#and it might not look that diffucult
lesbian-space-fish · 2 years
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Went into a trance and came out of it 3 days later with a Dr. Sam Beckett doll
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Ok so i'm a straight AroAce but how do we actually know we're AroAce ?
Like, what if i am simply straight and it's just that me being autistic make it diffucult for my ways of expressing love and attraction toward girls fits into what society call "romance" and "attraction"
Who says what's romantic and what not anyway ? I'm still AroAce (?) Since i lack both things but sometimes i wonder "maybe it's just society that decided which is which".
You understand me ?
If i seemed to say anything that's disrespectful towerds AroAce or autistic people i apologize, i really didn't mean to. I'm on your side anyway boys and girls.
-star Anon ⭐
I understand you very well, Star Anon!
Did you know that autistic people are most likely to be queer? [📃]
This might be because compared with neurotypical people, autistic people may be less influenced by social norms & therefore may present their internal selves more authentically!
As an autistic person with alexithymia it's even MORE difficult to manage. I have learned to not bother with fitting to society in terms of gender expression or relationships.
Some thoughts about being aromantic:
I do not yearn for romantic partnerships & I feel fulfilled without such a connection.
However I still have intense, loving feelings, they're just not romantic in nature. There are many forms of love & society is very focused on romantic love. Just look at the movie industry or pop music culture. Romance is everywhere.
Being aromantic doesn't automatically mean you're emotionally cold (it can represent like that). I can form emotional & personal connections & they are deep enough for me to feel satisfied with my life.
Thoughts about being asexual:
People who identify as asexual experience little or no sexual attraction to others - I simply don't have the urge to participate in this field of physical contact. Feeling a form of physical attraction to someone is partly biological but also influenced by society (see beauty standards)/ cultures.
An asexual person can be straight, gay, bisexual or queer because sexual attraction is only one kind of attraction!
If you feel well described by those terms it's absolutely okay to use them. You don't have to label yourself at all, if you don't want to.
Romance has evolved in the last few thousand years. The ancient Greeks created different concepts to describe love.
Eros was romantic love, while storge was family love. Philia was brotherly love or friendship, and agape was an all-encompassing, unconditional love for a partner, God, or someone important to you.
There is no right or wrong.
I hope I was able to provide input!
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onglai · 7 months
I like how small Ali's class is, but it's kinda strange isn't it?
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Except for the two girls at the front, we know all the rest by name; Sarsi, Mia, Boy, Shaun, Viktor, Alicia, and Ali himself. Nine students in total.
Now, the strange thing here is this: why are Viktor and Alicia in this class?
If you look at the class again, one of them is a bully (Shaun), and another two don't perform very well (Ali and Boy). It's not a reach to say that this is the "backwards classroom" where the worst students are sent to.
I remember back when I was in school. I was stupid so the school put me in the furthest away class :v
Now, back to the number of students in Ali's class. The obvious reason why there are only nine is because of animation issue. Less people means less animation to do meaning it's gonna be cheaper. But say that we're coming up with an in-universe explanation for this, why are so few students in there?
Well, like I said, this class could be the backwards class where the worst of the worst are assembled to form the ultimate teaching nightmare. Which is kinda interesting isn't it?
I don't know what kinda school SRT Cyberaya 1 is, but as far as my experience goes, Malaysian schools don't only have one teacher per class. But that's not the case for Ali's school it seemed... unless 👀
Now you see, if this class is really where they put their worst students, Puan Munah teaching them makes sense. She's strict, she's scary, she's much more able to look over the rowdy and diffucult kids other than say... Cikgu Bidin.
But why, you ask, if this is supposed to be the backwards class, are Viktor and Alicia there. Well, it's not unheard of that schools would rearrange their classes so that the smart students could mix in with the not so smart ones. This introduces competition that might motivate them to do better in school.
It's arguable if the method really works, but if we go by this theory, Alicia and Viktor are there to be the competition the other students are expected to strive against. We already saw one instance of it in S2E5: Cabar where Sarsi (one-sidedly) competed with Viktor for second place 😗
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How would the ROs react if MC washed their hair as a gesture of love? This is in the relationship stage of course! Think of MC gently threading their fingers through the RO's hair and giving them occasional smooches on the head, etc.
Hopefully I won't mess up the reactions on this one.
Royce: He will simply adore it. He has a major thing about people messing with his hair. It feels wonderful to have someone run their fingers through their hair and just giving him affection. He just thrives on physical contact. Might even tease you little just to hear you laugh. That will only make it more perfect.
Douglas: He's a bit abbrasive about it but not in the way you think. He was always taught to handle things on his own and not rely on anyone. So having someone else do his hair for him especially his partner, it feels wrong. However, if you promise to let him do to you as well, he will try to relax and enjoy it. It is calming for them but they won't say that.
Rosette: Hope you're ready for a dying hair session. She will have a lot of fun with it, mainly let you choose her new hair color or any other dye jobs you want to do. She wants you to have good time while you do it so expect a playlist playing in the background and funny stories to keep you entertain. She will be smiling the entire time, simply happy being with you.
Marianna: Marie will be lethagric cat if you do this. Especially if it's done after she had a rough day or deal with somebody who was being extra diffucult. She will have pleased smile on her face as you run your fingers through her hair and maybe even give a slight purr at the kisses. By the end of it though, she will have fallen asleep. A contented smile on her peaceful face.
Edward/Edith: So they will be a goofball about this. Just a massive grin on their face, even bouncing in their seat as you wash their hair and run your fingers through it. They might try to convince you to do some wild things to their hair if you desire. Anything really just to keep you close to them for little while longer. A kiss on the lips will defintely happen at some point.
Juste/Justine: This will be a tricky situation to do. They're really protective of their hair. The bullies back in highschool pulled some awful pranks on them and now they don't want anyone touching their hair at all. Well minus their trusted haidresser/barber. So this is a big show of trust on their part and they don't want you to abuse it. Just be slow and assure them that it will be okay. Stop when they tell you to stop and simply be kind. A cuddle will be in your future afterwards.
Lucero: You have most likely done this before with them. They have a thing with intimate gestures regardless if they seem platonic or romantic. The feeling of being so close to somebody and trusting them completely is number one thing they thrive on. They will lean into your touch a lot and just look at you with so much love. They pay you back for this as well.
Ji-Min: They will have a heart attack from being brought to pure heaven. They just can't believe this is happening. Be ready for adoring eyes and lovesick grins as you do this to them. They will sometimes catch your hands to kiss them on the palms or knuckles lovingly. Like you are their most precious treasure or gem. They will fall for you all over again.
Doran/Deirdre: They will fidget in their spot. They tend do that when they don't know what to do especially something this intimate with their first serious partner. They don't know the protocol and they don't want to mess up. But they will love it none the less. But if you braid their hair for them, they're gone. They will constantly be enchanted by the braids and just be so happy to have this personal reminder of you on their person. They might even braid your hair if you wanted to.
Paul/Palina: They're a nervous wreck. They never had even done this before, not even by their parents for as long they could remember. Just the overflowing burst of love and brokeness from their chest, they can't really help but to cry. They apologize for worrying you, they just never experience this before. The kisses and vows coming directly from the heart, promising to be worthy of this love you've given them. They want to worthy of this love so much.
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second dream of the night (we hate these they are never pleasant, always fucking stressdreams):
I was in a lecture and ate my lunch, the lecture ended and my class piled out but I decided to take these 15 minutes before the next class had a lecture there to clean it my lunchbox
apparently that was something j had postponed because I had like 7 different lunch tupperwares (or whatever they're called) to clean out and some of it took too long. the new lecturer came in and ge has literally a young version of my lecturer, he was sat at the sink that i needed to use but he let me use it only commenting on how dirty they were (:// rude)
anyways, here comes the stresspart of the dream (because the intro wasn't stressful at all), what happened was that tje class started piling into the class room and my time was running out. the proffessor started his lecture but now all i had to fo was quietly run out of the room BUT suddenly i could only see an arms lenght in front of me. but it was a frozen image of the wall
so i just kinda sat down for his entire lecture because i couldn't get anywhere and it felt like the wall was in every direction i lookes so i was simply stuck
then i was rescued (kinda) by my gf, or she came to lead me out and i tried to explain the vision problem. and apparently it was something that happened to me fairly often (my vision freezing like that) but it usually only lasted half a minute but now it had been going on for atleast 30 minutes and didnt seem to be goung away any time soon
we were walking on some diffucult terrain and i kinda fell and it felt like i made some stone fall. and suddenly i couldn't feel or hear her anywhere so i started calling out her name yo no respons. at this point i was genuinly scared i might have killed her
but yhen after i had blindly looked for her what felt like an eternity in my despair but was like at most 5 min she called me and apparently her sister had phomed her and my gf needed to respond so her sister wouldnt worry, and now i suddenly remembered that we are infact long distance gfs and from now on we were communicqtion via phone
now i was at home with my family but my frozen vision was letting up a little, like bit for bit. but still kept being that frozen image fof the main part
i asked my parents if this had happened to them in any way and my dad seemed to recognise it a little so i was like "great! its hereditary!!" and thought about telling my gp about it next time i went to the hospital
then i woke up and genuinly can't tell if the vision freexing thing is something that has happened to me irl begore in those 30 second increments or if i totally made it up
i mean logically i think i made it up
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hi! i want to ask something! can i call myself aegoromantic if i'm enjoying ships/other people's romantic relationships only in queerplatonic/aesthetic way? (also, i don't think i'm fully understand the concept of romantic relationship and i'm thinking about it not so often :(.) i tried to find something on that but everyone always talking only about romantic things.
+ i'm not fully ace, but i think i may be in this spectrum too (because i don't want a sexual relationship). i understand and can experience sexual attraction (in the fiction, too), but with romantic is so much more diffucult to understand what i'm feeling to romantic/sexual in fiction/etc. like: "i think they look cute together and i'd enjoyed the idea of them being much closer then they are now! but i don't want them to date-no, it's boring and kissing is weird"
I think another term with the aego prefix might work a bit better (something like aegoplatonic?) because I'm not sure how much aegoromantic covers other types of relationships. But if aegoromantic feels comfier then feel free to still use it!
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There's multiple coutry included in my story, before pandemic I was planning to visit them in order to gain experiences and idea but now it's kinda.....diffucult. I know I can do research on the internet, but it's just not the same.
Lately I met a guy from one of the country I've never been yet and he even lived on the exact city I'm writing. I asked him if I could ask him about his experience and the place (he said yes)
What kind of question/information should I ask ? To make the most complete information that would help me make the story more accurate. Or if I don't meet/know someone, what kind of research to look for places I've never been?
Thank you!
Setting Research: Interviewing a Local
Interviewing someone who actually lives in your story's setting or inspiration setting is a great way to learn about that location. However, it's probably not going to be enough. Luckily, I have some posts that will help with that, and I'll link them in below.
As far as questions to ask a local, that's really going to depend on what you need to know for your story. In other words, don't go in with a bunch of random questions. Think about what you actually need to know for your story.
General things you might want to ask:
what the weather is like during the time period of your story
what the people are like
what industry/s are important to the location
what kind of food, drink, and entertainment is popular
notable landmarks
potential locations for scenes in your story
cost of living, ideas about where your character might live
how people get around the location/is there public transportation
any popular festivals or events
any notable trends or fads
cultural dos and don'ts
Setting Your Story in an Unfamiliar Place Using an Existing Country as Inspiration Five Things to Help You Describe Fictional Locations WQA’s Guide to Internet Research Writing About Difficult to Research Topics
Best of luck with your story!
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Okay. So I have a tough question. Considering you have a degree in Psychology. I wanted to ask you.
After everything our characters in ST went through and what they are still going through especially characters like Will, Mike and El. We are in the 80's where growing as a teenager must've been extremely diffucult (though one might say that every generation has a tough time growing up.). We are in a coming of age story very much centered around children and teenagers and whose audience is, for the most part, teenagers or young adults.
I really didn't know how to talk about it as this subject is a very sensitive one and I preferred to chose someone who is, to my knowledge, the most qualified in that field. Sorry if it adds a pressure on you, I really don't want you to have that but I wanted to take it safe as I know it is a difficult subject.
I have wanted the show to go back to it's more mature and raw elements.
Do you think there is a possibilty that Stranger Things might, in season 4 or later, explore the subject of suicide or suicidal tendencies ?
I am sorry, I know it is a tough question but since Stranger Things each season is touching more difficult themes each time. I'd figured that at some point a show like Stranger Things will have to talk about it. Of course it doesn't have to but it's the most logical thing for me. (Also Gaten in an interview said that the characters will deal with more mature subjects.) Especially since a lot of characters do a lot of self-sacrificing actions but it's never really touched upon except maybe Hopper and Billy.
Warning: This post contains discussion of suicide. This is a deep topic, but one worth discussing. I won't pretend to be some all-knowing expert on the topic of suicide, but, as a school counselor, it is something I have to be ready for. I am trained to spot the warning signs and to screen for the need for intervention. I've also personally grappled with this myself. I went through a period where I honestly felt like it was the only thing I could do.
I wish to start by speaking plainly and directly. If you have ever felt like you may wish to take your own life, or know someone who does, please get any available help.
Dealing with a topic like suicide on TV is an extremely delicate undertaking. It's noble to want to address a very real problem, but the last thing that needs to be done is for it to be romanticized. At the same time, it also can't be demonized. Real people grapple with this. It's a real danger to show heartfelt mourning after a suicide, as someone grappling with it may see it as a reason to go ahead with it. "Look how much people will miss me!" At the same time, treating it like some cardinal sin will only make people less likely to share suicidal thoughts with those who may be able to help.
I've written before that Will may consider suicide during the course of Stranger Things, so that’s who I will use for this hypothetical. It could just as easily be another character. The question is how can a fantastical sci-fi show like Stranger Things handle such a real life issue in an appropriate fashion?
I do feel like the show has so far done a very good job working reality into this sort of fantasy story. I can see it working out so long as they are careful to avoid either romanticizing or condemning it.
In my conceptualization, it will be a result of him discovering that he unknowingly created the Upside Down. Will would essentially blame himself for everything that has happened. To him, suicide would be the way to stop it all.
In real life, suicide has been found to have some common elements. I won’t go into an exhaustive list, but these commonalities include enduring psychological pain, looking for a solution to a problem (the solution being suicide), a desire to cease consciousness, and a sense of hopelessness or despair. Essentially, a psychologically tortured individual seeks a solution to their problems, and, since it seems so utterly hopeless, they decide that ending their life is the best solution. Granted, it gets a bit nuanced, but this is what it looks like from a general perspective. In most cases, it’s something an individual has put some thought into. Those thoughts are distorted, though, as an individual will almost tunnel visioned to the point that alternate solutions aren’t even considered, and it becomes more of a necessity than a desire to follow through with it.
In Stranger Things, it’s possible to map these same elements to the story being told. Many fans, such as myself, already see Stranger Things as using the sci-fi and horror elements of the show to illustrate psychological trauma. The threat of the Upside Down has steadily become more insidious and pervasive, growing from a solitary monster threatening the real world, to a possessed child commanding an army of monsters, to many townspeople being used as murderous puppets and parts of a grotesque amalgamation. It’s slowly taking over Hawkins, only ever being temporarily subdued until some new trauma brings it back worse than before. Suppressed trauma is manifesting as a consuming darkness (the Upside Down), which can be seen as a metaphor for depression. Imagine Will finding out it’s all connected to him, a result of him subconsciously trying to bottle up his trauma.
He already has the psychological pain, as it is (in my conceptualization) what’s manifesting all the supernatural horrors his family and friends have to deal with year and year. He’ll want a solution to it, and, in his moment of despair, will think that the only solution is to stop it at the source. Too many people have already died, and he’ll blame himself for all of them. He’ll decide that he needs to die in order to make it all go away. It’s not so much a desire as it is a necessity.
Now, I don’t think they’ll actually kill Will off. That would be an incredibly depressing ending, and it would more or less affirm that suicide is the only answer. I think he may attempt it, and it would take the love of his family and friends, as it always does, to save him. Ultimately, though, I feel it would be far more effective to use the narrative to show Will facing, accepting, and overcoming his past trauma. In doing so, Will would be able to end the threat of the Upside Down by making peace with it, with the help of his loved ones and professional treatment. 
In short, Will might see suicide as the only viable solution to an overwhelming darkness that just keeps getting worse. In the end, though, he’d be able to confront and make peace with that darkness, instead. How the Duffers would go about showing that is a better question for experienced writers.
I must have written and re-written this answer ten times. I’m still not overly thrilled with it, but I can’t keep stressing it. I hope it meets your expectations. This has been a touchy topic, and I tried to treat it with the seriousness it deserves. I hope the care I put into writing it comes across to those who read it.
If anyone out there reading this is currently facing their own darkness, please don’t try to bottle it up or take it on alone. It has a way of making you think you don’t have options, but you do. You just sometimes need other people to remind you of it and help you shine a light again.
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croidorin · 4 years
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south park zombie AU
all the characters are 19 years old here
-he has hope inside of him that he will find his family and Wendy and everything will be back to normal but doesn’t show it a lot.
-mostly he is like “sh*t we are all gonna die. that’s it” outside but every night before he goes to sleep the little boy inside of him be like “i have to stay alive so i can see them again.”
-he got that rifle from his uncle Jimbo’s gun store before he get together with his friends.
-he will find Ike whatever happens.
-he gives the engine the gun to group.
-he uses axe as weapon.
-sometimes he and Cartman has that fight, they threat each other with using their weapons to each other but they always find a common way and end up as usual. cartman might be annoying to him sometimes but he couldn’t do without him. 
-2 hours after an argument with cartman, Cartman confessed he was worried about him in there and told him he is a stupid jew and kyle just hugged him tiredly and said he was worried about him in there too. 
-he has duty belt that craig gave him. he was almost killed by a group of walkers and only he got was a pocketknife. after craig and others showed up and saved kenny, cartman’s and craig’s group get together and got each others back. craig gave kenny a gun and said “you can’t die that quick mccormick.”
-after that day, they make eye contact a lot. sometimes kenny smirkes and give craig that look and craig can’t help but smile back even he doesn’t smile that much.
-after virus goes that series point and turned people death walkers, his gang and he protect themself pretty good. they all had to learn how to fight anyway or else they’ll die.
-he put nails to his baseball bat and started to use it as weapon.
-he and tweek were dating when they were children but when they grow up they decided to broke up and stay friends. but still, it’s weird with being your ex sometimes.
-he get a huge scar after a fight on his chest and lost blood a lot so he was cold. kenny gave him his orange hoodie to wear it but couldn’t take it back again. well, it was okay for Kenny tho. 
-he just wants to stay alive doesn’t have purpose.
-before they go to out of town, he tried to take all the weapons but they were so many. he have bags that are full of guns and also toys because whatever his age is, toys -such as clyde frog- makes him relax. 
-he is still rich even in a middle of zombie war. he has still that expensive clothes with him.
-his parents are in a safe zone and they are trying to contact with them but there is no signal and way to have news from each other. 
-when they have signals, his parents said lots of people from south park went to safe zone and they had to go there too. he and his friends tries to reach there and the only thing they can think is hoping their families or lovers are in that zone. 
-he kinda is the mother of their group.
-he saw so many people eaten alive and it was a tragedy for him. 
-cries a lot but his friends always supports and be there for him. Kenny tells nice stories about hot ladies land and makes him relax. Token gives him the best hugs and even Cartman tells everything gonna be okay (even he doesn’t believe and know it is a lie).
-he uses bow and arrow and teaches Clyde how to use it.
-he is uncomfortable in relationships and doesn’t want
-it was so hard to find coffee in the middle of zombie crisis so it was so diffucult to accommodate to live without coffee but then he get used to that and he is fine now!
if you have any headcanons about them feel free to write. i might add them!
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flowerpowell · 5 years
Meet-Cute (Drake x MC)
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A/N: Part six is here! Thank you so much for your patience! I hope you’ll like it (and you’ll like the addition of certain characters...). I’d love to hear your feedback! As always, the chracters belong to Pixelberry.
Rating: PG-16 
Word count: 1552
Tagging: @agent-bossypants @mysteli @gardeningourmet @annekebbphotography @mymandrake @butindeed @walkerduchess @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicessa @violinist3212  @blackcatkita @jlouise88 @innerpostmentality @tmarie82 @darley1101 @littleeeepeach  @ooo-barff-ooo @sleepwalkingelite @traeumerinwitzhelden @jovialyouthmusic @nikkis1983 @notoriouscs @melodyofgraves @zaffrenotes @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @rhymesmenagerie @emichelle @drakesroyalromance @drakewalkerisreal @mrsnazariowritesagain @furiousherringoperatortoad @lynne1993 @drakesensworld @iplaydrake @thequeenofcronuts @confessionsofabrokegirl @carabeth @ao719 @gibbles82 @be-still-my-aching-heart @symonde @lovedrakewalker @choices97 @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @ladyangel70 @dcbbw ♥
Riley had been pacing back and forth in front of Drake’s office for over ten minutes. She knew he wouldn’t like the idea, he would definitely hate it. She knew it and she didn’t even want to tell him anything. But the day had finally come and he would find out sooner or later. Taking one last deep breath, she knocked on the door and heard “come in,” from inside.
“Hey,” Drake smiled seeing her in the doorway. She closed the door and in a second he was right next to her, planting a kiss on her lips.
“Whoaa, getting bold I see. Not afraid someone will catch us?” she teased and he laughed.
“No, my office is completely safe from prying eyes.”
She wanted to say something back, tease him more but the realization of what she had to tell him ruined the mood. He noticed the change on her face and looked so tenderly into her eyes that she almost broke down right in front of him.
“Hey... is something wrong?” Drake asked concerned, gently rubbing her cheek with his thumb.
“I might have done something stupid. No... not stupid, but you will think it’s stupid...”
“I’m getting nervous, what did you do?”
“I...asked a private detective to come here and help us with this whole Cordonia situation. To help us uncover Justin’s scheme and prove you innocent.”
His jaw dropped. Without looking at her, he went back to his desk and sat on his chair, his back facing Riley.
“And umm... he’s coming today. Actually, I just got a message from Nadia that they’re almost here but they made a pit stop because Amy, Nadia’s cousin wanted some fries.”
He turned to her immediately, confusion and anger written on his face. “Nadia is coming? And her cousin? With the detective? What the--”
“Damien is a really good friend of Nadia and Amy. And we haven’t seen each other in so long so she wanted to come too,” she explained sheepishly.
Drake stood up and straightened himself. “So let me get this straight. You contacted a detective, without consulting me, told him my story, without my permission, and let him solve a case that is none of your damn business?”
“I--” she stuttered in surpirse. She knew Drake wouldn’t like it but she didn’t expect him to be so mad.
“I think you should go now, Brooks.”
“Do I need to call security?”
“If it as effective as in Cordonia then I’m not really afraid,” she shrugged but quickly recomposed herself. “Drake, please, talk to him. They can help us!”
“Go. Away.”
“Drake... I’m sorry I did it without talking to you first but I knew you would’ve said no and I think that’s our chance to--”
“Our chance to what? To get killed? And kill your friends in the process? You know nothing, Riley. Nothing. You left everything and you never cared so stop pretending you do now!”
Feeling that the tears started welling up in her eyes, she quickly ran out of the office, staight to her room, where she waited for her friends to come.
“SPENCER!!!” Nadia threw herself on Riley the second she opened the door. They almost fell on the floor but luckily, Riley managed to balance them.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m just so excited to see you!!” Nadia squealed with joy as she pulled her friend into yet another hug. Behind her,  Riley saw a man and a woman looking at each other and shrugging at the sight in front of them.
“Okay, so everyone, this is Spencer, errr, Riley, err, I mean, what do you want us to call you?”
“Whatever you prefer but Riley is fine,” Riley smiled nervously.
“Okay, so this is Ri, Ri, this is Amy, my cousin,” she gestured a tall woman with a beautiful purple ombre hair. Riley wanted to shake her hand but Amy pulled in a hug too.
“And this is Damien Elvis Nazario, the greatest PI known to the humanity, a gentle soul with some grumpiness inside, fantastic friend and--”
“Okay Nadia, that’s enough,” the man in brown jacket interrupted her, “I’m Damien, the detective.” He extended his hand to her and she shook it.
“It’s so nice to meet you all, take a seat,” she let them in and closed the door. While Amy and Damien took their seats, Nadia stayed behind.
“Where’s Drake? Aren’t we investigating his case?” she asked making sure no one could hear them. Riley sighed.
“We got into a fight when I told him you guys were coming. He thought it was too dangerous and it was a stupid idea.”
“What? Do you want me to talk to him?”
“No,” Riley chuckled, “I will later. We have a case to solve now.”
When they joined the rest, Damien took out his laptop and notebook.
“Okay, so from what I’ve gathered, Drake is assumed to have killed Liam, the King, right? And Drake would never do that, correct?”
“Of course he wouldn’t!” Riley raised her voice.
“I just needed to ask. I believe in facts, not in what people say. Drake left a day after Liam’s assasination because Liam’s bodyguard told him he is suspected, right? How are we sure it wasn’t a suicide?”
“Liam would never! He was a mess at that time but he loved that country! He would do everything to protect it!” Riley started having doubts. Maybe Drake was right after all...
“We can’t cross this possibily off yet. But back to Cordonia. After Drake left, Justin turned out to be Anton and a decree that in case of King’s death, he becomes a King, was found? Why did Anton changed his name then?”
“Apparently because he didn’t care about the crown and wanted to find a regular job. And after the decree was found he decided he’ll sacrifice his freedom and will become the King to all Cordonians.” Riley shrugged. “But I don’t believe that. I know he did all of this.”
“And who found Liam dead?” 
“I don’t know that. I think a guard that informed Bastien straight away.”
“And Liam’s funeral?”
“Was a private ceremony, however, the television was there when they put the coffin in the crypt. Justin told then he was after Drake for killing the King.”
“Hmm, okay. And everyone willingly believed that King’s best friend would do that?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know, probably not but Justin was my press secretary, he can manipulate everyone into thinking what he wants them to think.”
“So, Drake has fled. Liam was killed. Olivia is missing. How convinient. Where’s Hana and Maxwell though?”
“I think they’re hiding. Drake never called them cause it would be to dangerous so we don’t know for sure.”
“I tried to do some googling,” Amy interjected, “but Cordonia seems like a paradise and everyone loves the King. I once found a negative comment but it was deleted within a day.”
“Of course. Anton controls the Internet in Cordonia as well. Which is weird considering he claims he became a King fairly.” Damien noted something in the file.
“Cause he didn’t. And everyone knows that but they’re probably too afraid to say anything.”
“Give a me second to go through everything again and we’ll figure our next move,” Damien said while flipping through the pages of his notebook and comparing something on his laptop.
“I love it when you’re in your detective mode,” Amy teased him and Riley could see Damien’s blushed cheeks. Ah these two are so clearly in love... Makes me miss Drake even more. I wish he--
A sudden knock on the door startled her as she walked to the door and opened it.
“I thought about what you said,” Drake started slowly, “and I think we might give it a try. If we’re careful.”
In response, Riley quickly pulled in a hug and kissed him passionately. When they parted, Drake broke into a grin and Riley finally felt she could breathe again.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you, Riley. I was shocked but I’m glad you still care. Forgive me?”
“I already did, Drake,” she kissed him again and took his hand, leading him into the living room.
“Everyone, this is Drake, Drake this is Nadia, Amy and Damien.”
Drake shook everyone’s hand, dodging Nadia’s hug.
“Nice to meet you, Drake. I’ve heard a lot about you and I hope together we can solve that mystery,” Damien smiled lighly but Drake only rolled his eyes.
“I would say likewise but I’m not a liar.”
“Drake!” Riley nudged him, suddenly embarassed by his bluntness.
“It’s okay, I’m used to diffucult cliens thinking they know it all.”
“Damien!” This time Amy scolded Damien.
“Okaaay, let’s sit down and see what we’ve got. D? Did you figure out our next step?” Nadia asked, desperatly trying to lighten up the mood.
“I’ve gathered a lot of information thanks to Riley but we can’t do much by being here,” Damien sighed and Drake snorted.
“Well, that didn’t help. Don’t expect a tip.”
“Drake! Let him finish,” Riley turned to Damien. “So what do you suggest?”
“Well... I need to collect more evidence which means... we’re going to Cordonia.”
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drjaslaine · 4 years
My Ocs' Bio
Oc # 1 Ere ignis
A Shy and Skittish girl,She will mostly avoid interacting with other people apart from some of her close friends,
She will cry at the most slightest insult at her,Which is another reason she doesn't interact with other people and her trust is diffucult to get unless one of her close friends trusted you,
She is pretty resistant to fire and can even control blue fire,She simply uses her ability to bake,
Baking seems to be her passion as she does this everyday and gives out some baked goods for her friends
She loves anything that is soft and fluffy,Giving her a very fluffy stuffed animal will surely make her day,
She has Haemophobia,Just seeing a drop of blood can make her scream and panic,
Which is why she is also hides her hands in her long sleeves to protect them,Her hands are extremely soft and delicate,
Consider yourself lucky if she lets you hold her hands,I swear this girl has one of the most softest and delicate hands in the world,
She avoids using knives or any sharp objects,but when she does,She usually wear protective gloves when handling them,
She is easily intimidated by simply seeing an enemy grin or look smug at her,
However on rare occasions when she get really angry,She will punish those that anger her by setting their shoes on fire,but she does regret it afterwards,
She has a tendency to throw up when experiencing extreme fear and panic
And she can be a great cuddle bug,As when you hug her,(or she hugs you)she heats up her body temperature just a little bit,So its like hugging a soft and warm marshmallow,
And thats all for now,Might update it when there is more,-w-
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freedandrestored · 5 years
"God has a funny way of teaching us things. When we ask Him to teach us to be more patient, to be more kind, to be more loving, and to be more forgiving, He would send us people who are hard to love. The problem is we give up too easily, especially with people. We think they are the ones who need to change not knowing that it is us whom God is changing. We see so little of the picture.
We complain and stay away from these people who are being used by the Lord to give us what we exactly prayed for. It might not look like what we are hoping it to be, but it would definitely bring us to maturity and growth. When Jesus wraps it all, you would see how He mightily used diffucult circumstances and impossible people to turn you into the person who knows how to love unconditionally even with the test of time. You learned from the best - Jesus, Himself."
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mynamehan · 6 years
Study Sessions - Archie Andrews Imagine (riverdale)
Hi so this is my first Archie Andrews x reader imagine so go easy on me. The start of Riverdale season three really made me want to start writing again so my REQUESTS ARE OPEN
Summary: Archie and reader have yet another study date at Archie’s which, thanks to Y/N, might cause him to fail his next test
sorry this is v short.
Warnings: none, just slight tease and heat, kissing
You and Archie had been an official thing for about five months and study dates were a thing the two of you did pretty frequently. Usually, you could master the focus and actually study for a couple of hours, but there was those other times when both of your minds were in some other place.
Today was one of those days, at least for you. When Archie first decided to put the tip of the pen between his teeth, you knew you weren’t going to get much done today. Archie sat across the room from you on his bed, keeping a steady focus. You looked him over from the chair by his desk in which you were sitting.
The algebra test was tomorrow and he had been worried he wouldn’t pass, so a study date was bound to happen. With papers and books filled to the brim with knowledge sprawled out in front of him, he had his chin leaned on his hand and his brows furrowed. His red hair was still relatively mess-free despite him tugging at it every 10 minutes in frustration.
“Arch.” You call softly, trying to catch his attention. He didn’t react, simply too focused on reading. The frown on his face deepening as he chewed harder on his pencil.
You let out a small giggle at his concentration, “Arch.” This barely caught his attention as he let out a small ‘hmm’, still not looking away from his papers.
You bit your lip to stop a smirk as you placed your textbook on his desk, letting your feet touch the ground. You got up, taking slow steps towards where he was sitting. You knew he needed to pass this test but he had been reading for hours on end and you reckoned that he needed a break. Besides, you were bored and he was going to nail that test anyways.
“Earth to Archibald?” You stopped halfway there, leaning your hip against his dresser, the intense feeling building inside of you. When he still didn’t reply nor look at you, you felt yourself growing a bit inpatient.
Sighing slightly you raised your hands to unbutton your shirt, leaving you in only your bra and pants. Throwing your now removed button-up shirt at him, you made him jump from the impact.
“Y/N-...” He stared at the shirt with a confused glare before finally locking eyes with you, seeing the racy look in your gaze.
His mouth letting go of the pen as his eyes trailed down your body, his breath hitching in his throat. Quickly averting his eyes back to the paper, shaking his head to get the imagine of you without a shirt in his bedroom looking ridiculously hot and focus on getting that damn information in.
“Archie, take a break...” Using a seductive tone, you slowly made your way over to him. His eyes were finding it more diffucult to remain on the paper and not flicker between it and you.
Being close enough to touch him, you snatched the paper from him, letting it fall to the floor as you climbed onto his bed, putting your hands around his neck. He swallowed visibly, gently falling back as you followed. Attaching your lips to his, you smiled into the kiss, letting your hands rummage through his fiery locks.
“Hmm...” He mumbled out softly, relaxing his shoulders for a second before letting go of your body and getting back up in a sitting position. “I can’t, what if I’m not smart enough and I underestimate how hard the test is or-“
You cut him off with a soft peck. “You need a break Arch.” You said once your lips parted from his. “I know you wanna pass but trust me when I say that burning yourself out isn’t the right way to do so.”
“But I-“
He looked you straight in the eye with a serious look on his face, sighing softly before averting his eyes. You smiled at him, placing each of your hands on his cheeks, making him look at you again.
“I’ll help you study, okay?” He let a small smile slip by as he nodded, tracing his hand along your arm. Pushing him back down onto the bed, you threw your hair over your shoulder. He moved his head up slightly to close in the gap but you stopped right before your lips touch, “But first, I’ll help you take a short break...”
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mattronomicon · 6 years
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Introducing Vodara, Toa of Lightning. Though it might not look like it this was a diffucult build for me and has taken up the better part of a week to build (which is a long build time for me) but I think it has been worth it, normally I would write about the character here but I actually have a story I wrote about her which I will be posting later today! So check back later for that.
Keep building, keep chronicling, see you later!
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Musical Massacare Act 1
*the year is 3095
Jospephine *narrarting the story* "life in the year 3095 can be pretty awesome. We have the coolest technology, the greatest lives, and dare I say it? the coolest ansestors"
Brianna and Sally walking out of a building that reads *National Musuem of Technology*
Brianna Quinn: "I can't believe they actually did that"
Sally Vulcano "neither can I! We legit have the best ansestors in spirit existence"
Jospehine: *still narrating* "my friends along with me are also descendents of the Impractical Jokers. Yes, you heard that correctly. Of course, everyone assumes that we all want to be comedians, but we all have more important jobs. Not that making people laugh is important, but when you're being counted on to make relations with other galaxies or rescuing people from black holes, it can be tough, not too mention downright scary"
Jospehine: "what's up Jamie? working on those techno beats for the party?"
Jamie Murray: "yeah, of course I am. Why wouldn't I? techno music is my life"
Josephine: *to the audience* "the thing that's so great about descending from Joe and Bessy Gatto is that you learn a lot of interesting things in life. One of them being how awesome of a planet we are, when we all just learn to love one another"
Sally: "wow, living so close to the 5th millenium is so exciting. I feel bad for the people that had to deal with inferior technology"
Josephine: "yeah, I know right? Imagine seeing a delicious pie on TV and not being able to eat it right away or not being able to jump in the TV to go to place advertised on it? that must really suck"
Josephine: *to the audience* "here's a breakdown of our careers. You're probally already familar with what Jamie, Brianna, and I do for a living because who can possibly forget about black holes, jamming out to some good techo music, or the possibility of paralel universes?"
Sally: "my favorite era that I have been in so far definitly has to be 2800's. I loved how the once fueding countries were so close, really warmed my heart"
Joesephine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano is the time era consultant, which means that whenever someone messes up the time line she restores it back to normal"
Brianna: "can't wait for the party this week. heard it was going to be awesome"
Jamie: "you bet. already got the track down"
Jospehine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano probally has the hardest job out of all four of us. If she is unable to identify and fix what exactly went wrong in the time era system, it can throw the entire universe off and we all know we don't want that to happen"
Sally: "let's hope no one tries going back in time and does something they're not supposed to, because I don't have the energy right now to fix people's errors"
Brianna Quinn: "that doesn't mean other people have to suffer. I'm in charge of getting people rescued from black holes, the place where there is no escpae from, I help them find an escape. We all have diffucult carrers, everyone counts on us to do an awesome job"
Sally: "because if we don't, we'll never hear the end of it. Like how somene got trapped in a black hole last year, and you couldn't rescue them. The entire planet hated you for months"
Joesphine: *to the audience* "Our ansestors may have been nervous of how people would react to their jokes, but it's a whole different story when you have a career that can dangerously effect the entire universe if you don't do it correctly"
scene 2
Gretel: “today we will be learning about the Trump Presidency and the events that happened because of it”
Christiania- “why do we have to learn about occurrences that happened 1,000 years ago?”
Addison- “yeah, what does that have to do with us?”
Gretel- “history builds our future, it’s a foundation of our character and how we perceive the world around us and treat others. It’s important we learn this stuff in order to create a positive building block for the future”
Sally- “can we learn about our ancestors after this?”
Gretel: “the Impractical Jokers? They have an exhibit at the Antique shop. You can teleport there after school if you would like”
*Brianna and Josephine high-five each other and then give their friends Jamie and Sally a thumbs up*
Michelle- “and don’t forget shows like Adam Ruins Everything, the Chris Gethard Show and the Carbanaro effect”
Gretel- “yes, those shows have an exhibit as well”
Gretel- “okay, now the Trump Presidency occurred in the year 2017. Many people lost their families due to violence. This was by far the worst presidencies known to mankind”
Darla: “why did people vote for him then? Wasn’t it because they liked him and thought he would make a god choice for president?”
Gretel- “he won for that reason, but historians for hundreds of years have said that problems erupted due to his term as president”
Jamie: “how bad were the problems? I’m sure they couldn’t have been that horrible”
Gretel- “back then there was a disagreement about guns. Most of the people that voted for Trump thought that weapons shouldn’t be banned, because they were afraid they would have nothing to protect themselves with”
Brianna- “so they couldn’t trust each other? They actually thought they had the need for weapons?”
Gretel- “it was a conflict that effected many lives. Take the Parkinson shooting for instance. After the tragic event occurred, many Republicans were serious about keeping the “right to bear arms” amendment”
Josephine- “were all Republicans like this?”
Gretel- “actually some of them fell in between with their beliefs. Not all Republicans thought the same like historians would like us to believe”
Michelle: “do you know why the Republicans thought that way”?
Gretel-“they wanted to protect their loved ones, and thought that having been armed with guns would have been the best way to achieve that. However there were people that disagreed with this, these were the people that decided to put a ban on gun usage”
Addison- “how was that going to help? Even if they did ban weapons, the people guilty of pertaining one would just have found a new way to hurt people”
Gretel- “questioning the world around you. You’re just like your ancestor. And yes, banning assault rifles wouldn’t have helped. A lot of civilians thought that guns were needed for protection, and this caused a conflict about whether to keep guns or ban them”
Brianna- “if people were for guns, how come they were also pro life? That doesn’t add up”
Gretel- “people in the past thought the same thing as well. In fact there was a Women’s march that took place two months after President Trump set foot in office. Many people thought the Women’s march was a symbol for girl power, but the message others received, were horrendous”
Jamie- “how bad was it?”
Gretel- “during the march, people held signs with words and images hinting that they were pro choice. This angered lots of Republicans because they believed that everyone deserved a chance to enter the world”
Darla: “if they were pro-life, how come when I went to the antique shop the other day, I saw comments from those very same people, posting about how others should have been aborted? Even if someone commits a sin, you shouldn’t say stuff like that”
Gretel- “you’re absolutely right. No one should be told that they shouldn’t have had the chance to be alive. Unfortunately, people back then were extremely cruel. For reasons that we don’t know of”
scene 3
Cassidy- “wow, a simulation exhibit. This must be cool”
Brianna- “apparently this is an exhibit that lets you travel back hundreds of years, and it gives you a glimpse of what it was like to live in the 90’s and early 2000’s”
Jamie- “we can see how our ancestors lived. That’s awesome because all of them lived during the same time period”
Josephine- “we go to this antique shop all the time and all we never did this exhibit. I say we give it a try” Addison- “we always heard about in history class how these people lived, but now we actually get to experience it first hand. What could be more exciting?”
Sally- “wait, so if we go back to 2017, cause that’s when all of our ancestors were on Tru TV, at the same time, that means we’re going back a thousand years”
Brianna- “wouldn’t the time jump effect us? As in terms of how slow or how fast it passes?”
Darla- “well it’s true that we would be traveling back to a millennium ago, but I don’t think it will effect the passage of time”
Sally- “so we’ll be in an ancient era, but the time wouldn’t be affected at all?”
Cassidy- “exactly. There’s actually a time blocker. If the machine detects you’re about to do something that would affect the future, it stops that from happening. As long as this feature is enabled, we should be safe.”
Christiania- “when we get back, we should visit the music from the past exhibit, to help us find inspiration for the Talent Bash”
(The girls are back in the year 2017)
Michelle- “this place looks weird”
Brianna- “yeah, when you spend your entire life where chrome buildings, jet packs, hover cars, and robots are the norm, it can be weird being in a world where the cars are on the ground, the buildings are made out of bricks, and the robots haven’t evolved yet.”
Josephine- “this is New York. Our ancestors must be near by because they filmed here all the time when they did their episodes”
Brianna- “we should try the mall. Everyone will just think we’re girls trying to get a deal on jewelry, but in reality, we just want to see our awesome ancestors”
Sally- “all right, let’s go”
Jamie- “try looking for your ancestors. Pay them a visit for being amazing”
Micelle- “we can just see them in the spirit world”
Cassidy- “you can visit the Impractical Jokers. We want to walk around and explore this place a bit”
Christiania- “I mean look at this place. We’re so used to seeing aluminum buildings, so in a way this could actually be good for us”
Addison- “change of scenery. It can actually be quite healthy changing your surroundings”
Jamie- “our ancestors are super cool, so we might be in the mall for a while. Explore this ancient city of New York and knock yourself out”
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I've always looked like my mother, we just look very very similar. we have the same traits etc.. but ((for various reasons)) I do not want to look like her so much and apart from her.. I don't even like the traits we share. it makes me feel very self conscious. I just want to look like me, look like a separate person. but when I look in the mirror or at photos I just don't feel good about my appearance. how can I accomplish feeling better about myself,... i don't want plastic surgery. from Kiara
Hi Kiara, 
I’m sorry to hear that you have been feeling uncomfortable with your physical appearance and similarities with a person you don’t want to be associated to. I will try my best today, to help you feel like the beautiful and unique person that you are. 
First of all, even though you might look like your mother in a physical perspective, what really defines us into unique and amazing humans is our personality. That is why I suggest focusing on that aspect of yourself first. What inspires you? What do you like to do? What are your qualities? You can take a notebook and answer multiple questions about yourself, in the idea of getting to know the wonderful Kiara that you are better. Try taking a break from the mirror and pictures, to focus on the parts that really do matter about you.
One of the most important thing in life is to learn to love yourself. It can be a very long and diffucult journey, but once you’ll manadge to do so, the physical traits of yourself that do look like your mother, won’t bother you as much. I know it might be hard to believe right now, but it definately is possible. 
Once you will have focused on your personality, you’ll be able to start working on the physical aspects that you like less, without using any type of plastic surgery. Start by finding your very own style. A style that works with your personality. You love colors? Dress in pastels! You feel funky? Wear a huge hat. You like classic? Try on some black. Dress in whatever clothing makes you feel like yourself. Changing your hair is also a life saver. Hair does a lot to the traits of a face, so you could totally try something new. 
Finally, even though it is not easy, you could try and stop comparing yourself to your mother. You Kiara, are a unique and beautiful person, who deserves to feel well and comfortble in your own skin. Take baby steps and do the changes that make YOU happy. Never ever change something to make someone glad, your well being comes first.
I wish you the very best and never forget that you are wonderful and unique. We are always there for you whenever you need someone to speak to. 
Keep on fighting, 
Sabrina xx
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