#an amy rose to keep you on your toes
bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Have No Fear - Amy Rose Is Here!
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oswildin · 2 years
A Dangerous Thing {Dhawan!Master x Reader} (Part Three)
Summary: You learn more about The Doctors past and seem to get along more with the Master, but is it all the calm before the storm?
A/N: Last little dynamic chapter before it gets juicy!
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I'm a scary gargoyle on a tower
That you made with plastic power
Your rhinestone eyes are like factories far away
It was late. At least you thought it was. It was hard to tell when on a TARDIS floating through the time vortex. You sat on the familiar armchair in the console room, files surrounding you as you read through one of them. After seeing Gallifrey, and remembering what the Master had said about his people, and even about The Doctor and how you may not like some of the things you saw. You decided to dig deeper. You felt like you were breaching the Doctors trust, but she wasn’t there. She hadn’t told you a lot about her past. Maybe there was reason for that…
Flipping through the pages in the files, you found out how The Doctor had lost multiple companions, from Rose Tyler, officially dead in the battle of Canary Wharf, but lost to a parallel world, to Amy & Rory Williams, who officially disappeared, but lived a life in the years before they were even born. So many people had come and gone from The Doctors life, and whilst you didn’t personally blame her, and knew the risks that came with travelling with her, it still felt weird. You even found a folder on Gallifrey… Discovering that The Doctor had in fact thought she’d destroyed the planet and her people to end the Time War… She had intended to do what the Master did. Perhaps they weren’t so different after all…
“Late night reading?”
You looked up to see The Master staring down at all the sprawled out files on the floor, raising a brow at you. You cleared your throat, closing the current file as you shrugged.
“Couldn’t sleep.” You told him. “Seeing a dead planet will do that to you.” You jibed as he narrowed his eyes.
“Anything interesting?” He asked curiously. You shrugged, playing it off. “Oh come on.” He smirked. “I know you saw it.” He pushed. “You know what she tried to do.”
“She was doing what she thought was right.” You retorted. “Just like you.” He rolled his eyes as he threw himself down onto the sofa.
“Except she acts all righteous about it. Like she didn’t have a choice.” He paused. “But I own it. I don’t go around pretending I have regrets, or give those big puppy dog eyes for sympathy from humans.” He bit, as you narrowed your eyes at him, listening to his words. “I don’t pick up strays and fashion them into weapons.” He looked back at you. “And yet she still likes to think she’s above us all.”
“Is that the real reason you hate her?” You asked, raising a brow.
“I have many reasons.” He said through gritted teeth. You hummed in response, pulling your gaze away. Both of you sat in silence, before he finally spoke again. “You better clean all these up.” He waved his hand at your mess as you rolled your eyes.
“Yes, Master, of course, Master.” You joked, as he sent you a small smirk at your tone.
“I have taught you well.” He teased, causing you to scoff.
“You wish.” You quipped, as you got up, going to tidy the mess you had made. “It’s funny, for someone who sure likes it when people comply, you don’t half enjoy getting a kick out of riling people up.” You commented as he grinned.
“I enjoy keeping people on their toes.” He gestured outwards with his hands. “Besides, it can get quite boring when everyone does what you tell them.”
“Speaking from experience?” You inquired, peering up as you collected the files from the floor.
“I had the whole Earth on their knees once upon a time.” He told you, darkness reigniting in his eyes as you stood.
“And then let me guess…” You fawned thought as he way watched you with narrowed eyes. “A certain someone spoiled your fun?” He huffed in response, causing you to roll your eyes at his antics as you placed the files back in their rightful place.
“Speaking of… Still no sign of your dear Doctor.” He mused. “Oh-“ He furrowed his brows, tilting his head. “You don’t think she…” He began, biting his lip dramatically. “She’s dead, so you?” He said softly as you sent him a glare. “Or maybe even worse… Maybe she forgot about you.” He added, causing you to ignore him. “Besides, she’s got her other pets to play with.” He shrugged, sniffing.
“It won’t work.” You told him, placing a hand on your hip. “Everything you’re saying, I’ve already talked myself out of thinking.” You said sternly. “Trust me, I’m my own worst enemy.”
“Aren’t we all?”
So call the mainland from the beach
All parties now washed up in bleach
The waves are rising for this time of year
And nobody knows what to do with the heat
Under sunshine pylons, we'll meet
While rain is falling like rhinestones from the sky
The two of you were trudging through the wet, muddy trail in the woods, as you wrapped your jacket closer to your body, hearing the squelching under your feet of the mud. You were burning a hole in the back of The Masters head with your eyes, annoyed he was dragging you through the cold.
“Stop that.” He ordered you. “I can feel your stare as you try to pop my head with it.”
“Why the hell are we doing this?!” You exclaimed, exasperated. “Couldn’t we have just landed here in the TARDIS? I’m sure you’re doing this just to-“ Before you could finish, he spun round, clasping a hand over your mouth as he pulled you with him to hide behind a nearby tree. You narrowed your eyes at him as you shoved his hand away. “What are you-“ You questioned, but he once again covered your mouth, shhing you. You began to hear footsteps stomping close by, your eyes widening as you realised you were hiding from someone. Or something. Holding your breath subconsciously, you watched as something passed you both. Moving his hand from your mouth, you peered round the tree, seeing the short figure stomp off into the distance. You furrowed your brows as The Master finally stepped out.
“What was that?” You asked, voice still quiet.
“A sontaran.” He told you. “A lone sontaran. Usually they travel in fleets. Which means, either they aren’t too far behind or no one’s coming.” You stepped out beside him.
“I’m guessing by your reaction they aren’t the friendly type?” You asked as he smirked.
“For me, they are playmates, for you…” He paused, looking at you. “They’re sharks.”
“Right…” You nodded slowly. “So you’re telling me you saved me?” He glared at you.
“No-“ but you cut him off.
“Admit it, you saved me.”
“Will you-“
“The big bad Master saved me.”
Before he could argue, a laser beam hit a tree beside you, as you flinched. Looking up, you both spotted the sontaran heading towards you, aiming his gun in your direction.
“You and your big gob.” The Master muttered, grabbing your hand as he turned on his heel, pulling you with him as he ran. You looked at him offended.
“My big gob?!” You exclaimed, yelping as another shot hit just next to you. “Why’s it shooting at us?!”
“Because it thinks we’re here to challenge it!” He exclaimed.
“That’s why we’re here isn’t it?!” You gasped as he smirked to himself, before another shot came towards you both, causing him to push you back, him following as you both fell onto the ground. Landing with a thump, you groaned to see him laying on top of you. “Was that really necessary?!” You glared at him.
“What? Thought we could have a roll around in the shrubbery.” He commented, smirking as you felt your face grow warm. Before you could make a retort, he lifted himself up, reaching into his pocket as he grabbed his TCE. You looked up, seeing the sontaran stood behind him, holding the gun.
“Master!” You called as he quickly spun, zapping the sontaran as he shrunk him down.
“Sonta-Ha.” The Master said, grinning as he leant down to pick up the tiny alien. You scrambled to your feet, as you dusted yourself off the best you could, still covered in wet mud and leaves. He turned to see you, looking unimpressed. “You’ve got something-“ He gestures to your head as you glared at him, pushing him out the way as you walked past him.
A clear target in the summer when skies are blue
It's part of the noise when winter comes
It reverberates in my lungs
Nature's corrupted in factories far away
Here we go again
That's electric
Your love's like rhinestones falling from the sky
Walking back into the control room, you were freshly out the shower, wearing some new, nice warm clothes. The Master had made you walk back to the TARDIS also in the rain and mud, which you were less than pleased about. Luckily for him, he didn’t get too dirty considering you broke his fall.
“Ah much better.” The Master commented from the console as he looked at you. “Whatever you did before wasn’t working for you.” You pulled a face at him at his joke, causing him to smile.
“You’re such an ass.” You told him as he simply watched you in amusement. “All that so you could add a little miniature sontaran figure to your collection?” You narrowed your eyes as he clicked his tongue.
“You have your hobbies, I have mine dear.” He told you, causing you to shake your head.
“Maybe you should get some new ones.” You quipped. “How about painting? Or collecting stamps? Or even bird watching?” You offered, teasingly as he laughed.
“I’d rather die.” He answered.
“You’re so dramatic!” You laughed at him as he took a bow.
“And don’t you forget it.”
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smokinholsters · 1 year
The Lucky Horseshoes - A Heartland Season 16 AU - Chapter 13
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Chapter 13
Amy sipped her coffee as they gathered around the stack of equipment in the center of the kitchen. “Ok, Lilac for Lyndy’s walls, that light green, Drizzle for the master and the master bath above the wainscoting. The grey, Krypton for the guest bedroom and sunflower for the kitchen walls. Oh the second bath gets that light rose over the wainscoting. Snowflake white for all the trim, doors and wainscot.”
The house was freshly painted matte white so closets and ceilings didn’t need to get done.Let’s start taping, who’s taking what room ?”
The painting crew for the time being was Amy, Lyndy, who insisted on helping, Jack, Lisa, Tim, Jessica, Lou and Katie. It was Katies job to keep Lyndy busy and not causing too much trouble. They had a stack of tarps for the floors, painting tape, rollers, brushes and a stack of paint cans.
“I expected your boyfriend.” Tim announced grabbing two rolls of tape.
“So did I, emergency call to the rodeo, one of the cutters threw a bad shoe. The owner was adamant, Caleb set it up. They’ll be here in a couple of hours and Cass will bring lunch from Maggie’s, the nanny gets to her at noon.”
“Finn is momma’s boyfriend.”
Lou smiled “and how do you know that sweetheart ?”
“They hold hands.”
“Holding hands is important.” Lou said the smile not leaving her face.
“And they kiss.”
“Ok.” Katie cut in with a giggle “you’re helping me today Lyndy bug.”
They all smiled when Lyndy held out her hand which Katie took.
Since Lyndy declared that she wanted to work on her room Katie and she started taping the floor board together and promised not to deal with ladders without an adult to supervise. Amy and Lou would work on the master bedroom, Lisa and Jessica in the master bath and Tim and Jack would work in the kitchen. The priority of the day was taping with painting starting later if there was time.
“What’s the schedule for the rest Amy ?” Lisa asked
“We paint the kitchen and bathrooms first thing this week and the cabinet guys will install their stuff on Friday and place the appliances which are coming Wednesday. The plumbers are coming next Monday to install the wet fixtures. It looks like most of the furniture is coming the week after so figure 3 weeks for the move in give or take.”
“Excited ?”
“It’s a combination of excitement and out and out fear Lou.”
“You’re just down the road Amy.”
“Yeah, that’s what keeps me going.”
“You got home pretty late last night sis.”
Amy smiled as the memories of the day and night before flooded back to her.
She actually gave herself 3 hours to get ready for the evening and started with a long hot mid afternoon shower. Lyndy was out with Jack and Tim for a slow ride out to see, in Lyndy’s case, and check the herd which was the actual reason for the trip.
It was strange being all alone in the house and she laughed as soon as she thought it when there was a knock at her door.
“Amy it’s Lisa, can I come in ?”
“If you don’t laugh.”
“What would I laugh at ?” She answered walking though the door. “Ok, maybe a little laugh, look at you !”
Amy smiled. She was laying in the center of the bed in a robe with her hair up in a towel having just finished polishing her nails and waiting for them to dry. Her fingers were splayed open on the bed beside her, her toes separated by cotton balls.
“That’s a nice color, it’ll go well with your dress.”
“Light coral, I like it. I should have gone in for a manicure and had tips but time ran away and they would never last.”
“He won’t be looking at your nails Amy, can I help ?”
“I don’t mind the company Lisa.”
“Then I’ll stay, tea ?”
“Tea would be great and these are dry, guess I’ll start on my hair.”
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, anyone else coming ?”
“Cass is coming by in about an hour to hang, she’s leaving her BMW for the date.”
“I was going to ask if you wanted the Porsche, just had it detailed.”
“Hmmm, Beamer or Porsche, what’s a girl to do ?”
Lisa smiled “let me get the tea.”
After leaving Amy her tea Lisa took her place on the bed leaning against the headboard with her feet up while Amy brushed out her hair.
“Nervous ?”
Amy turned to answer “off the wall butterflies, I never felt like this with Ty, at least I don’t remember it.”
“I remember your prom dance, you were pretty antsy.”
“I don’t think that was this Lisa, I mean this is bordering on nausea.”
“Sip your tea Amy, it’ll calm you down, it’s chamomile. You do realize this is all different. I don’t know how to say it buy you and Ty got stretched out into one long soap opera and had he not had a relationship with Heartland, I just don’t know.”
Amy sighed and nodded, took a sip and a deep breath and went back to brushing before reaching to plug in her curling iron. She sprayed the edges of her hair as the iron heated.
“One of the things I’ve thought about since, I don’t know. Anyway, not the time to think about it. Lisa could you pull out my dress and fluff it out, you can hang it on that hook.”
“What about make-up, think you’ll be able to handle that on your own ?”
“It’s embarrassing but my hands are shaking, Cass volunteered to do it for me.”
“She’s a good friend.”
Amy smiled and started curing her hair “she’s enjoying this.”
“She’s not alone.” Lisa answered smiling when the knock came. “That’s probably Cass, I’ll get her.”
Amy was surprised hearing two other voices and then realized that one was Jessica’s who had apparently shown up together with Cass.
They both came in a couple minutes later each carrying a cup of coffee. Lisa followed them in a few minutes later.
“Jess, I didn’t expect to see you today.”
“I’m leaving right away, my meeting’s at 6 but I wanted to be here for the gift.”
“What gift ?”
“The gift Jess and I had made for you.”
“What gift Lisa ?”
“This gift Amy, for you from both of us.” Jess said handing her a small wrapped box.
Amy smiled and looked at the box.
“Well, open it.” Cass said from her spot on the bed.
The box was wrapped in blue paper and tied with a matching blue bow which Amy pulled and set aside before unwrapping the box which when opened contained two smaller boxes, one a long and flat rectangle and one square.
“You two should not have done this.” Amy said before opening either.
“Of course we should have”, Jessica said  “who else do we have to give it to ?”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Open the boxes Amy.” Cass said for a second time.
“Oh my.” Amy exclaimed when she opened the larger rectangular box “this is too much, is that a sapphire ? A Diamond clasp ?”
“Shhhh, calm down Amy”, Lisa said “my grandmother gave me that pendant when I went to college and the earrings in the smaller square box, well some of them and Jess had the pearls so we had a jeweler in Calgary work their magic and there you are.”
“The pearls are from my grandmother’s estate, they’re called Golden Biwa, she bought them years ago in Hawaii.” Jessica added.
 The necklace was a double strand of pearls with a diamond and sapphire pendant hanging from the center, the earrings, sapphire studs with a cluster of four Biwa pearls that hung from each. Both Amy and Cass thought they were beautiful.
“They’re on the Fairfield insurance policy and my agent said that as my granddaughter you’re covered so don’t worry of that account.”
“I’m not worried Lisa, it’s just …….”
“Please Amy.” Jessica said “This is no way to accept a gift from your step mom and grandmother.”
Lisa was closer and Amy stood and wrapped her arms around her and then Jessica telling each that she loved them and thanking them.
“Really glad we haven’t got to your make-up yet.” Cass said laughing.
“Oh Cass, I forgot, we can take Lisa’s Porsche which will make it much easier in the morning. You can just meet us at the center and we won’t have to swap.”
“Fine with me, I would have had to come pretty early, Caleb has to be at the rodeo grounds at like 7:00.”
“I haven’t told Finn, I’m sure driving either will thrill him.”
“Give me a kiss Amy, I have to get out of here.”
Amy got up and kissed Jess staying for a brief hug.
“Thank you so much for everything Jess.”
“Please let Lisa take a picture.”
“I promise.”
“I’ll walk you out Jess, I have to start dinner. I’ll be around if you two need me.” Lisa said leaving the room right behind Jessica.
“We have time but which first make-up or dress ?”
“Does it matter ? Let’s do make-up first and we’ll be careful.”
Amy walked over and scooted up onto the bed alongside Cass who had kicked off her boots and was up against the headboard.
“So, just a few weeks until the move, you doing Ok ?”
“I’m good, I mean it’ll be different but I’m looking forward to a new experience and Lyndy’s off the wall excited.”
“Well, I’m happy for you, I think it’s a good step getting away even if it is just down the road.”
“It’s not an escape Cass.”
“I didn’t mean it was, just new.”
Amy smiled and reached over to take Cass’s hand, “glad you’re on my side.”
“Everyone’s on your side Amy.”
They both stopped and smiled when they heard the door and heard Lyndy call out “Home momma !!” a second before she ran into the room.
“Hi Auntie Cass !!” She announced before Cass stopped her from climbing onto the bed.
“Hello sweetheart but you need to get washed up before climbing onto mommy’s clean bed.”
“Cass is right Lyndy, go on wash up good and then hugs.” Amy added with a smile.
“Make-up after hugs ?”
“Works for me, thanks for this Cass.”
“With you all the way kid.”
A few minutes later, with Lyndy perched on the bed watching, Cass sat across from Amy and applied a light foundation with a brush before starting on her eyes. Amy didn’t go in for much make-up and Cass commented that with her natural glow not much was necessary. The last touch was Amy’s lips which took a matching light coral before she turned to the mirror.
“Thanks Cass, it’s perfect.”
“Ok, get your lingerie settled and I’ll be back in a few minutes to help with the dress. Can I refill your cup Amy ?”
“Some water would be great Cass, Lyndy, feel like a snack ?”
Lyndy nodded yes and Cass put out her hand leading her from the room while Amy reached for the box that contained her new undergarments.
Cass returned a few minutes later with Lyndy who climbed back up on the bed with her small s plate of apple slices and Lisa who was going to help get the dress set.
Amy giggled as they lifted it over her head and carefully shielded her face so not to upset the make-up or her hair. Cass stepped back while Lisa zipped it up and attached the small clasp at the top. A moment later Amy turned to the floor length mirror and smoothed it down.
“You’re beautiful momma.”
“Thank you sweetheart, think Finn will like it ?”
Lyndy smiled and nodded as did Cass and Lisa.
“It’s perfect for you Amy.” Cass said.
“Absolutely.” Lisa agreed. “It really sets off your features. Get the earrings on honey, it’s almost time.”
Amy sat down and got her earrings on and waited while Lisa attached her necklace. Once done Amy slipped on he shoes she’d been practicing wearing for the past week while home she stood and looked at herself in the mirror.
“What do you think ?”
Cass smiled “Hell, I’d date you in that get up Amy, it’s beautiful.”
“Lisa ?”
“I’ve got nothing to add to that Amy, you’re positively glowing.”
“Lyndy, what do you think ?”
Lyndy smiled and gave her a thumbs up.
“Guess that’s it, who’s out there ?” Amy said grabbing her clutch which she had filled with some tissues, touch up makeup and sliding her phone into the hidden pocket on the back.
“Jack and Tim are on the porch.” Lisa said “Shall we ?”
“Might as well.”
“Any advice Cass ?”
“Just keep breathing Amy, everything else will come naturally.” She answered helping Lyndy from the bed who naturally reached up for Cass’ hand when she was down.
Lisa led the way through the house and opened the porch door for Amy and the rest to follow. She was surprised to see Lou and Katie on the porch as well.
“Lou ?”
“I know, I got cover for me and Katie so we could see. You look beautiful Amy.” Katie was glowing looking at her and nodding.
Smiling ear to ear Amy turned to Tim and Jack.
“I don’t know what to say Amy, Lou’s right beautiful covers it.” Jack said.
“Beautiful really doesn’t Amy.” Tim said getting up and looking her up and down. “You look so much like Marion.”
“She does, doesn’t she.” Jack agreed.
“Ok, Amy first picture for Jess and then one of you together when he gets here.”
“Lisa, it’s not prom.” Amy said laughing before she posed.
Nobody thought Amy’s smile could get brighter until Finn’s truck pulled through the gate and down the road to the ranch house.
He stopped when he got out of the truck and then reached in for a large bouquet of a dozen red roses before straightening up and turning to the porch.
She stood waiting at the top of the stairs and immediately notice that he was freshly shaved and had gotten a haircut. His suit was dark blue covering a crisp white shirt and a silk blue and red tie. The only hint of cowboy was his highly polished black boots. His eyes were bright and piercing as he took her in, his smile as bright as hers.
He glanced at the crown on the porch for a second while climbing the stairs and stopped when he reached her, leaned forward and gently touched his lips to hers.
“You’re beautiful Amy .”
“Not too shabby yourself.” She said.
“For you.”
“Thank you so much, they look and smell wonderful.” Amy said taking the flowers and holding them close.
“Let me take those for you Amy, I’ll put them in your room.” Lisa said.
“One second Lisa.” Amy added stopping her and reaching over to the bouquet to break off one of the buds that she put through Finn’s lapel. A second later she unlined on the the safety pins she had secreted in her bag and maneuvered it around to hold the flower in place. “There, now I can appreciate your gift all night.”
“We ready ?”
“Wait prom pic !!” Lisa said which made both Amy and Finn laugh and turn to pose.
After both men stood and shook Finn’s hand where Tim added “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
In response Jack pointed at him “definitely words to live by.” Which made everyone laugh.
“You two have fun tonight.” He added with a smile at Amy who took a moment to lean over to kiss Cass and then Lyndy.
“Thank you Grandpa, Finn ?”
Lisa took that moment to palm her keys to Amy who took Finn’s crooked arm while she went down the stairs. Once down and walking to the vehicles she revered her arms and led him to the Porsche dangling the keys beforef him.
He smiled again taking them and turned to the porch to spot Lisa and mouth “Thank you.”
As he backed out and turned the Porsche toward the gate they saw Amy wave as they pulled away.
“Anyone remember the last time she looked that happy ?” Cass said from where she was standing with Lyndy.
“It’s been a while coming.” Jack muttered quietly.
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
don't look, its a 3 am observation my mind noticed before i fell asleep that i drafted in a cold sweat.
time to make a hot observation take ive noticed in every corner of dw: 'any ship that isnt doctorrose is inferior because ours is canon! we won!' so was doctorromana and doctorcharley and doctorriver but then i see how yall blantly ignore how and thoschei and doctordonna outlived them both because the doctor treats them more of a romance than the literal romantic interests yall shove at them that rivals the same energy as the evil stepmother cutting off the toes and heels of her children to fit in the glass shoe. the shoe wont stop the bleeding and at this point i dont think billie is gonna return as rose.
i think from the moves she making outside of dw, she gonna comeback as villainess the rani and yall are gonna get pissy because 'if it aint the typecast then dont come back.' dont act like i aint witness the same people that was happy billie was back turned right back around to insulting her voice because she wasnt playing rose like they been waiting to for her to do and automatically go 'oh its rose its just xyz' like genderless entity simply known as girl, if thats rose then rose got reduced to an atomic bomb as a little kitchy box you can buy at hobby lobby on tv as an anniversary event and i know damn well at that point - you don't want rose back. you want your yt self insert back. because those same people would then hate thasmin, hate the concept of doctormartha, hate anyone outside of that paring because doctorrose canon. doctorrose aint canon because the alien left her behind FOUR TO THREE times FOUR TO THREE TIMES. THEY MADE US CRY ABOUT HIM LEAVING HER BEHIND FOUR TO THREE TIMES.
bad wolf/parting of ways like sir you still left and your plan was to leave her anyway because thats your damn emergency protocol: make sure to leave rose behind, GIRL IN THE FIREPLACE like he was just flirting AND GETTIN DRUNK LIKE HE LEFT HER BWHIND AND WAS FULL READY TO JUST SET SHOP IN PARIS WITH NO TARDIS JUST LIKE HIS THIRD AND 8TH SELF HE WAS GONNA LEAVE HER BEHIND. FULL STOP, doomsday because lets be real the doctor has broken through the rift for less than that more than once in his past - he chose not to do it again because she said 'so?' after hearing what was gonna happen. his choice, AND THEN JOURNEYS END HE CHOSE TO SAY DOES IT NEED SAYING.
like thats not a win, that doesnt scream canon. that screams - aw one of the john smiths finally got to be with his dream journal mystery girl and i the alien get to keep traveling and never confess my love and marry anyone and everyone else but that specific yt girl that everyone and their great great grandma selfinsert to make them feel better enough to ignore that the very ship they heralded legitmately robbed a whole year of earthwide torment had 10 not played that hot and cold flirting bullshit to martha A WEEK? after losing rose wheee.
yall tend to fly extremely fast to hate river the second lets kill hitler dropped because as soon as that dropped, yall really got louder in hating river more the second after the reveal that amy and rory's black friend was river song/their kid. like now its died down but whew. yall didnt like that and at the point where all of yall were at the cusp of warming up to liking her because it beats literally anyone else from returning to reprise a former role.
like the writing was messy but yall attitudes shifted to rivaling the oil in the ocean as soon as yall learned her prev face was black.
i dont like the animosity you have towards rose. girl rose tyler is so bland the whole fandom took one glance at hannah baxter: professional sex worker named belle du jour from sdoacg and went: thats our rose tyler now and made the literal rose marion tyler a barbie fashionista collectible to say they were there that day when it dropped. like its not my fault yall got a hivemind when it comes to rose that your go to is [any billie piper character > rose tyler] × the doctor.
sorry. im sorry that yall got lulled into systematic microaggresive racism that made the best of yall the worst simply because the ppl that acting as ur favs are cutie patooties. but im not sorry for noticing in silence as a poc 👽 over the years and writing this out
anyway if billie is coming back on dw on screen, let her come back as the rani. i miss the rani and by what ive seen in i hate suzie, rare beasts, beast, eternal beauty, city of tiny lights, collateral, playhouse presents: foxtrot, true love: holly, penny dreadful, sdoacg, catherine called birdy - billie has the fucking range to be literally not rose tyler again. let rose and tentoo and mia chill in their house that i swear i swear i promise its their tardis i deadass think thats their tardis given what we've seen in journey to centre of the tardis and literally the master's tardis in spyfall that was also a fucking house which just shows how vast and possible it would be for that to be the case. let the house we saw them in flashbacks in the empire of the wolf comic be their tardis please please please please please.
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Stitches // 6
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Pairing: Frank Castle x Reader
Summary: The reader reveals part of her past which has Frank realizing that they have more in common than he originally thought.
Warnings: PREPARE TO CRY! (You have been warned), Frank's got jokes this chapter
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 BONUS
“My day keeps getting better.”
“Hey sweetheart.” Frank stood on my doorstep with a bouquet of white lilies, the hood of his hoodie pulled over his head enough to hide his cuts and bruises from prying eyes.
“These are for you.” Grinning, I took the beautiful flowers from his grasp and invited him inside. He pulled his hood back, all his facial injuries more visible to me.
“These are lovely, wish I could say the same about your face.” pushing up on my toes I kissed his cheek, thanking him for the flowers and walked past him to get to the kitchen.
“I think they make me look tough, you however…” throwing out the wilted roses that were in the windowsill I rinsed the vase and filled it up with clean water for the flowers he got me.
“Choose your next words wisely Castle.” strong arms wrapped around my stomach, pulling me flush against his towering frame.
"You look beautiful, bruises and all." his lips pressed against the top of my head; it feels good to be in his arms again but I can’t allow myself to get too attached to him again. He continued leaving kisses on my head and I took a step away from him.
“Are you taking off with Amy today?” my mood dampened at the thought of him leaving again, knowing that I’d be left behind again to constantly think about him. If he came here to say goodbye then he shouldn’t have because this is only going to hurt more when he walks out of my life.
“I put her on the first bus out of here this morning.” taking a hold of my hand he laced our fingers together, his thumb brushing against my skin.
“I’m staying.” my heart skipped a beat, I was not expecting him to stay in New York.
“You said that last time.”
“I know I did, I apologize and I’ll keep apologizing for that but this time I mean it.” Pulling my hand away from his, I walked off on him; I can’t do this again. As much as I love Frank I cannot fall for whatever the hell he plans on saying.
“I’m not going down this road again Frank, I can’t.”
“Sweetheart I get that you’re still upset but please, hear me out.” he caught up to me in the living room, securing his calloused hand around my wrist, begging me to stop and listen. Once he realized that I wasn’t going to move or interrupt him he continued.
“I was scared, that’s why I left. You and I happened unexpectedly, I wasn’t looking to find someone who actually gave a shit about me especially after all the bad things that I’ve done but then I met you and fuck, I fell in love with you.” his breath fanned against the shell of my ear with each word he spoke
“I never thought that I could feel this way again after Maria and the kids but you proved me wrong. You were the light at the end of the dark tunnel I was in, for Christ’s sake, I didn’t think I would ever see a way out. You saw all the ugly, all the fucked up parts of me and still gave me a chance.” my vision began to blur from the goddamn tears that were soon going to fall
Damn it Y/N, why do you cry so much?
“You're my second chance at having something special, something real. I fucked it up once and I’ll be damned if I do it a second time.”
“We could have talked it out the first time Frank, you could have told me what was on your mind.” turning to face him I placed my palms on his chest, his hands finding their spot on my hips.
“I would have understood.”
“How was I supposed to look you in the eyes and tell you that I made a mistake in rushing into things with you and that I feel like I’m cheating on my wife.” his eyes were red, he was fighting the urge to let them fall.
“Exactly like that. I get it, she was your everything, the kids too. I didn’t expect you to fall for me head first and to completely forget about her, about them. Grief takes a toll on every single one of us.” my voice broke at the end, a flash of my deceased ex-fiance, Luke, flashed before my eyes. Frank picked up on her change in mood as she spaced out for a second; it dawned on him.
“You lost someone.”
“My fiance, he was a marine, like you.”
“Did he lose his life in the field?”
“No, I wish he had gone that way to be honest, doing the thing he loved most but instead he had just gotten home from deployment. He took me to one of those fancy restaurants one night and we had fun. We were actually in the middle of singing our song on our way back to our place when a drunk driver broke a red light, running straight into his side of the car.” At this point my tears were freely falling down my face as I recalled one of the worst nights of my life. Frank brushed away my tears, waiting for me to continue.
“He didn’t die on impact. For thirty minutes I held his hand, forced to listen as he struggled to breathe. He didn’t care that he was dying, he just wanted me to know that he’s sorry and that he loved me. He kept repeating those two sentences until he finally stopped and the light in his eyes faded.” We both had our loved ones suddenly taken away from us and all that pain, grief and suffering is going to stick with us for the rest of our miserable lives.
“It’s not easy moving on, trust me, I know. It took me four years to fully recover from losing him and another year before I finally put myself back out there, only to fall into bed with another marine.” my tears had stopped flowing by now as I forced myself to not fall into that dark place again.
Frank felt like shit now, this revelation of what you’ve been through showed him just how much you both had in common. He thought back to the trial, he remembered how you stuck up for him when the others saw him as nothing more than a homicidal maniac.
“Is that why you stuck your neck out on the line for me during the trail?”
“Yes, I didn’t give a shit about all the assholes you put down during your search for the one responsible for taking your family away because I would’ve done exactly the same thing if the driver had gotten away.”
“It makes sense to me now.” It really did because for the life of him he never understood why this woman, a complete stranger, would stand up for him the way she did in that hospital room mere minutes after having a conversation with him.
“All that pain and guilt you still feel isn’t going away anytime soon, you just have to find some way to cope with it.”
“I’m sorry for your loss and you’re right, I should’ve told you what was going on before I took off like that.” he pulled me flush against him, kissing my temple in the process, I wrapped my arms around his muscular frame burying my face into his chest.
“Thank you and it’s okay, we all handle situations differently, I’m not holding it above your head.”
“You have got quite an interesting taste in men though.” I pinched his side and he took that as a cue to start laughing, he was most definitely right about that.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“Because it is.” One second he was hugging me, the next he hoisted me up in his arms, holding on to my thighs as I secured my legs around his waist. He had a playful glint in his eyes and a smile now decorated his bruised face.
“No, nope, I know what you’re doing.”
“What am I doing?” he lowered himself on the couch, his hands messaging the exposed flesh of my ass cheeks my short pajama bottoms failed to cover.
“You know exactly what you’re up to, Mr. Castle.”
“Can’t say that I do, I’m just trying to watch TV with you in my arms.” Frank kicked his feet up on the coffee table, focusing his attention on the screen behind me, coaxing me to lie on his chest.
“I missed you sweetheart.”
“I missed you just as much, handsome.” closing my eyes I held onto him tightly, breathing in his scent.
Frank would always hold me like this every day after work the two months we were together, his way of catching up for the day we weren’t together and every now and then this innocent embrace would make a one hundred and eighty degree turn for not so innocent touching.
“Do you believe that there’s a reason things happened the way they did?”
With the heart-to-heart conversation we had mere minutes ago I couldn’t help but think that Frank and I had to go through so much crap in our lives to end up right where we are today. Suffering with the loss of the people that meant the world to us once; both of us are stuck with fragments of the last time we saw them, one second they were happy without a care in the world then the next, their lifeless bodies would just be there, haunting us forever.
“I don’t know about that but I do know that I’m glad that we found each other.” I fell quiet after that, Luke and his pearly white smile filling my mind.
“Tell me about him.” thinking that I probably misheard him I sat up
“You heard me talk about Maria and the kids so many times, now that I know there was a man in your life, I’d like to know more about him but only if you want to.”
“He was a total charmer, he knew all the right things to say and when to say it. He was smart, very articulate, thoughtful, funny and very big on respect.” I couldn’t help but smile at the day we had our first conversation.
“Luke was a regular at the coffee shop I worked at, everyday he’d come in and sit at the furthest booth at the back. I could tell he was staring at me when I wasn’t looking because every time I looked over in his direction he’d scramble to occupy himself with whatever book he had on the table. On day three he actually introduced himself to me and asked me out on a date."
"Where'd he take you?"
"We went bowling and then we stopped at the park for a bit. We really had a good time together for the three years that we lasted. I’ll miss him everyday but it’s time to move on.”
“Sounds like he loved you just as much.” Frank was about to say something further when my phone started ringing, excusing myself, I moved to the kitchen counter and answered by putting it on speaker.
“Hey are you joining us tonight for drinks at Josie’s?”
“No can do Foggy, I’ve got better things to do tonight.” Frank perked up in his seat, turning his head to look at me.
“You mean you’ve got someone to do tonight, is it Frank?” my cheeks heated up at Foggy’s blunt statement while the man on the sofa nodded, silently agreeing with him.
“Don’t sound so jealous Foggy Bear, you had your chance.” I made my way back to the couch and sat next to Frank holding the phone between us.
“You didn’t give me a chance, if you did I would’ve taken it and you know that.”
“Do I need to keep a close eye on you around my girl Nelson?”
“N-no s-sir, there’s no need for that.” Foggy turned into a stuttering mess
“Really because for a second there you had me worried.” he sounded so serious but yet still he was smiling like an idiot knowing that Foggy was probably shitting bricks right now.
“I’m sure.”
“Good because it would be a shame if I had to get you out of the way.”
“I promise you, there is no need to do that.” I could see Foggy sweating and pacing the floor in his office right now as I tried to hold in my laugh.
“Foggy he’s just messing with you, he’s not going to lay a hand on you.”
“I’m really not.”
“Noted, I’ll tell the others that you’re not coming tonight. Do you mind if we stop by tomorrow, we miss you at the office?”
“Why are you asking now Nelson, you guys have a habit of showing up whenever you feel like?” The three of them were known for just randomly showing up at my place, sometimes they would even let themselves in and make themselves at home. I personally don’t mind but now that it’s the two of us here, they’re going to have to break that habit.
“I don’t want to show up at your place to interrupt your baby making session.”
“Why not, you could probably learn a thing or two.”
“Goodbye Foggy!” I immediately hung up the phone, Frank was laughing his ass off now, proud of himself for getting Foggy all worked up.
“Don’t give me that look, that was fun to me.”
“You scared him, I’m sure he’s never going to hug me or look at me too long after today.”
“I don’t care sweetheart, you’re mine.”
He leaned down pecking my lips a couple times as he eased me onto my back, fixing himself between my legs. My hands roamed beneath his shirt, familiarizing themselves with the feel of his hot skin against my palms. His hips started rocking against mine, the friction eliciting a moan from us both.
Frank’s POV
This woman has no idea how much she has me wrapped around her finger. Just one kiss and I swear, I’m lost in her.
She asked me earlier if I believe that there was a reason that we went through so much hurt, so much pain and truthfully, I do believe that life had other plans for us both. We had it all at one point, lost it all in a split second and along the way of trying to make sense of it all, we found each other.
She is my saving grace.
And I’m going to do my absolute best to do right by her this time.
MARVEL Taglist:
@dorks2022 @n3ssm0nique @chrisfucksblog @sophiaedits @peakascum @anonymoustip217 @iiddaaa @mintphoenix @hardcoppizzasludge @panaitbeatrice @tanyaherondale @creatingjana @calimoi @rootcrop @louisianalady @thummbelina @vicmc624 @leyannrae @janaev4ns @queenofkings1212 @believinghurts @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @stumbleonmywords @inas-thing @blackcat420 @badasseddy @spiderlaufeyson @yesimwriting @blondekel77 @4-everm-0-re @sketch-and-write-lover @farfromjustordinary @haoluvver @garbinge @emmamooney @chanaaaannel @moonofheroin @glitch-bitch777 @overly-obsessed-with-you
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Hope it Wasn’t a Mistake
Smut! Missing scenes from 3x01, what happens in between four Kamikaze shots and "title of our sex tape"
Archive of Our Own
Mesmerized by her laugh, it catches Jake by surprise when he feels Amy’s hand on top of his own. She doesn’t stop there. Amy slides her hand up Jake’s forearm and squeezes his bicep. The look in her eyes is so tantalizing it makes the rest of the room blurry.
The air feels thick with thoughts left unspoken, it makes Jake feel vulnerable. He’s just about to make a joke, kill the mood, bring them back to familiar territory, when Amy leans in towards him and whispers,
“Dance with me.”
Jake’s laughing now. “There’s no music.”
“Yes there is.” Amy insists. “Listen”
She sways in her seat to the rhythm of the music playing on the overhead speakers. The volume is low, like it always is in a fancy restaurant, so the diners can talk. But, it’s playing.
“Come on!” Amy pouts. “Dance with me!”
It’s a good thing Jake’s never been afraid of embarrassing himself, because that’s what he’s about to do as he stands up and takes her hands. Most of their meal and each of their last kamikaze shots is left abandoned on the table.
Amy pulls herself closer to Jake. He takes her in, unsure if he’s ever been this close to her before, almost chest to chest. They’re both tipsy, so their movements are a little off beat. Amy still manages to set on his toes twice in the first two steps.
There isn’t a dance floor, so Jake twirls Amy under his arm in between their table and the neighboring one. Other people in the restaurant have started starting, but neither Jake or Amy notice. They’re too busy letting their hands roam.
Jake feels her let out a deep breath as his hands slide down her waist. Her fingers skim the lapel of his jacket before settling on his shoulders.
“I’ve gotten good at this.” Amy says with pride.
“Well, considering how horrible of a dancer you were, it would be more impressive if you’d found a way to get worse.” He teases.
“I could trip you.”
The smirk on her face just begging him to retaliate.
Jake takes advantage of Amy’s tipsiness and gently pushes her backwards, making her think for a second she’s going to fall. But then, his arm catches her. He’s holding her in a dip, looking down into her eyes.
Amy can’t hear the music anymore over the pound of her heart. The shining light she sees around Jake could be the chandelier or it could just be his glow. She thinks she sees him bending down to her and she closes her eyes in anticipation.
“ Excuse me, ”
The shrill voice makes Amy’s eyes snap open, Jake steadies her back to her feet.
Their waitress is tapping Jake on his shoulder, looking perturbed.
“Can you please sit down? You’re disturbing our other guests.”
“Oh sorr-”
Jake’s slurred apology is cut off by Amy.
“We’re just dancing.” She tells the waitress.
“Ma’am, this is a restaurant, not a ballroom.”
“So? Does that make dancing illegal here? What is this Footloose?”
Amy looks to Jake for support. He’s not sure what’s going on, so he just nods and hopes the situation will deescalate itself soon.
The waitress takes a deep breath before saying, “Well, if you can’t sit down at your table, I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“Oh, you’re not asking us to do anything. We’re leaving because we want to. Come on, Jake.”
Amy snatched her coat off the back of the chair before downing the last of her Kamikaze shots.
Jake follows suit, slamming his shot glass back onto the table. “Check please.”
They walk out of the restaurant hand in hand, a little unsteady, but with their heads held high. The rush of the cool night air is slightly sobering.
Jake starts laughing uncontrollably.
“What?” Amy asks.
“I can’t believe we just did that.”
“Well, I can’t believe how that woman killed the mood.”
That puts a glimmer in Jake’s eye. He looks at her with mischievous delight. “The mood. ”
Amy doesn’t say anything, she just smiles and looks down at her feet. She’s shifting back and forth on the spot, hips swaying just a little.
“You’re doing your chilly dance.” Jake informs her.
“I call it the warming dance.”
“Is it working?”
Amy sighs, “Not yet.”
Jake wraps her tight in his arms and pulls her in close. He positions her hands on either side of his neck, so his bare skin can warm her.
Amy smirks.
“You could’ve just given me your jacket.”
“But then I would be cold.”
She giggles and feels her body move against him.
Their eyes are locked again. The shining light Jake sees around Amy is just her glow, not the streetlights, he’s sure of it.
“I like this better than your jacket anyway.” Amy admits.
“You do?”
“Yeah, it sets the mood. ”
They’re both smiling as they draw closer, eventually closing the gap between their lips. Jake feels Amy’s eyelash tickle his cheek and she feels his hands grip her tighter. Neither of them is cold anymore. What started as sweet grows more passionate as they deepen the kiss. Jake’s hands massage Amy’s waist and the small of her back, while one of her travels down his chest.
Jake’s breathless when he pulls his lips away.
“Uh, we should um, get a cab.”
It’s the last thing he wants to do, but they made rules and it was important to Amy. He knows the feel of her lips on his for one more second would make it too difficult to stop there.
“Okay.” At first, Amy is disappointed. But a moment later, she’s biting her lip and whispering to Jake, “Can we go to your apartment?”
They don’t talk much in the cab. Amy’s head rests on Jake’s shoulder. Their hands intertwined on top of Jake’s thigh.
When they get out in front of Jakes building, Amy feels like she’s walking on air. The rules she’d created that afternoon were completely out of her mind, which was now entirely comprised of Jake.
He had never felt more nervous in his life. With shaking hands he opened his apartment door and gestured for Amy to go in. He helped her out of her coat and moved to hang it up, but he didn’t get the chance.
The coat fell to the floor as Amy grabbed Jake and pushed him up against the wall, kissing him with the determined force of the overachiever she is. Though caught off guard, Jake quickly recovered and matched her fervor. He swelled with pride when he pulled a soft whimper from her.
Amy’s hands brushed over his shoulders to rid him of his jacket. Next, she moved on to the buttons of his shirt. While she was distracted, Jake seized the opportunity to kiss her neck.
Those pesky little buttons slipped through Amy’s hands when she shook under the sensation of Jake licking and sucking his way down to the neckline of her dress. His hands reached around and unzipped her dress. It started to fall and Amy stepped back to slip it off completely.
Jake swallowed. His eyes wide, taking her in. Amy usually felt a little self-conscious undressing in front of someone for the first time. But, standing in front of Jake, in her lacy pink bra and panties, she felt incredibly sexy. She was starting to smile, amused by how long he stood and stared, when she felt his arms around her again.
Jake lifted Amy off her feet, holding her around her back and under her knees. She instinctively put her arms around his neck. He carried her like that, bridal style, into his room and put her down on the bed.
He was starting again. Looking down at her with desire and admiration.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
Amy smiled. The affection in his eyes was too powerful. He was sincere. Amy thought to herself how he hadn’t seen anything yet. She sat up and unhooked her bra.
Jake came over her. His lips joining her, his hand cradling her head as he leaned her back onto the mattress. She twisted her hands in his brown curls.
Slowly, Jake made his way down to Amy’s chest. He cupped both her breasts and ran the pad of his thumbs over her nipples. He kissed a trail from her collar bone till he could take one of her nipples in his mouth. She arched her back under him, gasping when she felt his erection press into her thigh.
Pulling him by the hair, Amy made him look up at her.
“Take your clothes off, Peralta.”
Jake started undressing, starting with his half-unbuttoned shirt. Amy couldn’t wait for him to get there, so she went for his belt herself. She pulled it from his pants loops and threw it across the room. Jake slid his hand under her panties and squeezed her ass with one hand before pulling damp lace off with the other. He pushed Amy back down on the bed and positioned his face between her legs.
As Amy spread herself open for him, Jake kissed her inner thigh. He’d never understood the comparison of vulvas to roses until now. He gently moved his finger over Amy’s petals. She was quivering at the touch, breathing too fast to beg his fingers to find where she needed him. Better yet, his tongue did. Amy moaned and bucked her hips. She closed her eyes and was taken captive by the electric sensation.
Pleasuring someone else had never felt so good for Jake. He’d do anything to keep hearing Amy make those moans, gasps, and breathy whines that almost formed a word. He tentatively swirled his finger around her entrance, groaning himself at the feel of how wet she was.
“Ah- please…” Amy cried. “Oh god, Jake…”
Without lessening his attention on her clit, Jake pressed a finger inside her. Amy writhed as he moved it in and out. She’s tight and so slick. Jake added a second finger and curled them in ‘come hither’ motion inside her.
“JAKE!” Amy screamed out.
It was like a tidal wave crashing over her. Jake feels her clit pulse against his lips. He keeps working his fingers in her, a shore to meet her every wave of bliss.
When he felt Amy relax, Jake pulled his fingers out. He admired how she’d left his fingers glistening. He licked his lips, prepared to make a show of cleaning his fingers off, but Amy pulled him up towards her. Face to face in the darkness of the room, nothing but the sound of each other’s breath in their ears, and the feel of each other’s skin on their own. Jake pressed his forehead to Amy’s. She lifted her chin to kiss him. Somehow, this felt more intimate than their previous activity.
The total satisfaction Amy felt moments ago was replaced by an even greater desire when she felt Jake’s erection once again rub against her leg. She reached down to stroke him.
“Fuckkkkk Amy.” He purred.
“Do you keep condoms in your bedside table or your wallet?”
“Uh-” It was hard to remember when she was touching him like that. “Um, both.”
Amy smiled brightly. No bigger turn on than someone who’s prepared.
Slippery fingers and low light caused him to fumble with the wrapper in his hate, but Jake finally got the condom on and turned Amy’s giggle into a moan as he moved his hand up her thigh to her hip. He held her steady and she arched towards him. Slowly, he pushed in.
Amy hummed as she felt stretched by him. It hurt just a little, which made it feel so good.
“Oh Jake, oh my god.”
“Good?” He asked, ready to retreat.
Amy nodded, “Really good.” and circled her hips.
She felt unbelievable around him. So wet and warm, and she gripped him so tight. It was better than he imagined, and he was a little ashamed of how much he’d imagined it. She curled her leg around him, pulling him closer.
Jake moaned “Holy fuck, you’re so hot.”
Amy’s content hums turned to moans she couldn’t hold back as she moved with his ever quickening rhythm.
“Jake…. Jake–oh fuck-ahh…”
“Oh Ames, cum for me.” He breathed into her neck.
She pulled his hair and clenched around him, crying out his name. It sent Jake over the edge, he released into his own free fall, holding her for dear life.
They both laid still, looking up at the ceiling above them. With sex, everything had felt natural and fluid. Now, they each felt stiff and unsure how to return to normal interaction. Jake decided to try.
“So…. we broke a rule.”
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Business and feelings
Book: Bloodbound (AU)
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC
Words: 3790 holy crap!
Warning: A few sexual jokes (definitely not explicit) / Fluff / A slightly mention of harassment
A/N: Since it's an AU, all the characters are humans.
*Tags in the reblog*
He remembered the first time their paths had really crossed. He knew her name beforehand, of course. Adrian had always been proud of his knowledge of his competition and her company wasn't the exception. He had been drinking in the bar of some fancy hotel after a boring conference where he was invited to give a speech, answering some important e-mail from his phone.
"I would have thought that one of the most important CEOs around here would have time to enjoy his drink." The feminine, and honestly sensual, voice came from his back before she leaned a bit on the bar, ordering a glass of wine. She not only had a smart mind, always keeping him on his toes with her aggressive business method, but she also was beautiful. Her perfect figure made the simple grey dress look like a masterpiece as her long hair framed her gorgeous face. "You are a very busy man, Mr. Raines." He smirked against the glass.
"You know what it's like, Ms. Miller." Her full lips rose up in a smug grin. "We never truly leave the office behind." They had never officially met before but the fact that the other knew who they were, gave them a strange satisfactory sensation.
"I do." She sat beside him, her long fingers elegantly held the wine glass, taking a small sip. "I guess there's no need to introduce us, don't you agree, Mr. Raines?" Her smile seemed to sparkle against her deep crimson lips.
"Certainly." He returned the gesture, putting away the phone and focusing his attention on her. "And please, call me Adrian. After sharing a drink in the same bar, there's no reason to keep such formality."
"A very wise reflection of a very smart man." She tilted her body to observe him, crossing her legs. "In that case, Adrian, I expect you to call me Amy."
"It would be my pleasure." She drank again, her eyes never leaving his.
"Let's see if you still think like that later." He arched his right eyebrow at her while she opened her clutch, paying the drink and leaving a generous tip as his phone started to blare in his pocket. "You should answer that, it could be important." She stood up, her tall, thin heels softly clanking against the marble of the floor. "Enjoy the rest of your drink, Adrian." She winked at him and left, politely smiling to an old man calling her.
He touched the green icon on the screen, holding the device in his ear. "Mark." His brows knitted together, his hand squeezing his glass. "What the hell do you mean you lost those actions?!" He took a deep breath, calming himself, remembering that he couldn't show any kind of weakness around these people. They all were sharks pretending to be goldfish. "Against who?" He sharply turned his head, his eyes fixing on her back. "Yes, I know her." He looked back at the wall covered with elegant and expensive bottles, lowering his tone. "Listen, talk to Steve, he had very well placed contacts there. Buy as much as you can without naming Raines Corp, use the second account to make the transition. Let me know any news." He cut the call, smirking, taking a swig of his drink, turning his back to the bar and looking at the crowd, finding her among the people almost immediately. For some reason, he wasn't mad. He loved a good challenge that always kept things interesting. And, so far, she has proved to be indeed a really intriguing and definitely interesting woman. Her lips lifted up in a vain grin when she caught him looking at her, making a small almost imperceptive salute gesture with her glass, knowing exactly what that call was about. His smile widened, doing the same motion.
An intense tug war started between them, trying to acquire the same company for sale, both of them knew how great an opportunity this was. They were twirling around each other, except that it wasn't with dance moves but with business strategies, trying to be better than the other. They saw each other a couple of times, having short but intense conversations until a few months later, when he caught her entering the ballroom of a charity gala that he was participating in. If Adrian was honest with himself, he knew he couldn't stop thinking about her. She not only kept him on the edge, forcing him to improve his game, she also intrigued him, and that, alongside with her brilliant mind, was extremely seductive to him. She was wearing a long ethereal soft silver sleeveless dress and her hair was tied in a perfectly messy bun, showing her back and neck. She was accompanied by a man that was placing his arm around her waist, a gesture that honestly annoyed him. Less than one hour after her arrival, he noticed that her partner started to nervously talk on his phone, walking fast outside. Adrian took two champagne flutes from a passing waitress and got closer.
"It is always a pleasure to find you in these kinds of events, Amy." He offered her one of the glasses.
She turned a bit to completely face him, accepting the drink, intently staring at him, smiling. "I didn't expect you would be here, Adrian." She took a sip. "If I had known, I would have brought my war helmet." He chuckled, the sound coming beautifully husky.
"I'd say the same. Some of your strategies were definitely unexpected." He focused his piercing eyes into hers. "And powerful."
"Why, thank you. I always say that a bit of challenge makes everything more exciting." Her lips left a soft glossy print of lipstick on the glass. "And from what I have seen, you don't back off either." She narrowed her eyes but not in an angry manner, more like in a daring way, making her brown eyes even more seductive than before.
"It seems you already know me exceptionally well." He grinned at her, noticing the twitch on her mouth, trying to suppress her smile.
"What a high praise." She swirled the gold liquid just a bit, her stare and attention focused only on him. "But I don't think that's completely correct."
"Oh?" His brow rose up, a clear intrigue going through his face. "I can't deny I found myself curious about it." She chuckled.
"Are you now?" She took a step forward, subtilty leaning her body near to his. A faint scent of flowers of her delicate perfume filled his lungs in the most wonderful way. "Such a shame that it's for me to know and for you to find out." She smiled at him. "If you can." Someone called his name from behind. "It seems you are needed elsewhere." She separated from him.
"I'm sure that that conversation isn't going to be as interesting as this one." He gently squeezed her arm for a second as they smirked at each other. "Enjoy the rest of the evening, Amy."
"You too, Adrian." When there was a prudent distance between them, he sent a quick text and a couple minutes later, her date returned beside her, still nervous. He felt her eyes attached on his back as he walked away and talked to another guest. The poor Lewis Thompson would never know who and why he had orchasted that unexpected and serious call.
After that, only a couple weeks passed until they were face to face again. He arrived at a private party in The Hamptons that the host was an old 'friend' of his. It wasn't his favorite person in the world but the opportunity to make new strong contacts and connections was too good to let it pass. He parked his car in the massive driveway in front of the equally massive house beside a white last generation Audi, the door opening at almost the time as his. Her beautiful figure came out, fixing in him her stare as her hand delicately handled the keys to a valet parking.
"I guess it's true what people say." Her brilliant smile, that had started to hunt his thoughts constantly, plastered on her face. "It is a small world after all."
His piercing eyes shone with delight, returning the gesture. "Or maybe our world is the one that is small." She put her cellphone into her clutch as the valets started to drive both cars away. "I would say I'm in awe to see you here Amy, but being completely honest I would have been disappointed if I hadn't."
She giggled as they walked through the manor principal front door together. "The feeling is mutual, Adrian."
"However, I do find myself surprised to see you here alone." She lifted her eyebrow, the smile never leaving her lips.
"Ah. You mean Lewis. Amy Miller." She said to the organizer checking the guest list. "How do you know he isn't waiting for me inside?"
"Call it a hunch. He seemed… Weak. Raines." The organizer nodded at them, giving them access. "Am I right?"
"Impressive place." She looked at their surrender. "I wonder if our host has something to compensate for." He chuckled and she focused on him again. "And your hunch is right. How could a guy that can't handle a simple phone call be able to be with someone like me?" She grinned. "Although that phone call was rather suspicious. And perfect timing for you, I must say."
"It was?" Lester Castellano walked towards them, his gaze shameless roaming Amy's body as Adrian narrowed his eyes at him, his anger starting to rise up inside him. "I wouldn't know."
"Of course not." She leaned a bit closer to him, conspiracy low talking. "I guess he does have something to compensate for." Her smile changed as the short man got closer, it became colder and fake. The difference was minimal but for whoever paid it enough attention, it was notorious. "His manners."
"You are not wrong." He cockily smirked, eying their host. "And believe me, it's not the only thing he needs to compensate for." He winked and she laughed, genuinely and joyfully. The melodious sound was like the singing of a siren. And he was the sailor following it, happily disposed to drown in the ocean if it was in her arms.
"Adrian, Ms. Miller. Welcome to my humble house."
"Pleasure to finally meet you after your... definitely insistent invitation, Mr. Castellano."
"The pleasure it's completely mine." His eyes insolently fixed on her with a filthy smile curving the corners of his thin lips framed by a tousled beard. "Have you seen the open bar, Amy?" He stood beside her. "It would be my honor to accompany you. Or maybe you are interested in a private tour around the house."
Adrian was about to interrupt him when she coldly chuckled.
"I have heard rumors about your unique personality, Mr. Castellano, but they really don't do justice to the reality." She made a gesture to someone beside the bar that was trying to catch her attention. "If you'll excuse me, Mr. Castellano, Adrian." They saw her walking to the bar, calling the bartender, as the other woman greeted her.
Lester whistled lecherously beside him. "Such a pretty little thing."
"You are disgusting, Lester." He said icily, hating that she was reduced to only that when she was so much more.
"Come on, Raines. Light up and enjoy the party." He clapped his back and walked to the center of the crowd. Different people approached Adrian as he milled around, giving him their business card, organizing meetings to present proposals and coordinating possible collaborations. He headed to the deck, taking distance from Lester, who was trying to force him to talk with Senator Vega that clearly was fishing for donations for his coming campaign. His eyes immediately fell on Amy in a quiet corner, leaning her arms against the polished wood balcony.
"It seems I'm not the only one avoiding Senator Vega." She looked at him, smiling invitingly, as he strolled towards her.
"Another hunch?"
"No. I just know how annoyingly persistent he can be." She chuckled, observing the huge garden in front them.
"Definitely true." Her hand balanced the heels hanging from her fingers. "Especially if he thinks you're easy to seduce." Her stare found his, already intensely fixed on her. "I guess it's not something you have to deal with." She joked, standing up straight and slipping her shoes back on.
"And something that you shouldn't either." She smiled at him, different from all the smiles he had seen in her so far. It was mild, sincere and for just one second, a little downcast. Her eyes looked at something behind him.
"You know, Adrian, for such an intelligent man, sometimes you’re not very perceptive." She tilted her head almost imperceptibly to his back, turning again to the yard as he discreetly peered where she had pointed. Beside the door, attentively watching them, was Michael Steel, one of the shareholders of Raines Corp. "It might seem you are too friendly with the competition."
"If you think one powerless man can scare me, I overestimated your knowledge about me." A little laugh leaked from her as she searched for something in the clutch.
"I guess we should see how much I know about you." She extended her hand with a card between her fingers. "But I know for sure you want this."
Adrian took it. "I'm honored." He lifted his eyebrow at her and smirked. "But what makes you think that I don't have your number already?"
"Simple." She walked past him, looking at him over her shoulder. "You would have called by now." She winked and returned inside. He studied the small rectangle of elegant pearl paper, noticing that it was her personal card with her private number. He smirked. She was right, if he had it before, he would definitely have called her a while ago. Adrian saw Amy through the window, his mouth rising up, grinning at her view, she was talking on her phone, waving to someone in her way, walking to the front door, leaving the party. He returned inside for a few more minutes, leaving shortly after. Suddenly, there wasn't anything interesting there. He sat behind the wheel of his car and wrote a number on the screen of the control panel, the free-hands sounding on the speakers as he drove back to the city. After a few seconds, there was an answer.
"Hello?" Her voice sounded beautifully around him.
"You know, Amy, it's really disrespectful not saying goodbye before leaving a party." She chuckled and he smiled.
"And, either way, less than an hour later after I left, here we are talking again." He heard her close the car's door and walk somewhere, her steps echoing. "I must say, it was even sooner than I had expected."
"And yet you don't seem surprised."
"Why would I?" Adrian almost could see her smug grin. "I told you I knew you wanted it."
"You did. However I had to inform you, you were mistaken. I didn't want your number, although it is highly appreciated."
"Oh? Consider me intrigued."
"What I truly want is to invite you to dinner. No business, no annoying politicians or hosts with a size complex." She giggled again. "Just you and me."
"My my, Mr. Raines, are you inviting me on a date?"
"As a matter of fact, yes I am, Ms. Miller."
"So confident." Someone formally greeted her on the other side of the call. "Saturday? At 7?"
"Perfect. Where?"
"I'll send you the address."
"I will be waiting." He stopped the car in a red light.
"I know you will, after all you couldn't wait to call me." He laughed, leaning his back against the leather seat.
"Don't worry. When I find something I want, I'm willing to work as hard as it takes to make it mine."
"Let's see how that works for you." A door closed on her side. "Until Saturday, Adrian."
"Until Saturday." He repeated and she cut the call.
When his phone bipped with a new text, a smirk rose up his mouth. He was grateful for the distraction from a very boring and completely unnecessary board meeting. He honestly hated the weekly sessions, their discussions were basic, trivial and a waste. It was Friday afternoon and Amy had just sent him the address, almost a week after their call. He had noticed how much she enjoyed taking him to the edge.
"Arce, what was that thing that you heard?" Asked the man sitting on his right.
"My contact told me that Miller's accountant didn't receive the new form. Someone blocked it for them." The smile on Daniel Arce's face was heinous, clearly enjoying what was happening. Adrian kept typing on his phone, noticing the attentive gaze of Steel in him. He knew exactly who had done it. Apparently Lester was as petty as always. "They are going to stop their production for at least eight months." The rest of the man around the table laughed.
"That is going to give us a big head up."
"Gentleman, did you finish your gossip session or do you require more time?" Adrian interrupted them. His tone was low and sharper than the steel, narrowing his eyes, a dangerous glint in them. He hadn't needed to raise his voice, bringing complete silence in the room almost instantly. "That's what I thought." He stood up, fastening his blazer. "And before you all leave the building, which I expect to happen in the next five minutes and no more, one last announcement." His stare roamed the room, piercingly looking at each of the investors. "At the end of the day, you'll be receiving an offer for your actions in the company. I advise you to accept it. I'm not interested in any kind of counter offer so don't waste my time with one." He checked his cufflinks. The silence was almost defeating. "I hope I have made myself clear." He left the conference room, making a call as he walked to his office. "Chris, Adrian… Fine, thanks… Listen, I'm going to charge you that favor that you owe me." He smirked.
Saturday finally arrived and, as he drove to the address she had sent him, he let out a small chuckle. He was used to being under pressure and he wasn't the kind of man that gets insecure before a date. Not even in his teenage years. And, however, as he stopped the car and checked his tie and cufflinks again, he realized the truth. He was, in fact, nervous. He needed this date to go smoothly because he knew he was falling for this woman, fast and hard, like never before in his life. He found her in the bar of the elegant restaurant, martini in hand, checking her cell phone with her long legs crossed and a simple tight black dress. When she lifted her gaze and saw him getting close, that beautiful smile of hers spread on her face.
"Evening Amy." His lips curled in a grin. "You look beautiful."
"Why thank you." Her eyes discreetly observed him. "You are as handsome as always."
"Ah. The truth has finally come out." A playful smirk on his face as she lifted her eyebrow. "I have always been handsome before your eyes." She laughed. It was an authentic one. He had noticed how much she laughed like that with him and he was determined to keep hearing it.
"If you are trying to make me believe that you are surprised about it, I must say it's a waste of effort." She left the empty glass on the bar and stood up when a waitress let her know their table was ready. "Shall we?"
"After you."
"Such a gentleman." The dinner was everything he desired and more. They had enjoyed a delightful menu, an elegant wine and each other's company, talking about their lives, their hobbies and an infinity of subjects, none of them about business or anything related. At the end, when he asked her about her car, she told him her place was near and she had walked there, so he offered to accompany her to her building. And she accepted. After a few blocks, her phone rang.
"Do you mind?" She asked, with an apologetic smile.
"Not at all."
"Thank you." She walked a few steps, to the entry of an alley. He saw her passing a bit, furrowing, clearly concerned until she suddenly halted and turned to look at him, surprised. "Are you sure?" She kept intensely observing him so he decided to get closer, standing in front of her. "Okay, thanks Matt. Bye." She fixed her eyes on Adrian's. "It was you?" She questioned him, incredulously.
"I'm always up to leave you speechless, Amy, but this time you'll have to specify."
"You unlocked my production. You stopped the blocking of that damn form."
"Ah. That." He smiled, a bit bashful. It wasn't in his plans to tell her about it. "One of the ex-invenstors of Raines Corp. was talking about it in the last meeting." He cleared his throat, as she kept looking at him. "I just charged a favor."
"With who, Chris Collins?" She said with jesting irony. After a few seconds of silence, she took a single step closer to him. "You used a favor from him... For me?"
"You know I'll do anything for you." She seemed taken back at the sincerity in his voice.
"You really mean it." It wasn't a question. It was an affirmation, astonished, as her gaze focused only on him, in the intensity that his eyes were watching her, on his closeness. Her hand cupped his cheek as her thumb gently brushed his lips.
"Of course I mean it." She lowered her fingers towards his chin, guiding his face to hers until their lips finally touched each other. He made her gently walk backwards until his body pinned her against the wall behind her, holding her waist with one hand as the other was placed beside her, bracing him. She kept caressing the side of his face as her free hand grasped one of the lapels of his jacket, holding him as close as she could. "I don't know if you had noticed, but I’m head over heels for you, Ms. Miller." He murmured against her mouth.
"A smart mind never makes assumptions, Mr. Raines." He was loving how right it felt to kiss her, to hold her in his arms.
"Very wise indeed." Their lips collided together again, passionately and hungry, until they were sore, breathless and smiling at each other, wondering what could come for them.
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kreidewaltz · 3 years
summer shivers | k.t.
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pairing. kageyama tobio x f!reader
about. spending the day on the beach with your boyfriend. and the unfortunate events of meeting his former teammate lead to a silly competition of showing off each other's partner.
word count. 3.1k 
genre & warnings. fluff, comedy, suggestive themes, timeskip, making out on the beach (covered w an umbrella), female petnames, drinking at the bar.
author's note. i played around and made this fic descriptive and uhm sorry not sorry for the amount of teasing and tension ??? i needed to transform my kags brainrot to a fic so yeah and thanks amy for the beta-ing ily
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while you and your boyfriend are walking mindlessly around the beach, your feet are being tickled by the soft, brown sand below. your boyfriend's fingers loosely intertwine with yours as his thumb rubs over your hand, something he knows you love. the pale green polish covering your toenails is fading as time goes. it wasn't a pleasant thing to look at, but you adored this look more— a little messy and flawed.
"tobio? wanna rest or keep walking?"
he gives your hand a soft squeeze and your love-filled eyes fall on him, which results in heat spreading subtly to your cheeks, and the pounding of your chest gets a little out of hand. he has three buttons of his loose, pale blue shirt undone and is wearing a simple pair of khaki shorts, his raven colored hair looking like a mess because of the strong breeze that passes. both of you decided to go barefoot while strolling around, smiling at the other tourists, and fawning over the adorable babies you see on the beach and restaurants when you pass by.
"let's walk. i miss these moments with you. needed a break from games and everything," he murmurs as his gentle, soft gaze falls on you. and in that moment you stop walking and take your time to quietly admire your partner under the bright, monstrous sun, along with the fluffy, huge clouds floating beside the light. his other hand pushes some of your hair behind your ear, doing it with delicacy and letting his fingers leave a trail of adrenaline since his delicate touches twists your fragile heart and makes your toes curl involuntarily.
"mhm, okay. but... when did you become that smooth?" you look to the other side so he doesn’t witness the red madness happening in the apples of your cheeks. you try to the best of your ability to stop the wide grin blooming on your face. but he carefully threads his fingers on the back of your head, and you unconsciously bite your strawberry balmed lips as you stare at him again.
"i guess i learned from you. and the karasuno guys." his hand rests on your nape before it slides to your back. a low, heartwarming chuckle comes from your boyfriend as he watches you crumble under his soft gaze. you bury your head on his chest and gripping the hem of his shirt and letting out a series of breathless giggles. as you're occupied with tobio's warmth, you fail to notice him running a hand through his short, black hair, and the lovesick smile growing on his face. he tries to distract himself by playing with your hair, and basks in the lavender scent of the shampoo you have in the apartment you share. cupping your cheeks for a moment, he takes his utmost time to admire your ethereal face matching with the glowing sunlight in the background. he gives you a peck on your temple and wraps his hands around your petite body, not saying a single word. he’s just taking in your warmth and admiring the beautifully painted sun behind the both of you, mesmerizing and serene.
you know, he knows.
"what are you doing here?” tobio's hands settle on your waist as he narrows his ocean-like eyes across other figures, his former high school teammate with his girlfriend. he shakes his head in disbelief, running your hand on his bicep through his arms— which is a sight that diverts your attention every time. it's harder to not keep your eyes on his build when you're in that time of the month, and he has to begrudgingly indulge in your adorable whining and countless compliments about his physique. 
back to the present time, seeing the tall blonde across from you with his newfound girlfriend- who you call your acquaintance because you were casual in school since you were classmates with her for a year. unfortunately, you’re a witness to how these two idiots’ feelings bloom into something complicated- you had to force them to meet after school. tsukishima didn’t thank you or anything but the way he carefully cares for her and treats her with respect, a little affection is more than enough for you. after all, he kind of helped you talk to kageyama when you were in first years. 
"oh my! how is ms. kageyama doing?" she yelps as you slowly walk to her because her voice tends to get pretty loud. her hands tug you into a friendly hug as you pat her head, amazed with the little braids on the side of her head since it fits her. her outfits are simple yet eye-catching (in high school she wore bright hair clips), and has too many accessories on her hair. but somehow she can pull it off. 
“tobio had a one week vacation.. and now we’re here.” 
she loops your arms together and slowly walks towards the waves, relaxation coursing through your body as you inhale the ocean scent, and feel the softness of the sand even though the waters crash every time. 
“that’s nice! don’t tell kei this because... his pride,” she rests her head on your shoulder and subtly puckers her lips on your back.- as you turn around your eyes land on your boyfriend and tsukishima bickering- and a stinging pain welcomes your head as you mindlessly cover your feet in sand. she giggles and you get the clue, so you keep your stare ahead, feeling all your worries away as you watch the waves and the cool breeze dance every so often. 
“he’s gonna meet my fam later and he’s nervous!” her voice is laced with agitation as she jumps in place, and you raise your brows in amusement. 
“ehhhh, that’s normal, duh.”
“no no wait! my family’s a little uptight with who i date.. because of my shitty relationships-”
“just say one night stands. i get it.” you cut her off and bite your lip to not laugh at the offended look on her face. you can’t forget that. she puts a hand over her chest and dramatically falls back, the sand messing her styled hair. she was curious about those things, and hooked up with a few men to get experience. but you’re glad she found tsukishima, because her past is what prevents her from having a good, long term relationship. but he stands beside her and gently takes care of her, and years later they’re together, ecstatic and it seems you can’t tear them apart.
it’s true what they say, the right one won’t leave.
with the huge, black umbrella covering the upper part of your body, you couldn't help but indulge in his soft, plush lips, which are nipping your own right now. his left hand is cupping your cheek, tilting your head to his desire so the gentle, yet passionate kiss dives in deeper- in all honesty it makes your knees weak. his dainty hands works its way under your baby pink sundress, and give your bare hips a soft squish.
"heh, never knew you're this naughty, tobio." you break away from the kiss, but your faces are near each other, running your fingers through his hair for a moment. you stare at his mesmerizing, blue eyes to regain consciousness because his fiery lips are hovering yours, easily getting hazy just from the feeling of his lips. the way he controls your body as you get lost and drown yourself to the pleasure, and how tingly and ecstatic you become when he finally, finally touches you bare. even if you're the one getting attacked with his star-struck kisses and feather-like touches all over your precious body, your pleasure-headed mind always asks for more.
"no.. no let's stop, angel." you capture his swollen, red lips in another sweet kiss and savor in his lips that are tasting like faint strawberries before breaking the kiss. if there's one thing you learned from being in a relationship with your boyfriend, you had to stop yourself, because those supposed study sessions for him to pass his exams or stacks of school works, always leads to kissing or even slow, heartwarming make out sessions on the beige couch in your living room. or quick, messy sessions in his bedroom because he's utterly distracted by you in your school uniform. and the next day you couldn't even blame each other because you both enjoyed it. after all, sometimes it ends with sleepy kisses and slow, burning touches while the only thing covering your bodies are his dark gray sheets.
"huh, you say that and keep pulling me closer." you thread your fingers with care through his hair, and run your fingernails on his scalp. his one hand supports his weight in order to not fall on top of you, his other busy with caressing your hips. you try your best to avoid squirming under his hold because the atmosphere you two put yourselves in is scorching hot. it makes your body sweat, your lungs tighten from suffocation but you keep swimming, so desperate for his touch and warmth that keeps you sane every time.
"shut.. up, tobio." panting for a moment, you clumsily push the umbrella above you to get some of the fresh air and the natural scent of the ocean across from you. you’re sitting up as you move ahead of him and plop yourself in your boyfriend’s arms. 
"what's with earlier, tobio-chan? gettin' all antsy and... you had to give them a show by us kissing hard, all messy, and sloppy." fiddling with your fingers, you treasure the rose gold promise ring he bought for your second anniversary, which you never removed from your hand- even when the relationship is experiencing a tough road throughout the journey. he’s silent as he leaves a tender kiss on the top of your head, his other hand occupied with the necklace he’s loosely wearing- and instead of another pendant, he used the silver ring that matches with yours. there is a faint tint of rose gold on his, the design is simple- on the top part there are bits of diamonds that twinkle under the sun, and an infinity sign weaves through the band seamlessly.
it’s beautiful, tobio muses to himself as he threads your fingers together. the rose gold circlet on your ring finger looks so gorgeous. he appreciates this about you, being silent as you lose yourself in his warmth. if his doubts and the inner voices keep ringing in his head, all he'd do is take a glimpse of the gorgeous ring fitted on your finger perfectly and those thoughts dissipate from his head. they are exchanged with the happy, smiley thoughts of you that overlap.
"you kissed me back, who's at fault now, pretty angel?" before you could react and hit his bicep playfully, he tightens his embrace on your body, squishing you a little until you’ve settled and formed into a puddle because of his touch- your hands sliding on his arm. you’re not shaking your feet anymore deep on the brown, soft sand. he cocks his head to the right as his navy, blue eyes slowly close and with a turtle’s speed, he brushes his soft, tempting lips below your ear, nipping, and blowing on that spot he knows drives a whimper out of you.
tobio’s such a discreet bastard, you muse as you bury your head more to the crook of his neck and attempt to think of a payback to him later. because what he’s doing to you clouds your mind with hazy pleasure, and he hums lowly as he listens to your breathless symphony he couldn’t get enough of it.
“kags did change a lot, huh? probably because of you.” her hands are occupied with holding a small shot glass carefully as she moves her hand. her eyes are glued to the swaying of the tequila. a soft snort comes out of you— shaking your head instinctively because, if we're being honest, you bloomed differently because of your boyfriend. he's taught you so many things. from being passionate to that one thing you love, that there’s someone who is going to save you when you’re breaking, or that the display of affection isn’t equal to the love and adoration he’s feeling for you. 
“i only helped him, don’t wanna make this all about me.” you take a big sip of your favorite cocktail, the cosmopolitan, mainly because of the blush pink color and the tinge of sweetness that suits your taste better. your boyfriends are on a journey to find the restroom and it has been a while. the loud, open bar the internet recommended is true to its word, the variety of colored lights flashing in an hour, the songs being played on the speakers are prominent, although you’d prefer if they turn the volume up because strangers are drunk and are pretty loud- like they didn’t need to prove they’re all over each other physically. 
oh damn, they need to up their flirting game. 
“what about tsukki? are you guys good?” you smoothly change the topic and inwardly sigh because you’re relieved she didn’t push the topic further. it’s not that you don’t want to talk about your boyfriend. your perspective is leaning on the realistic side and you don’t want to bore her with your life realizations- and you forbid yourself to sound like an old woman while telling about your real feelings and thoughts. 
“yeah! even though he’s still snarky, and teases me before... he’s better now. you know, one time he asked, asked for cuddles! it’s so cute..”
"and i wonder why our classmates are so shocked when he displays affection–like, man–he's a human. he wants touch, his pride gets in the way!" your hands are moving around you to emphasize your opinion, and you smack her lightly on the head the second you hear chuckles coming out of her. you stand on your opinion though, the shield on his heart just needed a hard hit- and successfully she did that. slowly entering his heart and letting his mask crumble when he’s with her. 
"right! still thankful for you that you pushed us to confess... or say some words." you roll your eyes playfully at her statement because you could witness their feelings for one another grow and grow– yet they keep their guard up and wait for the other to make the first move. their relationship reminded you of an anime you watched before, and you push them to confess after school, giving them encouraging words, but mainly you throw them playful threats. 
"just say you confessed." 
"whatever.. oh! remember the time you and kags were all over each other at the res—!" putting your hand over her mouth, muffle out her words in a rush before she can continue. heat blossoms to your neck as you reminisce that memory. it was supposed to be a chill, enjoyable double date even though your man and hers had this urge to be competitive on every thing you did. you ended in another restaurant (which was fancy and expensive). after the course meal, she ordered two wine bottles and tobio got tipsy. you were a bit tipsy but you could make out your surroundings, but the soberness came to a halt when he tugged you and gave you a hard kiss., it wasn’t the problem but- oh god his calloused hands kept moving around your body. for a moment you forgot you were in public and your friends are here—watching you. you pulled away for a moment and went to the bathroom, your happy face turned beet red, the realization coming in and making you more flustered if that was possible.
“what!? you got us tipsy. don’t even turn the tables when i actually saw,” you lower your voice on the end to make her panic which is evident in her eyes. you acting dramatic and slap a hand over your mouth as you shake your head, and your eyes focus on her, along with your finger pointing her body and let out your thoughts in the form of screeching and overreacting—-that’s what you’re good at—-she told you before in college. and your boyfriend instantly nods which resulted in a good old silent treatment for a few days. 
“with my two own eyes, you are taking those kinds of photos for tsukishima!” a teasing smirk is forming on your face and you’re taking another sip of the cocktail. as you’re about to finish the drink, she hits your legs with her little black handbag while she squeals. before you could pay your petty revenge, your boyfriend and tsukishima’s voices make you tense on the wooden stools. making eye contact with her, you pray that they didn’t hear the last part of your conversation because they weren’t supposed to hear that. if they did, they’ll be so embarrassed. 
turning around to see your boyfriend’s eyes on you, you get distracted by his dirty white long sleeves and the first two buttons that are open, and khaki shorts. he walks yet he never tears his dark gaze from you, his eyes now focusing on your tinted lips. his hand swiftly slides on your waist and you have to bite your lip to suppress your whimper since his hold on your body tightens. as for tsukishima, he whispers something to her and you know what’s going to happen. 
"see you tom!! ‘bout to get punished again." you wave the couple a goodbye as you and tobio walk back to the hotel you’re staying in. while you’re going back, he gives a soft peck on your temple and holds your bag. he suddenly stops walking and pulls you away from the crowd. he cups your cheek, which is getting red as he faces you. you’re becoming flustered by the stupid smirk growing on his face and, he rests his chin on your shoulder. his breath fans on your ear before he murmurs, his voice getting husky which makes your knees weak.
“oh angel, just take me well, yeah?”
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clairebear1298 · 3 years
So. My submission for the Fluff Crawlspace is really only, like, 2/3 fluff. Because I'm me, and I can't help but throw in a little angst in what's supposed to be a day to celebrate adorable, light-hearted Shamy goodness. But I hope you enjoy it anyways:
The parameters of Date Night became much more blurred once Sheldon and Amy started living together. They were with each other constantly now- at home, at work, and everywhere in between (literally; they drove together from the apartment to CalTech every day). They had virtually every meal together now, even at work, so did that make every time they ate together a date? What about when they watched a movie, or went to a lecture, or spent any kind of quality time together? It was a pesky game of semantics that Sheldon still wasn’t sure how to clarify in their Relationship Agreement.
Regardless, Date Night remained a fixture in their lives, every second Thursday of the month or every third in a month with five Thursdays. It was comforting, in a way; no matter how their relationship would evolve or change, no matter the discoveries they would make, the children they would have, or the years they would share together, taking one evening a month to get dolled up for a night on the town to reconnect would remain a constant. Their love would always be a priority.
So it took Sheldon by surprise, when it was Amy’s turn to pick the location of their next Date Night, that she chose to have a night in. Amy always enjoyed a little pomp and circumstance when it came to their dates, so when she told him that they were just going to order chinese food and stay in their regular day clothes, Sheldon was more than a little suspicious. He’d been with her long enough to recognize when she was trying to butter him up, but if there was one thing that he loved, it was getting his way even if there was an ulterior motive behind it. And besides, a low-key night at home with his girlfriend would be worth the price of whatever said girlfriend had up her cardigan sleeve.
Unless that price was watching what was to him the most dreaded movie sub-genre in existence. The rom-com musical.
“La La Land?” Sheldon asked as he sat on the loveseat, arms crossed and staring down his girlfriend. “You mean the movie that won Best Picture for all of two minutes before going to the actual deserving film?”
Amy paused in the middle of unwrapping the DVD to look at him. “You know about that?”
“Of course, it’s all Penny talked about for weeks. I also learned from her that the movie is full of unrealistic bursts into song, signs of Hollywood’s narcissistic self-absorption, and jazz.” Sheldon crossed his arms and sat back in his seat. “I won’t let you put me through this.”
“If I can sit through the extended edition of Batman v. Superman for you, you can sit through this for me.”
“No buts. It’s my turn to pick the movie. End of story.” And with that, Amy popped the DVD in and moved to the couch, plopping the popcorn between them as she went. “I won’t even make you hold my hand this time.”
Sheldon sighed. It was only when Amy was irritated that she started picking at years long fights like this one. “I’ve told you, I don’t object to holding your hand in general, but for prolonged periods it gets sweaty and itchy and keeps me from paying attention-”
“Just start the movie, Sheldon,” Amy said.
And so he did. From the moment the movie opened with people dancing on cars on a freeway he unfortunately knew well, Sheldon knew he was in for a miserable ride. He heaved a sigh at Mia’s acting woes and rolled his eyes at Seb’s hipster attitudes. Never mind that he found the colors aesthetically pleasing or the script surprisingly sharp, nothing could save the horrendous, erratic notes of jazz. Even if Seb’s passionate explanation of the genre reminded Sheldon of Physics.
Then as the movie was bathed in the purples and pinks and a hint of orange, and Mia and Seb tap danced to the backdrop of a Los Angeles sunset, Sheldon somehow found his toes tapping out a soft rhythm with them. Amy glanced down at his feet as well, and Sheldon quickly drew them closer to the couch and out of her line of sight.
But it was the scene at the Griffith Observatory that did him in, the horror he felt at their audacity to sneak in after hours offset by his fantasy of enjoying the museum without the usual throng of people surrounding him. And as Seb and Mia gazed into the astral projected sky, and as he lifted her into the starry night, Sheldon felt his hand creep slowly around the half-full popcorn bowl and towards Amy. Maybe it was his deeply secret love of astronomy, or their perfect waltz pose, or the memories of dancing with his own love as the universe watched over, but just as the scene began fading into white Sheldon decided to leave old arguments and his own stubbornness behind and take his girlfriend’s hand.
As the music drifted down from it’s crescendo, Amy glanced at him, and they shared a smile before turning back to the movie.
The rest of the movie was expressed through their hands. Sheldon found his thumb tapping out a rhythm on Amy’s hand during the summer montage, and Amy’s fingers grew restless and fidgety when Seb left to go on tour. Sheldon’s nails dug into her palm during their argument, and they both held each other in a vice grip when Seb chose to skip Mia’s show. They relaxed during Mia’s audition, and as Seb and Mia sat on the bench afterward Amy slipped her other hand into the crook of his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. But Sheldon felt himself grow more and more tense throughout the epilogue, his hand going cold in hers, and in the final moment where Mia and Seb parted ways he dropped it altogether.
“Well,” Sheldon declared as he tossed the remote aside. “That was a colossal waste of time.”
“What do you mean? You seemed like you were enjoying it.”
“How can I enjoy a movie with an ending like that?” Sheldon stood abruptly, grabbing the long abandoned popcorn and taking it to the kitchen. “You take two characters, endear your audience to them, demonstrate over and over how perfect they are for each other, and then break them up for good?”
“They wanted different things,” Amy said. “Their dreams didn’t align anymore.”
“They would’ve been fine,” Sheldon said as he emptied the popcorn into some tupperware with a little too much vigor. “Mia could’ve done her movie and then gone back to Seb.”
“But he was touring with the band,” Amy argued as she rose to join Sheldon in the kitchen. “They just grew apart, that’s all.”
“They didn’t even try!”
“They did try, and it only made them grow to resent each other,” Amy said, resting her arms as she stood at the island. “They broke up so they wouldn’t keep hurting each other. All that long distance, back and forth and back again. It would’ve been too much work.”
“It’s not too much work for the person you love!” Sheldon almost shouted, making Amy take a step back again. “No, the problem was that they put their own ambitions above each other. A partnership is about working to achieve your dreams together so that you can have it all in the end. Is it even worth it to open that jazz club, or get that Oscar, or win that Nobel Prize if you don’t have the love of your life to share it with?”
The air hung heavy after Sheldon’s words, the silence deafening. Sheldon felt his eyes grow wide in realization of the carefully guarded emotions he let slip to the surface, and he quickly turned to avoid seeing Amy’s face. He had no clue what Amy must be thinking, and he feared the worst until he felt her small arms come around to hug him from behind.
“I didn’t know you felt that way,” Amy whispered, her head pressed between his shoulder blades.
Sheldon’s hand came up to grasp her own, feeling like he and Amy were fused together as one, like this was how they had always been meant to be. “Well, now you know,” he said, speaking just as softly.
“Sheldon…” He heard Amy’s voice grow tight along with her embrace around his middle. “You know I’m always going to come back, right?”
Sheldon craned his head to look at the black suitcase sitting in the corner of the living room, its omen constantly draped over them as Amy’s departure for Princeton drew ever closer. He turned in Amy’s arms so he could look at her. “That wasn’t what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
Sheldon released a heavy sigh as his hands came to rest on her shoulders. “I wasn’t talking about you, I promise. I meant it when I said that this is a chance you need to take. I was talking about me, before, before…” Sheldon thought back to years of putting his work before Amy, of looking down on her achievements, of taking for granted that she would always be there until she left behind the shattered pieces of his heart in the middle of Howard’s living room. “Before.”
Amy stepped closer to him so that their chests pressed into each other, her heart beating beneath his. “Well… we’re just gonna have to find a way to make sure our dreams align.”
Sheldon tilted his head down so he could look at her, a smile playing at his lips despite his earlier melancholy. “We’re two of the smartest people on the planet. I’m sure we’ll think of something.”
Amy grinned back, then stood on her toes to kiss him before turning back to put away the popcorn. With her no longer looking at him, Sheldon took a chance to glance at the bookshelf beside their bedroom door, where Gollum stood watch over a certain something tucked behind a stack of comic books, where Amy was sure to never venture near. That could be one way to get their dreams aligned… but no, it wasn’t time yet. He didn’t know when it would be time, but people seemed pretty adamant that he’d know when it would. So for now, he would wait. Maybe after the summer, when Amy came back to him. Because she was right, no matter how long she left, she always came back.
But there was one thing he knew without a doubt, as he wrapped an arm around Amy and she held his hand in reply as they turned off the lights and went to bed. He was adding the La La Land soundtrack to his Spotify, even if it was jazz.
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The Rose Tyler and Bill Potts
did you mean: the two most powerful women in all of doctor who? i think you did, nonny!!!
let us begin with, as you put it, The Rose Tyler...
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general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: i cannot pick just one. i'm physically unable to do that. so, i'm just gonna have to go with "absolutely everything about her, including but not limited to: her courage, her love for the doctor, her sense of justice and standing up for what's right, her smile, her fashion sense, her sense of adventure, and the fact that she saves the entire multiverse, repeatedly." that should about do it, i think!
worst quality: she frequently does not treat mickey well, because she definitely still has teenage relationship brain when the show first starts. tends to focus wholly on the doctor, to the exclusion of anyone else.
ship them with: the doctor!!!! first and foremost and always, in basically every incarnation. but also: alt!verse doctors (alec hardy, malcolm tucker, maybe crowley if he's feeling bisexual), charley pollard (it's called taste!), and in my little gay heart, bill potts (THEIR FIRST DATE, THEY HAD CHIPS)!!!
brotp them with: donna and martha and clara and amy and sarah jane and...
needs to stay away from: all harm. also, suspicious-looking rips in the universe that she might potentially fall through.
misc. thoughts: no thoughts, head empty. only love.
and now onto miss bill potts...
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general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine i guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: once again, asking me to pick just one would be impossible. she asks the right questions!! she is smart and funny and gorgeous, and she keeps the doctor on their toes, which is something that they absolutely need. her fashion sense is incredible, her humanity warms me to the bone, and she's never done anything wrong in her entire life!!!
worst quality: has none. is an angel.
ship them with: heather, obvs, but also rose and also sometimes clara.
brotp them with: the doctor, nardole, and i can also see her really vibing with donna, because they'd both have so much shit to talk about the doctor.
needs to stay away from: cybermen. also, tropes that involve... maybe shovels... with which you might... bury someone... say, your gays.
misc. thoughts: she and rose should kiss!!!!
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shadamyheadcanons · 3 years
Shadow Sensations (5/5)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“Maybe it can be fixed.”
Amy grumbled as she looked at the sandal in her hand. The plastic part built to fit between one’s toes had ripped clean through the sole. “I wish. Once one breaks like this, it’s all over.”
Shadow wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they sat on the curb. “Hey, it’s alright. I’m just glad it was only the shoe that got stuck under the tire and not your foot!”
She half-smiled up at his reassuring face. “Well, when you put it that way, I guess it’s not that bad.”
He rubbed her shoulder encouragingly. “It’ll be alright. Do you want me to drive? It’d probably feel weird to drive with just one shoe on.”
Amy glanced down to where she’d crossed her left foot over her right to keep it off of the asphalt. “Well, my right shoe’s intact, so I can drive alright, but that’s not what I’m sad about.”
He leaned forward to look at her face. “What do you mean?”
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, and then she pouted. “There’s a big loop up ahead that goes through the park,” she said, pointing to a paved path across the street. “The trees are really beautiful this time of year, and there’s a huge lake at the other end of the loop. I really wanted to walk there with you once we were done with our ice cream.” She sighed. “And now we can’t. I’m not even injured, I just broke my shoe! This is ridiculous!” She glanced back at the broken sandal, only to notice it was the same one that she’d snagged when she almost fell down the stairs. Her eyes burned. What else is going to come back and bite me today?!
Shadow was remarkably quiet next to her. She looked up to see he was staring intently ahead at the path while scratching his chin. “Uh...Shadow?”
He didn’t respond. His gaze flitted from the path to her feet, then up to her face. “Hmm...”
Gradually, his red eyes seemed to ignite. His mouth spread into a satisfied smile, but his eyes remained determined and serious. The expression held mischief, and something made Amy feel wary of it, as if he were about to do something dangerous. She squinted back at him. “Shadow, why are you looking at me like that?”
Before she could react, he’d scooped her up and stood up, one hand holding her back while the other held under her knees. She squawked and flailed, latching onto his torso. “SHADOW, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
Shadow strode forward, calmly looking both ways before he skated across the street. “Problem solved.”
“Shadow, why are you doing this?!” Amy wrapped one arm around his neck and fisted his shirt with the other, mostly just to have something to do with her hands, as he clearly wasn’t struggling to hold her up at all.
Shadow kept skating at a leisurely pace, seemingly ignorant to her panicked tone and the multitude of people staring at them. “If my girl wants to go for a walk in the park with me, we’re going for a walk in the park.”
Amy gave a short cough, struggling to cope with the embarrassment of being carried in public—as well as hearing him call her ‘my girl,’ something her heart was far too happy with considering the situation. “Shadow, this is ridiculous! We can do this another time. You’re just being silly!”
“That has been known to happen from time to time. Enjoy it while it lasts.” She could see the hint of a smirk on his face. She tried another approach.
“You know, we don’t have to do this now. You’ve already lifted a car today, after all.”
“Half a car.”
“Amy Rose, you are light as a feather,” he laughed, glancing down at her. “I could carry you all day if I had to.”
Amy huffed and resigned herself to her situation. Shadow’s as stubborn as I am when he gets stuck on something like this. Besides, this is...kind of nice... The trees were just turning for the start of autumn. Leaves fluttered down slowly, and a light breeze ruffled her fur. The scenery glided past at a comfortable clip while her body swayed gently back and forth with Shadow’s long strides. Maybe I should get a pair of shoes like his. This is so much smoother than running. She took in a slow, relaxed breath.
Before long, though, her focus shifted from the foliage to all the people staring at her. Even the dogs were looking at her funny from their leashes. She groaned and snatched the hat from her head so she could hide her face in it.
She heard Shadow chuckle a bit above her. She shifted the hat just enough to give him the most menacing glare she could. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”
The glare had no effect on Shadow. He glanced down at her reddened face and bit his lip to keep from cracking up. “Of course I am. Aren’t you?”
“Of course not!” she snapped reflexively. “Everyone’s staring at me. It’s embarrassing!”
His face remained impassive at her desperate hiss. “So don’t worry about them.”
“You say that like it’s easy.” She wrinkled the brim of her hat in her fingers.
“It is,” he replied simply. “How many of these people will you ever meet? Will you befriend any of them? Do their opinions actually matter?”
The bluntness of it made her wrinkle her nose at first, but he wasn’t exactly wrong. Shadow was so often on the receiving end of others’ negative opinions—and worse. Sympathy tugged at her heart, but when she looked back up at his face, she couldn’t see any pain. Sensing her gaze, he responded with a brief but gentle smile.
Amy gazed up at him for a few seconds, then looked between the myriad of unfamiliar faces, just a handful in a city of thousands. Some faces were confused or judgmental, but most were either curious or amused—at them, not just her, she realized. Amy smiled a little at the thought of being some weird enigma that brightened a stranger’s day just a bit. If Shadow can do it, so can I.
Shadow’s voice chimed in above her once more, almost sounding whimsical. “Besides, isn’t this romantic?”
Amy let out a bark of laughter and gaped at him. “Excuse me? How is this romantic?”
He kept moving, not at all thrown off by her reaction. “It’s a beautiful walk in the park, just like you said.”
“First of all,” she cut in, “neither of us are walking. You’re skating, and I’m awkwardly being carried in your arms. Not exactly what I pictured.”
Shadow scoffed. “Uh, yeah. Carried. Ever heard of bridal style?”
Amy opened her mouth and then clamped it shut to avoid laughing at his joke. She shook her head. “Shadow, you have a very loose definition of ‘romantic’.” She hid her face behind the hat again, and he laughed.
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“So...what were you saying earlier about panicking?”
Amy looked up from the beautiful lake in front of them. “Panicking?”
“You said you panicked after our first date. It wasn’t completely negative, right?” He stretched his arm out to rest it over the back of the park bench behind her. “You did ask me out, so...”
Amy’s face soured. She debated whether or not it was worth it to try and weasel her way out of it, or at least delay it. After some deliberation, she sighed. Might as well get the embarrassment over with.
“There’s not much to tell, really. I went to see Blaze and Cream right away. I thought they would help, but they immediately interrogated me instead. Those two are merciless when it comes to extracting information.”
Shadow visibly held in a laugh at her dramatic description. “Those two? Really? Blaze I can understand, but Cream...?”
Amy shook her head insistently. “No, it’s the two of them together. They’re relentless! Cream relaxes you and softens you up, and then Blaze strikes when you least expect it!”
Shadow pondered this, then said, “Like ‘good cop, bad cop’?”
“Exactly!” Her eyes narrowed. “You’re laughing. I’m not laughing.”
Shadow bit his lip to suppress a smile. “So what did they say?”
Amy looked away and crossed her arms. “Cream seemed to think we were in some kind of romance novel, but she’s thirteen. Everything’s a romance novel to her right now.”
There was a pause before Shadow made a soft sound of acknowledgement, then admitted, “It felt like a romance novel to me.”
Amy’s heart clenched. “Until the end, right?”
Shadow shrugged. “Who says the book’s finished?”
Amy’s heart thumped at that, and she leaned into him with a giddy smile. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her a little closer.
For a moment, they just sat comfortably, looking out at the lake and seeing the way the trees were reflected upon it. Leaves fell on the surface, creating soft ripples.
Amy had completely relaxed against Shadow, enjoying the comfort of his warmth, his nice scent, and the soft, caring way he held her. Unfortunately, as soon as she considered she’d even be content just to stay there for the rest of the day with him in companionable silence, he spoke.
“So what did Blaze say?”
Amy shut her eyes tightly and groaned under her breath. She felt more than heard his chuckle. “If you must know, she cornered me with precise questions and basically told me to think about it...and I guess it’s good that she did. It made it impossible to ignore my feelings.”
“Feelings? Which feelings?” She could hear the mock innocence in his voice.
He tried to pull back a bit to see her face, but she stubbornly stayed close to avoid eye contact. “Soooo...after that, I was extra conflicted,” she continued, purposely dodging his questions. “So I talked to Sonic about it to see if he could help.”
“You too?”
Amy did pull away this time at the intrigue in his tone. “You asked Sonic for advice, too?”
Shadow snorted. “You think I’d ask him?” The snide tone of his voice was meant to be sarcastic, but there was definitely truth in his words. “What did he say to you?”
Amy looked down at her hands, which remained clasped in her lap. “He straight-up told me I liked you, that he was happy for me, and...” Her eyes squinted, then widened. “He said he was afraid you’d never ‘get the guts’ to ask me out!” She giggled, happy to catch him in something embarrassing, too. “How long have you liked me? What started all this?”
Shadow looked down at his feet. He was trying to keep his expression blank, but Amy could see it was a bit pinched. “I’ve always liked you in general. You’re a friendly, likable, compassionate person, and you’ve always been in my corner, standing up for me when others wouldn’t. I can’t say that about too many people.” He tilted his head up and examined the lake in front of him. “We started spending more time together a few months ago. I didn’t stand a chance.” He shook his head. His tone was an odd combination of fond and bitter. “I’ve seen it happen to plenty of guys. I knew it was only a matter of time, but I couldn’t stay away. I liked you too much.”
Amy was touched, yet confused. Shadow finally looked over to her, then frowned. “What is it?”
Amy’s eyes darted to him. “’Plenty of guys’?”
Shadow turned his head entirely to give her a deadpan expression. “Oh, come on. It’s not like you to fish for compliments.”
Amy didn’t know whether to feel baffled or indignant. “What are you talking about?”
Shadow’s expression turned from blunt to skeptical. “Surely you know by now. You’re kind, open-minded, passionate, strong, and beautiful. Who wouldn’t want to date you?”
Amy’s face burned from the flattery, and her eyes watered. “But...no one...”
Sympathy spread across Shadow’s face. “Come here.” He pulled her close with both arms. “Of course they do. They just don’t act on it because you’re so open with your feelings for Sonic that they assume they’ll get rejected.”
All these years...? Amy sniffed and bit her lip, willing herself not to cry. “Then why did you?”
Shadow softly rubbed her scalp. “Because Sonic told me to.” Amy tilted her head up, perplexed. Shadow smiled down at her. “I assumed there was a 90% chance that you’d shoot me down, but Sonic convinced me the remaining 10% was worth it.”
At the sincere sentiment and the tender look Shadow gave her, Amy’s lip quivered. She buried her face in his shirt and held him more tightly. He gently stroked her back and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, paparazzi be damned.
After about twenty seconds, they were interrupted, but it wasn’t by the paparazzi. A low hum caught Amy’s attention, and she reluctantly pulled away from Shadow to look for the source of it. The hum rapidly grew louder until she could barely stand it. Oh God, what now?! Way up high over the trees, she spotted a large, flat, circular metallic aircraft advancing. Amy squinted at the red monstrosity, noticing a familiar logo on the underside. She groaned. She and Shadow both slapped their hands over their ears at the deafening screech of feedback that made itself known all over the park. Humans shrieked and ran for the cover of the trees as the airborne eyesore made its way over the lake. A horribly familiar voice rang out over their heads through a cheap sound system.
“Seriously? He’s really reduced himself to the point of attacking random city parks?” Shadow asked, clearly unimpressed. “Sometimes I wonder if all the failures have gotten to him.”
Amy barely heard him. She stood up and clenched her hands into tight fists. I’ve had just about enough.
The aircraft passed the lake and stopped to hover right in front of it. The dull sound of badniks being dropped to the ground from Eggman’s ship met Amy’s ears, and she heard Shadow get up to stand beside her. “If you want, I can take care of him. You know, with the missing shoe and all that.”
Amy shook her head curtly. “I could beat this blowhard barefoot. Let’s go.” He nodded next to her.
Once the badniks got close enough, Amy spin dashed forward to avoid walking, knocking badniks out of the way like bowling pins as she did so. Shadow followed her lead. By the time they were within earshot of Eggman, they’d taken out every robot in the way. Amy balanced easily on her right foot, keeping the left one on the back of her sandal. She crossed her arms and glared at the ship with simmering irritation. Finally, Eggman popped his head out of the cockpit about two hundred feet in the air. At first, fear spread across his face at the sight of the two of them, but he shook it off. Before he could say anything, Amy confronted him.
Amy didn’t hear Eggman’s smug laughter. She didn’t see Shadow’s concerned look. Nothing mattered but the pure rage and frustration at everything they’d had to deal with and the way Shadow had been treated all day. She fixed Eggman with a glare so cold and ruthless that he recoiled.
Past the blood pounding in Amy’s ears, she could hear Shadow make a sound that hovered between impressed and terrified. Eggman’s bravado faltered.
Amy’s eyes darted between the flying robotic drones that hovered around, and she performed some mental calculations. She smirked.
Shadow stepped closer to her and whispered, “By that look, I’m guessing you’ve got this one?”
Amy’s heart grew a little warmer at that. “You know me too well.” She handed him her hat, pecked him on the cheek, and smiled. He grinned back, and her heart skipped a beat before she turned back to the aircraft with a determined smirk that made Eggman flinch. Without another word, Amy spin dashed closer to the drones and swiftly jumped up high. She launched herself toward the first one with a rage-fueled homing attack. She repeated the move, crashing through drone after drone with each precise strike, using them to climb higher and higher. Distantly, she thought she could hear Eggman whine something about how it wouldn’t work, but she disregarded it.
She counted down how many robots were left, and when she reached the last one, she whipped out her hammer and aggressively hammer jumped off of it, channeling every shred of anger she’d accumulated to launch herself all the way up to the aircraft with a powerful cry. She hooked her hammer into the lip at the ship’s edge. She reveled in the noise of panic she heard from the cockpit as she pulled herself up, hand-over-hand on the hammer’s handle until she could latch onto the lip of the ship with her hands and painstakingly pull her body high enough to swing a leg over the edge. Once Amy had hauled herself up safely, she smiled in mock innocence at the fear in Eggman’s eyes as he cowered at the other edge of the cockpit. With one last leap, she shot a final homing attack at the glass and shattered it. She landed three feet from Eggman and pressed her hammer to his head, false smile still on her face.
“You’re going to leave Shadow and me alone from now on. Mmkay?” Eggman nodded stiffly, shaking as he looked up at the head of her hammer. “Great! Then we won’t have problems.” She raised her hammer over her head and paused. He cringed. She debated with herself, sighed, and brought it down just hard enough to knock him out.
Once he slumped back in his chair, Amy nodded in satisfaction, jumped out of the cockpit, and hopped over the edge. She swung her hammer one more time as hard as she could. The ship went flying, way over the lake to land far away on the other side.
It was at that moment that Amy realized her mistake. The momentum of the swing made her spin and threw her off. She propeller-hammered as best she could to slow her descent, but she was thrown off-kilter and became dizzy far too soon. In her disoriented state, she did her best to find the ground. She knew she was falling slowly enough that she’d be alright, but she was definitely high enough to risk a broken leg or two. She whined sadly. Just when I thought things were getting better...
Instead of feeling the impact of the ground, though, she felt the much more welcome contact of someone’s arms. Being caught halfway down slowed her descent, and they landed safely on the ground a moment later.
After a few seconds, she opened her clenched eyes and looked up to see a pair of concerned, caring red eyes looking down at her. Shadow relaxed and sighed. “I know you said you had it handled, but...I still wanted to help out a little bit.”
He’d caught her by the waist so she was facing him this time. Her feet were a couple inches from the ground. She gave an exhausted laugh and wrapped her arms around his shoulders to relieve some of the weight. She stayed there comfortably and nuzzled his chest. “Thank you.”
He kissed the top of her head. “That...might be the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. And here I thought I couldn’t get any more floored today after the car thing.” She could hear an elated laugh in his voice. “And...did I hear you call me your boyfriend, by any chance?”
Amy snorted. “Wellll...it was the easiest way of saying it, and...you know...” She peeked up at him. “I hope you didn’t mind.”
He smirked and shuffled her up higher to look at her straight-on. “I guess I could live with that.”
Amy’s heart leapt, and she smiled back. He leaned forward, and she met him halfway, pressing their lips together. They stayed that way for a moment before they were interrupted by applause from all around them. Amy pulled away to look around. Throughout the park all around them, grateful humans cheered and whistled for what Amy had done. She laughed in joy and rubbed her nose against Shadow’s when she saw how tenderly he was looking at her. She rested her chin on his shoulder and heard him mutter, “If I know G.U.N., they’ll be here any minute to investigate. We could do the proper, responsible thing and stick around to file a police report, orrrr...”
She giggled. “You wanna get out of here?”
She could hear the smirk in his voice. “I think I know a place.”
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When Chaos Control’s green light faded, Amy looked up from Shadow’s chest. They were surrounded by trees on three sides, but when she looked in the other direction, she gasped.
The woods opened up to the edge of a steep mountainside. Down below, a huge valley stretched for miles. The autumn foliage painted the scene in shades of orange and yellow. The colors were set off beautifully by the sun, which was just beginning to set. Amy just gaped at it for a while.
“Want to sit down?”
She turned her head to Shadow when he spoke. His face was a combination of pride and fondness. She couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure.”
Shadow carefully lowered her onto a flat, rocky area in a sitting position to face the valley. She could see him move behind her out of the corner of her eye, but she wasn’t sure what he was up to until she heard his shoes scrape on the gravel as he lowered himself to sit behind her. He stretched his legs out on either side of her, and she soon felt herself pulled back to lean back against his chest. Her heart immediately pounded at the close proximity and his body heat around her.
He’s been carrying me half the day, and we’ve hugged plenty of times! Why does this feel so...different?!
She felt a finger poke at her cheek, and she turned to see Shadow resting his chin on her shoulder. “Is this okay? I can just sit next to you if you’d feel more comfortable.”
Seeing his face right there made her face flame. Her eyes went wide. She averted them and stiffly replied, “NOPE! This is fine!”
He didn’t look convinced. “Are you sure?”
Amy grumbled and pouted. “I...I meant what I said!”
Something about her nervous tone and awkward expression seemed to amuse him. “You got it.” He squeezed her torso fondly, and she squeaked softly at the gesture. He pressed a kiss to her cheek.
The affectionate gestures combined with the way they were sitting made her feel a bit flustered; she somehow felt relaxed, restless, warm, and shaky all at once. To try and distract herself while she calmed down, she looked down at the valley and asked, “How did you find this place?”
He hummed a little. “I can get a decent sense of what an area is like even before I see it by the pattern of its chaos energy, but it’s mostly just exploring. It took me a while to find this one, but I didn’t mind. I love seeing new places.” She could see his soft grin out of the corner of her eye. “I always wanted to see what Earth was like. The scientists aboard the ARK told me it was beautiful, but I didn’t know how beautiful it was until I saw it with my own two eyes. Color photography was still limited. It could never have captured something like this,” he stressed, gesturing to the foliage in front of them. “And beyond that...no one told me how much it changes. You remember how thrown off I was by the seasons. This place is a perfect example. It’s beautiful with fall leaves and winter snow, but in the spring, I might prefer to visit a pond or a meadow to hear and see all the new wildlife that’s cropped up after the harsh winter, and I might enjoy visiting beaches and seeing the colors of different sands and oceans in the summer. I like seeing how much fun people have, all the lively families and kids enjoying themselves. The Earth is so full of life. I love exploring it, even when I don’t find any spots like this in particular.”
Amy’s heart was pounding at the poetic imagery. She watched him with wide, shining eyes. He looked up from the valley and noticed her admiring gaze. “Uh...Amy? You’re supposed to watch the sunset, right?” He was trying to keep the laughter out of his voice.
Amy snapped her attention back to the scenery, embarrassed at having been caught. “Right! Right. I just...” She leaned back against him and smiled. “That was just...really beautiful.” For a while, the two just shared a comfortable silence as they admired the mountains. Amy’s smile waned a bit.
“What’s wrong?”
Amy looked down at her hands. “I’m so sorry about today. So many things went wrong! I really wanted this date to be perfect, like yours was! I hate seeing the way people treat you sometimes.”
Amy could hear the smile in Shadow’s voice as he responded. “What are you talking about? I loved today.”
Amy tore her face away from the mountains again to stare at him, baffled. “But that jerk who hit you—”
“—isn’t worth getting worked up over.”
“And Eggman—”
“—is so out of touch that he thinks Sonic and I would make reasonable stand-ins for each other.” His face turned sour. “I am pretty pissed that he implied you’re shallow and scummy enough to do that, but something tells me he won’t try that again.”
Shadow’s calming tone and the caring way he held her kept Amy mostly calm, but she was still unhappy. “It hurts me to see it. I hate that it’s happened so many times that you’re used to it.”
Amy knew most people would just tell her to drop it when she got hung up on something like this, but Shadow wasn’t most people. He looked away from the valley and gazed at her instead. “I won’t lie. It really does suck to be judged unfairly sometimes. I learned years ago not to take strangers’ criticisms of me to heart. They don’t know enough about me to form an opinion worth listening to. The only people I need to worry about are my friends. The ones who bother to find out what kind of person I am.” He briefly shut his eyes. “It’s just how I deal with it. Rouge and Omega know that, too. They’ll stick up for me, but they ultimately know I’ll fight any battles I think are worth fighting. Everyone just figures I’ll look after myself...except for one person.”
Shadow’s expression was unreadable. Amy paused. A bit of sadness crept in. “Does it bother you that I’m like that?”
A small smirk appeared on Shadow’s face. “If I resented that, I’d never have asked you out.” At her confused expression, he continued. “I can’t tell you how nice it feels to have someone care about me so much that they’ll go out of their way to defend me even against everyday jerks who don’t matter to me. You chased down a dumb teenager for me. You bothered to grab ice even though you knew I’d heal. You got pissed enough to claw your way two hundred feet up to an airship to beat Eggman up after he insulted me. Do you...” He shook his head and laughed. “It makes me feel so...valued. Cared for. Protected.”
Amy wasn’t sure whether to feel proud or sad. “But...your friends, too, right...?”
“In a different way. Rouge and Omega do care about me. I know they’re willing to fight with me...but you’re the only one who’ll fight for me. There’s no one else out there who thinks Shadow the hedgehog needs to be protected.”
Amy tried to keep a straight face. A snort escaped, and then both of them were cackling at the concept. “Well, when you say it like that, it sounds a little silly.”
“It’s not silly!” Shadow managed through his laughs. “It’s badass, and I love it! You’ll willingly stand between me and a threat. There’s no one else like you.”
“Soooo...you don’t want me to stop, then?” Amy asked, hopeful.
Shadow shook his head with a wry smile. “I would never ask you to stop being you, Amy Rose. After you stand up for me, I always feel so flattered and blown away that I forget all about what anyone else said. It really doesn’t bother me anymore. Just promise me you won’t dwell on problems you’ve already solved, okay? I want you to be happy.”
His smile made her heart skip a beat. She grinned back shyly and snuggled against him. “I suppose I can do that.”
“Good.” Shadow pulled her closer and rested his chin on top of her head. She sighed, finally relaxing fully in his arms while they watched the sun set over the mountains.
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Shadow warped them back to Amy’s car once darkness crept in. She checked all of her tires, spare included, just in case, but everything seemed to be in working order. Once she’d pulled into Shadow’s driveway, Amy walked him to the door. She stood close to him and took a deep breath. “So...are we doing this again soon?” she asked, showing him her best winning smile.
He looked like he was trying not to seem affected by it, but his own smile showed itself. He laughed softly and looked down. “Well, that depends. We both agree this was a date, right? And the next one will be, too? You actually like me?” His voice was teasing but excited at the prospect.
Amy gave a fake gasp. “NO WAY!” She giggled. “Yeah...I do. I really do.” She bit her lip and shuffled her foot. His smirk widened into a more genuine, tender smile. He wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer, and she wrapped hers around his neck. Her pulse quickened as she leaned in, seeing the way his eyes softened. She finally closed the last few centimeters, and her eyes slid shut at the warm, gentle feeling.
They remained that way for a few seconds, just enjoying the contact. One of Shadow’s hands slipped up to cradle the back of her head, and he pressed the other hand against the small of her back to pull her body closer. Her heart pounded a little faster, and she tilted her head to kiss him more deeply. She leaned in and fisted a hand in his shirt to anchor herself and reach him more easily. He sighed and responded.
After a while, they stopped, but they stayed just as close, panting against each other’s lips and keeping eye contact. The way Shadow patiently, carefully held her close made a soft smile spread across Amy’s face.
“Better?” he asked against her lips, a hint of teasing apparent in his voice.
“Much better,” she agreed, giggling.
Once he’d gone back in, Amy carefully started back toward her car. Giddy though she was, she still didn’t feel quite whimsical enough to hop on one foot all the way back, so she stepped hesitantly over the asphalt, tentatively avoiding the sharper pebbles. Like most Mobians, she hardly ever went barefoot, so her progress was slow.
Just as she was half-sarcastically weighing the merits of hammer-jumping or spin dashing to her car instead, she picked up on some muffled voices from Shadow’s apartment. He was too soft-spoken to be heard, but Rouge’s voice cut through the door easily, fueled as it was by apparent irritation.
“Oh, I know the date went great. There’s a camera right there. I could see you two sucking face out there just fine.”
Amy covered her giggles. Shadow’s mumbles sounded indignant.
“Don’t act surprised, Shadow, you’ve known me for years. I’m just saying, you can’t let her go home like that! It’s rude!”
After an unintelligible but slightly whiny response from Shadow, Amy heard shuffling behind the door. Rouge yanked it open and tossed an object out to land at Amy’s feet. Her eyes widened at the left sandal on the ground in front of her. She looked back up when Rouge spoke.
“You can return that once he’s bold enough to invite you over,” Rouge hinted with a wink.
Amy hid her face as she laughed. “Thanks, Rouge.”
Rouge gave an understanding nod. “Drive safe, kid.” Amy’s heart warmed as she gratefully slipped her foot into the sandal, noting that what you need in life doesn’t always come from where—or who—you expect.
But if it fits, you’ll know.
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cutegirlmayra · 3 years
Classic sonamy prompt if I may ask, Sonic has just finished up another adventure and is telling Rosy to go home. When she refuses he offers to take her there himself. Except Rosy refuses because she's homeless and too ashamed to tell Sonic so she lies and says her house was robbed! Like the whole thing stolen. Sonic tries to find the house and the lie gets too big until finally Rosy comes clean embarrassed. Sonic not wanting his friend to suffer lets her stay with him and builds a house for her.
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(Art found here (x) Please support the official artist!)
PROMPTS--GUESS WHAT?--THAT’S RIGHT! SHUTDOWN. Don’t send me’em. I’ll tell your mom.
Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests - Ep 1 (x) - Time where I discussed thoughts on this prompt idea before probably changing the entire concept? (37:05)
Tumbling down from the air, a large explosion blasts the latest Robotnik BossEgg as Classic Sonic lands triumphantly and stands up, holding Rosy the Rascal in his arms, otherwise known as Classic Amy Rose.
Eggman seems to cry out and shake his fist, but breathes smoke in and starts coughing, so he isn’t able to pursue as Sonic smirks up to him and races off.
Eggman turns around and cries out, gripping his head when his ‘mountain base’ suddenly blasts in small degrees, his mustaches--which were metal plates placed on the mountain--droop down to show sorrow and then the whole thing explodes.
Having no where to go... he slumps down and flies off, cursing Sonic’s name and threatening a bigger and even better plan for next time!
“That’ll show’em!” Amy cheers, kicking her legs out as she looks behind Sonic’s shoulder. “Let’s see how he likes his home being trashed up by a bunch of... of... uhh... Well, if robots destroy our home, would living things attacking his be the same counterpart?” she turned back to relax in his arms and put her finger to her mouth, still working on those ‘witty catchphrases and comebacks’ which she had learned was something Sonic was fond of.
To be more adored, she tried to implement them, but it didn’t seem to effect this ‘one-track mind’ hero.
She blinked up at him, seeing he was focused on running, and smiled sweetly with admiration. Her eyes arched and she nestled herself back to being comfortable for the ride. “Nevermind~ We’re both safe, that’s all that counts.”
“Speaking of homes,”
Just as Classic Amy was about to close her eyes, drift off into her dream of Classic Sonic cradling her on his run for hours, letting her soak in that idealized delight; he hard braked and sent her head jerking forward.
“W-woooah!” she clung as a reflex tightly to his head and adjusted to around his arms as he skidded against the ground.
When her squinted eyes blinked wide open again, she looked to see her handsome hero looking down at her.
She waited a second, not having heard much of a ‘peep’ out of him, but having heard of his snarky attitude before. It seems he only really spoke comfortably in front of Eggman--of all people--and his closest friends.
“Where’s yours?” He smiled, capturing her in an array of hearts as twirling flowers floated around her vision, windmilling into her view to drown out reality.
He raised an eyebrow and leaned in a bit when he saw her distracted, “Uhh... Amy?”
She blinked, as though trying to lure him closer.
He frowned, “Lalaland is not considered a home.” he put her down, and she actually did find that a bit funny, though... it was probably meant to be more of an off-handed insult, she knew he wasn’t trying to hurt her feelings in anyway.
He just wasn’t one to let a good joke slip by.
He put a hand to his hip and shook his head up to the clouds, as though silently conversing with them how odd but innocent this girl was.
He looked back to her with a look of disappointment, as though to get her ‘head in the game’ and waited for her to answer him with a sharp, “No offense, but I’d rather get you home safely than concern myself with idle... uh... staring...” he itched his nose and looked down when he noticed she was still glued to him, her hands up by her chin and intertwined together as she openly showed her unwavering crush on him.
He knew he was handsome, but this... was a bit much to ask for.
“Amy...” He looked embarrassed, not sure how to ‘snap’ her out of it, and pulled away to try and create some space between her piercing eyes of sparkling wonder and awe of love... hoping to not have imaginary strings looping around him like a cowgirl to her prized hog.
“You’re my ultimate distraction~” she flirted, “Nothing you can do about that...”
He gruffed.
“And for your information, Lalaland is free of charge~” she moved up and tried to flick his nose, but as he avoided, he struggled to regain balance and started swaying on his one leg.
She giggled as he hopped to the side to get away from her and plant both feet down firmly. He gave her a look like he wasn’t one to just let a girl get the better of him, but she persisted further. “I have a beautiful residency there... If you ever feel like dropping by~” she batted her eyelashes, but moved her hands behind her back and swayed herself, just being girlie and trying to out-smart him.
“I hear rent’s cheap when you’re a squatter.”
“Ah!” she puffed up a cheek and stomped her foot to him, “Well, that’s not a nice thing to say to a pretty girl!”
“Glad you have the confidence. Looks like you don’t need a man, or anyone else for that matter, to tell you it for you.” He dusted himself off, turning away from her before sneaking in a pretty proud grin on his face. He wasn’t going to let her get away with such terrible flirting like that.
“Anyway, I’ve got things to do. Alone.” He folded his arms and faced his back to her, but was sure to stick his nose in the air, just for good measure. “It’s not safe running around this Zone with so many Badniks still afoot.”
“Doesn’t that mean you missed some?”
His face seemed to scrunch at her obvious dig.
“Why not let me help out in getting rid of them?” She cutely turned around to give him her full attention, offering to assist as she knew he loved to ‘clean up the leftovers’ just for sport after beating Robotnik. “I’ve been practicing with my hammer a lot more now and-!” She summoned it out, holding it firmly as memories of training away from towns by trying to knock over trees ran through her mind.
All those long days... the radio on in case of any news of him, and her constant efforts to knock down a firm tree in three blows, which was her first ever combo she learned with her new toy.
Proud to show off her new strength, she began to ramble as Sonic slowly turned his head and looked curiously back at her instrument of destruction.
“A hammer?” he inquired, leaning to look it over, but trying to keep his ‘aloof’ nature present.
“Yeah! I wasn’t too sure if I should it since it might have thrown your running off center, b-but...” she nervously began to feel her heart flutter when he showed interest in her magical item, and began to blush and dip her head down, turning her flushing cheeks away from him and closing her eyes as she continued. “D-do you think you’d like to help me try?”
“...Try and what?” he fully dropped the act and turned around, offering his hands to show he wanted to hold and examine the hammer closer.
She mistook his intent, and excitedly ‘poof’ed the hammer away placed her hands in his own.
He slowly... looked up to her with lowered eyelids to show his annoyance.
She giggled with hearts popping from around her head.
“...You really don’t know when to quit, do you?” he chuckled out, and she realized she was slightly winning him over.
He removed his hands and shook them out, “Alright! One round around the Zones! No more or less!” he wagged his infamous pointer finger to make that statement unquestionable, and then gave her a legendary wink. “Sure you’re up for a few tips and tricks?”
She almost melted fully to the ground out of all the warm feelings he was giving her.
“Uh-huh~” Her agreeance lengthened by her sinking into such happiness, and seeing as her knees had turned to pudding, she offered him her hand and without hesitation he took it and pulled her back up into a bridal carrying position.
He ducked his head and her nose almost skimmed by his left cheek, “You ready?”
She was careful... when she nodded, she made sure her nose continuing to skim up and down his cheek looked like a hurried accident...
They charged through the Zones, having some fun as he taught her to better aim and invision where the target was going to be before throwing the hammer.
At first, her swings were a little klutzy, but he helped steady her balance. “What’cha gotta do is put your feet apart, like this.” she was too absorbed in his encasing hands over her own while she held the hammer out, feeling the cotton of his gloves smooth around her own that were slightly more thinner than his puffy ones, and trembled to try and remain poised while he taught her.
A moment went by of her just intensely watching his hands on her own as he tried to teach her a proper swing, before stopping and lightly loosening his grip.
“Sorry, am I being too much?” he pulled his arms back and Amy quickly shook her head, releasing all her built-up energy from being overly excited at his attentive teaching style.
“N-no, no, no! Not at all! Don’t let go~” she whispered the last part and looked off and up to the side, her eyes squeezing shut as she hoped he didn’t notice her blushing.
He did...
His eyes almost furled up as though he had been betrayed, forgetting a moment how she was like, and moved away from her.
He tapped his toe, realizing she wasn’t taking any of his advice seriously, and decided to be mad about it. “So, where’s your home again?”
“S-sorry! I’ll behave! I promise!” she shrieked, her hammer disappearing as she waved her arms about. After perfectly being thrown up into the air to then land squarely on a rooming Badnik, Sonic just had some awkward sweat drip down the side of his face.
“Wow, innate learner...” He muttered to himself, seeing as she actually had caught on to some things. He gave her a sideways look, seeing her wail and plea which made him uncomfortable.
Forgiving her, he just turned his head away from her and closed his eyes, “Alright, alright, enough already. It’s not my style to watch people beg.” he scratched his head, not sure what to do with her if she refused to let him take her back. “But it’s getting late, and I don’t feel comfortable leaving you all alone in the open like this.” he earnestly tried to tell her his thoughts and straightened up, playing the noble hero--which was already naturally within his heart--he tried to speak more plainly to her.
“I really should be getting you somewhere safe.”
“Oh, but... Sonic...” She moved closer up to him, making his eyes widened in curiosity at how sincere she looked.
She gently lowered her eyes and smiled, as though trying to create bubbles of light and sparkles around herself, “I’m already safe... right here with you.” she took his hands as he grew nervous, his mouth wagging open on the corners of his lower lip at how direct and unabashed this little girl could be.
“Uhhuhuhhuhh,” He didn’t know how to respond, and it was like his brain was going on a straight line to cut off all activity from her outrageous actions.
She pulled herself a little closer to him, “Maybe... you don’t have to send me anywhere... but we could just gaze up at the stars all night and talk about our future togeth-OFFPH!”
He shoved his head into hers, the hardness of the top of his head smashing her mouth closed as he then pulled away, adjusting his gloves as she rubbed her face in frustration.
“Serves you right for being so shameless.” he knew he hadn’t hurt her, but just shoved her mouth full of quills to silence her continual flirting.
“W-why you...” She twitched an eyebrow, seeing that wooing the man of her dreams might not be as easy as all those fairytale princesses made it out to be.
“If you’re so obsessed with sleeping under the stars, why not fly yourself to the moon?” He stuck out his tongue and dipped his lower-eyelid down. “Waybe when I wouwn’t wave to see yowr wittle wace anywore.” he spoke with his tongue out to taunt her and suddenly she was fuming.
Her arms shook down from her face, as enraged as any tigress, and charged after him. His gleeful expression as he took off and let her chase him lasted for a little while as they played the game of chase.
He kept taunting her, jumping up on a rock and spanking his butt while doing the same mocking gestures to get her to come after him, watching as he would jump and curl up to see the rock he was on get shattered to pieces by her fury.
He uncurled with a few bounces and pulled his arms up as though leisurely jogging, smiling as he was actually testing her further to see how well she really could battle.
‘She’s trying so hard to stay by my side...’ he thought to himself, seeing her calling out with embarrassed fury as she kept swinging and narrowly missing him.
He ducked, freaking out a moment, before sighing in relief, then looking as though happy and proud of her accomplishments. ‘Her aim has increased... Maybe... she was taking my teaching seriously after all.’ It made him glad that he could have moments with her that weren’t just all her feelings, but could be some of his own interests as well.
He plopped himself on another rock and stood like a gymnasts, his two hands positioned in front and below him, which kept him upright, as his legs went straight out ahead of him. “Is that all you got, Rascal?” he teased, smirking widely as he purposefully wore her out to make her more accommodating to his request in sending her homeward.
 “I’m bound... ha... ha... to catch up to you ... ha... ha... someday, Sonic... ha... ha... The Hedgehoooogggg...” she collapsed after making her way over to the boulder, and Sonic’s expression changed to a sweetness as he extended mercy by jumping stylishly off the rock and falling to a knee, offering her his hand. “I.. won’t... give up...” her shoulders bounced as she was on her knees, her arms shaking slightly at their exertion.
Sonic’s eyes bent and in his eyes... he truly knew what she meant.
“I know.” he stated, “But that doesn’t mean a mighty heroine doesn’t deserve a break.”
She was caught by his tender reply and looked over to him, amazed he was acting so kindly again to her.
“W-what happened?” she innocently blinked her eyes, and he laughed at her cuteness.
“I’m just glad you’re having fun.” He stated, and once again shook his arm, “Come on, come on... it’s time to head on back.”
“Ah, you’ll let me stay with you?” her eyes shined.
She felt her whole world crash on her, “W-WHATTT???” she exclaimed, “B-but... we were having a moment...” she did her best ‘shaking hedgie eyes’ to make him reconsider.
“Ah-ah-ah.” He got up and shook his pointer finger, “Haven’t you heard? I’m immune to negotiations.” he played along.
“Even cute ones?” she pouted her lip and tilted her head.
For a moment, when Sonic’s eyes met hers, the rising dark shadows of the skies couldn’t block her gentle enticements of beauty from him.
He felt a breath quicken in through his nose and crawl down his lungs, holding itself there as though lodging itself there and wouldn’t move.
It was so fast that Amy didn’t even notice the momentary pupil dilation before he turned away from her and put his hands on his hips.
“...I already said I was taking you back. I keep my word.”
She felt some form of heartache, realizing that no matter how adorable she tried to look, or breathtakingly gorgeous she thought she must have looked in her mind, he wasn’t ever going to budge in her way.
He took final second to sneak a look behind his shoulder back at her, seeing her cry out that she conceded, and nod that he was right.
“It is late...”
“...Very.” he lowered his eyes, as though meaning she was very- “Ehem!” He cleared his throat, coughing into his hand and looking away again, “Very persistent. I don’t understand how anyone can keep up with you.”
“No one but you.”
He turned back as she sweetly praised him, but rolled it off his shoulders and stood a bit taller... not realizing she had boosted his ego a bit there.
“Naturally.” he smiled wider, rubbing his finger under his nose. “I’m the fastest thing alive, so it’s not uncommon for me to be one step ahead of your scheming.” he then lifted a shoe up and lightly poked her with it, smirking mischievously as though wanting her to chase after him again.
She let little tears build up in her eyes as she pouted, “You’re shooing me away again!”
“Only to keep good little girls like you out of bad little boy’s sights.” he teased again, kicking the foot back behind his other leg and looking like a real slick 90′s kid. “Cool off a little... it’s a compliment.”
“Hmph, I’m sure!” she stomped herself up and dusted off her dress. “Well, you won’t find my house, anyway!”
“Is that so?” He thought she was playing again, but was growing a little annoyed at her stubbornness. “Look, it was fun at first, Amy, but you really gotta tell me what’s going on. Why are you so opposed to going home?”
He buried his head down into his folded arms, trying to look stern on this, and it did intimidate her slightly into realizing he was serious...
She sighed, seeing him soften as she turned away. “It’s... complicated.” she pushed her index fingers together.
“How so?” He wondered... “Eggman..?”
“...N-no...” she didn’t want to lie... but... “Robbers!” She spun around, ‘More than anything... I just want to keep spending more time with you...’ she admitted only to herself in her heart.
“R-robbers?” Sonic broke his stance and suddenly took a step back.
“Thieves of the forest!” she spread her arms out wide, “About twenty of them!”
“...W-what?” He seemed disbelieving, so she nervously looked behind her and thought a second before continuing.
‘He’s not gonna buy this... but it’s worth a try! Hehe! Maybe he’ll think I’m cute for attempting to fool him.’ She turned her head back to him, “It was awful! Ah!” she jumped into his arms as he leaned forward with a perplexed expression before awkwardly having her draped over his chest.
“Come again? Where was this?” he decided to get some details first.
Amy sweated, she didn’t know many places around here... “U-Unimportant. They just came up to me all of a sudden! I was so scared!” she gripped her arms tightly around his back quills, nuzzling herself deeper into his chest as he squirmed from how uncomfortable this was.
“W-wah-what? Inside your house?” he wanted to keep investigating, but the odd sensation of her prickly head and soft cheeks against his underbelly really didn’t make it easy for him to concentrate on her story.
As he flinched and wriggled from the touch, not daring to move her, she smirked with a twinkle in her eye.
‘Got’em!’ she smirked, before pretending to act in distress again. “Ohh! Sonic! You don’t understand!”
“Then help me to understand.” he pulled her away, gently this time, but with added worry. He put his head leveled to hers, so she could focus and look directly in his eyes. “Are you okay?”
She nodded, acting as though she was close to actual tears, pulling her hands in. “We... We can’t go back there, Sonic! I’m too... Ah! Afraid~” she tried to ‘swoon’ into his arms, having her hand lift up to her forehead and have the back of it dramatically positioned there but Sonic caught her from landing on him again.
“Now, hold on. Didn’t you say you felt safe with me?” he blinked with a frown, not going to allow her theatrics to play around much longer.
She pouted, deciding he needed further persuasion...
“Uh... Well... They took the whole house!” she hollered out, “Oh, Sonic, My hero, Hold me~” she cried, turning around to try and better get her arms around his neck but he held her out and slowly reclined back... and that’s when she knew... his annoyed expression...
“You’re just as sneaky as ever...” he puffed out.
“...D-don’t you believe a helpless little-AH!”
He threw her lying behind right up over his shoulder, keeping her there as punishment as she squirmed.
“H-hey! Nooo! Soooonic!! P-put me down, now!”
He yawned, feeling her light pats against his head and back as she ‘struggled’ but knew somewhere deep down she was probably enjoying the further ‘play’ anyway.
He kept one arm down by his hip, but lifted it up to shrug. “Oh well, if you don’t have a home, I guess you’ll have to stay with me the rest of your life, huh, Amy?”
She immediately dropped her pretend, her eyes full of stars as she gleefully grinned. ‘Success!’ she cheered within her mind.
“...Is what you want me to say, right?”
She deflated... “Ohhh....”
“Come on, Amy... Enough games.” He looked back up to her, waiting with his ear turned to her for the truth. “What’s really keeping you so adamant?”
“...Okay, you got me.” She knew she couldn’t keep it up for long. “I... My house... it kinda...”
She then took on a serious expression, pulling out a hankie and blowing into it, “It’s in the sky now, Sonic! Whahaa!”
“...What?” he deadpanned.
“Those robbers they... they cut it up into tiny pieces! It’s gone, Sonic. There’s nothing left of it! My beautiful, beautiful home. Taken before it’s prime!”
He heard her blow into the hankie and shut his mouth.
“...Guess I’ll have to find every last piece of it... and rebuild it myself...” His eyebrow twitched. ‘There has to be a limit to this girl’s presumptuous mannerisms!’
...Had he finally found his match?
Someone to equal his own obscure, reckless nature?
Someone who would consistently not fail to banter till there was no time left on the clock?
“I’ll ask one more time...”
Amy shivered in fear, “You... You wouldn’t do anything ungentlemanly now... w-would you?”
His eyes revealed he was at his limit to her shenanigans.
“Eep!” she threw up the white handkerchief and forfeited, “Okay, okay! In all honesty, I-... I don’t want to part from you, but the reason I won’t tell you where my house is is because... because... I’m... homeless...” she lowered her head.
“That’s it-!” he put both hands on her hips over his shoulder and was about to charge her through a very unpleasant ‘joyride’ to interrogate her into learning some humility but she flailed.
“No, no, wait! This time, it’s the truth!” she waved her arms about, “Please, this time, you gotta believe me! I live on a town’s alley with a box and a blanket!”
He paused...
“You’re not making this up to get pity out of me... right?” he slightly glared back up at her, and she nodded, pulling her hands in and bundling them up by her chin.
“I swear, Sonic. I’m not just kidding around or playing this time... I could show you but...” she looked away, “I wash my clothes because a nice lady thinks I’m sweet and cute... I help her fold her laundry and her children’s bibs in the morning so she pays for my clothes and I secretly sneak out the back and spray the pool water on me while it’s too early for anyone to be up yet...”
He lowered his head, this isn’t what he wanted to hear...
Everything was getting too complicated... She shouldn’t be admitting this to him.
“For food, I usually track berries, but I got here from some traveling gypsies who taught me Tarot cards and treated me very well. They also showed me how to... I don’t steal, so I just performed little fortune tellings here and there to make some money, but it’s only enough for about a week’s worth of food... hence why I help the lady...”
He put her down, “That’s enough.” he stated, closing his eyes. “You didn’t need to tell me all that... I believe you.”
She pulled away, feeling like he may think she’s stinky or pitiful, and scrunched up the ends of her skirt, looking embarrassed.
“I’m sorry... I really do like you, Sonic The Hedgehog... but I’m not much of a ...” her bottom-lip quivered. “Lady... as you deserve.” she was on the verge of tears. “But if I didn’t have such humble beginnings... maybe then... I’d be pretty enough to get you to watch the stars with me one night...” she sucked in her breath, dashing off to avoid any further shame before Sonic immediately caught her mid-turn and pulled her back, not letting her escape. “Ah!”
“... I wash my shoes in the lakes and rivers...”
His voice was... empathetic.
“My best friend is an orphan... the other is the last of his kind.”
He stared at her... no judgement.
Her eyes... shined with the love she could see from his enormous heart.
“We all stay in a roughly build placed by a beach... next to a crashed plane.”
“Sonic...” her eyes shook, realizing...
“I’m not the big-shot hero everyone thinks me to be either,” He took a powerful breath in and held it, showing pride as he looked away, recollected himself, and then narrowed his eyes to her. “There’s no shame in being unwanted, alone, or without anything to your name besides your skills and talents... Regardless of what you think a ‘Lady’ qualifies as to be worthy...” he walked up and lightly patted her head,
“...Lalaland is nothing like a warm bed. I’ll give you all of what I’ve found and have collected over the years, so you can be safe too.”
Her heart expanded, and she never knew a man could love someone as unlady-like as it could get. She was without anything... and yet...
He still built a side shack for her on the beach, inviting her in as she insisted on cooking for the boys, and becoming... apart of their team.
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selkielore · 4 years
since my f/f lit post is getting kind of long I just decided to paste everything i’ve read into one post under a readmore that i’ll edit and update every so often. disclaimer, they’re entirely rated by personal preference and how much i enjoyed them. nothing else. anyway... short reviews for 30+ F/F books read in 2020 under the cut:
into the drowning deep by mira grant (YA) 5/5 stars: I love horror I love women I love women who love other women… a great sci fi thriller with scary mermaids. HUGE fan and my first read of 2020.
the rise of kyoshi by f.c yee (YA) 5/5 stars: i really enjoyed it bc i’ve always loved the atla + lok universe and i was really pleased to read about kyoshi’s origins <3 also she has a hot firebending gf and that made me very happy… thanks bryke.
the lost coast by amy rose capetta (YA) 2/5: you’d think i’d be all over this bc it’s f/f teen witches but honestly it felt a little too much like a witchy polycule for my tastes bc personally i’m a repressed prude. it was cute tho! just not for me.
killing eve: die for me by luke jennings (adult) (4/5): yes I read the killing eve books yes I think I’m giving it this rating simply because it gives us the real villaneve romace that the show is still baiting us with…
what is yours is not yours by helen oyeyemi (adult) 5/5: this book was recommended to me by a girl who ghosted me. it’s a collection of short stories and it’s AMAZING. not every story is f/f but there are multiple stories with sapphic characters
the midnight lie by marie rutoski (YA) 10000/5: this is one of my favorite books this year… finally the roguish charming lesbian love interest we deserve. plus amazing worldbuilding and a fast paced plot that keeps you on your toes <3 and a ruthless girl protag we LOVE to see it.
the tiger flu by larrisa lai (adult) 3/5: very unsettling to read a book about a pandemic when one is in a global pandemic… I was disappointed that there was no f/f romance, just lesbian characters, however the feral teenage girl representation and the absolutely bananas sci fi dystopia wins it 3/5 stars.
the teahouse fire by ellis avery (adult) 2/5: simply not what I wanted out of a book. it’s a great piece of historical fiction but when i’m on an f/f binge solely for the sake of seeking out sapphic romances that satisfied me, this wasn’t it.
criers war by nina valera (YA) 5/5: she lives up to the hype! criers war pulled me in completely and i’m pretty sure i binge read it in a single day. love enemies to lovers, love the fantasy/dystopia combo
the queen of ieflaria by effie calvin (NA) 4/5: cute arranged marriage romance and lesbians in a fantasy setting. i read this authors entire breadth of work in like 2 weeks bc i’m just frothing at the mouth for fantasy sapphics
daugher of the sun by effie calvin (NA) 5/5: broody paladin and a literal chaos goddess fall in love. what more do you want?
the queen of rhodia by effie calvin (NA) 4/5: not as good as daughter of the sun but a fun sequel to catch up with the characters from book one, as well as bringing in the chars from book 2 <3 we love to see lesbian couples everywhere
the empress of xytae by effie calvin (NA) 4/5: yes I read every single one of these books. yes they’re all cute and they’re all a series of sapphic romances in a fantasy land… that’s my ideal niche
this is how you lose the time war by amal el mohtar and max gladstone (adult) 5/5: I don’t even know how to explain this one except that it feels more like poetry than prose. sci fi future with a f/f enemies to lovers story line. so beautifully written that you have to give it a 5/5
the traitor baru cormorant by seth dickenson (adult) 4/5: I liked it because I love a ruthless lady protaganist and I LOVE a ruthless lesbian protaganist but I did get a little bogged down in the heavy worldbuilding. VERY high fantasy with themes on colonization. did not get that 5/5 because the lesbians did not get a happy ending.
ice massacre by tiana warner (YA) 3/5: it wasn’t BAD it just wasn’t remarkable. mermaid vs human war with a forbidden romance between a mermaid and a human
girls made of snow and glass by melissa bashardoust (YA) 4/5: wonderful dynamics between women and lots of reflection on the relationships between mothers and daughters. I love a fairytale retelling, and one of the pov chars has a f/f romance that is very sweet <3
girl, serpent, thorn by melissa bashardoust (YA) 4/5: I just finished this today and already started another book so i’m not sure I fully absorbed it but. I really enjoyed having a protagonist struggling with morality and I did appreciate the little bisexual love triangle. also love, love the influences of persian mythology in it
blood countess by lana popovic (YA) 5/5: FINALLY some scary food! the romance in this is certainly not healthy and the narrative makes it clear but it’s a very fun sexy historical fiction read with horror elements. wish there was more creepy sapphic lit <3
witches of ash and ruin by e. latimer (YA) 4.5/5: a little bit slow and cheesy at the beginning. oftentimes rural fantasy can be that way, but it ramps up towards the end. it has a very cute enemies to lovers romance with a bisexual main, and the plotline follows serial killers and witches so i’d say it’s a great read! i haven’t checked the author’s social media etc to confirm but from the way it ended it looks like it’s going to be a series
the lady’s guide to celestial mechanics by olivia waite (adult) 5/5: sooo good why aren’t there more regency era f/f romances… this is a very traditional romance novel but it was so sweet and i loved the characters so much… it ended up making me throw down my phone (which i was reading the book on) just to yell ROMANCE at the top of my lungs. big fan of any literature encouraging women to step into their own power and confidence.
queen of coin and whispers by helen corcoran (YA) 4.5/5: this almost gets five stars because it was soooo good. i love fantasy YA so much it’s like comfort food for me and on top of that it was sapphic. the two main chars are both ambitious queer girls which does it for me! it’s about the new queen of a fantasy kingdom falling in love with her newly appointed spymaster. the only downside is the ending felt rushed… it almost feels like the author was preparing to set it up for a sequel and then instead packed a whole watered down second book in the like… last ten chapters out of a 52 chapter book.
the shadow of kyoshi by f.c yee (YA) 5/5: this is the sequel to the rise of kyoshi so i’ll hold off on details but it was so good and continued the first book beautifully. it payed such good attention to kyoshi as a character and also showed how important rangi is to her….. um. i’m soft.
the circus rose by betsy cornwell (YA) 4/5: it’s a good book but it wasn’t exactly what i wanted it to be.. going into reading this categorized as a “lesbian” book i was disappointed. it follows a pair of twins raised in a circus named ivory and rosie - ivory’s story is told in prose, and rosie’s is told in poetry. rosie is a lesbian but we get wayy less of her romance with her love interest and way more of ivory’s story. ivory is kind of ambiguous because she talks about only being attracted to men and then her love interest is a nonbinary fae person so i don’t really know whether to call it sapphic or not? ivory and tam get way more page time than rosie and rosie’s whole story is in poetry which makes it less straightforward. not a bad book! in fact, it’s wonderful and i really enjoyed it but it wasn’t what i wanted it to be when i read about it in an article calling it a lesbian book. it felt like a very queer book with a sapphic character to me.
the dark tide by alicia jasinska (YA) 4/5
 a f/f retelling of tam lin! it’s an enemies to lovers romance and it’s YA fantasy so obviously it was a fun read, there’s a bisexual main and two love interests. it also revolved a lot more around individual character development than any romance overall, which was cool, and there were a multiple nuanced portrayals of complicated sibling relationships which I adored reading. 
the lamb will slaughter the lion by margaret killjoy (adult) 4/5
a very quick, urban fantasy horror read about queer anarchists and an evil deer spirit terrorizing/protecting an abandoned town. honestly almost every character in this was LBGT which i loved, and i’m a sucker for horror so it got me. it’s also ownvoices - the author is a trans woman. the romance was very minor but very sweet and i enjoyed the book overall! i think it would make a great movie adaptation because it’s so short and written in such a sparse, to the point way. 
the luminous dead by caitlin sterling (adult) 4/5
sci fi horror in caves. it’s like the descent (2005) but in space, and there’s only one caver. this book was crazy. It was a little slow at first, but it was definitely a slow build of terror and once I was into it I couldn’t stop reading for fear for our protagonists life. the romance here isn’t a healthy one folks, but it was really fun reading a horror novel with a queer protag and a bit of romance as a side note. 
salt slow by julia armfield (adult) 5/5
a collection of short horror stories - not all of them were f/f but a few of them were. if you like carmen maria machado, you’ll like this book - it reminded me a lot of her body and other parties which is a huge compliment. the stories managed to range from terrifying to tender and both at the same time. my particular favorite was cassandra after 
iron heart by nina valera (YA) 4.5/5 stars
the sequel to criers war - I won’t say too much except that it was a little slow to get back into the world of this book, but once i was in i really enjoyed it. i can’t say much else about it without spoilers but i loved crier and ayla’s development both individually and as a couple... it was incredibly well done and it warmed my heart. more typical YA love stories between two girls please. 
the ascent to godhood by jy yang (adult) 2/5 stars
east asian inspired fantasy. it’s also the fourth book in a series but i read it on it’s own, so there’s probably plenty i missed. it’s told by the ex-lover of the protector and there’s a little bit about their romance but it’s mostly fantasy politics so i came away feeling kind of disappointed. it was also a really quick read. 
white is for witching by helen oyeyemi (adult) 5/5 stars
miss oyeyemi never misses... SUCH a clever horror and haunted house story. i was so drawn into all the characters and their life in dover and their haunted house that i can only rate it a 5/5... if you’re interested in generational hauntings, generational trauma in women, or the haunted house as a character this is a book for you. it was amazing and i’m obsessed. while the romance didn’t take up a lot of time (really only present in the last third of the book) i loved miranda and ore together and the way their relationship ended felt like a very natural conclusion as this is a horror story and it didn’t leave me sad. 
updated 9/29/20
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maxerikson · 3 years
The Character Development of Sonic the Hedgehog: A Character Analysis
The Sonic the Hedgehog video game series is one that does not require very deep or complicated stories to go with their games. Due to the simplistic nature of the franchise, its characters are probably best described as two-dimensional, which would be fine, because they don’t require that third dimension of depth. The main character himself, Sonic the Hedgehog, doesn’t even have much character development throughout the series; at least at first glance that would seem to be the case, but I am here to tell you all that Sonic the Hedgehog has gone through a lot of character development throughout his adventures, making him very three-dimensional. There are four key character arcs that Sonic has gone through over the course of the main series, and I’m going to go over all of them while examining Sonic’s development in the major installments.
From Loner to Team Player
I believe at the very start of the series, Sonic the Hedgehog was a loner, who had trouble making friends and might have even closed himself off to others. In Sonic the Hedgehog 1, Sonic was the only playable character, and the only other character in the whole game was the villain, Dr. Eggman. More characters appeared in later titles, many more, but none of them are people Sonic knew before Sonic 1. They were all strangers to Sonic when they first appeared. Another piece of evidence comes from Amy Rose. Several years ago now, Sega did a mock Q&A with Sonic, and one of the questions asked of him was why he wasn’t interested in Amy. His answer was because he was too busy with his adventures to have a relationship (although there’s also an inappropriate age difference between the two, with Sonic being 15 years old, and Amy being 12).
It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to think that this makes it hard to form any relationship, whether romantic or platonic. Being able to move as fast as he can, the world around Sonic is just too slow for him, and the people that were in his life before Tails and Amy likely just couldn’t keep up. Not only that, but his powers and his status as a hero likely make him a target, which would make him dangerous to be around, as if his super speed didn’t make him dangerous enough already. However, Amy would force her way into Sonic’s life, not minding the danger, and in the Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic met Tails, who was able to keep up with him thanks to his propeller-like twin tails, and tagged along on his adventure to stop Eggman from destroying West Island in his search for the Chaos Emeralds. Tails may have been Sonic’s first real friend in who knows how long, maybe even ever.
That being said, Sonic still saw Tails and Amy as people he had to protect, and he had trouble getting along with people like Knuckles, who was also quite the loner, although much more so than Sonic. Then Sonic Adventure 1 took place, and it seemed like Sonic’s fears were coming true. When the Tornado 1 was shot down during the first attack on the Egg Carrier, Sonic and Tails were separated. Sonic had no idea if Tails was OK, so he needed to find him quickly, but Amy just had to show up asking for him to help a lost birdie. Sonic never agreed to this, but when Zero arrived to capture Amy and the bird, Sonic was determined to rescue them, but Zero escaped with them. Sonic had failed to protect his friends, and he wouldn’t have needed to if he was their friend in the first place.
Sonic didn’t have long to dwell on this failure, however, because Tails almost immediately appeared in his Tornado 2, which he and Sonic used to attack the Egg Carrier, and this time successfully made on board, where they find out that Amy had already escaped custody...with help from an Eggman robot, no less! In this moment, Sonic has learned that his friends can take care of themselves, meaning he can have friends without putting them in danger.
The story for Sonic Adventure 1 had a central theme that was used as the inspiration for the main song, Open Your Heart. The story was all about how you need to open your heart to others, because closing yourself off will create a cycle of pain and hatred. This lesson was put into words when Sonic gave his speech to Tikal before the final boss battle, telling her why they shouldn’t just seal Chaos back into the Master Emerald. I believe Sonic wouldn’t have been able to make this speech at the beginning of the game, because it’s a lesson he’s been learning since the beginning of the series, and it had just sunk in. That speech is the climax of Sonic letting his friends be part of his life, but it isn’t the finale.
In Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic found himself framed for a crime he didn’t commit and thrown in Prison Island. How did he escape? He didn’t—at least not by himself. It was actually Amy who released Sonic from his cell while Tails was keeping Dr. Eggman busy. Not only could Sonic’s friends take care of themselves, but they can even be relied on to save the day when Sonic can’t. Sonic is shown to have learned this lesson when he gets trapped on the ARK, and about to be jettisoned to his apparent death; during that scene he tells Tails to take care of Amy, letting him know that Sonic has full faith in him to be a hero in Sonic’s absence. By Sonic Heroes, Sonic has become a true team player, treating Tails and Knuckles as equals as they worked together to stop Eggman.
A lot of this is intertwined with the next area of development I’m about to talk about, which is….
Sonic’s Confidence
Sonic the Character is well known for his confidence. A lot of people view him as cocky, but I’ve never seen him as such. However, I believe that’s because by Sonic Adventure 1, he’s already lost a good chunk of that cockiness (all games before SA1 had what I like to call ‘video game stories’, with little-to-no dialogue or cutscenes). One way a person can combat loneliness is by convincing themselves that they don’t need other people in their lives—they’re awesome enough by themselves! Sonic in particular wouldn’t need to try that hard to convince himself of this. He was able to defeat Eggman and destroy his base in Sonic 1 all by himself, and no-one even died. He got some help from Tails in Sonic 2 and 3, but he was basically support. Speaking of Sonic 3, this game basically started with Sonic, as Super Sonic, getting the super knocked out of him when Knuckles caught him by surprise. That definitely would have been a blow to Sonic’s ego. First Metal Sonic and now this gullible Knucklehead? Sonic keeps finding opponents who can actually go toe-to-toe with him.
Still, as far as Sonic was concerned, he needed to be as unstoppable as he believed himself to be. No-one else can do what he can, which means saving the world was his responsibility alone. Now I would like to point out something I said in the previous section: “Sonic had failed to protect his friends” in Sonic Adventure 1. Sonic experienced his first real failure, and what happened? Tails and Amy turned up OK without Sonic saving them. Sonic doesn’t always need to protect them, something that is further proven in Sonic Adventure 2, which also featured more of Sonic’s failure. First, he’s captured by G.U.N. after being framed by theft, then he meets Shadow—the guy who framed him—and learns that this lookalike can outclass him. First Knuckles, now this faker? Sonic keeps meeting people who can make dents in his ego. Speaking of which, he’s immediately captured by G.U.N. again, and needs Tails and Amy to rescue him. Then there’s the final boss battle, during which Shadow—who was fighting alongside Sonic—apparently dies, and although the two of them saved the planet from destruction, Sonic couldn’t save Shadow.
Sonic has realized that he’s not invincible, but he also doesn’t need to carry the whole weight of the world on his shoulders, because his friends can help. We know Sonic has learned this lesson, because at the end of Team Sonic’s story in Sonic Heroes, Sonic admits to Knuckles that he wouldn’t have been able succeed in this journey without him and Tails, and thanks him; and you know this is a big deal because Knuckles responds with an expression of utter shock! Does this mean Sonic Heroes is the end of this particularly character arc for Sonic? No, because now Sonic was underconfident. Once someone realizes they’re not as amazing as they believed themselves to be, they begin feeling inadequate. This is best illustrated in Sonic Unleashed. At the beginning of this game, Sonic is at his lowest point. Eggman  not only defeated Sonic’s super form, but used the power from it to split the planet apart. As a result of this failure, Sonic was turned into a beastly werehog, and he accidentally gave someone amnesia (or so he believes).
Later in the game, Sonic is found by Amy, but she thinks she’s confused a stranger for Sonic, so she apologizes and runs off to find her crush. Considering how much Sonic finds Amy’s crush on him annoying, you’d think Sonic would be delighted by this, but nope! He’s clearly saddened by this, and we get a mopey werehog. That’s because his werehog form is a reminder of his failure, and of his self-perceived inadequacy; but then Chip regains his memories and reveals he’s actually Light Gaia. Sonic theorizes that this is why he’s still himself on the inside when he turns into a werehog, because Chip was with him that whole time, but Chip tells Sonic that it was all Sonic. It was Sonic’s own willpower that kept him sane. I would also like to point out that this is the first main series game in a long time in which Sonic is the only playable character. That’s why I think it’s very important that the main theme of this game’s story is about Sonic realizing the power he had inside himself all along, regaining his confidence and becoming Super Sonic once more to defeat Dark Gaia.
In short, Sonic went from being overconfident to underconfident to confident. However, he’s still very impulsive.
Chaos Impulse Control
It only makes sense that someone with super speed would lack patience, and while Sonic has always been shown to be pretty impatient, it wasn’t until Sonic Lost World that it came to be an important part of a game’s story, at least explicitly. I feel like there are examples throughout the main series where Sonic’s impulsiveness was reflected in gameplay and level design. The only examples I can think of from the top of my head though are two from Sonic Adventure 1. Perhaps one of the reasons that orca attacked was because it was startled by Sonic running through its enclosure at such high speeds? Maybe Sonic was the one who accidentally caused that avalanche he had to snowboard away from? Who knows? All I do know, is that Sonic Lost World was the first game that really made full use of Sonic’s impulsiveness.
In SLW, Sonic recklessly got rid of the conch Eggman was using to control the Deadly Six, which made things worse. Sonic’s impulsiveness then got Tails captured and almost roboticized. In the end, Sonic acknowledged his mistakes and apologized to Tail; so does that mean Sonic has learned his lesson? Well, yes, but I believe this will continue to happen. Allow me to repeat myself: Sonic has super speed. Living life with such a power is definitely going to be like living with attention deficiency and hyperactivity. The world is always going to feel too slow for Sonic, which means he’s always going to be in a rush to make things faster. It’s something he’s probably going to live with for most of his remaining life, even if he’s aware of it. Luckily, he has friends who can support him by helping him reign himself in, or by helping him fix his mistakes when he is unable to.
Before I move on to the fourth and final area of Sonic’s character development, you may have noticed that there are three major Sonic games I haven’t mentioned so far. That’s because Sonic doesn’t go through any development in Sonic Colors or Sonic Forces. On the surface, that seems to be the same for Sonic Generations, but just think about it for a few seconds: Sonic is traveling through his past during this game. He is seeing a lot of reminders of his past, which could make him think back and reflect on the lessons he’s learned since beginning his adventures on South Island, reaffirming those lessons onto himself; and don’t forget, there are two of him in this game. While Modern Sonic is reflecting on his past, Classic Sonic is getting a glimpse of his future; of the person he could eventually become and the lessons he’ll need to learn to reach that point.
Still, that’s mostly headcanon. It would have been nice if it were more explicit though, and Sonic actually talked about this stuff at least a little. At least we got Sonic telling his past self that his future “is going to be great,” clarifying that Sonic is happy with where he is in life, and that he doesn’t hold any regrets. Which begs the question: What else is there left for Sonic? Well, there is one more part of himself that Sonic is still learning about….
Sonic’s Powers
How is Sonic able to move so fast? So far, fans haven’t been given an answer, and Sonic doesn’t appear to know either. Remember when I said Sega did a mock Q&A with Sonic? Well, in that Q&A, Sonic revealed that he was able to run at super speed for as long as he could remember, with no idea how or why he has this power. Although we have yet to be given an answer in these games, we have  gotten at least one game where Sonic was shown to be thinking about it, and one where he might have been.
When Sonic and Shadow were working together during the final boss battle in Sonic Adventure 2, Shadow exclaimed that he figured out that Sonic is the ultimate lifeform, not Shadow. How...is this possible? Shadow was supposed to have been created by Prof. Robotnik to be the ultimate lifeform. There are hints in the game that Robotnik took inspiration from Angel Island’s hieroglyphs, which we know from Sonic & Knuckles depict Sonic, but I want to focus more on the game’s final scene, which shows Sonic thinking about what Shadow said, and how Prof. Robotnik was trying to create the ultimate lifeform.
“Am I really the ultimate lifeform? What does that mean exactly? Does it have anything to do with my speed?” These are likely the questions going through Sonic’s head after these events. That scene hinted at Sonic having questions about his own origins, and he might have been given his first real clue; but has this come up again at all during the series? Perhaps it did, in Sonic Unleashed.
Remember how Chip said Sonic was still Sonic even when he was a werehog because of the power inside of him? Is that just Sonic’s inner strength and willpower, or could it also have something to do with him being the ultimate lifeform? That’s probably what Sonic’s thinking at this time, but who knows?
Sonic began his adventures as an arrogant loner with impulse control issues, but over time he has grown into a humble team player with impulse control issues. It doesn’t seem like a huge difference, but I think it’s pretty important. The next, logical thing to do with Sonic as a character is to explore the origins of his powers, at least if we want to see more character development, but it isn’t the only option. Another path writers could take is relapse, and I think Sonic Forces has created an opportunity for this route, despite its awful story. At the beginning of this game, Sonic gets defeated and imprisoned for six months. During that time, Eggman conquered most of the world, all because Sonic was there, basically proving Sonic’s former belief that he needs to be the one to save everyone as correct.
If I had to choose though, I’d rather see more about Sonic’s powers. Still, what should Sega do if Sonic’s character becomes fully developed? Is it time for a reboot? No, not necessarily. There’s nothing wrong with a flat character arc, after all. Instead of having Sonic improve himself, future stories could exclusively portray the characters around them going through character arcs as a result of Sonic’s actions and his relationships with them. That’s technically already something we see in most Sonic games, but that’s while Sonic is going through his own character arcs, at least in the major installments. In minor main series Sonic games, like Sonic Rush, it doesn’t seem like Sonic goes through any development, but the characters around him do. That could become the norm if Sonic completes his development, and that’s OK.
Here’s the big question though: Was any of this character development intentional? Probably not. At the very least, I doubt it was planned by Sega’s higher-ups, and more like the result of individual writers each trying to create the best stories they can, and then all of that work put together created a happy accident. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. Sonic lived and learned to open his heart, and to work with his friends to become stronger together, while also acknowledging the endless possibility of what’s inside of him. Sonic the Hedgehog is my favorite video game character, and realizing all of this just makes him even better in my point of view. With this analysis, I hope I’ll get people to appreciate his character as much as I do.
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astralaffairs · 4 years
Secret agent Laf invites Thomas over for a drink. He puts something in it, but after a few sips, he realizes he has the wrong cup. Lafayette ends up going to sleep on the couch and Thomas stays to make sure he's okay because that's what friends do.
i made a slight prompt edit for plot convenience and also bc if laf tries to kill thom at LAF'S own place there's no plausible deniability (smh don't yall know how to commit crimes???)
"Hey, what can I get you a glass of?" Thomas glanced back to where Lafayette stood approaching his kitchen as he went to lock his own apartment door behind him. Lafayette shrugged.
"I brought a bottle of my own, mon amie. May I pour you a drink?" Thomas raised an eyebrow as he went to join Lafayette, and he pulled down two glasses for the both of them. "It only seems fair, given zat you 'ave been willing to 'ave me over for ze evening."
Thomas responded with a lopsided grin, saying, "Now, you're bein' just a bit too generous for my taste. What're you plottin'?"
Lafayette's laugh at his words was almost too natural, the amiable look in his eyes more calculated than warm, but Thomas was far too cheerful to notice. "By ze time you find out, it may already be too late."
"Now you're sure keepin' me on my toes." They shared an entertained glance as Lafayette withdrew a bottle of whiskey from his man-purse satchel. Thomas raised an eyebrow. "Really brought the good stuff, huh?"
"Only ze best for my gracious host."
"You spoil me." Thomas picked up one of the empty glasses to bring with him to the refrigerator, but he glanced back at Lafayette first. "You gonna want any ice?"
"And dilute ze taste of zis? You mock me, Thomas."
"Your funeral," he chuckled, bringing one of the glasses with him to the ice dispenser. "'S always better cold."
"I 'ave reason to believe I will survive." Lafayette's gaze flickered toward the hallway to Thomas's bedroom for only a moment, and he turned to him. "Is zere any chance zat you 'ave a phone charger zat I can borrow?"
"Oh, yeah, 'course." He turned back to Lafayette, leaving his glass half-full of ice on the counter beside the other. "'S back in my room; gimme a minute to go grab it."
Lafayette's smile was all but foreboding. "Please, take your time."
His eyes were trained on Thomas's retreating form until he disappeared around the corner into the hall, and without a moment of hesitation, he tucked a hand into the pocket of his jeans, withdrawing just two small, white pills. He'd decided to keep on the side of caution -- Thomas wasn't what you'd call a small person, and the odds of just one not quite doing the trick were far from nonexistent. Besides, as many hoops as he may have had to jump through to get just one pill in the states, with the amount of time he spent abroad, getting his hands on just a bit of rohypnol was no ordeal.
He uncapped the whiskey first, taking care to make sure the cups both had enough liquid for him to be able to dissolve the pills in Thomas's. The discrepancy may not necessarily have raised eyebrows, but he wasn't one to leave things to chance.
By then, Lafayette was feeling beyond smug. It may have taken him months to finally get to a point where Thomas was vulnerable enough to take out and make it look like an accident, but as he watched the small tablets begin to dissolve in the amber whiskey, giving the other man's glass a swirl, a small smile spread across his lips, and the ice settled atop the pills at the cup's base.
He reached back to the bottle of whiskey, about to cap it, but nearly knocked it over when he heard the door to the penthouse swing open behind him. He whirled around with wide eyes to see Y/N entering, nose buried in her phone as the door fell shut behind her.
"Hey, Thomas? You home? I know I should've called, but--" She cut herself off when she saw Lafayette standing in the kitchen, though she didn't comprehend the panic in his gaze, and the corners of her lips quirked. "Lafayette, hey, what are you doing here?"
"Oh! I... um... came to Thomas for advice," he said, his voice not even unsteady with the lie. He plastered on a smile with no hesitation. "I did not know zat you would be over."
"Yeah, I didn't tell Thomas I was coming. He gave me a key a couple weeks ago, so I figured it'd be fine to let myself in." She couldn't help but notice the apprehension in his tense shoulders, though, and she creased her brow. "I can go, though, if you--"
"Non, stay! I am sure 'e will not mind ze company."
"If he's not kicking me out, I'm staying." Lafayette couldn't help but sigh at how earnest the look in her eyes was as she approached him, curiosity growing in her smile. "You brought whiskey?"
She reached for the glass with ice as she shook off her jacket, and Lafayette inhaled sharply, pulling it away from her. "Oh! Oui... I did."
Her stare was beyond suspicious as she set her coat down onto the kitchen counter. "... Can I have some?"
"Of course, chérie. 'Ave zis." He moved the glass she'd tried to take as far from her as possible, instead sliding her the cup he'd poured for himself.
"Thanks." She took a sip, eyeing him dubiously, but she didn't question him further. She'd long since found that Lafayette had a number of weird ticks, after all the strange situations she'd run across him in over the past few years. Maybe he just really wanted the ice; who was she to judge? "Anyway, what's the occasion for the whiskey? Or is it just a gift for the host?"
She raised her eyebrows, taking another sip as he leaned against the counter. He wore a small smile as he shrugged. "I supposed it would be only right to bring something for Thomas, as he so graciously agreed to 'ave me over for a while."
"Mhm, and that's why you haven't even poured him a glass of whiskey?" His eyes widened as she joined him on his side of the counter, picking a third glass from Thomas's shelf and filling it with ice.
"I meant to! I was just... distracted, of course, when you came in," he said, and she laughed at the growing anxiety in his voice.
"Don't worry; I'm not gonna rat you out." His heart rate was beginning to pick up as she unscrewed the cap from the whiskey he'd brought over. "I'll get him a glass; your secret is safe with me."
He had to force a smile when Y/N sent him a playful wink, pouring out the drink into a third and final glass. "My savior," he said, and though there was jest in his tone, his voice was noticeably shaking. Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"You okay?"
"Oui, of course. I am just... tired. I 'ave not been getting enough sleep recently."
Yet again, she just nodded along, his snowballing lies not even giving her pause. "Yeah, I get that. That's how working in government is, right? Thomas complains to me about it all the time."
"What do I complain about?" Thomas re-emerged at that moment with a phone charger and an expectant stare, eyes darting from Y/N to Lafayette, and she grinned.
"Thomas, hey! Lafayette got you a drink." Before Lafayette could get even a syllable in, Y/N had met Thomas where he stood, handing him the glass she'd poured. Which left him with the final glass he'd poured, on the rocks and roofied. He swallowed hard, staring down into the depths of the glass, almost as though he could still see the just-dissolved rohypnol swirling alongside the ice. "We were just talking about how stressful both your jobs are. Lafayette's getting sleep-deprived."
"Oh, yeah?" Thomas frowned as he walked up to stand beside Y/N, a hand resting casually at her waist. "You should've come over earlier; don't wanna keep you up any later than you need to be."
"Nonsense. I would much rather spend zis time with ze both of you." Y/N let out a soft 'aw' at his words, leaning into Thomas's side as she took a sip of her drink. Lafayette eyed the pair of them tentatively, gaze growing more unsavory by the moment. "Although, I cannot say I was aware zat Y/N would be joining us."
Thomas raised an eyebrow, pulling back to look down at her curiously. "Yeah, I didn't know you were comin' over either. Somethin' up?"
Y/N just shrugged, breaking his gaze as her smile grew despite her best efforts to suppress it. "I just wanted to come spend time with you. Is that a crime?"
"'Course not, sweetheart. 'M always glad to see you." She rolled her eyes when he leaned down to kiss the top of her head, but there was no real annoyance behind her expression as heat rose in her neck. "Hope it doesn't bother you that she's here, though, Laf."
"Absolutely not. Y/N is always a welcome guest." The warmth in his stare as he looked down at her was as genuine as he'd been all evening, and she was all but beaming back at him as he absentmindedly took a sip of his drink.
Y/N let out a soft hum of appreciation. "The two of you are too good to me. Feel like I could show up in the middle of you robbing a bank and you'd still take me out to lunch after."
Thomas laughed, but Lafayette didn't exactly seem enamored with the analogy. "Sure, 'cause you'd pout all evenin' if we just ignored you there."
"Hey! I so would not!" she defended  shoving his side, and he squeezed the side of her hip with the hand still holding her to him.
"'Aw, Thomas, you got all that money from robbing that bank and you won't even take me out? Why don't you even care about me at all?" he mocked, the pitch of his voice rising an octave or two, and Y/N only huffed.
"See what I put up with, Laf?" she said, turning back to the other man with contrived annoyance in her frown. Lafayette cocked a brow.
"You know, if you are zat fed up with 'im, I am sure zat you would 'ave no problem finding other options." About all of his focus had shifted to Y/N and Thomas by then, how close they were standing, how nonchalantly intimate they were acting, and though his eyes shone with mirth, his jaw was set as he took another sip of his whiskey.
"Oh yeah?" She grinned. "Is that just a compliment or is it an offer? Because I'm pretty sure I heard both somewhere in there."
"Now what is wrong with ze idea of it being both?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and she bit her lip.
"Thomas, I hope you're hearing that you've got some competition, now." She prodded the man in question in the side, but he didn't seem all too ruffled by Lafayette's words. "Better start treating me right."
"Aw, 'cause I'm so bad to you now?"
Thomas rolled his eyes, bringing his glass to his lips, and Lafayette pursed his lips.
"I am only joking. You must know zat I would never mean to come between ze two of you."
"We know, Laf. Don't worry." Y/N could see Lafayette's jaw soften at her demure smile, but she pursed her lips mischief in her eyes as she added. "But I know I wouldn't mind having you between us, if you catch my drift."
The wink that followed her words left Lafayette balking, almost unable to believe his ears, and Thomas chuckled. "You're trouble, huh, Sweetheart?"
"Only for you."
They both ignored Lafayette's wide eyes, how stunned he still looked as Thomas turned to address him. "Wanna come sit? Feel like I'm not bein' a great host, makin' you both stand here in my kitchen."
"Fine by me." Y/N answered for both of them, and when they sank into the couches in his living room, she lay with her head against Thomas's shoulder, just below where he'd extended one arm to rest along the back of the couch, and when Lafayette joined them just moment later, he raised a brow when her legs settled into his lap.
She grinned when she met his amused stare. "What? You don't mind, do you?"
He took another sip of his drink to hide the broadening smile he wore. "Of course not, chérie."
The night continued on just the same from there, the three of them chatting all-but mindlessly, interspersed with Y/N's less-than occasional jabs at Lafayette. He didn't seem to mind; though, that may have been a function of how tired he quickly seemed to be growing. Of course, both Y/N and Thomas empathized with him on it -- demanding careers weren't exactly few and far in between when it came to working in Washington, so it was only natural that his lack of rest had him out like a light.
They were almost surprised at how heavy a sleeper he was, though. Y/N and Thomas stayed laying around for nearly another hour, but when they moved, they tried to wake him up so he'd be able to go back across the hall to his own penthouse -- no such luck.
Y/N's conclusion was that it must've been because of how quickly he'd finished his drink. It was on ice, and all, but with whiskey that strong, the fatigue was slowly beginning to set into her limbs as well.
"Should we at least get him a blanket and a pillow?" Y/N stood leaning on the back of the couch. She and Thomas had finally managed to separate themselves from his couch cushions, and Thomas had just pulled Lafayette up so he was laying across it on his side. (Putting him on his back seemed like a recipe for disaster; he hadn't been anywhere past tipsy, but one could never be too careful. Waking up at 4 AM to give Lafayette the Heimlich as he choked on his own puke was neither of their idea of a good time.)
"Good thinkin', sweetheart." Thomas walked back around the couch to her, his arms wrapping around her waist from behind as she looked back at him with a smile. "You wanna get to sleep, too?"
She sighed, turning around in his grasp to face him. "Well, that wasn't quite what I had in mind when I came over, but I'm too tired for anything else by now."
Thomas's laugh was soft as he kissed her forehead, brushing a piece of hair from her cheek. "I kinda figured. Lemme get Lafayette set up, and I'll come to bed with you, okay?"
"Okay, T." The words were soft, almost slurred as fatigue ebbed into her voice, and she pulled him down to kiss her properly. "'S nice of you to take care of Laf like this. You're a good friend," she murmured against his lips, and he shrugged, wearing a soft smile.
"Hey, he'd do the same for me. Can't just leave him hangin'."
"Doesn't make it any less thoughtful." She loosened her arms where she'd wrapped them around the back of his neck, dropping back down from where she'd pushed herself onto her toes. "Join me in a few?" she asked, sliding out of his grasp and padding down the hall toward his bedroom.
"Of course, sweetheart." He eyed her as she left, his smile growing more and more mischievous with each step she took. "But if you're spendin' the night, you'd better not have anywhere to be in the mornin'."
"Oh, yeah?" She glanced back at him, eyes shining. "Are you planning to keep me busy?"
He winked. "Once I get Lafayette outta here, you're booked for the rest of the day."
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
heey! Could we have some sonamy forces? Maybe Amy being a badass and making Sonic like ‘O_O’??? Thank you!
A strong Rose
It was one of those easy days for Sonic. After the long run, he softly made his way through the Resistance HQ's. The automatic doors opened and as he took some steps forward, he was bombarded with the liveliness of the place. The Resistance was a rusty place, it definitely needed remodeling but to the blue hedgehog, it gave a comfy atmosphere. It smelled like wet soil, one of Sonic's favorite smell, he even ran to places that were raining just to smell it and have the pleasure of it. He expected to be greeted by the other agents but it seemed like they were too busy to care that he was here. They ran to what it seemed to the Resistance's main room. As Sonic made his way through the halls, the agents bumped into him. They always apologized to him but they made sure to keep their eyes on the location.
Sonic had finally reached the Main Room where it got complicated to get in. The agents all pushed each other, standing on their tippy-toes to try and get a look at the immense computer that was placed right in the middle of the room.
"What is all of this fuzz about?"
Sonic looked at the Mobian next to him, a green wolf boy with glasses who seemed way too excited to be here.
"Captain has gone to a mission for the first time!" the green wolf's stayed stuck on the computer's screen, not noticing that the one next to him was no other than Sonic the Hedgehog. "I've only heard stories about how great of a fighter Ms.Rose was! I can't wait to see her in action-"
The green boy finally turned to look at the blue hedgehog and he gasps at the realization. One of his idols was standing right in front of him, the blue hedgehog was one of the reasons why he joined the Resistance, in the hope that he would see him one day.
And that day was today.
"Amy for sure is a skilled fighter but," Sonic said, he smiled at the green wolf. Although he didn't care for fame, it was fun to see other's reactions to him and it lowkey raised his ego. "What is she doing out there in the field? I thought she was always too busy to take on missions."
"Captain Rose said that this mission was too dangerous for any of us to take," the wolf boy said, looking around the room nervously. "And she couldn't contact anyone from Team Dark nor Silver and Blaze and you weren't here nor Knuckles so she decided to go by herself."
Sonic knew that Amy was strong and she could perfectly take care of herself. Nonetheless, there was always this feeling of uncertainty, he cares too much for her to give a blind eye on the situation. His eyes were now glued to the enormous computer screen. For now, it was only blue and the screen had the words 'connecting...' as if it was waiting for a transmission to start. The agents still pushed each other to try and get as many people inside as possible. However, all chatter and movement were stopped the moment they saw that the computer screen no longer showed the previous words. Now it was showing live footage.
"How are we seeing this?" Sonic asked again as he could perfectly see the pink hedgehog he missed so much showing up on the screen.
"Mr.Miles sent a small android to accompany Ms.Rose, it's recording live," the wolf, although he was very excited to see his idol, he also wanted to see the heroine in peace. Mentally he wished Sonic stopped asking questions and instead just enjoy the show along with him.
The blue hedgehog didn't know what was going on and actually, he didn't need it. The flying android allowed everyone to see live the adventure of Amy Rose through the gigantic computer screen displayed in the middle of the room.
With no further actions, Sonic just lay back and relaxed, waiting for Amy to display her abilities.
The screen showed the pink hedgehog walk towards an army of egg bots. Probably around 50 of them or so Sonic thought, maybe even more.
"I don't want to hurt any of you but ..." Amy's voice had deepened and her stance was strong. To Sonic this was unknown, he had never seen Amy look so ... strong. "But if you don't give me my friend back in three minutes ... I won't have an option."
The Eggbots didn't think about it for a second and they were fast to throw a metallic spear at Amy.
Sonic flinched instinctively, and he shook aa little. However, he was relieved and surprised to see that Amy very calmly only moved her head to the side to dodge the spear.
"Is that all you got?" Amy said. Instantly the agents in the Main Room all stare at the computer screen in awe.
"Come on! Shadow's Chaos Spears are better than that!"
Sonic didn't know what to be more surprised at. That there was a possibility that Shadow had thrown a Chaos Spear at Amy or that Amy thought that Shadow's Chaos Spears were weak.
As if to answer her question, all 50 robots threw metallic spears at the pink hedgehog at the same time. Amy was quick to pull out her hammer and with it, she ricocheted the spears back at the Eggbots one by one.
The Main Room of the Resistance was filled with excited screaming, cheers and applause as they watched their captain being a total badass. Sonic meanwhile, was remembering the day Amy let him carry her hammer. The famous Piko-Pink hammer wasn't heavy ... it was impossible to pick up. Sonic could only lift it a few centimeters of the ground once and that was it. Watching Amy move it so easily and with such a fast technique made Sonic ... sightly impressed, he had to admit that much.
He continued to watch the screen as saw Amy ran at full speed towards the Eggbots. She was fierce and fast, using the strength of her hammer she would destroy each robot that dared to stand in her way.
Amy threw her hammer and it landed directly in the Eggbot that was guarding Eggman's entrance to his base. She did a backflip as to dodge the spear attack of one the Eggbots and finished, she landed a kick that went right through the Eggbot's metallic inside.
Amy snapped her fingers and quick her hammer appeared in her hand again. The pink hedgehog destroyed everything in her way. She had such a unique technique and stance that he had only seen been accomplished by a very well trained black hedgehog.
The green wolf looked at with excitement at the computer screen in front of him and he controls the need to fanboy his platonic crush. He looked next to him and found something rather amusing. Sonic the Hedgehog was utterly impressed and he could tell by the way his green eyes opened more as each second passed by.
Sonic had always known that Amy was an extremely gifted fighter ... But holy Chaos she was utterly strong. He knew for sure that the pink hedgehog had done some training in the six months that he was gone running around the world. Her fighting style reminded him of Shadow and Sonic wonder if they had spent some time training together while he was gone.
He would be lying if he said that the thought alone didn't bother him. Sonic trusted the love Amy had for him but he also knew that the pink hedgehog could bring the best out of people ... and a certain black hedgehog may have liked that about her.
However, a certain sense of proudness filled the blue hedgehog's soul. Watching the Resistance's agents fanboy and fangirl about his favorite pink hedgehog, made his heart smile. He wanted to face them, point at the computer screen and tell everyone, 'Look at her! Isn't she so cool! That's my Amy Rose!"
Although he was too shy to ever say something like that out loud.
The android that Tails made to follow Amy had suddenly stopped as the pink hedgehog entered Eggman's base. As if they were watching a movie, the agents and Sonic were waiting for their Captain to come out victorious of her mission. However, panic began to overtake them as the computer screen showed Eggman's base lit up on fire, bombs after bombs were detonated. Sonic held his breath in as to stop himself from running and finding her.
"Come on Amy ... Get out."
A few more seconds passed until finally, the pink hedgehog came out of Eggman's base victorious. Carrying in her back, a very well known red echidna.
The Resistance exploded in cheering and screaming, clapping. Sonic couldn't stop feeling a great sense of peace and especially, happiness. He began to cheer as well, even if Amy wasn't able to hear him. Sonic went as far as to give the green wolf next to him a small hug, which took him by surprise.
That was Amy ... his Amy.
When Amy came back to the Resistance, she was greeted by cheers and applause from the other agents. Although she wasn't badly hurt, there were some cuts and wounds that she needed to take off. She was in the infirmary, where Knuckles was sleeping in his bed peacefully. He had gone to Eggman's base to retrieve one of the Chaos Emerald but he had run into trouble and Eggman captured him.
So, of course, she had to go and save his butt again.
Not like she minds.
She was putting a bandage around her right arm when suddenly, someone entered the infirmary.
It was her favorite blue hedgehog.
"Sonic! I wasn't expecting you to come here today," Amy said, still seating on the edge of her bed.
Sonic smiled as she walked towards her and took a seat next to her. "Yeah, I was passing by ... So, how are you?"
"I am good, I definitely had worse," Amy was still trying to tie a bandage around her arm and seeing her struggle, Sonic took over her task. She blushed a little seeing act so kindly towards her.
"I saw you on your mission today," Sonic said concentrating his sight into treating Amy's bandages.
The pink one looked at him, her blush getting redder by the second.
Sonic looked at Amy as he finished tying her bandage. "It was dangerous."
Amy felt a sense of guilt wash over her and disappointment came with it too. The last thing she wanted was to make Sonic worry about her-
"But it was really cool, too!"
As Sonic smiled, Amy's heart skipped a bit. "The way you use your hammer was so cool! The punches and kicks! The way you moved your way towards the entrance of Eggman's base was out of this world-"
For a second, Amy thought that she had died in that mission and she was now in heaven. The love of her life was not only taking care of her, but he was praising her as well. Like an excited child in a candy store, Sonic was listing all the thing he loved about Amy without realizing.
"You were so cool, amazing, fantastic and-"
"For Chaos ..."
Their moment was interrupted as they turned their attention to the red hurt echidna in front of them.
"Would you two just kiss already?"
A/N: Here it is, this week's request! Sorry for the wait, I hope you like this!
I am working on the next prompt request already!
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