#bad language tw
wannabecatwriter · 2 years
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“Hey!!! Open the fucking door, you dumb bitch!!!” Jereme yelled at the top of his lungs. “I know you’re in there, you whore!!!
In his drunken stupor, Jereme started banging on the door next to the one that the offending sounds were really coming from - the door that the tired couple was trying to get some shut-eye in.
Well, they were well and truly awake now.
“Ohmygod!!!” Rachel yelled, nearly jumping out of bed. Her dreams were already filled with all sorts of terrible things and this was the cherry on top. “Is that...?”
She didn’t want to say it, but he kind of sounded like one of Velour’s regulars. Maybe he was one of Harvey’s men?
Oh no!!! They found her!
Just at that time, the door dangerously rattled under the drunk’s weight, letting them both know just how flimsy this building was.
“Hey, it’s ok,” Ashton tried to reassure her. He saw this guy downstairs when he went for food. “It’s one of the local drunks. He’s harmless. Just really drunk.”
But where the hell were the agents? What was the point of having the FBI near them if some drunk could accost their room in the middle of the night.
“Wait...” Ashton processed the noises coming from next door. “Are they fucking in there? Now???”
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therapardalis · 1 year
"No getting up," Julian said as a hand gently laid on her shoulder to keep her from trying. "You took a bad blow to the head." One hand moved to briefly flash a light over both her eyes. Concussion, definitely, among the lacerations and bruising. The lights in the infirmary dimmed just a bit.
"A betazoid smuggler decided to pick a fight with you in Quark's. I'm told it was purely fists until he drew a knife. Needless to say, you have a stab wound in your side. No major organs hit, though." He could hear the drunken ramblings from the Betazoid in the next room alongside Constable Odo's calm replies. There was a hum of a dermal regenerator swinging over her temple, other hand shielding her eyes from the added light. "You'll be alright, but I'm sure the Constable will like to know why the two of you decided to get into it." The regenerator hummed, moving over a bruise on her neck next.
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"I know there's a fucking stab wound, Julian." And the head impact, and the rest of the knocks and bruises, each one gnawing at her as a personal failure. Letting some half-arsed crook score that many hits on her was ... pathetic, to be honest, and Thera was as angry with herself as she was at the Betazoid.
Along with at Julian, though he was by far the least deserving of her ire. But right then to her slightly rattled brain he sounded like every pacifistic sort, who when violence broke out were all too quick to blame the Marine.
Ex-Marine. What the fuck ever.
"We got into it because I was keeping him off everybody else." Dry, a touch bitter; she hadn't just been in a fight, she'd been the protection, holding the line until the civilians had gotten away. "And this is what I got for not just ending the bastard then and there." Which would have given the 'Constable' something to really complain about. Thera hissed over her teeth, threw a sideways glare in the direction of the Betazoid's noise.
"Tell that fucker if he doesn't shut up I'm gonna knock him out cold all over again."
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No offense but i wish EVERYONE could make them at this point
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chaoticvi · 9 months
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the hands that bring destruction can be so gentle.
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0xy--m0r0n · 2 months
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"такое красивое лицо, испорченное".
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batwynn · 4 days
Sooo I’m watching an entire facebook group full of trump and cop dick suckers lose their entire minds right now.
Everyone in my very red area just went from “blue lives matter” circle jerking to “maybe we should not have given the local police 7 billion dollars” veeeery quickly when it came out that one of them just straight up killed a guy everyone liked and almost got away with it. 🤔 Wild how fast the opinion changes when it’s them murdering a likable white guy who didn’t qualify for the “oh he’s just a druggie” apathy special. It sure feels like something.
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merakiui · 1 year
please bless us with some eel mating season/breeding TwT
The moray eel doesn't have an exact mating season because they only mate when there is enough food and a suitable habitat. But most morays will mate in warmer waters because the temperatures are usually the best for mating. Morays will also open and close their mouths very widely at one another to show that they wish to mate!
Applying that to Jade and Floyd, they could essentially just choose to mate with you whenever they want, but I think they're both particular about the season. Floyd wants to mate with you in the summer because the waters are warm and comfortable, and it's the perfect time to give his shrimpy plenty of babies! Jade prefers the spring because that's when everything is in bloom (or is just starting to bloom) and it's a beautiful transition from winter to spring. But since they intend to mate with you at the same time, they'll settle for something in between both seasons. Perhaps the month where spring gives way to summer.
You probably won't know about the opening and closing of the mouth, which is how they'll trap you. Floyd does it quite noticeably, but Jade's a little covert with it. Perhaps you'll think Floyd's playing a game and so you'll do it back, and after a few times they're certain you want to mate (horny moray delusion...). Unlike Azul, the twins will want you to stay human when they fuck you. Your small size is so cute to them, and they want to see you cry when they stuff you full. The mating process will last for hours, so enjoy being sandwiched between both of them in the water, their long bodies curled snugly around you. <3
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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“Is that everything? Any petrol or diesel?”
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“No... Actually, do you’ve something for bug bites?”
“Like, that insect repellent stuff or some kind of topical cream?”
“The repellent, please.”
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“I think we have it,” the woman at the till goes to the shelves behind her while I lean across to watch as she rummages through rows of suncream and painkillers. 
“It’s the midges,” I say conversationally, “They eat me alive, see I think I’ve really delicious blood.”
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“They’re annoying alright,” she scans a bottle of Jungle Formula and packs it into a plastic bag along with all of the junk food I’ve just bought. “That it?”
I scan the shelves quickly, “oh, actually, can I have a box of those too?”
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She glances over her shoulder, “Condoms?”
“Yeah, please.”
She eyes me up, “Are you seventeen?”
“I’m not sure you are.”
“Do I have a right to buy them?”
“I have a right to refuse if I don’t think that you’re the age of consent.”
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“Respectfully I’m going to get them from somewhere whether you refuse or not,” she narrows her eyes to slits but I give her a big smile so that she can’t be angry, “Or if you want I’ll just not use protection and it’ll be your fault my life is ruined.”
“Do you have ID?”
“Why would I have ID? I’m seventeen.”
She snatches and tosses a box across the counter at me, “Fine, there you go, because I know well that you’d stand here all day and hold up the queue just by the look of you, you cheeky bollox. That’ll be Twenty three thirty altogether.”
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“Yeah, no issue,” I slot my dad’s credit card into the machine and stab in his digits. I see her watching it, a weighted, black metal platinum visa, and it’s definitely obvious that it isn’t mine, but she doesn’t know my circumstances, and anyway I know that my dad would have given me money if I had felt like talking to him today, but I didn’t. Borrowing from his wallet is the same thing. 
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I glance at the shopkeeper one last time before leaving, “What are the chances you’d score me a pack of cigarettes?”
“Get lost.”
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I’m checking my text messages on the way out of the shop, so I don’t see the man walking in the opposite direction. We bump shoulders in the doorway and I mutter an apology before looking up and realising who I have just collided with. 
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His nostrils flare as he looks me up and down, and as I stand and look cooly back at him I wonder if he gets off, like genuinely gets off on the idea of how threatening he thinks he is. 
“You’re a friend of Clóda?” He says.
“Yeah, and you are?”
“Her father.”
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“Oh right, yeah. I guess I never made the connection.” I thought you were just some weirdo glaring over at us in the Boat Club, is what I want to add but I’m not sure I’m feeling entirely suicidal today. 
He stares me down until I feel my skin prickle, and when his eyes find my bag of shopping, including the Durex box pressing label-out through the translucent plastic his face turns a ferocious shade of puce. “How old are you?”
“Is that so?”
“And who are your parents?”
“Christopher and Colette, who are yours?”
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“None of your business,” He splutters, “Are you one of those young fellas who hangs about in the caravan parks?”
“So what if I was?”
“Well my daughter is a hard worker, she’s busy at her job and I’d rather she wasn’t being distracted or having any of her time wasted.”
“Yeah, fine.”
“So if you wouldn’t mind steering clear of the Boat Club when she’s working, I’d rather you not hanging about and causing complaints from the customers.”
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“Oh the customers complain about me, do they?”
He wrinkles his nose, “We prefer to uphold a certain standard at the club.”
My skin prickles, “So basically you don’t want anyone who looks like they stay in the caravan parks hanging around and making it look cheap.”
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“That’s not an unreasonable request, especially since you don’t exactly dine with us, do you?”
I’m walking away already, “Yeah, fine, whatever.”
“I’m glad you understand.”
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On the shortcut through a holiday park I furiously kick a stone out of my way. Then a piece of rubbish. Then I spot a ceramic flower pot by the entrance to the communal showers and I kick that too, knocking it to the side and splitting it in two, and the soil spills out and the plant slumps to the tarmac. It looks pathetic so I kick it again. 
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Suddenly a tennis ball comes from nowhere and whacks me in the back with a thunk. I whirl around, “Hey!”
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“Hey yourself!” Kelly grabs another ball and flings it at me, and I duck as it wallops into the wall behind me. I grab and fling it back, “What’s your problem, Kelly?”
“What’s my problem?” She shrieks as she dodges it, “What’s your problem?”
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“What is it with you and your brother throwing tennis balls at me, huh? What did I do now?”
She hurls another, “What are you doing here?”
“Ugh! Walking!”
“Well stay out of my caravan park. Go the long way around.”
“Your caravan park? Kelly, if this is about the frog in your hair-”
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“The frog? Fuck your frog,” she lets out a tiny squeal as she jumps out of the path of the ball I’ve flung back, “and fuck you, by the way.”
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“Fuck me? Fuck you Kelly, I’m not in the mood for this shit.”
“Shut up.”
“You shut up.”
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“Suck my dick!” She spins on her heel and stalks away and I watch her for a minute, bewildered, until she disappears between a couple of mobile homes and then, when she’s fully gone and I am alone with the broken flower pot again, I pick up my overturned bag of goodies and shake my head. 
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“Little weirdo.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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seonghwasblr-moved · 7 months
PSA to all of the reaction video watchers! Stop giving @/TeddyGreyOnStuff on youtube a platform!
He refered to XG as a "group of vaginas" and called XG and (G)-idle "tramps" for not catering to a male audience. He is a misogynist, and refers to women as "females" (as seen in the linked twitter video)
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Idk what video this is about, as I haven't watched his videos for a loooooong time, but this is not the way to go.
He is a big Stray Kids and ATEEZ fan, and compares other groups to them all the time, and uses them to put down other groups as well.
He also made Hitler jokes
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This was his response to the backlash on the XG "reaction"
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Don't click on any of his videos, but please go report his youtube channel!
Stop giving this man a platform. If you've only watched his reactions to your favourite boygroups, you probably didn't know about this, so I don't blame you. Now you know, so please stop supporting him. (I haven't watched the XG video, but this is what I saw on twitter!)
Also this post isn't for people to hate on reaction video watchers, skz fans or atz fans
TLDR: this man is a piece of shit
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a-lil-perspective · 2 years
Tech: *about Crosshair* He has a challenging personality.
Hunter: What he means is, he’s mostly an asshole. But every now and then he could be a dick.
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crabussy · 1 year
I want to take a bite out of someone's arm but I'm too shy
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swampyswan · 1 year
The tension between Beetlejuice and the Maitlands in the musical is PALPABLE
This funny green man has been watching these two in their house for god knows how long. He wants them to be his best friends. You KNOW he’s watched them fuck. He wants to be their third so badly. He craves stability and love and sees it with them
Meanwhile this couple is the definition of “insane but good at hiding it”. I get the energy that they want to rawdog each other so badly but don’t out of fear that the other will think less of them for it. They fill their lives (or non lives) with frivolous hobbies so they don’t spend it fawning over each other. If anyone can open the floodgates of repressed horniness, it’s the funny green man that’s openly attracted to both of them
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teejaystumbles · 2 years
it’s still Halloween so have some more gory dreamling :P
For 24 long hours, when John Dee held Dream’s ruby, the world sank into madness, sleeplessness and nightmares.
Hob Gadling dreams. He is in a dark stone basement. Moonlight through a skylight far above illuminates a broken glass sphere, large enough to hold a man.
There is a creature inside it, crouching between shards of glass. Hob steps closer, fascinated. The creature looks like a man, yet is not. Its limbs are impossibly long, its skin is white as marble and stretched tightly over visible bones. Its face is a face Hob has beheld only a handful of times but would know how to draw with his eyes closed, if he had any talent for such things. It looks like his stranger but its body is so strangely-shaped that he struggles to believe they could be one and the same. Its eyes are pools of black tar with red embers glowing in their depths. Hair that shimmers like raven’s feathers and black spider’s silk sits on its head like a crown, unruly and wild. Hob has fantasized about the feel of that hair. Despite himself he takes another step, still unsure. Can this really be…?
It watches him as he steps closer. Then it opens its mouth and releases a low and trembling moan that shakes the basement’s foundation and makes the hair on Hob’s arms stand on end. Needle-sharp teeth glint in a beam of moonlight and in a second the creature is upon him.
Hob falls to the floor on his back with a grunt, long white bony claws clutch at his chest and tear at his shirt. He stares up into the bottomless eyes and pleads:
“It is you, isn’t it? Let me help. I can help, I can…”
The creature snarls and rips straight through his shirt and tears bloody gashes into his chest. Hob hisses in pain and grapples with the creature’s – his stranger’s, he’s sure, it has to be – claws and shoulders to hold him off.
“Please, wait, what can I do-”
Needle-sharp teeth bury in his shoulder and he howls. Claws are ripping him open, digging deeper inside his chest and Hob sucks in desperate breath after breath, gasping in pain. The teeth release him and his stranger’s handsome face stares down at him with blood dripping from his lips and chin.
Give me Give me more so cold cold COLD
It shivers against him and Hob fights against the pain and lifts his arms to embrace the skeletal monstrous form of his stranger, draws painful breath to say:
“I’ve got you, I’ll hold you, I’ll warm you, please, I’m here-”
Stay stay STAY get me OUT of here give me more I NEED MORE hungry hungry cold cold HUNGRY
Sharp clawed fingers pull his ribs apart and soft lips and nose bury in his neck and pant against him as he screams. Hob is dimly aware that this must be a dream, it has to be. He has never held consciousness for so long under such physical strain and having his rib-cage opened is a first but he’s pretty sure he would have blacked out a while ago. His stranger is pushing at him as if he’s trying to crawl inside him and Hob can only shake and gasp for breath and pull him closer.
Closer Please closer more deeper deeper you you you HOB please
“Anything...anything, for you…” he whispers into unbelievably soft black hair, chokes on his own blood and coughs, pushes trembling fingers into bony shoulders to hold his stranger as he shakes and buries his face in Hob’s open chest to feast, to wear him like a mantle-
The stranger’s voice is suddenly different, no longer a rush of sound into his brain but a voice his ears register. Hob fights through the pain to open his eyes. His stranger looks at him, his face full of Hob’s blood, but his eyes are wide and glinting with now white stars in their midst and there is sanity and recognition in them.
“Ah… hello old stranger...” Hob wheezes and smiles. With a glance at them both the stranger releases Hob, a frown marring his beautiful features. He waves his right hand and suddenly the pain is gone. Hob looks down at himself and sees no blood, no torn open chest. His stranger stares down at him, now clad in a black shirt and trousers. He still has Hob’s blood on his face and Hob shivers.
He lifts his hand and brushes it over his stranger’s chin.
“You still got…”
His hand comes away bloody and his stranger’s eyes widen, he sucks in a breath and then the blood is gone.
“I am sorry, Hob. I did not wish for you to experience any of this.” he says in a voice full of sadness. “A madman held control over the dreaming for several hours. This was...a very personal nightmare that latched onto you. I apologize.”
Hob tries to think. “Oh...so this was your nightmare?”
His stranger cocks his head and then lowers his eyes. “Yes.”
“Why...why would it latch...onto me then?” Hob asks and waits with baited breath. Part of him is thrilled. His stranger is here, and even if it’s a dream, he knows it is real.
Lips like rose petals part and tremble for a second before giving him an answer.
“Because this is my nightmare. You, here...and me, like that.”
His stranger sighs softly and steps back.
“I was...imprisoned. For a very long time. When I escaped I left this part of me here… I could not control it. And you stumbled upon it. Of all the nightmares that exist, you had to find this one.”
He shakes his head angrily and turns to leave.
“There will be no more bad dreams tonight, Hob Gadling, I promise. Sleep well.”
Hob desperately reaches for him, grabs at his shoulder and pulls him back. His stranger frowns at him but waits. Hob releases a nervous breath.
“It wasn’t a nightmare. Not to me. I would…” he swallows heavily. “I would give you all you need. Anytime. Anything. I mean it.”
The stranger stares at him, lips parted, looking taken aback, if Hob where to guess. Hob feels himself blushing, feels his heart tripping and beating loudly and gives a helpless smile. He releases the other’s shoulder and looks at his feet.
“Sorry. I, I just wanted to tell you. I...hope to see you again. Soon?”
He lifts his eyes to his stranger’s face again with so much hope it’s choking him. Twin stars glitter in eyes like black tidal pools and a tiny smile plays at the edges of the stranger’s lips. A voice like dark velvet is the last thing Hob registers before he is sinking into soft dreamless depths.
“Very soon, Hob.”
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taegularities · 6 days
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selectivechaos · 10 months
cw: slurs ⚠️⚠️⚠️
quit using insecure as an insult.
quit using desperate as an insult.
quit using ‘needs therapy’ as an insult.
quit using psychotic as an insult.
quit using pathetic as an insult.
quit using clingy as an insult.
quit using sociopath as an insult.
quit using narcissist as an insult.
quit using dumb as an insult.
quit using slow as an insult.
quit using autistic as an insult.
quit using psychopath as an insult.
quit using insane as an insult.
“but sometimes they are these things.” an accurate label used as an insult is a mirror shard used as a knife.
you’re hurting real people. people who don’t deserve to believe they’re bad or flawed or wrong.
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ramblesanddragons · 2 months
Let me tell you a story.
Friday we lost Buster. It happened so fast. Cancer and internal bleeding.
It's been hard. Our first pup.
So we've been eating out a lot. The kitchen is filled with memories of him. And also a mess. We are a mess.
So we go out to eat and leave the restaurant, still hurting.
That's when we run across an odd sight at the roundabout home. A little old lady's car had the front tire sideways. There were some people trying to help but my husband works on cars so we park and walk over.
Or in my case hobble because I'm in a boot for a foot problem.
Anyway, the Firestone nearby sent this little hard of hearing using a cane after hip replacement old lady off without attaching the lugnuts for her front tire.
She was the last customer of the day. I get wanting to go home but they could have killed her.
So the group of gathered people put our heads together to help. We've got:
Two librarians (Me and the hubby)
Two ladies from Portugal.
Two Mormons in their door knocking best.
And a guy that radiated NYC energy.
I learned a few things that afternoon.
One: I can't tell the difference between Spanish and Portuguese. The two ladies tried to call a tow truck, had a convo in what I thought was Spanish, got a guy on the phone who speaks Spanish, handed the phone to me, I spend a whole minute confused as to why they were struggling to understand the guy, they tell me they speak Portuguese and English, and I (rather embarrsed) hand the phone to hubby who has a better grip of Spanish.
Two: I'm not great at directing g traffic but if you're confident enough people will follow your hand signs. We called the cops for help. They showed 45 minutes later after we fixed her tire. 😑
Three: Mormons don't get to have google on their phones while on a mission?? (The guys were nice, didn't do any preaching, bought the lady new lug nuts, and helped hubby put them on.)
Four: The NYC guy considered converting to Jewdism but didn't like the outfits. Thought the Mormons were dressed nice. He gave the lady some water then moved on and wished us luck when he realized he couldn't be more help.
Five: Little Southren Ladies will do anything to get to Church in the morning. I already knew this but I found it sweet that this was what she was the most stressed about.
After some work the tire was put back on right and my husband test drove it in the Walmart parking lot. He gave the lady a list of things to fuss about at Firestone. I told her to get a relative or someone at church to help her chew them out because if she tries on her own she's the type of senior citizen who would get the run around I just know it.
Everyone parted ways, and when I got into the car, I felt lighter. Yes, I was still hurting, and I'm going to be for a while, but seeing the good side of humanity soothed something inside of me. I think it did for my husband too.
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