#and xornoth fire magic
minecraftbookshelf · 18 days
So there is like, a 98% chance this will never come up in actual fic but just in case anyone was wondering…
The “sword mains” for Marriage of State are, in alphabetical (by username) order:
Sausage, Pearl, Jimmy, and Xornoth
Make of that what you will
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adina123 · 10 months
Empires smp god au
Pearl Goddess of the harvest and farming her title was literally the farmer pearl and in the past people kept track of harvest by looking at the phases of the moon and positioning of the constellations
Lizzie the trickster goddess of the ocean and government ocean because in season one she was a fish goddess and government because in season two she was a mayor and in both she is a scam artist trying to make a profit through morality ambiguous means
Joel god of thunder and art in canon he is the god of thunder and if anyone in empires was a art god it would be the guy that sculpted clones of himself and built stratos/mezalia
Katherine goddess order and balance and duality she fights evil by transforming from the pretty pink princess to the axe wielding warrior and as lady Katherine of the overgrown she is the one that is neutral the one that Try’s to keep order
Jimmy is The god of death for obvious reasons
Joey is the god of wealth and desire because he is a pirate and pirates like gold also he steals from false and really wants to get in xornoth s pants he also Katherine’s (understandable)
Shubble is the goddess of nature and the wild because her whole wolf thing she had going on in the first season of empires and the infected outlaw thing she had in season 2
Scott god of the passage of time and the four seasons (and rainbows) because he has connections to flowers (spring) in life series and stars in origin smp and winter in empires smp
Pix god of messengers and prophecies( he is in charge of the recaps that gives people information they might have missed also he is a prophet)
Fwhip god of fire and revenge because in both seasons of empires he has had a stubborn heated rivalry with jimmy and did not take the break up well also in art his hair is fire truck red
Gem goddess knowledge and magic because she as the wizard gem she is a powerful magician and because as the princess of dawn she teaches others about the sun god also the wizard gems empire is literally a school
Sausage love and family and lust because he is known for his platonic love (Hermes and Eddie and pearl) and let’s say his passionate spicy love( pole dancing and flirting)
Oli god of music and insanity he is a bard and who’s words make zero sense to everyone and watching him you get sensory overload ( he is the oldest but nobody believes him)
false goddess of mystery and adventure and new beginnings because she is lost her memory and is a very adventurous person also do to the lost memories she basically started from square one when she came to empires
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Just a bunch of species headcanons for the hermits! Also they are all either gods/immortal for fun :)
Xisuma (he/void): Voidwalker prince. Knows he's immortal. One of the oldest immortals
Grian (he/parrot/chirp/they): Parrot hybrid, Head/First Watcher. Minor god of chaos. Has lived a thousand lives. Treats YHS as a joke because why not?
Mumbo (he/him): Half Watcher, minor blood god. Does not know he's a god. Eats redstone for fun, scares his friends because of it.
Scar (he/it/vex): Vexling elf (Vex with allay magic). Does not know he's a god. Was born in Riverdale, kidnapped at a young age.
Pearl (she/her): Half-Watcher/moth hybrid. Also knows she's a god, actually likes the Watchers.
Impulse (he/they/yellow): Demon. Very much knows he's immortal, wishing that he isn't because he doesn't want to watch his brothers die. One of the oldest hermits
Tango (he/magma/they): Netherborn avian, Listener hybrid. Party knows he's a god. His Listener traits aren't visible and more of a development from the experience that was his high school to keep him fucking alive
Zed (he/void/wool): Harbinger of the Nether. Knows he's immortal. Looks like a basic sheep hybrid but also has demon wings and black blood!
Gem (she/her): Faun. Thinks she might be a god but it would mean her brothers aren't. Also has magic and can world-hop!
Etho (whatever vibes work for you): Voidling (Voidborn changeling), Watcher. Knows he's a god, could care less. First player turned Watcher. One of the first players
Iskall (they/he/she + some neos): Cyborg (also something else. I don't fucking know anymore). Doesn't care about gods, marked by the God of the Hunt.
Doc (he/it/blast): Creeper/goat/cyborg. Can and will fight the gods, Xisuma hopes that he doesn't find out he is immortal (he knows).
Ren (he/pup/they): Wolf-shifter. Knows he's the god of the Hunt. Idk this dude is cool
Bdubs (he/sun/sky): Glare/phantom hybrid, also has a connection to plants. God of the sun and flaunts it. Also is a full blooded Listener
Stress (she/leaf/spring): Nature spirt. Knows that she's immortal. Looks like a cinnamon roll, would kill you.
False (she/wing/they): Avian, with golden eagle wings. Does know she's a god, could care less.
Cleo (she/they/rot): Zombie hybrid. Knows she's immortal. Spites her old friends by getting attached to Joe. Also one of the oldest players
Joe (any pronouns): Angel of life. Known immortal. Just vibing with the soul he was meant to harvest.
Jevin (he/it/slime): Slime hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal. Honestly idk much about him
Cub (he/it): Allayling (allay with vex magic.). Doesn't know he's a minor god. Claims to be a vex for fun.
TFC (he/ender): Ender dragon hybrid. Knows he's a god. Brothers with Notch and Herobrine.
Beef (he/they/it): Cow hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal. He is basically just existing. Gotta love it.
Keralis (they/he/black/empty): Watcher!. Knows he's immortal. I also know next to nothing about this dude
Xb (he/river/fish/they/it): Guardian hybrid. Doesn't know he's a god. Idk fish
Hypno (he/they): Fire sprit. Could care less about being immortal.
Wels (he/him): Angel hybrid. Knows he's immortal. Hates being an angel because they are a bunch of stuck up beings.
Bonus (5) Helsmits:
Ex (he/they/void/end): Voidwalker prince, 2/3 Watcher. Yeah knows their immortal
Hels (they/it/he/fire/blaze/hell): Fallen angel/Watcher. Same as Wels tbh. But 10x worse because Wels escaped and Hels suffered.
Badtimes (he/blue/xe/they): Allayling! Also a Listener! Just vibing :D
Xornoth (they/it/red/dark/vine/he): Demonic elf! Demigod and just out there living vines life
Grain/Ariana Griande (she/it/chirp): Watcher! She knows it's immortal! (trans mtf not important to the hybrid sheet but important to me <3)
I went nuts with pronouns the rest of the helsmits have so much more I'm holding myself back bc I'm being forced to bed :( - 🔮🍄
(also i’m so sorry this is from jan 2023)
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life-winners-liveblog · 4 months
Ok. So, remember how I told you your and Xornoth's lives were bound Scott? Well, a little after that discovery Aeor gave you a magic sword called the Rune Blade. Or, we think it was Aeor anyway, it just appeared in a pillar of ice one day. Anyway, that version of you went to the ancient elven library to try and learn more about the blade, and discovered that it was made by the ancient dwarven race and had the ability to send the soul of whoever it killed to an afterlife of the wielder's own creation. A couple days later the Rapture happened. The end of all empires triggered by an explosion in the Grimlands. The resulting earthquake caused the crystal Xornoth was imprisoned in to shatter. You were away from Rivendale at the time, and by the time you returned it was already in ruins. You confronted Xornoth, who had developed fire magic to counter your ice, and he trapped you in a magic circle. He intended to trap you in a crystal like you had trapped him, and make you watch as he killed everyone you loved. So you took the Rune Blade in hand and took your own life, taking Xornoth with you. We briefly got to see the afterlife that version of you ended up in, a happier world where your brother was never corrupted, and that's the last we saw of the Elf King of Rivendale.
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Scott: I... think I see...
Pearl: So... I was right? It's a reincarnation thing?
Scott: I can't believe this...
Pearl: What?
Scott: Me dying saved the Empires of my timeline... In the main timeline the Empires were all destroyed but in mine Last Life happened and I died a lot earlier...and so did Xonorth ... They could be still thriving... I did say to Gem that she could take over Rivendell in my stead if it ever came to it.
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pickastitch · 2 months
Hai i want to listen to you talk about gem again. Any thoughts on empires s1 gem ? (If u already told me then tell me again plz n thank u <3 )
confession time, the s1 e!gem that is always brainrotting is pretty different from canon s1 e!gem (from what i can remember) so i'm going to talk about my pantheon au version of gem
i like to think gem would say, "it's free to be a hater" after sausage or fwhip does some stupid shit. on a more serious note, i feel there has to be some genuine resentment towards them two for dragging her into their bs, even if it's not a lot it is there. gem killing sausage in that one important lore bit was so cathartic to her
gem really admires katherine mainly because of how non involved she is with everything. she always feels the need to help everyone (see my gem character analysis post), and the fact that katherine just steps back is enviable to her
in my head, gem also uses a lot more fire magic than she does in the series; this contracts nicely with katherine's nature magic. gandalf, her cat, will decide if they like a person or not, and that will be gem's first impression of a person. it's quite hard to break from it too
now i'm going to dip in to some hc s8 territory, but it will come back to esmp s1. at the start of the series, gem has no clue she is bi and false is actually her gay awakening. gem looks up to her a lot, and she watches her run away and leave her friends behind. this leads to her reaction during the rapture (season ending), where she only takes fwhip because he directly asked, instead of helping out everybody. like come on, they both fly away on their base defining organic
fwhip and gem were royalty, but because gender roles, their parents were forcing gem to be king (trans roseblings tust), gem felt like her only option was to run away. when she finds out about the crown made by fwhip, she is a little uncomfortable with the concept but doesn't say anything. though when others try to convince her she should get it gem is beyond pissed
before she ran away, pearl showed her all about rifts (it has something to do with amethyst shards, but that's a whole different post) and offers to take her to hermitcraft, which she refuses. until she wants to run away and then goes to the place she wants to set up her village and then goes to another world while everyone is searching for her
gem's relationship with shrub is very unique because she so wants to just yell at them for bringing xornoth to the overworld and then spreading it across her place. on the other hand, she sees herself in them as someone who also ran away from home. but then that gets ruined when she is infected with xornoth via shrub
when she still lived with her family, pearl and sausage lived in neighboring empires, and they all grew up together. gem and sausage dated a bit when they were really young, so they are exs on technicality. most of her romantic feelings have gone away, but whenever sausage firts with her, a crush appears for a day and then goes away. she hates this more than anything else. then they grow up, and gem realizes she likes women and then realize she likes pearl specifically. and then pearl and sausage get together (actually qpr, but gem doesn't know that), and she swears off of romance
and the connection to the void and the end and all that stuff is a pretty important part of this au but ehhhh y'know
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hmshermitcraft · 9 months
Pearl isn't a bad guy! All she did was make a deal with some guy in a weird black robe. The deal? Get blood powers to help keep her sick sister Moo healthy until Pearl gets enough money to get proper medication to treat her.
Sure, her skin is gray, and her eyes are turning pure black, but Moo isn't saying anything, so why should she care!? But then people started running from her. Was she that scary?
And what now!? Heroes from the Emperors are attacking her!? For what reason!? And she ran when she had the chance to get back to her sister!
And now, late at night, someone is at her door? From the window, she can tell it's Magius that lady hero with fire and magic stuff. Let's get this over with.
[Pearl made a deal with the Top Villain Xornoth and now Magius (Gem) is at her door. Pearl didn't know who Xornoth was and all she wants to do is help her deathly sick sister]
Pearl knows she can't keep running. She always has to come back to her sister, after all. But if she gets caught they might separate them too! Pearl is Moo's only hope, she can't let her baby sister die. She'd never forgive herself.
As long as Moo gets to live a happy life, then Pearl will sacrifice whatever she needs to. It's not like the deal is actually showing any side effects. Well, besides the whole appearance thing. But she's not suddenly craving the souls of the innocent (she's not sure if she's disappointed by that or not. Probably not. Maybe.)
Magius clearly wasn't expecting Pearl to open the door. Pearl invites her inside, gesturing for her to sit down. She even offers to make tea like a good host would.
Magius looks confused. Pearl gets the feeling she maybe expected something else which, sorry to disappoint! No evil possession or whatever here, just trying to keep her sister alive.
Then it's Magius' turn to surprise Pearl. She offers to accept Moo into the heroes' treatment facilities - some of the best in the country - in exchange for Pearl allowing the heroes to examine her. Apparently they aren't used to victims of Xornoth that are so 'coherent' or 'in control of their actions'.
Pearl shrugs and accepts. Making stupid, impulsive decisions has got her this far already, why not one more?
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theminecraftloser · 1 year
Information I feel some new fans may be lacking for the canary curse:
[note: this is all from memory, if I’m wrong on anything, feel free to correct me]
Not long after Last Life ended (I think it was 2-3months?) Empires SMP season 1 had its finale also.
In empires season 1, Scott had an evil demon brother, Xornoth, who causes mayhem across the server. Eventually with help from his allies, Scott had secured Xornoth in a crystal that was then sealed in a large piece of ice (courtesy of Scott’s ice magic). This is important later.
Jimmy had a feud with Fwhip of Cod vs Salmon. This was a whole series long bit basically. In the finale episode of the series, they had reached peace between their empires. Both of them put their respective fish (Jimmy-cod, Fwhip-salmon) into Fwhip’s reactor.
This resulted in a catastrophic explosion that caused irreparable damage to all of the empires. The oceans drained, the ground fractured, just about everything was full of fire/debris of some sort.
The explosion broke the ice and crystal that had contained Xornoth. The series ended in many ways for various people. Lizzie lost her memories, Scott killed himself to kill Xornoth since their life was linked, and Jimmy fled, no longer deeming himself worthy of being an emperor.
While it isn’t the Same Exact thing as him getting out first in each life series, there are similarities to be drawn.
Green is ESMP, Red is Life series
Something Jimmy did caused destruction and chaos of the server. It began the deaths of others.
Jimmy dying first sets into motion more people dying soon after as well as the server descending into madness
Again, it’s not the exact same situation but I think it is a fitting comparison to be made.
It’s like the watcher wanted the curse to repeat itself but instead, it was altered, changed, by another presence. Perhaps Jimmy was meant to die for good in the Grimlands Explosion.
Additionally, the 100hrs hardcore. Jimmy joel and grian in a woodland mansion.
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hermitcrossovers · 8 months
So fun fact I'm currently avoiding doing my greek school work to write this haha
Anyways on to the other parts of the plot!
So Empires is another island, with nine ruling clans (I took out Pearl, Jimmy, and Gem's kingdoms due to plot). This is where most of the Emperors come from, they are the children of these leaders.
Pearl and Jimmy ended up on the island when Jimmy was thirteen and Pearl was fourteen. Jimmy had been sent by the Listeners, while Pearl had shipwrecked after escaping the Watchers.
Most of the Emperors are just kinda chilling. They're living their lives and learning how to hunt dragons and keep their island safe.
There's only one problem, the island has a history of sacrificing misbehaving children to a nearby island filled with the worst and most deadly dragons.
Everything changes when a masked figure starts attacking, claiming to control the deathgrippers. They say their name is Xornoth, and they know the secrets of the island.
Of course, they do. After all, Xornoth is the only surviving child who was sacrificed. They want revenge for their friends, and to get rid of their parents once and for all.
Oh, and they're Scott's older sibling. Scott doesn't know about this.
So, when Xornoth starts threatening Scott's island, he (very blind to the truth, because sheltered upbringings will do that to you) decides to leave and seek out somebody who could help. Jimmy offers to come along, and Scott says yes, because Jimmy could be useful, not at all because Scott has a crush on him. Totally.
They end up sailing for a few days, before being scooped up by Grian, who is overjoyed to see one of his old friends again. And to have somebody who isn't Scar around.
I should note this happens before Grian finds out BigB and Martyn are alive.
Now, meanwhile with the Crastle crew:
Cleo is about to pull her hair out, because why are they stuck with this gremlin of a teenager. All she wants to do is go home for once, not be stuck on this random island after getting blown off course in a storm.
Bdubs is having a great time! He's finally got another person on the island besides himself, and shes great! He swears he'll protect her forever, because she can get him off the island. It's been a long two years after all.
Impulse has zero idea what's going on. He and Tango were out looking for Skizz one minute, exploring an island and getting jumped on by a feral teenager and a redhead who has a knife the next. He's pretty sure he wants to go home.
Tango has given up trying to understand anything. He's just listening to Cleo and Bdubs argue about what to do with him and Impulse, so he offers to help them work on a ship in exchange for their freedom after the ship is built. That seems to work.
I'm still working out most of the details but here's a list of dragons + the answer to your question:
Yes Evo is abandoned but sort of intact! However it's been pretty ravaged and needs a few years before most plants grow back, as a lightning storm that ended up making the forests catching fire happened shortly after the Watchers took and/or killed everybody.
Jimmy - a yellow razorwhip named Canary!
Scott - a red whispering death named Poppy
Bdubs - a snaptrapper named Mossy as a collective, and a terrible terror named Shrub
Cloe - a bonenapper named Bones, and she later gets a screaming death named Screamy
Impulse - a yellow and black windwalker named Ssvee
Tango - a rumblehorn named Ravager!
Joel - a pack of small shadows (you might notice I haven't done much with Joel yet, that's because I'm trying to figure out what he's even doing) - 🔮🐦 (magic bird anon)
I swear I had already answered this 💀💀
First off! The crastle vibes are on point, and Cleo with a bonenapper is just perfect, honestly I feel like she would absolutely gather bones to give to Bones lol.
Second... the empires guys are in for so much hurt, plus sailor Jimmy and Scot is now stuck in my head.
I love how you're weaving in the different servers together.
-Mod Jer
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ice-cap-k · 8 months
So... accidentally read the wrong prompt when writing yesterday's story, so it's getting flip-flopped with today's story. Consider this the day 2 prompt submittal for Whumptober.
Cross-posed on AO3 here: Kyanite
The emperors blinked spots from their eyes as the flash of light dissipated. The supercharge of magic was depleted. The demon was no longer in the center of the circle. No more charred skin that flickered with the nether’s dying embers. Gone were the imposing horns and wicked grin. Missing was the brother who ceased to be a brother many lifetimes ago.
Where Xornoth once stood was now a cerulean crystal. Its jagged blue facets glittered coldly in the light of the dying flames. The remaining emperors blinked down at it, not really sure whether to believe their own eyes.
Joey was the first to come to his senses. There was an irony to that, considering the demon no longer held sway over him. After all that time under the influence of a master, the man looked lost. “Wha- what happened,” he whimpered. “Where’s Xornoth?”
“He’s gone.” The emperors turned to the man at the front of the circle. The elf’s red eyes were wide. His mouth stretched into a growing smile as the gravity of the situation seemed to dawn on him. “It’s over,” he added, sounding a little less stunned and a little more proud of himself. 
Cheers rose up among the leaders. Pearl clanked her sword and shield together in a triumphant battle “whoop” while Gem fired off colorful sparks with her staff. Katherine practically picked up the teal-haired elf at her side and spun him around, despite his apparent discomfort. Joey shrank away, confused by what was happening around him, but Shubble was quick to jump to his side. She would calm him down and better explain what was happening. Next to Scott, she knew the most about what Xornoth was and how he came crashing in to ruin their lives. If anyone could set things right and explain the situation to the newly freed man, it would be her.  
There were pats on the back and excited jokes to go around. Someone even passed out golden carrots to snack on and ease the exhaustion of the fight. No attempt was made to clean up the burnt remains of the demon’s lair. If anything, most of the emperors agreed it would be best to leave the magic circle where it was. Gem’s magic was an intricate art that was best left alone. 
However, Gem said that the magic of the circle would be fine if they took the crystal. That was fairly convenient, considering nobody wanted to simply leave it unattended. “Here Scott,” Gem said. She held the glittering blue stone out to the elf after the others had gone. He raised an eyebrow at it, but took the stone. “We couldn’t have done this without you. And he’s your brother,” she added with a good-natured shrug. “I figured that, out of everyone, you should be the one to decide what happens to him.” 
He smiled, rolling the crystal around in his palm. It really was quite lovely. Not in the way a cut stone looks after the jeweler has polished its facets and wraps it in precious metals to be worn and flaunted. Rather, this stone still had all the frayed edges and uneven facets of a raw mineral freshly plucked from the earth and rinsed under water. Impurities shone like prismatic white frost caught in the blue haze. Even the bladed offshoots of the rectangular base structure were hard white lines against the cold blue.
“Do you know what this is,” he asked, rubbing his thumb against one of the edges. 
Gem! Gem it’s me!
His question caught Gem off guard. “Xornoth,” she said, sounding a little baffled. “I know that light was pretty bright but I thought we were all on the same page here. Do you want me to explain how the magic works again?”
He shook his head. “I know that,” he says, sounding pleasantly annoyed. “What I mean is, do you know what kind of crystal this is?”
She let her eyes skim over the deep blue center and delicate white edges. So much like a glacier, or the sea shortly after the crash of a wave, or the sky split by lightning moments after the sun had set. “I’ll admit, I wasn’t sure it was any known crystal. I never thought the shape he took was supposed to mimic anything in particular. How are you supposed to name something that is a manifestation of a soul?”
Please, Gem! I'm here! I’m right here!
“That answer was a tad more philosophical than I was going for,” he said with a snort. His fingers wrapped tight around the crystal, effectively hiding it from sight. That couldn’t be comfortable considering all the sharp edges. “But I suppose that’s understandable.”
“If I had to describe it though…”  Gem started, then trailed off, humming to herself as she flipped through various names of rocks in her head. All those years spent honing the art of magic had familiarized her with all sorts of crystals, elements, and minerals. “To me, it appears to be a kyanite crystal.” Magical soul rock philosophical questions aside, she had to admit that the resemblance between the stone in front of her and the semi-common crystal was there.
“I would agree,” the elf said with a nod. “I suppose that’s considered a gemstone. I could make a necklace out of this to keep track of him.” 
Can’t you hear me?  Please help me, Gem! Don’t let him do this.
The crystal was promptly dropped into his pocket. 
“You’re not going to risk polishing it, are you?”
He sneers. “Of course not.”
“Good. At least it will match your outfit.”
The elf winced. “Yes. I suppose it does. I should probably get changed after this,” he says, looking down at his ruined clothes. The armor kept him safe for most of the battle, but there were netherack smears and soot stains on every scrap of fabric visible beneath the diamond plating.
“Ugh, same,” Gem says. Her hand immediately goes to the burnt spot on the brim of her pointed hat. That was going to need a patch. “This was my favorite.”
“You go ahead. I’ll be right behind you.”
No! Please don’t leave me, Gem! Gem!! GEM!! PLEASE!!!
She started down the steps, leaving just the elf standing at the edge of the magic circle. He waited a moment or two to make sure she didn’t come back before pulling the rock back out of his pocket. There were small cuts on his palm from where he had gripped the crystal tight. Those bladed edges were no laughing matter. He had feared she might have noticed something during their short conversation; heard something that he had hoped he could muffle by covering up the crystal. That had been worth a few small cuts, but despite the wizard’s skill in magic-craft she hadn’t seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary. He was lucky.
One facet was smudged with his own blood. Through the red and the blue and the misty white veins, though, he could see Scott.
Scott could see the sharp toothed grin through the glassy blue haze of his prison. The face looking back at him was so much like his own, he shouldn’t have been surprised it had his friends fooled.  It was like looking into a distorted mirror.  Instead of the warped features of the demon staring back at him, it was an almost kindly round face with brightly colored locks. Xornoth had kept up the illusion of teal hair, but illusions only worked if you didn’t know they were there.
Scott hadn’t seen his brother’s true face in over a lifetime. They had the same rounded face and wide eyes. The same shape to their nose and the curve of the jawline. But despite the magic in place, Scott could make out the pink sheen of Xornoth’s hair and glowing red-black eyes. Those same fiery eyes looked deep into Scott’s prison, glaring and triumphant. 
“They can’t hear you,” Xornoth says, sounding just like Scott. His words practically bounce off the walls, echoing back to Scott each word ten times over. “None of them can.” 
“They’re smart,” Scott says. His voice cracks, sending fractals of light breaking across the crystal’s rough surface like a prism. The fact that Gem of all people hadn’t noticed a thing made him nervous. It was her spell that Xornoth had twisted. She should have noticed SOMETHING. “They’ll figure it out sooner or later. And when they do, they’ll get me out of here.”
“They don’t care about you. They didn’t notice anything was off about you. All they care about is their own little empires,” the elf on the outside said with a shrug. “And even if they did, by then I’ll have seen my plans for destruction through to the end, and have contingencies in place.”
“That’s not going to happen,” Scott insisted, and if he could have pounded on the surface of the crystal, he would have. “They’ll stop you!” He didn’t have a physical body to lash out with, but he had his anger and his hate. Those emotions flared up in a kaleidoscope of broken light.
The crystal lurched. His brother’s angry string of curses sounded distant. Everything swirled in a confusing motion of sudden movements and ringing noises. By the time everything seemed to right itself, it occurred to Scott that Xornoth had dropped the crystal. He could see his look-alike holding his wrist. Shards of ice were falling from his fingers where Scott’s magic had managed to reach him through the crystal’s surface. His face was twisted in a pained snarl. “Why you little…” 
Scott almost laughed. At least he wasn’t completely helpless in here. When Xornoth picked the crystal back up, he did so with the fabric of his sleeve covering his hand. 
“Stop me? Just like they stopped me today, hm?” Scott felt a shiver run down his spine as Xornoth ran his thumb along one of the smoother sides of the crystal. “Then I would invite them to try. Really, I should be thanking them. If it wasn’t for your friends, I wouldn’t have you right where I want you: in the palm of my hand and at my mercy.” The echoes of Xornoth’s words do nothing to dampen the venom dripping in his voice. Fingers wrap around the length of the crystal and squeeze tight once more. The walls of Scott’s prison haven’t moved, but they feel like they’re pressing in so close they might just suffocate him. The claustrophobia is made even worse by the sudden rise of temperature as if the man outside was actively trying to make Scott as uncomfortable as possible. If he could gasp for air, he would.
“You know, I once saw a possible future where I hadn’t acted fast enough…” Xornoth’s words were muffled behind his grip. “My god showed it to me. A future where your little wizard friend trapped me in Eudialyte.” 
Scott had never heard of such a thing, but through the faded back of his consciousness, a picture of a red-black crystal with blunted edges hanging from a gold chain came to mind. And the more he focused on the picture, the more he could make out from the faded edges. The crystal was on a necklace.  The necklace was around his neck. It was not a vision of Xornoth wearing an illusion to look like Scott. It was of Scott himself. And he knew deep down that Xornoth was there as well, hanging from the chain. He had the vague sense that his brother was showing him all of this. 
“But I also have power, brother. And when there is a second possible target that matches the description of the first, there will always be an opportunity to divert such underhanded tactics." 
The pressure on the crystal lessened. Scott felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest. The walls didn't feel quite so close.
"Even if you fooled them today, my friends will still figure something else out. They won’t let you have your way. They love their own empires enough to keep you from ruining it all.”
“You say that,” Xornoth says with a roll of his eyes. He’s clearly tired of this conversation. He pulls open his pocket once more and drops Scott’s crystal inside. “But I suppose you’ll just have to sit back and watch them try.” 
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
Pirate AU Weapons and Fighting Styles
Katherine's main weapon in battle is an axe. Like, giant axe bigger than her body. Think of the one she has in s2, then make it bigger. Despite the bulky weapon, she's quite elegant in her movements, and surprisingly fast, which was a big part of her intimidation factor.
Shelby dual wields short swords, although she also sometimes swaps out one of those short swords for a dagger. She's very swift, preferring to end things as quickly as possible before her target can recover and she loses the advantage of catching them off guard.
Gem uses her magic staff, both to cast spells and to just hit people really hard over the head. Girl has some issues she needs to work out. She also stores a dagger on her person at all times, in case she's unable to cast magic for some reason. She will not be taken again.
Pearl uses a scythe. People keep telling her it's impractical, it's a handicap, it's not a real weapon, and yet she keeps winning, so who's the idiot now? She normally relies on her physical strength to get her through fights, as well as her reputation to avoid them when possible.
Lizzie uses her claws, her voice, and her teeth. Those are the only weapons she needs, but she does have a trident she pulls out for the occasional storm summoning. She never fights fair, or directly, preferring to drown and eat her victims with minimum resistance.
Jimmy's weapon of choice is a sabre. People are often thrown by his gentle and clumsy demeanor and underestimate him, but this man was trained by the queen of the sirens herself. Do you really think he's going to be incompetent with a blade? He's very straightforward in his fighting style, and doesn't do any fancy stunts. But he's still extremely skilled, and has never lost a fair fight.
Scott, on the other hand, uses a rapier, and does almost nothing BUT fancy stunts. This man is dramatic as hell, and he will use any fight as an opportunity to show off. When Jimmy is around to see it, he dials it up to eleven. Gotta impress his bf.
Sausage also uses a staff. Not a magic one, just a normal bowstaff. He tried magic once as a kid, it blew up in his face, and now he refuses to have anything to do with it (unless it's Gem, of course). His fighting style is very much like Pearl's, he uses brute strength and isn't afraid to fight dirty.
Fwhip is an expert on explosives, and is therefore usually manning the cannons or sneaking onto the enemy ship to blow shit up. However, his physical combat skills are woefully lacking. He barely even knows what end of a dagger to poke someone with, so he doesn't get involved with physical fights very often.
Pixl also doesn't participate in physical fights very often. He knows the basics of how to use a sword, but as previously stated, he holds a deep respect for all life and refuses to take it if it can be avoided. He's only killed once, in self defense, and it haunts him to this day.
Joey is a sharpshooter; he's one of the best shots in the navy. He hasn't missed a shot since he was eleven. He's also very quick and agile, but not the strongest. So he's usually up in the rigging, raining down fire whenever he can get a clear shot (and sometimes even when he can't)
Joel uses a broadsword. He's not the most skilled fighter in the world but he is one of the most persistent and durable, and he is probably the strongest person on Jimmy's crew. He also sometimes switches out for a pistol, but that's only when he's too injured for the sword.
Xornoth is trained in a variety of weapons and is fairly skilled with all of them, but they're certainly not the best at any of them. Think of it as a sort of... jack of all trades situation. Although he does have a cutlass he defaults to, which is standard issue and given to him by the navy, he has no attachment to it like many of the others have to their weapons.
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linmelon3o · 4 months
Random SMP Theories #1
(Mainly Witchcraft SMP)
- The witch school Shubble attended was maybe Gem’s wizard school. This is a stretch because Gem is not the headmistress and that school came 2000 years before, however it could be the same because we don’t know of any other schools of magic within the same world. Unless witch Shubble was able to travel between the worlds to conduct her research. Also this theory is even more plausible because of the Empires world and the Witchcraft world being connected as shown in Shubble’s last episode of Empires season two.
- Scott from New Life went to travel around at the end of his series but what if he stumbled through a portal to Empires season two and became the colorful Chromia ruler we know now? They both like exploring and Scott from Chromia did say that he named his orange llama “after his friend Owen.” And as we all know from the multiverse, once an object travels through a portal to another world, it has to follow the rules of the world. This makes this theory even more plausible because of the way that the multiverse works.
- Cleo becomes human on Witchcraft SMP and combines her soul into one person again what if, during this point, all the timelines are off? What if the Cleo in the life series world turned human because of the spell that the time witch casted in Witchcraft SMP? This would be a huge deal for the timeline to set Cleo free happening and makes us wonder if she will appear human again in Hermitcraft season ten.
- Joey is a fire frost witch who was born in a town of only ice witches and got banished for the fire. What if it was Rivendell and he was banished from the empire because his fire reminded them of Xornoth’s corruption? It is a decent stretch considering the fact that Witchcraft SMP, as shown by Shubble at the end of her series, takes place after the end of empires season two. However, Minecraft SMPs do not tend to follow the rules (especially ones with magic) so I believe that this is technically possible.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Weapons of Choice
@justanaveragelizardperson has spoken! (Thank you so much, not being able to decide was driving me up the wall)
We'll hit this in alphabetical order, my headcanons for these are a combination of canon inspiration and pure, world-building results. Also this is not 100% accurate to how swords especially work in real life, this is a fantasy genre story and we embrace the "But It Looks Cool" here.
Fwip: His preferred weapons are potions and explosions, he always has a fireworks crossbow to hand. As far as bladed weapons go he has a long dagger that doubles for chopping potions ingredients when he doesn't have his actual tools to hand.
Gem: Primarily uses her staff in combat, but if the occasion calls for it will just haul back and punch her opponent in the face. Is scrappy and level-headed, which is a dangerous combination.
Joey: Primarily fights with a smallsword when he has to fight but is the least martially minded of the rulers. Keeps totems of undying on him at all times.
Katherine: Her sword is a light-weight saber, her fighting style relies on her being light and quick on both her feet and her wings. She can also call the Overgrown to defend her and itself if the occasion calls for it.
LDShadowLady: Fights with a trident. She has a sword but doesn't really use it. The trident is the traditional weapon of the Oceanic royalty, thus both hers and Jimmy's. Will also sic axolotls on her enemies without hesitation.
Mythical J. Sausage: The Blood Sword is a zweihänder. He also carries a short sword to wield with a shield. His grip is half-open, giving a bit less flexibility but greater power to his blows. He acquires his sorcerers staff at one point and then favors that about equal with the Blood Sword.
PearlescentMoon: Equally proficient with her sword, axe, and scythe, as well as hand to hand. Is also skilled with the bow but prefers close combat methods. Her sword is a longsword that she wields both two handed and with a shield. She has a very rooted fighting style, her footwork is minimal, but when she does go more mobile she is very well balanced. She relies somewhat on her ability to tank hits, which serves her well, as her endurance is incredibly high, as demonstrated by her ability to go toe-to-toe with semi-immortal beings on a regular basis and hold her own. Shes very adept at using her elytra in combat, to the point that multiple rulers with natural wings have commented on her flight proficiency.
Pixlriffs: His preferred weapon is a Channeling Trident, his second choice is his basket-hilted sword (a schiavona) or recurve bow.
Shrub Berry: Joey gifted them a smallsword which for her functions as a broadsword. She's relatively new to combat but is proficient with a hatchet and a recurve bow. Their greatest weapon is the wolf pack.
Smajor: (There is no war rune blade in Ba Sing Se.) We're sticking with the LotR aesthetic for weapons as well, so that is what his sword looks like (A long-sword after the style of those used by the Lorien forces at Helm's Deep in the films) Also proficient with a longbow. At the time of the story beginning is not even close to considering using his ice magic in combat.
SmallishBeans: Equally favors a Mezalean shortsword (based off a xiphos) and a battle axe. He does have a trident and is fairly proficient with it but prefers to use it for travel rather than combat.
Solidarity: The Codfather Sword is a two-handed sword, closest to a claymore, he wields it with an open grip. (Which allows for more flexibility and control of the blade but the strikes are less powerful) When he's in Fish Mode it is more of a bastard/hand-and-a-half sword. He also uses a trident, mostly for aquatic combat.
Xornoth: Two swords. Has never willingly used a shield in their life and isn't about to start now. Is either dual wielding elvish-style short swords or has a full-size battle axe. Will sometimes throw fire and lava but tends to be cautious with it.
AU Masterpost
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rose-lizzzy · 10 months
Gem was holding onto Sausage, tears falling. He noticed that she was the most like her normal self than she'd been since she first reappeared.
"Gem....are you...are you okay...?" He asks her, already assuming the answer.
The wizard shakes her head, pulling herself closer. "...help me...please.." she whispers, voice breaking.
When he looked at her, he could see green eyes, pleading with him, begging him to help her. He could see all the fear, trauma, everything that had been buried beneath the corruption.
"Gem .." he whimpers "What did they do to you...."
She holds onto him, and then she feels like her body was on fire and she screams.
"You need to get out of here..." She hisses quietly, and by her tone Sausage knew she was serious.
"Go. Get. Out." She sounded harsh, but her expression was pleading, and Sausage complied, taking off.
She allows the corruption to return, eyes shifting back to red, and she bows down as Xornoth appears.
"Master." She starts "I-"
Xornoth grabs her by the throat, holding her up into the air.
"I've been told. That you are getting soft. Fix this. Or else. I will hand you over to the gnome. And she'll return you to your place. Understood?"
Gems eyes widen and she nods in agreement.
He drops her to the ground and she looks to the ground. "Yes, master. What would you like me to do?"
"Get the egg." He answers. "Since you were incompetent enough to not get it originally."
The wizard glares at him. "I didn't know you needed it! I thought we were done once the dragon died!"
Her body feels like it lights on fire again.
"You aren't done until I say you're done. Now go. Get. The egg. Or else."
She nods. "Let me do some more studying. Once my magic is stronger I will take the egg faster."
Xornoth nods. "Very well. Get it done."
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 9 months
i'm going on a VERY fun rabbit hole with this life series/hermitcraft/empires blaseball au thing, so have the next installment, the hermit blaseball au! this one is a lot easier to understand if you don't know anything about blaseball, because this is Much more "i've just put them into the plot of blaseball, they're just hanging out in there". my empires blaseball au can be found here, and the third life blaseball au will be linked here one i finish writing that up.
also, a few of my choices for teams i am not... particularly confident about (namely xisuma, bdubs, hypno, and tango) so if you have a better suggestion for them please pitch it.
Grian: Batter for the LA Unlimited Tacos
Scar: Batter for the Miami Dale
Mumbo: Batter for the New York Millennials, Siphon
Cleo: Pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints
Ren: Batter and team captain for the San Fransisco Lovers, Charm
Bdubs: Batter for the Hawai’i Fridays
Impulse: Batter for the Hellmouth Sunbeams
Pearl: Pitcher for the Houston Spies, Precognition
Gem: Pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints
Xisuma: Pitcher for the Philly Pies
Evil X: Pitcher for the Hades Tigers
Wels: Batter for the San Fransisco Lovers
Hels: Batter for the Baltimore Crabs
Hypno: Batter for the Mexico City Wild Wings
XB: Batter for the Atlantis Georgias
Beef: Pitcher for the Dallas Steaks
Keralis: Batter for the Core Mechanics
Joe: Pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints, later batter for the Seattle Garages
TFC: Coach of the Ohio Worms
Doc: Pitcher for the Core Mechanics
Jevin: Batter for the Charleston Shoe Thieves, Flinch, later rerolled into Reverberating
False: Pitcher for the Tokyo Lift
Stress: Batter for the Tokyo Lift
Iskall: Batter for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands
Tango: Pitcher for the Chicago Firefighters, Fire Eater
Cub: Batter for the Charleston Shoe Thieves, got Flinch from fighting god and got it rerolled into Debt
Etho: Pitcher for the Canada Moist Talkers
Zedaph: Pitcher for the Yellowstone Magic
Wormman: Pitcher for the Ohio Worms
This AU is, even more so than the Empires part of this AU, just me shoving the Hermits into the Blaseball universe and letting it happen.
The only people who are even sort of replacing an actual Blaseball player are Cleo, Joe, and Gem.
Cleo is our Jaylen. She pitches for the Kansas City Breath Mints, and is the best pitcher in the league, and when the Forbidden Book opens, she dies. Her intended replacement is False Symmetry II, aka Empires!False, but when the Forbidden Book is opened in the Empires, Hermitcraft, and Life Series universes all at once, everything gets a little muddled, and everyone comes out of it a little muddled. The biggest change is that Cleo is instead replaced by Gemini Tay, the newly generated player from the Empires world who was meant to replace Xornoth. 
When she is resurrected at the end of season 6, Joe goes into the Shadows in exchange. Within a few seasons, he is able to leave the Shadows and bats for the Breath Mints for about a season, afterwards he is transferred to the Seattle Garages, where he stays. I am not putting him back in the Shadows because it makes me kind of sad.
Cub and Jevin are both players for the Thieves, so they get cursed as a result of the boss fight against the Shelled One. We will resolve that later. Hels, despite being on the Crabs, does not get cursed, because he doesn’t join the Crabs until after they return from ascension.
Other than that, the Hermits are just sort of Existing in the world of Blaseball. Evil X and Hels are both created in similar ways to Evil Twin and Bontgomery Mullock, which is to say, Blessings break and accidentally clone a guy, so we just slightly edit one of their names and keep going. Don’t worry about it. 
At one point during Expansion, while the Reroll Will is still in effect, fans of the Thieves attempt to reroll the Flinch modifier that Cub got as a side effect of fighting god and losing that one time. It gets rerolled into Debt, in a similar vein to what happened to Silvaire Roadhouse, but because he’s on the Thieves, he actually gets to kill people. Good for him. Jevin’s Flinch modifier also gets rerolled, but he gets Reverberating. Good for him, but in a different direction.
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rodentlady · 8 months
Empires Pokemon Pt. 1 Empires Pokeballs Quick note before I start: Each Emperor has one member of their team shiny, simply because I felt like it. The teams are usually fully evolved, unless I'm keeping a pokemon unevolved because it fits the character better. Here's Pix, Scott, and Xornoth.
Pix: Heliolisk, Copperajah, Litwick, Cacturne, Bronzong, Sandslash Heliolisk is Pix's first pokemon, really his known partner pokemon, named Helios. Helios is male, and is kept in a Desert Ball. Copperajah is named Copper, is male, and is in -oh so surprisingly- a Copper Ball. He helps Pix transport trades. Litwick has been an unevolved Litwick for longer than Pix has been alive. Her name is Vigilant, and is also in a Copper Ball. Cacturne is Phantasmal, the pokemon he used as the Phantom. For that reason, he's kept in a Blade Ball. Bronzong's name is Patina, and they work with the beeswax and copper aging. They're in a Honeycomb Ball. Sandslash is shiny, and is named Anthill. She's a great help in getting materials for Pix and is kept in a Desert Ball. Scott: Ninetales, Froslass, Wyrdeer, Abomasnow, Ampharos, Noctowl Surprisingly, Vulp, Scott's partner, is a fire type Ninetales. He's shiny though, so it's hard to tell. Very petty. He's in an Ancient Ball. Froslass is named Gold from when she was a Snorunt. She makes up for this by stealing Scott's jewelry. She's in a Misted Ball. Wyrdeer is simply called Stag, often ridden by Scott ceremonially. A little bit vain, he's in a Misted Ball as well. Abomasnow is Evergreen, and she's fond of helping Scott build and remember to take breaks. She's in a Frosted Ball. Ampharos is actually a Mega Ampharos, very fluffy. His name is Snowball and he's lazy. Also in a Frosted Ball. Noctowl's name is Moonlight, and is Scott's preferred form of communication. As such, he's in a Messenger Ball. Xornoth: Houndoom, Glalie, Seviper, Zoroark, Salamance, Guzzlord Xornoth's first pokemon was a Houndoom called Hound. Him and Vulp were once close friends. He's also in an Ancient Ball. Glalie is named Silver from when he was a Snorunt, given he's shiny. His red eyes are fitting now. He's in a Misted Ball. Seviper is a very tricky pokemon, called Whisper. She has a connection to Exor, and is a Corrupted Ball. He has Shadow, a Hisuian Zoroark, which helps him conjure illusions of despair or power against others. She's in a Magic Ball. Salamance's name actually is Power, and he's the real strength along with all the demonic trickery. Also in a Corrupted Ball. Guzzlord is called Ending, because that the goal with it is. Shrub especially hates this pokemon. It's in a Gnomish Ball. Notes: I'm a little sad Pix doesn't get a "seer" physic pokemon, but Bronzor worked better. If Frosted/Misted pokeballs are confusing to you, they're hard for me to. Blame Pearl for using the word Gilded in her Empire's name, because that was the original name for Misted. Vulp and Hound are named that because the Rivendell siblings got them at about five years old so they wouldn't die of hypothermia, and the two of them were already pretentious enough to call them that. Scott and Xornoth's teams are meant to be mostly parallels for each other. Ninetales and Houndoom as fire "partners", alternative Snorunt evos, Wyrdeer and Seviper as godly influences (Even if Exor isn't a snake), Abomasnow and Zoroark both act as "helpers" in their tasks, Ampharos and Salamance are dual dragons, as well as representing what Scott and Xornoth offer others (Wool trade and "power"). Now if that last one was a bit of a stretch, there's also no comparison between Noctowl and Guzzlord. Ampharos is permanently in Mega Form, because I feel like ignoring poke-lore about how Megas work so that Scott may have a fluffy sheep and also a matching dragon type. I'll explain more about how Ultra Beasts work when we get to Shrub's team, although you might be able to make a guess. Hope you enjoyed my brainrot! If you have any opinions or suggestions, please let me know! Coming Soon: Jimmy, Lizzie, and Joel.
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quaranmine · 2 years
okay so! crash course on the wither rose alliance! the wither rose alliance originally formed because fwhip had access to a skeleton spawner, and gem and sausage both got access. it was named after they killed the wither and got wither roses iirc?
then the cod-wra war started, mostly because of fwhip, sausage, and jimmy all escalating to wild degrees.
from there the alliance kinda of started to deteriorate with the appearance of xornoth. fwhip was kind of trying to appease xornoth in the beginning, sausage had allied with them, and gem was actively opposed.
gem was also working secretly with the cod alliance at this point, and was giving things like the location of jimmy’s cod head to them!
pearl joined them around this time as well! she broke her alliance with pixl to join the wither rose alliance.
things came to a head with the og trio when fwhip, gem, and sausage went to the nether to get ghast tears for end crystals to heal the ender dragon. xornoth trapped them in the nether and said he wanted a sacrifice for them to be able to leave. fwhip and gem tried to go for sausage and sausage, aided by xornoth, killed them both. after this sausage was kicked out.
gem’s reaction to sausage’s corruption is basically “i never talk about him. ever”
then after the ender dragon fight, she takes the dragon egg to try and hatch it, ostensibly so she can try to bind xornoth again.
i believe it’s at this point she summons three huge white (spirit? possibly) dragons to protect the crystal cliffs
then sausage kidnaps her and scott, jimmy rescues them, etc.
then there’s that final confrontation with her and sausage. they fight, sausage gets his ass kicked, sausage asks gem to kill him and she does. then sausage comes back to life at home uncorrupted. (a lot of people, including me, assume there was a spell of some kind by gem to separate sausage from the corruption by little making corrupted!sausage into a separate person, but that gets… complicated)
gem accepts sausage back into the alliance, and fwhip, while taking longer to convince, eventually does too.
then xornoth’s defeated etc etc.
this is when she really starts building her school! and also when scott comes to her for help and gives her that… aeor ice corruption thing?
fwhip tells gem to go to katherine about the streak in her hair, and gem goes to shrub instead. shrub gives her some stew that seems to replace the ice corruption with the xornoth corruption. then fwhip forces her to go to katherine’s, and gem is completely cured.
her school opens after this, with the students being weaponless pillagers, and she teaches katherine, lizzie, and fwhip and sausage i believe? there may or may not have been someone else
gem tries to get the dragon egg to hatch after this with fire magic, which she’s especially good at. the egg does and gem names her violet!
then the rapture happens, she grabs fwhip and the two of them ride off on the big white dragons, with violet and fwhip’s two dogs. gem and fwhip live on floating islands, and gem lives in a small house telling stories and using her magic to help out around her.
fwhip is said to be gem’s brother at the end of empires. up to that point it was implied or said on stream like one time that they liked it, so imo it’s a very “keep it if you want but not strictly canon, just don’t be weird” sort of thing? it gets treated as hard canon a lot though by fans
anon i want you to know i would literally DIE for you
thank you SO much omg!!!! also i did read this yesterday but before i could respond i saw scar was streaming, so i went to his stream since i didnt wanna miss anymore, and then i joined in the middle of bdubs telling him about hermittwt, so i forgot to respond to the ask haha
this is so useful for me!! ok so. as everyone who follows me knows, i am basically in love with every iteration of jimmy solidarity character, so i started watching empires for him--and then i also picked up joel, lizzie, scott, and sometimes pix. so my empires s1 knowledge is rather codvengers/cod alliance centric, so i very much appreciate all this extra knowledge!!!!
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