#and maybe she’ll go over there to do her homework or some silly movie night
gingerwerk · 8 months
Elora leaving for college in the truck her dad offered to sell to her :’)
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hawkinshightigcrs · 2 years
👫 - for Barb
👫 - for Rosemary Because I'm greedy <3
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship /// No Longer Accepting
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Barb and Chrissy friendship? Yes 🥺😭💕👏
Barb and Chrissy do a lot of teaming up, especially in the Upside Down! They make a wonderful team and know exactly how to play a role if need be when investigating for clues, and they always have each other’s backs when it’s time to kick monster ass! They both have that whole “good girl” look and attitude about them, so no one expects it at all when they start taking down monsters by the dozens or make perfect shots omg.
After everything happens with the Upside Down, Chrissy comes to Barb a lot with questions. Sometimes it’s to ask about what happened when Barb disappeared, other times I imagine Chrissy asks Barb if the trauma ever gets easier or how Barb manages to stay so strong after everything that’s happened to them. There’s never an easy answer to any of her questions because it’s just not that simple, but eventually Barb just tells her truthfully that it doesn’t get easier, but it does get more manageable over time. She also admits to Chrissy that she’s not brave, she actually lives in fear every day, but she’s learned how to use the fear to her advantage. I think the two of them would just get pretty close after that, ya know? Two friends with shared trauma trying to heal together. 😭
Barb will absolutely invite Chrissy out with her and Nancy for girls’ day/nights all the time! She wants her to feel included and to know she has good friends who have her back whenever she needs! The three of them often go out almost every Friday after school to go have lunch or see a movie, just something fun they can all do together! They probably hang out together other days of the week too at the library or somewhere to help each other study or do homework, maybe do a little gossiping among girls as well nfdsjlkncds.
Imagine Chrissy and Barb sleepovers omg!! They do so much of the stereotypical stuff because I honestly don’t think either of them has ever had the chance to do a typical sleepover before?? After school, the two of them go to Family Video and rent some cheesy movie, have popcorn when they watch it, paint each other's nails/makeup, dance around to some pop music, gossip about boys, read magazines, pillow fights, the whole nine yards! They make sure to make it as stereotypical as possibly at least once even if it’s super silly just so they can say they did! Plus, why not? It’s fun! 
(✨A Bonus One:✨ Barb absolutely keeps her lips zipped about Chrissy and Eddie! She doesn’t dare mention it to anyone at all, not even Chrissy unless she brings it up, because Barb thinks Chrissy is a nice person and deserves to be with literally anyone better than Jason. So as long as Eddie treats her good and Chrissy is happy, that’s all Barb cares about omg.)
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I love them, they’re a great dynamic and would be great friends!! 😭👏
The first time Chrissy comes over to Rosemary’s house there’s specifically two things that surprise her– one being that she lives in the same trailer park as Eddie literally only a few plots over, and the other being that Rosemary’s parents already know Chrissy despite never having met her before. With their collection of tiny homes/buses being so near the local metalhead’s trailer, her parents have most definitely seen the girl come in and out of his place before while they were sitting out on their front porch. Guaranteed they’re high about 85% of the time, so Chrissy could always try to play it off, but they’re going to most definitely start giving her a nickname based off of it like, “love bug” or just omg.
Speaking of Chrissy coming over, I think the more Chrissy spends time at Rosemary’s house she’ll quickly realize that their home is indeed filled with so much love, but there’s also a subtle lingering sadness beneath the surface as well. It’s little things, but they’re easy to spot once she starts noticing them– lots of Polaroids taped on various free spaces on the wall or hung on the fridge of family photos, one person in particular never being seen at their home; a birthday that will never be celebrated written down on the calendar; sometimes one of them will bring up a story from the past that brings on a brief melancholy mood whenever the name, “Evie” is mentioned. It’s clear they all hold a lot of love towards the missing piece to their family puzzle.
Imagine Chrissy getting so passive-aggressive with Andy the closer she gets with Rosemary because she literally knows the shitty stuff he did in detail then and her just being so mad on Rosemary’s behalf omg. Jason and the others always going to be like, “why were you just so rude to him???” or “what was that about??” but she always plays it off somehow or does it, so subtly nobody is really sure they can call her out on it tbh.
I feel like being friends with Rosemary really helps bring Chrissy out of her shell in a sense?? Not like in the shy sense, but in the standing up for herself more/doing what she wants sense. Rosemary’s been in a position where she had to conform to other’s wishes and knows how unhappy that is, so I think with the two of them having such similar trauma would really bond them and Rosemary would wanna help her escape that metaphorical cage as much as she possibly can. However, Rosemary also knows that you can’t help someone who doesn’t want help, so she won’t push too far if Chrissy isn’t budging. Unfortunately, Rose learned with her sister that you can’t help everyone rip.
(✨A Bonus One:✨ Despite Rose not indulging in her parents’ ummm, recreational hobbies, Chrissy always goes home smelling like marijuana. Their living room/kitchen bus just permanently smells like it now from years of hotboxes jdnfdljlkdas.)
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prinxlyart · 4 years
just any individual toh character hc would SLAP. mebbe ur thoughts on the twins idk this is vague
Nah it’s cool, I can dig it let’s do this
I only put this under a line break cuz it got so long oops lol
Defo has a stutter that she went through a lot of intensive and grueling speech therapy sessions for (when she was about 7 years old) that she hated. Amity and Edric both know this and know it’s a sensitive topic for her. They’ll tease her lightly about it, but never in front of anyone else and they know where to draw the line. In my last Vinera post, I mentioned how much Viney adores her stutter. She absolutely loves getting Emira flustered enough to start stuttering. She’s incredibly patient and understanding when it comes to Emira’s stutter and Em’s feelings about her stutter, and she helps Emira learn to be okay with it again. It’s nothing to be ashamed of (and it’s cute).
My girl likes carrots. Like, really likes carrots. As in she’ll eat them straight out of the ground if she’s given a chance to wash it first. She really loves carrots. This is only an issue later on after she and Viney start taking care of beasts together and Emira’s been caught eating their entire stock of carrots that’s meant for the beasts. Viney has to keep the carrots in a secret box away from Emira after that point.
Emira actually really loves beasts/animals but has never been good at handling them. Any time she’d try to approach an animal to pet it, it would try to bite her. She’d get extremely pouty whenever this happens because beasts/animals love Edric. It’s not until after she and Viney start dating that Viney actually starts teaching her how to approach different creatures and her love for creatures reignites.
Emira’s a giant pushover for Amity. Only Edric knows this because he’s also a pushover for her. If Amity ever found out what power she actually holds over them, they’d be in so much trouble. They mask their love for their sister with constant teasing. Yes of course they get annoyed by her, that’s how siblings are, especially when Amity tattles on them, but at the end of the day, they’d help Amity hide the body if she asked. (The few times they witnessed her crying by someone other than their parents, they had gone on a warpath. Nobody hurts Mittens.)
Defo had a brief infatuation with Luz for like 5 minutes before she realized how head-over-heels Amity was. As long as they’re both happy, that’s what matters. She’ll take that secret to her grave though.
L O V E S having her hair played with, but like, only with people she’s super comfortable with. She has so much hair (mostly due to her mother’s wishes) and any time they all have attend some fancy gathering, Emira has to be seen by a stylist in order to get all her hair into whatever wild fancy shape her mom wants for the event. That she hates more than life itself, but whenever she’s upset, Edric or Amity grabs her hair brush and just gently brushes her hair out until she’s chill again. (She absolutely melts when Viney starts playing with her hair). In an act of defiance and because she needed this Change, the moment she and her siblings leave the Blight Manor permanently, she cuts off all of her hair. It’s very reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. Viney loves it. Everyone loves it actually, but the biggest reactions come from Viney and Luz (they both love running their fingers through the newly cut hair because it’s so soft).
She likes to sing to herself when she’s alone. It’s rare that it ever happens because if she knows there’s other people in the same building as her, she won’t chance it. But when she knows she’s alone and no one will notice if she casts a silence bubble around herself so she can sing at the top of her lungs? You better believe she closes any doors or curtains in the area, locks everything, casts that spell and goes nuts. Her voice isn’t all that great, but it’s lovely when she’s singing quietly to herself while she does homework or something. On especially bad nights, Amity will ask her to sing to her. Emira sang to her once when they were like, 3 and 5 respectively, and it’s been their secret thing ever since for especially rough nights/nightmares.
Yknow how James from Pokémon is just super good with Pokémon ?? Like, he knows how to treat them, he knows what they like, he asks them gently if they’d like to join them, etc. That’s exactly how Edric approaches creatures. He’s a natural with them, but he and his sister’s natural affinity for illusion magic kept him from pursuing that track of magic.
He’s always wanted a pet, but every time he brings it up to his parents, he’s met with the same firm No as always. He’s definitely gotten in trouble for trying to sneak wild creatures into the house to keep in his room. Thank Titan for Em’s cool new girlfriend who’s not only a multi-track student, but studying the exact subject he wants to study and is super eager to teach him everything she knows. He learns vicariously through her and helps her study for her tests. At first, Emira is suspicious of them, but she knows her brother wouldn’t be so cruel as to try to steal her girlfriend away from her. He’s just a dork.
My boy’s got a sweet tooth. He loves desserts and sweets and fluffy baked goods and often tries to sneak candies when he thinks no one is looking. Chocolate is a big weakness for him. When Luz introduces him to Human Sweets, he’s practically bouncing off the walls. Cotton candy??????? Flan?????? Dulce de Leche en Tabla??? He nearly passes out when Luz busts out what she calls a “chocolate fountain” and turns it on. Y’all remember that one image of a bird bathing in a chocolate fountain from a million years ago? That’s Edric.
Edric Blight LIVES to see his sisters laugh. He would pull all sorts of silly faces and dumb tricks to make Amity laugh when they were little. He still tries to make her laugh, but usually those have grown from giggles to disgruntled mumbling. He’ll never admit how much it breaks his heart and it’s not until he sees her laughing at something Luz has done that he has hope he may still be able to get her to laugh again (it’s also the first time he’s heard her laugh in years and it makes his heart soar in relief. He was almost certain their parents had stamped any concept of laughter out of her).
My boy Edric is so full of love and passion; actually quite similarly to Luz. What makes them different though is that Edric is Aromantic. He’s never had a crush in his life. He’s happy with his sisters and all of their friends and their family as it grows in the future. He has some best friends that he lives with for a while (after his sisters move in with their respective partners), but for the most part he’s chill. He loves his family, he loves spoiling his sisters’ kids, and he’s content with himself. It takes him a super long time to be content with himself, but he gets there. I will literally never get over the fact that his biggest fear is “being alone forever”. He’s never alone. He will always have his friends and family. And, thanks in large part to Luz, he has his parents back. His parents that actually were excited when he cast his first spell and tucked him in at night when he was a toddler, giving him kisses goodnight and pleasant dreams. Not the parents he’d run away from; those were the cold, uncaring, obsessed with fake concepts of popularity and status people he ran away from with his sisters. It took years, but Luz helped bring his real parents back. He loves getting to know them for who they are now that he’s an adult too.
He and Gus become best friends. Like, dumb buddy cop movie levels of best friends. They get into so much trouble when it’s just the two of them and they have the time of their lives. At first, he and Em just sort of took Gus under their wing because he was a little bit of an outcast in their homeroom for being so much younger than everyone else. But he’s a friend of Luz’s and a friend of Amity’s after a while, which automatically makes him cool in their book. They soon find themselves actually enjoying his company, rather than just protecting him from stray bullies, and they find his ability with illusion magic exciting. They themselves are considered prodigies so having another prodigy to show off practice with is super stimulating for all of them. As the years go on (and Emira spends more time with Viney) Edric starts calling more and more often for “Bro Time” where they go do stupid teenage stuff or test the limits of their magic or even just hang out and talk for hours. It’s actually all this time hanging out with just Gus that Edric discovers he’s aro; somehow it comes out that Gus has developed a crush on Edric and (major age differences aside) Edric realizes he’s never had a crush on anyone before. It’s a conversation that sucks a lot, but they’re besties and they manage to get through it. Gus maybe needs to take a day with his original gal pals to just cry about it, but he gets over it just fine. He also helps Edric understand what it means to be aromantic. Well, with the help of Luz and Willow as well; Luz is a walking dictionary for lgbt terminology and Willow’s super good at helping dissect feelings (when they’re not her own cough’outofsightoutofmind’cough).
I genuinely don’t know what he might pursue for a career. Part of me wants him to be independent and do his own thing, but a much stronger part of me wants him to just be part of Viney as Emira’s business. He loves creatures so much and he loves taking care of them, but I don’t want him to feel like a third wheel around his twin sister either. Maybe he becomes a dual track teacher at Hexside specifically for healing and beast keeping so more students can learn about Service Creatures. He can substitute for the Illusion track homeroom when needed, but he’s super passionate about the Service Creature sub-track he and Viney pitch to Principal Bump.
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moonsidiot · 3 years
The Stars Above Us (ch. 4, valentines weekend)
Fatou scratched her forehead lightly as she looked around at the paint on the walls of the courtyard, at the small table and the couch she had pulled out from Nora, Ava, and Zoe’s apartment. Her guitar lay on the couch, waiting for its turn. Fatou was giddy with anxiety, bouncing on her toes and fidgeting with her hands. She wanted to pick up the guitar and play just to do something as she waited, but if Ava heard the music from afar, the surprise would be ruined. Instead, she pulled out her phone and read Kieu My’s last message to her: “i’m sure she’ll love it.”
Kieu My believed in her, oftentimes when she couldn’t herself, and her girlfriend’s confidence gave her just a smidge of her own. Just as she was putting her phone away, she heard footsteps. Ava came out of the small tunnel which led to the open courtyard.
Her passion twists fell over her face and her flawless skin glinted in the lights of the apartments surrounding them. Fatou watched her best friend approach and was overcome with a feeling of coming home.
Ava walked towards her, strolling slowly as she took in the candles, the couch, the food, and her painted name in a bright pink heart. She clutched her cheeks as she saw Fatou kneel. Soon, the guitar was in her hands and she began to play.
A friend proposal, a gesture, a treat, but it was so much more than that. After years of bullying and being told at every corner that she was lesser, that she was annoying and needy, pushy and lame, Fatou, the most loving and true person she knew, was kneeling before her, declaring her apology and declaring her love.
Ava held her breath as Fatou concluded her apology, strumming slightly awkward chords all the way through. When she finished, Ava open her arms, inviting Fatou into her embrace.
Fatou met Ava in the tightest yet most gentle hug she could muster, allowing herself to be immersed in her best friend, in the girl she never wanted to fight with again.
“Thank you, Chibi,” Ava said into her ear as she hugged her. “Only you could be so thoughtful as to do this for me.”
Fatou glowed in the compliment but was also hurt by her friend’s excessive modesty. “I certainly won’t be the last,” she said.
They collapsed on the couch, exhaling as they fell.
Fatou clutched Ava’s warm hand, holding on for dear life, never wanting to let her best friend go. Ava held on with the same volition as she looked up to the almost brown sky. The cool air whipped around them, but in the courtyard, whether from the protection of the surrounding building or the warmth of her best friend, Ava’s cheeks glowed brightly, hot under the euphoria of it all.
Fatou unboxed the cookies she brought and offered them to Ava. For the next four hours, they caught up, cried, apologized, and gorged on the food before them, relishing every word and bite.
On Saturday, Fatou bundled under her covers at home, overheating but also not feeling hot enough. No matter how much she loved her friends, Fatou always cherished her time to recharge. Being alone at home, watching silly Youtube videos, doing some casual research on her favorite aquatic species, and listening to the same song over and over until her ears groaned in fatigue, was one of Fatou’s ideal Saturday plans. She was drained from the week, the diagnosis, reconciling with Ava, and spending time with Kieu My was exhausting, but it was the kind of week that left one wiped in a satisfying fullness, like she had eaten everything she had wanted at the buffet and now only needed time to let her body take it all in. That was what she was doing, and even though some homework probably should have been calling her name, Fatou was unbothered. She had prepared the recipe for Fralentines tomorrow and was hoping to surprise Kieu My in the evening. She didn’t know if flowers would be her style, but she knew that one way or another, she would make her girlfriend smile.
Just as the sun retreated behind the home next to Fatou’s, leaving her room in a shadowy pre-darkness, her doorbell rang. In her sweatpants and ridiculously vibrant rainbow socks, she came down the stairs, feeling more like a content sloth than a girl in the movies on her Prom night.
Yet, when she opened the door, she wished she had been in the mindest of the latter, because Kieu My stood at her door, her face flushed and her hands carrying a cardboard box of something. Even though her hair fell messily over her face, she looked perfect, almost like a part of the windy evening, well, more like the center of it.
Fatou clutched at her ponytail which was in a big purple satin bonnet and suddenly felt self-conscious. Kieu My wore her blocky boots under a long skirt with green flowers and a grey hoodie on top. Fatou hadn’t really seen this kind of contrast in her girlfriend before, the confident badass energy of the boots, the soft femininity in the long skirt, and the comfort and naturalness in the sweatshirt, yet when she looked at it all together, it was the most Kieu My look she could think of.
Kieu My stepped in through the door after several moments of each of them taking the other in. Fatou came to her senses and closed the door behind Kieu My, pushing the cold out and hastily tossing her bonnet to the side, allowing her hair to emerge messily into the open.
Like she had done a few weeks before, Kieu My removed her boots with great care while Fatou watched her nimble fingers. Kieu My caught her gaze and Fatou flushed, feeling the same nervous flirtation that came from a place in her stomach reserved for her girlfriend.
While before Fatou would have turned away, embarrassed, she now spoke. “You look beautiful,” she said.
Kieu My held her gaze confidently. “Thank you,” she said, her voice clear which to anyone else would come off as arrogant, but to Fatou rang true of the vulnerability behind the response. “You look beautiful too.”
Fatou pulled her sweatpants up slightly and looked down. In a moment, her breath drew in as Kieu My grabbed her hand from where it had adjusted her pants at her waste and locked her fingers onto Fatou’s thumb.
Holding her hand tightly, Kieu My stepped into Fatou and met her lips in a full kiss. Fatou let her hand be held but wanted so badly to take Kieu My’s face in her grasp and hold her there, taking all of the care she deserved. But Kieu My held onto Fatou’s hand and kissed her with a certainty and intensity Fatou had not yet experienced. Kieu My craddled Fatou’s face with the purposefulness of her lips, with every intake of breath and slip of the tongue.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, kissing while they held each others hands, and when Fatou pulled back briefly to lick her lips, Kieu My stepped back. Yet, she was not retreating.
“I brought these,” Kieu My said, pointing to the cardboard box which sat on the ledge below the coat rack.
Fatou peered into the box and saw two rows of three cupcakes, each one decorated messily with pink and red icing.
“You made those?”
Kieu My laughed, “trust me, if my mom made them, the icing wouldn’t look like I had done it drunk.”
“They look perfect,” Fatou said.
“I’m sure you would have done better.”
“Obviously,” Fatou retorted, a mischievous grin on her face.
They went into the kitchen and sat where they had just a few weeks before on their study date. Kieu My reached into the cardboard box and picked up one cupcake. Chocolate cake crumbs got on her fingers as she passed the treat to Fatou who accepted it readily.
When Fatou dug into the cupcake, Kieu My gave her the same proud smile. Nothing had changed, and yet everything had changed. Kieu My still felt the same pang of excitement, but it no longer came alone. It came with the deep understanding they had built of one another, carved from splinter-prone wood through the fights and miscommunication into a beautiful sculpture, the varnish still waiting to be applied with the moments they would continue to share.
Fatou devoured the cupcake and Kieu My too, each of them rolling back in their chairs, slightly full. And yet, Kieu My lifted another one from the box.
“Do you want to split it?”
Fatou smiled and nodded. She got up from the table to get a knife, but Kieu My grabbed Fatou’s hoodie sleeve and tugged her down. Still holding onto Fatou, she took a bite of the cupcake. The pink icing left a mark on her upper lip, and Fatou could no longer resist.
With the cupcake still in Kieu My’s hand, Fatou sat back down and brought her lips to Kieu My’s, tasting the sweetness which was always there but only intensified with the sharpness of the icing.
Fatou moved from her seat into her girlfriend’s lap, and while they kissed, Kieu My had to focus her mind on holding the cupcake to keep from dropping it.
When they stopped, Kieu My brought the cupcake to Fatou’s lips, interrupting her attempt to come in for more. Fatou’s mouth collided clumsily with the cupcake but somehow made it all look graceful when she took a big, greedy bite. Kieu My laughed loudly and then took another bite of the cupcake for herself. In a moment, the crumbs were in both of their laps and the icing was practically painted over both of their lips and tongues, and it was all too sweet.
“So why did you bring the pink and red cupcakes the day before Valentines day?” Fatou asked ten minutes later, crouching on the floor while she picked up crumbs by pressing them into the pad of her forefinger.
Kieu My groaned beside her as she ducked under the table to find more crumbs.
“I didn’t know if Valentines Day was your thing, I thought maybe coming today would be less cringey if you weren’t into it.”
“What do you think I think about Valentines Day?” Fatou asked.
Kieu My brought her eyes from the wood floor to meet Fatou’s. “You’re so open, but in some ways, you’re a mystery, Fatou Jallow.”
Fatou laughed, coming under the table so she was pressed to Kieu My’s side. “What do you think of Valentines Day?” she asked.
Kieu My scrunched up her nose. “I think it’s kinda cheesy.”
“So you rebel by doing everything someone would do on Valentines the day before?”
“Whatever,” Kieu My said, rolling her eyes as she followed.
“Maybe we need to have our own special day,” Fatou said.
“February the 13th?”
“It has a ring to it.”
Kieu My nodded in agreement. “I never thought I would be the one to bring something pink and red to someone’s house.”
Fatou giggled softly. “And I never thought someone would do that for me.”
“Anyone with any brains would do it in an instant.”
“I guess you’re the only one with brains, then.”
Kieu My breathed out. “I don’t know about that. But, I do know I have immaculate taste.”
Fatou squished her lips together as she practically squirmed at the warmth which ran through her. Kieu My smiled broadly, showing her teeth which were slightly pink with icing still.
A moment later, Fatou broke the bubbly silence. “I was gonna come to your house tomorrow evening. Would you hate if we celebrated twice?”
“A chance to see you is infinitely more important than my lame rebellion.”
Fatou leaned in and kissed Kieu My. When Kieu My straightened her back to kiss Fatou’s lips with growing intensity, her head bumped against the table above them.
Fatou laughed as Kieu My groaned, but her hands were soft and slow when they came to Kieu My’s head to soothe the growing bump.
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council-of-readers · 4 years
Buffyverse Headcanons: Living with Spike, Angel, Faith, and Buffy(separate)
Request: okok could you write headcanons for Spike, angel, faith an buffy for what it would be like living together with them and stuff thank uu
I might do more of these at a later date. It was really fun coming up with stuff. I set Faith's post season 7, so sorry if that was confusing.
The two of you share an apartment on the outskirts of town.
It's small and really not the best, but you're used to living in places like this at this point. It kind of comes with the territory.
Better than that crypt, that's for sure.
Of course, there were no windows, but he doesn't want you getting depressed, so he definitely buys one of those synthetic sunlight lamps for you. He's thoughtful, on occasion.
Actually, a lot of the time, but he doesn't like you bringing it up.
Since your sleep schedules don't exactly line up, he's always incredibly cautious about waking you up.
He turns down the volume if he's watching tv or playing a video game and tries desperately to keep his outbursts of anger towards losing at a minimum.
Spike is a very light sleeper, so he'd be very grateful if you'd extend the same courtesy.
It might be good to get a job or try to stay out of the apartment during the day because it is so easy to wake him up.
He's not often rude about it, and just tries to go back to sleep, but if he get sleep deprived enough he will snap at you, which neither of you really want.
Movie nights are a must.
They're weekly, and often the highlight of the week for both of you.
If you're okay with scary movies, that's typically what it'll be, but if you aren't, he'll either pick something so cheesy it couldn't scare you, or an action film.
He doesn't mind a good romance flick, but again, please pretend not to notice.
He's definitely going to pull the arm over the shoulder yawn routine every single time, and yes, he thinks it's hilarious.
Humour him, please.
You need to get two mini fridges because he will take your food, and this man drinks an ungodly amount of beer and needs a place to store it. Plus, somehow, you can taste the blood on your food.
He swears there's no way you could, but tell that to all the mashed potatoes he's ruined the taste of.
Living in a hotel is strange, to say the least, but not wholly unlike living in an apartment complex.
It certainly made it easier to find your own space if you need room from everyone else.
Though, you all got along fairly well. Fights were rare, and unless you went out of your way to annoy the others, hardly involved you.
It was surprisingly quiet most days.
You'd think having clients come in at all hours would be disruptive, but, for the most part, they were calm and didn't make much of a fuss. It made the hotel a nice place to retreat to in the busy city.
Angel isn't really the clingy type, but you'll typically find him in the same room as you.
He's content just to sit in silence and read while you do chores or watch tv.
He's actually a pretty big reader, so if you are one as well, you'll end up doing a sort of book club thing whether you mean to or not.
Either you'll be reading the same book at the same time or you'll pick it up right after the other one finished it so you can discuss it together.
Full on dates became less frequent once you started living with him, though they weren't a regular thing even before.
If you want to spend more time with each other, you'll just hang around more.
He is working a lot of the time, so if you really want to see him and spend actual quality time with your boyfriend, you need to vocalise it.
Angel can get in his head about some things. Including you.
Thoughts that you're better off without him, that he's a danger, and that you're only with him because you pity him can creep in easily.
They make it hard for him to reach out and say he wants to be around you more.
He doesn't want to drive you away.
Especially since you live together, he worries you might grow sick of him.
So, please ask to be around him and set aside time for just the two of you. Chances are he wants to but is a little too nervous.
He's a pretty deep sleeper so you don't have to worry about waking him.
That does become a problem, however.
See, Angel is a big sleep cuddler, and he's not weak by any means, so if you're caught in an uncomfy position, you're basically stuck there all day.
Sucks to be you, I guess.
Faith is actually pretty fun to live with.
She's really relaxed and doesn't care too much about where you're both at.
Mostly, the two of you live out of a converted van, but occasionally you'll spring for hotels.
It's not a bad life by any means.
You've converted the back into an incredibly comfortable living space, and it's not hard to share with her.
She does have a bad habit of leaving clothes and things out, but if you ask her once it'll improve almost instantly. As much as she tries to hide it, she does want you to think well of her.
You go on trips to LA pretty frequently, often chasing bands or just popping by to say hi to Angel.
Sometimes if a Scooby or two was in the states you'd drive to them to help out.
Other than that, you went where a slayer and her number one fan were needed. Or, simply wherever you wanted to go.
Fights were pretty frequent in the beginning of your relationship, but as she grew more comfortable with you and felt more secure, Faith picked them less and less. At this point, they only really happen if you start it.
She tries to treat you by getting you gifts and little trinkets from each city, even though there's less and less room in the van.
Sometimes it's jewelry, if you wear it, or maybe a keychain, a bobblehead, or a CD for a band you like.
She has a hard time being vulnerable with you, or anyone, though, so expect things to just kind of appear.
It's rare for her to actually hand you a gift, but she'll leave things on your side of the bed, or you'll find them laying about on the dashboard. Occasionally, though, and usually only if she's got a few drinks in already, you'll be given whatever it is directly, albeit with no eye contact and a few excuses.
It wasn't on sale, and you both know that.
But you know this is just how she functions.
If you ever got her a gift she'd melt on the spot. There would be attempts to hide it with some light teasing, but she'd really be so happy you thought of her.
The nights on the road are the best.
Screaming out the lyrics to whatever song was on, laughing at each other's jokes, and making fun of the silly little towns you passed through.
Life had been hard for Faith, but being so close to you made it just a little easier to handle.
It could get a little stressful in the Summers house, truth be told.
With all the demons breaking in, and Dawn and Buffy fighting through all hours of the night, it's not exactly the calmest environment.
To Buffy, though, you make it all worth it.
She can always vent to you if her sister gets on her nerves, and it makes her feel happy to know that Dawn does the same.
You were always like the cooler relative that she never had, and after Joyce died, you and Dawn grew incredibly close.
She was all for your relationship with her sister as well, which was helpful.
Dawn was actually one of the reasons Buffy was hesitant to ask you out. She didn't want to put any stress on her that she didn't need, and she didn't want to ruin the bond you shared.
It took a while for you to move in, but once you did, Buffy couldn't imagine life without you.
You helped with the cooking, cleaning, and general house repairs, and more importantly you helped Buffy deal with everything going on in her life.
It really made life so much easier to cope with.
Waking up to find you making breakfast for the three of you, or watching you help Dawn with her homework were little joys she didn't even realize she was missing.
It can seem out of the blue, but often when she sees you doing little things like this, Buffy gets affectionate.
Little hand squeezes, soft kisses on the forehead, or your cheek, and hugs from behind appear to be random to the untrained eye.
She just gets overwhelmed by love for you sometimes and needs to show it.
The two of you are surprisingly soft when you're alone. She needs that softness. It keeps her grounded, and helps her push forward.
You really are her rock.
Dating a slayer is hard, though not as hard as actually being one.
She has baggage, and you need to accept that.
Her job is vital to the safety of the world.
So, yeah, she comes and goes all hours of the night, and often comes back a little more broken than she left, but she knows you're at home waiting for her and ready to patch her up again.
Hold her while she sleeps, braid her hair, treat her wounds, and she'll be yours forever.
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copychatnoir · 4 years
Plz Stahp
Summary:  My take on the AdriChat insanity from Tumblr. It’s just a silly reveal fic where Marinette walks in on Chat Noir detransforming and chaos ensues when Marinette tries to play it off (terribly) and Adrien tries to make excuses (horribly).
She could not forget her homework again. No way. This time, Marinette would stay on top of things! And that meant that she was getting her homework right now.
She had nearly made it home after the latest akuma attack when she realized she forgot her homework and her book bag at school. Again.
“Oh, Tikki! Why do I always do this?” Marinette whined.
Tikki floated out of Marinette’s purse and perched on her shoulder. “It’s not that bad, Marinette,” she chirped. “We’re not that late this time. The school’s still open for after school activities. And think about it! Because you remembered, you can get your homework done on time!”
Marinette sighed. “You’re right, Tikki.” She smiled and patted the kwami on her head. “You always know what to say.”
Tikki smiled brightly. “I am here to help guide you, after all.”
“Thanks, Tikki,” Marinette said.
As they got close to the locker room, Tikki flew into her purse, snuggling up to her macarons. (They were peach flavored today.)
Marinette rounded the corner of the locker room door and saw three things in quick succession. First, Chat Noir coming in through the window, his miraculous beeping its "time's up" warning. Second, a bright, green flash. Third, before Marinette had time to look away, Adrien stood where Chat Noir had been just moments ago with Plagg appearing next to him. 
She definitely wasn’t supposed to see that.
Marinette lurched back out the locker room’s door and out of Adrien and Plagg’s sights. It would be a disaster if she let him know that she saw. It was a disaster that she saw!
She tried to process what she just witnessed. That was definitely Chat Noir. Who was now Adrien and Plagg. It certainly didn’t help her attempt at calm when Plagg whined, “Adrieeen, cheeeeeese.”
“You know where it is, you glutton,” Adrien teased. That sounded like something Chat Noir would say. She had never heard Adrien tease like that before. 
Except she had when Chat Noir—who was also Adrien—had teased her.
“Marinette?” Tikki whispered, floating in front of her face. “It’s okay. You can do this. Just act like you saw nothing. It’s just Adrien in there.”
“Who just so happens to be our friendly neighborhood black cat hero!” Marinette hissed back. 
She knew she was freaking out. She had to get a handle of her thoughts. Better plan: she’ll do what she did last time and come back to the school as Ladybug in the middle of the night to pick up her assignments and bag. She was fine with pulling another all-nighter. It was definitely better than facing Adri-Chat right then and there.
Marinette knew she couldn’t do that. She wanted at least some control of her thoughts. She definitely didn't want to face Adrien after an all-nighter. A sleep-deprived Marinette was a way worse choice. Anyway, if she did that, she would totally spill her all-nighter coffee with too many espresso shots all over Adrien. Adrien would hate her and she would be so embarrassed that she’d have to move to Guam! She didn’t want to move to Guam! She had to be here for Paris. Paris needed Ladybug, but then Chat—
Tikki’s voice snapped her out of her panic. “Marinette! You’re spiraling again. I know you can do this!”
Marinette blinked a couple of times, logic returning to her. “Okay. Right. I can do this!” she confirmed. Tikki nuzzled her chosen’s cheek, then hid in her purse. Just because one identity was blown, didn’t mean Tikki had to reveal the other.
Marinette turned around, opened the door to the locker room again, and ran face-first into Adrien, knocking them both over.
Adrien, the ever-protective hero he was, grabbed her around the waist to keep her safe as they fell. His touch was doing nothing to improve her state of mind.
Marinette squeaked and scrambled off Adrien the moment they landed. She nearly fell on her butt in her haste to get away.
“Oh, no! I’m sorry so! I- Ack! I didn’t mean to do that!” she stammered.
Adrien let out a small laugh, then fixed her with the sweetest smile. “It’s fine, Marinette. I’m not hurt. Are you okay?”
His smile was the cutest thing... Which was also Chat Noir’s smile. There was no way she could handle this right now! Tikki was wrong! 
“Really? Good! I mean, I'm okay! Not a bruise on me! Well, other than the ones I have already. Oh, I’m such a klutz. I didn't mean to run into you. I wasn’t paying attention. I thought I saw a cat outside and that’s why I wasn’t looking where I was going. Maybe it was Chat Noir! That would just be silly though. Of course, he’s not an actual cat...” Marinette fabricated her lie on the spot.
Adrien tensed up, his face going pale. Oh, no, no, no! She already messed up! Tikki probably just planted her face into one of the macarons just so she didn’t have to see how badly this was going to end. Marinette didn’t want to be here to witness her humiliation either.
Adrien let out a nervous laugh. “Maybe you did see him? It’s not every day you get to say hi to one of the superheroes of Paris, right?”
Okay, Adrien was going along with her ramblings. That’s a start. Encouraged, Marinette continued. “Yeah. Saying hi would be nice. It’d be fun to hang out with him on the Eiffel Tower, too.”
Adrien nodded. “I bet he would be really cool to play video games or watch movies with. He’d be way better than me at video games. Probably give you a run for your money, Marinette.”
He was trying to cover up his identity even though she already knew who he was and she was just making it all weird. Marinette couldn’t handle this. This was the actual worst.
He kept talking. “He’s totally cool enough to date, too.” Adrien froze. Marinette went rigid as she processed the words that just came out of his mouth.
Scratch that. This was the actual worst. 
It wasn’t like he was telling her to date him. That would just be silly. Adrien didn’t love Marinette. It was definitely a ploy to throw her off. The only other option was that it actually sounded like he was trying to say that he would date… himself?
This was too ridiculous. She was too high strung for this! Marinette blurted out a giggle.
Adrien’s face started to flush red. “What? He’s cool. And funny. He could sweep you off your feet!” 
Marinette couldn’t stop herself from giggling. He didn’t have to dig himself deeper into this hole. She already knew he was Chat Noir! She was watching a train wreck in progress.
“It almost sounds like you want to date him,” Marinette teased with a playful, though panicked, grin.
Adrien’s voice pitched an octave up when he yelped, “What?!”
“You’re going on and on about how cool and funny he is. I bet you think he’s hot, too.” Marinette did not know what she was saying anymore. It was like her mouth had a mind of its own and decided it was a great idea to put the train wreck’s pedal to the metal and floor it. She didn’t even know if trains had pedals! 
Adrien defended, “He’s no model—”
Marinette burst into laughter. This was just too ironic. She was pretty sure she could hear Plagg’s snickering from wherever he hid.
Adrien’s blush became darker. He just kept on talking. “But he is good looking! Who wouldn’t date a superhero? I hear he’s actually really smart. And he’s really funny! You’ve heard his jokes!”
Marinette gasped for air to reply, “You mean his atrocious puns!”
Adrien was quick to defend his favorite type of humor. “They’re not that bad!”
She wheezed, “They’re hilarious!”
Adrien perked up, “Really?” Clearly he had forgotten he was supposed to be pretending to want to date himself.
Air was finally restored to Marinette’s lungs. “Yes, really!” She wiped at the tears pooling in her eyes, feeling half exasperated, half adoring.
The image of Chat Noir’s excited and happy face was clear in her head. He always perked up when she told him she liked one of his jokes. 
She’d love to look at him now, but she just couldn’t when she knew he was unmasked. She would panic worse than she already was if she saw Adrien’s face. Especially when Marinette couldn’t stop blabbing on. “You know, I can track him down so you can ask him out on a date. I can’t imagine anyone saying no to you.”
Marinette looked up to see Adrien’s face warp from happiness to panic. She bit her lip to force herself not to laugh. It didn't help that she was definitely still panicking. 
It was obvious that he was too with how wide his eyes were getting, and he was smiling with just a few too many teeth. “Whaaaat? Noooo,” Adrien dragged out the first two words, “There’s no way I’d be able to date him.” 
Marinette giggle-snorted.
Adrien continued his reasoning. “He’s—um... not fashionable?” The excuse came out like a question.
Marinette couldn’t hold it in. She doubled over in laughter, leaning against the lockers. The irony was too much and she could barely stand it. 
Marinette caught her breath enough to say one sentence. “It’s the belt tail, isn’t it?”
The reply was immediate. “The tail is cool!”
Her stomach hurt from laughing so hard. There were tears running down her face. She didn’t need to look to know he was pouting. 
The belt tail is kind of cool, she admitted privately.
Adrien was doggedly (cattedly?)  fighting a failing battle to defend his right to date his alter ego, “I can date him if I want to!”
That was the last straw. She couldn’t hold herself up anymore. Her back slid against the lockers as she lowered, as gracefully as she could when laughing so hard that snot was coming out of her nose, to the floor.
Catching her breath, Marinette looked up to see Adrien turn to leave the locker room. This whole thing must have been so confusing for him. Marinette never acted like this around him. Well, she did when she was Ladybug, but that was beside the point now. She just didn’t want her partner to take her teasing the wrong way.
“Wait!” Marinette stumbled to her feet and grabbed his arm, pulling him towards her and smooshing her face into his shoulder. “Wait! Chaton, please?”
Adrien tensed up. A beat of silence passed. Then, he hesitantly said, “That’s something Ladybug calls Chat Noir.”
Marinette giggled into his shoulder, “Well, duh. I know that.”
Silence again. The only sound was Marinette’s labored breathing as she tried to stop her giggle-fit. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears. It wouldn’t be surprising if he could hear it too. 
Adrien took another step towards the door. 
Marinette held fast, hugging his arm closer and keeping him from going any further. “No way. You’re not going anywhere. I can’t watch you do this anymore. I couldn’t handle it if you told anyone else that you were cool enough to date yourself! Even if they didn’t know you were, well, you!” Marinette nervously bit down on her lip and jittered her knees back and forth. “Nino or Alya would catch wind of it and then I wouldn’t ever be able to tell you that I love you because it would be way too awkward with you fake-dating yourself!”
After her catastrophe of words (haha), Marinette forced her mouth shut. Saying anything more would make things even worse than they already were! She kept her eyes clamped shut and breathed his smell in as she tried to get the bundle of nerves in her stomach to calm down.
She felt him staring at her like he was trying to figure her out or something. Probably trying to decode if what she said made any sense.
He took a deep breath, then whined, “Bugaboooo, stop iiit…”
Marinette shook her head against his arm. “Nu-uh. Never.”
A moment later, he murmured in awe, “Ladybug?”
Ladybug? Wait! She was Marinette right now! Not Ladybug!
She let go of his arm and stumbled back the moment she realized the implications of what was said. Her eyes were wide. This needed to be fixed. 
Flailing her arms, she babbled, “Wait! I didn’t say that! I said- um-” Marinette noticed her tear stains that were now on his brand name overshirt. “Oh, no! I got your shirt all gross! I can fix that! I think. Your dad would definitely hate me if he knew I did that and that would probably be the third worst thing I managed to do today.”
She wasn’t supposed to let him know she was Ladybug! Oh no, no, no! What was she even doing, trying to tease Adrien like that! She probably gave him a heart attack and that wouldn’t be good because she needed her other half!
Adrien grabbed her by both her arms to steady her. “Marinette, I can hear you overthinking.”
The feel of his hands steadying her snapped her out of her spiraling thoughts. She looked up at her crime-fighting, superhero partner, who was also her best friend. Who was also her crush. This was going to take some getting used to.
“Um. Hi?” Marinette squeaked out nervously.
“Well, the cat’s out of the bag, huh?” Tikki giggled. The nervous tension surrounding the kids shattered.
Marinette jumped at Tikki’s unexpected disruption, bashing her forehead right into Adrien’s nose. Adrien stumbled back a few steps covering his nose. Marinette held her forehead, “Owwwww,” she groaned.
“Tikki, not you too!” Plagg whined, floating out of his chosen’s bag. “I hear enough of those cat puns from Adrien!”
And now their kwamis were joking at their expense. Marinette looked up and noticed Adrien holding his nose.
“Oh, no! Are you okay? I’m sorry!” Marinette asked, mortified, and immediately forgetting her own pain. She leaned in close to Adrien's nose, checking the damage she’d done. She gently tugged his hand away so she could get a better look. The fact that Adrien’s face started flushing beet-red as she kept looking at him was barely something she noticed.
In the middle of her scrutiny, Marinette murmured, “Clumsy Marinette strikes again.”
“I don’t mind. I fall for you every day,” Adrien blurted out.
Marinette’s entire face blazed red. Just when her nerves were calming, they got kicked right back into overdrive.
“You! I— Uh— Timing! No! Bad Kitty!” Marinette stuttered out, shoving his face away and staring at whatever was not his face. Was she ever going to be coherent again?
Adrien smirked, though it was really closer to a smile, and teased, “Arguably, your confession had worse timing.”
“My wha—?!” Marinette replayed what happened in her head. She did confess. Her timing was definitely worse.
“You weren’t supposed to hear that!” she yelped.
“But, you were talking to me!” he protested.
“You were talking about dating yourself!”
“No, I wasn’t!”
Marinette looked Adrien straight in the eyes. “Adrien, you went on and on about how dateable you are, and you’re the one who said ‘date’ in the first place! What was I supposed to think?”
Adrien threw his hands up. “I don’t know! I didn’t think anything through!” 
“Me neither!” Marinette did a wonderful impression of an upside-down J with her body, letting her arms dangle as she stared at the floor.
There was silence as the pair processed everything that just happened. They looked away from each other, both trying to hide their embarrassment at how badly they messed up.
“When did you figure it out?” Adrien was the first to break the silence. “That I’m Chat Noir,” he clarified.
Marinette straightened up. This was something she could handle. She could answer this question clearly! “Oh, that? Well, I was almost home after the akuma attack when I remembered that I left my bag and homework here. Then, I ran all the way back here because I just detransformed and that wouldn’t be fair for Tikki to transform me again after all that. So, I walked in here and saw you detransform. I thought I was seeing things, but then I definitely heard Plagg complaining about wanting cheese—" Marinette gasped. "That’s why you always smell like cheese! It’s Plagg!”
Maybe not as clear as she thought.
“I take offense to that for the sake of the cheese!” Plagg protested.
Tikki countered with a teasing giggle, “Well, I do call you Stinky Sock for a reason!”
The kwamis chattered away, flitting around each other, and poking fun.
Marinette watched the kwamis. The two of them were pretty cute around each other. They were also very good at keeping her attention away from the present situation.
“Does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?”Adrien asked, breaking through her distraction.
Marinette stared, wide-eyed at Adrien. “I— Wha—? Really?”
The smile Adrien gave her nearly stopped her heart. It was the smile she saw on pictures of Chat Noir when Ladybug’s back was turned. It was the smile Adrien gave Marinette. “Of course! I’ve loved you for as long as I’ve known you! You’re the love of my life.”
“Ack! Adrien! You can’t just say things like that!” Marinette sputtered out. She felt her cheeks heat up bright red.
“But, I’ve been telling you that for years. Why can’t I announce my love to you and anyone who will listen? What changed?” Adrien pouted.
Marinette whined into her hands, “Because now I know it’s you!”
After a moment, Marinette peeked through her fingers at Adrien. He looked deep in thought.
He suddenly gasped, then looked at Marinette, excitement glittering in his eyes. “Because you love me! I’m the other boy!”
Marinette couldn’t help but giggle through her hands. He was so cute when he was excited. “Yes.”
“Is that ‘yes’ to being my girlfriend or—”
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rosevanhelsing · 4 years
Portal Creator
Disclaimer: this fic is a story before the novel and has elements of the novel and the comic as well as some reference to the series. Charlie Manx character and others mentioned in the novel are not mine, this is just for fun.
Lily stood up suddenly, she had had a terrible nightmare. In it she saw her little sister wandering through a dark amusement park. The park was snowy, carols sounded, and it seemed like a cozy place, but she sensed that there was something sinister and evil in that park and she didn't know what. However, her sister was walking quietly there dressed in her unicorn costume.
- Mary, come here, I don't like this place ...
- Why do you say that, Lily, if it's very pretty. Look what it says on this sign- said Mary pointing up.
Lily looked up and read the sign: "Christmasland."
- You see it. A place related to Christmas can't be bad ... Why don't we celebrate Christmas like other people? I'm going to see if I see Santa Claus.
- Mary, no ...
Suddenly she heard a car engine and powerful headlights illuminated her, she covered her eyes in the glare, and a car sped towards her, out of the darkness, causing her to wake up with a gasp.
Lily got up and went to the bathroom.  When she came back,  she looked at her sister's room, Mary  was sleeping peacefully clinging to her stuffed animal.  However Lily couldn't get the feeling of fear out of her head so she went quietly to the office. Lily sat down and picked up her tarot cards. She shuffled the Major Arcana and made a roll of three without asking. She started on the left one, the  Chariot card appeared, Lily put her hand on it and visualized an old car, driving down a snowy road, this one was of a black color so dark that it was confused with the night and powerful headlights that pierced the night just like the one she had seen in his dream
On the St. Nicholas Highway, Charlie Manx's private road, the Wraith emitted a buzz of static that cut through the carol that was playing at that moment, Charlie frowned but waited to see if something else happened. Lily turned the card in the middle, and the Devil's card appeared, when she put her hand on the card she saw a tall man, dressed in a long dark coat with skirts and a cap ... his back was turned, so that she could not see the face, and led two girls by the hand. One of them, the tallest, turned, she had a very white face with marked black veins and bright eyes. She smiled at him, showing her sharp teeth, Lily gasped and with drew her hand, at the same time the Wraith emitted static again ...
"What's going on here?" Manx wondered uneasily.
 The Wraith rarely reacted, and when it did it was because some especially powerful creative soul was entering some inner passage. Manx closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, if it was what he suspected he had to locate that creative soul and make sure that, at least, he did not get in his way. He looked at himself in the rear-view mirror, he already had some crow's feet and his hair that was already scarce was beginning to turn gray, it was time to start looking for a new ally and rescuing children again.
As Lily turned the last card, the Moon, she saw the same park that she had seen in her dreams, but this time there were other children wandering around the park, all of them with a smile full of sharp teeth, bright eyes and wearing, in his hands, sharp scissors. And he observed in the sky a strange moon that, surprisingly, had a face, and he smiled at her with a sinister smile as if inviting her to enter.
Lily pulled her hand away and dizzy, fainting in her chair as the Wraith hummed again, took a detour, and returned to the real world, entering a town.
Hours later:
Lily was coming back from picking up her sister from school along with her boyfriend Jeff. He explained to her that he planned to do an auto mechanics module and specialize in historical vehicles, she said yes but was distracted thinking about her disturbing dreams. Suddenly Jeff squeezed her arm and she complained about the squeeze.
-Oh, don't be so stupid!
- Look what a beauty!
Lily and Mary looked in the direction Jeff was pointing, Mary said:
- Jeff fell in love with a car?
- Don't be silly, Mary. Jeff is a fan of antique four-wheelers.- she said with a sigh, as she followed her boyfriend
Jeff was looking and taking pictures of the Wraith, running his hand gently over the hood, and over the shiny chrome.
- It is, it is!
- What kind of car is it, Jeff? - Lily said with weariness- please, as long as you keep rubbing the car and its owner sees you, maybe she'll get angry ... like that time with the car that came out in a movie ...
- Ah, yes ... what a rude guy the owner  ... if you have a car like that,  you will attract attention
- You and your sister are the same, a car that you see that you like, a car that you touch ... like people who caress all the dogs they see. ..
 - You are an exaggerated! ... Also this car is unique! It's a 1938 Rolls Royce Wraith! It is a rare model, very few were made, about 500 if I remember correctly.
This one is also in perfect condition. You know, my grandfather had always wanted one like this ... do you think its owner would sell it?
- If this model is so exclusive, I don't think so - said Lily
-  You're quite right, miss. This Wraith is invaluable to me and I wouldn't sell it even if they gave me for all the gold in the world for it- said a soft voice
Lily turned and came face to face with a tall and thin man, who was wearing a long black double-breasted coat with skirts, light gray pants, black mid-calf boots, and wearing a gray chauffeur's cap with a black leather visor. He looked in his fifties and had crooked, pointed, brown upper teeth sticking out from his prognathism.
- What a repellent guy- Lily thought and said: - Excuse me, my boyfriend loves vintage cars.
- Well, your boyfriend has great taste in cars.
Jeff smiled, walked over to him, and shook his hand. Charlie shook it cordially and said:
- My name is Charles Talent Manx to serve you.
- My name is Jeff Stevens.
"I'm Lily Aberforth and my sister's name is Mary," although she refrained from shaking hands.
Charlie noticed the hum of the Wraith and smiled. It was evident that one of the three was the creative soul he was looking for.
"If you're looking for a mechanic," Jeff said, digging in his pocket and taking out a card, "my father has a workshop."
- Thanks young man. - Manx said putting the card in his pocket- Now that you mention it, I think it's time for the oil change so I'll bring it one of these days.
- We will take very good care of your car. My father, just like my grandfather, is a very good mechanic but nothing compared to how good John, Lily and Mary's father, was.
-Was? - said Manx
-   Wow ... what a disgrace. I'm so sorry, young lady.
"As I was saying," Jeff continued, "his father was a prodigy, just by looking at a car he almost knew what a fault it had." My father used to say, jokingly, that the cars whispered to him that it was happening ...
"Jeff ... we have to go to do homework and we've already bothered Mr. Manx too much." Lily said jaded and eager to leave.
- Easy, young lady. Believe me you were not a bother. It is difficult to find nowadays boys of your age so nice and well educated. - Manx said smiling, put a hand in his pocket and took out some candy canes.
Wow ... what a disgrace. I'm so sorry, young lady.
"As I was saying," Jeff continued, "his father was a prodigy, just by looking at a car he almost knew what a fault it had." My father used to say, jokingly, that the cars whispered to him that it was happening ...
"Jeff, don't roll with it… we have to go to do homework and we've already bothered Mr. Manx too much." Lily said wanting to leave
- Easy, young lady. Believe me you were not a bother. It is difficult to find nowadays people of your age so nice and well educated. He put a hand in his pocket and offered them some candy canes.
Jeff took the candy without hesitation and kept it thanking him just like Mary, Lily hesitated but accepted the candy with a barely audible “thank you”. Charlie watched them as they walked away, hearing how Lily reprimanded Jeff, reproaching him that he should not go telling the lives of others to strangers.
Charlie thought that the young man did not look like a creative soul but the girls had a better chance of being - thought Charlie - His Wraith was never wrong. Charlie got into the car and said to himself:
- Well, now I have to make sure which of these three is the creative soul and if they  knows anything about me ... then we'll see ...
Manx gently stroked the dashboard of his beloved Wraith, and it seemed to match the purr of the engine.- Well, now I have to make sure which of these three is the creative soul and if he knows anything about me ... then we'll see ...
Manx gently stroked the dashboard of his beloved Wraith, and the car seemed pleased by the purr of the engine.
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birdsandspades · 4 years
I Was Never Good at Waiting (Sugawara X Reader) Chapter 10
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- It was your last year in highschool, everything had been going smoothly until you got assigned the new teacher. Sugawara Koushi was handsome, maybe too handsome for his own good. Be he wasn't flirting with you right, teachers shouldn't do that....I guess we will see where this year goes.
Word Count - 3,753
It was wrong and he knew it. 
He was your teacher, that should be all he was to you. 
That day he saw you sitting in his classroom, ready to learn as a student, his student. 
That's the day he should have put his silly feelings behind him. 
But you made it so hard for him. He could see it, the soft smiles you gave him, the lasting glances. He was no stranger to the feeling. He had his fair share of crushes in school. But he knew he was infatuated with you. For him it wasn’t just a temporary thing, he loved you. 
But your feelings, they were only a crush.
You were young, new to the idea. He had shown you kindness, sweet words, lasting stares. He had fed into that crush, led you on with false hope. 
If things were only different. You were out of school, had met each other elsewhere. He could have asked you to dinner, held your hand in the park, maybe even stayed the night with you. But that just wasn’t the case.
You had come to him in a vulnerable state last night, and he took advantage of that.
He wanted to apologize, explain to you why something like this couldn’t work out. He should have done it last night, but he panicked. A momentary lapse of judgment. He owed it to you to do it today. 
So here he sat, leg bouncing under his desk as he waited for the first bell to ring. His students were slowly filling in for the day, chatting amongst each other as they took their seats. 
Most of them already knew about the fight last night, it had been the mornings gossip as he came in. 
Sugawara had called it in once you left, demanding that the principal come in to review the courtyard tapes. He had pulled Hina and her four friends into the principal's office when he saw them come down the hallways for class. They were expelled immediately, that was the schools guidelines. This was a private academy, and everyone had to sign a no conflict agreement upon enrollment. They had come clean in the office, owned up to everything they had done to you. 
‘’Six pairs of slippers...where did they even find the room to keep these…’’ Sugawara watched as they emptied out their lockers. It did fill him with a little bit of joy seeing their empty desks. If it made your day easier, that was enough for him. 
The final bell rang and the last of the students walked into the classroom. His eyes swept each group as they walked through the doors.
He waited for you, the familiar hair color, the sound of your voice, the jingle of your bag. But nothing like that trailed behind Hiroto and Yua as they walked into the room.
“Maybe she’s just late, but i’m sure she'll come in before long.” He started the lesson without you, talking about the morning announcements and the days agenda. Before long class was over and you were nowhere to be seen. It was excusable, last night was rough for you. He would just apologize to you tomorrow. But he didn’t see you.
He has asked the office why you stopped coming to class when he dropped off your work at the front office everyday before he left. 
“Her father calls her in sick every day, and the homework is missing when I come in. I’m not sure who picks it up, but she must be really ill if she's still out.” The secretary smiled as she placed the new worksheets in the basket. 
He hadn’t seen anyone come pick up your work, and he was checking, obsessively. 
He had also questioned your friends, asking if they knew why you had been gone for so long and if you were doing ok with the work. But they just gave him the same answer. 
“She’s been really sick, but I think her cousin is checking in on her. He’s been coming in to pick up her homework before school starts, he's probably helping her too.” Hiroto smiled ,Yua nodding. 
Maybe you really were just sick. 
Keys jingled as your door unlocked, Iwaizumi pushed the door open,  stepping inside. 
The house was a mess. Daily chores had gone undone, the result of your week in isolation. The furniture had been moved to the corners of the living room, replaced by a makeshift bed. Layers upon layers of blankets covered the hardwood floor, surrounded by a sea of pillows big and small. He looked around the dark room, blinds pulled shut, as they had been for days. A horror movie flashed across the t.v screen, the same one that had been playing yesterday. 
“How long have you two been up?” He frowned at you and Oikawa, tucked under the sheets. Your eyes glued to the screen, void and dark. That was enough of an answer for him. 
It was late when you got home that night from the school. You had just needed someone to talk to, someone to tell you it was going to be alright. When Oikawa picked up the phone he sounded tired, having been in bed for hours. You sat on the line silent for a moment, unable to choke out the words you wanted to say. 
“Do you need me to come over?”, was all he said. 
Your “yes” was quiet, barely a whisper.
But that was all he needed. He was in Tokyo visiting friends, a good four hours away. But sure enough, around 3 a.m you found a frazzled Oikawa, dressed only in his pajamas at your front door.
He was heartbroken when he saw you, standing in the doorway, eyes glassy and tired. He held you there, whispering loving words into your hair as you cried. He was happy you called him, glad you had chosen to suffer with him. He had watched you do it some many times alone, wishing he could be the solace you needed. He loved you, in more ways than one. But now wasn’t the right time, right now his only job was to take care of you. 
He walked you up the stairs to your room hand in hand. Sitting you down on the bed while he raided your closet. He found you something clean and comfortable to wear as opposed to your soiled school uniform. He would take care of those later.
You got dressed while he searched your bathroom for a medical kit. The echos of closing cabinets rings down the dark hallway. He kept the lights off as per your request, your head throbbing.
He didn’t take long to clean you up, making sure to be gentle with the then forming bruises. You were minutes away from sleep when he finished, exhausted from the day you had. He was packing up the supplies when you reached for his hand, cold fingers pulling at his sleeve.
“Tooru, will you stay with me tonight. I don’t want to be alone.” You opened up the covers, moving over to clear him a space in your bed. 
He sighed and shook his head, he couldn’t say no to you. 
It was cramped with the two of you together, far smaller then planned. But you fell asleep in no time. He stayed awake awhile longer, cherishing the feeling of holding you once again.
When you woke up he was already down stairs with Iwaizumi. He had called him that morning panicking. Oikawa was never good with talking to you at times like these, scared to say something he would regret. That was Iwaizumi’s job. 
He was the rational, level headed one. He had been your reasoning in life, but Tooru had always been your structure. The one thing you could hold onto when you felt like the world was caving in around you. 
You didn’t open up until the next day, sitting next to Oikawa on the couch. It was sudden, but you could just feel it needing to come out. You told him everything, all the feelings you had for Sugawara, how confusing he had been, what had happened. 
He stayed quiet, squeezing your hand reassuringly when you struggled with the right words. It felt good to get it all out finally. Sure Yoshiki knew about your feelings, but not the details. Those had seemed intimate, something to keep to yourself. 
Oikawa wasn't mad, he never made you feel bad for your actions, only nodding along as you explained yourself. “Well, you need to decide if what you told me is worthwhile to tell him."
Who was this wise and calm man? Definitely not the same one who had forgotten to put the water in his ramen before microwaving it last night. 
“I have your homework for today.” Iwaizumi sat down next to you and laid the packet in your lap.
It had been a week now since you went to school, opting to do your work at home while Iwaizumi called you out everyday as your father. 
“But you’ll have to turn it in yourself tomorrow.” His voice was soft but stern, his usual tone with you.
Oikawa turned his head towards you at the mention of class, glued on your reaction.
You were silent, looking down at the work in your hands. Sugawara had written small notes along the margins for the course work, page numbers and examples to help you along the way. You ran your fingers over his penmanship, taking in the curves and lines unique to him. 
“Kiddo I can’t keep calling you out. I know you said you didn’t want to talk to me about what happened after the fight. But staying here isn’t going to fix anything.” Iwaizumi's finger lifted to your cheek, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
You nodded, he was right. “Ok, I'll go back.” 
Iwaizumi stood up, happy to see your shift in mood. “Now let's clean up all of this, it's a disaster in here.”
"Yep, you guys get this place cleaned up!” Oikawa smiled as he made way for the front door. 
Iwaizumi grabbed him by the collar, pulling him towards the kitchen. “You can help us clean Tooru-chan. If you have time to mess up F/N’s house, you can at least clean some of it too.”
You laughed as the arguing continued from the kitchen. Oikawa was definitely not winning by the sounds of it.
You walked into class the next morning, excited to see your friends. You hadn’t really talked much while you were gone, unsure of what to say about the whole situation. 
As per usual, they were at their desks when you walked into the room, arguing over some minute detail in a t.v show from the night before.
“Are you idiots still arguing about that?" Laughing, you took your seat.
"You're alive!” Yua screamed as she jumped on you.
Hiroto walked over, ruffling your hair with a laugh. “I’m glad you're feeling better, I don’t think I could take another class period alone with her."
Yua pouted at his remark, you only laughed.
The morning bell rang as the substitute walked in. “Good morning, Sugawara Sensei is stuck in a meeting this morning so just work on your homework for this period. But he will be back for your science class late.” 
“Figures, the first day I'm back and he's not even in class.” 
Once the morning announcements were over the substitute left the classroom. 
“So your face is looking better. ” Yua smiled as she looked over your fading bruises and cuts. 
“Yeah, I think they should all be gone by next week.” You laughed, feeling over your blackened eye. 
“I’m glad they kicked out Hina and her friends. It’s been so quiet since she left, Sugawara-sensei looks happy too. I’m sure it's nice not having to hide from a bunch of crazy teenage girls.” Hiroto chuckled. 
Yua rolled her eyes. “Well that's what they get. If I was there I would have beat her ass."
Now it was your turn to laugh as Yua punched Hiroto playfully. “Yeah, I'm sure you would have been so much help.", you teased.
Classes for the day went on as it normally would have. You handed in the assigned work as the periods went by, thanking you teachers for their concerns. Most of them had been really worried with your absence, glad to see you were finally well again.
The lunch bell rang, everyone packing up their bags to leave for the cafeteria. 
“Hey, I'm going to hand in my homework to Sugawara-sensei. You guys can go on ahead of me. I’ll meet you in the lunchroom once i'm done!” Waving goodbye, you and your friends parted ways for the hour.
When you got to the classroom it was empty, the lights off and blinds closed.
The school had made a new rule in your absence. After they expelled Hina and her friends, they found out they had been hiding in the classroom waiting for Sugawara. Many of them underclassmen that were not allowed to be on the floor to begin with. The principle put a stop to it, issuing a no lunch in classrooms order. 
You peeked your head into his office. “I wonder if he’s even done with his meeting?” You took a seat on the sofa, watching the students pass by out the window as you waited. 
The click of the door startled you, a tired Sugawara walked inside of the office setting down a stack of folders. 
You turned around, smiling at him. “Hi Sensei. How was your meeting?” 
He wasn’t expecting you back today, none the less sitting in his office when he came back from his meeting. “L/N-san, you're feeling better I take it?” He smiled back at you, taking a seat at his desk. “Did you have any questions on your work?” 
“Not really on the work,” You set down the completed worksheets on the desk. “but I was wondering if we could talk?”
“She’s gone a whole week, and she came in here right off the bat asking to talk?” He was dumbfounded by you. He had expected an adjustment period, a window of time where you ignored him. He expected that he would have to corner you one day before practice, force you to give him the time to explain. But here you were, ready to talk the second you saw each other. “What do you want to talk about?” He laughed nervously, trying to play it off as a simple conversation. 
“Well, I wanted to talk about what happened the last time we saw each other. I wanted to talk about the kis…”
”Oh yeah that!” His voice was a little louder than intended as he cut you off. He wanted to be the rational one, he had practiced a very rational speech for this very moment. But all the sudden the words just didn’t seem to fit what he wanted to say to you. 
He stared at you for a moment, thinking of what to do. 
“Sensei, do you want me to go first...or do you want to?” Tilting your head, you watched as he focused back in on the conversation.
“I’m sorry...I had practiced what I was going to say and I can’t remember any of it.” He chuckled to himself, hand rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Just give me the jist of it.” You nodded, giving him the floor to speak. 
Taking a deep breath he nodded back to you. “F/N, I know you're probably confused. I’ve been saying and...doing some things I shouldn’t have been doing with you.” 
He looked up at you and frowned, “But we can’t be doing this. It’s wrong of me as your teacher to have romantic feelings for you. You're a beautiful, bright woman and I know you’ll do amazing things once you graduate. But not if I continue doing this to you…” 
He focused his gaze out the window behind you, cheeks growing hot. “That day you were hurt. You came to me for help and I took advantage of the situation. You may think you have real feelings for me F/N, but it's just a crush. You’ll get over it…” 
You gritted your teeth at his statement, keeping quiet long enough for him to finish. 
“I’m really sorry F/N, things were different when I first met you at the coffee shop. I should have stopped this the day I came into class, but I didn’t and I'm sure I hurt you because of that.” Sugawara stood up from his chair, moving to sit beside you.
“Coffee shop? Sensei I don’t remember meeting you this summer…” You were confused now, you would have remembered Sugawara coming into the small shop, you remembered all of your customers.
“It would make sense that you wouldn’t remember me, I did only talk to you when I was ordering...and that time I asked you for a napkin.” Sugawara gave you a sad laugh, of course you never noticed him. Why would you when he never made any efforts to talk to you until now. 
“But whatever I felt then doesn’t matter now. You're my student L/N-san, that's what we need to leave it at.” He gave you a stern look, like a mother scolding her child.
“Sensei, it feels like you're trying to tell me how I feel about you…” You returned his look as you stood up. “You may have more experience in this kind of stuff, I mean I've only had one boyfriend and that was in elementary school. But this doesn’t feel like that to me. Sensei I lov…” 
“F/N, I know it may feel like you have feelings for me, but it's just temporary. We get along just fine, I'm sure this feeling is new to you with a guy. Teenage boys are strange and the boys you interact with everyday make you uncomfortable.” He cut you off again, this was starting to sound like a puberty talk. 
“Sugawara, listen to me. I lov…”
"One day you’ll realise how funny this all is. It’s a weird time for everyone your age, and relationships are going to be heavy on your mind. But don’t rush into it with the first guy you have an interest for. This will pass, I promise, and…”
You were about to lose your mind. You should have just gone first. “Koushi, I love you!” You screamed over his rambling. 
He gave you a stunned look, opening his mouth to speak, but closing it immediately when the words didn’t come. 
You finally had your chance to talk now that he was staring at you like a fish out of water. 
“You are acting like I'm a child Koushi. I’m 18, and I know that doesn’t account for a lot. But I’m pretty sure I'm old enough to decide how I feel without someone putting words in my mouth. I love you Koushi, I've loved you for awhile. Now I understand if you don’t want to pursue this because of your job. But god dammit, don’t act like I didn’t want this as much as you. I wanted that kiss Koushi, just as much as you did. So can you just for a moment talk to me like an adult about what you really want to do about this?”
He watched you pace back and forth as you spoke, now he felt like the child. 
“Can you please say something?” You were pleading with him now, begging for anything.
“What do I say? What do I fucking say?” He stared at you, eyes wide.
“Ok, I get it. I’ll just go.” You were defeated, the conversation had been pointless. Turning to leave you grabbed the door knob, pulling it open. 
His hand shot up, slamming the door closed in front of you. 
You turned into his chest, taking a step back at the close proximity. "Kou…"
“I need you to say it. One more time.” He leaned down, eye level with you now. 
Your back was pressed flush against the door. “Sensei, what are you doing?” You panicked now, eyes on your shoes as he inched closer.
“Please say it, just one more time.” He tilted your chin up, voice soft as he looked over you with dark eyes. 
“I..I love you.” 
Those words were enough for him. He closed the gap between you two, pressing his lips roughly against yours. He moved his hand off the door and behind your head, deepening the kiss as he pulled you closer. 
You slid your hands up his chest, pushing slightly to distance your lips. “Koushi...wait”, you mumbled between kisses. 
He pulled away, picking you up and setting you on his desk. “Shh, stop talking.” He chuckled as your lips met again. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. 
He smiled into the kiss, placing his arms on the desk to stabilize himself. His lips were soft, your mind fuzzy as he moved along your own. His hand slid behind you, pulling you closer to the edge of the desk. 
Gasping in surprise he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. 
The previous coffee taste had been switched out for cherry something. You couldn’t quite figure it out, what was that taste. It was on the tip of your tongue and so was he. 
The class bell rang, the both of you separating.
You were breathless, cheeks hot as he stared at you. 
“I love you too. Probably more than I should, but I love you too." He pecked your lips again, bringing a smile to your face. 
You got off the desk, patting down you messy hair.
He on the other hand looked perfect, completely untouched as he watched you straighten your skirt.
“Koushi does this mean…” 
He cut you off by turning you around and pushing you out the door. “We can talk about the logistics of it after school.” He planted a kiss on your cheek before closing the door behind you. 
You placed a hand on your face as the students started walking into the classroom. 
“Hey F/N-chan...why is your face so red?” Yua looked at you weird as she scanned over your figure. 
“Physical activities.” You laughed as you walked over to your desk. I mean, you weren't lying.
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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ohshcscenerios · 4 years
babysitting with the hosts and s/o!!
The hosts babysitting is something I would pay to watch! (No one tell Kyoya that because he’d probably send me a bill). 
Tamaki Suoh
He would be so excited to spend time with the little bundles of joy. He might plan a few games or bring over some snacks to help prepare a fun-filled night. He has a lot of patience with children and as long as they’re smiling, laughing, and enjoying themselves he will continue playing with them late into the night until they’re ready to pass out from exhaustion. After putting them to bed he’ll feel a little antsy as to how to entertain himself until the parents return home but that’s why he has s/o to keep him company. While the children sleep he’ll take the opportunity to relax and snuggle on the couch with his s/o. 
Kyoya Ootori
He would be very reluctant to watch children for the evening and the only thing that would force him into would probably be his father’s demands. It’s not that he despises children because he doesn’t. He has a secret soft spot for his nephew but that’s the extent of his fondness - or at least as far as he’s voluntarily ventured. It’s until his s/o agrees to accompany him when he decides the evening might not be terrible. He might solely rely on his s/o to help with the children; feeding them, washing them, entertaining them, and eventually putting them to bed - because he has little to no practice doing such and he doesn’t know what to do. After they’re put to bed he’ll happily use that time to thank his s/o for their amazing work and maybe order in their favorite dinner (even though it’s not his house but he doesn’t care, he wouldn’t have been able to do this without them).
Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
They would most likely be asked to watch the children together since the parents might find it awkward to split the twins up. Plus, they don’t want to offend the twins by “choosing a favorite” so they compromise by hiring them both. What the parents fail to realize is the twins are a force not to be reckoned with when they are together. They are mischievous, silly, and a little devilish. That is why... their s/o’s HAVE TO COME. They can’t imagine the poor children being left in their care all evening. So the s/o’s tag along with games and movies for the children while the twins ask an endless stream of questions about what to expect from babysitting. They have absolutely zero experience with children and they’re mainly concerned with changing diapers or calming down a screaming toddler. Thankfully their s/o’s take charge once they get there, allowing the twins to have fun when it’s appropriate to rile the children up. By the end of the evening the twins have chased the children all over the house, had a mini food fight in the kitchen (unbeknownst to their s/o’s), and played video games until the clock struck 10:00pm. When the children are put to bed and they’re waiting for the parents to return home the s/o’s watch a quiet movie on the couch while they force the twins to clean up their mess. 
Mitsukuni Haninozuka
He has a few things planned before he shows up to the parents’ house and one of those things is exactly what one may think; cake! He will bring over a dozen selections of cake for him and the children to choose. He may even spark a cake eating contest which he will shamelessly win, to which his s/o might scold him for being thoughtless. He doesn’t care to think that they’re just children since he grew up in a household that demanded his perfect effort in all. Afterwards he’ll host a small tea party with Usa-chan and their stuffed animals and for hours they’ll sip tea, eat MORE cake, and talk about silly little things. He might not know to put the children to bed, thinking they’ll go to sleep when they’re ready, and his s/o will have to put them to bed for him once the night becomes too late. After they’re sleeping he will vouch for his midnight cake snacking to which is s/o will join for a couple of bites.
Takashi Morinozuka
He may not have much experience with children but he does know how he hopes the evening will go. He’s a calm man by nature so he prepares a calm evening for the children. He may ask them to join him in meditation, showing them how to center their little minds and how to sit tall with a straight back. His s/o will prepare them a traditional dinner, one that is healthy and filled with vital nutrition for their growing bodies, and Takashi and grateful for their consideration. Then he might decide to unleash the structured evening and allow them a few hours of play. He’ll probably play wrestle with them in the living roomwhile his s/o watches and giggles from the couch. When the clock chimes 9:30pm he decides it’s time for bed and tucks them in. He might even read them a bed time story to ensure they have sweet dreams. After they close their little eyes he’ll rejoin his s/o downstairs and sleepily cuddle on the couch while listening to quiet music until the parents return home.
Haruhi Fujioka
She doesn’t mind children, in fact she enjoys spending small amounts of time with children, but she’s still nervous to babysit for an entire evening. So when her s/o agrees to tag along she’s so relieved. She might bring over sewing supplies and small arts and crafts to occupy their time. She’ll show them how to mend a button, how crop a pant leg, and how to patch a shirt whole; practical things but the only sewing tricks she knows. Her s/o might need to take the reigns and play with the children while she prepares their dinner. Once everyone is fed, cleaned up, and put to bed she’ll opt for doing homework at the dining table until the parents return home, accidentally leaving her s/o to entertain themselves. 
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lovelyliliana101 · 5 years
This CANNOT Be Happening!
Tikki is determined to prove to Marinette that she's in denial of her crush on Chat Noir. Plagg is determined to prove to Adrien that he's in denial of his crush on Marinette. Seriously, how oblivious can two people be?
For Marichat May (2016) Day 2: In Denial; Read Day 1 Here.
Can also be read on AO3.
For @epiclilkitty
Marinette had always thought Adrien would be the one for her. He was kind, caring, gentle, thoughtful, and so many other amazing things it could take her days to list them all. 
She always thought she'd be upset when the day came where he'd get himself a crush, or a girlfriend, and she'd spend days in her room crying her heart out. What she didn't expect was to actually be happy for him, when he'd told them about her one day.
When Alya had asked her why she wasn't upset, she'd absently replied, "I don't know."
You see, Chat Noir had been visiting her for the past few months or so. They'd talk, laugh, eat snacks, and overall have a good time. He was now a constant presence in her life, in both her lives, and she couldn't imagine it another way. No, she wouldn't. 
He was her best friend (aside from Alya, of course) and she needed their Friday Movie Nights, and their gaming matches on Wednesday, (And of course, their study sessions aka the only reason she was passing school right now; Seriously, who enjoyed physics?). 
But she was getting off track. Whether she was donning her Ladybug outfit, or she was just Marinette, they were friends. Just friends. No matter how much she may possibly- No! She chided herself, 
You do NOT like him like that. You are JUST friends. Nothing more, nothing less. She smiled to herself, in silent victory. Besides, Chat didn't feel anything for her, other than friendship, and she wasn't going to jeopardize that.
She hopped on her bed, a book in hand. They had to read the next chapter for homework, and she was going to get a head start on her homework, before Chat came over for their weekly study session. Tikki perched on the top of her book.
"You know, Marinette," She commented, "you didn't seem very upset when Adrien told the group he had a crush."
"Well, Adrien deserves to be happy Tikki, even if it's not with me. I'm sure that when he gets the courage to ask her out, and she says yes, she'll be one of the luckiest girls on earth. And yeah, it hurts, but I'm lucky enough to call him my friend." 
She didn't have the heart to tell her kwami she'd asked herself the exact same thing. "Do you think there's another reason for it?" She couldn't help but wonder.
"It doesn't, by any chance, have to do with a certain leather-clad hero, would it?" She teased.
Marinette blushed.
"Tikki! I told you, Chat and I are just friends."
"Are you trying to convince yourself of that, or me?"
A few days ago, he'd told his friends he'd had a crush on a girl, whose name he couldn't mention, though he could in his head. Ladybug. She was the most amazing person he'd ever met, and she was the one for him. But apparently, Plagg thought otherwise.
"Your going to visit your girlfriend today, right?"
"Huh? Ladybug and I don't have patrol until tomorrow." Honestly, he thought his kwami would be aware of his schedule by now. "And she's not my girlfriend. She's made it perfectly clear how she feels about even being in a relationship with me, romantically."
"Not Spots, Princess."
"Oh, yeah, we're going over today."
Plagg flies away.
"Hey, wait! She's not my girlfriend! She's just a friend!"
"Tikki, Chat and I are just friends."
"But you don't want to be." She smiled, secretively.
"It doesn't matter what I want. It's just the way things are."
"But you like him."
"No, I don't."
"What do you like about him?"
"What do you like about Chat?"
She rolled her eyes.
"He's kind, caring, overdramatic, my partner. He's sweet, super smart, like seriously I'd be failing school without him." They bother laughed at that. "He... He's always there when I need support, a good laugh, or someone to rant to, other than you, of course. I wouldn't be who I am today without him. I..."
She looked up at Tikki, her face turning a lovely shade of pink, and that was when Tikki knew Marinette finally realized....
"Oh my god, Tikki! This cannot be happening! I like Chat! What am I supposed to do? He's coming over in, like, half an hour, and I have to talk to him."
"You've talked to him before."
"But this is different. I like him, and he only sees me as a friend. What am I supposed to do, Tikki?"
"You could tell him."
"Tell him? So he can reject me which will ruin our friendship, and then I'll never be able to work with him as Ladybug because everytime I see him, I'll think of that moment, and-"
"Marinette! What if he likes you back?"
"He doesn't Tikki. If he did, he would've said something by now."
"Maybe he was to caught up in other things to realize his feelings, like someone else." She teased.
She laughed, but Tikki could tell it was forced.
Adrien paced back and forth in his room.
"Plagg, Marinette is just a friend. Nothing more, nothing less." Seriously, was Plagg even listening to him?
"Are you sure?"
"But what about all those things you do with Princess? You've never done them with Spots. And you've starting flirting with her less and less as you spent more time with Marinette. And then you stopped flirting with her at all, and that became a thing between you and Princess..."
Adrien droned out his kwami, as he began to think about what Plagg was saying. Sure, he'd stopped flirting with Ladybug, and had been doing it more with his Princess, and yeah, he'd been doing some things that, to the public eye, would look like a secret rendezvous. 
And okay, maybe he visited her more often than not,  but it was only because she wouldn't talk to him at all as Adrien! But he did have to admit, she was kind of cute, with her constant pink blush dusting her cheeks, and how she'd do this little silly dance when she was super happy about something. (He may have lost a few games during their gaming marathons just to see her proud smile.) Okay so maybe...
"Oh my god, Plagg! I have a crush on Marinette!"
"What am I gonna do? I have to be over there in, like, seven minutes!"
"You talk to her, kid."
"But what do I say? This is different! What if she says no? It'll destroy all the progress we've made in the past few months!"
"You'll figure it out on the way. Right now though, you have a Princess to see."
He took a deep breath.
"Your right. Plagg, Claws out!"
She heard him before she saw him. The little tapping of boots on her balcony, signifying his arrival. She took a deep breath, as Tikki gave her an encouraging smile, before going to hide. She nodded, before going up on her bed, opening her skylight, and poking her head through. They locked eyes, a blush adorning both their features.
"Hey, come on in."
Maybe they'd be okay after all.
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nerdforestgirl · 7 years
The Adolescence Alternative
Chapter Three: Crush
Previous Chapter: Chapter Two: Friends
That night Amy thought about her afternoon with Sheldon. He was so nice and funny. How had she ever felt like she hated him even a little? Then Amy's eyes went wide as she realized she had a crush on the boy. No. No. No. Amy had a careful plan that she wasn't going to fall for anyone until she was in college when her life was her own. It was going to be when she was happy and free. Not when she was in high school. Not when her parents might very well drag her to another town a month from now.
Still, Amy found herself sketching his bright blue eyes in the corner of her notebook. Then she slammed it shut and decided to call it an early night. She would shake this crush on Sheldon Cooper.
Amy walked into her biology class and automatically slid her chair away from Sheldon’s. He wasn’t there yet. She always arrived in class before he did. Still, she wanted to be far enough away to not smell the soft baby powder smell he would put off when he did finally show up. He didn’t smell like any of those gross body sprays the other boys smelled of. Instead he always just smelled clean. Then Amy pursed her lips and felt frustrated that she noticed another detail about the boy. It was bad enough that she knew he was cute and smart, but now she knew he smelled good too? It was going to be more work than she wished to shake this crush.
“Hello, Amy Farrah Fowler,” Sheldon said cheerfully as he took his normal place next to her.
“Hi,” Amy returned coldly, but regretted it immediately. He hadn’t done anything wrong. He even called her by her full name after she mentioned it only once. “How was your evening?” She added in a friendlier tone.
“It went well. I finished my homework after you left last night. My mother said you are welcome at our home any time you would like,” Sheldon told her. “And I enjoyed our evening, so I also say that you are welcome at my home any time you would like.”
“Yeah. Sure,” Amy muttered. She realized that she stopped listening to Sheldon because she was focused on his soft looking lips. She had never really wanted to kiss someone before now, but it seemed like a really good idea in that moment. She might have leaned in to kiss him right then, in fact, if the teacher didn’t demand all of their attention. She was saved by the bell. Literally.
Amy was in trouble. She knew it, and being mean to Sheldon or ignoring him wasn’t an option. She couldn’t even say hi to him rudely because he was her friend, and this was her problem. She managed to just focus on class for the most part other than occasionally peeking at Sheldon’s hands.
When class was over, Amy was relieved that she wouldn’t have to see Sheldon again until lunch. If he wasn’t there, she actually didn’t think about him all that much. She hadn’t lost her mind. It was just a little crush.  She did still think of him, but as she anticipated, it was easier without him right there.
When Amy got to lunch she thought about sitting away from Sheldon, but he grinned at her and pat the seat next to him. He was also sitting next to Leonard per Amy's recommendation. For a pretty strong headed guy, he seemed to be happy to take any advice Amy gave him. Amy took the seat next to Sheldon. Then she turned to the guys and tried to engaged them in conversation. It was harder than normal because Sheldon's arm brushed hers from time to time. With each touch, it felt like she was being shocked in the best way possible.
Amy's heart pounded in her chest, but she managed to get through lunch. Maybe this crush thing wouldn't be so bad. She was a strong, independent young woman who could handle her own emotions. She had sixteen years of practice. She wasn't some silly girl.
Over the weekend, Sheldon invited her over to play some Mystic Lords of Ka'a. She almost said no, but she did like Sheldon.  He was her best friend after all. She agreed, and they played until Sheldon got angry about Amy winning. It wasn't hurt fault she was a savant at his stupid game, but she still suggested that they get some blankets to go lie on his lawn and read together instead. She still hadn't finished with his copy of The Hobbit, but she did like it more than she ever thought she would. She also finally dug out her copy of The Canterbury Tales to lend to Sheldon.
“You're favorite book?” Sheldon asked.
“Yes. My favorite book.”
“I've tried to get that information out of you since I started talking to you.”
“You never asked.”
“Oh. There is that. Very well. I will read your favorite book, Amy Farrah Fowler,” Sheldon agreed. Then he got comfortable on the blanket next to Amy Farrah Fowler and they quietly read together. Even if Amy wanted to put down her book and kiss Sheldon until it got dark. It was a bit of a shock that she wanted to anything more than read, but there was bound to be a first for everything.
By Tuesday, Amy had seen Sheldon everyday since her crush realization, and time wasn't helping anything. If anything, it felt worse. Now it felt almost painful to look at Sheldon's bright blue eyes and crooked, smart ass grin. She decided that she needed to something else to help her shake this feeling.
By lunch, Amy had a new plan. She decided to ask out someone who she would never really have feelings for. It would be a nice compromise because she would feel like she couldn’t have any feelings for Sheldon if she was dating someone else, and she wouldn’t fall for anyone else. Not the way she was falling for Sheldon.
“Stuart, what are you doing this weekend?” Amy asked the only member of their small group who didn’t have a significant other.
Everyone looked at Sheldon. It was an unspoken agreement that Sheldon had “dibs” on Amy. Not that Howard, Leonard, or Raj were interested anyway. Still, there was a bit of surprise that Sheldon and Amy weren’t sort of dating already.
“Stuart?” Amy asked again. She didn’t like that they all looked at Sheldon like he had anything to do with it. Was her crush that obvious? How had they all seen it before she had? Just a week ago, Amy would have sworn that she hated Sheldon Cooper.
“Uh. I’m not doing, uh, anything,” Stuart stammered.
“Would you like to go to a movie with me?” Amy asked. She tried to twirl her hair on her index finger, but it just got tangled. She had to awkwardly pull her finger from the tangle. Then she smiled at the boy in front of her. She had never once asked a boy on a date. Maybe she was doing it wrong.
“Sure,” Stuart answered nervously.
“Great. Here is my number. You should call me so we can make plans,” Amy said as she slid over a sheet of paper.
“Super,” Stuart told her. Then he got up and left because he didn’t want to screw anything up before his date. Amy also left because she couldn’t stand the way everyone was looking at her. Maybe this was a mistake, but she couldn’t take it back now.
“Are you okay?” Leonard asked Sheldon.
“I’m fine,” Sheldon told him.
“I thought you and Amy were, you know,” Leonard tried.
“Amy Farrah Fowler and I are nothing more than friends,” Sheldon snapped. It was clear that he was angry.
“Alright,” Leonard said with his hands up in surrender. “If you like her, maybe you should say something to her,” he added quietly.
“I don’t like her. I can barely tolerate her. I’m glad that she’ll be bothering someone else this weekend,” Sheldon said. Then he stormed off too.
“Can I ask you a question about girls?” Leonard asked his girlfriend, Penny, that afternoon when they met up after school.
“Looking to get a new girlfriend?” Penny teased.
“No. I kinda like the one I have. My friend, Sheldon--,” Leonard started.
“The tall weirdo from your math team?”
“Right. He has a friend who everyone thought he liked and she liked him back. I mean, she went over to his house the other day. He doesn’t invite anyone over. Anyway, she asked out Stuart today.”
“Stuart? Interesting choice. Go on.”
“Do you think she really likes Stuart?”
“Maybe. I don’t know her. You said Amy? Is she new? Mousy with glasses and long, pretty brown hair?”
“She’s in my gym class. Maybe I’ll talk to her.”
The next day, Penny approached Amy and introduced herself while they were still in the locker room. Amy was just tying her shoes as Penny stepped up.
“Amy, right? I’m Penny. I think you know my boyfriend, Leonard?”
“Yeah. I sit with him at lunch. He’s friends with my… Sheldon,” Amy said. She cringed because she called Sheldon hers, and she could see that Penny caught it. The crush hadn’t eased as of yet. Amy had barely been able to look at Sheldon during both biology and lunch, but it seemed that Sheldon could barely look at her either. Something had fractured between them since she asked Stuart out. She was terrified she ended things between them even if she didn't want things to start either.
“I heard you have a date with Stuart this weekend. He’s a nice guy, so that’s cool.”
“Yeah,” Amy muttered sadly. She wished that she could be excited about it like she would be if it was Sheldon. Amy couldn’t let herself get too attached to Sheldon though. Some day soon she would have to move again. It was bad enough they were friends. This was why Amy didn't make friends.
Penny and Amy went out to the gym from the locker room. Penny asked Amy to be on her soccer team for the day. It was the first time Amy had been picked first for a team even if she wasn’t so bad at sports.
“What are you going to wear on your date?” Penny asked Amy while they got ready to get started playing.
“A sweater probably. Whatever is in my closet.”
“No. It’s a first date. We should go shopping on Friday. I’ll bring my friend, Bernadette, and we’ll go to the mall.”
Amy wasn’t sure why she agreed. Girls who were pretty and popular like Penny weren’t usually so nice to Amy. Not if they didn’t want anything from her. Still, if Penny was dating Leonard, who was definitely a nerd, she might just be okay.
On Friday before school, Amy reminded her mother that she had plans right after school with Penny—along with Penny’s phone number so that Mother could check in with Penny’s parents if needed. It seemed that Mother was more excited about this shopping trip and Amy’s date that weekend than Amy was. She even gave Amy some extra spending money for the trip to the mall.
After school, Penny drove Amy and Bernadette to the mall. Bernadette was a tiny blonde with glasses who was dating Howard. It seemed that they bonded over dating boys on the math team, and Amy spent a little too long imagining being in the seats next to them as she cheered on Sheldon.
“What are you doing on your big date?” Bernadette’s squeaky voice broke through that fog.
“We’re going to a movie, and I think dinner. I let him pick,” Amy told them. She was starting to get that sick feeling that she got whenever she thought about the date. She liked Stuart, but she’d give anything to go out with Sheldon instead. The crush on him only seemed to get stronger. At least he was talking to her again. He had been updating her on his progress through The Canterbury Tales. They spoke about a few of the tales, and Amy loved how often Sheldon blushed at the content. He had even teased her about how she seemed like such a good girl before then.
“Thinking about Stuart?” Bernadette asked when she caught Amy’s smile. It was absolutely the smile of a girl thinking about the boy she liked.
“No. I was thinking about Sheldon,” Amy admitted without realizing the reason Bernadette asked.
“What’s the deal with you and Sheldon?” Penny finally asked.
“He’s my best friend. Can you keep a secret?” Amy asked her new friends who both nodded. “I have a little crush on him.” Amy swore to keep that to herself, but her new friends seemed nice. Maybe they would have some advice.
Penny bit her tongue so that she wouldn’t say “Duh!”
“Why didn’t you ask him out then?” Bernadette asked.
“I like him too much.”
“I missed the part where that makes sense,” Penny said.
“First, it seems entirely possible that asking Sheldon out would not result in a yes. If that happened, things might not work as friends between us. I like him too much to ruin it with my emotions. Second, even if he did want to date me, I might fall in love with him. That would be worse.”
“Why would that be worse?”
“I move a lot. I haven’t even spent a full school year somewhere since sixth grade. What if I fell in love with him and then I had to move again? I would just hurt us both for no reason.”
“So, then you are dating Stuart? Won’t that be a problem with him too?”
“I won’t love Stuart. He’s nice, but not my type. I am hoping to distract myself from Sheldon with Stuart.”
“That seems like a dumb idea,” Penny told her. “You should ask Sheldon out if he’s the one you like. I bet he’d say yes. Leonard said that he thought you guys liked each other.”
Amy had no idea what to say about that. She had never known herself to be the subject of gossip, and now she was hearing that Leonard talked to Penny about Sheldon. Did Sheldon like her? Did he say something? Amy was desperate to know.
“Did you hear something about it?” Amy whispered without looking up at them.
“I heard that he stormed off after you asked out Stuart,” Penny said.
“Well, I already asked Stuart out,” Amy explained. She shrugged and didn’t want to think about Sheldon Cooper anymore. Even if Sheldon did like her the way she liked him, it didn’t solve her moving problem. Amy was practical above all else. It didn’t make sense to fall in love now. Maybe later when she was more sure of her surroundings.
Of course, Amy’s plans were challenged again when she saw Sheldon in a store at the mall. Amy grabbed Penny and Bernadette to hide.
“He’s with a girl,” Penny whispered as she peeked at Sheldon.
“She's pretty,” Bernadette noted.
“That’s his twin sister. I met her when I went over to their house. She’s nice,” Amy explained. If she didn’t know any better, it did look bad. The girl was so pretty, and she shared Sheldon’s bright blue eyes.
“Why are you hiding from me, Amy Farrah Fowler?” Sheldon suddenly asked as he turned his head in their direction. He must have known she was there the whole time because he was still on the other side of the store.
“We weren’t hiding. We were just..,” Amy started, but didn’t have a good excuse.
“Looking at socks,” Bernadette finished up lamely.
“Yes,” Amy agreed.
“Men’s socks?” Sheldon asked. He finally walked over to the girls. He greeted the others by name even though they had never spoken directly before.
“A gift for my father,” Amy tried.
“Oh. That’s nice. You are so thoughtful, Amy Farrah Fowler,” Sheldon told Amy. He wasn't teasing her at all. She could see that he meant it by the smile he gave her.
Amy blushed as she grinned back up at Sheldon.
“What are you up to this weekend, Sheldon?” Penny asked. These two were so cute together, and Penny didn’t understand why they didn’t just go out. She wanted to push them together and tell them to kiss like she did with her dolls when she was a child.
“Leonard and the guys invited me to go play paintball on Sunday. I think they felt sorry for me because. No reason. I mean, they probably just think I’m cool and want to hang out,” Sheldon replied. He was mortified that he had almost told them that the guys felt sorry for him because he liked Amy and she asked another boy out.
“Oh,” Amy muttered. She could see the hurt and embarrassment on his face. She wanted to confess that she liked him, and she thought about a date with him a hundred times more than with Stuart. “That sounds… fun.”
“I suspect it will be,” Sheldon agreed. The group awkwardly stood there in silence until Sheldon’s sister came to drag him away.
“We’re here for you to buy me a birthday present, not talk to your girlfriend,” Missy complained.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Amy muttered sadly after they walked away.
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blueberrytater · 7 years
Chapter 1: first you get close, then you get worried…
can’t believe I actually finished a chapter of a fic and i’m posting it?? amazing, huge shoutout to @kentvparsin​ for reading this over & not blocking me after the millions of texts i sent them
title is from “first” by the Cold War Kids
disclaimer: all emails & numbers in this fic were completely made up by me 
read on ao3 here!
     When Alexei’s roommate moves out to live with his girlfriend, he quickly finds out that he can’t afford is apartment by himself for very long. So, when he puts an ad out in the paper, his highest expectations are a roommate that leaves him with a messy home but still pays rent on time. What he gets is Kent Parson. Kent emailed him about his ad almost right as he posted it. Now, Alexei isn’t dumb, he likes hockey and he watches it often. He lives in Providence, for god sakes, if he wasn’t into hockey, he’d be run out of town. He heard about Kent’s injury when he was watching ESPN after work one night, he didn’t watch the Aces game the night before but they kept playing replays of Kent’s injury over and over again. Kent though, was back on the ice within a few weeks and Aces management and Kent himself assured everyone that he was fine to play. Then, one night during a Aces v. Kings game, Kent just collapsed on the ice. No one was around him, he was barely on the ice for a minute at the start of the second period. The refs blew the whistle, players and staff rushed over to him. Alexei was on the edge of his seat, waiting to see if Parson got up by himself. With the help of players and trainers, Kent eventually was able to stand up, even if he was using Troy for support the whole time off the ice. It was announced a few weeks later through Aces PR that Kent would be retiring due to an injury. Even though Alexei was never a big Aces fan, he was still crushed for the team and Kent. After the announcement, there was radio silence from Kent on all of his social media, even his cat’s instagram. So when Kent emailed him about his apartment, Alexei was surprised to say the least, mainly because the email he received did not sound like how he thought Kent would:
Kent Parson < [email protected] >
to me:
I saw your ad about needing a roommate. I’m clean, wouldn’t be in your way or anything. I’m capable of giving you rent money for months well in advance. I need a place to stay to try and get back on my feet. I do have a cat, though, so if that is a problem, please let me know. Please contact me by either email or phone, either is fine by me.
Kent Parson
      Alexei read the email over and over again, he thought that maybe it was a prank, but then again why would it be? It would be a weird prank to pull on someone who has no connection to Parson at all.  After a few minutes of thinking, he decided to email back.:
Alexei Mashkov < [email protected] >
to Kent Parson:
Hello Kent!
The cat is no problem, I’m not allergic but is smaller apartment so she might  not   have a lot of room to run around ((, but if that is no problem, then we can meetup to talk about rent and moving in!
Have good day! ))
    After sending the email, he debated taking down the ad, but decided to leave it up incase this was just some person messing with others. He closed the tab that had his email open so he wasn’t tempted to keep refreshing it as he was waiting for a response. He opened his school email instead, he had a few parents to email about their students performance in class and decided to get the drafts done now so he can send them out on Monday. Even though many friends and family thought his choice to move to America and become a high school teacher, of all things, was silly and stupid, he still did it. As soon as he got his degree, he moved out to America and got his teaching certificate at the first university that would let him. Alexei moved from state to state, trying to find a high school that would hire him. He eventually found a job at a high school in Providence that would pay him a decent amount for being a first time teacher. He loved teaching and he loved teaching history to his students, he loved when they got interested and asked questions. He loved his job even when he had problem students, like Jeremy from his fifth period class, he never paid attention or handed in his homework. The email he was typing out would be the third one to his parents, this time he’s hoping that they can get together for a parent-teacher conference. Alexei sighed, he finished his emails up pretty quickly, he was lucky that he didn’t have too many problem students. He shut his laptop and stretched, he looked over at the pile of ungraded papers from his senior history class and groaned, he really did not want to touch those yet. He was saved when his phone rang and was able to talk to his mother for a little.
Once he was off the phone, it was nearing late-lunch time, he talked to his mother for longer than he thought but it felt good to talk to her again. Deciding he can’t grade on a empty stomach, he gathers the ingredients for his lunch. As Alexei let his food cook, he checked his phone, scrolling through all his social media. He checked his email too and found a reply from Kent in his inbox:
Kent Parson <[email protected]>
to me:
My cat will be fine, she’s older so she doesn’t run as much as she used to and if she wants to, she’ll find a way. Want to meet up at Bittle’s Bakery on fourth street around 3:30pm? Sorry it’s such short notice, I can work around your schedule.
Let me know,
Alexei flicks his eyes up to the time on his phone, it was almost two now and Kent sent the email around noon. He quickly typed a reply and hit send:
Alexei Mashkov <[email protected]>
to Kent Parson:
Yes! Works for me, here is my number so we can message faster ))
See you soon!
He finishes up what was cooking of his lunch and packs it up, he figures he can eat it at another time. He freshens up and changes, Bittle’s Bakery was in center city and would take Alexei about fifteen minutes to walk there, he would drive but it’s a weekend and Alexei would like to save himself some frustration. He tries to clean up the apartment before he leaves, incase Kent wants to come back and see it in person. Alexei gets distracted in cleaning that he doesn’t realize that it’s almost 3:20 and he’s rushing out the door.
It’s about 3:35 by the time he gets to the bakery, he checks his phone seeing that Kent texted him four minutes ago, telling him where he’s sitting. He scans the bakery, it’s pretty crowded, but Alexei was able to spot Kent sitting in the back towards the kitchen and Alexei rushes over to him.
“Hello, sorry I’m late, got distracted cleaning and not realize time. I’m Alexei.” He sits down in the chair across from Kent, giving him a soft smile.
Kent gives him a small smile back, “It’s alright, man. I’m Kent, nice to meet you.” Kent fiddles with his phone in his hand, spinning it and flipping it around different ways while looking around the bakery, like he’s waiting for someone to pop out.
Alexei doesn’t mention it. “So with splitting rent, it will be seven-hundred and fifty each month, is that okay? I’m pay directly to landlord so you give me the money each month.”
Kent nods, “Yeah, that’s fine, what do I have to sign?”
Alexei gives Kent the run down on the forms and things he’ll have to send to the landlord of his apartment. “Do you want to see apartment? Is not far from here.”
Kent shook his head, “Nah it’s alright, you seem like a cool guy and I doubt it’s gross. I got the idea from the pictures you had.” Alexei wasn’t going to argue with him, so he gave Kent the landlord’s name and email. Before he left, he told Kent to call him if he needed help and when he got everything settled. Kent said his thanks and smiled as Alexei left.
About a week later, Kent was moving in the last of his stuff into the apartment. It was a little crazy moving him, since the first thing he did was move his cat in, making sure she was comfortable. Kent didn’t have as much stuff as Alexei thought he would, he had his own mattress and furniture but not many personal items, he figured he would have more being Kent Parson, but Alexei realized you can’t judge someone based off how they appear in the media.
The first night Kent is officially moved in and settled, Alexei tries to make him feel welcome. He asked him if he wanted to get take out with him and watch a movie, but Kent declined, saying he was tired and still had more boxes to unpack in his room. Alexei smiled and told him if he needed help to come get him. Kent retreated to his new room in response, Kit following him and Kent closed the door once Kit was in.
Alexei got take out for himself and graded papers while he ate, he was worried about Kent but it wasn’t his place to, maybe Kent had just wanted to be roommates and didn’t want to be friends with Alexei. His worrying didn’t stop when he was getting ready for bed and heard Kent on the phone, obviously upset and crying to whoever he was on the phone with. Alexei tried to keep to himself and not worry, but it was hard when the next morning, Kent looked like he never went to bed and just gave Alexei a weak smile as he passed his room when he went to the bathroom.
Alexei tried not to worry, but he’s never been very good at it.
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lalainajanes · 7 years
Klaroline as mates and Caroline questioning Klaus' sanity and/or thinking he was knocked on the head one too many times in the last thousand years for this to even be a possibility. :]
Everywhere With You
She stumbles, deliberate and maybe too theatrical, wind milling her arms and tottering like the heel’sshe’s wearing are going to be her downfall. They’re not - Caroline spent muchof her early teens prepping for Miss Mystic walking the stairs of her house ina cheap pair of pumps from Payless (getting her mom to buy them had been an ordeal) with a book on her head – butthe creep who’s following her has no way of knowing that.
Caroline lets herself crash into a light pole, makes a showof catching her balance, and throws her head back with a laugh that’sboisterous and supposed to sound slightly drunk. She closes her eyes andfocuses her hearing waiting for whoever’s been on her tail to make a freakingmove already.
She usually sticks to blood bags, because that’s what goodvampires do, but tonight she’s willing to make an exception. If some creep’sgoing to pick her as an easy mark Caroline’s going to make sure he regrets it.
She holds her breath, her hair spilling down in messy wavesto cover the red of her eyes and fangs she’s let out. She’s sure someone hadbeen watching her, that the rustling of leaves in the trees that line thispathway back to her dorm room had been caused by something other than animalsand the wind.
Nothing moves, now one ambles out of the woods or speeds upthe path.
Still, Caroline knowsshe’s not alone.
It’s been a weird couple of weeks.
The transition to college life hadn’t been as smooth asshe’d always expected. She’d been so excited at graduation, ready to have akickass summer and tackle college. She’d convinced her mom to take a quick tripto the cabin with her and they’d had a great time talking and watching moviesand lounging on the docks. She’d started to feel jittery then, almost likeshe’d forgotten something important, had wracked her brains for what it couldpossibly be.
Repeatedly, even when she’d known it was silly.
When they’d returned home she’d scrubbed the house from topto bottom, organized and rearranged until her back ached (no small feat givenher vampire status) hoping to put the feeling to rest.
Nothing had helped and her bad temper had continued to grow.She’d mostly managed to keep a lid on it, her mom’s odd hours helping. Carolinecould manage a sunny smile and genial chatter for the hour or so they spenttogether at meals. Still, she’d caught the worried looks her mother wasshooting her, had to brush off and redirect concerned questions.
Caroline had started taking long walks, plodding through thewoods that surrounded Mystic Falls trying to figure out what was wrong withher.
At first she’d chalked up her moodiness to the fact that shewas lonely. Bonnie was gone for the summer, Tyler’s return date unknown as heseemed reluctant to leave the pack he’d befriended and Elena too wrapped up inher weird Damon thing to have muchtime for her. Caroline had tried to get a jump on her classes, purchased hertextbooks (required and supplemental)but when it came time to sit down and read them her brain just wouldn’tcooperate.
She was constantly restless, could barely get four hours ofsleep in a night, consumed extra portions of blood and binged on Cheetos tocompensate.
She’d desperately hoped that things would get better onceshe was settled at Whitmore. She’d planned to dive into extra-curricularactivities, hoped that being busy was what she’d need to feel normal again.
Six weeks into her semester she was forced to admit that allthe clubs she’d joined and committees she was a part of hadn’t helped as muchas she wanted them too. It was a littlebetter, true. She could get through a lecture, was on top of her homework. Hersleep schedule was still a mess and she had made zero new friends. Caroline’sold ones weren’t big fans of her either at the moment.
The feeling that something was off was like an itch, aconstant nagging irritant that she just couldn’t figure out how to fix. Maybeshe was just looking for another outlet and she’d imagined the eyes she’s beenfeeling on her all evening.
Caroline groans aloud, forcing her fangs away now that itlooks like she’s just a paranoid nutjob. She sits and flops back onto the grass(she’s in no hurry to get back to her room, she’s been snappy and extra cuttingwith Bonnie and Elena lately and they’re really not having it anymore, not thatCaroline blames them). She’s tempted to scream but settles for kicking herheels into the ground for a moment, shaking her head and clenching her fists.
She’s too old for tantrums but it’s not like anyone elsewill ever know.
She relaxes with a sigh, scrubbing her hand over her face infrustration. “Maybe I’ve been cursed or something,” she mutters. “I’ll getBonnie to check. If she’s stilltalking to me.” A noise from the treeline breaks into her self-pity party andCaroline tenses, rolling over and digging her hands into the ground in case sheneeds to spring.
She expects a smarmy frat boy, his hands up like he’s not athreat (which he wouldn’t be, but still) even as his eyes rake her over.
She does notexpect a giant freaking wolf.
The wolf’s golden in color, thickly furred and powerfullybuilt. It keeps its head is down, its pace sedate, no hint of teeth oraggression visible as it pads in her direction. “What in the…”
She’s just gathering herself to run when its head lifts, asif it had understood her words, meeting her gaze directly. Caroline deflates,because the tiny bit of hope she’d had that it was just a wolf (its size made it unlikely but a girl could dream) –something that she could outrun – is dashed.
Good thing she’d never deleted Klaus’ number. She’dconsidered it often over the summer, his words, the weight of them, ringing in her mind. Her last love was a long waysoff and she had a long list of things to achieve before it was something shecould even begin to consider.
She’d stared at it in the darkness of her bedroom, duringthose nights where sleep just wouldn’t come, thumb hovering over the screen andunable to make the final tap that would erase him, put him out of her reach. Atthe time she’d been annoyed at herself, at the tiny voice that insisted shedidn’t want to make it impossible tocontact him.
Turns out that tiny voice totally had her back because itwas entirely possible she was going to get chomped on tonight.
Caroline gets to her knees, holds her palms up and speakssoothingly, “Nice, wolfy. Good boy. I know we’re like, mortal enemies orwhatever, but I’m really not that tasty. Promise. The amount of artificialcolors and flavors I’ve been ingesting lately is really going to screw up yourdigestion. Trust me.”
It snorts, almost like it’s amused, but doesn’t halt itsapproach.
She stills when it gets close, breath coming out in analarmed huff as its snout nudges at her hip. She swallows back a yelp when shesees its jaws open – because those teeth were no joke – but he merely bitesdown on the hem of her denim jacket, tugging firmly in the direction of thewoods.
Caroline swallows, and tries to sound confident, “Uh, nooffense but I’m going to have to pass. I’d rather my body be found, you know?Have a nice funeral.”
He lets out another noise, this one impatient, dropping herjacket and licking her wrist. “Ew,” she squeals, pulling away. “Slobber, much?”
The wolf’s clamped down on her jacket again and this timeit’s less of a tug and more of a drag. She debates ditching it and making a runfor it but that seems like it’ll only piss off the werewolf – not something shewants to do. She might have an advantage in the woods, she knows the trails(running has been one of her attempts to cope with her never-ending ennui) andif she could just get up a tree she’d be able to call for backup.
“Okay, okay.” Caroline climbs to her feet. Her jacket’sreleased and the wolf circles behind her, cold nose nudging the back of herknee. She turns and gives her best unimpressed look, not that it gets much of areaction, but she starts walking towards the trees. “Kidnapped again. Notawesome,” she grumbles. Though she has to admit that this wolf might be hermost pleasant kidnapper yet. He hasn’t even growled at her.
She tries to speed up but the wolf stays on her heels.Caroline’s never been herded before but she can safely say she’s not a fan. She recognizes the path hedirects her too, knows it’s one of the ones that leads to the backroad on theother side of the forest. She’s taken aback, having anticipated he’d force herdeeper into the woods and not towards civilization. The trees are spindliertoo, unfortunately, nothing that she can scale high enough to get away fromsnapping teeth and claws.
She tries to stay calm, ignores the more rapid beating ofher heart. Caroline reaches into her pocket, grips her phone tightly. Maybeshe’ll get lucky and there will be a car she can flag down on the road. Thewolf bounds ahead of her at the edge of the forest making a beeline for thelarge black SUV that’s parked on the shoulder.
She should make a run for it but her feet won’t cooperate,random pieces of information clicking rapidly into place.
She knows thatSUV.
She hears a sharp crack before she can say anything, followedby the crunch and squish of bone and cartilage and sinew shifting. She takesthe few paces forward so she can see the transformation, just to confirm whatshe’s begun to expect.
It’s quicker than she’d expected, more quiet too, only a fewharsh exhalations as Klaus shifts into the form she recognizes.
Well, mostly. She’d never seen him totally naked before.
Except for those dreams that she pretends she doesn’t have.
Her eyes drift down his back before she can think of why sheshouldn’t let them, noting the parts of his anatomy she’d not had the chance toperuse that long afternoon where he’d been trapped in Silas’ mind game. It isn’tuntil Klaus stands, a graceful movement of muscle and skin that she can’t helpbut be a little mesmerized by.
Something he clearly notices if the unbearably smug littlesmirk he wears is anything to go by.
She whirls, crossing her arms and straightening her spine,“Yeah, I’m going to need you to put on some pants.”
His laugh is soft but she hears him opening a door,rummaging around. The quiet jangling of a belt and the whisper of fabric followshortly after. Her foot begins to tap without her permission, her impatiencegrowing as questions begin to whirl. She wants to peek over her shoulder(because seriously, how long could it take?Pants, shirts. Easy peasy).
“I’m decent, sweetheart,” he says, after an agonizingly longtime.
She spins on her heel, “I highly doubt that,” Carolinespits. He’s got his arms lifted, fiddling with the ever present cords he wearsaround his neck and this time she keeps her eyes trained firmly on his face andnot on any lifting his shirt may ormay not be doing.
Klaus grins, amused. “Perhaps you’ve a point.”
Her eyes narrow as she takes in his complete ease. It justwasn’t fair. “Decent people don’t scare other people half to death by being acreepy stalking giant ball of furry death, Klaus.”
He sobers, if only slightly. “I apologize if I scared you.It wasn’t my intention. I didn’t mean…” he trails off and it might be the firsttime Caroline’s ever seen him stop to consider his words.
“You didn’t mean what?”she presses. “What are you even doinghere? New Orleans sounded pretty freaking great when you described it. Did youpiss everyone off and get kicked out or what?”
His eyes light up, “Ah so you did get my message. I’dwondered.”
She hopes it’s dark enough that Klaus can’t see her facebecause she knows it’s possible she’s blushing a bit. She’d listened to hismessage more times than she’d ever admit, had a hard time tamping down thewants it brought out in her.
There was plenty of time to explore the world, she had toldherself. Her mother only had a finite number of years and the least Carolinecould do was get a college diploma she could brag about before she had to gooff the grid with her never aging face.
He continues, leaning back against his SUV, not waiting forher to reply. “And while I wouldn’t say I was kicked out of New Orleans therewere several people who were most displeased with my behavior.”
“Did you try to murder them? Because that’s not the way tomake friends and influence people, Klaus.”
He hums, lips quirking up in a smile, “Debatable, love.However as a matter of fact I did not. I merely got a bit… moody.”
“You?” Caroline gasps in mock surprise, laying her hand overher heart, “Well I never.”
He sighs in exasperation but it’s playful, pushing away fromthe vehicle and walking towards her. “After one particularly rousing fightRebekah told me that if I didn’t get out of her sight she and Elijah would teamup, find a witch, and smother me in my sleep. Repeatedly.”
Caroline shrugs, “You kinda have something like that coming,don’t you think? Given the whole dagger thing.”
“She found those. Unfortunately. Leaving me no other optionbut to retreat from the house.”
“And what, you came here? That’s an awful long walk.”
“Not directly. This was nearly a month ago. I headed out tothe Bayou, turned, wondering if some time as a wolf would help my temperament.”
“And did it?” Caroline asks, curious where this story wasgoing.
“I never got a chance to find out. I couldn’t turn back.”
“But you just…”
He shakes his head, “I went back to the house, had a greatdeal of difficulty communicating my dilemma to Elijah, as I’m sure you canimagine. Eventually, he got the gist of it, found a witch.”
“And the witch turned you back?”
“If only it were that easy,” Klaus says, the twist of hislips wry.
She’s about to ask what exactly that means but he steps a little closer, reaching out and wrappinghis fingers around her wrist. It’s gentle, something she feels like she canbreak if she needs to though she has no immediate urge to pull away. Herquestions stick in her throat when his thumb flutters over her pulse point, hereyes widening in shock at the jolt it sends up her arm. When he speaks againit’s quieter, with a hesitance that’s uncharacteristic, but he’s close enoughthat she doesn’t need to strain. “What do you know about mates, Caroline?”
“Mates,” she repeats slowly. “I know it’s about the leastsexy word for significant other there is. And that Dawson’s Creek made ittotally gross. Just because a boy thinks he’s your soulmate doesn’t mean heowns your hymen.”
He’s still touching her, and she still doesn’t mind, hisface relaxed and filled with a fondness that’s hard for her to look away from.“In terms of werewolves, love. It’s old lore, something I myself discounted soit’s reasonable that you’re unfamiliar with the stories.”
“Werewolves have mates?”
Klaus nods, “I was skeptical too. But the witch insisted,even under Rebekah’s very dire threats, and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to tryher suggestion. Reasoned that I could always find someone more competent lateron.”
“Okay,” Caroline drawls, knowing she’s missing somethingfrom Klaus’ expectant gaze. “So what happened next?”
“We drove to Whitmore. I weathered Elijah’s incessantcomplaints about the fur on his upholstery. We parked outside your dorm roomand I was finally able to change back.”
Her jaw drops, a staccato burst of laughter spilling fromher. Klaus doesn’t even twitch, eyes knowing and patient. “You’re saying thatI’m…”
“Tell me, Caroline, did you feel off this summer? Pricklyand not quite yourself?”
How could he know that? “I…” she splutters for a moment, “Iwas just adjusting, you know? Things haven’t exactly been sunshine and rainbowsfor me, you know? I’m not…”
“My sources tell me Tyler hasn’t returned. That he’s met alovely young werewolf in his travels and seems loathe to leave Carson City.”
“That,” Caroline snaps, tugging her arm away from him, “isnone of your business.”
Klaus holds up his hands, dips his head in contrition,“Apologies. But I wonder if you’ve missed him like you used to. Or has itchanged, grown more distant?”
A small thread of alarm grows in Caroline at his tooaccurate words. “How do you know that?” she hisses.
“Call it a hunch. And you’ve not taken up with any of thecollege boys who seek you out.”
She throws her hands up, “Okay, seriously. How long have youbeen stalking me? That’s not okay, Klaus.”
Klaus’ eyes flash gold, a hint of temper in the set of hisjaw, “I had little choice, Caroline. I have no desire to live as a wolfindefinitely. I’d not have disturbed you, I haven’tdisturbed you, but tonight I couldn’t help it. The pull to you was stronger inthat form than I had anticipated and I couldn’t resist it.”
She digests that, studying him warily, “How long have youbeen here?”
“I arrived your first week. Right around the time yourirritability became a little more manageable, I’d wager.”
Bonnie and Elena had been alarmingly close to joining forcesand snapping her neck just to get some peace those first few days of sharedproximity, Caroline knew. It was only the easing of the varied extreme moodsshe’d been experiencing that had led them to back off. At the time she hadn’tput much thought into the change, just relieved she was functioning at areasonable level once more.
“So you’re saying I felt better because you were around.Because I’m your…” she can’t say it. It seems too crazy.
Klaus has no such issue, the word spilling out crisp andfirm, “Mate. Precisely. Proximity eases the worst of the symptoms though you’llstill be off unless we have regular contact.”
“Contact,” Caroline repeats, slightly dubious.
Klaus watches her carefully, eases back into her space. Heskims his fingertips up her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake, andshe fights a shiver. She shouldn’t wanthim to touch her but she body aches for more now that he is. His palm settleson her neck, slipping under her hair to cup her nape. She knots her hands inher skirt to keep from reaching out to him, thanks her lucky stars her bra hasa molded cup. “Physical contact,” Klaus elaborates, low and with an edge of roughnessthat has her stomach clenching.
She takes a shaky breath, tries to gather her splinteringthoughts. “You’re insane. I can’t…”
He takes her other hand with his free one, tangling theirfingers together. “I know this isn’t something you’d planned for, Caroline. AndI truly meant to stay away. But I couldn’t.”
She can’t think, not with the way he’s touching her.
Caroline grits her teeth and takes a giant step back,shivering for an entirely different reason, feeling cold and a return of thatprickling uncomfortableness. Klaus’ body goes taut, his stance widening as hefights to stay still. She takes a deep breath, “I’m not sure I buy this.”
His snort is derisive but she shoots him a quelling look, “Iadmit you’ve made some sense and some of your arguments are… persuasive. But Ineed to think. And do some research.”
He looks like he’s about to protest but she cuts him offquickly, “You’ve had time to think this through. I get the same.”
His expression conveys his displeasure but he nods, a shortjerk, and his eyes never leave her face. She takes a step back, “I’ll call you.When I’m ready.”
Klaus’ makes a soft noise of assent. “Fine,” he replies. “I’llbe waiting.” The words play on a loop as she retreats.
It was probably a bad sign that she found them comforting.
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