onlycosmere · 9 hours
Questioner: Could the highspren [plushie] be Aux?
Brandon Sanderson Yes, that's basically what Aux would look like. The highspren [plushie] is modeled after Aux, or Auxiliary.
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voices-of-favor · 11 days
No official Gue'Vesa models?
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First of many!
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imonlyhereforcrem · 6 months
Nomad: *vibing* Dawnshard: "hmu with the aux cord, my playlist is 🔥" Auxiliary: *screams in dying*
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 7 months
Branderson I am coming for your kneecaps
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musicollage · 8 months
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Synthek - The Hidden Dimension. 2018 : Auxiliary.
! acquire the album ★ attach a coffee !
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mbti-notes · 1 year
Hi,I typed myself as enfj because I have all the insecurities and unhealthy traits of an enfj, I want to fix it but weirdly I don't think it's that important, I feel numb or anxious most of the time, and I know I should change, but i don't feel it.I start reading out of making myself think that I'm doing what I have to, but I never get deep enough really to actually understand it, I do that with everything, studying, conversations, my question is there a way to get myself to actually care?
You're not asking the right question. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't even give any thought to it, let alone expend the energy to ask me about it, would you? What is the real issue, then?
In terms of type development, you seem to be describing auxiliary resistance and tertiary loop. Assuming you have the correct type, auxiliary Ni tells you that it is important to keep striving, changing, and growing into something better, otherwise, you will live a rather superficial and out-of-control life of being constantly consumed by dominant Fe's emotional vagaries and dependencies.
Generally speaking, people resist auxiliary development when they perceive it as some form of hindrance or interference. And people "choose" tertiary loop when they believe that it will silence the auxiliary function, without realizing that it only makes them feel ever more haunted by auxiliary concerns. Being high up in the stack and essential to developing a healthy sense of self, you can't just ignore the auxiliary function. The longer you try, the more stuck you will feel (hence, the anxiety).
"Resistance" is a form of ambivalence. One part of you understands the good that will come from auxiliary development, so, of course, you desire it and feel motivated to pursue it. However, another part of you also fears change, which produces inner conflict as well as contradictory motivations that lead to you "feeling torn". When people aren't able to move forward with change despite desiring it, it means fear has overtaken desire.
There are many factors that may contribute to a negative attitude toward change, for example:
fear of loss (of something familiar/valuable)
fear of losing safety or stability
fear of losing control (and facing unpredictability)
fear of losing oneself, one's identity, or one's freedom
desiring the gains/benefits of unhealthy behavior
low self-esteem
toxic shame
fear of failure
fear of success
unrealistic expectations
low frustration tolerance (fear of pain)
lack of resources for coping with the stress of change
lack of knowledge, skill, or competency (regarding how)
If you genuinely want to resolve your ambivalence, it is important to reflect on why you fear change and get to the root of it. Acknowledge and accept the part of you that fears change, empathize with it, and understand why it exists and what threat it's trying to protect you from. Then, as though having a supportive conversation with yourself, learn to soothe the fear and put it to bed as necessary to get on with your personal growth. If you aren't able to get to the bottom of it yourself, it is advisable to work with a therapist.
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lucifinaspissed · 2 years
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shotbyshe · 7 months
Words of the Day
Giving assistance or support; helping.
Acting as a subsidiary; supplementary.
Held in or used as a reserve.
Inspecting within; seeing inwardly; capable of, or exercising, inspection; self-conscious.
Involving the act or results of conscious knowledge of physical phenomena; -- contrasted with associational.
Examining one's own perceptions and sensory experiences; contemplative or thoughtful about oneself.
I've done so many of these now, I can't remember if I've already had these words in the series.
Anyway, I'm extremely introspective. So much so that I don't even have time to learn about anyone else until I've learned completely about myself...or at least as much as I can. I tend to use others just to see how I am with them: how I respond to them, how I think and feel about them. Otherwise, I avoid folks. They always end up being overwhelmingly disappointing so learning them often seems pointless. But using them to learn me? Always helpful.
I heard the word in And Just LIke That. I started it maybe early last month, then veered off because of work...or life, but moreso because this season seemed whack in the beginning. But I was watching it last night and I had a nice evening with the ladies.
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trevlad-sounds · 7 months
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Wednesday 27 September Mixtape 377 “Venusian Ground” Retro Space Electronic Idm Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip so future shows can bloom.
The Metamorph-The Venusians 00:31
Tangerine Dream-Love on a Real Train - Live 03:18
Sam Gendel-They B All Like 06:10
Edgar Froese-Tropic Of Capricorn 09:42
Jean-Michel Jarre-Descente au village 14:01
D. Lachlan-Terylene 14:23
Comit (ASC)-Under Your Spell 17:17
Binaural Space-Searching Algo 21:19
Araceae-Strange Nostalgia 22:11
Sound Effects Of Death & Horror-Selling Our Destiny 27:56
Warrington Runcorn New Town Development Plan-The View From Halton Castle 30:40
Prairiewolf-Sage Thrasher 33:58
Wave Temples-Glazed Gnostic (End Credits) 36:10
Anchorsong-Common Ground - Azido 88 Remix 36:53
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illustratus · 2 years
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Roman Auxiliary Cavalry in Northern Europe
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dragonofthedepths · 1 year
Still working on the diegetic fairytale rules AU:
Eggman - Villain
Sonic - Hero
Knuckles - (Dragon)
Tails - Sidekick
Key - unnamed (staying that way)
Temple - unnamed (too reasonable)
Longclaw - Mentor (ex-Guardian)
Rouge - Spy
Shadow - Named (no idea what yet)
Chaotix - unnamed (could change)
Hero, Sidekick, Guardian, Mentor,
Villain, Dragon,
Day (599/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 20th of Jan
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ukdamo · 2 years
Mark this Wall
Michael Magee 
(An unsent letter form a Roman soldier posted along Hadrian's Wall)
I'm lonely here the places I didn't go to defend this place have given me a headache for twenty years or so.
The underpinnings in gorse tiny flowers of thyme grow through it, these stones have bled more blood than men and yet I'm full of hope.
Its willow weaving time, at Christmas we will decorate: celebrate Saturnalia, drink toasts to spill into the new year hope for a changing of the guard.
The men it posted here from Syria to Africa who stood as sentry through winter's outnumbered days wish you were here, and here, and here.
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Let us heed the wisdom of auxiliary, for violence is but folly, a tarnished emblem of corruption's grip. In its wake, it leaves naught but scars upon the soul, a testament to the darkness that consumes those who forsake reason. Let us embrace harmony, for in unity lies the path to true enlightenment, casting aside the shadows that obscure our shared humanity.
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churchofnix · 1 month
In the quest for knowledge, embrace auxiliary disciplines, for they illuminate unseen facets, guiding the seeker's path through the labyrinth of the scientific method.
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musicollage · 2 years
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ASC – Zenith & Nadir. 2020 :  Auxiliary.
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mbti-notes · 2 years
Hello there, I'm a 22 year old enfp, I have been developing my Fi lately which has been underdeveloped for too long and I'm thankfully making leaps and bounds although it has been a small amount of time, I feel everything is falling into place, I'm forever grateful to you for this blog, you're a great person, but I have a question, can I develop Te simultaneously with FI ? or would that backfire badly ? Sorry if the question is a repeated one
1) Fi and Te are oppositional functions. Therefore, explain how you plan to develop both at the same time when using one will often prevent you from using the other. What aspects of development are you referring to exactly?
In reality, trying to do both at the same time tends to backfire because, when you don't even have enough self-awareness to use your auxiliary function properly, you certainly won't have enough for the tertiary (which is buried deeper in the mind).
Explain to me, in step-by-step detail, what you believe "developing Te" entails and how you plan to do it. If I can't be sure that you really understand what Te is and how to use it, I won't be able to verify whether you're doing it the right way.
2) If, as you've said, Fi has gone undeveloped for too long, it is quite likely that you also suffer from Te loop issues. It is called tertiary temptation for a reason. People often don't realize they are misusing the tertiary function, because it feels good, and they lack the self-awareness to realize the negative aspects of doing so.
IMO, while you're trying to develop the auxiliary function, tertiary "development", at most, should be about growing your awareness of unhealthy tertiary loop patterns and making the conscious choice to break them, in order to make way for healthy auxiliary growth.
3) Do you understand that one major ENFP development pitfall is the ability to convince yourself that the rules don't/shouldn't apply to you? When it comes to personal growth, wanting to rush and use cheats/shortcuts is a very common way ENFPs sabotage themselves. I can't say whether this is true for you, but for your own good, perhaps you need to reflect on whether your question is a manifestation of this bad habit.
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