#and lol jason bye
rockfact · 2 years
I love google (<- it googled who dies in vol2 so it can mentally prepare)
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lightwing-s · 4 months
no updates again today because i’m still out for carnaval, but i saw this today and thought it was so biker!jason coded i could not not post it here.
Imagine jason, who has gone through a lot in his life, who came back from the dead and has struggled with his mental health ever since. Jason who has had thoughts of ending it all since he came back, because everything has changed, everything hurts, and he couldn’t see happiness in anything at all.
And then, it all changed once he met you, and suddenly his world actually had life. He could finally feel happy again, but not only that, he felt love for what seemed was the first time in forever.
He felt alive because of you. He didn’t few sorrow anymore and it was all your fault. You were the beacon of light he desperately needed in the pitch black darkness he didn’t even dare to call life. A sub-life, that was what he had.
He bike was the only thing that made him feel alive. But not anymore. Now he had you. Now he had you and your baby. The baby you two didn’t plan, gosh definitely not. But the baby that came to save his life.
He finally saw a future for him that for the first time wasn’t clouded by pain. And he wanted to make right for that baby like no one had ever done for him. Your baby was barely the size of a grape, but he already loved it more than anything in the world.
You and him. You and the baby. Two reason to slow down, two reason to stay alive. The two things that made his life so much more worth living.
vídeo credits to @/bwoo_cbr on instagram
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twcfaces · 2 months
ah, jason. :)
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f0xgl0v3 · 3 months
While I write out a big post let me give,
Dakota is notorious at one very specific candy store in new Rome. There’s only one very specific candy store in new Rome and it’s like that one from Willy Wonka where Charlie gets his ticket. Yeah New Rome is just so out of time.
Kids love it there and so does Dakota. He’s a sugar fiend why wouldn’t he. Probably gets a discount along with being a serving legionnaire.
Also every kid there loves him? I think he’s reasonably good with kids. The funnest of older brother figures who will sneak you a gummy bear before you leave.
Probably was planning on taking a part time job at said candy place when he got out of the legion. Sadly that didn’t come to fruition.
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jennilah · 5 months
whenever people can’t tell that my jokey slasher art is a joke and start arguing with me about it
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like i can go into detail about jason, michael, jigsaw, anyone you want, and have a long, interesting discussion about the nuances of the lore of each and every single one of them for hours
but if u see my “jason did nothing wrong” art where i literally drew michael and freddy in a garbage bin and start pulling out RECEIPTS ON JASON VOORHEES as if everyone on earth isn’t aware he’s one of the most notorious film slashers of all time
then u look like the ridiculous one
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oifaaa · 1 year
rr!Steph, Is she a Red Hood equivalent? Or would she make a better Arkham Knight?
Okay so I've still not actually played the arkham knights games even tho I do now own them I got distracted with playing jedi survivor and then zelda so still need to find out what the jasons arkham knight is all about
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fightwing · 10 months
me scrolling the dg tag
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trust-and-jump · 1 year
Okay, so
I wrote a scene of my fanfic and I really liked it AND I'd like to translate it to English properly but my English is not the best, so I'll just describe the situation in it:
It's a Reverse Robins AU but for this scene it doesn't really matter, considering the fact that after all things that changed, including different roles for every batkid in the family, Jason still died. Because I just want some immortal!Jason (i mean the thing where he is very much able to die but he wakes up some time after) appreciation, okay? I mean, there are some things in comics that KINDA prove that (mostly the thing at the end of the Under The Red Hood arc, I'm pretty sure many people saw that theory). And, well. Things go the same as canon went once (annual #25 of Batman and some parts about Talia taking care of Jason in the Red Hood: The Lost Days) until after the Lazarus Pit.
You know how Ra's got reeeaaaally upset after That Thing with the Lazarus Pit? He didn't kill her but boy he was really intimidating. Probably because he was fresh out of the Pit.
Soon after he sends people after Jason Todd. And in my AU days later he has to deal with some urgent League business far away himself, suspecting that Talia set this up to let Jason escape the League assasins. Is he right? Is he wrong? Who knows.
We know that Jason was in some motel and got the news that Joker is still alive and as always goes in and out of Arkham like he owns the place. And we also know that in Lost Days after that he leaves all the trackers Talia put on him behind and runs away, trying to get to Gotham (and kill Bruce with that bomb under the Batmobile).
The thing is, in my AU he doesn't get far away before the League men catch him and bring him back to the League. Oops.
Ra's still isn't there but Talia knows that it won't take too long and she fears that as soon as Ra's gets the news of Jason being caught he'll order to eliminate him. You know, because of the stuff he told Talia about Jason being havoc or desease or something. You probably remember better than me, if you read the Lost Days.
But again, that's not the point.
The point is, that Talia (in my AU) for certain reasons actually suspects Jason being able to ressurect again. There is only one way to find out - to kill Jason. It would also keep her father's interest long enough to set Jason free once she's ready.
Jason, by the way, trusts her, even though he shouldn't and even though he doesn't remember most of the time being... unwell before the Pit.
So he doesn't expect her poisoning him with a f TEA.
The scene I wrote and can't translate good enough is about what happened right after, where Jason wakes up (and i really forgot here that i wanted to make him universal glitch again so he would wake up always after 6 months BUT I WANTED THIS SCENE TO HAPPEN SO BADLY), trying to pull himself together, and after an hourS long brooding and existential crisis he finally walks to the room next to this one (which is some sort of morgue or the infirmary, he isn't sure) just to see Talia, calm as ever, slitting there, cleaning her blade, relaxed, and he should be furious, but she just says, still looking at the blade, "Regrets are for fools". And you know, I did some decent Talia description in this dialogue but it's all in Russian and I'm a little sad.
But the thing is, Jason, knowing her, realises that she's lying to herself - and he answers after a minute of sudden muteness that if she wasn't sorry she wouldn't say something like that in the place where no soul would accuse her of anything.
And - her shoulders drop a little and she, like, relaxes. And THEN he realises that oh shit, it was her twisted and stupid way to say Sorry. And he knows he should be angry, because she poisoned him, killed him, and now she's sorry?? But he doesn't get angry, he is a little amused by this little exchange and bone-tired, but he's not angry even a little.
After that there are few more kinda cool things i wrote in Russian and then he tries to get warm and kinda just wants to rest and to look as empty as he feels and to curl in the corner under some blanket, so Talia delicately leaves the room and lets him grieve himself.
And the last line of the scene is Jason remembering what she said him once, long time ago,
"Don't show your own weakness and always aim for your enemy's one." Врушка.
Врушка basically means "little liar" and can be used as affectionate word.
So. I don't know why but i just wanted to write it. Still wish I had some person who could help me translate things in the cool way. But whatever.
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
also i love arkhamverse tim so much.  he is really doing his best.  he’s a student (then a professor).  he’s robin.  he’s working on a jokervirus cure.  he’s a cagefighter.  he really can do it all.
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lightwing-s · 1 year
it’s official: jason todd x villain!reader is finally coming out tomorrow.
i’m happy with where i got to, but there’s still the possibility of writing more. my original idea was to write more than what i have, but i came to a point where i think the story will be fine if i just stop at where it is.
i also considered adding smut to it, but i’m not sure. perhaps i’ll open a poll to know what you guys think, but it’d also be my first smut, so while i’m confident i could write it, i don’t know how good id be.
so yeah, i’m not posting now because i spent the last four hours writing it and it’s 1am and i woke up pretty early today (yesterday?) and i want to check if everything is okay with the last part that i wrote when feeling sleepy lol.
so have a good night or a good morning and see you tomorrow
ps.: anyone excited for the return of f1 tomorrow?
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graceslcver · 2 months
all da ladies love leo valdez ! leo x daughter of poseidon!reader
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ in which, leo has a crush on yet another girl that’s beyond his league, percy’s sister … and his friends flame him for not being able to confess his feelings!
— this is set in like… university ?? obviously jason doesn’t die…hope u enjoy my first ever fic on here!! might be ooc, soz🫐 also jeyna is a thing…. sorry not sorry!! 🤓😂 (it’s actually not even relevant to this story, but i thought i’d let u know…)
IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 4th, 2024
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beauty queen
do yall ever wonder how it’s impossible to not pull hoes
like it sounds like a real SKILL issue
who are you talking about, pipes?
beauty queen
who do u think I’m talking about???
the only mfo who doesn’t have a gf???
do NOT play dumb jason grace
latino elf
oh wow
talking shit in the gc is crazzyyy
i wasn’t!
she was.
beauty queen
do not make me pull up our private messages
latino elf
i see how it is…..
😔 it’s always the bitches u think u can trust…
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beauty queen
why is he the driest man alive
this why we didn’t last ong😭
latino elf
or maybe because ur lebanese ???
she’s cherokee huh
wait is that supposed to say lesbian?
latino elf
isn’t that what it says…
beauty queen
ok… anyway can we talk about the fact that leo has
been madly in love with y/n since like… forever???
latino elf
no thanks
didn’t ask
not true
lying on my name
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yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night
beauty queen
he’s down bad shhh
latino elf
ok so what if i like her shes so fine
and so nice and sooo mermaid 🧜‍♀️
beauty queen
she is very fine and very nice
and yes she’s very mermaid
we all know he isn’t going to say
anything to her, though, right??
latino elf
hahaha 😂 wdym 😂
i’d tell her if percy weren’t her brother
that didn’t stop you from trying to
flirt with MY sister though???????
latino elf
yeah that’s different tho
she COULDNT go out with me
beauty queen
not like she wanted to anyway
latino elf
anyway i don’t plan on telling her that
i have any slight interest in her! 😎
you should though
bet she likes you too
beauty queen
don’t feed into his delusions
gosh pipes, pipe it down a notch
latino elf
fr listen to my bro ‼️
how would i even tell her dawggg
yeah i guess so
but yolo ???
latino elf
yolo my ass bro😒
ok sorry for trying to help
beauty queen
this why she dont want u
latino elf
yeah nd thats why yo relationship was a LIE 🤣
beauty queen
latino elf
lol ur mad
ok bye u guys are a snooze fest 😴
beauty queen
go talk to ur gf
latino elf
i will, beauty queen 🫡
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 4th, 2024
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leo 🛠️
hey hey mermaid
y/n 🦈
hi leo !
whats up :)
leo 🛠️
the sky duh
nothing much tho, just chilling in my dorm
u should totally pull up
y/n 🦈
we’ll see 🧐
i’m in the library rn
leo 🛠️
nerd alert ‼️
y/n 🦈
ok but when u fail our exams dont come crying
leo 🛠️
if it were math/science i would be resting peacefully
but no fr i did study, trust 🙏🏼
y/n 🦈
not that u needed it though
you’re smart enough
leo 🛠️
wowie thanks mermaid
da ladies wish they had my smarts
y/n 🦈
leo 🛠️
sorry that came out SO wrong 😭
y/n 🦈
ok ok well pull up to the library
perhaps i need ur smarts
leo 🛠️
si señora
will be there in a few 😎
shark_girl • 2h
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send message ♡ ➣
pipermstealer replied to your story
omg he wants uuu 😳😳🤣😂
why are u insane
i am not insane he wants u
what boy willingly wants to study w a girl
one that’s my friend???
friend my ass bro
he wanna kiss u so bad…
matching usernames??? THE MAAAN WANTS UU 😭
be fr we’ve had them since we were
like fifteen 🙄🙄
bro get out I’m actually DONE
u have to wake up queen 😭🙏🏼
IMESSAGE, PIPER & JASON July 5th, 2024
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pipes 🌸
i am so SO DONE with yn
jason ⚡️
pipes 🌸
bc she’s convinced that leo don’t want her
jason ⚡️
i think its very obvious
do you think yn wants leo thats the real question
pipes 🌸
she has extreme heart eyes for him
but she’s better at hiding it
jason ⚡️
wait are you being serious
a girl out of his league actually wants him 🤨
piper 🌸
wait I thought u knew???
jason ⚡️
uhm no
she must be good at hiding it
piper 🌸
or boys are just dense
jason ⚡️
ok well…….
we have to get them together
cause I’m so tired of hearing leo ramble abt her
piper 🌸
ok well i’m tired of yn too
how do we get them together
jason ⚡️
uh I don’t know?????
now why would you think I know
aren’t YOU the daughter of aphrodite
maybe YOU should know 😒
pipes 🌸
someone’s mad
but i don’t know?
one of them has to say something eventually….
jason ⚡️
no way, leo would never… not too sure about yn though.
leo cares too much about their friendship
and he is convinced she only sees him as a friend
and he’s deathly afraid to ruin their friendship
pipes 🌸
why do we have dumb friends
why can’t THEY SEEEE
jason ⚡️
yeah it’s very annoying
man, maybe we shouldn’t interfere?
let them figure it out themselves
pipes 🌸
unless u want leo to date the first girl
who gives him the opportunity to date her,
i think we SHOULD interfere! not a lot just a tiny bit 🤏🏼
jason ⚡️
well i guess you have a point… but how?
pipes 🌸
OK hear me out fr
u share a dorm with leo, yeah?
he always leaves his phone unattended
go into twt and make sure he isnt logged into his private account
jason ⚡️
where is this headed
pipes 🌸
ok shut up
OK but make sure hes on the main
since he always talks about her on his priv
so if yn sees a tweet about her then
jason ⚡️
FIRST OF ALL thats an invasion of privacy
SECOND OF ALL what if she doesn’t see it before
leo realizes that wasn’t tweeted on his private account
pipes 🌸
no she like stalks his twitter so she’ll see!
and uhm so what if it’s an invasion of privacy
he’ll thank us once he gets the girl of his dreams 🙄
jason ⚡️
ok then….
i’ll do it
but if this backfires i was not apart of it
pipes 🌸
yeah yeah whatever
i’ll take the blame
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IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 10th, 2024
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latino elf
it was so nice knowing u two
don’t kys ur so sexy haha
what happened though
latino elf
i accidentally tweeted something
about yn.
on my main.
hey man, maybe she didn’t see?
beauty queen
yeah she probably didn’t
latino elf
yeah u guys are RIGHT 😅
she DIDN’T SEE IT!!!
beauty queen
latino elf
you’re being oddly quiet…
beauty queen
sorry????? IM BUSY
latino elf
yeah huh
you’re crazy
latino elf
oh my god i’m gonna throw up
my friend ship is over with her
she messaged meEEE
latino elf
no i’m leaving her on delivered
beauty queen
i swear to gods if u don’t message her
jason and i WILL jump you 😭😭
latino elf
it was so nice being her friend 🫤
beauty queen
latino elf
ok fine
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 10th, 2024
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y/n 🦈
leo did u mean to tweet that?
leo 🛠️
tweet what 🤨
y/n 🦈
you know what I’m talking about
you’re not stupid
leo 🛠️
you’re crazy
i got hacked by
y/n 🦈
you’re crazier for thinking I’d believe you
so… u did mean to?
leo 🛠️
i don’t want to ruin our friendship
please don’t let this ruin it
you’re my bestest friend
y/n 🦈
gosh let me talk
i thought you didn’t like me
so i never said anything…?
but i like you, leo. i really do
leo 🛠️
oh my god
are you serious
wait i’m going to your dorm
y/n 🦈
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Leo looked at his phone for a good second and then left it on his bed, unattended. he ran to your residence hall— it didn’t matter to him that it was quite literally on the other side of campus. he needed to hear you say the words he had been waiting to hear since he was fifteen. he’d always had a slight crush on you, mostly off and on.
But during the summer, he had fallen for you even harder than he thought he could. he never thought that he could love someone as much as he loved you. anyway, he was practically dying as he ran to your dorm! his hair was disheveled, and he was panting a bit. he wasn’t sure if he was sweaty because he was nervous, or because he had just ran to get to your dorm.
He knocked on your door three times.
You jumped out of your bed. you felt like throwing up from how nervous you were. you quickly slid on your slippers, and looked in the mirror before you opened the door for him. (making the poor boy wait). you adjusted your hair, making sure it sat right.
You took a deep breath before opening the door. you almost didn’t, but a voice in your head was telling you that you’d be an idiot if you didn’t open the door. your hands gripped the doorknob, and then unlocked it. leo was practically dying because you were taking years to open the stupid door. you finally opened it, getting met by a disheveled-sweaty-flushed leo valdez.
“Hi.” he croaked out, his voice cracking slightly. he felt like he was on fire, literally. he wanted this to be over with! well, no, that’s a lie. he just wanted to be your boyfriend already.
“…Hi.” you answered, your voice was quiet. you had an awkward smile on your face. you were praying that you would just drown at this moment. you’d much rather enjoy that than this.
He cleared his throat, and finally spoke after a long minute of awkward silence. The two looked at each other “I really… really like you. I.. Uh.. You obviously know that already, but I wanna tell you in person?” he said, nodding along with his own words. his hands went to fumble with the hem of his shirt, anxiously waiting for your response.
“I really like you, too.” You replied. you didn’t feel as nervous as anymore when he started to talk. you felt your face getting hotter, and your smile getting bigger. he grinned at you like an idiot.
He thought that he was dreaming when you said you liked him. The start of something. “Really?” He asked, just wanting to hear you say it again. He couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. He thought never in a million years that you’d ever like him! You were totally out of his league. you were so awesome, so pretty, and so sweet.
You nodded again, rolling your eyes. “Yes, really.”
🎶 let the light in : lana del rey (feat. father john misty)
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Liked by percysbeth, lava_boy, pipermstealer, and 122 others
shark_girl happy three million years with my boy!!! i love u so so so much leo 🫶🏼🫶🏼
tagged: lava_boy
View all 16 comments
lava_boy who is that sexy man in the 2nd slide
→ shark_girl idk i found him at the store……
lava_boy we’re literally like this 🤞🏼👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
lava_boy te quiero !!
→ shark_girl 🤍🤍
lava_boy ugh why do we literally solo everyone in new rome
→ shark_girl ntm on percabeth !!!!
→ percysbeth 🫡🫡
pipermstealer yeah you’re welcome 🥱
→ supermantaylorsversion i did all the work
→ pipermstealer i gave u the idea
→ lava_boy thank u jason 😒 thank u piper 🙄
→ pipermstealer i hope she leaves u
→ shark_girl woah guys no need to say that
percysbeth i support 🤫 (pls cook for me leo)
→ lava_boy on it 😎
🎶 ivy : frank ocean
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Liked by supermantaylorsversion, shark_girl, and 98 others
lava_boy I would like to thank poseidon for being a father to my wonderful girlfriend of THREE DECADES 😎
tagged: shark_girl
View all 19 comments
→ lava_boy the start of nothin 🦈
shark_girl i’m taylor lautner
→ lava_boy FORREAL
shark_girl hi bf 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
→ lava_boy hello girlfriend.
→ shark_girl 😭😭😭
pipermstealer no because you guys are actually cute
→ lava_boy ACTUALLY cute 🤨
→ pipermstealer what do u want me to say yall are actually ugly
→ shark_girl pipe it down a notch 😔
supermantaylorsversion he’s a romantic now
→ lava_boy erm i’ve always been one get out 🤓
percysbeth no cause yn has actually dressed up as a shark
→ lava_boy send pics or it didn’t happen
→ percysbeth check imsg
→ shark_girl i thought that was PRIVATE
→ shark_girl you’re done….
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ hello….. first smau done 😎 hopefully u really like this bc i died ten times whilst making it !!! uhmm pls lmk what you thought about it 🥲!!! i was sort of rushing at the end, so umm.. shhh 🤫…. @thelostheroo @amoosarte
also i will have a master list soon….???? (hopefully) and my requests are OPEN! so, plsplsplspls request…. con amor, mo!
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ssparksflyy · 30 days
i saw requests open and i ran here 🏃🏻‍♀️
i really want to see percy x daughter of hera reader from your writing, because i really enjoy your fics!! u da best 🎀🎀
loveee uuu 🫶🏻
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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percy jackson dating hcs 𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ‧₊˚
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of hera!reader warning(s): none !! an: UR SO SWEET ILYTTTTTTT
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i just KNOW dating a daughter of hera would have percy twirling his hair and giggling
he thinks he's set for life
and he is. there's no escape.
'you and i go from one kiss to getting married' for reallllllll
you make him feel so giddy there's really no explanation for it
if there's one thing that percy wants, it's a happy future
i don't think he cares about where he is or what he's doing, as long as he's havin fun and happy
and the fact that you're the daughter of the goddess who practically symbolizes what's known as the "perfect" life like ??
he just feels so lucky
you're also really excited to see what the future may hold for you two :))
it's something you guys talk about quite often actually
you can talk about it comfortably and casually as if it's any other thing
"oh, and i was thinking, if we do get an apartment, we should try growing some of those window still plants"
"ooooh, for sure! what about getting some of those sun catcher stickers too?"
↑ that moon-flower thingy that percy got from calypso did not make it to the mini garden... he gave it to one of the demeter kids after you started dating cause there's only one girl he wants in his life, why would he want to keep something that another goddess girl gave to him ??
he's so loyal bye
at least now he is
cause you best believe when he was flirty-flirty with rachel you freaked out
you knew about the countless affairs zeus had and how your mother was forced to sit through it and act as if it didn't bother her, and you hated that
so seeing the guy you have a crush on flirting with another girl when you thought he might've had feelings for you too?? HURT.
obviously he didn't know that at the time (we all know he's oblivious when it comes to love okay) but it was casually brought up one time
you were like 'remember when you were flirting with rachel?? yea that sent me into a down spiral i wanted to cry anytime i saw you lol'
and he was just like '?? when i was flirting??? i was?? why didn't you tell me????? hello????? we should talk about this !!!!!!!'
since then he's made it his mission to never accidentally do something stupid like that ever again so you'd never have to feel that way
but technically the next time it happened it wasn't even his fault so
pre-kidnapping, you actually had a pretty good relationship with her mother
hera would be caring towards her demigod children, she'd want to actually try and be involved in their lives as much as she can
it's not like you were having brunch together every sunday but like, she'd try and stop by cabin 2 every few months or so to catch up with you and see how you were doing
even though she already knows everything, she likes to have a conversation :)
but she's only allowed to stay for a bit cause she's got places to be, people to see, and zeus is a little bitch who can't handle being away from the wife he doesn't care about for more than 20 minutes
(was that canon or did i get that from lore olympus in 2021 ... i think it was canon .... i don't remember honestly)
while percy was missing, your relationship with her just... wasnt there.
the gods were cut off from communicating and your prayers weren't working, so you weren't really anything
but then when jason came into the picture, shit hit fan
first of all - zeus had ANOTHER KID ??
second of all - HE WAS ROMAN ??
third of all - hes being sent on a quest to SAVE YOUR MOM ??
fourth of all - WHERE IS PERCY ????
everything was crazy
you begged to go on that quest. you wanted to know what was happening, you wanted to know if your mom was okay and what was going on with her, but most of all you wanted to find percy
but chiron nor annabeth would let you go, claiming that you weren't in the 'right state' for a quest (you really werent)
not going only managed to stress you out more and caused you to worry ten times more
annabeth would hug you and grover would play something on his pipes to help calm you down some days :((
when jason got back from his quest, even more shit hit the fan cause
this is what they call female rage
betrayal beyond all others
cause you trusted your mom- hell, she was your mom. and she took away the person in your life who made you happiest?? and for what reason????
after that you didn't even live in cabin two anymore
you couldn't bring yourself to do it. as much as you hated zeus, you moved into cabin one with jason for a while
who you obviously became best friends with
when you finally reunited with percy, he was there to comfort you and hold you close while you talked to him about your mom :((
hes always been such a good listener but those times is when you appreciated it most
percy could care less if he got in trouble with coach hedge for staying over in your room at night, he did it anyway !!
he knew how stressed you were, even with him being back
so like some nights he'd put on a movie and try to distract you from your chaotic lives
he knows the best way to distract you is by talking about your future, and he does just that
"i was thinkin, what about celeste for a girl?"
as much as you love talking about your future, talking about having kids always manages gets you a little nervous
you feel your face get hot and you start stuttering a bit anytime it comes up
"i-i like it, its pr-pretty"
percy just smiles and continues painting your nails
which he's not very good at doing by the way, but at least youre not stressed anymore !!
honestly i feel like you guys would get married pretty young
i wanna say when youre like 23-ish
he keeps the proposal kind of chill but also makes sure its not boring either
it'd be after a date, on a weekend where youre vacationing in montauk ♡♡
he takes you on a stroll along the shore in the afternoon, when the sun is setting and it looks really pretty
leads you back to the house, where there's an arch set up decorated in flowers, theres some petals and candles on the floor
practically gives you a whole speech about how youve changed his life for the better and how he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, taking care of you and making you happy everyday, officially :((
you obviously say no
just kiddingggggggg
the proposal itself is a little basic (hey its kind of hard to be original and classy nowadays) but percy's words are what make it so special and memorable :(
he hid a camera among the flowers that caught everything cause he knew you would want to look back at it, but also wanted to be alone while he did it
he gets you a gift after your wedding, a gold locket necklace (in the shape of a heart of course) with a picture of you two at your wedding laughing together on one side, and your anniversary engraved on the other ♡♡
makes sure to get you flowers at least once every month !!
oh and you do end up making that window still garden in your apartment :))
it turns into a real garden once you move into a house together !!
honestly, how many kids you have (or if you even have them) is completely up to you
cause i dont wanna be like 'you had three kids. their names were phoebe bridgers, lucy dacus, and julien baker.'
but percy is a girl AND boy dad
mainly girl dad though
he just seems like the type of dad that you come home to seeing him squeezed into a dress, covered in makeup, and wearing a tiara okay
hes so husband i love him
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britany1997 · 3 months
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Four
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Were you wondering what the boys were doing while reader and Maria were bonding at the video store those two weeks? Wonder no more! Here’s what they were up to lol
I strongly recommend going back to at least read chapter 3 before reading this one, as some of the scenes will be the same, but from Paul’s perspective:)
Poly Lost Boys x Max’s Daughter Reader
FYFNO Masterlist
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California, 1986
Paul’s eyes widened as he realized who you were to him. You wished you could have stopped the word that fell from his lips.
Paul stared at you, his eyes raking up and down, taking you in. God you were beautiful, the others would love you. As his shock wore off, Paul felt a giddy feeling bubbling in his chest.
He had a million questions to ask you. Your favorite food, your favorite color, your favorite band. Paul had to know anything and everything. (Even if you liked Tiffany or something, he could get over it…eventually.)
As your lips parted, Paul prepared himself to be enchanted by whatever honeyed words you’d speak to him. He reached forward to caress your cheek.
Instead of leaning into the touch as he’d expected you to, you recoiled. His brow furrowed.
“Oh my god I totally forgot I have to go stock things in the back, so nice to meet you, bye!” He heard you blurt out before you moved away from him.
There were few times in Paul’s life when he was actually rendered speechless. This was one of them.
Paul’s brow furrowed, “what?” He whispered as he moved to stand in front of the desk’s swinging door you’d been headed for. Surely he’d misunderstood (wouldn’t be the first time), you had to at least talk this out.
He watched your face twist into a glare, “you’re in my way…” you bit out at him.
Paul’s confusion turned to frustration. “What?!” He repeated, “but we’re…I mean we-” he stumbled over his words, desperate and utterly flabbergasted.
“I know what we are,” you told him, “and I don’t care. So can you please move aside so I can do my job?”
Paul’s jaw dropped.
You…didn’t want him? Didn’t want a mate? Someone who’d love you unconditionally for eternity? Who’d do anything for you? God what was wrong with you?
He stumbled a bit as you pushed past him. “Hey!” He called after you, his ego more bruised than it’d ever been.
“This isn’t over you know,” he promised, resolved to win your heart, even if he had to recruit some…reinforcements.
You scoffed, oblivious to Paul’s plotting. “Seems like it is,” you replied before slipping into the back of the video store.
“What the fuck just happened,” Paul murmured to himself as he rubbed his forehead.
Maria whistled “tough break Paulie.” She bumped him with her hip before she went back to returning DVDs.
Paul scoffed. She didn’t know the half of it. “I gotta go Maria,” he muttered, stalking off with his tail between his legs.
She snickered softly as she watched him go.
Paul shook his head, he was gonna be in for one long conversation when he got back to the cave.
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Paul slunk across the boardwalk, hands in his pockets, as he made his way back to his bike.
His head nodded along to the beat of the music playing over the speakers. Paul started to tap out a four count on his thigh as he walked and hummed.
“Are you going to that bonfire Friday?” “I dunno, is Jason gonna be there?” “Ugh, probably” Paul huffed a laugh as he eavesdropped on the vapid boardwalk talk.
A bonfire on Friday did sound fun though. Should he and the guys throw a party? Who would they even invite? Maria? Maria, who worked at the video store with his new mate. He sighed. What a mess.
As he walked, his mind wandered to her pretty face. He wished she would have let him touch her. She looked so soft. He just wanted to hold her. He could be gentle!
He huffed.
Didn’t she realize he was hers? Didn’t she know he’d do anything for her? He’d be anything she needed? He’d probably even cut his hair for her if she asked. As long as she let him hold a memorial service after.
She was pretty, and soft (probably), witty and fiery, and she was right there at the video shop and she didn’t even want him. How fucked was that.
Paul frowned as he finally reached his bike, looking back over his shoulder in the shop’s direction. It’d been a while since he’d felt that hollow longing feeling of being alone.
But he wasn’t alone, not anymore. And whatever had happened back there, he and his boys were gonna fix it, he knew they would.
Paul revved his engine with renewed determination. ‘Just wait pretty girl,’ he thought, ‘cause we’re comin back for ya’
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When Paul arrived at the cave, each of the boys were too immersed in their own activities to notice.
On the couch, Dwayne was two-hundred and twelve pages into his thirty-first reread of Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov and from the way Dwayne was hunched over the book, quite literally on the edge of his seat with his brow furrowed, Paul could tell it was just starting to get good.
Though Paul could barely think over the harsh whirring sound of Marko’s sewing machine. He’d been occupied with making patch-work vests and skirts lately to expand his wardrobe. And while Paul appreciated having some extra pieces around he could borrow, after weeks of hyper fixated, non-stop sewing, the sound was worse than nails on a chalkboard.
David’s constant foot tapping didn’t help either. He was perched in his wheelchair throne, seemingly reviewing some ancient documents. By the way he was squinting and underlying, it seemed to be pretty important stuff.
But none of this was as important as what Paul had to tell them. He cleared his throat pointedly.
The whirring of the sewing machine slowed before coming to a stop, Dwayne looked up from his book expectantly, and a little annoyed, David continued his work, ignoring Paul entirely. “I’m calling a meeting,” Paul stated confidently.
“You don’t have the authority to call a meeting,” David said without looking up from his papers, “only Dwayne and I do.”
Paul wondered if he could explode David with his mind if he tried hard enough. How would he know if he never tried?
“Well it’s an emergency,” Paul gritted.
David met Paul’s frustration with a mocking pout. “Dealer’s out of the good stuff again Paulie? Tragic.” He turned back to his papers.
Dwayne seemed to sense Paul’s desperation, “what’s wrong Paul?” he asked.
“I have another mate,” he said hesitantly, “which means that you guys probably do to.”
David stilled at the same time Marko gasped, the curly haired vampires lips curling up into a bright smile.
“What are they like? Are they nice? Are they funny? Are they hot?” The shorter vamp bombarded Paul with questions, making him cringe.
Dwayne frowned, “Paul…” he began gently, “why aren’t they here with you?”
A broken look crossed Paul’s face, “she…doesn’t want me.”
Marko’s excitement was extinguished as he came to Paul’s side, lacing their fingers together. Dwayne softened, quietly reflecting on Paul’s words. David frowned.
“What do you mean she doesn’t want you?” he narrowed his eyes.
“Exactly what I said dude,” Paul strained, “she said she didn’t care!”
David leaned back, unconvinced. “Tell us exactly what happened, start to finish.”
Paul nodded and painfully recounted every moment from the excitement of meeting you, to the pain of watching you leave as he picked up his jaw from the floor.
David stroked his chin, “are you sure she’s a vampire? Human mates are rare, but they’re not unheard of,” he mused.
Paul scoffed, “duh she’s a vampire! She said, ‘I know what we are, and I don’t care.’ How would she know we were mates if she wasn’t a vampire?” He threw his hands up in frustration.
“Did she say, ‘I know what we are,’ or did she say, ‘I know what you are,’” Dwayne chimed in.
Paul scratched his head, what did she say? He’d been talking about what they were, but had she? He couldn’t quite remember. “She could have been saying ‘I know what you are,’” he decided.
David’s hands clapped together, “so she’s human, but she knows we’re vampires, or at least that you are Paul. Unsurprising, you and Marko have the combined subtlety of an airhorn at the opera,” Paul rolled his eyes. “That’s an easy enough fix,” David reasoned.
“Makes more sense too,” Marko added. “If she ran off, it was probably because she was scared. If I was a human I wouldn’t wanna fuck around with us to get bit either.”
“Why don’t we give her some time,” Dwayne suggested, “prove we’re not going to rush into the video store and drag her out to hurt her or anything. We could give her some space to calm down from her confrontation with Paul, and then we can all go meet her together.”
The boys nodded slowly, considering Dwayne’s plan.
“And,” Dwayne added, “if she’s human, we all need to be on our absolutely best behavior,” he shot a pointed glance at David.
David rolled his eyes, “I’d teach her to be on her best behavior,” he mumbled.
Dwayne sighed. “Let’s just give it two weeks, then we’ll go check in on her,” he paused his voice taking on a gentle tone once more, “I think we could all take some time to cool off.”
Paul tensed at that last part, but he knew Dwayne was right. You were a human and you didn’t understand. You couldn’t! They’d have to show you, go slow, ease you into things, be gentle…you were basically made of glass after all.
He sighed, ‘two weeks,’ he thought, ‘I can do two weeks.’
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He could not do two weeks.
Not gracefully at least.
By the end of those two weeks, Paul was practically feral. The second the Sun began to fade into the horizon, Paul was awake and attempting to drag David out of the cave.
As eager to meet you as they were, the boys had grown tired of Paul’s impatience.
Dwayne’s evenings consistently began and ended with “has it been two weeks yet?” The dark haired vampire had come so close to just buying Paul a damn calendar.
Marko had had to stick to Paul like glue to stop him from wandering off to the video store every night. On two unfortunate occasions, Marko AND David had to drag him back to the cave to stop him was barging in to talk to you. Paul was like a dog with a bone when he wanted something, and he wanted you bad.
But Dwayne has assured him last night that today was the day, and Paul was chomping at the bit. “Let’s go,” he groaned, annoyed and excited.
“Paul.” Dwayne chastised.
“Dwayne.” Paul mocked.
“Paul,” it was too early for this shit. “I know you want to see her, we all do,” Dwayne reminded him. “But I think we should wait until closing.”
“What?!” Paul huffed, “I’ve been waiting two weeks! Now we gotta wait longer? No way man!”
“Paul listen,” David groaned, “we can’t have a long, intensive conversation with her about vampire mates with random human customers running around, get it? It’s a private conversation.”
Marko nodded in agreement, “it’s doesn’t seem fair to drop all of that on her while she’s still at work either,” he added, “it’s better if we get ‘er as she’s leaving.”
Paul rolled his eyes, “whatever, I bet Fishy’s on my side.” He grumbled as he stalked off to his room.
“You think we should invest in one of those backpack leashes for him?” Marko asked, only half joking.
David scoffed a laugh, “don’t tempt me.”
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When closing time finally came, Paul’s eagerness had wavered. What if they explained everything and you still weren’t on board? Humans had tons of reasons to fear vampires after all, you might want nothing to do with them.
He shuddered at the thought.
He looked to his left to see Marko biting his thumb, equally nervous.
“A human mate,” he muttered under his breath, “what are the odds.”
David rolled his eyes, “if she’s a human I can use my thrall, why are you idiots so worried.”
Paul and Marko shot him dirty looks, but Dwayne placed a hand on his shoulder. As tough as David liked to pretend to be sometimes, Dwayne knew he was nervous too.
“No use waiting any longer,” the dark haired vampire reasoned, “c’mon.”
Dwayne lead the way, pushing the door to the video store open and letting the bell ring softly as the other boys filed in behind him.
The vampires maneuvered to the desk together, passing through aisles they’d walked through a million times over.
The silence was deafening as the boys’ thoughts whirled with what they’d say to you. How they’d explain the significance of vampire mates to a mere human.
Dwayne sighed, they probably had nothing to worry about. Even as a human, there’d still be a pull for you. And he could work with a pull, no matter how small.
He’d show you, he decided. Show you how amazing it could be to be cared for, to be protected. He’d treat you like a princess, he’d worship you if you let him.
God you must be his if he was already thinking this way. The tug at his heart grew stronger and strongernwith every step. If you only knew the effect you had on him, on them all. If you only knew you could have him wrapped around your finger.
When the boys finally reached the front desk, Dwayne’s musings were shattered by the vision of your tongue down Maria’s throat.
He watched as David’s jaw dropped when he was met with the sight of one of your hands tangled in Maria’s curly locks, the other caressing her hip.
He’d felt it, and by the looks of it, David and Marko had too. You were theirs, but you were tangled in Maria’s embrace.
The boys were too stunned to speak.
Until Paul abruptly broke the silence with a resounding “what the fuck.”
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FYFNO Taglist❤️:
(Let me know if you’d like to be added to my list for this fic, or to my main list)
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @ghoulgeousimmaculate @crustyboypix @anna1306 @arenpath @arbesa-mind @bookworm551 @chiefdirector @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @sad-ghost-of-garbage @its-freaking-bats @kurt-nightcrawler @ria-coolgirl @solobagginses @vampirefilmlover @vxarak @mickkmaiden333 @bitchyexpertprincess @lostboys1987girl @f4iryfxies @bloodywickedvamp @softchonk @walmart-cereal @warrior-616 @katerinaval @memphiscity69 @rynsfandomsfun @fraudfrog @ghostedghostie @welcome-to-the-hole @people-are-strange-87 @blenna3967 @drascilla @jezabella8 @gothamslostboy @charlottieellis @ilikechocolatemilkh @simplyreading96 @mad-is-sad @justaspeachy @pookiesnatcher @jamie-poopoo @buzzybee-26 @cocopuffs1450 @sarcastic-sourwolf @kristel1990 @the-lonely-abyss @mihawksdemoness
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
“Media is stupid….”
❥ Pairing: Damian Wayne x FemReader
❥ Word count: idk I technically lost count
❥ Summery: small writhing of Instagram lives
❥ Warning: mentions of making out in the end.
You- white Damian-Green Jason-Red
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Ever since you and Damian went out to the press to release the fact that you were dating people went wild. Aside from the whole stalking phase that had another phase where they tried to find your social media. Which really wasn’t hard in the first place because your username was your first and last name so it was easy to find you. The only form of media you have is just Instagram and Twitter. But Twitter is just for your daily news and Instagram—aside from those blurry pictures you claim are aesthetic— are for the lives. And the people of Gotham eat it up. Damian, for obvious reason, was never in the light when it came to the media having stated before that it was useless and “damages your brain and turns you into an idiotic imbecile” which is probably true. But then you came into his life and gave the world a glimpse of his sad dull little life—to which you had brought light into— and now everyone knows Damian Wayne isn’t as boring as he seemed! But to be fair Damian isn’t the only one—you brought his whole family involved! And the News will always be grateful for that! They really eat your Instagram lives and there’s completions of you with either Damian or one of his siblings.
Like for instant in a Instagram live—
“What are you eating? Must be good if you’re tearing that shit up up? What are you eating it looks good?’m eating a crouton salad”
Robin_lover: just a crouton salad?
!Batman_Forever!: it looks good!
Damian_Wayne_Fanpage: I don’t see any greens tho
“Well Damian Wayne fanpage-that’s cause it’s just croutons and ranch!”
“It’s my depression meal. At least that’s what my parents call it”
“What the hell is a Depression meal?”
“It’s like a meal that you put together when your mental health makes cooking hard”
“I could have had Alfred cook you up something, beloved. Something that’s has more nutritions and not salty bake bread bits with ranch all over it.
“But it’s good thought. Even Alfred look at me weird when I denied he was going to make for me and all i wanted was this. I saved him a lot of dishes”
Damian_Wayne_Fanoage: what is one thing you like about damian.
“He’s big ass bathroom. Like his bathroom is the size of my bedroom and I’m jealous”
“You practically live in my bathroom love”
“Oh you’re right. As we speak guys we are literally in my boyfriends bathroom in the walk in shower just sitting here”
“I have my hair stuff here just sitting on top of the sink too”
“Don’t know why beloved you don’t even shower here”
“Yeah. For reasons I’m only allowed to use the guest shower though if I do end up spending the night”
“Don’t let Bruce hear you lol”
User19382818345: what’s a memory you will alway find funny
“They day I had accidentally took Alfred the cat home with me”
“I still do not understand how you take a cat home and not notice”
“Well Alfred snuck in my backpack. So honestly I didn’t even question why it was so heavy all of a sudden”
“But yeah he called me freaking out that his cat went missing. Almost burn down the city looking for him”
“I’ll do anything for that cat”
“Me too cause he’s my little baby. Right Alfred
People loves that lives that include the brother sister bond between you and jason. The only reason as you try is because he’s the only one you show in your lives—not because your don’t favor Dick and Tim but because he’s the only one at the Manor when you visit.
Robin_lover: do you favor jason over the others? Cause he’s the only one we always see
“Nah. Jason’s actually my least favorite. My favorite one is actually Damian one hundred percent!”
“*Gasp*! Lady Gaga is live”
“Okay bye everyone see you in an hour!”
“Cant you just use tod-“
Instagram live has ended
JasonToddFan: what’s your fav Lady Gaga song????
“My favorites are Love game, Judas, and replay!”
“I like poker face”
“Oh that’s a good one too”
“I wanna hold ‘em like they do in Texas please fold em, let em hit me—“
“Isn’t that song copyrighted?”
“Oh shit he’s right—don’t mind me I wasn’t singing poker face at all”
“You think if we played the Cartman version we’ll get sued or something?
“ I don’t know, probably”
“P-p-p Poker face-“
User2983108567: Does Bruce actually like you?
“Honestly the amount of times that poor man has caught me tongues deep in his sons mouth—I think he’s just tried of me to be honest lol”
“You can’t be saying that sort of stuff online—more or less on an Instagram live”
“But he’s tried of both of us. Every time my father catches us doing something we are supposed to be doing in private I can always hear him sigh”
“Yeah like a very disappointing one too”
“Sometimes I think he just wonders why we’re like this”
“It’s true. I Sometimes see them making out too and it’s disgusting!”
“Todd I swear to go-“
Live has ended
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reidsdaisies · 10 days
𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝 (𝐩𝐭. 𝟏)
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༉‧´ˎ˗ paring; jason gideon & spencer reid & gn!bau!reader (platonic/father figure type relationship) ༉‧´ˎ˗ summary; Gideon plans to take the youngest members of the team bird watching on the weekend <3 ༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; spencer is basically Gideon’s son lol, vague talks of birds and birdwatching LOL. ༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.5k ༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; idrk what this is it just came to me.. inspired by wheelsup30’s bird watching with Gideon post <3
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cm masterlist ; main masterlist ; request guidelines ; inbox
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You always wondered what agent Gideon got up to in his free time.
You got the answer one day when you were on a case. Gideon, Dr. Reid, and you were heading to an unsub’s dump site when Gideon stopped to look at the sky. He was pointing near the trees, talking in detail to Reid about the birds in the area and revealed to him, and you by proximity, that this was a hobby of his – bird watching.
Their short conversation intrigued you, and prompted you to do some research about different types of birds. Reid had even lent you a book so you could study up on all the species of birds, not without rambling about a few of his favorites as you flipped through the pages.
You’d always liked research, not as much as your favorite doctor does, but it was something you enjoyed. Since joining the team you’ve had less free time to study up on the various topics that intrigue you, but you made time during breaks or slow days.
Later that week, you found yourself enraptured by the book. All the information was really fascinating. You always counted on Reid to know exactly what kind of book would pique your interest. You’d been reading the book all week, nearly through with the massive bird encyclopedia.
Your finger trailed across the page, greedily eating up the information on the page, when Gideon approached, semi-startling you.
“Oh, hi Gideon,” you half-laughed, half-breathed out, pausing to look at your elder.
“That’s a good book. Reid lent it to you?” he inquired, stepping forward to grab the pot of coffee that had been sitting there for about an hour at that point.
“Yup,” you replied. You fixed your posture, pushing up off the counter from your previous position leant over it. Sliding your bookmark in between pages, you shut the book, hugging it to your chest. “I couldn’t stop thinking about that conversation you had with Reid the other week about those pretty little hummingbirds you saw, I had to learn more about them myself.” You explained, picking up your mug as well.
“Hm,” the man hummed.
“I know bits and pieces of info about certain species, but I guess I wasn’t totally interested in them until now.” You laughed, starting to head in the other direction but his voice stopped you.
“Spencer and I were planning on going for a hike over the weekend. The kid needs to touch something other than yellowing pages for a change. Maybe we’ll see some birds you’ve studied up on.”
“Are you inviting me to join you guys?” You tried to hide the fact that your face lit up at the prospect of it. Getting to spend time exercising a hobby you were interested in with an agent you looked up to, and of course his son, the agent you were closest to, sounded like a great way to spend the weekend.
“Yes,” he half-laughed, a small smile on his lips.
“Of course, sir!” You almost hugged him, but you forgot your hands were full and he wasn’t much of a hugger. You stumbled back, laughing at yourself.
You gave a little awkward smile – a silent ‘bye!’ – as he walked off with his mug of coffee.
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Let me know your thoughts about this in the comments or my inbox and like & reblog to support! Much love <33
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cosmicpoutine · 1 month
I keep thinking about your timber Hades and Persephone AU and how if Tim is Hades then reasonably Dick is Zeus and Jason is Poseidon and I just love that a lot and I also love that AU a lot and your art in general it's great I'm gonna stop rambling now bye!
homie do you read minds??? bc im working on that au rn lol.
yes dick is zeus and i had planned that rly early on. i wasn't sure about jason, but it makes more sense for him to be poseidon if we follow that logic.
DAMIAN HOWEVER i decided he is nemesis, which is the goddess of justice and punishment
the picture is ass but i made some notes of corresponding gods to the members of the bat family when i was designing tim and bernard
i did not finish the list because bruce is either athena or kronos. altho i feel like athena is more like babs (it's either athena or medusa, i haven't decided)
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anyways if you guys have any ideas or opinions on the lineup, let me know because im unsure of some of these
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