talking about how girls are weak and then getting his butt handed to him by a girl in Magical Shift. The competitive, tomboy in me would be grinning like a maniac.
Epel absolutely needs to have a girl kick his ass, and it’s weird that he even needs this to happen to realise that “girly” doesn’t mean “weak”; just look at his meemaw and how scary she can get. I’m sure Epel’s mom isn’t any better lol
Anonymous asked:
I had a sudden thoughts last night
So coway au
But it's just Riddle riding Floyd in a cowboy outfit
Thoughts? 👀👀👀
Anonymous asked:
yeehaw 🤠
I wonder… if you two are the same Anon… maybe not. Maybe we just mentally entered a saloon somehow and now I am a sheriff.
To answer the first Anon, this would be insanely hot, and I feel like if Riddle is drunk out of his mind enough, he could do that. He wouldn’t succeed though, because riding a horse is one thing, but riding Floyd while being completely drunk is totally different lol But it’s the attempt that counts. Floyd is going to be very entertained either way. Or annoyed, you never know with him.
Alright, so JackJack hcs.
strap hcs for fem tops or if they even use them lol.
Jack could’ve been very good at it if someone made her use it, but I feel like she thinks that this is too obscene of a thing to do. It’s not like she’s prudish, but wearing a strap is a bit too far for her. Even though someone would probably look at her and think that it looked very good on her…
Based on that one post about the bottoms getting creamed up inside how would the tops react if their partners are demanding/begging for them to cum inside them?
Jack – he is probably the type to start thinking about pulling out when he starts to feel his knot growing, you know, being responsible and stuff, but if he hears his partner begging or demanding him to cum inside, his brain would shut down completely and he would go even deeper than before and fill his partner to the brim :( He would be very embarrassed of himself afterwards.
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minty-playhouse · 7 months
A Post About My Favorite Fashion Dreamer NPCs! (so far!)
So, been playing this game daily since launch, and I've unlocked a share of the NPCs (I've heard there are 200 of them?? that's so much more than I thought there would be if true!) and some of them I love too much, so here's an extensive post about my favorites!
It's under a read more because I have no self control and fall in love with one every three seconds lol Also the NPCs are in no particular order, I'm just placing them in the order they are on my screenshots folder heh Also possible spoilers since you might have not seen some of these NPCs in your game!!
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MY DEAR MY LOVE MY EVERYTHING. I love Bucky with all my heart and soul (even if he sometimes frustrates me with his color pickyness like do you enjoy green or not???? answer me!!!). He also bares a striking resemblance to a certain emerald haired bug loving boy I'm very particular about, so me getting attached to him was a no brainer lol
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Really like Clarissa so much! I love her lines about wanting to be grown up, and how she seems "frustrated" that folks her age and even adults don't act mature like her hah! Also love it when i make lookits for her that are just a little cuter and she goes "Are you teasing me??? But, hm, this is cute." Like yes, you're adorable, pls! But I also like giving her the mature looks she wants because she seems so happy when I do <3
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Eleanor, beloved <3 She's so cute and it's so frustrating because she barely shows up when I'm playing! I've seen her very early when I started playing, but she shows up like once very ten times I boot the game </3 Eleanor, please, come visit me, I miss you so much </3 Also the motivational stuff she says to you, like "You went outside for grogeries! Awesome!" like, she could fix me.
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Farah sometimes shows up a lot and sometimes goes MIA. No in between. But I think her design and vibes are very good and I want to know more! Please show up more often so I can unveil your secrets (and take photos with you!)
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Why do I like Franco? Is it because his forgetful dialogue makes me laugh? Is it the cool pink hair? Is it his cute face? Is it because he was probably the second NPC I interacted with? Who knows! All I know is that I need him to ALSO show up more often!
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IAN IAN IAN. My need to put him in super cute clothes is strong but he isn't super into adorable styles and it breaks my heart because his face and size are perfect for cutesy, pastel outfits! Also ugh, his indecisiveness is cute too, everything about him is cute I need to put him on a shelf <3 <3
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I LOVE ISAAC???? HE'S EVERYTHING???? Alien cute boy who speaks in code =crying forever= I was so surprised when he showed up doing his weird arm movements like "Woah, what's that?" and ugh, I love alien characters in any way shape or form and his colors just make me love him even more aaaah. I'm so glad he shows up a lot in my game and I can give him many lookits <3
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MOMMY? MOMMY PLS? PLS MOMMY???? My love for Matilda is endless and I was absolutely devastated when she told me she was married like!!! I thought she was a single mom for the longest time due to her dialogue and then she dropped that bomb on me! Pls Matilda, divorce your husband and come stay with me, I can give you the world!!! She also shows up A LOT on my game and I'm always doing my best with my looks for her heh
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Really like Orihime! She's so cute and I just feel so bad for her when I can't make her a good look and can't help her stop crying! I hope she shows up more and gives me more info on her character "arc" because I want to know more! (I know she's based on the Japanese tale, but I need to know more in the context of the game!)
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If I'm not mistaken, Pete was the very first NPC I interacted with, and I really love his eyes and his top/vest is very stylish! I also like the way he repeats himself for some reason. I imagine some people may not like it or find it annoying, but I find it very charming heh He also needs to show up more!
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Regina is so pretty it makes me wanna CRY. She's been MIA in my game for a while, which is strange because she would show up all the time! Also love how her dialogue is so disconnected from the world around her due to being obscenely rich XD I can imagine some don't like her for that exact reason (she's the 1%) but I find her behavior endearing!
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Gyyyuh, I need to grab Rita and put her in my pocket she's so cute and I just want to protect her from everything!!! If anything happens to her I'll kill everyone and then myself! I also love making lookits for her because they always come off very cute <3
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Shledon is such a simple character but I simply love his dark skin/"bleached" hair combo! I'm very weak for that hah Also the shape of his eyes are very pleasant to me, and so are his lips. I just think he's a very gorgeous character and he's always so nice to me <3 He's been missing a bit as well, been a while since I saw him </3
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ONEESAN SISI!!!! She's everything! Like I legit fell in love with her at first sight! And her dialogue makes me so weak! Big sis characters are my BIG weakness and also they made her so pretty and FOR WHAT?? To play with my feelings? Well, it's working! I'm ready to die for her!
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Twyla, my beautiful girl <3 So so hyped that they added a very early game dark skinned lolita NPC <3 We need more dark skin lolita representation up in here! I absolutely adore making Lookits for her because duh, lolita fashion is something I love and she gives me the chance to explore that a lot! Also love that she's a night owl hah
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Really like Watson even though he might seem like a very "basic" character. But... his dialogue lines are just... why does it always feel like he's either coming on to me or flirting with me in a very roundabout way when we talk? Not that I'm complaining because I think he's VERY pretty but?? Is there something you wanna tell me Watson??
This is what I got so far. There are some NPCs I really like that aren't listed here because I need to take screenshots of them, so expect a part two of this post at some point lol
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Ateez Playlist: Offstage
AKA: Songs that remind me of the members and why. (GIF Credit to the original owners!) Minor Trigger Warning, this post talks about some of the darker sides of mental health, so please read with caution. 
Ateez are super different on versus offstage, so I’m splitting up their two personalities in separate posts. 
Onstage Version Here. Master List
Seonghwa: Save Myself- Ed Sheeran
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This song is all about a person who has spent their whole life helping others and not getting anything in return. Its a lament to hurting oneself in order to help others. Seonghwa is nurturing, to the point where he’s considered the mom of Ateez, but there are times you can tell he’s the one in need of a hug. Save Myself feels like the kind of song he would want to sing, but not have the heart to admit that he too needs a little help. 
Hongjoong: Castle of Glass- Linkin Park
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So, I personally think Linkin Park and Hongjoong go perfectly together, and not just because of his awesome cover and the fact that he sometimes dresses like a 2013 emo kid. Castle of Glass is strange, both in its lyrics and its melody. Its an almost haunting song, about the singer(s) not being perceived as a meaningful thing, and their desperation to be helped, hidden behind a melody that draws you in. Hongjoong is the same way for me, someone who seeks help and to change the world, but would never say it out loud. 
Yunho: Falling- Harry Styles
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Falling comes at the end of the relationship, when the singer is lamenting not only the failed relationship, but also the person they’ve become. Yunho strikes me as someone who is very self-reflective and would be able to acknowledge his own faults and failings. The singer’s voice is also so full of raw emotion, it feels like he’s baring his soul, something that feels very Yunho. 
Yeosang: Achillies Come Down- Gang of Youths
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I’ll be honest, I had such a hard time with Yeosang, but I settled on this song because of one main thing: this song is not about Achillies. Yes, technically it is, but its moreso about Patroclus’ love of Achillies and him continuing to fight Achillies demons, even after death. It’s that aspect that reminds me of Yeosang, a lover who would help you face your demons, and remind you of the promises you made. He does remind me of Achillies as well, a good man with too many monsters to fight, but the mysterious, ghostly tenor of Patroclus is what makes this song Yeosang’s. 
San: Begging- Maneskin
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Not gonna lie, the first word that comes to mind when I think of San is Horny. And when you first listen to Beggin, it just sounds horny, but if you read the lyrics, its actually a rather interesting song. The singer is begging for the subject not to leave, to continue to love them. They explain how their lover has made them change into a better person. Its actually really raw and emotional. San is similar. While he’s known for being a phenomenally hot guy, he’s still a gentle soul, someone searching for that person who makes him better. 
Mingi: Iris- Goo Goo Dolls
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This song is so fucking sad, but if you listen to the lyrics, you find that its a song about someone who finds a person that makes them want to show off their flaws, knowing that the rest of the world would never understand. Mingi is, on the outside, a very brilliant light. He’s cheerful and funny but we know that deep down he’s not always okay. He has this profound air of sadness around him, and I feel like Iris would be a song he could at least relate to. 
Wooyoung: What a Shame- Layla Blue
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What a Shame is such a cocky song. There’s really no other way to describe it. The point of the song is pointing out that the ex definitely downgraded, and that is such a Wooyoung mood. On the other hand, Wooyoung also feels like he could be the recipient of the song, the person the singer is chiding. His degradation thing is blatant, so a song degrading him just feels correct. 
Jongho: Kryptonite- 3 Doors Down
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Jongho is known for his strength, for being the quiet kid, but people seem to forget, he’s only 22. He’s actually about 6 months younger than me. Kryptonite is a song I feel like he would sing, or at least send to his friends. It asks the listener if they would still be around if the singers strength failed them, and baby Jongho might need to confirm that everyone would be. 
What do you think? Do you agree or do you have songs that remind you of the members? Let me know in the comments and stay tuned for the onstage version coming soon. 
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frogfan985 · 8 months
its okay if not but i would love to hear some of your spy thoughts
hohoho :33 i would love to share some of my spy thoughts! obviously most if not all of this is just headcannons and stuff but its sorta just kinda stuff i thought was cool! this is just kinda rambling but i've been wanting to get this stuff down in writing anyways so :3
I think spy probably grew up with pretty shitty parents, and ended up picking up petty thievery and pickpocketting to keep himself afloat (i also feel that ww2 probably influenced him and his childhood a lot but i havent really thought about how yet, maybe he ends up being involved as some sort of communications runner for the french resistance or somthn before he starts spying. also feel like it would make things really tense w/ medic at least when he first joins the mercs) . At some point he ends up meeting the team fortress classic spy, whos impressed by his skills and takes him under his wing to train as a spy apprentice. I hc that pyro and engie also have connections to tfc (pyros mom is the tfc pyro and engies grandfather is the tfc engineer), so they all might have met each other at some point in the past during this time. Spy proceeds to start his own spying career and becomes a pain in the ass of the entirety of tfc. After few decades he gets hunted down by the administrator and gets his contract.
Im torn on the idea of Scouts ma being Spy's like spy partner or whether he meets her during a mission in boston and then falls in love. I like both of them (scouts ma being a spy is awesome), but im leaning toward him meeting her in boston cause i feel like that would make more sense storywise. Spy wanted to name scout remy but scouts ma thought that was too french so she ended up naming scout jeremy.
Heres just some more like general stuff about him cause i got some ideas. Spies got like a shit ton of scars and tattoos and stuff, cause espionage will do that to you, but he's got like a secret disguise in his disguise kit that makes it look like he only has a few cool ones (the only one that knows is medic) (ive actually been implementing this idea into a fanfic that i've been writing but idk if that will ever see the light of day, we'll see i suppose). Spy's probably incredibly paranoid. Bro's got like those like death note-esque precautions in his entire room so he knows if anyone go's in there, and he's a super light sleeper. Hes also is pretty mistrusting of food and drink (hes had a few too many poisoning attempts), so sometimes he'll go a while without eating out of paranoia. Eventually some of the team notices and try to get him more comfortable and trusting with him in regards to that. Engie and Demo will go out of their way to ask him to help them cook so that he knows that the food is safe (he appreciates it a lot, though he probably wont admit it). I think that Spy is actually really similar to scout in like mannerisms (especially when he was younger), but he had to mask it when he began to spy (and also because he wants people to think hes cool). Sometimes that side of him breaks out on the battlefield, or after hes drank a little too much, though i feel like eventually he might let his walls down and be himself a little more with the team.
anyways thats about all i can think of rn!! yayyy thanks for asking :33
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hello! take your time with doing this, just thought it'd be fun to figure out which (pjo/mean girls) character you'd ship me with<3
I'm fem presenting, she/they, pansexual. i have really wavy (and sometimes frizzy) dark brown hair that goes down to my back (it's pretty curly after washing though) and i also have brown eyes! im the brown triad because my skin, too, is infact brown lmao (desi)
also have glasses! normal half moon shape if that matters?
i generally have a bit of a resting bitch face (I DONT MEAN IT I PROMISE) and mostly only smile a lot when I'm talking to people I like. unfortunately that makes people NOT COME UP TO ME !!!! DKDKFK :(
i imprint on people really soon (bpd) and like. absolutely if someone is nice to me for a minute I'll try my best to be their friend forever, but also it doesn't often show how enthusiastic I am for a friendship
very autistic so I need clear cut statements or I'll overthink to the point of having a THESIS about how much someone hates me
im kind of hyper. very very VERY hyper, and my love language is physical touch + words of appreciation.
bit of a mom friend - like. im also the therapist friend and i appreciate it <33
personality tests describe me as like, creative and analytic and shit? im fatally realistic but still a romantic to a point. also an absolute NERD, YES! also very protective. I've punched people for hurting my friends before yes
I'm not very active, my hobbies include reading and literary analysis and also, eating lmao.
idk if I should include anything else? sorry if this isn't enough for you 😭😭 um. if it helps I'm a daughter of hecate from like two quizzes, a daughter of venus from three !
Your Fandom Ship(s): Gretchen Wieners (Mean Girls) and Clarisse La Rue (PJO, luckyyyy)
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OK, the main reason I ship you with Gretchen out of all the mean girls characters is I think you could be really helpful to her as a nice person and I think that maybe at first she thought you were a bit intimidating because we are resting bitch face, but eventually got over it and realized you were really nice person and especially after Regina she needs a lot of people that she can count on and a lot of truly kind souls which I feel like is a place that you could fulfill because you seem like a kind person and I feel like when you get on deeper terms of a relationship, you guys would actually be really well together and helping solve some of your Own personal issues and just have a really beneficial relationship. I thinkA as autism. She would be a bit confused, but once she got the hang of it, she would be pretty good at giving you clear and cut instructions at least the best of her abilities.
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OK, you guys would be like an insanely cute couple. I just see kind of like enemies to lovers tension here but I mean honestly I just love the idea of you too together. I think that it would be funny for her to meet you because she would definitely think you’re kind of tough because you’re resting bitch face and then once she gets past that and sees that you’re really nice person I feel like you would kind of melt her heart a little bit and I mean, give me wrong. She would absolutely go rough on you at first, but I mean once she realizes your limitations. She would respect those and I just feel like you guys would be a really good couple together. She would know all your autism and boundaries solidly into the relationship, and yeah, just be super awesome and supportive and again the enemies lovers tension. I feel like it’s kind of rare in her life to have someone who really has her back and I feel like she thought it was super hot. The first time you punched someone for making fun of how muscular she was for a girl or something like that, and I don’t know I just feel like she feels like you really have her back and you guys have a nice stable relationship. 
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