#axel answers stuff
spocks-husband · 1 month
Literally every new trek series is full of oc x oc content, and fanfic as we know it was basically invented by trekkies, if we didn't want it we'd have stopped in the 60s. Write your thing
thank you bestie ily
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crownsofguilt · 1 year
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androidcharles · 2 years
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Hope I'm not getting annoying with requests, but can u draw Axel Keating, a Government OC of mine, interacting with any government soldier of your choice? if so thanks!
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You said any gov't soldier and I haven't draw Howard Lipton yet. Enjoy some tea ;D
[REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Pop into my inbox if there's something you want me to draw! Just make sure you read my pinned post first!]
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faarkas · 2 years
🤡 (jade x axel) from the wip title meme? 👀
my newest brainrot. essentially axel's car breaks down, hes out in the badlands so hes kiiinda fucked,,, luckily one very nice lady makes her besties pull over so she can help him :))
let people send you an ask with the WIP title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
She laughs as she bends over into his hood, hands plunging into the cables seemingly unafraid of how warm they are from the engine. 
“Not to be disrespectful but do you know what you're doing?” Axel asks, watching her closely to make sure she isn't doing anything...odd. More odd.
“What, I don’t look like a mechanic to you?” She looks back at him with a smile, those pink star-shaped sunnies slipping down her nose to reveal some of the most peculiar eyes he’s ever seen. 
She really doesn’t look like any mechanic he’s ever seen so, no, not really, but guess he can’t judge a book by its cover. 
“Just double checking that you aren’t gonna run off with my car parts.”
“Oh I want to, but I’m more honest than that. I’m Jade.” She straightens to offer him a dainty but callused hand, now covered in grease. 
“Axel.” He shakes it warmly, trying to be gentle as he notices how small her hand is compared to his, this whole situation feeling a touch surreal now. 
“Now if you were a head shorter and not as beefy I’d probably try it. This is a preem machine, Axel. Made my boys pull over just so I could get my hands in it.” Jade says loudly, not looking at him as she prods at his car.
All he can do is chuckle, running a hand over his hair to smooth it. So she thinks he’s beefy…
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erinevrly · 2 years
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glancing  at  the  clock  on  the  bedside  table  for  what  must  be  at  least  the  twentieth  time  in  the  last  five  minutes,  as  if  she  could  speed  up  the  time  simply  by  staring  at  it,  erin  can  barely  wait  for  her  baby  boy  to  wake  up  from  his  afternoon  nap.  she’s  been  sorting  through  a  pile  of  laundry  —  onesies,  pajamas,  tiny  fleece  pants,  sweaters,  t-shirts  and  mounds  of  little  socks  —  for  about  an  hour  now,  hoping  the  rather  mundane  chore  will  be  enough  to  keep  her  heart  from  combusting  due  to  the  amount  of  excitement  and  joy  brewing  inside  her  chest,  but  it  actually  has  the  opposite  effect  on  her.  folding  his  orange  pajamas,  snoopy  in  a  witch  hat  adorning  the  soft  fabric,  she  can’t  help  but  think  how  cute  he’ll  look  in  them  tonight,  when  they  return  home  with  bags  of  candy.  smoothing  out  the  footies  before  folding  it  in  half  again,  lost  in  thought,  she  doesn’t  hear  the  two  redheads  behind  her  and  jumps  a  little  when  axl’s  sweet  voice  startles  her.  
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❝   oh,  my  goodness!   ❞   she  squeaks,  turning  around  and  gasping  as  her  lips  part  in  surprise  at  the  sight  in  front  of  her.   ❝   where  did  you  find  a  pumpkin  so  cute,  axl?  do  they  grow  in  our  backyard  now  or  something?   ❞   cooing  happily  as  blue  eyes  take  in  the  adorable  costume,  the  curly-haired  brunette  drops  the  newly  folded  pajamas  onto  the  bed  and  crouches  down  with  her  arms  open  wide  in  a  silent  invitation.  she  marvels  at  the  orange  leggings  and  matching  converse,  at  how  well  put-together  the  entire  outfit  is.  she  can  almost  feel  her  heart  melting  into  a  puddle,  especially  when  it  dawns  upon  her  how  much  effort  her  husband  must  have  put  into  this.  from  going  to  the  store  and  actually  picking  the  costume,  to  making  sure  everything  matched  and  sebastian  wouldn’t  be  freezing  in  it  since  late  october  evenings  can  be  a  little  chilly  even  in  malibu,  and  to  getting  their  baby  dressed,  which  isn’t  always  an  easy  task…  he  did  it  all  himself  and  she  couldn’t  be  more  proud.  the  fact  that  he’s  managed  to  keep  it  a  secret,  too.  gosh.  it’s  a  wonder  her  pupils  don’t  turn  into  little  hearts  as  she  looks  up  at  the  older  redhead  with  nothing  but  love  and  sheer  wonderment.   ❝   and  you  picked  a  nice,  chunky  one,  too.   ❞   giggling  softly  as  it  seems  to  her  not  too  long  ago  he  was  still  just  a  teeny  tiny  preemie,  too  small  for  them  to  take  home,  and  now  he’s  finally  managed  to  catch  up  with  his  peers,  made  up  for  any  weight  and  strength  he  might  have  been  lacking  at  birth.  as  if  to  prove  her  point,  she  gently  squeezes  his  chubby  thigh  and  pecks  his  cheek.   ❝   well,  if  this  little  pumpkin  wants  a  treat,  he  has  to  come  to  mommy.  come  on,  sebby.  come  to  mommy.   ❞   she  encourages  with  a  sweet  smile,  reaching  out  and  attacking  his  sides  with  her  fingers  in  hopes  of  coaxing  more  giggles  out  of  him,  before  scooting  about  a  foot  or  two  away.  she  still  can’t  believe  that  he’s  actually  walking  now,  with  some  help  but  still.  that’s  such  a  huge  milestone.  she  could  watch  him  waddle  around  for  hours.   ❝  where  did  you  even  get  this  from?  when?  this  is  the  best  surprise  ever.  you’re  the  best  dad.  and  hey,  does  that  mean  we  just  have  to  put  our  costumes  on  and  we’re  good  to  go?  trick  or  treating  with  our  little  pumpkin?   ❞  
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dr3c0mix · 4 months
which of your yans is the easiest to escape from? the hardest?
Easiest to Hardest Yans to Escape From
Multiple OCs x GN Reader
The answers are probbaly not who's the easiest to run away from, but who's more chill about you trying to leave them o3o"
Easiest - Adrian, Screw, Soda, Jasper, Ashvan, Dorik
Most of the time they're too distracted or busy with other stuff to realize you've left. Once they do however, they're panicking and trying to find you. It's easy to slip away but it's pretty hard to actually run away, they're too pitiful and sad to leave, you can't help but feel sorry for them as they wander around with a worried expression asking anyone around if they've seen you..Once you come back, they're immediately back to their happy normal selves. *sigh* Maybe try again another time..
Medium - Kalva, Ribs, Bo, Caspian, Wolfie, Garrick, Brandon, Axel, Gang
They never take their eyes off you, and even if they do, they'll find you fast, whether on their own or from connections they have that makes it easy to locate where you are. They aren't as dismissive of the fact as the last ones, they'd whine and cry clinging onto your shoulder, asking you with teary eyes why you'd try to leave them. You're their true love! Their darling! They won't leave you alone because of it, it'll make your next attempt much harder because they'll have eyes on you 24/7 for a while after that.
Hard - Alistair, Victor, Silas, Baron, Hallow, Valeth
You dare try to escape? You've made the biggest mistake of your life. Forget trying to slip away, they'll have their hand on your shoulder roughly pulling you back to him. He asks you we're you're headed in such a rush with a growl. He'll go on to ramble about you not being allowed to leave him, that you're his and only his and no one can change that, even you. He doesn't hurt you or anything, but he does punish you in some way, whether it be locking you in your room for the day or tightening his grip on your arm until you tell him to stop with fear in your eyes. He might even disappear for the day to make you guilty about it, but once the anger subsides, which it will very quickly, he'll be all over you apologizing and kissing wherever he hurt you. He traps you in a suffocating cuddle, his anger now replaced with desparation and love, please please please never leave him...ever.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Can you write something inspired by this tiktok? (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JSrRgf/). The triplets can be in their teenage years and they love getting on Jack's nerves.
AN: The triplets are 15 in this 🥰
"I thought I told the three of you to clean your rooms? But yet you're still here in front of me scrolling on your phones." You said while shaking your head in disbelief at the sight of them sprawled out in the living room.
"My room is already clean." Autumn responded while shrugging and you then heard Jack's footsteps behind you.
"Now if your room was already clean, I highly doubt your mother would say anything."
"I'll do mine later."
"This isn't a democracy, Axel. And as far as I'm concerned I didn't give you an option."
You simply turned to look at Jack defeated but he wasn't having it.
"Oh. You know what? All three of you hand me your phones. NOW."
"Wait, what?" Ivy said while finally looking up from hers.
"Nice of you to join us, Ivy. All three of you hand them over."
"Ax, one more word and you won't be playing next Saturday and Autumn if you even fix your mouth to open and complain the pool party won't be happening."
"Damn, and I thought mommy was the strict one." Autumn muttered and Jack gave her a look.
"Do you want to repeat that?" He asked while looking at her and she immediately shook her head no as all three of them handed over their phones.
"You know what? Any time any of you complain about doing your chores and cleaning up around here, I'm hitting on mom. Babe, you want to make another baby?" Jack asked as he turned to look over at you and you immediately laughed as he leaned down to kiss you.
"And how do you think the three of you got here!?" Jack responded but all he got were groans and gagging noises from his oldest children.
"YOU HAVE ENOUGH CHILDREN!" Ivy exclaimed while throwing her hands up in the air.
"Hmm, I might take you up on that offer." You said while wrapping your arms around his waist and smirking up at him while he leaned down to kiss your nose.
"We can get started right now."
"Did I tell you that you look gorgeous today and that I love you?" Jack asked you while ignoring the triplets' pleas for him to stop.
"Yes, but I don't mind hearing it again. And I love you too."
"So that means any time we ask you to do something that it will get done without an attitude? I know all three of you got it from your mom, but still."
"Let me finish so we can go and make this baby." Jack answered you but not before you pinched his side.
"We'll do it! Just stop hitting on mom!"
"You three wouldn't be here if I didn't hit on her when we were fourteen. Now if I hear one of you complain, consequences will be heard next. Axel, clean the kitchen, Autumn, walk the golden girls, Ivy, clean the tank for the ninja turtles and all three of you clean your rooms. It better be spotless too and Autumn don't stuff everything in your closet again and have it fall on your mother when she opened it. It took me 40 days and 40 nights to find her."
"Imma kick your ass." You said in between laughing because you knew that he was exactly right.
"Mom is not about to make another baby will you if you keep making fun of how short she is." Ivy said while shaking her head.
"Hmm, that's what you think."
"OKAY, I've been grossed out enough to last a lifetime." Axel said before getting up and making his way into the kitchen.
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if-whats-new · 2 months
This post is edited weekly to change the dates. We reblog it between issues, deleting those when the issue is out so it doesn't clog the blog.
Thank you so much for the warm wishes and your support by sharing our little project! We're so so glad the zine is helping people find news and stuff! Each reblog counts so so much!
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A New Week Ahead!
Because the machine never stops for us, we'll be back to the drawing board, scouring the websites for IF works and events and articles and all that good stuff...
but! we're just 5 small peeps. We do our best to keep an eye on what's happening, but we're bound to miss something.
So, we would love YOUR help with this!
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Thank you for your help! We really appreciate it!!
Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, Zach and Noi
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helmarok · 2 months
hrmmm lukas headcanons
he's 18 in season 1 and 28 in season 2
short king, 5'4"
he's bisexual and poly. he's got two hands one for jesse and one for petra
him and aiden/maya/gill were all raised together by his grandma, the other 3 being adopted. everyone would ask lukas why he sticks with those assholes, and it's because they're his family, and they grew up together and it would hurt to break off from them and it DID hurt when aiden decided to cut him out.
bro loves baking as a hobby. everyone loves his cookies. aiden too but he never admits it and always says something's wrong with them but would eat half the batch every time without fail
he's a cat guy, but also a horse girl. his old horse was named reba, she went missing when the witherstorm hit. he kept the black horse he rode from the witherstorm on and named her dolly.
very good at archery because i decided the ocelots are a hunting group, not primarily builders though they are good at it. his melee combat though... yikes. in sky city when he meets aiden in the throne room, he's almost immediately taken down.
not a big fan of loud or busy environments. after moving from the treehouse to beacontown, he tried to live with petra and jesse for a while but didn't like the city life and moved.
he HATES the cold! no amount of layers can save this man. that's another reason why he moved away from beacontown. it's too far up north for him.
lukas kinda like the therapist of the group cause he's the most mentally stable and best at feelings and best at handling them and overall he is just comically perfect idk what to say. he doesn't like it when people hold everything in and explode because that's kinda what happened with aiden. this puts him at odds with petra in season 2.
he wears a really gay cowboy belt with an ocelot on it. also walks around in cowboy boots.
definitely has an ocelot fursona that he has many doodles and lore of in his little journal. he has also doodled the whole order fursonas: jesse a pig, petra a wolf, axel a creeper, olivia a sheep, and ivor a bat. if anyone asked him what their fursona would be, he has an answer. but the only people who know this information are jesse and petra who accidentally found it looking for another book and he made them promise not to tell anyone.
lukas is real easy to become friends with so he became closest with ivor before anyone else in the order. this is partially because they share an interest in history and old legends and reading and nerd stuff like that. sometimes they just chill and discuss these nerd things over tea.
big fan of country music and classic rock
you're not gonna believe this but his favorite drink is a nice warm glass of milk
lukas was the closest thing petra had to a friend before the order came to be, so he always had discounted deals when it came to rare items. once in a blue moon, she'd even give him something cool for free as her way of saying she likes having him around without actually saying it.
he's very humble, and even when the order is drowning in riches and the hall is decorated with gold and diamonds and everyone has fancy enchanted armor and tools, this dude is still running around in iron pauldrons and still got a set of iron tools. his bow isn't even enchanted, despite petra begging him to let her put something on it since she enchanted everyone else's stuff.
i think he has a book series that's like minecraft warrior cats. like his biggest book is obviously the one on the witherstorm but his cat books are definitely a renowned series with fans all over the world. and he tooootally didn't base some of the characters after his friends...
i have more but this is just off the top of my head so maybe i'll make another post one day
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mythicalartistx · 4 months
Kairi probably has Trauma and her reasoning why she is with Sora and Riku
Ansem the Wise is not a good person
He experimented on children and even fed them to the heartless.
Saïx/Isa often heard screams from the Ansen's study and when he and Axel/ Lea snuck in, it's no wonder they tried to find X after she went missing. No wonder why Saïx was so obsessed with finding her because Ansem the Wise does this stuff.
In ff7 nobody likes Hojo and he's seen as a bad person. Ansem kind of does the same thing except people are supposed to feel bad for Ansem and are like he's good now because he regret it??
The thing is we don't see why he regrets it or anything. And we just see he feels bad about Roxas and Naminé. We also see that he only stopped because he took it too far?
But this is the stuff Ansem did and his apprentices continued, or at least Terra-Ansem.
And Terra Ansem was interested in Kairi because she was a princess of heart. He kidnapped her and then he probably did experiments on her.
She probably has trauma. Then he sent her with that pod to Destiny islands because that's where a key blade wielder is at and whenever a pod is used a meteor shower happens.
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And then we get to the start of KH1 and there's some things I've noticed. When Sora asks Kairi what her old home was like, she says she cannot remember. Sora asks “nothing at all?” and she makes this interesting expression. Before answering she frowns before quickly changing to a smile when she says, nothing.
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What if she does remember and could be lying here because the experience was so traumatic and does not want to share what happened. However, she barely remembers it and could repress what happens, so she could remember it being bad but says nothing because she truly can't remember because of trauma.
No wonder she seems content on the island. Everyone is nice and she has fun with Sora and Riku. Nobody is trying to experiment on her.
She then goes along with it because they want to. People say she doesn't want change and yes that is true because of the trauma she faced. She's scared to go out into the world because of what happened.
When she talks with Sora later she reveals that she was hesitant at first, but now she's not. She probably was hesitant because of the fear that people like Terra Ansem are out there and might experiment on her. Then knowing that Sora and Riku really want to and they all can go together, she wants to. She is with them and isn't alone. She relies on them when doing things and bases everything on them.
However, that doesn't happen and her heart goes inside of Sora's. Riku's darkness gets the best of him and he believes Sora doesn't care about him anymore and is getting left behind, something he always feared.
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And during the games going forward she always focuses on Sora and Riku. She mentions how they left her behind in kh2. She has changed and tried growing as a person but she still relies on them.
When Sora and Riku get the letter from Mickey, Kairi seems sad because they will leave again.
Then in kh3, she is keyblade training. She cuts her hair like Riku did. In the novel she wonders if Sora likes short hair and does it because of Riku. She then grows close to Lea / Axel someone who once tried to kidnap her for his own gain. Then she realized he was hurt and was trying to see his friend again and that isn't something that bad. But above all, he is sorry about everything.
She is often left behind. Unless she is in immediate danger, she isn't really thought of. Sora's mind always goes to Riku and what Riku is doing.
In kh2, he keeps trying to find Rikuand only focus is on finding him. It isn't until someone mentions Kairi that he thinks of her. In kh3 he talks about wanting to call Riku and that he wants to show how cool the MH6 world is to Riku. When he sees Kairi in kh3 that's when he realizes oh, you're here too.
She constantly wants to be with them fuelled by both trauma and friendship, However they're constantly leaving her behind.
Tetsuya Nomura once said that Kingdom Hearts is about the friendships that change alluring to how destiny Trio dynamic changes where Sora and Riku aren't as close to her.
In re:mind / mom Kairi falls asleep, hoping to be useful and wake Sora up so things can be like they have always been between the three of them.
Then when she wakes, she and Riku go to try to find Sora and realizes she must stay behind as it is Riku's part not hers. Kairi must grow on her own and not with other people that constantly held her back and left her behind.
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I don't think she should be friendless but I think she should grow without them because they hold her back and she is left behind a lot. She is constantly relying on Sora and Riku.
Also it would just be interesting to see her with other characters as it could be an interesting dynamic. I would have loved to see her with the sea salt trio + Twilight gang. Her interacting with Vanitas would also have been great (though not sure if it's possible since he went away).
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reverseflashes · 11 months
I’m trying to write a story or at least a short one. Where Constantine and Raven cross paths with the Rogues. I have a pretty good idea for it but even though I’ve read comics. I still don’t fully understand them I need an idea about there personality and fighting style. I’m hoping that with your help and a few other Rogue fans. I can get a better idea. Cause finding proper information is like finding a needle in a haystack for them. Constantine is literally the easiest out of all of them.😭
I really hope for good information. I want to do right by them.🥺
Anyway my chosen Rogue’s are… Captain Cold, Heatwave, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang and Trickster (Axel Walker).
Basically the ones in comics right now.
P.S. I’m also mad about Owen. He had so much potential.
Every time I checked my inbox and saw this meage on top, I reminded myself to answer it some time the same day. And every time, I forgot. I don't even know where to begin to apologize, nonnie, especially it's been exactly a month since you've sent me this. I hope, if you are still around, and if you see this, you can forgive me. And if you are pissed at me, then you are completely right too I'M SO SORRY I SWEAR
To be honest, I can read every issue every Rogues member has ever appeared in (and for some members, I did lol) and still would not be good at answering questions like this. I'll tag few blogs I know post about the Rogues at the end of my response and tag this properly so that more people will see it and hopefully share their opinions as well. :)
I apologize in advance if this is very scattered, all over the place but I've never been very good at explaining stuff like this so... yeah.
I'm assuming the fight takes between John&Raven and the Rogues.
The Rogues are Flash's villains. And Flash has superspeed; and having superspeed comes with infinite amount of skills and abilities. There is really nothing a speedster can't do. So how does the Rogues, a bunch of non-powered criminals (except for Mark, if we want to go into a bit detail lol) with only their gadgets and costumes keep up with him? How can a speedster like Barry Allen can struggle against the Rogues sometimes?
The answer is that the Rogues have the advantage of planning their heists in advance. Excessive planning, may I add! Rogues don't have to keep up with Flash's whereabouts, because Flash will always go where the Rogues exactly want him. But the Flash doesn't have the advantage of always anticipating the Rogues' next move. There are so many other reasons of course but no need to go into more details. So, in your story, whether the Rogues plans the fight with John and Raven ahead or if it occurs completely spontaneous, I believe the Rogues wouldn't be caught off guard. I mean, they fight speedsters on a weekly basis, so it is hard for them to get intimitated by anyone else.
Now another thing, and I don't know if it's just me or if it is a fandom thing, but I always got the impression that Rogues hate magic. Like I always believed that to be a fact. They don't like it at all. Maybe "superpowers" is what they really don't like but I guess, to them, it's all the same.
Len in The Flash #750
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Rogues don't want to get involved in anything that is above their paygrade. They hate their plans getting out of control and things getting messy and magic IS messy, that is an understatement. So you can use this in the story; they will fight John and Raven if they have to, but they won't care about winning. Of course, they CAN win the fight, but if you use the canon fact that the Rogues never faced John and Raven before in your story, then I assume winning wouldn't be their priority. They'll buy themselves time while putting the capes through their paces (damn right 😎).
You can focus on the Rogues' gadgets as well. In my personal opinion, Mirror Gun is the most powerful and dangerous out of all of them: it can open portals, it can create duplicates, it can fire bolts of light energy, IT CAN HYPNOTIZE AND MIND CONTROL PEOPLE, it can be used to transmute objects into glass, it can be used for dimensional travel, it can trap people inside those mirror dimensions etc... (SOURCES: here and here)
Here is a panel of Sam blinding Wonder Woman with his Mirror Gun. Justice League America #158
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I put this panel especially because Wonder Woman is heavily affiliated with magic.
You can find more info on their gadgets on the internet, and if you'd like, I can look into it and send you some links if I can find anything.
I was gonna mention Hartley and his flute too but I realized that he isn't in the Rogues in your story so I'll skip that.
And lastly, I'd recommend you read New Year's Evil: Rogues, a one-shot where the Rogues are in the land of Zhutan searching for a powerful sun disk of Meshta (the creator god of the Saravistraism- DC’s version of Zoroastrianism) to make their souls eternally free from Neron (DC’s version of Satan). It involves heavy supernatural themes so maybe it helps.
Also, Teen Titans: Cold Case might be a good read. There is a fight between Teen Titans and the Rogues and although magic isn't in the center, Rogues fight against members Cyborg, Red Devil and Wonder Girl (Cassie). (And Vic and Tim actually admit that they couldn't take the Rogues!)
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And most importantly, they fight as a TEAM and a FAMILY. Their diverse skills and abilities complete each other, thanks years of working and planning and fighting together side by side.
Soooo yeah. I'm pretty sure I forgot half the things I was gonna add and forty thousand anecdotes but that's why I'll tag some of the awesome people in the Rogues fandom underneath this so that they can add their own opinions as well. If they want, of course, no pressure! Please feel free to ignore this.
Thank you so very very very much for your message nonnie. And I'm so so so very sorry for taking so long to answer it. I hope I made it up to you a little.
@gorogues @tricksterrune @t-bombs @longitudinalwaveme @belphegor1982 @saltywithsarcasm @smartshipfriday my brain is all over the place rn i can't think of anyone else but if you see this in the search or on your dash pls feel free to reblog it and share your opinions <33
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spocks-husband · 7 months
Trans Kirk or trans Spock hc?
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Caleb's giving me such aro/ace vibes, if they go in that direction with him it would be! so cool!
Also as weird as it is to admit considering... well, everything about him, but I really like Ripper? He serves his role in the show well (being gross/the punching bag/the joke character) but they also give him some layers to make him a bit more interesting and i think Axel/Ripper is actually kind of cute?? Like he feels like Sam to me, one-note at first but they give him extra stuff to do with other characters that make him more compelling to the point where he ends up growing on me? Like how he was able to get some answers right in the glass bridge option A option B quiz challenge! (also he gives me Eddy vibes from Ed, Edd n Eddy and my sympathy for that specific character type might be blinding me)
And I love what they're doing with Bowie and his whole morality dilemma with Raj! Also really hoping MK/Julia becomes a thing, if those older interviews they did before the show aired are still valid and there's still a lesbian couple waiting to be revealed, I would genuinely be so happy if it was them! Their dynamic is everything
totally agree with caleb, i get the sense that he either has no idea priya is interpreting his actions as flirting and just thinks he's doing a great job at alliance building or he's aware but just ignoring that because he wants an alliance with her and he's not interested in a romance. unfortunately after episode 4 i could see him having a moment of "omg priya almost got eliminated and i got sad not because my alliance would be gone but SHE would be gone omg i like priya" which wouldn't be where i want it to go, but if it does go that route i think it'd be funny if caleb has no idea how to flirt now that he actually like priya. but fingers crossed for it just being platonic on his part i love aro caleb and i really like him and priya as friends
i agree that ripper is kind of filling a sam-esque place in the season, ive definitely enjoyed him more this season than i did last season though im not sure i like ripaxel but honestly i think if it wasn't so rushed i might be persuaded to enjoy it. i do think ripper having a crush is very cute and i would love a friendship between him and axel. honestly might write some fics where his feelings for her are onesided but they become friends (kind of already wrote a fic for that lol)
veeeeeery intrigued to see how this moral dilemma goes for bowie and raj. honestly im love the dynamic of the skunkbutt 5, with mkulia going full evil lesbians, wayne and raj being himbos who don't want to cheat, and bowie being the team leader who's caught in the middle. super fun vibes! also BEGGING that mkulia becomes canon because holy shit they are being such sneaky bastards together and falling in love in the process. like even if they don't become canon as long as what's going on now isn't terribly derailed i'll be happy. but i have hope that they will become the first canon wlw couple and i feel like that hope is realistic to have. which is INCREDIBLE.
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fabulousairpirate · 1 month
incoming kh rant, lol
Hi! I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork, so you know what that means: it's time for me to talk about kingdom hearts again!
Y'all remember how Xion was originally treated by the fandom, particularly by shippers? I do. I was in the trenches fighting for my girl's honor while folks who shipped Protag Boy with Best Friend who was ten years older than him slandered her into oblivion. There was literally no Xion content for years. Go to Youtube right now and look up any video that was widely known throughout the fandom (Axel as Dane Cook, which are still classics btw, character Disney themes, trailers for different movies using KH cutscenes, fuckin Invader Zim videos) and I'm willing to bet you money that Xion will not appear in any of them. If she did, it was like "Woah this person really knows their stuff, they've got fuckin' Xion in the vid." But most of the stuff was either people complaining about her being shoehorned in, making her the villain in the AkuRoku stuff, or just the beaten-to-death joke of "Who's Xion?" Maybe we just needed to mature or dive deeper into the story, but by the time KH3 came out, the tune had thankfully changed and she received the hero's Welcome Back she deserved. It's interesting to see the change from completely neglected and ignored character to fandom darling, but if anyone can pull it off, it's her.
I will say though, it is so viscerally satisfying to hear the remix of Vector to the Heavens. It was already a great boss theme. But the KH3 version, with the heavy rock guitar and the war drums, it almost gives off the impression that it isn't just Xion fighting her opponent; it's Xion fighting US. It's her answer to the endless "Who's Xion" jokes: I Will Make You Remember Me. And I Will Cut Your Max HP, Thank You.
Idk. I love her, always did and always will. Character of all time.
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iheartgod175 · 5 months
So, that Star Fox x KonoSuba idea…
It’s had an insane grip on my brain. To the point where my good buddy @blazing-shadows had to spam me with fifty messages, haha XD
Basically, this is what happens when you get your yearly itch for one of your favorite franchises and add in the game that you’ve been playing religiously for a few weeks ^^
I’ve decided to title this silly story “God’s Favor on This Not-Yet-Retired Veteran!” It may be subject to change, though!
This particular crossover idea takes place during the Assault/Command timeline. Why? Because I absolutely ADORE Star Fox Assault, especially Peppy’s portrayal in that game, and while Command is a whole mess, a few ideas/characters were pretty neat (*cough* Lucy *cough*). That, and I wondered what would happen in an alternate scenario where Peppy dies for real during the tail end of the game (a question that has been answered by several authors, actually!).
So the basic gist is that Peppy dies for real after sacrificing the Great Fox, but receives a second chance at life when he meets Aqua, who revives him and sends him to Axel. That second chance at life involves a world where cabbages fly, ranking works like a video game, and the people there are somehow are even bigger a-holes than in the Lylat System. Oh, and he ends up being in a party with one of those a-holes. Not Kazuma—although he’ll definitely meet him later. That would be Dust, the resident town punk, and his long-suffering party consisting of Rin, Keith and Taylor. With his chances at retirement permanently shot, Peppy now has to navigate his new life of being one of the oldest adventurers in Axel, and try not to either rage quit or kill Dust in the process. Meanwhile, in the “real world”, Lylat is reeling from the Aparoid Invasion when the Anglars make their debut, and the fractured Star Fox team must face this amidst team struggles and without their beloved mentor.
It’d be easy to have either Fox or Falco in this scenario, since their personalities would mesh with the craziness perfectly (I personally would nominate Falco for this position since in-universe he’s super competitive), but even before I got into KonoSuba, the idea of Peppy ending up in an isekai situation—especially in this world—was too hilarious to leave alone. Also Peppy’s my favorite character, so that’s a no brainer, lol XD
Also, the main reason I had Peppy team up with Dust is for two reasons: 1. As much as I like Kazuma’s character, I wanted to challenge myself with writing an ensemble cast outside of the main one. Kazuma and his party will definitely get their chance to shine, but I wanted to focus on a different set of adventurers for this story, and the team that’s the opposite of Kazuma’s seemed to be a fun choice. 2. Dust is one of my favorite characters in KonoSuba, which happened completely on accident, lol (more on that in the KonoFan post I’ll make soon). And just imagining the headaches he’d cause Peppy was hilarious.
This being KonoSuba, hilarious shenanigans ensue, but there’s also a little bit of seriousness due to, well, Star Fox. You can’t expect a battle-hardened veteran like Peppy to just be dumped into a crazy world like KonoSuba and pretend none of the canon in his universe didn’t happen, lol. I told my buddy that this little story is gonna be full of humor, drama, tragedy, a smudge of romance, and lots of wholesomeness, because although I put him through the ringer a bit here, Peppy needs a bit of a break after the stuff that happened in canon ;_;
If y’all like this idea enough—or if I can’t shake the brain rot off, haha—this might be something I’ll post on AO3! Let me know what you think in the replies!
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themattress · 5 months
I hate Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Everything about it.
However - there is one scene in particular that I absolutely despise above all others. Don't get me wrong, every other cutscene is bad, many of them even rage-inducing....but none of them quite measure up to this one in its wretchedness. Which one is it, you ask? THIS one.
So after Xigbar reiterates the bullshit Inception-esque "dream within a dream" plot twist that Sora is currently experiencing all because he happens to have an "X" on his clothes (yes, that is an actual thing that Nomura wrote), Sora just randomly declares that Nobodies have hearts after all. What does his base this on? The memories from 358/2 Days that he experienced.
"Axel and Roxas and Namine, and that other girl. I felt what Roxas felt and they laughed together, got mad, and they grieved. You have to have a heart to cry."
First off, "that other girl" shouldn't be here. In 358/2 Days, Namine specifically said "If you return your memories to him, you'll disappear. And since everything about you was built on those memories...no one will remember you when you're gone. There won't be any "you" to remember. I can't save you, Xion--even a memory of you." But this game, just like Coded before it and KH3 after it, is flagrantly ignoring that because the rabid fanbase that Days / Xion / the Seasalt Trio developed, particularly in Japan, demanded Xion back and because he's a clout-chasing coward Nomura complied, the story's internal logic be damned.
Secondly, all of the characters Sora mentioned are special cases. Roxas and Namine were special Nobodies built upon a literal heart-to-heart relationship (Sora and Kairi), allowing them to feel things at the cost of having no memory, when for normal Nobodies it's the other way around. Xion was not a Nobody, she was a replica with a heart constructed from memories. Of course she felt stuff. Lastly, this game continues to ignore that Axel's feelings were...off. Making a connection with a heart allowed him to start feeling things, but his Nobody nature was still technically heartless and self-centered, which meant that his feelings were purely based on himself and what his friends mean to him. He never cared about them the way someone is actually supposed to, as that depth of feeling was still foreign to him.
And finally, this seems to be in direct response to that stupid Tomoko Kanemaki-made scene from KH2:FM of Roxas talking with Axel's ghost and they wax poetic about what a heart is and what it means to have one, ending in a shot where Axel is seen shedding tears ("You have to have a heart to cry"). But even that scene, as bad as it was, was still written with Nojima's KH2 scenario in mind where the answer is a philosophical difference between a literal heart, which Nobodies can't have, and a metaphorical heart, which they can develop through bonding with someone with a heart and find a way to exist (as evidenced by Axel even having a ghost at all) within that someone's heart. But now, we get this from Xemnas:
"A heart is never lost for good. There may have been variances in our dispositions, but a number of us unquestionably showed signs of a burgeoning replacement. Once born, the heart can also be nurtured. Our experiments creating Heartless were attempts to control the mind, and convince it to renounce its sense of self. But understand, one can banish the heart from the body, but the body will try to replace it the first chance it gets, for as many times as it takes. And so I knew, even after we were divided into Heartless and Nobodies, it was just a temporary separation."
Where do I even begin?
"A number of us unquestionably showed signs of a burgeoning replacement"? Is this Nomura's way to "explain" why the Organization reacted emotionally on many occasions? Except that was already explained in KH2! As Yen Sid said, their behavior is a ruse to pretend that they have hearts and properly exist, and as Saix said, it's their memories of their human selves and the feelings they felt with hearts that allow them to do this. We literally SEE Demyx drop the facade and show his true unemotional colors right before fighting him!
"One can banish the heart from the body, but the body will try to replace it the first chance it gets". Um, HOW? The body shouldn't be able to recreate a heart because in this universe the body never created the heart to begin with! The literal title of the series, Kingdom Hearts, is where all hearts are born and where all hearts return to. We established that in Game 1!
There was talk earlier about puppets like Pinocchio "growing" a heart, but that's not even the case. As seen earlier in KH2's Space Paranoids and later in KH3's Toy Box, it's not that the non-living thing "grows" a heart, it's that Kingdom Hearts grants them a heart specifically based upon the feelings someone with a heart has toward them. Gepetto, Ansem the Wise, Andy, etc. The hearts didn't just come out of nowhere from nothing like this game suggests.
For that matter, the heart is established as holding the essence of a person; it's who they are. The whole reason Nobodies "don't exist" is because while they have the body and soul of a person plus the memories of said person, without a heart they are not actually that person, who is actually now a Heartless. So is Xemnas saying the body can grow a new freaking person? Then what will become of the original person once they're purified from being a Heartless? The same bullshit of "recompleting" that Lea and co. underwent? But doesn't that contradict the notion that Nobodies are their own individuals who supposedly deserve to live as such? Also, why does all of this only apply to the Organization? What about all of the lesser Nobodies, like the Dusks? Can they not also "regrow" their hearts? Did Nomura think any of this out at all before committing it to script form? And at this point, Sora yells out:
"Why, then? Why did you lie to them and tell them they had no hearts?"
Yep, that's right. Even though Yen Sid also said they had no hearts, Ansem the Wise's research turned up that they had no hearts, and they themselves largely behaved as though they had no hearts, apparently it was all just a lie Xemnas concocted, stripping away half the depth that he and the Organization in general had. Xemnas is now depicted as just a simplistic bad guy and the others save for Xigbar as total victims of brainwashing. Hilariously, the narrative tap-dances around how, if this is true, then Sora and the other heroes now look way more questionable for killing them. The bullshit train keeps chugging as Xigbar says:
"Xemnas and Xehanort formed the Organization for a specific reason - round up a bunch of empty husks, hook them up to Kingdom Hearts, then fill them all with the exact same heart and mind. Translation--they were gonna turn all the members into Xehanort."
So now the claim is that Xemnas, who totally had Xehanort's heart inside him even when Ansem existing should render that impossible, was gonna use the power of Kingdom Hearts to copy-paste that heart into the other Organization members as part of Xehanort's plan to forge the X-Blade. Just like with the claim that Ansem's goal was the Seven Princesses rather than the Final Keyhole they unseal, this clashes with what we actually saw in the previous games. Why would Xemnas do anything he did if this was the plan? The event that got him his thirteenth "vessel" also set the Seven Princesses loose, then several of those "vessels" perished, and yet he carried on with the plan anyway? KH3 tries to do damage control by suggesting Xemnas was out to betray Xehanort, but that just creates more issues with this abominable retcon trying to force separate villainous plans as part of some convoluted whole.
Xigbar then follows all this up with:
"Me? I'm already half Xehanort!"
.....Moving on. Xemnas proceeds to give us this absolute howler:
"However -through weakness of body...weakness of will...or weakness of trust--most of the original members we had chosen for the Organization were inadequate. Thus, naturally, they never had a chance to attain their goal."
MOST of the original Organization members were inadequate!?
Um, yeah, let's flash forward to KH3 and see who made the cut:
Xemnas Xigbar Vexen Saix Demyx Luxord Marluxia Larxene Xion (as a replacement for Roxas)
So basically, 9 out of 13. Only 4 (Xaldin, Lexaeus, Zexion and Axel) "failed".
.....Xemnas, I don't think that the word "most" means what you think it means.
Then we get to the big, dramatic confrontation as Sora yells:
"Just stop it! You treat people's hearts like bottles on a shelf, but they're not! Hearts are made of the people we meet, and how we feel about them-- they're what ties us together even when we're apart! They're what...make me strong."
This is a good line, but Xigbar proceeds to ruin it with his comeback:
"Duh! You're strong because of the ties you have with other people. As if the Keyblade would choose a wimp like you. But no pouting. We see much bigger and better things in your future...once you side with us."
To which Sora replies:
"I know the Keyblade didn't choose me, and I don't care. I'm proud to be a small part of something bigger--the people it did choose! My friends. They are my power!
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Beyond this callback to a famous line in the original game feeling cheap, Nomura doesn't even seem to actually remember the scene in which the line was used! Because the Keyblade DID choose Sora in that scene, precisely because of how he bonded his heart with others and took strength from them. In fact, he may be the ONLY person the Keyblade has "chosen" in this series - the allegedly worthier "other people" who appear in the above image have either had their Keyblade bequeathed to them by a prior wielder, transformed another weapon into a Keyblade, or wield a Keyblade specifically because Sora can wield it. (Also, why are Terra, Aqua, Ven and Xion even there? Calling them Sora's "friends" is a huge stretch, especially when people like Namine and HPO who fit the bill better aren't present! And if them not having Keyblades is the excuse given, I must point out that Donald and Goofy are also here! So are they part of "the people it did choose"!? Where is the consistency!?)
This combined with Xehanort's later "dull, ordinary boy" remark reeks of Nomura being touchy about criticism BBS got for making Sora out to be more special than he was supposed to be which led to him overcorrecting here....which doesn't even stick given Data!Ansem the Wise's later monologue about Sora and the events of KH3. Just terrible, contradictory writing.
I hate Dream Drop Distance. I hate the convoluted dream mechanics, I hate Yen Sid's whole Mark of Mastery test and the stupidity and hypocrisy he displays as it unfolds, I hate the literal TWEWY cast being present, I hate the Lea subplot, I hate Maleficent and Pete doing nothing, I hate the shafting of Kairi, I hate the Sora/Riku queer-baiting, I hate young Xehanort, and I hate all of the screwy, time travel-based retconning and twist reveals in the last act that essentially destroyed the whole series. But this fucking scene in particular, I hate above all.
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