#blocked them immediately lmao i fucking hate these people
orcelito · 10 months
Begone, terf
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troublcmakcrs · 8 months
//i respect literally no one on tumblr except my mutuals on this blog specifically i'm so serious
#misc :: ( ooc )#//I LOVE YOU ALL YOU MAKE THIS DASH SO COZY#//I NEVER GET SICK OF HANGING OUT HERE#//you know those people who are like. ''you can't write with my male canons if you don't write with my female ocs''#//never understood them until now. so tempted to do that with this blog LMAO#//sorry you don't follow the south park blog so you get NO onceler and NO arcane!#//whenever i follow someone from all my blogs and they follow back every one but this one it immediately deletes my trust in them#//LIKE I HATE YOU I HAAAAATE YOU#//jk hate is maybe a strong word BUT I REALLY DON'T LIKE YOU A LOT#//i'm having a moment dw abt it#//half tempted to go on another blocking spree on the rest of my blogs DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT#//me @ my mutuals on other blogs: you can come back / get unblocked when you follow craig & tweek like you're supposed to#//jk (mostly) LMAO#//I JUST LOVE THESE LITTLE GUYS SM... ;;#//sometimes i doubt whether or not i'm actually autistic and then somebody refuses to engage with one of my special interests#//and i have such big intense violent emotions about it like okayyyy bitch calm down 😭#//if you ghost me when i bring up my special interest or don't follow my special interest blog#//or tell me to my face (DMs) that you ~don't fuck with it~ then i don't like youuuu!! I DON'T LIKE YOU!!#//which is why everybody on this blog is safe and i am giving you the biggest gesture of affection you are personally comfortable with#//on the scale of respectful fist bump to tongue full in mouth you get to decide 🥰
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landofgay · 2 years
I've got to stop checking the pistols effex tag because it just makes me wanna blow my brains out
#being careful to not actually tag or mention the show correctly (i know the show title isnt plural)#anyways ive blocked so many people and the tag is still full of stuff that makes my brain full of mold#maalcom mclaren x rwader FANFIC???? 🤢🤢🤢#so many people saying 'i headcanon j*hnny as nb' im gonna. scream.#think about the person ur talkign about. the real j*nny r*tton#hes a SCUMBAG. STOPPPP#'the show is just fictionalized enough i can ship j*nny and s*d' no u cant no u cant no u cant no u cant#stop that immediately right now#i just. i have never taken so much psychic damage in my life#who let 14 year old y*ngbl*d stans watch pistols effexx im going to scream#sooooo many people who know absolutely zip zero zilch abojt the pistols#which is fine i mean i didnt know much either!! but theyre REAL PEOPLE IT WAS A READ BAND PEOPLE#i just..agh.#anyways. if u actually like the pistols or at least actually like punk rock the shows actually really well done ive decided#im not really a pistols fan cause i hate lydon so much lmao but this is kinda making me change my tume#just of the pistols tho i still hate lydon with a firey passion fuck that man 😎#but i thought their portrayal of sid was very good and they did his and nancys death scenes very well and left them#open to interpretation which i respect the hell out of#idk i thought it was a good show!#my only complain is im p sure viv westwood was involved with the writing p heavily because.#well frankly she just comes off looking too good. i dont think she was a very good person at all either lmao.#but whatever! the fashion was awesome the live gig footage looked great and it was funny and well paced thruout the show#i liked it a lot!!!#i just. i wish i could reblog fancontent without wanting to gouge out my eyeballs!!!!!!!!
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abiiors · 6 months
silent treatment 💫 // ross macdonald x reader
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a/n: this is not a christmas fic, this is just something that i had in my drafts for like a month now because @the1975attheirverybest sent me a photo of ross' tour bus (the one in the banner) from when she went to the baltimore show and of course i had nasty ideas about it lmao. so yes, here we go--the tour bus fucking fic hehe. i'm still really struggling with writer's block and hate everything i have been writing so this might be a bit shit :/ cw: brat-taming kinda, smut obv, dirty talk??? general nasty behaviour wc: 2.2k
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american fans are loud. 
well, all fans are loud; it’s not really a bad thing to be, but the american ones are especially loud, you’ve noticed. cheers and shouts and whoops of joy at the airport, and a collective roar that tears through the crowd every time the boys come on stage—it’s all part of the world. his world. your world. 
girls shriek and cry wherever he goes, hugging him—their bodies pressed against his, their hands holding his, boldly flirting with him too sometimes. sure, he ignores it and only smiles politely. sure, he only signs their stuff and indulges them for selfies but the burn in your chest remains just the same. dull but prominent. 
all in all, he likes america and america likes him. you? maybe not so much. 
still, it’s not all hate. it’s fun being on the tour bus and driving through the big wide expanses of the midwest, certainly fun when his hand is buried between your legs and the other muffling your moans. fun to watch your nails digging into his thigh as you chase the high over and over again before falling limp against his chest. 
today, however, you skew more towards annoyance. 
he’s been so busy, he hasn’t even had the time to look at you properly much less talk to you for longer than ten minutes—what with having to leave one city and go to the other immediately. it’s been hectic and he’s seized the chance to nap whenever he can, just like polly and john who share the bus with you. not that you blame him for it—the exact opposite of it, in fact—you’re grateful for any rest he can get. 
but the brattiness rears its ugly head sometimes. and now as you stand there in a corner, watching the instruments being taken out of their truck and brought backstage, you can’t help but bite angrily on the lollipop in your mouth. 
ross is on the phone across the room, talking to a friend or a colleague or maybe even family. you don’t know. what you do know is his eyes are trained on you and you alone—rather, on your lips closed around the lollipop, on the sticky residue on your lips. your eyes in turn move to his hand—the one gripping the phone in a vice-like grip, knuckles almost white. 
it only takes him another ten seconds to end the call and cross the room. and now here he is—towering over you, looking down at you. 
“what’s up with you?”
you shrug, tongue flat against the sweet candy, “nothing.”
“nothing?” his voice is low. mostly to conceal it from the people all around you but also full of warning. so you’ve irked him then… good.
you choose not to answer, giving the lollipop a small lick instead. there’s barely any left now but you plan to enjoy every last bit of it. 
“what, don’t wanna talk to me now?”
“me?” you ask, exaggerating the confusion in your voice. testing the boundaries. 
“yes, you,” his eyes flash a little, “don’t act like you don’t know what i’m talking about.”
it’s a dangerous game to play with him, especially the way his pupils dialate every time you swirl your tongue around the last bit of the candy, relishing it thoroughly and letting its sweetness linger on your lips. 
ross leans down, mouth directly next to your ear. “you can be a brat all you want, sweet girl. as long as you’re ready for the consequences.”
and before you’ve had the chance to reply, he bends down and closes his mouth around the rest of the lollipop. a loud crunch cuts through the silence. he straightens, smiles like nothing’s out of the ordinary and leaves you holding the now empty white stick.
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ross is busy talking to the organisers of a local artists’ collective. 
he laughs and chats animatedly and listens to them talking about how much they value this opportunity that the band has created. their voices are loud and boisterous—happy, giddy, excited. a complete contrast to you sulking in the corner, scrolling through tiktok and watching one pointless video after another. 
his eyes flick to you once in while, linger on you when matty takes over the conversation. you see the warning in them so clearly. don’t be a baby. don’t pout. but you ignore and double down. if he doesn’t want to give you attention then you’re not going to beg for it. no matter how much you want to pull him into some broom closet and show him exactly what he’s missing. 
you cross and uncross your legs and send him a look. 
look what you to do me. 
he sends one back. 
busy. not now.
so you go back to your phone. scroll, a makeup tutorial, scroll, ten must buy amazon things, scroll, movies to watch this winter, scroll— a snap of his fingers breaks through your monotony. 
“come share a fag with me.”
you take your sweet time looking and him an deciding if you’re in the mood to smoke, even go so far as to make him ask again. 
it’s quieter once you’re outside. there’s still the sounds of traffic and a bit of laughter floating out from the inside. somewhere someone’s playing a familiar tune and you watch ross light his cigarette. the fire casts a warm glow on his jaw briefly, on his stubble that’s coming in once again after shaving it off for halloween. 
the skin on the inside of your thighs stings from the memory. 
“open,” he says and you obey, letting him stick the end of the cigarette between your lips and taking a drag. the smoke burns but with some satisfaction you see the lipstick smudge you left behind. 
ross is just taking his own drag when you blow the smoke on his face and shrug when quirks an eyebrow. 
“generous of you to take five minutes out of your busy schedule.”
“careful, love,” he warns and lets you take another drag of the cigarette. “don’t be a brat. you know i’m busy.”
“you’re always busy.”
“is that so?” 
he looks amused and it riles you up even more. he’s the one that’s supposed to be affected, not you! a beat of silence passes and ross slowly drags his fingers up your arms leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“my gorgeous girl,” he says and presses a kiss to your shoulder, moving his mouth to your jaw and then to your collarbone. “are you mad at me?”
you fight to contain the shiver that passes through you. even when you can feel the little tingles intensifying throughout your body. need swirls through your stomach the more his mouth moves on your neck.
“then what’s this silent treatment for, huh?”
“what silent treatment?”
“oh, baby,” ross tuts and his stubble grazes over the sensitive skin of your neck. “you really wanna play dumb?”
every retort flies out of your brain when he grabs a hold of your hips and pulls you close to him. 
“you know what happens to dumb little bunnies, right?”
“y-yes.” it’s almost a whimper that quickly turns into a half moan when his hand rests on the back of your thighs, trailing up and up and up until it’s almost on the curve of your ass. 
you yelp when he pinches the skin. 
“you want to be fucked that bad, huh?”
and now you finally have him where you want. 
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“so now you want to be loud,” ross mocks and dives back under your dress. 
this torture has lasted for a good ten minutes now. the insides of your thighs already feel raw and chafed. and he hasn’t even properly started yet. he’s still busy marking up the smooth skin of your legs. 
“always a good girl when you want something from me, aren’t you?”
you nod fervently, trying to stifle the mewl that’s about to leave your mouth. instead you clutch his head and try to push him where you want. ross is quicker. before you ever know it, his hand it wrapped around your wrists and he pulls back again, looking at you with yet another warning glare. 
his hair is a mess, his mouth wet from leaving all those kiss and bites on your skin but it’s his eyes that really get you—pupils blown out so wide that his eyes might as well be black. 
“please ross, please,” you whine, shamless and desperate and dying for his mouth to be back on you. 
“please what?”
“please make me cum.”
your pout has stopped affecting him a long time ago, even when you look at him with teary eyes and spread your legs wider. the underwear was discarded somewhere the minute you got inside the tour bus and now he has the perfect view of how wet you are. how ready for him. 
the inside of the bus feels uncomfortably hot or maybe it’s just your skin that’s sticky and sweaty and in desperate need of his touch. 
“no silent treatment anymore?”
“no,” you shake your head, “gonna be a good girl now. please please please.”
“yes, you are.” ross smiles and it feels more sinister than genuine. “i’ll stop what i’m doing if i hear another sound from you, baby.”
“dumb little slut,” he mocks again, mouth so so close to your clit that it’s impossible to focus on anything else. “don’t want people to walk in on us, do you?”
“no. no!”
“then be quiet for me.”
easy for him to say. because his lips attach around your clit at that exact moment and you bite down on the back of your hand to stop the loud moan from escaping. 
“ungrateful, spoiled little brat,” ross tuts, presses his tongue flat against your opening. “look at you now.”
the heady mix of big and small licks makes your head spin, makes you want to cry out his name over and over again but for the sake of your sanity you stay quiet. for each small whimper that still manages to escape you, you feel a small sting on your thigh—a nip or a bite.
“my sweet, filthy girl,” he coos, ghosting his lips over each bruise, each bite and goes back to torturing your cunt. 
“ross, can i–oh! can i cum, please!”
“gonna cum for me, already?” he teases and pulls away entirely. “and what if i said no.”
the look you give him is one full of desperation—tears gathered on your lower lashline, bottom lip swollen and red from bitting hard to keep quiet.
and that’s that, just like that his head is back between your legs, tongue hot on your cunt as his nose pushed into your clit. between trying to stay quiet and trying not to cum you barely have any grip on reality. all you know is how it feels too much, too much pleasure, bordering on pain now. the urge to let go is too strong. 
“let me ask you again, baby,” his voice comes through the haze in your mind. barely even audible. “are you done with the silent treatment?”
“y-yes, m’sorry!” you whine, “won’t do it again. wont—”
“look at you…” his condescending tone somehow turns you on even more. the humiliation somehow adds to the pleasure. “ready to be my good girl again?”
“yes, yes!” the buzzing in your ears is so loud now, his voice barely even comes through. all you know is the feeling of his tongue inside you and the stinging of your thighs. the sticky sweat on your skin. 
your legs shake from the strain of denying yourself an orgasm, your head swims with too much of everything and nothing all at once. 
“go on then,” he speaks. finally. “you can let go now.”
all you manage is a long whine and every single restraint drops. you think you grip his head between your thighs, practically convulsing from the force of the orgasm that hits you, trembling from the way his tongue laps everything up. it’s beyond you how he manages to hold you upright. 
you think you scream out his name, practically alerting everyone in a five kilometre radius. you think you pull on his hair and hear him hiss. but ross lets you. 
minutes later when he finally stands, his beard and mouth glistens with slick. 
“there’s my good girl,” he coos and holds you in his arms. 
“look at me,” he coaxes a bit until you manage to open your eyes and look at him properly. despite how fucked he looks, there’s a sweet smile on his face. and his eyes soften when you meet his gaze. “sorry i ignored you before, love. don’t be mad at me.”
“m’not mad at you.” you mumble and every single negative emotion from before melts away within seconds. 
“good.” his smile widens, just a touch of mischievous once again. “now that you’ve learned your lesson… let me make it up to you.” 
and just like that, he’s back on his knees, diving between your legs once again. 
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reblogs and comments are always appreciated <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo @partoftheairforce @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855 @beachesgetpeaches @you-muppet @mcabister @alexmarie29 @at-her-very-foreign @hfkait @squishysoupy @sierraeslaprincesa @harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet @thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername @celestcies @sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @zzzhealy @mattymybeloved @fck-off @indiaamars @sofaritsalrightt @k4tie75 @wondersecret @humptyhoran @indierockgirrl @hanbiior @moreyoulove-moreyouknow @rossgirly @if-my-heart-bleeds @little-lovely-darling @abriefnirvana @renitypoem @sinarainbows
add yourself to the taglist
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this is a lee alastor hc but i imagine that he hates being tickled tbh because it makes him feel powerless and so whenever somebody tries to tickle him or makes any sort of tickle movement toward him he uses his powers to block them off and probably turns the situation around on them lmao
but i also think that he'd let people like charlie maybe , niffty and rosie tickle him ( esp in a lee mood ) bcuz hes actually comfortable personally around them
like the only time i imagine he'd freely let someone tickle him was if they were a close friend . likee not an acquaintance or someone he only knows and talks to sometimess but someone he considers a genuine friend
but i think like if angel or husk for example or just anyone else besides the ppl above tried to tickle him he would immediately turn it back on them w his powers bcuz he does NAWT wanna be seen in that emnarrassing situation by anybody lmaoo
I talk about Lee!Alastor like this because tbh I prefer to be happy rather than go with canon but canon Alastor would NOT 😭😭 "he would not fucking say that" vibes
ANYWAY YESS those two don't even need to ask, Charlie I feel like she indeed has to ask or smth like that cuz they're not as close
I like sticking with the non-canon 🙏
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mushroommushy · 1 year
Please please tell me your ideas I will be so normal about it I am not at all desparate for Broken Masquerade content
Boy I have so many ideas I actually need to put this in a draft to list all of the brainrot things I’ve had circling in my head!! This does include some negative things so feel free for me to ask to tag.
All of the colleges (Particularly Harvard) adding Thaumaturgy to their classes is extremely cool in the canon and I think there should be many more schools
Site-43 College beloved I want to go there so badly please be real c’mon :[
Those Facebook mom groups…oh boy there’s so much drama
Lord help all the poor kids with minor anomalous power
Segregation with schools, even restaurants
A lot of anomalies end up in homeless shelters because not many jobs are willing to take the backlash of anomalous employees
Shitty parents faking their kid having a dangerous anomaly so they can send them away
Because they think the foundation would just kill them because of all the propaganda
You know that the cults are gonna take advantage of this to try and grow their numbers
Chaos Insurgency propaganda against the foundation
A flag that shows your support for the foundation, GOC, anomalies hanging outside your home
New Genders from the tumblrinas like us
Twitter DNI’s are a genuine hell
‘Block me if you call anomalies SCP’s that’s a slur’
Speaking of slurs there’s probably a lot more
COTBG members constantly calling the Nälkan’s Sarkics just to piss them off
And Maxwellium members getting real pressed over internet drama
Someone trying to make the nicknames the Serpents Hand has into a slur
Dr. Glass walking down the street and just has someone scream ‘JAILER’ at him and he is desperately trying to not commit a crime
Also Twitter being Twitter
‘Is it wrong to kin SCP-076-2? I’d murder too if I was under the ocean.’
Extremely dangerous TikTok trends involving anomalies that makes both the GOC and SCP have collective heart attacks
Some girl posts a video from a foundation site doing Macarena during a breach and is just immediately cancelled on every platform
You know there’s gonna be dumbass teenagers trying to find some real dangerous shit to seem cool
‘Oh a lake full of bodies that makes you enter through mind control??? Sounds cool and not totally dangerous I’m gonna find it and go swimming’
Gonna readmore this it’s getting long lol
Five missing teens later the foundations getting slandered even though they did nothing
Articles with the ‘How to tell if ‘X’ is an anomaly’
Of course they’re bullshit and usually offensive
Charities to support anomalies
An actual cult around 2662 that didn’t spawn anomalously
You fucking know that the Christian’s will either take 343 well or absolutely horrifically
There’s also two sides of people when it comes to Cain and Able
The ones who hate Cain and think Able is reasonable and the people who think the opposite
Cain’s also not allowed to leave site-17 for more than just the fact he’d kill plant life it’s for his own safety tbh
Meri does get chances to wander the woods! Just..not in public because they rampage that would happen with the amount of broken phones and cars would be horrible
Iris gets to go home because she deserves it
I feel like Gerald would become a meme in general and people pay his hospital bills for him lmao
Parents keeping their kids out of school and switching to online or homeschooling to keep them away from anomalies
Conversion camps to send your kid to so people can ‘release them from their curse’
Those got the serpents hand real heated
Speaking of them they have the snarkiest Twitter account ever and just roast the living hell out of every word that comes out of the foundations mouth
So many fucking podcasts
There already is a writing on the broken masquerade hub of the foundation making a video with outdated slang to appeal to kids
But I think Dr. Gears should just stare at a camera and say swag with a straight face it would be beautiful
Kondraki, Clef and Gears get called dilfs and not a single one of them knows what it means
‘Kain’s the goodest boy’ even though he’s morally corrupt as fuck is very common
But he will Fuckin run if you even try to touch him he does not need his fur messes up
Ok I don’t want this to be a mile long so I’ll stop here but!!!
If you want more dm me so we can talk 👀👀👀 I need SCP friends
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seraphicalsuccubus · 2 months
Don’t worry Kyle she’s dumb af. Always flipping out on people for no reason lmao. Like anyone on here know what goin on in her daily life. Stfu. Just read all the asks she flips on everybody 🤣
bro I’ve ’flipped out’ on like three people recently. and all well within my bounds of doing so???
but also I literally made a post touching upon what goes on in my daily fucking life BEFORE even flipping out on those people so your point is entirely void, like???? so my question here is, why do you follow people you clearly dislike just to send them pitiful anon hate that isn’t even remotely true because you, for some reason, meticulously pick through their blog to find any sort of post to turn the blame on the person that rightfully reacted the way they did rather than find the post that explains everything you just tried to use as a point against me, only to have it turned on yourself lmao
and also you literally just proved ANOTHER point I didn’t even have to make??? like, this ESPECIALLY, if you DONT know what someone is going through, why are you legitimately going out of your way to be an asshole and make someone feel like shit when you don’t know what the fuck is going on in their life??? they could be going through hell, which, if you DID pay attention to anything I ACTUALLY post about or any of the other asks I’ve fucking answered, you’d know at least the slightest bit about what I’m dealing with currently. because I did, in fact, touch upon my recent absence/lack of posts here and a brief summary of what I’ve been going through daily, in a very long post just about 2 weeks ago. but yeah, you didn’t go looking for that because it would’ve made the whole argument you’re trying to make in this message immediately fall apart, so instead you just decided to take instances where I was fully justified in ripping into someone and try to use that as a tactic to antagonize me and get me to flip out on you too in hopes of trying to prove whatever false point you’re attempting to make about me and I just like ….. why do you care about someone that doesn’t even know you exist this much LMAO
but also, I mean, clearly you’re one of those people as well because you can’t grasp the simple concept of ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all’ because you still felt the need to send this shit to me when it’s not even fucking true lmfao, like if you’re gonna make up rumors about me because you’re that bored with your own poor excuse for a life that you have to make up the most uncreative lies about random people online to make yourself feel better, PLEASE at least have a shred of truth to them or you’ll just continue to look like a total fool when you’re called out for your own shit, like say, hmm, right now?
but also like … for real, tell me you follow me because you hate me and want to keep tabs on me so you can send these sad anon hate messages, but really only because that ‘hatred’ is secretly just this uncomfortable and unhealthy obsession you have with me so you stalk my blog only to use specific posts targeted at SPECIFIC PEOPLE who DESERVE the answers they get, to use that as a justification to baselessly attack me and say I’m always unreasonable and irrational because you’re too fucking consumed with envy and this weird obsession to just unfollow and block me and go about your own miserable life, that you have to take the kinda posts that rarely appear on my blog to create a really pitiful attempt at a rumor to taint my reputation and try to vilify me to my public following (who, those that have followed me from blog to blog for several years would know, is absolutely not the kind of person I am) without telling me you follow me because you ‘hate’ me lmao
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catzspine · 1 year
📌 About Me:
🇲🇽 [They/them preference]
🐙 [LVL 17/Nonbinary + Pan oriented AroAce]
🍋 More in my carrd.co 🍋
My name is Krester and i'm a hobbyist artist. I like to draw fanart of my favorite shows/games and OCs! Im a big fan of horror/pseudo-snuff films, fictional gore and non-human creatures ( ^3°)٭
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⚠️ TW/CW:
🫐 I usually use bright colors on my drawings and i might draw gore from time to time. [eyestrain/bl00d/blades/flashing tw]
🫐I (rarely) reblog//draw suggestive stuff, nothing too explicit but still.
🫐 About ships! I draw ship art very rarely, i mostly do it when requested and i have to let you know that im...very open with ships, i think thats the word? I dont like them but i dont hate them either (except proships, fuck proships) so you might see A LOT of different ships from different fandoms, as a warning: eh you might see ships you dont like (example: candybats/ratmeat/deadmeat).
🫐 In some of my drawings (mostly referring to my spooky month au, miserable month) i talk about delicate themes such as su**ide, alcoholism, etc. Please keep this in mind before interacting, if you're not comfortable with that stuff at all i recommend you to look for another blog (or at least ignore the whole miserable month au, by far i think that's the only disturbing thing you'll find in my posts).
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📌 Here are some of the fandoms i'm in:
(i often update this)
Spooky Month.
Smiling Friends.
Adventure Time (Finn ♡).
Gravity Falls.
OFF (by Mortis Ghost).
Therapy with Dr Albert Krueger // Vincent the Secret of Myers.
Five Night's At Freddy's (the lore confuses me though-).
Madness Combat.
The Amazing World of Gumball.
Popee the Performer.
Salad Fingers.
Analog horror.
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared.
Invader Zim and JTHM.
Unicorn wars.
Not sure if this counts as a fandom but i love disturbing media, urban legends, cryptids, anything related to paranormal, liminal spaces and more stuff like that.
School for Little Vampires (omg i love vampires).
Slashers, 80s horror movies, etc (i have a thing for killer dolls).
Again, this probably doesn't count as a fandom but I LOVE CLOWNS :o)
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📌 Requesting Rules:
Ok, i was not going to make this section but some of you made me REALLY uncomfy >:/
🌼 First of all (and this one should be obvious) i WILL NOT TAKE NSFW REQUESTS. I'm a minor and i'm not comfortable with drawing that type of stuff.
🌼 DO NOT REQUEST PRO/COMSHIPS. If you ask me to draw something like "minor x adult" i will not only ignore your request, i will block you. 💥
🌼 BE PATIENT WITH ME. Just cuz the ask box is open it doesn't mean requests are open too, i don't mind if you request something but keep in mind that i won't do your request immediately if i'm not feeling up to it X(
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📌 Before sharing my art:
🧃 Reposts are okay! (give credit pls) You can use my drawings as your pfp as long as you credit me!
(This also applies for edits, videos, etc)
🍧 About my OC's: I'm okay with fanart and people shipping their OC with mine or a canon character, but please avoid making NSFW content with them, and with NSFW i mean sex lmao.
EXTRA!! Here's my avatar ref sheet in case yall wanna draw it X)!
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curdled-blood · 5 months
Theyre probably one of those people that doesn’t read through blogs and just immediately jumps on the “offenderman hate train” without realizing the fact that a lot of people that write for him have completely remade his character and don’t support the actions of/write for/about the original version.
People remake characters all the time without a problem, worse characters too, but when small blogs on the internet do it, it’s suddenly a war crime.
Hater’s literally don’t matter. They have all the power in the world to curate their personal internet experience by blocking you or blocking tags and they refuse to do it like they can control what other people post.
They mean nothing, literally. Don’t let them upset you. Your art is great and your oc is great and you can ship them and yourself with whoever the fuck you want. 🎀
Naur because it didn't rlly upset me very much (I did the chris mclain post mainly cuz I thought it was funny and me and my friends were joking about it during lunch) it just caught me hella off guard 😭 like bro I get not liking a character, especially him, but like you said they can literally just block his tag or whatever
"You should actually die :)" LMAO OKAY BRO
But fr the amount of people who say "if you like offenderman, you should kys 👹👹👹👹" I see is insaaaaaaane man
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mulbruk · 7 months
the agony of pronounz: a tale of woe from ludi "mulbruk" tumblruser
i do not like using they pronouns for myself. in the past i tacked them on only bc it felt inevitable that ppl would refuse to call me she, so i gave people a cool little option so they could feel progressive and respectful when they couldnt stomach the thought of me & my fat fucking cock being hashtag girlmode or whateverthefuck. between me being able to more fully embody myself and just... time, i guess, i've dropped the set and i really dislike having it applied to me. that being said i know that they is generally applied to ppl when you dont know their 'nouns (lookie i did it right there did you see) so i try not to get miffed when it happens. more often than not it happens online when ppl don't know me on account of most people in public immediately seeing me and going "that's Girl"/not really internalizing the fun new world of gender dynamics (yes i know it's not new but it's new for Corl Schmebeckerburg who is a 60 year old independent housepainter. you know.)
anyway if i had it my way i wish ppl would default to "it" for me if they weren't sure. i like it way more, and usually if i'm forced to interact with a stranger and my general mood of the situation is "who do you think you are, don't fucking talk to me" i don't want to be called by any pronouns other than it. it feels right! i am a living entity and i have teeth. you will not try to know me. you will not dump powdered sugar on this conversation. for everyone else, and in general? i love using she! i love that the people close to me call me she. i love that people i can generally be friendly and have regular human connections with call me she. rather than "it, or she if we're close" the dynamic feels a lot more like "she, but if you drop the ball and lose my respect within 10 seconds of talking to me don't you fucking dare call me anything but it"
but exhibit a: i hate how she/it reads both visually and vocally and exhibit b: being like "hiiii! call me she/her unless i don't know or particularly care for you; in that case call me it/its!" is not a damn anything. literally who's gonna be like "ohhh my bad. anyway: you're a stupid fucking cunt for your opinions on metallycka and i hope when you die everyone at your funeral is like 'we barely recall who it was' about you."
anyway. business as usual, basically. if you're here you already have the innate she/her pass for me. if not, you would've been blocked well before you had the chance to call me anything else lmao
i dunno what else to post here. did you guys know im a kitty cat meow mwrrrowow
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thegoldencontracts · 27 days
So. You know promise rings? Not exactly an engagement ring but a little more serious than boyfriend-girlfriend... merfolk wear promise shells. Shells that represent the person they're with... Azul's partner (It's Ri--💥) wearing a small spiral shell that's wide at the opening with bumps along it, its coloration a deep purple and black. You could almost confuse it for a tentacle from afar.
How many biographies and autobiographies do you think he'll have? Self-help books?
Annnd what do you think Azul's future mega corporation would be called? Because I've seen some iterations use the 'Mostro' name and I used 'Ashengrotto' because... come on. It's his name! People need to recognize him!
The more I think about it, the more I need to see Azul meet his future self. Would he love the guy or treat him like... Cece? Hehe.
Azul with ri- I mean, his totally anonymous partner... He gives them a promise she'll and he tries to act as nonchalant as he can but he's also so embarrassed about ITTTT and he's trying to be smug and everything but then rid- I MEAN his partner is like "wow, this truly is quite important to you I'm pleased to see you so greatly value our relationship" not even in a teasing way just genuinely trying to be good faith and appreciate Azul's efforts yk...
But of course Azul gets embarrassed T_T I-It isn't like that, he's just... Yeah he has no defense for himself and he gets so pouty and huffy "Not now, I'm losing" (This line is paraphrased from a tootally random fic that you toooootally didn't write and I toooooooooootally didn't reread 5 gorillion times lmao)
A bunch, Azul is all about that grind 💪💪💪 he will power through the writers block
Anndd if Azul has a restaurant chain I feel like he'd actually keep Mostro because despite him acting aloof and business-minded he actually truly cares for the Lounge (one of the funniest parts of twst imo is that fact that Azul in canon is basically... A FUCKING TSUNDERE OVER HIS LOVE FOR IT'S CRAFT IT'S THE FUNNIEST THIGN EVER Jade says it's clear he cares about the lounge, Azul says "Hah! Do you honestly believe me to be capable of an illogical sentiment such as 'attachment'?" And Floyd and Jade are like... Yeahh... Sure we totally believe you Mann he's literally a tsundere for his restaurant HOWEW-)
Anyways sorry the temptation to yap was there and I couldn't resist but back to what u were saying so I feel like he'd be attached to the name too and no matter how he tried he can't bring himself to change ittt
CECAELIA FAIRBANKS MENTION SPOTTED I WILL NOW RAMBLE Cecaelia is Azul's worstie she breaths within 1000000000 miles of him and he's immediately like "SHUT THE FUCK UP NO ONE ASKED YAP YAP YAP RIZZLESS BETA WHITE KNIGHT L + RATIO + I HAVE MORE CONTRACTS THAN U" nothing can compare to his hate /j
But actually though I feel like it depends on whether or not Azul knows this is his future self bc with cecaelia that's the conflict it's literally a better version of Azul bc... Azul from the future but Azul doesn't realize thatttt
But the version you're bringing up? Even better version of Azul. More successful and more skilled. If Azul doesn't know... Poor dude's gonna be put through the emotional wringer (and develop a strong hatred for what is quite literally himself) His hatred will be stronger than what he harbors for cecaelia lmaooo-
If he does tho I feel like he might have mild jealousy that's overshadowed by "HOLY SHIT THIS IS WHST I'LL BE IN A FEW YEARS" kind of thing...
Anyways that concludes my ramble thank you
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crows-home · 1 year
Hello hellooooo I have thoughts about Tiger and Bunny :) below the cut because it's so long lmao. I tried to keep spoilers out of it, for the most part, but this is mainly me talking about things i liked
I really liked the character designs. It's what immediately drew my eye and hooked me when I was just channel surfing and came across it. I was like holy shit!!! Black people drawn super well in an anime!!!! It's something that I wasn't used to, Made my heart sing yk.
I adored the character designs for the most part!! Yeah some of them (barnaby) looked silly, but it really fit their character. It's a superhero anime- I was expecting it!
Oh man, speaking of, I'm such a goner for superhero/ mecha stuff. Some of my favorite franchises growing up were Transformers, Power Rangers, and Tenkai Knights. So when I flipped through channels, saw the heroes in action and the fighting/ animation, my brain went "!!!!!!! Yes!!!" I gushed over Tiger and Barnaby's hero suits, heck, everyone's hero suits. It just scratches an itch in my brain.
I watched the dub, and I thought it was great!! Lots of funny lines and great deliveries :) ("and what's that over there?" "Oh that's. A building." "And that?" "...also.. A building." And "I don't talk like that!" "I dOnt TaLk liKe ThAT!" And God any line where Bunny was crying was just so good. Really pulled on my heart strings even when I wasn't expecting it to) Sure, some of the scenes were corny, but I was expecting it!
The plot was solid, though I can see where some holes might be poked. But there was so much character in every episode, I love the teamwork and the way everyone interacted with each other. And the attention that was placed on their relationships with their families. Even if I wish for more, it's fun to play around with in my head. Like, I'm sure Fire Emblem was a big step forward, in universe, for gay rights and their flirty, flamboyant attitude is the biggest "fuck you" to homophobes. I'm sure Dragon Kid's debut, at 13, caused a commotion about children doing hero work, especially when she's getting hurt so much. I'm sure there's a lot of background politics at play regarding heroes and their sponsors that we don't see. I know a lot of this was left out, because they wanted a story with one plot, because they weren't sure how far this series would go, because it just wasn't as interesting. But oh man, these things have been in my head ever since I watched it. Tiger and Bunny is a fun playground.
(I'm going to be honest, I went in without high expectations for the plot. I was just here for cool fight scenes)
I appreciated the direction they took Karina's crush on Kotetsu. I was really wary at first. She's 15? 16? and he's like 36. If they were going to be pairing up the underage girl with the grown man she had a crush on, I was prepared to drop the whole show and hate it. But no!! The progression was sweet, the way Kotetsu obviously sees her as a daughter, and how Karina evolved into her feelings was just :')
Also. Holy fucking shit. Barnabys entire life just. Put out there, for the whole world to see. I can't imagine the sense of perversion that creates. The world knows his name, his backstory, everything. He no longer has his own life, his own choices. It's ridiculous, and I'm glad he had people there to support him.
UNLIKE KOTETSU JEEZ. Man was getting the short end of the stick at every turn ToT I felt so bad for him every time he tried to hard to be recognized, but also just embarrassed. Give him a break!!!
And. Even before going into this, I knew that people would ship Tiger and Bunny. I've been around the block, I know how this shit goes, especially in these types of shows. Two guys being super close, going on about their friendship and all that, is bound to attract shipping. I wasn't against it!- I was just ready for it, but was mostly planning on ignoring it.
But. Holy shit. It's really all there huh. They're like. in Love Love.
("you're only partners for each other." "You two fight like an old married couple." "we dont need to talk to know what the other is thinking." "you're always making me think about you."
Kotetsu "I wonder how Bunny's doing again" Kaburagi and Barnaby "Have I told you about Kotetsu today yet" Brooks Jr. Neither of you are subtle.)
I'll make another post with some more detailed criticisms and takes, but for now, this is all my brain wants to gush about
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vampyretorica · 7 months
Hi, friends! Here's a list of kinks and whatnot that I like and do not like. If you approach me in direct messages with any of the kinks I do not like, I WILL be blocking you immediately <3
Praise kink - oh my god, YES. I usually like praise when I'm a sub, but if I'm topping someone and they tell me that I am making them feel so good, I will fuck them until their brain is mush. Plus, I love telling my subs that they're making Mommy feel so good, it makes them blush so hard <3
Degradation kink - 100% YESS. I love being degraded when I am a sub, and I love slapping and choking my subs whenever I'm telling them that they're cute little whores just for me.
Breathplay - Not sure how to feel, I might like it to an extent but not to the point where I'm freaking out. I never want to make my sub feel unsafe or uncomfortable. Never tried it either, so I won't knock it til I try it.
CNC (Consensual Non-Consensual Sex) - I'm a bit iffy about this one, but if my sub likes it and they give me consent to engage in it with them, I will definitely give them what they want. Go ahead, try to fight me off and push me away, it'll just make me drive my cock into you even harder.
Scatplay - Absolutely NOT. I hate anything that has to do with excrement or bodily fluids that are meant to come out of you (besides the obvious cum and stuff). I do not want to be playing with feces during my sex, thank you very much.
Ageplay (DDLG adjacent stuff) - Nope nope nope. People might ask me why, since I like to be called Mommy and I like to call others Mommy, but I view it as a title such as "Mistress", nothing to do with the paternal figure lmao. But yeahhh, I don't want to have it feel like I'm having sex with a minor...
Choking kink - YES 1000 times. I will choke you until you see stars if I have your consent. Choking is just sooo... such a turn on
Spit kink - Mhm, yes yes yes. I love spitting into my subs' mouths and forcing them to swallow. Then I reward them for being such a good little baby.
That's all I can think of for now!! Drop some below if there are some I should know <33
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bythenineshards · 1 year
Omg what was up with that Feysand stan on ur post????? ITS JUST A THEORY. (Not to mention a MUCH better pairing) and lol if Feysand was always endgame why in the fck does Rhysie SA Feyre??? Did Sjm do that to build sexual tension (cause Feyre says in Acomaf she had "wanted him even then") AND THAT'S INFINITELY WORSE!!
Lmao they tried to fire up on one of my posts too and I immediately blocked them. Seen them one too many times fighting about posts that's none of their business. Like life is so empty u need to fight with strangers on the internet to feel something. I am literally so mad not them saying Tamlin Apologists deserve to be bullied?!?!? For liking a fictional character????!!
I took personal offence to that
Ha! See! I told you I would respond today. I totally didn't get sucked into Skyrim and my writing and nearly forgot.
Idk what their problem was. They blocked me like the first week I was on here so I didn't think much of them. I knew about them because there would be discourse on posts and an invisible opponent. So I guess they unblocked me to stir shit and idk, get more traffic to their blog? They rebranded with a name that is clearly meant to draw in Antis of Feysand. I think they're like 15 and so I guess they're in their "I'm edgy look at me phase" where they want to pick fights because they think they're always right and special. I'm so glad I didn't grow up with my cringe behavior on the internet.This is why we don't sell erotica or "dark romance" to children. They can't handle speculation or discussions. I bet they cry over Marvel's What If... series because it's not Canon. Like... the post that had them all fired up was speculation about something we have receipts for. And a lot of people liked the idea. All they do is make the books look worse.
And the way they talk about Feyre vs. Nesta is like they think they're written by two different people. This isn't Harry Potter (fuck you Rowling) vs. Twilight (fuck you Meyers). I don't think Feyre gets a free pass to transform into a person of another race just cuz Nesta and Gwyn modelled their stuff after the Valkyries. I think both are bad and icky because the same author wrote both and clearly doesn't see how offensive that could be. I do, however, think that there's a difference between what Feyre did and the Blood Rite. Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie were kidnapped and forced into the Blood Rite. They didn't actually choose to.
Side note though: Valkyries are from Norse mythology. It does chap me that she couldn't use a mythology or create something new for her Illyrians to flesh out their culture. She just used a primarily white culture for her non-white character's culture.
Sorry to rant about that. It just irked me.
I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would ship Feysand the way it's written in Canon. I can with 100% confidence say I've never written a romance that involved anyone SAing anyone. Hell, I don't feature SA at all really. I don't want it in my fantasy. I want people to find peace and love in my books. Men have written enough SA in fantasy, it doesn't need any from me.
But like... if you look at their posts, the reason I don't like Feyre is because I wanted "my fav" to end up with Rhys. They can't fathom that I don't like Rhys at all. I don't like any of her men. They don't appeal to me at all. The only one I might’ve had any inkling of interest in is Kallias but I'm sure if we spent more than a handful of pages with him, I'd hate him too. I think she'd eventually change all of them regardless of appearance to something shallow and toxic.The Bat Boys specifically are boring to me. Their designs suck, their personalities suck and the way they treat their women sucks. Nothing I see in her books is what I would classify as love. Her books aren't about love. They're about sex with hot dudes. But you know what? Other books do romance, love and even just sex better.
I'm glad you blocked them. Just know, they still spy on us.
Thank you for your ask. I hope you're doing well.
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loveu001 · 2 years
road trip #1
MODERN AU. peter is not being forced to work under brenner sort of so ya. Kind of like my last fic lmao.. Basically.. Triggers: use of the word slut and whore. LMK IF ANYTHING IN THIS FIC BOTHERS YOU -INSERT CRYING EMOJI- !! LOVE YALL MWAHHHHH  **NOT PROOFREAD* HAVENT WROTE A FIC IN A FEW DAYS SO ENJOY!!!  literally hate this
wc: 1732
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Chapter one
You had been planning a road trip for a while now and you were gonna invite one of your best friends, casey. You two were at the bus stop. “Hey casey!! You should totally come with me for a road trip this summer!! Ive been planning it for like forever!!!” you exclaim. Casey’s eyes not leaving her phone. Her loud gum chewing filling the room. “Mhm sure..” she replies.
You roll your eyes. You could tell she wasnt listening nor did she care. You let out a loud, exaggerated, groan. “Oh my god Casey!! Come on! I have literally asked EVERYONE!!” Her gaze leaves her phone. “FINEEE! Ill go to your stupid.. Thing.” she instantly reverts her eyes back to her phone screen.
“REALLYYY? OH MY GOD THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANKYOU.” You exclaim, giving her a tight hug. You both giggle. “Okay, okay now let go please!! Im trying to text my boyfriend.” she grumbles. You rolled your eyes and pulled your phone out as well. You went to your messages app and immediately went to peters conversation and inform him the good news. After a few minutes, the bus had arrived. You were heading to work.
When the bus had arrived at the hawkins lab, you entered the lab. As soon as you walk in, you see people eyeing you like a predator does to his prey. “Hey whats wrong,” you ask one of your co-workers. She walks and stands very close to you. “Have you not seen the video?” she whispers. What the fuck was she talking about? You shake your head, meaning no. She pulls her phone out and guides you to the hallway, where no one was. She hits play on a video. The video had you chugging a half bottle of vodka and making out with random people.
You look back at your other co-workers. “Who else..has seen.. That?” you whisper to her. She looks at the twitter views. She looks at you nervously and clears her throat, “erm… 24…thousand.” Your eyes widen at her response. You did not expect that. What if you had done more than kissing? What if you actually had.. Sex with those disgusting drunks? Who even recorded it? You gulp, feeling tears starting to form in your eyes.
You HAD to leave the lab. You were about to die of embarrassment. “Hey.. come on, its not that bad.” she tried to comfort you, her hand on your shoulder. “Yes it is..” you whimper. Everybody thought you were a whore now. You hardly EVER. get drunk, and EVEN when you do it's not this bad. You gulp knowing that you couldn't escape the humiliation.
“Dont be like that y/n! ALOT of people act..like ‘that’ when drunk. Don't worry about it no one will judge you.” she grinned. You knew she was lying. People will judge you. YOU'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT IN YOUR LIFE WHEN DRUNK. “Stop lying to me!!” you wheep. You felt destroyed. Tears started falling down your face like a waterfall.
You try to walk back into the rainbow room like nothing happened but someone stands in front of you, blocking your way. “Move.” you  grumble, trying to get past him. He shakes his head side to side. You look up at him and realize who it was. It was a tall, blonde haired man.  His name was Peter. He was one of your co-workers. “You cant let them get to you. Come here.” You follow him out of the secret back door to the lab. “Go on home. Youre not safe here.” he grinned. yOu look at him like he is CRAZY. You couldn't escape it. I MEAN 24 THOUSAND PEOPLE HAD ALREADY SEEN IT.
“how the fucking hell am i supposed to go home???!” you shriek, panicked. “Listen.. I dont know how the hell and why the hell you want to ‘help’ me. I don't want your help! Just leave me alone!!” Tears start falling down your face. He then pulls you into his arms and gives you a warm, tight hug. YOu can't help but to accept his hug. “Shh its okay.. I got you- I got you. I'll drive you back to your house okay?” he whispers. You nod slowly, whipping your tears and snot on your handkerchief.
You two both walk to his car, he opens the passenger seat door and you plop in the seat. He wipes your tears with his finger, “dont worry my love.. it  will be okay. You are safe with me.” he then gives you a soft kiss on the cheek. You smile a little and he shuts the door. When he gets in his car, he asks you where your house is. “I live in -insert apartment name- room 278.” you reply. He nods in confirmation and pulls out of the lab parking lot and through the gate. When you reach the entrance of your apartment complex, you whisper something under your breath. “Thank you so much.” He grinned and exclaims, “you're welcome beautiful.” You blush and immediately turn your face towards the car window. He chuckles at your reaction. “278 right?” “yes.”
He pulls into the parking lot and you two walk up the stairs, hand in hand. You get too caught up in the moment and spaced out. He waves his hand infront of your face, trying to snap you back to reality. “Hellooo – earth to y/n –” You blink repeatedly to snap you out of your imagination. “Oh yeah- i- uhm- sorry.” you mumble. aHe rugs your back and replies, “its okay!! Dont worry about it..” you nod, “now come on.” While you guys were walking up to your apartment unit, people were staring at you. Laughing and murmuring, gossiping. That made 001 furious.
Basic blonde bitches, laughing their asses off. But he had to ignore it. Although he would get back at them later, it still pissed him off more than anything. You unlock your door with your keys, your hands shaking. You could hear them shit talking about you. You almost wanted to cry, but like he said, you couldnt let them get to you. Anyways, you two had stepped into your apartment. “Nice play you got here!! Do you mind if I look around?” he asks. Of course you didn't mind him looking around.
“Thanks and yeah you can look around for a bit. Ill make us something to eat!” you exclaim.
He asks if can go to the bathroom. You nod and he steps into the bathroom and his jaw drops. He chuckles nervously, not believing what he had seen. “Erm y/n can you come.. See this?” You think to yourself, ‘what the fuckin hell does he want me to see? Does he want me to see his dick or something?’ You sigh, “peter.. I dont want to see your…” you walk into the bathroom and the walls spraypainted with horrible words, slut, whore, bitch, calling you a prostitute and all sorts of ugly words. You jaw drops, you almost burst into tears until your phone begins to ring.
You sniff, “hold on, i need to get this..” you grab your phone from the coffee table in front of your couch. You sniff, whipping your tears your eye, “hello? Who is this?” The caller did not respond for a moment, “listen, its casey. I wanted to let you know that i couldn't go to that.. Things. What was it? A road trip? Yeah something came up. M’ so sorry y/n.” You scrunch up your eyebrows, knowing she is lying you reply, “why are you lying to me?” you could hear her struggling to think of something to say.
“Listen i dont want to hear to yo-” she cuts you off, screaming and yelling at you, “BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE CAUGHT HANGING OUT WITH A GODDAMN WHORE SLUT LIKE YOU WHO HOOKS UP WITH RANDOM MEN AND SHOWS THEM HER JUNK. BITCH THATS FUCKING NASTY. I NEVER, EVER LIKED YOU. THERE I SAID IT.” you drop the phone in response, shattering and breaking it. Tears start to fall from your eyes, you fall into the couch cushions and start crying into the pillow. Peter immediately walks over to the couch and comforts you. “Awe baby.. It will be okay. You still have me. Ill never leave your side. I love you.” you raise your head up to meet his eyes. Your eyes red from the tears.
He cups your face with his hands and wipes your tears. He gives you a forehead kiss. “Promise? Please promise you wont leave me peter.” you say, your voice breaking, you slowly calming down. He puts his forehead against yours. “Promise my love.” he smiles. He then gives you a kiss. Your eyes widen. You did not expect this. Why would he be so kind to you?? Why is he doing this? You kiss back, lips touching each others, tongue in eachothers mouths. You climb on top of him.
His messy blonde locks covering his eyes. You push his hair behind his ears. He chuckles, pressing his soft, lips against yours. You put your hands in his hair, playing with it. “You're so pretty like this..” he whispers, breaking the kiss. You put your lips back on his and continue to makeout with him. You unbutton his lab uniform a bit, almost revealing his chest. You begin to leave kisses on his neck.
Him moaning and whimpering below you. You stop kissing him, “peter.. Since my ‘friend’ didn't want to come with me on this roadtrip thing vacation thing.. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?” He didn't reply for a second, “I'M SO SORRY I SHOULDN'T HAVE EVEN ASKE-” he cuts you off with a kiss right on the lips, a very messy kiss. “Of course!! And don't say that my love.. I would love to go with you. Every minute I spend with you is NO mistake.” You giggle, lips still connected to his.
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lipglossanon · 3 months
Coming here is so comforting I swear. Sometimes I go through the pro ship tag to see what people are doing and saying cause idk if I should consider myself pro shipper or not, cause some of the stuffs I read are definitely too dark and taboo for a lot others but at the same time I know that I do not need to label everything about myself so I'm like well I like this thing and that other thing and that's it. But it makes me kinda angry seeing people só easily and simply judge others based on what they like as if it immediately makes them a bad person, as if thoughts are harmful and dangerous like they're actions.
And I hate specifically when I myself feel uncomfortable with what I like cause I know that rationally it makes no sense but???
Have you ever felt like that? Writing and reading things that have made people mad™? And if so how do you deal with it? Most of the time I'm pretty good at just being like 🙄 but sometimes it just bothers yk
Howdy anon!! 👋
And I’m so happy my blog’s a comfort to you!😌 🥰
It’s so funny to me how different the term pro ship is now; back in my day 👵🏻 it just meant that you were pro someone else’s right to ship who and what they want. Nutjobs took that to mean you accept any and all things instead of using their brain to think just cause you accept certain things doesn’t mean you condone others 🙄 fucking idiots
Anywho, I will get fired up about that so best move on 🤣
It’s sort of this new wave online where media literacy has been tossed out the window. Honestly just any critical thinking. And people are so scared of being criticized or hated on that they’re quick to jump on what’s considered ‘the correct’ bandwagon
Like some 1984 shit where they’re off tattling to Big Brother cause you like something they find an issue with 🙄
But to answer for real, I think it bothers all of us who enjoy/write/read darker content (hell even in the dead dove community some people get crap for liking things that other find distasteful—like bitch we’re all in the same boat lmao)
I feel like I’m just all over the place anon and for that I apologize lol
Not sure if it’s much of an answer but I’m the same as you; I do tend to overlook it, let it slide off my back so to speak. I’ve also taken to blocking a lot more than I ever have before. If I see a blog sharing or spouting off about censorship of any form or fucking asinine comments like “people who like x y z should just kill themselves” then they’re blocked and off my feed for good.
It pisses me off though; I really don’t understand where this purity policing and being jerk asses to strangers online started to pick up speed. They can go back to their sad little chat rooms and bitch to each other in that echo chamber and leave the rest of us to enjoy our online experience without being hated on (but no they gotta feel like they’re in the right 😒)
Sorry to the long ramble/rant of an answer, anon. Just know you’re not the only one! And that the block button is your friend!! 💜
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