#but he grabbed me by the shirt collar and demanded to open the show this week
duskyashe · 1 year
NaNoWriMo Day #14
[masterlist] [part one]
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Trigger warning: depiction of a dissociative episode, misconception concerning the sentience and sapience of a being. Warning for Jason's language and use is Zalgo text
Jason was... Well, he was a lot of things, but terrified was near the top of the list. He'd seen and experienced a lot of crazy shit since trying to steal the tires off the batmobile, including his own death and revival, but having control of his body forcefully taken from him by what he could only assume was the Lazarus Pit was by far the most insane and terrifying thing he'd ever experienced. Not even the Joker had made him feel this hopeless, he'd still been able to run his mouth then, but this? This was like sitting in the driver's seat of a high-tech hyper realistic RC car, frantically stepping on all the pedals, pressing all the buttons, flicking all the switches, and trying with all your might to crank the steering wheel, and all of it doing jack shit. You're stuck watching out the windshield as the car goes flying across the haphazard track, your seatbelt is locked, the doors don't even open from the inside, and nothing you do makes a damn difference as someone else takes you for a joyride.
Of course, he's the fucking Red Hood, he wasn't gonna let the Pit just do whatever the fuck it wants, hell no! He'd successfully fought the thing off during the height of his pit madness and homicidal tendencies, there was no fucking way he was gonna let the Pit use him to murder a kid!
"W̸e̷ ̴d̷o̴ ̵n̵o̵t̷ ̵m̸u̵r̷d̴e̵r̶ ̵c̵h̴i̸l̸d̶r̷e̵n̶!̷" Came a voice from inside his head. It was unlike anything he'd ever heard, like a gestalt of different voices from all different walks of life. Time seemed to be endlessly slow as he/it/they screeched a war cry and took off.
"Oh yeah? Why the fuck are we charging the kid, then?!" Jason yelled back. It was weird, his voice was both echoey and soundless at the same time. He didn't like it.
"H̸e̶ ̴i̵s̶ ̴c̶h̴i̷l̷d̶/̸i̶n̶f̴a̸n̴t̵/̵l̸o̴n̴e̷l̴y̷/̴k̷i̸n̸g̷.̵ ̵H̴e̴ ̶i̷s̴ ̶U̸n̵C̸l̶a̵i̸m̸e̶d̶.̶ ̵H̴e̶ ̸i̶s̶ ̵O̶u̵r̷s̷ ̸n̵o̷w̴.̴" As the Pit said that, Jason watched through green tinted vision as the Pit disarmed the goon, extracted the kid, and outright threw the goon into the wall to the side of them. As soon as the goon was out of the way, the Pit adjusted the kid so they were cradling him, and suddenly Jason was drowning in overwhelmingly foreign feelings of comfort/safety/claimed/calm/peace/safe as distinctly nonhuman sounds came from their mouth.
He'd like to say he'd managed to claw his way out from under the flood of emotion by himself, but that'd be a lie, and he tried not to lie to himself too often. It was the sound of a sudden, sharp, almost adorable little frustrated chirp the kid let out that let him breach the surface and actually think again. "What the hell was that?" Jason asked. If his consciousness needed to breathe, he'd be gasping right about then.
"H̴e̷ ̸w̵a̶s̷ ̵p̶a̵n̵i̷c̵k̶i̷n̵g̵.̶ ̵W̵e̸ ̴r̶e̸s̵p̵o̷n̵d̶e̸d̴ ̴a̵p̶p̶r̶o̶p̴r̸i̶a̷t̵e̷l̵y̵.̸ ̷W̸e̷ ̸a̸p̷o̶l̸o̶g̵i̶z̶e̴ ̶f̷o̵r̷ ̷s̸m̴o̴t̴h̸e̵r̵i̷n̷g̸ ̴a̶ ̶p̴a̷r̸t̷ ̵o̸f̴ ̸U̴s̷.̵" The Pit sounded genuinely apologetic, but he wasn't sure he trusted it. Their head turned and Jason saw the rest of the Bats arrayed in wary stances, with Damian taking the lead. He said something about wanting to check on the kid in their arms, but that they could keep hold of him. He could see how much B wanted to protest that, but a sharp gesture from the kid silenced that Bat. "W̴e̴ ̵d̸o̵ ̷n̶o̶t̶ ̷k̷n̵o̷w̷ ̶t̵h̸e̸ ̶o̷n̷e̶s̵ ̶b̵e̶h̶i̴n̶d̷ ̴u̵s̵.̴ ̸A̸ ̶p̵a̶r̵t̴ ̷o̸f̴ ̶U̴s̸ ̵d̷o̵e̴s̶.̸ ̷C̶a̷n̷ ̷W̴e̷ ̷t̸r̶u̶s̵t̸ ̴O̵u̶r̷s̶ ̴w̵i̴t̸h̵ ̴t̸h̵e̴m̵?̸"
Jason thought about the question for a bit. He was fairly certain, as long as Damian was the one taking the lead, they'd be fine. Since Bruce was letting the kid take point, Tim was more likely to follow along, and Dick would only jump the gun if the kid looked injured or terrified out of his mind, which he was neither. In fact, the kid was making some of the cutest fucking noises he'd ever heard, nevermind they didn't have any right coming from a very human looking kid. "We should be good, so long as the baby bird is in control, he seems to grasp the situation better than the rest," he finally replied.
"V̶e̸r̴y̸ ̵w̵e̴l̸l̶.̸ ̸W̶e̸ ̸w̷i̶l̴l̷ ̴t̵r̵u̷s̶t̷ ̷t̷h̵e̵ ̶B̸a̴b̵y̶ ̶B̵i̶r̶d̵,̵ ̶a̸s̷ ̴p̶a̶r̵t̵ ̷o̶f̷ ̸U̶s̴ ̵c̶a̸l̴l̴s̵ ̶H̷i̵m̶.̸" They slowly turned around, the kid held protectively within their arms, though visible enough for the Bats to be able to determine he was okay.
They all stared at each other, waiting for someone to make the first move. Jason was getting ready to make a sarcastic comment about the stalemate when the kid spoke up. "Hey, so, uh, I'm Danny, it's nice to meet you all."
Oh shit. How could a teenager be so adorable? "I have never thought of a kid as adorable, what the fuck?"
"H̴e̴ ̷i̵s̷ ̸O̵u̶r̸s̵.̵ ̶H̵e̴ ̶i̸s̶ ̶C̶l̷a̶i̴m̶e̵d̷ ̷b̵y̸ ̵U̴s̶.̴ ̵H̵e̶ ̶w̶i̴l̸l̶ ̶a̶l̷w̸a̷y̸s̶ ̶b̸e̴ ̷a̴d̶o̴r̷a̶b̸l̵e̵ ̷t̵o̶ ̶U̸s̴,̸ ̵e̴v̴e̵n̷ ̶t̶o̶ ̴a̷ ̵p̴a̶r̸t̸ ̷o̷f̴ ̵U̸s̸ ̵t̸h̵a̵t̸ ̸i̷s̶ ̷n̵o̶t̴ ̶o̷f̷ ̶U̶s̴.̴"
Wait. "Did you adopt him? What if he has parents! We can't just adopt random kids!"
"W̴e̶ ̵d̶i̴d̴ ̶n̴o̶t̶ ̷s̴e̵e̸ ̷a̸n̴y̷ ̴P̶a̴r̶e̶n̷t̸s̴.̴ ̷W̴e̵ ̸o̸n̷l̷y̷ ̴s̵a̷w̷ ̷H̶i̸m̴.̶ ̶H̵e̶ ̴w̴a̴s̴ ̴U̵n̴C̷l̸a̷i̸m̵e̴d̸,̵ ̷n̷o̷w̵ ̶H̸e̵ ̷i̶s̵ ̸C̶l̷a̴i̷m̸e̸d̶.̷ ̶I̷t̵ ̵i̵s̷ ̴f̴a̴i̵r̶.̶" The Pit was being far too cheeky. It was like the Pit was saying "finders keepers losers weepers". Jason... Wasn't sure how he felt about that, honestly. "A̷n̷d̸ ̷H̸e̵ ̷i̸s̷ ̴n̵o̴t̴ ̴r̷a̴n̶d̶o̴m̴.̸ ̶H̴e̷ ̷i̶s̵ ̸k̸i̸n̷g̵.̶"
Wait, wait, nope, he had to have heard that wrong. "Hold the fucking phone, are you saying he's some kind of royalty? Of what government? His accent sounds Midwestern!"
"H̸e̵ ̷i̴s̴ ̶H̷i̶g̷h̵ ̴K̷i̴n̸g̶ ̸o̶f̷ ̵t̶h̸e̶ ̴I̴n̶f̷i̶n̵i̶t̷e̴ ̶R̴e̶a̸l̶m̸s̷.̵ ̶H̷e̷ ̸i̵s̵ ̴G̵h̵o̴s̵t̸ ̸K̴i̶n̴g̴.̶" The tone with which the Pit spoke of Danny was complicated, though pride and seriousness were prominent. "H̵e̸ ̴i̵s̷ ̴O̶u̵r̶s̶ ̷a̵s̶ ̸W̷e̸ ̴a̴r̴e̷ ̸H̶i̶s̷.̸"
"Hey, so, uh, I'm Danny, it's nice to meet you all."
The teen in Jason's the Pit creature's arms was remarkably calm, in Damian's opinion. He'd seen many people bathe in the Lazarus Pit come back not right, not themselves, enough to have an idea of how to handle this thing that took his brother's body as its own. Admittedly, this creature was among the most tame he'd ever seen or heard of, though, he never thought someone could become a Pit creature years after bathing in the Pit's waters, either, so perhaps that wasn't saying much.
Damian refocused and gave the older teen a small smile. "Hello, Danny, are you alright? You've had a rather stressful day, haven't you?" He needed to figure out a way to get Danny away from the Pit creature without provoking it. He had no idea how long it would stay reasonable and he didn't want to chance Danny getting hurt by what was once his brother.
Danny let out a snort. That... Wasn't the response he was expecting. "Honestly, the past week was significantly worse, this was nothing. This was almost expected, honestly. No, yeah, I'm doing pretty well now that Goony McGoonface over there isn't trying to use me as a meat shield anymore." The creature let out a short screech, and Danny glanced up at it, face contemplative, almost confused for a second, before understanding flashed across his features. He then let out a few chirps that, to Damian, sounded almost like he was asking for clarification for something. The creature responded with a trill and a few chirps of its own. Danny nodded and turned to look back at Damian with a slightly apologetic expression. "Um, he said you can come closer, Robin. He trusts you not to hurt me, but the others will have to stay back for now. Something about you being vouched for? I guess?"
He wasn't sure what to make of that, but Damian could work with this. He nodded before either of his brothers could argue, silently grateful his father was following his lead like he'd asked. "Thank you for passing along the message, I will gladly take you up on that. How close may I get?"
Danny turned to the creature again as it tilted its head in thought before chirping something at Danny that caused his eyes to widen. Danny trilled a question back, the mental impression of a disbelieving, "Really?" strong enough Damian could have sworn he'd actually heard it instead of imagining it. The creature repeated the trill back with a few chirps at the end and Danny's eyes widened further as he turned to look back at Damian. "You, uh, you can get as close as you'd like, he says he remembers you, now. You must have made a good impression, I wouldn't have thought he'd let anyone near me for the next hour, at least."
Well then. That was significantly closer than Damian had expected based on previous experiences with Pit creatures. What did Danny mean, the creature remembered him, though? How could it remember him? "Thank you again, both of you," Damian said as he started forward, being careful not to move too quickly or make any sudden movements. The closer he got to the two of them, the more he started to notice a deep rumble and slightly higher purr coming from the two he was approaching. They seemed to resonate within his own chest, touching at something he'd never noticed was tense and on constant alert until it started relaxing at the interaction. It made him just the slightest bit less hesitant at getting closer to the two of them.
It was only when he was within reach of the creature that he realized that something in his chest had started buzzing, an answering purr that startled him enough for him to pause in his tracks. That... He'd never... What? His purr hitched at his disjointed thoughts. The Pit creature slowly sat down, shifted a suddenly worried looking Danny to sit on its lap, and carefully extended an arm in Damian's direction. His purring hitched again at the movement, and the rumbling shifted in tone slightly. Somehow, the rumble seemed to draw his purr into harmony with it and the other purr, which Damian was starting to suspect was Danny's. The Pit creature chirped softly, and somehow, Damian understood it this time. "Baby bird. It's okay. You're okay. You're safe."
It—the Pit—Jason—Damian took a quick moment to sign back to his father that he had a plan he didn't, he didn't need one, either before diving into the being's arms. He'd been wrong, this wasn't a Pit creature like he'd assumed, and he could only be glad he'd said nothing about his previous assumptions aloud.
He'd only ever heard hushed rumors about it, but once, a long time ago, near the beginning of his grandfather's reign as the Demon's Head, there had been a being who'd bathed in the Lazarus Waters and came out not less than they had been, but more. They had still been themselves, they had still been healed like others before them, they'd just also become the avatar of the Waters in the process. They'd been honored by many, hailed as a great protector and given many titles as thanks, though his grandfather had apparently taken exception to someone else having such an elevated position. His grandfather had killed the being and destroyed all mentions of them as he could, even going so far as to ban talk of them. But thoughts and ideas cannot be bound, and there were those who still revered the being more than his grandfather, even within his own League.
Somehow, Jason, his brother, had become the next Avatar of the Waters. His brother was still there. His brother wasn't dead again. He held back his sobs as he let out his own quiet trill. "You're still here."
WOW. Didn't expect I'd be able to write this sequel any time soon! Well, surprise, dp×dc week has provided the prompts I needed to write a number of my more requested sequels! ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧
Good news, I'm feeling better today than I have this entire week lol hopefully this continues through the rest of the week, right? (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
If anyone thinks I missed a trigger warning for this ficlet, PLEASE let me know! I've tried my best to cover all the ones I thought might be an issue, but I'm not the most knowledgeable on what topics can be triggering yet (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) I want my readers to know what they're getting into before they get into it, y'know?
Thank you all so much for your patience! I've got some people who asked to be tagged when I wrote the sequel, so hopefully I got them all! @stealingyourbones, @ghoststoneguard, @meira-3919, @onyxlightdragon, @gatorgoose, @rainbowbunny0159, @jarlyd, here's the update y'all asked to be tagged in! Hope you liked it ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
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rainylana · 2 years
“Yup, that’s my wife.”
Eddie Munson x reader
summary: this is a part two of “i think i’m in love.” i wasn’t even going to make another part but you guys all demanded it lmao.
for those who wanted tagged<3
@imdoingbetternow @imangy @ahzysauce
@moonymatt @your-starless-eyes-remain @catherinnn
warnings: omg this is so fluffy i can’t. some language, eddie and dustin being chaotic as hell. it’s just so cute lmao. i know nothing of dnd so that’s a warning all by itself.
a/n: honestly should i just make this a series?? i think i could figure out a way to continue to build it. idk, let me know! Also, my requests are open! send me something!
update! i did make this a series lol, part three is here
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“She’s coming right?”
“What time did you tell her?”
“You think we should clean up a bit? It’s a shithole in here.”
“Fuck, she’s gonna hate it. I know it. Not even married yet and we’ve gotten divorced.”
The hellfire club was in shambles, running and zooming around the school basement preparing for your big arrival. Eddie’s heart raced as the clock ticked on, his fingers twitching at his sides to see you again. You’d left a sweet taste in his mouth all day long, his mind could not leave your gentle, smiling face. He knew he was falling head over heals, but could you blame him? He wasn’t used to any woman being interested in what he said, nor did they ever want to hang out with him. This was new, and he was going insane.
“Jesus, why am I dusting!” Mike coughed. “I don’t think she’s gonna care if there’s dust, Eddie. I mean, you’ve got Gareth and Jeff sweeping!”
“Shut up, Wheeler,” Eddie snapped his fingers, standing on the dnd table as he tampered with the light fixture. “We needed to clean up anyways, this just gave us an excuse.”
“I picked her some flowers!” Dustin smiled tooth-fully, bringing some wild flowers out of his back back.
“What! No!” Eddie jumped off the table, his feet smacking against the floor. “She’s mine, Henderson. I saw her first.”
“Technically, I did.” Mike crossed his arms, earning a synchronized ‘shut up’.
“Give me those!”
“Fuck no! Go pick some yourself, I think I saw some grass outside-”
Your knock sounded loudly throughout the room, causing flinches and everyone to shut the hell up. Dustin hurriedly placed the flowers on the table behind him, stepping forward to open the door, but he was snatched back by the collar as Eddie yanked him backwards.
“Mine, Henderson.” He whispered, giving the freshman a death glare. He fixed his hair anxiously, straightening his wrinkled shirt as he looked about the room. “Look presentable.” He ordered, and they blindly straightened their posture.
He took a deep breath, begging a god he didn’t believe in to get him through the night. He opened the door, his face melting into a smirk at the sight of you. “Looks like Barbie showed.” He said over his shoulder, and you giggled under his stare.
“Think I wasn’t going to show?” You asked, making your way into the room as he shut the door behind you.
“Don’t take it personally, kiddo,” He took your arm in his to give you the grand tour, and you blushed awkwardly with a sly grin. “You just keep blowing our minds every chance you get. Anyways! You remember Dustin.” He gestured with his other hand, smirking a villainous glare at the boy as he held your arm.
“Yes, hi! How are you?” You smiled, tilting your head.
“Hey, uh,” He cleared his throat, reaching behind him to grab the flowers. Eddie’s eyes went wide. “I actually picked-”
“I picked these for you.” Eddie snatched the flowers out of his hand, petals dropping to the floor. “Here. Hope you like- well, whatever these are.”
You chuckled at their interaction, observing the messy picked flowers in hand. “Thank you.” You looked to both of them, dropping Eddie’s arm as you turned around. “So this is the game?” Your eyes danced amongst the pieces, your hands ghosting over the dice and other figures.
Perhaps you were crazy, showing up for some supposed “demon summoning” board game with a bunch of people you didn’t know. But what did you have to loose? Besides, it had been many years since you felt comfortable with a group like this. Besides, you felt more at home with the outcasts than with anyone else. They were obviously flirty, you knew that from the get-go, but they were harmless. And you liked Eddie. He was handsome and funny, had a charismatic energy about him that made you feel welcomed. You didn’t feel that often.
Your presence stuck out in the room, and while you were focused on the game pieces, everyone was staring at you, their mouths hanging open as you brought the 20 sided dice up to your eyes. Eddie nearly fainted at the sight. Never once, had a girl touched those pieces. Never once, had a girl played dnd with him before. Oddly enough, it felt like a date to him.
You had on skinny jeans, a baby pink, long sleeve shirt that clung your body. Your hair was let loose, curls flowing down your back with a pink bow, resting on the back of your head. You had on little pearl earrings, a singular silver ring that had your birthstone on it. Emerald. August. Your white converse were spick and span clean, unlike everyone else’s.
“Is this the-” You went to ask again, but froze when you seen everyone’s eyes on you. You clamped your mouth shut, looking at Eddie awkwardly.
“Sorry,” Eddie scratched the back of his head. “Here, we should- let’s get started then!” He announced, embarrassed that he was caught staring.
“Hey,” Dustin poked your shoulder, whispering quietly as everyone got in their seats. “You can sit by me if you want.”
“Actually, Henderson,” Eddie nearly shouted over his sheep, standing at the head of the table. “She’s sitting on the throne tonight.” He smiled widely, his teeth reflecting off the light as he patted the throne, scooting out the chair.
Everyone gasped at the sight. No one sat in that chair besides him.
He took your hand to help you into the seat, quickly looking over your delicate ring. His looked a lot bigger. It was weird for everyone to see Eddie sitting beside you, in just a regular chair, but you, however, looked spectacular.
“Wow,” You giggled, stretching your hands out in front of you. “All I need is a crown.”
They chorused your laughter like obedient followers. You were the ruler now. Eddie’s little dungeon master in training. “So,” You looked to him. “Let’s play.”
His lips curled into a slow smirk. Yeah, he was definitely in love.
You were there for almost five hours, and sleep deprivation creeped in, though you didn’t care. Dungeons and Dragons was the coolest game you’d played since twister, and that was years ago. You had gotten so into it, and everyone cheered you on as you got your feet wet into the game.
It was hard to learn at first, but they walked you through every step and made sure you understood everything. Eddie practically held your hand throughout the entire game, like a parent worried their toddler wouldn’t survive without their grip. It shocked him how easily you were able to catch on, and even though you made a mistake here and there, or mispronounced something, he wouldn’t correct you.
It had gotten to the point where you were subconsciously flirting with him, though you weren’t even really aware of it. He just made you so comfortable, and for once in your life, you didn’t feel the need to fake having a good time. Your life was hard, harder than others, sometimes. You felt guilty for thinking that, because you knew you were lucky to have the family you did. Still, even with the family you had, you felt incredibly lonely. Tonight you didn’t though.
“Do you have a way to get home?” Eddie glanced up, finishing putting away the game pieces. Everyone had pretty much left, besides you two. You insisted on staying and helping clean up, so that meant that he was going to stay. Dustin didn’t even try to get a word in, it was obvious Eddie wasn’t going to budge. He politely said goodbye, awkwardly patting your shoulder and sending knives to his buddy. Or, ex buddy.
“I drove.” You smiled, pushing in chairs. “I don’t live very far away.”
He nodded, mouth opening and closing as he thought about what to say. “Are you- well, you plan on sitting with us tomorrow?”
“Oh,” You gulped, blushing. “I’d like to, if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He rushed, messing with his hair. “I like you. I mean, we like you. The kids and I. You’re pretty. Fun, you’re pretty fun!” He rambled, turning as he shoved the game box into a drawer.
You kept in your laugh, lips pursing together. “Okay.” You nodded, brushing off your hands. “Cool.”
You looked around for anymore trash, hoping to stay longer. “I guess I should go.” You grabbed your back, slinging it over your shoulder.
“Okay.” He walked over to the door, opening it for you. You stopped in front of him, and he smiled awkwardly. “Thank you for tonight.” You said genuinely, ignoring the urge to smile like an idiot. “I mean it, I had a lot of fun. You think I could play again sometime?”
His heart leaped, eyes growing into heart shapes like a damn cartoon character. “Yeah! Of course, sure. I’ll even get you a crown for next time.” He chuckled while you did the same.
You didn’t want to leave, and he didn’t want you too, either. You knew you’d die of embarrassment later, but you stepped closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulders in an awkward, yet sweet hug.
“Oh,” He muttered softly, stiffening at the contact. He brought up a hand to pat your back, pursing his lips.
You pulled away and smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Eddie.”
“Goodnight.” He smiled, closing the door behind you. He listened to the sound of your shoes until he couldn’t anymore, and he sighed loudly and dramatically.
“Yup, that’s my wife.”
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gimmeurtmi · 1 year
discovery — lee know
pairing: lee minho x fem!reader
tags: established relationship, dom/sub dynamic, kink discovery/exploration, pet play, smut!!!🔞
warnings: swearing, dom!minho, biting, kink discovery and exploration, a little bit of kink negotiations, dry humping, light choking, mention of collars, referring to minho as “owner”, use of “bunny” “good girl” and “pet”, slight overstimulation, facial. lmk if i forgot something!!
inspo: an unhinged brainrot sesh i had with @lino-nyangi a few weeks ago. plus, minho’s biceps.
notes: i can’t defend myself here. basically min and reader realise they’re both into pet play so i might explore more of this kink in future parts, so feedback on this would help me know if you’d enjoy more of this! thank you 🫶🏻
{ wc: 2518 }
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spending sundays with minho was a promise he tried to never break. sunday was precious, and meant the only day neither of you had any plans. of course, you’d make some plans, like shopping dates or workout sessions or a fancy meal.
but this sunday you decided that even those plans were too much, and the only thing on the schedule was catching up with the latest show you were watching.
minho laid on the couch, taking up the entirety of it, and letting you lay on top of him with your legs wrapped around his thighs.
he propped his head up on his hand, the tight black t-shirt he was wearing straining against his bicep. he was working hard in the gym lately and his arms were getting bigger and you weren’t going to complain about that.
you placed your hand flat on his chest, running back and forth across the fabric.
after the third episode you lost your focus, no longer really watching what was happening on screen, but instead looking at your boyfriend and the way his long hair spread around his head, merging with the colour of the couch.
“you’re pretty,” you mumbled, snuggling your head deeper into his chest. minho simply hummed in return, smiling softly as he rubbed up and down your back. he placed a soft kiss on the top of your head.
“you’re bored,” he pointed out.
“mhm,” you hummed, tapping at his shirt, “i’m just not focused anymore. i wanna sleep.”
minho grabbed the remote, trying his hardest to move as little as possible as he paused the episode and instead opened spotify, picking a relaxed playlist.
“we’ll keep going later,” he decided, grabbing your hip and moving you closer so that most of your body was on top of him.
you questioned his actions, and in response you received, “can’t be bothered to get a blanket.”
“so you’re using me?” you fake gasped.
minho let his hand slip down to the swell of your ass.
“wish i could…” he mumbled, squeezing slightly.
you tsked at him before settling back down, his warmth proving to be a useful blanket to you as well—even if you were on top of him.
his hand settled on your lower back, his fingers sliding underneath your leggings for extra warmth.
after that neither of you moved much, basking in the comfort the other provided, surrounded by low music.
you dozed off for a few minutes, waking up to minho’s slow and steady breathing, the movements of his chest reminding you of calm waves in the ocean.
you nuzzled against him, a content hum leaving you.
minho’s hand was still tucked under his head, still showing off his glorious muscles. you wondered if his hand had fallen asleep and if he’d get pins and needles when he woke up.
the sudden urge to kiss his skin had overpowered that thought.
you leaned forward, only needing to cover a small distance, and planted a kiss on his shoulder.
you then planted another one and another one until you reached the biggest part of his muscle, where his bicep curved inwards and demanded your attention.
minho’s skin was warm, and so so soft, and after a few small kisses didn’t satisfy you enough, you started sucking on his skin. he tasted like the strawberry body wash you just bought.
a beautiful sound spread through your living room as minho started giggling, rumbling against the chest you were sleeping on moments ago.
“what are you doing?” he giggled, but made no move to stop you.
you kissed slightly upwards, closer to where you knew he was ticklish, and sucked on his skin again.
“stop,” he laughed, moving his hand from under his head and shifting his exposed bicep away from you. but you had already latched onto him, holding his elbow in place so he couldn’t escape you.
“bunny,” he squirmed, “why are you waking me up to this torture?”
you pulled away from him, satisfied with the small red mark now appearing on his skin, and shrugged.
“you were just so kissable,” you offered.
“could’ve kissed me somewhere else,” he raised his eyebrows.
“no,” you said simply. “you’ve been taunting me with those muscles all morning.”
minho laughed, shaking his head at you.
you leaned back down, kissing his bicep again, nibbling lightly on his skin in between.
“if i close my eyes, it’s almost like i'm back home,” he said, scrunching his eyes shut for dramatic effect.
“you hate being here that much?” you chuckled at him, biting down harder in retaliation.
minho shook his head. “i meant, you’re biting me like how soonie does when he wants to play.”
“you were being boring and not playing with me,” you agree, nodding before you hook your finger into his collar. you pull it down slightly, enough to expose your next target: his collarbone.
you kiss him, lips moving down the elevated bone, before biting softly on the skin.
minho doesn’t complain, nor does he move, letting you do whatever it is you’re doing. his reaction tells you enough about how patient he is—and how much experience he has with his pets playfully biting him.
when you start kissing up towards his neck he stops you, bringing a hand to your chin so you’re facing him.
“what do you wanna play then?” he asks, lowly, his finger running over your lips.
“i like this game,” you smile, biting at the tip of his finger.
minho is unfazed by this, and starts dabbing his fingers in and out of your reach, watching intently as you try and catch them with your teeth.
you nibble on them lightly when you do catch him, light enough that he can pull his hand away whenever he sees fit to start another round.
“you’re really acting like a cat right now,” he says, eyes focused on your mouth.
“you love cats,” you respond, kissing his fingers this time when you catch him.
he starts moving his finger in a circular motion, watching with a slack jaw as your head circles to still try and catch him.
“my cats are trained,” he points out.
“i’m not your cat,” you say slowly, a half hearted chuckle leaving you.
“with the way you’re acting you might as well be.”
you swallow.
minho’s finger lands on your lips, but you don’t bite it right away. there’s something captivating in his eyes, something swimming inside them. you’re frozen.
“should i treat you like one?” he asks, breaking the thick silence around you. the music stopped, but you aren’t sure when.
“like what?”
“like my pet.”
minho isn’t smiling, so you aren’t sure if he’s joking. you aren’t sure why you want him to be dead serious right now.
you aren’t even sure where this conversation is going exactly, but the heat between your legs tells you your pussy is listening too.
his finger leaves your lips, dragging them down into a small pout, before he trails his way to your neck. he moves his finger across your neck, adding more pressure when he arrives back under your jaw.
there’s a warmth spreading beneath his touch.
“i could get you a collar,” he says, barely a whisper, “have a little tag with my name on it in case you get lost.”
“it should have your number,” you somehow manage to mumble.
“what? i didn’t hear,” he cocks his head to the side, his wide eyes telling you to repeat yourself.
“a tag collar has the pet’s name on it and the owner’s number,” you explain.
“so i’m your owner?” minho raises his eyebrows.
you find yourself nodding.
an airy gasp leaves his chest, his eyes locked on yours as a small shudder runs through his back. it’s barely visible, but you know minho well enough. and the hard on pressed into your lower stomach helps you understand the situation, too.
minho shifts, sitting up on the couch as he holds onto your hips, shuffling you until you’re sat directly on his lap. he moved so effortlessly, acting as if you weighed nothing to him. as if you were just a little cat on his chest.
you settle further into his lap.
“what else?”
you raise your eyebrows.
“i’ll get you a collar with your owner’s name on it, and then what else?” he spoke quickly, more eager, the slow tension that surrounded the pair of your replace by a more desperate air. aided by minho’s hands digging into your hips.
“you said your cats are trained,” you swallow, your mouth incredibly dry.
minho nods slowly.
you roll your hips slightly, the mere thought of what you were implying enough to get you to move so impulsively. you didn’t want to put your thoughts into such blunt words—you didn’t even think this was something you liked—but judging by the dazed expression in minho’s eyes, he was discovering something about himself as well.
“how did you train them?”
“with treats,” he supplies, dragging your hips against his lap again. “they’d do what i asked and they’d get treats.”
“rewarding good behaviour,” you nod simply.
“yeah, maybe like—“ minho leans his head towards you, brushing his lips against yours, “—like that.”
“no,” you scrunch your face, leaning down to where he exposed his neck and kissing it lightly. you bite down slightly.
he hissed, pinching your hips in retaliation.
“kisses are too easy to get from you.”
“is that a challenge?” he raises his eyebrows.
“no,” you kiss him again, “but you know what i really like?”
he hums, urging you to keep talking.
you haven’t moved too far away from his lips, and the slow grinding minho guided you into has settled into a steady pace. your nose bumped against his.
“i love when you ask me where you can cum,” you whisper.
minho grabbed the back of your head, swallowing your lips with his own as he kissed you passionately. messy.
he pulls away, lips red and wet and swollen, forehead against yours as he says, “i’ll give you my cum whenever you’re a good little pet for me?”
“mhm,” you nod quickly, your hips rocking against his in a new found speed.
“look at you,” he sighs, “so worked up over this. is bunny gonna ruin her panties and cum in my lap?”
“minho,” you moan, throwing your head back. your movements are more desperate, much less controlled or careful, just rushing to feel the friction and the pleasure minho’s lap is giving you.
with your head back, he brings his hand back to your neck—placing it lightly on your skin. not enough pressure to leave you breathless, but enough to know it’s there. you imagine that’s what a collar would feel like around your neck.
the thought makes you moan again.
“my cats are well behaved,” he begins, his voice forcing you to look at him, “you’re gonna be like that?”
“yes,” you stutter.
“you’re gonna do as i say?”
“yes,” you nod, feeling your high approaching.
“gonna listen to me? eat when i tell you to, suck me off when i tell you to, do whatever i say?”
“yes, minho, fuck,” you squeeze your eyes shut.
“look at me, pet,” he demands. you shoot your eyes open.
the intensity of his stare sends a shiver down your spine, all the way to your core. he’s never looked at you quite like that before.
he brings a hand onto your lower stomach, inching closer to the strap of your leggings.
“close,” you mumble, whining slightly.
“louder,” he buries a hand in your hair, tugging at the roots. “speak.”
“i’m close minho, i just need a bit more,” you plead.
“specifics, bunny.”
“i need you to rub my clit, min, please,” you rut against him but it isn’t enough, your voice urging him to do more.
“good bunny,” he smiles at you, kissing your lips hard. he wastes no more time, circling your clit instantly. your clothes are still in the way but it doesn’t matter too much, you’re already just on the edge.
“i’m gonna—“
“—i know. go on, pet, show me how good i make you feel.”
your head falls onto minho’s shoulder as your orgasm crashes through you, your toes curling against the couch as a series of borderline pornographic noises leave your mouth.
you whine when minho keeps going, but that doesn’t stop him, and the sensitivity means a second orgasm runs through you in a matter of seconds.
“you want your reward, bunny?” he asks, desperately, “you’ve been such a good pet.”
you move your hands down to his crotch, rubbing his cock over his sweats.
“please,” you nod.
“where do you want it?” he asks, smirking when he sees you rolling your hips against him weakly.
“in my mouth, min. please.”
it’s clumsy and uncoordinated when minho pulls his sweats down his thighs, wrapping his hands around his cock.
“open, baby,” he moans when you stick your tongue out, “that’s it, fuck. fuck.”
his eyes roll back as cum shoots onto your tongue, his eyes closed means most of it landed on your cheek instead.
minho blindly reached for the side of your head, stroking your hair as he catches his breath.
after a few seconds his eyes fluttered open, taking in the glorious mess he made on your face.
“i missed,” he chuckled.
you swallow what landed in your mouth, licking your lips as the salty taste takes over you. it doesn’t even surprise you when minho pushes the rest it off your cheek and into your mouth.
you lap at his finger when he does, swallowing everything you can before biting the tip of his finger for good measure.
he laughs.
minho pulled you closer to him as he hugs you, breathing you in.
you catch your breath with him, matching the rise and fall of his chest against yours, your eyes softly shut as you listen to him breathing.
“i didn’t think that would be as hot as it was,” he said, simply.
you agreed slowly, raising your head to face him.
“would it be okay if you actually got me a collar?” you bravely asked.
“fuck yes,” minho’s eyes sparkled brightly at you. “can i keep calling you pet?”
“if you keep giving me my rewards,” you nodded quickly.
at that minho groaned, his hands finding your ass again.
“we’re doing that again,” he said, his eyes big in front of you in a silent question.
“minho, i don’t think you understand just how often we’re gonna be doing that again.”
he laughed before he pulled you into another kiss, his tongue finding yours instantly. he moans when he tastes himself.
when the need to breath overcomes you, you pull away, eyes hooded as you take in minho’s swollen lips.
he gets up after a minute, pulling his sweats back up and grabbing you some water.
you settle back against each other, minho cuddling you closer to him, his hand in your hair as he lightly scratches behind your ear.
it’s enough to lull you back to sleep.
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star-suh · 9 months
I Did Tell My Husband
Johnny Suh x Male Reader
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cw: top johnny suh, bottom male reader, breeding otherwise it wouldn’t be a fic of mine lol, dirty talking, degrading, sir kink, y/n is a slut for johnny's dick, spitting, tummy bulge, mention of bussy but just one time, a bit of hair pulling, possesive johnny(?), cumplay ass to mouth, overstimulation.
an: this is the second part of "don't tell my husband" hope y'all like it and the bottom version of that fic is coming (not so)soon.
part I
bottom m! reader ver. of part I
it was the next day, y/n was in the living room watching tv when he heard a knock in his front door so he went to open it … it was johnny … "hello mr. suh how are you?" y/n asked, "hello y/n i would say i'm good but i'm not". y/n started to get nervous thinking about what he did with johnny's husband "and why is that mr. suh" y/n asked again, faking concern.
"you know, i find out my husband fucked with someone" johnny told y/n "his ass was filled with cum that clearly wasn’t mine… i have to fuck it out of him" y/n gulped and laughed nervously "mr. suh i don't know why you're telling me that… shouldn't you talk that with your husband?".
"don't act like a fool y/n i know it was you who fucked my husband…" said johhny while grabbing y/n by the collar of his shirt "...and you will pay for that, bitch boy" he pushed y/n inside his house and closed the door.
"so you were that horny that you didn't care fucking with a married man huh?" said johnny while spanking y/n who was naked in his lap "guess what, he told me that you didn't fuck him good that you can't compare with me, you whore", "i'm sorry mr su-" a hard spank greeted y/n's ass "shut up bitch, i'm gonna show you how a real man fuck" johnny unzipped his pants revealing his huge cock "you're so big mr. suh" said y/n worried "i don't think it would fit in my mouth", "don't worry if it don't fit in your mouth it would fit in other hole, now sit on all fours and take my balls in your mouth", "okay" murmured y/n, "yes sir" johnny slaped y/n's cheeks "yes sir" murmured again y/n and started to suck johnny's heavy balls "that's right you whore, coat them with your saliva" johnny grunted "fucking god… you look so fucking hot with my dick across your face, "i llike it sir, it's so heavy" y/n started licking the pre-cum of johnny's cock head while jerking off the rest "if you gonna suck it do it like a man, useless bitch" johnny pushed y/n's head deep down his cock making him gag "fuckkk that's what i'm talking about little bitch, swallow it all".
y/n keep sucking johnny's big cock "tell me you like my cock" demanded johnny, "umm i love sucking this cock, i love it so much sir" y/n told him "It's like my mouth was made to please you sir, this is where i belong to" johnny started to mouth-fuck y/n "i'm gonna use you as my fleshlight because i know you would like that, right horny slut?", "umm-hmm" murmured y/n "my mouth is only for your cock sir, i'm a dirty slut, let me be your dirty slut" moaned y/n. "enough" johnny pull his cock out of y/n's mouth "you gonna make me cum", "i want your cum sir" y/n begged, "and you would have it, you're my cumdump from now on" johnny kissed y/n his tongue exploring every crevice of y/n's mouth "open wide" demanded johnny and y/n complied, spitting his saliva in y/n's mouth while the latter swallow it.
"come here whore, now let's get to the good part", "hold on, aren't you gonna use a condom?" y/n asked "no you whore, i told you you're gonna feel a real man cock, every inch and every vein of it" he grabbed y/n's waist, aligned his cock towards his hole and started to slip it inside him, stretching his ass with every inch "fuck you're so fucking big sir… i feel like i'm gonna split in two" said y/n, eyes rolled back "holy shit i'm gonna-" y/n came all over himself "look at you, you're pathetic" johnny said to y/n "It's not even all in yet but you already cummed" johnny laughed and in one powerful thrust he slip all his cock inside y/n forming a bulge in his lower tummy making his legs tremble, johnny kissed and marked y/n's neck while he gets used to his dick "can even take a big cock inside you and you dare to tell me you're gonna be my slut? you can do better c'mon" he whispered… "i-i think i'm re-ready… sir" y/n whispered too and johnny started to thrust and moan "you're so tight bitch, you're choking my cock so good", "t-thank you sir" y/n started to ride it "my ass is yours to use", "say that again" johnny said while sucking y/n's nipple and jerks him off "my ass is yours to use, sir, to dump all your loads here whenever you want".
johnny starts to thrust hard making y/n emitt gutural moans "damn, your bussy won't let my dick go it's gripping so hard, you really want it", "yes sir i want it all day and every day i want you to break my ass and fuck me until it has the shape of your cock" said y/n while drooling with his tongue out "you want my load inside you?" johnny moaned "come while he grabs y/n's chin to kiss him and bit his lip while jerking him off with his other hand "tell me what do you want bitch, convince me to breed you" he grunted while fastening his pace on y/n's dick.
"i want your cum inside me sir, i want to milk your balls dry i deserve it please" y/n moaned "i want it so bad, put your fucking real man sperm inside your cumdump, give it to m-" y/n came for a second time while johnny keeps fucking him rough "get ready for it bitch" he says to y/n and started to spank him "are you gonna fuck married men again?" another slap "tell me whore", "no sir no, i'm not gonna do that again", another spank "are you gonna let lther man fuck your slutty ass?", "no sir no" said y/n feeling overstimulated, "who does your ass belong to?", "it belongs to you and only you sir… you're the only one who can fuck it and breed it" johnny keeps spanking y/n until his ass is bright red "i'm glad you understood what's your position bitch, you're mine now" he said while pulling y/n's hair back, kissing and biting his neck… johnny hugged y/n hard while thrusting rough and finally finishing inside him groaning and moaning "fuck yeah, now you know how a good man fucks" he whispered to y/n's tired body "and remember if you fuck my husband again i will fuck you two times harder than i fuck him… and i think you can't handle that" he laughs and kissed y/n "now let me help you get cleaned, i don't want a dirty cumdump" he positioned y/n to face his ass and started to suck the cum out of him overstimulating him more "s-stop it… please i c-can't…" when he finishes eating y/n's ass out, johnny bring his face near y/n's and kiss him playing with his cum in both their mouths "and well how does it taste?" asked the older, "tastes so good sir i want more" y/n replied, "don't worry about it whore from now on you will have unlimited cum for you but you have to share it too, remember i have a husband" both kissed and johnny helped y/n to get clean.
"how was it love?" asked jaehyun, "it was good jae he took it all inside him like a champ" both laughed and jaehyun grabbed johnny's crotch "is there something left in here for me?" he asked and johnny unzipped his pants and discarded his shirt "you know there will always be loads for you in these balls love" he says while slapping his hard cock on his hand "let's go to the room then" jaehyun grabbed johnny's cock guiding him to the room "you better do me harder than him, i'm kinda jealous", "i'm gonna fuck you dumb jae" johnny replied slapping his ass, "you better do" jaehyun replied and closed the door.
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cillianhead · 3 months
oppie (cillian’s version) is a sub change my mind
i think oppie (cillian's version) is a freak in the sheets. (listen this is all just me daydreaming more about Cillian AS OPPIE just doing stuff BUT LIKE I DO SAY STUFF REFERENCING OPPENHEIMER KIND OF??? SO SORRY IF ANYTHING IS INCORRECT (tbh this ain't that freaky it's just me writing a short little random blurb lol) (also i sorta switch in and out of using she / you)... 18+ OBVIOUSLY MINORS DNI!!!)
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i think he's probably more than happy to be a dom or a sub, he doesn't really care. I think he'd also be into being pegged by his woman or pulled around on a leash or slapped around. oppie is pretty open-minded and pretty eager to 'spice' things up. but this is all just me daydreaming
i can imagine you in the Los Alamos home, waiting for him in bed after a long day's work of telling men what to do. And finally... the time when he got told what to do... whether it be fuck her harder until his back aches or let him be the chew toy he usually was. she liked to joke she'd make him his own personal collar to go along with his clothes... and the thought of that did turn him on, not strange at all to him who stares into the making of the death of mankind. The idea of sex was something just as complicated and interlaced with deep intricacies we will never understand but also something more primal. Something that reminded him he was human. And fuck... staring into your sticky pussy you fiddle with as he starts to undo his tie was like frying every cell in that brain of his.
"No... keep it on..." You shake your head, fingers still drawing circles lazily on your clit barely teasing yourself as you lay there proudly for him. His eyes soaked in your body and how utterly breathtaking the sight of what lies in between your legs was. "I wanna pull you around on it..." "Well... yes, ma'am," He'll flare his nose in a tone of amusement as he tips his hat off to her and sets it down on the dresser as he unbuttoned his shirt. Robert would watch you in the mirror as you slid your sticky fingers to your thinly-veiled tits, slipping your fingertips under the lacy top and toying with your hard and incredibly sensitive nipples. You drove him crazy in the best of ways... in the ways he should be crazy. "Now don't look at me like that, bunny..."
"You're taking way too long to undo those buttons of yours..." You complain and he'll roll his eyes as he always does once he gets off his top pieces, he's undoing his belt and pants within a matter of seconds. His tie still around his neck as he stood fully naked and fully erect for you as you got up on your knees on the bed, perched up and facing him as you leaned in. You'd grab his chin and he'd feel how wet your fingers are. "Are you gonna behave tonight, daddy?" You asked, tilting your head as you yanked on his tie a little, enjoying the way he flinched.
"Yes, of course, my darling..." He nods desperately, mouth full of drool for your demands. "Tell me what to do and I'll do it... command me, I'm your slave." "Get on your fucking knees and beg..." You whisper harshly and then slap him across the face and he lets out a delightful sigh at the familiar burn and the handprint on his face. "You like that don't you..." As he collapses to his knees, Oppie nods and prays for you to give him something.
"Please... Y/N..." Oppie tries, head tilted slightly down as you lower your feet down to the floor and run your fingers through his short hair, treating him like a dog. "I'll be a good boy." You pulled his face to force him to look at your pretty pussy, close enough to smell but not close enough to taste... you were teasing him. "I beg of you..."
'Tsk Tsk Tsk' You shook your head with a smug grin on your face, swaying your hips and tantalizing him with his favorite view. "More."
"Darling," He pleaded, eyes so big and blue, he was defenseless to how he showed his emotions through the dread of the irises honesty. "Please let me taste you... I've dreamt about you in my head all morning and all afternoon..." "Dreamt of me?" You mused.
"In the daytime," He mumbles, trying to shake his head from your grasp like a feral dog trying to get at its prey. "I see flashes of you... pictures of you... traces of you everywhere... I see you in my mind wherever I go."
"How very romantic of you," You chimed, letting go of his hair to lean back on the bed and prop your legs up on his shoulder, spreading yourself out on display for him. His pupils expanded like black holes on the horizon of a dying sun that shone blue. "You can taste..."
No other words were said by him as he (for once) mindlessly dove in and buried his face into your wet cunt. Oppie wasn't sure there was a god up above but he knew this was heaven right here with his head between your thighs and your lips slipping his name loudly and endlessly.
He loved being bossed around, being possessed, it reminded him of his body, and for once not his mind.
??? did any of this make sense??? sorry??? lol
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ashisill · 3 months
My girl
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Warning: unprotected sex, oral (m&f receving), gagging/having to stop, overstimulation, crying (the good kind), and Josh dom/sub (both!).
This is just a blurb because I have little time to write at the moment. Please Ignore any spelling mistakes they will be fixed eventually. Enjoy!!!
You made your bed, finished your makeup, and put small little braids in your hair. You put on a cute top and your sweats. Why were you getting all dolled up? Your boyfriend Josh was coming over for the first time in a while. You sat impatiently on the couch as you waiting for the door to open. You heard the door handle turn, and excitedly hurried to it. He swung it open immediately calling your name. You jumped into his arms and wrapped your legs around him. He carried you to the couch and laid you down on your back.
“Oh how I missed my pretty girl”
“I missed you so much Joshy”
He kissed you hard without pulling away. Using his tongue way more than usual. You pulled off and gave him look. “To rough?”
“Don’t ya wanna go to the bedroom if you’re gonna do all that? I’ve got a movie playing”
“Well that sounds fucking amazing come on mama” he picked you up like a child and carried you to the room.
As soon as your back hit the mattress he was on top of you. Kissing your neck, running his hands through your hair, thrusting himself into you. Both your breathing started to pick up. He pulled your shirt above your breast and began to lick and kiss them. He kissed your stomach and down to your thighs. Your squirmed and pushed his head down.
He pushed your hand away a gripped your wrist “bad girl let me take my time”
“Baby it’s been so long please. I need your mouth on me”
“Shh let me take care of you” he licked you softly making you gasp. You gripped his hair a little too hard, but if anything it only turned him on more.
“I’m so close already. Baby please don’t fucking stop”
You squirmed and he tried to hold you legs down, but failed. Instead he pushed your legs to your chest and continued “I’m gonna- I’m gonna”
Release washed over you as you kicked and twitched beneath him. “Did that feel good darling?”
“So good mine turn?” You laid him on his back and slid his jeans down. You pulled down his boxer and watched as his cock sprung free “oh fuck”
“You like that pretty girl?”
“Very much”
Without another word you began to lick up the side of his cock. You sucked on the tip before taking him in all the way. He grabbed your hair and moved you at a faster pace before you pulled off with a pop. “Well aren’t you a show off” he laughed.
“Oh yeah?” Might as well give him a show right?
You looked him in the eyes as you took him in all the way down. “That’s it mama all the way. A little farther”. He pushed you down until your nose touched his pubic hair. Which he trimmed nicely for you. You pulled off and gasp for air “Such a good fucking girl. Again”
“Baby I-”
“I said again”
Your gentle sweet Josh now being completely dominate with you. Of course you obeyed him and began to do as your told. You nestled into him, and he pushed you down again. This time you gagged around him, but instead of pulling you off as usual he kept you there. With air leaving your lungs, you tapped his leg, letting him know you’d had enough.
“Shit I’m sorry I got a little carried away didn’t I?”
“Yes but it’s okay Joshy” you said.
“I’m sorry I’ll make it up to you I really didn’t mean to-” you pulled the collar of his shirt until he was face to face with you.
“Just fuck me baby” you demanded.
“Yes ma’am”
You laid on your side and he positioned you so he could slide himself in. He wrapped his around your waist and began to slide in and out of you. “Oh fuck” you cried out.
“I know baby I know. You feel so good”
He dropped his hand down to your clit making you scream. “Someone likes that don’t they?”
“Yes I fucking love it. I love it so much. I love you I love you I love you”
“I love you too pretty girl. You know what else I love? That sweet sweet pussy baby” you let out another scream of pleasure. “Oh does she like that too? Do you like it when I talk about your pretty pussy baby?”
“Again” you managed to speak. He moved you until you were pretty much laid across him. “Spread those legs for me baby. Let me in”
His pace on your clit was getting faster and he squeezed around him. “I can feel that my love. Relax”
“I’m gonna cum”
You gripped his arm as tears streamed from your eyes. “That’s it love. Take a breath”
You cried and moaned above him as he tried to talk you through it. You wished you could understand him, but his words just scrambled together.
“I’m close lovely where?”
You mumbled and tried to understand him.
“Sweetheart where? Inside?”
“Inside. Please inside” you’d most definitely regret this after this, but now it seems right.
“I’m right there mama”
You stayed there laying atop his body. You didn’t have the strength to move. Josh rolled you back on your side as he began to clean up.
“More” you asked.
“You sure you can handle more pretty girl?”
“Can you pretty boy?”
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anemptypuddingcup · 9 months
EEEE Bae!! Okay, lemme get myself straight....*inhales dilf*
OKAY!!! First off, congrats on the 900!!!!! <3 I also wish to reach that milestone soon!!! >:)
Now for my requests....get ready.....ooooh it's gonna be hot......
May I have Kaku + Kink! Spanking? (god I'm a sucker for this kink) A possible scenario is like where fem! reader is always being rude to other ppl and him being the "nice" guy teaches her to get her act together? 🫣
The other one would be Sabo + Kink! Gloves (perfect for him😳) I'm not so sure about the scenerio here...so I'll leave it up to your creative mind!
Thank youuu >:) 💕
Omggg, you lucky I’m so excited baby girl. I was bouta continue writing the Luffy fic but I just HAD to answer your submission first. Dw you’ll get that Luffyussy soon baby.
And thank youuuu love! I’m happy that I’ve gotten this far, and just so you know I’ll support you all the way when you reach that milestone and higher. I love you stephie.💕
Kaku & Spanking.
“How many times have I told you to stop dressing like that!” Paulie huffs before he covers his face, flustered from you showing skin. You pout and huff at him before crossing your arms. “You do this every time I come up here, how bout you stop looking at me perv!” You say, gripping Paulie’s shirt collar and staring him deep in the eyes.
Paulie sighs as you walk away past him and Kaku. Before you could fully walk past Kaku, he grabs your wrist and stops you from walking away from him. You turn to him, your brows furrowed as you struggled to pull your hand away. “K-Kaku! Let go of me!” You demanded. Instead of listening, he throws you over his shoulder, shocking both you and Paulie.
“I’ve just about had it with you and your slutty behavior woman, Califa doesn’t even act like this.” Kaku huffs.
“MMGH! A-AH!~” You bit your bottom lip hard as you feel Kaku’s palm hit your ass with intensity, drool spilling from your lips as you felt your ass beginning to sting from his hits. “Keep counting or we’re restarting.” Kaku demands, giving you a dark glare. Your body shivers under him before he hits you against.
“I-I-I lost c-count!~” You whined, turning back to him. You hear him chuckle before he slaps your ass again, this time a bit harder than all the others. You whine out as your body begins to shudder against his lap as you feel your cunt fluttering around nothing, your heat spilling down your thighs and legs.
“Fine by me then, we’ll just restart. If you lose count again we’ll keep restarting until you can learn to count like a good little girl.”
You let out a heavy whine as you squirm around on his lap, not wanting to admit to yourself how much you were enjoying this.
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Sabo & Gloves.
Sabo presses a kiss to your ear as your body trembled against his. Your legs were spread open for while his gloved fingers were buried deep inside of your aching hole. “You like this, angel? Does it feel good when the fabric is inside this pretty pussy?” Sabo asks, whispering the words into your ear.
You exhaled shakily before nodding, throwing your head back as he shoved his fingers hard against your g-spot. “Y-Yes!~ I-It feels good Sabooo~” You admit, your voices shaky as you moan out in pleasure. Sabo chuckles as he notices your slick coating and staining his gloves.
“I know it feels good~ Your pussy’s clinging to my fingers. With your tight grip you might just pull the glove off angel~” He giggles before pressing a kiss to your neck. Your legs begin to tremble as you feel Sabo’s gloved palm rub against your clit, adding on to the pleasure.
You feel his other gloves hand grope your breast as a gloved finger swirls around your hardened bud, the fabric of the glove feeling wonderful against your nipple. “Ahh~ Sabo~ S-Sabo p-please~” You thrust your hips up against Sabo’s fingers, wanting him to fuck you just a little bit faster with them.
Sabo moves in closer to you. “Please what angel? Use your words for me baby~” He says, teasing you. “P-Please move your fingers faster~ I-I’m so close!~” You whine out, biting your bottom lip. Sabo giggles.
“As you wish, my little angel~”
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rdiowx · 1 year
Sub Gerard Way x reader smut with kittenplay?
Screamed my head off when i saw this
Gerard x gn!reader
Smut, kitten/pet play, sub!gerard, grinding, collars, Gerard being a little pathetic im not gonna lie, i have little to no experience with writing this so im doing my best, mention of plugs cause im evil like that, i completely forgot i was supposed to be writing this and was wondering why i felt like i was forgetting something, i was thinking basement gerard doesn’t basement gerard remind you of a cat?, begging, teasing,
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Gerard was currently below your desk where he usually was, he even had a little bed down there so he didnt have to be away from you for too long. You had put the chords elsewhere so he didnt get them tangled or unplugged them on accident. Every once in a while you would reach underneath your desk to pet his hair, making him smile and melt into your touch. Gerard was such a good kitten for you and you wanted to show him. Up until now you had forgotten about the present you got him while he was at work today.
“Gee, i forgot to mention i had a present for you.” You spoke, leaning down to look at Gerard who was practically buzzing with excitement at this point. “You do?” He whispered, laying his head on your lap so you could pet him better. You made a noise of agreement and got up, making sure Gerard was following you as you made your way to the bedroom. You opened the bedroom door and went to go find where you put the present so gee didnt find it and ruin the surprise.
“Close your eyes gee.” You demanded from your place by the closet. After making sure he wasnt peeking you put the box in his outstretched hands before telling him to open his eyes. As he did he looked at it curiously before opening it. He gasped before looking up at you with a smile on his face.
“Thank you, can you put it on for me?” Gee questioned, holding it up to you. It was a simple collar, you thought of him when you saw it. It seems you were right to, he loved it as well. “Of course come here.” You responded, moving his hair out of the way before moving your hands to fasten it around his neck. “Comfy?” You asked, kissing his shoulder afterwards. Gee nodded in response, looking back at you to kiss you.
“Im glad you like it gee, do you wanna try it out?” You questioned, gee nodded enthusiastically in response, still sitting on the bed perched on his knees. He wasnt in much, just an oversized shirt his boxers and socks. He really wasnt about to be in anything in a few minutes though. You knew that he did however have in the plug you put in him earlier, making sure to grab his hips and force him to grind down onto the sheets.
He let out a quiet moan at that before putting his head into the crook of your neck. “Don’t be like that..” Gerard whispered. You giggled before moving to take his shirt off. “Im sorry, i couldn’t resist.” You apologized teasingly, making sure to pinch his chest slightly making him jump at the sensation. He whined, shooting you a pathetic look. You only smirked in response, moving to palm Gerard through his boxers.
It didnt take long for gerard to get impatient and remove his clothes. You were pretty impatient as well, but you still had some dignity. Gerard seemed to be absolutely shameless though, he was practically begging at this point. All he wanted to do was to be inside of you but, you insisted on teasing him. As you hovered over him he was leaking at point, voice cracking as he let out pleas.
You finally took pity on him, sinking down to take all of him as a moan of relief was heard from gerard. Gerard could barley form a intelligible sentence, only broken ones consisting of curses and whines. You couldn’t blame him, the friction of the plug inside of him while he was inside of you was sickening, pleasurable. In all honesty you didnt know how long the both of you were going to last.
Gerards collar complemented his now sweat covered skin, glistening from the dim light of your shared room. You were sure he was braindead at this point as drool escaped his agape mouth. If you said this wasn’t a pretty sight you’d just be wrong, it’s one of your favorites too. Gerards eyes were screwed shut as he tried and failed to buck his hips up into you. Your legs were getting tired from riding him but you could tell he was getting close from the way his moans and whines got louder.
Your suspicions were confirmed when he let out a broken moan. “Cumming- cumming!” Gerards twitching triggered your orgasm, causing you to ride out both of your orgasms before pulling off of him so you both could breath. You were both breathing heavily and covered in sweat, gerard was still whining probably from the foreign feeling on his cock from being inside of you for so long.
You both decided to wait until you calmed down to get up and get cleaned. However you did have a water bottle on the nightstand by your bed that you both shared. “Did you like your present gee?” You asked, smirking at him a little. “Of course i did.” Gerard responded before taking a drink from the shared water bottle.
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butterfluffy · 2 years
The embarrassment story with Marco was what I needed after a bad exam, it make me laugh
Can you do it with Shanks, because I’m sure that Shanks would not be vey embarrassed, but what would he do?
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“kiss me!”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· shanks is a romantic dork, and he's a big. fucking. tease—so upon asking him a small favor, he couldn't help himself and just be the tease he is.
⠀⠀➧ fluff, suggestive | shanks × gn!reader | scenario
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none! this is suggestive, and ofc, swearing and mistakes may be present.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to “kiss me!” special made to celebrate this account reaching 400+ followers! visit it to see more.
this is the shanks version as requested by u anon! deep apologies for the HUGE delay.
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Red Hair Shanks—an emperor of the sea who is feared by most is surprisingly your lover who in reality is a lovable dork and of course;
A tease. A big fucking tease, and you know this very well, so you best avoid doing or saying anything that can cause his ego to swell, resulting to him being cocky about it, and turning into a tease.
But it's unavoidable. Especially when he's just... So fucking irresistible.
“Fuck, Shanks..” You muttered upon catching the red haired man relax himself on his seat across the room, being effortlessly hot.
You can't help it. His charm is too strong for you. He's being too much just by sitting there, legs wide open, and his back leaning on the furniture he's on. His shirt's collar messy, and shirt is unbuttoned, revealing his abs that's just—
“Shanks?” You called with a gulp, immediately grabbing the attention of your lover who turned his head on your direction, tilting it.
“Yeah? Is there anything you need, babe?” He asks, standing up then walking towards your direction—now sitting on the crate beside you to chat. His glossy lips that were wet from the sake he had drunk slightly pushing forward to a pout, captivating you completely.
“Well... I, uhm..” Eyes wandering around, you swallowed your words back—not wanting to say them by the fear of getting your lover worked up for that something you've been aching for.
“Babe, if you want something, don't be shy and just tell it. I'd give it to ya, no matter what it is! Haha!” Flashing a bright smile, Shanks then placed his hand on yours, caressing it while you have an internal crisis...
You definitely shouldn't tell him what you're aching for—or you'll end up a blushing mess from his teasing, however, you couldn't hold it in any longer.
“Can I.. Ugh—y'know what, just—”
“Kiss me, Shanks.” You demanded after a small hesitation, words said between sighs, soon being bashful from what you had demanded from your lover just now.
“O-Oh..?” Shanks stammered, shocked of your sudden boldness, obvious from the way his cheeks slightly reddening and by the way his sweat trickled down his chin, gulping loudly as your face approached his with such seriousness.
“Shanks, you heard me, didn't you?” You hummed, now sitting on his lap, eyeing him down like a hawk looking at its prey—
“Aaahhh.. Shit babe, yes, I did.” He groans, hand pushing your head down to his face, kissing you in a hot manner with eyes closed, fulfilling your demand.
“Damn.” He slips out, pulling out for a moment to catch his breath as you tugged the corner of your lips down, kissing him again hungrily, not even allowing him to breathe.
“You're eager, aren't ya?” He teased, pulling away once again, a smirk seen in his face. Now regaining his composure.
“You're making it so obvious that you want me real bad, Y/n..” Snickering, Shanks then went on to tease you as per usual, his words getting that blush on your face.
“Shut it and just kiss me already.” You huffed, kissing him again as your hands trailed on his broad chest, mewls escaping your lips.
“I love you so much, and I want to show it to you, Y/n.” Licking his lips, Shanks pushed you down the floor, lips going around your neck, chin, and finally going back to your lips.
“Then show it—”
As soon as you replied to him, you two were suddenly interrupted by the first mate who stood by the door in disgust.
“..What the fuck? On the floor, really?” Benn grumbled, massaging his temple, having enough stress from seeing too much of Shanks' fuckery...
“Ah, Beck! Heya, wanna join—” Shanks said with a smile, joking to his first mate who immediately slammed the door close, cursing him. “Fuck no, you disgusting shit!”
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© butterfluffy 2022
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sxslave4all · 2 months
This is/has took forever to type as I had to watch it was so mmmmm and knowing both would be having my mouth on them soon for this ho’s cum cleanup use. I almost came without touch. People say him and I are perfect looking couple….if they only knew couple would be stretching our title. I’m his toy, cum drinker, foot fucker, frustration absorber, anger post to use when in bad mood and can’t hurt the one that caused it so that’s what I’m for happy sad mad horny USE ME and I’m a rough sex / bdsm/bi/public humiliation type cum dumpster. Whip me and then let me suck your dick while you watch tv, eat, play on phones, watch porn just make my mouth and the rest be of use. These women messaging me with oh that’s terrible 🙄. Trust he wouldn’t remotely treat me anything but perfect until I told him what I like sexually and in general as a relationship-lovey, touchy, etc. my answer was beat me use me degraded makes me feel amazing. So why live a lie and play sweet vanilla when I want sizzling ghost pepper levels 🤷🏼‍♀️. I was trained young by my first boyfriend whom I was with for years. Once he was vanilla soon as done he said I can’t play a game-I want a whore who loves pain, fuck and suck on demand, will do women w me, someone who does everything I say and want no attitude whining or saying no. You disobey your punishment will be bad. You’d be taught that pain is also pleasure but also believe I’m the male your not so shut up and don’t open your mouth til I need it. You just look pretty and obey. You stay naked always at home and no matter whose there-naked. You fuck whoever and WHATever I tell you wherever however whenever I demand it. Cnc is a factor with some rough things I’ll set up to be done to you sometimes quietly or at a club or sometimes grabbed by a group while u walk to get my smokes half dressed also required. Nipples must always be hard and perfectly visible thru shirt. Skirt no panties and if you bend even a bit you’re on display and stilettosif out You’ll let them do what they want to you then come home get undressed…crawl to me and fkn apologize for them grabbing and having your body, yes you’ll apologize and beg me to give you punishment for a week, then you’ll straddle my leg ask nicely for my foot and rub yourself with it then you’d suck me for hours well I tell ya how awful that was of YOU to entice them. But one day it’ll happen and suddenly you’ll almost cum in excitement cause you love it. I’d whip you, restrain and tie you, I’d deny you then tie you down and put a vibe on your clit and leave for a bit while you cum 20+ times an hour. You’ll be used.By time he was done talking I was stunned. Suddenly he asked if I wanted a taste before deciding-seeing that secretly for some reason it was the biggest turn on. Dated broke upFound him married him divorced when he moved But he’s who finds my current owner. As it’s not easy to find men who want it 24/7 or rough and like my ex, for me it’s a 300 page contract. Do it all or none. So judge me cause I’m a slut I’m a toy. I enjoy punishment especially the worst ones. Judge me for getting off on it. I’m a tramp w holes for men why would I want it different? He’s the man. I’m his. Completely. And judge me for licking pussy and sucking dick—but i aint changing none of it. Having women involved is fkn hot sometimes I love watching his dick penetrating her and talking sweet blah the things I don’t want so he deserves to get those filled Shes more degrading She fills a need in me. And he provides everything for me and would buy me —what I want isn’t at a jewelry store it’s at a bdsm show. It’s who I am and it makes me hot and horny every day since my first. Thank goodness as my purpose starts with a collar, my knees and holes with a side of tits. So know I can’t wait to feel hit by the sting of a belt or inserting something in me and watching him get a kick from it. I’m here to make him happy so if he’s mad beat me til he’s not is my motto. Consent-means a huge difference it’s Shit we agreed on. Occasionally I get the smack across the face 😘
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aerodaltonimperial · 9 months
I'm sure I'm not the only one requesting it, but 14 please 😌
(🧡💚, she knows what she asked for here)
Hook’s shoulders hit the wall, but the impact barely registers, because his brain is more focused on other things; namely, Jack’s mouth against his, kissing him, prying his lips apart in a bruising contact that is just as much fight as it is desire. Jack’s got his hands tangled in the back of Hook’s hair, pulling hard enough to streak pain along Hook’s scalp. Hook’s just sort of clawing at Jack’s shoulders, and if anyone asked, he’s not sure he’d be able to explain if he is attempting to hurl the man off or haul him in closer. Maybe, in the end, it all amounts to the same thing.
Jack bites down on Hook’s bottom lip, and fuck, that hurts; he might have drawn blood, but if he did, it’s lost. One of Jack’s hands slips free from Hook’s hair to grab ahold of Hook’s chin. His grip is tight: demanding. The sort of thing he overcommits to when he’s not sure of his footing.
“Jack,” Hook tries, because he’s so fucking angry his bones might rattle out of his skin, and Jack is still kissing him like he’s possessed. Hook rakes his nails across the back of Jack’s neck, only visible since he’s got his hair pulled up all the time now. He’s a caricature of himself; Hook hates it, and he wants to sink his teeth down into the wrongness of the picture it paints.
Maybe he wants to say more, though Jack doesn’t seem keen to let him. He pries Hook’s lips apart again just so he can lick his way in, runs his tongue along Hook’s teeth, and jesus, Hook hates him so much. The FTW belt is on the floor, discarded, and Hook hates that, too. Jack’s so fucking sloppy that he’s got Hook’s whole fucking chin wet, dragging his mouth across Hook’s skin with a reckless abandon that only comes with deliberately ignoring everything bubbling up between them.
Because they shouldn’t be like this. Hook shouldn’t be doing this with the man who took everything from him—the man who came in and burned Hook’s life to the ground without a second thought. Hook should be wailing on his face until his fists are splattered red, and instead he’s groaning as Jack’s hands slide down and paw greedily at his shoulders, his shirt collar.
Jack gets Hook’s lip between his teeth again, drags back, and the sting goes all the way down. “Tell me to stop,” he whispers, and then, like an asshole, gives Hook no time to do what he just demanded when he kisses Hook again, and again, and again.
Hook opens his mouth—and if he’s being honest, he really doesn’t know what he’s preparing to say—and gets Jack licking a path in once more. His gum, the damn gum he always chews before a show when he’s nervous, ends up back in the corner of Hook’s cheek. This should not be a thing that’s working for Hook. He can never tell anyone about this.
Jack pulls back, presses their foreheads together, and Hook thinks about spitting the gum back at his face just to see what he’d do. “You could have just said something,” Hook hisses. “You could have just told me this was what you wanted.”
“Fuck off,” Jack replies. “I’ve got to get ready to go out there.”
Like this? With Hook’s spit smeared across his mouth and his hard-on pressed into Hook’s abdomen? But whatever; Hook’s not due up on camera tonight, so he doesn’t give a shit if Jack looks like he was attacked backstage when he stumbles out there.
Then, just when Hook thinks Jack really will leave, the other pauses. Jack presses in again, sweeps another kiss across Hook’s mouth. “I’ll find you after. Tonight.”
“You fucking will not,” Hook seethes, but he parts his lips anyway and lets the man steal his way in, just like he will later; just like, he thinks, he probably always will—a fool too drunk on the high Jack’s kisses leave to exercise the judgment his parents tried so hard to instill in him.
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dragon-teethh · 1 year
Warnings: choking, slight food play, implied voyerism, hair pulling
Notes: I haven’t written in forever so keep that in mind, I also have no idea now to do the read more thing on my iPad so once I figure that out it’ll be better for all of us lmao
It’s been a while since Kratos has invited Heimdall to join him in Sindri’s house, it did take a little negation on his part for it to be allowed though. Something Kratos has quickly picked up on is how many apples Heimdall goes through in just one day alone, and in the whole time he’s been living with the Aesir god he’s eaten at least four full bushels of apples.
“How can you eat so many apples in one day?” Atreus asks Heimdall in a light tone.
“Having somebody to cut and peel them for me helps, means I get the easy job.” Heimdall replies, looking over to Kratos who’s standing at the counter on the far wall of the common room, cutting and peeling the apples Heimdall had requested.
“Could you hurry up Kratos? Please.” Heim huffed, hoping Atreus wouldn’t keep trying to talk to him.
“You will get them when they’re ready, do not rush me.” Kratos growls back, knowing if he actually rushes Heimdall would complain, and he wouldn’t get a kiss for his craftsmanship.
“Why do you sleep in the same room as dad? There’s another spare room you can have.” Atreus asks innocently, having almost no clue of what the two gods do in their free time.
“Well Atreus, I spend most of my nights pinned under him or on his lap.” Heimdall says with a smirk on his face, glancing over to Kratos who has completely stopped his task to process what his lover had said to his son.
“What did you say to him?“ Kratos asks in a low tone as he turns to face Heimdall.
“Only what he asked me to.” He purrs back, looking Kratos in the eyes.
“Atreus, leave. I do not care where you go, but do not come back till I come to get you.” Kratos tells the boy, watching him glance between the two gods,then nods and leaves, grabbing his bow on the way out.
Kratos storms over to where his lover was sitting, grabbing him by his shirt collar and pulling him up so he’s standing just on his toes.
“What the hell are you thinking telling my boy that?” He barks, shaking Heimdall a tad in the process to push the point.
Before Heimdall had any time to answer, let alone process the question Kratos was dragging him to their shared room. He threw the smaller god onto the bed, glaring at him before exiting to grab the apple slices.
“Take everything off. Now.” Kratos orders, as he sits on the bed, Heimdall in front of him making a show of it all.
“I do not have time for your games, Heimdall.” He grumbles, watching Heimdall quickly remove the rest of his clothing and tossing it all in front of the closed door of their room.
Heimdall approached Kratos, standing between his strong legs. Kratos grabs his face and pulls him down, forcing him to his knees.
“Open.” He orders, watching as Heimdall opens his mouth and lets his tongue roll out. Kratos placed an apple slice on his tongue.
“Eat it.” He demands, keeping his eyes on the god’s mouth, watching the way he closes his mouth with a look of confusion on his face.
Heimdall chews the apple slice, trying to understand what Kratos has planned, but he knew if he used his foresight there’d be hell to pay. He looked down shyly, realizing how harsh the other god’s gaze really was.
“Look at me.” Kratos demanded, grabbing Heimdall’s neatly braided hair and pulling his head up so he was looking back at him. The harsh tug caused Heimdall to huff a light moan, and Kratos noticed the way his partner’s dick twitched at his actions.
“You like that?” He asked quietly, dragging Heimdall closer by his hair.
He hummed his response as he swallowed the apple, then moaned as Kratos dragged him around. Kratos had barely even done anything and he was almost already completely hard.
Kratos pulled Heimdall up onto his lap, and placed a firm hand on his lover’s ass, using his other hand to grab the back of his head and pull him into a rough kiss. Most of their kisses are rough and sloppy anyways, the two of them always eager to get to the main event.
Heimdall rolled his hips against Kratos, moaning into the kiss as his dick rubbed against Kratos. Heimdall draped his arms over Kratos’ shoulders, trying to figure out if touching himself would be worth the punishment.
He decides he doesn’t care, and takes himself in his hand, getting barely a second of relief before Kratos grabs his hand roughly.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He growls, grabbing Heimdall by the neck with his free hand. He rolls them over, so he’s on top of Heimdall, now standing between his thighs.
Kratos releases Heimdall’s hand and shoves two fingers into his mouth, there was no need to tell him what to do on account of Heimdall already knowing what was about to happen to him. Heimdall licks and sucks the large, callused fingers, getting them as wet as he can before Kratos pulls them out. The two watch as a string of alive connects Kratos’ fingers to Heim’s mouth, but the digits are quickly pulled away and brought to Heimdall’s ass.
Kratos presses one finger in, making Heimdall gasp loudly, quickly moaning once the whole finger is in. Kratos has worked him open before many times, but he seems to lose less and less patients the more he does it.
“Please Kratos, please put the other one in.” Heimdall whines, rolling his hips against the finger in his ass.
Kratos was quick to oblige, pushing his other saliva coated finger into the Aesir god, slowly fucking him on his fingers, listening to his beautifully loud moans. The mix of Heimdall’s moans, and the way he was arching his back in response to the intrusion has got Kratos almost completely hard, with a clear outline of his dick very visible to Heimdall.
Kratos released Heimdall’s neck in exchange for rubbing himself through his pants, soon pulling his fingers out of Heim, grumbling at the way he whines and begs for the fingers to be out back in. Kratos carefully undresses himself, trying not to touch anything with the two fingers he just pulled out of Heimdall. Once he was unclothed, he slotted himself right back into his spot between the smaller god’s legs.
“Think you’re ready? Or do you need more?” He asks, rubbing his fingers against Heim’s entrance lightly, making him shiver.
“Oh fucking hell, Kratos please just fuck me already!“ Heimdall whines, as Kratos lets out a small chuckle in response to the begging.
The larger god spits into his hand, and rubs it on his cock, taking half a step forward to line himself up with Heimdall’s hole, and slowly pushes in. He wipes his hand clean on a rag he keeps by the bed for emergencies, and then places his hands on Heimdall’s hips.
The smaller god lets out a loud moan as Kratos finally pushes into him, his back arches up off the bed as Kratos finally gets himself fully sheathed inside, sitting for a second to be sure to not hurt his partner too badly. He pulls out half way and slams back into Heimdall, letting his head fall back a bit as he sets a rough pace, reveling in the fact that he’s the one making Heimdall scream right now.
Heimdall swore he could see stars in that moment, the feeling of Kratos' large hands holding his hips in place, mixed with the loud slap of their skin as the backs of his thighs meet the other’s hips. He wraps his legs around Kratos’ waist, trying to pull him closer, but failing miserably.
Kratos leans down, resting on his hands now, looking Heimdall in the eyes as he plows into him. Heimdall anchors himself by grabbing Kratos’ large forearms, he’s moaning random please and whining nonstop. It almost makes Kratos want to shut him up. So he does.
Kratos wraps a hand around Heimdall’s neck again, this time applying some pressure, watching as he goes nearly silent with the weight of the hand on his neck. Heimdall clearly enjoys this way too much, that’s made clear by the way his cock starts to leak precum all over his stomach.
“You want to cum?” Kratos asks, to which Heimdall quickly responds with enthusiastic nodding of his head and Kratos takes him into his hand stroking him roughly in time with his thrusts.
Heimdall claws at Kratos’ hand, as his back arches, he’s close and they both know it. Then Kratos releases him, right as Heimdall was about to cum. He tries to protest against the loss of contact to his dick, but as soon as it was gone his hand was back to edge him again.
Heim lets out a string of wheezy begs and pleads for permission to cum, but is denied each time. It was when Kratos started to become a bit vocal when Heimdall knew he’d be allowed to cum soon.
“Think you’re ready?” Kratos groans, and Heimdall barely has enough of a brain left to respond so he tries his best, he gives Kratos a loving look that says ‘I’m all yours’ and Kratos almost loses it.
He takes Heimdall’s dick back into his hand, pumping in time with his thrusts, soon letting go of his throat and the rush of adrenaline from being choked for as long as he was hit and it sends him flying over the edge with a loud scream. He’s gripping at the fur blanket draped over the bed as he cums all over his stomach and chest, with Kratos’ orgasm following soon after.
He came with a low, throaty moan, and his dick pushed into Heimdall as far as he could possibly get it. He leans over the god for a moment before pulling out and rolling to lay next to him on the bed, letting out a pleased sigh as he lands.
Kratos rolled to his side, taking Heimdall’s half hare dick in his hand, and running his thumb over the slit, watching Heim shiver.
“P-Please, no more.” He huffs, too tired to go another round. So Kratos lets go, and gets up to get a damp rag to clean the two of them up. He puts his pants back on before leaving the room, seeing Mimir in the corner.
“Ah, hello brother! Yes, you did forget to send me with the boy, but don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul of what I’ve heard.” Mimir laughs, as Kratos grumbles something under his breath, trying to get back to the room as quickly as he can.
“I knew he was out there, just didn’t want to tell you.” Heimdall chuckles as Kratos shuts the door and comes to clean him up, which earns him a light slap on the face.
“Hey what was that for?!” He gripes, sitting up a bit.
“For being a brat.” Kratos replies, discarding the cloth as he climbs into the bed, pulling Heimdall on top of him.
“Fair enough.” He replies, cuddling up to Kratos.
“So you're just going to leave Atreus out wherever?“ Heimdall asks, drawing shapes on Kratos’ chest with his fingers.
“I will go retrieve him shortly. Now hush.” He responds, in a low voice, laced with implications of drowsiness.
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lady-wallace · 7 months
Whumptober Day 6 - "All Eyes" (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Fugo and Narancia find themselves in a very bad situation in today's @whumptober prompt while Bucciarati is forced to watch his youngest teammates torture via a random video
Prompts Used: Recording, Made to Watch Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Character(s): Fugo & Narancia
Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net
The last thing Bucciarati wanted to do was watch the tape that had ended up on his doorstep. Especially since he had a good idea what it might contain, what with his two youngest team members currently missing in action.
Abbacchio and Mista were still out looking for any leads, so Bucciarati hooked the VCR up by himself and put the video in.
The screen was black for a few seconds before the video started. The room was dimly lit, but it was easy enough for Bucciarati to pick out the two familiar figures and his heart dropped.
Fugo and Narancia were both tied to chairs, facing each other in a nondescript room. Fugo was the only one blindfolded and gagged however, Narancia's eyes staring wide and terrified around the room, watching the camera until a figure appeared from one side of the room, walking toward them.
"What are you doing?" Narancia demanded, pulling against the ropes holding him. "What the hell do you want!"
"We want cooperation from Bucciarati," said a voice from behind the camera and boy did that make Bruno's blood boil, but he forced himself to keep watching. "And I've been told the best way to do that is to go through his team. Which is why we're making this little video for him. So if you're watching, Bucciarati, pay attention. Your boys will have twenty-four hours after this tape is delivered to you for you to make good on your end of the bargain. And trust me, these two have already caused me enough trouble and loss. I'd be more than justified in doing away with them. So you better show up on the dot or, well, here's a little taste of what my boys will do to them before they get a bullet between the eyes."
Bucciarati clenched his hands tightly as he continued watching the video, heart dropping further as the man standing between the two captives instantly went toward Fugo.
The blond was already visibly shaking, head twitching around at every sound, before practically flipping out as the man got behind him and grabbed a fistful of his hair, yanking his head back.
"You let go of him!" Narancia snarled, straining in his bonds.
The man pulled out a knife and scraped it lightly down Fugo's exposed throat, making him flinch. The knife continued down over his collarbone and finally hooked into the collar of his shirt. The man flicked his wrist and cut Fugo's shirt open in one swift movement.
Fugo flailed, making a muffled sound of protest and Narancia practically up-ended his chair as he struggled.
"Don't you fucking touch him!" Narancia screamed. "I'll cut your liver out and ram it down your throat!"
"Ah, so that is the one who doesn't like to be touched," said the voice behind the camera. "We made the right choice then."
"You bastards!" Narancia shouted as the man with the knife wrapped one hand around Fugo's neck, holding him steady as he loomed over him from behind in a way that Bruno knew would be incredibly triggering for the young man. He felt the urge to scream like Narancia as he watched Fugo's hands clench against the arms of the chair, visibly trembling. The knife trailed down his chest, leaving red lines in the pale flesh.
"I'll kill all of you if you don't stop touching him! What the hell do you want?!"
The man didn't reply, but some signal seemed to be passed because the man tormenting Fugo put his knife aside and pulled out a set of brass knuckles, clenching his fist around them.
Bruno swore under his breath as he watched Fugo get brutally beaten, bloody welts and deep bruises breaking out across his exposed skin.
Narancia was crying in frustration now, his own attempts at escape forming raw patches of skin where the rope chafed against him.
"Stop it, stop it! Torture me, you assholes! Give him a break!" Narancia pleaded.
The man behind the camera chuckled and walked over to Fugo, waving his goon off for the moment. Fugo was shivering, chest heaving with pained breaths. The man reached out to run his knuckles over Fugo's face and the blond gave a strangled cry and pulled away.
"Does it bother you to see them like this, Bucciarati?" the man asked, glancing over his shoulder at the camera, "Or do you need more convincing?"
God no, Bruno pleaded silently, but there was nothing he could do. Even if he were to run off and find the boys now it wouldn't stop everything that was on this tape.
The goon went off screen and returned with a bucket of water and a cloth. He kicked Fugo's chair over so he was lying helplessly on his back, still bound.
"What are you going to do to him?" Narancia demanded.
Fugo struggled, and the torturer put the cloth over Fugo's face before pouring half the bucket of water over him.
Fugo gagged, struggling desperately against the ropes, trying to turn his head to the side, but with the wet cloth suffocating him and the gag in his mouth, Bruno could only imagine what he was going through.
The rest of the bucket was poured over him, concentrated on his mouth and nose.
The gurgling choking sounds Fugo was making picked up all too well on the camera and Bucciarati felt sick to his stomach, especially accompanied by Narancia's pleading sobs.
"Please stop, he can't breathe! He can't breathe, dammit! You're gonna kill him!"
Another bucket was brought and Narancia finally had to look away, hanging his head as he continued sobbing.
The man from behind the camera walked over to him and grabbed him by the hair, hauling Narancia's tear-stained face up so that he was forced to watch Fugo's struggles weaken, body shuddering as he continued to choke on the water.
"I didn't tell you you could look away, brat. This is your punishment too."
"Fugo, hold on, please hold on!" Narancia cried.
Finally, the torturer took the wet cloth from Fugo's face and shoved his chair onto its side now.
Fugo choked, water spraying out of his nose, more trickling past his gag, but he seemed able to breathe again.
The torturer moved around and kicked Fugo in the chest, forcing more water from his lungs as he choked on the gag.
The man who had Narancia finally released him and returned to the camera, speaking directly into it this time. "Twenty-four hours, Bucciarati. You know what I want." Then the video cut out.
Bucciarati released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, finally unclenching his fists only to realize he had been digging his nails into his palms, leaving bloody crescents there.
He forced himself to look at the note that had accompanied the video tape stating the money asked for and the meeting place.
He swallowed hard and called Abbacchio.
"I know who has them," he said as the other gangster answered. "I'll send you the address of the meeting spot."
He didn't even care at the moment that he was digging into Passione coffers. He would take out this bastard later, spend the next week hunting him down and demolishing his entire gang. As long as he had his boys back safe first, that was all that mattered.
Narancia had been watching Fugo have a panic attack for the last half hour, feeling so horribly helpless.
They'd been chained up purposefully on opposite sides of the room so Narancia couldn't reach his friend. Couldn't try to loosen the ropes they had wrapped around Fugo making it impossible for him to move and difficult for him to breathe with his soaking gag and injured ribs. Fugo just lay there and shook, breaths shallow and hissing, whimpering every once in a while. He couldn't imagine how hard this was for Fugo right now, blind, helpless, but at least he could still hear, and Narancia constantly spoke to him, trying to keep him as calm as possible.
"Bucciarati will come get us, you know he will," Narancia was saying for the hundredth time. "It's just you and me in here, Fugo. I won't let them touch you again, I swear. I'll kill them first."
He wasn't actually sure if Fugo was hearing any of this, he seemed so far gone, but Narancia continued to strain as far as he could against the chains locking him to the wall, trying to get as close to his friend as he could. He wished he had a humanoid Stand in that moment. Something with hands. It wasn't like he could shoot Fugo's bonds with Aerosmith.
New terror pricked him as he heard footsteps on the other side of the door. He admittedly cowered away as it was flung open, but tears of relief began flowing the instant he saw who it was on the other side.
"B-Bucciarati!" he cried, relief making him collapse.
"Narancia," Bucciarati breathed before calling over his shoulder where sounds of gunfire and fighting could be heard. "I've got the boys! You take care of things out there!"
Sticky Fingers made short work of Narancia's bonds and he was instantly crawling toward Fugo.
"Fugo, Bucciarati and the others are here now. We're getting out of here!"
Fugo was still shaking and Narancia turned pleadingly toward Bucciarati who used his Stand to free Fugo too.
The blond instantly flailed, reaching up to claw at his face, but he was only succeeding in tightening the knots on the gag and blindfold.
"Fugo, wait!" Narancia said, reaching out, only to have Fugo cry out and flinch away. "Hey, it's just me," Narancia was saying. "Here, just give me one hand, okay? So you know where I am."
Fugo's panicked breaths were stifled behind the gag and he was shaking uncontrollably.
"Fugo, just one hand," Narancia pleaded.
Fugo finally stopped tearing at his gag and shakingly held out a hand.
"Okay, I'm going to take your hand, it's just me, I promise."
Narancia reached out and wrapped his fingers around Fugo's, squeezing tightly. Fugo flinched initially, but then caught Narancia's hand in a desperate grip, slumped against the wall.
"That's great! You know I'm here now," Narancia said, smiling reassuringly even though Fugo couldn't see him. "Bucciarati's also here. Can he help you get that crap off your face?"
Following Narancia's lead, Bucciarati knelt and held out a hand. "Panna," he said gently. "You can put you hand on my shoulder so you know where I am. Would that help?"
Fugo gave a jerky nod and hesitantly reached out his other hand.
Bucciarati guided it to his shoulder and Fugo's fingers clenched in his coat.
"Good," Bucciarati murmured. "Now I'm going to get the blindfold and gag off. Is that okay?"
Fugo nodded again and squeezed Narancia's hand hard as Bucciarati unknotted the gag and blindfold as quickly as possible.
Once free, Fugo took a shuddering breath, blinking as he looked around frantically.
"Fugo? Hey," Narancia coaxed and the violet eyes finally landed on him, welling.
Narancia opened his arms, letting Fugo make the decision himself.
The blond took a shuddering breath before he practically collapsed against Narancia, wrapping his arms around him so tightly that Narancia almost couldn't breathe now. Though he certainly didn't mind at all.
Bucciarati let out a weighty sigh and also enveloped them both in a hug, running fingers through Narancia's hair.
"You're both safe now. Let's get you home."
Narancia reluctantly started to pull away but found Fugo's hand caught in his shirt, keeping a tight hold on him.
"Nara," he said, voice hoarse. "Thanks. If you weren't here I…" he took a shuddering breath. "Thank you."
"You know I always have your back," Narancia said, tearing up again as he squeezed Fugo one more time before climbing shakily to his feet and helping his friend up, allowing Fugo to lean on him. "Are you good?"
"I'll be fine," Fugo replied tiredly, stumbling out after Bucciarati who kept his watchful eye on them. Narancia silently promised to stay with Fugo through his recovery. If he had been forced to watch his torture then he chose to watch over his friend while he was healing as well.
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Heart of Stone: A PrinceLover St. Valentine's Special (Part 2)
A/N: welcome to the nightmare friends :) I promise it'll get better. I also correct myself and say this will be a 4 part special.
Pairs: PrinceLover (Agatha and Jasper)
Warnings: mentions of death, mild body horror (nothing major), a sense of desperation.
wc: 1255
Part 1 can be read HERE
Agatha stood frozen on the threshold. She wanted to run as fast she could to Jasper’s flat, throw open the door, or break in and check on him. She wanted to find Arei and grab Him by the neck if she had to and demand answers. She wanted to slide down the wall and cover her ears and her eyes with her hands until everything had passed and there were no more Stars in her living room every single morning and there was no more curse or magic involved in her life.
She missed having a simpler life. A more boring life. One when she didn’t have to worry about angry relatives, the concept of soulmates, destinies or prophecies and myths of a statue in a museum. She missed being normal and going to bed without worrying about nightmares where the boy who would’ve (who should’ve) been King of a far away and forgotten land didn’t make it and died in her arms, his face bloody and stained with her tears.
She missed being Agatha Wilder, nothing else. No Lover, no nothing.
But, even though she missed it, she could not change what had already happened. She couldn't go back and change the past. And she wouldn’t either: not being all of that also meant not meeting Jasper. Or maybe it did, but then again, he would’ve met a tragic end himself.
And she already had enough deaths behind her.
So, instead of running, instead of threatening or fighting, instead of crying and screaming, Agatha Wilder, Lover, looked her friend right in the eye and said: “I need you to explain it all to me as fast as you can.”
“I know just as much as you do, Ags,” Imara answered, her words a long stream of rushed vowels and consonants. “Kit had called me and told me to tell you because you weren’t answering your phone!”
The Stars hated technology, and Agatha, expecting Cerad to show up every morning had stopped trying to bring hers downstairs: the Star always made it appear in her bedroom whenever she tried to sneak it in.
She turned to the living room, about to show Imara the reason why she had missed the call, but found no one there. Cerad had vanished, the cereal bowl and spoon clean and drying on the kitchen counter.
“We need to go to them,” Agatha finally decided and waited for Imara to agree, to use whatever spell or potion she had used to appear on her hallway and use it again. 
“Agatha,” she said instead, in a tone that indicated the rest of the sentence wasn’t good news.
“No. We need to go.”
“Agatha, but what if-”
“We don’t have time for what if’s, Imara! When he was a Statue and I touched him the spell broke and that’s our only alternative right now.”
“And if it doesn’t work?”
“We’ll think of something else. Right now is not the time to think but to take action.”
Imara had to agree: they couldn’t waste time they didn’t have. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and visualized Jasper’s apartment. Her whole body started itching, and she felt like floating. 
One second they were in the Wilder’s hallway, and the next Agatha and her found themselves right in the middle of Jasper’s living room.
Kit came running from somewhere in the house, his footsteps sounding as loud as the Lover’s heartbeat. “You are here! We don’t have much time, he is already-”
There was a noise from the room, as if someone had dropped a heavy object directly to the floor. A grunt came right afterwards.
The three of them shared a panicked look, before rushing to wherever Kit was leading them. “I told you not to move Jasper!” he lamented, navigating the small flat. And even if Agatha had almost taken Imara by the collar of her t-shirt and demanded to be brought here, even if she had been unconsciously repeating herself a mantra (“It’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay”) from the minute her stomach dropped, even if she could rationally stop and be certain that the Stars would never let Jasper die, she was not prepared for the scene that unraveled when she reached the threshold of the bedroom.
What was left of human Jasper was struggling to get up from the floor, his legs a solid block of white stone- of marble- that crept upwards towards his black boxers, as if it was lifting his skin and replacing it for the stone. The curse was already almost covering his knees completely, turning them purple for the lack of blood reaching the lower part of his body.
Sweat pearled on his forehead, dark hair sticking down, as the Prince gritted his teeth to avoid screaming, a definite proof that whatever it was happening to him was some sort of painful torture.
He turned to the threshold, body contorting because of his useless legs, and his jaw dropped, seeing he had been caught and for whom.
“Hi, Love. I’d dress myself, but…” he greeted, trying to smile but not quite managing to. His eyes were shining with fever and then the hold of his arms to the mattress failed, head dropping down, as Jasper Asya fainted.
Agatha could only hear the rush of blood in her ears, as she lounged forwards, catching the Prince’s head before it hit the floor. She didn’t hear the gasp of Imara, indicative that she was not expecting something so twisted to be happening. She didn’t hear the orders of Kit, already grabbing the boy’s stone legs, but she knew the plan was to lift him to the bed again.
When that was done, her knees dropped to the side of the bed, hands trembling for the effort but also the raw fear in her chest. She wanted to touch his face, she needed to throw his hair back, so it didn’t stick to his forehead anymore. She wanted Jasper to wake up, to open his brown eyes and smile at her, reassure her that everything was okay. 
Maybe what she really wanted was to wake up from this nightmare.
Instead, Agatha took a deep breath, and let her eyes go to the part of Jasper that was a statue already. She noticed he had socks on, and it was such a stupid thing to realize, a small and strained laugh escaped her mouth.
They’ve bought those socks together, dark blue with a pattern of small hearts. He had said it reminded them of her. “Hearts, Love,” he had explained, amusement tainting his words. “Can’t you see? You are everywhere I look.”
It had been a few days before Valentine’s, but she decided not to tell him that.
Now the hearts were almost invisible, and the color white with gray cracks had replaced the dark blue.
Reality came back to her, like a punch on the gut or a slap on the face.
“I’ve touched him,” she gasped, eyes already swelling with tears. She turned to Kit and Imara. “I’ve touched him!” The rest of the sentence was left unsaid.
I’ve touched him and nothing has happened.
Agatha Wilder had turned a statue back to human months ago. It had almost exploded, crumbled to the floor, stone turning to dust as the spell lifted. A boy from another age had landed on top of her, confused.
Her touch did not save him this time. It couldn’t.
And, suddenly, Love was powerless.
Marble and Magic taglist (ask to be added or removed!!):
@enchanted-lightning-aes @zonnemaagd @alexwritesfiction @euphoniouspandemonium @fiercely-raging-writer @dontcrywrite @47crayons @the-writing-moon @diphthongsfordays @writing-is-a-martial-art @shamblingthing @kingsinking @generalblizzarddreamer @chayscribbles @rose-bookblood
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wonderwomanfantasy · 2 years
under the stars together (part eight)
part one/ part two/ part three/ part four/ part five/ part six/ part seven/ part eight/ part nine/ part ten(smut)/ part eleven& epilogue.(smut)
werewolf!OC x Fem!Reader
warnings: Daddy issues AND Mommy issues, mentions of illness and surgery, acts of violence, mentions of blood & gore, smut, werewolf smut,
word count: 1,600 (about)
summary: the sun is hot on your face as you ride into the unknown. home is to your back and you don't know what the future holds. Just how you like it. You've run here all on your own, and there's nothing tying you down, It would be so easy to pick up and start running again. It's freeing, It's terrifying. You could run, but you're choosing to stay.
“Look at you,” you said, touching your mother's face gently, you’d helped her with her hair and makeup, she looked healthy and pretty. “You’re going to turn every head,” you assured her. 
“Thank you for helping,” she said, 
“Thank you for letting me help,”  there was a knock at the door,  “I’ll get it, you finish getting ready,” you ordered and walked briskly downstairs, when you opened the door, Cole was there with a bouquet of roses in hand.
“Cole-” you gasped “those, aren’t for me are you?” you asked cautiously, your heart leaping into your throat, He was dressed nicely, in black slacks, a white button up and a black tie, you’d never seen him in anything but stained jeans and t-shirts, he cleaned up nice, his long dark hair was neatly gelled and he looked cleanly shaven. Cole laughed lightly.  
“Of course not,” he said, “Didn’t your mother tell you?” 
“Tell me what?” you demanded
“Oh Cole you didn’t have to do this-” your mother appeared behind you and took the roses from him they were for her. 
“What’s this about?” you asked again. 
“Well, Cole and I ran into each other last night at the grocery store, and he mentioned the festival, he asked if I would want some company, and well, you said I should find a date,” the last part was teasing but it still managed to get under your skin.
“Not with my boss,” you said through gritted teeth, 
“You look lovely tonight Nicole,” 
“Oh stop,”
“No really! That dress looks stunning on you,” Cole insisted. Your mother giggled like a school girl and spun, showing off the whole dress,
“Baby would you find me a vase for the flowers?” your mother asked, pushing them into your hands. She looked so happy, she probably couldn’t remember the last time a man brought her flowers.  
“Sure mom,” it was impossible to stay upset when she looked so happy. “Have fun tonight,” you said giving her one last hug goodbye, but before they could leave you grabbed Cole by the collar, 
“Best behavior,” you said, your tone threatening, 
“Yes, ma’am,” he promised and the two of them were gone. You stayed in the entryway for a few minutes, gently touching the petals. You were glad your mother was with Cole, he was safe, he’d take care of her and make sure she got home safe. You found a glass vase, filled it with water, and put the flowers onto the kitchen table. Then you went on with the rest of your night, bath, book, relax. 
Cole got your mother home at a very reasonable hour, it was dark out, and she was smiling and laughing when she came through the door, you’d never seen her this happy before, especially not since she got sick. 
“Have fun?” you asked standing up from the couch, to greet her, 
“You should have been there, it was the most amazing night,” she said,
“Tell me all about it in the morning?” you asked, Your mom nodded and practically danced up the stairs, leaving just you and Cole,
“How was your night?” he asked, you slipped on your shoes 
“Walk with me,” you damned and lead him out of the house, Cole closed the door behind him and followed. 
“Tell me about the dance,” you ordered ad he fell into step beside you. 
“It was nice, they did a really good job decorating the place this year, the food was great, lots of dancing, but your mother wasn’t feeling up to it, so we just sat at one of the tables and talked,” he said. You nodded and crossed your arms, Cole had been right, the air was cold, and you wished you’d brought a jacket. 
“Look, I’m sorry I don’t want this to make things weird between the two of us,” he started. You shook your head. 
“It’s fine, I’d rather it be you than someone else, besides shes my mother, it’s not like she needs my permission to go on a date,” you said, the two of you had reached the end of the block, you could see the park from here, see the lights and hear the music people were dancing too. You paused, he stopped with you. 
“It wasn’t a date,” Cole corrected. It was a pointless correction in your mind, but you didn’t argue.
“I’m glad she had fun, you had a good time too didn’t you?” you asked. Cole took a step closer, and you could feel the body heat radiating off of him, you had no idea how he could be so warm in this weather. 
“I think I would have had more fun with you,” he said, his eyes flicking down to your lips, and paused there for a minute. You moved impulsively, standing up on your tiptoes, and kissed him. Cole’s hands fell to your hips and he pulled you to him. The heat that radiated off of him eliminated any cold you felt. His mouth felt good against yours, you didn’t want him to stop, and that scared you.
“Stop,” you gasped tugging away from him harshly, both of you were off balance for a moment, 
“Shut up,” you snapped, you'd pulled away from him entirely and the cold was starting to sink back in. “Don’t apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you said. “I know I must be sending out a lot of mixed signals, but I promise, I’m not trying to lead you on, I’m just- still figuring it all out for myself,” you explained. Cole smiled at you, but you could see there was sadness in his eyes, this wasn’t how he wanted that kiss to go,
“I understand, just let me know when you figure yourself out okay Spitfire?” he said. You didn’t deserve his patience
“Thank you, Cole,” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”  he asked as a question
“no, I think I’m calling out of work,” you said,  “besides, my three months is up, I don’t even know if I work for you anymore,” you added. Cole’s smile fell. 
“If you don’t like me that’s fine,” he said through gritted teeth. 
“Thats not it,” you protested. 
“Then what is it? What’s holding you back?” he demanded, his voice raising, and you flinched back slightly. He had never gotten angry at you before Cole was usually so even-tempered. you felt angry at yourself for wincing, he was big sure but he wasn't going to hurt you, when you spoke you were angrier than you meant to be.
“My life isn’t here! I have to leave I don’t want to hurt you when I do leave,” you shouted back. 
“If you’re planning on leaving any second now why not just say that? Why bother with that bullshit about figuring out your feelings for me? I don’t need to be let down gently,” Cole said,
“I wasn’t lying! I do have feelings for you!” you snapped. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, you wanted to run, your life wasn’t here, but it wasn’t home with your father either. Maybe you could find where you belonged somewhere else, or you would just keep running for your whole life. “I do like you- I do want to be with you, I’m just scared,” you sobbed, Cole reached out and touched you, his big warm hand resting on your cheek, his thumb whipping away the tears. You shoved his hand away. 
You turned away from him and took off down the street, back to your- your mother’s house. 
“Wait, come on let me apologize I didn’t mean to make you cry,” Cole called after you, just a few steps behind you. You didn’t answer, you didn’t trust yourself to speak without your voice cracking. You opened the door, grabbed your keys off the front table, and slammed it again. 
“Where are you going?” Cole asked, and when you didn’t answer he asked again, “Spitfire, it’s dark out it’s dangerous to drive anywhere,”
“I’m just clearing my head,” you snapped your voice cracking. You jumped on your motorcycle and drove off. Cole didn’t follow. You were alone on the road, for a while you weren’t sure where you were headed. You just breathed and focused on driving. The wind whipping around you was freezing, you wished again that you had thought to grab a jacket. It suddenly hit you where you wanted to go and turned your bike around. 
You came to a stop at the mouth of the hiking trail, it was the same one you’d gone on down with Cole on horseback. You weren’t stupid, you didn’t go into the forest alone in the middle of the night. You were just stayed on your bike, ready to take off at the first sight of danger. 
The night was full of sounds, animals, and wind. The sound of trees and bushes rustling, Footsteps. You jerked to attention and turned to the unmistakable crunch of gravel. The parking lot was well lit, but whoever was walking towards you stayed in the dark. 
You could vaguely make out the shape of who it was, a man, Tall and broad. 
“Cole?” you asked, disbelieving. You shut off your bike and stepped off. “What are you doing here? I didn’t see you follow me, how did you know?” you demand walking closer to him without thinking. 
“Cole?” he asked, but he didn’t speak with his voice, he echoed yours. The shape came forward, it didn’t gain features as it stepped closer, it seemed to absorb the light as it came in contact. You were frozen to the spot as it staggered towards you. You had to run but you didn’t want to turn your back to it. Then it pounced. 
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sierraraeck · 2 years
Unfortunate Similarities
JJ x Rafe
Tumblr media
Summary: JJ and Rafe come to an unexpected understanding.
Category: Slight angst
Warnings: Discussion of their shitty fathers, physical fighting described, drug and alcohol use
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: In another universe they could’ve tried to be decent to each other.
God, he couldn’t even get a day off.
He goes home and it’s his dad. He goes out and it’s the Kooks.
JJ just wanted a break. Or for it all to be over.
JJ had finally landed a job serving drinks at one of the richy-rich restaurants on the right side of the island, which meant he got reasonable pay, but it also meant he had to deal with richy-rich assholes. JJ was bad at dealing with richy-rich assholes, especially when their last name was Cameron. It was even worse if their first name was Rafe.
Rafe had had it out for him since day one. Of course, it made sense, they were polar opposites. Rafe grew up in a mansion with the perfect family, and JJ grew up in what could barely be considered a shed with no family. At least, no family he liked to admit. They were no better than oil and water.
Or maybe neither of them really tried to actually get along with anyone.
Either way, Rafe and JJ were not friends. Yet somehow, JJ always seemed to end up alone with the guy. Not by choice, he might add.
JJ was just trying to get his paycheck. All he wanted to do was serve his drinks and get paid and go home, but he felt the eyes on him. Rafe had been staring down the back of his head for the past twenty minutes at least. He knew it was coming before it happened, not like Rafe was particularly subtle.
The moment JJ went through the door to the kitchen he felt Rafe behind him. He thought about escape routes, but he was too tired to give any of them a try. And anyways, it was too late to change his mind as the storage room door clicked shut behind him. JJ braced himself.
Rafe was predictable. He grabbed JJ by the shoulders and forced him to turn around and look at him. JJ was smirking. He couldn’t help it, even though he knew it would only make things worse. Rafe said something, but JJ wasn’t listening.
Rafe took a whole two seconds before wiping that smirk right off his face. Right hook to the jaw, left jab to the gut. JJ offered a swing back for show, but didn’t really care if it landed or not. He was on the ground within seconds, a few feet, a few fists. Hard to keep track.
After a minute or so, JJ could no longer remember which spots hurt because Rafe just now hit him there, or if they were bruises being reinjured from his dad the night before. Not like it really mattered.
Rafe was looming over him, holding him up by the collar of his shirt with one hand and beating his face in with the other. Blood spilled down JJ’s face, and he could see the white of his shirt seeping away. He laughed.
It must’ve caught Rafe so off guard because he stopped for a moment, fist in the air.
“What’s so funny, Maybank?” Rafe demanded. JJ choked around a laugh, shaking his head. “What’s your problem? Finally realized you can’t take me?”
JJ shook his head again. “Look man, you and my dad seem to be doing a hell of a job tag teaming me until I’m dead so I might as well just get it over with. You actually have something to lose, and I’d rather destroy your life than his, so do it. Kill me. Have your fun then finish it.”
JJ’s eye had already begun to swell, and the blood wasn’t improving his vision, but he could still see the change in Rafe. He stood over JJ, holding his head up by the collar, fist overhead… and then he just dropped him.
Rafe seemed more shocked than JJ by his actions. Rafe took a few steps back and sat down while JJ, head dead weight on the ground, stared up at the light above him. He’d never noticed before that it made a small buzzing sound. Or maybe that was just his ears ringing, hard to be sure.
JJ laid there on the cool tile for what felt like hours. Then he realized that he never heard the door open. It took some mental convincing and all his physical effort to prop himself up on his elbows and lift his head to look.
Rafe was still sitting there on the floor next to JJ’s limp legs. JJ plopped his head back on the floor. He decided not to waste energy on trying to figure out why the guy hadn’t left, or why he hadn’t gone back to kicking the shit out of him, or why Rafe did anything.
Finally, Rafe made a move to stand up, and JJ figured he was coming back for round two. Instead, he made his way over to the fridge and started rummaging around.
Oh great, now he’s stealing from me too. I’m definitely getting fired.
Rafe returned, two beers in hand, and sat back down across from JJ. JJ lifted his head to stare at the guy who’d always hated him holding one of the beers out in his direction. He must’ve been as tired as JJ was.
As confusing as it was, JJ was not the type to turn down alcohol, especially when his head hurt as much as it did, so he propped himself up on his elbows again and took the can. Neither boy wasted any time cracking the top and taking a large swig.
They sat there drinking and staring until Rafe finally broke the silence. “I don’t actually have that much to lose.”
JJ just stared at him.
“Sarah is the favorite. I’m the fuck up. My dad’s not all that great either.”
“Right. I’m sure the mansion is just salt in the wound. Not very many places to hide in a place so small,” JJ scoffed.
“Listen, Maybank, you’re not the only one with problems on this island.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? Cause last I checked, I don’t have anyone to bail me out or cover my fuck ups or leave me with a shit load of money. The best I have going for me is prison, and every goddamn person on this island knows it and is just waiting for me to screw up big enough to take me down. That ever happen to you?” Rafe was silent. “That’s what I fucking thought.”
JJ was tired of looking at Rafe’s face, and knew he had to get back to work, so he took another long drink and forced himself to a sitting position. It hurt like hell, but he refused to show that on his face. He put the can down and his hands on the floor behind him in an attempt to push himself up, but fell back to the floor. JJ grit his teeth and tried again, but it was no use. He finished off his drink.
Rafe stood and offered JJ a hand. The third surprise of the day. JJ started to believe he was hallucinating, but took his hand anyway. Rafe lifted him from the ground to his feet, and JJ winced as his shoulder was stretched. JJ did not thank him for helping, only turned around and went to find another shirt. This wasn’t the first time something or someone had ruined his white work shirt, so he knew where they kept the extras.
JJ stripped his shirt off and threw the new one on, hoping he’d remember to come back for the bloody one to burn later tonight. When he turned around, Rafe was staring at him with wide eyes.
“Admiring your work?” JJ deadpanned.
“A lot of that was not my work.”
JJ shrugged. “You’ve never had a real fight.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.”
“Oh yeah?” JJ asked, taking a step toward Rafe. “When was the last time your dad hit you, tough guy?”
“This morning,” Rafe answered, without a breath of hesitation. “Guess he’s not a fan of cocaine.”
JJ took a moment to think, then replied, “Too bad. I could use some. Got any on ya?”
Rafe snorted. “In the middle of the restaurant you’re supposed to be working?”
JJ shrugged. “I’ll be fired in a week. Might as well have some fun.”
JJ sat down and Rafe joined him on the floor. He pulled a bag, not of white, but of a brownish-green out of his pocket. JJ scoffed. “Oh come on, I thought you had something more interesting.”
“Best I could do,” Rafe retorted. Each boy rolled like a pro and lit up themselves. Clouds of smoke soon filled the air. The headache JJ had was finally subsiding.
They got more than halfway through their joints (it wasn’t a competition but JJ was burning through his quicker) before they broke the silence.
“We’re gonna end up just like them.” The statement was so shocking to hear out loud that JJ didn’t realize it was him that said it until Rafe responded.
“It’s not looking good.”
“We can try, can’t we? We have a shot…” JJ said it with more skepticism than hope.
Rafe sat on that for a while before replying, “We can pretend to, but…” He cut himself off, shaking his head.
JJ mirrored the motion and gave a single laugh. “We’re too far gone.”
Neither spoke after that. When the paper burned out, JJ got up to go back to his job. He left Rafe there on the floor of the storage room with his thoughts and a half-inch left before the fun ran out.
JJ wasn’t quite sure exactly what had happened within that half-hour, and wouldn’t have been able to convince himself it was real either if it weren’t for the change in behavior.
At the next party, Rafe and JJ had to pull Topper and John B off each other, but that’s where the excitement ended. They stood there for a few seconds staring at each other, but then Rafe gave a single nod, JJ returned it, and they took their friends away with them.
After that, Rafe and JJ had a silent agreement to leave each other alone. Not friends. Never. Not even close. But they realized they had enough unfortunate similarities to call it a day. And neither was complaining about that.
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