#astro ov
pandorasworkshop · 8 months
🃏 Astrology Observations Pt2 🃏
❕ slightly nsfw ❕
🎱 Taurus mars like neck kisses maybe a little more if there are harsher degrees
🃏 Cancer mars can like dominant people and it can also indicate parental issues
🎱 If you have a fifth house overlay synastry with someone BE CAREFUL cause this is an indicator of having children or adopting pets with someone.
🃏 8th house overlay synastry can give enemies to lovers. Its a very intense synastry and can also be an indicator of possessiveness or obsessed with the planet person.
🎱 Living on your Jupiter MC line can bring you much success in business and give you good social opportunities.
🃏 Pluto lines are scaryyyy they bring up trauma, and make u rebirth entirely. Ancestral trauma is sometimes healed in these places on a Pluto DC line.
🎱 Having your rising in someone else's Venus and their rising in your Venus is positive for relationships.
🃏 Venus in 2nd house love language could be physical touch or gifts
🎱Venus in 6th house love languages could be acts of service and quality time
🃏 A lot of filmmakers have 6th and 12th house placements.
🎱Models tend to have Mars, Sun or Neptune in 10th or 1st house.
🃏if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask and if you want me to review anything just lemme know 🃏
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lonestarflight · 1 year
Cancelled missions: STS-61-E
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This mission planned to launch on Space Shuttle Columbia and was scheduled for March 6, 1986. It was notable because it would have observed Halley's Comet during it's flyby of Earth. It was canceled after the Challenger disaster.
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"Columbia was to carry the ASTRO-1 observatory, which would be used to make astronomical observations including observations of Halley's Comet. ASTRO-1 consisted of three ultraviolet telescopes mounted on two Spacelab pallets, controlled by the Instrument Pointing System (IPS) which was first tested on STS-51-F.
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Photographed on March 8, 1986 from Easter Island, as part of the International Halley Watch (IHW) Large Scale Phenomena Network, this view occurred at precisely the time the STS-61E should have been directing their ultraviolet telescopes toward the fabled celestial visitor.
After the Challenger disaster, the flight was remanifested as STS-35 and several crew members were replaced. Both Richards and Leestma were reassigned to STS-28 while McBride left NASA in 1989. Vance D. Brand replaced McBride as the commander while Guy S. Gardner and John M. Lounge replaced Richards and Leestma, respectively."
source, source
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
But I mean, the Avengers are fictional and I still hate them anyway, so am I biased? Mayhaps.
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
the ascendant is the window to your entire natal chart. it is the window in which the native "looks out" of to see the world and in which others "look in" to see the native.
it is the worldview, philosophy and chosen life map of the native, the ascendant is what your soul chose* for you to aid you in this lifetime so it is through the ascendant in which the natal chart operates. 
in more grounded terms this means the ascendant affects the native's entire approach to life, what they think is the correct way to live and what they think is valuable in living a fulfilling life. 
because the ascendant is our chosen life map it means the solar return ascendant is the main focus of a solar return - the sign your solar return ascendant is in shows what you will be forced to focus on throughout that year. 
you will usually have a deeper understanding or appreciation of the sign the ascendant was in when you solar return ends, having learnt the lessons you needed to. often you will also meet someone important that has their sun or moon in the same sign as your solar return ascendant that affects you in some way (even if they're only in your life for that year), or you will suddenly begin dealing a lot more with someone of that sign.
while the ascendant is complex, you can find the main themes of the ascendant simply by looking at what house the sign rules:
aries - first house: the self - assertion and expression of the self, beginnings, habits.
taurus - second house: self-worth, money, earthly pleasures (food, sex, material belongings), comfort, luxury, security, five senses, habits and work ethic.
gemini - third house: thinking, opinions and communication, theory work, siblings and close friends, community and neighbours (what's "close” to you), early education, short trips.
cancer - fourth house: where we come from, early life that shaped us (what shapes us - emotional and psychological foundations), self-care, home, family, subjective thinking, comfort zone and comfort (coziness).
leo - fifth house: joy, hobbies, creativity, romance (courtship stage), fun, games, spontaneity, sex, children, self-expression, vacations, gambling, fashion, drama and theatrics.
virgo - sixth house: service to others (needing to feel useful), being served, health and disease, fitness, pets, work habits, daily routine, organisation, analytical thinking, co-workers, work environment, self-improvement, labour, enemies, sacrifice (“selflessness” house).
libra - seventh house: one-to-one relationships, attraction and repulsion, sharing, politics, blind spot (where we are self unaware).
scorpio - eighth house: intimacy and merging (including sex), other people's resources and shared money, death and transformation (rebirth), taboo, mystery (and deception), deep emotions.
sagittarius - ninth house: experience, expansiveness, higher education, religion and philosophy (continued learning and search for meaning - the need for something bigger than one's self), travel, wisdom, ethics, cross-cultural understanding.
capricorn - tenth house: career, achievement, longterm goals, purpose, public relations, public perception and social standing, reputation (needing a "brand" - what we want to be seen as), responsibility, authority figures.
aquarius - eleventh house: collective consciousness, groups, friends (acquaintances and networking), organisations, hopes, dreams, wishes, society and social awareness, technology and internet, humanitarianism, idealism.
pisces - twelfth house: dreams, unconscious, subconscious, spirituality, secrets, sacrifice, solitude, enemies, confinements, hidden things, self-undoing, confusion, karma, deep emotions, impressionability.
i recommend checking your previous solar return ascendant and asking yourself where life kept taking you and what you learnt, seeing how it relates to you - i believe this can help give you deeper understanding of the ascendant overall, both natal and solar return.
*even if you don't believe in life before earthly life or past lives, it is good to keep this in mind when considering how the ascendant works.
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petalididonna · 1 year
poesie di Charles Baudelaire
poesia: La musica
Spesso è un mare, la musica,
che mi prende ogni senso!
A un bianco astro fedele,
sotto un tetto di brume o nell'etere immenso,
io disciolgo le vele.
Gonfi come una tela i polmoni di vento,
varco su creste d'onde,
e col petto in avanti sui vortici m'avvento
che il buio mi nasconde.
D'un veliero in travaglio la passione mi vibra
in ogni intima fibra;
danzo col vento amico o col pazzo ciclone
sull'infinito gorgo.
Altre volte bonaccia,
grande specchio ove scorgo
la mia disperazione!
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rats-inc · 1 year
Astro stares at the door for a moment, nails digging into his skin through his pockets.
How long had it been since they’d last spoken? Would End even recognize him?
‘Of course she’d recognize us, we’re her brother,’ He thought, ‘Might want to take our hair down though.’
He shakes that last thought from his head. He’d grown attached to the bun.
But nevermind that. He was here to to talk to End.
The soles of his boots scrape against the ground as he approaches the door and raises a fist to knock.
He strikes the door three times. - 🗡🦈
almost the second after Astro knocks on the door, End's there, door half open with her struggling to hold something back with her leg.
"sorry-" she murmurs, gently pushing back a somewhat large dog, not yet having realized just who's knocking, "i wasn't expecting anyone to come ov-"
she barely even needs to look at Astro to recognize him, just the smallest glimpse of the sliver streaks in his hair was all she needed.
"-ver…." her eyes are wide, and she tries to think of something to say, anything that isn't just standing in complete, awkward silence. or god forbid crying.
"as-..astro-" unfortunately, during her little moment of shock, the muscles in her leg falter and a very excited shepsky tackles the man, leaving End to scramble to pull her away.
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omniglitch-au · 2 years
For OV Aliens
Whats the most annyiong thing that the worst dose?
anything that make him "THE WORST"
I Hate him too
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"He keeps being a jerk about me...you know. Being gone for a few years."
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"He leaves his junk everyhwere! I've told him to clean up after himself several times, but he just ignores me! You know what he said to me that one time? 'cleaning up's your job.' I just...Gah! How can any living organism leave that much trash??"
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"He keeps drinking my protein shakes! He doesn't even like them, every time he gulps one down he comes whining to me after about how 'bland' they are, but he keeps doing it anyway!"
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"One time my jetpack was malfunctioning and when I checked I discovered he put one of his gums near the engine! Who does that??? I literally could've died!"
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"I say, he can be quite rude about my moustache. One time he switched out my grooming products for glue! Glue!! Quite lucky I noticed in time."
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"That story 'bout him sticking gum on Astro's jetpack? He does that to me too. Can't dismantle near him even once without bein' used as a trash can. Gross!"
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"He breathes."
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"He keeps trying to force me into bright spaces. I've told him many times I can't handle sun-light. And he keeps insisting I'm being 'too sensitive'."
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"I lost count of the amount of times he tried to get me to make some kinda 'love gas' for him to spray on some poor girls."
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"I wish he'd stop tryin' to get me to call back Attea. He's always yabberin' on 'bout 'livin' the good life' once I marry her."
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lacavernablog · 10 months
La estrella de la mañana, de Karl Ove Knausgård
¿Es posible escribir ficción después de una saga espectacular de autoficción como Mi lucha?
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Ciertamente es posible, y más aún después del Cuarteto de las estaciones -En otoño, En invierno, En primavera y En verano- bañada por el proceso creativo de la explicación del universo más cotidiano hasta el más complejo.
No hay duda de que para Knausgård la escritura se le hace fácil en el sentido automático: poder escribir de lo que está escribiendo ennegreciendo página tras página sin seguir un rumbo puede ser un ejercicio delicioso pero a la vez frustante.
La estrella de la mañana (Anagrama, 2023), su novela más reciente, es un logro para desprenderse del éxito pasado -su vida encarnada en literatura- y revalorarse como Escritor. También, de alguna manera, para liberar a sus lectores de la fantástica opresión que significó Mi lucha y encausarlos de nuevos proyectos.
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En La estrella de la mañana el escritor noruego pone a prueba el misterio, los temores, las creencias, en una serie de personajes que se verán tocados por la aparición repentina de un astro. La luminocidad de dicha “estrella” agita el panorama mundial desde las redes sociales hasta la vida privada.
La sensación de este fenómeno me llevó a dos películas, una más reciente que la otra: Melancolía, de Lars Von Trier, y No mires arriba, de Adam McKay. Desde luego mucho más a la película de Von Trier. Y esto porque no existe una horeocidad para salvar al planeta ante tal catástrofe, solo el devenir de lo insólito, de lo inevitable.
Knausgård no plantea soluciones a sus personajes, sino más bien una polifonía que logra cerrar vasos comunicantes a lo largo de las casi 800 páginas.
El mundo se pone en contacto con nosotros. Son señales del mundo. De lo que hay.
Dice uno de los personajes, luego de dar cuenta de algunos hechos similares ocurridos hace cientos de años.
Entonces la vida continúa como tal, respondiendo, sobre todo interpretando cada significado posible de la estrella de la mañana en la mitología, en las religiones, en la propia Biblia, en medio de las infaltables contingencias desgastantes, desoladoras, de cada individuo.
Luego de veinticuatro capítulos la novela de Knausgård concluye con un estupendo ensayo de Egil Stray: Sobre la muerte y los muertos, que es su propia vida y libertad, un juego de ideas personales y prestados de Bataille, Nietzsche, Eliade.
Los sueños pertenecen a lo irracional, y decir que son ellos los que nos permiten acceder a la realidad tal como es, obviamente no puede ser aceptado por lo racional. Pero, curiosamente, también en el lado racional los límites del tiempo se han desgastado: cuanto más ha penetrado la ciencia en sus misterios, menos obvia va siendo la separación
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ochoislas · 2 years
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Oh ciprés que descuellas negro y solo del vítreo cielo, sobre cambronera tiesa de cardos, sisear de sierpes:
en ti tal vez, cuando las moras cuajan, oyen los niños un pipiar secreto, como de nido que soñara tu alma.
Parvada última. Cantas tú apagado mientras se alarga taciturna sombra por triste campo: como si buscara, —yermo ciprés— un arca en la carrasca.
Son más cortos los días y la sombra más rauda indaga, sin sosiego, al sol; y el sol es frío y pálido el ambiente.
La sombra muere —antes cada tarde— en sombras donde yerran astros solos. Y rojea la zarzamora y tupe
de espinas los caminos, caen ya las hojas rojas (mécese impasible el ciprés yermo), y las primeras lluvias silban, y aúlla estrídulo lebeche.
¿Y qué fue de tu nido?... Recio aúlla, te bate y te abatana el viento largo: tú resistes, en pie; como la Muerte.
¿Y de tu alma? ¿qué fue de ella?... balea mis vidrios agua atroz, y allá te atisbo, contra la bruma gris bruma más negra.
¿Y qué fue de tu sueño? Ya la tierra cubre la nieve, pensamiento mudo. Entre el derrubio blanco y silencioso te alzas, gigante inconmovible y negro.
O cipresso, che solo e nero stacchi dal vitreo cielo, sopra lo sterpeto irto di cardi e stridulo di biacchi:
in te sovente, al tempo delle more, odono i bimbi un pispillìo secreto, come d’un nido che ti sogni in cuore.
L’ultima cova. Tu canti sommesso mentre s’allunga l’ombra taciturna nel tristo campo: quasi, ermo cipresso, ella ricerchi tra que’ bronchi un’urna.
Più brevi i giorni, e l’ombra ogni dì meno s’indugia e cerca, irrequïeta, al sole; e il sole è freddo e pallido il sereno.
L’ombra, ogni sera prima, entra nell’ombra: nell’ombra ove le stelle errano sole. E il rovo arrossa e con le spine ingombra
tutti i sentieri, e cadono già roggie le foglie intorno (indifferente oscilla l’ermo cipresso), e già le prime pioggie fischiano, ed il libeccio ulula e squilla.
E il tuo nido? il tuo nido?… Ulula forte il vento e t’urta e ti percuote a lungo: tu sorgi, e resti; simile alla Morte.
E il tuo cuore? il tuo cuore?… Orrida trebbia l’acqua i miei vetri, e là ti vedo lungo, di nebbia nera tra la grigia nebbia.
E il tuo sogno? La terra ecco scompare: la neve, muta a guisa del pensiero, cade. Tra il bianco e tacito franare tu stai, gigante immobilmente nero.
Giovanni Pascoli
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astrolognevenkablazik · 2 months
Mesečni horoskop za Mart 2024
I stigao nam je Mart, 4 mesec ove 2024 godine, mesec koji nam najavljuje dolazak Proleća. Da vidimo šta će planete da rade tokom ovog meseca : https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/monthly-astro-calendar-march-2024 SunMar 20, 2024, 04:07Sun enters Aries(Spring equinox)(chart)Mar 1, 2024, 13:14SunJupiter(chart)Mar 7, 2024, 12:00SunLilith(chart)Mar 10, 2024, 00:00SunUranus(chart)Mar 17,…
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kentengland · 2 months
ASTRO (Moonbin & Sanha)'Bad Idea' #hallyu2022 #ASTRO #kpop #badidea #ov...
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inchiostribianchi · 4 months
Quadro d'un esposizione: Rubedo, Adagio per arco e pianoforte
M'avvicino di soppiatto ad un ricordo Alla stregua d'un fabbro l'osservo brillare Con quale dignità posso tentare di toccarlo Come posso arrogarmi il diritto D'esser colui che tempra in parole Un kairos di tal fattura Scalzo e senza scalpo Venitemi dunque in soccorso Porgetemi i vostri scalpelli Le vostre tele ed i vostri inchiostri Avi che d'arte avete vissuto
Musa che con giudittiano sguardo Mi scruti arroventando l'intera fucina Ch'io possa esser alambicco Nel distillar questi ricami di parole
Un sospiro Ad occhi chiusi Un divampar di fiamma
D' una rugiada di baci Vi brillano l'occhi L'aire palpita meco Gaudio soave Fin su le dita Ch'allietano voi Astro cinereo Arco celeste Movete in me maree Ed io M'infrango in onde Ivi vi tuffate Danzar di farfalle Collidersi ed attrarsi Fino a divenir Quasi-particelle S'accorcia il delta Dei nostri confini Reduci infine Ebbri dell'altro Centelliniamo la nebbia Della postuma quiete A sorseggiarne ancora Bacco c'invita Gaio commensale Del cinguettar nostro Qual miglior custode D'un così caro distillato Ch'ancor m'inebria Filtro alchemico Ch'ei chiama Rubedo Com'è soave il tempo Avvezzo al solletico Com' ancora vi seguirei In su terrazzi e tetti Ove condensar le nostre essenze Ed albeggiar Ebbri e beati Di reciproca presenza
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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"STS-31 Discovery (OV-103), lifts off from Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Launch Complex (LC) 39 Pad B. Discovery, carrying a five-member crew and the Hubble Space Telescope, lifted off at 8:34 a.m. EDT, April 24. STS-31 crew members are: Commander Loren Shriver; Pilot Charles Bolden; and Mission Specialists Steven Hawley, Bruce McCandless II, and Kathryn Sullivan.
In the foreground, STS-35 Columbia (OV-102), is visible on launch pad 39A. Columbia, with its Astro-1 observatory, was scheduled for launch in May.
This event marked the first time since January 1986 that there was an orbiter on each pad. LC 39 pads are separated by 1.6 miles."
Date: April 24, 1990
NASA ID: SPD-GRIN-GPN-2000-00 0684, S90-44867
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astoldbytode · 6 months
Posted here a little late but check it out. Overall be mindful of how you’re treating those in your close relationships this week ❤️
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astrologiadivina · 1 year
Astro prognoze za sledeću nedelju po znacima.
Nedelju pred nama smo započeli sa Mesecom u Strelcu koji je bio u kvadratu sa Neptunom i u trigonu sa Jupiterom što nam je donelo optimizam i nadu, kao i otvorenost, iskrenost i želju za avanturom. Kvadrat Meseca sa Neptunom može doneti konfuziju i nesigurnost i može pojačati osećaj konfuzije kada su u pitanju naša očekivanja i realnost. Ovi osećaji će vrlo brzo da prođu, a to nam obećava trigon između Meseca i Jupitera koji će nam doneti osećaj optimizma i sreće.
U Utorak, oko pola dva iza ponoći Mesec menja znak i ulazi u znak Jarca kada će se entuzijazam koji smo imali prethodnog dana izgubiti i u fokusu će biti naša briga za porodicu i posao. Potrebno je da budemo u naredna dva ipo dana odgovorni i disciplinovani postavljajući istovremeno jasnu granicu između onoga što jeste naša odgovornost i onoga što nije. Sunce i Uran su u konjunkciji pa je potrebno da dovedemo ovu vrlo izazovnu energiju spajanja ekscentričnosti i inovativnosti sa jedne strane sa praktičnim osobinama znaka Bika. Imaćemo potrebu pod uticajem ovog tranzita da istražujemo nove mogućnosti u oblasti finansija, ishrane, muzike i umetnosti. Ova energija je vrlo jaka, koja ako se ne kanališe na ispravan način može doneti veće zdrastvene probleme i potrebno je posebno obratiti pažnju na srce. Tehniku i tehnička dostignuća treba ne samo prihvatiti nego je i koristiti na ispravan i nama pogodan način. Nije dobro odbaciti u ovom momentu tehnička dostignuća, jer time odbacujemo i borimo se protiv energije Urana, a kada se borimo protiv ove planete jedino zagarantovano što možemo da dobijemo je stres i iznenadne vrlo izazovne životne situacije.
U sredu trebamo biti vrlo pažljivi jer Mesec pravi aspekt opozicije sa Marsom u znaku Raka, a ovaj aspekt može probuditi dugo potiskivane i skrivane emocije koje opet mogu izazvati svađu. Obzirom da Mesec istog dana pravi i trigon sa Uranom i Suncem i sekstil sa Neptunom imaćemo uvid u neke ideje koje će biti lako materijalizovane, a opozicija sa Marsom može proći više kao neka nelagoda ili neki manji stres.
U četvrtak Mesec prelazi u znak Vodolije i u nama će polako rasti želja i potreba da se od nečega oslobodimo. U zavisnosti u koju natalnu kuću vam pada ovaj tranzit zavisiće i polje života u kojem ćete želeti da se oslobodite. Biće naglašen osećaj da se po nečemu razlikijemo od drugih, ali ta različitost koju osetimo neće nam doneti frustracije, već naprotiv, bićemo vrlo zadovoljni istom.
U petak će Merkur biti u sekstilu sa Saturnom i energija ovog tranzita će nam doneti promišljenost i stabilnost. I ako je Merkur retrogradan neće biti brzanja i grešeka u komunikaciji kao ni u zaključivanju. Aspekt sa Saturnom će još više usporiti i prizemljiti Merkura koji je u fiksnom, zemljanom znaku Bika pa je ovaj aspekt dobro iskoristiti kako bi dodatno pregledali stanje finansija. Period je izuzetno dobar za rešavanje praktičnih životnih pitanja, a ovaj aspekt biće aktuelan od četvrog, pa sve negde do 25. maja.
Subota će nam doneti Mesec u znaku Riba kao i aspekte trigona između Venere i Saturna i sekstila između Merkura i Venere. Mesec će biti u harmoničnim aspektima sa Jupterom, Merkurom i Venerom i u konjunkciji sa Saturnom, pa će fokus energije dana biti na emocijama. Oni koji su planirali da se u subotu venčaju mogu da računaju da će im brak jako dugo trajati jer energija dana podržava brak, porodicu i tradicionalne vrednosti.
U nedelju ćemo imati sekstil između Meseca i Sunca koji nam donosi pojačanu osećajnost, maštu i kreativnost. Vikend će biti dobar za porodična okupljanja, kao i slavlja u krugu porodice. Kraj nedelje je pogodan za uživanje sa onima koje volite, koji su vam porodica ili ih doživljavate kao porodicu.
Detaljno istražite i tri puta proverite sve nejasnoće pre nego se odlučite na bilo kakve dogovore u kojima je u opticaju puno novca.
Potrudite se da pronađete ravnotežu između svog emotivnog života i finansija. Ne obećavajte nikom ništa i trudite se da ostanete hladne glave. Budite samouvereni u svoje poslovne veštine i ne dozvolite da vas konkurencija zaplaši.
Blizancima dolaze bolji dani. Preduzmite nešto konkretno kada su u pitanju finansije. U ovoj nedelji ipak najviše mislite na sopstvenu sreću izadovoljstvo.
Rakovi imaju povećane troškove ove nedelje i potrebno je da dobro pripazite koliko trošite da ne biste zapali u teže finansijske probleme. Procenjujete kvalitete partnera i kvalitet svog ljubavnog odnosa.
Nemojte biti tvrdoglavi i inadžija u toku ove nedelje i ne pravite od komarca magarca. Sredinom nedelje dozvolite sebi hrabrost da otkrijete svoje emocije bliskim osobama.
Pokušajte se ove nedelje suzdržati od tračarenja, jer će vas isto vrlo uznemiriti. Nije toliko bitno šta se govori već ko govori pa imajte ovo na umu kada čujete neku priču. Krajem nedelje je moguće putovanje.
Razumevanje u ličnim odnosima je ono što vam treba tokom ove nedelje. Moguće su ponude za novo radno mesto. Trebali biste ga prihvatiti. Sredinom nedelje dobre vesti u vezi finansija.
Ne ulazite u rasprave sa nadređenima. Vreme je da posetite doktora, Problemi sa želucem.
Ljubav cveta. Moguć premeštaj na bolje radno mesto. Vikend provedite aktivno.
Za slobodne Jarčeve moguć brak ili veridba, za one u braku odnosi su sve bliskiji i intimniji. Ako rešavate neka sudska pitanja računajte na pozitivan ishod. Zdravlje je odlično.
Planete vam ove nedelje nisu baš naklonjene. Budite oprezni u komunikaciji sa voljenom osobom. Nervoza i napetost su uzrok lošeg sna i glavobolje.
Izuzetno ste privlačni suprotnom polu. Kolege vam zavide na vašoj trenutnoj poziciji na poslu. Zdravlje dobro, ali pripazite na mokraćne kanale.
Za Vaše najveće dobro od srca vaša Astrologija Divina
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astrologijaonline · 1 year
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Godina pred nama, do 20.03. podleže prošloj mundanoj astrološkoj karti, koja najavljuje probleme za nastupajuću mundanu godinu, od 20.marta ove. Najbolji opis bi bio Hamletov, ima nešto trulk, ali ne u državi Danskoj već i celoj Evropi, samim tim i na Balkanu, prvenstveno u Srbiji kao najvećoj državi ali i u najvećim problemima. Vođa, Cirkus Bananamen Musliju je poput onog iz Domanovićevih pripovetki, kao i većina naroda, uostalom. Spasa nam nema, propasti nećemo, da ponovim čuvenu Pašićevu, pa šta kome Bog da. #abecedaastrologije #astro #astrologija #astrologijaonline #astrologmihailo #horoskop #mesec #natalnakarta #planete #profesionalniastrolog #radnasebi #svest #tradicionalnaastrologija #univerzum #hermetizam #alhemija #astrologija_recnik_simbola #mapaduse #aspekt #astromedicina #astrosimbolika #horarnaastrologija #elekcionaastrologija #astrologija2023 #horoskop2023 http://astrologija.online (у месту Dorćol) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKEaijMlyN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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