#but I love this story line so much imma cry
ovaryacted · 6 months
What if I said…I was planning on writing an extensive multi part series with DI! Leon that literally has everything you could think of in a love story…what then…how would y’all take it I wonder…
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anoopsiedaisie · 9 months
My Fionna and Cake episode 7&8 tangent
Lets start it off with the score. 20/20 it was fantastic. my stupid theory post will happen eventually, and I will ABSOLUTELY TALK ABOUT PETRIGROF
The star - Cake thinking Fionna was upset cause her fling died was silly, Fionna was clearly upset before about the candy people. The fight with the vampires was funny but intense, I love how Cake and Fionna care a lot about eachother. Also why does Simon know what holy water taste like. Pb and "Star" was so cute, and I was so right when I talked about us getting more Bubbline on tiktok (Tiktok account is not linked anywhere btw) The vampire world is super sad though, cause they had really been eating for so long, that a potential thousands of people died. Marshall and Gary really lit up the episode from the sadness once again, Gary's tangents of his candy kingdom are so cute. AND HIS HAMBO THINGY IN HIS CAR. Marten and baby Finn are so cute, I wanna legit cry cause HES MEANT TO BE A GOOD DAD BUT HES SO STUPID IN THE OG UNIVERSE. Also imma say this now, Prismo gets in trouble for breaking the rules once and ignoring a few beeps, BUT Scarab ignores several beeps and his entire job and doesn't get in trouble, that boss better have a good reason. Second date (potentially) and Marshall already introducing his boyfriend to his mom, damn. Marshall's mom matches og Hunson perfectly somehow, duche parent club. And Marshall's little blush of embarrassment from his mom acting all weird infront of Gary. Billy's corpse is messed up, like reall messed up, and the reminder of how tall he is is also crazy. I was also wondering the entire time if Pb was human in this universe until she bit off half her arm basically. The Star's outfit is so good, but I wonder how she turned into a vampire now, maybe she was bit in front of that worlds Simon's body and thats why she screamed at something. Already long section so I'll end it here with, I LOVED THIS ENTIRE EPISODE, Huntress dying was sad though, and Gary Marshall kiss was adorable. Closing thought of this episode, Bubbline but toxic yuri. Jerry - Simon and Betty better get a happy ending or I will legit be so sad, they love each other so much, and Betty just legit became part of a god over her Fiance once celebrity crush. I love how gorgeous everything is in this show, Orbo is also a funny character. I feel like someone could narrow down where things and places they go in this Lich's wish universe it'd seem fun at first then spiral though. Simon does NOT know how to draw though get this man an art class. The tree house being naked though, all its leaves gone. Lich's wish to kill all life, really just unironically killed ALL life, down to plants. Fun little references to old episodes, and including one that revolved around Ice king, hmm. Also I wonder the age gap between Betty and Simon, I like to see it as they're like a year apart but Simon just skipped grades cause hes a smart cookie. Also Simon had slides ready for people to be loud, HE WAS READY. Nerd girls in love. I am also guessing Bmo has been alone for awhile now, at least since season 5ish times since thats when the Lich would have made this wish. All the references in Ice King's junk from the melted ice kingdom. Ninja guide books, kunai, vhs tapes and the camera, the pink diary, his bed has the wishing amulet that Gunter used to break bottles. I was RIGHT
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Fionna see's how unhealthy Ice King was, and changes her mind and wants him to not become this sad sad man again. Simon would genuinely be such a sweet and wonderful parent, he loved taking care of the babies in the baby universe, and he sees Fionna get happy when he tells his story with Betty and keeps doing it to keep her happy. Neddy is also guaranteed dead, already obvious but the candy kingdom doesn't have the juices being produced. Bmo has done a lot in his isolation, a lot of stuff is changed or moved, I feel so bad for bmo. But the lines "Help me zip up my bra" and "Ooo, butt stuff" Wow. The Simon and Betty stuff makes me so happy, they're so cute and I love them, they need to have a happy ending or I will be so sad. The lesbians ever, I love these lesbians, let the lesbians be happy. Simon struggling to say he loves her is so CUTE. Poor Bmo, I feel so bad, but he was probably so sad being alone, sad in someway. Petrigrof moment was so cute and adorable please, I want them so happy, they deserve to be happy. Now for the bombshell, Jerry. The Lich's wish monkey paw aspect is that he gets depressed and has nothing to do now that all life is gone. Billy's body decomposing as the Lich parasites it. SO, imma theory my reason for the portal finally opening to GolBetty, either it was because the Lich was used as the battle and influenced it in a way to allow it to finally work, OR Betty's wish to keep Simon safe truly included the crown being worn. Like the crown really did trigger GolBetty like "BITCH, NO" or the third that makes probably the most sense, The Scarab was literally about to kill Simon and go against what Betty wants, meaning she is going to interfere. I saw someone say that GolBetty likely wont remember Simon and this could cause something. BUT I REALLY HOPE THEY DONT DO THAT, I WANT THEM HAPPY SO BADLY
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celestie0 · 2 months
please share your thoughts on vinland saga. what is your favorite character, scene...? what is something you learnt through it?
omgogmogmgmggogm ty for this ask anon also so sorry it took me a while to get around to but i appreciate it i loooove vinland saga sm n i’d love to talk more ab it 😭🫶🏼💕 n if you’ve seen the show too i’d love to know ur answers to those questions as well aaa :””)
my favorite character for suuurrree is thorfinn :”) he is my sweet summer child, the apple of my eye, the kindest of all, my son, my heart, my treasure, my love, i adore him sm there are times where i think of him n i just start tearing up out of nowhere. imma sound so fkn insane when i say this but i really truly believe he exists in my hearrrtttt 😭💕 like he has to, there’s no way these feeligns of adoration i have for him have not manifested on some physical realm i just love him sosososooso much sobs he is my favorite fictional character of all time n i wish i could smooch makoto yukimura very gingerly on the cheek for bringing such a beautifully well written character to life. his determination to become a better person, live true to his ideals, and create safe haven for others is srs so inspirational to me i love him sm
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[panels colored by @/hawta_mahmood on insta]
i would literally commit war crimes for him LMFAO (even tho that’s the opposite of what he would want anyone to do for him haha)
as for what i’ve learned n my fave scene(s) i will add a keep reading bc spoilers and also it’s gonna be really fuckin long 💀
what have i learned from vinland saga? dear god, so much. i could talk about this show for hours, HOURS, and i have before!! it is just that dense in philosophy n had my head spinning from all the reflections
of course, there is the infamous line in the show ‘i have no enemies’, which i think can mean a lot of different things to different people, in thorfinn’s case it is the line that allows him to adopt a life of tranquility n pacifism. i think for me, this line taught me to assume the best in people, and once i started doing that i think i learned how peaceful n meaningful life can be. for example, if i interact with a rude person or am fighting with someone i care about, and i am affected emotionally by it, i might think of that lesson from the show and i feel free in knowing that i have no one who i desire to hurt or retaliate against or even harbor negative feelings towards in my head(the saying comes to mind to think or speak negatively about others is to poison yourself) as someone w a lot of fuckin anxiety it’s very liberating to think that way, and i think that’s the biggest lesson i’ve learned from the show (among many, many, many others. i think another big lesson is obviously the subject of forgiveness, both in others and in oneself, but this post will end up being too long if i go into depth of all the things i’ve thought ab while watching vinland saga)
as for my fave scenes, i’ll try to just pick three 😭😭😭
1. end of the prologue. the scene when askleadd dies was so beautifully done. the moment where in his final moments, he urges thorfinn to rethink his life and what he wants from it, and to follow in his father’s footsteps. askeladd was such a cruel, violent, and objectively horrible person n was the cause of thorfinn’s journey of hatred in the first place, and yet in his final moments somehow his words to thorfinn did not feel out of character. that was the moment where i realized wow, this author knows what tf he’s doing and is truly so talented. to have a character’s traits sneak up on you like that, built so subtly throughout the show, so that the payoff feels so real and fitting and not forced, driving the direction of the story in the way we had been hoping for the whole time. fuuuckckf. also, quick mention of the scene where thorifnn finally lets go of his dagger n all the scenes from season one flash by on the metal. fuck. i cry EVERY. TIME.
2. i mean it’s a given, but the scene when thorfinn finally understands his father’s words and admits to a circle of bloodlust vikings that they are not his enemies, and that he has no enemies. what a wonderful full circle moment for his character arc, i get chills just thinking about it
3. this one may be a bit more random lol, but the episode that will forever stick in my memory is gardar’s backstory episode. fuck i could writr a ten page essay about this one twenty minute episode ALONE, but i’ll just pick out the one scene that just kills me. the scene where gardar helplessly watches himself in the past, as he leaves arnheid & hjalti, and there’s nothing he can do to stop himself. fucking hell. if there’s any scene that i think could perfectly show what a feeling of regret is like, that would be the scene, and what fucks me up so much about that scene is how he cannot even manage WORDS. he is a grown man, reduced to intelligible sounds because his pain is so profound and his guilt runs so deep that it is like he becomes all but a helpless child. just kill me, seriously. i had never cried so hard in my LIFE watching anything than in that episode. i sobbed so hard i had hiccups n my sleeves were covered in snot. but the ending, when he got to see his son again in the afterlife n he was the age that he wouldve been if he was still alive :”) my god. yukimura nails anything that has to do with father son dynamics, im sure its because he has a few boys of his own, and his love for his children is so evident in his writing. but also, the fact that he was able to make me feel SO MUCH for a character we hardly knew anything of, and also to use a character that the audience is not very familiar with to tell a story that i think almost everyone on this planet could relate to in some capacity (things we want to change n wish we could go back to do so…) just what a genius genius creative decision like he is just such a wonderful writer i appreciate him so much 😭😭😭
god, all of s2 is honestly my favorite scene LMFAO. the whole entirety of it is a masterclass in story telling. imma just do a quick few more of my fave scene shoutouts tho 😭
thorfinn getting his ear sliced by fox, thorfinn calling einer his brother, thorfinn climbing his way out of valhalla, thorfinn telling arnheid about vinland before she passed away, snake revealing the truth behind ketil’s name, thorfinn reuniting with his mother again. god just all of it. i swear, just all of it.
GAT DAYUM THIS IS LONG but idgaf i’d talk about this show until i draw my last breath lmfaooo thank u anon for this ask im clearly insane 🤣🤣🤣 ur probs like im never sending this bitch an ask ever again LMFAO just joking but srs i appreciate it i had a lot of fun answering :””) i just love this show so much
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rimunagenius · 11 months
The Five Times Will Miller Wanted to Kiss You.
Parings: Will Miller x f!reader
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: Straight fluff, a lot of cuteness and platonic? semi established relationship behavior?? A LOT OF PINING!! (unrequited love [Will]) This is basically Will Miller pining over reader years before she met abusive cheating husband and before he got engaged.
Note: IM BACK!!! i wanted to depict Will and readers relationship before the events of Triple Frontier, and provide a small explanation as to why Will acts the way he acts when it comes to the reader (the TENSION IMMA ADD FOR THEM PEOPLE!!) the build up for their story is gonna be insane!! also, the tension in these scenarios you have to cut it with a chainsaw. ‘bowie’ and ‘sunshine’ are nicknames used for reader.
could/should be read as the prequel to Lucky
The first time Will wanted to kiss you was when he got back from his first deployment.
You did this everytime they were coming home. That he was coming home. You had been his bestfriend for years. Well into your guys' second year of highschool. He always thought you were the prettiest girl in the world. All those girlfriends or girls who lined up just for him, had nothing on you.
It was certainly hard leaving you behind for months, you two had only been apart for weeks at a time, but months was something he didn't know he could handle.
So seeing you standing at base, waiting for him, stirred up a feeling he had missed while he was away. Watching you bounce from heel to toe, hands clasped together infront of your mouth, hoping to see him get off the plane, elicited a warm feeling in his cheeks and stomach. Etching a smirk on his soft pink lips.
He saw you before you saw him, hell, Frankie and Ben, and anyone who was near and paying attention could see him already looking at you. His smile only tripled in size when you finally saw him approaching.
Immediately he dropped his bags right where he stood when he saw you take off running towards him, squealing, giggling, and crying all at once.
Right then and there, he wanted to pull the prettiest woman into him and kiss her while everyone watched. He wanted everyone to see the most beautiful woman hug him and be excited for his return. He wanted everyone to be jealous the way he was when it was him watching you and someone else.
He was entranced by you. Your hair had grown longer and healthier, the same color looking impossibly more vibrant than ever. He couldn't help but notice your frame and figure changed. You have a slightly, just slightly, taller frame and you certainly grew into your curves since sophomore year.
His mind was only ever on you. The whole time he was away on those dark nights. The hard nights. It was only ever you. You. You. You.
He caught you when you had thrown yourself at him, full force. Him, barely moving an inch.
"Oh my god, Will! I missed you so much, you have no idea." You spoke, slightly muffled, as your head pressed into his neck in the hug you seemed to wrap yourself, literally, in. From catching you, one of his hands moved from the bottom of your thigh to your back to join the other.
All he did was hold you. "I think I do, Sunshine." He whispered into your ear. His grip on you only tightening. He missed his girl.
"And oh my god! You look so good with short hair! And you have muscles! Oh my god you have muscles, Will." You had pulled away from his neck, your legs and arms still wrapped around his body, just looking at him in the eyes.
Your faces were close in proximity due to the position. That's when he felt every bone and muscle in his body aching to kiss you so passionately. To kiss you like he's missed a lifetime with you, essentially, he has emotionally.
He couldn't kiss you. He didn't know if there was someone, he didn't know where that kiss would lead him. Where it'd lead you and your guys' friendship. It was far too risky. So he settled for resting his forehead on yours, slowly letting you drop to the floor.
"Im so glad you made it back home." Was all he heard you whisper from your conversation as he focused on the touch of your hands that somehow ended up cupping his cheeks.
"Me too, darlin'."
Will planned to spend every waking moment he could with you on leave. He didn't want to waste any moments that could be pulled from right under him. He would spend this leave watching you, loving you, regardless of if he wasn't yours or you, his. He knew it wouldn't be like that because your you, and he's not who he was before he left.
"C'mon you, it's time to get you home." You whispered as you let go of him, and grabbed his hand instead, already trekking to the car.
The second time Will wanted to kiss you was when you two were at Tom's wedding.
He should've known you would have looked like an angel sent to earth from heaven. Your beauty has always been something that captured his mind in a way he didn't understand and didn't want to understand. The way you were nothing less than the most beautiful human being on this earth, and that you were his bestfriend.
Although you looked like you were heaven on earth, he felt this was his own personal hell. He felt as if the gods were punishing him and condemning him to an eternity of witnessing the godly beauty bestowed infront of him. Torturing him because he knows he cannot have you, and that he will never have you. Atleast in the way that he wants. The temptation egging on the intrusive thoughts.
Your dress long and green. The green that he despised before he had met you. What once reminded him of broccoli and vomit, now reminded him of the purest of natural beauty. The green he loved because you did. You hair long and the curls sitting nicely as they cascaded down the expanse of your back.
He was entranced by the look—by you. And he would be damned if he took his eyes off of you.
"Hey boys!" He heard you quip as you got closer to the groomsmen of the wedding. Frankie had texted you in need of assistance of tying his tie—everyone's tie. "Im here on time which means I took my seat on time, for once might I add, and you boys still find a way to make me late." You shook your head as you hugged Frankie. You fixed his tie and moved onto Benny, hugging him and fixing his tie. The two left the room to go check on Redfly as you moved to Will.
"Hi." He said. That's all he could say. His mind somewhere else as he gazed at you. All he could think about was the beauty that was you. That encapsulated his mind into a bubble of attraction at all hours of the day. It was damn near impossible to speak a full sentence when you looked at him like that.
Granted you thought it was just a normal look of platonic affection, but to him, it was as if you knew what he was thinking and feeling all in that moment. "Hi."
He watched you smile at him while you adjusted, and fixed his tie. He knew how to tie a tie, he thinks a part of you knew that too. He would be lying if he said he played dumb just to have you this close and personal with him. "I thought you knew how to do this, Miller." You quipped, a small giggle escaping past your soft lips.
There it was. He was caught. "I do."
"Then you don't need my help." You started to drop the fabric of his tie, and land a small shove to his shoulder.
"I said I knew how, I didn't say I didn't want you close to me, sunshine." Will knew he may have exposed himself, said too much. But the look on your face when he said it, assured him he didn't push it. He had placed his hands on your hips, bringing you closer, closer than before.
He didn't take his eyes off of you. The whole time you tied it. He watched the way your eyes were trained on the task but flickered up to his every couple of seconds. He watched the way your nose sloped perfectly and how well your hair framed your face.
He could stare at you forever if time allowed it. If you allowed it. The feeling you brought out in him was something he's never felt for anyone before. This feeling was only reserved for you, no one would be able to bring this back out in him.
He stared at you until you finished, and for a little while after. You two stared at eachother and it took everything in him to not kiss you. To not kiss you like you were the air he needed to breathe.
It wasn't until you leaned in closer and closer that his heart started to beat out of his chest. This wasn't happening. You couldn't have someone like him, surely you knew that you deserved so much better than what Will could offer. His mind was moving a mile a minute thinking and rationalizing all the possibilities that could come from your face inching closer to his.
"Your gonna be late, handsome. Your the best man, so I suggest you stop looking at me how you just were and get a move on." You whispered into his ear. Okay, so Will was a little dissapointed, completely dissapointed, that you didn't actually kiss him. He would hope that you would, you still had time.
He couldn't have you. Repeating it in his head like it was a prayer with an ulterior motive. If he kept repeating it, maybe the universe would take pity and jinx it. Just give him what he wanted.
"Thank you, pretty girl." He settled for a kiss on the forehead before you both walked out of the room.
The third time Will wanted to kiss you was when you and the guys had a movie night.
Movie nights didn't happen often as everyone had a busy schedule. Frankie was spending more time with his new girl, Benny training to start fighting in local fights, that Will often coached him for. Santiago was always planning to go back home to his mother, and everyone thinks that will be set in motion soon.
So no better than for you, who's schedule was mostly open aside from work, to suggest a movie night before everyone gets to busy and before Santi leaves.
It started like every other time you've done this. Santiago took the best recliner in this basement, Frankie took the loveseat in between the two couches, Benny was always sprawled over the one couch and Will and you shared the other.
Except this time, Will sat on the farthest end of the sofa by the right arm rest. Your head in his lap and the rest of your body stretched over the expanse of the couch like Benny. Will never had a problem with the seating arrangement until right now.
All he could think about was the proximity between you two. Damn the movie, and damn everyone else in this room. You right here. In his lap. This was all his mind wanted to focus on—could focus on. His eyes weren't on the screen, they were simply drawn to you. Like busy honeybees drawn to a pool of honey.
One hand was on your cheek, his thumb making small strokes, and his other playing with your extended hair. Was this a little too domestic? yes. Did he care one bit? no. of course not. How could he when he had a beautiful beautiful girl his reach.
Yes your beauty was something he couldn't shake. You were always beautiful, and everyone could attest to the notion that you, the beautiful angel sent beauty, has never had an off day of looking like the most divine intervention in human form.
You had always been beautiful to him, but right now, you looked absolutely ethereal. It didn't help that you were sporting his favorite black hoodie that he had left at your home after the last gathering you hosted. He had to buy a new one and as fate would have it, or it all happened coincidentally, he had wore it paired with dark denim jeans and his black and white shell toe adidas.
You both matched and if that didn't do anything for his attraction to you then, it sure as hell did now. It didn't help that a scary part of the horror movie you suggested, got to you, which had you curled into his stomach; your face now hidden in his abdomen, away from the movie.
Your lips were drawn into a small pout and by god, did your lips look so kissable to him. All he ever wanted was to kiss you, tell you that it'd be okay even if it wasn't that scary. To call you his.
All he ever wanted was for you to want him. For you to need him the way he did. He was so desperately gone for you. It'd take him years to get over you and to make his heart stop beating for you. To make it stop repeating the constant call of your name. He just needed you to let him love you the way you were intended to be loved. His heart simply called your name, he believes it always had.
But he knew it wouldn't happen. Maybe not now, not soon, hell, maybe not in this lifetime. That wouldn't stop him from wanting you. From loving you. He'd just have to have you from afar.
And that's what he'll do until your ready. Love and admire you from afar, just like he's doing now. His eyes on you, the insatiable need to kiss you, the restraint in his actions, as you watch the movie. While he watches a vision better than any movie. You, in his lap. While you look like the effortless ethereal beauty you are to him.
The fourth time Will wanted to kiss you was when you two were at the beach together.
"Will! Why are we in so deep! The water is about to reach my boobs." You huffed, arms moving any motion that would guarantee that you stayed afloat.
Of course Will didn't nessacarily realize how far it was for you. To him it barely hit his waist.
"Will! Are you even listen—AH!" You laughed as you tried to jump over the wave that looked giant compared to you, considering you were right under the wave in deep water. Suddenly you were submerged in water as the wave was far too big to jump over.
You rolled a little under the water, trying to come back up but the swell of the wave hasn't passed. The current pulling you closer to the shore but not far enough to where your far away from Will. You came back up, the current passing you making its way to the shore.
You swiped both hands over your hair and took a deep breath in.
Will turned as he heard you come up for air, and immediately a small smile of relief and amusement etched his sun kissed skin. He slowly moved closer to you as you opened your eyes and met him halfway.
Once you reached him, you slapped him on the chest. All he could do was laugh as he found more amusement in your frustration. "It's not funny you jackass! I almost drowned." Your eyebrows frowned just a little.
"But you didn't and that's all that matters." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around your head, pulling you impossibly close to his chest.
"It's gonna matter when my fist connects with your face, asshole." You rolled your eyes at the blonde.
"Yeah? You think can hit me?" He mused, his eyes not once leaving your glimmering eyes.
"Oh hell yeah, i can. It's gonna hurt, too." You quipped, mostly convincing yourself than him, but he decided to humor you. He's literally apart of a special forces tactical team, captain at that! A punch from you wasn't going to phase him one bit.
"Oh yeah? I think that’s kinda hot." He smirked while still holding the most intense eye contact you think you've had in your life, and you couldn't lie and say that it wasn't turning you on in the slightest.
"Oh, so your kinky? Never expected that from you." The water pushed your body just a little bit closer, your breasts flush against his stomach. Instinctively, his hands found place on your hips.
You two stared at eachother. You gaze falling to his lips for a split second hoping he didn’t notice. He did. That’s when his gaze fell from your eyes to your lips. Slowly, without either of you realizing it, you were both leaning closer to eachother. His breath fanning your cheeks. Before you couldn’t even make contact with him, he stopped.
You were being hoisted into the air and you didn't know what for until an even bigger wave made its way for you two. The water clashed with your skin, the cool air and the cold water sending chills all over your body. Will holding you up, took the brunt of the wave, pushing you and him closer to the shallow of the beach.
Once he put you back down, the water now at your hips, he placed you back in the same position as before. You both stood there for two seconds before he spoke.
“Cmon, it’s getting dark. We should head back, or we’ll be late for the guys’ movie night tonight.” His hand tapped your hips before you both made your way back to the shore, your hands locked together.
This would definitely play in his head over and over tonight when he can’t sleep. Another sleepless night from his nightmares…atleast he’ll have this beautiful moment—beautiful person, to deter the scary thoughts. You had the power over them. Over anything in his life.
The fifth time Will wanted to kiss you was when his leave was over and he would be deployed for months. Months where he wouldn’t see you—his girl.
“I’ll miss you, Benny.” You stood on your tip toes to wrap your arms around Benny’s neck and kiss his cheek.
“I’ll miss you too, Bowie.” He kissed the top of your head. You’d never get used to the fact that even though he was the youngest, he was always the biggest.
“You know I love you right? Be safe.” You said before releasing him and walking over to Will.
You started coming to the buses on base because your dad had gotten you a pass when you were younger, coming to work in his office with him when your babysitter canceled. Plus, Will and Benny being your bestfriends, single, and parents who live in another state, don’t really have anyone to say goodbye and hug hello to when they leave and come back. So your here for them everytime.
Plus your here for Frankie and Santi too. But now they have their girlfriend and wife here for them too.
You had already bid your goodbyes to Santi, Frankie, and Benny. Last was Will. You walked over to blonde who was already looking at you. He had watched you hug and kiss everyone goodbye.
The internal conflict going on in his head drove him mad. He could kiss you goodbye and see where it take you two when he gets back. But that’d leave you reeling for months and he didn’t want to spark any hope just incase he didn’t come back. But there was the possibility that he’d come home, see you and hold you and never let go. You could finally be his and him, yours.
Or he could settle for the friendship between you two. Although he didn’t know that after the beach trip you guys took a while back, he didn’t know if the lines between friends and lovers was blurred. Regardless, he could have you to himself either way, just one he knew he wouldn’t lose you forever. And hell would he be a stupid man to not pick the one where you would remain in his life for as long as you’d have him.
“Bye, Will.” You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, already trying to fight the tears. You didn’t know why it’d be so hard to say goodbye to Will. The worst just swimming in the back of your mind, the worst being he may never come back home to you. Your best friend. Your lover.
“Bye, bow.” He instantly dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around your waist and embraced you wholeheartedly and tightly. He didn’t want to let you go.
You drew back slowly, your hands landing on either one of his cheeks. “I love you,” You kissed his cheek. “Don’t you dare die,” You kissed his forehead. “You and Benny better come back home to me, you big idiot.” The hesitance in your body only lasted a millisecond before you decided to place a hopeful kiss to the corner of his mouth. Dangerously close to his clips and the boundary between friends and lovers.
You thought this would be a significant will boosting kiss, to encourage him to fight and come back to you. The possibility of being able to receive more from you if he came home safely.
“Wow, so touching. Truly.” He feigned sarcasm as he placed a hand on his heart before he grabbed your face. He knew how much he meant to you. But he also knew for a fact that you had no idea how much you meant to him. Although your words we definitely encouraging, he didn’t need them to have the most animalistic will power to fight his way back to you. If worst came to worst, he’d shoot himself in the foot just to be sent back home to you.
“I love you. I’ll come back home, baby.” He then kissed your forehead, and then reciprocated a kiss on the corner of your mouth before moving to the other side and placing a kiss there. His hold still on your face, he then opted to just let go and get on the bus. Another kiss would go against his internal conflict decision.
He’ll come home. When he does, he wouldn’t wait anymore. You’ll be his. He’ll be yours.
How it was always meant to be.
should i create a taglist for this small series? idk. if you want to be added, comment or message me!!
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morelikeravenbore · 3 months
imma be cheeky and ask for 3 and 4: what’s your favourite lines of narration and dialogue? 💚
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Well hello there, small green gremlin, and what a wonderful trench coat you have on today!
Thanks for the question! I'm answering yours first because I thought it'd be the easiest. Plot twist: it was hard af (that's what she said.)
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✨ Favourite narration. I loove writing prose. One of my biggest inspirations is L. M. Montgomery and the way every single paragraph she writes is just stunningly beautiful — not that I dare compare myself to a talent like hers, but bloody hell, nothing else inspires me quite like her work does.
I remember being stoked on this description of Hogsmeade when I first wrote it, and I don't cringe reading back on it so, that's a good sign, I guess.
Like everything in the Scottish Highlands, Hogsmeade village appeared to have grown right out of the earth itself, all mossy-greens and earthy-browns as if its architects had been garden gnomes and fairies. Rows of precariously leaning shopfronts lined the cobbled streets, their facades reaching toward the sky like twisted tree trunks, crooked and uneven. Aurélie would not have been surprised to learn that Hogsmeade hadn't been built at all, but grown from the soil up. Where she'd come from, everything had been pink, not green. Her home of Toulouse, whose magnificent terracotta buildings had given it the nickname La Ville Rose, was a far cry from the rugged wilds of Scotland. Though, much like Hogsmeade, Toulouse was a maze of narrow streets, there was nothing organic about the Pink City; everything within it had been meticulously crafted, a living fairytale, a refined work of art that glowed pink and gold whenever the sun set over its stunning facade. A rose quartz city, her mother used to call it. More starkly still, Beauxbatons had been clean and white, adorned with trimmings of gold and powder blues. Grand and imposing with its seven stories of gleaming alabaster marble, soaring windows and endlessly high ceilings, it had surely been built by angels, not garden gnomes. Taking in her surroundings, Aurélie was certain there were no Baroque carvings or gilded mirrors in the Highlands; no silk curtains or velvet sofas, no marble fireplaces or tapestries woven with unicorn hair, and surely when the sun set over the tiny magical village, there was not a shade of pink to be seen. And yet, for all its ramshackle structures and muddy roads, Hogsmeade was not without its charm; uneven and loud, yes - but alive. - How to Make a Villain, chapter 8.
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✨Favourite dialogue. I freakin love writing dialogue nom nom nom, especially the flirty bickering between Sebastian and Aurélie. Its my favourite. I could write an entire book of nothing but these two pretending they're not into eachother. No plot, only banter.
Merlin, and here he was thinking that Anne had been the most exasperating girl he'd ever known. 'What rubbish!' she snapped, suddenly sounding very French again. 'You can't seriously believe that nonsense! I'm not going to turn into some soulless creature of darkness just because I want to keep my magic under control! What kind of ridiculous concept is that? What sort of Dark-Arts-loving nutjob wrote this book, anyway?' - Sebastian tried really, really hard not to laugh at this, - 'and why should I believe what's written in some crusty old book, anyway? You know what, just forget I told you anything about this whole stupid magic thing! I don't want to talk about this ever again! And don't you dare tell another living soul, Sebastian Sallow, or I swear -' 'Please,' he scoffed, 'who am I going to tell?' 'I don't know!' she burst out. 'All your girlfriends probably!' Sebastian choked. 'Girlfriends?' he spluttered. 'What girlfriends? You think I have girlfriends? Plural?' 'I don't know!' 'I don't even have one girlfriend, let alone several!' 'Well, you seem...' she gestured at him, visibly flustered, 'popular!' 'I'm not popular!' 'Well, I don't know, do I? I don't know anything about you, but you know all these secrets about me and I don't even know if you-' '-have a girlfriend?' 'No! I mean - that's not - I don't care if - that was just an example!' - How to Make a Villain, chapter 11.
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How to Make a Villain: wattpad | ao3
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
Hey pookie,
First off, since you achieved your goal of keeping part 2 shorter, imma try to do the same with this ask! So here goes my thoughts on part 2:
I should have already known as soon as I saw the lyric/song you chose that this was gonna hurt bad, but I still was not prepared for how bad. Side note: I listened to Happier while I was reading it for the second time – I do not recommend if you don’t want your heart to break even more.
I know I said I wanted Paige to suffer… WELL I TAKE IT BACK- my favourite blonde has suffered enough 😭
Her entire drunken monologue about what she would have done if it was her that took Azzi on a date- fuuuuuck I can’t- but oh man it was so well written and so heartbreaking.
And then oh- that last part and when she realised that it wasn’t her that Azzi was looking for (although I still believe that subconsciously, it was a certain blonde that she was searching for in the crowd)
ZOE WHEN I CATCH YOU 🫵 (you did nothing wrong, BUT STILL)
I did let out a lil giggle tho (In between my crying) at blondie running into a wall cos she was so desperate to get away 🤭
Side note: the first scene was top tier; I just love Paige and the Fudds interactions and Azzi and Drew interactions 🫂
Side note 2: Angela being chosen as one of the menace teammates, I see the vision truly, she would be that girl lmao
Favourite line/quote: “she’s who you were supposed to be…” 💔
So overall, my heart was as cracked as paige's screen protector was by the end of it, and I just want blondie to finally get to take her bestie out on their dream date. BUT I do love angst so maybe I can handle just a tiny bit more suffering (I guess I’m taking back my earlier takeback), sorry paige 🙈
Thoughts on what’s to come (potentially):
I know I said in a previous ask that in my mind, summer breaks are when it gets especially messy and seeing as we’re up to a summer break in the timeline, oof bestie I can’t wait to see what you have in store for them (and us).
Also, the first meeting between Zoe and Paige- I know that would be explosive, like Paige would just be constantly trying to prove that she knows Azzi best 👀
“you don’t even know the things I said to her before she left for LA. And she’s still here” – another teaser of that fight, ugh I so desperately wanna know, but also not know, what she actually did say that night.
As always, thank you for this incredible story. I was so prepared (well, not really but I could have been) to wait at least a couple weeks for this part cos ya know we never wanna pressure you and I know you still got actual life to deal with, so the fact that you put this out ONE WEEK later - we don’t deserve you, truly. 🥺
Ok omg lemme wrap this up now, and ignore the part where I said I’d try to keep this ask short(er) because I’m pretty sure this is my longest one yet? I’m sorry – the key word there was obviously: try.
Much love always 💗
Hi bestie <3
Please I love your long asks, don't ever stop.
Fun fact I was torn between using Ed Sheeran's Happier or Oliviia Rodrigo's Happier (does she mean you forgot about me) but also kind of wanted to use The 1 (if my wishes came true, it would have been you).
I KNEW YOU (and everybody else) WOULD FLIP THE MINUTE I GAVE Y'ALL SAD PAIGE like y'all love her too much (me af) 😭
We're gonna come back to Azzi and her searching the crowds during the game next chapter (also just gonna add here, the anon asking if Azzi knows Paige was at the game, she doesn't...yet)
WAIT okay, do we want Zoe to be a good kind gf or no? Cause I have two ways this could go lol
Poor Angela caught some strays. It was between her and Emily Bessoir and I was like nah Angela fits better, so I'm glad you agree babe
Aww babes I'm sorry to break you like Paige's screen protector 💀 (is this a bad time to tell you that it very much is not getting better anytime soon so hopefully you can handle a lot more than little)
Mini confession, I also don't actually know what the argument before Azzi left for UCLA actually was...very much a work in progress oops-
Let's see if I can actually stick to my weekly timelines (hmmmm)
Love you always pookie 💗
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hello hellooo! how about Mikey for the character ask game and 🍄🤔 for the WIP ask game?
Thank you for the ask!
here are the links to the ask games:
My first impression
Typical overpowered goofball that steals the protag's spotlight and who's likely to be interesting once his past gets revealed. Probably has a large part of the fandom having him as their or one of their favorite characters. Don't think he'll be mine tho (I always end up with favorite characters who are (mostly) the ones without a huge fanbase behind them 🥲)
My impression now
He needs a hug. He needs therapy. He needs to cry. He needs Takemichi.
More seriously, he's more complex and important to the story than what I've anticipated. He's just so detrimental to the story. From start to end he's tangled with it. He deserves that happy ending. If I think too long about his dynamic with Shinichiro I sob uncontrollably and ugly.
I love how trauma is depicted with him. It can get so much ugly despite one's unwillingness to be and one's best effort. He's a great character.
Favorite thing about that character
He has no power over his own fate. His life wasn't meant to last as long as it did and so when it continued even though it should've ended, it got set in stone as counterweight. He got cursed by the person he loved immensely and who loved him back immensely as well. He came back wrong and he wasn't aware of it. He's an antagonist despite himself. He was meant to be since the start and Kisaki helped to speedrun it but even without him Mikey would've sunk in darkness. There were clues about that since the start and I love that for him. He's literally cursed to ruin his own life (and lose his loved-ones). Talk about doomed lol gotta love a lil tragic man.
(I'm very happy he got his happy ending tho, don't get me wrong)
Also: he's got a blanket-plushie <33 he's irritable when he wakes up and that's relatable
Least favorite thing
Idk... I don't think there is one? Perhaps when he refuses to apologize because he doesn't see the point to it (in the hospital when visiting Pah's friend's girlfriend with Draken, when meeting Kazutora's father after drop-kicking him, ...) but that's just because it makes me anxious lol I can apologize a bit much
Favorite line/scene
obligatory 'save me' moment mention
It might be a bit cliché, but the whole Manila Mikey scene. It's when Mikey actually started to pique my interest. The whole 'I killed them' bit *chef's kiss* - I needed to know more asap and I knew I wouldn't and it was awesome.
Favorite interaction that character has with another
Mikey stealing Takemichi away for Christmas from Hinata made me chuckle and still do.
I don't think about the trust he puts in Takemichi that much but it does linger on the back of my mind at all times. It's very dear to me.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
I wish we would've seen more of him with Izana and him with Senju. There are a bunch of others, but ultimately I wish his relation with Izana and Senju would've have more elements to it, more dwell on. Also where are the scenes with Kazutora and Mikey being content and happy, Wakui. Wakui. Wakui, I need them.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
Loosely, I'd say Ace from One Piece. Damn character smiling to hide their clinical depression
it's when I'm being asked for things like this that my mind goes blank fr, I'm sure I have best examples somewhere
A headcanon about that character
The reason he sleeps so much is because he's supposed to be in a vegetative stage had Shinichiro not messed with the timeline :D!
A song that reminds of that character
I've got a entire playlist for him with +130 songs in it (as for now), how am I supposed to choose.
Imma just put the first song that triggered me doing playlist for TR and sharing them on Tumblr I guess
降伏論 sang by 宮下遊(Miyashita Yuu) (Eng sub in CC)
And take Body And Mind by Girl in Red as a bonus
An unpopular opinion about that character
I don't think I've got one???
Favorite picture
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This panel is just so beautiful.. *sobbing on the floor for several reasons*
I like every lil Mikey as well
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🍄Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Baji as Shinichiro's time trigger + canon compliant up to a certain point = Kazutora still kills Shinichiro
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
AU where Shinichiro (19, living in 1999) and Takemichi (18-19, living in 2010) swap bodies between May 22nd and July 30th. They're both from their original timeline and so the connection cut when their timeline stops having the same course of event. And while Shinichiro lives through original timeline the same way he lived it in canon, Takemichi kinda forcefully got his life together (it's tucked together with tuck tape but he's making it work) because of when Shinichiro was living his life and is now way too attached to the Sano family (&Co) not to try to meet with Mikey from his time period (very bad idea). What could possibly go wrong with Takemichi from the start of canon trying to reconnect with Hinata, Mizo Five, Kakucho at some point bc I want him and S62 here, and saving Mikey when... When it's first canon timeline and they've never met?
It's a fix-it somehow; the time leaping powers plotline remains the same as in canon too, when it concerns Shinichiro (Takemichi's part of the story obviously gets changed)
I haven't written a single word yet but I did brainstrom it xd. Got a handful of other long-fics I want to write first before starting a new one
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quodekash · 1 year
os2 x eclipse ep2 part 2 of my silly little commentary
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oh thats weird, why is the cafe for all worker hosting the competition?
(huzzah i am funnie)
seriously tho, youd think aye would recognise them
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"this is my first short film. sorry- our first. it's a story of what we face in real life. Thank you to all my friends for always supporting me. Thank you to my advisor, Teacher Sani. If you hadn't asked me that day, I wouldn't have made it here today. I also want to thank my family. Even though they don't really approve of me making movies, they secretly transferred me money in the end. Thank you."
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hell yes imma add this to the collection
"even though your movie is not very perfect, i could see the power and sincerity in it." "thank you" "keep making films. dont give up." "i wont" HIS LITTLE SHRUG- I CANTTT
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the lights went out
here it is
aye's about to be dramatic
and im probably gonna scream and cry (in a good way)
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im giggling and sobbing at the same time
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im so glad im watching this now instead of last night bc its so much easier to scream out loud
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im sobbing
hes such a good singer
i love first's voice so much
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"if you dont like it, if you're not okay, let me know. ill stop."
the freaking PARALLELS
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oooo graduation blessing
"people say that life is like a journey. i want you to keep going forward to reach each of your destinations or goals." I LOVE HER
"keep going forward without knowing if there's light at the end of the tunnel" SERIOUSLY KAN, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP VOICING MY FEARS, ITS RUDE
"of course. you guys have done it before. you have walked out of those dark shadows." TY SANI THATS SO SWEET IM CRYING
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my face hurts from smiling so much in this episode
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"i love you too. shortstop." AAAAAAAAAA
damn, they end with what they cut out of the actual show
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i love them so much
oh, look at that, theyre ending with what the actual show had to cut out
oh look at that i used up all 30 photos again
how the hell is anything real rn
im gonna go cry for the rest of the day, peace out
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inkofamethyst · 3 months
February 25, 2024
I met up with my family in NYC this weekend to explore and see Hadestown to celebrate my birthday and it was fantastic. I feel so rejuvenated after the quick jaunt (less than 24 hours in the city!). I'm not really a huge fan of NYC compared to my current city, but I can recognize its beauty and appeal (even though it gives me an awful experience of some sort every time I enter lol). We went to the New York Public Library and it was amazing. I wish we had hours to spend in there rather than minutes, but we had a show to get to.
Hadestown was... I don't really have words to express how much I enjoyed the show. I mean, it broke me, wrecked me, body mind and soul, but I'd see it again in a heartbeat. I'd heard about it from a friend of my dnd-friend way back in 2019 during or after a game of, you guessed it, DnD, and I'd wanted to see it ever since. I knew the story of Orpheus and Eurydice; one of my favorite tumblr posts of all time discusses the varied interpretations of the myth, and I honestly go back and read it once and a while because the story has always always always been beautifully tragic to me. So I knew how it ended (but I hadn't listened to the soundtrack--I'd refused all these years). And yet. I cried silently at intermission, knowing that Orpheus' quest would be in vain. I cried silently as Eurydice slowly dropped at the end. I cried during bows, I cried on the way out of the theater, I cried while expressing to my family how beautiful it all was. Why tell a story you know is doomed over and over and over again? And every single time, we hope they get it right, though we know they never will.
The music was excellent, the storytelling excellent, the actors (named and ensemble (even with just five they sounded so powerful)!!!!!), the choreography, the set design, the musicians, the lighting design (!!! (as a once-former lights person I'm keenly aware of the effect lighting can have on a story and whew they certainly used it))... All phenomenal. There was a choreographed bit in "Wait for me" with the lights swinging on beat and, just, wow. WOWWWWW. All involved should contribute to my next therapy bill lol.
My mother said she never realized I was such a romantic and, frankly, I didn't either. I mean I knew I was a crier. If there's one thing Imma do, it's cry. And cry ugly. But I think I'm drawn to stories about what love makes us do. Stories that show us how love can destroy, but we still do it anyway, again and again. We seek it out. We risk destruction for the chance at being known, truly and fully.* There was a line in act one from Eurydice, something like "All my life I've only held my own, now I just want you to hold me," and that knocked me out.
Y'all I think Hadestown might be my new favorite musical, surpassing Aida after, oh, six years?
I also had my first ever migraine during my trip lol. I'd braided my hair very very tightly, so it was pulling on my scalp, slowly forming a headache. That combined with the plethora of street smells, the greasy ham and pineapple pizza (which was so so so so good though, place called Carve), and two nights in a row of less than six hours of sleep (braiding lol) resulted in headache + nausea and I wanted to die. But it was nothing an Exedrin and some rest couldn't fix.
During my braiding marathon (a week and a half because I was so busy ugh (but they look gorgeous!!!!)) I watched Blue Beatle finally and thought it had a lot of heart. Regret not seeing it in theaters, but I think it came out during a period where I was just tired of it all ("it" being superhero movies). Also watched The Flash and thought it was very compelling. Flashpoint is not an uncommon means of exploration for the character, so I've seen at least a couple iterations of the same story, but I think this version was done quite well. It was interesting, well-paced, had a nice ending, and was a graceful way to get rid of Ben Affleck lol (also loved the old Batman theme <3 (ALSO also love Is She With You because that is a banger every single time)). I think Ezra Miller plays a really endearing Flash, shame he's crazy :/
Also watched a lot of animated movies on Max! I watched Belle (another with some "la-la-la"'s hehe) which was odd in many ways but was also cute and beautiful, compelling and full of heart. Then I did a bit of a Ghibli marathon of movies I'd never seen before: Tales of Earthsea, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa, Arietty. All beautiful in their own ways. Very unique storytelling, gorgeous art, powerful messages. There are still several I want to see!
I finished Batman Beyond and the ending was dumb anticlimactic lol. The least they could've done was a two-parter that built to something satisfactory. Honestly the epilogue episode in JL (JLU?) was more compelling. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker was pretty solid though. I think I'm going to give the DCAU a rest now hehe. Gotta catch up on the MCU, frankly. They've got some interesting things coming up...
*ReesaTeesa's "Who tf did I marry" series was something else. That was another thing I watched while braiding. Finished in two days. Was watching while making figures in the office and someone recognized her face lol. Three things. 1. I did not know a person could be tortured in the way that she was. What happened to her was awful, and it was only because she put herself in the vulnerable position of seeking love. 2. I can't say I fear a pathological liar specifically, but one of my romantic fears is wanting someone's affection so badly that I overlook red flags. Wouldn't be the first time. 3. I know how the internet works, so I shouldn't be surprised, but imo finding her ex's facebook and flaunting it in her comments was a breach of the social contract between ReesaTeesa and her audience, and it should not have been done. She does not want to be associated with that man. I fear for her peace and hope that he does not attempt to make a single penny off her. Was I curious too? Yes. But a person's privacy is more important than my curiosity, always.
Today I'm thankful for the time I got to spend with my family. I'm so thankful to have a family I enjoy spending time with. Teared up while saying goodbye :') We're considering making this a yearly thing while I'm in school here. That would be lovely. Also thankful that things are looking up for my sister, it's been a rough school year so far, but things are shifting toward the positive rapidly! Lastly, lowkey thankful that the subway was out of order today on my way back to my apartment. Forced me to take a shuttle which drove through parts of the city I'd not been to yet. Excited for spring and summer treks there, though!
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hustlecandy · 10 months
And now the final part! Thanks for the nice comments on the last two posts, it rly means a lot!! ^ ^
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Day (technically 19 but) 21: Berry
(I know I accidentally skipped this one in the last post I am sorry. Anyway this is the result of me watching too many JimmyHere YLYL streams while drawing)
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Day 22: Fungal
"Ah... Our favorite. Fate has smiled upon us."
"The textures work so well together!"
"...A bit too savoury. We shoulda put honey in it!"
(Imma be honest. I didn't get this line on my first playthrough, so when I did on my second I about broke down crying. Fate has smiled upon them,,, ;v;)
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Day 23: Flight
"We can fly as high as our hearts wish to! Soar to UNSEEN HEIGHTS!"
(The fact that Kabbu is terrified of heights but loves bounceshrooms is very underrated imo. I think he wants to overcome his fear someday and maybe learn how to fly on his own...)
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Day 24: Plant Enchanter
(What did you guys name your Chompys? I named mine Amarylis, intentionally spelt wrong due to character limits. I just think it's a pretty word :>)
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Day 25: Lost
"Everyone left on the rescue ferry...but I chose to stay. There's such a soothing beat… How could I leave this place behind? I've gotta find where it comes from...I've...gotta..."
(You ever wonder what happened to the bug who left that note on the Peacock Spider's island? I mean, they're obviously dead, but...I still wonder.)
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Day 26: Alternate Universe
(You ever make an AU based on a single line of dialogue & some concept art that gets stuck in your brain and refuses to leave? Yeah, that's what this AU is. The placeholder title is 'The Upcoming Storm', and is an answer to two questions: What if the Roaches followed through with their plans for a Thunder cordyceps? And what if one of Leif's ancestors decided to look into their disappearance?
So this is Cerice, their ridiculously energetic lesbian daughter [who they don't know is their daughter yet; she doesn't remember that they're her parent either] and host of the Thunder cordyceps! Don't worry, Grandpa and Muze still exist - Grandpa's her son. However, Team Snakemouth is split into two teams - Team Snake and Team Mothden - but they still work together. I might make a separate post abt it if anyone wants me to ^^)
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Day 27: Song
(Who's a better character for this prompt than the composer's self-insert, lol)
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Day 28: Medal
(I am a very firm believer in Poisoned Leif supremacy. Sorry Poisoned Vi and Kabbu, smashing bosses over the head with glaciers is just so viscerally satisfying)
[I didn't have any ideas for Boss Rush, sorry]
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Day 30: Bee
"You know...I was about her age when I came to my first festival. Everything was so much cooler than the boring Bee Kingdom! It really made me want to see the world!"
(I really wish they elaborated more on Vi deciding to become an explorer after her first festival! It's a very cute motivation & had a lotta story potential ;^;)
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Day 31: Everlasting
"The Usurper, Grasping For Power..."
(Hoaxe is a fun final boss but god DAMN did he kick my ass a hundred times over. It's a good thing I decided to max my rank and stock up on Queen's Dinners, Berry Smoothies & Miracle Shakes the 5th time around)
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oliviasecrets · 11 months
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This is life
“Yeah I’m only here for two days then I play in Ibiza”
“No way I’ve always wanted to go there I’ve heard amazing stories about the nightlife”
“Why don’t you come with me it could be fun”
Johns invitation was very tempting but you had to draw your line
“It does sound like fun but I’m currently under a lot of work I can’t take a vacation”
“Hey I understand how about this give me your number and when you’re free we can arrange something”
“Yeah sure”
What you didn’t know is that a few yards away Jack was watching this interaction and when he saw you trying into that djs phone his blood boiled he tried to fight the feeling of jealous but that overcame
“Jack where are you going… wait up man”
Jack moved fast through the crowd so that he wouldn’t be recognized by any fan that wanted a picture, as he was about to enter the dj area he turn around when he felt a hand on his arm
“Hey if I was you I wouldn’t lose her”
“Emily hey yeah thank you that’s what I’m trying to do here”
“Show her that you really do care, and if you two do end up together please invite me to the wedding”
“You already thinking way to fast but definitely em”
The bouncer tried to stop Jack but luckily for him he was too damn famous know he didn’t need an introduction
“Have a fun night mr harlow”
“Thank you sir”
As Jack was getting close to you he made eye contact with the dj making you turn around from your previous conversation you couldn’t help but to smile and get all excited to finally see Jack after a week of crying over him, you made your way to him and wrap your arms on his neck taking in his delicious LV smell and Jack couldn’t resist but giving you a hard hug and kissing your cheek
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you”
“Yeah I figured that out since it took you a week to call me”
“Come on ma are you making this difficult for me now”
“Yeah actually until you realize how much I’m worth”
That had him smiling from ear to ear
“Oh trust me you’ve been on my mind since I last saw you, even had me writing you a song and shit”
“Is that so jackman”
“Wanna hear it”
“Not really, I prefer having some fun with you”
Jack took your hand and made your way out of the vip area, walking towards the bar you order yourself some shots to make your confidence boost Jack kept placing one hand curled up on your waist as he was getting close to your ear he whispered
“Let’s get out of here”
“Jack we haven’t even danced, don’t you wanna dance with me?”
“I do but I prefer to spend some time with you just the two of us”
“One dance first”
You took jacks hand and made your way to the dance floor the one and only song played my humps by the black eye peas
“Imma get you drunk get you love drunk off my hump”
You turned around so you could grind a little with Jack, he placed both hand on your waist holding you tight and slightly touching your abs and slightly your under boobs making you turn around and wrap one hand on his neck
“You are getting very touchy jackman”
“Please can we just go already”
Jack put a hand on your neck taking care of you while you made yourself outside the club, before leaving you texted em telling her you were leaving with Jack but oh boy what a surprise you were headed towards
“Jack y/n are you together”
“Y/n please over here give a smile”
“Jack how does it feel to be with y/n”
“How long have you’ve been together”
“Please smile this way”
Neither you or Jack knew there was at least 25 paparazzi waiting outside
“just hold my hand and not let go y/n”
You grabbed his hand scared of what was happening then you started feeling people getting crowed and suddenly you felt someone grabbed your ass
“What the fuck don’t touch me”
You let go of jacks hand making him look your way he didn’t really understand what was going on but once he saw you pushing a guy away he saw red
“Get your hands off of her right now, I swear I’ll fuck you up dude”
“Jack please let’s just go away”
“Jack please
Before you realized urban had come out of no where grabbing Jack and preventing him from starting a fight
“Come on babe let’s get going”
“Em where’s Jack please”
“Y/n please just come with me he’ll find us”
The anxiety and being scared of what was going on overcame as you started to cry you walked half a block when you heard Jack
“Y/n are you okay, are you hurt please tell me you’re good”
Once you saw Jack jogging to you you stared to cry even more, maybe it was the excitement that had this effect in you
“Hey I’m here don’t worry y/n”
You looked at Jack and all you could do was kiss him a very passionate kiss wrapping your hands around his neck making the kiss more deep and intense Jack stopped and kissed your forehead
“I’m going to take that as an im okay Jack”
“Please don’t scare me like that again you dick I was so scared”
“I’ll promise I will behave but if someone else touch what’s mine I won’t promise anything”
“I’m not yours Jack”
“Fuck yeah you are I’m never letting you get away ever”
Some action plus I love jealous Jack hahah any ideas text me!!
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minniemariex · 2 years
imma just write my experience here lol
welcome to the stream of thoughts on first watch of ep 10 of KINNPORSCE The Series (yay)
i really wrote it while watching so expect a lot of random stuff
so pete. i love you. i’m excited for vegaspete in this episode.
so far so good. thank you production team for the fight scene that looks good and realistic and show their skillets quite well. lol for bodyguards they did little body guarding in those 10 ep lol
that was so good. also side note i love pete in his suit/uniform he’s so hot 🥵
noooooo kinnn
omg wtf
the puppy eyes. yes trust him baby.
also i saw that nod to pete before he turned away
jeff baby i so hot. omg they so cuuute. so glad they get a bit more screen time. chay is a sunshine. kim is the protector. and like i’m in love.
it must feel amazing to wake up in the arms of the person you love.
okay i saw someone else ask but how tf did jeff make cheek kiss look better than some normal kisses in other series? like it’s so cute and wholesome and like ugh i love kimchay so much it’s ridiculous
(how is it that i’m always more invested in side dishes than in main ??? like i like kinnporsche but kimchay and vegaspete have consumed me (see what i did there lol))
chay pretending to sleep is me lol
the way chay grabbed kim’s waist when he was kissed was H.O.T.
awww baby i can cry if you want to. omg okay let me just say that chay saying he is unlucky is not some foreshadowing (i welcome anything that will make kim go batshit crazy (idk why i like my fictional men morally grey and slightly violent when needed but i do and like fits perfec))
and then the look on kim face. i wonder if he’s not fully there yet and kinda went with chay on the whole i like you phi thing.
omg his face when chay said i love you was just adoration and like awe taht someone would say that to him. omg he couldn’t say it back. i mean yeah that’s when the guilty should hit him.
the staring at the hand that was in chaya hair. is giving me.
is this where everything goes to shit??
omg kim don’t leave. you little coward.
thé gonna kidnap chay. and kim gonna go crazy.
OMG the running. the screaming. kik coming to the rescue. the teaser. the fading to black. it was great.
why do i feel like the producers heard us wanting more of mafia story line and putting it in. like that most of the complainants i heard were that it was a bit tame in that department ement. and people (me included) wanted sth a bit darker. so that’s what we got this week it seems.
omg we all agreed to hate tawan right? glad to have big spreading the word lol.
yes kinn baby trust poersche not tawan.
pete baby i back. looking fresh.
the way he looked up and away when talking about torture but looked straight into kinns eyes when he said they might get me to talk and that they will kill him at the end is GREAT detail.
omg porsche is gonna loose his shit when he finds out chay is gone.
kim woke up. and he’s calling kinn. kim is pissed enough to call kinn and ask wtf happens taht made others kidnap chay. he probably wonders if it’s against him or porsche.
and we back at the minor fam house. with pete in a red uniform. are bodyguards at minor house randomly placed? cause like four in one corridor?? a bit much isn’t it??
pete taht was a really lame excuse. boy learn to lie better. IS THERE NO SURVEILLANCE IN TJIS HOUSE?? how did they miss him??
omg vegas has a red room xD it’s literally whips and cabins and ball gags and cuffs and i’m LIVING FOR IT
pete you innocent baby. don’t touch the ball gag. it’s gonna be your but later honey. collars and harness too? vegas i see you are fully equipped.
omg ofc vegas would not hide stuf in a folder called CONFIDECIAL like pete bby i know you smart why you so dumb now??
okay so ofc porsche would chose to find his bro instead of dirt on tawan vegas !!
and lol kinn you weren’t expecting tawan to run away ? bitch that’s obvious he’s the bad guy. and now you’ve lost the cctv.
omg porsche you dumb dumb bitch why go there alone?? please kim to the rescue.
omg tawan you grave is deep and ready.
the way porsches face lit up at the sight of vegas is so precious but also so sad. cause like god why would you ever trust vegas. porsche really you shouldn’t trust some people. i really need kim to the rescue.
omg okay. so pete rapportés to kinn and immediately got caught by KEN. perth bby i knew you were the traitor since the character story came out but i still live you but also want to know the reasoning behind your actions.
also pete’s steel look at ken was glorious.
OMG VGEAS did you seduce tawan? bby i’m proud of you. you can manipulate him however you want to.
also bible speaking english is such a turn on. like seriously. it’s hot 🥵 af.
okay to be honest that was a good plan. and it honestly wouldn’t have mattered if kinn believed it. what mattered was the opinion of the public. the perception of being weak would’ve made kinn not act on his believe in the innocence of porsche. cause we already saw that he cares about his power and his image. and also i don’t think korn would let him ruin his reputation (that’s the word) for love of all things.
omg so yeah that happened. well i wasn’t exactly expecting anything else from vegas lol. i wonder if tawan was his sub(?) cause that would make sense. with the way vegas kisses his forehead and is somewhat gentle with him even though we can clearly see him getting annoyed.
and porsche finally sees what kind of person vegas really is. a ruthless one, without care for others if they stand in they way to his goal. even if they helped immensely and are loyal to him (idk if tawan was loyal to vegas but he clearly cared for him).
KIM TO THE RESCUE. also is this first time porsche gonna meet kim? as i’m kim not wik cause he must know WIK as the idol his little bro is obsessed with. that gonna be fun. does porsche think kim is a bodyguard.
OMG what just happened. big you … can’t believe this wow that was something
omg i just realized billie is smaller than most of the cast. it just shows that height and muscle is not all. he looks way more dominant than tawan even though tawan is bigger and back hugging him. vegas just seems way bigger than he physically is.
kinn likes hot just smoking. awww liked the kiss and porsche needed that hug very badly.
ANOTHER TRAILER SCNENE. this can’t be comfortable position to sit in lol.
omg porsche. that was disgusting.
chay is being a very reasonable person wanting his brother safe and out of the mafia.
also I CNAT BELIEVE KINN ACTUALLY FORGOT ABOUT PETE my god that will give me soo many trust issues won’t kinn. like man he went there for info for but you just forget about him??? rude
okay so we’re done
lol seems like next ep we’ll see more of vegaspete for which i am grateful
also the line ‘papa will finally accept us’ is great. shows taht he not only desires power but also acceptance for who he is. must’ve been told he’s deprived for liking first boys and then more sadistic and controlled sex. probably experiences a lot of pressure to be the perfect son knowing he already fails at the basic level.
but also MASTE MANIPULATOR loving this shit.
the explosions were weak af.
kim just left chay didn’t he? omg he did lol
also is this the moment chay finds out his brother joined the f MAFIA ???
i do not understand why they let chay just walk off ? he’s been unconscious for x amount of time. just woke up. and is in the middle of nowhere. porsche you big dolt go after him and get him somewhere safe for f sake.
god kinn being a mood with ‘i went there to tell you tawan was working with vegas But you run away’ lol
kinn being ‘do i want to smoke? am i forgetting sth? i am aren’t i? what am i forgetting?’ lol
finally we get pete tied up to the post. TRAILER SCENE HERE WE COME.
pete looks so f crazy. like deranged him laughing and smiling but then looking starting into vegas’ eyes with like seriousness is so hot.
also the screamed were really good.
omg perth is such a good actor. that was so good. and i hate kan so much.
omg yes just kill him please. omg don’t say it honor or some other bullshit just kill him.
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pastel-player · 2 years
Omg hfjone talkkk
Opinions on batch one?
Okay first, mmmm thank you thank you thank you,,
Alright so imma go in the order they spawn on The Plane? I guess lol. Thoughts under the cut cause this got long
There isn't much to say about Charlie, since he's a literal infant, but for what it's worth I think he's cute. Least fussy baby in the world I tell you, which I think was a good decision. Something about his complete ignorance of the horrors he's being exposed to is probably much more haunting then if he was as prone to crying as a usual baby. I think there's a lot of interesting potential with Charlie down the line! ONE will probably effect him going forward, in some subconscious way. I really enjoy it when people explore that!
And then TAYLOR, MY GIRL TAYLOR. We were robbed, I tell you, robbed. She has so little screen time but I absolutely adore her. She absolutely strikes me as nuerodivergent in a lot of her mannerisms (she literally needs to ask an adult if he was being sarcastic) and that really endears me to her. There's also consistent stuff with her feeling outspoken or brushed aside, which is super interesting to me. I desperately wish we could have gotten more time with her, but I'll be over here theorizing. If any ONE character is my comfort character, it's her.
Next is Amelia, who, real talk, might be my favorite character in the show. She's so caring and yet so prone to emotion and I like how that isn't portrayed as a bad thing. How open she is with her emotions leads to a lot of the show's most devastating moments. There's something to draw from her in pretty much every scene, from the desperation, to her self-sacrificial behavior, to her loosening grasp on her sense of self. That said, I desperately wish we had more of her in season two. The fact that we know so little about her home life hurts- we don't even see her pre-Plane moment. Season 2 should've given her some more time, but I still love her with all my soul. Plus I have headcanons on her homelife if anyone's curious.
Bryce is an interesting case, just because of how miserable his life was before the show. I adore how season 2 shows him wanting to move on from everything that happened, before Liam slowly convinces him that the other's need help moving on too. A lot like the others, I really wish we had gotten more details with him. We have enough crumbs to theorize on his past with Stella, but I feel like it would add a lot to his character to know the details of his past. Still though, I think he's neat! I don't have as much intense love for him as I do some of the other characters, but I think he's absolutely fascinating at his best.
Charlotte! This is definitely becoming a trend here, say it with me folks, I would love it if she had more time. I don't think it's as bad with her, since we learn quite a bit about her dynamics and past, but I do wish we could've seen a bit of that off-screen character development. For what it's worth though, I think Charlotte is really, really, neat. I like how even though she is very clearly in the wrong with a lot of stuff, she isn't completely villainized either. I honestly get annoyed when people portray her and Parker's friendship as toxic, cause it really doesn't read that way to me. I think a lot about how she acts at the beginning of that scene, smiling and friendly. She has complexities- she has issues, but she's far from irredeemable. She gives me a lot of headcanon fodder and you ain't gonna see me complaining about that.
Last. Liam. Oh boy, oh gosh, my poor boy Liam. I love him. I mean, it's kinda hard not to. This guy rivals OJ as the most "just some guy" object show character, and yet he manages to be fascinating. His story is absolutely tragic and it just makes me want to hug him. Something about seeing someone so normal get torn down time and time again is just haunting, and there's something so impactful about his obsessive search for closure in season 2. Despite what a lot of people think, I doubt Liam would ever become the next Airy. Liam is easily one of the people to suffer most from ONE, I doubt he'd ever do that again. If you ask me, I don't think he'd rest until everyone gets home. Also I feel like his genuine worst fear would be becoming like Airy. Backpack from the cohost AU would be this man's absolute worst nightmare.
Okay I have no clue how cohesive any of that was, but yeah! Batch one thoughts! Feel free to ask me my thoughts on other characters or to ask me about my headcanons for anyone in the cast :D
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
Things that made me insane during criminal minds evolution:
Written while I watched so enjoy my bumbling mess. Spoiler alert of course.
Episode 9:
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Ahhhhh. Here we go. Preview I scared.
Krystal death 😭😭 my poor little baby please don't cry.
Emily holding him I never realized could hurt me so much.
ROSSI get the fuck out please.
Holy fuck he read his book
Dave knows ahhhhh.
They know his name!!!!!
No one better end up in witness protection this time.
I know this season hasny been the best but I personally like the story line and enjoy that it's only one main case. We will see if that's still the case at tge end of this episode.
Rossi looks pisseddddd.
May 2022...
Tara oooh Rebecca.
Tara watching her is so cute oh thier moment
Tara lewis opening up ahhh I love themmmmm. I hate this it hurts.
They fucking better open up the case.
Rebecca thank youuu.
Darling 😭😭
That's not good writing like come on are we just suppose to be cool after that?
I hate but love the fact Ellias knows how to plays. But fuck baby you read his boookssss ahhhh.
Rossi is hot he knows. And ellias your practically telling him who you are your not dumb your doing it on purpose ughhh.
Holy shit my watch was going on because apparently my heart had dropped really low haha opps.
Constantly battle thoes two it's making my daddy and brother issues go off.
Don't Dave him.
I always go the distance Elias. *Rossi signature smirk 🥵😍)
Penelope that's okay and everyone stares. Ughh baby don't look so excited.
Okay but um Luke smile at how excite Penelope is...it hurts.
Ewwww Tyler gross. I don't want to talk about it but ugh the way Garcia look at him and the way he smirked at her ugh.
Okay but Will hello. I know it's er wrong but he looking mighty fine today sir.
JJ goes straight to Will side.
NO NO NO. OKAY NO. like I'm so excited the Will is working with the team but um...I SWEAR IF THEY KILL HIM OFF IMMA FUCK UP A BITCH.
Tyler Green what the hell. Ugh.
Luke looks so angry tho huh.
Tyler what are you hiding.
Garcia what are you up to.
Tyler your an ass.
Garcia you desever better.
Ellias ugh your an asshole okay.
Um huh the voice message.
Dave that's weird text her please.
2006 aww. Tyler we get it but fuck you for using my girl.
Sydney your a mood.
Daveeee. Why am I attracted to old rich men that kill. I need therapy.
I love Dave.
I fuckin hate Ellias.
Emily stands by her team.
Fuck you Ellias.
I feel like somethings bad gonna happen.
I wonder what season 17 Is gonna be like.
Luke... I'm nevours for this.
Luke knows!!!
okay PENELOPE SHUT UP!! PLEASE. Not in front of Luke.
You sure know how to pick em...ouch.
Ughhh. I was hoping with the messy comment we were getting into thier love life.
Luke tho is mood. Like I don't know how to explain but thos scene is great. *cough* would of been better if Luke shut her up with a "we would of been better" or even a kiss *cough*
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I'm mad at Garcia like alot.
Rossi please don't be stupid.
Rossi do not fall for it. Rossi don't do .
Haha he knows. The way he said shit was hot. I love that man.
The look he gave him when he talked about the podcast I can't not breath 😂😂
The thick swallow on killing them
Okayyyu but why did Dave say "oooh that's a yess" that's the way he use to only speak to his team.
Devolution. Evolution.
I can not watch this. Don't hurt my lover.
Fuck you Voit.
You don't desever happiness dickhead.
Mm I wanna tie Dave up to.
Stop hurting my baby.
Tyler you better turn up.
Oh shit um hi lol.
At least the team is on thier way.
Oh shit Prentiss is pissed.
Ooh DC metro okay.
Okay Rossi calm it 😂😂 your a dumbass and you need therapy.
Why you want to help 😂 yes yes I do please.
Criminal minds is fucked.
Will is going to die ain't he... or JJ
Ugh Penelope pity party I get is cos toxic men I akwaysvfall for them. But um Luke's hand on her shoulder. This really is like he's trying to replace Morgan this episode it's weird.
JJ and Will tho awww.
Spit on me.
Okay I looked away from the screen for TWO SECONDS and all I saw was green and legit though Elle greenway had show up and was like woah plot twist.
Tyler Green is here. Yay.
Rossi is terrifed oh my heart.....
Nooo Tyler
Rossi ahhhhhhhh
The nevours, they both looks so cute and young and nevours.
The way she looks at him.
Thoes two omg haha.
Thoes two opening up, my heart is mot sure how to react at all.
Ugh wow I wanted all season for them to break my heart...please they so have chemisty.
I will respect it while I hold my cat and hope they realsie they are both madly in love thank you.
Just stay with me. Oh my heart.
Penelope desever to be happy even if it's not with Luke. But it'd not with Tyler I'm sorry but no.
Rebecca took Tara hand AWWWW.
Stop hurting my love.
Ughh hands off.
Dave called him Lee. And I oopps.
Nooo don't kill my lover. I will cry.
Go kill your own family not mine, dumbass.
Live stream...oh shit..
Okay him screaming for help aboustley and utterly FUCKING hurts.
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erisenyo · 1 year
Hello again! Somehow chapter 3 was simultaneously sweeter and angstier than the others. The time being both a curse and a blessing to Zuko? Him knowing it was almost over so he should be relieved, but ALSO making it that much harder to resist just letting his feelings out!!!! Ma'am??? MA'AM. I AM SQUISHY BE GENTLE WITH ME. I hope you know I physically gripped my chest when Sokka flirted with Zuko!!! It felt like a movie scene! Like there was background talking and music from the dancing, maybe glasses being clinked, the whole vibe of a crowded wedding. But the second Zuko lost his breath, everything faded away. I swear, I could SEE Zuko getting flustered! And Sokka pulling back afterwards with a laugh, was when all the noise flooded back in. You're so good at creating little moments for the boys to get lost in!!! Also Zuko checking out Sokka as he walked away?? Absolutely get it. He deserves to be ogled. In love with the line about him wanting to go back to being mildly interested if Sokka and Jet were flirting! The way he is immediately pining lmao. The torture you put him through is so funny.
“It’s been years,” Sokka is teasing as he tucks the jar away. “I don’t know how you’re not over it by now.”
“Yeah,” Zuko says after a beat, feeling the question like a dull ache in his chest, a familiar pain he barely notices anymore except when he pokes and prods at it. “Me, too.”
“Did you ever try?” Sokka asks, curious.
“Yeah,” Zuko says again, heartfelt and briefly closing his eyes.
This whole interaction? Not fucking okay. I am NOT OKAY. I have to go lay on the ground for a while. I'm SENSITIVE! God to admit to being in love with your best friend without actually saying it. Without them actually hearing it. Ugh. You're brilliant. The way Zuko has so many moments of yearning and Sokka clearly sees none of it. I'm literally the audience. I KNOW Sokka loves him back! But the second the perspective changes, I also feel like the character is reading into things. The chase in the kitchen? That's basically foreplay for them, and yet I'm like "You definitely shouldn't make a move, Zuko. This is just friendly groping, you know how it is." OH my God. The scene where he told Mai he was thinking about leaving.
“I don’t know if I know how to be without him,”
I genuinely started tearing up. This is truly is a divorce fic. This is why I rarely read breakup stories man! I know there's a happy ending, but it hurts!!!! You did such an amazing job making us care about these characters. Too good, actually. Imma need you to stop!!! And the last scene where he is just awful at baking but deciding to take the several hours to just make something for Sokka. He's literally the sweetest!!! But to end it with "And he knows some things can’t go back to the way they were before, no matter how much you might try your best to make it happen. 'Toss it.'" was cruel!!! The defeat in that paragraph is difficult to cope with. I need to go eat a box of brownies myself. This was so bittersweet. I loved every second, but I need to read the happy ending like 6 times to get rid of the ACHE in my chest!!!!! Thank you for literally stomping on my feelings for a whole chapter lol. I know I'm like crying in all of these comments, but I promise it's all a joke. I loved it so much and imma be thinking about it for the next WEEK. I think I need to put on some sad music now, I'll be back to yell about your beautiful writing on Friday!!!💕💕💕 Have a good day!!!!!💖💞
Hello again!! I love to hear that Ch 3 managed to up both the angst AND the sweetness! All the emotions to the max, that is what we are here for!
I love that the passage of time was so present for you this chapter, and that dual sense of relief and agony came through. The end is in sight but also the end is in sight. And when the end is in sight, well...where's the harm in a bit of indulgence? (Something Zuko might have thought...more than once in the past)
And I am LIVING for the fact that the Kataang wedding flashback was so vibrant for you! That you physically reacted! That it felt so much a movie scene with everything fading away and the focus pulling in tight to them and then suddenly rushing back in! That's exactly how I envision it in my head, complete with soundtrack and camera angles and the loving framing of Sokka's ass as he walks away as Zuko checks him out. He's earned a bit of ogling :P And poor Zuko immediately knowing it was bad, I did really line up the torture for him in this one haha
I'm doing a little happy dance that you notice and love all those little moments for the boys to get lost in, even in the midst of a crowd, and I'm THRILLED that you called out the have-you-tried-to-get-over-it-scene! That's one of my favorite exchanges of the whole story and for exactly the reason you say, all the admission and honesty that's happening without the other person even realizing it, two identical but entirely different conversations happening at the same time, miscommunication happening in the midst of talking to each other. Good stuff haha
And I LOVE that Zuko's yearning and Sokka's obliviousness worked so well, and that even knowing that Sokka has to return his feelings the POV switches and external views of each other were so effective for creating that doubt! Especially in a big giant miscommunication-that's-lasted-5+-years fic, it's so wonderful to hear that the uncertainty and doubt feel so genuinely rooted in the character's actions and how they read each other, and that Zuko doesn't come across as a total idiot for not making a move (even though we as the audience know they're both being complete idiots about it haha)
I'm so happy too that the scene with Mai where Zuko finally levels out loud about his feelings was so moving, too! (It's always weird to say I'm happy when someone tears up haha. And given the audience, I'm so happy the divorce-even-though-we-were-never-together vibe is coming through so strongly, and that it feels like such a breakup even though it doesn't have any of the 'we dated' pieces! It puts such a smile on my face that you've come to care about these versions of the characters so much :)
And that 'toss it' was rather mean, wasn't it haha? I love that the sweetness of Zuko's determination to bake something for Sokka contrasted so sharply with his defeat only a few months later, and that the sense of being worn down by it all came through so clearly. Though hopefully you could cope with the promise of the HEA incoming (and maybe some box brownies :))
You are more than welcome for the feeling stomping and the chest pains, I'm beyond happy that you're enjoying this story so much and that it's so in your head. Thank you for these lovely amazing awesome asks!!!
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avionvadion · 2 years
Totally forgot to talk about this earlier- but I had a really weird Spider-Man dream! (Hilarious, right? Can’t stand spiders but damn I love Spidey). Anyway. It was funky.
It was very specifically Andrew’s Spider-Man, most likely after Gwen died since he’s super depressed and self loathing, but it takes place in the PS5 video game remake with Tom Holland’s MJ and Ned as his besties.
I’m not sure what was going on, but I was also there and I had spidey powers. Dunno if I was like a Spidey variant (like how Aunt May or Gwen or MJ could be Spideys in alternate universe) or if I just… got bit by a radioactive spider in that same universe. Whatever the case, I was basically Andrew!Spidey’s sidekick/emotional support bestie.
I had a Spidey suit and everything- though… oddly enough I didn’t have shoes, and Andrew!Spidey often poked fun at me for not having shoes. Maybe they got grabbed while escaping a villain or something, I dunno, but I was barefoot. I was also wearing this jacket over the suit (which I swear is one I used to wear back in either middle school or early high school days) that was light blue with brown polkadots, and the inside had light tan colored fluff.
Anyway. The dream started (?) with Andrew!Spidey and me trying to stop ta building from exploding. I’m pretty sure Mister Negative was the big baddie, since he shows up at one point. As it turns out, Aunt May was also in the building- she was super sick? So maybe the building was either F.E.A.S.T or a Hospital. Imma go with Hospital since the building was huge.
Aunt May being in the hospital (that we were trying to stop from exploding) caused Andrew!Spidey to become especially stressed. He was freaking out, doubting himself and his abilities to save her and everyone, and was basically on the verge of a total breakdown.
Seeing this, Dream!Me tried calming him down, rubbing his back and telling him it was going to be okay. He’s doing his best, we’re all proud of him, we got this, we’ll stop the explosion and save everyone that’s inside the building. Aunt May is gonna be just fine. And Andrew!Spidey had to take off his mask he was crying so much.
Long story short, we get rid of the bombs and stopped the bad guys and saved the building and all the people inside. Aunt May is safe. We end up going back to… I wanna say Otto’s lab??? He hasn’t turned evil yet. MJ and Ned are there strategizing, Andrew!Peter is working on the Spidey suits, I’m spouting words of encouragement and trying to stay optimistic despite PANIC because negativity is the last thing Peter needs right now.
Otto shows up- and he already “knows” that Peter “makes Spidey’s gear”- but he sees me with the jacket and comes to the decision that I must be a huge fan of Spider-Man’s sidekick/partner. I start freaking out, because oh gods why did I wear the jacket outside of costume why did I even wear the jacket with the costume frick frickety frickerton and oh hey I have shoes now.
Peter saves me by agreeing with Otto and frantically nodding that, “YES THAT’S EXACTLY IT” and Ned is just,
“Yeah that jacket can be bought nearly anywhere hahaha” Oh jeez.
MJ gives all of us *the face* because good lord we’re all idiots and she’s the only one with a braincell, it’s a miracle we’ve hidden our secret identities for this long.
Annnnnd that’s the end. My alarm clock went off and woke me up before the plot line could continue 😭😫😭 I was so invested in how we were gonna stop Mister Negative. Someone give Andrew!Peter a hug he’s so sad.
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