#because i've realized i don't actually care that much if people like SU. i care if people *understand* it. only then can we talk.
faelapis · 7 months
i'm not totally immune to any and all SU criticism.
i think it's fine if people treat it like any animated show - heck, any show, because nothing is perfect. that's why i don't like when people defend SU with the caveat "its not perfect, but..." cuz they would never do for a show like gravity falls or atla. if you think any media is perfect, i straight up don't trust your opinion. it should be implied already that you don't think something is perfect. if you have to specify, you sound like a child, because you sound like you think media without that caveat is perfect.
anyway. the other issue is. most people critical of SU are incapable of being normal about it. it's such a common trope on "cartoon twitter" (shudders) that someone will say something vaguely critical - like, idk, the writing being "messy in places." and you think okay, maybe this is a normal take. maybe i won't agree, but maybe this is the rare person who dislikes SU for normal reasons and you can have a real conversation with.
then you press for examples and it's almost always "fusion is sex," "diamonds are hitler," or "they SOLVE THINGS BY HUGGING???"
so yeah... no. as long as that's the baseline, i will always defend SU.
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nutzgunray-lvt · 5 months
Why I Hate Canon Dadzawa
I'm pretty sure I've said this before multiple times, but Aizawa is my second least favorite character in MHA behind Bakugou and ahead of Shinsou. Most of this is because of his canon actions/how he's written, but a lot of this is due to people INSISTING that Fanon Dadzawa is Canon Dadzawa.
To put out a disclaimer, I don't mind Fanon Dadzawa. There's been some really well written Fanon Dadzawa fics that I like, and I'm of the belief that you can and should write whatever fics you want. I also think that Canon Dadzawa/Aizawa as a whole could have been such an interesting character had he been written better. Instead (like with almost every other character in MHA) we get someone whose actions don't match how he's supposed to come off as.
This topic is a sore spot for me, because the people who got me into MHA tried selling me on Dadzawa, Dadzawa, Dadzawa. I felt so tricked when I first got into it and saw that none of what they were saying was true.
Just like how Bakugou is a Temu version of Vegeta (so insulting to Vegeta) and Sasuke (who is another character I don't really like, but will put well above Bakugou), Aizawa is a SheIn version of Kakashi; a conventionally attractive, badass, no-nonsense teacher who genuinely cares about and is protective of his students. I have my problems with Kakashi, but it's at least been actually shown that he cares for his students, and whenever he does a "Rational Deception", he not only immediately explains himself, but he only ever did them in his introduction. For that matter, he's actually a good friend to Guy.
Aizawa, on the other hand, is a hot mess of a walking, talking contradiction in writing and Character Shilling. We're constantly told that he's this amazing teacher and amazing person, but the evidence doesn't match up with these claims.
He never owns up to his failings, choosing to a) ignore them entirely, b) excuse them away, or c) throw other undeserving people under the bus to make himself look good. We see this in how he halfheartedly acknowledges Ida angrilly calling him out on his repeated lying to 1A, when he excuses away his utter failure in curbing Bakugou's awful behavior with his "deep seated conviction" in bring a hero, and when he tries throwing All Might under the bus when Hound Dog calls them out in exaserbating Izuku's trust issues after the Gentle Criminal fight.
For that matter, he has yet to apologize to Izuku after his realization during the Liberation Front War of how much of jackass he was to him. Seriously, Izuku has saved his ass I don't know how many times, and he continued being such an ungrateful bastard towards him. I'm not saying he should have gotten on his knees and proclaimed his life to him, but you would think that would have at least changed his attitude towards him.
And speaking of Izuku, while he's always on his ass about his Quirk control... he completely ignores the issues that Aoyama and Kaminari have with THEIR Quirks. Kaminari being taken hostage at the USJ due to his lack of Quirk Control goes completely unacknowledged, and Aoyama's lack of Quirk Control is treated solely for comedic value. You'd think Dadzawa: Best UA Teacher would try to help the two of them as well, but nope.
I could go on all day about his expulsion record, but the point is, he's ruining these students' lives due to him projecting his own traumas onto them. I have to reiterate this, but these expulsions DO IN FACT stay on their permanent records. In Japan, having an expulsion on your permanent record CAN AND WILL prevent you from getting a well paying job. Expulsion is treated as an absolute last resort for a reason, and to see him throw that threat around like it's nothing is horrible of him. Nedzu is a horribly negligent principal for letting Aizawa do this, and the fact that nobody has sued UA for this is a miracle.
Then we get to his favoritism of Bakugou and Shinsou, probably the biggest indicator of his hypocrisy.
It makes absolutely NO SENSE that Aizawa's presented as this strict hardass of a teacher, and then he's shown giving preferental treatment to an abusive egoist (that was canonically how Bakugou was described in his character profile) and a whiny, Quirkist Troll doll that's not even in the Heroics Course. This is especially egrigious considering how often he bitches and moans about All Might mentoring Izuku! He sticks his neck out for Bakugou when he absolutely doesn't deserve it and when you know for a fact he wouldn't do this for his other students.
For that matter, he's such an awful friend to Mic and Midnight. His relationship with both of them is all take and no give. Mic canonically surpressed his own grief and trauma surrounding Oboro and Midnight's deaths for Aizawa's sake, and while it was wrong of Midnight to throw Aizawa's name into the teacher's ring behind his back, he repays her trying to get him a job by doing all the above I just listed. His relationship with them is unhealthy as hell, especially since they NEVER take him to task for his awful behavior.
On top of all of THAT, he genuinely thinks he's this amazing teacher and person, given how angry he gets at Mic for calling him a terrible teacher during the Sports Festival. He calls Vlad King a better teacher than him... but doesn't do ANYTHING to change his ways. You can't have it both ways, Aizawa.
In conclusion, Aizawa would have been such an interesting character had he been allowed to examine and change his attitude and teachings. Instead, we get someone who unfairly has a reputation of being a paragon of goodness and rationality.
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forgotteneithne · 3 months
ooc || eithne & malconaire & i guess some family history?!
not even sure if this is meant to be an ooc thread with anyone or just some rambling of my thoughts that all stem out of me thinking "i need something for eithne beyond being sad and nice and pretty"? anyway, since its relating TO the malconaire estate & i'm realizing as i'm typing sort of the family history, here it is for everyone?!
i realize that i've been operating under the assumption that the Malconaire Estate is comparable to like an english country estate with tenants and farms and even a village of some sort with the family obviously still living in the manor/main house which may not be what the intention was?
but, continuing on the idea of a country estate style life for malconaire, clearly its gone a bit downhill since the war-- i don't know if the battle where lord m died took place ON (or near?) his landholdings but if that's the case then it could be some of the farmlands/tenant rentals/or even the village maybe? were damaged during the battle(s) an obviously valentina has had NO interest in spending her $$$ on estate improvements when she could buy herself nice things!!! but then obviously the estate is not bringing in much (any?!) money currently hence here we are.
anyway re: eithne & her role/relationship with the estate. since we've established she was meant to be her father's heir, she started learning how the estate operated with her father as soon as she was old enough-- probably starting doing things just like checking in on tenants, etc and then moving on to learning about managing the financial side of things and some knowledge about farming (i guess i've just decided they'd farm the lands?!) and really just instilling the idea that they are the caretakers of the land and the people who live there (which since i think we've established the malconaires are an old astairian family definitely harkens back to that idea of the ruling class caring for the citizens who care for the guardians!)
basically it was straight up engrained in eithne that she must carry on the responsibility of caring for malconaire and she was up for the challenge but now with this sus "will" naming cassimir the heir popping up and watching the whole thing get run into the ground of the past two years.. yeah its not great. i think she has some guilt regarding this but she knows that there isn't much she can DO to get control of the estate back (#thanksroderick) so she's been doing the best she can to try and keep some of it together. and while her sisters well being is very important to her and their safety in comfort is a big factor in her decision making for the future, feeling as if she needs to stay and take care of malconaire is a factor as well
if/when @forgottencassimir proposes, its definitely mostly for the good of the estate and all the people who still live there and depend on them for survival! even if the kindest richest most handsome man ever (who somehow has three extra castles for her sisters to live in!) showed up and proposed marriage to her, it would be very hard for her to abandon her family history and obligations to the estate for cassimir & valentina to take. i do think eithne will maybe have some conditions she will make with cassimir before the wedding which probably will ruffle valentina's feathers more than anything? (honestly step one: valentina moves into whatever version of the dowager house exists. step two: valentina gets a modest allowance, haha!) among she wants to re-employ any of the servants valentina has fired (honestly imagining that eithne does what she can to provide for them if they haven't found new jobs or left entirely!) and promote @forgottencillian to the state's steward (which in my mind was her father's plan that never got to happen because again #thanksroderick)
anyway, this is a bunch of rambling and i'm open to adapting anything of course especially regarding to WHAT malconaire estate actually is because this was all just in my head assumption nonsense, haha :)
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foone · 1 year
there's a post going around talking about how thermometers have mercury in them and i want to know if you're as frustrated by it as i am
thermometers don't have mercury! mercury is poisonous! we found this out years ago and started making alcohol based thermometers and spring based thermometers! there is no mercury!
Yeah, I've heard this referred to as "mesofacts". Things that were true (or at least "as true as we knew") at one point but aren't anymore. This is everything from "the population of earth is 6 billion" to "dinosaurs didn't have feathers".
And it's especially annoying when people try to use it as a "gotcha". Like HEY DID YOU KNOW THE BRONTOSAURUS DIDN'T REALLY EXIST?
Which is true.. Or it was true. Because while the Brontosaurus was long thought to be a mistake (actually being a misidentified Apatosaurus), since 2015 the genus has been brought back, as further discoveries indicate that it's a separate species.
Anyway, on the subject of mercury, I'm pretty sure we understood mercury was toxic when we started making thermometers out of them. We just didn't realize HOW toxic it was, and we now care more about things like "what if it breaks?" and "how will we dispose of it if it does?"
And probably some of it was a shift in liability. It's harder to sell a device full of poison these days, because there are laws about it, and you'll get sued if you poison your customers. It's not hard enough to do this, and we still have a huge probablem with e-waste and batteries (STOP WASTING ALL OUR LIMITED SUPPLY OF LITHIUM BY GLUING BATTERIES INTO DEVICES IN ORDER TO MAKE THEM 2mm SMALLER, YOU FUCKS), but we've definitely gotten better about it.
Anyway it's amusing to transition to talking about e-waste because this whole mercury thing is also pretty much a non-issue because you can by a digital thermometer for about the same price as an analog one these days. Thermocouples are cheap, LCDs are cheap, and you only need a little 8-bit microcontroller to hook them together. Fortunately there's relatively little e-waste there, mainly because it would cost too much to include a rechargeable battery and USB port.
But yeah. People correcting people with incorrect information or trying to blow people's minds with incorrect/outdated information is a problem.
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alligatorjesie · 5 months
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*glances at the raging cunt who keeps posting harassment to this fandom's tags every month or so*
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You know the last time I checked you're not a fucking reylo so beats the fuck out of us why you're up in our goddamn shit so often @watchingtheearthrise
Cait Corrain isn't active in this fandom. She's hardly a reylo, and if she's gonna act like that she's not fuckin' welcome here.
I think they may have wrote a few reylo fics a long time ago but they're not a big name writer and the fandom as a whole don't really know who the fuck this person is.
I've seen a few people online mention Cait's book is published reylo fanfiction but I can't find anything from the writer confirming it so we’re all just assuming it started out as a reylo fic.
Looking at it, it seems more like lore olympus fanfiction than reylo but again, until the author says otherwise we’re just assuming.
Cait did however talk a gullible friend into helping her sabotage other people's book reviews and when the lacky she coerced did it wrong because she didn't really explain her dastardly plan very well and the moment she realized how badly the 'friend' fucked up she threw that kid under the bus.
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But even that shit is kinda sus because these timestamps don't fucking line up. This conversation looks doctored to a lot of people meaning the only person responsible for being a cunt here is cait and you @watchingtheearthrise.
The friend is mentioned to be a reylo but you can't really put much of the blame on them since they were just doing what their cool(shitty) published writer friend asked them to do, assuming this friend is even real.
Cait didn't get mad she did a bad thing. She got mad she did it poorly and got caught. Which speaks volumes about Cait.
You being here assuming the worst out of this fandom every time someone so much as sneezes without saying 'god bless you' speaks volumes about you @watchingtheearthrise.
Please for the love of fuck would you find a fucking hobby to pour this endless passion into.
You know something really fun that I've spent a lot of mental energy on over the years and has brought me great pride and joy is this Star Wars Episode 9 rewrite comic I've been working on.
I got character sheets and new alien designs.
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Most of the script is wrote out, I'm currently working on storyboards and page framing.
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I'm only as far as I am because I have a life outside the computer and can't dedicate endless hours a pet project but it's got 2 of my favorite things in it:
A narratively cohesive continuation of The Last Jedi-
And furries.
Because fuckit why not it's my fucking comic.
You're welcome to laugh, and I know you will because you're a huge pile of shit, but doing this has been incredibly cathartic.
we live in a world were we have increasingly little control over basic shit in it. Media can feel like it wants to make money more than it cares about the story and character development and if I want media I’ll actually enjoy well goddamnit I guess I’ll make it myself.
I want it to be good. I want the salt of the fact a random furry wrote and created a better Star Wars EP9 to burn. I think thats funny.
I personally didn't like EP9
(Notice how I dislike EP9 but don't go out of my way to harass people who like it @watchingtheearthrise?)
So I decided to just make my own. Instead of being asshole to people in a fandom who do like it.
(Notice what I'm doing there @watchingtheearthrise?)
I don't see you in here when the fandom does nice shit like donating a shit ton of money to Adam Driver's arts for the military foundation.
I didn't see you in here when Thea Guanzon, a southeast asian reylo's published book became a new york times bestseller.
I don't fucking see you pop in when the dedicated members of this fandom post art and stories and celebrate the thing they love.
Don't let a single person who is acting shitty color your entire opinion about a whole ass fandom man. God fucking knows if I took this approach with finnreys I would just assume all of them are huge pieces of shit because nine times out of ten the people posting anti hate to the reylo tag are finnreys.
But since I'm not a complete fucking dumbass Like Some People Here
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I'm able to use some common fucking sense and see it's not the finnreys that are shit.
finnreys are fine.
It's just like... 4 unique people with a lot of extra accounts.
real fucking bold to comment on someone making extra accounts to do nefarious things online from someone who already does that.
I’m pretty fucking sure at least 6 of the antis I regularly come across in this tag Are Your Accounts @watchingtheearthrise. You admit to 2 extra ones you’ve used to harass people in this fandom in the past In Your Fucking Bio
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( I love hate how you have reylos in your DNI but paradoxically will not stop posting to this fucking fandoms’s tag I swear to Jesus Fucking Chri-)
God fucking bless you @watchingtheearthrise I hope you find someone who helps you learn how to not be such a festering cunt.
I started out this post not even know who the fuck Cait Corrain is. I still don't give a fuck because shit people can go fuck off into oblivion for all the fucks I don't give but since some asshat antis can’t be fucked to do a goddamn second of research I guess much like that ep9 I'm rewriting I’ll just fucking do this too.
Cait's a reylo about as much as you @watchingtheearthrise and you’re both welcome to let the door hit y’all on the ass on the way out.
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miniscrew-anon · 2 months
I'm pretty sure I've written this scene like 3937163526 times but whatever lmao here you go
Shadow strutted into Four’s room as usual, creaking the door ever so slightly so Four knew he was here. Even so, Four still jolted when he noticed him out of the corner of his eye.
“It’s late, Rain,” Shadow remarked as flopped down onto the bed next to Four. Four groaned as he rolled over to make room. It was nearly 3, in fact. Did that mean it was actually early? He wasn’t sure.
“Mm…couldn’t sleep,” Four replied lamely. Clearly a lie.
Shadow scoffed. “You know I can see when you’re online, right? Don’t pretend you even tried.”
Four sighed. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I dunno, lost track of time or something.” He set down his phone and rolled over to look at Shadow. “You weren’t sleeping either,” he pointed out.
“I was working, man! You were just lying here.”
“Working until 2 in the morning?”
“Fair point,” Shadow admitted. He’d gone down another internet rabbit hole. Something wasn’t right about this place, and Four knew it too. He just needed to figure out what.
“I guess…well, I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately,” Four said.
“Yeah, I knew,” Shadow replied. “You’ve been more distant, taking longer to respond- you’re not taking care of yourself, Four. Have you even been eating enough?” He llifted a strand of hair out of Four’s face. “What’s going on?”
Four didn’t reply for a few moments. “I…I’m not sure,” he decided. “Got caught up in…other things, and well, it’s just been so busy, I just kind of forgot, you know?”
Shadow nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I do know.” He pulled Four close, realizing how thin he felt. “Just take care of yourself, alright?”
Four chuckled. “Yeah, okay.”
“Promise?” Shadow teased.
“Okay, okay, I promise!” Four laughed, chucking a pillow at Shadow.
“How’re the…roommates?”
“Housemates, I guess. They’re fine. I haven’t really been up to the third floor, but I am praying that the guy doesn’t have any more rooms. Nine people in a house is enough.”
“No kidding. Who even are they?” Shadow hadn’t seen much of them, he made a point to keep his presence as quiet as possible.
“Well, other than the homeowner…” (Now that guy was someone to look into. What kind of person just lets 8 other people live in his house? Maybe he had a secret desire for kids or something, but these were grown men. He was hoping it wasn’t some sort of weird fetish.) “There’s the kid. Pretty much just hangs in his room all day.”
“You say kid, how old even is he?”
"Dunno. Young. There's Hyrule, he's the doctor." Shadow figured that was good. The guy seemed trustworthy enough.
"What about the weird one? He a drug dealer or something?"
"Probably not. He's got some weird friend that hangs around here sometimes, but they don't bother anyone else." (If he was a drug dealer, Shadow would probably ask Four to come live with him. The risk of being arrested is not something either of them wanted to take.) "The others are pretty alright. There's Wild, he's a but…
"Mm. Yeah, there's some weird figures here, I've seen that much." Shadow nestled into Four's hair, the blond leaning back against him. "Be careful, Rain, okay?"
"Of course."
They stayed in silence then, Shadow holding Four close to him.
"I'm glad you're here," Four whispered to him a few minutes later.
"Me too."
honestly I'm pretty sure this was gonna go somewhere but I got too tired to insert a plot so this is the soup you get 🍲
--secret third thing anon, too lazy to edit this because tumble hates formatting
I love this so much!!!
Shadow casually tracking everyone Four lives with is just so mwah chefs kiss - I love when he’s that special brand of protective and intrusive that’s all him. And him being sus of Time is just perfect. Because seriously - who just invites eight random guys off the street into his home filled with expensive and fancy stuff?
Secret thank you! You’re always welcome to drop things into my inbox! I love hearing from you ❤️
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insulationsun · 9 months
What if Anne, Steven, and Kris met?
that would be absolutely nuts i should draw that.
in all seriousness theyre such a strange combo, i think anne and steven would become pretty fast friends. at least, depending on what age they meet. im gona set kris aside for now since theres no timeskip for them currently.
but like, 13 year old anne is a very different person- she's kind of flippant? doesnt take things very seriously, and hates responsibility. but she's also very social, and quickly connects with people even if she doesnt realize it. i do think they would get along, at least superficially. (her and 13 year old steven)
but steven is sort of the opposite- at least in that he feels he is responsible for a lot of things he really shouldn't be. in the beginning of the show he's sorta like anne in not taking things seriously- but he leans into that responbility a bit too much; meanwhile, anne sort of lets it fall to the wayside until she can't ignore it anymore. he's also a lot more open about his feelings, which 13 year old anne pushes down to a fault. i think that friendship would be good for the both of them, as steven would probably be very obviously hurt by something she's done, and also be very emotionally vulnerable in a way that surprises her. probably makes her want to be able to do the same thing.
i also think he'd help her like, learn how to be a good friend? steven has really good ideas about companionship in the beginning of su, sworn to the sword is a good episode to point to. there's emphasis in being a team, and doing things together. making each other happy. think there's value in that. and in turn, i think anne could help steven sort of understand being human more? since she attends school, and talks to a lot of people. anne knows a thing or two about interacting with others which would be a great help.
kris wouldnt really fit into this dynamic as well, considering theyre like in high school? (i know some people hc kris as being 14- i am not one of them, they seem a bit more mature than that but thats just me!) but being a sort of weird sibling to them both would be fun. i really don't think kris knows how to take care of other people, especially ones younger than them. they're sort of like an awkward silent buffer inbetween them, occasionally breaking up spats or silly arguments? anne would probably be annoyed or amused at how weird they are, while steven would kind of think they're cool and stoic? that's all i got on that though.
ok here is where we get crazy. under the cut because i've talked too long. warning for tangents.
ok so. timeskip versions. sort of. im not doing adult anne here, but i'm being a bit speculative of her high school years. this would probably put kris as the youngest, depending on how you headcanon them. (personally i hc them as 16, so same age as steven- so i'll just be using that age.)
so kris is not very good with people. good thing steven isn't either! or even anne a bit! (though, i think anne is the best at social interaction out of these three.) but each of them have gone through some sort of experience that sort of shaped them? in this way, it is difficult to sort of jump back into normalcy when you've traumatized or affected in such a big way. and though deltarune isn't finished, there are circumstances which are going to change or shape kris in new ways.
i think there would be hesitance in their interactions, nervousness which doesn't fully make sense to them. though it is something kris has sorta dealt with even before the events of deltarune, so i think they're more than used to having one-sided, awkward interactions with others. i actually think the other two would sort of follow their lead here- despite them being selectively mute. kris would initiate topics of conversation simply by being curious, or off-putting. (for example, maybe they stare a little too long, prompting someone like steven if they are okay.)
just little things like that. it would be painfully awkward.
especially as i think anne and steven are both characters that don't particularly like dealing with silence, or stilted conversation. and they would latch onto anything to talk about, no matter how trivial. so it's sort of like that! and kris can be content with sitting by and letting the conversation play out.
but i also think kris is sometimes not content with that- i think their dark world form is sort of a manifestation of kris wants for themself. i think they enjoy playing the hero, being out of the shadows for once. having the spotlight on them. it's something steven doesn't particularly enjoy, especially for how traumatizing his experience was to become savior of the galaxy. it's a title he finds uncomfortable. not that he would take back anything he's done-- it's all good things. but- the attention, and especially the treatment he gets (being put on a pedestal) is not very fun.
i want to touch on this briefly since we're here as well. i do think the biggest contribution to steven's issues is that it's rare that he faces true consequences for his actions. i think because of this title, as well as some of his powers makes it so that he can undo most of his bad actions. this is especially apparent when he shatters jasper. she harbors no ill will towards him- she submits to him, even.
and because everyone he's wronged has also, arguably done things just as bad as him, it's not something held against him. at least on a larger scale (of course characters like aquamarine and eyeball are exceptions). but his loved ones just want what's best for him, which makes sense. he's not doing okay in future, and there isn't much time for everyone to worry about his bad actions at that very moment.
though i do think after the events of i am my monster, they have a discussion about it. it sucks that it was cut short because the ramifications of steven shattering someone when pink diamond didn't even do that is crazy. he's probably done the worst damage out of the three here and i'm sure it does his ptsd no favors.
this is really long winded but the point im trying to make is that i think steven wants a bit of a break from taking the reigns- on anything. i think he's at a point where he doesn't really trust himself with others very much yet, let alone in emotions. and especially for other humans. so i think if he's able to get over the sort of awkwardness present here he would be able to enjoy just sitting in silence with kris.
as for anne- i do think she's well adjusted. i think she has a newfound confidence in herself that wasn't there before amphibia, and overall she sees her experience in amphibia quite differently than steven's journey or kris's current predicament. that said- i do think she would be going through a bit of a post-amphibia depression. losing her frog found family still occasionally feels like a punch to the gut, and being 16 i think it would come up rather often. maybe she would be in moods that make her very mopey and demotivated. she would bounce back, but its still somewhat of a fresh wound. but i think she turns some of her sadness into motivation sometimes. she would be motivated to study amphibians, to learn more about the species she holds so dear.
this kinda neatly matches with my previous ramble, in that anne actually understands what college is. which intrigues /both/ steven and kris. i'm sure they would love to learn all about that, especially since asriel and connie are doing basically the same thing. thought that was fun. she talks about college apps, asks them both about frogs. of course, steven and kris both love amphibians, reptiles, etc. they're very into that. steven still cares a lot about wildlife and kris enjoys animals that are not looked upon favorably. there's a kinship in it.
eventually when everyone is comfortable with each other anne sort of seems the best fit to lead all of their conversations. it's not all one-sided, but steven enjoys not having to speak sometimes, and it's not something kris really does. but anne and steven sorta learn to read their body language and other actions they perform to express their thoughts. kris is also expressive with their facial expressions. i think they would both respect kris enough to allow them ample room to express themself, without putting words or feelings into their mouth. (which i assume many monsters in hometown do.)
out of the trio, i don't think many would be forthcoming with their circumstances or experiences. they all seem to be characters sort of moving past those huge events in their life, bar kris since at this moment in time they're still dealing with their issues regarding the soul. which i'm sure would be insane to anne and steven, as they sorta gotta jump back into roles they thought were long gone by now.
i wonder if kris's possession would be sort of a relapse for steven? as in, he slots back into this helper role, assuming way too much responsibility for something that isn't even his fault? or perhaps he would be more mellow about it, there to support kris and do his best to help, without trying to do so much on his own.
and anne would be able to offer support in her own ways as well, a little rusty from her last adventure but she knows how to wield a sword. i don't think she would want kris to get hurt. it would haunt her.
imagine the three of them going to a dark world together ahsfksdfks. they would look awesome.
and since i like to believe the dark world reflects what you want to be/appear as, thinking about how they would look is really fun...
steven sort of being in that healer passive role would be neat. would give him a much needed break. and anne as a sort of tank, taking a loot of hits before she goes down. she has a lot of confidence in her own abilities now. and of course kris; still the leader, the knight directing everyone. something like that. that was on the fly.
the experience would be invigorating to anne, but probably super stressful for steven? until they get more comfortable that is.
and- i don't want to discount trauma anne has from amphibia. because she definitely does, and there's a lot of little things that would set her off the same way it would steven. i just think she has a bit of a better view of her time in amphibia than steven does with his whole thing. her last memories are bittersweet, while steven's last memory is like....i am my monster. ashdfksdg. i think his own actions haunt him more than hers. though i'm sure she still has regrets over what happened to sasha and marcy, like blaming herself for so many things that aren't really her fault. she probably falls back into old thinking patterns, back when she knew she didn't love herself.
and these are all characters that actively deal with self-deprecating thoughts about themself. not that it's like that all the time but yknow what i mean. it's a process, some days are worse than others. you get it. they help each other in the only ways they know how.
er..though i'm not sure how much of kris would reach them.
thats a depressing thought to end on.
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opossumanon · 3 months
hey chat I've been having an identity crisis that's been reacquainting me with my old friends, my mental issues, and it's not fun and I'd like to go back to my path to recovery but I don't think that's gonna happen until I sort out said identity crisis so I'm gonna need some help if yall have the time
So historically I've always been a bit of a loner and a weirdo compared to my peers, mostly because of audhd (autism + adhd) but being transgender certainly hasn't helped me either. It started a few months ago when I first got a glimpse of punk culture and what it was like, and after I found a cool jacket at a thrift store I went "Hey what if I put patches and shit on it like punks do that seems neat I'm gonna borrow that idea" and then it progressed to me finding a bunch of music I like, most of it new wave (X-Ray Spex my beloved) and as weird as I am!!
So I've since been doing more research on punk culture and the different groups within punk and I feel like I've found something that I can relate to, but then I'll see stuff like "If punk music isn't the majority of what you listen to then you're not punk" which seems sus to me, and I also see things about drugs and mosh pits and LOUD LOUD concerts, which is a problem for me because
1. I don't do drugs (It's fine if you do idgaf just not my thing), and alcohol is off the table for me because of genetics and a medication I'm on 2. I properly read the definition of mosh pit to make sure I didn't have misconceptions about it and the definition is literally a cramped space right next to the stage where everyone dances erratically and is pressed up against each other. I hate touch, so the idea of being in a pit with dozens to hundreds of other people all pressed up against me sounds like hell 3. I can't do loud stuff for long periods, I get overstimulated which leads to anger which leads to not good.
All of these things mean that concerts and bars/clubs are off the table for me unless I can be accommodated, but I doubt that'll happen because usually the reaction to me being upset about loud noise at events is "Deal with it" and then ignoring me. But there aren't really any places other than bars and clubs and concerts that punk groups (And any other group really) meet up at as far as I'm aware, so I'm basically cut off from any real interactions with people.
I explained this to a friend of mine, and he informed me that I'm simply not punk because "punk is about chaos" and "you're all rigid and need your structures" and yeah, I do have a certain way I like things to be done, but that doesn't mean I'm totally unwilling to let go and do whatever sometimes. Also from everything I've read about punk the only group who sees chaos as the biggest qualification are the nazi punks? All the other punk groups I've looked into seem to agree that it's anger at the establishment for not taking care of the people and deciding to form a community that we can be a part of to take care of each other, which I 100% agree with.
At first I listened to my friend and accepted defeat, but I thought of it for a bit longer and realized that my friend, as much as I utterly adore him, as a tendency to act like his opinions on things are objective fact (Talking about music with him can be frustrating because of this), so I'm not inclined to take his advice on this particular issue.
So my question is based on everything I've shared so far, am I actually punk or am I just trying to shove myself into a group that I don't belong to?
(Btw in case anyone's wondering my beliefs are anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-antisemitism, anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia, anti-ableism, anti-zionism, and anti-every-other-kind-of-bigotry. And so far from what I've read I have mixed feelings about anarchy but I will admit I could do more reading on it)
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
Are we sharing examples or transandrophobia? I want to share especially as an autistic trans man and how that intersect. Tw for like mentions of r@pe but no detail. These specific incidents actually run through my mind almost constantly. I came out for the FIRST time when I was 16: -people refused to use the name I had chosen despite me pointing out that's stupid because out cis male friend had changed his name just because he didn't like it and all I was doing was dropping one letter
-my best friend told me that if I slept with a girl who thought I was a "real" man and after she found out I was trans I would have been a rapist for consensually going down on a girl who "thought I was a real man"
-I had a random girl in my class "ask if my ex bf knew I really had a dick" when I said I was trans
-my parents said "no matter what, you'll always be our little girl"
So, I went back into the closet for the most part. I went by She/They and was always like "im not a girl" but people pretty much brushed me off and I didn't pursue transition bc I was afraid of how people would treat me. I came out AGAIN at 21, this time really putting my foot down that I AM MALE.
-My aunt started to refer to my info dumping as "mansplaining" so I stopped sharing my interests with her
-People began to actively misgender me, whereas before some people would at least try to use they as well as she, I only get called she now and never they
-I started to get harassed in public for holding my partner's hand even tho we're both trans
-People really go out of their way to gender me now. "When I was a girl" nobody ever ma'amed me. NEVER, ever.
-People like to assume I'm mentally ill for being trans or that someone must have pushed me to be trans. Their pea brains implode when I say actually I really struggled to come out in the face of everyone telling me not to and I'm trans because I realized I'd die from trying to harm myself if I didn't accept who I already am
-I got sent a lot of death threats and rape threats. A lot. Mostly online, of course, but it really took me aback the negative reaction I had from the WLW spaces I was in when I said I was leaving because, well, I'm not a woman. Crypto terfs, man.
-My uncle said to me, and I quote "Keep this trans shit away from your grandmother, she has enough to deal with" I asked him what he expected me to do when I grew facial hair and muscles and lost my tits. He didn't answer, he probably didn't care.
-My aunt, who claimed to be the most accepting, still misgenders me and acts personally offended when I tell her she's not progressive for doing the bare minimum to show me respect, and not even consistently.
-My aunt ALSO told me I was the reason SHE wasnt getting HRT for her early menopause because "T is gonna make you angry and I don't want to be around that" (T made me calmer and less likely to EXPRESS my anger, actually. I have to find different ways to let it out now bc I kinda just CANT feel angry or sad the same way anymore)
-None of my family has called me to ask me how I'm doing since i came out. They all kinda avoid talking to me, but won't say it, I've noticed though.
-My partner's mom told me she wanted me to go to therapy. I said I'd go for my PTSD as it was causing problems between her and I, she said "No, I want you to go for 'this'" Meaning, she wanted me to go to therapy for being trans. My partner got upset at this and said that absolutely would not be happening because being trans isnt a mental illness
-cis people look at me in TERROR when they misgender me, like they're waiting for me to freak out at them or physically assault them. It actually really hurts my feelings tbh, out of everything those moments sting the most. People I don't even know very well assuming the worst of me for being trans.
Idk just the pure hatred people have towards transmascs and then for people withing our own communities to act like these things don't happen on the daily and don't drive us to have among the highest suicide rates out of any other demographic... It hurts. It really hurts, I want to cry over it and then still this little voice in my head, the voice THEY put there, says to me "Boys don't cry. if you show the slightest sign that these things hurt you, they won't take you seriously"
Thank you for sharing your experiences.
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ghenry · 5 months
2023 YouTube channel recap!
It is now the end of the year, so now I'm looking back at the videos I managed to release in 2023! There weren't too many, but they were all challenging in unique ways. So let's take a look!
Hi-Fi Rush | As Basic As Things Can Get
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So, this video is pretty polarizing. And I knew it would be! Hi-Fi Rush received endless praise when it was released in January 2023. Being fairly dabbled in both action platformers and hack-n-slash games, I had to see how it was for myself. And the water of mediocrity splashing at my face was cold enough to convince me I needed to vent about it in video form. I took this video as a lesson on exercising absolute honesty. I feel like I have been holding myself back with a lot of video projects because I was afraid of coming off too strong. But this time I didn't care. I let out my most raw, uncouth feelings about this game because I want to be more comfortable with my voice and assertiveness. In that sense, I think I succeeded. The split ratio would say otherwise, though.
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The point of the video: Hi-Fi Rush took advantage of having this specific art style that not a lot of high-end companies really tackle, and that carried it throughout waves of praise, despite having middling game design and lack of confidence in what it actually succeeds in. It underplays its own strength--the hack-n-slash combat-- and pads the game out to a high degree suing boxy platforming with only character dialogue attempting to make it drag less. Games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta have similar structures where it showcases awkward platforming that isn't very fun to perform, but they both go elbow-deep with their pure combat (which takes up the majority of their campaigns) because the developers were confident in the hack-n-slash gameplay. Tango did not have that confidence, which is why the majority of the gameplay is boxy platforming that lacked any sense of urgency or challenge.
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Also, the writing sucks complete ass and Chai is a terrible example of writing an unlikable protagonist. Nothing will ever convince me otherwise. I'm so sick of everyone trying to make their own Spider-Man.
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I don't regret this video, even a little bit. I don't care how many people unsubscribed, if they're not here to take in my thoughts and feelings, what are they here for? Because that's all I'm doing and will continue to do with my channel.
Crime is Crime | The Silver Case Analysis
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This was something I've wanted to do for years, but prioritized Travis Strikes Again as well as No More Heroes 3. Even so, The Silver Case was a daunting project. I'm not a professional writer, I never took any elective courses for it throughout my school career. I don't consider myself even remotely smart, never-mind 'an intellectual.' I'm not even that familiar with philosophy and such, so part of me was thinking "Do I even have the capacity to analyze this game?" literally every single second I was writing, capturing, and editing the video.
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Regardless, in the end, I think I got a good grasp of the story and was able to dissect a lot of it in a satisfying manner.
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The point of the video: Crime will always exist, but what's more interesting is the source of it. The motivation of an individual, a society, or even a corporation. The game also showcases a lot of elements and even narrative quirks that would be prevalent in Suda51's future directing gigs. I think he and his crew have some fine critiques on things like capitalism, police justice, and what it means to be a part of a controlled society. It doesn't give any answers in how you can change the worst parts of a society, but it isn't really meant to in any real way, it just isn't that simple.
Analyzing Henry Cooldown | The Devil In the Details
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What started out as a little defense piece for Henry in No More Heroes 3 ended up much longer and more in-depth than I initially planned. While looking over his dialogue, appearance, and overall design, I realized there is so much more to this living plot-twist.
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The point of the video: I think Henry represents the devil for Travis Touchdown. And this further accentuates what I've pontificated in my full analysis of NMH3, that Travis is stuck in this eternal form of hell. While Suda has never explained --and probably never will-- what he was trying to say with games like NMH, I like to think having Travis be cursed with eternal battle, eternal recognition, and eternal brand potency (like many video game icons) was something he was considering, at least by the time he was making NMH3.
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And, sure, I've analyzed and described Henry to mean different things, but so what? He can be more than one thing. Nothing is certain, a lot of this will remain open for interpretation. That's art.
Grasshopper's Translator | James Mountain Interview
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Earlier this year I got to have a nice, long chat with James Mountain, the main translator/interpreter of Grasshopper Manufacture! I wanted his input since he was the sole individual given the task to translate the entirety of The Silver Case from beginning to end. I ended up learning a lot about him as well as the process of such a dense job that is interpreting a visual novel completely by yourself. I also thought it'd make a good exercise if I ever want to release videos like this again. I had fun learning how to make audio visualizers as well as including visual context during our conversations.
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The point of the video: There was a lot of debate (and bickering) in regards to the English interpretation of the game, and I figured who better to clarify their process of the whole thing than the interpreter himself? I had a lot of fun conducting this interview, and there were a lot of bits I didn't use for my analysis video, so I figured it would make a nice bonus for everyone!
That's everything from this year! I'm really proud of how all of these videos came out, and I'm itching to keep going, expressing myself to my best ability! But I think a little break is in order. Thank you so much if you have read up to here! Have a great rest of your holiday, and I'll catch you in 2024!
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
as someone who is wlw thought i'd put in my two cents. i dont have any issues with people liking edelgard for being bi, queer people have coopted characters who weren't always intended to be the best rep before and bi women esp tend to get used for the male gaze a lot. I just wish more people actually realized that in the first place.
Though I will say I feel like that even if you removed byleth she still has some fairly romantically coded interactions and endings with dorothea and manuela so i wouldn't say she's just bi for byleth. lindhardt is a much worse offender of it in my opinion. he never even hints he likes guys in any other support, and while bi people who prefer the opposite sex are of course valid, if you dont show the bi part of being bi is it really there?
I also wish people wouldn't use her queerness to automatically make her woke and would bend over backwards to excuse literal imperialism for it. ig it's more telling of the fandom's western us centricness than anything. two of my friends from eastern europe, slovakian and romanian specifically, felt fairly alienated in the fandom because of how uncomfy they felt with edelgard and how many people liked her. one of them is a history student too and she's mostly focused on the romans so she knows her shit about empires
i feel like western fandom is becoming more aware of what to look out for that can be a tad...sus in japanese media, esp given the whole AoT controversy about the author being a japanese nationalist, and while i dont think three houses is really falling into specifically that brand of japanese nationalism, i just think they shot too close to the sun in trying to make a morally complex situation and the fire emblem games being historically reluctant to let women be fully malicious, but i do think it's worth being mindful of japans history as an imperialist power and that the sentiment they were right in that situation still persists in people in the country.
I don't have much to add, although you are right that bi characters need to express actual interest in characters of multiple genders to read as bi, because fictional characters lack any interiority that their writers don't show to the audience.
I think people who try to push Edelgard as progressive either don't know or don't care that FE, like a lot of popular fantasy, has always been quietly reactionary and more interested in character drama than political relevance. I've always considered its queer context - both subtext and text - more of a piece with its other unconventional sexual elements like incest and dragon lolis and teacher/student relationships than a deliberate effort by IS to be progressive. It's just particularly irksome to me because it relies so heavily on the belief that only Avatar S ranks matter to the conversation - which is missing more than half the picture, easily, and leads to terribly discourse-laden conclusions like what you mentioned.
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qutocorrect · 2 years
(Please know that this is a Positive Post, However Some possibly triggering Things will be Mentioned, such as: Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Se|f Harm, Su¡cide, Se×ual Mentions, A|cohol and Unhealthy Ways of Coping)
I don't have any Disorders that have any Stigmas that relate to being abusive. However one of my closest friends do have disorders that could be seen as a (quote un quote) "Abusive Disorder", As for not Spreading real Names, I'll Call this Person Jane, and in the Past she has psychologically Damaged many people (Plus Myself) I avoided her for around 3 Years, because I wasn't Able to Handle her. However, I still hung out with some People that did Still talk to this Friend during those years. And they'd tell me how Jane would do a lot of Crazy Things like Break into her Family's Alcohol Stash and Drink a shitton of it, as well as have Se× with people she didn't know 100% well.
Well, once I was Mentally Stable enough to Handle Jane, We began talking again. And she began trying shit she did in the past. But I didn't let her. I would never be mean about it. She would Punch me with a Crapton of Force when I said something she found "Comedically Stupid" (like an Innuendo or general Dumbass Childish Humor) and I told her to stop On multiple occasions politely, and one day I grabbed her wrist as she hit me and I looked her in the eyes and told her if she didn't stop, then she May as well not come sit with us anymore. I didn't yell or hit her back, I felt like a Mom who got sick if her kid being a Brat and scolded her kid for being a brat. And she got pissy or whatever, but after a Few days of her Trying to Avoid me she sat with me on the Bus and we talked about many things, and She straight up told me that even though She acted Pissed she was actually Terrified because That was the First time any of her Friends physically Restrained her instead of Letting her get away with it, or getting Physically/Verbally Violent with her.
After that Incident, We hung out more often and I realized she would do certain things because she craved any form of attention, And since she would only get attention through aggressive ways and se×ual ways that's what she would do to not be Left behind. I decided that if I really care about Jane as much as I say I do. Then I want to help her get Healthy. So I began to attempt deterring her attempts of trying to get Negative attention, if I could tell she was trying to start Drama I would say "Okay. I'm not going to Argue Back, Instead I am going to let you calm down. Feel free to let me know if You've calmed down aite?" And I'll do Just that. Recently I've noticed her stirring up Less Drama. Which is something Crazy because She's been known for starting Drama that's unneeded with anyone. And We have "play arguments" for example I'll tease her for being Short and she will Jokingly call me a tall Goblin or something. I've also straight up told her (and all my other friends) that if I am doing something that upsets them To tell me asap, because I would rather be hurt for a Few moments than have Them Hurt for so long. For example, Jane disliked it when I teased her about having a Crush on someone so I since then have been holding myself Back from those Jokes. It's been over a Year since we Began talking again. And Honestly, This is Probably the Happiest I have ever seen Jane, We're both entering our Senior Year (12th Grade) and we've known each other since 5th Grade, What I wanted to spread here is, while certain disorders can cause "abusive Behavior" in most cases it's for a Reason, in Jane's Case it was because she was wanting to be included, noticed, and accepted. But because negativity gave her something similar to what she wanted, she Became something she Didn't enjoy being. And when she was given a Chance to change she Took it. That being said, Not everyone wants to change. And if that is the case so be it. And if you feel you Can't handle befriending someone like this, Don't feel obligated to. I put it like this, If your Legs are Broken To the point you can't walk, You can't save someone Drowning.
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plumsaffron · 1 year
mangasstuffcomics and few of their cult of rebloggers are Overly Sensitive Crybaby Dweebs. Y'all pathetic excuses now wanna be incapable of handling joke(s) and looking beyond the cover.
Talk about nearly confirming. Shall I say the same for you? But youwasbored, not me LOL.
Since you or other zoebody wish to call him a like a wanker for chloe and lila.
Allow me to talk about imagining how horny Lila was or the lore of Tomoe and Gabriel's breeding times because iwasbored.
777 and your deluded friend(s) at certain times chat berserk whenever an episode arrives. Maybe you two and friends like role playing. IDK. Though really seem to have a shipping of thirst for Lila and Chloe or more likely a fetish of Tomoe and Gabriel breeding sessions at the expense of Natalie or his wife. Well I guess the least bizarre one is the canon ship. What now? you think Lila is possibly older than she claims?
Nearly 5000 people are likely amused at that Barbie Marinette Post cause it was a J O K E. If they don't get it or care ordecide to think like y'all, that's their problem or desired take.
Something you do, that your homeslices enjoy of you but now ya want to suck at it but now you SEETHE despite that the waifu thing is a joke
Congrats tho
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Malding much lol?
Oh no, he's a defender of chloe and lila (in their heads) that means you should assume he'll go watch nsfw of either or wants lila to have a onlyfans and do things imaginatively.
Hmm do y'all feel y'all selves with your lovelustsquare or ships or things y'all try defending too according to that logic?
Now you say he has a love hate relationship towards Lila. Now you think he's responsible for Ms Bustier being pregnant. YOU ATE MARINETTE'S HAIR? That might be why you're so confusing and unconfusing.
Do you realize OnlyFans is not a nsfw only thing. Kind of like ya know TWITTER, REDDIT, or Formally Tumblr aka the other site besides YouTube you use.
GGs ya Marinette emulation.
Aye this is like when deluded beings thinks others are deluded and should be targeted.
Another of you though however, said you weren't gonna take him serious. Now you wanna or think what you said is true now faust?
*Shrugs* So quick to switch up lanes eh?
Aw filthy rat wanna gag and claim he's the worse. WA WA WA.
Poor horn-headed filly, why you mad again? She's not the only one on the hit list. It's just Marinette exists in I think every single episode. It's like asking to be thrown darts at when she has been doing a lot of crap. Yeah things are I guess dying down in S4-5 but that's like saying Lila is the ultimate evil when Hawk Moth done torment for 5 seasons. Would this change if this was the science teacher or both andres being on the main hit list instead?
Joke turns y'alls thoughts obsessive. Ah that sounds familiar to a character we watch. Look, your projectium.
Why does he think? It was a joke. Why don't you think?
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People do that. And too far for the most part is relative. Certain ones just wanna claim the line was crossed of a sudden. Make a line then later you make a line at a lower point when still inside the previous line and then whine at them because you changed without their knowledge. Entertained that you say someone's has broccoli diarrhea feet but then you say they smell like SPAM and it's too much.
You could also ignore.
Not all jokes are funny to everyone or one day may be viewed as stale.
I'll just end it with this.
Spoiler he actually doesn't like Lila at all and thinks she's garbage like Marinette and irrelevant. Disappointing hype. I don't agree but hey, you can say a lot of things regarding Lila that even I won't be able to defend or respond against or towards. Hands at characters but mostly master (FUhq) o Zoe Su Lee or NINO are E for Everyone I've been seeing from his videos. He says frozen 2 is Garbage I don't think so. People think Elsa of both movies is garbage, I think considering everything that goes on, she is not. People think Angry Birds 2 Movie is better than 1. I think Angry Birds Movie 2 is lame unlike 1.
Can people change on what they like or dislike in time?
Oh yeah he pulled a Lila on you people but be disbelievers like Marinette with Lila in the Sphinx Game. I might take a clip to confirm he was bsing with y'all.
If you are undeterred after viewing the truth or still think that's who he truly is what ya or others claim,
Oh well.
Conclusion jumping has devastating effects. Memes and context ignoring, makes a fandom turn against a character or mark them for mockery forever. Diego Armando, Uchiha Clan (mostly Sasuke outside of Boruto or any that aren't for the malicious state (will of fire)), Princess Elise, Wallflower Blush, Shadow 2005 or The Legendary Super Saiyan in a nutshell and more.
Wait a minute, y'all some complain about Alya Cesaire's failure in the Lila Marinette situation for so long but y'all apparently not seeking too. You say Marinette or Alya should do this but look at you. Even Kagami managed to view both sides. Fictional beings ahead of you :)
Talk about what you wish character to do but viewers of the show can't step forward and find the truth themselves and avoid it or take what one says or sees at face value? You're not suppose to be badly written in this world as you claim ML Characters Are.
Guess what he's right Caline Bustier is a delicious
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unorthodoxdeity · 2 years
that last post didn't scratch the itch im making a long post. all my thoughts. all my opinions. my life story. this literally does not matter and is paragraphs of bullshit but i dont want to feel like im operating with a filter so im putting it out. your regularly scheduled programming will resume shortly but for now this is happening.
Okay so I've been in fandom spaces for a while. They've morphed and changed quite a bit. I think they have all the same problems just manifested differently. It also feels more isolated. They feel quieter. I don't know if it's because most of my fandoms are dead and I havent adapted well to whatever else is happening but it feels like fandom culture is on its deathbed in a way. Well not fandom culture as a whole, that will always exist in some form. I think its moreso just a metamorphosis mixed with me being into older content with smaller followings. This is just my view. I have zero wider perspective on what the whole is like. I couldn't tell you of any big places to talk about fandom related things that aren't vaguely tumblr and twitter. There will always be dedicated pockets of something. This is just about my pocket. The whole it's more isolated thing is also probably just my problem.
I've seen the shipping debate happening my entire time here. It's always existed in different ways. I think there are a lot of ways you could define both sides. I think there are a lot of things both sides have to argue over. It depends on the person and how they view the debates really. I know a lot of people define it on terms of harassment and others define it on terms of what they're morally okay with harassment or no harassment.
I'm not going to attempt to pin definitions on either side currently mostly because I just don't care. I think that miscommunication is what stifles a lot of progress though. There isn't reslly much to progress to either way. People will do what they think is right and its not like there's any solid achievable end goal for either side (in my eyes, someone might have a reachable goal idk).
I've been involved with the debate a lot. When I was like 10-12 I was a proshipper by definition I guess. I didn't call myself that. I didn't care I just shipped what I wanted.
When I grew a bit older and started getting involved with more online debate I became an anti. I actually called myself that one. I don't know what flicked the switch. I think I was turned off by the gung ho "I'm going to draw fucked up shit for shock value" attitude a lot of proshippers had. It was the whole "these damn puriteens" "get minors off the internet" and general talking down to people who had legitimate concerns thing that ruffled my feathers looking back. I know most proshippers are not like this. I also know a lot of it wasn't for shock value.
There were a lot of reasons people did the things they did. Some were coping, some were approaching it with the same attitude I had when I was 12. A lot of them were sick and tired of people trying to talk down to them with their concerns as if they had the full moral highground. Nobody really likes the holier than thou attitude unless they agree with the person I've found which is reasonable. Who wants to be told what to do?
That carried on. I debated with people with the same high horse that I hated on other people. Then I got tired. Every time I opened my phone my heart was racing it was so dumb lmao. Arguing was like crack. I eventually realized that and just stopped. It wasn't just the shipping debate I was involved in those stupid identity politics and was involved with more important actual politics and debating homophobes and people who were probably trolls. Probably not the healthiest thing in the world. Did not do my health any favors. One day i just stopped.
I don't know what flipped that switch I think I just tuckered myself out. I didn't go on social media much. I went outside and touched grass as I had told so many people to do. The grass was nice. The sun was shining and there were even trees and real people (woah).
Then quarantine eventually happened and I was inside and online. I wasn't in my old unhinged frenzy though, I actually went back and deleted all of my accounts to start from scratch. I had no opinions on much fandom discourse and the opinions I did have I just kept to myself. I still saw things that pissed me off but that wasn't my problem.
I downloaded tumblr again after like years. Joined fandom spaces. Once again was faced with that old discourse. Ironically enough a ship I had enjoyed was confirmed to be incest and I was in such a quarantined haze at that point I just said fuck it and forced myself to agree with proshippers and quite literally abandoned any moral values I had. Looking back that was so funny. I never treated it like a fall from grace. I treated it like a fuck you.
It wasn't that dramatic or anything. I wasn't punching the air and seething when I saw either side. I was moreso just doing what I wanted because I could and happened to interact with proshippers so I just like called myself that. I became more involved with their values and oh boy my horse is getting higher!!!
I think that's just a problem I have when it comes to any sort of debate. I get really full of myself. That's fucking annoying I know. Anyways as I was flexing how cool and subversive I was I realized I wasn't having fun anymore. That happened any time I got too wrapped up in an ideology. It was no longer about the thing it was about the approach to the thing. I did a similar thing with identity politics. I wasn't me I was my labels.
I feel like this was a really bad representation of how I was as a proshipper. I kind of framed it as me intentionally agreeing with them but it wasn't just that. It was like another flip switched but it was also moreso me swallowing my pride and that pride getting replaced with a different kind of pride. I wasn't in as much as an unhinged frenzy because I had set rules on How I can debate. (No debating after 9pm, you can not respond if they don't respond in under 10 minutes, if you call them names you have to stop ect.). It was tamer because I had to learn how to be tame and I did. It worked. The rules started to become more rigid and my urge to debate almost depleted.
I stopped focusing outward and returned to how I was when I was 12 almost. I shipped my fuckshit and had an occasional gloat about my moral superiority over those damn antis. Nothing really special for a twitter user.
I made friends during my stay in both communities. They were all good people. None of the people I befriended threatened anybody or did anything you heard from those horror stories. None of them were pedophiles. They were just opinionated nerds most of which had trauma that guided their opinions. You were also bound to be outcast if you disagreed with them though. It's how relationships formed based off opinions go, especially online.
I don't talk to any of them anymore, there was no fight we just drifted apart. That was okay. I can't say my stay in either community was better or worse than the other. I think most of it was determined by my self control. How much I would indulge in being vile to someone and having them be vile back in retaliation. I did forget to have fun along the way in both though.
I've come to the conclusion I don't necessarily like being part of any community. I don't like the culture of either.
For starters I don't like how people on both sides will accuse the other of being pedos (proshippers accusing antis of projecting, antis accusing proshippers of being pedos because of fiction). It's just baselessly throwing around something that's become a buzzword.
I don't like how a lot of fetishization gets wrapped up in the proship community (specifically towards trans people). I don't like how poppytwt formed (i know a lot of proshippers agree with me on this one) or rpf. I don't like how both sides call the other cult like because it's also baselessly throwing buzzwords around. The comparisons of legitimate real world issues sparked by religious institutions also rubs me entirely the wrong way.
I don't like how some antis feel the need to "punish" proshippers. It's not your place and once you start hurting real world people over fiction you're just making yourself into the badguy in the situation. I've also seen proshippers intentionally go out of their way to give antis similar treatment. Equally dumb. Neither community is a hivemind but yknow. Those sour apples exist everywhere.
I think i just generally don't like being told what to do or dictated. Yes that's childish I know.
Idk I think both have their reasons. Like yes it's just fiction and yes fiction does have impacts, I think those can coexist. When it comes to harassment I don't think that's cool in any context when it spawns from fiction. That probably makes me a proshipper in a lot of people's books and like if that's your framework of viewing it cool.
I think I've just chosen to like. Win the game by not playing. I'm not either purely because I choose not to be and just do what I want outside of that. That's probably annoying. Which is fair.
I don't hate people that choose to allign themselves with either side they're not like less than or anything. If you're not going around harassing anybody then you're always chill. Like idk just because I find the debate annoying and tiresome doesn't mean I find most people like that. If that makes any sense idk. Moreso to say its my problem not yours. Like most of my distaste for debate comes from what I've experienced due to my own lack of self control.
It also kinda feels like running with a filter though. Like I'm so worried about getting back to that point I avoid saying half the things I want to say. Then that leads to a little burnout of its own because of some weird obligatory feeling.
I think most ppl here are chill like nobody is too wrapped up in their own ideology that they stop having fun like I was. Their opinions are the side dish not the main course which is respectable and difficult to do if you struggle with your horse getting some fucking Growth Spurts like I do.
I don't know why I'm posting this here exactly. I think its to show where I'm coming from and removing the filter ig. I think I've generally gotten better at containing myself that I can say things and not feel the need for it to spiral into a month long debate with someone. The horse is off steroids ig. I acknowledge that I'm still probably very unlikable to a lot of people which is fine it can be offputting no matter where you lean.
Okay thoughts organized into very chaotic long post back to blorbo shitto posting
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scentedchildnacho · 9 months
I told David a pool crowd is way better here at night then during the day.....I had a stalker that was trying to call something my spot......it's way better to get kicked out by community ownership then by my stalkers plans to see a jail rape....ya know the type that wants to see four armed uniforms use random objects to molest a lady
The democrats have a hard time doing anything until things are shocking enough....
Ya know if it's finally about chaining people up or children getting cancer or unarmed undamgerous and defenseless civilians like women then they finally stop processes
They could have made a decision awhile ago to just not enjoy the executive corporatism as much as something snobbier but it only gets better if I'm under threat of more cop rapes and the cops with serial night stalking habits constantly put up on TV for it
The pool isn't a resort it's a sport pool like it use to be for school districts so I asked David if he actually knew any of these families
Or do they all travel to here?......David said he didn't really know.....
I started realizing it's not just me that has to find them very unfriendly strangers
I confessed to David I just feel very laid over here I want to get to California as soon as possible I don't ever want to spend a winter as cold as Las Cruces ever again it was so cold my hands and feet felt battered with something electric....and I was screaming at shelter staff that I don't care if their given assault and battery records for human trafficking and claiming aid just to sell people very very cheaply
I've thought of surrounding populations are involved and it is just the shelter system and the creepy executive that owns it
I explained otherwise new Mexico is way too awful for migrantcy if you don't have state sponsorship there is no peace it's so awful the worst most unregulated space ever so awful
So the dark people were showing me about work that they go through these weird shock processes so I would stop finding the pool too inexplicable
Pushed back into the water that's the fishing to do though
David thought more lights on the lawn so I said no David please don't God....if it was Alaska where a natural gas economy makes sense near Russia I would say yes but when it's here....you are technically suppose to be allowed to train to see in very dark spaces....
No one can see in the dark anymore?
Everything is light you can train to see very microscopic light levels...
Most people with natural gas here display that their need for schedule causes them homicidal ideation there were several hit and run threats
I'm not sure about locomotion and renewable energy but gas pumps have a lot of personal solar on them
Dermatology most spaces can be sued for taking in excess retail theft then never augmenting their business to a resort standard none of the money stays in the space...
Like this space could really benefit from filters on the outside security lights it's always a cop drama
That's what I have learned about perpetration in my life it can't be provoked if you play the scene or fantasy it wants it's psychopathy just kind of gets bored or better then you and leaves you alone
I told David I was welcomed here but even if it hadn't been shockingly psychologically and emotionally abusive to me in new Mexico I don't want to fit in here...I think about getting a glass ceiling complex and feeling old and trying to be young again but I really wouldn't want it here
Anyway I told her even if the situation wasn't abusive in my world if seasonal one can't stay because it's make believe and others get to go otherwise the united States is a harsh climate
I have had to learn about myself that my relationships are much better if I give others personal freedom....if people may come and go I avoid a lot of the awfulness some of my bad relationships were
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We're adding some safety measures here we need to it's ridiculous here I'm also coming up with a plan to get him some stuff and money you got me mad I said of course he's mad I said just have to walk it over this is terrible so you have to do it carefully and would be way too careful and we have to do it so it works he's right actually you have to come up with the math but we have to see it too. Thus far people are giving the money and sources I've hardly had anything happen to them because of it it's ridiculous You're such liars represent suit against them for today and for the people holding his money we're going to take the money you don't have any right to hold it and say to Elizabeth I won't have access if I go and try to grab it they won't let me have it anyways so why let them hold it so we're going to go in with a court order take over the whole area and take the money and somehow I'm going to get it to him and the money is individual it's his I don't say that in a court order also lots of money Ellie has since she's sitting on it and he needs it now and she can't do it I can't figure it out he needs somebody from the will of his mom and she had an executive power we're going after it and we're going to sue I'm going to ignore the opening off her because it failed and doesn't do anything so is the time and assuming for the items in the will today actually it's pretty happy but there's several other lawsuits of interest a lot of them are here but suing people here for what they're doing to him. Terry was sued and she lost she didn't show up to court three times in a row yesterday was the last day and was seizing her stuff and assets if we could get into her son people have been saved she's up there doing stuff but it's not her it's Jenna too as Jenna is not there either and we're going to start suing her because her impersonating the other one it's illegal what they're doing and illegal what she did to our son it's a rehabilitation place not a place to torture someone and we want his money back from the rent and that's about $25,000 that's the start the name of the lawsuit as it should be remanded immediately and his reputation too in the slander it's going to be bad cuz you people are all the tape doing it cuz of State started to tape you is what you're doing was horrendous. The hammers are coming out there's only one there and when's the Mexico then went looked and scanned it and it's a hammer and people are fighting over it here the handle is out back and it's an old scan of it and the other handle is in Virginia and people are going for it and they found where it is the third skin did it because it got charged up a teeny bit it's true too they can see the heat, well, billium did. It's a huge deal for them is a giant deal and they want it bad. This is a bunch of jerks and Dan is starting for ridiculous stuff and so harm our son to take his frontal lobe I found out and we're going to sue him for it I'm bringing him to court today he's actually got to go or he goes to jail Stan is going to evict him because it's always doing last to go around since you don't even want him there and you're there so you're out. Sherry said she's starting to feel her body since it's good sometimes it's pressure points too she realizes that it says you're pretty good at this for someone doesn't know anything cuz I learned from stan. Good she says. And yes it's true CAA says to her you're always spandex space so I can get the suits you idiot yes but it's always spandex stand and say what are you an idiot I said no I just figured it out no I need to talk about spandex you know stupid I invented spandex, okay that's funny what it's like those surf suits you wear underneath the scuba suit so it slips in it really it helps a lot otherwise you take like an hour you hear a lot of swearing.
It's not fun for our son it's a little bit rough this way too much stuff he has to do to stay in a stupid apartment and most of it's from Max now I'm going to sue the little s*** out of them and I hope it gets something but we're suing this hospitals every Banks and we're taking them over we have huge huge Banks already in believe it or not most of the Bank of America I was going to try and get him that $1,000 and more he's owed a lot of money and he has money and savings it's ours so he just had him in savings account in the mail or by hand he says it's true too.
I'm on it I'm going to hit on Assignments now tons of them too lots of them involved getting my son some things
Bitol and Goddess Wife he thanks me
Yes we do
Hera Zues
This is working out I was trying to get somewhere we also have several shatterdome from Brazil all four that we plan to do our hours and we're clearing them top and bottom and yeah there's a black ship above and it's kind of like forgetting about it or something and they don't seem to understand what the status is I guess which is fine and we're working on it because we have to it's about 4 50, s is there it's true too it's not a ton of them. Reciting those now we need those out and the team is almost done in Africa on the 50s they just said they need to hire more and they are and they're sending them over and David ship is leaving. It's full of hammersteep and that's what they call them I guess . And there's quite a few of them but it's a precious cargo because of what they are and he's at his destination and her son just has a thought as the way he thinks it is I might not be relatively way too populated but they need to breed.
It's going on now the ships are reaching the blockade in Florida and they are penetrating also in DC and there's a lot of them and they're also on the West Coast penetrating the South and it is a magnificent sight and firing and not wasting Time
Soon they'll be through as a big flotilla inside very big they're moving fast too and the gaming ships from all over the world it's not just trying to and Russia anymore Africa is moving out and they're getting here and with a huge flotilla too and the Middle East and Europe and Russia and South America is because of flow in any moment now it is huge the emails went out and the armies are coming since they're dumb faces with gone shortly. I sounded really good work and needs healing and assistance pretty bad he's been working I'm trying to keep the head down and trying to get what he needs and it's difficult did A great sales job too in the midst of all of it you suggested one felt that I'll take his rebel 250 and he did the conversion he's surprised he was very fast it was surprised that the speed of the bike goes like 400 miles an hour it's a newer motors in Honda a powerful and everybody is converting them it's another huge huge boost what is if Daniel wants to convert a scooter and then you'll say no they start thinking about it I might make a lot of money he has one too it's newer it's a 125 and you see them go almost 300 miles an hour so he's going to convert it and send it in and get paid by The view
Giant business having fun with it I'm pretty cars with it out on the market and we're putting them in a show and it's coming up the same dates that we're hoping to have our son go to Miami doesn't seem like that's happening it might it's going on it's Friday the stuff in the tunnels and the ships and everything so who's fight now the morlocks are being joined by foreigners and finally. So giant War yeah the bases urgency huge attacks and the basis of lots of them are sitting on top of blackships and some serious fighting is going to happen shortly. Is the day of freedom for a son he said this blockade for years the idiots just harass him to the last penny in the last week of strength and he's just really been beating on it's terrible with enjoy your horrible creatures you piss ass too really pissy and mean boy they going to lose we see their asses getting kicked overseas and people saw the tunnels and they found a few they're going after these masks like it's no tomorrow especially Corky is so mad he's dissolving tons of them he says in acid, it's not even back and he's not even free from the ship it's kind of stupid it becomes balem too.
Thor Freya
I'm going up there shortly and we're finally the stuff he's talking about not yet really didn't have that bumblebee movie and get chased around by the muscle head that dick head from suicide squad 2 then I find Ernie's neighbor he's an a****** and find our way up there with him and with dan the suicidal horr no he's gross you don't need it for a little bud he keep that s*** up and just get rid of you so I'm going to go up there and apparently we kick the robots out it's needed you may even be delivering sigourney and Barack Obama it's terrific anything else we could do so they leave lots of make it back all sorts of shows start cuz people are warring over the flagships finally
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