#aw damn this was supposed to go on a different blog
leona-florianova · 4 months
Judge Dredd 1995 is not a good movie, but at least it gave us that behind the scenes moment where Rob Schneider falls down the stairs, right on his dumb face, and it makes a sound like if you dropped a big slice of ham on the ground...Like.. I usually dont laugh at people falling.. but this...this i can play on repeat.
I also like that nobody seems really concerned that this happened.. Rob Schneider fell on his face? ugh we gotta cut.
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kachowden · 1 year
Hello! Just found your blog recently but i really like it here :3
Could we learn more about Apis the bull demon, specifically i would like to know about these special "needs" u mentioned
Of course! And thank you so much that means a lot anon <3 (^∇^)
TW: nsfw themes, degradation, Excessive cum, size difference, “milking”, overstimulation, slight masochism
The hallow, thundering sound of your bedpost smashing against the wall filled your once neat and tidy bedroom.
“For fucks sake Apis not again!”
The beast mewled in embarrassment
It was a filthy sight really.
The bed was misshapen, sheets falling off, pillows thrown across the room. The only exception being the two head pillows, that cushioned the bull demons heavy cock. Just barely.
It twitched and pulsed to life under your stare, thick globs of pretty cum dripping from the flaming head, soaking your pillows more than they had already been.
You’ll have to get those thrown out.
This wasn’t the first time this had happened. No, the first time it happened you damn near passed out in shock. Actually no, you did pass out. You woke up the sight of large pecs squished into your face, and a hefty weight strewn across your lap. You passed twice that day actually.
To be perfectly honest you weren’t very well versed in the needs or biology of demons, nor more specifically bull demons. So how could you have know these guys needed a regular “milking”?
You pitied the poor fella who first discovered that.
Speaking of.
Apis whined needily at your wandering thoughts, forcing a multitude of disgusting, filthy lewd visuals to flood in, and encouraging you to take a deep breath and squeeze your thighs together tightly.
He practically purred at the sight, hips stuttering forward slightly and smearing cum against your sheets.
“Apis didn’t we take care of this last week? Isn’t it supposed to be monthly?”
Emphasis on supposed to be. Apis was a special case though.
You’d taken him to a “demon expert” once, to find out why he was so consistently hot and bothered.
Apparently since he was “infatuated” with you, and you two had yet to mate, the “milking” period was had become much more frequent in an attempt to coerce you into having sex with him. You know like how some demons have pheromone’s and heats and all that?
Except you don’t know because you literally knew nothing about demons before meeting Apis.
Just your luck right?
It was annoying to put simply. Granted, bull demon seed sold for quite a lot to most “farms” and “grocers”. So in terms of some extra cash it really wasn’t all that bad. It was just a massive blow to your pride and mental stability.
Not to mention it made your back hurt something awful.
The poor guy was a fucking mess during milking time. It was hard to keep him to sit still half the time, especially with his whip like tail occasionally smacking you in the face, and him trying to grab you or grind into your side.
Typically he was pretty well behaved, just not on days like this which has become more and more frequent.
You guessed this “milking” period was pretty effective.
Your hand wasn’t nearly big enough to wrap around the full girth of his cock, so more often than not you’d have to use both to successfully lift the thing up. It was heavy too, which often meant you had to take breaks. But you’d gotten better!
You supposed that wasn’t really something to be proud of.
Luckily it wasn’t that difficult to get him going after that. You were pretty sure you could breathe on it and he’d ejaculate at least a pound or two worth. But that never solved the problem. He needed direct stimulation, from you, before his dick would go back down and he’d be good for a few more weeks.
So typically you had to be extra hands on. Which is what you were doing now.
The bull demon rested dutifully against the sofa, length stood proud and pulsing above the metal bucket on the floor, meant to catch whatever came out.
You’d done this enough times to have finally bought a big enough bucket. You could probably take a bath in the thing if you really wanted to even, though that wasn’t really important to mention right now.
Apis let out a half growl half whimper, as his hips bucked upwards, cock head rubbing against your cheek disgustingly.
Motherfucker had the audacity to moan at the sight.
“Watch it!” You pushed the appendage away, unfortunately causing Apis to release another deliciously filthy moan at the split second contact, as more pre cum rushed from the sweet Cherry red tip of his cock.
He was such a pathetic mess.
why was he such a pathetic hot mess?!
His teary eye urged you to continue, your mind being overwhelmed with the desperate and erotic imagery he sent to you.
You were 90% sure you couldn’t bend that way.
You supposed you had to finish this quickly now, less this bull decided to finally take matters into his own hands.
Your hands gripped at the base of his cock, encouraging even more pre cum to dribble out, before you finally began pumping.
It was an arm work out for sure, but you couldn’t help and admire the visuals at this point.
His head was thrown back, and his pretty pattered fur fluffed up with pleasure. Delicious, sultry moans poured from his jagged teeth, and his shoulders shook with the force which he gripped the couch head. You could hear it cracking under the pressure of his fingers. The implications of those hands holding you down made you shiver, and pump your hands a little faster.
At some point however, the pathetic mewls and moans began to fade into white noise, as your previous trance quickly turned into irritation.
Especially at the sight of your ruined furniture.
Whyd this happen to you exactly anyway? All you did was find the guy when he was wandering in your back yard at night. You thought he was trying to rob you or something! But he looked so sad that you stupidly took pity on him.
You didn’t have to offer him to stay though! Maybe he hypnotized you or something. Maybe he hypnotized you into naming him too! Maybe he’s the reason your stuck here, say and night, helping an overgrown cow jerk off in your living room, in your house, when you could be doing literally anything else after a long, exhausting, annoying day! Maybe he-!
A loud blaring, thundering wave hit your thoughts like a truck, forcing you away from your angry inner tantrum.
Apis had never done that before.
The bull demons eye was screwed shut, tears pouring out from behind his eye lids, his whole body riddled with tremors as orgasm after orgasm was ripped from his poor abused cock. He whined deeply and pathetic, choking out moans with strangled pants and furious blush that swelled over his cheeks and shoulders.
He slumped back tiredly, as fat bursts of seed shot from his cock all over the floor and couch. The bucket overflowing with cum that you hadn’t even noticed till now.
Holy shit
This was probably the most disgustingly sexy thing you’d ever seen. He looked utterly ruined
You would have felt bad for the poor bastard too, had it not been for the stupid wobbly grin and your name being sang like a prayer from the bulls thoughts.
What a pain in the ass.
“Not an invitation.”
A/n: hope you enjoyed <3
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crooked-wasteland · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Live Blog: Masquerade
So, been a few and we pre-gamed for this one extra special. I will be transparent in that I have a personal history with SA and quid pro quo sexual abuse as well as physical and domestic abuse. My partner has warned me prior on the larger portions of the shock value Medrano uses, but we both are not really sure how I will react to this.
Amazon has added an explicit warning for sexual assault to the episode that was not previously there. So good on them for that.
The audio between Keith David and Blake Roman feels like they were done in different parts of the world.
Tell not show. Husk just says all the things.
Angel Dust is shrill. I’ve never described a human being as shrill, but this vocal performance is shrill and I wish he never spoke again.
WTF was that animation as Charlie kicks her legs.
Valentino could be such an interesting character, but he lacks any depth.
So Charlie is just an idiot.
Blake completely loses the Angel Dust voice. He’s not even in character and the only thing he has to act with is his voice. You have to stay in character to be a voice actor.
The whole scene in the dressing room lacks any weight. Everything is so sudden and contrived. Charlie fucks up the shoot so Valentino has an excuse to abuse Angel Dust and it’s so obvious where the direction of events are going that it isn’t even emotionally investing. And it’s a testament to the fact that I was a pilot fan and invested in where Medrano would take the show to now saying I just don’t care.
“Just don’t hurt her” Where was the inclination that would happened. Angel Dust going off on Charlie was actually well written, but the fact that it is supposed to be seen as insincere ruins it.
The song has the most graphic depiction of sexual abuse and yet the whole message is confused.
Angel Dust is sexually abused and proceeds to Sexually harass Husk.
So Charlie ruined his day, but let’s blame Husk.
Why are we supposed to believe Husk is judging Angel Dust? He’s an alcoholic.
Angel Dust is living in self harm with his promiscuity and drug abuse, and that isn’t supposed to be who he actually is, it’s supposed to be his persona` to get by, but that feels like we are getting a whole new character introduced 4 episodes in.
Loser Baby is the worst thing I have ever heard musically and lyrically.
I stand by what I said about Loser Baby. It completely lacks any depth or emotional processing. It’s just two people who are making excuses for themselves and saying “well, I’m not the only one.”
So this is the shortest list I have because so much of it cannot be bullet points. Animation wise it lacks weight. The characters being hurt doesn’t feel real it lacks the sense of gravity needed for the violence to feel mature. This is less intense than Tom and Jerry. On the other hand, Blake Roman’s vocal performance is awful. He can’t keep his voice in character when he tries to have any amount of emotion, but the vocal deliveries that at least are in his character range are on par with Whitey from 8 Crazy Nights. It is ear splitting. Aside from that, the transparency of how Medrano is obviously ticking boxes to get to the emotional beats she planned, actual nuance and depth be damned. I just don’t care about what is happening, which actually is the only reason this isn’t so triggering. This episode revels in sexual abuse fetishism and it is equally as defensive about it. The signs pointing at Angel Dust are repulsive and to then have it set against the backdrop of “You aren’t alone so why bother changing” is appalling. I stand by the statement that this is group therapy without the therapy. The whole idea behind the group therapy setting is that you can learn from others on how better to help yourself, but this online generation has seemed to think that the group part was what made the therapy effective. In reality it is very easy for a group setting to become a cesspool of covert narcissism.
On the other hand, I don’t get how anyone could have thought this was about abuse of any kind. Because the whole episode treats sexual abuse as a joke from the beginning to the end. The only time it is taken seriously, it is whiplash. Angel Dust telling Husk how he wishes to become so ruined and broken that his abuser wouldn’t want him anymore is so heavy and abruptly serious when every other moment of abuse is either so cartoonishly done like the dressing room, or is played as sexy or a joke. It is a joke in the script from how poorly written the pornos are (which its shown Angel doesn’t want to participate in, but it’s made to be comedic so that aspect fades real fast) to how unimportant it is that Angel is literally attempted to be drugged.
And Charlie has officially become the worst character. I didn’t even see Charlie as a character, it’s very obvious where Medrano sources her inspiration. Just like how Lute is Peridot, Charlie is just Harley Quinn, except she has none of the charm and all of the annoyance. Which goes back to what I said before.
I think the worst part is that I don’t care. I really just don’t care because the characters just don’t care, and even when they do, I don’t know them enough to invest in them emotionally. This is not at all on the series being 8 episodes, this is exactly how I feel watching Helluva Boss, whom Vivienne is making a season 3 for as we speak. So the limitations are not why this series is so painfully shallow, it’s a reflection of a creator who lacks depth as a human being. Who has no life experience to draw from to really empathize with the characters and craft around it an emotionally visceral narrative. This is someone who lives their life as a simulation, pressing the right buttons, making the right choices to get the predictable outcome. If you told me Vivienne Medrano was actually a prototype android AI, I would believe you. This is how a computer thinks humans feel, even the abrupt changes in emotion is simulation of an AI program. Things move unnaturally fast in a computer, hours are like years in terms of social media. So I don’t think anyone is surprised that this feels like a script written and directed by ChatGPT.
This episode I didn’t find triggering. The episode itself does not affect me. What does trigger me is knowing the kind of person needed to make an episode like this in the first place. I don’t think anyone should necessarily be banned from telling any sort of story, but the byproduct of a machine and internet algorithms should never be allowed to tell human stories.
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qcomicsy · 18 days
I have loved reading your comic live blogs and your opinions on characters. Do you have any comic runs that you would recommend for DC or Marvel?
Aw that's so sweet thank you! ♡
And yes I do have! Let's Dive.
Disclaimer: This list doesn't have a particular timeline nor is character driven. It's general runs I had a good time reading it or I find it particularly interesting.
Batman and Associates
Serious Runs.
An old run I cannot recommend enough.
Prodigal is one of the runs entangled with Knightfall¹. It follows Bruce, after being seriously hurt by Bane, Dick and Tim trying to adapt to a new dynamic where Dick fills in as Batman for the first time and Tim works with him as his Robin.
It is interesting because it flips their dynamics for the first time in a long while and has a realistic take on how this affects their psychs but without getting much edgy or losing more light aspects comics used to have. Like the villain of the week and the back and forth where Batman characters thrive when written well.
It's good read if you:
Want to understand Dick Grayson's as character better.
Want to understand Dick's relationship with Bruce/Batman and Tim better.
Want to dive in on the relationship Dick has with the Batman mantle and how evolved over the years.
Like the more easy going aspects of the batfamily with getting too fannon.
Another old comic. I don't think you have to read Knightfell to understand prodigal. But I think it helps.
Knightfell is more an event than a comic run, but damn right is worth it.
All you need to know is that Bane hurts Bruce in a way he has to step back from being Batman for a long while, to a point that Bruce considers seriously stepping away from being the Batman all together, and passing the mantle down for other people. It explores how this affects Gotham City, Bruce's personal life and mental health, his loved one's lives and mental health and it has long term consequences in his comic book history.
It's a comic run that can be very overwhelming to read. There's a lot of comics related to it in different places so I'd recommend using a guide.
You don't have to read all of these comics to have the general idea of it. I didn't. Take your time.
It's a good read because:
In my personal opinion shows the exact moment where Bruce actually starts to break down to the character we have today. And this time without going back.
Shows how heroes work can take a tool not only on an emotional and mental aspect but also psychical.
Has a good balance between tragedy and hope that really ties in together. A rare thing in comics these days, respect the characters in their core. Even the ones you aren't supposed to like. Very. Very well written.
Jason's Robin Run.
A controversial comic run and comic era.
Jason's Robin Run is an interesting run, either loved or hated by people since 1983. And if you're a Jason fan I cannot recommend you enough.
The interesting aspect of Jason's Robin run is that the writing of it transcends time and even writers'intent. Where some of them didn't even like the idea of Robin. And yet wrote one of the best poetic ironies that DC Batman's could ever have.
At its worst the writing is classicists and pessimistic. And at it's best turning of your critical thinking is cozy and heart wrecking. It follows Jason's early days from the roots of his character until his downfall.
And I have an unpopular opinion of it.
Personally I think it's a good case study of how DC treats characters who come from lower class and abusive families. It also opens a discussion about how characters that aren't the perfect victim archetype are treated and written, Bruce's different attempts at raising his children and the influence of Mafia Movies from the 80's in western comics. I argue it's absolutely required reading to understand Jason Todd's character and how he works as a person even before the major trauma that changed his life forever.
It's good read if you:
Want to understand Jason's Robin better.
Want to understand Jason's character better.
Want to write Jason Todd, especially as a Robin.
Like Mafia centered stories and not much of large big bad villains.
Likes Bruce as a Good Dad. Or generally Likeable.
Robin War.
Good political commentary. Great Characters. Duke's introduction. Batfamily Shenanigans.
I will always recommend Robin War. It was recommended to me waaay back when I was starting to write the Batkids Podcast (bless you Gotham War anon!). And it's been an all time favorite to me since then.
Robin war is one of the few comics that approaches how Heroes could work as an icon that inspires change not only to individuals but also to social movements and how the youth tend to be on the front lines of change.
It's Duke's major introduction to Batman comics and the kid absolutely nails it. His relationship with Damian is adorable and interesting, so much they deserve more comics together. There are also good moments between the batfamily (Tim, Duke, Damian and Jason) and it tips their toes on how the Government tends to react to political movements from the people in an insightful way I was missing in the comics for a while.
It's a good read if you:
Like political commentary.
Want to understand Duke's character better.
Likes the Batfamily being silly and insufferable.
Want to Write Duke and Damian better.
Red Robin
So good everyone still misses more than ten years from now.
To be honest I don't recommend Red Robin if you're starting to read Tim character. I feel like a lot of people start with Red Robin gets frustrated with his character believe this is how Tim behaves in all times.
And this happens because... Tim is not like that. At least not normally. Red Robin exists after a major trauma that surrounds all the members of the batfamily and even more traumas that surround Tim's life. He had broken up with Steph, His best friend was Dead, Everyone thought Bruce was dead too.
Almost every role of the Batfamily changed at the time, Dick was Batman (not from his volution this time), Damian was Robin, Bruce wasn't there. So it's good to be aware that every character action in this comic will happen in reaction to that.
If you want to understand Tim or learn more about him as a character I recommend you Young Justice early runs or Robin (1993) mind you I am not well read on Tim's cannon.
Disclaimer off? Good because Red Robin is one of the funniest tragedies I ever read. And it's fucking amazing. It has everything. Action, Romantic Drama with Steph (a bit of bitter exes-kind-of-back-and-off-again-thing, Tim being a little shit that bullshits his way out of the most crazy situations he was putting in my himself or other enviroments, Drama, Angst. It's just... genuinely so good. Well written. Oh how we miss well written comics.
Also Tim's narration is so unabashedly funny I kind of wished he had an animated series of this comic except almost like fleabag style.
Fun and Easy reads.
📕 Harley Quinn 52. - One of the few good things to get off from 52. Also one of the first comics that explores Harley as a full fledged character with wants and dreams and aspirations. And the first comics to explore her bisexuality and friendship with Harley into the way we have today. Not all jokes land and honestly most of them aged pretty poorly so I'd read with a grain of salt.
📕 RHATO Rebirth¹. - It's an okay comic, good for a good time, but very hard if you like Bruce or rather him being a better father for Jason. It's a bit ooc, also Jason works too much with luck and plot armor. If you just want to read things without strings and like a more gentle Jason it might be the read for you.
¹I don't recommend Red Hood and The Outlaws if you like Roy. Don't recommend if you want to understand Roy. Hell, Don't recommend it if you want to understand Jason.
If you want to understand Jason, write Jason and start to read (In a more serious way) his comics I recommend: Under the Red Hood + Red Hood: The Lost days.
📕 Harley Quinn Road Trip Special - Good if you like the Gotham sirens. Very easy read, unfortunately it's also written by a guy who has no idea how gal pal trips works but really really wants to and his reference was the kind of fantasy you find on AO3 at 3 am. Not much explicit though and I am pretty sure it doesn't pass the Bechdel test. But if you ignore the lack of understanding on how women and women friendships work you can have a good time.
I love Superman he and I go way back, though I take easy reading his comics, my love for him comes from many places, and a couple of comics are there too.
Superman All Stars.
Beautiful. Beautiful comic. Changed the way I looked to life. Changed the way I used to see him. Changed the way I saw myself too.
I believe this is the kind of comic the less you know about it the more impact you. So it has no explanation here. Nothing other than it's like falling in love with him and meeting an old friend. Like late conversations on a sleep over. Like looking at Clark and Superman as a character with much deeper sight than people believe. Like seeing a side of him that you only get it if you're open to it.
"Like everything he ever represented and resonate with people. Like getting why he's so beloved. Like never coming back."
I'm going to talk about my wife.
This one is going to be divided by The Good (Comic Runs where I believe understand his character the most and have the best story arcs as well as interpretations and background cast) The nasty (Chaotic, so Chaotic) The dirty (No idea what the hell is happening, will make you laugh tough).
The Good
Comics that took his characterization more seriously and have a slightly more linear written stories.
Deadpool (1997)
Deadpool (2008)
Cable & Deadpool (A favorite by far by far) (2004).
Unfortunately recommended reading with a grain of salt it really really is a product of its time.
Deadpool vs Old Man Logan
This Wade tends to be more heartfelt and compelling, he's also ruthless. And way less likeable. The gags and jokes are more plot devices and aspects of his personality rather than his whole stick.
It also explores more heavy topics and if you're not in a good mental state I don't recommend Deadpool (2008). And works with his character from neutral point of view with a look into his morals and actions with way more depth and thought how that impacts himself and others.
The Nasty.
Comics generally after the movie where the joke matters more than the character, it's written by people who want to make him more likeable because his game flopped or had Ryan Reynolds voice in their head while writing it.
Deadpool vs. Hawkeye
Deadpool / Spider-Man.
The rise of living Deadpool.
He's kind of cute in some of this. It's nice for a good laugh. But background characters, characterization? All over the place. Sometimes I can't even look at it.
The Dirty.
Have no fucking idea why the hell would someone write this. This is not my blorbo much less my baby. I still care about him though. Flandarization from Flandarization. Will make you laugh though. Or at least, it's compelling.
Deadpool vs Carnage.
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genderfluiddoppio · 4 months
Hiiii you should talk about why you love pakunoda a lot, I absolutely did not glom onto her when I was watching through hxh 2011, but I am so excited to be sold on her. Sorry if this is the wrong blog to ask on!
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I'm so glad you asked :) I also didn't really click with Pakunoda after watching the 2011 anime. I thought she was neat but that was it. But the 1999 anime (and ova) gave her a bit more time in the spotlight and developed her character A LOT more and once I watched that I was obsessed.
(Honestly I think the 1999 anime is better than the 2011 anime in general but that's a topic for another time)
Any time I go into the Pakunoda tag I get so mad because a lot of people tend to make her one personality trait Being A Woman. And I suppose it's my own damn fault for becoming obsessed w a female character in a shonen anime, especially one that only shows up for one arc (and a flashback in the manga).
Okay I'm gonna start with actual canon evidence (meaning like. literally any scene that has her in the 1999 and 2011 animes and the manga) of her personality/character before I delve into my insane theories/headcanons. Also spoilers for the manga obviously I'll try to keep the most spoilery bits to their own section
So Pakunoda doesn't get a lot of screen time and before the hostage exchange situation, she's pretty passive. She doesn't speak much and in the beginning of the York new arc, she's chilling with chrollo at the hideout. She doesn't get an active part in the story until the blackout happens and she decides to ignore chrollos orders to save him. Before this, the phantom troupe were like. Not generic villains, but they haven't had a chance to truly show their motivations. As far as the audience could tell, they were villains through and through and didn't have any sympathetic qualities. During the hostage exchange plot, we see a sympathetic side to Pakunoda and the rest of the phantom troupe and the troupe becomes more nuanced as characters. Not only do we see the spiders loyalty to chrollo, we see it's not as simple as "aw the villains wanna save their friends too just like the heroes" though that is part of it. It's made clear that some of the troupe considers following chrollos orders true loyalty, while Paku, shizuku, machi, nobunaga, and kortopi think saving chrollo is more important. Pakunoda even admits this would be seen as a "betrayal" because she's ignoring chrollos orders and compromising the safety/integrity of the troupe by valuing his life above all else. She says "consider me betraying the spider for your sake" when she decides to follow Kurapika's demands and go through with the hostage exchange. her loyalty differs from most of the other spiders because she's loyal to chrollo ABOVE her loyalty to the spiders. While I'm sure most of not all the spiders consider him a friend, they value his leadership and his orders above that. 
Also everyone talks about how chrollo and kurapika are parallels and like they're not wrong but kurapika and Pakunoda are just as similar if not more so and melody even points it out (internally) during the negotiation!
Melody says "[Pakunoda] who you despise with everything you have is driven by the same motive as you. She wishes to save her friend, her boss." 
Kurapika doesn't realize this because he's still clinging to the mindset that the troupe is a group of bloodthirsty heartless monsters, when in reality they are complex people with the same motivation as him, especially Pakunoda. The only reason kurapika is able to get Gon and killua back safely is because Pakunoda is just as desperate to get chrollo back safely. 
(Manga spoilers here kinda)
In the phantom troupe backstory, we see that Pakunoda was closer to chrollo than any other member of the phantom troupe. she refers to him as her "little squire/little brother" (depending on which translation you read) and says she likes how kind he is
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gonna throw one of my headcanon/theories in here but like. i feel like pakunoda still thinks of chrollo as that sweet kid who everyone had to look out for. i think part of her yearns to just be happy and carefree with her friends again. I didnt mention the ova's extended scene with the cat before now because i feel like thats the scene everyone points to when they say they like pakunoda. but i think it's even deeper than "pakunoda is nice to cats" because in the ova, the cat represents her and the troupe. while she takes the cat back to its colony, she flashes back to her time in meteor city when the troupe was first formed. not only that, but the cat has purple eyes like paku does (in the 1999 anime) and the black cat is positioned on top of the slide like how chrollo is positioned on top of the junk pile. i think thats when pakunoda made her decision to go back to the troupe and share what happened during the exchange, though she knew it would cost her her life.
Tldr; Pakunoda is (almost) singlehandedly carrying the phantom troupe's reputation as well written and nuanced characters and people tend to forget that
ALSO. Very important information.
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she has dimples
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
your takes on CE characters are refreshing haha.
Though for me personally Steve is my baby and I will baby him until the end of time. He is my all time favorite character and is the farthest thing from a deviant or dom. I respect the people who imagine him as such but I cannot see it. I felt in the first avenger the entire movie they were disrespecting him and man was I sad for him. He was so damn earnest and positive throughout it and that’s what me cherish him. The soldiers booing him and throwing tomatoes at him. Him feeling like a dancing monkey but still found it in him to go rescue the 106th. what I loved so much about how they did the character in the first film was that even after he got the serum - he wasn’t immediately cool or accepted or even respected. He had to really earn it and I really enjoyed that gradual transition into him becoming the captain while Steve inside. But I digress. Everyone has different takes on how they feel marvel did his character and I really rather not ruin it with discourse.
But ransom - I am very intrigued by your take on ransom because most ppl tend to assume he’s evil to the core. I think he got written that way by rian johnson but Chris played him in a way that gave him a bit of a “possible redeemable” side but idk if he even meant to do that. Maybe it’s his own personality coming through - he honestly seems like even if he was trying to be this awful human being he can still be lovable. It’s like you can’t really hate him even if you’re supposed to. Idk how he does it.
It’s funny, when defending Jacob came out there was a split on twitter between ppl who were team Andy and those who were team Laurie. Some People thought Andy gaslit Laurie and also did some really dumb shit (hiding a murder weapon as a DA?). Andy wasn’t what I would call a super great lawyer. But I did think it was sad he seemed to have no friends and his whole life was Laurie and Jacob. I could understand why he was so ride or die for his family and I also thought it was super sad at the end when he told Laurie he loved her even if it didn’t mean much to her and she just walked away from him. (Don’t make your spouse your whole entire life, ppl. If it falls apart you’ll have nothing.) I do think his character had a lot of flaws and personally felt he did a lot of self sabotaging but I could also understand why he did it. One thing that did make me really really sad for him was that each time he would get angry or upset with either Jacob or Laurie he would still always want to make up or apologize. I think he just lived/loved for them both so much that he couldn’t bear the idea of losing them or having them be angry or walk away from him. In some ways, he’s kinda similar to Pete Brenner (sad upbringing, basically alone in life no family). For Andy, his self made family is all his has, then his work, and Pete, his work is all he has, then his family.
I haven’t seen all of his characters/films but one recent standout is Pete from pain hustlers. I extremely disagree with critics who claimed his character wasn’t enough or that he was lackluster. WRONG! Pete was FIRE to me and man do I want more of him. I’m still reveling from his performance because for a role that got so downplayed by critics, I was expecting basically nada but got so much more than I bargained for. The little bit about Pete’s background in foster care was very eye opening and the scene where he gives Liza that rookie of the year bracelet??? He got so timid and was like “just wait a bit before you pawn it” and I got so 🥺. He really liked Liza and I think that betrayal he felt from her really cut deep. So sad.
Anyways I digress. I just love your takes and the discourse on your blog!
You’re one of the few blogs I’ve seen where even if your personal views or preferences aren’t always the same as the anons who post to you, you are always respectful and give an open chance for discussion. I really dig that!
I love hearing takes on characters!! This is why I love Chris’ work. He plays his characters so nuanced and layered, so naturally people are going to pick up on different cues.
Now, what you said about Steve, I believe that for CATFA. But I think being out of time hardens him, and that’s why I have that take on Steve. Plus, I’ll be honest I can’t forgive him for leaving Bucky and Sam when they needed him. And he went back to Peggy after she said she lived her life. He showed how selfish he can be.
I think Chris is the reason Ransom was layered. You can tell that Rian wanted him to be very one note. But then Chris had those little pouts, and breath intakes. Ransom was a spoiled child that didn’t get love and attention that he wanted and deserved. There’s a reason that he’s Harlan’s favorite. He’s smart. He can be conniving but imagine that intelligence is for good? He would be so loyal if he found the person worth being loyal to.
I hear everything you’re saying about Andy and I agree. That’s why I get the vibes him and Laurie just weren’t good for each other. They barely knew each other when she got pregnant. So they grew apart instead of together.
Yes about Pete!! I’m so glad you picked up on all that! I found myself wanting and yearning to know more about Pete and his life. How did he end up in that situation? Because I think, like Ransom, Pete wanted love. He respected Liza so much. And the hurt 😭 Chris did so good!! I hate that most of the negative reviews focused on him. Because I think he was the saving grace.
If we can have good conversations about Chris and his career/characters I’m here for it. That’s who I’m a fan of.
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wonder2realities · 2 months
You never mentioned you were disabled in your original reply to that ask. It’s also not on your pinned post. How in the world were they supposed to know that the response came from a disabled person? And before you say you’ve mentioned it on your blog before (which I have no idea if you have or not) how do you know they would have seen it? They most likely found your response through the notes on the ask post. And just FYI, you can educate someone without calling them “icky” or degrading them in any manner. They asked if the way they thought was bad, you could have said yes and explained why instead of calling them icky and assuming they would know your disabled. At the end of the day it’s just a damn opinion on the matter. Opinion is not fact just because it came from someone in the group in question.
so much to unpack this is insane im losing my mind this is gonna be a long ass response
op was geniune, i gave my opinion saying its a bit icky - thats not degrading??? i never called them an ableist, never said they were an awful person, i said in my opinion i think its icky - i didnt even direct it towards the person. i never said "youre an awful person for doing that." - i literally said "its moreso the fact that scripting out disabilities is icky"...
please point to the degrading. point to the meanness and evilness, the harshness...point to it. unless the person who originally made the ask to that confessions acc wants to come into my dms or my inbox and say they were personally offended, i really dont see how it could be degrading. maybe its the alexithymia but i dont see it, i dont get it.
ive talked abt being disabled on this blog frequently, literally i make a blog at least once a week talking abt being autistic : even if they were unable to find that out and assumed i was not disabled then they can simply take my opinion as something else i wouldnt care as much about that however i literally MENTIONED THAT YOU CAN SEARCH UP AND ASK DISABLED PEOPLE AND LOOK INTO SIMILAR DISCOURSE because then youd be able to see it from different perspectives as the term disabled is a large umbrella term. so i not only said my opinion as a disabled person who has frequently talked abt being autistic and has literally made blogs talking abt keeping my disabilities in my drs but i also gave advice on where to find other perspectives that will go more into detail of why disabled people dont feel comfortable with the whole "heal everyone!! we're gonna heal all disabilities to save them!!" mindset.
you have no right to say whether an opinion is a "fact" or not when your opinion on the topic is automatically invalid because you arent disabled - dont try to pull that shit on me when you know for a fact that being disabled means that id have more of an understanding on the social aspect of what its like to be disabled...because i experience it and i wont let any ablebodied person or any neurotypical person try to speak over me on that. also, ive mentioned im autistic AND have physical disabilities multiple times on here - even if its not mentioned in my original post i quite literally said if youre confused you can look into discourse regarding the whole "disabled people cant be in fantasy because fantasy = utopia which = everyone being healthy" thing because there are disabled people who have talked abt this multiple times and in my eyes there are similarities to that and the idea of scripting out disabled people because they have similar reasons.
also if youre who i think you are aka the person who deactivated the second i responded : if youre able to go that far into my blog to find a post where i said i was gonna go on a social media detox - you wouldve been able to find a post on me talking abt being autistic because i literally made a post a FEW DAYS AGO talking abt being a blk autistic.
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^ incase u dont believe me for whatever reason, this was literally 2 days ago.
also im not an educator never claimed to eductae the person i gave an opinion - it is not my job to educate people. you are twisting a small paragraph of me saying "scripting out disabilities is a bit icky" into me being this harsh and awful person because i...didnt write an essay educating the person when i never claimed to educate them in the first place????
and again, i never attacked op the only person i attacked (which could be u if ure that account but im too lazy to do the whole "finding out whos behind the anon ask" thing) was the person who randomly responded to me, went through my entire blog to find a post of me saying i deleted twt for a social media detox and painted it as if im this limited person who "doesnt believe shifting is limitless and has a bad mindset" (which is insane???)
so to conclude this
speaking over disabled people where someone is asking disabled people for their opinion is weird. dont come into my inbox with this weird shit, unless its an apology because this is slowly creeping into ableism territory (before u even try to argue that its not - downplaying a disabled persons opinion on a topic that revolves around being disabled and speaking over them to then try to disregard their opinion being going "just because youre apart of a group doesnt mean your opinion is a fact" is insane. that is insane. call me crazy, idc thats insane.)
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shadowthehedgehog · 4 months
what the hell is writscrib what the hell do you mean by fat fetish art drama
I wanna preface this by saying that I dont remember everything that happened exactly and that theres def some informationIm gonna get wrong and also I dont have any evidence like screenshots or anything. All of this info is stuff i vaguely remembered from 2018. so basically
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anyways. writscrib was (keyword was) a website thats very similar to pillowfort in a sense that it was supposed to be a superior alternative to tumblr. so like better user experience, better moderation and support, and it also prided itself that it was gonna be harassment free and callout posts werent allowed and at the time a lot of tumblr users bitched and moaned about cancel culture so they were frothing at the mouth about this. It had an indiegogo campaign and it ended up reaching its goal
They did open beta in 2018 and I signed up cause I thought it was gonna be the next big website (it wasnt) and I wanted to steal as many good usernames as I can. The extremely awful thing I remember about opening that damn website is that at the time everyone shared the same feed/dash no matter who you followed. So like for example, you dont follow me but my posts will still show up on your feed and it was the same for everyone.
So like Im on writscrib and im scrolling and someone posted. art they made of a fat person eating a burger and its very obviously drawn in fetishistic manner. And because all the users on that website share the same feed we were all seeing it real time so all of us were making posts like "did anyone else see that fat fetish art or was i imagining it" and the person who drew it who Ill call the Artist started getting extremely defensive about it
So I make a post that was along the lines of "i just opened this website and the first thing i see is fat fetish art lol" and the Artist SAW IT and replied like "its not nice to make fun of peoples art" which like. idk buddy ur putting fetish art that a lot of people didnt wanna see on our feeds but whatever.
I dont reply but someone else does and Ill call this person the Commenter (theyre still on tumblr but i wanna preserve their anonymity) and I guess an argument broke out between them that escalated and the Commenter was being kind of an asshole about it. So the next couple things that happened are kind of fuzzy but I guess the Artist reported him and the Commenter got their account banned. The Commenter kind of complained about it on tumblr and the Creator of writscrib saw because they were going through the writscrib tag and the Creator made it so the Commenter was perma banned for breaking TOS.
This caused more drama because the Creator responded in a really petty and passive aggressive way and a lot of people were like "hey this person got banned from writscrib for talking shit about it on a different website. Thats really fucked up and oppressive moderating" So it started this huge drama and the Creator made a non apology. I should also say that I went thru the Artists blog cause I found it and they did admit that they drew fat fetish art on purpose to start drama and troll people yet no one said anything so hmmm....
A side note but I made a mutual during that time who was a mod of the website and knew the Creator and apparently the Creator was a huge asshole to them. However I have no proof of this so like. Take it with a grain of salt.
Anyways the website ended up crashing and burning and shut down after a few months. lol. lmao even
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bylightofdawn · 7 months
WIP Sunday
Alright, zoomed through the first part of my Cahir timeloop fic. OF COURSE the title for this was stupidly easy and came to me with no problems whatsoever yet I cannot for the life of me pick a fic name of that Alpha-17 & Co fic to save my damned soul. I'm making up shit so much in this fic and going off of context clues from the show and from the wiki. So I'm prolly getting shit wrong, but ask me if i care. I'm also aware 1,200 words is a perfectly respectable length of fanfic for actual sane individuals but anyone who has been around my blog for more than five minutes knows I bloviate and expound upon things until the average chapter length is like 5k easily. I am hoping I can keep the other scenes a little shorter now that I've set the basis.
We shall see. Yadda yadda things are super rough and unedited and prone to be heavily in the final draft etc. And I guess blanket spoiler warning for Season 3 of the Witcher beyond the cut.
He’d done it.
Gods help him but he’d done it and in doing so, Cahir suspected he’d damned his soul to eternity.
The look of hurt, betrayal, and fear in Gallatin’s eyes as he’d started up at him, all accusatory and heartbroken, would haunt him for the rest of his life.
But it was his only hope for redemption, the only way he could reclaim his place at the White Flame’s side and that made it worth it.
Cahir was used to the bloody and gruesome work of killing. His hands had been stained over in blood countless times. Those of his enemies, those he might have called a friend, and even the occasional lover, but this time it was different.
He’d never betrayed a friend in such a fashion before.
The metallic-laden smell of blood clung to his hands and to the knife he’d buried in the elf’s throat as he dragged his fingers down Gallatin’s face in an attempt to close those accusatory eyes.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it had to be this way.” He mumbled apologies to the dead man as bile churned in his stomach. The wine that he’d drunk so quickly in an attempt to steel his nerves threatened to sour on him now.
Cahir hadn’t felt this nauseous after a kill since the first man he’d killed when he’d been little more than a half-grown whelp. He’d taken his revenge on the traitorous castellan who’d taken over control of his family’s homestead when his father and brothers had been imprisoned.
The man had been supposed to see to their wellbeing but instead had left his mother and sisters to starve and scrabble out an existence while the Usurper’s tyrannical reign continued on.
Killing that traitorous worm had evoked a sense of grim accomplishment in the young man but it had also left him so sick to his stomach that he’d very nearly been sick all over his boots. Only sheer will and a desperate need to not look weak in front of the White Flame and his allies had kept him from throwing up everything he’d eaten that day when the awful stench of human offal and bowels laid open reached his nose.
He’d become used to that stench and far worse things in the last decade.
But for some reason, the sight of that crimson blood on his hands was upsetting in a way he had no words to convey. When Cahir looked at the heart-stricken reflection of the man in the mirror, he could barely recognize his own face. The man in the mirror heaved and sobbed for breath and looked on the cusp of crying.
The guilt and agony twisted up his face in an unrecognizable rictus that bordered on madness and he punched that face because he could not bear to look at it any longer.
And maybe…just maybe a part of him wanted someone to punch that expression off of his face. Maybe the pain of a broken nose could distract him from the emotional flux he was going through.
Unfortunately, the only person in the room was a rapidly cooling corpse.
Gallatin would have undoubtedly done the honors if he’d been alive, but the man would never throw another punch again. Would never see another sunrise or get drunk or kiss another person again. He’d never held a loved one as they were dying or would have experienced the pain and exhilaration of battle either.
All because Cahir had taken that future away from him with his blood-soaked hands.
The realization that he needed to get out of this room occurred to him as he looked at the now shattered face in the mirror. But first…he needed to address the body in the room.
First, he washed the blood from his hands and cleaned up the blood after wrapping Gallatin’s body in one of the rough-spun blankets from the bed, which he bound up with the rope from the curtains.
Emhyr had not given him explicit instructions on what he wanted done with Gallatin’s body. Whether he wanted to use the man in some pawn or machination like perhaps as a way to sew further dissent among the elves by pinning the blame on one of their Northern enemies.
Cahir had no doubt that if Emhyr had been there, he would have a brilliant plan to use Gallatin’s death and to pin it on just the right person to make the most impact but Cahir wasn’t as clever or brilliant as the White Flame.
He was a simple soldier and one who lacked the patience or foresight to plan out such intricate machinations. And if he were being honest with himself, he didn’t want to see Gallatin’s death twisted into some kind of machination or his memory used as a pawn in some inscrutable chess game only Emhyr could see with full clarity.
Instead, he picked up Gallatin and made use of the shadows at midnight to make his way down into the dungeons where the recently deceased prisoners and other unremarkable corpses were stored to be handed over to the undertakers to be cremated or buried in a mass grave.
It was an insulting and undignified ending for a man like Gallatin, but it wasn’t as though he was in a position to give him a proper funeral. And the more quiet his death, the better, especially if he didn’t want his death to be turned into a spectacle.
After that unsavory duty was performed and Gallatin’s corpse was tossed heartlessly into the pile, Cahir turned away with eyes that were stinging with unshed tears behind the shade of the cloak he wore.
Somehow he made it back to his room though his memory of it was dim at best. He remembered stopping by the kitchens and ordering two skeins of wine in hopes of drowning his memories out under a haze of alcohol.
The scullery girl knew better than to question even a dishonored knight such as himself and handed them over without a word of protest.
He immediately poured himself a glass of wine once he made it to his room and proceeded to gulp it down without even bothering to taste it. It helped to settle his stomach somewhat and he poured himself another. The next hour was spent getting steadily drunker and drunker until he was able to close his eyes without seeing Gallatin’s hurt expression of confused betrayal playing in front of his mind’s eye.
Eventually, he fell face-first into his narrow bed and felt the world spin around him dizzyingly before he surrendered himself to the oily darkness of uneasy sleep and even more uneasy dreams.
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haejjoon · 1 year
AHHHHHHHH this is a bit late but i just have to say that i love your blog so much??? The fic? Emaculate. The fanart? Spectacular. The discussion and points brought up? Scratches that itch in my brain.
And god that new chapter was amazing like the changing clothes scene? Amazing. Its such a cool way of adding Lore tm to the outfit mechanic in game (i wish everyday that goro had a swimsuit outfit for me to equip :")) Ann casually being a firebender? Stunning. That sojiro and goro scene? Broke my fucking heart. I can't thank you enough for the brainworms you have fed me i feel like you characterised both coffee dad and pancake son so well. The whole goro lashing out and when it doesn't go the way it normally goes and he starts panicking due to someone actually fucking caring for him? Broke my heart, hit close to home. And i love how you wrote sojiro as well??? Like a sojiro who really is so kind and caring but has regrets and mistakes but still tries his damn hardest to care for people who need it the most? Idk man i love sojiro's character and his confidant story like it made him a character whom i actually would love to just have a coffee and chat with in real life anyways wonderful amazing job
(Also how is the akira confidant gonna go? Are the boys still going to get their homoerotic weirdly domestic trauma dumping bath scene 👀)
AW HELLO!! WELCOME TO BRAINWORM HELL i'm glad you like my work so much i hide my face in my hands <3
the changing clothes scene was so fun for me to write. actually--originally, it was supposed to be ann changing her metaverse outfit altogether (since she's clearly shown to be uncomfortable in her current one) and i was just going to leave it at that, but... it felt like i'd be pandering, if that makes sense? i want every lore change in ex machina to feel like it's Important, like it really matters. if i started changing things just because i wanted to willy nilly it'd quickly devolve into an entirely different story altogether. (rest assured though ann Will have an outfit change, it'll just be at the right moment + right explanation)
ann being a firebender is such a neat way to put it actually HELP the most she can do right now is summon fire to her palms--she's kind of like a human lighter, if that makes sense? she can individually set her fingers and her entire hand on fire if she concentrates, but she can't throw it around like zuko might in atla (.. not yet, anyway).
i'm glad you liked the sojiro scene. it's one i'll always keep near and dear to my heart. i'm aware that ex machina isn't... an easy read, by any means, considering how little it sugarcoats the issues brought forth in p5's plot, but i don't want it to be an easy read. i want people to consume it and take time to digest it. if they want something more lighthearted this isn't it--though i'm sure i'll end up writing something sillier in the future. (been playing around with a no powers/college university au in my head, it isn't the most inspired but shenanigans r cute...)
sojiro, at his core, is a kind man. i read it somewhere on tumblr or twitter, but it's very telling that out of all the social stats you can build when hanging out with him, it's kindness. logically, proficiency makes more sense--you're learning the tools of the trade, you're building a skillset that'll no doubt serve you well into the future--but you get kindness. because sojiro sakura is a kind, kind man. it's important, and it must be established clearly. i'm glad i executed it well enough <3
(HAH OF COURSE THEY'LL GET THEIR BATH SCENE. making it my personal mission to make every hangout even more homoerotic than canon already depicts--i don't know if you saw it underneath the absolute ocean of asks littering my page, but i drew out their rank 1 hangout + their subsequent call. it was a lot of fun. check it out if you haven't <3)
as always, thank you for such a lovely conversation. seriously, what a way to kick off my morning. i'm gna be in such a good mood for the rest of the day--i hope you have a great one, as well!
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snek-panini · 2 years
I guess this is a bookbinding blog now, because I finished a very long-term project yesterday and I desperately want to share it with someone because I'm so proud of it omg. It's another Good Omens fan bind, this time of no love like your love, a long Human!AU fic that was orphaned a while back. I'm incredibly grateful that the author orphaned it instead of deleting, because it's one of my favorite fics of this type. I usually ask permission for binding but wasn't able to do that this time, so I dearly hope the author doesn't mind, wherever they may be.
This one was a long time coming; I started it around this time last year and just...stalled out on the entire hobby for most of the year for reasons. But I think it was worth the wait, because look:
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The cover! Black part is textured card stock, gray part is book cloth. I did the feather with silver embossing powder and a stamp. There was originally supposed to be another, different feather on the back, but that stamp had too many fine details to show up well in powder, especially on a textured background, so the back is blank. I might go back and add something on the back if I can find another feather stamp that works.
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Inside the cover! I bought the paper for this at an art supply place. I usually use thicker paper here, so I made some mistakes with this. You can see the book tape (part of the reinforcing on the spine) and it rippled when I glued it. The thicker, more card stock-like paper hides this and doesn't ripple as much, but it isn't as pretty. I still like how it looks, flaws and all.
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Top view, with ribbon bookmark. Spine is not quite square. I need more practice there. This is the 6th book I've made and the thickest. I think it's pushing the limits of what I can do without learning to round and back spines, but I don't have the equipment for that. Also for some reason the end bands on this one fought me tooth and nail. I've used the same glue on all my projects (literally, the same bottle) and never had an issue before, but these just. Wouldn't stick. Top or bottom. And I never figured out why.
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Ok so it doesn't completely line up but look at those smooth edges. Book plow was so very worth the money, I like this so much better than the ragged edges.
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Interior shot, with ribbon bookmark. I typeset this one in MS Word, like I always do, but I did make some mistakes and accidental omissions. I set type on this before I did God Below and forgot to go back and fix the errors before I printed, but it doesn't bother me that much. I picked the ribbon for its color but it's a different texture from the other ribbons I've used and it was awful to work with. Slippery, stiff, did not take glue well, did not take fraycheck well. Looks good now but would not use it for this purpose again.
And that's that! The encouragement I got over posting God Below gave me the momentum I needed to finally get this one done and I couldn't be happier with how it came out, flaws be damned.
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caromangu · 2 years
Guys I'm going to go crazy over the fact that people are angry at Amazon, who didn't buy the rights to the Simarillion, for making a Lord of the Rings show. They're main argument?
"It's not canon!!!1!!!!"
You guys seriously cannot enjoy a show anymore. When did hating something and making people feel bad about liking it become normal and ok? I'm not typically a blog that says this stuff but even I have had enough.
The people who don't like it are typically at least one of these four things
1) Hate it because Amazon made it
2) Hate it because it isn't canon
3) Haven't even fucking SEEN IT!
4) Hate it because the devs are different from LOTR and The Hobbit's and have DIFFERENT STORYTELLING METHODS (seriously, no one is going to have the same goddamn storytelling method)!!
It's those people that are making the world a sadder place. It's people like them that make my friends scared to even talk about it. It's people like them that make me so fucking angry. They make everything political and make a big fucking deal over budget shit when it, ultimately, doesn't matter.
"Bad characters can't carry a good plot. But good characters can carry a bad plot" may apply here. We don't know yet because it's only been one fucking season. You cannot judge a series, WHICH IS STILL IN THE DAMN MAKING, by the first season. You cannot do that fairly. It's an awful way to live.
Do I fall under the above category about me judging a series before I've even seen it? Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely. I did that with WandaVision and Moon Knight and they are among my favorite shows.
You cannot judge, hate, or say anything about the devs, storytelling methods, or plot until you have seen it fully.
Is that asking too much? At this point, it is. And it isn't supposed to be like this. It shouldn't be hard to be fucking decent and simply say "I don't vibe with it but I won't be rude and an asshole about it".
If you are one of the aforementioned people, I will never forgive you for what you have done to the kids and children that loved something and you destroyed that joy by being an asshole. You hurt that kid, child, teen, whatever, by saying "It's awful because of *insert awful reason here*" and knowing DAMN WELL that that person loves it. It is sickening how I have to put common fucking decency in these words. It is disgusting and absolutely depressing.
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demonsfate · 4 months
Julia anon, I just thought the idea of Julia & Jin would be cute, but I suppose the fact Julia was a secret character instead of a base roster character in Tekken 3 kind of only added some separation to them, at least in my mind, since why care about the bonus character if they have to be unlocked?
But I most came to the conclusion of "Jin & Julia should have been friends at least" because it felt like they only made Julia to be Michelle's stand-in with some story continuation of the Chang story before trying to figure a direction for her in later games.
Though on idea I'd have would be a gameplay thing, only thanks to the foresight of Tekken 5 having her try to reason with King to drop his grudge against Marduk, and her becoming JayCee in Tag 2 would be having it so in-story and gameplay, Julia would have more wrestling moves into her move-set than she did already because she would have been training with King and Armor King (before AK's death by Marduk) to help become stronger in the two-year gap between Tekken 3 & 4 because if she is to help Jin, she wants to be able to help combat the Tekken Force better should they get involved.
Again, just my ideas for her, I also have ideas for what I'd have done for 4's roster as a whole, and some ideas for my Tekken 5 as a result of what I'd have done, which includes dropping Jinpachi for a returning Ogre.
Considering they made her an e-girl streamer in TK7, it still kinda feels like they don't know what to do with her character. And really, Tekken 3 was filled with more characters meant to replace the legacy than just Julia. Jin was obvs meant to replace his parents, more so Kazuya. (As apparently, Jun was legit planned on the game but was scrapped) and Forest was meant to replace Marshall. And well, King II replaced King I, and Kuma II replaced Kuma I. For some reason, Forest was replaced back with Marshall in the later games yet Julia stayed instead of Michelle. I'm not sure why they used Marshall again? Maybe his character received better reception despite the fact that Forest looked damn near identical to Marshall lol. Of course, Julia remained because older women scare the series.
I think Jin and Julia definitely would've been friends. I actually had an old headcanon that I never really utilized on this blog that Jun was friends with Michelle during the second tournament. And although they never saw each other in person again (due to one living in the States and the other in Japan) - Jun still kept in touch with Michelle long distance, through writing letters. I thought about Julia being Jin's pen pal because of this.
These ideas sound pretty interesting! Honestly, I would've loved to see the JayCee persona become canon over her streamer persona. It was more interesting imo, and I preferred the design. Plus, it gives us a female wrestler.
Aw, but Jinpachi is cool. However, I do find it kinda weird that we haven't seen Ogre's return yet. After all, Azazel came back before Ogre??? Literally the most infamous boss in the series??? I get that Azazel is the origin of the devil gene, but still. As somebody who has my own ideas for my own adaptation of the games, I'm interested in your ideas! Although, I'd say my own aren't as canon divergent... but I guess I do have some different ideas. (Obviously, T6 would be the one I change the most due to not agreeing with it in the first place, and making Devil J the actual antagonist instead of Jin. But I also have ideas of how Asuka will actually play a big role in T5 and T6 and she'll actually be very important. As well as weird ideas such as Lucky Chloe being involved in T6 instead of T7, and Paul being a more serious character who DID win the 3rd tournament (even if Jin beat Ogre's final form) and him going through his "rich asshole" phase like we saw in his T4 ending. Among other ideas I have.) What are your ideas? Why would Ogre return and how? :>
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
So Long, See You Tomorrow Live Blogging
I have many things on the to-watch list but just added this last night and am just in the mood to watch it, I think.
I watched that baseball -> lashing out -> "hey" *kiss* scene on twitter again (I originally saw it a month ago) and decided to just watch it today instead of what I was supposed to watch. From the summary know that it's a 40-something-year-old man going to parallel universes.
1995 Autumn, Daegu
wait did they only know each other for 1 year before the younger dude moved away? I should go back to check if that's what's being said but ah I'll figure it out later maybe
oh Canada
oh dang the hyung's mother and hyung going out of control
oh, so the reason they only knew each other for a year is cuz of that
2020 Autumn, Daegu
oh, gay bar
oof, mans got stood up on his date at the gay bar
oh, an old student of his had seen him at the bar and he's trying to cover his reason for being there but at least the student Juho seems fine and says he won't tell anybody
haha a rascal-ish teenage niece who leaves her own home and comes to his house and wants to stay there
damn wait, Juho calls him the next morning and is saying he knows where he lives? um
oof Dongjoon's noona has stomach cancer
ah, Dongjoon running away from his own parents yelling up to the hyung's house, encountering hyung's father who gives him some money and the mother who seems... subdued, not knowing that soon she'll be dead and the hyung will lose it
oh the little hand-twirling thing Dongjoob did before giving his niece a book was first done by the hyung to him
oh damn the Little Hippo date that stood him up was actually the student Juho but Juho hadn't realized until he went to the bar
oof Dongjoon talking about the students making fun of him and lashing out at Juho
the hyung (I can't remember his name rip) had such an effect on Dongjoon like it's been 25 years and yet in his mannerisms and actions, we see it intertwined with the past when he learned from the hyung
bro the niece's mom won't die during this operation right
oh whelp the sister said she knows everything and supports Dongjoob, so I feel like she wn't make it lol
ah Juho left for America but left Dongjoon a kind voicemail before doing so
2020 Autumn, Seoul
this English literature class seems so fucking dull my goodness Dongjoon-ssi
idgi was the groom of the wedding someone that Dongjoon liked or had a relationship with or something?
wait, I'm confused? I thought we already knew about the cancer thing? Or I guess actually this Seoul thing is before Daegu and Dongjoon had actually known about the noona cancer before she told him and that stuff happened after this stuff
aw, he's cute with the David Copperfield mans and his kid, if this was a BL and not so angsty so far, I might've hoped that he ends up with their little family
oh he's bringing the girl to the dinner with his father's family?
?! his father just mentioning that he caught Donghoong and that hyung kissing?!?!?!?! during this meal with his whole family?
omg now Dongjoong lying saying that the girl is his daughter pls idek what's going on I'm so stressed
oh he'd told his father that next week his sister's having her cancer surgery - this was a week before the surgery, so before he was told not to tell the father by his sister
wait Dongjoon's telling David Copperfield that he went to the states in the exchange program as a student but will tell Juho that he regrets not going?
also David Copperfield so similar to Dongjoon himself
oh Maybe Is The Greatest pain is the novel by the Korean-American author who briefly lived in Daegu. I kept wondering if this author would be Dongjoon's hyung but the author name is different I think from MDL hyung's name Edit: actually, MDL doesn't even have the character names lol
oh wait... I'm confused and just realized? is this a different timeline lol? bro I'm so dumb I kept being like I thought this was sci-fi with parallel universes? but this 2020 Autumn is the parallel universes. first one he was at daegu, didn't attend the meal with his father's family, had the conversation with Little Hippo. second time he met this David Copperfield guy and the kid and they'll go on a date and he's not in touch with his niece much but he does go and visit the hospital where his sister's having the operation
in the first one he hadn't gone to the exchange trip in America and had stayed in daegu. in the second one he'd gone to America, come back and stayed in seoul
2020 Autumn, Busan
damn, a son?! who lives with Dongjoon's father in Daegu
this novel will really make its appearance in every timeline - is the author the hyung? wish i remembered his name lol
oh here's the clip I saw on twitter of the baseball scene and sad Dongjoon and the kiss
oof I really just T.T can't deal with parents abandoning kids and it's so T.T
ah this poor kid T.T
ah Dongjoon and mother conversation T.T
I do wonder why Dongjon lost contact with his noona Donghee in this universe
in all these universes, Dongjoon has some sort of foil who reflects himself back to him; first Juho, then David Copperman guy, now his son Minho
ah Dongjoon said Kang Hyun, so that is indeed the hyung's name and that he left for America a year later
ohh I was thinking that these ending 10-15 minutes seem like they don't belong to a specific universe, they're the same in all 3 and Dongjoon narrates that "But all those stories would end the same way. He exists in all parallel universes. He was my universe"
Overall Thoughts
No matter what I think about the story/character/acting in these types of movies like this, along with His (2020), Life: Love On The Line, Your Name Engraved Herein, they make me feel a certain way. Even if I don't cry, some parts make have slightly glassy eyes and my chest constricts with the emotions. These feel human in a specific way and I can't take it always, but these drawn-out, slice-of-life movies where young men are separated and then reunite to be friends/lovers decades later is so good. Also I thought it was funny that I kept waiting for the parallel universes to come into it without realizing when we'd slipped into a different universe lol Also, this whole movie we got to see how Kang Hyun affected Dongjoon but Dongjoon affected Kang Hyun enough for him to write about parallel universes in his novel
Rating: 6.5/10
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I have to ask someone, what do the showrunners think it is that makes Sylvie so damn special? Is it because she’s female? Is that it? We’re just supposed to be in shock and reverent awe of her amazing, terrifying…..gender? Am I understanding that right? I mean, these people do know that Lady Loki IS a thing, and that we were all expecting to see her at some point, right? They do know that Loki IS genderfluid and can be both male AND female, right? Oh, wait. According to them, Loki doesn’t even know that! Ah!
And she’s not even really Loki. She’s no more wholly Loki than she is wholly Enchantress. What she is is this lazily written, lazily created mishmash of two completely different characters. It’s like they couldn’t fully commit to creating Lady Loki, and they couldn’t fully commit to creating Enchantress, so they ripped both characters in half and stapled this character together with the shreds, slapped the name Sylvie on it and called it “completely original”. So here we have this “completely original” character, running around with Loki’s horns and Enchantress’s costume designs, going by the name Sylvie who gets to “be her own person”. Lucky her, huh?
Why the push to make her seem so special? They force her and push her on the story so hard. The show starts implying that she’s “superior” before we even get to lay eyes on her (it’s either close to the end of episode 1 or right at the beginning of episode 2, but it’s quick, they don’t waste any time). And right after that the show just gets laden and saddled with her. They harp on her “superiority” relentlessly. They take every opportunity to use her to one-up Loki in every way. They make him be the idiot clown as a contrast to her “TrAgIc SeRiOuS HeRo On A MiSsIoN”. The narrative framing is so manipulative and so strict, it’s like they don’t want to give the audience a choice whether we actually like her or not. You have to. This is how it is. She’s the bestest, most specialist, most tragical, most superior Loki ever. Naturally. Why wouldn’t you like her? If Loki loves her, you have to too. If Loki thinks she’s amazing, you have to too. If Mobius likes her better, you have to too.
Why do they have to do this? You didn’t see Hawkeye trying to convince the audience that Kate Bishop is the superior Hawkeye, or convince us that Yelena is the superior Black Widow, or that Sam is the superior Captain America. Why this need to tear Loki down, I don’t understand! They even have to say her trauma is “worse”. They couldn’t just say her trauma is different! Even her trauma has to one-up his! Her trauma is worse because of course it is. Of cooourse it is!
If they wanted her to be the new Loki, then they could’ve just cast her as Lady Loki. Period. And let her have her own show without Loki’s physical presence as a stepping stone for her. It wouldn’t be the first time they made major changes without explaining anything, right? If she’s so incredibly special, people would’ve latched on to her without Loki’s help, right? People still would’ve watched it simply because it’s new Marvel content.
I just can’t believe they dragged Loki back into the MCU for this. I’m sorry, this is a lot of negativity to be dumping on you, and you don’t have to post this or respond, but you’re just such a safe, understanding blog. Thank you!
Oh thank you honey and I agree with absolutely every single thing you say here, you're 100% right!!
Frankly the only explanation I have is that they used her to outshine Loki but they didn't give a damn about her story either so they had everyone around her either falling in love with her, telling her she's their favourite or worse: the variants who had refused to follow Loki and took about half the episode to finally agree to fight alongside him, they immediately choose to follow her even though they don't know her.
It's the only way they've got to tell the audience to like her: if everybody loves her, so should you! Well, guess what:
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You probably know this by now, I don't know if you keep up with Whumptober, but one of the prompts this year includes "blindness". I'm not blind but based on your posts about writing blind characters, and based on how I would feel if one of my disabilities were used as a whump prompt, I'm not super comfortable with it. I was wondering what your thoughts are on blindness being a Whumptober prompt.
(unironically and with feeling) thanks, I hate it.
Yes, I’m familiar with Whumptober, but I’ve never participated myself and I haven’t seen this year’s prompts.
Edit: I later did see the prompts and check out the blog. I think it's a good set of prompts and I look forward to all the promising content, especially since some of my favorite tropes are there. To be clear before you read this, I have no problem with Whumptober2021 or whump in general. This is not the first time blindness has been included for a list of whump prompts, and it won't be the last.
This post directed at the concept of "blindness" as a whump prompt and why I think it's a bad idea. The intended audience is individual writers thinking about future projects.
The timing of this is almost too perfect because I read a fanfic earlier this week that would meet that prompt exactly. Tags included whump, blindness, and angst with a happy ending. Now whump, hurt/comfort, and angst with a happy ending are tags I enjoy reading, but blindness as whump has a specific message to it.
To explain that message, I want to discuss what whump is. Many readers are already familiar with the genre, but I think taking the specific definitions and picking apart what it means and what expectations we carry when reading whump fanfiction
Urban Dictionary defines it as: taking a character and putting them through physical and/or mental torment and is typically followed by the same character being treated for their traumas. To indicate the characters place in the situation they’d typically be called a whumpee (the character being hurt/comforted), the whumper (the character that causes harm and trauma), and the caretaker (the character designated the helping/healing/comforting the whumpee).
Fanlore has a page for whump that explains it in depth, including where it started in fanfiction, examples of whump, and even a list of “popular targets” in different fandoms. (Warning: you might find yourself called out on the popular targets list)
“The term whump (or whumping) generally refers to a form of Hurt/Comfort that is heavy on the hurt and is often found in gen stories. The exact definition varies and has evolved over time. Essentially, whump involves taking a canon character, and placing them in physically painful or psychologically-damaging scenarios. Often this character is a fan favorite…”
To add to that, I think an important detail is the distinction Fanlore makes between hurt/comfort and whump:
“While some communities and fandoms may use whump as a synonym for hurt/comfort, there is still a recognition that whump refers to darker and more extreme scenarios. And there are still whump fics been written that have very little, or no comfort at the end of the story.”
The big appeal of hurt/comfort is getting to both explore the darker sides of pain and then experience the catharsis of being taken care of, of being supported by your loved ones as you recover from the trauma. The character is the proxy for experiencing those highs and lows while you yourself are safe at home.
I personally don’t read much/any whump without some h/c involved, but I’m happy there are stories out there for people who do enjoy it. I’m not here to judge what you like reading or what you do to your characters.
What I want is to express how blindness, my disability, used as a whump prompt personally makes me feel and what message it sends to me, to others, and how that message affects my daily life.
Whump undeniably involves watching a character suffer through something painful and traumatic.
My use of the word “suffer” is what I want you to focus on.
Vision loss can be painful and traumatic. I personally developed an anxiety disorder in response to vision loss. Others experience depression. For some it might result in relapsing into old, maladaptive coping mechanisms like drug use, self harm, or eating disorders.
A big part of my anxiety was how people reacted to my vision loss. It was a cause of their stress. They were worried because they genuinely believed I would never live a happy life without normal vision, and that my life would only be struggle and pain.
I recently saw an old friend who hadn’t heard about my vision loss. The conversation was awkward, but the worst part was how they reacted as though I had experienced an insurmountable tragedy. And even when I assured them I’m happy with my life, they clearly didn’t believe me. They acted like I was just lying or in denial.
I love that people want to empathize with my situation and ask themselves what they would do in my situation, but I hate when the conclusion they come to is something along the lines of “I could never do that, I’d be too miserable thinking about everything I lost, I’d never be able to do anything I enjoyed ever again.” But I did go blind. And I’m not miserable, I’m actually happy with the direction my life is going, and I still enjoy my hobbies, even if I engage with them differently.
I’m not suffering. My life didn’t end with vision loss. It’s not ruined, broken, or worthless.
I read a fanfic that was tagged with whump, blindness, and angst with a happy ending. A general synopsis of the plot: the whumpee had gone blind due to a curse. It was true love’s kiss that broke the curse. Even from the summary I knew it was going to end with whumpee being cured somehow and that I’d leave that fanfic vaguely dissatisfied no matter how good the rest of the fanfic was.
I can say this for the fanfic: the whumpee had already accepted that they would likely be blind for the rest of their life, but everyone around them was treating it as a tragedy that needed to be fixed, working tirelessly for a cure despite the whumpee’s protests that they didn’t have to.
It actually hit home to my personal experience.
I still left it dissatisfied with the ending. I might love curse fics in that fandom, and I love the “true love’s kiss” trope, but it wasn’t enough to distract me from the fact that: an actual person out in the world thought the best happy ending, maybe the only happy ending, would be if the character got their sight back.
(note: I clicked kudos and exited out of the story's page because no fanfic writer deserves unsolicited critique or hate, especially for content I consumed for free and at my own volition.)
Why read a story I knew would disappoint me?
Because blindness representation is so damn rare that I feel like I’m wandering in a desert, dying from thirst and desperate for that oasis. But sometimes that oasis is a mirage and the author is unintentionally telling you that your life is actually awful and you’ll never be fully happy like this. And that is a shit mentality to walk through life with.
I don’t appreciate blindness being a whump plot. I hate it. Hundreds (thousands?) of fanfictions featuring blind characters are about to enter the internet and the overall message is going to be “You poor thing! You must be in so much pain, you must be miserable! Who’s going to save you? Who’s going to comfort you? Wouldn’t it be terrible if there was no one in your life to take care of you? You poor helpless thing!”
And I feel objectified. I feel trivialized. The mirage in the desert is going to become a starch, empty room filled with dozens of water bottles, almost all of them poisoned. My representation is going to hurt me personally, and it’s going to reinforce that idea strangers have about how awful my life must be.
(I returned to school this past month, and every day I’m hesitant to tell someone I’m visually impaired because I don’t want to be treated differently. If I’ve managed to pass as sighted this whole time and then suddenly reveal “oh yeah, I’m visually impaired” I feel this instant silence, this pause of awkwardness as people suddenly question how they’re supposed to treat me. They treated me like a person, and now I’m something strange and unfamiliar.)
I’ve worked so hard to improve representation for blind people, to give internet strangers the exposure to a blind person they need to normalize blindness because I hope that if they’re ever so lucky as to meet a blind person, they’ll treat that person with respect. That hope that another person in the blind community will find a friend they feel comfortable and accepted with. I hope that I’ll meet people who accept my blindness as just another aspect of me (like being bisexual or gender fluid or a writer or a cat lover).
Please don’t turn me and my community into a caricature. Don’t erase everything I’ve worked for with this blog.
To be clear, this is not just me saying "I hate the cure trope" again. This is me saying "the purpose of whump is to painfully hurt your favorite character, and I hate that your idea of pain and suffering is my daily (wonderful) life."
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