#but autistic people can also be evil and cruel?
99monochrome · 6 months
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Hoody shit William afton??
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heidi891 · 1 year
I believe Snape is autistic
(FYI: I’m autistic myself and I have autistic children.)
He’s lonely. He doesn’t really have friends. We know of Lily, we also hear about Lucius Malfoy, but we don’t really see their friendship which in my opinion is much less close than fans believe. As a student he’s so alone that no one but Lily tries to stop the bullying.
He doesn’t participate in any social meetings. He’s quite miserable during the Christmas in Harry’s third year. He patrols the corridors and the grounds instead of attending the Yule Ball. He doesn’t stay for dinner after the Order meetings. He only attends the DE meetings because he has to.
His peers at school think he’s weird. Lily’s friends from Gryffindor don’t understand why she’s friends with him. When Harry asks why the Marauders bullied him, Sirius says he was different, weird, he was an "oddball". Autistic children and teenagers are often bullied because they are perceived as not normal, awkward, weird.
He doesn’t make a normal eye contact, he stares a bit too much. It can be partly explained by Legillimency, but he stared too much even as a teenager.
There’s a difference between how he speaks as a teenager and as an adult. It doesn’t sound entirely natural, he definitely had to put effort into that. It’s partly because he doesn’t want to sound like a poor man with a northern (?) accent, but autistic struggle with fluent communication may also be a reason.
He insists on precise definitions: Legilimency is not mind-reading, ghosts are not transparent but they are imprints of departed souls. He’s irritated that Harry has "no subtlety" and he doesn’t "understand fine distinctions".
He’s quite rude. He might be just *evil*, but he may just not fully understand how cruel he actually sounds. From his point of view he’s just honest and doesn’t beat around the bush. OK, maybe he’s a little mean, but not cruel… right?
He uses sarcasm (a lot of autistics actually do), but he doesn’t really appreciate Harry’s and other people’s sass, he treats their words too seriously.
He usually speaks coldly / calmly / without much emotion.
He’s usually dispassionate, he has limited facial expressions. Many autistic people also have a "resting b!tch face" unless they try to look more "normal". Perhaps he isn’t always as hateful as Harry thinks, perhaps it’s just his face.
He seems a little oblivious to other people’s emotional state and seems to analyse their behavior more intellectually.
He has special interests: Dark Arts / DADA and Potions.
He has his own collection of Potions ingredients, including rare ones, collection of weird jars (I guess they may contain some Potions ingredients, but also he may like them because of visual stimming aspect) and vast collection of books at home.
His Potions ingredients must be very orderly, he knows immediately that something is missing and what it is.
He "loves" rules. Students are breaking the rules? He takes points or gives detention. The Marauders are bullying him? He wants them expelled. (While Harry deals with the bullies on his own.) He’s caught Sirius whom he believes to be responsible for Lily’s death? He’s going to hand him over to the Ministry and the Dementors. (While Sirius and Remus want to murder Peter themselves.)
Since Snape likes rules and order, Harry who is a bit wild and unpredictable annoys him.
He doesn’t wash his hair as often as he should. It could be partly because of his poor background (he was neglected, he wasn’t taught to take a proper care of his hair, he didn’t even have a real bathroom as a child), partly because he has no one to look nice for, partly because of the Potions fumes. Autism might make him care less about his appearance. (He does care about hygiene though. Apparently he shaves regularly and Harry would certainly notice if Snape was dirty or smelly. His sallow skin and teeth have nothing to do with hygiene, it’s a result of his poverty and malnutrition.)
He stimms: He’s shredding leaves as a child. He’s flexing his fingers after the Shrieking Shack incident. During the Occlumency lessons he’s touching his lips with his finger while he’s thinking.
He has some sensory issues. He wears the same, a little baggy robes (they flutter as he walks). He’s sensitive to light: his Potions classroom is dim (it’s in the dungeons, but he could brighten it up with magic); he makes his DADA classroom dim, even though it’s no longer in the dungeons; when Harry comes to his first Occlumency lesson, Snape waits for him in a dark room. (You know, people don’t do things like that because they’re evil, it doesn’t make sense).
As a teenager he walks "like a spider" and generally he isn’t good at sports (we see him on a broom three times: in a memory of his unsuccessful flying lesson at school, being very pale and probably frightened after refereeing the Quidditch match in PS and trying to curse a DE and missing during the Battle of Seven Harrys).
John Nettleship whom Snape was partly based on was probably autistic.
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drdemonprince · 9 months
How do you feel about “weaponized incompetence”
I see a lot of people talking about it, and I know it can definitely be a thing that people do purposefully, but so many things that fall under the umbrella seem like things that some neurodivergent people tend to struggle with.
I don't think a person needs to be consciously or intentionally weaponizing incompetence in order to leverage it for their benefit. Due to forces like systemic sexism, sometimes a weaponized incompetence dynamic plays out without anybody meaning it to.
Now of course, weaponized incompetence is absolutely a dynamic that some people deliberately create (famously, a husband or boyfriend knowingly washing the dishes poorly so his partner never asks him to do it again), but more often than not, it's the byproduct of capitalist overwork and alienation meeting sexist norms that play out on an intuitive level rather than some malicious, evil plan.
My ex-partner absolutely benefitted from weaponized incompetence; he was also almost certainly an undiagnosed ADHDer who was struggling, and not a bad guy. From my perspective, it didn't matter. I still ended up having to pay the bills, sign us up for all the utilities, figure out a new place to live three different times when our rent went up, hire the movers, remind him to get a new ID when his old one was expired and we had a flight coming up, find him a dentist when his tooth was aching, help him write emails for his work when he first got a job, ask him to clean things rather than being able to trust he would contribute, make all the decisions regarding decluttering the house, take care of our pet, etc etc etc.
He deserved more help than he ever got, as a (very likely) disabled person living under capitalism. But I also covered him and shouldered his life burdens in a way that made me miserable and offloaded a lot of his responsibilities onto me. It drove me nuts and made me dysphoric to admit it, but a large part of how we wound up in that dynamic was systemic sexism, because he was a cishet man and I wasn't.
All that said, and my considerable real-life biases having been put on the table, I do think it's the case that many disabled people are unfairly accused of 'weaponizing incompetence' when all that they've done is express a limitation as clearly as they possibly could, which ought to be a good thing. There is nothing wrong or manipulative with asking for help, or for articulating what you are and are not capable of as honestly as you can. (And this honest communication piece was absent in the relationship I am describing; he wouldn't even acknowledge that he wasn't and could not contribute to maintaining a life together in any practical way. When I tried to name that dynamic, he would shut down, walk away, say things were going to change without any plan for how that might happen, etc).
In much the same way that an excited Autistic person who is infodumping or communicating super clearly in order to be helpful can be unfairly branded a "mansplainer", lots of disabled people are seen unfairly as manipulative, lying about their limitations, taking advantage of other people, lazy, and weaponizing incompetence.
The trope of the fake disabled person who is just gaming the system cuts deep. It's pervasive and it's responsible for a lot of social problems that disabled people face, from impossibly difficult benefits applications programs, to cruel teachers who refuse to provide the accommodations to which their students are entitled, to abusive and neglectful partners who fail to meet their disabled loved one's needs. Arguably I even was one of those partners, even if I did have genuine reasons for grievance and very real disabilities of my own.
The reality is that the lines between all these things can be blurred, as a person's intent and their impact can be wildly different. people who are doing their best can still leverage sexism and leave a partner feeling taken advantage of. And a partner who feels taken advantage of can have real reasons for feeling that way and can also still be ableist, or even cruel and unfair to their disabled loved one. it's tough.
Thanks for the great question, it is one I think about a lot for obvious reasons.
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aemiron-main · 10 months
these are literally some of the dumbest tags ive ever seen. like. there’s SO much here that’s untrue, including the empathy part. “love couldnt have fixed him as a child” have you considered he didnt need to be fixed??? Did you even watch the show???? Love would have ABSOLUTELY helped him, and he didn’t need to be fixed.
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like i shouldnt be surprised that people on here are Siding On The Side Of Child Abuse but… and just like god there’s so many Factual Errors here, shitty and cruel attitude aside. “torturing animals for fun” and the kid in question looks distressed the whole time & a bunch of parallels indicate that he was trying to free the rabbit, but god forbid we look beneath our first surface impressions, right?
and also, the whole “before the lab” thing makes me insane because it acts like everything in his life was fine prior to the lab. meanwhile, he talks about how he was treated as being broken PRIOR to the lab and how his mother despised him PRIOR to the lab and how she wanted to send him away to an abusive predator scientist PRIOR to the lab and that’s just the surface level shit let alone all of the subtext about what his life was like pre-lab.
and not only is it impossible for him to have been trancing victor and killing slice at the same time & theres so much weirdness there, even if he straight up murdered virginia and alice got killed as part of it, it’s not like it happened because He’s Inherently Bad And Evil. I think he was in the right to kill virginia!!!!! Like sorry but wanting to send him away to Brenner????? She had it coming. Alice didn’t, but again, there’s so much weirdness around that AND even if he did kill her, the whole thing could have been prevented if people (Virginia) weren’t trying to send him off to the lab/fix him.
Like it’s insane to me that people will watch Dart’s arc about how creatures from the UD aren’t inherently evil and how Dustin’s love made a huge impact on Dart and yet will also go “oh yep mhm the duffers wrote this Literal Human Child to be Evil and Bad and Broken and he Needs To Be Fixed but hes so broken that not even love can fix him”.
Like. Op is the one with the real lack of empathy here & I sure hope they don’t extend this viewpoint to the abused and autistic kids/people in their life. I don’t feel bad calling the tags dumb because they ARE dumb and literally factually inaccurate and they’re cruel and contributing to the stigma around people who are low empathy (and henry isn’t even low empathy).
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inkbirdie · 11 months
words to use that don’t demonize personality disorders!
It seems that it’s becoming more and more common for people to label others and others’ behavior as “narcissistic”, “psychopathic”, “sociopathic”, etc., especially on platforms like TikTok, where lingo spreads quickly. People associate negative qualities with these real disorders and use them to criticize or insult other neurotypicals. These words are used as a way to instantly show that someone is a “bad” or “evil” person. In reality, having a personality disorder does not make you a bad person at all! It is damaging to these communities to continue spreading this dangerous rhetoric. People with these conditions are already more likely to experience abuse and ostracization along with the mental health issues they may go through. 
So, this is my list of words or phrases that people often mean instead of naming a condition. You can use these instead of referring to a personality disorder like the ones above and more. Feel free to add your own words! (Note: I do not have any of these conditions. Please correct me if I say something incorrect or offensive!)
This is a pretty long post, so I’ve put everything below the cut.
Crazy/Insane: These words aren’t truly connected to any specific disorder, but are still used to hurt people with personality disorders. They are very ingrained into our vocabulary and can be hard to remove. I’m currently working on it myself!
What you mean: wild, ridiculous, unlikely, wack, strange, odd, absurd, silly, preposterous, ludicrous 
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): People often use phrases like “I’m/that’s so OCD” to indicate someone/thing that is clean or organized, sometimes to an extreme. 
What you mean: organized, clean/cleanliness, neat, hates mess, hates germs, healthy, coordinated, sanitized, tidy, orderly
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD): People usually are referring to this disorder when they say words like “sociopath(ic)”, “psychopath(ic)”, “psycho”, and “psychotic”. This is used to indicate general “badness” and can be used to describe someone who has committed violent actions.
What you mean: violent, oppressive, unfriendly, mean, rude, unsympathetic, unkind, cold, unlikeable, bully, brutal, ruthless, murderous, cruel, barbaric, savage, harsh, threatening
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): I’ve seen this one all over recently. People use “narcissist” to instantly paint someone as a “bad” person. They usually use this term when the person is manipulative and/or egotistical.
What you mean: manipulative, egotistical, self-obsessed, uncaring, callous, calculating, devious, has ulterior motives, controlling, selfish, vain, shallow, self-centered, conceited, full of themself
Schizoid Personality Disorder: This one is hard to characterize, as “schizophrenic” is used to describe many types of behaviors. It is generally used to refer to someone they think is “crazy”. 
What you mean: unpredictable, irrational, illogical, eccentric, senseless, raving, raging, distraught, wild, frenzied
The R Slur: This harmful term is falling out of favor as the autistic community continues to advocate against people using it. People who still use it are usually aware that it is not a good word to use. However, I thought I’d include it anyway.
What you mean: autistic (if the person in question is genuinely on the spectrum, autistic is a perfectly fine label to use), disabled (same note), off-putting, abnormal, atypical, unusual, not going along with societal norms, bad decision, disagreeable, irregular, peculiar, out of the ordinary, bizarre, uncommon, unexpected
Bipolar Disorder: People usually use “bipolar” as a way to describe someone who has mood swings or is acting irrationally. They may also say things like “maniac” or “maniacal” to mean the same thing or to indicate violence. 
What you mean: irrational, illogical, moody, acting strange, unreasonable, silly, senseless, foolish, absurd, impractical, volatile, inconsistent, erratic, unreliable, temperamental, fiery, emotional, impulsive
Many of these terms are used as synonyms but have slightly different connotations for people who misunderstand these conditions. Sometimes people refer to others as “borderline” (borderline personality disorder [BPD]) to mean the same thing as “psychopath” or “bipolar”. Meanings can fluctuate and mean many different adjectives. Please use words and phrases like I have listed instead of continuing to stigmatize and demonize these real human beings who are completely deserving of love, respect, and dignity. Add your own words that you like to use (my favorite are wild and ridiculous) in the notes! 
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headbuds · 1 year
Alright we're gonna continue the series. Stupid things that Fakedisordercringe says/does with Mark! Part uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(Good news, Systemcringe was banned, even if they have a small ban evading sub. So that's good at least...)
(edit: It's not small.)
Now, let's see what's new with FDC.
1. Being upset that Wednesday Addams has a personality that a lot of autistic people were bullied over. They don't like how people are calling others out on how they like Wednesday but then treat autistic people like weirdos.
2. 11 year olds being able to recognize things like hallucinations, paranoia, and thoughts of self harm, even if they didn't get the terms correctly, makes FDC angry.
3. Transgender system, diagnosed, exists and makes memes, and that makes FDC angry.
4. It may or may not be satire, but it feels satire to me. A person with BPD gets told that they make it their entire personality and they say "I have tourettes too, bitch." Now, we've never been good with satire, but that felt very satire, but it gets posted anyways I guess.
5. Autistic people make memes. Suddenly bad I guess?
6. A ND person makes a meme. Also evil I guess. :(
7. Person has a lot of disorders and symptoms of disorders. Most come from trauma or neurodivergency. Who would have thought that someone can have a bunch of other trauma disorders if they already have one extreme one and multiple other things that can make it easier to get traumatized? Certainly not FDC, that's for sure.
8. LGBTQ autistic person exists! Gets posted on that basis! Let's see, that makes , like the trillionth example of FDC being homo/transphobic.
9. Transgender system with nonhuman alters exist, FDC gets mad again, comparing it to being trans-species, which isn't- that's not really what trans-species/alterhumanity is???
10. Polyfrag system with 2000+ alters. I don't think FDC knows what polyfrag systems are.
11. System is laughing at FDC about being posted on there, FDC gets pissy and posts them again.
12. They make fun of stimming again. (The post about dance stimming. Y'know the one where the person stims using dancing? A valid way to stim? Because stimming is self-stimulation?)
13. They brought SCP into this oh god Jesus Christ no. (I will shred their limbs. -Jack)
14. FDC hates self-dxing again
15. A person, fictive, was groomed by another fictive from their source. And FDC laughs at them. That's just fucking cruel.
16. Add another tally for times FDC hates autistic people joking about their own autism
17. I don't even know what their problem was. A system was venting. That was literally it.
18. Self-dx hate part uhhh... I lost track.
19. An openly Trans system with in-sys relationship exists peacefully. Not peacefully anymore of course.
20. If I see one more post where they complain about autistic people joking about their own autism I will screech.
21. Same as 20 but with hating on Self-dx
22. Complaining about the rise of trans systems being open about themselves online. Again. How original. (It's like onejoke all over again. -Jonah)
23. FDC doesn't like a fictive ask blog.
24. System jokes about system things and gets posted
25. Ahh, found the post where they posted one of the people on here that we know. Who is Prof dxed. Fuck FDC.
26. Complaining about transgender systems being open about being transgender systems again, I swear to God.
27. ⬆️ But not trans specifically
28. ⬆️ But fictives specifically
29. Making fun of stims again, love to see it
30. Systems can't be minors suddenly. Y'know. A part of a disorder that forms in early childhood.
Alright, we'll end it off here for the sake of mental health. Have a good night everyone and stay safe from that hellhole! 👍
If you're willing to help, people are trying to get FDC banned for good. Here's a post on AHS (againsthatesubreddits) about it.
Edit: nvm it got taken down... :(
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22degreehalo · 9 days
I'll say it as many times as it needs to be said. There is absolutely miniscule actual harm that comes from engaging with Harry Potter in 2024. JK Rowling does not need money. Anything sent her way is less than a rounding error. And the book series was literally EVERYWHERE in the 90s and 2000s. Like it or not, it DID impact a whole generation of people - pretending that never happened is completely absurd, if not outright irresponsible. It happened. It's just a fact. Harry Potter is mainstream. There is nothing that can be done to 'promote' it. It's already there.
What all this obsession with HP on tumblr is about? An easy way to smugly define Good People from Bad People. Because if you *really* cared about trans people enough, you'd hate everything associated with Harry Potter. Regardless of how much you adored it when you were 8 and went to Harry Potter parties with your family all dressed up quoting book lines at one another in your most precious childhood memories because for once your special interest actually aligned with the people closest to you. No, all those positive associations should have been deleted instantly. If you *cared enough*, it would just *happen*.
Which is why a whole slew of people who previously had earnestly reblogged posts about Moral OCD and how bad tumblr can be about it were suddenly cackling about how buying Hogwarts Legacy was comparable to *refusing to throw The One Ring into Mordor, starting a war that would kill millions.* And how donating to a pro-trans charity (an act that would have VASTLY more impact than aforementioned rounding error) is comparable to 'donating to a pro-elf charity' in the wake of that.
Because tumblr doesn't actually give a shit about autistics or OCD sufferers. When we complain about stuff that they also dislike, they proudly reblog that and rage in the notes about how selfish and cruel and Individualist those other people on tumblr are!!! But the *second* they get to paint themselves as the ones with '''''good thoughts and feelings'''''' they take it, and make up posts about how HP likers 'believe they're the main character and everything should revolve around them.'
Is it actually about whether something causes harm? Or is it about dividing the world into Inherently Good People and Inherently Bad People? Is it actually about doing real good for the community and making the world a better place? Or is it about shaming people with the Wrong Emotions until they fucking hate themselves and spend hours upon hours ruminating on end trying to change themselves because their inability to let go of positive Harry Potter feelings is OBVIOUSLY evidence of a truly inescapably evil and cruel and wretched identity that the world would be better off without?
Which is it, actually? When it actually feels a little bit good to feel like you're on the Right Side of all of this, for once?
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1863-project · 9 months
so for your poll abt abelism in fandom communities - i voted yes + reblogged but i will say i dont 1000% know im doing this right.
but for my experiences its been a lot of stigmatising of cluster b personality disorders. i have BPD which is already incredibly misunderstood/stigmatised but especially in fandom spaces where its "i headcanon x character w bpd" and immediately met with "no u cant bc ppl w bpd r evil and functionally not even ppl!!! all they do is hurt ppl they care about fuck them fuck ppl w bpd!!!" which
is incredibly harmful, as you'd imagine.
as well, i have autism and suspected schizophrenia and OCD (autism diagnosed, i am working on getting evaluated for schizophrenia and/or OCD) and fandom spaces can be incredibly rude to people with autism. whether it is schizophrenia related or not, i deal with extreme bouts of paranoia. fandom spaces also have a tendency to play into this - ie "joking" threats to be in my walls to hunt me down to kill me because i have a different fandom opinion.
its. alot. and i avoid most fandom spaces because of it.
Anon, I'm so sorry this has been your experience, because it absolutely should not be. This is the entire point of doing the poll and using the data to work on an essay - this behavior needs to be addressed and acknowledged as harmful.
I'm autistic with OCD myself, and this website is definitely bad to people with OCD. The misunderstanding of intrusive thoughts and how so many people become purity police and assume those intrusive thoughts actually mean you want to do something instead of understanding that they cause OCD folks extreme distress and anxiety is really, really harmful. And don't get me started on autism - I've been out in the real world doing self-advocacy for over a decade now, and the way a lot of people in fandom spaces treat autism is abysmal - there's even a lot of internalized ableism on that front, i.e. "I can't be ableist because I'm also disabled!" We all have internalized ableism to work through because of the world we live in.
Cluster B personality disorders and psychotic disorders get it the worst, though, with people treating those with them as "inhuman" and "evil" more often than not. No one is inherently more "evil" than anyone else. A personality disorder doesn't necessarily indicate that a person is bad. A psychotic disorder doesn't, either. BPD in particular actually makes a person very vulnerable to being abused due to the nature of how it works, but people love ignoring that part.
RE: people using your paranoia to send hateful anons, be really careful about what you share about yourself online. If you give too much information about what specifically can be used to hurt you, some people will absolutely do it. I know I may sound like an overly cautious adult to many of you (I'm 34), but when I was a teenager, we didn't put any personal information online in order to keep ourselves safe. If you aren't talking to people you really trust, don't necessarily share that information, because people are often cruel when they feel they can be so without any repercussions. Don't put all your triggers in your Carrd, don't make massive DNIs with all of the things that can hurt you in them - just use the block button and protect yourselves. Not everyone is acting in bad faith, and indeed, most humans aren't, but there are always some who will, and if they know how to hurt you or get back at you, they won't hesitate to hit where it hurts.
I'm sorry you have to remove yourself from fandom spaces just to feel safe, anon. It really isn't fair and you should be allowed to have a safe experience too.
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thunderbone · 15 days
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It's not really a birthday drawing, but this drawing is like a birthday present, you know. Furthermore, this drawing is dedicated to all autistic people in the world, as this drawing continues the series of autistic characters that I created. The first drawing in this themed series is a wonderful art that I won from my friend, Tururs, in a art raffle. So if you want to see this art, click here: https://www.tumblr.com/thunderbone/746660868952064000/english-happy-world-autism-awareness-day-this-is
Anyway, I decided to share with you a book that I've been planning to write for a while now. This book is a sequel to Alice in Wonderland, as well as being a "modern version" of the story. My story was inspired by Hook (1991) and Disney's live-action Alice in Wonderland.
This beautiful and wonderful drawing was made by Nicolai, also known as ahdortable on Instagram. In this drawing made by Nicolai, Alice was inspired by American McGee's Alice, while Jack was inspired by Tsaiko Tails, a grown-up version of Tails created by @tsaikonautz, also known as IndigoBeatss. Thank you very much for drawing Alice and Jack/Sunset Fox, the drawing was amazing 💖 If you want to see his drawings, click here: www.instagram.com/ahdortable/
The story revolves around Alice, a 20-year-old girl who lives with her older sister, Elizabeth, and her younger brother, Peter. Their parents died when Peter was 3 years old and Alice was 11 years old, so Elizabeth had to take care of her two brothers. Alice has Asperger's Syndrome, which is already a reason for Elizabeth to be super protective of her.
Because of her atypical mental and emotional condition, Alice is seen as childish and unreliable by her sister, who believes that she is not prepared to be independent and live her adult life because she does not understand anything about the outside world and its dangers, beyond the fact that she has great difficulty expressing her own emotions and recognizing or understanding the feelings and intentions of others.
Because of this, Alice tries to prove her worth to Elizabeth, believing that she can live without depending on her. Alice is very close to her younger brother, Peter, where he loves her very much and sees her as a mother figure, just like Elizabeth. One day, the 3 siblings were traveling on vacation, and headed to a nearby city. However, a deer appeared in the middle of the road, where Elizabeth tried to avoid it but the car ended up overturning.
After the accident, Alice ended up waking up inside a teapot, which, to her great surprise, had been shrunk by the Mad Hatter, who soon returned her to her normal size by giving her a cupcake. The Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the Sunset Fox, the Dormouse, the twin siblings Tweedledum and Tweedledee and the Cheshire Cat are reunited with Alice, which leaves her confused at first.
They explain that when she was a child, she once visited Wonderland, where she befriended them. Furthermore, she helped them defeat the Queen of Hearts, as everyone was already tired of her tyranny and her cruel, dictatorial kingdom. Alice remembers a little of this, but she thought everything that happened was just a dream. However, after Alice left and never returned to Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts devised her plan to get her throne back and take revenge on Alice for ending her reign of several years.
It was the queen who made Alice return to Wonderland with her siblings, where she captured them. Alice's old friends barely saved her before the arrival of the Queen of Hearts' subordinates. To make matters worse, Alice's friends are fugitives from the law, as the Queen also wants to take revenge on them at any cost. Knowing that Wonderland and her siblings are in great danger, Alice, with the help of her friends and the White Rabbit (who works for the Queen of Hearts but is secretly on the protagonists' side and is their informant), went to try stop the Queen's evil plans.
During the adventure, Alice gradually remembered her adventures in Wonderland as a child and her friendships with the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, the hare, the dormouse, the twins, the rabbit and the fox, the latter who soon becomes her best friend.
There are a few more details that I thought of for this idea, such as the fox. This character does not exist in the original Alice in Wonderland story, he was invented by me. His story is very sad, you know.
His name is Jack and he lived in a forest inhabited by anthropomorphic foxes. However, he has autism, which is a bit serious. I mean, he's not like people who have very severe autism, who are very aggressive, have difficulty speaking, learning, relating to people... He doesn't have this type of autism, which unfortunately is a stereotype , where people think autistic people are retarded.
Let's just say that he is very impulsive, allowing him to do things without thinking twice, in addition to being irritated very easily, and can be a little aggressive. Furthermore, every late afternoon and early evening, Jack became agitated and very anxious for no apparent reason, where he was unable to sleep several times, in addition to being extremely frustrated with his own confusion. Because of this and the fact that he was very different from other foxes (since he was autistic), he suffered a lot of prejudice, being called crazy by many, in addition to receiving the nickname Sunset Fox.
And the worst thing is that no one in Wonderland knows what autism and other types of mental disorders are, which only made the situation even worse. At one point, Jack is abandoned as a child by his parents, who did not accept him the way he is. That poor little fox lived alone for some time, in need. Until one day he was found by the Mad Hatter and his two best friends, the March Hare and the Dormouse. The Mad Hatter decided to adopt that fox, because he felt very sorry for him, saying he understood his pain.
However, the Mad Hatter didn't really understand what Jack was going through, because the Mad Hatter doesn't have autism and he thought Jack was crazy just like him, and having autism is very different from being crazy. In short, the Mad Hatter didn't know what it was like to suffer bullying and prejudice for being different, for being born with an atypical mental and emotional condition.
Despite this, the Mad Hatter went to help the boy. Jack then lived with his adoptive father and his uncle and aunt until then, drinking several cups of tea and living many surreal adventures. Jack loves the Mad Hatter very much and sees him as the father figure he always wanted, as he accepted him the way he is. Jack met Alice when he was 10, while she was 7. When Alice returned to Wonderland, Jack was very happy to see her again.
Throughout the story, Jack opened up to Alice about his atypical mental and emotional condition, and to his great surprise, she understands the prejudice he suffered for being different all these years, as she also has autism just like him. Yes, Jack finally met someone who is just like him and who knows what it's like to live with a mental illness that affects his life. But both will learn that it's okay being different, where both will have pride of their autism and will being positive about being different.
At that moment, Jack started to fall in love with Alice, but he didn't want to admit his feelings to her or anyone else, because he knows that his love for Alice would never work, since she is a human and he is an anthro animal. As the story progressed, I imagined Alice and Jack having a lot of chemistry, where she would also fall in love with him. In the final stretch of the story, he confesses his love for her, but they don't stay together.
Another thing I thought about is that while the other characters have special powers or abilities, Alice is the only one who doesn't have any of these. However, she uses things from Wonderland to her advantage, such as sweets (cakes and cookies) and non-alcoholic drinks (juices and soft drinks) that have the ability to make her look giant or small.
She's like Mario when he eats specific mushrooms to become giant or have super powers, as well as picking up things like that little cape that turns into a superhero cape so he can fly. Another thing I thought about is the possibility of implementing a stalker villain who will make the protagonists' lives hell until the end. He would be like Nemesis from Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999), where he would be the biggest son of a bitch in history, second to the Queen of Hearts.
I imagined him being the Jabberwocky, a monster from a poem in the book Alice Through the Looking Glass (sequel of the original work, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, also written by Lewis Caroll). In my version of this monster, he would be a type of dragon, just like his counterpart from Disney's live-action Alice in Wonderland (2010). He would probably be a monster created by the Queen of Hearts, being programmed to eliminate all the protagonists, including Alice. That's why he chases them until the final stretch of my story and he's definitely going to make everyone angry at him, lol
Furthermore, I also imagined Alice being a rocker/metalhead girl, like me XD That explains why she was wearing a punk leather jacket lol Anyway, what do you think of my story? What should I improve?
Português (Brasil)
Não é bem um desenho de aniversário, mas esse desenho é como um presente de aniversário, sabe. Além disso, esse desenho é dedicado à todas as pessoas autistas no mundo, pois esse desenho continua com a série de personagens autistas que eu criei. O primeiro desenho dessa série temática é uma arte maravilhosa que eu ganhei do sorteio do meu amigo, Tururs. Então caso queiram ver essa arte, cliquem aqui: https://www.tumblr.com/thunderbone/746660868952064000/english-happy-world-autism-awareness-day-this-is
Enfim, resolvi compartilhar com vocês um livro que estou planejando escrever já faz algum tempo. Esse livro é uma continuação de Alice no País das Maravilhas, além de ser uma "versão moderna" da história. A minha história foi inspirada no filme Hook: A Volta do Capitão Gancho (1991) e o live-action Alice no País das Maravilhas da Disney.
Esse desenho lindo e maravilhoso foi feito pelo Nicolai, também conhecido como ahdortable no Instagram. Nesse desenho feito pelo Nicolai, a Alice foi inspirada na Alice de American McGee, enquanto o Jack foi inspirado no Tsaiko Tails, uma versão crescida do Tails criado pela @tsaikonautz, também conhecida como IndigoBeatss. Muito obrigado por desenhar a Alice e o Jack/Raposa do pôr-do-sol, o desenho ficou incrível 💖 Caso queiram ver os desenhos dele, cliquem aqui: www.instagram.com/ahdortable/
A história gira em torno de Alice, uma garota de 20 anos que vive com a sua irmã mais velha, Elizabeth, e seu irmão mais novo, Peter. Os pais deles morreram quando Peter tinha 3 aninhos e Alice tinha 11 anos de idade, onde Elizabeth teve que cuidar de seus dois irmãos. Alice tem Síndrome de Asperger, o que já é um motivo pra Elizabeth ser super protetora em relação à ela.
Por causa de sua condição mental e emocional atípica, Alice é vista como infantil e não confiável por sua irmã, que acredita que ela não está preparada pra ser independente e viver sua vida adulta por não entender nada do mundo exterior e seus perigos, além do fato dela ter muita dificuldade em expressar suas próprias emoções e de reconhecer ou entender os sentimentos e intenções dos outros.
Por causa disso, Alice tenta provar o seu valor pra Elizabeth, acreditando que ela pode sim viver sem depender dela. Alice é muito próxima ao seu irmão caçula, Peter, onde ele a ama muito e a vê como uma figura materna, assim como Elizabeth. Um dia, os 3 irmãos estavam viajando de férias, do qual se dirigiam para uma cidade próxima. Porém, um cervo apareceu no meio da estrada, onde Elizabeth tentou desviar mas o carro acabou capotando.
Após o acidente, Alice acabou acordando dentro de um bule de chá, que para sua grande surpresa, ela havia sido encolhida pelo Chapeleiro Louco, que logo fez ela voltar ao seu tamanho normal dando à ela um bolinho. O Chapeleiro Louco, a Lebre de Março, a Raposa do Pôr-do-sol, a Arganaz, o casal de irmãos gêmeos Tweedledum e Tweedledee e o Gato Risonho se reencontram com Alice, o que a deixa confusa de início.
Eles explicam que quando ela era uma criança, ela já visitou o País das Maravilhas, onde ela fez amizade com eles. Além disso, ela os ajudou a derrotar a Rainha de Copas, pois todo mundo já estava cansado da tirania dela e do seu reino ditador e cruel. Alice se lembra um pouco disso, mas ela achava que tudo o que aconteceu era só um sonho. Porém, depois que Alice foi embora e nunca mais voltou ao País das Maravilhas, a Rainha de Copas arquitetou o seu plano de conseguir de volta o seu trono e se vingar da Alice por ter acabado com o seu reinado de vários anos.
Foi a rainha que fez Alice voltar para o País das Maravilhas com seus irmãos, onde ela capturou eles. Por pouco, os antigos amigos da Alice a salvaram antes da chegada dos subordinados da Rainha de Copas. Pra piorar a situação, os amigos da Alice são foragidos da lei, pois a Rainha também quer se vingar deles a qualquer custo. Sabendo que o País das Maravilhas e os seus irmãos correm um grande perigo, Alice, com a ajuda de seus amigos e do Coelho Branco (que trabalha pra Rainha de Copas mas secretamente está do lado dos protagonistas e é o informante deles), foram tentar impedir os planos malignos da Rainha.
Durante a aventura, aos poucos a Alice foi se lembrando de suas aventuras no país das Maravilhas quando criança e de sua amizade com o Gato Risonho, o Chapeleiro Louco, a lebre, a arganaz, os gêmeos, o coelho e a raposa, este último que logo se torna o seu melhor amigo.
Tem mais alguns detalhes que pensei pra essa ideia, como por exemplo a tal raposa. Esse personagem não existe na história original do Alice no País das Maravilhas, ele foi inventado por mim. A história dele é bem triste, sabe
Ele se chama Jack e vivia em uma floresta habitada por raposas antropomórficas. Porém, ele tem autismo, que é um pouco grave. Quer dizer, ele não é igual a pessoas que têm autismo bastante grave, que são muito agressivas, têm dificuldade na fala, no aprendizado, em se relacionar com as pessoas... Ele não tem esse tipo de autismo, que infelizmente é um estereótipo, onde pessoas pensam que autistas são retardados.
Digamos que ele é muito impulsivo, deixando-o fazer coisas sem pensar duas vezes, além de se irritar muito facilmente, podendo ser um pouco agressivo. Além disso, em todos os finais da tarde e início das noites, Jack ficava agitado e bastante ansioso sem motivo aparente, onde ele não conseguia dormir várias vezes, além de ficar extremamente frustrado com sua própria confusão. Por causa disso e do fato dele ser muito diferente das outras raposas (já que ele era autista), ele sofria muito preconceito, sendo chamado de louco por muitos, além de receber o apelido de Raposa do Pôr-do-sol.
E o pior é que ninguém no País das Maravilhas sabe o que é autismo e outros tipos de transtornos mentais, o que só piorou ainda mais a situação. Em um dado momento, Jack é abandonado ainda criança por seus pais, que não o aceitaram do jeito que é. Aquela pobre raposinha viveu sozinha por algum tempo, passando por necessidades. Até que um dia ele foi encontrado pelo Chapeleiro Louco e seus dois melhores amigos, a Lebre de Março e a Arganaz. O Chapeleiro Louco resolveu adotar aquela raposa, pois ele ficou com muita pena dele, dizendo que entendia a sua dor.
No entanto, o Chapeleiro Louco não entendia de fato o que Jack estava passando, pois o Chapeleiro Louco não tem autismo e ele achava que o Jack é louco assim como ele, sendo que ter autismo é muito diferente de ser louco. Resumidamente, o Chapeleiro Louco não sabia como é sofrer bullying e preconceito por ser diferente, por ter nascido com uma condição mental e emocional atípica.
Apesar disso, o Chapeleiro Louco foi ajudar o garoto. Jack então passou a viver com o seu pai adotivo e seus tios até então, tomando várias xícaras de chá e vivendo muitas aventuras surreais. Jack ama muito o Chapeleiro Louco e o vê como uma figura paterna que sempre quis, pois ele o aceitou do jeito que é. Jack conheceu a Alice quando tinha 10 anos, enquanto ela tinha 7. Quando Alice voltou ao País das Maravilhas, Jack ficou muito feliz em vê-la de novo.
Ao longo da história, Jack desabafou pra Alice sobre a sua condição mental e emocional atípica, e para sua grande surpresa, ela entende o preconceito que sofreu por ser diferente durante todos esses anos, pois ela também tem autismo assim como ele. Sim, Jack finalmente conheceu alguém que é igual à ele e que sabe como é viver com um transtorno mental que afeta sua vida. Mas ambos aprenderão que tá tudo bem ser diferente, onde ambos terão orgulho de seu autismo e serão positivos por serem diferentes.
Nesse momento, Jack começou a se apaixonar pela Alice, mas ele não queria admitir seus sentimentos pra ela e pra ninguém, pois ele sabe que o seu amor pela Alice nunca daria certo, já que ela é uma humana e ele um animal antropomórfico/furry. No decorrer da história, eu imaginei a Alice e o Jack tendo muita química, onde ela também se apaixonaria por ele. Na reta final da história, ele confessa o seu amor por ela, mas eles não ficam juntos.
Outra coisa que pensei é que enquanto os outros personagens tem poderes ou habilidades especiais, a Alice é a única que não tem nada disso. Porém, ela usa coisas do País das Maravilhas ao seu favor, como por exemplo os doces (bolos e biscoitos) e bebidas não alcoólicas (sucos e refrigerantes) que tem a capacidade de deixá-la gigante ou pequena.
É tipo o Mário quando come uns cogumelos específicos pra virar gigante ou ter super poderes, além de pegar coisas como aquela capinha que vira uma capa de super herói pra ele voar. Outra coisa que pensei é a possibilidade de implementar um vilão perseguidor que irá infernizar a vida dos protagonistas até o fim. Ele seria igual ao Nemesis do Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999), onde ele seria o grande filho da puta da história, ficando atrás da Rainha de Copas.
Eu o imaginei sendo o Jabberwocky, um monstro de um poema do livro Alice Através do Espelho (continuação da obra original, As Aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas, também escrito por Lewis Caroll). Na minha versão desse monstro, ele seria um tipo de dragão, assim como a contraparte dele do live-action do Alice no País das Maravilhas da Disney (2010). Provavelmente ele seria um monstro criado pela Rainha de Copas, sendo programado para eliminar todos os protagonistas, incluindo a Alice. Por isso ele os persegue até a reta final da minha história e com certeza ele vai deixar todo mundo com raiva dele, rsrs
Além disso, eu também imaginei a Alice sendo uma garota roqueira/metaleira, que nem eu XD Isso explica o motivo dela estar usando uma jaqueta de couro punk rsrs Mas enfim, o que acharam da minha história? No que devo melhorar?
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cozza-frenzy · 30 days
#They're fine with systems until one of us says something unpleasant or cruel or behaves in a way that's off-putting Isn't that just how people generally treat each other. Could you elaborate or is it too personal? /lh /neu /srs
Okay, Roy (RSD holder) has been blocked from the front while I (Terry) answer this in good faith. Full disclosure, I didn't write the tags on that post, but here's what I think those two were getting at. Namely; in our experience, people are often less likely to forgive us when we fuck up because we're a system. This even happened before we knew we were a system; due to emotional amnesia kicking in as soon as anything stressful happened, we'd often seem to "recover too quickly" from something bad happening, and that would make people think we're not really sorry or that we felt what happened didn't matter. Sometimes we'd even forget what it was we did to upset them previously, which would make them even angrier at us. We've even had people abuse us by leveraging our vulnerability to their own ends, making us beg and plead until they're satisfied. We have a split from being treated this way by people - that's who Chaos is. There's also the issue of trust coming into play; even people who believed we are a system, who accepted that we do have multiple, compartmentalized personalities, couldn't get over the idea that one alter can simply pretend to be another one. One alter in our system - Raine, who is now gone thanks to our mass fusion - did this only a few times, and it was because of a persistent delusion they suffered where they 100% genuinely thought they were other alters. They'd use their proxies, talk with their voices, and nobody would be the wiser until the actual alter walked into front or snapped out of a dissociative state. The fact that they were doing this involuntarily didn't matter; their behavior was specifically called out as being "dangerous". Everyone can be an asshole sometimes. We practice collective responsibility, and keep each other's words and actions in check. If someone is acting cruel, unpleasant, off-putting or creepy, we change course, apologize, and we try to make things right. But being seen as manipulative, deceptive, dangerous, cold-hearted and evil - based on mistakes or misunderstandings that we thought were over and dealt with - is why we split Roy. People just aren't very understanding with neurodivergent and mentally ill folks on the whole. Like we've posted about recently, resentment towards us for simply acting neurodivergent (autistic) or Mad (OSDD) is commonplace and rarely talked about to our faces. People will claim we're forgiven, then take old grievances off the shelf and beat us over the head with them. So when we stumble for even a moment, we don't get second chances. - Terry
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nontacitare · 4 months
GH musings
At one point, a long time ago, Spinelli was my favorite character. He used to be one of the few innocent characters on the show, and was a fairly decent example of autistic representation at the time. (I'll never forget when he tried to reveal Peter's evil plan through a D&D game.) But he has long since turned into an arrogant and manipulative criminal. He's turned into Peter 3.0, and I am not here for it. (Today I was Team Horse.) I also utterly loathe the storyline of Finn's father bullying Alexis into skydiving. I don't care if he's dying; it's selfish, reckless, and cruel. Alexis clearly doesn't want to do it, and her osteoperosis (sp?) puts her at significant risk. Even if all goes well, she can break her ankles in a normal landing. What I would love to see is Alexis setting an example for her daughters by standing up for herself and saying, "No way!" And while we're on Alexis' daughters and medical conditions, I am not happy with the way Molly's endometriosis is being handled. It's more than just not being able to have a baby; it often involves significant pain. Let's see Molly struggle with that. That could be educational. Overall, though, I'm really enjoying the show. I love Tracy, even though I know I shouldn't. And while blackmalies blackmailing blackmailers is a bit of a groaner and unrealistic, it's also classic Quartermaine, so I'll allow it. Lois is a breath of fresh air. And I so enjoyed Nina ratting out Ava and Ava laying down some harsh truths for Nina, because it's how these semi-ex-villainesses trying to be good but often failing at it look out for their best friends. And Carly taking out a super-spy with a diner tray at Kelly's is just vintage GH. And I think I'm one of the very few people excited that Esme has her memory back. Let her reign of terror begin! Trina is at her best fighting supervillains and it will give her and Spencer something to do other than dealing with her dysfunctional family. I predict that Esme will team up with Charlotte ("We're family! I'm your grandmother's step-niece and my poor Cassadine baby needs a proper tutor to teach him the ways of his heritage.") I dread the possibility, though, that Esme might end up marrying Nicholas to keep from testifying against him and possibly to keep Ace. That would be icky, but would be in keeping with GH history. I also think Nicholas is such an obvious suspect for Austin's murder that it can't be him. Which Jeromes are still alive? It could be one of them. Or it could even be Selina Wu. I could see her thinking she was doing a favor for Ava and now wants to collect. Just a few of my random GH thoughts.
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tigerqueen767 · 7 months
His name is actually Augustus but he's either called Gus (by his friends) or Oggie (by his family.) He enjoys science fiction, reading romantic things, playing a card game - his favourite is called MYTHIC - and building robots with his dad, Lucas. They built a few toy cars together too. (His mum's name is Julia.) He plays the violin in a band called The Sons. Or Pandemonium... He and Mike are still arguing over the name.
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Gus is a Shifter. He has the power to control l energy. He mostly uses it to capture light and electricity and spit it back out at his enemies. There are thousands of Shifters in the world I created and a lot of them are extremely dangerous and evil people. Shifters are the primary villains that they fight so it's good that the group has one on their side.
Gus has been to five different schools in his life and has been bullied in all of them. Including his current school. This is one of the reasons he has a strong sense of justice and he freaks out if he sees another kid getting bullied. He's really good at defending himself others but not good at defending himself.
His name is Ryan and he likes dancing, music, skateboarding, action and crime movies and cooking. He's actually a really great cook. 😁 He plays the drums in band, The Sons.
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He carries blades on the battlefield alongside Gus. His most prominent weapon is this humungous axe. He also has machetes and whips - whips with spikes. 😈
Ryan defends Gus when he can't do it himself. (It's not like he can just use his powers, he'd be discovered then.) He quickly becomes the greatest friend he's ever had.
Ryan finds it hard to see the good in his enemies. In his eyes if you do something bad everything else you do is now suspect. This is an unfortunate but important trait for the plot.
His name is Michael. He likes practising magic and with his magic cards. He also likes fashion, although he'd never admit it, giving gifts, and eating/snacking. He's a very talkative person. He often borea people by going on long tangents. What's interesting is that half of what he says is a lie - or at least extremely exaggerated. He plays the trumpet in the band called Pandemonium.
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He uses advanced technology on the battlefield alongside Ryan. He straps these advanced guns on both of his arms that eject bullets, digital webs and all kinds of signals. The webs can catch people before they fall and the guns also switch to drill mode which helps if he wants to tear down a wall. He also rides a hoverboard.
Before joining the heroes' side Michael was a cowardly bully who hurt a ton of people at school out of anger. He bullied with the help of his 'friends' Zackary and Adrian, who he calls Zack and A.J.
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Zack is the one on the left.
His parents are always fighting and bickering like children and they ignore him most of time when he's at home. Too busy with their careers to care if he's doing something abnoxious or cruel. They never even knew that he was a bully. Whenever they talk to him it's always in a dismissive or disappointed tone. Mike always felt like they didn't even want to be parents. Once when he was younger and fatter (about ten years old) his mum straight up called him a pig to his face.
He never got over that.
His name is Seth. He's autistic, likes playing basketball his guitar and with his pet parrot. And he jogs around the block from time to time.
I think Seth might be the least developed character in the book. I'm not even sure what weapons he uses. I know I'm giving him a glider though (inspired by genshin impact.) He still does have an arc in the story though.
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Because Seth was autistic he was picked on for acting and speaking in a strange way all the time. He kind of just gave up on interacting with kids his age entirely. Until Mike comes along and helps him communicate better and coaxes him out of his shell.
There's a ton of other things I want to say but these are the basics.
Any questions? 😁
I'll answer them all as best as I can.
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livingzomboy · 2 months
neurotypicality is the real mental illness yall suck ass you cruel worthless disgusting excuses for humans. Youre all evil because your ways of thinking cause harm to COUNTLESS people and have fof CENTURIES. Just a few decades ago i would already have been lobotomized. Put in an asylum. Experienced unethical electroshock therapy. And just in my modern life i have been thrown to the floor and sedated violently for experiencing a panic attack in s hospital. I have had the police treat me like a CRIMINAL for wanting to die. Neurotypicality is what fuels so much hatred and bigotry in the world.
What do you mean i cant use the actions of a government to justify my hatred? What do you mean that the neurodeveloment a person cant control is no reason to hate them? What do you mean neurotypicals are also victims of trauma? What do you mean you cant be inherently evil? Replace neurotypicals with narcissists, pwBPD, ASPD, HPD. See how stupid it is to assume that one group is responsible for all the violence ive faced in the world?
But on top of that, ive befriended many a neurodivergent, and have we had our ups and downs OF COURSE! But everyone who has bullied me has at worst depression or anxiety. The boys who conered me in a bathroom and attempted to force me to expose my genitals were neurotypicals. It is neurotypicals who are rigid. It is neurotypicals who force their lives and rules onto others, and it is a neurotypical society that makes the symptoms of most neurodivergence demonized and aggravated. Neurotypicals are just as much the problem as the neurodivergents who are abusive or violent. And it is often neurotypicals that drive us to those places.
It starts small with trying to force rules on us to behave "right" without telling us the rules, then its calling us cringe, bullying and isolating us, then it is violence towards us (Speaking as a schizospec we are more likely to be victims of abuse, and all neurodivergent people are more likely to be victims.) that is then justified because we are "crazy" or because our reactions are funny to them. It is them targeting visibly autistic people and giving them meltdowns in public that they record and use to demonizd us snd call us names. It then escalates to us neurodivergent folks feeling like the only way out is to die, like the only way to be heard is to scream. We are taught that violence against us can be justified, but our reactions cannot. And all because its no big deal to a neurotypical. I had people who would grab onto my arms, my scars, my hands. And it feels like searing pain. But they don't understand that feeling so me crying is funny to them. And when a neurodivergent or mentally ill person is violent, nobody talks about how people hurt us first. How they shut us out and refused to help.
Neurotypicals are the problem. Because your society hates us, hurts us, and calls us monsters.
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hamliet · 1 year
Crows With A Side of Bone, Please
Hamliet finally wrote that review.
I'll start off by saying that everyone is a very good actor. Jessie Mei Li has essentially nothing to work with, but she does her best to sell it anyways and still makes me care about her. Ben Barnes is delightfully evil while still affording the character sympathy the narrative doesn't give him.
The Crows--oh lord, the Crows. All of them have chemistry as a group and as couples. Wylan's actor is fantastic here and feels like a natural fit with the other 5, and Nina's actress also fits perfectly with the crew. They do have a lot to work with, and they manage to fully flesh out their already 3D characters and make them alive.
Kanej, Wesper, Nina/Matthias, Genya/David
The good ships, because this season I revoke my like of Malina that season 1 introduced me to.
I wrote this about Kanej. But also more about Kanej, because OTP OTP OTP.
I loved the final scene with them in the finale, where he grabs her, and she holds his hand and tells him, bluntly, that she does not want him with armor on. The line is one of my favorites in the book, and the show did an excellent job of showing the totality of it, the wholistic nature of what Inej is asking for. Yes, she's asking for him without his cold persona, without his bravado. She's asking for his vulnerabilities.
But she's also asking for his body. For him not to see her as broken. For him not to settle for less than all of her. She is thirsty, and I honestly think this was a beautiful portrayal of someone who has been hurt and is wary, but still wants and believes in the potential for good in sex. The show made this aspect so much more forefront than I remember it being in the books, and I honestly love it.
I also liked the choice to get Wylan and Jesper together early on. The piano scene emphasizes both of their respective gifts, and Wylan's fear over what Kaz might do to Alby clearly projects Wylan's own fears about being condemned for his father. (Wylan is actually one of my favorites in the books because his disability is, imo, good representation.)
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Nina and Matthias didn't get nearly as much screentime this season (together anyways), but they made the most of every moment anyways. Even when they are apart we see the potential in how they are still affecting each other. We see Nina's determination. We see Matthias's hurt. We see the pride and humility they both carry, and how both can inhibit and also free them. There's so much potential there.
The motif of prisons, of hiding, is very strong in the Crows' arcs. Matthias uses his masculinity as a prison and chooses to fight over be free because he's scared. Wylan hides his family and disability. Jesper hides his gift. But if you want to have a complete life, you have to step out into the light. Which is a perfect way to segway into Alina, but...
Let's save the salt for later.
Also, not a ship, but I quite liked Nikolai. His character is one of the standouts in the original trilogy (because complexity). His volcra issue being rearranged timewise to be a cliffhanger I don't mind either.
David's death was, just like it is in Rule of Wolves, cruel and pointless. Just like Matthias's in Crooked Kingdom. Give Genya happiness. She earned it. So did David. Love seeing a woman who's been sexually abused and maimed find hope and healing with an autistic man who is almost NEVER a love interest in stories and then he dies for The Sads. Real inspiring. Real thoughtful. There is no narrative nor character reason for it to happen at all, and so early only made it worse honestly.
Show, Don't Tell
Mal tells Alina he has so many friends in the army that he's worried about, but we saw exactly 0 of these in the previous season. In fact, we saw Mal pulling away from the army to pursue Alina.
It was ridiculous that Alina's response to Kirigan in the climax saying people would come for her was "I will save myself," and then literally ONE SECOND LATER Inej saves her. Alina has never saved herself this entire dang series. Not in either season. The Crows save her each and every time! And that's not a bad thing--it could offer something about the power of relying on others, but to blatantly lie to your audience when you've shown us something else... bad writing yo.
I also wish they'd given us a reason to care about Ravka. They keep saying it's worth saving, worth protecting, but... why? We aren't even given the easiest narrative techniques to make us care about the common people (see, Alby making us care about Pekka even though we hate him=a good way of making us care. Give us a child who needs saving, a connection to the people, something, anything. If people deserve saving just because they are people well, that demonstrably flies in the face of what happens to Kirigan, so....)
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It still baffles me that Alina again preaches about choice and yet even fate determined Mal's finding Alina. It was literally imprinting. That's what imprinting is. And for some reason Malina is held up as... healthy? When it's clearly extremely codependent?
It's not a huge problem that it's codependent, though, on principle. It's fiction. What does bother me is the hypocrisy of trying to tear apart every bad thing "bad boys" do while portraying Malina as healthy when it's demonstrably not. Malina would be far, far more interesting, frankly compelling, if they actually delved into this. The cliffhanger hinted they might do just this, but given other aspects, I'm not sure I quite trust them to follow up and follow though.
If you're gonna condemn what some people like and hold up what you like in comparison, at least make sure you're honest about its flaws.
Abuse is Bad Except Not if a Woman Does It. Then It's Girl Power!
Again, the themes of the Crows almost, at times, contradict Shadow & Bones' purported themes. But that's not hard, because Shadow & Bones' purported themes contradict themselves.
I've said this before, but I'll say again that there is a difference between complexity and paradoxes and portrayal the oft-contradictory reality of our world and contradicting your theme. A contradiction is much more common in a simplistic story, which S&B is.
Why is it wrong and seen as a sign of evil beyond comprehension for the Darkling to hurt his mother, who is acknowledged even by the show to have abused him, but not inherently wrong for Alina or Inej or Kaz to hurt their abusers?
Literally Bhagra said "know that i loved you and it wasn't enough." We are NEVER shown her loving him; we are shown abuse, which the show does kind of acknowledge, while also trying to vindicate Bhagra while holding the Darkling to standards it doesn't hold any other character.
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Yes, there's some complexity here insofar as Inej and Kaz's relationships with abuse and revenge go. They aren't black and white, and the characters waffle in the gray. But Alina and the Darkling literally are light and darkness, and the gray is explicitly rejected. And there is actually a way to make this work!
You have to frame it as a tragedy.
Kaz, Inej, Genya et al mess up and do terrible things in revenge; they even at times (especially Kaz) walk the line between utterly losing themselves to it. But they have people around them to pull them back, to reach for them. The Darkling does not. This could be portrayed as something sad, as someone trying to reach the hurting child inside him and him continuously rejecting them (for example, Adam and Blake in RWBY), with his death framed as something to mourn rather than viewed as a moment of triumph, but no. The show doesn't offer him this (to be fair. Neither did the books.)
And to people who say Alina's not obligated to do so! Yes, yes, sure, but also Alina's inherent goodness is just assumed, when she's demonstrably kind of callous at best. I talked about this more in my review of Season 1, but yeah. Nothing's changed on that front.
The point is also that... what has the Darkling actually done to Alina? There were ways to emphasize him as an abuser, which he is clearly coded as, but the show (and the books tbh) doesn't do that. Alina supposedly mourns her parents, but we're given a handful of lines and nothing to actually show us the impact of losing them. (Again, Alina's self-centered focus is actually very much a trauma response to this... or could be, but the story doesn't want to explore it.) The impact of his lies is just not really explored on a deep level like it should be if you want to go for the "abuser" angle. See again, Blake Belladonna for how you do that.
Alina's "there is no redemption" line was baffling to me. It was framed like some sort of powerful "I. Am. Iron Man" moment, except okay, if that's your power girl, I don't think it's a good one.
Power Fantasies
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This is my issue with Shadow & Bone the books as well: they aim to deconstruct "Beauty and the Beast" but fail to understand the appeal of the story in the first place is not "oh i have a dangerous boyfriend" but instead a healing power fantasy the same way fight-punch-kick can be a power fantasy. Shadow & Bone also directly tries to deconstruct Jungian symbolism of the shadow, but also doesn't like, understand what Jungian symbolism stands for. Until the ending, that is, when the writers were clearly like "Bardugo doesn't get it but we do and we're keeping it."
Again, I'll contrast this with Blake in RWBY, whose portrayal I have criticized before, but which is much better than the portrayal here. Blake is herself both beauty and beast, which emphasizes the traditional fairy tale's emphasis on accepting the worst of ourselves and recognizing both the beautiful aspects of ourselves at the same time. We tend to see ourselves as either Good or Bad, but only when we see ourselves as both do we mature and truly live. Even though Adam is ultimately "put down" in RWBY, Blake still acknowledges her flaws and doesn't see Adam as inherently bad, but he leaves her absolutely no choice. Alina facing down the Darkling offers her zero introspection and growth.
Sigh. It's a 2.5/5 for me. The Crows are everything. I want their spin off. I need it. I will take Zoya and Nikolai too.
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